Newspaper Page Text
...._THE RICHMOND D18PATCH-SAT?RDA?, SEPTEMBER 10. 1891. ? Now or Never. i I I ?j -\ I I I I that is the phase which our Century Club assumes to-day. Last ni^ht only a few sets were left of the 1,000 allotted for distribution at intro? ductory pnees-so few that the closing 0f the Club to day is inevitable. h the sets hold out orders will be received until 12 O'CLOCK TO-NIGHT, but it is likely that the last set will be taken before that hour. The Dispatch feels good to-day? actually jubilant. II1 are prowl of what we. havt accomplished. IIV said to the C* >> 1 i >. m !hc beginning that if they would turn over tous 1000 for distribution ire would find hOOu homes 000 in Eichmond) >!j to enshrine them, and what was more, they would be the best ;, s -progn ssire homes--for that is the kind of people who read The I )i s I hi fch. We irere not reckoning without our host. ; the, enterprise hos Leen n PHENOME.NAL SUCCESS from start to finish By tonight the Club tx- completed- Has means a saving of $56,000 to this community!! This is flic difference in- round figures on the 1,000 sets between the introductory dub price awl The Century Co.'s regular pricet which they Will ad Ik re to u ?1er the cluh is closed. < THIS IS THE WORK THE THE THE rrrii's'i nvnj?, ! ?tatu?.IctntiW CENiLTdCE-.Tuav! iest?v) <T.>TP-?^.??fc )!t.TIJa?*i0 PlCT.WAlfipiCnO.'iW Ni VtiLliivniili raTiD?Aiw??p ; i if' '- * KIJKI VOLV?Vi - L^j$: HN.0piiwp''?O? ?a>4i \\lsj7?-Wxh?v^.iiifamdA-0J'Sv?:.-? PZ ; j ' '-f ' Jt & Ulli a few prorapt people will secure to-day at clob prices and terms, file) nrans a saying of about $56 each. There is yet time. I 5 V I ? I 'l I'romp! action mayyel secure participation In this (?ni? distribution. Iryou eannol call to refl?ter your for on? <?i Hi*- sets, ?end the attachedregistration blank by special delivery. M will cost ??mi ? !? .-, cents (?> try, and if registered In lim?' you will aare lare? amount mi yonr ?? ! should it reach us t<?<> lat? your membership lee will, of course, i??? refunded. The opportuult3 i- i??? i m poii a nt for you to neglect. A surer iraj thaaatallaor meseenfer Istouae Telegraph or Telephone. There is no time left to irrite for further in? formation. If you wont the work at this intro? ductory club ?trice you must tithe the Dis? patch's guaranty that all is just as represented. The Richmond Dispatch. Meo'>o*i ? ? # ?g^-aos^o* ## Registration Blank. T<> tin* Dispatch, Richmond Vs.; Please register i;iv nain? Th? Centitn Dictiona**** and Cyclope ilia at intP*??in t.,r\ r it?-*-. anil "retidme illustrated pamphlet containing mea pages sod sample map ; also,d< scription, ! ., of the rarioos styles of binding, to aid dm in *nj choice. Inclosed find ?4 to i oi t c nu -n?. dp fee in jroiu club. Name. Addres TRADE 0FJT? 11-; WKKK HE Al ami nul il? il? BAVE M Mil il m i ?i ntiii (.1 i,.\it. MURMLE PBATORBS CONTINUE. ' ?((iliii!.- ol' ? .iiill?l?-,i?-i- lu liini _ ?.iiiki Bastaosa Mainte lno4? -.inli. in <>iiii,u HUlS Hu??- Doue *. lu? I? ll.-li.r I linn Mo Hi? ru Om-a. ; - , ' .ni ir? Ml lbs pe ahlnfl : .1 .--till DOS lude of qin - - i sntl itlnued , , i ' . mov? Best to i - u ?i ..n,i manufactured pro i . Lass ?broad ?u?) re n - ' | - :.l ara ??till able. . - . mou t-, .?t?- In the fOI II ''Il llll'i Hte.-I (llirlll? a ?juletiil?/ ? ? i ! v firm, and in .... tendsi i. the ' .- almr.Mt entirely t.. the i 1.x I i nit) ot American milla t" M+ it. tint? Unit? act, bat .' . .1 in lbs Went till" lot Of _tn;l bar? for ! v - , Ii . pi/rtHl at riil . ahlpmenta ? I mall but T,nm? - rii ! from Hint Rail) r.'port two or tin.- BBOBtbS ah?*ad of la ??.live at KafiHuB City, Louisville, and tbroogboot lbs ( i -"?"ti I i poi ta m? i ? ii ' ti Inte? i m .!' v loping trail.' With Hawaii : >jf?*l actlvit) sxlsts in distribution at Portland, "Taco-aw, and ieattla. BOUTUERN CONDITION? BOUS ?'lurk Id trade i. -. ,?.i t *?1 In the i. > >?.. r Mississippi Valley, causad by re? ports of rall?n fevei .. . - -lit ? i Alla- . aal !.. 'i ,\> ootton crop prospecta, sai t" h tel/ni trad? and coUst-tl . i 1 f?,'II, th. .- . a ; mu? ? ."?i, basad partly uiion iisi i onfldsncs in aaotbl r h.'.ivy t rut) tlii.s i ithera mills bars ?ion?' wall ?luring treating sharp* i\ with sorthern mills in this respect, bul J lbs need "f un tacreassd foreign outlet for a m. : i i- unsslstakabla in i ?a- i ?loi in lumbar, ?ii un*-. i at Phlladelphl ; ?. ral i' ; ill i .', Mali latOD . Imt w. I and b illd iv chi i?- ? bui i<?. New fork, tan cooler *.*.- i th.T Lfb| an Improved spot do? : ISS luivt* a*? Un tall- n off ars guiei bol snd tii.' demand for ssen'a-^vsar Ml i?I> I" ? Spat tal - QRAIN l.\i'< '!?'I'S sblpmsnts for ths weei lnclud?i B7 MO bushels last ttt s ? I touMH \ this west ons rear aso, in bushels m li ? ushels in IMS, i In UH Unes July i t. i-i:? rear, wheat exprn-t?. . ?mailist &ni,*r**. I'lishols during t'"* sams period of porta for th?- wast segregate t, ' ?i ia: hela lu-1 wees bi sht Is in 11' ? "i respond? l??i, an-' BlS In July 1st, this v. n-, th.- exports ,,f ,? its M M H - - - nom? pari ! with ::i?.l7?'..T,r.7 Luj-h.-I-i last y?-ir. FAii.rin: InSSS failures in tht^ I'nlie?! States ber 't-'. against VU last WSjfk, 173 In ibis weak s year agu, sus in istw. zu ia .... in ISiH. Business failures in th?> T>ominion or unbar 1,*, again*t :'< last ws to 1 ,. ftm . a m 1%%% is VI LOYK1IS Ol I H 11 l'VKKNTS. ltoiiiniitli- M-?rrln?r Ml m :, ..?-.?,-, .1 of a ?tr-1-.liiiri? Ciu?|ii?-. v\ l.M'lil.STKK, VA., September 0?- 1 I)-Howard Crablll and ?Hal atharln.? Hlnklns, of Btrasburg, were tiairled in Hagerstown, M?I., yestenlay ?ntlt-r rather romantic circumstances ,'oun-c Crablll had been paying court to mkln? for Bome time, but his at-J J saUflBS ?ere dluapprov?-d by his iw.-k- ? -^ u-art's father, Jacob Hlnklns. Seeing j g? r futher's consent to their mur 1 lag? could not be obtained, the couple | l. toi .nun ?I tu Hope. Accordingly late on i P* lay night Miss Hlnklns left lier P1 'mhsr's liouBO secretly, nnd, nnwtifl?? I Od oung Crablll In a buggy near by, th.- ' coupla drove t" Rlverton an.i tbera toob the NorfoOi end ?Vastara train f'?r Ha? k< i -tu?? n Th. obtained censa snd aen married by Rev. -i B i >?\- Lutheran i bun b "f tha? ottjr. Tic y return? <i t<? P, . thl for Str.i.-burg. .Mr. Hinblas, Bndlng ins daagbter aUss* in? (rom boma morning, start? ed in ; an ii o? ii-1 An eompaoli >i bj Boa, iii-.v cam? lo Winchester, bul their ; --.?'.I ?.t no i-. ii:. aa Iba ? sung coup!.- ba? d l'i- ?r traeba ?? n. and no i ine t" their whereabouts could be ul't lined Tbs ?-?i ""?n la prosperooa .. ??unK farm? er, and la tha aoa ol O Henry CrabilL OBS ?'t Iba ??? ?Ithlest and leedl-S ?i*iia of Bbenandoah county. Th? 19 ?ear? of age. -??r-> Km-Mirin'* ? oiilrlliulliiii. KM!'? ?RIA, J A Bspn ml : I dpedaL) Mr. Oeorgi w Geary, for siani feat i prominent merchant of tbla place, erUI ahoi t:. rsmova to Plsaaant lull, N. C, t" engage In business at that place. Mr. fJearj - departure la much regretted. H? Itls? He la n- imber of the Town Council of Emporla, Tha condition ol Mi H .) Ore? a, win? ?gas reported In eatr mla yesterday, is better to-day, much to gratlfl? itn'ii of hi r in.. i> ft. A p<iit>' of "'ii young msa ara off on u? axtepded hunting trip. Amoj tha number ara Tosm-Serseant t?. i>. ??ooii B ) n. juiIk? 0? s un-1 Q-oodsrya went up to ..,ui-1. ? rilla veatei lay ?.aal? le-.-*. .Much Bympathy Ii fsl f'?r our Trea? surer. Uenj. W. vVyche. Boms t? ?? montba a bi Igh little child; ii??w he tWO -''k. Mr. if. ?i. Mason an attoi ney of Un* ilace, is in Frederlcksburg on business Miss Fi.nnie Wood la visiting h. r bro li- r. i M-. Qeorge '.' \\ i ?d Mrs. k. L. Turner bas rsturnsd from a ?leasant visit to relatlvea at South Q on, N C Mlm? Bertie Bun ' treib ricksbur*-. -i rtaltlng her school friend, Mlaa Etli? toker. I am glad to note that 'he condition of taster Chai ion of our populai ownsman, Charlee i.oker, is much im rovoa. More than twenty million ?Tr-e samplet f DeWltt'fl Witch Huzel Salve ha?e b ? fl Istlibated by the manufacturers. ?Thai etter proof of their confidence In Ita nerita do y??u want1 It cares pli--?, btirn.s. i-alJ-, sur.!, lu t:?e ahorteat space of me. _ DE WITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE 1 well knew*, cure fof piles ures c'oetinate sores, chappt d hand*, zema, skin diseases. Mu-i*? turo id scalds painic?s. We could not im ove the quality if paid double the i?je. Tbo bast salve that experienc? ia produce or tbaL money cau buy. IT OURES P1L68. I?STOCK LIQUIDATION nn._?iTic rnotKKiiiVG op th ?OUT AT HEAW JLPBU.BM. SEORT-LIYED PERIOD OF FIRMES Dr .%'? -. Ilo?-ever, I'rire- Wei luiultliuw Thr<i(iK-??nt t',, l.Ut Wheat Kitllir? unit i ???., Hiulirr rruvltloii?, Hu.? Weak. HUM V? i. i.iber 3.?liiere wa furth? aUoa tu i. aa sapBBee to the pen Of -t ' ki ? !' beta-en i. B - I U v i ,. gn It ln-.tiy ?.use- katSBSfl oe< r iba Bi ..?HT at tue st. pnnl cent, continu?-l t'ie pravafl ir... . . . B aatare aj BM Irom ai ; ! la '.ti Ha of a fur tbl : ; -It ot this. ? Sttg . ; ti.?.- Bt I . .. :. i .. . . - the case Vith tha la : ton ....?.?-'.ii. BBS a. sl.urt-lr?. ,i ' Bra ;, day ?j.i .?- . BBand to nets put oat Th..-? was en ad I (-Jb-TS ol the I*.!. . i K'-t to r.-rl? rt -any violent depr. i . I-H'l, I Ht I 11? .-- B ' I ?i?t by (.(in in! by ni>??n th" in... throw over stocks wa? in fuil i i?- tiirnotinx Ibr? 11-1. Kir, y ?tail?.? in ,i r? w BOggpb lory : .??it. k? which h.ive rSOSat? been aabj? ol is stta? k tti? r?- ??.i ibis it wss, in at that ir ab ? ?nualtaasats, I aa tho long BMOh were le" activity of tha . iiinrn.- v..' ..i i Btlreiy liquidation, , pure and alai pie, 'iu?_- t?j tho bardai ! mu: PBfCE RSCOVBRY. 'I'be dlstlnctl-r rsslST tune ff money la u- Bftsraooa brougb.t tsoovorp in prlOSS, ??*i.i?* from that ?lu?; to eoVST-Bg by the r?j"in trsdsia. Th-* redaction at ?ii?, tail loas rato la I'M por eant ra? suited in the Bteadjrtag el (orolga ear i inga and ? check t" the advance .<t iun mon'> rat?*. New fork banks c'liitiiiiie t?i lose cash very h.-avlly to the jab Ti seamy, an?i the ahrpra? currency t.i tin.- Interior show ,t large ln ' - of last week. ad market shewed tho effects of liquidation, though to .. . ka. Total -ales, jt.OH.eOB United '1 )-Z. uxl the new 4'* ii. while the t'a, when tasaed, decllm i l-l in tho bi'i price There ?? re burgo .i il? fi'"iii \M 1-- down t?? I at I . -i s ?leo ?.f atocha i" ni ludtng Atchla ?n (pr< .- .- i- i,.i util... : OgtOU anii gnu...-). U I?1', ,.ii?- and Nasbvllla, fcWO, Itaabat ;...'.. Nerthen du.-. 28,*?; Union Padflc, 16Mb, St. i i .. Mte ?i-i ... IT,M>; ?Chicago ??r.-.u das, i*..:*.",, % J.4M; i m' - II? ,\j:y am? k\i'ha\<;k. Mon? v on call fin i I per c nr , . ; ; Ime mer I ! I Z ! I ? lit. . alth .-i? tu ii la bunk, r-' lull- -it il ?I 1-1 j .- .1. mil n.I ami 11 B l-2w<i for sixty ? I r. * MJB1?1 ! Mils, ji n i a n i -z. * tt ? ttifi. - - - Bar siher, i Bar. HANK CUE -Ml I I i ..-,i. rleai Inga In lb? I i for ti??- week ?ere *' ha B).> ;. Bs . of Nt a v..ik, N-MU ggfl ?OhK MUCK ??LOIATIONS. e'losing*. ??B-daa-felBBoa-.aaaBaaa?re. |g^ AUD ?M.ii. i-irtterred...... ' ' U -?illiti? r?- ?-. I 0_iu . . ?IS Cai ??a l**a in . .. . . ''*, (. anaca aoutowra.-.. l entrai f.v*:?c. ~ ' *-? l..w| ?i?" .ll". ??'?i Ci?/?, ?tilt A I CbicHcu, ?'urim-ii'i. ml v an r. .li.i^i tiii.-nKn ?ol -?-?lira llliuou. MIS c. t.. i.: ?ni M? beam . + ? Hi i . i . ? . ?-i 1 .it. I... i ?.rererre?!. IB betanart aaBHeJaoa.? 107 Delaware. L*.*xi*-iiin?. .v Westarn ? I1? bem.r and mo uraaas. ' Pea vat sou itlo-rml-, i.r?i- n i lnotaasj, . ...?.? '* li.? m?v . laibrarerrQ't ._. Mm] ? II ^arile.I7B Oieai .Wi?erii. uret?rrel .I M . iJiey ...-.- 1 Llteois Oe itral.ii'?s I t?. -Ha nul ?Y ?.?.irr?. I* Lase sneaad rtf*i?j?u, pretene-i... 73 i ntko .-?nor? . . . IB** i.ouimi.le ?ni >Bs.?uie. ?7\? ti-litiailuii _. a?*B neii,i(joiii?u i eactiaa.?.IM -ic-ieac Ce?ir??. .108 ?iliiinjM.t- _u-l .*?'.. Loin? . . . 'i-.j _'.nuri(.i*>f?uj*?i. loui* lat Dreferreo. . m* MMoenriraenvi. 3"H BobueaaauBte.-. Ij -i.touu a, una i'. ? i?, I i*.-.iun K.iiui i. iiref??rr<->l .-'i-bf, bow-hllBoyaud Catease...... . "H Nea Aibn'iy an?! ctuca-o i>r?*ieri(--l.NI >'e? o?r.?> c onir-i. .... UOVij New ?ora <;eair*-_.ti*^4 mw To-s.cajoago aaa Bi> _ . i-v? N.T,. VkiT-gtraas SI b i*t ureterred.... BA B? i., ?.U'ca.o ?nu -i- i- tt ureierre?._ M sor..i.o*- ra . IB * I Am *rii.i,u LolUUi?iiy. ii'?| ?o? Leruf?t'.-m..-'..^.. :t->. .N. rt-eru fuclll-..remneil. ........ ' B*? I ; (i:l'?l,iill,'l'.?'.|t.IU.a Bbj p tuen.'ii ... ?'ni .Nitr .MM. ?o ? | ? nagea ? ?un ?u?. t i ateseri tte-diaic. i**'-, hoi_:*ui-ua. ... -m.lo Aj _t.j.ouin .ma Baa#raa?tsea._w-?. s*t-4 It Lmusead "??p Krau lut uret. H."??j hi. b-iii? aua .-?an ir?n, '.'u prar . .'?: ?? ti. -*?ui. n. raj. are? ttrezm . ?._?.l,'?m?i bt.t'auiaud ?JC34UB. BU bi.l'iiiwaii'l uiua?a. DreterreU.157 bt. i'au?. ??. aod M. . in . touttierul'acitic.?-........ M suutiierL. H'% ?lUiLrru. orelerreu .M.... SiV? l.jti.rtciao. 14 LieL i .?in?- ',r.-i . ?l1*). U._*.. n. ?sao9. ..-. ?''. l\BL;a_t.*?L ?/?ai? nal l'*K3lQc......?..^ I???, rt nia?ii. **t. .'.?in, ?u i i'AClflc. pt?ter.*?x-. BMi ?l,- ,1.1,1 l.?.,l LMI . |U ?? i M M ? . i ___ ? Sri? oreiarraJ. '. ? ?, ?Una Irou_. ? i4 exmaa? lourmiu ?-ama tx?.re-H.]]0 ?. meneau -xpreaa...1 o niteat-tiate- -xhimm._. 4U ?V ? ils r Br_u _x;ir#?* .l.'O Ml? Ll.NSOL'?. lUierlCBU t'olti'ii (H. . 3e iwrntttu c .Uhu Un i.rolerrea.... .:. t?_.v_ )i_?r?cB--iiir?u.- r.-^ ?uieiiL-aa M^ini?? prererr??a._ :i i4 i.i.t-iuau li?l>_i*co Cu.l-?-V% L?u?ricaa l'-u-owC- uraferreU. .1.'? ?ai,. i?-. XDMjliaaiea ou.i ?*i ., < uiupeuy. .1 o oi./ ?. _ ;.??.?. Bill oi. Fuel % l. ?.reierroU . ^0 OL-I-, -? IflJ . I , ili_?/I*>.-ito-l.'.~.m 71 4 .?, ?'.n.u ,-?. 4: '4 ,??U t'ra*..?.H'g ,eau uroierre-.m?._10 .al.o?al ..lii?oel oll. ?iva aiit .lau.... . S3 ii.l_._u fi.l*??..IM *-. >i?er CertiQesiee . . ... oute tau?arc a ,u- ?uJ Twtae. ', , BicricBr *ti*?r ?"'i ? -.Il H ? neetoea_ager KeOuery. uret.lis . C am iron ._. '*"*"?> . t>. Leaitiar.?. TH . K _Mib<?r areierreu . BBtO . ? Mubler. .-^......,*... 4?H . b. preiarre?.l????, lessors uukm .?.-... -' '? I. Loui? ? j >oeihw??tern. A i. boui?ani a*uutbw-?tere lat preierred. 1 li? KUrsoaa sod Western..... '?1 - : ii iU dot IS s. Klo iTM-.i:?.! We-rf-mi. pre!.. S thieaso l>r??u Wt-eiar-. Lol'.n ?*?*>ct;?- " 3i <bi<*itir.-?n<l North ?r-AtAra..19 , ?l ?f*4 Sorthw, ?rrn -erst.".........111 h?-??,,?,,*?^-.' 'oretN-Bf . ' ' ?t nr I ?t pr-?i?rr?a 41 i?.'?*!-?o?-t, ".t-i-'-t;,;^;;;;;;,...!"*'! ?1 r??*in.-?.f> ut. M cr-.fwrTfj.j. ?; Im-niai'oiii I ?. ?.- Crup-.-,,. Iutornelioosl Pap-w (omt?er... pr-f .. ; 0 n ?.iu u*?r. 'ttn3'!,Mi . j-ja ?ta.r?t -r..*-. iwaiSMrse..'.?97*aai3l L altee n-WtaS'B, n??. ?*oa-?oe.r>7?,?.is* t Ml*? ' M?-.--- 4 -, .Il0.4f.ll! I ni'* I >t?f??B ? ?. roapoa.1 ? ivkiii ? t'r,ite?i Met?* .'' aonpoa.. j??, U mMS Mates s rf??iji>re i .. .'. i i ?Vii i .;i In'i-i-i.? i'% c-oudoo... . h . ......I .lito ?la-? (i.'ism A. "....."!.*.0-. *l?h*ma (?':* ? K,. it? ? ?"Tsit ci Al?beme ?**jr?-?>u?*T An-r'?ori 4'*. AhGbianti -i lt. 4 ?. 1 Canada -rrun*rn J s C.?*?. T. t .loo ........t' O .i ?? . $??! .107 ... f*:? ? fniir.i.-?.? | ' ... o? .. 1 I..' c. h. tt tottga. 1*1-1? ? LenTsr.. H, i,. i?u.?IU 1 f>?r?-?r?v K. ?.. 4 ?. . tffl i la** rtuPM-dcii-j........!.".-.?; in? t-Ti*.* 4- . 7??. r. W. ai?. Ists.1 r.rr,,M.t- 75 Qessrol m- -.- ,?..10" . B.A -s. \. ,5'. .. .... .I || ' fc. H.****. A. M, . .ISS a a c, oeotni ?/i.ut li. . r.c-nin-J i. ty?.lus Une is-.<. ....m>4 . i*-a-?i*.n?, i?,? : ,-^oU, 4's .lo:t 1 I t <! ... .....M?* Ui/moari o'-t .I0f , * K- ?. SOS. . 64V ! ? A\'t 4?. mi .Ne* Tork c*?ntr?.i i-r- .IIS1 I 2*5 ' r??* Csatral .?'s .113.? i S-*rtBo?roiln-i I*?.ISS i tl :: . 4'? ; Aeitbern r*K.>i*t? ut? . 1,4 Non??ro r"t..iao .ri. . '?H N " f , .tic l'a_ .. . .101 I . * ?t L. t a .1081 4-11 ?Tessera e? .t Vontiw-.twrn Cot-soi* . Ml N.rtr,??? , ?.is.It?1; OrtfOi N?ti-?!i>n|.--.114? ur?-r.,: 'invn-ilii'ii , . . '??.? U. H. lAaeS's, l r .?..i.'. 0. .*?. i.iue j ... r. r.107 l'a. m. ?J'sor 'y> .lU-'t, , 4 ?.. .H*-*? n. t.. W. i^ts. s'.,l, : f?. !.. * I. U. ,-j5, ,i ... ?_. ?i? h ?. i. ?* ?v. K. ?raa.jri.1 'i'* .ISO ? ?xPast ')ii?ou ... .ISI i 6t. r. u ?c p. i?ti.un M.l'SiilU* P. Jl.Il ?1 *uuu -,ii, :, ??., , ?. ....?; -tau ??trd Hope and Iwtn-iijg. 7:--, ?>'.ni-* *?*># n?# ??I-.14 nent '3 t_. S3 f ex a* l'an Ho I. ??. 1st* .1 ?? * < i?n??iJ,.-ia. r?ci-??<jr^.i n. 441. ?. P.. i,i>u??r an.1 UiiliBi").7ii -ii us?ista*i.iim Wabasb .'?I? . ! I Wo*. Sbor-i 4'?.P 8-1 V irifinia l'aniline*.'?, Viranila ,i?ferr?,,i. me -i?? ?Dirai Jsts. MN Motii'-iarxf Hani ? a . Il Nor.olk ami WssterS SSBSSl 4'*-. * ">?? ' l ? ?n?1 Wastorn. preierr-.-.. .,. IM L mon l'a. ifl 4?. lM| t eutralot* ?'?orelai*. ?H) teatral of (..-ot-ia I?. lu.. 3 ?4 Central of Georgia '.'l. in:. il Il i. N .,,...,,l Stock Market. i;iciim.?ni>. SspceaiSss ' ' . ttvt. i?lSS Virginia ? ?)nturi?s-.0.000 t, ?0, flat al /??A?, ; Kicbuiouil Irusl and BSfS D Ctjatpany -19 ubarns at lot). ?.,iT?.KV?thvr ISOt R1TIB-?. Hi'l A-I.'.l. Uaitsastates4*s l'Jo.''.Ill ... ?MAI *i K ? North Carolina **S.IOS North l un,lin-. ?J's.12?,l^i l'irifiula 3*S (OSWI. . li Virginia eeiiiiirr. ? in SI i-lty |*S.IM i< ?-i r fa .113 n, j ^-itj?- ?..* ..IM I0M o~'K to;;t? ?IAH KOAI' li'J-i'-l. Atlanta t ? hurlait?? l^'. 7 ?..120 ?llama ami ? tiarluti? guar. tul. .;? .!.11)3 i i ?n. it i, ? tumble * Angosta ..i Ve .US ', fia, - mimt u aul Plor: i i .-. .i Ort a ? i .r-, \ .'- .I lvi-4 pe sisSsig, cia#s t? ti's... i.'i Uttrbmooa au?l Mm-tit-nbur-? 1st o *t. . >t i..v? i.. I-it >'*. 1*7 vt .--ft u North Carolina 1st ??'*, . ., I'HI ... .ink l.eoif ia ?V 'tin?? uro!. 5*S.1"<?'1? .-i. eos nSb? ti ? 4 nl I , kCUOQ j'?? ....... I ' ?. sad Western lut mort. it . ... Mi? n. f. k Miasl Hailway 1st SV.a..101M BimSftsr SSOOSa Par. Ailtiiii ?,ii?i c.,'?r,..t,.ISS 1!*? 0<MSMsakeand OSm...IOS ; .?orioia aua * *. o*i?ru pr?t., loo ...f . "i l .i) I?. A P. i .:. , -, P. , ?iiiiVii. 70 an Ki.-i.iu'iu). i- rirdertcaslMirs ma Pi , 100 1 :? K.. r JL. P. ,JIV. .-..?iiilii .10') I i HkIiiu. 04, rre h ?L-ksLiurg osa Potoraae0 P. C srt j... i uo i i? i-. i.m.ail ^ re.lerioKrouia SS l PSteSSM - t ?-- Klil...H??) 150 I. SOS laCar.-thUftf.-l11" l-'D r-.aul!.t-rn ltullwaj. P""'.tilt) Ml| Q? rgiamul Alal.ama, prof. '.'. I ?. flSflfglS Sllll *.laoaiiia,i.x,iii. 14^ Oeorfis. >.,.i'l..-ni atid Piorl la 1st preferred.... Bftf Uecrsla, ^olltll. ru autl KioriJa ?'no prefurrixl- T-VS < ?..a g-ia. .?..luttit-rn aoil I ItTiUa coin u u. 40 Nvr.'olk Mriin hailwa/ Co ?4?. m: Mr ?> IOj v?;i. 11 Ht.a ?m IS. Cil.iun? Eic?e-iige........... :5 euy Hiua ._ *-? i ,r-i'J SelropobitM. '- ? .mui.-nal Ban?i.ii Va.Mm rial,1er?! Hansa ? ?.an*.100 Poieraourir r-avui*;? and lu i-iiraii. o t.ouipaui.^^ '-') >e^urujr. .i1 ' btato haiiK of Virginia. 100 I BIOS liurik Of Ki?'hiii":iil . 60 Virnuia trrul company_100 ?avili*/? hsilM Of SI'-SlIIITOll -* Rieb. Trn?t and Safe Dop. ? > is.[ k?s, t Dovraams ' ngiuiai'lre aoJ slaria*.... '.' *. - ''4 )?;.; V4 1??UH 30 i ?.' II!? 1IU 7 10? .? 1 :i.. 11 : H4 totot '-.'7 los .':8V, lio M**K*su?A**Baea luirrii-au robSSSS Coiupv ny (prelene.i, .10?? 130 lUi?rn'an lo?-.t;..-oC-.up?.ur l.->iuiu<<u). .. ?0 137 fa.-c aruliua ? beoiicai pref. I O'i HS '?.-Carolina ' heiuiual ?.-oiu. I')') ?J'i"-4 J I-, C7H 'i^ui'iacioua ere for bonds maturin-: In a.I ta.?) than leu ySSSB? GftAIX AM? COTTOH KM'HA.N'?;i:. Richmond. Va Quotations: Wh?-.,? -Longberry, Ta.; mix?..!, BO to 67c; shortberry, fO to Ic.j No. I n i " ' oi n W b i. \ li . white i . K '- I abite, .,.* I , No, I ?o. :i mix? .1. M l--. . .... 2 mixed, M t" Ml-le.: No. I mix"!. s Intsr seed, RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKS] Rtcbmond, Vt : Bei .? Prlrats sales to?4a) n Merchant?' and : rensbaw's, Shock? ?all, and AI port to-day: Ro? is; dtrJJrertss H hoKx r-.l'l? n\Yu . k- - - .-< had a small sale a. Heynes, **i Wmy i.j tains for t- n d of sickness, has returned to the mproved, though not well. AIAIMOR1 PK-'i'ifi: MARKST. i; LLTIMORK, ieptember ?. -I'lour-Duil ??S ^ higher; ?- - r.nth Oct .?.'-". and Dec? , . ?uthern wheat, by saropi?-. ? amo?Firmer; spot and the monm. ?M*-? tSal Octbber, MHgfiikc. : the year. %eTasked; souther? white com, ?H*-**? Oats-Steady; No. 2 white, wentern, 2C4J tf-Mf and hlKh'T! tot, 2, n?*ar-by, w .?tern - S anil uri'.-haiiK-.l ttutter-.St.-ady arnJ ur.chariired. , .m and unchang?eo. ;-. and unciiang??* . b?/X. tVhlskev --rnchaneed. ,KW FORK PRODUCH MARKST. M.w rORK Beptember 9.-Flour jiei. but hi-' nr?1 lim. :ornmeal-nrm. K"1 u1?! Soi*nt* malting. ?? lg .Uwe. iarley Malt-Dull. Bpoi market .--trong. No. S r*Ml. .?70Sc Options opened utroneer, on Me?aad r.reign buylnif. The demand . an n ?etieral and more vlsorous. on . ,*.-.,..,, rn- new?, renjwsd mand In the Northwest, bu "?h||v"P!. $Bss ,...! id??- December closei ?o-a* ioru-Spot firm, No. ?. Wi* Option-1 "pened ?rm and advanced oa flrmne* abroad, predlctione ot a bullish crop n JO port, frost talle, axai ?-xport .i?*mar,?i ?vas strong at ,t ?,, Mt, advance; Ala closed IT1-.-* ; t.i-nb?r eloeed 3S*c. ; _>? ?.?jinb. r ' ?Uata?fl . xo. ?. 2k*. Option 'mow? ,- cio?.>,i nri a? a ?.c., net, aidvance; Beptecabei chm* _ -. -. I <**< ?- Steii.jy: b/*-f hams. 1?. -stern etcamod, g.._.-<? _. n-jurn-lly; reined ?.-ay. in. creamery, lt-^lSc. -, ; Imitat loi ?Ige.; n; Rute *n?i n?i. 1! ?74? terse] |QlQt3; southern il OH?Easy; prim* yellow Petl lily. 1. : - ' Turpentir? Firm .it Rie--.**-- (,]. I ?ull; L-*n . at ?in? nrer; ruled met and teaturelens. with local ooatfa* 8 ?tf in ?tu 00 ?lowi? !) cables, snd nbsence ol aewo from Brasill n markets; ilativo interest still -lunlnant. and pr? fi is I o nal -, .mil. ?Cloee i . .. point baga, Including September, - tobcr. MM 8\ - I R?o ?I I nominal; No. 7. Invotoe, ; mild, quiet; * ... strong and held big! refining ? ' ' '\c ReBaed . NK\v V'.iik DRT-OOODi H-IHT. NEW roRK, September I Dry-goods In I" U ?to| a by \ an an improve?! basla Ther?. are a ml?, r of tbeM buyers in the city. nl some .if iium gave manlfoel ini mtlon ot trading more fr. eis- *'nce the cool neether has sat In. Tl a iinpr>>?e m.-nt la noticeable, mete directly in the - Basa a breadth to the buying which that quarter '?.I DOt fi CHICAGO PRODI CI M -MUT. CHICAO? ?. 9 i.- --'i -nKth f ? :i-h a b? it in th? ?orth-n In addition lo . ol the Ian ? top, i .m m .1 .i ?harp rally in -' ? t' mber cloaed i'i . | - nber i tied 1- . Corn ii 0 v Pro ?rtsiona ruled areak Pork letl ?iff down I libe, ThMfite, ?ding futures i tip^mne. ?i'i.a *?' Jtuott, mesinga WriKAT-N). .' ei t.fl.'T?, M ?- * MM u*o..biv?Byi ?i',"?i i-i vt, n _ny.?ci?, | atn i OBI N. **i?t. ?jo?? NtteM '.'!?:i :;<?-, I?'"'. (?',-? ?, J<". ' ?. M?r.**,V*'?,>*j ;:'a '.'(,? B8M ?".?- ?a ?. ?btf*..19? i . I .-.>'?, i"- . c ' -? i " a i-****H '-'" *? -> . -I-HsJe MM i -, Bam i' )KK -i'?r ma Dal. Bbd?M *? ? ' ?? .* *? 4 7-e I'?"-.. *?. > . | '. '.j .*??., f.b~y? ?lau. !?.:s.i ?. ?,, si BB tf.?O LABH-Per 1?J ?n>?. Bau.?."..O'.'v* BS.B4Hgi.|g>B at.novi '" ' . " > -.Ufe t '?-.''.j i *.. -au..... ... i-'??, a. 1.1 1.00 Mi ? feuo_T Bibb Tat loo it.s ! ff*.* ? . ?til mt oet. .ri..i?> .,..,.j _. ., ^ J?o. 4.7,14 4.,,14 4.7o a?.. . .. yellow , no. I spring a , Ni" 2 white, 1 .. , so. z rye, i.'.?-. No. 2 bar?? - No. 1 Prime tlm I 1. u l. 1 1 ; >- p?i 11 il . ; Uiy .* >: t?-?i Bhoul I ? Butter ateady; . 11 (|'15c. l.KK*> 'iii . MARKE I-1 ?'"ttl.ll demand and pi 1? e 1 un? The '. "f Im lud? ?i I 1 Ameri? . Includli l . ly, ??itii a mod demand, ai Ici ml?l? -.? I., ; ,, 1 3 *t-?J,,. No? ml?, r .u, 1 1 ' . ml 1, : and .1 m . I-', bruary, 3 6-41'qS T-ili?1 I-', bru March and April, ; s ?. 1.1.. buyers: April u -i .\l_;., .; B Md., ? 1 y and June. . ? llora; June and Julj, 1 U-'ilil., bi, . rORK, September Quiet; middling, 511 Ift? 1 none; gro*c recel] Bpon 1 - t.i tti i ?Continent, M balee; foi arai . aaei . Ill balea, k i \v,. ki> N? rosa re .- ipis, ..,.- .t Bei i..m, 78 bal? ?nee, <v?.". bal the Continent, 1.0M balee; forwarded, 'j.z 1 ., 3.171 Totals to-day Nel r? celpta, IM01 i, 171 bak b; to Prance IBS balee; to the Continent, 2.2M : bales; Britain, ??MW La Total - ?a. ii.ii. r let: Nel re? -, - g, ba 1 ?|m. t. middling uplands, . do. gulf, ?. bale? There wsa ? decided market ?g ?lu*, n. I call develop? tl a de? line mints, and I ' further .1 09 [i..liit*i uii.l'i id? ?lly l.-avi. r rec? Ipl -, '" ar hammerln i,,-.-ni ,ii?. aupp? ring I? * , ira of ;i b ill'ah n?.rro?v and he areathi r a iteady, 0 sa aboaiag - iinta. i 'otton futures 1 | I . I ' bruary, 16.18; M u h, i .1. Ictober ? ? ' ( ; larch, t?.71; Aptil, MM. May. fc.77; June f cotton at all porta all - ob? r 1. innah, Wll ggS bile?; Norfolk, i.-Vd : iltlmore, 17 bale : Boal >n, 2,23 I , , hia, ni baleo Total, I ORLKANU September I jn- Futur..-? dull; Sept- mber, ' i.-j/SMM; , S,'. >29MM; . bruary, 1".:z<\'-t$ '- :<7; Mar.-b, J ?lo*.?.; ;-ril, toAlii?>.?,; May, M4U9MM. na\ AI.-ST? MB MARK! SAVANNAH, OA., S- pi -i*_r... . tales, 100 pta, ?T6 ca ? I unchanged; salea, CHAJtLEBTON, BL C, September 9.? tine Hrm ' ?no. K,isln Firm and onchoBgeB; ?ale?, none \\'l I.M ? I r ? : Turp.-i.tlne?Firm at Wia'z^\c; ?. l.ull at ?til* and 11.10; receipts, ... .rude Turu- 'n et $1.10 and <ju- receipt-*?. i'jir-Firin at IBC? r. celpta. 92 barrels. HKTKKSHl'RO TOBACCO MAI'.KKT 'ET_at_?BURO, September ?.-(Hpecial.) ?;<)pts and ?.frcrlui.*? I t dull ??notations: Common tus. I3?W; g'*** *o fine lugs, l4tfiA: poor ?irt leaf, M?W-W; fair to k<.o?1 abort if Pm1~: medium to good wrappers, fUt', |OOd '<-? *-n?" wrappers, V.l.UJiiiM. > bhipplng la market. NONPOf-K FCANUT MARKET. ,iM?F??l.K, Beptember ?.--?Special.)? aim?? r'arssseg i..?rs-t nuiei. fancy, -ic atrtctly prime, ll-2c; prima. Uf imnion, Itfte : Bpaaish. >>c. Ugbi * for all f-adee gl.'PTOU- PEANUT MARKET. :.K. ^ptember k?< > iad picked, fancy, tl-lc; eitra. I ?V?o ; .. a ?helled, No I. ? 1-t? . No. 2. -40.. Bpaaish ah-ll??d, No V. 4 1-lc.. -tere' stock, fancy. 1 - : >.. gruao, J dta h li V 1 Um liai em 'lb tit to le; farmers' Spanish. 71 to Ste buebei. iS'l'T MAKKI'T PKTBKSliI It?;, 8-ptember 9.-<*H: .. > Virginia p.anut? steady at 3 1 - Orm. euysrs hut holders nol willing ?o ?eM at that I**-Tl MARKET. -?TK to pterotXf- X-tf --ecial ) ? ?-tton?4Julet at ??-?r for good tots. ora Tii.tuK with naiTAi*. f| Imp? if? and !:M,?r*a Daring IMIML ISl>r. and l.-dls. UnUKOTON, to pt.-mber ? -(Spe-clal ". The fa-1 that lirltlsh imports Into the United State? have bliss ?>ff groatly In h. p.t-t y,.ar, while American export-* to -?hi hive greatly Incro.iaed. iia-f ?nnoanssd from timo to time 11 u rill? I u. but lbs full year's figure.-?. Ju?| presented by Ihe Treasury llureati of ?ring to the ?urraca some in? mg details not heretofore published, Theae sh,?w th.u while tin export? from nlted Sfut. s to the United Kin. nave Increaa? ,? i.? ,?.r cent, the imp?.rt/ the I'nlt.'d Kingdom have fallen ofl The xports from the I'nlteil the I'nlted Kingdom during the pase were, In round numbers, live time? as mu< h os lbs imports from the I lll!?'?l Kin?.a.111. the f .'ir I if the Hu reau of St? . , rrom th< t nlted Kingdom, $; ?; ??port? to 1 nlted Kingdom, IM0,S8i).l*d. The Je? f the reduction h, our imp??rt? and exports m i or . omm?ires wui? tin* l rilled KinK'lom s M ifinwn In some t'xure.s reproduced by the Treseuri Bit of Statistic? from tl l>. and Navigation of the 1 Kingdom." ,.,w th? exports of principal articles front the I nltr-.i Kingdom t? the (Jolted it.? of pi in, it>.,| Hr? I'nlted Btii ,-eas ' -''"ie 30, I IDS. comp., ? following labios glvs th?* mon* im? : eins mg: Exl th* 1 nlted Kingdom to the United States In ihe > is?;. . i i Navlaol Kingdom): Art? ?v.?. I ' A' IS M '. : "t Spirit? . "i in ? -i ne.SM V\""l . i ; ?'?'ills, a 11 Sintis . 1 >!?.;> ! I-?.-D7 ' Its ni IBUl 1 1.411,772 7">t.a?; nani'l i- - ('ires :?'\?.*.l ISMS 1.133,813 Slik. tlt-TOWn, twist, yarn 133.411 106 .'>x?5 ni.iao Wooll? u 9X031 Tt,014 *>> 11L 19 m 1,25C.781 II U a '. .1 U KM.M9 Hardware cutlcrj . 192.713 18&.1S1 HI.V7 Pig n m . 316.019 10,471 11.1,315 Tin plates and s . 1 :*?! T .1.IS3.W 787 134 Steel, u n - wrought . 3.-.1.137 Textile m a - ?hln.ry . ?IS! ?07% Alkali . ? 138.735 ri?,?* ?'.in. nt . 198,667 i:i.?a 98 IW i w i r .? and i inn.i S -.. 143 III MV.'-r? Hkii -, and fur-?. 717.930 5M,0S4 tt??8 Imports of pi in* Ipol nr', si the l'ait, i States Into the United Kltigdnni In the ?- are ndfns June :?>. I**?*.. li*?7. end m offli la I report? "f Trade and of the i lorn: IM U HN,M li.9M.337 v. h if meal 1.610 I '? Vl ?.? 1.494.4T9 ..H>>.ll? corn, i .. i m 117 4,041,744 I ' Beef, 1 ii .1195 . , M :. ~ I -U un - l m ?vn '? I IM -,"? I : ?nul mi-: i iiKUi-i imoi. ii.UM >i*tii:u. i n * .?i inn t intt Committee I indicate? I.uni" V?in<* ?,f llr. lliirhe. NASHVILLE, 1 ' "" 'r ' ' j A 0 nun. p'e . ia. t "t Mu? ttnt shore' I IfSthOdlSl K|i ..'|"1 ?hui. li, UsatR, up.ui Ina .,un naai..n. and by \iitu- of thS au I In him hy tbS I'hurcli di? Ipllne, sslsu fl III ,1 III*."!*.' 1 ,, ,. t< i of Dr. I, i?, i : a i ... | alai hing bS-SBS Ol tu. u, tbodlal Chun h, .**."i?n. . .- gtt m "ut ?>r the MotSioSi t ubu -hi; dm matt si 1 he. pas? Mcstssidrse liur.h. nal iastnn* all tbs ion?win?- stetsuissti nan... otter carefully aad pray . fully examining all " testimony in the ass, onanlmously report a tritt ix-foro Conferem s, sees le *#eet, lag the good une of Dr. I The William? Case Nettled. WOODSTOCK VA . Bsptstnbsr * -*? c,i ull ' '"'it t, *-. In? h hod been n In re rdnce B ptemtM r 1st, ad? . m ii'i'.ii, aft? r one ut tho sveral yeoi .- - m. -I ,- compi tween the r.-pr? s. nta-* ? ri. - This ? m*?.- wan iliall? it. .1 In ! ?ffalrs of Samuel \\ who w.ih up 10 that nm*> i >.f this court. Tl.. > .nii.-d on tbs 'i" ' kst fee ssora tan a quai 1er of .itui -,. srhes tho ability "f th? 97. w Magro? r's. William &1<" ' I'hllip a. i.i. ,i i.? mount i" about in? 00?. 1 he de? i nt term1 v. Ind?? up lbs affnlre .n. except the paying of the? 1 I , that ie deflcteney -a.?? cauaed hv the I? d i p. i ? 'luiinK the war betw?*<,. the, ni hv tmrsstaseats in Con/ederate se? iiiti. ?. ^^^^_ A Hallliuore llelrolhal. RALTIMORS MD., Ispteaihsr I <Spe? u , Thi riounci 'i m clety si, m of the fifth Regt*. . u to UaJtimore i? that of Mies ?'air* ghter of Mr. and Mis. lirown, t" Mr. to. I srshall, first-lleutenanl r ''oinpany I? a son Of Col t.. I fiiarle? leo? iatt.-d lu biiri.n. -s wl h his ii J Miikhan?, ?.rahall, a!no an ofBcer "f the fifth. :.< from Hunt?-. le on th- aecond hospital train, and hag ? ntly ti. ti 111 al ihe Maryland I'nl? isity H- is inw convalesssaii A Maaaaebaaelta H-sui??. (Sew York Priai ? What do you BMB think about one cal sea ' first-class on Ixanl the Ma.-.r-'acl'uiiettB. 'Oh. they ain't BOBS of 't-rn in It edtb hl?-y," h.? replied. "If " it hadn't been - urn < t ha*? s',tt.-n away th ene or two i-tiips Wo all think I liock of the navy." What do you think of Deweyr* 'We don't ki o SO m? !. .'..nt him? :au?o v, '"light under him, but y say he? a wo Who is ' r Of the navy*** got a man on the Texa? who i kill a mosquito at four mile? with a m? h gun. At half a mile he can ,<-k th- M of a five of hearts h a l-pounder." A hen w? tona'der that a "l-pounder" an int-h .?ml thre? elfbt? In diameter, lia a heart ?pot t? half un ltu.-h. the ?kill ot tho Texas gunner Is ?areno. Aaataav a?tur n..nir.. CKerfaNl Virginian-Pilot.) he court of Inquiry tn the Jem? Alger rder. wherein t?kneral buiirr l*.u?d ?u? order, abusing the Thin*. Regiment, a the regiment and Ix.ttle? up ButUr. S.? this now to bo mustc.ed out of ?ervlc?. return? joum with honor. uth wear? well. People have learned t DsWitt's Utile Early Hlaers are re? l? little pul? for resnlsttng the Niwels. log constipation, and ?.ctg h?. ... he. y ?lon't gripe.