Newspaper Page Text
WHOLE NUMBER, 14,688. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. RICHMOND, VA.. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1398. THREE CENTS PER COPY. - LEY A KISSEE 700. He Is A'most Smothered in Caresses of Lady Clerks, iJSSED BT OLO A?D YOUNG. -.^.nation Is Observed in the Interesting Operation. i mi i in ? to THE ? ? in? :? 11 MSaSsli t?. Baeaye from ? I). it- a Bel ration, \\ Iiloli ? I'liirt- lu lin? Na.j lliimrl Baliataa*. AH? ii. I B la tile - ' i i - . in g Bal? u In I IIOTIO** iii! HAMM Ml V ? wi-.i Participated in Captare ., i i 11 ? ?... -. tift-ti. i I : : i - I a. || K< nna, Vol . m w it. n urn. \ ' Au ' i Sixth Ar? il TBBOPfl i ?m ii \\\ \n mi MANILA. ? '...ti f,.r Mearj Wfcvrewlta t<? P?| Maswltt's Mas. CAL?, Aug '- " I f?.r II ' , w V,,:k I. D SI 'I t' n ??m ill . ..! . a. i*. n . ai.d tseBt7?Bre H vyAr I for ?.o '.??and; M ' the money; Mejor Kobbo, ti,i,.i Art) * ' '.?Y B. : m< .it ,i ... ' : ' the Hosp il i 7',(.:..l < ?-, ?g, T> ALLBYIATE CAMP M i i r.*u\i.. ".ir d.-i.,,,.,,?,.,,, N,,? |)||||IC Bonao taiogj f?n Use Back. v ' KING [-ON, \ , - tatc irtmeat to? August there b id been .... . . folio? : u - :.. r..rt Mon* ' I ..' I rille, i. ! ' ? ii route or on 'Int.-. , : N t. (en on duty), i 11.. ii; .. o ro or oo the aiiov. ii ers of tl i ill. PRIARI IN THE I'I!II.ii'I'im:v Petition to Hi?- President Thai Tin? Be i \p? tied, if, August .: The I ad? I? m McKinley, Roman * mmltl to moi The l? tter name? parti? ' stiiir by evei .; Kin? diabolical Institution? nks," and the letter . . . r I ...... of the noble nation b< ad humanltat in." ILGER il vi GO, l ?m. ?Mtliltiirv ? OO till loo "f I.??'? CSBip i'.irtlealarli in?. WASHINGT? >\ ' IStb, and revi? sv th< I He told ' Durl In, ??f The Colon? kson from fi : i the very Hie ; !.. . ii ng all the airy. PBOMOI li\ i nit HOBSOS, Board li ,-,-<? m m?- ii ?I ? 'Mint It?- Hi?,- Navnl l oust rm-tiir. \\ VJ3HINGT? >N, A tor ] b, en exai in if that WOUld Ib/B 1 ' tank. 'I'll ,-, ?th all the world m I] IV It II III' " 'i in the letter of the command. v - lion." . -, with Mr. ea with a n that he : . tor. MIT4 Ml M m> i ? ? VNliil) V l i;. Will Nut Beeil ??other Tersa i?i tin ?. mil?? V ?Mil |>ri?e. MI I.W v .lohn L. Mitchell to-day i?y hl i announce! ihat. Mr. Mitcbi II i- no! lag a candida! r?ate. q : lit leal eit 11 : loi B . t, t m .n th i.i'i" ." h A which early (.It \V ID! BPOI1 I 11 POl NI) l.l II 11 . lie i? Bewtenced to ri>?- Yeouro* laa? ** |ll'i?OII IIK'lll. \ti' MEADE PA., ?a usl W^Tha in the i S Of Dr. Dui ,,f the Ti econd R^anaaa Regia? at, : Bting Ills- . Bl Hi- Bull Run battlefield, and in- wai ng tu an In I .- am. ?? > t.l.N. lltl'S ? MILD \V UK. Her Baanmni Bnyn kaotBor Paras fur Her. A'l'i, ?NT V. : I I to ill.- Journal from l'itikard. K Clay t i a farm boot b? ro for his ebil i v, ;1, loMson, ?p ?,, Uva will' im". He -i"? ,-h. lisi-." 1l'?re l'i??o|?a BlBeOOd Mol ?r BobvIoo. "WASHINGTON, August M* ; n? ut- were to-dsy ,,?, , ,, ,i i,? be mugt? i? d "in .?r f d Fifth Misaouri, nosi imauga, sad the Third Mlasourt, -n Pa., which will go to The r.'.'th ladiaaa. bow at Mlridietoivn. ?.hi- h Will go to In The Eighth N ' ' Chick? ?mine., which win ?o to Hompatood, u I. V GROWING SOURCE OF TROUBLE TO FOUR UNCLE SAM, Pittebur? Dispatch. LADRONE ISLANDS. i Uli IBM m ? OMISO *. BMI 1 '*? ? OM1 '?it i \ni 11 i ?ut BPAlfl Mil)-. DE MOREU IID CERYERA. Tin? Paraaee P?.?? < ? i?> Make Trou l>l?? ft.r *-|i:itiisli ?... ? ?-r n litt- tt I in Hu? Carl??Latte?*? Alleged Praise ?if I aa er lea a Mar] Peale?!. 'Kill Ar,. ed ?trltta W i -ii'! - ' ' > to el f,.r the Bpsatarda la la the Uon in the Ladron? critical. Brest pre] soldi? ted to arrhra I lanltsry 11 are being taken. Com? ' ; le M form I ' Colon, promise? to conduct a Be? y :i in th? Cortes on bis return t<> Bpaln II | I out, rot, that he, as well at all the other . immand? rs of lusd? a court n i !.,! ? lor? anj thing ? lee is i i authoi By to pi bin deputy, snd this authorli : ,1V A eei ' Id? ;,i;il is made of th? Admiral ?!i srtt , letter, i iblial ' In th? Im? rtcan m autho '1 in: KM?.II fS ?>!' PI 1 III \>?. BaBawmeal Baak Battes PaatpaaeeL \,|<liii,.i.iil ??llitir?. INDIANA^ tt 8. Hli if the Knlgl l Pythl sal ' ' " In'' Mi. Bli I med until the report in to the ring: S ville, Tenn , Bui c irda and : w!| -, | : th? II .,.im - Wilmington, I lohn w. Thomi -?.?rs? BTTR PBRBOBI km Ml?. Hit. kl.oiit tl Itesek Of Trnln? Tlirci? larlesal** Hart. w IRB, B IM Align I M. A ralh trtin i BsJbs ralli || bu? kkoard si B bltli-g*? Crw : t, ,-in.l kill? ?1 Be? m- BBSn uf a j .- j ,rty. The killed STO! ** biting aged Is; J- -- Waiting, j i boy, not i.i. i, Th? ?jeriessly bb?i * ' HBfoM Bleb, I ,1 ?5; M I 4. i hi: I'oitio ituo irrVATIOB. Bas?es! Pfsaka*? Ptavsa a? f*?ssasaia> ? i ?in it? it u i u fai i ?amass slag QUAYAMA. PORT? I i:i??>, Asgsal If.? ,i Bisase ii ui aal y? ti i hi*' lnsti?uctlo**J tad ?-i, ,i, nti.tir? ai isssiher , i,f the Porto Bl m oosustaasoa, which he will swell belote i.?ce*tag te ^-m j Juan. A troop ?-i the sixth Caralrj* srtti ? him overland si *-ii? Juan, u objection l? off?**ed bt Boeeraar Mad in -?hi? i csi proceed by s?*n. Batterie? B o( Pesnsylrsala, a ?? Ml wurj a of th? Tweaty-eeeeath Indiana, , mid A uf Illinois, and th? Fourth 1'enn- , ig for . i", will . : Irlgsde h? ' -. i... G .? s., ill lu? ., ? ; iii i llinois and Pourtb : : rial \i ? ID1 I i \i.i i K n i i i> \ BOT. in m.-? ' i ' i.jni i n Boo??as Pesterd Ri IANOKB, PA , -oui; last Bight " In the .? t of I Volker were li? Id il?s aftei n 'inton Met I ssiiik to a .-? vi i o rain neat ssiii nol ' Doming. .... ... n.1 \Y rain to-day .. d off. lICYi LIN?. VI *l vnh v li v\ BE V? li. . Iloaasy Michael Beate? ! > Major TO) l??r I? ?lot ?-.I i. NEW YORK, match .'.- . bei is\ in three, on ' . lajor Taylor (colored), ,u on Taylor*! lime in th.. CABLEGB 1MB Lull POB 1*0 Hi? <?. ! leepl i n?? l'i'iK-i-, III?-? \re ??lili Babjeef i?? Bpanleh Censorship. NEW YORK lal Cabl ' . i Groad i ? ?i? ta Woshlaat??. No excu h ss:;l ink at n, which will i hurch. \. t'lie. Ollll.kit: and of the Fathei His I apltal ol I ' autlful It Is : . ;.. rtu I . ! ' r of' teet of n i will leai Bt I ' ' lira. QUI (?tve? AaetaOS 'trip, iblie '''f Hi' hmo'i'l, g ' > gentle into la r cool deptl i; i ?ill to thank for It) to do .-!' Oth, Mi I ..1 is, Bepti mti. r I ' I VI ss'. ' ?awe the Broad-street l I I i P. M Did Dominion Moon light. ai vsiii K'\'- a ri" ' 'n tiic James ! 111"..n will I ,r night lb :n ss 11 grand to look ui v.. re 1 I rill gel bark to Bl? hm md about 11 P M. ,.ii - i-o tb, m-- . i give heir pel ?on I sup vision t.? ev, mont of the o ihii-h is Btl ' all sviil be cme for the vomiort and enjoya hoaa who ?"? PRESIDENT'S TRIP. vu. wi? ?ins, ta'KIXLEl 1'ISITI.fO AT BOMBM8MT, PA. INSPECTION OF CAMP 1EIDE. i be Chief i leestlre Pleaaed With Ike Ippearaaee ef tklass?Alges Rapo-Ha ?o Him Ike Coadltteas at r. The i ' p town from . i slth th? AT CAMP MEAD CAMP Mi: IDE, MIDDLETOWN, 'l'A., Camp . tlon. McKinley : i re m-i nd th? and oth? '. in the CJovei i bo la in Til .It V.. IS ,,f tlj" ' : " inily. ,;, -\l THOROUOHPARE. i ' I ' division . I from ?,'.:. : 'hin . _ _ II IRMIsO!. W mil: kii.M'.i?. it,. M ? ? ?Bast ki hi? Brsthee Bass l.> ii??Ii l-iir?. BBTJRO, VA . ?it m the r. The ' P :i \ i , i i BMD?J in IMPTOB no IBB. quad Hnii ?? ?Be Bless in Bsesse or iiii.tiii. i . ,i:'!' Mi ?NTH B . A : tags? SS ha* Bamptos to-day. Of th.- !!' ' Wltl diet, Ii attrs? ting large en i M t. SBd the navy l> Xic ii'l. Mr. CaiSpketl, th>> intinnp'-r of th?' rile Hotel, Il | fur a ill in h?,n., otneats <>( hi? ?quedron on I .1. The afYnir of th?. i ; try. ceauaasdlag I) i 'II Mil rut ?alp g :i? a lary . I ..'?i. m \ill(?i BBIBD M???iTl BOOBtB. tin? iii?tor>- Baeatles Bat T?rt sn tirti?"*aess ??f Hi?? Ati ??in i ?i u?. ri,.. eosBty *ourt?hon r. port ?f the ? w them? : > ih>- John John - ?".kr?, il-- st,i?- 'i thai ?I by the 6 I S ?aid 1>.? >n tim". i a?, j. will heard foe I ' [.;. ?Books, and * Mr. \K ?el for' th? rlefly. '!'!;. o :i on n.I>t?* sg til.- committee*? report, snd ? sai : by t large i ttSldi r. ;,". I 1er the I - lng th?- on, the l?,.ir,| :' Itlah-achool books, , t i ? ti ,.f th? i,- ird in adopting .| iv settle? adopt? 'ri;,- only Question ...i In th? list Is the i MM. J. P. PROS r m nT. His \rm Wreaeked ?t Newport Bases, Takea i<? Baltlaasra for Teeatsaeat. I' ' 'i . ni!.;..-.- t in ' port Nee I i tnfully hurt 1 s ' Imore, tor tr< atment. Mr. F platform, wl I He ibout the extent and member app l thai ?ii.' mu? had I not Hi.- . Mr. Pi ; ,? :,i Hi,- || i ' ' t I ' ' ii ? Pig 11 i m?? u \ m.r. Mr. Brackets, of Baa llr, lerldeataN i? Bkaats Btaaaelf, Farm o? >f the l.u m-1 Bel ' It ?. by Mr. atoutly denied and his i i, u,,i held In I \ \ M \\ HM.*. Ol' I.MIIM. Betas Idapted it? III Truit.|)oi-iM ii.iit Llaea in State-?a Ceatraet. I II an,I ? ' lall of ladl ni'tits in and from Virginia points. This ful 111 I. ru w featui lading la thai tl It ?ai ther ?"im of bill "f l idlng Kteked i?> h MaesS. - ; kl, 'ni \ii himself the animal hoi ki. It? ! him 1 it to o'clock fro (I ran ovei I 11 I hll.l. i < u ?m Un- Btreet. Henry \Vr,?rM. fell Tl." man ! I ad as . :>-.? . <.-. I ' nlng. ? Vtreware gsargdsur. Th? t b) V u Porr ft whl i? '. En tall by ' - . It. '... md < 'v got 1 iated th? affair, bul could n . nit n,,r era I y c?a? ihlef. Mr. It e mile to I'rrti? U. lay will be c< n : . Rev. J. l*. , ..f Amelia county The paatOr ef Westraln ter Rev C II rhumbl? if meeting? at Mr R< church du? sch lat? real itfestsd that Mr Chumbl?) Haue tl.'r : aduet services in tusella oa Baaday. [HE MILL COLLAPSED .arge Plant of the Williams Com? pany Fell in Yesterday. 3AMAGE WAS CONSIDERABLE rwo Employees Had a Narrow Escape from Death. vc? ini:\T '.. v** i\ n iritMiiiir,, Ih?* IgSjgg will Prohnlit?- ?r,,?>?Vi?Miioli ?.rain l?r?,rn>--?-? .Mii-ilcl-tnl New?? Vei l.len? ??* -?>, Porb !n?on ? 1!r. Ilnnkel Hurt, -i.-r?? '' '' ' ' I graba uill of ?VUliama I or, the la < ? . t this nornlng Injury. Bed the ' ni'l thl b . 111. ii. n -.- O-l - I meal Tin: ii..: ?Y. . arnlng the thli away ui.I fell ssiti : I th? I'.aitth fj I i'. . | aork In I ! Bootra I : ' fall. ?hi? h he fo'itij ' Be bod '. I ? the miller, s- ? ' 'I'll i ; HXAVY The I" on bull? m ill be Bg 'Hi? ' ' a ' ' noi Durh . thirty Hi? d? i r iba a*bola ' Mr. .1 . I i:. n. k dd, of N Mr. i I ? v th.? I- 1 ' * tl .... ,.f -i ihn i ses rob i ? |g p*f divorce llll?otoaaa t?? So BosfseoS Sort, I I'ann-r. I ! I 'th, and The Weather. WASHINGTON, AngUOt B%m RAIN ' * ** *. 1 ;.nn; :-''b. THB WKA3 g| at inn*,* - . I A. Id. M .n i-i Basing Mim- Pleasant oYsafboa*. i | " : . .11 '!< .. \ iiur?aa i . The bat I st OV? ind in th? im ser all i'liall^ and o? the aouth v ? i thw-'t. . loss . r ft] vall.-y: . , - iring the past tvv? nt> -f..ui hours lit the fJBSf coast, la th* souti Atlant!? rae smaJ* **?*?? ia ! th? t. glon. C - >! **>a d ?Juring tiio i:.?t ihuiy-au