Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND UI SNATCH? SATUKUAY, A U Kj u ? i __fitww. iniint aai._!___-_._-. Crushing Prices for Saturday Bargain Day. CMng ^riMt lots tlmt many would think proper to sell next season? irT .. ?s .3 choose riddance, and make ?A[~ V Z d^- : liut-down prices on eYeryt_ting ?__>rJ!i??!__>j The Si-Waist Sale To-Day. It leaves you no choice hut to come to the store and partake of the feast wi baTespread, The linest and most careful made for half their cost. , I .11!. ill nu* .. -.-.., i rr.^u. i ' indsred Piveale end Lawn Shirt IS und fc'c, now Tine lia* I, thla a . up to ti-os : >r |l. ' i t oil! \ s FOR I ? B-421 aSSSJS, i. . and Specti ' s any L' H :', scll 1 lot . . . lUng for l oh. | i i m: .ii \\ HLR1 < ?ti vi i (. ? j ? Dana, i i SOLID GOLD AND GOLD* link LONG CHAINS, n i i ag Chaina are 1 I - ?..y foi le. : i. worth n. fHE COHEN CO. 80 REVIEW JUST NOW mi: n \'i i i.i-ini--? will KOT itiA. D-BP1 01 SIM H UfPTOH ROADS, n REASO?S for the change. i in- Passais Hag n>- SeeSed Blae* j ?vhara Wewa? b_uu__b~b_ Baa eg in-i apscrta Aaxlllary Pleat' Plrenaoa'n 1 Ctaaveatloa in Newgenrl Newa? Pi iRT NEWS, PA., August at, - turn Ington, wl - . itb Air. W, ? 1. Bel ?''il ment Navy Alleu liona roa i Hampton R la . m In Uunpton Ri ads will r than admin? ; no I "tn ilalnt t. . and none will i . nil t idhere to - the, . ' .: . they many of tht m . a no \\ i d elttw : t i \'. _ hlni ton I i ,\ lor, t"" ,1 the n He? rd, %sho are to in pect I - will i ick out , hat vessi wanted, and i? f oouri a, will bt ?ay. In tbe mi an , be taken by tasr i bip? trono southern atal loi . NO N -VAL KKVIKW. "Th. m at the .... nry-e: Allen and I 'nun.' a for Ills lie i ion l Ball) i nd the wai I i] m i ,t ,<J, ,i .it ans time, i mil we nava i r> , Vhen the n, tti a the ,i., w< wanl a n re lew now? ] i ?, for the pod ri oa that the heel . "While al the Navy Department i ob a p " oi h orra U n that will in c insldi here in tin s,.,!,-i B the presence of thi Ai ilstant Beci tars 't ih.- Navy th. . as the bai to Norfolh had been drudged to a epth of twenty elgbi I ci be aoodd aaake i y-dock ?,t Norfolb n a that n. la confident that i gel an approprl lloi for this pur ose through with little iinl'n-uity." Tin; NAVAL kna.mininu BOARD. The l.v.i: : i Board .'t)>!'oint( ,1 by tho lavy Department t.> Inspect the v?asela I with a view t , electli ble tor future Int tins morning on he Wa blngi . uner, and are now mberlln 11. >t> I, They in. of the bat? , ptaln Tayl ?r, or t C. L. Branson, or ak, ; an I r George t oai i \\. at out to tbe cit this afternoon, and spent *C_M hours. i Inspecting the auxiliary ship*, taking The ofttci ra will vs. It Is A PUS I ni- I7JUSW0RKS The itee of the Clti ena i. itlve committee for the Flre len'a Convention to 0 i> practically de i have a lai sorka n thi I of 1 .m, i.. r pria Bl t, in which " a class to ti i ??y DriM WJn n _ of thb Corporation Court !'< r, and I ( rn ... r|r. II > kstone will a\u mui _ Important I ,.,._? Attorn- ' ?1 ?tagne baa basa nvrted to : ii n? of the j lKh ehool. Fi ..h, wlth Mjl?0mc Minora. Mr. Uontasue Is a Uo? ?aeon i od T?'* Bti am: In Vitl .. ,.,.(,,, , IIOMLRY A M l.STAKE If IfOO KAIL TO VISIT ? oHKVS ?vO-DA>T. poo dozen Mtaaeaf and Sots' Bolld-Blach Derby Ribbed Hoae, al? ; t> t" a 1--, always 11 l-lc, these le. a pair. 115 dosen Ladles', Misses', Men's, and Children's Bolld-Black, Plain, and rim .1 Host. 10c grade, 5c, a pair. j?, gc. liia.-k French L . i, fancy dropstltoh, ~><-. f?* dosen Ladles' Ruaaet. Rembrandt, Fancy Bibbed, worth lac, tan, ^ Id-Black nnti Fancy Btrlped >'"i at tin ae i a pair. _ Misses' Ten Richelieu Ribbed i ur< Tl.r. ad, v. ..rill .".7 1-1V.. t? W HC Children'? White Bocha, l-C and W ... .. :-!<-. a pair, A suit IN 01 B MI.VS |>I.P\RTMI-.\T T?-im. U g] a i . Boa - and TI? i for mm, women, and children, M l-?e. nd fi Ni ckwi ir, magnlni ant go $i. 0.4*. and H.tW N< gllgee Bhlrt? f it Be. nderw? ir, Import French Balbrlggan i a Ii r wi ar, 88c. a garmi nt. 25 to i"-, quality W ' r P11u Pug; b splendid rarlety, U i-'-'c. n i:-< it i. IH SODA and OTHER COOL DRINKS FOB i-i.i: OLAJM \ t im; \m> i t\m m.i'MtTMi.M. Ilia and ? ' mge Waft r? for lac, a , . ,? Almom '. for i-' l-lc. a i rod, v . r Chocolata Cream? for I rii-i tropa fo; 8-. a pound, or < Innamon Beans for 7c a ] n for lc. THE COHEN CO. I foi imiralty. (.lAlllll, ROSSER IMI'IKitlMi. v, iiiit.n- Daualel ?mi Hi1? Ben Flail Hint?Troop-? I'll?? Tliroouli. CHARLtOTTESVIlVLE, v.\, August H. r Daniel, aocompanled by his non, John W. Daniel, Jr., a lieu fjei ral Tl - L Rot ?t r'l rrired here to-day, and arna driven , oral Roeeer'a \< aldence. rhey routiii the Qenoral aomssyhal D?-tt. r. <] ( vm k Volunti era, arh i . through tho city al th? tima >:' the Senator*? arrival, recognised I rn, nid t')"k mere than a passing look al the : Virginian. young Daniel area returning from the rVhlb ?VUlphur. ii?- bt v.ry hnadsome, md ir is aaay to believe that the young naong the ieven hundred guests al that not- d resort .lid not allow him a. dun noment. Tii,. Bouthern rulboud has heult i to lay many train-load? "f troop? from Camp rhomaa and Camp Pernandlna. Oi loacbi i" irlng the latter many ?ent?? nente ?rere written In chalk, such as "We .t. k . > i 11 ii back to (Jod'a country," "An s' Rough WsJkera from Fernandl i ' C impany I '.. .f th. Bec? d New \ orh Folunt ihlefly from Bchenectady. Andrews, th-ir laptaln, la a Blight, youthful officer, of whom tii- men Boomed proud. They are i Loi i land. two COVSCIIi < oMMii i i:i:s hTBBT. Thteee na It. joinr* Bnrylnax^Groemg mu? 'iiiii-,i ?iirKi? Bold Seeelesis. The < '"inmitt. on st. John's Bui j Ini Oround met In tho keeper's office at I ; hi The cl rk n ported the financial condition of I tm< nt to data to !" a - follows: i! appropriation .\ Bap nded. n ' . ESxpei a .t ided .sj ?g Balance . pay-roll for August and current Mils were ordi red to be paid. Tbe Commlttei on Thli : Market m^t in Ity Hall laal ev< lock, halrman), Cottrell, Pett ra, and T< efey. Th I Market reported I for the month ol J The clerk reported thi following condi? tion of th? appropriation to the . irtment: Appropi latlon .? * 'I . IM m I', ilance . Tim of th< di ?i.u-ini, : gust waa approved and ord< n d t.. be raid. mi \n ir\i. i:i,i:iriii(M\?. Sup?- rluli tul? ni T h <? in uno n IliioL from Hi?. Illiiilra Meeting. Bupi rintond? nt Thompson has returned fr..m th? annual meeting of the Municipal Electricians' Assoclatl m Bl Klmir.i, X. v., greatly pleased with his trip, He aaema to hav? had a royal good time thi courtesy ..f the city, railway, steamboat and Btrcet-ear com].aim.- being extended tbe delegates. All the principal cities In the Dnlted Btatea were represented, and the discus? sion of ? let trical subjects was hlg] .i' ' .1 The chief topi? dlseuaaod i danger of overhead nirei Mr. Thompson ?ay? the ganara] cms. usas of opinion wire? should all be placed und< r ground. ' ' nl Thompson i n "Overhi It !gnsti uctlon," ?\ hi well received Mr. Thompson was placed n?".n two ..f th. most Important commit Bg<. utive Committee and that mi Exhibit? H? ?\.is also pn m nti d with "iiir gold badge In r cognition ol on ? "iiiinitt' i i ird to;iit. Wilmington, Del., won the next convention. Mr. Thompson \, ' i ?ndi a-. " t.. nava t i? ai meet han la ifeS. f'WI? POI.IM) iiiiim; I |?. sii'k Kern laagroTlnsj flonjaial Bee in Reelnjau KNOXVILLB, ij:n.\ . A Camp Poland, near this city, is rapidly Ailing up with ti.i from i I id < 'lii'i. and I'ii it rrired. Tin health si the f bar? ;.? ? ni'.l thOSS si'k r. i of ulr and I the Kirai I ? in, Third Corpa, tend? i bl aatlon to at once, ELECT THEIR TBREE. itK.ri III.H \>H OK v.wt hester ciioom: ?ixr.t. \ti:s f*0 iiam?\i:h. A NEW CITY COMMITTEE FORMED. SseUfty All of Tbuu' Participating Are Ai'urors?Miuin Until?- Laat StSjlH iCgSaS Ilf?ure tbe Major? I", iMinitl und Hi ?<-f?. The Republicani of Manebastar baJd a oonventlon at Cnnnlnghaa'i Hall last night, in v. 't,s WON SlSCtl '1 U) the district congres? nal convention, ami much other bUatnOSB was transa, t- I. Tin. i-- o Ordl r I y Mr. n. B, Wetsiger, city pfffti_asttr. Tbe Chair d conunitteaa on creden? tials and Permanent Organisation. The former committee reported the following aaombera of the convention, us electi >? ou Thuraday nluht at the several ward meltings: From Firsl Ward Prank Nsl i. A. i?. Powell, ii. Da vie; Alt, mai-. ,i. K. Burke Bucead Ward John Ran? dolph, Pells Price; Alternat., .Moore Griffin. Third <;. W. Cunning-am, J. B. Hall, 1!. H. WelSlger, H. EL Kohlnson, i*. K. Richardson, Fletcher Jaeksoa, R. Head, .'ni H. c. R?ssel; AJtgrnate, Wil? liam H0well. Pourth?IfOSes Darns, N. BE. Johnson, Alex. Booker, <?. IL Savoy, R, j. Morri.--. ami j. ii. Cunningham; Ai teraates Robert Boles, W? T, Barford, and i. Ja, boon, ah th<- delega colored, escepl Postmaster Welalgsr, NEW <ITV COMM1TTBK The commll tea reported t be i Ity Central Committee, win, b v. a?s., on Thur-day nlghl Fil -t WSJ I - Frank Nelson, a. ??. Powell, Hei rj Davis; i \\ ard ii. John? m, T. Brown, Sidney Allen; Third A\ ,rd ,?. \V. i'iiii B. B, W, ISigSr, L R, I '. a.rke; Foui th Ward M I . i: J. Mor ils, j. n. Burford. .' : . Wei I? .. and he i tu the i imation. ?as a iry. DELEOA1 B8 BLJ l PED. 'i i.. . a,-.- :,,:..n then procei led to b i ! ,i the following N. i- John ion, i'.. i'.. W ' '. , Ml. v. rer was chosen to repi lent the city- on I : ; , '"ii Th, i onvi ntion t.- re w< nl Inl hm ot a cily cl much John 15. ii ,u it hers pul in Domination wen A. c?. Powell ?ind N. E, Johnson. After that .. HAD a .-.mi; i,mi DRILL Thi , :. li ii,,n.1. had a skirml.-li 'Inl! a- thi urn i night, which w.,- wltn, I rlgb ad. Xhe Q e of m mbers, and win n the Ri< hmoi hi m. T ; thei I t to the ba all grounda. u bi r im an hour or more n true Sai.'; Th rsttli "' the . : i i. | lich oond, as v.- ?l ,s m Ha and ome w< : e curious of 11 SQUIRE'S COURT. 'Squire Ul hgow bad a : him in tin l'"li' COUTi > -; flay nornlng, C. H. Frith was charged with .rant, lau was turned loi M r. Frith in an Bged man, homo. is. near the county court 1" .lam? s Foater, Gary I ; B< verly IrOS 11 had a Oghl a ! \. 11.. hi - -' I I'lny wert taken In i b irge by lb , uni ji and co be a ment nade ... t them. HAD a HAT RIDE a i iml ' . r had a .lolly I. : ' tsr leld 'i a >nt oui to ha farm of air, Mi nn, \\ here refrei nenti a be ,,1'e th.-y returned to the city. Those pi ' - wen Mi s Man ind i iii 11 dricl P dann, Laura and Bi i BI inley, Pi arl Ipaln, Ruas, il Bangh, Pi lia Ifann, Bi ynold i; Mi ira Bernard Per lue, Btanli y Kahn, ? ; b, Rich ml Nanea Ployd Ashbi ook Buck< II r, ' !h*l ! , i 'le na ill, HOU Bit, lolly Kldd, ind J larton. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Ri > - PERSONALS I Mi- B. B. Clll allj left 'ot Blackstone, n Mr. B. Ha? toi Idon, N. C, 's in Mrs. W. B. Lowry is vii n New] Va, ting the ., m : i > of Mi. 'i H ?ounty. d, "f W' ' C, Il visit pan nts, .,i No v H B( mm< i - tlng Mrs. -i. A. Williamson, al No. 1501 I o T, P. 1 I ' "in trip tO lilil?'.il" Li': fbl Ills i, alt il. Mr, and Mrs. R. H. i bo havi n i ty, ha vi I to the dl -. foi home, In South Boston, In a fi a The Finan i -ommll t< ' Id -, m< tint? led. The Economy Bhoe Comp i i: Bond, w ho rece?? li b igbl o il the i ock >i B. .1. Mayfleld, ol this city, will i Mam ... - I lull atreet. THE TICKETS REt (?\ I MCI). \ Calare?! >i?n aveaatcd for Tryiag to I'llMQ 111 ?-m. Johnson Graham, a colored man employ i driver for the Richmond Trans? ar Company, was arrested yesterday on be charge of having In bis j ind trying to pawn three tickets, __i b lelonged to Mrs BeweU, of Newbury, s. '.. and which aren lost la this city a few laj s ago, .acts in this case are Interesting. dra B ? II ?a -. o. i ilng thro igb R snd loot took, , onialnini the tl and HO if bei ; !\ 1st .i Coloni I u M. B ?In, general agent for tbe Seaboard Air i_ne, of the ctrcumi tance, i b ind pas nbroket s of the city wi re notified o watch o erda) i i I kin that til k o him, but v.. i : aki a their nun:!- i s, ( ?oloni 1 BO) kin I 10 MIS, St WI 11, and 1. iiiled that -, her ti i in lb, man ' d tin m ai - rfg, and Colo ; 1 ; . o Cap? thi Second P i n Button went Im nedlatt y t.. Rosi ndorfa and Iranern He is now lot k- d a] ai th od Bl itlon, and ?. the P : :. rai t, Tltaala ii<m._,-?i for ? ?? Btseot. it is n i act pilona .- bin t n u i ludevllle on, aft,r a run of four Ms, but thai i u. There :n the with ?hieb each i ' ; Th" usual matinee this afternoon nt 4:30 "''lock offer? a special opportunity for lha lid., nnd chttdren to aae th" pre sraraaM in n and t*p-nlgM it will be gtvaa fur the hurt Inn*. In a telegram rei Ived ln?t evening fp.m Isaaa? : Pmslnt, ra Maw York cu>. he says that ha hi. booked grant for next ?reek. One of th? special attrac? tion?, ?aaurad is the appearance of the ' TRanla, the moat wonderful dance? of modern tlnr s, who comes dirtiCt from London, England. Services at the Association. Th-i yoarag naoa/g nttt?og ?111 ba bald :,t th" a . -,,:, bullgtog at i o'clock in parlor, it ?rill be tbe last <->f the aerlea on great things. Th? theme for tin: day will be **On il Bewarda," and thi meeting anil be la charge or Aaslst ant-S ' retary Hamilton. Tii- i have been vary helpful to tin- young men In developing them along the Una or Christian ssi unite a number of the young men took part In th? maattng last Sunday. Thd workers' training ChUN will meet Bl I o'clock. In (hart'- of far. Asa. John ten minutes of the hour will be given to the beau I of the i and will be con.jtnkted by tho general iry. Th.- athletic field is provins a stirog at? traction, and to being used i gn U d< u by tii.- members. Tennta hi the popular game. On the arrival of Mr. Graham i ' et-bell and other featuraa win be Intro?'.'. Hnrpfr la (rnr.y. Roh? rt Barper, a colored man in the city jail, i ' ; isane, and ?ill be seat to the C ntral Aaylum, at Petersburg, He waa first arrested for ly driving a bdrsa belonging to Mr. w. D, Sutherland. The man gut Into a '/ in"- Blng an.] pall, d a bii'-k from the Wall Of his U, which be threw at Jame? Stanley, hitting him in lha forehead and melting an und. Remull?a ai Heat. of <'. V. Btoni, the young man who died suddenly Thursday morn tog; were Interred In Mt Calvary I rday morn of the i r? at his borne, to North Carolina. d Irani, and the , with theli v.. h.s Toes ? nt on*. The smb i summoned to the morning at o'clock, and Dr. Bl . had CUt tilt' or hi I he was treated and to his bom north Tw< ll I Ti? A i ?! I tin- Orphan Il?)>s" Mimic. An Invitation ba mi ni)-, rs of both bi of thi : ii. Olli, ? Orphan i on w edi all] provldi ill-nth of >ii*a riiiii-iii-r Wllllsaua : ..::.t Chi lence ithi r-ln-law, Mr. W. T. I : ni,.m al wi ? Btret t Pr noon A in c TH Sc< 9 J j \\ Da; III. ! bt ' ad. Tl . Da' of Yor I 'ol. bat S n Pai his vial lier TI tog toi In c lor pan Th? ant T! si": poli Mai Of : wai L'nl la i ir Th. A mil con wh? an t loi I 11 \<;. VIS1TOM9 t \\ M?\v ESTER IT. Embargo Takes, frem r??rt Mesur?e*? 'lin- \\ iii-l.iit 11.m (.one. X' IRFOLJC, \ A , ? "ial.) Tho ernbai ra to Fort Monroe -vd. Colonel Lana, th?? indent, to* 'ting and ch Mans may on ' dor among the 111 : irdorlng th? guns of the water battery. Bine? ti.'* ? id fi in their t.'in th? other modern works .i lortars) B 'II i. 'llli: WINSLOW LBAVE8. The famous torpedo-boat vTlnalow left tii.- navy-yard this morning at i':.d o'clock for New ^ ork E bei e from 'I : I,;ii,- fighter, which ms almost put out at nlIon ...- a the barb I more when by the fleet to Hampton Bi I roughly ( . at New York. Her r scuer, the Hudson, rd 1 '. and rture. SUIT ' ' : UN8T BBOSMAN C< ?MPANT. A suit h : for Uii I the larg? c llu Point, on a? o b] iny, a - : nt of ' I i, In i han ill o i: \n.u \ v TO - -M lend ti, to Si i J I to ' I t- port. ng to ; their capacity b i ublc MRS. THOMAS H BALE Y DEAD. gkO 'A--- Well Knot? n in It irl-moiiii mu? I liurlotte < omit}. BT( >BM< ?NT, VA., August III Plon co Henley, wtl i of Mr. Thomas : rbeum, Va., mot Blng I ""i l o'clock i: id-fi rer. Bhe bad b an tB only time. Mi - Haley was t r of Gabo Faulkner, of Charlotte cot ... first .. .i Mr Ge? a \\ anlthy cltl .' time to 1'i' tun mar? ried Mr. Hi ami ap< mi a gn at p ir In : hi r huge ." Cad . an t ter to i \. membei ol Bei mil irch, Her remains will 1" buri. ! at tbe !! ty) at 11 : : R John S7. Ryl id, a 111 conduct the services. TBIBJD (t)lll's POR ANMSTOX. rroli.tlily to 11?- S?-:it Them lustrad of (o H ii u t h \ II!?-. CHATTANOOGA, TBSNN., Augi it is announced this afternoon that it wtl] |C ill . Imp :t!.i.:i'a::i t'i . ' mv corjis at Huntsrlile, where it has ! tO ] 1 fmm The j tint the corps will be senl ta it? :t!r?iy to I . I to be ad? mtrablj adai ti l for camping a large I T upon the chai - In ; . Th-1 reason for the change is scarcity of Buntavtna. DE/ ?JfATJOg atatemi nl publl he I to iraber of p ??.. ra during lha laat Hi ffeel ' i ment la dation. The number ' VII tior In i ; tha the ten mal son alio mill Q, pur c< \ (Bli Vin Pi la ur.i of 1 Tl > glO' dull l'l Po? to-. tim Pi ret \ pro I i.. r ti - 8( C, i E Ll ; 1 ' dut; : I COU! C ! froi da> it. , lati Rj Tha the C. bad Skin out. I'M or li Bo m : are go i the all enot Th will Air p< d< '1 l day wi - men lid men Til tog i 1er cent Th iL MEMBERS CHOSES "T If.VVK ALL, MOHF.OVKR, AV :i'li:i? TllKlll AlTOlVIMKNT*. PEACE COMMISSION COMPLETE. t-lar.v Day, Senators Davit anil ye, Iloa. Mhltcln?- Kclil, nntl ?tice While Bjsfcg lp tbe llo_> ? tin Jluorr to lie Sr-t-retnry. \SHI.\OTOX, AsgOBC ?.-Secretary ; announced this afternoon that th? bars of the Peace Commission bad chosen, and that they had ail BCCt 1U ii!; ?J announcement will follow. 2 commission i.s made up as follows: tary-of-Stato Day; Senators C. K. s, of Minn, BOta, gad William P, Fi >'\ [alas; Hon. Whltslaw Bold, of How . and Justice White, of the Supr?me j jj iStor Davis saw the President to-day, j 3 tho Interview was very brief. The j 3 tor !> ft here this afternoon fur MsW , 3 , arid from there will return to Ht. foi g f-'tay at bis home before taking departan fOt Paris. Senator Fry. w.nt to Hew York to-day, and will his home, in Maine, bef?te returning ? mrmbe-rnhlp of the commission be- 4 complet-,i, Secretary Pay ai rang? I ivo for Canton to-n?Kht or to-morr,.w, it der to make hla pei onal pr?parations f be trip to Parla He win be scoot?- ? d a!.road by Mrs. Day, who has en red from ber recent ??iness. } v i rotary has already shipped to i ?an- i i nurrih. r of bis personal effects, tn ". of bis esi ' retirement from B i ' ipartment ATTACHES, i following of the commis have i t: sel? cted, and will be ap ed by the Presidenti John Moore, of - tary to bt ' tary of the J. R, MacArthar, of New Pork, to y. Mr. MacArthur formerly Brat secretary ol ,1 Si dril, and ity at th.- Btate I M bee had con rlderable - _ noa In work of a diplomatic nal B a; ; otntm led OB I >' 'r lid, ' ni. >d his . be b ni not di Ii f Stab ildy be within a fortnight He fa aith 1 thia . tary all o : <-%mi? ii u v i,limn. re from l.cni-nil LOB PeseOBUSl 11 > t ?. ' MP CUBA LIBRE, JACKSON LA . August X -In a com hla morning b< tw? o ie Fourth Virginia Regiment und ral Fitshugh Lea, th I:.- did BOt know which, it' either, of \ Irgti be mus I out of the . '"!' advised tho ant, if t.- ai bed a discharge* w application for it. atatlng bis rea? to the) Captain of his company, and Ltlon to pursue the regular n-.- channel* "This," added tho : i "is tho only proper coui ' pora] Guy Cherry ai I P ta it. opany H. Fourth Vli imond), will in a fSW days leave for ni i on furlough. vate Prank '?n^sr, of the sun- com . to-,: in camp t ; om a Of days' atay In Richmond. Bat Buffolk to anend his vacation boys of Company C, Fourth Vb> . havi d -i pur of boxing m and Boms lively Bparring is iu d in. i ay u, t thirty ,; . igh, Which . sp< mi at his boma lA A. Broaden, who has been t Pal ' F- ich, i; mu ?i Im d. p. Phil pa and Private C. Company C, Fourth Virginia, ?ad jresterday from their boma In lottesville. ii. T. Morrison, f Company ' >'. .11.1'. y B, id Vlri laj.-' furl it with him a trunk . d thi u, n : urry, of i r of 1 oi med lb . i kindly thought of by the | f his uniform kin M. H. th Vira, ila, who rtngj re . -1 duty with hla any. I I I.V.: , imp. IORTH CAKOLIHA POUTICS, ililic.ini \\ aleh inte |__ I'opu -lleil U--I Ion of I'll sien?-or Mate*. LEIGH, N. i'.. A ' : al.) ? I is bars naanll Ina vs.- from thi ; trict i'"pullst Conven yesterday at Bdenton, which they should n Bomlnate Harry r. They .-imply di tired to know n r their The Rei i ?tor wen! t , give Ski:, . ; ?n a more W IV. is Republicana feared that EL A. Inner trou] ot a few of th-m ?h-, ara afr or Butler. One ,>t il --i it ml with opulii i ren yet. It i on boa . lets a i. i believe we i m control rh. LJCTION OP I'' ITES Ral a lie Its deiision in the matter Of the lion of i i the Ra and Gaston Division of ti. is .-s, i y ri as"n tO I ompany will appeal t,. i be : Baal er m the al court-. 1.1*4 aere added The Y and Tax COUoCtOr I I . put up the nioHey. .., ' ! HI I ! i rn ' in ' a of ' Immediate ". c snmlaslon, al H i meet* !. will h- u making its patrons i ay Ib i i REPUBLICAN [N_URO__fT_, i.-iiiin rldlculei >??lln-ill,.., ?f lir I (. Ill, ?v nf A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.50 ? \ H /*\ M I $3.50 t? ^ H $3-50 :; ! $3.50 ? $3.50 11 $3.50 ? | $3.50 I [a?l .L-Douglas! $3.50 8HOE intbe'wVid. | Indorsed by over J,000,000 wearers. | The atylr, fit and wear cannot be ex- El celled at any price. AU kind? of I leather. All the modern style*. All j? width*. One price, $3.50. \ BOYS WEAR W. L DOUGLAS \ $2.SO SHOE. Same quality as th* i men's. Very stylish. ? 5m them at our exclaslv? store, 623 East Broad St. i ()y 5-Vti.ThA.SatK) HBt__OY?JC:?T WAMTS. \\ WILD. HANAOBR POR A SMALL KAUM, ir Richmond. Most understand truck { and small finit-. Single man pn .ddress FARMER, care of i ,. 7. city._ \\ Will), " A WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL . jp.'. a <;. id Men, erho baa b id i ap< ace m the Hardware, Vi ricultural-Impli ment I i on tl d in tbe ilso t? rk In Store. Address PETERSBURG ?USE, care of Richmond I il 20-.?W_ II \N I ED. IISS MARU i, Ualll ' i Poal th< mat I .a : 111 '. l?ala tun. \\ \\ ill? REOISTERED DRUG-CLERK UfO -v d, l'ltr, IS, at-< llh' .. Va. _nil W \vi ED, r ENEROETIC MAX. OP rjoop AD -, old abllah, DANIEL W 111 >E, . .'1-1 vv III s;\kss \V \> r*. \\ IMI'll, ARDER8 ? ect._ ? \M \ I I MAX Tu BOLICIT '^-: BSi ?tir ad, Va. \\ INTED. ENTLEMAN AND I wil'v WITH small chlldri n can n al a nice s/eat Main M ath, the boa rd of on i pi rson A Ral ir steh. au 23-eodtt* w \> i RD, r___S IX SHORTHAND AND TTPE itlng. For termi and all parti it RICHMOND SCHOOL OF BNOGRAPHI r Mead A Baker Ph irmi -- Mini YTHRE88, Principal. n \ \ 11 i?, 5,000 POUNDH Si MAC LEAVES AT .. Manchester Tannery and Bumac-MiUs. r prit c ftc, addi A. D. SHOTWELL <\ CO o 20-1 m M ;-, Va WAMKH, EXCHANGE ONE <U{ ROTH OP O Small lions, s, !.;, , m ,. ,., ? .. City -, ?ka !' though offers of sn 1er soi t v\ ' , two i ' LEE, ca? i n pat, h i un BAUS, Ill OPPORTI Ml ll>. FOB sii.i-:, RST-CLA8S CONFEt , y. .\T son ,1.1" prie* Apply No. 9111-2 in street. Iki . !.'.- the Ri pul 11? ,'i "lnsuri the Eighth District for Ii i:. /. Linm y. Holt n, thi B irinan : by l'c v\ h> eler t dla latii Si d m. n. Pi ople from the Irict b II lory. ! 1 . a add] a to the pre i ; ' ; for Judge Moon "kins for Solii Itor the Republican id F Ittees i iry or .v. . ,vn." LADT TBACHEJtS POR BAIJB-L l;Ii School I'reMi.lcil <V\?-r lir Ihr l'air BS ? ? I'itmjuu I. W.I'M, VA., A a Lila M. Lau . of M .. baa D IHK h oui, and M. y, of NOT* bar In mu insti? lo-, M and the Peabody Normal l?ge, Of Nashville. '!' : j,priai ejoureea la th of Taa_M-B?l and In X- s T< 'k, ,nd asfuUy taught In tl i Bualru - [n itl il a, < I i : AJbeiaarte institute. ' mal SV . rien,'o in genei ol ?ork, he -' bool ; Of having all fernab I they wr i iritb U I that the Salem High i ool win continue I .... Ml. ire matte - . to ' !uba thi ; ... a !.. - It in Q '- ' W lib r "f Vinton. who i Btrlcki ttend - of the i ool Boar ral He n. i of th- aaoet proi Be of the . . moon for Inl in Peala la laissai OANOKB, VA., Au| T. Walker, ?I n < n Tu, - H raL Dr. Walker i knosm in at * brlatlan, i l'.in.i! interment l:? th i .. M 1 w is ? years o? ajie. and li WHEN REAL EgTA, .-. i.> ?,? ,, _ TAXE? FOR THI CI BBBN1 DAP YEAR AUK TO SB f i RATA It Y THI? VENDuK a VENDEE 4t By ??b? t Ooddln'g < i: ai i: H.ii.k and E A UCTION HA 1,1. Of ? 2\ nut lot, WITH A TW( t) U?.IN?i TH' ON i ?>i; iip BETWEEN BROAD \ f. AND KNOW.N At the n non-n tlon, on th< TUESDAY, Al , 'clock I'. M 'I'll-, .! ' four ro T'.is prop TEAMS: Mi" i ' JOHN T, an 26_ B R ' Corner T. nth COMMIS-ION. ?:> A' ii OP ? l AROE f. ?NT \iMM: 7? Vi ' BITTJATE THE t'HESA I'Aif.W Al \ " Ml LI'S EAST OK OF i?-i lalro \ a. irke. county, i the 1 UN ) In execul . county ci urt-tai MONDAY U k If., I . river, I six, tv with Intel ' -. In the Clerk*? < " ,,f i court : -' it'M ESTATE \ i PRIVAI POB Mil HIGH WKBT lit ' M . in? i III ' o u 11. r ? .1. 'i HOMPSi >\ an ..' POB Mil. A BEAUTTFUL ll"" Mills. an 1 ' lull IIIAI. i I O? ?IS I .' ["OR RENT a l I i ' i : STABLE AND TW< for R l?l -l? v. i i: MDI . it n. No, i ' ! IU.\ I. THE i'. ' an LOST, SIR Ai !*D. A\? PI ' B LADY'S . ' i ' - I. : : J. THE Pi BLIC I I >i: \ .' in.'ii.l JOH ?DOLPH i l'ltor'o?. u.a. BEALED ; ii-" Dl\ IDBSD kOTM i.*?. THE B< ?ARD - 1 au 19 _ KM \L. \ '. CARM1AGI ?, Dl i.'.ii '-. W II l>*?*, ?t Diaaoi t i *? ?\t i . CARRI/ IT.I ll i