Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOIOT DISPATCH. WEOtsE NUMBER. 14,896. RICHMOND, VA.. WKDNKSDAV. SBPTBMBgR 7, 189& ?HRKB CENTS TEH COPY. S TICKET FDR Midd?e-of-the-Roaders First in k Field With Nominations. mm mm m oonnelly. are Duly Named for President and ?'resident Pespecti?ely. \ u-?! i Or ? i?\m i:\ \i i \ is. r liiiiii.ii ?Vllhdrawi ir?m? i ? n ? ? ? It ui.' \ilii|,( |{,._ f ii ? iiiini Ryataaa, aag Malte Mllloa i i I. Niiilniiiil ( Im Ii ninn. f The P f th ' hi i I ??It '.' LOI G PLAT ;.\1. ' i the call. ' iiii-: PEOPLE it the I 1 ; i ' ' of this ?N. the d? - whe? Is Itlon m ti. ' bankrupts \\. will ' Icks of I V. y Hits : \ BOLT. ' il :i :i then * ith in'ini wit Ii ?t ill?* \\|. .'. iMM'i'l I? '\ infusion sad . by taking Hi "ii m Mt t the ' : ' and a minai t Mr ' ' Illinois, for t i trit??! . I'l.\ II' ' . plat I I form ?Jo not .-x shlcl 'i"?"-' -, rth i hew Populist ill t. e. lor na "t" -I *? I th m. of th? ?; ? Bl? T .111?! I'll i:?? m ley \\.. wit I TI ?Mil T? 11 I h *. A . ,.ii Sun i ?.?ir mal bj : tlii? m. i il< t?/? Populist party into UM D organisation." MII.T.iN PAKE CHAIRMAN. [he n solution? also provide for a r V, ! '" "'" P?rty. with Hilt '',.*?<. Of Hallas, TesOU, M ehairtnan. 1 '"' DOlttng del, Kates s.,l,| , |,e . *? "-1 noi to lartleipau In the non Il.,?. ' althoul flxinu any lime 01 pis ?ther convention, and lu membe ' ' ampalgn of Iftg ss m opened REFERENDUM s\ sti:\i The bjosi iBBpoitani action of lb ? n lion of the refer? i irdlnal prii ' ? f nut' gov? rnm? nt of tl. party, the norelnatlons wen msde " msd? b) Captain Burkett. - ! Pi vldlng il..u ibe nom i eferred to s ref? endum i : tb< voters ,f tin p.|? "f '" ; .m? orles, and the ,a**? '' be tak. n In set irdanc with the i ; ' Be r.i ii os< adopted at f inge providt ? ths ' ' .? party should n? *.. lold a ?lei,-: ite convention -i. district, . .ii.i for all Offll the Initiativ dun or i" tltlona sd populai vol , PROVISION As TO BALLO pplei providing thai thi neu ' Committee, of which Milton I ? .is i may And necessary, In the cou otherwl to thai the names of al - il,. Peopli sppi ir on th? rib? d ball I abo followe i Palm r, of i i ward held i E? Bride, of Ml? Ii I ' ' which was ? ' INSERV \T!\l' ADDRESS. . h led Dp t | h? withdrawal of the bolters, lb ad m lore the Popull I ttoch ni importance t,, thi ughlng .>rf ?.f ii ly I'll.n. I, but tO main'.'in n the line hit a rto tn build up a ml prei 11 ?tate and lotral org nlzatioi menda Ilona ol lb ration Commltt? idopted at Nashviii. Julj I, iv?7. and the a at ii. tWtX n ?air t-.v , latlonal commltt? - al ? imah <. .' the patriottai ?d u . ?l udgmen| of men advocating t"'tn poll : rtj i . 'i - mei I to h. al ; h?-ir ? he titii. fixed t? i our egular national noualy adopted by the delegates, In whole n. ih.- States ' Ml K ntuckj Missouri, Illinois, ?bio, T? ' \ i Tllllt 1 ?, 1.11 Eg LOST. Irian? iaaas Give lwa*r?WavTBanoa I'reelpllnle?! Into Hnliiili. HOGAN8BURG N Y . Beptembei ' \, . . t' th.- International biIdge i i the N< n fork and Ottawa rail BOB under ... St L . n Indian Vll vit I? sixty m? m .n aoi h ill being throv n Into gh? rlvei ornwall Hospital, and *.*.. nty-seven are nou The bridg? i onsisti ol tin iiiH-h two *.* th? third .i i>- complet? !. s i" n the south ma to fall Into a?ty : , - load of hum m I ritb it. T: ( the Ulli d and rowned ! tin? d. th. a< ! ' at? d ai Mosan R? in lion. 9\ \'i'i:i; VERY s\\ [FT Th,- bi thai ass 1 Bt. Lawrence rit i r al a. foot "i Long Baull Raj Ids, n? ax Rt In i.-l.uai. The wster at thli : known to be as as Ifl as In an f the liver. The HI: tef and tin giving WSJ Of thi 11 iy thirty-tin' i m< n hav? i"-? n tski n out . t'i tia bos ii f th? m have since di? d, - i hi i the death-list - I . men are rrlbly Inju a i.n hi t two men rr ,1 I, ,1 for V-."! k ! ill: lli"l Ilia. ., onlj Ihlrtj eight have tual i for. i,\ lit llll'l in it Uli IN TROl m L. at?- Caoaaalttee Ofllcova Raatavad on ?.K.iimi of i**iri> Dlalayalty, 4VER COL., s- in. nil- : >; i..,t. a t'h.iiriu of the publican Nati.mai Commltt? \- d Richard Brood from tb? position chairman of the Silver ' : ' Of COl i \\. R. ii.. m .n ii 'in the i . .. groui oyolty to the SUvi r 1 th. cause it .-lands nted .inn- - \ ball man of the al 97, H. ??.'ill. retary. \ taken by ?.'h ilnn in itlons in wrll lator 1 -,- ?f' ?th, mal Commute? man Btev? the effect that fradul? ni contesta bave : lenl num i - . thai " the S Colorado B] Tim,. ii will i" made up of .inn.i'i ,,id and moi havt M i ; or follow? 's of Senator ble them to de si th p. no? rstt an i i i the ilng esmpslgn. rm n T ?a be to pul th? I nator .,- n, control conv? ntloi Irman Brosd so? . righi of ChslrmsB Tos . they will dis ...| his aln n. x m it?.i vin. i,f Batean the Baaae ??f *?ir. c. t. i u, h m.?i Stoats a P??ket-Baak. i imltted ahortlj sftw n o'clock \lt. Chsrl g so " ?1 Marshall % to ' B IS, and was ,. ,., u Rb ' pock ?t-b ok IB,n,, - h? arse dlscnv? r? d who raised the ahum. The In th. alado ?,, and I1K |, ,,p, : lumped through tb i sa , ,,, i\ i ilk, Bod ?si -,t. d. The : t,-,,? v hieb hi ' tit* ?,i ?tor) snd the drop from the aln? a very dangerous one; the ihn f, ,-vri sppesra to have land' d asf? i Li, no trace behind htm? The am?* ?M ,, ported to Iba p"! 1 TRIPLE John and Euward Hoffman Shot by John B. Schmidt. LATTER ALSO MEETS DEATH, He Received Mortal Injuries While Resisting Arrest. LOOPY U'F till I\ SIKItV. i h?* iriuiiifiii \?*t ?f a Desperate Man lUii Wnm rr.-iiri.-ii Wtta Wuttu? i aasa of ths Tsaaal??? DeUhevate l> I'll? .1 ll.-.l II 'llll ! ? til? WAKEFIELD, VA., September 6 ? isi?..-i,, , 'i .. i ..i> .?r John 'i ?aTm i and .'ti- bob Edward ware ipr-d from th - metBlng to w. Blngton, i?. < .. for burial Their deatb is I of s allocking tragedy which occurred b? ar Bwan's Peii t, in E it is rep the Hof, who were luml ly frota Buck? ingham county, In thli State, bad a cen? tr?e! t" .ut tii'- timber from tan lead of John i'.. Schmidt and thai the Istt? a i* a m in nt v iv ii-'? t- mi" r, had be ome offend? ?i with them about tiivi.ii matter. Th? - - ?Ired th? manner of cutting the tlaab? r, and to gain what v,i thought were his lights, Schmidt re? sorted to rlol? no H? 'i-- d Win? li'-i? i. with which he was sa ? m- rt, s 111 with plenty <>f ??,n-m t 1 where b? m id? i im. ... of a ' il he could do a ?,t the i' >tii'j 1 lien, going t?? th? mm of Hofl i ' nlaa, ? am the Catbi r, and th? a tun,'-,!. and with as aura .'it?? aea! the bob to 1*4? death, N ' yet aatleSed with bis deadly work, Schmidt Bummoned bis earn a, m to turn oser the id - ,. tip- l ! , with ni-r, An iii'i ! si aras hi Id orar the rem ilaa or idt'a victims, and a pro] which ti?' y wen prei I for shipment to *l ishlngton far burial. THE Hi 'i i mans .-un ID \vi:i.i.. i. -. and w? re thought to be Ii right by the hood, all i I not koaa then Bi hmidi I ?i.i\ lug i" en "i a n and man) red i oming In eon -Titti liim As boob as the sei |ury wss returned riff Bum? moned a i" i and went In * irch^of the ! man. He was found at Bis home, where th ded In ar : bina, but not until after bi ba I |.? . n B i.'.ui.'i' ?1. He bon l h? mai as ol fi ur i hots from during yht. An IttQuesI Is being held thli afl . bat u la too late to K't lui i her ?'? -nit*- from the county This is ti,. : that I -i in Bur?*/" ? ount?, i Qray family, In Usa eighties. ANOTHER ACCI >UNT OF THE AIT All: The following a? count o? the t< : IMe m which the HofCaaani loat their t? rday, through a letter addressed I :; na ni that ? Ity, and ssritt? a in Sin i y about i "'< loch In the moi -, "The moat horrible tragedy that ins curiad m thla county took ? . i. An old gentl man nui his Bon, Edward and John T. Hoff? man, doing bi ii der th? firm name ' Hoffman ft Co, boa timber ,-i Sa m* Point and alao on Mount p] -ant (J, B, B? hmldt' ] ! '. and were I a ass mill on the latti - ?rty situated on the river. 11 it"mi u o'clock, Mr. Schmidt mill and ?I. lil?, . i both Mr. Hoffmen and his son. He killed Ui rerj i - sinning, end aft? r he ia,i shot the old gentlemaa on sounded men begged him Bol t.- shoot ?u.??u. but Schmidt deliberately shot time ifter time, each of iii> i?r?.*--11 ' ni'i iii. n made his sos, Johnny, end a lolored man pull the bodl? i aro , u the) wei d? ad. He tin t r? - right ; tli? I Il il .' POSSE ORGANIZED. "About > r to tho 'ourthouai aad reported what had bap aad. Ben Eda u ?ddle Smith, Carter Land, Ton Bpratley, ohfl Ma) nerd, Ei neat Matth? a v. || Cocki u.i Dick Hsrvell to ga " ' with him t ? it.-- .- Bmldl 'ii. ir expedition t- r ii as follows: Schmidt waa shot i- ), i ib] i an of the di : ?im Ma., nani, Eddie Smith, I and Tom S| ratley. "I eu it l -,-iirri-ii end came up late In tin- . and w? m ti"in ; bi i i got i" the near the haart, with s easelrj, fie ban. Is a ?.ith said HI? -i al ii "'. och last nl -ht. "The bodl ** of Mr. Hoffn to the < "iirtiiiii, in i?.- iblpped to Wei m the i ' ae> a rl( i ] mor, .- u. ni.u - now." i: i: i Fremont, Surr.- COUnl | | i I nt" th? ' . til. at ?' ite] \? ? os aed and condn t? .i . ifi i i:i:\ wii.hfi mi\ ?, i:\tmikim ii. ii?*-;.?? < .-riiiKUi > a? \ III ?'?Til it m_ itr 111 in i? t iiurst oi laashtaa. AMSTERDAM, Bt ptsml , v.-i,t tan the on tun. for atara Imp?t teat to-day, ion tii- "f ',!' Bt m n wiiiii laalns, Th? : t.- with aahati of ltl guns snd s msjesti choral irformsnce bj trumpeters freaa the enellsted towers el the teg grsai ,i?, hi I "f Am.-t.-rilam. Bj ! ? o'clock the Damalata i reaeat? d i agnlflc? nt apecta 1s The mnltltud? nrs kepi bach by Baei of truop m.-?. Fnun the prladpa] t,.?t?- ef the ?a?. te the church, between in. i\.ii cadets, WSS u ??aj awn* tl t ; it In th un m 11 i a '! T un? til I 1: N 1 r eon T m? i i con M .** . , I ? Il I Kt.-? v .1* Mi aata 111,-!. yet Inrr decorated with streamer?, whll?> v**l over the short ?limai.. ? v.hi'li the Queen had to tro? . At ?o-.Xi th<* prtnceir ramtMee of s.ixe Weiniar ami \v? id drove t>. the ehurcb, assottad by cavalry, with banes playing, iimm?. b?-atinK. ami the troopa pressntlng arm?. Almost tauaadlstely sf ter asida the Queen Btotht r appear? d li b< b, whhh aas surmount.d by a f-iif royal .-.ii apon a erhuson cushion. She i ? v iv.-d an ovation. BRILLIA NT BD NB?R8T. About M minutes iat.t Qussa Willi, 1 min.-i h ft the palea. ind at thai Bsamonl the sun barst from the clouds in brilliancy, ?rhleb I upon si being a baggy sogury foi the young i?n. i be la." ---inn v u t .;. d by Iks u m- with iia la raids, in their K'-:?-. "ii. satlquc ? <> turn? -, and i long trumpets, adorned with pei t; tg . Hut ail the aplendor of the royal * i i looked by the *> ' i.pie, S ! .tiled upon the central Bgurt ol thie Impoaing fiiti'ti.iii iiie young Queen, on : plC, il? . k- ,1 with all the ? mi.i-ms of royalty. * m In r li.-ad was a <li id. m of diana crowB-ohspsd; bor robe wss ' :" white silk, .- I- | Ham. und, r a ina'itla of rieh, i.d velvet, ?-u whlcta the lions of Na were displs* ad in gold embroil mai tie wa border? d with . i -]'ii.- sword of state woe carried b He- young Queen by a general. JEWELS THAT WERE STOLEN. The JawoM erorn bj tie- yoong Qa were part >>t' those stolen in r.ius^. S'l't? ^^^^_ it is Impossible t.. ?j-iiio ,'-e|.IIllHliii]lS \vh|. !l U'. et? d ti QUI en. The louder and omre au I |ir..e,-.-i|.-.i to tli- ebon v a in the mean while had been Blled with bril? liantly rolled ladies and uniformed civil snd military authorities, naval i nd m-tnii. i.-. ..i i he diplomat li Die Interior of the chareta dl m igniflc? ni "b?ealtb "f drap? alms In front of I . and gold velvet, srltb .-. n, m n. and seep re 'ii,.- ?." - .i the inn!'' .-. ,k ti.,1-, . -. nereis, .. h n. .iIng an ?mblasor.ed banner. The choir, which in -.f Holland, tang "Wilhelmue van Nassau we." i - i.i ... lookl w? ii in her i- she ? throne, snd, ?aching it. ike turned ..nd again bowed ind took li ?:it y UESTY'S PLEDGE. a mon ctly calm voice, msde -f hera if .. op!? of t> ' > maiiitalii II AI', r ' Ivanced to the "We rfcelvi i l in the n im? [ t?a- ? '.- I II l'l'l; V, .. will main:.un y.air InviolObtlH he rights -,' your ., all .'"it good an So help u-, Almlghl I lie ne mb : i "f ih- loudly, ah m. mbei tils nan I. ami i? sponding "So h? Ip me, All .. i' Baptl t mi ml . a ho re? ut d. "I ; ! THi: ROYAL OATH r a f i w moments, and ar ton? i ii oath t" uphold th-' : ti,. integrity of the juntry. end ;>i-..' - I the lu" r " ..t b< r I tor in 1 round tli-- i Ity SO . i ! V | | ?nor, MAGNIFICENT ILLUMINATK AM8TERDAM, s- pt? ml n- i ii lllumlnatloi. . on a m igniflc? m s.- tie. The rve t i ither iti an t.j view the i : with in en? ption ii"iu the in. owds. the <i< iy kind. \t the bongoot ni this < n-', whlcta was attended by th.- states : \\ llhelmins, proposed the ll?wli IE \i.TII OP Till-: PATHBRLAND. My I i ?r thi wel ; l ;. drink the health of I ni. Long n*.?- thi i-'.. L*h? i'p Bi il bomb? r oi : II A'.Ill . r. tut nlng thanks, pro] BANQUET TO JOURNALIST! 'n.- Am.-t. id.mi '..nitii'iiial i /.oolu a] gard? i s to th.- foi vi Joui i ending the enthronement ceremony na and tin- N? th? riant! I. III. AIM? \*?s IS III? TIOV. l il road < '<? m ' I *>?> inii mill HiiiiiI- l:n A me ,, .1 li.e ,. I ? \ ilo'.le.l. .lTTl.i: ROCK, ARB . s. j i ml . . - c i, 111 -c in. I ?Ut tin lunty, states that the i th- ballot-box a I i- la.- lat - ..l"l e. Tin- Railroad Comml mi mim. nt i- idopt? i . ying of a thn e-mlll ro Il d U| .-II. PAMA l Mini M 1BT1 \l. I. \w. I? Mop TnUi-ii In I??,l?l Tronlile Bclweou Melkers oad Bogenen, \N A. ILL . S. i - - , ,!f. ' . The riff took 1 i n- net ki i't clooely i-.!, i .- illler) until to . . and tbroogh tin principal v.. r.- not molested by the l? is. s i? \\ is ROBE COBFOR i ?hi i:. i.- in ga Matostel < kaagre, Haw BVar, Hi Hit I uuiTilion. IRRAGAN8BTT l'IKH. i: i la rest t asa I comfort iMe t" Tla r,- i.s in- l-i NOTICEABLE I.Ml'l!? i nie wai gaits a, Botlceabla improve? t m Ml eontlluoo tu-mgn th? day. for tas path nt wag both | '',"' fi.rtaiiie and eneoarugtug. th >ir. Bayard Reottag Men. :i?ham. MAM i Si i . tar? Boyard poseed .? some I ,. (ti, i - -tight, inn tosrard moi j nmie roinfortalile, Bad l"-d ?y bS | tkH w?H. RECOVERY PROBABLE. ^.^^ Ha\arl paSSOd a ? imf'.rtaM,- ,l.i', , ; fully agon tous sa i t.ibi ,?,,' . so th-ft. while his *,*,. ; issSrcd, it is conoidal d orohaW? i fro In B?HEN DmVES 'EM OUT He and His Followers Force Ad BOTH FACTIONS HOLD CONVENTIONS. Eacb Elects Delegates to HanoYer, Insu? ring a Lively Contest There. i'\itio\\i, rrfii.iM; kins m?.ii. Tin- ?faeaaea AVnr.i ?Loados nn.i Chalraaaa Baalta Ogappaa, and I III nu? Ire l'.\<-l?lnu for Aivlill?? EaeeeM a\hi? Iwrt-Mairhlae Mea. The Third Diatri? t Congr? il C m rentlon "i* the K? pubUc in party, whl? a . h Court! ltd - m to i - futility. ' " m i'i- I DlgM ting ?I- i a inch i thing as harmony doea not exist n Hi" R? publican tank . aad further, that bopeles u- split bite Ihn s admlntetretion. the antl-admtnlati itlon, and the Bah? n fltchel true, the t\\?> Isttsr nu'??u their ipponents, whl? h I la doing a ' i m innen bough in til-? li-iir , .. :,- i reata, :i"!-- doubt i. it th it they ware .?I. and that what? . r spoils will belong t?< tho uppoi t? ;ht T. > KEEP THEM OUT. mrentlon was i all? d I ii lira m. Mr. N. J. asalta, t.. aaset In '. lock. Loi I time th?* crowd i ini'i'-. i?nt ths entrance waa essrefully Mr. Smith arrisad. Then tily tii" tea win? ii.i?i been fur d wl i ticket were allow? d to mount ail, and this arraage ; tthi ling iny el whom v.. re proi Id? d witii rhlch w? t to ihow thai th > In sum?- In ' ni a single precinct. Th? r?- wss a grot * until, ?ml f??r other aide ?>f the where i be convention Eren then I -in ad denied, but they tool uni th?: arrival of Alderman Jam? - iii'-n. Mr. Bah? me before he tried t., pass the gusrds, taira with an oatb <?f mfldence at last, and t hoae a ho I is way were not overgentle In tta rts to pei made him that be a i hell, who bad been already imitted, t the 1 er on, and, backed by if his followei u de? li i i', i- h? had Bothl : ; to fa ir ? i de a deal - the i.- u of . RAN Till-: REOULARS OUT. h -i'man Bmlth a te pre ihori - i, whli ii the ? both would 1 wrestled for some tima while ativ of Bahen's folio Forced the and the dl . ,ii of i??r. withdrew hi -i ?.?.Ith the gularly-ele? ted d< I? ret is, left the ntion i i BOtl ilrman, with his foil i ben d Bonk i ?-i b lubllent fren ey follow? ?i 'ii? Ir eppoi ad finding - hold the convention In that build ild have for? -i their enl i Ifi Bahen warned them Idlng of t!. MEETINGS HELD. Ir. Smith, in ' Orubba, i . \ u. i ?i) tin? : m order I ?,f d reptltlousl) to th? bj< tln| n d? I? men, ai ' d, l the di lion, an I, I .in i Imltl v -.viiiii" w '-' w ilfcln H where muls. . it all will I"- that two I ! but it I Intel : rention of th? ir It, i iih all led to it eonfl iiv hoi ii. WITH THE ANTIS. '. the antl . upon him. tor I 1 -, city . . thing i for Cor I Bight that . idlng rould r? pudiste the i Ivll .- : -operation with la the Instion of Postmaster W inclusion. ; MACHINE B CON / NTION. .. a..lmini-tr itlon Bisn rlgi U f- a their place of meeting. Later they I report for aahlica Be Republican i lUoa atat tul- ? ?t-. to-nlghl The conw n mmt ,,!', ,i t.. ,.,,?. bj <'iiairm.ui N. nlth. **h.>, ?m motion v ?i made tern? ry rh iii man, sad lanx E m , r t. iiii.oi.irv - < rel n y. r l..h?> U Uv-ll " -*" "' '- *>" eli bj Is el? Ti ;?i ' D th ? 'l i m. ? i.i an? T i- i the .?r ?m u,.i. i m? >f The ait! a -?i AI 1? v Al .1. avoi" ? m -i -i lay I . Bai Th St kegv Riet la reta mail n-nt ?halrman. nnd Jam-s E. Merlseiher retained ;,v secretary. ''Th?- following delegates and alternat? ? ted to th.- Congressional Dis? trict Convention, i" ?. h-id at Hanover Courthouse to-morrow: "Delegates Judge !.. I.. Lewis, A. c. Bo, ke? hat-lie. N. J. Smith, W. J. Tola C. P, Norman, Dr. p. U. C Nobk Sam? uel Benedit, WIN.m Nash, John M. Rilett, John H. Campbell. \\r.,% T. Knight, Jo cob Parrar. William J. Barnett, W. L Grlffln. .lohn M Rysll, John M. Benson. John T Anderson John L Grubbs, it 97. Cary, M. .\I Bland, B. H Preeman. Richard Washington, J? bn ?'.. Smith. Haseklsh ''unis, and 97. 97. Oudly. "Alternates James C Cottam. Johnson Young, Jomea H. Morse, Rowland i? v. Edward tb White, i Bak.r. Kihs Broxton, B C. \\ ft, I. C. Cook, .laine? E. Meriwether, Jackson Ai n -, ... d Edward J, Cook. Nl'.w CIT? COM Ml i n.':. "The convention then fleeted ih? fat* I commltt? "Msdlaon \\ ird Kirs? l*r?*<'lnet, John H. i' tmpbeli and J . - sd I ?net, Samuel Bi iwn snd Lewla Laney; Third Precinct, VVraj, T. Knight and R. P Walker; Pourth Pn . Inct, Edwsi I ??r en an 1 97. .; "Jefferson I* I Pre? Inct, ?'i ? Smith and U " I?. ?'. Noble; Be ? "nd Lu in. t. B ". , B< li' and l'..\ n* m. T*hli . net. Vt llson N i Rowland >." ) i ourth Pr-clnct, J. M Rlletl and u w \\ I i "J?.-k-->ii Wsi I'n-t Precinct, 97. w. <?niy an.i ?;- H nd Pre Etlchai i W ishtngton and Wash ' '.irti?; Third Precinct, Haseklah Curtis and J. ; ;. Mer i wet her; Pourth Precinct, John ?',. Sinn h ami Shirley Kills. "Clay Ward Pli Pr einct, .i'>hn I. Grubbs end u n Preeman: Beooad Pre? cinct, B. ? West and K Johnson; Third B i' Cook and Charles John? son: Pourth Precinct, John S. Bethel and R. W. Cary; Plftb Precinct, M. M. Blond .1 Rol. 11 Tui?a?n. M irsh ill Ward Plret Pre.'im t. W. <: 1 ' rhroekmorton; \ ?'. Ro, ke? harlle and S. J Smith; i binl Precinct, C. P. Norman and lohn Y "Monroe Ward Pli t Precinct, George id Wild.un o. Bidden; Pre? in? t. i" w llllam H. Taj to John And-1 -.a:; Third Precinct, J M Benson and C s. Forrester; Pourth Pre I llllam L <;iitlin sntl Ed. Thomp ii n. Fifth Pcselncl i W. Poati r snd Thomas H H? pklns. Mr John L Gi ubb i I on the Congressional District Committee, and Mr \ J. Smith was r>... |, ct.'d dtj I man. "The following resolution wss Basal i. 'The deli .- ' - are h< re ruci -I to vote upon all questions i rising i onventton sa ii unit.' The - i la ted Ml I?. < ? t- ; i ; : h ?nan "f tln-ir delega - lion. Th-- convention then adjourned." 11,.- \mi- |g as?ala!ratlaalstB1 rmi \ eiitlon. on m- n and tli? follo-* n and Mitchell Id a im etlng in Wllkl i them hat the ?n t. h ni be? n held lohn ?;. Bmlth, m? mb r ( the City 'ommltl : th" ?.. dy t" i ihnrtly sfter n o'cl >'k. I' H '. Jon?-. ' ' I V* ll*d, w ' I I? ted temp rar) chalrm m and J. 1 ley t. m-..a irj Ion v. \ii. i- th? Commltt? e on ?'red. ntl il h "i ; m.i th.- delegati s o the ?* * o . had been ited i " R. ' Jont I iffered a ? solution re tifli i ung He plat "i in ol the st. Loula r?onvi i I Ion v . pi th? civil i *. ii "- plank, ami en? tii" M iKlnl v tratlon, i/hli n m < - nn intmoualy THEIR LIST OP DELEG kl uiitt'-e appointed lo u p*j*1 a liai - :.. . Hanove i ubmltted the following, and in.- lepori l IS .'id.'['ted With 'Ut QlSi U -si"li c ft Ik ' alia mat Bar Itle* bio? I RJ ,-lts \\ hli Bhel III TI ii"t : li-ii H . Or, i:. i. i \ McLoughlln, J. H. Hi ohn Mitchell, Jai l r, B. B .\r ild w . Cus? n .. .'. !!. Powell, J un I R. 1 .. Percj Quoi ohn <"?. Smith, ?V. T. \ .. It, M. Villiams, W. E. RusshII, IViei H H, lohn Clin on Ji . I. F. Jo ' P. Van leWi III . -, 97. T. John ?on, HI ?i ird ; v. it n ? bus, ami i '. M i Morrl John ?; Bmll oniin it.-.! i..? 'li- ; i Ion on th, 'onsresslonal Committee, and the latter as el? ' Otis n ad John Mitchell w< re eminsted for th? cltj chairmanship, but ii.- latter w Ithdrew, and Mr. Russell m us ?osen b tarnation John Clinton, .ir, iry o( the City ? 'entrai ind Dr, . i: Jon's ?ii-? endor ed for thi BI ite ommltt?.. THE \ EllMovr II I? I l?i\. leinoeriils Bala In Log liln I n re?II? iiIiIIi-iiii ITatC tor ?.?i v?-rn?.i- It e.l u.-.-.l Uli I'l K RIVER JUNCTION, VT , .-' u .-et.-,! State ticket, I Eds ird '. Smith, of St. Albai -. Li bat the i? n ive icted their entire Hal of thlrt) venty-ttv? i - mi ei ntl? r< pi saenl itlvcs repoi I from ?a gain ol Ighl I!d i u. Mol< ney, of i . .i tii -i i. - lies' shout Hi-- - .n"- *";i- as the i k mo? U'lidate I Republican i iterially Military ?.<>? .n,,,, %hii> or Pasts, 'ARIS, Sept? mi?? i t Gei ral Botin ha ? u api - ' ii"i , 'urlin i. who th? | rtfollo of nistet- of War._ I ?in I ? -ni:v I , UAPP1 BOBBg, ?? nt'-s?\! .m.i Thirty?. i,?i? Dollars Saved Yoaterdai? n..i Mai o?* navog To Pay ? i boa a \\ bn 4ro Prompt? bei ? ore at I this nioriiitii; u. m the) nul,, r of mber bip In The I -, itch "Ces ib was lam?, d yt.-'.? idaj . .m ..f i ..f su? h :p and pi i lentury i ?u tloi bin the reach ol : m lid ?rtunlty of making i ngtbening old fi u y ?sterda*. th? ry m imoi).: th. g, -h'.'ild writ.- ?nun BtSd. ' itory 1. Wltia ? S-? <-ihi Bnadny Trigs <? *?v?-?i r?,i?it_ ire tor It.oui.I Trip Only BO OhIm. there Rslti I Basar? lo West l'ont II -I Hunda v t t l'-d tiehmond's r? pr Citll ! th .s outing; Including il and ashing, nhii b ci r?.- number t?>"k dinner u the Term!? were mu? : .t nie? llent meal ?urni bed them al ' I, trips win i>.ntlnued each Sun special limited trsln having Virginia? , | 11 ),.?t it I'M a M , and returning . West P nni at .' P. M., arriving m iflBoad at I tot P. M T.- for the rosad tii-t *? cents; good rning Monday iing over Moacnj - i a si ill them? ore sb "?ting in a?J-n ... ,?>- ??.? S ?Mr-? TI the a; p. a.Im ta. h Bide \ h ..i ?'lirl dien suln log, ?u thro Int., and it has 1 c/ K,.n win Up here in id Th ?'A, only ahicl it? ? the 1 Wit II man) S.l\ III or? b) si an h? Thi s.r? I The :; P. ? I ' M I. daUy, Tamil. I', r ti- k. I ,is use if be sur; for cl hlld, for ?11a f?A!N _ Kor f wind-?. Tir: TKB1?. tsssgei 6 a. y I a. : U M s P. .v ? P. N ? nigh Va IK ilusi?n Between Mussulmans and the Brii its In Varions Parts of the City, and Many Persons Killed. \n*?ini? noKS ?kihk siiKM.ivch Portion ??f III?* 1 .? ?? ?t In I ti?me?-. .. > f ii ? I ? ? it anal t |. r..:? i-? \ u,-nipt ol iithorltlra ? Iimtal ? hrlatlaW BB>aiala tNDIA, ISLAND OF CRETE, s pt-*m II Caadla is la s st?t<* ?if rchy. a collision iietwfii the MueeuJ is, who were demosstrsting against i. ami tap British nuthnr ?. wae i? iva i a in ' lUtng <'hrt.-iis.ns rt vi nue ofla ra, culmhi I It? aag in >?is Rghtlng i tween I daaaasl Ittab troopa, *ts of the . and m inj wei I hea > i w ip ned in the hsrbor begaa Unn-j i-.ToC me. , and it is f- an ,i tint the BlgM v-ui aithout fin -i ?Je ? ti??i>. HOW TROUBLE BEtJ IN. i t on i u-. Britl ii military aaUssrt? Ti bai ilnt? -i : u,?- tithe rsvei i aas um m ?,f si Uoaed out? i a pre? autlea. crowd of ?m ?rim ?i Mu wulmaaa i. u demonstratlag agslnat tag i : ' ! !.. lei I a.l 11? Beat -. Tin- Brttlah ? bred and wound? ! Basai al Tag Mae* : for tin Ir arasa, ai i t attach ! th h?r Mu ulmana spr? ?'l ru [?M'y ?tang witkiowB, boa j sh"i, i ?.n i ' ' KEPI ?RTEO KILLMD. ; I,. . II lv POUR n tRSHIPS : '?i: CAND? I ink \, Sept? ini'-r I, m i PARIS r wars! itsrted fi i ' - hav? b? -ii Kill? ?I and foui ?.im six Mu killed. . ii pre? Butlona are being t , and at Retinta an being - fighting baa i ?, but ontlnua, ii UKs nui; WHOLE TOWN. \ K \. S? ptei . 'irk? aat .i the ?Ail--' time ef the -eak was thi British gu rty of m ii ii i Bill iii roopo ' i* \ in iiiii ? ? in?? ?if (.lea tiii-ii. ii All? ' aii'l i..-i it ,ble n fairly < rowded ima in addl ; the it i.. i ? i. a re? h? 'i ii"in Klchmond > v*> ? t luji half air. f tl?o plctui - of "'intry Iri n. i. The hot? I is bounded by B iii?-. nt .i r pai t*. and - ?nl ?ins all la,, m? m s and the aaost horn It Is .m id? 'i haven "f ,i place that possesses me and 11 ?... t<? aSMBBMB <<? -Ir M? -i ?ii.-?I, Rfc !:tii..iil, \ I'! n ' p rill t< 'iilM -. k. *>^11 ? i i i : owe, '.. i m ?nd u . 1 I Knliy at I . fiiriM; liai,an ?ai: ley .: \ M \ ' I , train bmond IM v m. mili'- tlOB ??.lih t ?ugh Pulli j to i. Ion In reference te - the tfPBBLL, vr Agent. . In?i?l IIiioU? -iinl *? u |? |.l 11 .i In be aal ua tot IM NI" N". id street. the Ha by Is tull?as; TeetB ? gad u??* that v ?i ej*d weil-tl-Ped r, Mrs. Whsalew'a Stntthlag ?*yrup. illdres tssfalaa? ,l soctn.? tus Bofteas th?, ?rums, all.-?-,? al pal?. srin?l coll?*, and is the b?*s| rrrnedy irrho??;i TwsatT**#vS ? rite a bottle. he Weather. T< ?Sri r ?$,? I I \\ ? ln?-Mlny: ' ' *- Light showers; v.- iiiei-.lnv nit/lit or Thur?. -mil?. North Carolina TBjaa^f*-e?araag, Mata -?I <;--..rKbi -Thun "" r weatl ibia WEATHER IN RICHMOND TJEaV ? lear and hot, with falling ll i?i?nt. ni thertnoii.. .?. ? I. ? .?3 I.M . M * .ft n bagaaeratnra .M