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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1898. ' o ; i W H \ ! if? 1? it ,,i the i allottad f< rio tM ..o?mst,sof Tht"Ontury Dictionary and Cyclopedii ?r ? [bulk? at introductory prices arc going fast; hut While They Last ''-i?OOnnolibe mora than a day M two a( bBBt) they will go to the first who .'.' i'mm t, I i* ,?" SVil,:.'stl,'imn,,,,iatede,'VRry^your honieorof \ui .?t fl sei ?f n,,- i ...itury Dictlonara nnd Cyclopedia. I ?B f** fV*-*1 IC (\Ia<^sOrl ,"r,'llli",,,n,r readers of tho rapidity IIWlW lO 1 1 CCU w,t'1 w,li<" our cluh is now tilling t , j,,ri. :?,, i ?, r . 0,ily immediate action will enahle y t- sh.M ,.,(!?- bonefitg Of OBT special cu.trart with tho puhlishi-rs. Mem. . than mi "si \ 'Ves\V^;;;nY,vr the work * WPE? cent.le ' ?,,,|^ U;,KM1 , BESIDES having the privilege of small month with which our clul? is now tilling up. ?xn_ly i,nm(>,(,,a,le action will enahle you rs _ SS , lt Ml?t,i^-------------------g ^^ ?.-?w ? privilege of small monthly '". , 7' tT, " ,IM-rt..,,ily will he lost In you when ,?u r cluh "' '" '"""*'*"' '-hllid. It ran Continu? hut a day or two longer at l?*st. The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia is the ?Mirk thai ncariv one t ho usa ml of our readcfl base Obi through ?>ur Century Clnh at aa avenge laving of about ?56per let, gad on r.i-\ terms of ?uvinent. T ha i'pnt iirv u, in the present juncture, being used sight and 1 lie v -i 11 tu 1 y (}it.. hv tli<. ,]lM-,.r(.1)t bureaus of the Army and Navy. irtnients. It i-, in c instant BBC m eighty-two government oltiii -, in w ishineton. TiV??? ?Tontiirv :s ^" "m v,"r^ "^ ftiaence which i-? ooaapleteljnp o s_.?^l ?VU I y t., .1 ite ami v?hi,h. tliniii'-h it*. .iri-:i!i-.''iiniit. : fectly adapted for enabling any <?ne to follosj the erenti <?t tli? I hi* (fill II TV ************ *-?finestcollection of mapa poinall? / m the uorl.i. They are printed in five to ten colon and cover aboul 290 square feet in area. Tbeyahou aabmarine cablea; ; hip routes; depths of water la tea, tu??.-*. ami barbo?; light I101-. 1; trade arinds; placea abare ?tendard tr.i,' haw" 1 an madi ; the international date line, irhere ahipagain or r ling t?. whether th are - dling 1 air? or areat, and mm h other valuable informgtion, obtainable from no other aoutce than The <. i nturj. '::;: iRK. IT PL \< Is ?i oi ON v P \l{ \\ I III THE LARGEST ,\ H OLES A LE DE VI.I.I' Syd.OO 4 THAI IS, IF VIM ALT NOW. DOWN ?-. for membership In nur clnb; ?t is simply to cover the actual cost of delivery, ?fcc and incidental expenses in forming our cluh. You save about fourteen times that amount. Thal ig what ? - ?-operation will do. It tjives each indi \ : lual member of the <?ne thousand clnb the advantage in discount that would i. accorded to the jobber who purchaseg one thousand sets a time. If you . to enjoy this advantage yon must Act Without Delay. Upon receipt "t the membershipfee we will deliver? prepaid, the complete set <>i ten volumes oi I he Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia in any style of bind? ing \?'U niiiv choose, payment t?? be mad?* upon re? ceipt of book? or at the rate of $-> per month, if pre i. The upumber <?t paymente is determined hv j le of binding chosen. Call at our Century Club Rfl *n s 1113 edst Main street (ground floor), where the work in it- various hiyles of binding ison exhibi? tion. It" you cannot call to-day use the adjoining in? quiry blank. ? THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. . : O-?QOfr?.fr-fr-O^O-OQ&&&G&&Q&Q'? 1 IP vor < w not < \|,|. Cut out thi** blank and m iii ?1 ; 'i o tba Slcbmood Dtapat, h : p aase aeoo roe yooi 111 istrstod poaaphlsl t-i ntnrj ; >..- im.-ivy and ( !j op? 11,. -.bow? log ?P? iiii'-n pofee and lampl? Biap; aloe full Intnrin itinii ooocernlBB > >0" "Century ciub." ?la- nirin' ,,,- rateren a I tin- lias, -I ? I. ..iUl| gu -a, ,-, uii.ntlily i>*?>tin in. Nhiii?.. A Idreaa. RKOFTHE?.M.C.A. i III l \ltll - \M? PHI ?11 \L in k i ? TOBS Bl r i im. min:. rOPJCS OF INTEREST BEFORE THEM. Will I'rntll l.> tin- lust i, n,| ?!,,,? I'lniik l??i- th?- I ,11,1 r?- ? Is n KtatC ? ?fit ?i ni/;i (Liu ? I on I? i in, , I > ?.. nouai b hlch ! I - K? m, Jr., i ib ? 'an j ' i I i. burg; v - .11 : : *.-, I M : ?. t n ton I H ON, : I ilr, of lie ii . anil : . it dis ' - :.*, the - : titelt - ' i,m. v. .is I lll.l i bl ' . rere B ; .lu? i tor ,,f iii? rnaos i.i j hi i ',n, o? . .., '.o.. .,! Norfolk i - "ii "Junior VI -o k a .' i i, s :,l,.| met Mr. Pai i,in,m i.,] the o - -.-. ii h a ii? h pro?,ed i" I I-'wl an.i h of tb? ntii I? id? r o? the wort tor boj | .\ has i" i. ?mn bj wok. Vlrgli oth? r Bta ?pic, "What Cm We l>?|..i fi M? h m i i,,,it-,it.iz. i poken tary \v. i Walk? r, < ( the State ? lornmltt i o m ponding membei ' ." ami the work ol the mmil gtAU '', ??m nui ?ri m b "in into the . el unorganls? ?i i - RETARIE8' CONFER] Mi. i ? ; i ? Had : ict? d ni" i ih? ?'i?? "How r.u itlon Privt? o v? bom?" was ably handled bj Mr. Th ?m P. 1*. >d ol ti- l i. and the di i with the - oil of . A o ..luii.iii submitt? -i lo th? that i Im and phj sicsl din tors ' o m ' and the I i "inmii aolnt Formulate a plan <?f work, With by ? :- . for Its ii-.-: Mi S K M i ! Kent, .i Newport IS irer), and Mi v. w. Ad , r, Cllton Foi PERSONAL MENTION. Mr ? . ii. KniM ,i retary, ol red leal night. Mr. W. \\ \ retary of tho ?Uf tion i- ' ' and Mr .1. M. i i \. Mi or. r ike City A bul aas moon, ??l'.ll 111.-. wort. Mr. ,i. _ Hop. Im ?-. he bai ' i n a, -h a fa vor it? In'rec? m convent! : lln building last IBS? , , . > i i si. ?i i hut Intsrnsl ioaal? iry Wllltsn pr?sent it th? R in railroad arerh In ti?< s'??t th. The folios Ing a n I ? ' i ' Kant, Jr., New? ? i.. rdoi i .1. M. [Tnlverail ! Mi II to day. m t. ? ' i he cltj : ?at alghl i"i boms Beftoa'a Ceaaedj ?i Mala Stsaei. I led En| median, who la nightly delighting I \ audevtlle la one ol the ni"**t tho I :i In th Hi h ia his owB Boat l| '??All I - ' walk**." and lablj, pul I o iii-ii?in. i.t and .. . k ol i" a .' -: wni "He sr?i Has the Baa? ,;k " brought Inn? an ova h ?.ii!-, l-owvvi-i .-h.ii.<l by his , v? > pan ii.-r Mis? Ma? i ' igle ?? ho ill) ivondi i to! exhibition of acro Ini ind tnnii.lltiK McCarthy ?t possible, mon popular , m their new Irish *-k.-t? h, and ,. wi?( , am? m tor a large share of th. Ml? Bdltb Rrsske Ifhly artistic specialty in her \ i . . .,,,, ,u d ,, i. ..-n>" i uf new , itepi ind Hurt,>n A l'ii'll. an dance, ami tiei I al] m turn rann Pj _^^^^^^ IMIIVS HKUIUHK AM* IM?I ?aSTIsrS n MK THE ONI.V KKMKI'Y ON TIIK MAlt ET thai ??m curs svsry form ol H d ?,. |n ? t,, ?ii minutes, correct ln?ii_es Ktlniulate the nerves, und build up *Vi t system. It should be In eVery home relier's gripsack. At all f i -,,. nty-flvs cuit-s. _? ce?-?*. \ i.W.AFtg , -nu ? ? n, m g fl " M TOBl POB WIgB BLEUEST. ? lu, i nun n Hull lli-i-i'lt's in In?,in- ul I'lirm ?. wasiiimitiin, s, ptemb. i I i Hull. Of tin- Rl pulill? a-. :1 i I'liuiiitt,-.-, tu \. . ' m B the ?i? termination of the eonti Ii msnahip i.iiiai Committee, to-day announced bis decision In fsvor of B. B. Carney, who n lectod by ? sal le kn"\? a meat, al tl.* time i '<-. \\ - b placed in nomination for ? 'ongi Anoth? r convention nominat? candidate, nith Chairman Burro* conduct the campaign. The Virginia State 'niiiiiiii:. recogolsod th? clalme "f Bur? I..A-. hut the National Committee and the Congressional Committee tocognlsted I of the w .- r..ii\.-iitii.ii. The controvei .n.linn, .i for boom inn-. ai. ; a mg waa bold befor? R p?- entaUve Hull rday, iii.-- final decision in f., ? 'ai n, > being m HILLS L "I !.. Wi.-?- :.- on top thi tun.- in it:- It. put. !i, all ...? i f gtnla Dlatrlct. Repn 11 atative Ball, "i R? publican > *? 11 j? 11 ilonal ? loman to-di that Cora? t dhairman, d? i '.n i lUon two 'ih.' ?. tt.r ii- quite p m'" the points nf different e ? HULL'S Altai MENT. m I conten? that hut - '-inn has ji-i Isdlctlon ovei all msttei 11 Ion in ? 'ongrt m, but as) s il un? -i jurisdiction over gl it? . i "iiimitt. . II- mit* tin r. ti the contention iii it the *> - Ml. Ill tal n i\ nit uf th.- hands of every committee a | liai nt la. BltOtB < '"II III 11 I , 1 ?I holds thai congreoi on n, officers, are ab I Jurl - lili III II o> thi' c? l; ISI1 O? REPRESENTAI ION The i:,-put,:!'.m vote m the pfosidentlsl mu j-- mad? m tin- distrii t cj ? ?nm< > - committi i BOOB m Hon. Ml BASgOn ?I'UIMI Ollis?,MMs Almog?var go >' latharlaad la I rent Willi l-'lli|i|iiiiiik. MADRID, s-1"' m?a r I The tnthtni I ' suthorised the foreign Minister, i ?ok?- Almodovsr d? Rio to with oi.- Philippine Ineargi tu,- ;...? ! Spani- w in their bande, and it baa i-- n decided to trono BBlt BBOoo] to Mo olla tor that pu. ?inii foe th?- reli.-f of tho Spanish t" i who si* urgently m need "f toads. The Ministers win .. I . esa mander <>f tin- Bpanlaai troops in the Philippine! dob to traoomli the funda. AMERICAN REGIME IN PORTO RICO. 'iii.- goveeaan nt ; Captaln-Oeneral Maclas, at Ban Joan, Porto R ? M"- 'ii.?; him to tarnish fullor i!> ail- of the Ami -.mi. reglm? - u Porto Blco. a/sa thk. n Ideriag his tir-t rt p..rt OB the BUl PHILIPPIffS NATIVB POUCT. Mil?? Truth? of I ..ul?-i> In P??or of \ on. \n l ion It? Till? < ou ii Ii-j. MANILA, opteoshee 1?At ? BBoetlng yosterdsy "?' twenty losdara of the, Phlllplnoa from all aaetlena '* OBBB the policy of these Islands, eight-en of them orare emphatically in favor of outright iTTf*?********** ,0 * "*- United It nd l*e ' "?om m favor of ?> n pnhBe. ih.- ?,-neral BOtlve opinion is that it ja i?., u, u'lopi i nit"! Btotee t'onsui Wii "i offer liberal In lucemente to th?- Indspendsnce factions operate, und to rc-.,ur,i tbeaa for l n?- A'nlted States cruisers Olympia ind Raleigh her?? from it""-- t long to-day. STOCKS_VARIABLE. I I.OHF BIB.SEQ, IIOW K.vkh, \T HKST l'HKKI OF Till: DAY. CALL MONEY CONTINUES FIRM. The Price? of lloinl? I,, tlie Mb In Firmly II. I.: ? \V I?.*? i Turn?? ?? .-,. I. ? Corn llluli.-r???-ii? I < liniiKrd?I'ro vlslona II? --l in?*. NEW YORK, Baptseabst I -v .-toah BMUrkat was varlabla and Irregular at all times, bat BrBg BBOra or IBBB un?l?.r the continuing Influence of the ahrlaklug !*uriilui, "f the banks, anil th. lion grag gtanoei at idatlll, and the raovenn nt of the in-rk.-t WBB ( r.l,n-l pedal *-!" k - 1 lag highly professions] through?.ut. The ng was higher, in with .a. it quickly i ?. i IdU at, bow that i,., eateM l b? re, snd t k< i the list in w< ik m inhatl m. Pe looa aiped '"it ti?-- aarHer gaaaa a number of Indrt showed ' ii all daj. :> In and in.i?.? ih-in BBOra ? -iiifi",. Btrengtb Ix aase general la tl late d : ; r St. l'aul. am] and geni rail) ai level above i ,.-,'. rrupti .i u iflk t* toe in gad i - -1 illy in prefer? d, but at the un um" then was aa advenes ol 2 .-* trsi, snd conspicuous Bim ' set of re* - umptti a of Hal I ?MIN iNT FACTOR. The dominant Eactoi In the situation continues to be the absorption of BMmey by i ' v. on .i- - the new be money coi tk I |.. r . ret? ?'"I with B ment t be I ?.in m? y ' . dus Jsi it, will b< I it - m.nk..i,u- that, with Brm it a rkedly rste m London, and anil failing nndi r thi : ere i hould - In l.oii ... m. non i the moi sued buj i In n. a roi s foi London a? count. The - ondltloa i the mon? m irk? n - he ; adli i In bonds, bul pu ea were In the main Brail) bald I nil. .1 Bttt? I Ol ' i l-i. and wd, i-!> i, -. . I ; - Burlington an i;.,, .,: ad? : - Ulli Central .lilt tall I i ?il- > r ? p - I; Mln [roa I " ' I i ; - . man. ;i:. Hoi : 'i: ? al -' ' ' i" f - I - ? ?mm? ' bills, i?gsi ross ?Tocs ttuorai ?. leatsg, gaaaa?-s?tSBs>s osa assis ge.-, isL atoa - i-. 11 starred. ' fii? Baiinrnren'i 1 "n' . SMa CsnaiiH l'a ill . .. . STfg ?. ?maua BSaiBors. Uoaml rSciBc. Bi Cb?M?.-?<i-?> ?'i ? ?->' ' . -:':*i*? eac a tai.. 7 bbicato. ??ariiBstoa is > v nu r. ?1 I - ? l BleagO tul Kiiturn Illinois. .'?'?' C. t . ?..nul .-?t. UOOtS . ISM CC,C SSd Si l."'iu preferruJ. > M Delssaii sadBadsoa.....10SM Deiawanfc-a?-awnnna.? ?TSSSSTS ?,:' Li?-i. v. r ?u I un. i ?run ! ? . ...._ IB UeiiTSI atuu KluUr i. ] . ;?r?l in i_ I , I',r (in >,.. _ -. I I '?, In?- lu?** . lui pretsersd . . M Bart Wares, .i ? ' Oroat .Noriiierii. iiroi-irn-J ,..,. ?IBSM b<M*sisgValley. . --'i i ni.? i-' >i tret...ii-4'.n L es? Sne ses assises. Il Lese i i,,- m, i Wsstern, preferred?? Lese eaere . ISB i.ou i - ? ..a- ?n 1 Nanti vil n?. ?lauliaiiun i.. B7 ? i:'au 1 r?. l'uu.I ' '! ??ICilll-HL I .?Ulf?!. ,|H, *illiiii?.*?,i* aiil St. i.'niis . '.'7 Vin,?- -, ta -ni iBt. LO US 1st i-r- : i, : IB tsaaarl-'ao?ae . .?lulu,? aiiUOU'o. ...... Hieeuiin a, aua t. I'-' S, ?iiBiiiun. k. .ii,i ?. preferred Nan liban) aod ? Bicaga. . - ?as Albany asd uni igo oreierred. ' ' > Was4s??!iioeiia? ....... ^u*?j Bon lors ?Jsuir-i.1"-*| Sas ^ orh.i bmsi u i ;. i . il S.\., rhlOBgOBBrt Bt. 1- i*'. urfli-rrcl.... til M. _? Cbiescoanaei u no preterree. .i< tarta sast i b . 16 >u? t., Aiin?ri..-nQ i.olUDUiiy. ?i-.? ?iortasrsfacifle..... SB , ??_ri-eru i'aclD--jrm^ri?a. ........ r ', n. tai tosas assi?ra. li nitiu'i ... au l .*,,ir...... | itegoe ?un Liu?. U|g lUsour? . . (e-diii. .^??.. l**V, tacllsiss*-. i. LOOM a nil >au i un,.-'*". . * , L Lena ssg ses Braa Issorsi . i? j SSd *-au 1- r v:,. -' i l-i "! . S:!-??, M. IU m. ?*'?ji ?satorrozm .?1,',?, ?t. l'ttuiaml utuatot . ni t.r'Auiaua Omaha, preterrel.1", . u Past, y., sa in. i?ni outberiit'scilio .^-^?....... SIM oiiiii?*ru. ti'.\ O'jtti.-ru. la.-i ?rr<* 1 ._._. .i,?, ssssfaeiaa. i.i aie-t'.oi?i?. -r-i. B7M . P.. i?, ase ??.-. : B ? t>a8tl.>t. lajM Uli ftlCin.i. hM IsBaah.Bt.Leatseed ?Vaciflo. pt?ter?en., ggu Mi??*lll c si. l 1.-.KM tr'iB.. | iVl.eeii-K ?0,1 i.a-9 Irn Lr??'?rr?i. ] ? ?4 EXPKh*. . ?W'iMli |4BI I \^ I'< ^.D? li.t-rl' in tX|.rn?j8.1 ,.i aiieasta:?* Kipci-s?.M. 4-. , i-lid rsr_u h.xpre?a .t -. j gi I. :.'. MKtBlLlNSOL uiericsu Cottou eu . :?7ju i_n,-nu i "ii.u _u preferred. .* * u.oiuau ?pint*).? i im-:i'-?ii ?pirits prsferrsd ._ Bancas I .....tliu ai?rioaaCabasesOa uioiorraJ. .1 7 ' "* . ?' o -Vj bu*)'jli?nt?*J us?. . 1 sos. Cesta i .nu pan y.i.y BL#aeial. ......;.M. '.' iu ul, ifusl S !.. [.relnnoa . >.;, Belai die?.tria . .... i rt lu,, i*.**tu'-i.._ 7SJZ i. ? ,-i-iit? . iiit ??a l'casi. . ?a?l or?5i*?rri-l._1IUU, alioiial ..luperil OU. t|.. atlti ?lait. 34 ,t ?iiiii-n falau?.|gf ivercaruflestee .... 5iKt BBBSMl iluutiaud Twioe. . S ? Krimi' lunar iteS ?arV .M..>..I4 114 Hier: ?1, >UK'ar KeOnorr. orat.lia C. au 1 .M. ai 8. Leaiaer. 7?| .**. i ?-ailier prtiarr?'i . . 71 N . ? KuOber.-*~- ....? llu B, Uubber i.relnrro..104 , ? nu ? uiDii. J4 . i.oiiiK au-1 -?outlii??**.t?rD . 614 . l.i,um au,I *?viutti?> ?SSsra 1st pr*9terr??i_ l-.i^ ?.l?raii.l?. aSS ?Vskisrli. v.'? siirsadasad aTee?ers. grel. 07 ilca.u ??real VV?miera. ltji| il-n Paein-:. ;t l , BeegB aud Surit?we**-tara..I :i4 ? isaga and Barlhsaeura pref.lis inaiiau Cuiiimercial ?JompaiiT. '11*^ m?iasiIsipeafasTsa. -?4, ill,- tua*, t. im ;.r -forreJ. h, ciBc i.ot_-i. '.',1 ;.r- r?*rret. . t,,u B<jN ? USB. il.-il Stat. r. .1 .105 .itml *?Ul4?*>4's_eir. r*?<lsi?r?xJ ... it?s-j "tat?3 4V, usw. coupon.107 it?d Ma?aa 4 t .110 ,-?-.i state? ? ?. ixiapoo.1 11 V?i Bed -*i*itei V'ityMiDOD. . 9S nu?! Malo. ..'? re-tfa'ereJ... .IL' lai > w H. 1 I. I qui I 1 n am i" ' ,-!??: ' ope the ah 0 li? li BMI ''i Inlted States ?'s touDon. i 11 ? the*B*aeg*B flj.".'iii A labe ids (I lass A . ......... 1"*t Alabama (?'la?? hi. ."' ? '" i Alarum a k'Ism C) ...........'.-.... ?i Alaberna iJurr-ioer . 1 ..... "'? Ar.-b'.on 4'?..'.'.'..... ".'.'.'.'.* '.'.. A'.hiiton ?it. 4 ? ......'" "" 7 1 Lanede ?Voucowrn ..' '" 10? ? .? .V P. t r :>.*. < Baeaneake * orno.,? ' . .".um, C.B. amv .......i".?. VenrtrJt H. u. l.ta ,.,. l'-iiT?T ,t H. (i. 4'r _ '"" " h; taut tanneo-aalaaV..*.*'_* * * ...'.'""'.'".".iIQ6M ten?, fffDeral 4n ... 7 'U P. W. AU. lata. t. r'..?'.."..'. 77 General Kl?i. . 10 7 <;.!..a ?. a. u'i ._,..'.V.?.V. I"'. S. ?!.**?. A. Sila . .. '. II. A T. Cintrai C'a.Ill ii. m T. ?eottal eos. 9*? . ..legu Iowa?, im . . ..... .104 Louisiana naw r-oujoi?, 4?.106 um su bul es. .m?. BImohtI -Ja _. ,.; o * n. 1. ::<i?. . i,? ?i-1-*, t 4?. "..".'.'..:'..?.. - N?w York Central 1st? .'.li?'?4 J"? J-?rsar ?>atr?l .. .II t'^ "ertBuaruiina .?..... .188 Nona Carouaa i- . ..........103 nertbern ,'a.*itlc iit-i .114 Nortuarn r**.*ulc .? j. ?. 1 Normern ParsBe?'a... . loi V F. r. i >t i | , . .I,, | ?:, i kVeatera 8*1 .. ,. i >o-tnw-**tr-rn U?ostMS. .. . . li NorUiw-.i.ri. a?,.. ?.lis, t'ret/?n Nsrissttoa leM.1144 Oregoo Saru-atlen i*j . 100 U.8. Lloe-Ta, 1 r....i'-''V? O.B.LlaaS'a, t. r .l??r Pa.irij ti'tut Vi . 1" Kea im? 4'.. ".' ' syu " ' - w. une. . ?.? * Lg l. M. . . . . !, H4j ?*... jis. a eoe irai Pa .18014 st. Pua, .-oiiws 1 9 tp.t .t i'. um...;.un M.i'nuiU * 1*. j ? .ii;t(j Heataera Bai ?a - . N standard Ht ; - ta t 1 ein? - .'.'. I i?uue<???e ii??? aof.ia n-ia*. J ?. . .. taxas Pacido 1? U. lau . , I'eaaaPaciOa re -,.'.. 47 I'.. Den m . ...... Waliaeli 1- ?'?.| ' 1 y\ Ualaisii -.1? .... .. u?*-t Bbore l'a. .....108 Virginia Ceaturtca . fftM irii'ni-, ?.-'.rr.-i. Jv.4 n ? entrai \m* .. . 5 1 lad ??m., -1 ? . . . , ."> Norolk Wev,?rn 0OOSOl4*a. MM Norioikaod geatara. praterreO... Mff 1 m?.n Pa, iSc 1 ?. Central..' fleorrla t'a. .'.'. 80 ? -OThl of ?I.- 1 ifia |^f. p,. . (-entrai of t.oorfia 3d . ? 1 It l<l, m,nul Sto.-U ?Inri??-!. I.aa.isn. BeptSSBSOI 9\ 1 S ?-. -?:*-. \'ir?-i lo-Caroilaa CBeaiieal. pro ferrad 100 masse at 118; Titil?is < ? 9* nu.-1 ibsise a' 'i'; '. 'i '* ?.. .uit;% Hi.1. Asked Cuite.1 Ma:.?- 4'a 1.U?. 118 .. ,- , ?acia v BortaCaroUaa ?*e... 101 N?, in Carolina ?in... , '?o 1 krgtal 1 3's aes . M?4 Virginia cootnrj. 70 c it t sa ? jtteaaraod . ity l'a. L'o hi.-111111111.1 er v . 1 . il.I R -..a...I, a av.? . II.' mk-iiiuou.? ??.f S'a.. ;o.'? I0SM ?till KOlll l?,IS,,-l. Atlanta I i BarteMe letra.i i'j gtlsots -i'.'i ? iiarioti.? goof ii.t. til?.103W Csarlotte, CoIobMs a Ingnata 84 l'e . ' ?' ? leorgla 1 1 1 . . -. 1 -"' -, 181 Ueorgta, Healhera aad Morida ..1. .I0814 '"?'4 Petersoorc, ?Ulaee A ft'i.I18)? l'i?teratj'irt?, i laaa I I - I8l ?. U7 ... w eetern .N..nii i arollaa i -?t Ve, ., ci i .. ni Beergla a Alabama pr?t. 6'e.... 105 ... Ueorgta aod Alabama, cooeoio?. 82 l.'l.'llllll'll't i ?talla1, .. , ..... lil.iLj Borfolk aad Saetera 1st mort. .i n. 4 1. a -m .... || Norfolk str-.-- Railway i?t 6'a,. ltWJ<i lo.' itAii.KOAu H Par, Ai.iiLIa . . . ?. 114 I/lio? u,?*a.o an I Uj.j.xlln -jj ... Norlolk and Westar? prel.. 100 .,1 h. A Y. X ... I . ,V ?'. .-?nii't'D. TU M? ?i .-ti 'i.?,., 1. i redtwicseborg and r ten. 100 181 it.. 1 ? 1. iiv. 0 .'ut' a ....too Co Kntiua 11 I, /re.|.-ri.;ksburg aad Potoraaetf P. 1 xt_ioj III ... Kl,'i.itiou 1. r re lertckrb . and Pol n 1 ? P. 1 *rU... ItHl IM O unan. It'ii'wty. p'i-r.Hill 31 !.. ..??. iglaand liai ais 1,1 m 84*4 , Baergia aod Alaoaaaa^som. 14)4. i.v Beorgia, BoatBera an.i 1 iat preferred.... ' ' -h > ?tin rn ?nu Kioii'ia '-'11.1 preferred Tall ' Kaa!i,ti7 ? o i .4 BftfS Hi*.k I ilueii? Kx,.-tiauge. !?'5 .';, .1 11? bun..? -;j gg ? ?es 1 a. a. ., '.'4 .atioaol Bookot Vs. lou loi l?a 'lauter?. Nailon'il ii*?..100 'eti-rnourg .savings an.I l? 1 ?jiiipany..?'.'ii :!i?i^ ?Liuiir. .n o toDu t?te Hank of Virulilla. ??'? 14: IHOU BOBS Of Kieiiinotiil all III? iriiiaia Iru.l , .nn;i.?iny.... urn 110 aru.gii Hank "f Ki-tiiiionJ.. ?^ a? a? , ... oonraBiaa lr^isiaiir? aa aaeiOO .. I > M .^. -.11 Mm a 1 " 1 j Cotaps ny i[ir,-l?-ir??l).1 OU L'tU iiirrnan I ,?, m .ni? 1,'oUlUi a). all I i ?j a.-Carolina CbSSllcal prof. 180 l\'-x ill a.?Caruiiiiai.'l.niuiii.'ii ?.oiu. loo 80)4 'Cootatioaa ure lor txiutla uiatuilu?: la uol 'ts than ten year*. ORAIN AND COTTON 1 Kl HA1 Rl Bl to i,\-, mix? . No In..'. ' " n Ite ' N . .. .1 11 niiv I c; No - mix? d - . >' 'r.i 1 lii'iim? ?ND Ti iBACCO MARKET R hill.Hal. \' . S . IM Privat? 1, '1.1 .lili: . 7" m.1 Plant, ra*, Seal -enshaa ,rl to-i Is. at L. B. ' 1..1 to morros w R P ihnor .< Co. ?rill 1 -row I.ihn P. Jacob i I . - '-' \Via\. 'if U'lav HI \. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. BA1 .Tl Ml ?RE -' Pt< n?1 ,,! un. h I loa 1 (he mth hern wheat, ' month. .hit.' corn Dull; X". 2 hrhlte nestsni I ' IV.; Imitation, l?i H7 <1o 1 1 ? .ly. ' box. r fln de, In car-loadr: Jl.::i'i$: " iblng 1 \K\V rORK PRODUCE MARKET. ;i\\ TORK, geptember I Hour ... at at ;.?: . ?K--I . inda; winter patenta, *-'..-'( 0 rye fluir ?lull at t: t - ... Be ' N Dull; choice new tn.tlting. ??1 - do. feedii malt ?t; weateru, Mtf? M , . _. -_ Spot w-.ik. N" -* n<d firm" r on ri e foremo buylog, bul turned \?. ?k ower; an :,.,liv large vieil vv N o receipts disappoint : ami liirht .-M-'iri Inquln main features; No ? red Mar. h, gept amber *pot hi in. No 2. .?. .* ' options ,ii,i advance ! on ? ?n?rinif. Id weather h<- ire Sent clof, ih?r. ?] wi,n -,,,.,1 prteaa showed L-vl-tc M^ptember Hrc-mher - loaed ^ 1-2'' -pot steady, No 2 >. 12c.; op : ami nominal )'>?">* net l..wer: September closed -I eef at? oiv: fan I W; estro ?a. mein*?; beef boma Ih*; ?ftf ? - siiiifi-' . ?_ ?t-Meate-Ftrm; pickled bellies, gsg lUfc -hoiild.-r?, M_>: pickled hams, $7.2?*ti ' T'' '*> sal ? ten ateaaaal Mio; nter, IS, nominally; r? fin. .1 ?*".tk. l'"rk Easj mess. rVr? :*), ?hort clear, til ill.'.;-, family, $11.sou-IIS. ' M"' r? i itcrn creamery. Hi-atri* fi.t.uv. n ?fins. 181-2, imitation ereamery, 1 M" . sf.n?* ?\. 1 ".-ft17?*. Cheeee? Dull; lante whit?* 7 1-*Wy71-?c. t-ggs?Week; western fresh ill Potatoes -Quiet: Long l*?Iand. 11.37 1 2Q is. Jer sey, ll.S! 1-21M1.M): southern, $1.1';..ill "" p? troleum ! i ' Philadelphia and Baltimore, si.?:., balk, n.!?. Rosin Steady; strain? 1. eosBSBoa BS good. )].;'.* ?fl.35. .*?'., 1A 1-2?*. Rice I'irni: doi fair t?? extra, , ' ' \./?? : *..-. Dull; LoB| . 13. 1 Ive; prime crude, ! ; prim? ?urni - nominally; prime wlnti r ?ptions idy at a MMe ' '!ii!?-. rul.ii active "ii In t and some HquI dation, i ai?i. - riah and the lo? ?i market without sp?rculatlve support; ?rot i and Anii-i an ?risible sup pl) tending ton in Lo ? i-i! onfld? -i int. i ly ;iii?i utii-i: mged t?i 10 points lo ilinllnn ** ptenib' >' ? ' ". ' ::.) ?lull and nominal; No .'. ' I V . J..I Lilil?. M ST 1 '.'. -?r?t?.? i. pwn.-i. ? m* reflmng, .. Ive; .M -ui'i v ? . granulate?], NKW i ' i:\ DR1 (ft ODS MARKST. NEW FORK September g reeterdey .' enjera ?" . .? ?|ii,-ii< ? much shipping under * CHICAGO PRODI '.-: MAKKKT. CHICAO? '. B? ptemb r I An la in the ?isihii* supply, together with .-n?ir i?? day closed md I. id ribs, Il i-;. Tb i- adtng i il| m .. ?asa iJUmmi Whiut-No. BSpl. ?i'."i - t M M n..,-. j , i ^ tiny. I M, ? ' -, SSpl . . B1 no?, " . HI ?tl'*, ', May.I i | 11 ?g| a:t . 34 i'?i- >,,. -. ?eai.i - i Itm i Mali I?'" . I! '- i'i Mar.... ..... ', MissIMr? . I'.,, i, i Hti. is t.? M IS |8.9 . W. 1.50 B60 I .-, ., *.:iii ". BUM s o BS7M I.Altli -I'-r I '"t'l. 14 | -?.r.? e-1.7?? I . ' ''. ' '' -I '.' . 1.7 ? I , ' ' .j.*"' B.O I i 7 , ', I.77M siioi.T Bug Per loo i ,.. ;"it.. .S > ? > 7 ?._ B6.I7H BA.07M ?".o'?? ha. ? BO , ., .. Hows No. I ?in. 31 1 -. /:'.! : ! -. l-'l?.iii Mo#2 spring wheel I ; No S spring S'o. 2 red, i Nu. 2 -.lin.-. 211721 i - N I'i in,. lino! n\ 11-2 Mi pork, per ." . . i 'i ? - ilt? 'i shouldi i . ii :-i?-. Bhorl dear in loar, - But tei ti reamen : i Hi m ; fresh, I. viii. ?'? i'i"?' ?N ?i ?RKETfl ?.I . : | I'.'l |n ! j-ZZd. 'i 12.0U0 0 wi - fui -i" ? ni itlon Bd ' M'-'i i. and In? lud? I 11.7C0 Am 00 I 0 an. arltfa ? m ?matul s- pii mlii r. and ? >' - ??i- -1-1_. sell? i . ? i. tot? r and . \ ilu? . Nov? m : ! I u?i r? ' ml M ii, h, 3 - Han b ii'l Ap'i 11, z *.'.!-< : :'-'-i-? A| tu ind June, ind Jui>, .' i----.i" 11 64d NKW yoRK - ; t? ml r Cotton non.-; to i be i '"Mm- i tO-dS) N te Oreel ? . ... ? 'onsolid ii- ?l Net n -ports?toOrea es ; to i m,.- ;,?, i.ii? . ? tb? 'ontlm i Totals slm ? B? ptemb? r lal Nel i mi ? Oreal Bri | - ' 85; M? ; May, 16.71 - . Mov? mber, J D? 5s; .i arch, J6.70; April, > quiet; middling upl i?- ; middling Ou to z points Bbove tb? i losing i a ?? n tu ? i n.ii i"?? limil m ?,t m ,i - quiet, al u int lower. Pollowlii? th" openlni down ,,,l mov? n" at was i ecked b) I h< oJB lI announ em? ni ol y? llo? levai il i In tl m.. |o< r? or . of fi'ki- -; the , | IS u i. i.i I! v i ?EW ORLE t? r I.?i lull; ? -'-.' *...; i . 'HI, 1 - : . ? 11.M IN? i'i".'. ' Beptemb? rurpentin? Firm ai . uii 'I'ui; - nu i m ?I ;. i as. 1.17 bur I : .? -in i , -, re B, C, and > - ? Ii ... ii n.i.', m p ?0; N. J! 1?; ??: -.-, |l v. ItM, HAUL i . se, non I :. I" ?KTERSBURO COTTOM MAKKKT BTERBBURG s ptember t (Speelel) toi ?v il?-t at I fi le. for K"oil lots. 'ETBRSBURG PEANUT MARKET. KTERSBURO, i ?pt? mber I I /o, buyers nine me., but holders not willing ?o at that ligure. ETER8BI RO TOBACCO MARKET. -ITERSBURi - ber I (Specie!) ni?i offerings v. i> i. .-:.mon I . :,,. 1*?S?. I?.'**.. i?".r f |?_*l..''". fair to good -?hurt . H0I7; medium to good wra QJ; good to un?* wrappers. U_'?v/ujla. shipping la mark. t. NultruLl- PAANLT MARKET Ki-iiLK, batMeesaar .?<upeciai.) nui, Pagasera' Basrksl quiet, fancy, tc.; stri.'tly prim?, )l-*e.. piitas ta? lc.; ?xnnition. t?Sr . Bpaniah. 7wc. UaBt land f??r all arnd?.? St TKnEi- rSANL'T MAKKKT 1PFOUL Bsptaraber - --i.specui.)? id-picked, fancy. Uk, extra. I He. ; .inla ?hslied. No 1. Il-lc. No. _ la.; Bpanlsh shsllad. No. 1. 41-te . nets' stock, fsney. I l-2c . pr.iue. I to lc.. farmers' Siyanlih. Tl to It. hat. CONDITION OF CKOFS. AII*?ORM W.I.V HOT UKATHKB HIS ?.LM.H tl.l.V BBSS FtVOB MILK. CORN HAS MADE RAPID PROGRESS. < ?.lion Una SuBVri-d ?*?-rloiialr from Knot. It he ild In ir, nnil Inore*???Moat Od Km-1 y I till?< ? ?, ||n? BOOJB Co? wad llonaed?Int.- Crop ProaBUBJOBg*. \vAsm.\'c.r<?.\ .?. < . ffiptimhir T >?"kly bulletin of the Agricultural Department Is as foil Th.? ahneraaally high tempaialaeeg thronghont the w? b i >vor BMe for maturing . rape, nmre pai Iirly over th.. OB?tgol nul northern por ee ti i fi"ni the Mlaelaehajl Vast , N. "H'rlnliH, in th Bd Wi n >. all Btatee the w? hi nalij fosee* I.m in th- Mouth A of tl Bast ?Half Bl i. ,. range? < ?n the La. ni'- have i o favsv ibh i -, ma t in if v. uii.l. r the aim., maliy t. mi adltlona, s rop la Shi. i wh. i. n Is .. i t.. danger froanj f" i snd the remainder ?til roatove . arlier than nsaal Late ? r..p ? hai. i-I) Injured i v hoi a Dohoto, N' brssajg? Kinrar. sad I while h?..?., relue have .nul 'i AI i.iii'!.' .m 1 ?', ITT"?V i ?I?, flam nd > ? m whh n Oeorgla nod the CoroUaaa, ?here ?ha i i ra tially heavj h i id Tei Wing ii.I .1 un . than in th- ' w? ek. In th? I m... i..n aod the top crop Cot toa la oosalag i..: Idly in all district and pi? km.- la | i roi ii.i> n*.. t n.rural and ? n .n. Boat of 1 a ||.| ' i . ..I ,1 I,. It 'ih,. ..ii , ondttions >.*. i r the Central m?l - i be cojatrj I o< the m i;1 rlv? r hav? . *. for thi wort I nl.e?III?' Line lllo.-k?il. Trsfllc oa th? l_k ly .?..| i\. ,| Mond . i party who to the en k aa 1 IS Phil sh.;, a In? 'i mini long eftef midnight B viiim* 1> i RLUOBB4 B. MINIATURE ILMANAC II San n I III".II i ' . -I .. . J I- , : POR i f RICHM ?ND umn BD, m? i i 'oca I ' ?Ih, ? ...n , lomponj. gAILBD Bimmone, I in? r.-h.ui'li < Innip Ni Hi- T Ma!-". Rlnonlngton, tu) via Norfolk; I. t s, boon, i. \ ird A Hunt, n i-ak Sen V'i'l,. ? New Ivan . \ indrl . vi i Noi t"ik, veaael, John \ ' 'm tla - m* NEWPORT NBV ?. i Bj telegr ? ARltl. BO I. oil. h .11 S. ho< ner Katie U. R ad. gAIi 1 D ,- John 1 mil. Poll Rlv ' Kchoon, 1 Harri I ' ? 1 PORT "! ' VN ?"-sl" l'"'NT SKIT? ' - t. ARRIA i.i' 1 'Ik; IMLED \ -. -, N'ufolll, Ig? OP BERMlfD , ilUNDRBD, VA., 1 ITEM HER (By I ARRIVKD. 1 largi m 1 I? h 'i 1111 ,. 1 a 1 1 RICHMOND TRUST AM? SAW. DEPOSIT CO., larthwool ?or. Tonlh and >inin Ptg-j 1CK IIMON t>. \ A. A?-l? In \l.l. 'I mat < ,? j.,?. 1. I.-?, lining?-? I ?In??-?, I..-it,1 U?,n,->, I;I,-. ??pooJlM lti-?-?-l? ?*il ?ml Inli-reat AI-> lo,\?-il on I?.11I? lltilii ui ? ?. resident, - - - J?hn *> ?<*'*?> vviii?sms ?r? pm?mh !,d,ne* M* Uoo,e>' ice-rrebiueDis, j ,rdnk A l)avenportt ec'y and Treas'r, Henry i <.n?j<*n tobeii. Dili. : 11. Ad . m. Win Henry, ohn L W11.1 i tu ->. it ai m,. II Dool? j. H i. ' shell. rank A Paver port 1 ufa L Wiilnrd, V J. I. J w . W. Roll \. m F Cochn u. Purcell, John *. Oa ihn H Elit It, Ernst Thalm inn, T I ' M >?r%. rl ?'. I'avi.Jvon, m. M. Habilaton. i?>i'? M. William?. ' ,,v<-?'i TIIIH M ILL INI EBBST *H?I . I? *. I <lr turning gruy. or are you getting bald? It is not v?-ry pr.-tty. 1-, It? I ?e ANTHINE? RCF.HERTa*. GRF./iT Gfc*RM.\N IAIR RESTORATIVE It win restore the original color to tl,,- hah and prevent |, , les. effective, pleaaai" : t?-?<tlnonials are given. Prom Rev. Mr ?nnit-roii. minis ter of the Presbyu-rlan Ci.ur? h S, uth, Bossy Creek Trim. I ha\e u**<-d th?- X^nthlne now for -art, and have indue?,I .,ti, ere to try It. and hav?? never known it to fall In accomplishing all you claim for It. It in ??r Mr?.||ent tonic, 11 pleu-ing dressing r?-n,.,vln* and preventing dandruff ?ml ,,|i ,,?. pleasant Itching, piomotlng und preserving the natural -rrr.wth and color of the hair, and r.n.Wln? It gtueay and pliable. I rotiBdentiv ?|y, and knowingly re.-.,m mend It WILLIAM CAMKi For aale by ail druaglsta tl per bottle. Insist ?jn getting it (Bu 7-8u.WAI"tSm)