Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DlSfATCH-TUKSUAY, AimUST 30, 18^?__ ? Czar'sProjectforGensra! Disarm? ament Considered Utopian. VICTOR! A FACTOR, IM Mnpl Showed European States men M it ne Oii.siripping5 Tuera. CFTT.t i '** I?" OLD WOBLI All IVr.on* nml ??ncl?-! iri l'unnfrlf unit Pastas aaS leTsltratlas Be-ee aaeata JaMlaa? >i6??t laflaeaee ? ll. Mnrki'li, ' ' I v nt St ' : i ; It States. tJTOPl IN. i tb? :. rtd shll? .' : . i , ' I regard-, : ; ! berly, l press a haul | slab ; : i ' pear? I i ta ' . rj on tbe ; I many. FR I ' PR! PARED. h public oplnii n is not : for dlssi h ??."iiM n. - ,.i th? A , ; m nj i ng th.ii , fortnal ' opinion: "Ii SUuld ! ; ..nt." raven c? tl" an? kn Of] rial in? ?sei ger a i . i ' : met* I olaa lm i ti 1 nrtu-'o thii bad a moot 11 . ? A ir. CR1 remai ed, as? t In China and elaesrh? | l'l.-n; WILD. l'A":I.-. '. i .. iLW n h der n 1 i - - ara i rtn, I i ? j r>*Bessa)| tn "f tria not. ' which, ii adds, ?,? WU-'l. Hl?ll.t, ?.\r.|?,l,|liy/' /-unit,? aajra* -.\ , r,m ra, mes ??i th? note, it.-, i |tt? r >*,.?* ... t aowr. It will n??t m? ?t with unl . r.-iprova!." AN llfPSBISIIABLB MONUMENT. AiconiinK to the Kasslnrgrr Oorre ?poritssaa the not?? win r. main foreeer?an ,-.!,iiiiii nt to tin-,' o I n.,- rar Nikola?. fliiuinsr. the pnpor snys: "It f?fnn?l?< to reason that Germany win ereleome ri - pi*oasssal in th.- ? massar, nn.i is I, ,1 to ,.. op?" In thf ?ai t? I SOI k." Tl'HNINO POINT IN HTSTORY. ST. PETERSBURG, A**-raa1 z> Tb? in i., d?, lare t hat . ututo a tuin nt in hlffoij. Th- "1* nil the F'owors ac oept Russia'? proposal with lb? camo earn? . a h II st nat?a the ntury Sill Hi?? Mea .?f entreras] i? toe tiiiunpbant ?j?t ti .t of unreel si The Vledl ?esse? the opinion tl .a tho i. itlally HOUIS H.. MPBe-OR 0? BTJ . introduce tho eleaeal of tal i n??." rjBRMA ?V BXPEXTTfl NO iti-.sri/r. The 1 ''?in corre l th? D ill*/ N< ? ?;. HiK ?.> si ' re) . DOthlng to result : indent of the Dally ' , , .... tont? on the? mln'l of ! I - ' tb? n of t! I ...... lents of I ' , ! ' t Of inder fll., of Russia, wbl? h . of Ger? many, but not publicly, owing I Loi ; . CON? FERENCE. Ono correspondent sayal "I und? I . will b? b< Id, without tl otl ils? may be summ, I the ?eh? m- la an entirely Uto v. II may be 1 with i r, but If so, tl not now ; gpAI*T9 PI '?i- rOMMIiSIOj/BlRS, ?i nor Castillo, IssbaseaSss si l'nrl?. ?m? tour Others? U *ND0N, a ladrld eo*r* ly M ,n i "T- ; be Sonor lor at i - nlsb Hlnister al . i ii"r ,itu. en?! I Abarz 1U.\\ i * t-t - . ? A m v ii u n tin m, I * "l CH. ?*l?W ?11,lt..I i??, Hi' Sil'", I.ii- lli?. ??iitiiiilriin. \, August A.?Admiral ;' I in- nt thai he ha? an abun the i ' iron, in a dispatch to tho departen? nt to-d k* ta ut an A r ?hip, erith tr . and otb r pro Ions. GersBBsj sal Basland Vuninit Baa? Sill. i. ?Mu in, August i cor? ondeni of thi i ? illy Mall i to fi rim; t, com? teracl Rus -'. 111 . llill.l." IS Mi? ? <)<>l. ? I -.? ? ? I I ?- X ll.I.K. v Beeplte frsat the itr-=?ii?n*-.- Was* til IT?I nr III < IM. YlT.V Jill?-?. i ITTS1 n.i.i:, va., Ai (Spo v. ,> m-?- having a n from the 1 I : so loir--, ?uni It t result of the the ni-:! i Uer-pulllng nmi corn-outtlng I eoma d from this time on our farmer? sill be eery busy ?seing tiu-ir Mr. s.itnu, 1 T. M ' i R ; nionil, lay with his tamil* did ?ii. o Mr. R. i. BTAde. wlf? and llttl? girl after i t wo ? with iii.; pan nl morn na W. C. P 1 two i .'?is moi nlng ; I R? \. .lohn A. Dear! day morning sad night at tb? I church. Mr. M. i. Dunn, of Mlds tonn Baturday. lohn T. mond, wltb i Mr. .1. T. Borugge, of R IIhI.Ih'iI n >li??ii??r. Ml .1 R I tl of a watch, a tlr <'f eaff-1 little search, found T E but ?"i bis i ' i -on w. r? found a I rt this i irtunlt) t ? down te I bi w? I . while Mr. C ?.? ?>nl lull. '':'.!. "And ?lili ii" fail on ??i propnt rattled thai h Carda, Ltin-11 ??'1??, mu? ?nenia, L-stter Heads, Not?-U.a.t?. iivuliia, HaiiOLilla I rs, i"., printed by the Dirpatcb Company at low priesa \v;i ulve >on aoo.l work at Him?? pri?es you >,.iy ?.,,. Inferior work. Send ns vour ordera and we will tniarant?? aatae*ash**M in ""*** ? particular. _ (?id PAP?I I ?Ht SAU1 ? JBc. PF.U HUNDRED at Hi? DISl'ATi'M OFFICE. gTEBHBERCL DENIAL niaojBjpa iiaBlaii ?AVB hi- Hti 3VOT RF.I'l SKn KF.I? OsOBf All?. BIS OBJECTION TO FEMALE NURSES. It I? Only to Tlirlr Ileln?-; Snit AVIIIi Troop? I? Usa Pteli ?nil i:nani??'?l In Aril?.?? Op?*r?tlon?. WAfHINOTON, Auirust 29.?Bai , Btorabarg gava out s statsmei .. .lay. denying the t**&args ho la ?i.. tug ta tas Bod <'ro?i? s bal h.- bad n found to its n?? BHObbi, ,n Ih.- OBM Of BBSS ??nd OTOUOdod oldiora. Ha -1- ipo be ?>niy oi?j?.i<d t? M lio BUTUM wit i, 1 in nr-tlvo ?pi ; i s\ ' ; Itilon t bat such . i trio; | nring such I .: further s-iyt?: m rio .s gii ka, --s d? veloped n our cami':. and it becBTtno na o trrut * In out Bald , I gladly, ace-; ' ?Id bo ; and In our | ! th- in from the i-t. The i tlmony from tli? rgo of ! a 1 ' r aervie? s bai minad auraoa bava boon obtained through : Re, ;ross Bodety lor the : . . and 1 e.-ire to BXprcss my I f the val losa i Bd< red to the iK.dicai department of tbe army by tins rganlsatloa. "My attitude toward relief ergonlaotlona an i I Cay Itb, upon a le!: by Rev, . M. ' look, Of 1 , to the "resident, Re? peetfully a! of tl." m my. Th? i Ian ? : o?.v he organisation of a nd the ssjii ?mom oil! t" ev? iy patilotie citlat b, but it i s q ii lion ss hi thi hould gii I to aay par omlm nt in? iy in.i s ;'.:_. ? .11:" a ' ?).' s. bile i approve in i for i to mo ? it ss in be tx at not 1.? n< ad, t- d to give n.' HIS i INCIPLE. ?This 1 ' Inclple It, Unit b old - romptlj i pot, but it la evident thai I a A .... the Am? i Ic in Na . m some uno la ' indlng of our at Santiago, makis ; r of 1 i . BI .''r I !.. Ill !.. nil bad full to 11 our 4 If has ' n :"'i rim t of y with tl : tte ; t? I ?ellng foi Tin: i'it i -mi \ is i RIP, ?nrlv RoOOkOS ? I?-\ ?-In "il. AV h?-r<- 11 r. BfeKlsiIey a\ in Raannla n \v?-i-k. . PA-, Au| ; I B ' . .M; B. M : ??ht. The Pi omparativ? Iy ? '. ? k< r migbl rs until *. : : - whoa the opporl inlty to of the on n k for J m whore they vs.u continue their th?-ir 1]? \s Mr. Abner McKinley aaeompanl . i -it i i it to Cantoa. ARRIVAL AT CLEVELAND. LAND O., At) BBl .ho train "suing Presid? at McK part) iv at, Tbi resid? Btlal left the train at the ?uclid-Ai Ms ron fitii.n. nt'n an;. - Iy ktiossn. The 1 ' r> main in and will i y in this ' ri'tini vm> ?.i. i s liri ISION. i?* 1? lajuaared t<? Hare Dofoafod Unix ?, lOTOS ?<>iil?-?t. NEW XORK, Anguat BJ km hfePart? . of f/Uaal >? !., after I to .thli'.i. Club t It. Hi ni. 0 WON : form. The out wi :;. and ss is an n n at th? ! 'artland ; i Iq hi? ts or Bras | t of I t, and a few 1 . |g \si-r.r n; -t. u no -- nd It s nt Bt th? tiin rjfbt : .?t. TiirrivMLiria op prriii\<*. ti-pnrt on OhaagrS In I'lim Of ?tnl? inu Bo* eotao, INDIA! IND., August ?.??-The apfMiutod i f. nie I I - : cha : i ' | it 1 i in fa* tax . ?r the the t t the amount lank. Tl r-,tilitt... ail] " > three p*a*oons, Cl MIIHHIIM) rot \TY. oSoHUBJ fur Italn?\ i-li-ni n Ut-uulort. 1'olltli-Ml. RAINES, rr.MULKLANT? COUNTY, A., AiiKUHt li-'lhis Batgb* nrhood in suffering Irom tin- drought. be hand bag oof boon ss.i gtnoe May, ."iiKli WO hiiv.- had BOOM ROBO ?howers uriiiK tag mtinnn-r. But In other I "f rain bag fnii-.n_ No4*B*ttJl?taadtsg the ?lry wi-.tth.-r h?-r?, ?we bBSt *"tnn flu? crops of r?m ,,nd t??l The Old Cumb-rrlsad Troop had It! BB> union at th? ?ouit-house J'1?* Jhuraday. the 2Sfh. A charming day was pent. Some Hogtynt tj-ibutea sert I to th* memory of jnrf** B. I-'. ?"w?nrian, 1 member of the eompefay. He slwsya ti. friends ' I comradea A fi 1 magnin? em dlnn? r srs? eerv? I The i" mo?ratlc Committee of this (Ran? dolph) district will m?-.'t in a few for thp purpose, of otKniii.'.iiig (01 f.iii campaign. SICK OLBtMBI AT t I.KVIt AMI. Peaealeelea fur Bfsssf Csaaa ? > n<* 1*skaa tu ifaaplial? Baisses. CLEVELAND, I of tl Eights tuateer i i,? lock . Uii.l ' 1 "f at Ism ; * - in waiting, ling the lediea of tb? Ch relsnd War Board, with .: f< of nui . of the H . in a condition I in sh?, h tb? t? mperature had pi - d tb? danger point. snd apei i.?n,i h< in r? fust .1. 'i inffs, as ?1 ilar arm;. 1er 1 ',Hi. In pool would a f? w hours. The I th? m> n a th? train t < '.?.lain .;, feett of th? ; 'i be train d? p irti ! at 7 o'cl ? k for Ni W York oit;. Brie and Buffalo, and arord baa been to th? i read Tin: ?IBB i <?\v rr\ i it. Gtrstlfytsg Esparte BaesleeS i?v s?r U>-o ti-(..-ii ?> nil W y in t it. WASHINGTON, August 'ying d by Bui n, of the M n In? H Si rvlce, from I f, v, r recently i the bope of tb I la that it will i -.'it dig] mlty. : Haeltb Offloor ] I I . wir..-? that t I th? in.nil tii" city. B i th' IK INKLIN CA IVERING. At i '.? inklin, i., l n ad? I the - KIN?. M M III?? V HI \l>. <..nirnun-ni of Sarnas Balas Ispea* ?. i-i'it it> ? nasals. AUCKLAND, N. S W., Au| I . on Moo da*-, a . meat I.. \v. ' : ar? that will continue la f? rce i King i Km HI I. IT M \\ll.%. a nu ri.iiiio - I'll 11 i i?i?i .? Balatleas Mrnliii-.l licit urn? it! < ovllr? < olllil.iii. Hongkong ,iiy Mall "The : ricana and the FUI] re i i I In ... v Tri.- insurg . mil? s ri ry In ord tit fur . At ; chief pnr i>.,?-.- in mslni it y ?rss to b ; to seit h Spain bet case Ai nils to -, control." Latks Btssasss i?i Pintee as. DETROIT, MICH., to the > "in .. near ]*ot? t< i ivith h Banduaky. : re "The Superior I built In S induaky, i rlth Iroa ore* of I Maetestas ???if sad i ,iri,,uui.,. IHINGTON, l?. C, A II M > the mu ting of fui Idjul < '.ni,m. ind th.- limits of the I'nite.l VPd . I. - B?nce and furiougb? Will I Mit?-Mnlh \fvr \?rk at 11 nnt?.viiti?. HUNT8VILLB, ALA., i . : nain. I n. Kro-if n, . a :i liiinilnKh.uii. Vlruiniu I'Iiuriiinrl?ta In Al (?-adunco. riMORE Mi ? SB* i Ii I . lion i r. ll ? in,.ii.I; .1. \V. . i ' 1 ngi r a. Miller, Rl?*V*nond, an I W. <S . .V '.\ ',-.., | .\ l'niul Tliri'nhlna-^?*"?'*?'??' BsshSSlSW. GRAND r? IRKS, N. D.. \ threshlng-machln? ind th it u a t? n i im? ?tull????-? Bals?elas It tt lord. GALVB8TON, HEX I'! '.' [in?, against Gar? evealsg, The intln? .?KMinnt Fart Pelai .- at Th? four M 'iis ??cio?s at Fart Petal aid (toovalaseent. I EDOARALLEN PLACED UK IB TO ?HITKF.n AVHITF. A?? IMTKI) ST-.Tr.*? ATTOIIM.?. ?HE THIRD REGIMENT INQUIRY. f.rnornl f.rnlinni. It 1? Tlioiialit. Will Itovokr Until r'? Orilor In Full? PiWOtaOaf Will I'rnlnilily Sol lnli-r f?-r?? in im! -M ii fnaa WASHINGTON, D. ?'. Ai "isL>?There la nti'iiority now for th. tat? in. nt th it a ' h un. < ?rnoyshlp for tan Eastern I ?latin t of Plrglfl B, Bl '? :.- r.,i . g-fl] ba n; | BSd Mr. \V. II. Whit- . ?in umhent ' t the Do? I :l til" ?,|f tlsmaa woul? b 'ouKht ,- y- r.,1 n . ?10 are in' 1 Allan, II'. Ing up her?\ to both th.- I?.-rartm- nt -f - that t! -, - log ail Jonbt about will pr ? i soon after m of the Pn : ! al from bal \.i FEN, . Id? nt BOO ' Joba Ander? t- who murdi i ! the ni r Olive I and ssL. :,l fh,. -pjj I from a < Wad? k. r al till K- l't pi i a the Nor! ' m in- l.-a ,11. All ' ' I rdi i i.y i. ' THIRD REGIMENT INQI IH?. Nothing could be ?- ira, d at i ' V\ r i'iiry on the ?f th.- Third \ Bt, a* by Majoi -(, n? ral If, C Cat i he Adjul Office, said that it vi* moi :. com? SSolli.l : h, it la an? il partly i >f War, the ( llowln i men, . to i" al thi , after their i : ihe United ' . ?ben N. li fourth Ui Volunteer 1 ifaatry, i i Volunteer 1 ' i 'I, Artofloer Tanklln K. V Hugh A. Hei Bdoi Joseph L. lames 1 Third PlrginJa [own, i llera aro entitled to AL. ' n til, h com? Mr. L. A. S m ir th? i I irning. .:'. of Ht !, - ! child, Virginia; ?s i'. Urqu ,,it. s i litan. i .i Darden, of I rfolk 'iiut Al :"'u a S I 'til. ?'AL. ' I* n m .- J. H. Burrow, Va.; P. 8. 1 . Milis, \ loLi ' ' th, at . . with i - . . J mile, I s . take . i : .' Bulletin led August M Mtllll H IN M. V?IIIM. ION. Urs, Prodi \\ i I litt m?, and 111?? BoOBlOO Bragg \\ rii'ini i bora? Mr. Prod H n national - \s t. : ' . - trsln. Mr. W ?f No I . SSlth A urn to i ni- vi li?? \ t ? v ?ii' w IKOFF, rsro o? ii.?ii \..ion-f ii? u Bo^sgioetodl of lin?, inw ITollow-'Ptrver, FORK, A Wtkoft I.?-.I .? . Th? IS :.- ni- ri I i toi '. ri th.- ! while ni there Buffering form hi i" i?- ' ., sstttt I Bfl ifti r \ B8TERD VN 'S A It KI VALS - at i'imp Wlkoff In hidod the Pint liaitslion of the D f Columbia Voluntar?; on?? ?-a?-*-" r United Btateg aogln?ara, ntUobas] to i? Fl'th Army COfpO, Tr?vn>s A. C. D. nd F, of th?? BOOOnd Ovalty; the men ho operated tin? baitoena at Santiago. gd liln? ty llv- limn of tho Thirty-third i Volunte? i - . ir- low pail? nt?' in th" ganerm -?.-pital at ?amp Wlkoff. 11' Of wh own with typhoid. This I s d? i There ore MO mea la the detention boo? i?-,i. hv to-morrow th? hnnpi'?i vrin ? Blergnd so bo lo o< i oaaunod BICK HEN still ON THE PI-OOR whiir. Um ooo4ition? lo ii?*? b?s?p4tala mewhal Improi till sleeping f? th.? BBBSr. pal on '"Is In the BW wing to-morrow. The force of u bol n ' i" Beventj boro are forty BfOtorfl "f Cbnrltf alnnn DvacAi la -MF.itu i *? n%"*iv*. ourt-llnrtlnl DM ? rnnl?h Mint Heavily at AIL WASH IN? IT. IN, Am nuis ?'. Daocun, aorgooo of th?? nt. is bold 9b, rut of : i x t m- ut chsrghag him ral - ;. Bl Bf Mana-' . that I>r. DunOBtt, WhOOg I to 1 ' oped mOCh more lightly military i : thai ,?.,.. rtlal uader tho i ea of i officer Bl ' " ,n" -.?i la tns rave nf Major J. T. Inik... of th 1 <\ ?A-ell kll'.SMl ' ' d, rate ott!' r. I ling of ti'' n log thai it in C??' UU1LTT. ander 1 rty . . nd arti.'l.- t ss n i. that 1 ' one Hunii h iBo? to ex "i - In not Bg the ., too st specltii itlon, t '!,.:; '. ! in r ,#. .' '.. n, tho ,'lty. 'Ih.-. lindirtii of the t'o'irt-tna rtlal, np |g that Hur 1 of Ills ratik for i'i it half of I : ' i reprin il BTATE Pi I'M'Li: BAH Hose D ; h" 1? : iff of Fair to und' ion i from Thorough? imp M? ad". Pa, it is un? that whea the Sheriff pn i lat for him under th? ctment, Duncan was voluntarily sur '. th, War i ' pa rtm? nt may tvelop, though tbe caaa baa do! i ought s ?. -i phi >n. LODGE, K. OF P. II. \ li-Mimli-r, ut LOOOBMBSg*, '' Bloated BagraaBO 'irii?mi.-. INDIANAPOLIS, IND., ? sa la aeaslOB all d pted the Bl tin- d rank in B modified form. ITie committee appoint ' : ure, if necessary, tbe ut no ? rln will also report I '.int repre? ss i II Intlng of the < B*dor f til?' ' re "vei ' .m nd a pel ?dge. The Supn me l I to ? 1 - .'.i . : the triim i'. W. IV K Tin: m w \ ?iiiK 71?. i. Marches I p iiroii.i???-? rowels ta/clCOBBO 11 ? V\ omen Fnliif. ni:\v YORK : v to Thirty la ??H ?tod, i ''oss.Is of [....plo ass ie line ( : m . nthu any worn, n Bted. . n in tbe rmory, a LOI ?ml \. nor i hUAroo'a ffotlogj BlsBnoa \ isil?llentli?. LER8B?RG i I , svill Wttl WrnI -,; tin from r\ i ' ?' B tss r Oil of 11 . y sod i -h.-.l .it i ' ?ti and t . i p i i- ? d .\ and ? ?. . n. n .f th Southern railroad th? g IB, and ll.tuip ire, ?K-i located and built. Mr. Tl a, a fnrin?*r clfl .?f Lhodoa ?i. d in Kauquier ***?unty .Jay, afc. d 71 HIE THIRD TO (".(mu* A* TO TH%T *?| | |( , ? Si Kl? IT'S I % I la. IT READS "AT ONCE. Mow it BFsa Bsoasel, -Tt .ni.,r Dill *??>l Ill |.-?-|_ | |lr ,( aasst?ss ?f Sha Ni-??.?. Ala?-r. The i -; i.-il MSBi ' Aa or.l- r for I Third Viigtala R ' m, r P I AU'.t r. ' ? rilly. I ' .' ' . I raid aot Bould be < V I i .it in to meat? ? est tl W h? n I ; seat st ml I .- ' ,> Third \ ll las to ? ah the Infoi i .. it lmm? BASTABA ii IBJbOH LIV1 Ll. Presaatlsaj i?- <?t?i Bi ,u hi \t*:i I it? \ it golll S It la full >n its rippling; \\ led t v? i f i i B I as a ia? k -nuil. I, Ion. I'll:. I .' !. I < i ! The i ft? ? n m. n v 6 I I ' ora i I ml J..I. a ?a? ?.ill \ v\ \l v i,.in , lesegBstastlSa In al Bahlle sad ' BAVA* I? l*i Baa be at Perss...ti??.. tNANDINA I i. \ ind \\ 11..- Baesas ?i Bsataa S . - v I s four -, k ? : * IN'd from Sa;.r?.i?