Newspaper Page Text
__IHE_ RICHMOND DISPATCH. __ WEOLS MMHKK^J^a R??CHMOND, VA., TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1893. . THREE CENTS TEH CQPY._ MOT FOR CUS? le aod His Son Charged With fViisose of Public Fonds, ?l GIVES HIMSELF OP, He Is Held in $5,000 Bail to Appear for Hearing Thursday. % .-\ss\vsl\ATIO\ OF < 11 \lt U TKR," Il il la *?\l?al Ihr- IVni-nar sn> It i?-lhe I rouble l.intTS Oat of Af UTS Od Defunct,-,* linnii, \\li?.-?r ( a.hler Cnnimlttc?! Sulelile. PHIA. FA., o .,.?r ,._ tod tr,-,iay tor the or r M ut th.- w bs bob, Rlebard I " Bo. mit* Ha] <t Ptttoborg, um '" "" ' ' ' '''''" ' Lyon. wtth B Hi ?Km?, .?arasai -*| ,?? ' I aaa i ?Mis osoa? M RotOklaO klll.-d Lin,- 1! to the hank's nttornay QtoAwm said thai ?-* tl ' letton and bim hs hollered it . "I V- I h. arni?,* as Quickly up i |?oos at that hoar? ?ry to a binding .k\A t?. I.? s*j in ttoi ni' -a urboan II tent Mi : ?ob otloo to ; ' MD 8N IN f'i'i:i!l-:\!i|.f: Mr i m*, boo trosn Atloatle oa ?.-> they board of t Thoy prosapUy oar? .. and Magistrats Jar? ball ? aeh, Cor u tim al Dooa h. tt Thuraday, ,t* loader, man, and this i t.. the seashore Bj . . ihoy d? lined to ?Jit . Mr. ] ; is in Montan i, and Mr. la New tor Penrosi who wai with uns aitarnoon, s-j".?<.< ..i tor "I presuB ' any ni'iit at tin-? d ) , "i aardlna ti. k of his moierolont ono? -*.n, tlioiiKh Orky 1, a?< 1 lent. -i\A'i i? IN ' ' ? SARA? n:u." DaPtOd OSB Ol allai k poneats !. : ntl d I:. i ity bai At tho laol effort !? i, itors i omos this ii the) 1 ;;; .11 tkelr programaos for /lvanla are ro .?ii thin* .ir ami Just, and through tho , i 1 co unth i. ! feat? d poll! : itlonal the courts. In <iu.- tlms th< re D .. t in the drama tnsylTonia i?.?n u u.ii to v.- rs raadi oat on Batur the Instan' Oraban, and on the i ' Infoi motion fur si i . ror ol Tin:? OWH BANK NOTHING. ly Bonk, sold be bod . | led, al hlng t.' do v.itti the , i ? :,- .-i i- ,| || noi i". S >.f any of ring It. y Man? sold - ' ' *"-d ! Richai I ounted at the b rathe bank bad ! !.. ' B ..iih? r Mr. Quo) ooi h one doi toward Mi ad the ; iiiiit d, "are of the UKE A 'i HUNDERBOLT. of all . , like a tho . . :': . UghOUt it" .i Blgnlfl? f.,, t it i omos in th? i tho Tni.?t bitter n Qua) ? dring tin* Queotlam of hi-? ?i ,:. I,. ll?> i -. ;.'. . Bank i M.?;. h Mth lOSt, and II Ott ... Ido. At '?'i- H""" ik< ' I th.* I' ... .... i \\ liai - -r d 10 , mount ..f iiai.i?ti' s, and mur. moors ko it POETO MICO? The Mnll.T <?l l.iirrlaoiilii*- Our BCOI ri,??*-??!?????. '.. t 1 ?' rto flit " ? dire ting thai th>- fifth I at lliininvill?. Ali.; i m?, .i Btati s Volunteers, m>v> - ..nth, now . i to Buob >'lnl in ; , ... . ll 111 l .. Eighth l'nlt?-d I Infaati y and t?\" < osapanfc * "fe ' nil Volunta oro, tew bomas. K\ . win relieve th.* >. V ei Infantry at chwknmau s All the U will soon " red to pon,,, ,n ,hc so,,,,, tome bri v win"? '" ' b,Jt -* ?*" ?? ?__ f"r ,h** B"-??-? oceupy the ' * ; ted In ?... \l ' " Bronne. I. 1. thoughl thai wm ,rJ";tp" -?' '? P-rrl on -Jnt?In Cube moifb?- ,"',n:"n ,,,!1"' b? !,*"*r ;? njontliH dmy wm r(.,urn ,,( thtM cr>nn{rv t,o.',pr,m* 'a,<i ?f oi" *** u"i' "J? un*?"-*'''M that when the Iron,, r.,um th,- v ?tanteen will be .-iv? n - ' ftirlouga end mu tered out By that "".' ( ? ". opportunity to sarrlsonlng th. n< i ion?. PRE88URE POR MUSTER OUT. This determination is no doubt due to '"" ! it has be? n bron-ht by ' the must, out of the volunteers from th.'ir ?i M>d dlstrlcta Tbe responsibility for fur? niBBing troops for gsrrUon duty, and for duty r.,? rally, will be ; ?i-i-s. The recommendationa of the Pres ent SOd the War Department will : peen made before the return of tbe from slthef COM and port-. ' :',,! ,h'' : Itl? of the cs Although there has heea leas preosurs ,' ""' ni ; il or volunteers ins snnouncemenl was made that the troops cuid not be spared, the demsnd continues win, sufltetenl persistence to convince tbe War Denartmevit of the "'' that a reorganizan-. , of th.- armv will be necessary, and that some ar? I will have t.. l? ,?,.: to ? ' ? force for garrison MrVlce in th is and in the st.-,.,-. mhteh will n ?I ? ?object to the. asme difficult lea aa thoae experienced In the ... a of the volunt? The troops* which have been ordered to Rico win relieve Ilk? onml i ms now m the island, th.- organisa tions to b?-? deHgnated by ?'?'???ra? Brooha I'RA>KLI\ tTHaVHBS, Ml.. DEAD. Well-KnaM. n Inn.I (Miner In R|,.|, nioiid Mas In Hull im?.re. Intelligence? was received in Richmond Bight of the death of Mr. Franklin Btearna, Sr? in BalUasore, Md.. where be gone for special sssdlcal treatmeal The tK.dy will reach RlCbBMWd thi at 7:p? o'clock, ?nd will be taken to the residence of Mr. Praahtln Btearna, No. :i?0 south Third Street The fune ral will take place Thursday, though th h. or h si not bean decided upon, and tli Interment win be mad?? m Hollywood C*' ma-, i :y. Mr. Stearns bad long be?~n unwell, but was not until recently slarmed sl his condition. He bmi Blight's dlsea e, but bore up under It well, never yielding t ' the urgent entreaUea of bis family t., pines himself in the hands of s spw I i. i w..-k he ?b?casse much worse, how? and bis son. Mr. Franklin St? dr.. of this city, was summon. ?1 I I ?ram to his BOBM In Culpoper cmnty. 1! COnditdon wa* found to be s. .-m.? .ven dangsroaa, The two, sccom? panted t.> Mrs. ?".teams, Immediately went to Baltimore, and tha- si.-k bum begas ta ;?ke th?? treatment of a skilled physician. The sen cams back t.. Bicbasond, bul on last Saturday was BUgBmOttOd back to Bsltimore, aa ids father was mach worse. Yesterday at 11 0*c!OOh h?*? passed away. Deceased leaves besides bis srlfe three bnys Franklin, who msnsged his tatber'a extensive bUI In? -- .tit?Tests here; Charb'ti. Hud another, a mere child ais., six daugh ter? HlSSej Rena. Sadie. LUllO, Alle-, Emily, sad the jroangest ? child. Mr. Btearafl was born in R|elinv?n?l atoa? fifty y.-ars ano. tbOPgh n.-aily all of his life lie has lived on bis farm. In Culpeper. He was not ? von frequ? i I or to th?- city, as he had not p. n here for three years, preferring t<? pass imolcas. happy Ufe among bis chil dren ob his bountiful farm. He Inherited much property froin hls f;,tnpr' who bud extensive realty possession! In Richmond During 'be war hs met Miss Palm r. i,, i ,.,. dans of hostili ties h?? wedded. ??I, , bu ?ful farmer, .-?nd throuHa hi^ RO" he bus ,etntn.?.i the t, ,.k ,,. , . loi left by ids fath.-r. Prsnhlla Bt< sni -. I BS more HfJSTRHDKB ot r. I'mlae f,.r S...H Volunteer? from tin* Preatdemt. WASHINGTON, i>. C, October I To a number of li callers to d iy .:. m M? Klnh y bad oecaaloa ! Iterate his determination to ha v.- no ps mustered .?'?t for the pres i? the oonrss of u voral latarvlewfl h.- In sal..-tance that it was th- la? tentlon of the sdmlnlstratlon to troopfl to Porto Ittoe t.> i*k?. the place of the volunteers who will have to i?. returned, and who will bs gives fur loughs. Il?- stat.d very tit inly thaf there would bs no general discharges until the situation v : up. Th.- president also during ih.- dap tes to ins spi-r- dation of ths soldi? rs from the South. To delei atlon bs said one of t'"' re-suit? of the war whl ; p.eiaiiy gratified him was thai ths eon? tllet Se? med tO ha v.- < ffac. ?I I!" ., ;. .lion.?i f. Uni bstw? en the North an.l tbe South. He referred to the hearty responses from the South when m a broke out, and cob? lud? d with th? Btatemenl that If the trtlmlnatlon ol ail diff?rences of feeling between the North and the South shall oontlnui i manently, be would be a happy n in. i!. giso spoke "f the evident con ni, i t ?-r the ?"?'th' rn troopt to r? mala In r?ervice sd long as they wers Beaded. 1I\RH BROKE*? I I*. l'lrat mid S?-ci>n.I in inn try In n? I aiiiilltiuii for Servie?'. an.vis'I'on. ala., October t.- Uenton? snt-Cotanel M ilion P. Mans, lasp ral on Oeneral Hllea's tait --pent ths dsy h.r.- in-p. .tin.' the Plrsl sad Be : regulsr Infantry, which have heea designated as a part of ths army of ?? - am which goes to !ub about I I ,,,. ; col ?nel Haus found tbess r? H? ments, wbleh were la all ol the lighting i Santiago, sad winch csmd1 h< t? lj from Mont-ink Point, so badly broken up, both mentall] be win advis.- sgalnst their going until they set la bettor shape, and other rest man ts w,ii undoubtedly be named in their stead for the first sxpoditlon. Till; l.llEATEST I IIMHINE YET. \lti-iii|>t In lui??' W nralii|i-Riillilliig ami l.uT?i-Mi?l?liiii liil.rrHl? ?at World'lam?. Oh Oetnhor ?.?AS ? inn'-, paper i in,,, of tli-- mo,t gigantic BTOjeotS tUt the combination of < ?pital in the hlstarj of the country Is bfdag ? Sglaoerod In thl? city. "it la nothing less than an sttsmpl t.? imltS thS w SI snip-building int.r. st and th?? armor-plate gnd gini-making inter of th.- world into one peal syodl? whose fact >:ies shall be located . ..... ad Hi b of lat? rnatlonal raputatloa la I > Si anctal and nmantne turlng world ar.- la the >..ul." CORTHAOTt for Tin: momtors. Oik- ?if Tkrin (.?? 4?? the 80*^0-11 RstWS Cniui.ll n >'. WABHIH?QTOH, Oot?sbM .' Secretary has de ldi'l tO iivsard t.he ?uitracis ..,,- tha- four coast ?defence monitors In sc? oerdanoo **?'ith 'n*' lowest bids _am?ri-j du.- un.tutor to LOWlB Nixon at < ons to th.- Newport News Bhlp-Bulldlag Company si S***-*; one to th.- R.,th Iron? Worhfl ' PuMMM, SBd one tu the I'nlon Iron-Work? -?? \MnMV. _ I,, QpaO a Cold in One Dar Take Laiatlv? Bromo Quintas Tablt-tr-. D.-ugglHt? r'*uitd money 11 falls to cure. *-,'c?-ntt.. Otnuiue b-.i? 1* B. y. ob each , il i HAMMER AND TONGS. Joint Discussion Between Rhea and Walker at Pu?aski. PRETTY PLAIN LANGUAGE, Tue Canvass in Other Parts of the State. SENATOR DANIEL 11 Fit AMil.lV II'* S|.rnl.? to n ?.r?-:il I r.iH.I Ml It???.* ~*l?tiiiil?Oley in Clinrlotle? Jone*, l.l;i? anil I.nml? on II??* M u m I? P?Z-A8KI, va , ?? i TherS i j.iint dl* h i.,-il.i\ (I'.iuiity-i'.iiiit day) betweou Rhoa and Walker, Democrat i.- ,-ind lb-publican <*?.n tana] candidates, reapeetlTely. Walk? 08 I- 1 off In a one hour ;ind forty iiiiiiut. s' Bpaeck. Rboo foUowod in Boom tun... Tin n i.un.. Walker In thirty min OtOS .'nid Rkoo in thirty ntiiiut. :?. Ii his Brst Bpeecb General ^\ uik?-r dlocuaao8 tin* tariff und tu currtsncy,' thai POlltlCS 'IK .Hit. Hi- I--! it.?f g..yd tO th? oountry ami t.. each sotar, and oach v oim sii'.uid hi.- personal Interests ii voting, That \v.s practical poIUleo, no) BOntlOBOIlt, il'* mad. a Bttong I i" SCh fOI ).is Fid?. Qonora] Walker bad been in trnduc.'d by EL Peyton Gray in a tin;*? minutes' ?mooch. Rhea was gtroa i r . | n Ion by the Doasocral H discussed ably tho bonos of the da] i pi .-iuiiy the fin r. i.. q h lion Bad ti arar. Bs dlssoctod Walker's political re c'.rd slaborately and severely, tacludlni Ms application for pardon after ti.?* arai ami the sdrntssloos therein. Khen'i i Bob was powerful and recorred tho loud applause of the Dem?crata. Walker in his rtrply Btotod that Rhea'S dlocuasloi Of his record was nut pohtii al, bat ar iiiMiitin?' atta.-k apon him parson? all**) undar tho goiao of p**f1tl**Sj and ho would reply accordingly, und dl Rhea's record and persona] ehoi wliirli li?* did In an Bbttoive maun-i ? ra? timos Rhos orooo and pronouncoi tho charge repeated by Walker, ".? i?>-," 0090t lolly the ons thai lie bad evei o goldbag. Walker ordered Rb< ? aoi t Interrupl bins, but to .?it. down, ?rhlcl i. ; roftuod t" do, and b poisonal sa i counter ooemed Imminent. r?nt coolei man on both sidos Interfered, and ordoi was restored. Itti.-a in his reply met Walker*i . tinat i.'iii, and lapUod In ktri.i la the SOVOrool manner. Hfl OOkod all who in tended i" rots f??r him to op theii hondo. A froot many bands w.nt Qp Walker aaked the boobo. Decidedly i BBsallor Dumbor wonl op, Tho Doaso crats claim B (TOOt vi.-ti.iy t..-.lay, win..! tho li.publi. ans ?! . OOBCOdfl. LAJU un Hi\i:v. I'll?*)- ?>|i? ii the ? n in pal'; ii in 1'rliici Millinni ? ...ii.i?. man \ss.vs, va., October :>. This was 1'iin.e William Count \ -Cour day ami the ottendoncs w is rory oonrddorlng tin* iinfavorobls weather About 2 o'clock th.- people began t.. i MmMfl m th. couft?bouse, at sfhtch ttm< tho Democratic campaign in tin count* was opened. Bx?<OongressmaH I Meredith, oi tins county, Introduced Con fraoomaa Lamb, of Richmond, who ops red with applause. Captain Lam? spoke 1"!' about an hour and a half, aia bis sps - i. Of i l< if fo Ible, and logl col preoentotion .?f ths Domocrotlc pria .?o!. -. il?, began bis sddress by payli tributs to ill?- honooty, fidelity, ami ?lu ciency of Congressman Rixey, n d< Voted a portion 0? In* UOBS tO thfl tanf question, which, h>? claimed, oras not lb? paramount boma In th? present p?mpalas The groat question that confronted th? people non oreo, bs said, the curronc* and it would remain thfl burnlni , until BSttled on right Th? BpSOkei OTOS SSII SOVOTfl "ii the SnoBcls legislation of th? Ropubllcoa party. U< denounced in the strong? t terms th? SteglS Mold standard theory, and a I... cotod strict adherence to tho Chicagi platform. II?- also dis. u ted tin* boni question in a veiy Bsaatorful way. fan erralgnmenl of the Republican party n ** *< ia; t Cob t< "i*' Ho ? loot i by thanking th, audi- DCS fO* their kin? Bit ntion. Cungr.-M-nuin l.nnib madfl B fin?? impres Slon upon his haarcrs, and aroused ma) enthusiasm. Mr. Iferodlth Igttodtiwod Congressmoi Rixe**, and BOld that he was a man w sbould be proud of. Mr. Rixey spoke ;>.r i rory short tlm< DOly, and his r.-niaiks WOT? dOTOtOd t tile li;iai!>i.?l .'il.-.-t ion. Hfl analyzed th; question In o plain, practical, and matter way, and had the entire alter. tioa of bos .ni-ti'-r? < ii? closed by boj int? if h< had opposition li- WOOld 88X ! here on tho first Monday in N01 II \MK.I, l> niWkl.lV. He A?l?lrca*.ea a (?r?*nt I'rnvril i*. Itix-k.v Mount. 1'iH'KY MOUNT, VA^ ?ctobot ."?. (S|>ei*ial.)?To-day 000 bOOB i . for tho l'etno-. i.u'.v Of l-'ranklin Benotor John W. Daniel . - iTowd thai his oaosmMod hors for ysaro in a spsseh of oaoro than two hours' duration. In whleh hi* ?li til,- potttiool bvsues of tho day la a calm and dispasfdorvitf?. but ?-loipient. BSOnaflr. T'io erowd loereosed as his spooch pi... frooood until th-' court sqaore o ,.- far as his TOlCfl would rOOch. His sjpcBOh has solidifie.I the 1?. no. thfl eounty almost to .? man, und t!i.- pOBl .lenient? of Ihe Popullst pOrty ?leelar?-d pubhcly their purpose of supporting j*..-,. resantativ? bWOOOOO. The people h?re ldoliio our Benotor, and B striking illus tration of this f?.i*t wa? that h. an hour, after BpSSMOg, la roochui - ?. mporary home by raaaoa of hand Shaking and conKtuiuiutiori? of enthusi astic friends. The Benotor was utro. rhscid in a brief, but fi li-itous, oddroos by the Hon. B. W. tmondoro. /Ion t*. A. iSwanson, at the conclusion of Hcnator Dank Ta speech, and in re pense to loud calls, made one or hit? clu tie ringing speeches, in whl<-h hi ntlrr*?<l tha- crowd to the highest pitch ol ?ntliUHlasm. Aver y ladteattoa point? to a vary larg.- majority for Mr SwailSOB In this county, and noasiinstilu estimatei place it at the high-w .t.r .?f l.cayu. OTEV IV. 1 II IRLOTTE. He Mnkei a Blnnlne; Mprrrli a ? mllh?. III,-. SMITH VILLE. VA. OstOBOf L?fSfS rial.) -Major P. J. Ot? y. who I: unanimously by th crats of the Sixth District for COBgrew . the Sanvass Ir. this county to-di in a i-*p'"ch In th" court-hou Major was In li?." ha pe and delivered ringing addrea?. full ?if t? Hit H" was intrude? e,i by c. R. .**? ., ,|>, in one of Mr. Oreen'? glowing - and w..- ! t.? attentively, thou?; frequently Interrupted by applaus. Major Otey gars .?rotint of h stewardship, and srralgned the Bepubl cans n ly for misnaaaagi ment of the war, an.l the D? lies? BUff? i lug causad our t- mp Alger as slsewhere. Qs declared thai the ?p. ale of th" fr??.- coinage ol llv? i - not dea and confidently pr?-dt i liay?. His Indictment of the present a? ministration for Its BUmeroufl mlsdi BtesBors was vei sad he each point with telling effect. The Ma). nude a K"od ipeecb, an eloqoenl end an effective one, and he will teeort ;, ? -, r n .' nty than ey.-r before froi the solid Democrats <?f Charlotte, wl ar-; fully IB tOUeh wi'h theftf able r-'pr s? ntatlVS on all points. TWO B.OAIHST OKH, Itn? >lr. GlBOMUSVt, fair Hi.? Denioa-piit II. '.I Ilia IM? ii. LBTXINOTON, VA., O toi er t.- tfipt \.? 'oits, th.? crowd I lince upon Oetobot Corgnty Com t?.-day was unusually small. H?in. H. I . snd "?'yclone" James Marshal who were Wiled te speeh for ths Dean .rats?, Cslled to put In th? Ir appearanc sad Prank T. CSasgow, of Lexington, t. the Democrat . ha?i a joint debate ob ti ? oui i-house square With ?'"r.Kr.-ssm.i .)... . t, Yost and Mr. Junes Lyons. r0| lng the ttepnbUcana Cosg I i tbe .1? bit.-, sad wi ' by Mr. OlSSgOWa Mr. Lyons th? ' sad Mr. Olasgow closed. ?Mr. CHaago beld his own againsi th.- two repri ai party, and, as mar at, .-. "led a VletOtl 'U' f bis r.pp. Tbers was so ki?.it of si . m by either party, sad sgata wi a hearing audience. Mr. Lyons on evidently n< I. *V' he spohe sgal (it at tl?t? same pla? I tO a SBM andli (liinea In ?. lone? ?1er. OLOVJCa?STKB CO?RTHOU8H Pi October I. (Special.) a croud mied tl court lay tO hear Hon. Willi.? . .> .1. Mr. Jon? ..n.- m' his most masterly efforts. F ?.-?I the history of the hoad *asu< of ths goverument, from the civil wer the present time, tha Dingley bill, tl war-revenue bill, the conduct ..f the we i an?l the currency question, lie show? that there was rreatei need than ?>v for free-sliver legislation. Mr. .Ion : I.I to With rapt Btt? more than sustain, ?i hi? reputation a alni and diet Itied ?rr lig i iii")it of th?- Republican party was e fa ti?. a; and la.w.-t ful. I'ollllea In Poi?.linlim. POWHATAN COURTHOUSB, Octoh .1. 'S|... i .,., Hon. gldm J P. Bps . I ' ! for Congress in tl district, v. i? here t 1 day, lau owing to slchn? ? sould aot i" eni. R i". Thorp, Republican i indldate f Congi R publl. ana BBSS Bell Tcla-phonr?. 'ih.. following a? w subo? ribera have n r cntiy been added to the Richmond Tel r phone Bai hange (South? i a B? i r--i graph and Telephone Com? tny): Ratea in Richmond Manchestert . UM per month ResUSDCl . '1 '-' | ' r month. AUCTION-HOUSH Ht-Ottver, c. H. BAKBRT, M -Ho? Bta, H. W. 4 Rlehmond Bl ..n Compaay. BRRWBRT. IHS-Baeker, Mrs. Hi sry. BUILDERS' si'i'RLi! | 138 1 pit A Co. FISH AND OTI nSRI is.:.. White, I 0T?> [at BkSC ?*. ' 'r? ktn'ir. FLORISTS. Whltty, M. A. Harv? > a ? ... OR? sCBRS 11 ; ' ;: | \\ sod "ii. P. iv. Ot?Hoore, H. J. HOTRLBL imperial Hotel IRON POOHHRT L-jO?Chaniblin ?- Beott LAW Y CL.S Gil': un. M. M. 7'.?' t'ait. . D. LIQUORS, I ; ''aliaban, T. P. I i KrOUSI , Aii?.I M. llaV-OarBoU, B. IUUMBF.R DEALERS. UH ?Stan *' r" ' w Hl?sniaa ' S Quy. HANUFACT1 RHRSL H?ColuBibfs Typewriter Company. HINBRAL WATER. M Main.- Hlaerel Water Company. PARCEL DELIVERY. OsV-Wsst-Bad Parcel Deltvery Coi paay. PHTSK lA.Nd. i: .e.! y, l?r. G. F. uc Weft, Dr. v illlam J. i r. nshaw, Dr. o. A. >?:>? Dur.a, Dr. John.. REAL LSTATE. Read, Percy, ?s. residences. R] -Noble, H. B, . B -i ' teedorla, E P. : Miller, A. T. 71, T. A 7"? McEw? n. Charle? D. ' .miden, X. N, M B l't aip, B L Ceopar, S i | Krug. F. C. H Brooks, J. Vf. H-l?Taylor, h. p. Ul bastee, Hra, BBs. RI Mitchell, Th? ut tt w MU Me A dams. Mrs. M, R. Irby, J. S. II BuUiBgtOB, R. McC. '..?>, l'IalKe. J. R. , eanant, W. Brytea. UT1 Sum h. H. H. lltddlck. J. R. Lowry, W? -v? Ut -Min-?, Heepon r. tweatmna, C W. Bahsa, Jaa HH Pane, Charles a. .M?i>? Htissell. B. H. T. A Pranth, i- si BIQN PAINTERS. 119?lltiber A On. STOVES. _C. tK?--Kleln A Son, N. TOBACCO DEALERS IM Smllh S >-. v*. v. UNDERTAKERS. 1041?Bennett. A. W. WHOLESALE DRT-OOODS AND N nosfs 512-Drewry-Hughe? Cnnipany. CHIN A WARE. MM Miller China ?'ompany. THEATRE. tHrAsHadtBH ?t Music. Houses in {lie City Damaged. Tue Water, Moreover, Is Sot Less T?an Six Feet Deep. SKI IM. IM??- l?H\CHrvi,l.\ UBOAFU That la, They <<nn>r Coi-jparatt?--*!*? Mill** from llip Storm?No I.eas ol Lift? Tlirro?Drnlli-I.iat at Braus ??.li'k Small, Hut lncr?*nai?*g-. ?I I IVANNAIl, CA., October 3.-Thr Morning Nows eorrespondeot at Bruno wiek. Cn., hOS Hod the following hull-tin . t B . vl'-v, Hi.: "Hrunswl -k and Rfl vicinity floo.-cd and Inundated. A tbOUOOnd lion*'.'- and OtOTei ar? daman? d. ? |n?--li.tlf million doUari psopoity loss, and the lit ,.r d. id, imn small, is locreostng, Three thousand pe-o* pis had to s*. k refugs from rising a > and thirty blocks hi the beor? or tho dtj wore und-T six foot of wotat foe tworn "i i>i? on apodal train, with two opera tors and Instrumsnts, to tap wire. Btraol ;ni opening her--, and beUoro I am th< only BeWfJpOpOr in.'i thOl k>1 out O Brunsorteh Britta B story >.f ths greoti - Ho...' since tho Boa Island affair. Bereut? mil's Of wrecked country just p.ixs.-, through. Boys i?ft two seen in Eraos wick, penetrating woods and islands h bo.ns. Th?-y ors Inotructod to Isols* Brooswlek to-night, and oooas until th?-: VOOI ti me, with tin? story of to-day's dc rslopmonto." DAMAGE AT QBOROTTOWM. CHARI-BBTON, B. ?', Octobers?--/ opoelaJ to ths Nt ws and Covrli i in.m Qeorgotown, B. ?'., says: Report! rocoirod fron dlfforsni p ?rts of the eount* to-day fully Justify tho roport of fdt*?8f damage to the rlcs scop by yoalsiflsj'i I ?toi m. Tho dOBBSgO in tile I ity uiu harbor is lustgnlflcant PLOOD AT BAVANNAE SCH-H-ks. BAYANNAH, OA,, October ' Tki II'.od WhlOU laUndotOd tilo Islands am lowlands around Savannah and Pi tli, Slong tho COOSl on Sunday bs partially subsided. Ths flrst news fron ..?.is un i the Boutb i Ifi'lt, wl gr? .it ti.!..i v\i\-> of L8M o mood soi b f? ar fui totalities, \> i i. --vd untight Damage by ths si.'im there was eompar ,-itivtiy nail, and so fir sa hnouro tber i ol Ufa Mr, CHfton atad iiie trio from B innata to P ?t Roys i aoon, and arrived hers i it.- t.. night Tin- Hood a id driven l.y a north Boot Rain and did not over .. I] ..I I . : tads m tii .t section, sooept the* n BAMERi IN THE STORM. T stOOJBOn (>ty of Ma.-on, i'ity o ougusto, and Ens . from Mas Voik. and Booea, fr in Boltln. anivai to-day and all teit tho foroo ol th? to son.- futtn*! Tin? City of Mocon s/a bs tho hi Ighl of it. Tho wit,.i i a v? ?o.-ity ..i' nearly one hundred nil? an ii'.ur, but tin? ship weathered it, am sustained iitti.* damage? B Hi ONERS ASHORE, The four schooners .ynors Mlllrllle Winnie ?Chlldo, and fraoklin, trhli drlroa Into tho nsarohss ai Quoi intlns win be ftoatod aftor tho laoaovmi o? thoii cargoes. At Tybei ' J itnogo thai ?roa t- i.''d. Th.; fortifications w<i. piled Britta sand sororal fool deep aroun? ins, but tho riood did not. road them. IPS BWEPT AWAY. r?n the u tho dtjr 1 pt as d inn. i liv.--.-t.-i. k 008 ?MOB 1o--t. hut tiler.- w.r. no fiitaltn fjOSB AT f'KTVSWIfK, tmOO). K\\ ANX.MI, OA, 0 loi r :i.-. Aick (Oo.) special to ths Mornln News soys that during ths b ** ? but of S'und iy a tldol wave wa dri*/< n ?u from too -^a, and In for an ovarago depth of I foot, i Iy ev-ry b'isin. I worehous hi the etty. Conservativo eotlniab ! .. pro] " ' al half a million doi lam, tho'iiih when the details an ths figures ni>y b lerably shad--. either way ' bip ont Southern railway docks Were under wat? i fool .1 .p. while in the residence sec tlon of the city there wu_s from 2 to foot of orator. Tlr-gro was a fall wool of wind and water from tho 000081 in: and OtttOOS Ifeo SltT? THEME FATAT.ITIKS. Toro fotatttJea in Bransorleh and en a few mil. s oui of the city ll J. TaaOOS In thS Cltj Wl Of oegro cblldran. Their porooi are nilssln?-, and may have pOOa drown ed. A f?*w nnU'-i out Of town, St?-rit Afkin teoAoro?) was billed by fallin; liri. ks. biuwn from a chimney. MeOgTS reports from the BOO ISlSlldSOl the coast ar?- fur from reassuring. A J? kyl Island, where th.* eiab-lM New y.iilc million.: StUOted mi. h damas;?* h.'s boon don-, l?ixvllle, i ouburb of Brunswick, IntaobKed by ne . was Inum ' lbs destruc I fop. is a!mo.-t ?ompl? t. . No lives wer loot there. Five no? |g w.r?* blow! Btvhors in Branowich borbor, two W-in; the Norwegian harks H.rd ;.n.l beul* (MM an American BOd two valu abl*. Dilot-boats. LUMBER AND NAVAL KTOSJESJ OON1 Ou the ?Inks \s.-r. to tw .,d feJt Of lunih. r . d . . and hundreds of I Which will be washed BWOy. V- r till the dockd BOBTsrod from HghtOlog. While thS WOtOr was doing Its domog undornooth, the win.i a have td. Sererol fronts of brl.k built MOWU partly OUI and the r.?*. I through m torr**oto Brery oh ore ;ti tho city was ?11 wat? - by wird. All electric wires w? fe proi tfotod Vires in IQCOO. nd in-1 v *A?r.' put out by the drivl.i of water. rrOEE l.ASTKU TWELVE Hocus. Tie ?ti.rm begun at 4 A. M.. and co: t.nued twelve hours, with the win v.'o. ity fr..m forty to sixty I The lom to railroads from wushini; Of U ' " ,: ?"U" :o urmlnal property. Con;munlct.iio cannot be fully restored tot a day It two. PEOPLE HOCH FRIGHTENED. ATLANTA. OA., OwtOhsT A?A ?pecial to th? Constitution from Cochran. OS . says; A desirucUv* gale und rain-st<?rm swept Cochran and sarroaadtag country last Bight and this morning. It was the worst in twenty-five year*. 1 I badly 1 tightened, ard many sat up all night, re dy to leave tb?ir houfR*s .. s w armint. ?-?'? dw.-llings WON b-odly dam Sgad, iititncnM tre-a..?? mn to torn up by the roots, and a larK? extent of fencing wa? tattsasd The streets wore ooverad with .' bris Iron roof?. wer?j torn fr? in brick btiildinars. and tolegrspn and tel lin??? were demollshavi. On? ?r. iu ?a,is held h-r- " vive h.airs. Oil ac count of tama ?o to th>? read. Ths cotton crop Is about ruined, an.l has suffer??..l grent'.y. DAMAGE AT EASTMAN. ATI.AN !'A. u.V. " ' I BPOSHI to the Constitution from East man. (la., says: Th-' storm, which r. . -, ?i Bei 'our hour?- | great d.un , Mitten end caris, but, ..? known, as uva??? were lost. Gotten that bat set besa a? *M at with In pa-king is fully on-a-half 1 at SBf**SgMBSaS 0 . g.1 many BtofBS here'V. I 111?-? Stocks Of | Bed* \J.'|S.'d t?. th> IBlBB? There lia* been theUBsadS "f ''-ol ?a a ?orth ol ' uaage d. : av, sad ge? i CAMP - MEETING TENT BLOWN DOWH. ATLANTA, c?a., Odones t?A spsijsl i ituttos from tro< rlcus, g . . BBysi Thv storm Bight and this morning did bui h danage in this vi cinity, a? AndersonvtUe, wher? i big ' tat camp-me? tlag Is la pi t t. m. ?eating * '. eol? Tue San?; In pro ind a oani?? ensued. Th.- multitude 1 t neath the big i pdles si -i received Injuries, ?nd n. rbody wss bruised. No fatalli i i however? PSrssers will rastaln s< ivy I U damage t.> cottea full of OOttOn, B hi a WBfl blown on th.? ?round. NOT MUCH DAMAGE I m-ksi ?NViLi.n. PUL, Octet Bs epl for the debris ob the streets, there was UttlS effect Of Sunday's storm risible In Jachaenvllle to-day, sad while it bi..w a ported i lie all day tunday, the das . ' as to mifing up wires and unrooflnt house?. lalti. I have been report, d. S'?U?II-)R-?! FLOODED I 'IT. The Third N-hi.-ki BegbBOBt, wBfcfl was ele am. ed at 1 led oui of i.v camp, aad I al the ind amont the cottages. < ?tu- ? rs who ranne to th?' dty fiont th? s mlav report thai provisions ars short. , ).. i t-.ii tr ?in w? m doe n < aiiy this morning with i M| ply, only to find however, that thers were plenty of ra a h iii.i. Th.- train aceordingly cam?, bach with Its full load. I I' ' .\'?-tv Sle.'iilni;-? ur l?velas BB So ?tli st n Hull??, n y, Bffeetrrs September nth, the H ; - rallwaj will operate Buffet sleeping-can m Birmingham, Ala., and Or? ne vill>-. Miss,, on their Trains NOB II BBd M iiv thl? an ' ' "i"- ? m lei.v? R|< hmond, Va., al U It a. m . m op .n al RI? hmond I B P, si . Charlo;-. \ M .t v hi' b i ol i: r - per i in * taken ea i no? train i. ?la., ?vniioii eh ui??.\ arrlvtng then It P. M., conneel leavim gham 10:10 P. M G,. eti\ m? M . i' ' ' A. M m M dB) f." mint a m from th. ... tie- tall i ippi rlvi r. Tins la but an ?ther ladl? stlon of th Soiithi-ru's endeavors to furnish th? 1rs yelling public in the clllttem which will b ? am i 11. d i? any. Ai.iiii.iI Convention < liil-it nil < liuri' (lil??-i|ilca ?if ( ln-Ul and \u\llinr 4 oiia.-nCiiiiK >, ? bu 11 ?niiio (ii. 'l'a-n n Ortnb?*r i:".--?*l. I Mis. ,\. ? oiint of the al i"n th Southern railway will sell tl? v hi frei station . ..n its line to ''h ittsno? % . Tenu nd r? turn at rate of oa? Irst? S ?or Hi" round trip. rickets s 111 b dd O tober IH i to Bgk .... final limit of ail tick? ti n turn lng ' ?. tober 2i, 1S9H. Ths Soijlt.. i s'fl tout'- to ('hartan i ho will go ? ibovs cuv n tlon i Is via Sails! 11? nd H Sprint i, passing I n i i Ion ot >'?' ?tern Nortl Uns kaowfl i I I mbradng the pr? ; ti? at mountain i thia aide of the Ro? I I Further Inform : io an; n ? W, B"< ? bury, Tra veiling I t, Bit h mond, Va. RciiiciiiImt? Hen fort h M.i'ii . . r It t., It, ... Old I'. minion Bt? un hip Compsay will condu?. a annual p. curslon t.. New ?orh to ths "Hoi Show." I'm' .-. Ri? luii" urday, November i*ttb, al S P M., rl : y, or ? A. M ris Norfoll n I \' .; with ? dd I ? I Norfoll hold ral : ' ' . cludlnt I b? n h J" 111. I f??r tes ?. BMdt 0 JOHN f MAYS lu . s sin Ann ml ttatO I'.'iir nil.I llfln? SOS folk. Va., Oaf WS lili l<? rifes For Norfoll aad Wester the I im" -no . ' ' TleS . kbi Mb, i i good tor return i IMS 'i ralm leai (Vestlbuled Limit? i ; full Information and tl Rlchmoi ? ? :: , ' SI .1, R v. rjOURTNET, DUti ngsr Pi olrat.lllt I'l.iaaop'll ( (on Tcntiois anil W iniiiui'? A u a III ar> Vi naliiiiKl.xi. 1?. <'.. Bat. S--S ISSSL On account of !. Q I Co:,v. ntioii and the I Auxiliary of His? D. C, ?October Ith to Zttb the Richmond tsburg and 1 : Id, l'b. sad ,t* baa-dad -, to Waahlagtoa sad mtarn, it rat? ol tgj tot U I trip, | i.A'.ii October Hth Informntlon, apply to B. G C? ssjrnt, B]fi Btatii n R Ti..t.?f.r <' - la ?tes? t, ., W . P. Taj lor, tl '. tnnSng*s O, a o. outitiur Notsrithstandlng tbe thr thci last Sunday, It too] elgh irry th>- outers where a bright and eh await outing? r,t the CheSS ; I lag ri hmond at ? c a. m , and retare ir.g. lea.VS Norfolk at ?- r. ?<, St 6:13 P. M, aad old Point at P. M. ONE IVOT.I.AR POR THE ! TRIP. O.'ders for pruning ?vnt tu the Dta patch OOBBPaai will be given prompt at I?atlflm. and the style of work ap?* nrlce J will be sure to plcaa* you. HT" Spanish Build Hopes on What He Vil Report, RECEPTIOH BY PREST FAURE. It is Tendered to Peace CoEAioncr^ and the General Will Attend. A III?.Ill \ nirOIU'M' MKKTINO. Ani-*rl?* Sal?, to Ilarr *1?H?> m ?Sinn IIiii? Urniaii.l ?ta Simla A*? It si Ref*?r?Plsc*?* In ?h?? ralllrplnrs-A*. ... i> * on.. ?>i Till l'i-l?liiv PARIS, Ostttkorl- Itojor-Qoasrol M?r? ritt. who uninmandod the ABOOStOSSB troopo il Manilo, arrisad hora to-day Irop y, a i'-* r- polrod t.? the l'Ai hen.-.*, and de? lined t.. bO tnl '' ?S from fatigue. Ths Oenoral did not roo the United st ttes F n?*r* i oing of tii ***?on v. Ths Atnerl m eomaslBBSosauBj betd ' ' ' t?"ir <)V*', itory t.? ths setood me?*t? toma -i.?n?*rs, which began u the canirnlsslon's r.->"ins in thO Fwft IgU OtfJes Itiim? 'ilit'ly after th. ir m embbng there al I o'oloek this ?fternoon. To-day's ssooton laotod antfl t o'?*i?>?*b, :it irbich hour the comralsslonaro ad oh n??xt Pttda) sfternoon, such Interrol b-dm* derirobti i.? 'iiiow Bcporoto ? !. Iderotlon by each commission "f mat ters requiring ouch eotu boong Idered by the joint i ob The ' hi ?toiiii < Ion arlH arriva iTMslaht. und the int?r v.ii win bo also mployod by th.* -. i jointly in motoring plans tor the work end pioc< .hue. Th" ?Spanish and Amarlcan coma?o* sp.?i. i . will bo reeolred b>iorrooi i?y dent fkura. Tho hour flood f<?r the .i of in- Americans is.?,!"? o'. in tie i ..i Mei ' ' i " toy tin? Ann motion, which v.tll i-i held al the Pol lie d'BI Tho opinion i I that th? work ??f tho oo is within month SOI 18888. SESSION llli.HI.V IMI'ol'TANT. While it Is ths 8000101 b*spr< lioa that to-.I . d to pr.* Ilmlnartss, and thai ths sdJniiiasBsnl to l'i id ij was I ik. o ont) to snabls tho *>?*c? draw up a n hadule of work. the r.p.i 1er of lbs A > itsd l'l?M? Hi. .-. -lui vv.i. highly Im t met ' - 11. i a thai tin* Span ii.niid It .... i ;> (off .ri idjournmeul In or?J?tr to enable th? m t? . nmenl i Msdii.t. It is und? tood thai Hi?** ?pi- f I .>i i oo> I ? ii it \u:m ans are highly plfu-ted at .011 - ii. i i highly I mi phase of tho lona tory to Ainuri ?h <t a ne inhi r of the 000**. i be ?wirk would i" ?mpli i- ! sIth u s inoiitii indi? , id. In hopos ar? ..ii whit' i sly, thai lin- I'niiip If-gOVi ruint ut, i' - aal ..o i for the en ip of loi ?do, The Spin: . Ire ? ol . 0?' Ing i it will resisi nsers la tin I.mud 'I our n.iimiil nuil Hull. \\ <-sl 8**.iist. \ a-, OaOokos I ?. IM?>?. i tho al sou limit? i irala aill in* atci m? dial Point. point I trrtro I nta. S-M-rial Rotos Bio ? A O. tWO ir'ailr. r t? J ' Noifollc, Ohio Mils'. ' - . i.... ? with i of Octuh r - .. :it ral of U, r..uu?i. fair. '-tin. their flavor and aro ttll Other? | f.iliy um !. but 'itlve ittng fi ?m tho di i f? lia. i M. I. manufactured by l?r. J. < J. 1'. Bl< gei t it So For niaeaa*** of the T.lvcr, don-arl*, ?... ? ?. : lu. re the Water ol toe ?ir-euorler Whlto Kalptiur i- t|i<* roost i wiiaoie la America, nmiii. L*??*o *Co.. Whulowl-? Aooato ^?? ? ? The Weather. WAIRINOTON, October t i**t for Tu?*?4?y: Vli^nlo->Threotsn8ag w?*o th- r, fr.ih to bri-k ?outherl-r wind?. th ?"arotlna?Showers In t..e early morning; probably clearing th?; day, troth to brlxl. southerly wind?. . \\ i:\THKI: IV Uli-llMOM) yjca. \Y was ritooo and nultiy, with re In th? after State of th. rmonietrr: ? A. M. .H ? A* M.T8 UM. I P M. .at .08 13 Nltjht. I Mean temperature ....... .-?'>