Newspaper Page Text
8h _B _THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1898._1 sjsjBSBSR BIMM . 900 Drops ? tabkritsyrtBifcrAs iting tei'ood?i?lKe^ula c S loniti?is and Bwela ?of ?TV 4 Hll.llltl.N ^sTX^WeVOWsfhlMM . ulft^t Contains ndtlwr ; Morphine nor Mmrivi.. Nah c otic. j^,rOUZkrSMailJ1JlZuZ& JStmfiiM Sm?" i. -TU - '/ >?h,SJa ,'f.J ? . niant - . ?s Ji?a> ? '.?-_ - Clm/uU Suyar ltaus*a?js?rass? Hortr. Api*TtV(T R? mcdy fnrfonsf?pa _f SloniachJ)iarrho?2a, .( (mvulsi?iaS.KcvTrish ndLOSSOFSLEEi'. Tac Simile Signature of. NEW YOHK. txAtrr copy or wrapper? CASTOR? For Infants and Childror The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. TOMA THE CINTAUIS COMPANY. SsSsS VOS?. CITY. KIJ.ICATIO-.AL?. in.i mu *, i m\ BBtn .. \S ASHl.V. 1' *N, 1> ? . Father? of . i f J--.-U.-. < ?v.-r '?ne BOH j |l oto, A?.TMK.NT OF AKTS AND S? 11.M 1 .-. ?VN ? ' ?i.i.t.iJK. rVUtilMU I Cativo In the United Pre] iratory ana com and Daj Heb :ii.:. 1 1. POOT-GRADUA 1 t. i Ol Kill .' DEPARTMENT, rUUNDl&JJ 1881. A : : tinin* m M. dtcal 1 l . , ' ' |ual i. | MI.NT. POUNDED for tl of Amerl R i Ji ?N i? r\ m ? m.? H ' R< 'tor. Mil? (VMM'S I'ltl I'\l< \ UM(\ at in?.?i. inn not s. .. EEN Tin AGES OK (, AND It. n ..n THURSDAY, t I ! I BSB ' ' I - ? at Wi -1 & Johni _bi t-Su.TuAFt' 111 l.\ IIMUI. SCHOOL IMI hlMH li OAHI i.V .- 11.? ?YD A\ I.Mi: lory, Inti ng to modorn Individual attention i \s. i.\ Pi in. t i _mi .1 -Mu Tn.V ' Ml?8 8.1'CiliSTA I. DANIEL iiE ni.i; CLA Q LADl i 9 al ti? . ? i . MONDAY,' ; a 111 m. i Mond i il \ M tudy: i lure of the ] lure i w i r QKACE ?TREE P. b< i 5th, al lilt Danla : ; rtlCU Ircular at pi Inclpal !? Ml Bit \l. IN- I Ii? < l ION. HI -I? II, INMHIl I ll?\, \M? VOCAL M l'i \\ - BKIU ULLI TIN: a. C L I'l.Ti.'' ?i.A.-. hilt mu. PRANK 8TAYT03. THOMPSON, ?ND BINOINO. i ii \*?K t*l 81 rON i HOMPtON, ?. m HARM) .\ I. ... ;- lint? DIVIDEND WO I Hi.*.. Ildlng and i 1 ion, .11 \\.\l AL l'!\ ll'i.Xl' . in. ?i KiiiiiH thi: imwIOB cause. * "-?.,, ?Hoil.-la of ? h Hstlan fi?ur.l MaatS in CliarlutlcHvlllo T??-Uii>. 'I')i. twenty-third annual meeting of th' Virginia Chri.-tliin Missionary Society wil be held with the Christian church o Charlottesvllle thi? week, beginnln? to-day at 11 o'clock and extending with norntal a, and evening servRe 'lay, through Thursday. Rev. H. C. Gnrris?.n, th" popular in? fait hui pastor "f Hi*- liarsnalMtree eharcB, of this city, Is president, and Rev. L. ML Omer. who ins just resigned th< paaterat? at ths Third ChrlstlsB church, Is saoretarjr. The programine of the prooeedings b; follows ! Tuesday?10 A. ?t., society called te or ?der; d? rotlonal exercise?; gieetlni ..t Ilia latt.'ii. With a.I'll. - .. | R. M.ixw.ii, of Roehvttle, lid, W. J. ? :o< lb . a. W. Lilly, U m. Oinei end "tie i -. Th? win eaten. through the afternoon, I . k, ad.ires by ReV, ? -M. L. ail. ..f Clin il.lia' rotary of the Foreign Cbrl? nan Missionary S? i 1st] W? dneeday i" a. .m., i.ty oalled t nal . >. : i.-.. --. i Buttas tant ? i. ?".it dap. Afternoon, addrei b) Profeesoi Charlea W. Kent, of th University, <>n Sunday-school work. 8 i m . annual sennofl by Rev. E. Ta Bweenej Ol RI? t? 1 ii< oui. Thnrsdai M -\. M., deentloaal ezerelse? ' gmlth, eue "f tk >i..? <?f th. ?! ?serai MU Afternoon add .-i la .Havel atol h by Rev. ' 'ephs Bhelburns, ol Pradertekstnirs. 1 r. M annual meeting of the Christian Women' 1 of Ml >ns; sddi ess by Mb I B Moa? - el Topes?a, Kan., sw i the Blbls ?Chair work. i-n sldenl of th? C W. ii M.. which rheeu in conjunctioi with the s? di ,. ami Mb i Otll :- . I taTy. ' /it ? a l?o (|oe bom? an.i fort Ign, an? ". mal tand central body tabltshin, ol th? English Bible In i'"- < "! d inlvei intry. : ."- .) be j.. r a Rlchmon? \v?'nf op to ' rday af >i\m ohi:m)i:rs there, ll.?'> I a. HI?- 1?. .111 ?at I * *- .lohn'? I OUI In l.rt'iit Nu in In-i-M. .t numb? before him > moi nlng in the Police C on M.lay. i mai stole t?\ , i . and wafl ? ' ;. Patrick (bol color? d) w? on the ?tree snd were required to ty In Ut fur tw? Ive months. \\a? charge with obtaining undsr false pr?t? t lace curtains ami one I a tu over until this moi nini The h? arlng ?>f th? tais oi wo? i , who is slleg? .I t" hat Vit ginla Miller, vs..? continu? rni William Snii.h alias Slick, th.? ?-Oloic out Saturday niphi ob pi dltlon, . : i , i Scott, eras sent te n mi.v. Bui m.- Latlmer, boy, stret. a< i a erii kiln ?trael at Tblrty-seeon. and Mi I Heel r fell over I in? a king h. i ai m. The boj war. The ... i "i Ricbai d Ma rtln i ittlns Peter Bel ton, wa? continu? until the nth. Psngerly Traasfses Rlchmond: Jnmes W, Gordon, spedi commissioner, to Thomas J Dance, bias street, ,1 i !.. rry, ta/j. Johanna and wife t.. Mary side Third stree uth <>f Duval, EM Hurray to Henrietta Hueles ;." i i fast on ii.-rth sialc Jaaksoa mree mm i- wast ? !' Prli ? . UM w Q Ba?the*f*e trustes tu Ja.kson Bo ton, ;? feet on north side Casilla ?tree us l-l feel from Beech, M ...i a. l'a> lor to H. I . | U-U uett s ai Borthweel li lion ol MeaOOWirrtdg? roa.i and Li iiurniuii avenue, l?. Danois Hay? (.un? lui. s. the colored maa ?ma en ..t first thought fatal) cut In Lunenburg county, sosas west SgO, hut who was brought to th? f..r th.? Sick in this city, and ha? sin. ill but rscovered entirely, ha? wrltt. h a ? i y touching sad > atb the i:-" ti?. t..? th? attention it? r HI? cas.- was really a ? . ami it is marvellous that he r covei Mr. Brut??? to l>?> Literary Work. Mr Philip A. Rinet*, who recently r signed the secretaryship of the Virrin to devote himself v work, will spend tho winter i hi? country horn.-, Blaonton Hill, nei Clarkton, In Halifax county, and will n? have for Europe until next ?prmg. German I u.ll?*? tu Meet. The Oerman American Ladle?' A laiion will hold an important mee Ins at the Virginia Hospital thl? aft? noon at 4 o'clock. It i? desired that the shall be a full attendance, an airan* ments will be perfected for an enteriali inent soon to be given. HE WAS AT SANTIAGO Hit. JOHN DERRICK Vll*?ITI**G I'll ii-: Mi? IX mi inioMi. BE TELLS OP THE GRE.T BATTLE. H? Was? Fearfully ?eared a? First, Rat Soon Recovered, and Went to the Front With the Reat-Recep tlon la Nee? York. Mr. John Derrick, formerly cashier in ihia city for the Pullman Palace-Car Company, but who fought at Santiago with the Seventy-first BOW York Regi ment. J? in Richmond shaking hands with his many friend?. It will be remembered that Just after one of the fiercest battleB In front of El Caney Mr. Derrick waa re ported as having been killed, and though th? report was subsequently d?-nled, the welcome which 1? being given the popu lar soldier here could not be more cordial were he being welcomed back from death. THF. MAJOR'S rOiVAIUili'l-:. Mr, Derrick ?ays that while it Matad the fighting In front of Santiago was ter rific, it was Um oral battalion of his regiment that showed the whit.- feothOT nt Santiago, and Mr. Derrick said this was due to the lack of courage of ltf" ni:ij..r, who. by his conduct. BlBHipodSd his whole battalion. TlM Rfc OflBOnd boy was in the S?-' ond Battalion, and OB the ( r ( am- I?. BdVOa > Btt I tali..ti wa*. forced to miiMi over the first r to obey. B*stng asked if he was not frlerit? I 'I during thO light, Mr. Darriek repli?.I that f..r th. tu-? half hour he was s.-ared i.l iii" t to death. After that h?* Bald n<* for got hi? feats in thO * >.? it? ni.-nt of the Oc casion and rushed bOodloni into the fray, 1.ting lik" B madman. "I don't know wlieth-r I killed a S'.'ininrd or not," he ? ?ritiiiiied, "but I shot a powerful lot ot builds In their direction." TREES NO rk<?T?:?'TI<'N. Mr. Derrick said that he saw some num Bf the Fourth Regiment eome little time B**0, OBd hearing that they | destined for Cuba, he gnv th?m B little advice in regard to the best method of righting the Spaniards. "I told th?-m." he said, "if It came to a pinch tO ft*. I - bind tha thlckool roch ? " >' * . 11. i f;n.i. but under no circumstances to hid.- !> - hlnd a tree, n.? the Mauser bullets plough ed through them like so much tissue pa> ?>er." A TIUFMI'HAL MARCH. Mr. Derrick will he her.- for a WOO* or two lonKer. He ?ays he does not antici pate a return to Cuba, and does not desire to go there again, as he has a ?ufflcleney of fighting. Dlscu.-slng the reception accorded th? Seventy-first when it raachad x?w York on Its return, Mr. Derrick said It wait the grandest ovation he ?ver saw tendered any organization. The journey up Broad way was one grand, triumphal march. TOIIACCO THAIIK A\M IL MEr.TI\0 lleporta for Yeur ?iil?tnllti'?i ? M". E. T. I rinii|) Klecteil l*r?**lil?*nt. The annual meeting Of the Rtl hmond Tobacco Troda was h.-i.i ytjotordar at ooon, and ofBcora orara elected for tho n.xt two > ' "I I The rttiririK *. r.-.-id?-nt, Mr. Jain?*. Ni ?n the chair. 'I'll.i attendance ot m.-ml'.ts was 11 I y and th? l,?-i. the body was ?lui.-kly transa? t. ! Tin- l*0| tha s.-.-retai v and tr.-a.-ni? r was rood OOd adoptad. Tho ol-wtlon of oAcers follow? i. .Mr. K. T. Cnunp, vi.. .preoidont, was eleroted to tha pr< ildency by a u m .us vota, t..?lowing a ion-,*-' m. Mr. Bojd i? tirad ?Troto the pool. th iching th.- Troda for its Buppoii and anfalllnf courteay i.? aim, and WlBhltld an SQUO] share of both Of v.l,.,m 8i pro? OOUOOOd a in.>st wurthy man la a worthy . Mr. Crtunp aaaumed the ?hair with ap propri?t* remorko. HothoahodMr. Boyd for bis kind arorda and tho Tratte for tha honor i bj tie ?a. Mr. ThoBBB Atkinson, of tho P. H. Mo) 0 TotMU I 0 < '-'iii? iy BlaOtOd vk'. -l'i' .-Id? lit, ulbO for two The r. m.-iinlng officers were re-e! IWB! ii Troaaari r, CaBnaaa M< - LtOod, ln*soaotor WlUton M. Brldaoa aria re rj without 0] ! , K. A. Tl Tha Hoard of Mono* n M? IX T. Trump, Thomai Atklnaon, Caaneaq Mc , ex-ottici.?. W. T. H.i!i?o..-k. JOha A. Hut. hinson, K. Turner Arrlngton, a. Rn? 1 .: tX High, T. I>. N.-al, Jr., and Wil liam <;. M .id ..f ArMtratl I : ira - I Parkinson, W. C. B I .' /.. w. ;i m. Canlngton, Charlea D. Lorno, John M. id <'. MCl '"'?I. ? x-"?11 i". AT 'l H!. PARK BXP< ?SITION. Mr. l.. if. Vaugl be loiiow "Thai the president appoint a cooaaalt? : ml ara to - rli i:\|?.-si . ?. i that cxj ?f su? ti dioploy ba ?torna bj Um associa tion " The resolution was i lot .. d. At tha m. eting of the Trade la - | .Mi. i: k \ ' Mia? tiun . .i11ink upon tin* praaldi nt t.. ' ! . constitution and BT'IOWB of the Trade and : .p..rt at th. innual meeting. 1 bis aros doa Mr. viator was port, thorefore, r*an*-a up ooturolly at the mooting | 'i as Irai pai I ipl ot the rape?*** ra. latod to thi r i oration of the .1 d : I An- bO l ."k p t' \'. F. M. lloykin, Frank D. Willi.: Jame* T. i orkinoon, A, u \... brooch i. R Viator, M Taylor. Jatm K C. Morton, M T. .Smith, and oth Mr. F D. William? u th? Tradc BhouM a|.?. y for a charter, i -hill ha submitted t>? th?> Trade, as to tha Trade erill adopt it or not. On tho ijti.-tiun being put the Choir >i< etdOd the vote to ba OytJO, 10; ntTOB. 9. A'ii was called for ?nd the roll call order?.1. whli-ii roOUltOd aa follow?: Arrlngton ?\ ROB K. T i'runip & Co., W. T. Hancock. B. O. Noltlnf'B Suns & Co . Thornton A Co., L. ^ Vaushan ?Se Co.. R> K. Victor & Co?, Wil Dama A Rehlbaf, and John M. Taylor?9. Naya?W. C. Burtley A Co.. James N. Boyd &.'o.. F M. Boykln, William M. iiti.iK.-s, Carrlngtoa ?v Co., Osorge A. Haynes, A. O. Jones, Lorua & Brother, T. T. M .v.?, loott ?v Clarke 8?. u. BmcIum M. T. Smith. T. C. WiniaaoB Company! and A. R. YarbrotiKh- H. RKPORT NF.NT It.\. K It was quito evid? nt by thi? time that tho body IBM not willing to go Into fur ther dis. iission of the report nt this meet ing, and Colonel Boykin made a motion ?hat ths PAptt be raferrod bu.-k to tha bonunlttee with instruction? und?*r super vision of the cn.iirman of the committee that same bo printed, and a copy placed in the hand? of OOOMf BBBOahOT of the Trade at the earliest possible moment. This motion was carried, and the mo tion to adjourn followed, which also pre vailed. I? \.?ur Hrnlii Tired f Take Horsford*? Aelrt l'hoaphatr. It sup*'I the needed food for th< br?'n and nerve?, and make? eaertloi euty. Ordere for printing aent to the Dis patch Company will be given prompt at tention, and the style of work and jrlcei will be aura to please you. TO CURB NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. To Gala Fl?-ab, ?? **I?*?"P Well, to Kaovr What Appetite as? Good Dla?*?tton Me??, Make a Teat of Slnart'? Dyapepaia Tablrta. Inlrrrsiina Experience of an Indian. poll? Gentleman. No trouble i? more common or more misunderstood than nervou? dyspepsia. People having It think that their nerves! ?re to blame, are surprised that they are not cured by nerve medicine? and spring -eine.ii.-s; the r? il seat of mischief 1? lost light of; the stomach is the origin to be looked after. ^^~ Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever in th?: st.imach, nor pi-Thai??, any of the usual symptom? of stomach weehaeBS. Nervous dyapepsia ?how? Itself BOt In the stomach so much a? In marly every other organ; In ?ome cases the heart palpitate? and Is irregular; In others, the kidneys are aff.?' I In other? the bowel? are constipated. wi?h headaches; still others are troubled with loss of Beets' Bad appetite, with the accu mulation of gas, sour risings, and heart burn. Mr. A. W. Sharper, of No. 61 Prospect Street, Indianapolis, Ind. a? fol lows:' "A motive, of pure gratitude prompts me to write these few lines ie garding the new and valuable medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet?. I have been r from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years; have seed various patent medicines and other remedies without any fovorsble result. They sometimes gavs temporary relief until the efTects ?.f tne medicine wore "ff- I attrlboted this to ntary habit?, being a book-keeper with little physical exerise, l.ut I am glad to that ths tableta ha c. me all these obstad*-?, for I have gam ed i-i Bleep better, and am better ?? grery ?* ' >' The above " erlttea sot for notori-ty. but Is based on actual i,. -pectiuily yours, A. W. ?WARPER, ,.n pr,, trsst, Indianapolis. In.I." 1. i? SSi? to say that Stuart's Dj Tablets will dire any StOfBB?'h WSSgnsSS , ept cancer of the stomach They cure sour stomnch, gas, los? of ::,d appetite. Si? tat'i..!.. bearthnra. constipation, and hsssV *Send for raluahls BttlS book on stomach diseases, by sddlSSghH Stuart Company, Marshall. Mich. Ail druga-isi-, m H full-sized packages at 50 edit?. _ Tbe Sl?it-Mai?blne? Mmt ?o. Th.- Chief of l'-.l."- uSUSi an order last nl_ that all persons operating ?lot nigtit mai .'. , ( ( ft t0 PA?^/rs. A%IHg,-nt search will be I" '' , the elusive slot will be ban ; aa far as p-'sslble, from the walk? ot _UM ms" Those machines that or >oii?K ,. ?Ive return In merchandise R5J*Ta ii.tuv That is placed in them t0l no n,..'.l in ?he edict, and Will m?as&eau, eoa-tons In operation. ?gr? Sent to u Jorv. i.,hn Jone? and William Walker, two s who are alleged te have held up and robbed a Whits b'.y named Crowd er _ar Scv.-n 1'lnes. were sent on to the grand Jury by Magistrate Thomas triage license was Issued yest-r day by th? Henrleo County Clerk to Mr, William T. Perguson and Miss Manan L. daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Henry il. Bsgent. _ SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Li'ttlo Pills. They al*o rr'?eve Dhtre?s from Pyspepsfa, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eatin<j;. A per? fcet rcmcly f >r I*i'*.i;iets, Isausca, Drowsi. ness, Bal Tarie in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tain in the Side, TORT ID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowel*. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dost-v Srn*l! Price. Substitution *he fruuil of the darf. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. (Th Sa Tu A w) S AFE URE PEEDY , MME. LE GLAIR'S FtMOl?S FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. IN00RSED IT THIS!???. Tvrcmy-l?ve 8 cent ?.tump? bring? trial rackiae ?nd Convinces the most skeptical oftsttif ?a??, tdt?tuTO pr?? erliea Arldres? LsClaIB 1'ii.l I f> . I . s ?.Mats Ma N H \ .f.i'.-ii ....iencecon?dratiii a:.d reamed by u...i. ?ah u ?.: \, ka?*a ?''"' ? :I? ir, l<r Psasasphlrl contaioin? Vs?la.?a?l? lasroriuatiuu i r.irfic? rw ?ale in Hlchmond by POLK MIL LLK DRUG COMPANT. ttiv 11 W rASu?-tTii.Th&Sa-'taw&alt.r SEED. CLOVER. TIMOTHY, { GRASS SEED, ' VIRGINIA WINTER SEED i OATS, WHEAT. RYE, Etc. ? We make a specialty of High- < Grade El ELD SEED. , Write us whin buying. I N. R. SAVAGE & SON, ! GRAIN AND SU ? MERCHANTS, < RICHMOND. VA. ' 9 i ? ? I ..# ?? .?' ? *'? " ' " " " '* IM :i-al.?? 1.V l'uiW.llli f TBaaa 13 MmUymuoMmn Or. FKHNCK' S i RAIHS OF HEALTH CONSTIPATION -*? CONGESTION ?3? HEADACHES a Fan*???* * '' "- "*" *? ? DeWitt'8 Little EARLY RISERS The famoM little pills. Cure' Wliotav oeas, heafUche, constipation, ?udigis ti? n, heartburn and torpid liter. Very small, very ?fe, very sure. Most popular pill ever made. 5. ULLHAN5' SON'S GROCERY U ARGALI 9. Headquarters for Low Prices. YOU CAN' SAVE B PBB CENT. BI BUYING rOSJB vi-JULrl FKuM THfc OLD RELIABLE. Granulated Sugar, per pound . 6 Flat can? Rest SalBsOn . & Mountain Roil Butter, p?:r pound. 15 New Raisin?, per pound . 6 Worcester Sauce, psrr bottle . I Lion Coffee, 1-pound paper?. 3^1 Drang? County Creamery Butter (best on th? inarne,), pc-r pound_ 15 Fre?h Lenmi, Crackers, per pound. I Carolina KJce, per pound. . Fresh Oyster Crackers and Crack, r I ?list, p-r pound . 5 Home-Mad.. Jelly and Apple Butter, per pound . I N- a Hominy and Grits, pat pound. 2 1 aie Lard, per pSUBd . 5 Small Best Kingan's Hams, pound.. 1>) 1 ?sUius .1 BC Blase. Tea tor 20 Nice Small Him?, p?-r pound . T Cedar Buckets. Ii) New North Carolina Clipped Her rings, per dosen . 8 Virginia Comb Money, per pound,... 12 Rolled Oats, per package . 4 Kirk's American Family Soap. 2 bars for. ?? 2 bars Kitchen Soap, for clsaning.. 5 Jefferson and Jap. Coffee. Java, and Lsguayra, per pound . 10 3-pound ean Jelly . 10 Try our Baow-Flake Patent F ?roily Flour. It's fine, per barrel.4 ?DO ? r, p.r baa . 25 Lsrge Irish Potatoes, peek . M Potted Ham or Tongue, per ca;?.... ? Mill-Feed, pat it? . 7?? Wooden Wash-Boards, thl? week.... 5 Oats, per bushel. B Corn, per bushel. 42 ?Larga cana Cond need Cri un. per can . 7 Silver Kin? Minnesota Patent Fami ly Flour, per barrel . . 4 B per bag . '/I Try our Jefferson Spring Wheat Patent Flour, best in the world, P'-r harr?1! .4 BJ k . H Axe-Handles . 5 Dairy Salt, per ban .. . 3 New Ltmburger Cheese, per pound. IS). Large Bottles Ammctila. bottle. 6 M. I'l.l,MAN'S SON, 1820 AND 1822 KAUT MAIN a*T*4aUga. Up-Town atore. Mu ?a?t Marhiia?. I,.,tli phones at both moi It wlil pay you to call for or writ? for on.? of our completa price-list?. It's a regular money-saver. (no Sl-8tvTu*Th) -5^'^S*2?ne^a?^-..J Bar nett Lithia Hotel, CHASF; CITY, VA? W. S. BARNETT, OWMEB AND PBOPBIETOR, (Nine years' I vp.-rl.tiee |n .\ -hcvll.-, N C., and Chase City.) PI KE LITHIA WATER ami BaTeTrT ACCOMMODATIONS IN TOWN I :.,y go. sts. "I osnatder Mr. Barnstt th.- beat hot? man I know.** v Dtatln al bed Lawyei und Hank. PrCStdSBt. a.? 2L'-Th.SiiATu3m 0 DcrABTvan a** ?rntJ LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PANT. DAILY LINB FOR NEW YCKK, i;pt SCMDAT. Fa??en*ir? ?an lea.? Slnkmoad dallj tactpt hun't.iy, \>a ?Jheaapeake aai orno railway at s A? ht, or HI n mond and Petersburg ra.Iroad (Norfol! t no WeaterB ruute? 0 A. M, conn.jctlni at Norfolk with Old Dominion Lin. r . dill < 1 '"" evening al I for Nest T?at*k. ALL-WATER ROCT1E. steamship Bicbmoad isavaa Richmon? every .Monday at ? F- B. fur New Yorl via James rivar. Ticket? on tale at Richmond Tran-.fe, Company's, W saat Main street; 1 besa r? -k.? and Ohl? railway, and Rlctnnoat ?rul Petersburg railroad d?pot?. and a c-?rnpai?/^'1'"?' 1212 east Mam ?treet Richmond- BHW#^?trSk^ ??-roagh. r Ku.iv-.li1 r.?r New York aud ai? BBtBtJ beyond cai \Z ?iiii'ied by dire ' ?teaiaer ?a.llng froir ScaraoBd es..y MONDAI at S p. M i 1 V? by ?team?r i??v;:,g Richmond avsn WEDNESDAY. ANO FRIDAY at 5 p. M for-Norfolk, connec?ag with ?t?amer f.j N Manifest' SlOBSd on? hour b?for? ?al.'ln/ Uvf?i2ht received ?nd fo. warded, an? through l>m? ot iBding ieeued for al ,r,rVs!.rn eastern, ?nd for? ?en port?, northern. iKwMNi:w Yi.rk. psi'*ii??i< c*n ???v? a*??/. except Sun day at ? P- M..taaiurday,4 p. U.) t ?*V<oik or old Point Comfort, ennoot ti with Norfolk and Western rallroa or^CkiSSapsakt ?nd Ohio railway "FrsTgbt received ana rorwarded ( * Wnr^rth?^ informstloa applr to For ?r?",iuHN y y \?f Crt Agent. 1112 ?aat Mal? ?treat, Richmond Va .w li Oulllaudeu. Vlre-PrealSent an Trafic> MBBBgar. N?w York. j. ? PHjjjLUJixraid, lkiuH-"^^ glOND AND KUlteOLiC -BBBsK ?iT?AAtaRii' ?JOaLPAJs Y. anoolnted tailing day?: Every TUBS Div. riUDAV. ?nd KJNDAl at day "lhr? r.c.lved daily until 6 P. M. lire .I'UluJlnK meal? and berth;. M 01 Friday'?' ?n* Sisdaj't steamer. ? r further information apply to j,er rurau?. w M CAHRI? K. ___?. ?k,uth?rn Agent: Office, Rockets Oserai Soutn?rn^ap (.^xna * CO.. .? s. Qenetal Ageat?. Phll?d?lphlh. AMERICAN UMi. ?a^l SXrBl i? ?BBVICE. vg? YOBK. BOTJTBABPTOS (LONDON ) 9 gLhng Wednerdsya at 10 A. M . ,. O-i. 12 S> 1 -"?? .Not. 1 fr?2t.M 1!? ? 3t. Fiaol.NOT." 5 !?ul-.Oot-'Jd P?n?.Nov. a Part?. ... - rsaiilag S?tura?y? ?t 1? Nt?n. 1.0 i 0?t I r.?l/?:i!?ud....Oct.-5 .p,,DDl?nd.o^- .piBnUod.Oct. I KbTD KED STAR LINE. VKW Y?.KK-^O! IHAUFIUN-ANTWKKI 1Sb* Vvb?t Wednesday at - ^<oo An.m ^Vn Veui. '.'H I *? 1TH W KIL.Oct 1 K,.?5??*e??W??carry onlr ?e?>ad- ?ad ihln tsnms-ajr?^^ a WTB* Pier. 14 ?aud 1 ?. Sott* tU--? Offlce, d Bo?lla< ?ir??a, M. 14 W. B.PALkKltA'JOn, fgAlS.TU.l*.?*??**__IUrjaaveal._ Orders for printing sent to the Dl ?atch Company will be given^prompt; a untion. and th. style of work and prie ,rUl be ?ure to pleaae you. RAILROAD LIK8BS. CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. Kg?*rtlve o?*t??l-?j*r ?, is?*?. TRAIJ9 I. P. AVE HI? H MO NO, BROAD STREET STATION. 0:<K> A. M., Dally, with Parlor car, for Norfolk. I*ort?mouth. old Point. Newport New?, and principal station?. Con nects at Norfolk with N< O ' York steamers, except Buu f ?ork ?ten '. M . Daily, wl 3*18 P. M., Daily, with Pullmun. far local ?tation, N-wport New?, Old Point, Norfolk. and Portsmouth. Conneeto at Old Point with Washing ton steamers dally, ami with n.iltlmoro steamers, except Sunday. IO 20 A. M , Ii.y BaproBo, with Parlor ... pt Buodoy for Clif ton Forgl, Connects at OOT? d . mill? for Oran? leper. Colvertoo, Maitasttas. Alexandria, and Washing ton; at I'nion Station, Ch.i? lottesvllle, for l.ynchburg; at Boolfi for Ilagerstown. 2:15 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans, to Cincinnati, Louisville, and Bt. Louis, connecting at COTlogtOO, VO., for Hot Springs. ??tops only at tm portant st itions. Meals served on dining-cars. N??. 7. Local Train, except Sunday, follows above train . . lordonarllle to Staun ton. 5 ;to p. M., Ac? omtn.'datipn. except Sun dav. for POOWOlL 10.*{<? p. m, Dolly, for ?,'in?*lnnatl, with F. F. V. Pullmans to Hloton, W. \ ?-. aid Crdonsvllle to Cincinnati and Louisville. Meola served on dlnlng uro, Coooeeta at Btoun ton, except Sunday, for rVlnchi ?ter, Va., nnd at Covlngton, Va., dally, for Hot SprtOgO 1 HAI\S l.KWK KK.HTH-vrilFKT ITATMR. loao A. M . lutly. for Lynchburg. Lex ington, Va., and ?'!ift??n Fora?. Connecta, except Bun lay. with Buckingham Uberene branches, and at Clifton Forge with RO, I for Cincinnati. VtW p. M, Bocept Sunday, for Colum bia. Ta8AIWg (limn: at in. iMioM). HltOMI-STHKET STATIOV *ge) a. M., Bxcept Sunday, from Dos w?ll, s .'? A. M . hiilv. from Cincinnati. l?:l? A. ML, Dally, from Norfolk and ??Id Point. 3:t0 P. M, Pally from Cincinnati and ville. ? :.*?< P. M.. Dolly, from Norfolk and Old Point. 7:45 P. M., Kx.'.'pt Sunday, from Cllf t"ii Forge. Tll\l\M AKHI\i; Fli.HIH-STHKKI STATIOV H 10 A. M.. Kx.ept Sin.?Jay. from Colum bia. 0*801 P. M.. Daily, from Lvnchburg. Lpx Ington, and ?'llfton Forte, and, except Sunday, fr. m New Castle aad Roanev. JOHN D. I'liTTH. Assistant QOBeral Passenger Agent. Sk? mmm rama.. Ki'ii. l>ffeotlve June S, I**'.'*?. THAUS LKAV1*. HICIIMOM), VA. I*.?.?? A, M., .No. U, bou.neru s.xyi BBO daily, lor Atlant?, Augu?.*., and point? bouWi. Sleeper Richmond la Danviiu, Ureensboro', dali?uur>, Charlotte, Columbia, and Augusta. Sleeper open at V*J?) P. M. Stooi? at all ?t.,. ma between KichmouO and Daovlii? to lake on and l?t oO poBBongera, Coooeeta at Danvtll?, Salisbury anj Charlotte with the Wasb'; and *.utliv\?-?tern Limited 'No. I?) carrying sleepers New York t< A?hevill*j, Hot Hoilngs, Chatanoo ga, ana Nashville- N?;w York, t? ?lenn.hl?, New York to NoOJ Of loans; New York t.? Tampa, an?. rjr?t-cl??? daily coach b?twe?ii \V??hl*igton and Memphis, ?.'on*)??* tlon-Tare made for all point? U Texa? and California, *-H?--*i>-*r oper ._ ?. f'?r occuponcy at ?.30 p M 12:01 p. M, No. 7, ?olid train, dally, foi Charlotte, N. C, connect? ut Mose l?*y with Furmv'll!?* and Powha'.ar railroad At Keyavllle for Clark? ville, Oxford, Henderson, and Dur ham, arid Ht ??reensboro' for Dur haul, Kalelgh, and Winston Sftleni at Danville with No 36, Unttec Htates f?.st mall, solid train, dallj for New Orleans and points 8 >utb wnlch carrie? sleeper? New York t? New Orleans and N?*w York t( Jacksonville. Thr ugh ?!*?p?r Hall? bury to Memphis; also, Pill man tourist sleeper every vVodo?M day, Washington to ban Franclsoo wiihout change. ?:00 p. M . N?). i: local, dally, ?wtoepi Hunday, for KayavlHe. Cha??* City and Infer-neoif-t? point? TRAINS AKItlM? AT RICHMOND. ?eo A. M. ? 2? P. U? from Atlanta, Augusta Aelievill^ and Nashville. 8:40 A M . from Chaso City and Meys villa, 1/ ?'AL FREIGHT TRAINS. Nos. 61 end m\ between Manoh??tor an?; Neitpoli?. Va. YORK-RIVER LUE ~ m roon? TUB FAVORITE HOLTE NORTH. LEAV IB KK HMOM). 4.10 p, M , No ?v, ha.uiuuia UoMted daily, exaept Hunda/, for V,'? t> l'oint, tliare making close t'.on on Mondays, Wednesday?, am Kriday? with t.iitur ror Haiti more; also, with stage at l-a?te Manor for Walkarton and Tango boooock on 'l'uuiday?, Tnuxaday? an.) goturdoyo 2:80 P M , No. lu, local expruas, Mon day?, Wednesday?, and FYldaya. fo West I'oint and Intarmedlat? ata tloiia. Connecta with 1 tag? at 1jc-i ,.-r Manor for V alkartor. and 'lay pa bannock' also, at We?t P-.u wttn ataamer for Baltimore, gtop at all station?. 6 OO A M.. No. ?K. I-ooal. MUed. Leave except Bundoy, from Vu -rlnla-ftreet Station for We-at Poln and Intermediate station?, onnecf lna with ?tas? at Lester M-tnorf" Wg!k?rton and T?nraharinr?rlf 1HAI.1S ARHIVB AT BICHBORD. 0.IT A. M., daily 10.40 a. M., V\ ?dji??day? and Inda.. only. 4 CO I' M , daily, except Sunday, Xr^i. West Point and Intermediate at? lions, g'eamer* leave West Point at 0 P. 8] Monda?* Wednesday?, and Fridays, an HaUtmoro at O P. *L Tuesday?, Thuri da>-,. ?nd Saturday?. Tl.sei.-. iffic? at ?t?llon, V o\ of Virgin! atreot over, from 8 A. M. to 8 P M and from 8.88 P. M. to 18 A. M. City tick? office 90S ea?t Main ?tr??t. J M cf LP. W. A TCRK. Traffic Manag?*- Own !'??? Agent. FRANK fl. ?JAM8ON, Third Vleo-Prsat dent and Oanaral Manager, Washing.01 DC W WEJBTBURT, Travelling Pa? ?enger Agent. 889 east Main alreel. Riet jrnend _V? _ ? _?_. DKiMM'fi hi: op >tk%hi:rn. E??2T VIKGilU 1AHGAT10I F0*^ JAMES RIVER \ DAY LINE. Steamer POCAUuNiAO ..?-.?- MO* DA?. WllDNBSDA?. a..d . r'.U'Al at A. M. fo? Norlolk. Portsmouth, Old Poln Nt-wport Newa, CUremunt. and J.mei river ?andino?. euA iMoasoUna at Ol Point ?lid Norfolk for Wasalngton. Rait n^*io?M roA^iio? tot toe olght "m?iVl?-??w direct .0 the wharf. Far on? 81 W ''dJa lu Nariu,it **** b F^lsnt received to? a?>ov?-n?med pie.? --?? vfl DOiBt? in Kaiatem Vuglnia ?7? A- B- Prewry, Fr*?J4*?i (Uneral Manag**-?. Orders for printing sent t* be W pacb company olH be given prompt a tentlon. and the style of work and prie will bo eure to pleoee yon. RAILKOAD LI BBS. M?W>*^_n Jana i?, laes. a LMAVB R1CMMOBD. U V MD-STsU-Tf BTaVriOB. t."Oe A.M.. KKiUuM) ASD NOK i ULK VUS'I'IULLM _*sUi h.i.1. Arm?? Norfolk 11:1a? ??..-. A. M. Stop? oulj at Petar? but?. \\?avcrl>, and Buffwia. Bata.und.cUa?? tick??? cot *?* __.... ? *?* ?- - ?h?* train. ?06 A. M, TllK CHICAGO EXPRESS. iiiv Lyauhbuia, Koanoke. Co _. lumbua. aad i i :? ..go. Poll man lil?eii?r Koatn/k? to Co luniou?, ala?. (<?r Pristo!. - ... D ?. Ki.oxviila, and Cbattaaooga. 1:8W P. M.. >or Suffolk. Norfolk, a.::d Til? t.-i?nedla.j ?tailor.?, arriv?e sa>._. _ ,_ f1 Norfolk at tow K M. I1:<X> P. M.. tor Lyu.-hbiirs and Boa hok?. Connviis at Koaooke wits Washington ?ad Chat tau.joga Lliiilt-1. Pullman t?ltoper? H".ni"k# to M?'?*. phi? and New Orinan?. P?iU? Sleeper bat ween Rich? inond at a Lynchburg, and L?rthj ready tor occupancy S( '" P. M. A ?... PvtV> a.nn Sleeper l'?te*r?bur?* a? ?. Baagjehe. Train? arrive Itkhm?~nd fro? L,n?.h? burg and tk? West dally ?t Im A. M. and tM P. U . from Norf.ilk an?T the East at 11:06 A. ki.. and VESTlllULKD LIMITEI* at ??J? P, M. ?.ne?- a?.*. Mala ?I It. W. Oit.'RTNBT. "Ot?trk*t P?s?.-nga-r AganL W. B. HKVII.L. General I??ss?nger Ags-nt. General Otnen R?an?>k<\ V?. ? ? fi PAP Riebmond, Preie Al., 1. U. f'rict_nrlAPnlnniM *??? ? Ou?s? Id l.fft^f Mui IB, lfillsH. L_kla, Bitti?-si'Ma?BT ?TA HO.*,. ? -? A. ?_, IMUIg, lag ??.asuiaatwa atad iniiil? uorih. ?i ?..-? ? ???> at ii.ioid and ? ?e.K-i^a-b .r*. i. ?iiaa.ii Sleeper? l? NeW York. aBB A.M.. Bunday only, lor Waabl'?aT-* t.'ii and points North. Stop? at -U.a. UUi? Alien, Aah fcnd. Taylomatili, Ooswell Kuther Glen. Pas?la, MU i.'ral. \\ .'??alelase. . .'iiiia-a. Summit. Predarkkaburg. Iirooke. and VS'idewatar. _._... Pullman car. ?? All, I ?ally, except Baaday. fos Washington and points N'Tlh Stops ni hlba. Ash laud. TaviorsvlUe. l?o?W?ll. Ituther Ulan, ivtiel*. sill? ?ord, M ?o?i?l?ii*>. (luiue?, lumnilt, \ ralaarlaikabiii?', and Wtdowater. aa._-? _ ?fullunah ear. I*;<>0 M Pally, mxcvut StinSay. foe ><a?hlngton and p?lni? North. tj??i>? ?t Liba. Olea -A 11 ?J-V. Ashlanl. lioswell. Villar J, Fredertckaburg, Brooke and Wuliwaier. Parlor car. Ali?. ...oi.-cl? ??llh Congressional United .._-.. ?U Washington. ? ?.?? ?? f:lSP. M., Dally, for Washlnston and point? North f- o?.? at Elba. Aahlan.l. I ???well Mtlttir?], Fr.derloksburg, Brooke, and Wlde-watT nnd other ?t?i tlon? Bunday?. Bl??ep?r RleB? mond to New Vera ARRIVS} IIIHO-IIHIKI STATieg. l'all-f. Biop? at Wlduwatsr. liiookt?. l-'i e.I. na.kbl.aia, Mil ford, Doswell, Aaulaud. aad Elba, and ???her ?taUoss Sunday?. Bleep?r New Tcrk to Rlchrtioiial. >:4g sf. ML I ?ally, except Bunday. Stops at Wld?wal?r, Mraok?, Krederlcksbuis,, Guinea. Woodslan?. Miita-t Penol?, Huther Glen. Uoai well, Tayloravlllo, Ashla.iaV Glea Allen, and Klbn. Pi#r7 lor ear fi'.ni Wat? h lust on. Mur M, 1 nilly. Sop? only at Freda, rlcKsburs. Dos wall, A?h? land, ?ni Blba l'ultman cars %oin New I rk. KMPM., Vally. Stop? at Wld.-water. HrooVe, Krederlc-kshuri?, Hnmmlt (IrUlnca. Wo.<.l?l?na., Mllford Pen?la, Huthsir Gleti DoBWall. Tnylorsv1' ... Ashland. 0!?n Allen, and FnEDKnirKen*o A?r-rn**?rHOD%iiox. . -..-, v- < ? O....... , KK)p, k, _..avaa l?)i?ia?'"i atatlou. a ?to a M.. An ife?? liyraaiiect Butioa. ASMLABD THAI?IS. ?L>ally exec-jt Uundayj ., Leaves >. ba. , leaves Klb?. ., Ariivc Lib? B:0OP.M. Arrive? ?.lba. w i- TAYI/JR. TralRo Mitn-ti?''?,'. p. T. P. Myers, Pres'dent. ?p is As C. L ATLANTIC-COAST LINE. SoUcdule lu L .'??'-? ?" '" *> '- *.. TRAINS I.LAVM RICIIMOJID-I .IIO.I uLi'or. T*BB A M., Sunday accommedatloa ar? Pstersburs * -, awkvS .,.? .-,;. p? Kl< iiinonu ?.no ,. irg i.iilloiad. S DO A, 11 rrlVSS reiershurg .'il A. M , Norfolk li -_& A. M Stops only at l'el?rr?bui,. Waverly, and Suffolk, Va SA*S A. M.. La.iy. Anlvf Petersl ur| .'? \1 , W 'Mon 11.'I A. M.. Fayettev-llle i:l* I". M.. Cha -' F -NU Savannah U.&J A. M., Ja. k ?., , M . Perl . ..p.. >;.*? F M ?bb*>? '.e ,? . n v, tu No, 47. nr. living Ge i?1 P. Ms W 11 mina ton . ? P. w. pu.i i Ml .. i ?oaeiile vry 2 85 P. M., I''. 1.." 1 An ? ' - tersburg l;_ P. il. Makes 4 40 P M.Hiiiiho aeconiiimdatlon. Ar? riv?? ret'-rai .rg I i*. M. Mak? - .11 stop? HI nnioiid and P t? i?bu < lalli I S:30 P. II -ri Petcrsburfl 6 a? P. M. Makes all ? I ???.pa RI? lim?.i.'. and Petsr? t a p rail; '.."I T .10 P M , l"ily. Arrhe? Peter?hurg X ?H P. M . connect? with rfolb sii'i Westera lof Norfolk and Ititermedl ' S./rnt?, Bmporla III ic:v -ct? with A and P tor Bill''Oil? bet ?. I. iMIIO'iri? and Lawren i"*? p M , V lyett' I *7 A. M . C .: irl. ?ton C "2 A. M.. B.ivacnah I ? A. M Jack ?onvilla I P. M., Poil Tampa A . JC B> \| NBW LINIO T'? A. 11 ?ft.B OF,?if(Oi \ POINT? Arrlv? lag >lk?ti 7:2*? A. M.. A igu?]a Is III A. M-. M .' il I! A. M., Atlanta II 18 P M. Pullman Sleeper? New York to Wll Diinarton. ?ael Port Tampa. Alken. Anguata, and M ?i a.n. Arrive? Peterarurg 1? M., Weldon 11 JO I?. M. Muk?* loeal st'iis b> tw??B P?t?r?burg and W?l 11 40 P. M., I ?ally. Arrive? Peteraiiursj I v:-.-?. A M , lynch. < & Is A M? R.tan.'ke 7:16 A. M. iir: .t.i ? v. r M P illraai P'.??n?r Richmond to Lynche? burs __ TKAIN*. ARJUVB BICUMOID. 4 ?JO A M Palay. a"*fO?B J J.?aa-"ltvl!l?, S* \.iiiia;?h, Charleston. Allanta. Talacoii, AaausU, ?ii'J all point? South. B IS A M.. Pally, ??cept Sunday, At lanta, Athen?. Raletgf?. lien? toa, LynchLurg, ??.ud the ?A. B-3T A M , Pai:>. Peteraburg local. H ?Mi A M.. Sunday only, fro? Atlanta? W Athens, Kaleiah. Hemlersoa, I M-urg. und the Wsjst. II o5 X. M . l'-"> Norfolk. Suffolk, aad I'eter?burff. S-ee P M . Pally, Jacksonville. Savaiv nah, Cr;arl?-?ti.i?. ?tViltnlna? ton, 0'>lds?boro', an-i all point? South e SS P. M , Pally. Norfolk, Suffolk. Wa ve, ly, and Parlei.huia U.od P. M-, Pa.'.y. Petenl.urs. Lynch* J imraf. and th? Wtst, |?s Oil A. M . Sunday aecuiBni?jdatlon. T '-to P M.Sunuay accmni' .fat. A. R. KKNLV. T. M RMKllSOM, General Man.igtr TnifTl. Matiager. H M reMKRSt>r?l. General Pa a?-rig er Afc-vat. C. B CAMFltRLV Ja M Division I'eas.-t t,-r Agent. WASIIIM? 10% HUl.l'|,UK MIM tilg 111 1I)UL UllfCUS HOT-AIR PtKNA'JLa RANGES. CO? ?KIN?*,. AND aEROBKK. ?a^jSafiiHs*? tX\i,lW&. PLUMBING. TINNING. AND GAsV P1TTINO ALL KINDS fKl'AIHIN'il PROMPri.r ATTKNM?D TO JOHN ROWERS? as 1-d?ra Ko. 7 Qoverncr atreet : . . j .. \ . ?. i ? . ? v. GROVES TASTELEsi C?II I TDNIC 18 JU8T AS COOD FOR ADULTS. Warranted, price ?octs. . Oalatia, Il ut., Not. 16, WBS. r? ? M.-diriue Co.. (si Louis, M?. ' i. Wo ?old Uul year, QUO ly?Uee of : ,-iMI-.--? rillLl. TONIC antl bave . ''''< Una? groa? MitM-J. this year. In all ?erex Lf 14 jrvars, lu the drug buslneaa. bave , uriicln lUatgavv such uui?*re?l saus? "*-? ?a yvu? To*???;. Yours trulr. A!ML?.t'AKa ?CO? t?o 7-Tu*F8m)