Newspaper Page Text
, THE RirilMOMJ DISPATCH SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1898._ ?k; wells is pined. tRIti it ITR i \m n RRR1 IBUU lim to v\\ n.-vo. THE FIREWORKS CASE ENDED. ihr LatkaaUa Uihrrmm Anaafed nn.l Tliclr Hcnrin* >et lor M?nnln>. Other lleiirrro Ninn-liHiiumr Done hy iiic Mama, i. aaanagi r of Hha : . mim at the . a*atp W< then, i number of li I Inten i i i ' MR. CHI1 I '!,i,: !' i i i t ] t v. with Mr. V. . -, him r - . I . the ii -. R . . . J. A M . . T . .; . <.n.. Miller. M aiily. l.aiiii- . I total. I . Pain, tot ; i. /.". for advi i Using a oi k doni ) i ia, etc., | , fl5? nor. Sa) I Total, ITtl. I M< could unounl hi iticu that I.. Mit. u i.i.i.S Cl >RR< >B< ?RAI DD. Mr. t ! ted a hat Mr. w they had 1 thi n In roduci d, n ho >"i roboi . pts. Mr briefly and t off a i "i NTT ITEMS. All th< la (h Ide Park i raid, m Thomai E tli. mu Ive ui . im Matthi i <i. ai . ome ttf i at U Th I'- i ' t Btlon a .in turn, . ' ?lew with *t (he ii< ."i of tba . lowri ?waj A rge tr . down In ' i. Hill who Uv< I : I John Hai KRX I. S. I.. .1 With I ' R'llllam m m ; u n Holleran 1 1'"' " Mr \i... lowaa. >nnlre l.oiii.U-N ???,., K num. 'rj ofrenden before him In he l oil Court >. m. imonjj th, - '"" s| ftquea .... snd !. .In. up. 2r?, !-t""K. and three Taylor a colored pin Wis or, r,,, i. a?J& ?' ^. Mr. Rita i? Lawre, '' J""* will coneJnAa ^ ? " to-rnorrow '' ? ve for rSnvUto Klus'lom of Gad. nnd Hie rightonusness" (Malhew vl. fg), the cubject being- "The With .Men." The aim of the terreen win be to *how that the inn Of tho text in that to live In the Lard i pr?senos wa gavel do dur work I >r iK of It? use to other*, and not for tho ?*k?- of the ritnrn It nrlna;* ua. In other Words, v?< must lira for the sake of oui work, and not ov> our work for K.. of Ibt w-ia-en or the Itvtng we it of it. The work should he the ii.i, the wagaa and nvinar Iba mean?. i i rening at I o'clock the aermon win i.. .-.: lion of the apirltuel meaatng of tn.> Lord'a eonveraatten wi?h th?- rieb youna man. who aakod Him what good thing he should do to have eternal Sing "The Heavenly tool and Hible clas? will :>i. are held in the chapel or n Broad street, op Mil. GRIMMRIX'I PTMIERAL tO-OAT. 'I ha Ser\ le,-? I < III! i i-li > Id- ll?->?l nt St. John'? 1 tola Rvewlsag. if Mr. H' nr> Oflnuni II, .y morning .-it .. . >.. \ . arrtvt d hart taken to Clay \ , from St ! a ' rment !'.! : ; | I . !.. 1. C, Emmen ;. Miller, A Pohllg, A. von N. Hi " A. mm. !.. a. Bt . L Bromm, .). ,. :n:. B. H iaal, M. Huttli r. r, W. 1- Ki,?. -Major N. V. ? i . I rdlng, William H. Mr. Andrew R it hla real .- ;<\ . DUO, Thursday si H M army, and ildl< r Ma . . ral will ' P : k's chur. i. ajning : R imon <; Kaufelt, the Mr. and afra Henry K u felt, who ?ii- 'i will at 11 " ' lock fi om the , tl at Dr. Smith, of Unit iiiioic. to Prend?. i .i Addlaon Bmlth, D, D., will It] evening by th> ltd Ohio ti . t to " row in..ri i yterian pastoi i church, of Baltlmoi - look? 'i u]. a i one of in'- moal eminent dtvlnea in that city. i >! . Smith la an intim. of 11 through i that I ha ; I peo Dr. Smith - for to? morrow. The Doctor \m?i take for hla lubj ci In thi morning "The Pour Sa* m Practical Chriattanlty," .?a.. ? will be "Tl '. H ." The i ' i . One a '.ion to mornlni bt t lose >! Good \\ i-i-i.. eek 1 beei an Ideal one for Park bill, baa not failed to iitly. the bill : on Monday nicht the aver seen at the Auditorium n 111 rauda* idea Fit Ing, thi world . . '. ig them thi and the lent at Proctor'B N ' ?Ol k Propi-ri, Trassiere, Rlchnv nlta Building Com I Mfth : ; .. i : . . ' ' an i B. /.. Ounn to ' r> ;' 11 ii; Bide if Beverly ai en artcr, aubjei t to li. D of $1,0 Mr, toon? Gees <o ?faekaonville, Mr. ! ;. Aubrey > ivea the dty he Soul : in, in ia held ?' clerk, time, i I so with reral :, In bla new Held. . ?a m rri-ui'ii at Seventh-St, Chnrehu Re? ? '.' u plain in the United siat. s navy, non aerving on the eceh Ing-shlp Franklin, ilk, will sevi tna-stn . church o-morrow, moi ning and evi nil g R< v. Ur. Wright will preach at this church on ?wing Bum M ? On Tiironuh the gleet, ?, and ah mpton Ro ida, t Old P i;. turning, Point at i M ind t. P. M t oaajmtnlnted] Hlaa, I nd 'ini .I..M black, ato >d at th il hla i me to re elve th ond him, iarrow pai Th< coffin, : it had ci I W ..'IK tbl . I" 1. I Ain't u grand?" ni.ii. :- flick? red through the of the eel of I round between the folded bands. ml r ,i re pectin! alienee fell up.mi th m. and they ana t" their knot - i y thi mui a pi i] ' r for thi art i .i. ighout the day, the r? >m rea filled with a ly n ovlng : p. tltlom : \ aa the) paes from the Impri aslvi pn - ath each friend stopped a moment to peak an encouraging word to thi re ivi 'i. It waa an aa award . xpres lon of a) mpathj, > mphaslsi i t<\ us ahak i la, or a friendly ahoul And y< t. what, i/er It might ick in I ' of Ita phrasing, thi re Ir every word huh mad.ia fi As they pa men and ? ml children, there can? a man, who ,, iv.h. lined b) the dlffi? i turned whli i ||] quiver? .i ai i i, henus held '"it to him in turn, For latorted by hli atrugglea for utterance about him tried t.. help him la- m ' hlin on ..- bach rea, 1 knon Idit th. m.m wou until he h.-ni illv dont hla dut) Th? . 11? nee wt' w s/ful aa everj one In the i ,r the whl? li finally i ver and a lou i groan of re. l foi ward and ) "John, Johnl i eongratn] its you on ,ur 011"?* " _ Chronic Diurrhan t'urtMl. This is to ct-rlilv tliat I luv.- }1;?1 ironk diarriaoea ever mu.?.- the war. i 4aowaaJk i ooald hanttv walk or 4o lythina. One bottle of Chamberlain'! oiks. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy im! me sound and well -J. R. Cihus, :i.castle Vu an av.W.SUJtrSiitfUtfi LAG FOR THE THIRD. VKRNOll T1I.F.II WILL rRF.SF.NT IT WITH STtTF. COLORS. MARK OP HIS APPRECIATION. f Cnirrnor't Admiration for the ffle.rr? innI lien? Only a Small I'ro orflon of the Men Want to B> [aetered <?nt. overnor Tyler will shortly preaattt to Third \ ||. : I Re) In* nt a hai. I to flap, suitably In rlbed, aa mark In that organization. rai COU erdend the flag, and it will be : The Tbii i a mated u Ith a 1 lee flag by ,iy, but the reghaent no Ital flag. not yet stated offl ly that be will designate the Third i to be mus? it (,f servi , but It la practically t he will do ^ . The fat uid and Fourth Virginia are In .-,:, | ara to Cuba, as wt d< ra? B, Will . ' til-; Third A PINE ORGANIZATION. ? .ii bo no question that th : , ' omnuu , ,1 of . of any military ori . out I . G ni.<i Um division t.. which it is at led, he ha I] m., nt upon : occasion ; ' . .-, things a not ; ithly, and h seems di p.I to i t, and tO i r Tylt r ai Bvldenee ol hi blgh appreciation of B srnor, up >n ev< ry oci i ilon, be ex .u for UM regiment. : : ably expt cted b] I to him. UMENT WANTS TO REMAIN IN. Third ai I .- the i ; t correct Aa tly In the city. d thai II i me of the i their discharge, but that the t majority wi bed (" r, main. The bring to i"' m i made much larger bj of re event of Um mi n hai '!; y f' It tin y nol teten a fair 6 HAMPTON WANTS MILITARY. military i omp iny tbei ; allow then, to ,,. The recent trouWea in thai viclnl Itb soldlen I Porl ." aall eak- tb o it. It la b . . t will oik, Portsmouth, and Bmlthneld, all in ?n f Of H .o quickly senl d rwn from city, if m ' Hampi a nil] any In the Fourth rnor, with a view to having I i any kepi op after the war. will orine another now, as the i lv aupporl two : "'ii dstanl Jo 1 a has and p- nt a moni h'a vt catl ?n I -l will rdln ha rti I hi Acting itant-General In hi FF.UKII \l. IN.Il SCTIOJIS. sen of th?- (iiin-il Itatee Courts and ll?\v to l'r<-\<-iit I ln-iii. a purpose of this arUcle is to revti w Of the ;ure the oi Igln of thi ad 1 be dy therefor. Moel of thi i m ol t : mi dy h nty of th m of matt in within I a fundami ntal print Iple that a B , and. macbim ry ail b tlal to the life ol t he I to tile QOn union fa i- expn -- d It? If justi. gly in' ilnst Wl ; ' .in : ' arts. 419?deciding thai a suit , could be ma aroused pub birth to the Eleventh aim, i apon the adopUon i the p ral powei aa wielded by t.. Nob. dial it will be it am ; the Ingenuit) r of 1 the ohji cUona raised to tl . d In i -i department of the Hamllton'a centrallsUs mind, how would ,'e ubU< - Il a. I . ad that Hi wrob in : "it is inht fint in the natui - the . .:, without noum m< nt was any limitation in the Constl . '. for ag n suit again B d not Mr. h unllton md gen mankind ion, as one of the atti aignty, is now eojoj d bj d the Union." 1 HE SUPREME COURT. ile the rib r a.units th it th. i Court oi the Unlti i Bl Brmly by Ibe letti r of this pi. ad the Bl< venth Ami ndmem aa ?itiy i. aAnnlng the princl] ta of that greal i oui t that 1 u.s. able and ;:, as i, ai com i .has left g and smooth era) opt a t., thi ; Peder? bel t only S BUll Is I I oney obligation. In the case of Is I Ici other Including th.- i ase In W TJ I , n was sstabUshed that neither a nor Its organ!) ag? ate, noi a p . ii oration, can i .at. party! bal In I of Pen va MoConnaughy, Ml U, B., ?, Ii, || id th.u Uioagb no suit la allowed the Eleventh Amendment to compel aUve at Uon by a stat,- or Ita oen ' airen, i- - , :, lt ,,r : .. aiiy agah a . ith? u tuch lavasloa of this judk'iui Interpretation baa t., r. Iu< a UN Puce of the Bl dm. nt to its minimum aa ,i means Ol tion to th,- State Government st the mfrlngement oi Federal ; a broader and BBOra liberal inter Ion of this amendnuiit tending ;<> re tin- com] ajrlty of the Oovernment m i- ... t to nil local ?. as was the original intention ,,f onstitution, would have avoided ni trouble arising with rsajjact lr "usurping" process of the Isatt ral courts. BTARTLINQLY FRFyCF.NT. The Supreme Court bavins held, how ever, substantially, that In forbidding i privat-party to sue a State the! Amendment had reference only to a dlrec demand ,?; m the State for a money "I'll gallon, many cas*s have arisca in whtd th*re be in* no such demand, the Stat, governments, nevertheless, ha\ brought before the bar of the Federa Court, if not in fa i gad OB record, pal a. the real d?fendante, Consider, for in the recent . , . m Tgnss MSa i bi Railroad and T, l< i impaniet vs. The State Hoard of ffqUBltotirs " Ir ' to this ?ase. The Outlook, an abb as pubiishad in n. m Tori Jaaaary >. EM: "\ federal cants ' njoininK Stat.- .,:'! r from enforcing State laws are b> itartllngly frequent That of Us 1 1 a few mor | ns'ainst the enforcement of the thi [ndlanapolls, and that of the (tourt in Bo l'a i' iroUna againsl try law aal 'Bai ka?.? eaJooaa, have been followed i?y another decision from i l ', a. ra I < ''.art in Toi rding to .v." The Outlook rei length the proceeding, and asys: "The public in T. am Indignant against the overthrow of the A WHAT THF. GOVERNOR SAID. In response to our request for informa? tion, Governor Taylor telegi "The assessment .,f i ",. and telephone propertl I \ '-rs after lUia ,,f thorough InveatlgaUon aa to the values of m \v , ;. un d by the tovernor, Secretary of State, and Tte.i ifter a thorough n ho valuation ol' l< iai Judge st' [,?,..i In ind aihitrar. meni Ma! mad" an argument open, and we hlnk Ul nr to ii - i.. i : s in vol vi ng th< md collection of our " rithoul the Interference of the !ouit. That Judge sel aide oui nenta, and m effeel made one of his iwn. Lot 'ii self-governm red when the Fi a?rai cou unte , ntrol ,,f I t the C I ?n the foil ding any, : id In judicial d . n and leluslva sl< m< ni In the attempt to hx r I bond 1 son of known that ? : and bonda .i" not. as a m?o, The ' >utl i I taxation . . not on ted. It la dll et." Not < . as--- of summoi Ing of the P< i pon the ent adoj ted by had in many irt of the 1 \'i E TAJ Well and truly ,i ; i n his >n ernlni on thi y i i id to look I of well v t! the United nt egardsd, ml the h anted .i arn I. R cases, S2 U. r S . 39; id.. IM B ." W. >-;.-rn Uni a T'. S., 1. "1 , act, f value. " "If th. losl autl ' ' '. It is h' I . ,i of thi te inju au ition that . borhy of rty Ithin then r" ' ?!i ,.r judgment "t thi rty for t. for 1 of .\- mm.-nt depi nda upon the i A i' \t;:. I '"I he in- ? |un< i-":.. and arresi lb< a of taxei and ' un- ' ting it t. umllial "in- t "ii i.; nt, | Of i of pa) Ing II ; tx? i .it. t 'Itbout taxes Ute govei nment eannol t Ti ' ition." ii - , amatton t., the Ti ni :". c a My t- apt r for judicial d< md t la Inferior : i' to say thai tb< recital B al. r tl thai tin y ar. not I he I . ' Llgnity of o ai nol ."d\is, i that this i , the Unltt - ' I F edict ik' si Ctrcu ' . the u cts and aa of this case < aa ,,, i- pi >n of th ind so-called back- ti by Injun ,n." I tl REGISTRATION Li W lNVOL"t ED ition of b; what dir- 1er un the Ti 'r atructed In tl '- a l I I ' he f,, P. Mills \ -.-. n." n porti d in r.-iiit Com i h n i| Rich* st i- waa a -in? the rlstration laws of South Carolina, and t\ is a brief It Of it: n bill \.a: m. d by Lawn P Hill id ... th dr.;. d Statt .-, n. MM Of tl.-- I ,, n In South i ,' lbs r,. al i ;r- ', be njotned as ; - ,tl ?or from tt. nee of his dull M ?,t: -i. r the regietrstioa lawa of th i Injun i^. Gofl (Ju Ige "t ' ourt of Ai . Ing the pti .i\. ur from the performance of ins a i i ' .in UM order I a ,-,, peal was teksn to the Uni I d States u, culi i'ourt of Appeal", which said gp. [ , il was heard by Fuller, c. J.. nnd ?ui ighes. J. The ca*e was a most imp.,r- th, tt one for the people of South Carolina, ttu -olvliu: the right of the State to control do ka i'olltical matters of Its governme ta reglatratlon and election laws. thi-: jiii?i-; WAXRD ki.oqi'ENI Judge doff In a very elaborate oplnl i' i'l that it was not a suit against a ati mithin the meaning of tho Blevei Un? ndment. an<l that the grounds qultablo Interference were not to be qu Ion..!. In the course of Ills opinion I r/axod eloquent over the rights olored brethren (the eoaantatnanl bei . .1 m in), discoursing al ifnixth he Thlrtet nth, rourteenth, and P mendmente. Am ' things t aid: "The question of Jurisdictl I Brat to b* 'I tormtned Defendant ists that this suit is Ifl Keel n proce? Inst the gi i:.- of South C mould not be entertained becai ted by the Eleventh Am- p-lment nstltutlon of the ?niti i."t mv IntentJoa at this time to ce 14er i ; . lestions et? la argument beerl ig on tl , au' r a? ' illy rjunii ide tha? n ut Ike duty "f i ?reult Court "f the United I train an ofBcor frota es? nting an unco titutionai statute ?' the State when t secutl th rlghta, prtrtleg? a and itnm the < ompl ilnarnl that are titutlon of BO f.,r M thi ls co . .' ion. the Auditor of Ik - Com roller-General, the Treaaun ?era), or the Governor. We do n its in thia eonntrj *ny elaes of peopl - national IW, and wl ' it. , adrniaafton, a star of t! nit".I SI le, dtisana of the i ni d Stal ire by the unconstiti One] lav.i of : ivllege ..r Immu tl* na "f tt nil. ,i .- i denied the equ il pri f such SI its l mi not aware that ar aid. I I ' ' on, and I an 1 no ' will ta HIS DECISIl ?N REVERS i -, it bee the rlghta i -ation but, happil ho love their Bl I ill believe they have lefl some rlghta i *? -, mm? nt independ? ni ai P< i ral authority, this < vas re n: t!i inclusion o? ; mi urrtng: "The bill | to n m dli . n bit : individu ' might th ht 1 i ol illegi '"..mply with I r quire v7e id got I 1 tli? i>- rij?ht of or civil ..?ai,,"i I to bill." A ] - jurt of the I XS'ytt, ' . \. mmltted him in i mbexsling tl of the J raining tb< >nri of thi .uit. i submit that th . n of th- : I July, In ..;ir ! ' nt. thi .n limi a- that the peopl? \. rnmi tig the ' lllty of governim ow their duly con i to be i or njoined by any an thi h Hi 'ti m of ni ..r -. ti"n laws, and froi W IIV THIS CNTERFERENCE ! purpose are th : nulll . "in ition on its of the tte; and In the South i .a the . . rights of the red wil ' 11 affai . . .ant: that in view of tii i more ii.-". Thi nt by th? urt ha : ia for i l : by the it,-. Tl istlon . . v Im it til? Of the ?"ni d St iti but ition and conten? m that the tl .NOTHRR AMSNDM1 .f;i> ami nda rveath I only the letter I it v tii.- fraa i ' the <".>n- i only ?edy ' : Us: it may be h iw- ( r. that ! i would al md the t.- -t of t i i aura, It ' lady, in iv'..' n a , rangt for th- pur] - "f re- ? lining ' k - tion t nail b" maintali ad." R i f to tea ta R R Caeei Ml I toubtful question, al least, whether igreas has p ?Wl r to abolish or OVOU ' limit the ?-qu?tabie Jurisdiction of the laral courts, ti- bava a > ladlctlon except what is confi m by the Third Article of the Conatl- i ion, which provides that "the judicial ?.hall ?vl.'nH in nil rnw.-w !.. I,,u and equity.'' Ac. The Judiciary as a of the Federal Government derive power! only from th?- Constitution y creates that government J. RANDOLPH TUCK1 Bedford City. Va. HEATH CLAIMS gUl/MS TIFF. Lieutenant in ICo-mh Riders combs to Cuiuunlifii'? Hardshi] BOSTON, August 2*.?Lieutenant llam Tiffany, of the Rough Riders, di the Parker House here yesterday ning from the effects of exp ittoa. There wese present at bedside Ins ?other, his sister, his bro Belmool P 'llffany. and US fin. Ml Livingston, of N< Tack. Lieutenant Tiffany arrived la Bostc the Olivetl morning. ? was re be wa he v be treated, and I I ' 'he P* He had hoped the Oil ..t Montauh Point bat was nor an, to do so. though Mi be ?the ' ' him. The J".ir' a seemed is, am :. - had a distinctly f/ect I Ich man. : his broth' a dock, and il - noon. Sfter he i circu all the hospitals in Boston, that h' naiit in the h< ii tht two brothers illy cheery. If -tain having survived yellow-I the voyag ?rar.?ports the soldier must Dr. P. M Johnson u i found the patient with a tush prodH the malignant material-fever o? c and tl Ion due to atan i: art a very wi -ik. ?t Tiffany rail'. at. however, ami tht to have a , - ami brother was constant! . - Tiffanj and Um i ncee were sent Bl .it him la his DM a : led their p<>w- r on '.cir*, which showed BlgM I on called Df llam W .Gannett ' 'r- Hi rm and 1 >r. w. re of I in the ekk room 'id. I?r. Johnson would not ex; ' Id he understood th 11 limited, and quite Inadeq to th?- Buect i-- fui i. eding of Isaccnt Mm : for Living iton B m hai t of 1 he i away I not ! '. \: , I - . ? ? rue \ l>t \ M |*S -hoodoo" t,i Dysuualte Gaabaal uni Band w al Saiiiia-.i>. lynaml n ally a misnomi r, was used t in June lth, I nakli . i I A,In . n\. d be morninj ted to k s should b knou n to l ' ti,l t smith Adu. to hurl her I nlsh M - 'lorro. a cough-like sound aras all t old of tht . "k. 'I la aga A 111 nad ! If lW ll Up - |; , i ' ,y the - aunt hi i, and when thi within tl aill there ' be other band, II pi ?h.n her k m< - qu irtei She ng. Twi ' :u ail July i'h. n '. . in ng from tbi 10-Inch, coi unds of I Vom ,; ad kl I the India ,!ge enough to put ; ',, w 1 i nd era | ol ! m 11 ??,? ? ??^wm???? ^ v'a^QVSvavuv^a a-evevovej/sv?*. % I YOU CAN'T LIVE FOREVER let | m . -. .... i ihe Ute= n 1 KLING'S AiYiLiROSIA m il ?ii.l tbe i - ? . ' . MAR? "U'> ^oa-lao \ ?eating '.: : . I , ' phw . ? < ~^&^ M(D>l*r* un I car awwaraorrva. ,'?? ? purity, whulevimen It >,>u wunt to be up-to-date. Jonk Klin^'i il ?ni be ha) , --usur torees all i f which an bsrmi ' I ' lj. k?iiu', J dealer can net It I . VH. KLING BREWING CO, et. i It MICO. r?,'W?S?H*+ *?>v a. ?, ., ., ? *,*C JOSEPH a Dl LONGE Buffalo ' V Genera ? le l - .- u i in Btll-HC Id . Ota, Cert Note-Heads. Ctrcularo, Handbl i by th? ompan> at I a prices. Will aj : pa y fenor work. S, nd us your m ' o will guarantee satisfaction m ab trtlcuter* pirt i It* hieb :R. ,*Y. ?lie n. VVII d In ? rt> and hts :h- r. icee, SONGS OF THE W: THEY AUK OF ALI, ftOHT* AM faaaaaVsf ahi WtUUKM, GOOD, BAD, AND ?DIFFER Onr i: i (il'tn ? on tumi ?nil ?,-? | Hern < HebrnUd in Wr?.. Mtinlc?"Olil lili>r>" l In- i The mo. Writers of i "I1.' i - te" M n on ? S> rker ettc an'' '*'il"|!' two weokt ; the i "Our Nokia Bat? the \ ?e songster? began t. us that "We ? . of theaa - any money for th' Ir publl .-ess was Imro near! many songs ? the let an.l persist In calling it one I i the wai ' .... a m. ; \ il know no II ail knon here I to r at the it of ?o The that and the v. r. for, able ally t ra? the I>r. sni intil any Inn, IV. i - loua al m:. im u. Ml" her nth un ui an Iral un h.-r ton I HI - b it li at ort ni D I in.I III!. ore 1 th \ M.i' song that cuul.i mluhf h .-. ! : I H .... ... Flag famed in - Th" a Tl ; thi? quotation: "In i Ing; r al I.- I Thi a An.l .- m's n In drama! of "Our K i and Hla i i I (m the I 11 ' ( ally. Mothi r. Dear." In I! I with . T. Brighai Johnny Comes I ami i I ' I'll | for rijcht." long. We i t.. the Boya Tl I i for Uncl Bam." 'The Ta : Will ! "The Lone ' I run no risk! All ?t? * TasU-leS: Cb\\\ TOHlC 08 i I tivo guara-.' ara no pd> lui to u?o. Price, (?i canta?