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THE RICHMOND DISPATCIT-SATORPAY. AUGUST 27. IMS_ SPANIARDS 01.A1.K nom OR ?'it. SA1TIA4R TRIM)m MM BTART iiumi-.w Imai CORPSES CHECKED AS PASSEFGEBS 11,1? Barm? ?o lie ? ?> ?bo VimiiUb Tr?n?iiorlnlli.n I " ? aauaj? fhaflan Also sail? Im lltinir. RARTtAO i,i 1- M ! Cisco, Sau ABgrUBtia? and Colon 1'ft Ut liai. oe II * * otT1 aa aaaaeingara. I in?::. . pat,. I tax ?sa? i . General Toral, ?ri H Sag adieu t-, , ?.g, Biiid: ' ' , I IlOl, ' I and i la blood, 1 ' ;i!"1 i R BAILS i ' ...Hi Major ' Ale., with ti Corpa, ! . and aa iio will ' I la a milch . corbltant pi red to-day lay the l from day. with Illinois I ill mu? IH i 1ROLIRA RBGIMRRT. ] tenti-niiht-i iiioiK-i Cowlea Se?ase? im it? i< ?ni?.n in Bea*Hca. WAR] m!, which ; nid, hi - p li? ment In tl both tho Pi Of Wir. hi or th? ! . pally from one baa u, and I rom men. who are ; i. quire f "f War gave Colonel that tiio n >i meat viii be k. pt in i Tin; ill . " \ "LAMBS." All aat-C ben Ktremely I . i and PI? kott i ..h,i, in de i doing to antei tal Bo] of Philadelphia, which wishes to tnkt In I to tb? ;. nt... of the bmond, a gnliiMi' who liae resid? d in nia f m b > .ir the poet an II, "Seh.; is known in Irtay of tl "l'Ile ? ,?, lu bIou ano h ?para. Th< n i nothing I like, . . bout Ol ? i impost I of the very I and it ) I bed i in, frolic, and ami ment the n t i ' togt thar, i janlzat! I, In t ict, t. i niun? nt would be compli t? arltbout th 'L ml ' are to fa tve ti' nty of t at h, and thing else liavo a . -, for tie =oon cv. a tl iho ton a la a i acquire t mi- t- i'. ration In a short time. thk? Am: ? ' x "They aro idmit that aotne al ?a >t, Um y olaim that not oat of I ias t>een h Information n rtg-.trj t". ami I ?vllh, tha '1x11)11.-." la to U, tu-y h;.\ 'i ahraj admin d and n ho Confe.lciate soldier, and : >?>fn ragdy 'to extend coi ??arty jrn ?tint,' to lappened to \i-tt them, Then ritr lu. t . r | ..: : i' . line, and " RI b noud will do ; !e:idld V; . AsFlsta: t .ikltiK a short \ u atlOB Park. Cuj'taln Jwha U. Husaey, a i county, urned to the city to-d ly. IX l'\ Rato? Letiuir, N. C . C, W, Baung lers, Richmond; Mrs, Thomaa Pratt, toa?oke, Va.; J. It. Smith, Puroalvlll? O, m. Borum, ; i lilwaj. ,it> at the MetrojK) Dr. f. W. 1'. R) ?h is In the ! with the i nd Ohio Railway i Mr I'l.-ton J? lv! n, ol :, who s m en travelling on th to-dky. . of the 11 111 v. i to'day from Atlantic City, tbo and |i ft i ? eejLT?atf?iril -bi?si' tgsj ija train to-day or als boas?, at BcottsvlUa, Va, Josi fit \\ Hlanl, of the Third States Vbteatet r Iniantry, was it, la eity today, und o*UWd at th? Mitro ulUan t<. ttor Martin. \l. ?he fourth-claaa po*tmast?rn ap lutcd ning' i" i O. Wild (dead) Big Pin? "U'ity, N. c; 1). F. WriKht. vice >. Haddock " '?"?>. N. 0.<0. W. Smith, vico . H. 4Th?iii,l,er?i?ji. North (.arden Albe lit M Terry 'vice r i. Dtokariofl. wm,, Vhiy? C?un\y v_ " Martin M. Handy ha? been oonamlaaloa. d a tonrth-olsas postmaati-r at ink, N. C X IUJW ?ut,U>ll?u? lias htsc-n seUbUahad at Reggie, Rooklnsrhnm county, N. al tn in togsvllle. AKMY . Kl'KrtH. Tho following-named enllstnl men, n nt the atatlona designated, sttfS I will be dl barged fn rvlce of the United ?tat mdlng offlcera of their respect! n?: i- vate Charlea s. Monte, Company 1 h ii ', oluntl <r Infantry. Csi Mea, M : Pa, Private William W. Baundara. ro Fourth \ Irglnla Volunteer inf. i uv followtng>namcd officers, havl tendt i lona to tal i. UM, are honorably d l from tl : the I ' i ite: int Jason P. Cunnii ham. First North Carolina Volunteer J bar?es T. T,-i*Mt< !.. r Infantry. Private -!- a* s a i ;iti , O mpany ,| North ! ' ' v hint' l r Inf. try, i md. <;.a., g om the servli a of t the commanding offi? - station. ttvta BL Foot, Conapany Third Virginia Volunteer infantry. n< si i >unn i- ain be diet barg frost the I nit? d Slat fflt , r of bit This i to ti iv . ,nt Alien '1'. I . .1, * lompany B, Set end \ irgli r Infantry. BOW Bl Jl I d from tl ef the united Btab i by the Ing officer of bis al ition. Private H-nry W. Noif. Con i North Carolli r Infa i da., w ...1 from the s.-rvh itl m in- Wlllism C. Rivet ry, win pi.i '.n th.- ax] .!. v.l., to Camp Wlkoff, Point, v. v.. and Join bis troop. [edad C. Mart i di partmt at, will proca from thla city to Fort Monroe, Va., o , Inlni t,, the qua nt, under hurtrui . bim bj tl my, am - platten of 'his duty will i rtMoi s 101 TEERS COI*. Mr. Turner, ni' UnitIniore. Uns t oiileili-inl?- lliilf-Dollitr. Itimort Ami rtcan | Mr. Q ' TW( n ' u ! '. liai f S i""., bas in his pOI half dollar, vvlil. 1. Il o ht. Il from an old man named Blume, of Nul . W. Vi lut ICt, U I is t lu- only ? Confederate I, win. n wat .s ott, .. m d( lit N< a "ik city sa that of the silt : dollar ol lb .... ; i me, with th, Goddess of Lib? I'd, b. !.. sth. 'i ature i die wa struck, in th. centr? I I bearini ira and Paus ol thi I ils the B( . ich Be ration of I, \ l.l,' rty pole is thru: I, and I" al .m.i the i h i wreatl i uiik o sugarcane d nd a ?tala .. Ab ' Ine v Coni tld beli.W them th denomlnatli -. "Half Dol." The bl tory ol and its tin-. < fount, i parts is |nt< re iting 1801, the United States Mint, at Now Oi leans, fell into Confederate banda Thi rat? Oov. rnment, then seated ii m- -1 y, Ala., decida to hi i id to stert a cO ta own at tiie mint it was deb to h, gtu the ser" s with the ail ? n..!. in April Mr. Memmlnger, I rotary of thi Tree in of the i lonfi Je i a call for designa, ! looted tl .... A. II. I Of NeV trleans, and four colha were struck a under the direction oj Dr. B. F. Taylor, oiner for thi Stab i of Amei lea." But tht id that . of stiver bullion, i anol be r to 1 ie four coins wen ited io persons who wemld be moa ik- iv to take an int-1- i in them. < ini to l'i.. II, of the i of Lou . i., na, ont to Dr. E An ., ol New < T sans, and tha fourth, togetl er a Itb th : or, who ha< t of t be mini wht d it was stru k - the coin wbli I - In Nee Fork city. About the y< u 1878 Dr. Taylot <oia th? coin and the die t" .Mr. Scott, rhe hitter, in in n, ,ii , 'I of the coll bree ? : au tlon In Nee fork 1 ion of which it formed a pari wa for i ale; Mr. B "tt bought t he i ck. and has ,.? ni 'I ii ver since, ? ine of the other coin prob tbly thai sbich was sent to tha <!onf< i. . nun' nt In 1861 nt," Into the p, f Jefft Ifter the a iootl wrote t.. Mr. Davis, ai king him II he : li.i owni i thi pi? . Mr. i... ' ' d. In a i?-?t. r a hlch Mi Bcotl Btfll has, that I ,vh, o I |o, if?5 logethi r a Itb many othei thing - thai h, iwned, end I hat be bad nev, : .n. re nd. I'p to the i i wn. Of thi no d< fin * ,vaa repoi i, d to be In N- in 1882, London Deuili Hate. (Cot,' R< View ) . in,Mini;. ,| in quantity, .ir '. i reation groun u litb of the itii i I, It has bl utury thai been ompliahed. And the | and la ii.,- dlmlnlahln ,f most pre u cties, and m thi : mdon. There are e to-,i ay where the d lOUble that Of London iv ?t ,, mi w i; t hi di i. ! rat for wfa da i hin th, i. i i annum at I winch would b i n i Iflci .i but foi ind mu m. Bui we are only i thi e pinning of our | ?in be brought down to k v m. :t thari .ni i ; I whei th< ' ?. The dt .I'll I wiek is under 1'. And lea] limit it Bg ary t word will not i. ewer I a f i Ink In a sell found bouse; lbs bubi . ,!.!. infection and COM - ,1, until the Ini ...' r ar > destroyed by u lonal Infanticide than ,f the rich; until birth, measles, wi. as oougk, and acarlatin , have ci e,>- the homes of tha ra raleas, tbe . and tin? Indigent \ . ast a quarter of mir present death rate I due to conditions which, if th - neaslhls ware not so helptesa t'tiorant, wouM atnount to manslaughter mi even murder. And perhaps leatk rate over sad above thla la m- to eonditioaa which are distinctly ios acatable by science and by oi Ion. In tbe good time tu tome the IMS] lives we slaughter annually i ixindon alone by our stupidity .''?id mis lainiK' innit will be told by our dl nts ns an abnormal barbarism, such is aiisfd ttio Pla?ue and th? IJluck Death ? old. m it I'Ai' ?un Balsa al 15c. PEK HUNDUKL? at the - > ? '1WATCII iU'k'IGBt *- ___. PtTHIAN COHCLATE IttTllltnM MSTKIH ADOPT A I.VailtVMl: KK4T1 RR. THE IHVESTIGATIOlf PROCEED! Marli niitl? oli- In Flmllno; ??nt Hit Mnilr the i I;?true? ?ariiIo?! lb O ill err ??Per IHi-tit I niluinmil-M' trrlnioit Offleor?. 11 d 1 ! rNDIAKAPOLU, IND.. A turnst ?-TI ??at! i " | . this afternoon, after spirit ; ted an Insu llar to the endowrm t i.'.i.u "f the Knlghl "i* Pythlaa, Tin- si' . afAUate with th? \. lundi of Women, and ek ct< ) Mr Ida M." W.-av.r. of i:..i*e fity, Id.-iho, ? (he meeting .it Ornab I .her. It Is , Conceded th;it the nej i i e bald at Detroit, thong i rille lins not giren up the fight, b nny mean?. The Inveatlgatlng f"V>mmtttr-t\ appointe i.y the Buprente Lodge, Knights of l'y thins, h'M ;i meetintr fatal night, h hit! doors, find tril 1 tO Br*g out who ! t r?, but they mad ut m., h- ?dway, aa phone awder . i : rve ill' lr Innocx I ti . . iri to-day, n i more tima. PER DIEM ST IND8 AT The question of reducing th'- . \.-i t.l .?' I i allowing them milt came up again, and by an almost nnanl moua \"'..- 11 :v and I centa i mile. Tie 1'yilil :n K; ' ' the f"l ..nil era this aft i ! II:. I '? u ati r, m ' ?bani i llor n p. Ubby, Westbrook, M< \-i.. r\ W. a. Dlll< th, Lincoln, Ni b.; Supn m? Pi M Annie m ?, R. 1 - N. H ; E Keeper of R I St ll, Mr? W, Ad \ , ura Rorx ri Smith, Rich . ' ; Suit' mi I Plain City, < ?. : ' ' ,. N D N, .1. SUPREME LODOB OFFTCE1 INDIAN ?POLJS, IND. I Knights of I' lourm d this < the followlt 8 oftl Bupn ne- ' i.'i. llor, Thomas r, ! |hi ny, Pa. . h inci llor, . rs nill i morrow Th< on. : OWMENT RANK REPORT. Much of the morning aeeaabn of tl Set' ll tO th ol th? report of Jobn A n i be Smdowmt at Rank, ' itlon. Representative Bbtvely morad thai I rej irt be print? d. Fi lend? "f the . .i to th d '! - i lt,. w. i. ntattn s Bit i: . i a number of I i Mr. Shin ly'? motion, and it Anal? ly ) i' r two ho un had I i on. RUMORS AHOUT BNDOWMRNT RANK V r ! rumors w< n :| i to th? condition of the Bndowmeni i; ok. Ii th?- inaut n: i.iam b i f lb? and I tag pollcli a ; Th? o.mlttee appointed t.. ini the t the supn me olB< ers 1 a two days, but Is n.'- n 1'iv to report. ra to-<iay alected om '. i.-. Camp ColgroTo la almost a thing of th? past The last formality araa thi I : laea. f-.-im Ogden H. to BOMR till". OF I III. </. \r. Tilintea nuil Aiiiliiliiiii? ol Melmlim II., <ir Rassiav, m.) Ben has just published ;i little volume on th? ''".m ol st Petet : art. a hli b la full of prii . foi pie. It gire? an in tlda view of th? imp'liai household and an ui ; ' by sa) in -, that wbi n i end? ed the throne on ? ;. no? body kn.w what to think of him. I ?> to thi had llvec" in almo I com tly, people waited with anxiety for that \souiii ?nabl? them to form aa opinion of him. ? me of I i all y of atti to hi? ] proti ' Ion. Nicholas 11. . ond doubt, man of co,. Inherited this virtue frem bla grand? er. He 1 ' and bt : that tl : d< 'tii I In ti. of Qod. 'l want ti and ' little to me i I mj dt iih " N the ] ! Ibllli outrage 1 In ?pite of n DO Wfa I bfl ?ill. thi r lectio imlly th con in a\ j burden for a > ti.. ' the police guard Hi m Impi a the nothing i . for hold. Nichols ii lly at tin- table bn akfaata at th? oom I i ir< na the Blmpli Invited. Like all ; work a an it i hurry V. Iti Ddl oflli . I innot h.ip but when among hut Int u- n.- Ut n,. iu an j,?s Ali under III., tor example, vseiit through tbc ?treeta of Bt, Peters! th b brilliant < -. ort. N i ? out la an opeo . 11 father had the streel through which hi i atralry. Nlcbol . . rj 1 abousned thai custom, and most "" ' tne PO? My ignorant (>[ the courat the imperial carriage win - g< i lo- etiquette "i t ' (1I>'1' r ? moer ni? i i.-. i j i. i i tne aoreratgn. .M"?j:ks ott?n iiavi bum I to Bt. ] thai amlned and th it ?rill i,0 done to them. Nlcholai II reada aiaaaelf nil the letter? thai earn? m atas, i>ri t?,.. margin of each be marks with a red pencil the reply to ba ?ande bu! h? nev-r pardoi who bar? trli i t.. deceive i im. er who have Insufficiently Informed of the aaatti r t.. he ,), ;i|t wuh q.,ie energy with which ho established the re Iblllty f..r the cal i strophe of Ko dlnsky is well reaaembered The prompt . .u!; whioh be dlemiased the guilty partie? on that aaaaaorabl? occasion con? tributed not a little to render him ponu lar. Una detail gives striking proof of the Blmpliclt) of the tastes ol Nlchohu U Whan ho wan about to visit Parts in the I summer of H?h,. ho did not have ? grana- I ooat In his wardrobo. Nich..|.,- ii d. testa I *v>.!.ok ceat: be prefer? t.. amar the uni-1 , arm of wie u( hi* i ?gjlit??lv II?. aiwuj s I refused to wear an *vening coat, bt this time there was no la*?lg> for hin i? If the ( Kur could appear la uniform I m> of the court* of Europe, be could m ^ dlspens? with a dres?-coat in Parla. H r.-nigTtrd himself, therefore, with a slgt and sent an adjutant to the court tailor. "?'.umust mak? for but Msjesty drefs-roat in the latest Parisian fashion, i commanded the adjutant. J. "V.-ry well," replied the tailor. The tailor wa- capable of cut * i use the uniforms of his Imperial eustc mrr, but by aos i chaacs b was Ignorant In regard to the lates Parisian fashion. Ha refused to excout the nraer until ho wa? thoroughly con venant with the necessary details. There for? be ?ent to Paris to find out th, latest fashions In dr*ss-.?ults. A few day: afterward his messenger returned to Bl Ii Petersburg, and two weeks lafe.r th, a suit was ready, it is ssttmatad that th, suit cost I " rublea Certainly it Stted tin r" Emperor like a ?love, sad Pai it would have been very much astonlaket ,. to learn that they BBW Nicholas II. Ir . a bla'k coat for the first time in his BT* Th? Czar and the i 'zarina are exceed s- Ingly p..puiar tro only al Bt Patersburg ha' also throughout Russia. As husband i and wife, father end mother, they havf W'.n the h'-arts of all honest folk. Nich? olas il. hai not that snappish and some? times Imperious mannet in court that wa? h characteristic ,,( Alexander Hi-, whi y never allowed any one to forget for a moment that h? was master. The Czarina was alwavs Obliged to obey him. '' Put NlCholai II. and Alt caraira ! - r- vnn Bra like tWO chums. Both do Bl st Ithee troublas the other. t in Bl Peb n burg It is said that was then- -eeri ..n the throne Of R , couple so well mated and so romj * happy. Wh'n th? Czar and Czai chatting familiarly. Joking, and laughing, and watching everything and everybody. 3 "I ?m a Russian, like and one of my cte," said the <laar oaa day. '?'hs created n good Impiaseton agon i ti a pt opte, . ad a i where i reciprocal affection of the Czar and , the Csarlns la remarked in Beany i vident pleasure they . mnpaay. Tha 5 montea during which they are ebUg ted pear to worry th?m con - ni.i, tho opportunity s i ?ther. Th- pom -i. until i it,- at night it frequently . napp. i thai '. rs and . and ministen, after midnight >'Ut it la , rare that I s Und him alone. lina is generally m ited bt - iiiui, working al i r Sf,w iu?f. Aa ks up ?her ... . n't dtsturh >" ; | . sii.nce thi ' n turns to bet r thimble on her fl while , B{ her : id" her , affaira The I tlaae ! w,,n thr affectiona not only of her it of 1 Her -in,?Ii u Im ., I . .. .. lu Russia much la expected from bar b> b over the < zar. J mring tbe 11 - gn the governmeat was blamed f,r i- I ni' tie da for : exhiblUni d< sling with reUgloua Intoli : A n Ition in this i u ng the pai t few re empira Tins i ttributed to the Infiuenos of Alosan* ti ra i ajada t I In Poland and o? ihe ? la Flutend bat own. But the I id and well-developed, sound, practical i i man, i. took up , and i., now begi u -; to apeak that lj. t-\i?. has a. very as inkfort-on th. ' i.-- a moss Ian and , the ; sell. Ri m irkabt* spl I add' d |0 III i ' ' impl It 1 d that aha mm rli m bar i ho km .V very lltl i of b r. The i di< d w h n lar daughter . old. ." he loot her -. that aro ps not f< i. 11- n. i o t Bons and i iding th,- warnings of the doctors the Qrand Duch , lalde of ner I al l Tbe rs at that I, did not her, ''inj aha died on 1 mber it, tho di ath of le r youi c is knows that tl tilde oi married Nicholas U. a fsw weeki tti- death "f Alexander 111. I. . i 11 Church thai ab n Ived her pi , Alexandi rna. in place ol her mother, It was 1 tei ( lbs i In :ii" morning I th? i ' an an with her r?d a 1 ad with her left of bom v. 1 'ik . ' ' i I" Prin re been i veml D Olga than ever U | herself for ] ivlng i han an fa farol h. r v. -. NI : little dsaghti r to be com I of a nune. Nl their advice in on |fa Ii of pu i into rica i . ' , th? At the a t he trip In a .,1ns II. Is an ardent believer In the education of the end it 11 be will win the title of "Imp l pit." ju^t as one of mm - m i Ited th it of "in., .lor." In IsT?, at th? l'ii. n of .- t apart f?r l: than 28J-0 1 m of i ' - department Bad " ' install?t!- : : ,i> ,1 In UN, in Chi ' . d un tres, and the thatellation i rved for the Ru-:an d ment m the Exposition at I : the cost of Installation is airead) ostial at *OM,O0Q rouble* Thi men of figures is often spoken of. It is evident that this tim? they are talking loudly in favor of Ra ?-?a* A I'aruKon. (Chicago N. v. At list I've logad an honest mnn? A man who Is as true as Btcsi; Not that he's pavead his worth, I gran', As gnardten of tho public weal. Hut ho went tlshing yesterday . tie n . .rue holm- Bt night Wtth manly grit enough to say That he hadn't bad a bite! <d,i paper? for sale at the Dispatch aaaaa JAEGER TRIAL ENDE) CI.OHRD ?K?TKHDAV AKTEHSOO; A FT KR TWO LfflPfl AMI MEJ8TS. THE VERDICT HOT YET REHDEREI The Conrt Aiijonrued tnlll Septen her 2il?ferarnnt Gormm Surren dem?Turhnlent llepnlilleana an Their I'oiitl. ? I Dlsaennlons. LYNCH lie HO, VA.. August 26.-(Spo Mal ) Tb? trial of I>r. A. Jaeger clo?c this aftarnSMB, the. day's :?e??sli.n being oo !.'d with a four-hours' argument b the BfCUOOd. and a concluding address o one hour by Mr. Robert a* foott, of Baa noke, for tne prosecution. Owing to th length of timo necessary for making u) and correcting the voluminous record th' court decided to adjourn over until J-'i 1 day, September 2d, on which, day the; will render their verdict. THE DERERTER snmi-.NDERS. W, P. Oocanan, fourth sergeant of thi 1 "itz Lee Rifeta, who was Beriten-"d U six months' Irnprlionraent, loss of pay and .??-honorable discharge, and who es 1 fr.'m ('amp AlgOT, gave himself ur. morning to Sergeant Berugga, of tu? same ""fflir. who will take him tC Camp Alger, TURBTJLBMT REPUBLICAMR The ma--.-m. i of Republicana "f th? City I Bight to fleet ! the district convention of Lynchburfr Sep? tember 7th, ?ras oi.e Of th.; Bllll lllloal ant turbulenl gathering? of the kind that baa erar bean known bora, The or* a foi i- d i taster James M. Mclaughlin, after hour-; spent in a haabtd and violent controversy with ti..- flistinctrj.?".-' d element, led by Robert Cox, retired :. and hi M . ?re . r ?iLT. TWO d"l? Citions will ' vor t.. repn rent Lynch burg " hlriLT ?i.ngresslonaJ convention. Daniel Mutler. a OOlorod inun. was endoi ; i Coi gr I t th? con 'ihn; M' Laughlln following not only oatnumbered tin* opposition, but it d tho white member? of the ami the beet element of the colored iii m n bMBJHHnlAL it \t r. 1 bet IMnnn Hiive Hee? Selected ?l.nily Ittneaked by a iinii. UBZINOTON, VA., August 26.-(Spe 1 The commltteo in charge of th II to the memory of Hon. John Randolph Tin-k-r ha-; ?all by Mr. William 0. McDowell, of (ten. The ?dans of Mr. McDowell a with a num? ber o?' ata from all orar the country. Th.- plan? .-.til for b amaatra two-atory lino arith Kentucky blue trlmminga Th? will ornamant the front, and from which a handsome vestibule will admit into the memorial ball proper. This i.s to t rol room twenty-Are feet ?, i two In th t.. ho placed the i.ust of Mr. Tut ker, now le by Mr. tine, 'ilptor, and with it a tal will detail til.- v. nt-t of Mr, Tw ki In the eecond .- lory i" a | ilk v, in which will I pictures, and will look down on the me? morial ball Tho top of this toom is to be enclosed with an artistic co The remainder of th,> building will ! to the various purposes of boo) "f Washington and i. University, which wa ?del pride of Mr. Tucker. On th" first Boor there; ?rill he two recitation root 'the two law two tor the law pr ' ad a lobby for the law St On thi cond fl.e.r will ti" pla . .v library, adlng-rOOm, and tw> additional 'lie- ooei ol Ute building, aa approal* ;. will he from I The bulldli will be pi ..o th commanding ?minence in tbi : of the pn Th" arc ting th? plans, lluramente will be made to let tho building for t-oti truct. LADT ATTACKED v,Y A BULL I Annie Taylor) while going to a Rr .1 on s M. . a .. by ? i ia bull morning. that the badly bru: . lUghtl r of Mr. Wil? liam i >.'>, and '. I with her aunt, Mrs. v. Il un H Neta, t.. ir r i Leg. Ingtofl ' i burned last ni^'it. The the v. : k t m down Into the nil in the lump. She threw th? Mazing lamp v. is broken i fail. The "ii Ignited i rapidly, Ing her dn lire. She ran and jinn; . i Into a . hieb ' TIM'. HODMEN It IMiK-MMll'll. How nn 1'iteiu}'? llltlnm-e i? Amer Inliti'il. (Raw V.rk Tribune.) within the hurt faw y- Ul in the art of wan'. Pad in th. with which long>raage guns u?-.- tir.?i. are cannon built that will thr.>w i : i further than formerly, hut able tho gunner to hit his target to-day as nly at a distance of four mill at one , . : ' ther he is a ?oldler I onlv f r markanaan, all be need? to know of th? object he nine ..r other : i.s hlfrh or t- ?nst . : itlon from can ni Me to. He hnon ! of wind is prevailing, llowance, i.ut tl by which bt to the distance, ' i thi? he num : yarda t etween bla : the Ined, he knows . much to ?levai bla ruft. Pi . !y the im? thing is : < guns, whether thej m mted n a fort designed to d.-t-nd a harbor rom ? a anemy*? ! I or are ob ahipboard. \nd the Instrument? called "range-rtod tain how far this b iv? com-.- into usa in the last f> w . they allSi m principle It I oe of which sur lawalty mal and tronocnera also employ it to a ain ti: ira. - anderlyh . ?-; a rary limpie one. The ?tndent "f K.-.,inetry .uns early in hi ?V thai if ho length and he angles which thta thi see known t to lKure out the length of those two ?id?? ilso. The surveyor, the astronomer, and he man who use-^ a range-imd-r si art vith aa ' ? triangle, a blah they ,ii "h:\seiiiie." ami Imaginary Une? li iv?n from the two ends of H to the dis? ant object are the ones length is o be ascertained. The base line, which, in many cases is u very carefully ni.-tsured o begin with. A small tel? sop-, with trop r attachments for ascertaining ingles, is now atattooed at eaeh end of his lino aud traln?'d on tho object whoso llatanco ono wants to l<?arn. Home rangr Inders are so made that when the angles ired a good deal of Ugur ug must lu* dufig 14 get U1? deeired re BRIGHT'S DISE?S? OF THE KIDNEYS GENERAL JAMES C. HIM t R. R. Commissioner for the Stste of Va., ig made whole by Buffalo LlTHIA WATE! 8 - "Four years ago, with my general health in an ?stremely broken down condition, I was Informed by my that I had ltrl|<lif. Dleeai Kidneys, for which I made a visit to the BUPPALO LITHIA BPE1 IOB month, durln? which time I found the water highly beneficial, and con' r of tho water at homo my health continued to ?rn; "A second sum mer I returned to the Springs vrlth nay health In all rr?p?, i Improved, again spending a month, ?till Brlth ste.idv imp-oven.- '. ?. rrttored mj health, and I have had no return of th* < ' - I ' twelve months. "I am now in strong and rlgorono health anil haw been for nearly to leading an active hii<liie?a llf?. My recovery from a condition ??hlrlih.. i the moot scrlon? appreheinloii upon the part of mr pli>?l?li?o. on Ml DtfMir, I urrlht lolrlr to Ihr me of BUPPALO LITHIA WATBB Buffalo lithia water ,r;..:;, :,: many of the most serious and most SOmmoa Uli that aSHoi uikind. \ book can be procured on re |UI -'. t intelnlng the tc?timony ol clans of this country and Europe a? to the wonderful power "' BCP1 WATER In ?ont, Hhmmatiin, Krtght'? IHiri.r, (iuvrl, I nd lKe.l I..,, I?v? Servons KxhaiiHfIon, Malaria, Alcoholltui, K< /no? und IIP. der*, of Women, etc. Send for the book aud jud?e for your*?If \ prjeNe.o.rrT^r, RUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA. rrncFLi.. LAPP * ro., As-cut?, MshmoMi v suit. Others t-11 tho distan?a imrr die ! ,-. VERTICAL BAJSsl UMaal PRBPSHltl When a borteontal bass Una is used Is necessary to have an Instrument r it. But a style of rang hhder ?a into vague whi maki s th-- u - of B v line a only oas Instrument ft t u;. --.? of fifty or a hundr , ict ah i ? . si Now, th? a this vertical ton with g lino run from its low- r moa is about to ired ', ? right an? under ail clrcunutencea it is m i-, to u. t ?ni', 'h? sag] upper v. r:i a!. This fact sil pllti-'S matt'TS greatly. Down at ! '. Monroe, Where a horizontal bis? line used?one that Is over a mil? lonir, by t way?a tell ; ,'i!r. 1 at > ich BB is a , uriou-, t- ' graphie attachment the r. ports it " .-nd of which Is inside the foi th.- readtnga at th? other end, sad 11, permita in one ip t. At Fort Monroe It h 'ml th a targtt IftSOg ! i I every time at a distanc? of 0,000 f?> The ?, i with gradual ti-ii th? gunner bow mi* to elevate his p' By partlcul di?tem i Hence, wl ib at 1 Under unco gives bim tl, in his I'.-'diieni, ail th" rest is - tlvly ? : --, work. (?no might think that where the ba line ara - it would easier to And ti.-, range Mian with much ahorter one. Put thi- .-t?ry is tc regarding the urst work doaa al 11.? forte near this city with the lustr meat which USCS a vertical base lie Tho officer of a gun BQUSd WSJ about Indulgo in a Ut! a Hi hi figured out the distance of hi? target t nlghl before by m nana of a borlsonl base Une rete, or 27.00? f*t Which in fully live miles. APOthi t m atattonad at a new range-Snder whli used a VertS a duty at tl same time. Be remarked to th that be astlmated the distance yards. The otAcsr wsi Bceptlcal ka had ain ady 1 omi 1 i way. And ho began bis on that basis. Tho gn at 10-inch riflo was aimed a: , lut near tho ta: I B ,1 vatloa towsr, from arhlch a I rt. I: ' 1 iv,- hundr' . sh.ut; so m my to th? left." Tl.Hi -suit.,! the man at th?. new rani; tinder, and acted 0:1 1 . BdVtc BVt r and two to th" l.-f' was tii'? next announcement from ti tlon tower. Ons n: 1? 1 for lateral deviation was made, ?md th. hit tho target wlthot interruption. Tho instrument whli Bt th? upper end >,f .1 vnic ,1 bei called a depvt asion-Sni 1 bahly i ward % v from a ho-. . , . It Is a wonderfully accurate and BOBBpl ratlvely aim) m< nt. STRING AT A M"\ im; TARGET. c thing, however, bo bang awi nt a biii II to hit a moving rapidly, almoat straight for th?, port whi'h uni; tl short period of time required 1 .nd commun eating ' Inatruotl nary, it ry? th? rsi . fa ship te ininuC I Bet tilo gui nor to ngiy. A c.itinoii . i with two sets i . of u - on ' oaj I a gun, , II In bOI Now 1 in- man Lim I, ri?lt I Tl gunner la tl part of h -ibtltty. When tho :. which aun tell graphically 1 In front s . mpl 10 three hundr d I a the bow and the other wll aft. H irovtdln Uunat nt with a, IkS that at Fort bfom reporting the aagle to tha other With a sing r. Pu di" that are in,t BDCOUntl r.-d uti Ian. ask Of observation and of .raining xun \nd in an engWaSBBMBBl Ilk? the b.-tw. Ichley and <' rv.-ra. not only Is tl ItlOn, but th? . s doing so. t,,o. Nor !<* it aJsraya I like that Iom< timee < ? asal arfil art Beat h. Ida to the fOS In ord.r to delivt i.r. . and then will turn s ,^ tO ram. This kind of man ,;,,k. 1 thi teak of tl 01 erati 1 -anite-finder I good deal bardst t! OOUB 1 <>K Ulflttk en KKiie. ?olitlicrii llllllkt Ite.olillll? lea? lie pendent on >?-tv lurk. iS \ innah N- . If tho statement B*Bt .?if by the Net fork kaaas is ear sect, rotton phibsia wi 1 ? ,1 ! to a Bl ry BTS it extent t ti nold. It Is the custom Of - tanks to get currency from th.- New Vor links at the. beginning of th? ?..(ton s.-.i mi with which to harvest and move th OttOB crop. They g?'t small bills to f ( ,t? has paying tton-pt, k. 1 rhis year it Boems tit it the New Tor ?ariKs an? not able to respond to th-, di nand of their cnetomen in the Hour h fo >aper money. Tb.-v bavi not mere the nougb for their own nseds. and t lot get any from th* Treasury. Th? . n In movlmr ' is. thi re for?, that t II he gold H' Bui what has bt a allver ful th. objei ted to II It that the majoi II i"-. howoi er, thai silver, on . that money anywn mon? v enough I 'ilk in this city I next . s bank had mon I ?upplj part of th? th,. South hanks ot \ew V.rk ?a I ?rid (he tlm will have all that i> req part ,,f the count ' ' now If so much ..t th" were no) s.nt t .\ i Tliey Wmii in i um.- ii.... ll'hil el- !| '!'! I pril ' l> : mi ?ich nap -mi, and an' the r I'm willin' to do all t But mo girl's all all aa aa lioni". An* i arm I '. r I ' kin'. Tin oraaod for tl I've drlll?-?l 'tlil i An' i baw An' I'v?. di no mj whol \ o' ga ni. a a' I'm tin i "f in.- i Fer me girl'? a!l alOCM ll'ille-. An' 1 want to go h Ig 'I le v ?ay It'? II It It's 1 Rig An' they know ?M I m fifti < I : T it m<- ?Ill's all ahno an' I homo. An' I If ! I*?? no nal? ?mi Briefe. i .i . .Lena - I m .v. n. In a letter to Mr. Prank P ernor I a Uttle i. I dty on M Mr. Thome? Hunt I having sp. nt ; ' Mr. 1 ' I I : : Belvta mei ' ! J on tie I land, | ' I II O'l . EhauBM i i I Bunde] Tilo r. man I hi Mr HW a i: ido. I ' i . i much improved b ! tr..m the ?in.-,.| tie It li-hiiimwler? lu Reai n i : w yon ' ! ; B v\ ; Mr 1'". I and wife M ' .1. it Parker, W Q. Han J zinl, Maiil m \ rus, V'll.l.MMS i: I M, l??. at th? i V,. '1 ! :.' I : ' \ i HiMlA WILLIAM I of laanc and ( - ' ' Km.. I . tlower?. I uurml gWttaWa 'r' fane;.,; of Mr MSB MKI.I.. ?Ah . d d Pi Bprtnes, \ t will taw. AK I'l.ltN' ?ON .it I 0'elOCh fl (.iurnua Kvaugelitui church