Newspaper Page Text
THK_ RJ^HMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, ?SEPTEMBER 7. 1898. J Is the Boy Ready ? .<>... s?-... Not loos.,,,,, for tho BMiW, but too gOOO [ortheboy, leg, and too soon for hiselothet Better ? nday to repair vacation damage* v??? Conld grdo n go eheaplj before ?or anywhere Vat here now. " ' Knee-Pants School Suits, $i to $4.50. Bake' Prtaet f$M 1 ?> $11. Lonf-Pant? School Spits, $3 to $13.75. sak*.* Prieeg su to .v.??*,. Boys' and Children's Shirts, Waists, Hats, Caps, Shoes, at HALF OR LESS THAN HALF &AK5* PRICES. Your boy will atad J*r ?in?! tnl<e morn interest in .: 1.. atly dreea ?1. ?O.H.Berry&Co., Main and Eleventh Streets. COME TO-MORROW. ramo ?rmaiiiA mboimext ?? ni. \iiui\ m n <?< i <>< iv. IRTEIBD II Tu ARMORIES menta f??r Baaslstlagj Un* lag Mndi*?Tlir* ?<e?*?iiiil H?*ul \\ i i **...t ?rrlve t util Un* Ihlrd I? 1 ?irii.uiilu'd Home. C I ? ? 1 that mond transport? l n , rcotn ? rought - . he i ble to MlftH Tin; ARM f the filry, and the ' ; ling < : .... : I men uh n ' tii. Ir i m - ' I a will . . | : B b a liainJ : t I . [? HOME. un a "f m r.'iirth Vir - them mu.*-:, teil out. ii any foi th? ; man in tl. I that ' r thai I : * | | ' | ' ii.v O, III. i -. his ritt, Ataanes: a??. i um m think l hi i for If 1 'i-M t" ? ." I'M *?o ..-'. her?*, foi i I bad i high t< 11 k un,I think- I vs 111 . 11??lit lu a Bhort im?' ? : I'd M< I ha a wh ?-.ii cat ! \i\ Tin I M whc da] t? !'! BOOI N t\. ? i R? pi alleg Hon. tii. ' w i Mr. < but I ii,. ? i.? a Brill! favor Mil-* ' \Mt h .Ir . I his m It I? nit lu who hour All .Ii i will writ?* to v,ai often. J .'..m your loving on, ki i 3 tot Qiltetta m. i>. Ths ?-inn | , - r.-: of the espn to go I'll go,N llluatratea aa r ? ii.i ?.i- . Amerteana V. II. slim.BAUT BMAMDm Hi:nK. Mo mi ?i Tyler Brno* i? the rit y on I.'???* of afeoonoe. - il i- wla Brand? r. who 1 al Osneral ] Khi rrom Ja bsonvllli . ?I- ; -. ai ni bM lo r by Mr, Tylor Brock; of the friment, who com? borne 11 thing la nicely with the Virginio i the i ougfa msny of 1 in.-. ! ' , . ;. - nt. Mr. Bl was bi-lnwr critlols? d quit?* lile, where it wsa a well 11 ' that the S.)! ! -.- ... ta ' '"? ,v to tin "t. v. ' Pourth, whlel eld fur thai doty, would not turnl . ' Florida bl] with ' i to of f< \ be nil right In s day or bo. how Mlgf IALLIR THORNTON DRAD. till I'opulnr l.a?l> PnaBOS Anny Otlirr Ill-nil,?. ni, Thornton 6U d si 9;4t ht, at the r? Bidones of hoi 1rs. N. M. Roddey, No I w. t Main - I bosi of ! ho held the its re ird, Mil I viith : W? li? li, i : if In i i United Ststei asvy prior to Tal ; tin. ' irviving 1er. \'i ii OF ml WILKINSON \ir. John K. Wilkinson, ona of Chureb . '. | i S] o clock, Kg north Twenty-third D? Bd had been In fallini; .iitii fur some time ii" was bora In s"ti oi Major V\ llliam c. and m Wilkin *.ii. Windnson oss < ity to **m rk In I nui for a iiu m * ' : Franklin -i.i will ' plat > thli ii ;?t 4 o'clock, and th lea a in be Id at 1 In fl Cei ML. 97. T. BOZH DEAD. ilr. \Y. T. I oi ons of largest retail Hill, ?it'll yesterday morning at lock, nt ii treat. m Ill-health for ,, mi j eari. bavin im a compl but be i i.i lined I only b fen i r i ,.- n i Bover, ii - m. init be I biial 'i the m? i - i v< noble Btroet, b< an l !-,?., . .a.-l.l- i il.!. ]n rty. i rn irri? d Ml) i M ?ttaie Brora wn.'i four chlldn n, ?ur , a him. Th? fuaoral will tak* p?a? e n in. bytortan church, Han h row st 11 "'? i?" k. Ta P th ?li; M Wi Is, wi th BO) '1 a i I'? ll,.! til. Do off La Int. k rn lil . Toi an?! H. wa I'n? an,] I . ' wa\ a , i i Rl bul Wh H? the it b t, IV? i il ,i Lut? Be bit i bold Une Lit ran :-. lit held Lian Thi loch juin, bunc Ma an a and i Noi woi h land Dame la th with Ml*.?. M\ IIKI.I.i: IMI'IKItlM. I ?l|i,-rnliou IMS t n?l?-r.v?-nt liouulit t?? Hu??' ll?-?*n Su i*?*?** ?.fui. ,,, v tfes a obi eos, boon crltloaBy lu nu i B . thought t" bi ini?-i '\ d > - , .... ,,, . i.,i- .1 OB bj l'r. H. R . ' . i m. page M ' la, at the .. il i..tai yosterdsy sftor ..tu? ly BUO mi, ai i h i bow bell? \? ?i Bhs will beard from any of M i L' il, - frli mis, BOT has In r iilui li, . n ? 11 :-.- > v ? Ii"l. Tmuaaforrog Bis Uleglaneo. 'i gplcer Curlett, of Loncsater coun - i Ri publican rote In Ubs; lei ' hat be e ist ast In IMT. Oeuerol dlagust with the iblican partj conduct of th? a '!' l Mr, Curl he s -ii i ote tor William' A. Jon?- fO| CongTCSS, .Hal Ity win be 10.000 or more. i v, nli Bp iin w o- d? .lai'.I ull, .. company for, ind a lar?;?- por ? , i nft-rt? d in i 'ompany L ,,| R? mm. nt. i,,. Htaotvols Beaming WML ,i?iy an.i not quantity plays i legd? r,,i,. i,, the races i oi Bimmoni ?V; i.1 Brood-Streel Lark ??eg 'i he crowd at the i than un the " >t a ?.lull restore In um.- bill sod ths noisy fan of tin? U i-.nir le ii- thoroughly enjoyed us \ lc Richarde, Simmons, an i Clark Oibha. The .... have become o m v '- ?h.' the ,i the performance, and numbered Mi? m la the dancing of ?"lurk ?lint.s. |.,i A .Mnrlha's exposition of ' III!?. In- \ui "???-l?! tor BISO Year?. , l.-.l that a man In Imliain. boa ,,i an P !"r Art | aom He mtl., walks? almut, unal.le to ro*,t, .s now IRtlS m ' IhOB -k. It-ton. oi in. n and womi n'ii to alSSg linn.- than Bfl . i use of n?-i i i> ?,.,? |.?i.t. headache and nation A certain remedy for thi?e .-ri? ik Hoeteiter'a teomach Bitten, Hi-glut? Bell it Slinii Lates s- j t Leah* I Hill,il I i Biabo To Whe? 1 M.ur. \? ? nt? \\, .i.i] SI- in H.'ll.U Pfonn Nt wto Toi Rlchtn Norfol Sann W, .1.1: Norfol \a shy, on bal Pirol i ami B in,i Mana f..i mat not r? ' onlj "." ;? bI i Will h< l.\M ffco 0 ,i ?r (Bp? cla the las olean i bcoi e: Lai ha ii Wlllian .lohn fl Child? McFarti M? Don > Roach Vlckery Tota WK TAKE ALL THREf HI? IIMOM1 MtKK? IT THTtni "-in ?.ii.n i WITH SOItFOT.K. LANCASTER SHUTS HARTFORD OUT Mil? l.f??r? the T?vo I < iiilinu find Bain With Only Four Points Be taraaa Them?Only One ?".nine Hen To-liny. 11? IiiikiiiiI, t; \orfolk, 1. Btasaaurtc, B| \u?-nio??n, o. I'ni.-i ??ui-;ii m?i i ilti \ot Srlii-ilnl.-il. (); 1 unni.lrr, .'. I. % VOIT I?'O It To-ntv. Inrlford nl Itlchmond. It?-.-niinn nt Norfolk, A11?* n I ? ?? n o? ?imrk. I .-, n .a ?i i-1 at Palem?n. HOW TUT. ( MHS STAM). W, j,. p.c. Ichmond .72 4t .oj?? in? a- 1er.79 4X. ?dal eadlng .71 M .n n ?m i-w.irk . N N .4'" II' ntiivvn .M .444 artford . 7-j .44'? orfolk .41 70 .;k>7 After g ?- i.*-..n of gltS?knJS uncertainty khaaond mail.- it three straight fr?m orfoik yesterday. i-,, v.., wen played ty the locale, arf'iik's work was n',t up to It? i an lan!. but at tinea it was BO frt Bad t int and in th" iwiii t, - of faithful, loyal rooters as mbi?-?j aim??'t gasa up Isoaa Bishop, hero of "Horrible Jim," so ai. \v.-<i ga da I th?-- twit 1? r whom BBOB to do the rk, ami John BtartSd In all rifiht that he lo-ikfil like a winnr-r. Ills effarts ille warm ig an convinced the crowd mined to gof another lit? frera ala eld atde paru rhn tall twirl- r and his rat.hing mat? ?ar, valuabli Httla Tosaray Heae, h<*!d .nt? i? n? a few BBoraents before i'm Be k Bbrlght deraanded play, ami it i agroeil thai thi y at led f oi i peanant's sake, so they at bay ayhsalock, NorfoUfs shortstop, ieu to Leahy, add tha bail was s<-nt ta tenberg, r-Mirini? 1?"I" rt. "Hi-auty" did othen a ho an ra Thi n ilharlis Man-, Iteres "Lefty," .? mote th<* ball, i when ha itoc*ped running ha by <?n? Dundon, at third run? m lightened "Beauty" ont, him to pitch. Wenta su. lopf, who sent th< ' II bach to s in time to tag ' VTsnta . i tasa . ?Ved Ige felt young < lilt tha ball. It wa* <x>:<t, : i i ?an ..nt by ta Leahy, ami Norfolk'i Ural on 5NDED WHERE THBT BEOAN. al four rasa op la the first, n?.t b m an i- ' bed second ai Ile tha fosar arara working Tommy i ? k BOOM instructions, nml thai Not folk did n i! Beauty" a i * ? 11 rlghl altan, and ? more tiian probable thai a lost bat Cor th? fart that b? flelaera to *-?i??p',rt imn. \S'!n. auch fielding aa Beybold, Bhaanon, Klopf, O?'!'.' ; sea the 1 i tha fourth, and <; or what looked to be Bey was playing twenty leet from tha oi tiio bail, but started wh< a it tin- bat to get la front of it. He . . in 'i the apbi ra oui his nnglovsd hand, grabbed it, . i ran -"-m. i before la? ! p. Then was all klnda of an- t an. ITHBR BRILLIANT PLAT. '' n. in the sixth, Qua Dandi n made a ^ thai ws ala lllant \\ bee- s .* at ' i- |>hot liner to third, ami cus i. ied and frot lt. Dan Leahy bad i 1 ii of prel so ?lid Klopf, and Bberg | .-. ii. I nager V s l i ??. nt ,, at Norfolk, and th ugh Newton was arfa] proposition, the i ; up ro? the i una bi d? d for victory. ,, rfolk i.' pt In tt." i una, and did d Inning. Howard Hoi- ? Kot in his Uttla hita a?<ain, but they tl al t m- s that ni \ alupk ss. fourth ti?? m.i'ii- an attempt to get h fi>-, and atole ?a. Ingsrnail. u'.i?- i.ut? nberg iseraa to be the peo- v Monday ho ttta ( B hand-.?nu- l..,ii'i, t ni' 11 j a . i -, und a mu,-n bandeo! foll'iws: JtlCH.M'.NI?. U. 11. O. A. | '. s. s.."> u | 1 4 ., lOO, r. ?.4 0 0 2 0 0 iberg, 1 b. .4 o o 10 o o Id. 1. ?.4 0 0 4 0 0 , .'. f.1 | 'l | n | . I I.I 110 5 0 jn. 3 b.4 1 2 4 1 | 8.4 0 14 0 0 p, P.I 0 0 O 2 0 c tais .II 1 7 27 12 0 NORFOLK. Ai'.. }'. H. O. A. I "> k, s. s.4 0 14 0 1 r. f.4 0 1 0 0 o :. 2 b.t 115 3 0 IgS, 1 b.4 0 17 2 1 .4 0 1 .. j i BUS, 1. t.3 0 1 1 o i, id, c. ?.4 O 2 O 0 1 liller, 3 b.I 0 0 2 1] B, J?.3 0 0 2 4 | I .M i I 21 U WCOBM BT l.\.\[.\i;s. 12 3 4 5 6789 .?.al .01010002 -4 k .looOOOOOO?1 aery: Tkree baas hita?Marr and ge, Ix-ft "ii bases EUi hmond, 1B? i I Lntsaberg, Dundon c?, and Bees rir-t baa lis off lii.-hi'i?, 1. off N'iwt'in, 4. ,,--.- pa arrori Richmond, 4. Btruch y Biahep. i; by Neatea, z. i m Ir. Ll.rn-lit. Tim?.' of l?ame?1 Lour Bslnutsa rtford t?> l*la> Her?* T?t-Ilay. ?-?>r Weil*, i r-?. lead ha? um that tin Hartford elua a Baud BCh Hi? inn.?n?l in tlmi* to-day to dkaiblo heeder as there arm b< m faaaa Thi-* arlll be railed preaapt -,-k. T"-tn. rr..?r two I II o'clock i 1ST t: It IBI Ts II \ ICI! ?HID Ol T. B? Cl H I V I'I Ti; I'll 1.? Br Wi Bt. '. I La 1 > r >,? ? daj dol -I hi H< N . [ mi ii'-ii i'-n i lii-ni.-ii In the i,not aaaaae m Maana. [TORD, ?CONN., s? i'i?-mher I.? 1.) U'llliilm Hlint ll.ittf.'td rut In I bOSSe Kit??'* I^iiuasli-r n BNMp of iii- seated 'nus ??.?.*? the HAK'I'i-. ?KI?. It. Ii O. A. M i. 1 b.I ? H 0 i IS, I. I.I " a O I mlth, r. f.0 o o ?? i s s.i> 0 1 3 < I I? . "14 4? in. ?-. f.< I 1 n '? (Sw: Id, i b. t? > 3 o | Oon < . < o i? : , _\ -. * i - a l.? .o i M n z Iwil S I.ANCAHTKK. It. 11. O. A. J Pntformore. r. f.0 l 2 I McVejr, 1. f.'10 3 0 Orillee. 1 b. . o i 8 i Ward, 2 \i. '? 2 :\ !.. idy, c. f. i i *? o. Ma.linon, f. ?. 1 ?J 2 4 s. haub, 3 b.i? i ?.0 14?! Wilhelm, p.m.Olio Total* .3 6 27 11 BCORfl BT INNIN'.is 123456789 Hartford . .'.? " " ...r .0 l n 2 0 00 0 ? Bammary. gtolsn boaee Weste, flrhssl ,,. ft on i Hnrtford. I; Loncostsr, i First base on errors? Hat tford, 1; Lar pirst Im?* ?,n balls?Oft Vl.-l? off \\'ilh"lm. 3. Htmrk out?H Vlckery, ::. Hit try pinh-l lull Lskty Mr. Tit--. 'I'm.. 1 hour and 1 mlnut. . amnrvBwi bi mmm? hf.r hit*. ?I?? Win? frtini >?-?vnrk In a Stlfl I |ll.Ill ?.uni.-. ni:\v.\nic, x. j., flBpteartiei 1?t?pa ?lsntawa won from Newark to boaehlng rn*r hits in the first In nirii'. IS'twark? errors In the early pan of the K-'im?- proved dlr-at-trous. The loeab node a .-'iff uphill fight, but ths effort wan futile. The Bcore tens as tottows: NBWARK. It. II. O. A. E Moan s. b.I o i i c Ilanlepty, c. f.I 2 4 1 I . I. f.2 1 2 | n Bchefller, r. f.?> i 2 o ?, Calhoun, 3 b.0 0 0 11 Mcpsrtlin, i b..? o 7 j , Oog&n, ji.2 2 | | i Taft, c.?i 13 0 1 n. h.1 0 3 11 Totals .7 7 21 8 5 ALLBNTOWN. K. II. O. A. ]'. Doh< rtjr, I >> .I lit! Hmith, I. f.1 : Henry, a f.2 :t l t> > r. f.1 I n 1 n Delehanty, T., 2 b.I l l 4 o M? Intyre, l b.I l 15 o o !.. lehanty, J., f. s.I 14 4 0 McManas, e.i 122? Stimmet, p. 0 0 1 ?) Totals .1 It 27 II I SC01M-; BY INNINGS .-. 0 7 8'. All.-nt'iwn . 5 2000.\ I rk .SO mi 1 | ?o 0? 7 Summary: Tw? I I I bit anil il. m 1. 'i 1,1.. 1 1 Hardeaty. Boeri? gee hit-- smith an.1 Btlmmel. Stolen Calboun, Doherty, sad .T. i)?-ie 1. Double 1 ' ' - -i.i!? bontj to Me 1'ir -t base m errors Aliento?n, ';. First base on Off < . m L oft Btlmmel, I RM by pit. bed " 1, C Ihoun, and M w lid pit? h Cogsn. Umpire Mr r Time ? f rau>?- 1 boor and M minutes, \t'IIO\%L I.EAGVE CIME'. Ma Ii Inior?- liffi-tili? Philadelphia ? ?nirp, 7 to I. PHILADELPHIA, . rl Bsltl first gssse in a doable? header with Phllsdelgbla h-ire to-day. in ) : 1-I1 on, owing to the twirling Of M-.'il. The Phillle ' only ?nt wna a bun' >- Cooley, In *tho ninth : 1 um . on I 1 pul top to ad of the ? ijfhtli in u. lie. Attl ...?an -, 4.. .iv G 1 Irsl 1 line R H B Philadelphia .ooooioooo-l 1 3 Baltimore .2 I02002t)o?1 7 I McForland; Maol and ' laiK". . PHILADELPHIA 6; BALTIMORE, 6. al game, R. H E P .0 0 ! ' ' " 2 2 " .0 0 00 4 1 I ?1 . ?. . ?has and *?i< garland; M? .lam-., an i Roblni "n. 1 n.pli ', Sney an.i Broom. Jin..-, -j, boon and j? mlnu ?WANTS. 17; BBOOKL1 N, 10. NEW Volk, Be] tomber I . ame, and won aally. 1. m.! oi 11. foi HI? king. A' - it. H N. U \ Ik. Brooklyn .0101 1 it i Oettlg, Elusle, snd II r, < ?iim, and R i in. L'mpir- 1 Mi Irews. a In CHAMPIONS, 9; WASHINGTON, 5. la ?ST. IN, S.-pt? mli.-r I The fl K shut out in tO-ds) a rame, for while they scored in-, runs In nly bocanas the home their ahorp ploying, Klobe? well throughout the 1 be Benal or exhibition. Attend it. H. j;. tost?n .3 3 0 on 0 2 1 x :i 1.? I Washington .o 1) u 0 0 0 0 0 5--5 7 7 edsns Bergen, and ; . i ' - Umpire*: M? lare. Hunt und Connelly. I Inmis. < UN? \Tf. I; CHICAGO, 8. CINCINNATI, 0., Beptember I -Young he sun In rfght-fl ?Id trou B by the it. rovo th? boll over : .m,-. -t 1 1 in. local grounds, a i. double won ths es? m. in the ninth. Attei . It. H. i; Iricinnati .<"? 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 1-- ? .03040000 1-?4 13 1 Bat ter Ii se baa and Woods; Dwyer, rood and J'i.-tz. Cinpii? II? 's. Swartwood .and \Vnr r. Time, 2 boors and 10 mis COLONEI4 .".. CTUBVELAND, 3. \/ ?UISVILLE s- .'' roher g Both I eyed S snappy fielding tfiinie. but the ilonel wer? it the bat. Wag? r's sthk-work w.i.- a lYatuiv Att ml ore: H. 11 1;. raisvllle .30 0 1 1 1 o o-c-5 p i I .I i?0?0 0?) 1 1- 3 9 1 flatteries: Cunningham and KittridKe; nd Ci l mpires: Messrs, 0*Dsy snd MOD mo, I I HOW TIIK CUJBB STAND. W. I?. p.c. IStOa .',' 42 gg m Innstl .7S 41 iltimore . 71 fl 1 .6? Vi M v. \ rk . 6?. JB ii ?go. <* ?i JM illad? Iphl 1 ..' . H .4:?: ttaburg .fl fl .4:?.. .H Ta ,grj o,,kl vil .41 ?VS JM uhlngton .*> 77 M? .33 87 WHERE THEY FLAY TO-DAT. Brooklyn. Washington at Boston. ?'hl<"??;o at Cincinnati, nlsvllle at Cleveland. HnniLilph Ilolna: Well. 'he negro Randolph, who was *o ilm ously wounded In the difficulty that uir-,1 near the > nlon depot Iaat8atur? t between mm snd another negro, 1 v.-ll at the Colored Almtshonse. operation pejrformtd oo him a few ftor the shooting by Dr J. \s -,..,i by Drs. Owsthsaey 1 kols, and I'p-hur, was entir?-ly so, sful snd the chances ore that Km pb win 1000rer. - -?-?? a pUfJUul Splotches. I Mr. II. L. Myer?, 10C Mulberry Street, Newark. N. J., Baya: "I contrai ted a terrible blood disease which broke out into sorea all over my body. I spent a hun dr???i dollars with doctors but grew worse instead of better. Man* blood remed??*?? were also used witfi no effect, until Idecidt?d to try S S H. This remf-dy seemed to get st the Beat of the disease and mired mo eomplotely and |>ermanently." :.S.S.%Blood ?it's Specific) is the only cure for lat? i. m*. Blo.d Poison: no other e<Jy ran reach this terrible disease. I on ?- if-treatm?<nt mallisd free bj t Spocifio (Jompsuy, Atlanta, On. m 1*4 l? . Bi m, 97 St. 1? - - ? a 1 PS lit h 11 tan the 1 -.i bai B0 - IP ? I. BOO t sort 1: 1 ig 6oe. Table Covers, { Fancy Denim and P. j K., with fringe, one { yard square, |fe | 12Jc. Tinsel Prapo - ries, Ti-Jc. $1 Wrajipf-rf?, 50c. 1 Trnl)leaelied Cot l -ton, If?, ?. ;; l?a Dark X.ivy y Blue Fitruriil Per ? cale, ?r*c. yard. 12Jp. Light Per? cales, one yard wide, r, :i"? Wa r.laek and' Navy Mue Cternal'i Il.iir Sergo, all wool, ; 3i?c. fie. Elastic, for gar? ters, lc. vard. The Tower, Corner Second and Broad Sts. GREAT ALTERATION SALE CAl'SES ANOTHER TUMBLE IN PRICES! The car.penters have commenced the work and they will be here for three weeks. We are forced to give them room. Our NEW FALL GOODS, which we are receiving daily, have crowded us so that we ar? compelled to sell at small margin so as to do so. M?rrimas Cali-cofa?, ! 8c. Shirting" Calicoes? 2c. 10o. Park F]pec? Fl.itiiif'llettes, ?V. 2.r)C. Madra* fling** liams, 1 yard wide, 5c? 12?e. Dark Per calos. 1 yard wide, lije. 2.V. Fleece Ribbed Shirt.*?, lonir sleeves, Ife 10 c. rnhloached ?Ti'iins, Ijc. I'mtterniilk ?Soap, ass? cake. ( -?in Castile Soap, lc. cake. 10<\ Cotton JJat tiiiLT, r??c. |H)tind. _ ' _ WWIV t?oons. 121-2 nn'l IIS-So White P. K.. ?i 3-l<\ s 1-3 anij Me. Whit?* ? h? .-k Ifusllns aa?. Dimities, 4 I la, I'urtnln Muslin, s;r? barirain. 7 " | | 'M ami 26.-. Lac-St rip., Muslin, 10 l-_?*. ' All Flue Whit?? GOBBS redui M. roTTox ?.?xins. 7c. Uablaached Corsea, i rari arista, tua ?v..?l-kii"Wi'. bran?-, ii'> ni"r.? limn Li) yards to a customer, 12 1-2.-. Fan? y Plaid Ducks, for sklrti, IS-fc. lll-.Se. Un?*-n Puck, for ?klrt?. ??3-to. x 1-3''. H.-.l-gmlt <' ?llpoes ?<-. i 12 1-2. MS-S, M ?ind He, Fi?rir?'il Orjrnn Alee, 4 3-t'i. e. I.iii'-n Cra?h. la yir.l. nil' WORK. tl ?"uo-ilori ?' * i flf'slcTi'? a?* Hi"winK up th*- Iterrlmao, God?l?**s ol Liberty, American WhMlman I Ri iii-mi,. r th? \t iln?. Rom? o and Jul r il m ii- ra Bt u iped Dojrlli . 12 for 10o. , ,1 Bpls hi ' i, ''? l-4i*. Buffet Bcarfs, i i 1 yards long, allltnea, ataaiped alth .-in deelgaa, S yard ? f l-lo. I'.iirr-t. Scarfs, 11-2 yards long;, colorM ceatj " Sfinip' ,1 Sli im?* 12 |-B>. pair. H.-mniM Stamp BBS-Be, great rnrira!n, Be i rgalfls in Btsmi rera, la nil ? ?.: lii.A? k mUMM OOODS, Me. -Wool B< rt Black 1 ':iin' r -Hair * 1 m .n k Camel' -n ilr B? rge, M Incl aids, tee. .'''.'. Imperial pt^, 44 inities wM?\ 42c 1 || in ; Mi '. ilr :? - wide, Me, ? DBBSI BOOM. All-Wool S til-Wool Bt 1 ..1 - , Hair Sei colora, I ' ' ' n -.- 1 aide, SI ITS AM) IKIRTS. All Bttiln aold lees than factory prices. <;.-? M heir Figured Bkirta, 11. ii.i-.ii im BABflAIBB. Boy?' nnd (?Iris' lOe, Ribbed H08B. IM I ' 1 i ? k 5o. Boy?" and Olrls' l.V*. gBSSBleaS Two : II,se. lOo. ind Clris' 20c. Bibl'.'d Ho*e. double -: iu the world, tor 12 l-Sc. LI n k and Tan StOCkingS, plain or ?imp stitched, regular 10c. grsdt w bite r? et, v true ever offei d, r ?r 121-2?-. i- Hose, Hermadorf dye, l 1 lue, for ALT, BANCT HOSE REDUCED. Ml BL1B I MildllM' \n. - in RI hmond has there been each ratherh k, and well Buds ! a Indow dlsp f r 1 muslin, 12 I -2c. \ ill,. imnn-il lit Torchon lie.* flc. grodi . foi rmbreita Draw? ' *. with deep b? m I l mi-relia r>rr.w??ni. hen-?Mfehe?i. greal bai $1 fu . trimmed in wMe n 1 ice and H unburg, I $1 Muslin Underaklrl Buslln llntl X\ ?lawn El f. Imposslhl-. for print to tell you of thl rn it b irgaln towns, trimmed In beadinf* nnd tucks, I-. 1 !.. for print n 1 BLABKMTI \M> <H 11.11. To m< rrow d i pul <m sale LOO bos? - 1 nd Imi 1 for print to tell you shim i-u \ivre. Tin: BALANCR MUST GO 75c. Bhlrl -\\ H WSI ? ! . w RIBBOBg, I and Iflc. Silk Ribbons. 2c. 1 ' I . -, ,,,! I - <illj UlklMln. ?,? ?SW rvui'KT?. lio pieces of Ksw. Kr?**?!?, llrlftht Car? pats ?ill be M'l.l m less U in th?Mr worth. simj,- ?rs , Carpel priese sr?i bisher, i"it not here Ta-aaorrow win I ut ??in?' bag lelilsg hor?.. Ingrain, that will s>-ll for ?"?>'.. sal? Drir?- Li?-. l?grala carp?-f. that win s<*n lag > _M sale pri?-- IT?.-. Ingrain Carpet, that will ?ell for 6-v*., sal? i. . lagraln Carpet, that will ??-it for ?v., : ru ? ?ii. lagraia Carpet, that wtu ?<*n tor ?.v. ? ii?> price ?Vc T?pestry ?'?rp.-t. ??'ils for G2\-4c. yirl, Tapestry, Carpet, s.*ils for Un vint, i i!h price Me. Rosbury < I ' Rru rile for $1 > it i, f?n- ? Beet i' ' Brui ' carpet, that Balg Ble I'rli-e | Wilton Velvet Carpet, UM wind, aale prie.. :?, . mi. s s ilk. ' : i? n In Uli hmnn.l Frlii ' i'i't ??-il ??m ??hit vHiti?*? rea do get. i f. ?? itemi mentioned t?> kIvo peal .i, i.! i how ?v" sell 'iii-m. Jute Huh*?, with tlKure.**, sold for $2 1?. |BSM M - Smyrna Ruga th it art? worth ?_ ft. 31x11, U Extra-Hess? Fringed Smyrna, 11x30, i lia prie? ti. Bxtrs h.,ivy Priaged BiBjiBa, ?x?y?, worth U ? isle I " I- 1 i>ui OOMTS, new pstterns and sea aeter% t?? be sohl h aondi rful pi ! l?iu|(?i't. that sohl for $>. 1x3. sula ! S IK. . hind, 3x3 1-2. for H.H. 112 kin,i. i? 11 ... it Mm Ho kimi. txi, for Be kind, 4?i l 2, tor 111. $i; 0 kind i-S, for H2. II \l.l. Hill fMt-BPTS. 110 11 ill Druggets, in-w colora, , . I | ' it, for R ?i .,!-,, 0? r i*.?'!. ?i one? 2 I 2x16, for IP.1P. JULIUS 5YCLE & SOIN. CERTERA IN NORFOLK Hfl *?vi:vr umiiidw in ?I'll Big *.\ <?r\iti:i? m in i:it?t. THE VISIT WAS UNOFFICIAL, lint Hnar People I'lueked ft? St*? II ? in ? \ rrntiKitit; I'm nnporttt I ion fur Spnn In r,l?i?Miieh l?l?,i,r,l AnimiH the BOOOmg BUBtSBOl Itepu lili.un?. POLK, va.. Bsptember '" Admiral Pascual ' Of the . nav?., t"-'liy pa! J i - "'id visit to blfl woundod efltosrs snd men under in its nt bI ths Korfoth Naval R l grc-eted by a great outpouring ?,f alt?sona, aagoc both to BOT and to du him bOBOT for blfl 1-. to n A The Admiral arrived from Baltimore via steamer. H? Bled by Ins BOB, bagel Corvara, and Lieutenant ioth of th? Bpnnlob navy. Till-; VISIT UNOFFICIAL, it tras the Intent;,m of th? naval no w i her? to eairy tbo party at ones o th* navai hospital, and arraiiK.'inenf-i . BBSdO to that end, but nuil had dO?dod to go to tbo AI | f -t 1. bin vi.-iit here being an tin ' n-:. H?* was BBSt at the -r.-uinr by Mr. ?. C Humphreys, formerly Bponlsh Vlee lonsnl tor this port, his bostnesa with .ir. Hnsaphra - , ange some Bannt asi amttsra la ? onn ion with th,- transportation of tho poulsh pii-'ia rs 1. i k t i Spuin. The partv to?.k a rarrlagi- to th?*? hot"l, r B rSBt there prOCSSdsd to l'orts louth. a visit wu? ni ni.- to Comamdors "artjuhor, remmuoifiint of the navy-yard, nd t > Dr Cl? boma ut the hospital. Thero woes as sil?.-? iai oarsmoalos, as tho bdt o .--.. i] uaolBctsl. Tho party Bturned to Norfolk bs ?.'arria.;.-, and at Ir. Humphr?-y'?? ofti'v, wlier?- .i Bt? man, niite i erowd of people gathered ? got ?'i- l?'ok at tho Admiral. Tbt r gonehed at the Virginia Club s ths I ll ' MF? Humphr?-. . . AI'MIKAL GRATEFUL. mv ir?ft bars to-night ?>u tb ik. and Washiagtos stsnmsr, on wi ity occapj i ma While hern Adrairall t irvars assssssad bhi heartfelt ths-? ??? t?? i MBBBOdOIS l-'ai'iuhar and Dr. ClObOl r kladnesfl to his men. Admiral Co?vero has cbortorod I esmer City of l me, out from N.-w ' ark next Saturday, and on this vessel ; \ 1 the prisonera will leave for homo, larda h?re will d.-|..irf in tim-i Batch the BtSOSBSf at New Vork. and ic will .stop by Port XL.', t thOOB at that j,?,int. gram ass Indis* oed t ,-day, and bod to il a doctor, DIBCORD AMONO BBPUBLICANB ni-, Isconi OoagrecsBonal in-'.net la , m the atona centre oi Rej il con poli-I < s In Virginia. That the B wdoa I ni should have b?-?n - is a BfBShlOfl dlsappolutrn.-nt to that ; ; ik' "f the party. The telegram eon? fltlng the [iT?ii-r recognition of ' ?n Carney, s partlean of Conor? tman !-o and of Colonel Lamb, the d ilrinnn, hOWOVOT, BttTfOd B| to re.-.-ritful activity. In ? <>n insacs there will be two CO .ns held la the geeood 11 i tWO s uf the I?.-mo itlo tnket. ii.linn.m BBTTOOghO, WhOSS e.ill w n :.Xr>-s n,-,i commltteo, thia altern?os * - rod a tslegram from Blata Chalrmaa rh Agnow, as follow.-. "The Btnte mmlttee having pass.-.I upon ih, stioti, Bad the National Cotni ,-ing reeooellod all Baattsri ?.-f ?lit-, tally provided for \ our [ \ ,\.r.ti"ii, \oii will be sustain.-1 by both :nmltfe?r and the National nmitteo, and w.* tmot roo w;" have a monioux convention, ami year nomin?-.? al< t? d. Von can cour I port t? tin?* .n!" Conoegoently he I hold his ?-.-invention in this my at >. ?..-morrow Charlofl Camp, an slleged <!*> .-r from Company A. Fourth Virginia ?Intent, was arrested tn Berkley l?sf uing. He is b?slng held b*. the police ; lei Ib I I' I bit M i ? It: niilit.iry authorities at Ja HAS SKI'VKl' BDI Tl'.l:\l ibeth < 'nv county, ,.. laed sod git tolh j ni '.["in ! of forging ? m S ?i'-h was uaed In :i ; .III I IS . N.?Ik Board el Trade baa ap? of which < leaen I Henrj Is chairman, l m< Q-orlal I I the effoi i. and Philadelphie merchants to Induce th l.orni m Board to abolish the laterload lin?- ruh? ?m . leg between Eng AI.KV ?Ill??\ \< II IN IIIOUilR. nu- lilejnei KleaSlka >inanate in 111?* II Mini- ol (.-i mu? la n 1'i.llr?*. I . at BOBSe time la tl ig tryiag I of csrtsln Klondike elalaaa which be In tr?"ilil" In I i i. .r cording h r? port i. ?'it Brer I . the aii.i-i of > I?. MM lletoa, ; ?,h -, m< | u , McDonald Is w?-ll knowi ond, .- 'ni.- no ? i- referred j?, ? him in thi poll -? Kl? limond i took pains ' < . w linn ibl? Itgl t. : to Fieve r ir?*? from tv??i prominent gentlemen while a part payment on .1 KlonUlk? Bought th- y pun ha led from biaa, hut as rel th? realised on Im. .Ml?- ii In thin city ed at Mrs. He i Main sti :t lbs clt* ttle his lull, and Mi ? not as yet i I d i rea it . him. The Toronto Qlobe, in dlsciiesing Mc ... be ? bet n i bef ! Ii eight? '-h m.ha in ,'ii on foi - it. app? u i th it al : ?nald was eorking his Klondike scheme when ar r? it? ?1 in Hi i I Seasorli -?artm-nt to furth . ild, from v. b n i'ii in I ? m.m oi nr, h vei He a In Toronto about *ux . ara igo . ? -r. il in : la I i favor ef Mi \> ?'. Monroe, <?i th it led that gentleman's daughter. McDon ild thin, according to tin- (H?be, "repre< . :n?st-lf* to be i i n, and ries of bai n Egj pt and onstruction ??iih ils uncle, whom he described as i rall . r. Among other statements, ,1 worked "ii the r.ul i lern. i with ii.t? s ,ii?.i obtaining lbs ? . h -it t? ?un.ii guilty. ,n'i fe ir.-i ira, N. v. Prior te this Mr. Mon? ea, \s !. I : ll ?1 11- ?1 t.j UM I : [,?-. - , Ightl r t.? OSBM bOSSS. and en 1 I since." lu Jasusry Isst Mr. Monroe bed .?ii? ?i '.? Ihm son-ln-Isw, wberesbouts be wss la Ignorance, v i iiiinil? r "f circulars he i? Iv i ; ?ting to i^? Klondike s? h< rot Th? from Kli,' mond, and lr Monroe COmBBUnli ! with ?'h'.-f i pbotogrspb of Major Howard Identi* .' : ins M '-i ?rased by m.* Hu hmo-d chief that Mi onald was living bare with Ms ante, gentleman - lired a .livor?-.-, if . ? thst th t to t." ; I I I'.-i *.. n ?i- ?n?l : i ? ?. r - i a Peter Veal ef the Ptrat Dis tot, ix eoalaed t? h aaaaa by alckaeaa i si -<i.-i M ii b- r i . from VI asas, : ri C T betagj ab? ut fr-mi tha dty for -. h_? ?un.? .1 ,lr ? P. tstaek) A,!.im? M, ye ('inMntiBii. whei i.' w.-. k -.ri Staalar has retaraai homo. i,r i gleaaaBa ?sbbi la r?-ut.'. ? sj tersburg. Ir. .\. l-unxstaff Johnston has entered , .-,ii .nul namesake at the Virginia litary Institute.? Ii**- Kiln,? il Imnford r**turn?*d la ?he Hi M ? after a pleuisant visit of five DJ w-ki to friends and wlatlvog in Leal sty, i?r. .1 m. ii Brooher bos retornad ?nm.. hu friend, i ! '. \'. ?Tirka, of Losiagton, \ ' The Comn?ttso "n jsssss River im? provement win meet In regular monthly n this afternoon at *> ' '-1 k ka the Hill. I;, v \ tnder Eul ink, principal .?(, ?h., Bunny-Bide Mai., \. idemy, at Bed? ford City, is visiting relstivee at N?. i''*l '.\. ' Main -'i, Bt, Mi.-- I i ? srrl.'kf.-r. of i.\ nehburg, na'.. Hi- late Mrs. II Btlckli r ig th.-Ir a int, . Tin: J? IT- fl ..n Athl.-tU* A BOO? latloti held .-Min,' at Its? rooms In 11,1 I i t Bight A call hue I foi i m-1 tlgg on aast Tues IBBS I'll' - following Blchmondore wen? regts? I. ill ,N- a I I V. K. T. I?. Ms. i -, 11..1T111J11 Hoo . Mn P l. di? montl m. It ft Williams, Im? M. Bycle, Staut: A. W. Bmlth, I i . Be ', -, N??w ?am. Prol I In. ?-.f the Aendemy ..r Mi ' ' turaed to th.- ettg l iv from 'in- Rod Sulphur Springs. \ i , wb< re he bss directed the hot -I or ?iim- r. If| will i'.ime directorship ot ihe ,\. idem y " hei 1rs. Mr. Bdgor Allan and wife. ?1rs. A. K. a Ida ightero, Merr. L F mn. u Boiling. ''. 97. Branch, C B, Boiling, Joseph Brya**t :.-v. r Nosh, Baanders Hoaaos?, w. i: i? Myers, Jr .f Hue e,t> ; i h \ . (ander, of Cb irtottcevUlp; Mr. lai mi i u. H. Perklaeon and -hii.i, ity ..' Mr-jlnla, are gBSBti at ,\ bite Bulphor. Qi ii:n tut it \t i:-Tii\rK. ni) Tnii Fav??rit?*n Win for lbs Taleal. ci.V'INN'ATI. ?i. s. pPmn-r r.-Only . irltse wen for the lalesrt at M ** - lOfft to-day: x and a half f'irlongs? lammon (?' to* 1? Won. Ideal IJ. m tu to 1 ml | tu 1) M BBd, H. vst'/.-r (fl to 1? third. 'un.-, 1.22 1-2. .- fiir1?in-<s ?J iy l'art-t| uin. i>, to 1, won. Jl " k. v .i".- <> to 1 and i rea) tlilrd. Trae, ) '.'. Third IS Sd oiic-biateenth id.,l,i ,*? to . won, Pro ' to I and r? ? rond, Vlrgi? ?>. ci to third. Time, i 17 j i. Fourth ra?. one ood Quo eighth miles, andlcap i'.mi Kauvor ?i to 2> won. ad 4 to 5? Befind, 'inlli-y K C, to 1) third. Time. 1 S3 J-4. Fifth ra? ?: n? v, n furlongs Mlea Hrain? I- it to l? won. Necklace fl t?, 1 sad t . :, aecoo I, Mb? rt Vslt .4 tu l? third. line, 1 fl Sixth : a furlo**co--Motl]la d to WOO. Tit f,r Tit (., to 1 Riideveii) se <u M BBBi > iII . n third. Time, ist. HI. 11 IIV IERKBUBT.- Wed, At IbmBb C -?it? Bee, Vi, sa Monday, Aagnai zi. i?ya, \uv MABON, wir.* of 1*. J. Berkeley, Am? Ii . BOOL Died, S. pt.mber ?th. at 7:45 JL . at hi.*? t. .-nl-n< -. No. 7w0 Mosby mreet. r. W. T. 1!? ?ZL. In tn?? .'?Ulli >?-?r of hia Be lenvee s wife and four ?.nildrvti mourn their lo-s. rUneral frotm Beulah Fresbyterrtan srch, Hanover county, TIU'HHMat ?RNI1N aber ?th. at u ..'<j|..?-k. l?-nds and sogBBiBtaneea Invited to at* id. ?loLMuV HI..I. .- ptcmbwr ?th, at :. P. M . at the resMeacs of tier Meter, s v. M. Ito?ld?y. Not, ? Wi-,,1 Mala et, Misa SALLIK TUORN? un. ral notlee later. i 11. KINS?. V -Mag, at ?? A. M , Bap. la?, ?t In? rwaldenee, OO north . m*, th'.r.i ?tieK jt>H\ K WILKIN. Hi as?tl ?4 year?, son of the late j-ir WilllaiB C. ami Ann t'brlatUn !kln?.,n. i,f Mew Kent count >. ?t no flower?. BB-aral aervtco Bl the grave, iboch.-a I Cemetery, at 4 p. M. wkdnf.s Y.