Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1898. IN THE CITY HALL. M. L. KA*.TKI.Ht:K?. MIKHt A??l?\ mi:m with sa.t-KM? mabii.itibs. DEED COHYETS MUCH REAL ESTATE. M.,?.,;,i,. Term of the Htialln?? Cet?rl-J???lae Wltl Compliment? tho Jnr.i? < ?un?-ll (onimHIre In ?;...?? Ihr Tirai Toller ?Hsllon. Rudolph 1. Ka-t.lbera; made nn as ?I,,,,, terdsy for the benefit of -Ht*, liabilities a j . . ,1 was ftl.-l In the Chance ry Court of thi* city, and Mr. S. J. Doswell BsasJH ' " Tne <***"* conve>> t.? the trustee the following pro port "vl ,r" ' between Ja? kson ami DUVUl, aU that parcel Of land, with tS ' ' ' """ * ghvslllng, He, H Bouth I the west ?i?!e of Adams street, b? Main sad ' ?ry. a l"t e.f luad with im , reaaanta on the anas San "f Third gtre? . I ' > Sd Lii-h all with a brl? k ten? n of ?end wiih eight fr.un? <lv>? partly in l:i , rtl** in the c?,unty of Hemi?Si beginning at a point ?,n -, ii"?? : ?i |; BUd Tv> i niy "** H-'uth wardly along tha BUS! line <>' Twenty ?ev.nth auaei IM fei t 7 Inehi i ' Venable sir? ?t. and t.a? k from T?? my ?ex renth at reel I -1 * ?aa i line? no foot; a loi ?i land liTHerir. a county, near the northern limits "f the City, frontil:* 22 feel v. t -i!? of Mill Street, arel running beck between i lei lines ISO feet; a lot Ol land in the cB?Bt) Of M' nrlco on i!. \?. ! a t?f what i called 1 t, fronting Hg feet, end i unntng back WO feet, of land in the vaiby of Bhoekoe creek 40x200 feet; four l"t? in II? nrl'-o county. suthelaesdoa id; a lot of land On Chestnut Hill ."\! " f' '. ' loi of land fronting the Chei ipeake and Ohio depot Sdx:''?? feet, and ? tract of lend in Chesterfield county, ?m tho south B| the Midlothian turn] Tilt; PRINCIPAL 'liKi'IT'iB.". The Irpataa la * ? i r ?>-. * < i. aftsr paying tho legal i g* ? - - Bad atiorii'?J to M Basra Anderson .?. Anderson, - eure tha following parti, s tue payment Of th? following Minis to-? it: \Y .1 Todd. itio.4.1; nut?- dated Jam M du? sixtv days after date and one for |19'7.!*5. dated June 13, UM i lyabla sixty day? after date; Joseph Heppert, note for lilt??, dstsd December 4. Ml, pay? Sble in iiiri?-ty da* ? ii"!.- for pV'Ml. datci October ? rabie ten months after date; on? r MM, drawn by B. I,. K Kasteiix'i'g to their own order, and en? d??rs??i by t!."i July 7, Ugf, and payable ?fourteen montiis after date, and owned by the Piral National Bank; a note for arnurn by R. L. H left with t m -1 irity for a cert aln list of creditors In varying amounta from about jo to jr.. and aggregating |m '. f lat? rest. If th.* d sol paid ?before the ?aspiration "i twelve months Ihe ti is instrii? t.-d to s? ii all ths prop? ity ahove m<ntlni??i to the highest l.i.ll r. OTHKR ?COURT NKWS. Mrs. Kii. o .mi'. ?Rogers ojuelifled in the ?Chaaeen Court a. sdmlnlstratia of the ? slat" Of Miss Nellie III ' :>. The - ilnV d at i:; William Moab years In t)i" penitentiary In the Hu Courl for enti ring tha i table of th? i Ian? Steamship Company, on Augual Hat, and carrying off a lot of barm l., vi Ron ' "i"r< d) waa a< Quitted of tbe ebarge of assaulting Edward ?Harria with latent to kin. William Shorts (ci |Uitted of the charge of assaulting Virglnl ? II The Bspti mi" r ti rm of tha it - Isy. In discharging th?- jury. Judge V\ " tbanki-d tin m for their faithful aervlcee (iurltig the term. an?l said that If all Jurors Were BS faithful th.-r" would be t, v.. t criminal-. louerai ?Edgar Allan appeared at the t.a i in th? ii un rest? morning and delivered a beautiful eulogy Dn the lat- l'r.iuk If, Wool!. His r? marks v., r>- listened t" attentively by a large number "f cltlaens, embracing many law pats whs hnen -Mr. w The CoiiiihIIIim- on I'olloe. The Council Coiumitt? "ii ?Police nut at the First Police Station yeeurday af ternoon at i .: ? ??'?-lock, and In peeled the premises. ?Captain Wblttack, in liis uaual ?ourteou? manner, neloomed the com? mittue and aaoompauled tin m tin ?ugh the building, Which was found to be in eioelltmt order. The Captain's oflta the assembly-room have been beau and the Captain is exceedingly proud of hi? comfortable guariere The members . ( tin- commit' Were Messrs. S.ay (chairman). Pi and Shea. The clerk of the committee reported th? Unanciai ci i.dition of the depart?a? ni t" be aa follow?: TEMPLE, PEMBERTON, CORDES & COMPANY,! 15 and 17 West Broad Str*eet. J Owing to the Non-Delivery of Our Round Plote Gloss for Front Show-Windows, Our Formal Opening Will Not Take Place Until WEDNESDAY, October 5th. We Will Open and Be Ready for Business j flonday, October 3d, at Our New Store. ! t I Cordes Co ?r I 3 l^###*#???ar^^ m:\vs from Tin: cap?tol. Folice I'ay-lloll Appropriatlon ...M .. Expended. Balance. Continuent Fund Appropriation .... ... Expended. Balance . Patrol-Wagon Fund Appropriation .... Expended. . ...J'.?',.777 |0 ... ?33,710 60 .11,180 20 (.<i\ ?rnur and Family I? Reliirn? Tingla With Meslco. 0 SUSI nor Tyler and all his family will return to the city MOO?Ay evening fi"in Baal Radford, the Oosernor'a home. Tha following aotlee from the Dtipart ment Of Slate- explain, itse'f: i ' : h tment of State, Washington, September ?A U His Excellency, tha Governor of Vir ginia: sir. Ths Government e.f the United Btatea having, January U, ISM, i*eeelved iron thai "i Mexico notlci of its denun? n of t!?<- treat*1 for tha extradition of crim?nala fugitives from justice-, which was concluded between the two govern? ments on December n. IM, i ha v.- ths - to advise yu that, as p**evided for in Article vu. thereof, the said treaty win be abrogated fit the expiration ?>f "ii?- year from the date Of the BUM notice f denunciation, ami thai c rteequ? no further extradition | >*?aceedlnga will thereafter be bad for the surrender <>f 1res by the em- country to the other under the paid treaty, n.?r until a new i concluded i;. ?pectfully yours. ALVEY A. A?'KK, acting Beciotai***. The Secretary of th-^ Commonwealth lias received a notice from C. T. s Of I'niville, giving lawful notiCS that be ?Mil be g candidate for COf)g**SSa at the n? xt election. Treasurer W. H. rerklns. Of Middlesex. ami W.Q? w'inii.of Wllllamsburg, visited the Library ?Building ' BStl P Grand-Secretary .1 B. Hanks, of the Hoval Arcanum, visit.-?! the State Audi tor's office yesterday. SCHOOL HOOK!? l-'Olt l'()\\IIATA\. Balance .*?>? M The police pay-roll for September, amounting to 17,889.95, and bills, amount ing to itii.58, wen- approved ami ordered t?> be paid. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for proposals for license nicduls itnd urns for tii ? lucid P, P Jones submitted his report of the number of tramp? now engaged in ring tbe bed of Bhochoe e**eeh and the total aasaber <>f daya they worked. . i. patted that two Sf the^ i during the month, leaving seven now at work. (,.million of Third Market. The CoininUt.-e on Third Market met in ?\ Ball at I',:;*.? o'clock. The month ly r.port of tho t'leik of the market boared tha total reo ?pt? for the month . tinaiKmi report showed thai of th.- appropriation of $*<X). SttTJS had . x ? -. ! i. ! . i. leaving ?? bnlanog t?> the ii.-'.i: of th? ?1? pnrtint lit of 1D&.75. Tha ?regular monthly bins and pay-roll Wen approved and o-rdsred lo bs paid. 'i in- ->? ?, . ti -? ' afl?. rnlltee on strc? ts appoint beer the complaints ol properti r? in regard to the condition "f the Pifti. a. r. met In the City ii ill ht g ,"ti >. ?U i?l i\ < l.unis for dam noogaia -.1 ?ut of a v. ry )??ng list, und the pi\rn?nt of The i??inmit in eXOOUt :, and its t ?ectet a? tar a? lohn'* Hurylng t m? t ia?t nighi and transacted the regular monthly biiHii? Many Thank-.. "I VMS to esgrigg my thank? to the maiiufaviurer? of iChsuaberialn'a Colic ?!"'. Diarrhoea Remedy for ????ins put on u..- atmJtt wonder ii??." ?ay? W. \V. Manslngill of Beaumont. : , ,ir? ma,iy ;h(( "V?*1? ?lldren have t>*eii ??v. ,i from attacks of ,iyb?n,? " ttolera lafewum. who ?u feel thankful. We know, too, ih?, .here y ?Id ?oldi^r? nbe fMl thankful for huvlng he?n cured of chronic dlar rhoea by this remedy. Try u, if you ad y?u will f?ei th??uk!ui for the benefit? ivc.-ived Us ll-Sa.aunNVii? Those \ilopleil hy the Iloiird for t'?e In Ihe (onmy. The? School Bond of Pos hatan county has f-elected t?'xt-bonks for u?e during the h xt four years. Supe-rlnt?-mlent ^^'. H. Honing, with the approval of the ?board, appointed ?lx of the mo?t exp? rle-nceil teachers, who. with him. examined the books and made up the list, which was unsnimously adopted by the board. The Committee of Teachers embraced \V. W. Palmer arid Mrs. Maude Hurt, of Macon District ; !.. S. LaPrade and Mi H'.wai'l, of S?pene-( r District; John A. '?! in?"? k and D. I* Turpln, of Huguenot I ??strict. IIS Ihe books selected: Venable*! Klementary Arithmetic, White'? Complete arithmetic, Hyde's t-racttcaJ Lassons in i. I aa "f Engliah, Whitney <fc l?ck nood'a Knglish Orammar, Prye'l Ble ui'-nts ?>f Oeography, ?Trye'a -.'ompiete Qeography, Magill's Stories from Virginia History, Mag-til's History of Virginia, la ?'s Primary History e?f the United States, L*e's Brief History of the I'nlte?! stat?-s, Ltoa'a advanced History of tha (Jolted States, Smltiideal's Siant Copy p.ook, Webster's Dictionaries, Meae**v<ty*a Pook-K? ? ping, Cutler's Physiology, Mor rill's Speller, Glass's G. 1?. Spelling Plunks, Johnson's Primer. Johnson's s. rles o! is. Cioo?le's Tcachets' RaglB i. r. Went worth's School Algebra, Want? worth's Geometry. Venables Algebra. YcnabU's Klenietitary vieometry, Mont? gomery"a l-:iiKl!sh Hlstor>-, Collar & Danlell'a First unin Hook, MoCnhe'? Blngham's Latin (?rammnr. MeCS Blnghsm'a Latin ?Ranner, McCabe'? Hing? ham's Caesar Joynes-Meissner's Oermsn flraiasnar. Joynes' German Reeder, Kee tel's Klementary French Grammar, Kee tel's Analytical and Practical Grammar, Whitney's Introductory Fnnch Reader, Heath'a French-English and English li? nob Dictionary. Il,..III ?D lllll.tlllll' II. a,I til (.loil assptns. The people of King William stem to be intent on building an electric road from Richmond to Gloucester Courthouse. Af ter the im-fting held at King William Courthouse Tuesday. Colonel Vf. ft Avl. ti l?r? sent?-?! to Judge Gwathmey a petition Ignsd by citlien? residing In ?very part the county, asking to be allow? I t o rote on the i r,'i"?siti?ii te> ls?ue H?.ooO in bond? to help along the proposed enter The Judge granted the petition and action will i>?- held. It is a foregone iislmi thai th?- prop ?sillon will carry bj aa o.? rwbelralag ?rote. It Is anderatOOd that an effort Is being asada In Kuik and (.?ue,n to have an elec ilon then an the ?niestlon of subscribing to the stock and Gloucester will follow su!,. r!'!i" proposed road would start from I ?Richmond and traverse a part of H? n through the Old Church neigh- j ml In Hanover, then?-?, via King W'il ,m I'oiittliouse. ?ros? the Mattaponl, and Pas.? through King and (?ue-en and Glou <. s'er t?> .in.- point on deep water. The tracks would be built standard gauge, so that at any time In the future the mo tiv? power could be changed from slec trielly to ?team. |S. ULLHAN5' SON'S UKUCEUY UAUGAIXX. IT IS A FACT YOU CAN' SAYE M PER CENT UlH.Nu ?oill \J,KjUva i-Lu-Vl OLD RELIABLE. Qranuiat? <i B i ound . Flat can.- Besi Salmon . Mountain Roll Butter, pei pound. New Raisins, per pound . Worcestei Sauce, pei bottle . Lion Coffee, l-pound pap':.-. Orange County Creamerj Butter (best on th? market', pei pound_ Fri -ii L.- mon Ci a? k? i p? r pound. Carolina rtlce, per i uno. l-3-pouia?-boa pociteiiitas Baking Powders. P?-" can . Pure t-ard, ? . Small !; st Kings ; ound.. We ar< Ni ' Srnill Hams, p? i | OUnd . : H . k.-ts . Small Bwiff. Bi at H New North ?Carolina Clipp d Mer? rlii. ; .'ii . \'ii ginla ?'"in ' Honey, pei p ?and_ Lolled Oats, per package . Kiik-.- Ana i -?i ?Pamil I ' 'P. I l"l- . I !?ars Kitchen S?... ( . foi Jefferson and .:.ip. <- iffee, Java und Lng ... : . | I- pound . l-pound can Jelly . ?;.i Patent Fanal] Flour, "i. p' r : ?ft? I . Potted h m -?r i . : .!_ Mili-Fe? d. P'-r 1 -' . . Wooden Wash-Bo* ds, thli neeh.... ; - r bushel . per bushel . can. ' Jondenst d ?Cre im, p- r eaa . 7 Silver Kin? M ! IN ral ly ?Flour, per barrel . i ... ??r, pei bag. .-7 Try our Jeff? rson Spring w : P it. at Flour. I?--' in th per b ; i . 1(4 or. p?-r sack . 3!" Ax. Handl?. . ! ? ??ry Kelt, p- r ?bag. - . 3 New Umburger Che? per pound. It*?! Large Bottlei ammonl ... i S. II. I.M AN S SON, ltJO AND UB L.vhi MAIN :iutbi. Up-iuwn Store, US east Mm Bol i? 'pbom i -i ; bol b at It nil! pay you to call tor . ? .viita for one of our compl? pi -lists, it's a regular monej -savei in?. n-8a.Tu*Th) Il \ ii lin \li LINES. ?Hi ii'.vii LIKES. LIL ?TLAXTICCOAST LINE. ?t&r&m&^-jms 10 i a : M u CLOVER, TIMOTHY, GRASS SEED, VIRGINIA WINTER SHED OATS, WHEAT, RYE, Etc. ?It- ?ink? a tpexJAtty of High' Grmie FIELD SEED. Write au whe% buy tmg, j N. R. SAVAGE & SON, GRAIN A\L)SFIDMHe?Ctl\MS, RIIHM0N0, VA. ? ? i ? i - is ii 1 .'ai, B? Il X I I H" XII I IM-. KAlLtfa?. bell? unie I ?li-iliu- June 1 *.'.)>. Iife.l-.-iU I I kk ur BTKAJICUS. Q LO D () M IM? N STMAMIHBf COMPANY. r* DAILY LINK POR -M.W YtlxK, EXCEPT M'N'bAY. dally and Hi, ii I ai>b?n**er* can leave Richmond except ?Sunday, via Cht Ohio railway at I? A. .M , ,,, rnond and Petersburg railroad (Norfolk i ana Wtbtern rout?-) ?1 A. M., connecting at Norfolk with old Dominion Lin? ?teamur ?ailing lam? ?vaning for New York. ALL-WATttK ROUTA. steamship Richmond loave? itichciond every Moilday at ? P, U. tor Nsw York ' via Janie-a river. Tickets ?,n Bale at Ril hniond Transfer - Colllpuny's. PM east Main st.-ee?, , - peak? and Ohio railway, and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depot?, and at company'? office, 1*01 eahi Main mrset Hiciur.ond. Haff-rmKe checked throuirh ' lor New Tee* at* all point? beyond cen N??w York Manifest closed one hour b?for# saiilne time. Freight received and fo. warded through bllls^ of ladjnj Issued f, ' northern lading and for I'-relBn porta. FKOM NKW ?ORK. and all l'asuengei?, can i^v? i.u,j>, except Sun day, at a P. M. ttviiuida.v, 4 p m j i?, Nuiiolk or Ol?l Puna Coin tort, connect mg With Norfolk and Western raUroad M Cbesepeake and onlo rdi???>.? r",1,r?**a Direct at?t*amer (vi* Jamm-river routai leaves every aATl H1?AY a P ? rou?!?> ?eiigers and freight), and frtlHbt by c /' mondar If. ?Ik steamer? Ma Norfoll ..?l WEDNt'8ftAY at S p. M company's pier ..... foot of Beach street. * Sailing*? from N??rth river. Freight received and forwarded d^ii?/ except Sunday. ^"' For fuiib.i information apply ?, OHN K. MA V t?i. ?aent lili east Main ?t.^t Hi. htnond v? W. T* Oulllaudeu. VW-pr??i-#rit y^n? ie X Traite Manager. New Tork. PrnicfeMtssr'. Sasenak UUanl Urtta?. ENNYROVAL PILLS Ori-rlMl %m* Di.It ?aaal.c ??? i ?if.'. f'?.i i? L.oita ... Druul-rt ?w '.>-r-, ., ., tmtmA 1>U \m^nd A'?-, i I? U, ' ?.I 'A A wulk TMAISS U9AV9 HitiiM??M), VA. 1'-'**' - ->. , .. .., . .......... dally, to. Atlanta, AiJt-fUaia, ami i i Soutn o.- . au lu Daovlili. ure? ..--?: barlotte, ?Columbia, an Sleeper open ai v.?'j P. M. atop? ai all atationa i i - Danville to iuk.c ou a.i.u i?i uit ? I? is. ecu at Danville. Salisbury, an i Chai iott. nitn - ne w a. i' . . . ?ti m Liml ? ' -"?. epera Nea xorl. to Ash . .i:,., u^; j-..... Buoo t'"' and Nasbvl e Nea Virk t?-? -' . ... ? y, rk io N.-w oi Nen Voik to Tampa, and ?Ts .. . ,i ttij .... . beta n )) -" Ungton and Memphis, i ionaec ': ?os ,iv made f? i all polni j aaaa and Callfornl i, Bl*x p< i-* tu ii",:' ' " " "'> -d ?m p. M. M ", P. M .v.. ,. s ,itd irai.-., daily, for ?oarlotte, N. c. cunnecu at Mose? ie-i Farmville and Powh ' - ' Al K - - ViI1 ' -.-..' ni iieiid' rson. and Dur ' nu, m..i ,,t or? enstn i--.- foi Du - tan, k.M. ik!i u ?i Wlnaton Balem: -,' Danville with No. 15. Unite l ?lat,-? fast mail, r ? daily r Ol South, Which Carries -Lepers New Yo: K to ?ew Orh ana an ' N? ? fork t<>, ?a ?,.S',rn!'|e: T?)i. ui ?Sails- I ( n to Memphli Pull-? ?pan i- iriti ,. , (,, , v,,. w . day. WashliiK! n t- Sen Francisco, a .... ?V? "" 'h;i' P U'M' P. M No. 17. local dal!v. ex'ept Sunday, for Keysvllle?. Chase City, ?Pd lnt?rm?>nlite point?. TilAlMS AKHllg AT RUHMOSD. ? *<> A. M. ? ? i' M., trom Atlanta, Augusta, Ash' vll.., and Nashville. *> *? A ML, tiom Uiase City and Keys L'"'AI. FRKIOHT TRAINS. No?. Cl and ?t between Manchester and Neapol-.s, \'a. TOM-MI! LIKE m uTsgf point, THE KAVOK1TU HOITK ??HTU, LBAYaC KlCHMO>U. S*M p. m., .?.u. -u, t-Muuasora Limited daii>, ?Acept dunda>. for M cst Point, there nal?na close connec tion on Motida>.-, Wednesdays, and Vrldajra with hteame: lur ljal:i ui re; also, with Stag? at Lester Manor for VYnlkertun aud T huiinuck on Tue?Uai?, Tiiuiedai? and day?. 8:30 P. M.. No p., local exproa?, Mon dai?. Wedne?d?va, and Friday?, for West Point and Intermed?ala'sta tion?, ?'..nnecis with siase at Le-i ter Manor for V'slkerton and Tuu pahaaooeh' also, at West ?Point with steamer for Baltimore, atop* at ail rtutb-n?. 6 OO A M.. No. 46, i^ai, Mixed. l^?Vr? daily, except Sundav, from \'lr~ glnla-Stre.t Statloti for West Point and intermedlat? stations, conn?-?-t In? with stage at I^.-ter Manor for w.ilkerfnn ?rot f-i'-hiiiin'rl? feclieilule lu LUect Juue i.J, )?.;.% TltAIMI LEAVK U1CIIMO.MI? l.Mll.X Utl'Ol. 7:3? A. M., Sunday accommodation ar rives Psteraburg I'M, umhti all st"po Ri?nmond and Petersburg railroad. DIM) A. M-, l)a..y Arrive? lJctersburg I ;l A M.. Norfolk 11;-, A. M. Stops onl> at Petersburg, Waverly, and Buffollt, v?. U:0*i A PL, Doily. Arrive l'et.-rsl uig l-SO A. M.. W'eldon U:i5 i A. M.. Payettsvllle I'll P. ] M., cii irti st? n lOJO P. M Savannah UJO A. M., Ja,.k- ' gonvllla I ? a. M., Po-t ? upa I'M P M. Connects St Wilson w ti; N?-?. 47. ar g Ooldsh ro 1:10 P. M., ! W'llinini-toii r.i., P. M. Pull- j n . .-! . New Yurk ,to I i kaonvlu* v i t-ggp. M..D l!y. Local. Arrive? Pw burg 5:12 P. M- Make? 4 40 P M., Sunday accommodation. Ar? ' riv.s Petersburg ' > M P. M. II ?k? - al Klchmond I and Pet.rabut? I all road. C ill) P to. D ::' Arrlv*? I'et.-rsburg i I JO P. M. Mahea all i"<-'ul - Rl !im"ial und Peter?- , burg rail! ! V ?10 P M.I'iov- Arrn.-s Petersburg ; so p M . coi ti? eta with i Not f"!k and w. st m for j Norfolk and intermediate points, Bftnporla *M) ?*aon? I bOCta xvitu A. and D. tor ' .?us b. t ?? n Kmporia and i.awrt-, . '.!: :. *7eldun ! 1:4*1 P M , Fayetteville 1:07 A y . Char . ?ton ? "2 A ML, s ?i.n-ih ? " '. A. M., Ja? k- i Villa l P. M., Port Tampa , 9M5 P. M. _ I NLW LINK TO .'.?II?I?'.E 3E? IRQIA P?)IN'l )1 .virlv ing A t k : i T-? A M . A .Kuata , A y . Mac?n n A. UL, A : in? l.'l., !' M. Pullman ; ,r? Now York to Wll- ! rton, Jacksonx Hie, Port ! Tampa, Alken, Augusta, and Macon. ? K-r.d i? m ' Arrive? Petersburg a n P. M.. W Idon ? -*o P. i M Mikes local .st"L)S be- ' anei W^l- ; Inaan Pstsrshurg 11 -to P M ?Dally. Arrives Petersburg ; M A M -, SIS A M.. Ronnoke 7:15 A. M. priatol I2*H P. M. Pullman jsi-Mtnar Richmond to Lynah? bnra. TKA!>* AHMIVK MSCMMMISSB. 4 OO a. :d CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. Meetlve October '?. issis. TIl\l>S rUBAVM ltl( IIXIOMI, HltOAD ?> lltKKT ?iT \ TIOM. S.-fsj a. M., Dally, with Parlor car. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, i'".m. N?-\\ i on Nea an?! principal atationa. Con Hi eta at Norfolk with N< w Yoi k steamers, gi day. 't IS P. If., Dally, with Pullman, for local station. Ni srport Ni ara, ? lid Point Norfolk, and Portamouth. Con at Old Polni with Washing toi I with Baltimoi Sunday. 10 SS A. M., Day E . r? - with i - inday, for Clif ton Oor lavilli for cui 1" per, Calvei ton, I Alexandria, and VTssblng ton; at i m.m Station, i ' ?1 : Lj uciiburK; at B isle for Hagerstown. 2:i*i P. M.. ?Daily, srtth Pullmans, to ttl, Louisville, and i. ... etlng al i/ington, Va., for Hot .*-'p: Inge, s ?j only al im portanl Meals i rs. No, 7, Local Train, I I Hun.lax, foliowa above tiam from Qordonsvllle t?? Staun ton. ?MM P. If., A.-, omniodation, ext-?-[it Sun ?la. i.'i loswell. li) .'to P. M 1 ?.uly, for Cincinnati, with F. F. v. iPullmang to Hlntoo. \v. \ a . and Ooi donsville to Cincinnati and Louisville aan d on dining cars. Com acta at staun ton, except Sunday. for w im bester, Vs., and at Covlngton, Yu, daily, for H - Springs. '11111%!-. LKAYi: IH.II I ll-si hi;ki ?n no\. 8:.'57 A K:O0 A Daily, lioiu ja. ksonvtlla. 8a vannah, Charleston, Atlanta. Macon, Augusta, an i ail ,13 SalUth. S'lS A M., Daily, except Sunday. At l'nt i, Athena. Raleigh, Hea derson, Lynchburg, and ths v. est M , Daily. Petershurir loeaL M Su, ??iv only, from Atlanta. Att.ens, Raleigh. Helideiaon, Lynchburg, and tbe \\'.-at. nos A. M- Dally, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Petersburg. O 40 P. M, Dally, Jacksonville. Savan nah, Charleston, Wilming ton, Ooldaboro', an.( al i.oiuta South. M., ! folk, Suffolk. Wa VYiiy. and Petersburg. M. I'a.'.y Peterchurg. Lynch burs, and the west. day accommoilatlor. M.. S:.n.iay accommoiation. R KKNI.V T. M RMERSON, Oeueral Manager Truifl. Manai/er. II M RMERSON, General Pas? iw.-: A^ent. C. S. CAMPBBLL Ja IC Division Pnasengr-r Asent. 10:80 A M.. Dally, for Lynchburg. Lex ington, Va : ?Clifton C? ?HIT ' - : ' !.' Sunday, taith Buckingham and Alberen at Clifton Forge with No. l far Cincinnati. I <x> p. M, Except Sunday, for Colum VltlllVI RA1LK041) 1 IMlS. i i? 'i S^sdiSe in Zfiti Juue 1-, i ?:.->. LKAVB IUtUli?.X?, UUllLMiil Kt kiAAluA. U.OO A. M.. Kiv.ilJSO.M' AUD .Nu.. ijO^?. X L. ED. Ac. a. il. ?Hopa o. bui?s, Waverly. Sec?n , c-vlcii ... II .. U;Oft A, M.. THJB C Hi? AGU ; L| Dchbu ,. Ro? lunibu i man Ble ,. Ko? lutiiou., ai?-?, t Knoavl?e, and t haC.auu . ^ 7:30 P. M., Foi ?Ulf? Ik, S termedlat? atai al Nolfoia m | lAtiM P. M.. Por Lyn? hbuiK Hohe. ia i v. Ith tanooga Lin. It M pina and New O? ? ? pull man til- tuer b. i ai.d !.> bertha ai IrOO i- M a i man Sleeper i Roaaoke Train? arrive Richmond ^neb burg .?nu il.? . A. il and 8:S6 P M., from N irl Kast .t 11*06 .\ M . and > LIMITED at Ml P. M. Oinc?: t?& Main ?tr.. t. R. Vf. COI !' Dlstrl. t l'a W. H IP General Pm??' < Oenernl OiTic R k RU A D Kiciimond. Fre?r li \X 1 ., jricksburg ? Potoruic ScLedule In KlT?r,'t Mujr 1". iMMt ? AbM uiuu-kiai.i.1 .i.vuux. **A9JlAL, Deny, iwi ?.a poii.18 nortii. Stuui lliitoid and I'redei ?oO.'? ruiUnan t?i??pci? io v, = -' u it\ ?oik. **'-AO A.M., Sunday on'y. for ' ton anl po-ir? l Lioa, tilea A..?a. A-n lan.i. i ? i? Ri Glui a:4? A.M., TRAIMI HliO\ll-?? *?:<M) A. M 8 .id a y til lo A. M 6 *>5 P ?:50 P. J l OB A T 20 I J THAI\S ARRIVU AT RICHMOND. dally. ttiiiM.ju,. and Fridays dally, except Sunday, from Point and Intel mediate ?U You run no risk! All oealers aell Grove a Tasteless Chill Tonic on a posi tiv? gu?rante* No cure no pay. Delight ful to take. Price, <h> cents. ?M ?life '-i',. riijaoL Take (*? w- ../V? J?|n., Wx'tfu w mmd tm?hMumt. At l'onj'"?. "' *?* ?W ? mm w? ?t i ?> ?.-.-.,. iMl-MBiai. ,*4 _ ** rUIWr Sir I.??Ips." M ?Mtr, ., r?imr* ^ Mall. ISre-JO t>?tWi, ?/?r^^. . (hi?^???t-r(*4e?n,utv^???u??v4?ai^, ?Kl u, all l^.k? ftriMrrliu IMIII.AUaI, F2 ln?n*a (my l-Sn,Su.W4weowljr) Older? for piinting ?ent to tbe Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention S.I7 A. M. lO.-tO A. M. sniy. 4 55 P. .XI Wrfct tlona. Steamera leave West Point at O p. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, snd Prtdays, and ijdltimore at ft p. M. Tuesdais. Thurs day?, .mi Saturdays. Ticket-office at ?tatlon. foot of Virginia street, open from I A. M. to ( p M , aud from 9.*? P. M. to 12 A. M. City ticket office, ?oil east Main ?treet. J. M. CULP, W. A. TURK. Trsfflc Manager Gen Pas? Agent. FRANK S GAN NON, Third Vlce-Vreal dent and General ?lanager. Washington. DC. C. W. WEJSTBURY, Travelling Pa? ?enger Agant. MO east Main atreet. Rich m?ind. Va. je *J6 Old papera for aale at the Dispatch office AMERICAN LINE. f \>i i xrnis- ?i i.x i? i . NEW TOSS. 80?TBAMPTOS !.<i.Nl)ON') sallniK Wedaesdaya al 10 a. 9, St. louir.Ott IS Si r.-?:!? .Nov. 18 it ..Oat 10|?H. Paul.Nov. - 3 pdrlB.Oct. tS I Paru.Nuv 3u s-aiting Vsturlay? ?t IS Noon. P?nclar.ei .Oet 1 'H<-l-re:?land....Oct 08 lthTnlsni Oet.IS 'Peanlsad .0-skSS KED STAR LINE. NKW YOKK--orinAMPTii.N-ANTWEKP Kv.ry WedBtsadayai gNroo fcjOORDLANU >ei?i. ?S I -?'?THWKX. Ost II PKI ISLA S b .....Oct o ! WE.-I'RNL'D.D.t. F? These ?leamers csrrr onlr second- and ttiurd ClfVi- P?l?'^M"?>r-< ?t le?* i-?'-? DtrgKNATloNAuM.WI iAl'ION (JUt. Pl??r? 14 un ! I ?. North tttroe. OfU?'?. 'i H.i*ll:ig .ire ?a, ?I. f. XX. S. PAL UttU .fcDd,, MhlITaTbSfjlr ip,-?j aiai, _ M.VS1IIM.IIIX I lltl Pl.\( I! ItKATLKS 111. ?M9A ?HTtUH-i BOT-AIR FURNi ItANiil-.S, COOKING, AND HEATING STOVBR KEROSENE ANIi OAS-HEATINd BTOVE8. PLUMBING. TIN MM',. AND GA3 PITTING ALL KINDS REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN FIOWKRP. se l-f*5m No 'r ?treet. WHITE vl I.Pill It WATER. FROM THE OLD GREfclNHKIER WHITa We have thla Water now in both quart and pint bottles, fresh from the Springs. PL'RCEl.L. LADD A ?CO.. jy ?Vis Wholesale Druggisis. VT It I? IIXIOM), KFKT PPATtOW. . : Sunday, fr??m D?>? well. fr"in Cincinnati. Daily, from Norfolk and Old l'oint. r':?im I'mclnna . 'i,,-. Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point from Ron . v"rte. \i?iti\ i: cii.ii ni-sniii: i srtTio>. Except Sunday, from Colum bia from Lynchburg. Lex? I -. Sun.I., v. from N'.'H Csstle f-.1.1 u .1? >HN i? i>. ? Assistant General Passenger Ajjent. ia SMI M uther Glon. 1 f"i d, \. > Summit, Fit : - Lruoke. and WiUenal*?*. Dally, Bund. ' Washington ? Noun s.'.p? al Elb - . Kuther ?... {ord, WooUaUn?. I u m m i t. ir. i .. und \x ?Pulluia?. ca? except J'ti>, exet W aahlnKioii N -i th. Htoo Allen. Ash M i If o r d. h.'iok SU PI'I'AIUIKI! OF Ml'. 1XII its. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION coipai. JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAiio.N'lA? .cave? Mo.\ DA?. WBDMBBDAT, aud FRIDa? ai 7 A. M fo. Norfoi*. i'ortamouth. Old Point, Ne*poll News, Ciaremont, and James river landings, anu oonnectlng at old p, mt and N? rf-jjlla for \\??hiiiijton Baltl Bore ??i"1 !!-' orth. Wtata-rooin? reserved tor tn? m^hj al mod?rate lyiL??. Ble L'**r? f.llr,ct ?? 'ht>. wharf. Far? oniy u " *:- ' *l lo *oi(?ik. Music by Grand Orchestrion. ?* Freight te?*elv?d for above-named places and all po???? ,n .t^w'wiH*l5*-? "*? Norlb Carolin*' 1RMN W EIS'GKR General Managen n_ H- Pre wry, Pr?ald?ni i!?J *yllLLJuJi?LV*U, K1CH MOND AND NORFOLK STtA-aoliii' CokiAM. land r ? and, W car. Ai? with Co . at Wa? ?Dally, - ?i Waa point? North Stop? . Ashla:: 1 i" - leknburg 1 ??*. ?'"? Wldes? tlon? B'Hidav? S moi t te H 1 ' IIYRFO.STRBKI ?TAIi?'* Dally, a.??p.- M Liooa. I " ford. I ?--! ?. and V ' und*. g N?*? 1 r* to Rl Dally, ex? -pt > ?nday. at w Frede. Guinea. W?. l'.-nol.i, Un well, Taylor Glen Allen, |,,r car fron Dally. Stops ri?.>.xt?biir?' ! land, and in c-'r" SH..II N? v. x ._, . P. M.. Dally. Stop? ?I ? rnmlt. Ouln- ' Mlifor.1 P r,!^r ! .,- *'" A.hlnnd. O'-a ? ',. ?"4 f:l?tP. M. AHU1X U a.*o A. Al.. a ?ft t. m. f :io P. M 8:06 - x? 1*%. L'A Appointed sailing day?: E.viy TUES AV. FRIDAY, and SUMDA1 at day Freight received dally until i p. Jg. Fare (Including mem? ami berth), M on Frida.?-'? and Sunday's at ?amar. Fer further Information apply to J W. M ' .URfCK. UoMoral Southern Ag< nt: ' 'th.-. . Rockets. W P. CLYDE a CO. Jo M Genet?! Alienta Phll?.'elphla, OLD PAPKH-x FOR BALK at lftc. PER HUNDRED at th? DISPATCH OFFICE. FRKnEitirKin'o Arcownnn?''- i?>v \?j*?*i .*.?)7? * "" - e.oop. ?v, i.eav?i? alyr?. a e.?*OA.??.. uyru-nii <- --> - AtoliLAPIll THAI?? (Dally ?aacepi ? iou?v>J U.42 A M.. Leave? 1. "xv ? SO P M La ave? Lib. ?:?OA M. Arrive* Klba. U:OOPM. Arrive? Klb? W P TAYIAOR _E. T. D. My? * 1 ..?P *' DeWitt's Little EARLY RISERS The fAmou* Mttlo pills. Cure tf.U^* oeas, h-aidai'lie, oonstipftti- n, iuiigoav tl?o, heartburn and torpid livti. Very ?nail, Tory nafc, my ?ure. Most popular pill ever made. Prepared by E. C. DeWlttdiOu. ajakara* Oewiu'a Wild U-xsel dai.a.