m '
\,*A. stylish Suits?Suits that wo guarantee to he good. We
handle trash. Kvery ?.ice?? of cloth which we make bio clothing
?? thoroughly U?? rigidly inspected. We use the best trimmings in
lonp o? our ?fMMBtsB- ami employ the beat labor money will
Dirk Kino, All-Wool Cheviot Suits. ,. .$4.98
Single- and Pouble-Mroasted Black Cheviot Suits. 6.4?
I i ill :. i?*. Chi-viot, and Worsted and Serge Suits,
I Suits, IlliO, 110, ?3-8.96, stylish colorings, .*2(), ?18, and
> l :>.
The "Little Joe Wheeler" Military Suit,
:, of regulation army hi. ?use, long military pants, both nice
led; military cap t<-match; made ol navy blue twill flannel ;
-. I t?i IS; c??mp!ete outfit, $1.98. * The biggest value
A*-* long as they last, $1.98.
1003 East Main Street.
?, M.i\rii HORH or i.irr. for
1 re r.hnrit 1.? m porn i 11 v U itboul
t-lur BnWtaM?N?-?a llrslin?
\ i?|.nralins lor Hie ?'naloni-llonsi?-?
li .-II | I.?iiai >iil.'?t?Personal?.?IIrief?.
-;:i i:?;. VA , October 3.-(Sp??
i i. .
?r thirty daya
for ths
' !. W< - in
ng wbll '.'. i : Park,
. tl -, !l of June l i-t.
. \e
. Prtday "f thi.?
' ' : 7'i; W"i km- ?i SN I
n th.' t , .-i un announcing the
from Richmond. The
: la i .d Lu? J .ill
' . great put from
:id to
lib h th.. i ..ti.i--mti.it m m
i.ie ground, and Is r. ached by n stairway
of eli Hi fames T. B ihllj.
al .i. ii'iinl,' r of CrlSOdS Of thS
:i s*l at o\.r to HI. * *
.. - - G \ ..i D
le u.
rsbuig is at i I i ? ol ably
ras daj win b? wi?h'.ui any
t 01* ' rnooa th?.
arm. ; wfT-mBhlng dynamo
ipped in
lach of poa ? r, Tha arma
hlppi d north for r. pan s.
but it la likely \?iii elac
returned and th?
it ton, Hhny of
.-ttv. wbl . b) powea
I'p.-d. The
el railway, as heretofore announced,
? in be
' t. OB H'e Itth "f
s probably be bought
by mont 1 i ' o.pativ.
which 1b n? w railway through
the our ctty
Mr Sad lii'? man nt
..' : la tl - srai quite
, . though not
rday. He
? nt i., t? he ea?
.-. - boilers, rutd m so dob
and SUffer
report of th?- i'ott Warden '
. sitbi .lu: t ended
.- of the Inward commerce of the
'. was ??To,;??!, and i
i.: comm? num.
. arrived, Including tu
u'fl collection? durint the
.- i -fini', i- were tUTJt,
: ting apparatus for the Custom
? . ed t..-day. The
snd Internal revenue
- will all be hi iti d by water, and
i grati i win i ? dons sway
Will I put in
I ,?.. "
held in Jail
. u.i of tho Din
god with a
mitted last night, ju.-i out
eco nt the ware?
thin city duriag the ?, ...n- euii
d li.'?IV L'a
680 p ?undfl during
previ .
work on the BOW church of
W. ongregatl
ad tho fi "n. work am
rapidly i : ward. This will be ?
im? end i mmodlou edifice,
iBH Rl : ' hfl city. Thl
i i. t ipldly groa lag <iu
i - few ft ire, and th?
- is far too .-mail for tin
. i ii mi
Of ? I?
"W iBBlS I 'hi - SS the
? .'. r of the Confed? being
hero, a Ith th
.p. daily among
rs, M !? '
.. . '. straightening and shorten?
Line rallre
. ?: IB I Stati..ti, in
. . runty. Is i ipldly.
i ar.- employed, snd
Bill b? m* stsd al un
sat ciop in this section will be
av?rai "
luxuriant, but Iks nul
?i quantity.
this morn
.t. i that Colonel Taylor, eoaa
Pourth Virginia Regiment,
I th? t. ?m
Harvey Plum
:. com ml
i mil RiS?
. Bttre company, and It is
r '.,r that hi-? promotion has
. , of Col m? i Taylor.
Q Elliott, president of the
apsat yesl rday M
" ?nil htl SitU.
,1'. tersbu!'- Ir '. W"rkn wat? Slight?
maged by fir.- ts sdgkt Ths Rre
the cupaio. the ssmi ptt ce
Shea the Iron-Works
troue fin i Juno? Ths :b?e
**ork .?f the ?fire Deportment te
: i? ,.efiti"ii of thS .Line fire,
ti ..-. will "i?ly umount to
: MS,
I III: 4 II IKS ?Y THF. si:*..
?.reived "With Honor??The Small
I'ui Si-ore.
RPOLK, VA., October .T.-LSpeclal.)
tsry-of-the-Navy charles
! ist the navy-yard thl?
" orniM?; at ? O'clock ?OB the Dolphin, and
a?? received with honor?, Commvouii
hinVz msM ,,f ^******m*i
ments m full uniforme, and tho marin
guara and pool band holng proaont a
soluto ofjOftaon gun. wo. ?-?"Sow ?,
; * Isno- .1 he dlettegutohed rhetor was
" to the . ommnnikm's ataeo where
'"' ??cera oi tho outloa were ...
with Commodore lorqubor, hs nude ,:i
?on of tho yard. Ootng into
tho v;,iio,ls buildings bo directed his boo
to moke notas of mattere thai
< ni'- tiniii-r his obsorvatlon
rotor*- Allen lunched with the mm?
mondant a1 the latter'* reoMeooe and
i"" ut 8 o'clock on tha Dolphin for Old
t, where bo win romain until to
morrow and then go North, oontlnulns
ins Inspection of navy-yards up to Ports
mouth, X. II.
Ths flro in tli- cm-go of coal aboard
th? United Btoteo oolllor Aloaonder which.
WOS dlOOOTOred four dnvs hro is
r Control. Tha Alexander WOO or
I to Hi- navy-vard and h?*r oorgo
something over 8,088 tono, whs removed!
Twenty-two colored oyoter coptelno
from Tanner's < nek. were brought In to
il.iy by tin.* gunboot rhsooniioha. <?f th?
Virginia oyoter navy. Th.- osen .ir?
charged with dredging without Uoonse,
They "Join* thai they huv paid their
licenses, ?Out havinn not yt r?
their reeelpta, weus unablB to m?ke their
innoeance clear to Commodore Hudglns,
of tin < ?heaapaake.
Bhipplng Interests here nre. happy ?iv<-i
the veering inland ?>f ths burrloans foi
which tha Weather Bureau has boon die.
ploying BlgnolO It means much to them
'iips now oil Hotteroa oould noi
mads port.
Captain Hutehlaon, ?.f the steanshlf
Brolyn, formerly a government collier,
arrived from Porto Rico, reporto thai
things are being carried by storm by bus.
nssB "i< \?'ii. rs," as? he c.-iiis them, H?
thai ?n American syndicate hat
contracted for all th.* cigars msdo oi
the Island, and thai Hrittsh capital, rep*
?-.t. ? i by o Phllodelphlon, has openoi
n lire lron?mlnes and hogiin sugai
planting on o la.?-?,?* seal?? thers sinos Um
war. Captain llutcliisun reports th?
iiiihts not burning in the light-bouses at
Capes Brunoiuen and Mala Pooquo, Ar.
1 i San Juan Head, ami loo Juan. l':il*
last-named llght-houas hoTtng been -.at
in two by b shell from ?in American ship
afterwards taken doom t.y tho span
Small-pox Is alarmingly prevaJeni
among tho colored population, Tht?
morning s colored man. broken out wit!
the ?mall-pox. win. bod lefl his home up
town In *-. irch of naedleal ossistancs
moda nia appeoranos al th?* ctt> DUpeo
in City Hall BOjOOre, anil mnainc.'
hour ami g half. When DO WSJ
s. nt to the p.st-lious.-. In thO meal
time, oeverol police officers were statlonei
around to keep peopl**?r?rom going neat
tho BOOn. This niii/ri s'-vi-n or i-l?hl
N of small-pox that 080 now at th?.
city pest-house. A special BBootlng of th.
i rd of Health v?***s held thi*. ofternooi
nii.j a general va?-.?nation was ordere?
for Oil persons who have OOl hern sue
* illy v.i. . Iiiat.il, and a r< solutlor
OTOS piis.-i.l reOjUeOtsng Oil persons wh.
have not been successfully voeclnatei
within ?i period of five roars t.. bt i
Cinoted St. Vi.int'S Hospital WOB n
quested to close its free clinic.
? ThO .?rtpnratlon? for the Launrltlni
Ti?-I)ay ?'??ini?l*Me.
WfVPORT NKWS, VA.. October 3
ISpecial | Hverythlng Is In readiness for
tha lauu'iiiiiK Ol the battleship Illinois
to m Trow.
Dt in.ll'-atlons point to the pres
the largest Crowd that has eyoj
attended the launching of a ship at 08
American t-hip-yaril. There were 30,00?
,, ,;,;,. hOffO when tho bnttleshl].*? Rear
L- and K.mucky went overboard loot
March. It will not sun.rise the offtolab
Of the Newport ?OWS Sliip-BulldinK inn
liry-i'.'ck company if *?,<*** Nspls as?
the minois leaire the ways.
?unong th?' Illinois party to be preoenl
..,, Qovernos Tonnor, bis staff, an.
porty of frieado; Miss Loiter, who is i<
I th.- ship; Mayor Boirioon 0?
party; Adjutaut*<fcnerol Reece, Captad
Bchoffer and staff, Colonel Elwood, Colo
n-1 F. H. smith, Qenorol Fltosimmons
(Tulonel Mock Turner, Colonel Deltrlch
.;, logj itit.ii Of 2M prominent Chien
Among the Washiniitonlans who hav.
accepted invitations from the ship-build
ON the following otllclals of th?
Navy 1 ??partmetit : Assistant Secretary
of-the-Navy Chorieo H. Allen and wtft
Commodore and Mrs. it T. ISndicoti
Captain A. BL Crowninshleld, Paymaster
General Bdwin Stewart. Km-?ne.r-in
I *3eorge w. Melville. Burgeon?<3ene
ral W. K. Van Reyp? n nn?l wife, Chief
?'instructor l'hlllp Htchborn and wlf?
Captain Samuel (', I?ml. >, Judm-Advo
rjenerOj and Wife, I'ant Assistant
ISnglnei rs J. K. RnUnsnti and M. K
Reed, U. B. Forsyth and wife, ChU-f-of
S*i]pplles-aiul-Actounts C. It. Dufour an?
irlfe, ?ommander John Hawlev ?nil wife
( hit f-Draugntstnan QoorgO Forthinghan
and wife, Assistant Chief-Clerk J. n. nit
latant Naval-Constructors R. 1)
I, Frank B. Zahm, and H. A
Bvons, Sidney Bssaelvtsr and wife, an?
Mr lohn D. Torrey.
The champagne bottle which Miss t>i
tor will us?* 1* in a gold netting, th.
weave, of which Is small?r about tin
neck oh< hood I- Bet off with a hand
aomely-dsolgnod goid stopi>?r. Rod
White, and blue rlbb-.ns are tOOtsfull]
arranged about the neck, which bear
the coat-of-atms of the State of lili
n-?!? *md the inscription, "Clirlstenlng ?.
the Hiittleshlp Illinole, Newport New*.
Va.. October 4, lKW."
A costly leather caso haa been pro
vlilfd. in which the bottl?* will be ear
11,,I t.? the ship. The presentation o
iht? bottle was made by ?"Jovernor Tnnn?
Sun.lay The (lovf-rnor will present th
christening fluid to Miss loiter on th
day of thO ?v?*nt. Miss l>-lt?-r Will retail
the gold n?ttlng lontsliiln? th?- brokei
glass an a souvenir of the day on whld
sh.. chrlstoaod oife of Uncle Sam's grent
est butt ?.?hip?.
The platform at the bow of the ship
aii.l ths two vlewlng-stands to the snutl
of th*? waya on which the Illinois rest*?
hav. i**cn ?ossmtad with fl?KS. Th
christening booth In which Miss L<elte
whi at?ii'i when she name? ths IllLnol
has been fitted up, and alt ?trier deco
rations will be flnlBhed In time for the
MIm? Perklaton, ot Princes.? Anna
Co n n I y?Ho ally Hum.-.I.
I'ETERSBl.'R?-;. VA . Ortober 3. -(Spe
cial. )-M1fw Parkinson, adopted daughter
of Rev. A. A. Jone??, of PltnsOOS Anne
county, died very ?uddenly on the train
hetwosa PattPfl Depot end this city tab-?
nlsht. The yoauig lady, who hrad be.-n
visiting frfaadfl st PortTs, eras pat on the
Norfolk and Wsstors train ?t Ford'? by
T. N. Vaughan. of Noftoway county, thl?
evening. She waa to ull appearances W< II.
Before the lr?ln reached Suthii l ind't? It
wan noticed by the pas.-.enr'er* that Mlas
P.rklnnon wa.? ill. Dr. William B. An
n. ?urteon of the Third Vlrjrinlii
Regiment, who was on the train, st once
went to her, and rendered all th? ?Id
po?alble, but th' y...... lady di'd ?n .
few moments. Th.- ??nue of bar death
was hemorrhaire of the lungs. Th?> I
wan turned ' val by the Norfolk Bad ?
era Railroad Company to Badger a
MOOTS, undertaker?, and every ?ffort Is
being made to communicate with the
friends of the dcoeaSOd.
William Furgerson, engineer at the ?dlk
mlll, wan badly burn?.I sbOBt the liandt"
and arm? this evening while attempting
to fix the dynamo ?t the mills. 1
bHng burned he was also -severely
He Will Spend Srver.il !?:.. ? at Cnl
p.-|irr mi,I lint Sprints?.
WASHINGTON, OetObCf 3.?Colonel W.
J. Dryan left here to-dny after a stay of
tea 'lays, during which he talked with the
I't.sliletit and the Wir Departni'-nt otli
. it.ls com ?ruing the future of his regi
ment, and la? i. bu tally suffered from
touch of malarial-fever. The Colon I
looked quite recovered from his Ulm -
He was M?Ompaal?d by Mrs. Bryan, who
will gs ?ivlth him for a short rest in Vir
irtnia, and then to riorida, Where Colonel
Bryaa reJotas his regiment.
A day will BO spent tit Culp? per, Va.,
and SOVOral days at Hot Sprlncs. V.i . thl
plan being to reach Plena BSSl ?Satur
(XSonel Biynn hud hoard nothing flnril
?s to the disposition of bin regiment up to
the time of his departure.
BRYAB l\ ? i i.lTl'KH,
iliil-VI nil lo 1 .n\ a- for .incl.ioiivllle III
Mi dnl Kb I.
cri.PEPER, VA., Oetober L?(Special.)
''?.l'.aii wiiiiam Jenalaga Bryan, seeom?
paniid by bis eifs, came up t.? Calpeper
this afternoon from Washington. The
time of his arriva] aras not generally
known, bul notarlthotsndlng that, sad
also the fad that it had bOBB raitilnii
nearly all day, tho dlsttoguish? d Visitor
was met by a very snthustasttc ciowi.
who gave him a hurt' Welcome.
Colonel Bryaa I? not ?. well man, and
he spent very cpiletly the entire nff.-r
BOOO at the residence sf his kinsman.
Jadge Daniel A. Qrinisley, an Railroad
in. mil', Jt was his Int. titlon to remain
In ('ulp.j.x'r until to-morrow evening,
but aa ornera from the War Department
BS was compelled to leave at laldtiiglit
to-night t?? join Ii?h regiment at .' I
sonville, Fla.
'il.?- HantoSans to n< vniiiic.
'Many in.inities have be. n stade BS IS
whether or hoi the exerclsea to-moirow
ami Thursday lo connection with the
dedication of the building? end formal
opening here of Union Tbeolosica] P.-mi
naty will be op.-n t.. the public The Dls
patch Is authorize?! t?. BBS 'hat th? ( ?:
an?s, s will be public, and all fri?
this irreai institution win be heartily wel
comed, This applies to the opening on
Thursday aa urell as to the dedication on
Shot by n Trnmp.
A negro trarnp shot Mr. W. H. Cniger,
of tins city, at Vlnita, on the James
River Division of the Chesapeake and
Ohio railway. Saturday, Infltctlni
ml wound. The two raOn v.? re taking a
free ride "n the road, when th? i K"t Int?
n ?liflii-ulty. with the result ?tated Mr.
Crugcr was taken to his home, OB < >r ? -
goo inn, in this city, and It doing w<
A Wny In Wl?l?li Th?-y May lie Cured
..r iinii- Barvwaeneee \\ iiin.ni > i - i -
"Nervous folks" an? : ? plenty as "files
in June." and they are Just ,1^ tiresome
an?l annoying to both themselves sad
their friends an a whole a tiny o! Biea
Many or them know it. IBOSI Of th--m
don't, and that's why prominent physi
cians ;.t" recommending everybod] to
iJiink "Kling'? Ambrosia,'' noi a mi
'ine, but a delicious and refreshing sum
mer drink.
it is sbsolutely non-lntoxlcattng, yet
has s full hop fl?iv..r. and will tickle the
' vi', palate, and BtOSBBOB. It SOOthSS thai
nerves and braces ui> the circulatory
system and removes ail tTBCC Of OervoUS
aeea For those who are unable to take
much exercise it is Invaluable, relieving
that tired, worn-oat, and restlesa condl?
tlon, while athletes and others who .no
ever "on tin go," will agre? that it com
pletely knocks out the ordinary so-called
"hop and malt tonic- "
if you glvs it ess trial, you win never
again want i?. drink snj oi the ordin?r)
insipid Bummer drinks, many ot which
are unhealthy.
"Kliti'-'s Ambrosia" is made on)v. bv
Philip Kling Company, Detroit, Hieb.,
and Is on ?ale by nearly all grocera and
druggists. If you.- dealer does not s.ll
same, be can obtain It for you, or you
. an send .. postal to the address below.
Be sure von refuse ail substitutes, many
of which are harmful-in fact, there
aro already sevrai substitut.? on the
market, and even ordinary beer 1 been
?old by ansferupulouB dealers as Am
brosia. Look for the trade-mark (th?
letter K) and the signature of Philip
Kiinii on svery bottle, and in case of sab?
Btltutloa notify Joseph A. De Longe,
;:,:. isventh street, RufLiio. N. T.. Qen. ral
Tulips, Lilies,
and Other Flowering Bulbs,
must be planted in the fail,
either in pots or the open
garden, to give the beet re
sults. They are easy to
grow, and make beautiful
flowert during the winter and
early spring. Our Bulbs are
imported direct, and the very
best?game as we have sup
plied to ourflorists and largest
gardeners hero for years.
tell? all ?bout them; descriptions,
prices, ?nd how lo plant and care for.
Send for It. Mailed iree.
it unequalled fur naklug beautiful
green lawn.
Seedtmsn, RICHMOND. VA.
1323 Main St..
170? E. Franklin It.
eth t Bai-thall.
SO H.Tu&bult
is dno not only to the originality and
simplicity of tho combination, but also
to the rare and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Camforsia Piq Syrup
Co. only, ami we wish to impress npon
oil the importance of purchasing tha
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Fig-s Is mannfactured
by the Ca^ifwiua Fir, Svrcp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding ths worthle*?*.
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The hi?*h standing of the Cam
roK.viA Fig Stkcp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of ita remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxativea,
as it acts on the kidneys, lirer and
bowelfl without irritating or weaken
ing thrm, and it does nnt gripe nor
nauseate. In order toilet it ; beneficial
effects, plea.v remember the name of
the ('.?inpanr ?
0081 rK?BClSCfl, Cal.
lot>tii.i.i, k,. M-wreoK. v.T.
(fe 1-Tu Th A Ba ly A ow-tcnr>
sn:< iaitii's at fiiist give wat,
thi:\ misi: a \imi>i,y.
Iloiirt Mnrk.-t Oprna Faster, nut
Shnrp Qolm Soon I-'ollnvr?Wheat
SleRdy nnil SIlKlMly .Uuher?Pro
vision? Aery Dull.
HEW rOBK, Oetohtt "-.-The sfoek
aiarkei turn loWtlng inhibition ot
th<* profeoslonal choractor .>r tiie trading.
Developments over Bnndoy dig not Invito
a . han?''" Of tarti'-s by tl"- 1- i !-. and on
the re mnptlon thu raid against the in
dustrla] wai ronowotX To, ? co, Con?
B08Jdot0d GOO, Maw Y?.rk Air-lir.ike, and
rorious ? ?i i?.- r Btnportlos of this doss gave
u.iy rai'idiv, .itui although a roootlon
halted tin in B?tOf tin* llr^t half hour, ?I? -
? Un?et in tin- m?*nn timo h.i?i beoo sats rted,
rongUOg up to 9 points In New York Alr
|:i i.- COUSOlldOtOd QOS Igored for 6
, ?im and TobOOOO 5 points, tti?' l.itt'-r
ton. hint: 113. The I.iiIIh then htartfd in
tO retrieve ^.nn- of ths Kiound lost lant
wool*, and alter Jumping from on.- steel
to Bnothsr, tlnelly Singled out TooSsCOO
as a loader. Ths strengto developed bots
boob permeated ths snttrs Mat, and pri?es
-.- upward on antm ited deal
. - Ini roots wh!. h ii ..i i.- .n reononst?
bis for the lots donsorallBstloa la tho po?
cialtlsa also ?-ii.inn.-d front and operated
f..r the 1. int. This BCtloU whs
token in order to snake off ' '! andoslrs
?? ? following, ii..- Bsarket showing signs
>f harirg besa ovsenoid. This elrcum?
tonce rendered nYanlpulatlTO tootles pro
fitable, and rigorous efforts were mad?* to
- luosoi tin.* shorts. The t.aderi
gulch t.. toko advantage of ths changed
[trngromms. aso] any sftort to cover o
lorgs lina was followed by rigorous Md*
ding, Brith sharp changes between txana*
Arbltrogs booses sa peeled heavy por
. ordno, and a ?l.-i-iin? in noway
rotes Induced saors general buying for the
long account.
Ths m.irkt-t In detail proSSBtSd many
striking fsolufos. and whllo realisations
Brers oxtenalvo as ths rtas bsoosoo?. bead?
, th" und. rcurri ol of strength was
md final price** w< 1*8 0*oD
abOVS Saturday's 1< .. I.
TOI? A CCO, 12.1.
Extrems recoveries from the low point
were 18 points in Tohoeoo, to IS; h in Mow
York Alr-lirake, and 5 in Consolidated
The bond market opened with an OOSlSt
tendency, but u active doniand for At. hi
son adjusini. nt. Wisconsin Control ttrstn,
and Union PocliBc, Denver and Oulf Brsts
soon changed tho carrent of prl I
Bins followed. Ths i
plan of the latter ???mpany was ?
doy, and the di.stl.* tr.-atm?tnt Oi
ths c.mmon st<?.k cousod decline In its
price t.. t Total sales of bonds, *
i;.ivt-ninifml bonds slt-owod h
the BOW tt declining 1-8 per c.-nt.
The toi il BalOB Ol sto.ks *.\*.*r.? 440.7SC
Shares, including l-'-* Chi ago, Burling??
ton and Qfllnej', UM* Manhattan; l??.l'Jl
Northern Poclfle; 7,888 do. preferred; T.881
Ri i-, i land; 7,858 Union Padl?; X1M
Southern Railway preferred; t\4M Untos
I'acllie preferred; 1,888 American Cotton
Oil; l"-'-' ?People's Oao; 87480 Bugor; 6.2?
r preferred; fJHi United st.it--*
Rabbi r
Ifonej on call easier at l#l per cent,
o ;,, \.-; ],. r i .-nt.; prisse gsorogn
tiie popsr, oi-:-'iii-4 per gent.
Bterllng exchongs firmer, with oetooJ
buslness h? banhors* tin.-? at ?u? i-?u
14.M1-I tot demand and at J4.i?l 8-SSJ
lit. M lor slaty daya; pootod n<t??!>
UM M ami UM: wmmerciol hid'* HJI H
Bilver certtflcotao. UtpB', bar allver
, bfezlcan dollar?, t? .".-s.
Oovernmenl bonds soaker; State bond?
fun-, roilri oi bonds itsody.
A tebls-.*?.TopeB* and s*0s?80 f*... K'S,
At-*liaj<;u, preterreJ... .sea-as oM
galtuooreau'i uaie, M ?-?t. paia.- 44i?
Cariada r*-inc..... . ^H
Uusas ?oa tuera.-. *j
tuutrul isciric. f*
Cl-aas.-.a.; . il one'. *l74
Cuica?-*?, air: Ai'n. -* '*
Cblcaro, ^arimatoDai*. i w mq r."t*!
tbt:aco and gastara lllmoia.kW
C C. C. and lit. boat? .SJa]
C..C, I*, and 8t. t>Ok preforrod.. b.'.
Delaware aDiiUudsoa ?, . "<? ,
Uoiawar?. bacaawauua i Westarn.11 s?
lien?c-r aaU Klo ??rainia.* -*:?l-i
1*00088 aaa KluUraiide, preierrsa.>t?4
Aue la? n?.-.?* IM
A*i-.(u*3W;. l?tt?r?iarr???. M4r,
? ?rtvYarae...........l .'t
Oreat Nor'.asru. preterron. l.'ltl
hix'SiutX V alle? .?>. . * *>
Illinois Caatrat. .?11
Lo?oJne ooewssssro. u
i-rnte ario aud Weoteru, preferr?KlM. 60
Laae >aor? . ?VWK
umisrllli? aal Nasbrille. ?4t-,
aiauhaitan ?. *?*?
lieirouolitai. iracrou.-.l*>8
? .CMrati ?Jnmrai . - . ?0i
UUineaoia'ana MC l.ouia. 8M)
Mtout.iK.iaan.iai. Luun 1st nreferred.... eav*
?1.,'Miurifaoin?!. 32V4
fcoLU-.i-.i'd-jt-.'o....... '-'7
Miaaouri j\. sud C. lu'-i
i!ibi>..uii K.Ktii I. preferred. M
? '.ii"airu. I >.1:aua ai. 1 L. 8M
cru. ?.({.., in .-.H*.a aud L, oreterre] ,.... *.'W
Ne?jar??rc.aatrai.?>.? * 81
Saw lor* ?Jeatxai.??..118-V<
Moo ^ ors.cii.cscd ant Bfc t. . I-'
A. Y., Ctucagoaaa 5?t- U i?t uraterred.... ?J?
N. .., CbicAffu iBd oi i* '.''i oreterrei..... M
Nortc.es .iu . ...m I-*??
AOttt) AtoencaacomMur. Or
NortserePscliie.^^........ 41H
NtrtBern fsotsc. ur?f?rr?4.uhm toil
uiiiarioand Western.......,,.., l'^j
Or?eoD ?u*i?d.i?T._?............ A4
uiegon -?not. Line... **.
? liubar?. ?jusisi.1??
aeaeios.~~~.. uu
Si? Louis and mid r'rniK-??iTt.^^a,.m 7l2
ft. LOUIS ?ad *)?P Krau l,iurei. f! .?,
hu _sn ?ad Saa rran. St prel..?. :>0U
H. *faal..?.....lO?Jt??
sM.rsBt D*?f?rrazm_._?.?a. 1 ". '??
fct-t'aain'id '?rnaaa. 70*4
bt?l'?uian.l Oman v. r?r?ferr?d.l?Ti*
bi. Past. M. ?ni a. ?j
BoutternPaciO?....i.... 2*H?
bonteerc.mm. HH
tSBSBsSBa preferred.,.,,. ?j-ju
la?Xa_fawnac.,. jj.W
1 mon I'aciflu i,r-i. .. e5*w
I . I'.. I?. andU.'...'....!.'.'.'.'.'.'. 4
Bmi)??t?.sa Unnn and ranis ,.,, " ra 7*1.
STMaabatw-LBBlssat Pav-iac, prciarrea.; ?50%
ObajellBS BBS LskS ill? .... 31",
wiee'isc ?nd Lake art? orer?rr?d. 1:0,
?XriXM? COMraMtC?.
Adam? Express..?.u?.
An.?nan ICi press. ....?IM
I'nltedStates Kipi.-........?.?.7.. I 1
Veil? rargoKipres?..".."..1:0
M.- II I ISM' -a.
American Cotton Uli. 3,?,,.
Aiuer;? an L'otiun on proferrod. 80U
American Spirits.m j._,{r
American " pints preferred.,. jft??
American TObOCSB CO.,'... 1 v'?ju
A ?u er lean foba-coCo. oreterred..'. .l?o
; <J?a ....all?t?
. 1 .n ?a ?1 I ? e? 1 <. as.'.".'.'.' j a?jp
Con?. Cable Company. I }q
psruPselBl.-?3......*. '40
?.?lierai Kleotrw. . ,,,
imada steel.?^.. ggu
l.a CleJoiias. 471^
Lead fraat.?. -??{tu
Lead oreierrea...lOn?
NationalLluseo'l Oil. SB
r-*cuir Man.....i 3j%?
1 .1.IU.H1 Palaoe.I???JU?
Miter CortincatM . HI
standar.: dope sad Twine. ^^
.'menear ?Piarar rteflnerf. 1 ?mIj
A'iiericsii Stiirar Keflnery, uret.lo.ii,
I Ciii'i iron. .?, 97tm\
b. b. Learner. ,,v
I. 8, bestber preferred . 04V?
V. 8. Kaijber.
.- 094
I*, "s. Kaober preierre?!.100
ttSSflflSB ?B10O.mm.... t)0-?J?
ist. l.o.ils ?1,1 s.nitti<ve?t>?rn. |U
ft. l?>utBaud.**)o?.itbwe?tcra let preferred 1 1
Klolirando and Wettern. ?7
Klo (?ramie and We*??rn. pref. 0.?
Chicago (?real Western. 1 \u,
I ni',11 Pacific. :i ;i4
rhSatn ?nd Northwestern..ltOM
Cbla?ago ?nd Northwestern prof.11 f,
Hawaiian Commercial Company.fcM|
Kea.ilng 1st preferred. .._?.. 42V?
International Papes ?'.?i apany. a**?*)
111??national Paper Company, pref. soVt
Pa-liV CoMt, Int preferred._... hu
Pacific C'oast, '.'(I preferred.. ill
Mum. Iron. fl?Vf
Chicago and Eastern Illinois preferred....lob*
lotted States new ?in.100?*,
[tatted Stales 4? new. regtst?r?vl...i',ii?4u?:'1 ?.
I niti'.l if tatos 4'n, new, coupon.lsefial*27u
lintel Mate? 4'?.llOVtj.il HIV.
I.luted state? 4 ?. eoupon.1 lu^al I 14.
rmt?3d HalesSfeeoupse. ?h^
Dalted State? i>'? regis-.ered.1 isital 19
L i.ited States & eon non_.llt*???l It
Ibitricta's 0;?....1174
Alabama (Cla??A). .108
Akil'aiii? |Cla?< In .lUS
Alaban.? iCIas? 01.?.._, 101)
Alataeei? U irrency.104
Ai-ti'?on 4'n. 0:114
A'.-hlHOD adl- 4 s. 70?lJ
( anad? Soittiorn 'Z t .Kin
C. * N. P., t. r. ft* . ?uiS|
i'h???reaiie * Ohio 6? .11|
C. 11. at ?J. IVt's-oCercl.....104?(?
PSBfSfB K. D. 1st?.ilUfaK
l?eriTer?t K. (?. 4'm..?. 97
Ennl T?nne?ge? lit*.l?>t'4
trie ?eneral 's. 7H|
r. W. a? I), lsts. t. r. 71J-4
?Jener-ll h-lotne *-**n LM ,..VOH
?I. 11.A Ai K. d'a.Inj
O.H.atS. A. !.!* .100
H. * T. C?ntralo'*.tl??M
H. XT. Central con. ?)' ?.US
Iowa C. Int?.I0SM
Lonislusa ti4w I'onsoi?. 4's.lOt
La it, I'm. ?J . Ki'i,
Mir-.-ouri '!' ?.-....10U
M. K. t '?at . ?'J
U.K. T. 4s.... . "Sli
New York Central lsts .lltli
New Jer? r Central ?*?'a.1I?'V<
North o?roitn a H? .Itfi
.North ?ar.iiina 4'n .?..-.._ 1 o:i
eortliern r*a??ii-lc ist*.11??*^
Mortuern fav.-ino >'?. > '*
.Northern l'aeinc 4's._ ?. IU.i???.
N. ?.c. * st. L 4 s .lOtjJ
Norlavlb and ?Ventern 0'8.109
North wintern Conaoia. H .?1
N'.rthvretterii dep. is.110
Oregsa Narigattonlsts.1 It
Ut'/i 11 :vi?i.{.Uluii l'a. ffflfj
D.S. LineO'9. t. r.aa? l"''??
0 t, Liaet'at, r.lo?M
PacltJ* ?'? StUt.lU-V?
I<ea?ling4'?i. S2?/
I!, o. W. l?u.;. M
8t. L. ?ti. M. txtaaol .'?' . 9SM
b..i- .???. t, ?aaaral 0'?.11?7
t. fan! i.oasoi*..Li'.'*
St. I'. C. ? 1*. 1st*.It'1
it.l'aulU * P. j's .llj
??ou'.li-iii itaiiwav- .'? ?. U?r
ttaadart Kope and I Wine ?'t. M
1 e?iiu?e?e? new a.ittle.nent 3'n . ??V
li'xa? I'a^ilc I* ??. lHts?.10?!
l'ox??Pacia<! registered ??'?I. Ml
l.J*.. Denver and Calf 1st?.?. . K
V, ai.ash l?t C'a.IIH
Wabaeh Sita. *H'
Hill Shore 4's.1""
Virginia Centuries.?.? ?Tt
Virginia d?i'erre?l . "
Wsscossla Central 1st? . S'l
Mobi'eand Onto 4's?-offered. 7H
Nor:olli and Western consol 4's._ M
Norfolk and Western, preferred... ">1
Linon Paellfl 4"t. preferred. ?!?' ','
Centralof lleorgia .'>'?. 8Hy
Ceu'ialof Oat.irgia 1st, In ?Ltd. -Ill
Ueatral of ??eorgni ".l, in. II
HI. bm..i.d ?I??.-I? Market.
BSHBtsHi October 3. 111?..
SaY.gs.-C!t!-;ena' Ex :han(?.? Bank-85 shnre
at OS. lh.-Liii.'ii.l 1 runt and Safe I'epo?lt Com
pany? 10 snares at 110.
rtovaaa*aBarflBaWssHaa kHt, A?ked
L'nltedbtates4? IttOT....109 .?
bTai?. *?? -n. SS
NorthCaroilna ' .104
North Carolina Ce.I??
Virginia a'? (new). ?-*4
Virginia century. ' >?
citt HaTOBiriea
Ki'-hmoiid city 8?.}f\
Ktcbiuond cliy ?' .ll*
BtcBraead ?MtytVa.*' ,,, ? ,;,'.'
Kiebmsas .-u? 4?.i?J ,''?
ginatsr bonus.
Atlaut?*? harlott? lit 7a... ....119 I "J
?tlSBU and chariotte guar. lnt
Charioit'-. cJ?'iinbia A Augusta
?j 7',, _.Il*1
lieorgia, S..ath?ru au i liortda o'?.l?)?H
feienean. Clsm AJh.11iJ>4
Paternburg,.'la?s Brta.......ll?
hi.'hiuuiid and Mecxlenburg 1st
*?oiitDern -tutlway. lit ja. HT ...
\\e?teru Nur'.li > arolln? 1st ? ?
c i?il4i .114
Georgia JsOAiat.*ui* pre'. 5'?.I'1* ? ?
t.eorgia and Alabama, eonaola.... ?4 i?a
Ki.-lia-.ouil 'fraction ..'*....104 10n
Norfolk and Western I at niort.
ccn. 4 per ?-eut. . *|'
Norfolk btreut llatlw?r IH ?.lW1
lUiLBOAU ttOOn far.
Atlauia aua UBBfflSHfl.l_ lit
(he?ai.eak? and Ohio.100 ?
SorttiCarolia?.luo 13r>
Norfolk ?nd Western pref.. 100 ui? ?1
hetorabar?.l_r*_ V,45
K ?P.III.K.?K eUOOttOk TO 90
hichmosd. fcrnderlcksburg
au'l Potomac common.loo l?8
K e A P. ?Ji*. oliligt'n.IM IM
hii'-nmond. fredenakabarf
and 1'otomae 0 P. C gtd... 100 14o
Ul.-ttnonl. Kredericksburg
%,?,! pctomae 7 P. Ogtd.? 10O 106 ...
southern Railway, pref.10? *f*i
?outbern Kailway. '-"'n. IM
i eorgl?and Alabama, pref.
lieorgia ?i??l Al?oama,coni.
ueorgis. ^oulhero ?ud
Florida 1st preferrel.^, a?JH ...
Norfolk Street i?*Uw?y Cc 45?s 40+
34 34*1
14 if?
Bi>a- sen ?*
Citirens BxcbaDge. 11 ?.?It '"
City Bank.-.- io ?f>
?in-iNailvasi.JM 1?1
Mercnants-Nation^. 100 **? '.T
Beliepehlas. *!** -* *-.'
.Nal.on?! B?nkof V?.IfH? Ml 10.1
FianiersNationalBank.lo? ?00
Petersourg Savmgs ?ad In
sarane Company._a~{ ?PI
?e.-uritT .. .i(VU llU ?'
bu?nkotVlrglnl..... 100 14^ ...
lnlonH?niof Ri.-hiaoud....-0 19
Virginia Iruat (omp?ny....lu? 10 ...
hsvluisbankof Kirniuoail.. ? M ???I
1,'lcn. Trust and Safe Uep. Co. 110 11
Vitf.nlal*lr??nl Mann? ... 3? -
Virgiaisetat?. "? 4?>e
III?, r. 1 i A? ..Jl'?
A eriinnTob-Kce Compta
sy iprelerrradj..;]** ? IS
Va.-Carolln* Chemical pref. 1 CM) I1SM 11.
f?.-C?rollnaCtieml?aUc?'ra.lO'J "<*- ??1
~V>ijot?tli?ns ?r? tor bond? malortaf !n im
lets Uiao MB ye??
Rlehrnond. Va.. October I IH
ITlvattj aales to-day were as foliaw:
WnSoers l hosshead, Oner?, 2 h"K*,-*_d
, iiu-M lr hosThead?; leaf tdarhi. 7 b?*?Bi
I.ea.iT' Total number of bo??heada ?ol
lurtna th?' 'lay. 25- ,,
(???tod States lnternsl-rcvenue colic
tlons for the city* of Itlchmonrl, Vs., t?>
dny were: Tobacco. I3.790.44; cigars.
18478.81 Total, K?8.84.
The re-clpts ao?l deliveries of the ware
houses to-day were ?tg-ht.
Klchmond. Va.. O? t<>b?*r 3, 1888.
lter?lpt*: Cattle. 9U0 htad; sheep. 800
heml; lambs, 200 head. bog?. 4**? head.
Sales: CottlO, 800 head: xh??-p, JOG head;
Iambs. Jim head; hog?. 4."*? .
Prices: Cattle?Beat. 4 to ?1-J.c. gross;
medium to good. 8 to !.. gross; common
to fair. I to 2-.C. gross: b .11?. 2 1-! t??
3 l-4c. gross; sheep. :< to 4?*. gross; lambs,
3 1-2 to 5c. gross: nogs. 4 to 4 1-2?. gross.
Richmond. Va.. October S, 1S88.
Quotation?: *Vheat> ??rngt-eary, t? to
70c.; mixed. .V? to 70c.: shortberry, 66 to
T8c.; No. 2 red, 88e. ?Cero- White, Virginia,
bag lots. 37c: No. 2 whit?-. :?; l-Jej No. 3
white. ?Bjcj No. | mixed. BJ \-2 to 886.; No.
3 mixed. .V? to 85 I-8S. Ooto?No. 2 mixed.
26 to ? 1-2?*.; No, 3 mlxul. 2!> 1-2 to 880,;
winter seOd, ?> to BBS. Kve ?V? to ."?le.
NKW YoltK, October 3.-FI-?ff 0'i?-t
snd onx*. lower >.n wrii-known broodo;
Minnesota patents. 13.784
Rye Flour gteody.
Buckwheat Flour Busy.
Huckwhe.it--Dull and 000** at *0<*.
Cornineui-Dull; yellow weetern, ?.'<*.
Rye?Weak; No. 2, 47*7 4Kc., and State,
Harlev?Dull; western malting, IKiMc;
f'-.'HllK. .* 1-lc.
Barley If alt??Qolet ; western. :..v?r.:i*..-.
Wheat* Bpot steodr; No. I red, 78 l-to.
Options opened weak and declined mi.lor
h?avy spring wheel receipts, lower cablea,
n Mg visible supply In?reos?, short s."i
tng, Htid large world's shipments. On a
later attempt to cover. pr?>nipte.l by the
Kngiish visible supply deereaos and
Proneb buying, prices tootroetoA, ? losing
l-Sc. not higher. Hales. Inuludlng No. 2
lanuary, closed S.s .1-S?: : May closed
881-8?*.; I?, .ember closed ?*7\c.
Bpol steady; No. 2. :t 1-2"'d " * <*.
Options dull bin fairly Moody all day,
closing rath.r firm, with wh.' I 1 BO.
net advance; May closed 88 1-lc.; Decem?
ber clooed ?l1.-?'.
Oats ?pot o,ui.*t; No. 8, r.'-fcc. t)ptlons
Beef Steady.
Cut-Meati tautet.
Lard?Kosy; weetern Bteeaoot, closed,
18.10; city, *l>i^?-).(?: October closed, BM,
nomlmillv. K? fined steady.
Port Dull..
Butter* Btoody and enchantai.
Che.se-Dull; large whit.*, s l-4c.
Eggs Bteady; State and Pennsylvania,
l7V4it8c; western fresh, 17
Potatoes Quiet; Jersey, il la^fifl.STt,:
irk, 0.?ftttl fii'1;,; Long Island, 81.600
fl.TS; sweets, Jersey, 11.2i".u$:'; southern,
76c Ml.
Cottontteed-Oll??Quiet; prime - rude, 188J
18*4? . nomlmillv; y?'ll?)w, 21'jVlie., nonit
Petroleum- Steody.
Rosin Bteady.
Turpentine. Bteady
i Bteady; domestic, fair to extra,
I .- -* '/?v.: .lap.in. 5c.
Cabbage Quiet; Long Island, 0.SOQ84.
Optloa> openeil steady, with
prices f.;!?? points higher, on bullish ad
rices from European and Braslllan
markets, ?xivrtng by smaller aborts, for
eign buying, and better feeling In spot
d?portaient, und ruled gulet, without ma
terial further change, bim ? uiatlvi or
otherwise. Close quiet; piles ut i 5 tO
io.-. advance, lalee, IJOO begs, Including
.mii'T, i?.t?; Maren, ?.m. gpot tuo
sts idy, Mild steady.
Bugar*?Dull and nominal; fair refining,
l-oc; c-ntHfugHi. s? degree test, i l?4c.?
III..lassen sugar, .!' ., . IU-tine.1 quiet
NKW YnHK MllV-i Kit i| >s MARKET,
NEW FORK Oetobor I I
t!> t ami feotoreless. Ths threaten?
mg weather Interfered witu
the lobbing ?toreo At iirst hand
was s contTnaed dearth of Inl
in certain popular linea Ib which buying
mii-i be steadily kept op, day by ?lay, t..
ins.ne the completeness si Moott In
all the in..n* stapi.- lin. < business b
light, ?md no prospi i ts >?i immediate lm
pton n: m are not? d
B ILTIMORB?, Ml. . . ictobei 8 Flour -
Dull and luwer, wet ti m buis r, }.; J..?u w.
Wheat ImiII and easy; ?pol and the
month, ' : Novcml r,
88 l-i'.; D. cember, . Bouth rn
whe .i. by sompli
Corn?Dull and eos**: pol and ths
month, N'l.viiil.er, :'.! I-I?i
8814c.; new or old, November or Decem
ber, -'.'?--.'. asked.; southern white corn,
:.: . ...
No, 2 white, wesf.-rn. 881-fe.
?Bus ir s* ron?; granulated
Butter Bteatiy; fancy ere imery, 80921c.;
do. Imitation, l?Mjl7c. ; do. ladle, ii.?i.?-.
Kggs- Finn at 11
Chees? Active; fan? Now York, 8J
pounds, large, 9 \-2'i9 3-4c.
i.. iact 88c. i?'.- Bushi l box.
Whiskey?81.20wjll.30 per gallon for fin
ish? ! good? In car-loads and |t.3Fa|1.32
per gouon tor Jobbing loi i.
CHICAGO, ?October 8 Wheat to-do]
was steady, but it contended with one of
m< st formidable arraj ? ol bear sta
tistics thai hav.* been posted for soma
time. Heavy world shipments, large In
heavy primary receipts
and lisible supply increase all wonted
against the price, bul covering by shorts
and som-s .-astern buying orders were suf
ficient t? cause th.- market to recover
to n point slightly above yesterday's
final figures. Decembei i a ed 1-te. high?
.-r. Corn, "ats, an.i provisions were rery
dull, and changed but little
The hading futures rain.*..I 08 .'..Hows:
Opening, illghest ..o?r??u Clostog.
Wheat?Ho. '.
o.t. mm gay mm ism
Dec.?l?i*T*? .'.'t?skl dl<4 O'."'?/.??
May.u:.1-??-1?! ??a.s?04 88)8
tos"?No. 9,
M. MM "X'? MM 287?
Dos.'." ' ?*Vt ->*M 20 "O'ts'4
Hoy.*1N 81M yi^ajiai?aay?
OATS--Sa 8.
De,:.M tl COHaM 2?'tl
hay. 8SM S9U '-'i?'*?, t i-j
Mis-sTOKS-Per HtiL
Osl. 8..... 8. 8. 87.8','t,
Dm. ML4M x M 7 9A '?.?"?
Jon. ti.U'.H ?Oj B.U? 8.U7^?i
Labi?-Per IMIOO
o.;U.? . . 8...." 8. 84.0.'?
Dec. 4.7.'? 8.T7M 8.7*81 *?7*.'V4
Jan..?.4.?? 4.N7!?i 4.M?^ 4?<!i^
Short Kibs?l'er 1U0 lbs.
Oi*t....^....*J.'*7??. M.M I''.'". 88\t78|
Jim. 4.?17?^ 4.?7V? 0.MM 4.05
?Casli Quotations were as follows: No I
y?dlow ?'oin, 2Vu2'.t l-i?-. Flour
No. .1 ?prtng wheat, 58?***?l 8-4C. ; N
8Zc. No. 2 ..rn. 28 7-8>?.'J8c. No. 2 oats, 21? .;
r o. b., a :;-4'<i22e.; No 2 white, I. o. b.,
221-8&2SC. No. '.' rye, 16c. No. 1 barley,
f. o. p., :\\ \-2\vZl\-2e. Prime timothy
??' ??d, II :???. Mess pork, per barrel, UMti
Vs. Ijn.nl, per Vt> pounds, $4.76^*4.771-..
Hhort-rlb sides, loose, BMBMMi dry?
salted shoulders, boxed, U.M?it4.<? 1-8:
short-?.!' ?r sides, boxed, |S W?I85.W. Whis
key, distillers' finished goods, pev fol?
Ion, ll.nr>. Sugars?Out-loaf um::
Butter steady; creamery Wa
dairy, CiJl??'. Cheese Bteady at .
Kbits tiim; frsoh, Me,
Livt:i;r??'.>r., OoMhor 2, 4 ij. M.-Cot
t?jgi? (food business done; prie.?, flrmer;
American mlddllng. :5 l-Md. ' 't"" H:il*''i of
the day were l?.'.'- of whh'h 6<X>
were for ?p??ul:?.tlon and ?xport, and In
cluded 13,80?; Ani'-rl..m. Rtjoetpts, 6,ltX>
bolOO, all American.
Futures opened steody, with 1 fair de
mand, and closed steady. American mi<i
dling, low middling clause, October, 2 ?-?J4
?3d., ??-Her?; October and November,
8 fi|-4J4ti^ ?-?-840.. BOllero: November und l>? -
?.-moer, L si-ospggl ?/?'i. Buyers; Decem
ber and January, 8 ?1-??V''2 W-?>4d., buyt-rs;
January ami rebi - - M<i, sellers;
February and Mi 1, buy
er*; ; March and Al>r!l. . April
and May. Hftl-tiC-, b | iy and
Jut?-*. ?T 1--S4t?., buyers; Jans and July.
._(... :-*?(d., buy-r?, July and Au*p.?t,
A .? l-84d., ?tll?*r?; August and .*? **
temSer, S 3-?4??j3 4-Md., sellers.
NKW TO&?L October 3 -
Steady; mlddllnt; Oulf, f? 3-*)c; n?x i
none; gross receipts. 4,29f> bal.*i; sales,
??HI Lui???: stock, W.187 boleo; ??.ports to
the Contlii?-nt. 1.421 bule?, exports to
s*rooee, 1>j0 bales.
Totals to-day: Xet receipts, 85,03? bales;
xport? ti> Great BritOlo, ?,?20 bales; ex
ports to Franco. 10.4J>8 bale?; exports to
the Continent. 1.777 bales; stock, W1J7'?
Totals since September Jut Net receipt?.
1SK.I0H bul?*?; ?-Xport? t?> Great Hniasn,
ISO742 bales; exports to France, 28.IM
bales: <xi>orts to the ?v.ntlnent. 188,818
?'?itton futures opened quiet at tho ad
vance; ?Oetober, 85?; November fc-23; De
cember. 8?.?: January. 13.33; February.
8Y37; March. 85.42; April. 8*?.4G; May, 8&.60;
June. 48 54.
Close ?juiet and steady: October. 8S.18:
November, 88.21; Decomber, 8t>.2*?; January,
16 31 February. 85.88; Man-h. 15 41; April,
$6.t'.; May. 85?; June, 8554; July, 85.58;
Spot dosed steady; a?ddliag upland,
1 PlffABCIAL. ' '.?JJJJJj^
We Offer for Saki
iavings Bank of Rkhmoted,
?ationai Bank of Virginia Stock,
?rginia 3's,
rginia-Caroiina Chemical Cnaspony
Pref-erred 8 Per Cent*
tor-folk Street Railroad lot S't,
:harleston and Western CortllM
1st 3's,
and other ?ttrsvitv? Inveiitmeril ?**r<?-rrtt**a.
John L. Williams _ Sots
liankers and Brokers,
Richmond, V?
_[fe '??-Tu.ThBSsl^
1107 Mala StSSlOfl, Hlrhiuond, Va.
fe at-Tu.Th.ta |_
JC,,,MMS?,?, PTBH < I'M'.- WILL III M Dit:.
,cus. .Must be City Improved Property?
oc Mt
. :1-m.: mld.llins C.ulf, 5 5-8c.; sale?, 4,91
Reports <>f a aevere ?t..mi in th? At
l.uitlc Slat,s und a bullish ??tit.? of .iibles
rrom the English market wer? retapons!?
l.le for en advance of 3 to J point? in cot
ton future? ,n the opening thlt? mon-rfng.
b*or the real <'i H Bucteattona
wire narrov? ,.ti?i ix'culaUve faaturee
luckln?,. It v..is a ?in,.11 local market at
I" ?i. With ?""in ira,t"ts In control. l?lv
irpool ?eni a fea buying orders ?round
the >>t?"iiiit>r. ..ml southern repreeaniattvea
old m a itterad way, bm ??side rr.,??,
ti.is, transaction? w? t.. nor? for the even
ing up of former ubUajntbiti? than th.?
putt Imr out "f new ventures. The a-io-i?
was ?pii.'i and rtead; al i aat advance ot
? t.. i (...im?, v ?, - iveraged up toe? eon*
fli.-ting to Inspire confidence one way or
the other, bul rather l?-l to sntieOBs ton*?
?ervatlsm and hesitancy nil around.
w hile ?.tu? leading b.-.irn pointed to iho
enonnoui it tb?- ports, ?a well
an al Inferior town??, n?? beiirlna* out thi*lr
predlctlooa for another ''bumper*- crop.
In view of
th? lac? that yellow-fever eontlnwaa to
?alii headway In I. ?ulalana aad Misses-?
alppl, ?aid tli.t extremely cold weither
luis icttled down over the Middle and
NEW ORLEANS LA., October t-Cot?
ton?Futuren quiet and ?ter.dy: October,
Xovemb. r. U 4%.i|4.*?8; I?. ml.? r,
' ' .liinunry. g4.'.-7'.?*4 !?: I
I-iC?. $.'..?'; M.i'Mi, j?-,"7 '.'. April, fc.131-*'
s.w ANNAH, (?a . October I spirit?? of
Turpentine Pirn? si Hl?fc-; ??ale?, -?it?
? u-k i: rec? Ipts, i "TV ?-...?kl?.
lt..sin Firm Maid unchanged; ?al?,
none; receipts, ?.i?h? b?rrele.
? HARLEt-r"! ON, 8. ( Tur
peallne Firm at :i \-?. ?les none..
Ko?ln '. ; '. incl inged; sales.
i" util,. Kit in relpts, Ot
Rosin -Dull; prices uncb un?.
111 bsri
de Turpentln? Quiet nt |1 ?y.ill.ijti;
t- - m t lr?.
Tai Steed) at UM; receipts, .?71 bar
PETERSBURO, VA? October at?
(8<p< dal.? Market dull, with ? .imperative
I) !.. : a ',. ; I I - .lie ,| , . ?, | , ||iM
market i"t th" new .top will open neat
w.ik. Quoi.n?: Common to medium
Ills?, 13 l" I?. >"""l '" lltl? I"l?'', VI *> to ?ai,
I. short I".:. ? ! t" IS good
bort leaf, *>'. to tv m?dium t?i k .?
fit i.. |lt; goiid p. tin? wrappen
I' \.\\ ll.l.i: Y \ . ' " '.r .1. l?'pe.
ciai.? Quotailong I'.t.' ?'.:. kom? toi
mark. I: Wrapp.-i f? /* ?'. ?
,; niedlum, ',.'"i'.... common, ?" '
nu. i- <i.i. f. "' ?"?iiiii'.ti. '
Cutti ?Smoker? ?L"<17.
Kxpoi '
sitfiii.k: pbanu ' market.
BITPPOLK, \' ?... ' " 'i- i 1 (Special!--?
Hand-picked, fancy. ?II?*. eatra, 3 4-Ik-.:
Virginia shell?-.!. No I, lite; No. a.
2 14C.; Bpnnlsh shell???*.. No. 1. il-aW.;
farmer?' Stock, fnliev. I 1-?c . prim?,
114 to Is.' farmers' Spanish, Tl to Use
NORFOLK, VA., October ; (Special.)?
IVanuta Farmers' maiW.it ?julet; fanny,
11-tc.; strictly prime, ..< ; prim?. -' I
...mm.m. 11-24/2 . Spanish, ?? ' .--non.- ..f
ferlng. Exceedingly ll?bt .b-mand for ull
gradi s.
(Special i Virginias quiet I i.-. for
extra prime to fancy; Spanish firm, with
more Inquiry and decrcs?ed stock; meant
". bul bolders unwilling- i" take
pi.i i:i:si!i i:?; COTTON M.VRKKT.
PETERSBURO, VA., I b b? | 1?
,,i.) Ci.tt.,.. -?.?ni. t at J'?O 1-so fo?
i Iota
Run r1?< a .?:Ct 1IH1H TIDE.
Hun . * Morillos."i'^S
Moon rl?cH .s i?; lOv.nlng.
l i.K? OP RICHMOND, m T. i, 1?
A l: Kl Y KD.
Bteesser RI? bmond, inner. New
V'.ik, merchandise and ?paasengers; old
Dominion Steamship Compaay.
Bteamer pocaihonta?, (?raies, .voqioib,
merchandl ind i isseagsrsi Virginia
.?Inn Comi
Wlnyab, Simmons, Philadel
phia, m- ? gersi ciyiio
ts. hooner Vlrclnla Rulon. I.? ?k New
Y?.tl?. iron; tb. : ompany.
Sa lu...m-r Kmma, Robinson, \V i-ilnn-?tott,
light, imb't; Tali if? rro ?1
Steamer Richmond, Hlllsr, I ?
Volk, in? r'bii'iili?? end t;a?e?:ng?r?,
?,,n st. nmshlp t'omi
S'-hooii'-r Maria Pleraon, M?irrl?, Wil
mlngton via liermuda liiiii<trt,d?, wood)
John A. Curtln ?? loa.
PORT OP Ni:\vpiiHT Nirvvs, <*xrr. x
(liy tel? graph.)
Rtenmr-r Blrdaewald, Shields.
Schooner i ?hn Twohy, Portland.
IJ.iiXe < Inline it?-. 1'rovi.Ien?:?.
tentaer I>dy Lewis. HMmtnirg.
Steamer Rappehannock, Liverpool,
r city ..f Everett. Beeten.'
Steamer Bhewmut. l?o?t?>n.
I5.ir/i! K.iwu Provid? n? ?.
inlay, Now Ib-dford.
S?.?rim?r Lady I.?'wis. ???.ive-aton.
,- boom i Daylight, W: sbingtoo.
Sohooner A. B. Pbllipt?. Poughkeepsle.
(My t..-??-(ira|,b )
8te.-im?hlp I'.alflmor??, Murphy. Baltt
more; pueavngcrs and general cargo.
Steamship Iialtttnor?. Murphr. Balti
more; pnss.nK'r? and gent-rail cargo.
OCTOBHR :i. ?sas.
(.l'y telegraph.)
Schooner O. XV. Anilrriwn, Cale, to load
Maria llert-on. Morris, to load
pin., ?nid poplar wooal.
Barge Pamllco, I-imHntaln, to lead
Schooner Thomas ?'?>.Ie, Richardson,
pine wood; PhllA.iMh,?
gchooner Bkeulah I.and, Know les, lum
ber; Rnltlmor?*, Mai.
Card?, Bill-Heads. Statement?. Lett?
H.iuls. Note-Heads. Circuler?, Handbill?,
I??. ;? ?, etc., print??! by the Dlsx-v t. b
Company at low pu?.?. Will glvs >?.u
good work at the ?ante price? you pay for
Inferior work. Send ua your order? and
we will guarantee satistactioB la every