Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATOH-THURSDAlf, OCTOBER ?, l?-?8. -1-1-. ' ata. _ blessi?iirs upori nil things connect?* snd pertaining to our seminary. DR riNI.KY'S ADl I?r i sl v *r?**<at*?v<?d the keys an? g l acknoi? H< l-1"1 ' c tribute t?> (bo committee and iher of th?' architectural beauties si -BsgjM'etnts-j of the building?, re In beautiful terms to the ohltgatl th?? Jnsiitutlon to Messrs. W. W. and Q W. Watts for their mu' g.fis. Taking a *?' v|,'w work ?h?? sp. ak.t tra.'.l briefly the of the Ruining Ctnrnralttee, and pr a Wondrous success for the MM% now entering Rs new bom. to t. I tua Ron of the M work. "For this," he said, "w- d revarentlslty pray " In conclue*? Int i o?: Dr. A. W Hopk stown, W Y.i. who offer' di-dicaterv prayer. This pi In Ihfl most < loquent lnt"-' Divine guidance for 'bos.* who conduct the institution and by teaching* dlaslmlnatc the Oosr the Btterraoet cob irth. The minister returne?! for th. nea but :"r !h"' ' of the seminary in the past, and be .?,. ? ! upon the InstI ita facility, students, and friends. Aft.r the prayer, Mr?. France? In n rtch contrail - vol. <-. sang aa i "Awake. My Soul" I'K Ci Y'.KK S F.!.'.?'ri.NT TJ l?r. T. L Cuyl? r. *.? address of Hie occasion, was dui-i'rt and he apob the work ?>f the Christian m said In the outset, that he owed of d? . tude to Viruiiii. Pr? rlanfsm. for ?t was while a stud? l'rlr.cetfin thai he wai : Presbyterian I h r h at the f< 1 Rice, a n?-'?.?l divine whom VI had glv. n t" \ht CI rcl H that th? maj ?: thits ol.1 Commonwealth, nn.i humo asserted: "80 you ae? if 1 am no ginia horn. I am Virginia bei gy." Coming at once to the serious s hh? eddress, th< speaker said the m of all ml ' ' stand sldi b> aide with the Ambai of the Kin?; In soul*. Their mlision, in shor! bfid men co...: men beit.r Pulpit oratory, h? lly attraci Dtlal ?".!' a minis' He must kn"W ' the re? -sage of Christ I man behind the inenaoge; h Christ In Mm ' *i mi can't at ters here." he raid. "They an can them In their growtl ing th.? Stmosphera ??f this instit SWOOtr) ' I fil ' Hi"' rrsy.r w" oi Bptagfiis'i soccesa. Young mi ya. eaa'i praj res coa't pr? must be Bble to eoarerss with 1 y>u mer." BQUABBLT OB TUB BI Tbe I'rilori sl BeSfltl Cuyb r . nth* led aosld Bot I gratMl p. w bom.- had It aot sis rely by th? Bibl? the aUalstry "Bib built pr? 1 h. rs." man e*Mhout splrtt?ia1 iMsckboi to fil the ood-glvei " ais wha-.m It hit. without a trembll knees, had reason, Dr, Cwylee great emphasis, to doabt if hi? call to ministry came from Ood. T? |s t'-. great themes which ?a great pr- ichera said Dr. Cuy "'!? nil *?mir atudeuts t?? handle il themes. Woe to the man Who BttCSI to hanflle a great them? without gfl equipped thercfe>r. It will crush hi The pronenes* of heresj to creep in . i \ a r \ > ton- >ied on h> the I d in . phaslstag this Id. 1, he said in s Ml. Sinai was almost fading v obscurity 'i he belief In sa int sn infinite atonement, and aa erertean lore and forgiveness was. Dr. Cuj aid. the fundament sl principle of Oosp?M he had been taught and which i .nd on this 1 largely, if not altogether, the salva! T'-.? only . SlUl was to pico h sermons, marrj the voi f' IK bary th" lead, snd vii It the sl * ' ' bringing souls t" Heaven noi 1 nuHn ?if br.-iins in VtrgiBtS STOUM think ent-ring the mlnlstn. "Spurgi ?aid." he continued "'1 sm lbs man:.: of personally conducted touri to !! < ? and that is what every minist The rmifli. t b< ' fl lologj and * ology was ton. bed on, and th? said he feared at time? the foi s almost dethroning, the lattei The ,!> of mi- n. .-h .law n the el IB aectotog) was empl d and their tl to .! cry int- mpei d to ?i? noui th.. man who puts th? bottle t?. bti bt ther's lips WSfl dW< I! upon at Bfl leng.h. f. in th.- pulpit w advocated In no unmlstakabl? terrai as aa ss< mi- 'i tBii 1 ferrad to 1 lamented ftt v. Ot John 11 ill, a I cess, he seid, w ia due to his unfllnchi and anfslllni faith In the Bible, end I fearlessness m expounding the Gospel contained therein. PAST?. ?RAL w 1 ?UK in ths Pr? . ?.n. h, Dr. Cuyl Said, tht 1. WS I sail net.!. work. The pastor's duty was to look a t?r delinquents and bring th. in In! I I Chin- h. Attendant on s ibbsth he said, waa, m bla i- inf. dwlnd year. While the pi oui se 1 ? th?.- Cospel from th. ir pulpits M...! ; - w< 1. t..i nlng ??..t .. ter which wa? having Us effect in dlSOt lug the min?!'. ..f tbs church m. tnli. end keeping them si home. Continuing ins address, Dr. Cuyler . "In addition to . menta power with the su,-..??ml minister : ready ram, .1 1 might add the skill organising and conducting spiritual m Chinarles of various kinds. This Is very important quality, IflVOlvtag be grace and wh..t w- familiarly call 'gum tion.' 1 mlghi a.i.i the iBdiapenaabl? 1 q.ilslte of i'.'isci? titi'.us Industry m whole-souled devotion t?. the 'high CO In?' of the minisiii "Ru? 1 pr, f. r. bt fore ? losing, to dir? you to il.. w?rfe every man ymi tram in this s. minar and that is st? :. hing t be B 01 all. th.- pulpit ts the arinlster's thron FYom tiiat he srtelda h.s laflu? heart?, sad pTOClslBU hi- BMSSBl of et? rnal lift. I allure In the pulp means death. l'..w.t in the pulpit is tl highest Joy Ibis Bids Ol H< "l ..m to ?i ? sddi. ? ilng a south.1 audience sad Is tbs dty wbsrs Patrl Henry on... thrilled the a ho wnh his eloquence. Here, and now, plead for eloquence In the pulpit as talag t" p.- look.-d for, t.. b.? Bought fo to he prayed for, to i..- atriv? : mighty element of aptritual sowei Wba is . ? it truth in sarnest? it i tin- mind's best WOTdfl BpOki n in ih mind's hist momenta. When Qod's trut g-t? full possession of a minister' when hII his t?t?*i*.tbtllt!es are si and his Byaspatbfeta are In full play: wh hi? sail becoaaaa lamlaaas until the m ?...i glow bias.-? tbreagb every looi taiiri nein. ; whoa the whole man 1 tbe Impersonation of H?avoi truth then Is he honestly and Irrlsistibly a h. quern To this, a great head is not sl ways essential, but a great heart is In d>-i?nsable. NO por TAMBNBtS. "Where should we look for lb. genuine realisation ..1 the puipu' When ness or wearieoms atupMltyT Wh? Btetl-fct tied fur:' . a man of mod?rai? i: SS_ **_ " ?"iv npttW S_ "_, 1 of Jesus Christ has t,.,t oui) the toniast of themes ...,.1 th, -most ,..,?. '_ ?mal lalvBtlon of soul l _. b"??k . ,he mos, peerless of ,?.,,?: subPrne in b __>UUn? th"1 ,!< **** in pathos, and Irreslattbl* in arg .,Z Y"UnK ," alwav. nurturing > ,.? rmal. a?U(i ,.1>f, ****** where John Hilton red bel 'Which hail t.,,,,-,. ?Hg , wul(, ?; ?gerty and law bHu-.d ,h, V?r " **<*? ,.f paradlas, may ever be amid the . *_bh inspired John ? saatsBlsss diwu,. gad tauabt .?,. Taj. lor hl? hesree-llke tnelodi*??. Paul Is ?lwa.v? at your elbow to teach you tren , hunt argument, and John to teach you r psTsuaslons, and you must have heart? of steel If you aro nover moved to ' ? In tlte cliamb, r <>f heart-broken Unvlil or under the ollv>-?trass >?f fleth tsemnne The B!l?I? ??wiyps the whole circuit of human life?rea? hing up to th loftiest and down to the lowliest afT.its t.f every one In your congregation. Th. same divine pencil that portrayed th? fla.?hlng splendor of the Apocalypee con ,i, a ?nils |0 etch for us a Hebrew mother ben&'lng c,ver a cradle of rushe?, a village mal.!??; bringing home the gleaning? of a baV-ley-fleld, and ?i penitent woman weeping on tier Saviour's feet. What earnest minister will hesitate to intr LatO his pulpi' a homely scene ?. homespun character, a personal ln< dent, a death-bed experience, or ai familiar Illustration drawn from the flei the ?-hop. the fireside, or the. nursery 7 TFACH BT ILLUSTRATION. "Our Itivlne Teacher taught largely I Illustration drawn from a sower In ti plant by th? ? t Ift kneading her "" i." or sweeping her floor ' ?shilling. N?vcr mak? your iliustratlcu gaudy, sinn.?d?glssa windows for me ornamentation; make them clear, tran par. nt gta . e i.t <,o<l's truth into tt ie his ,-i i our ie ? ara, "Bvary tin- spun sued mln Chi .i a ie ih? r addrassing -i i u ture.I .liy aasembl) ,,i I ?ompiny < minen la i wastera camp, or the plaine rustic congregation, ought to rssllst thi he i- : mi,ail),I'd by an uii.-er n *ClOUd l Willi'.-,-es.' Th?' linht of eternity ?mi;! to pi iv about your pnlnital Keep befoi yon the Vision "t ths judgment day wit us Mparatioan Tour bearers win r thcr?-' And the position Of some of then ? ither among tbs saved or antong ths los ma?- ?i? Band i" a greet a free on th fidelity with which you fulfil yourastaBloi in view of such ?witnesses' and Buch trt msndOUS issues of life or death?Heave or hell bon 'm yon ever i?.- .-old. t listb-ss. or criminally Indifferent? J.?h Bunyon sait! tint bt -weal to his peopl aa in chains.' loha Walah, ??f Bootlaai Uaed tO rise in the night and wrap btat self in his plaid and BOUT out his h. .r in ?i TIIK PULPIT A 1MU1FIER. "The sovereign -stimulus to the mos tantee! olosueaco ami the most tloojuen earnestness In the pulpit is that Its ap p.ais take hoi,] ,.n eternity. But its in fluent-.- BhOUld be felt also m ? very rela tion Of ?v i.\ daj life. Tour pulpit, mj young brother ?when you reach in. oughi to be i purifier and a sweetener of ever* home. From your pulpit the nun of bUBl nesg should tagrn the 'golden rule' 01 honesty, and the humblOBt son Of tOI should ham the dignity of labor?en n.,bled by the example ?,f ISSUS, thi P? nier Of Naaarath, Refere your (rulpll the Oitlnen Should breathe an atmospher? of su?h crystalline clearness thai i & BCSBl in""' IhS Hades of political intrlgu. and corruption would i?, instant suffocri tion. ThS patriot should find Ids minis!-, loyal to the *righteor. neat that ht pre.cheB*; tag maiden should i?- the purer faff his modesty; tbe BtTUgglll k youth should find hi. up-hill clainb? r tht . ? i>r an,i tbe safei for bis ???s., word? ,.r haart] cheer, and aa Ufa's rough high way :' ? bleeding suSerer should b>- Sung in',, a tlii, kel so dark gnd de. p, but ov? r him ?hould bend Christ's mes?en>. path*/, pouring into his wound? the oil ?.f compas-ion and ready to help him m on tils fast. -TOstng !.' " ! n. now students In this tiobi, tsralnaii >"u ai?' for a tbroot S throne tlu,t ?in archangel mlglu Wh. a the tlnic eximes BUsJ mount that throne in the imparte?! might ?if Cod, leavln. self burled beneath the lowa-st step. Fee! everything. Fear no-1 thing. Wkea moral COnsUeta rage hottest tad you; when error?? abound sad ??., : Lium ss lncrea?eeand Satan?fTOWB de ?Ah.-i, ejautsiilencj;' ?uupers com- ' promise' and white-lipped cowardice coun aels 'retreat,' then fling abroad nv>ro bravely the ?n??w-wh!te banner of th* Truth sa It 1? In Jemis Christ.' Hoi?! it aloft until old age dim? thy vision, and until the death-shadxW's darken o'er thy brow. And when you fall In that high. holy post of servie? may that ?now-white banner wrap 'round thee aa thy winding sheet. AN ELOQUENT PERORATION. "I cannot ?lose without expressing to you my heartfelt gratification that Vir ginia Prcsbyt. rlanlHtn ha? tome to tho ?il of the Commonwealth and rett ed it?, citadel and run up It? bluo ensign ' to float in th? air? <>r Btaavatt? fan ban well christened one? of your new stt. tures with the good ??id historie name 'Westminster.' For M years the W. minster confession has been our cheti? Bd symbol of faith; it emphasizes t ravetalgnty of Jehovah In ths heave and the klngahlp of Jesus Christ bt I Church. Lay Beep foundations for i your- BOW ; I "Ui Ul and 1'itl.l of so! rial; lor a*aare Ptf bj I com .. if ? .'in. to lay. it is n 1 iddk ? .; to '.?, w departur. i,' In theo \ine:;a. ".eau thai 'Pi kna b ' l, I V, 11 Word tea? hi our to l< .- i : w< p no id ths im. , \, latlon. ii. tbytei been s most be .! poWl r in IbJ I '? Hd I ?"million' ar i tu oughoul the a hole Am. i ii-1- iron bas > ut. i? 'i Into tbe H.-r stilliv I tht "l"i lias, impai t'.i b e i.' "ii" to th< oonaol. ace. Pn ibj tei ml no I , for the i -, " of God, the Ii suthorit) Bible, the ?] trinity of Jesus ? letnacy ? tnca, an?i the majesty of law, H< literatura bai ?enriched ihe Obrarles ? ail denominations, and her scholarah I h -, eai risd the ns ? und Ho. d Edward Roblnsoi .nd B -al'-r, BE Thornwall, and many others oxer ti Isnd sad \? hue preabi tsrlaalam is as staunch as steti ha enCr, to her OWB BtSJadardS, she is thi rougbly tweed tnd frato rnal ti wains our- f.iiovv Christians In ota. alaga of ?Christ's Church. We keep op? doors m?! "i'ii pulpits, an?! < j> n torn mUniOfl table and open I carts for all OU Bister churches, and there Is net a Magi i lety or *! oung Men \ ".latlon or City m BOQaSt or any other unecclestsatloal organlss Hon of Christian charity that does at draw liberally frcm Presbyterian pur?? and prayers BANNER OF WESTMINSTER. "Much as we l'"?\>' ami warm!. cherish tbe d< u* old historic -word "Prat byterien,' yel 10,068 leagiree abov. word In the , I ar upp? I sky II the 'nam, above ovary n u ie J< n i 'in'i t, Kim ??f Km. and Lord of Lordsr "I'nfurl from these tOWSTS ths & IT Oil bin.- banner ol ?\ ? ttmlnst? r,' snd i ai., it th,. St ira and Strip, minder that love ot , ountry si,,.. bob! t,. love of ehrtet "But far .bc? t tb, in both. In th. upper sky, Soul oal the giorlout ?now? White banner Of I - .,; Calvary "Cod grant thai tasas new .?nd bsanti fui . ?iitie.. feuad. d an tha Ro? t at ,1 ga a grand ? Of ' iih,,doxy, until the Mist n the mlllenlal dawn flash on their towers. ..mi th- s.- walls echo aad raoouni aitb :ho acclaim, 'Hallelujah, Halw-luj .h! The Jesus Chnst ' tiintp' : it R? IgaOth. Aaaen, a men!* " When Dr. Cuy 1er took his scat an al nost deathless flUenci pervaded the to?m, m.i it was only brok? . w l.? ti Ci-.iuin l-'i.itik W. Cuiin with wondrous aweetnt-ss, sang "Your Mis don." l?r. Flnlay then announced a telegram rrom Ijouisville Seminary, sending greet ings, and made tbe farther annoum that heiieeforih, -ther? would be ? two religious ?ervleee at tho seminary th ?Anbbath. He 'hen pronounced the ?enedictlon. The ?spence? Library Dedlrstto?. The exercise? in th?* afternoon were not 10 tar.ely attended a? those of the morn ng. but they were exceedingly interesting. ,h?*y were held In tho centre of th?? library hall, but the dedicatory prayer included lot alone that building, but the dorml ory and professors' residences. It was soiae timo after 4 o'clock when tlev. L. R ?Vrnbull. I). D , vice-president ?f tho trustees, called the gathering to ,?,|,r and announced the hymn. "I Love rhy Kingdom. Lord." which w i? ?un. ,y the congregation. Rev. I?r It I' K?--rr i was then introduced, and presented th ; keys to the building In a most ornate a< He said, in part: Mr. President, the long period of labe and anxiety Is now crowned with sui tes?, and as I walk about these grea buildings I feel that it is all too good t be true, and fear that 1 may awake t find it all but a dream. The present re gull to pray? A number of s bettered thai it was fc th? glory Of God and fot UM ad moot ?.i Hi.- Church that the seminar should i" i- rnorod; th it God wanted done; th? bOpsd end labored an prayed. We have nrach aaooey yet t raise, but the sea?aary hi her?*, and her it ail] r-inain for geaeratloas yet t .'. 'i number c Students already att? .-!.? tbS wisdom ' iii... i. moral to RlchmonA 1 must r? turn ihiiiks to all in thi .-ni ..t nun donosa! latloa and other, i .: ,i ?sptrtted dtla n. , who tribUted towalds the election of this buildings. Tht y WOTC generous, and, a we believe time ail] .-..on show, were ala trise ii' lending aid to a movement whlc mu-t. in.-', of all, be a blessing to Ruh mond. ??i- h Hi,h.i f? the as collent laymen of the finance and Build ing commltteee, who ban i mm of their vaiuaii. time t..: see judg mmt to the prosecution of this great Bfl terpi Building 'ommlt t? ' were u i-?- t .- : a. a! III. Cl Ml. ? llllh - H- 1?' id Jr.; as contractor Mr. N. e. s\ncarroa and superintendent of construction, Mr K. T. L?. Myers. Jr., as is seen by th. splendid results of their work. MR. OINTBR'8 DBATB DBPLORBD, "One source of deep regret to us all i that the groat-hearted man. Major L?ewi Quitar, who gars this peerlssi su.-, i? no visibly preasat with us to wttaeos lb? ? ?.m. - of tins historic occasion. to lay th'- laurel wreath of our gratl tilde upon bis memory to-day. "Tin.- splendid library building i.? th. gift of Mi. William Wallace .-. , the authorities of th.- seminary have de terminad that it shall pear the name o noble ?i"nor to all future generations V. ar. grateful for tbta magnittcen building, than which no handsomer on? | of its kind can be found in these Southen : Slat-.-. Th..s i to be the pl.t, e for ill ? wh.. us.- h? contenta?the place for hold ing Intercourse with the say,? s, statesmen I poet.-, in preacher? theologians of an sgea Here s bids th.; ?? minds that have Illuminated th< j world Here our young men will M'les at the feet of the great giants of all time. Rest of all. he?? the chi?-i text-book is the one of which Sir Waltei : <! tetaros.' 'There is but one Rook. These words, Inscribed in front of tht door of this room, are suitable, for all books must bow down to the Bible, and tin- beet In books has been Inspire! by ib-- t. o hings of this glorious volume. ! God forbid that the Integrity of the sacred shall ever be Impeached by any man who may call himself an alumnus ot Union Seminary. "God-speed d.-ar old Alma Mater! May millions rise up to call thee blessed, and we will give all glory to Father, ?Son, and H"ly Spirit, world without end. Amen. "Mr. Preeldent, in behalf of th- Build? ing Committee, I have great pleasure in handing you the keys of the William Wal lace Spen?e Library." ACCEPT THE KF.VS. Dr. Turnbull. on the part of the trus . BOOOPtad the keys from Dr. Kerr. and made a most Interesting address, tracing briefly the history of Union Theo logical Seminary. The building of this seminary. Dr. Turnbull said, was not the f.rst monument Mr. Spence had ? I which will perpetuate his; mem?)ry. He then told of two monuments which he had caused to be erected In Baltimore, and. continuing, paid a high tribute to the liberal donor of the building, charac terizing tilm as a pure-hearted, generous man i urnlng to Mr. Spence, who sat immediately In his rear. Dr. Turnbull called down benedictions on his head, and tendered him personally the "moat heart felt thanks of the entire Southern Pres byterian Church.' THF DEDICATORY PRAYER. When he concluded Rev. Peyton H. Hoge. D. D., of North Carolins, made the dedicatory invocation. He -?aid: We thank Thee. O, God, our Father, that . didst ?peak in tines past unto our fathers by th?- prophets, and that In ' these last days Thou hast spoken unto us by Thy Son. We thank Thee, O. in .ate Word, In whom dw^lleth all ihe fulness of the Godhead bodily that Th.,u hast revealed unto us the Father. \\ < thank Thee, O Holy Spirit, that Thai ; dost guide us Into all truth, taking the things of Jeaua and showing them un:o ua. And we bless Thee that when Thou didst move on the hearts of men to speak unto others, the things that were taught them of God, that Thou didst command them to write all thlngn IntBi r?*J0lce thet In this Book we 1 voice of our Father and learn to face; that It Is a lamp unto our ? light unto our path, and that ii shine ,-ver farther and brlghte, world darkened by sin; that It 1 of life whose leaves are for the of the nations. Into this butldln? in Thy name, we bring this Bf around it wo gather, a? planets 1 the ?un. those books that rec teuchlngs of men who have mo? drank at its fountain, and the men who have illustrated its ; and principles; ths histories thai Thy hand In Providence, and th? tigatlon? that discover Thy pova beneficence In nature. These thi lay at Thy feet and dedicate to 1 vice. Thou hast taught ub th things we have heard among ma nesses the same we should comrr, faithful men who should be able t others aUso. To this end we beseec to use this library and this lnst to continue ?his truly apostolical ?ion, that men may go forth froi quipped with a compete! iiarning to expound, enfon Thy truth, to the instruct! n of Thy Church and . %\ iv of Thy holy nam : blessings rest upon TI whose liberality we ow g. and grant him In a UTS the blessedness Thou haf to those who give, and th Thou dost bestow upon those wh cheerfully. And now, Lord, receive this w? our hands. To Thy car- we com? To Thy glory we dedicate it. A Th..-. Father. Son, and Holy Ghost we ascribe all praise, world wlthou Amen. GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. Dr. Turnhull read letters frorr Theron H. Rice, of Atlanta; Pro A. I* Nelson, of Washington an? University, and others, wishing tl stitutlon Ood Speed He then Intro Governor J. Hoge Tyler, who deli ths address of the occasion, Ai't. pressing his regret that matters of had kepi him from b?-ing present a ex? ri ist-s in the morning, his Excel said: "It was my privilege yesterday t gage in a service not dissimilar to This great nation of ours launched the waters of the James the mlgl battleship she ever put afloat, and was done, too, ar the same time commissioners in Paris are rapidl?, ranging a treaty of peace. During brief war just >r.-l?,l we urn wonderful works of our navy with and surprise, and when I saw thi.; v on yesterday glide down the way, our river I was Impressed with the Blbtlttles of that ship. "But to-day we launch a ship?a ba ship-in which men are to be tra?ne? service in th.? L??rd's army ami B The life of the Illinois, it is estlmi cannot BXCOed DM hundred years but the Ufo of this ship of C! will be eternal. It is, bOWBter, BOt in proviri,.' to dtaesjfg the probable w of this Institution; it is rather my ? to wsloosas you. HIS WORDS OF WELCOME. On the twofold ground of my of! Position In the Commonwealth of Birla and my personal interest in - venerable Institution. I have been quested to tender to the trustees, fessors, and students of Union Theol cal Seminary a cordial welcome on be of the citizens of Richmond on the caslon of your coming to occupy tl noble buildings, which have just . dedicated to God. and to begin the ?a of this renowned school of the propl for the first time In the capital of State and the metropolis of the south lantlc slope. Surely this occasion is to t.- marked with B red lerter alik? th.- history of the city and in the hist of the seminary. When WB recall w en to the country ; what this seminary has been to the ?a of ?'hrist, we cannot but VteW with f? hags "t th- deepest Interest the conflue of tv. treants of influence. i:\ci;. r i\ii'"i;TANT results. Ws r?aturall] .pact Impoi tant rest to the h..;; mrrests of our commun from the coming into it of so large a be of Godly men, who devote the whole their time and talents to the sj nit w. Bare of their follow?.realm aspect your institution to be a gri power for rtghtSOUSnssS, \A I ? ount c> Sdently upon your cordial co-operati in every good work. The fact that tl seminary is the oldest and Ingest Of t Presbyterian divinity schools In I South; the fact that you have this tt sion as a result of this change of loc tion an increase of nearly 50 per cer in the attendance of students; yo. steady insistence upon a high standai of BChOlarahlp f'"?r thS ministerial orn> the re, on! of your fruitful labors in tl mveaty?four ?ears of ycr previous hi? tory in the training of more than a tho. sand faithful men of God, who, as pai . and misslcnarws, hav preached ths everleatlns Ctoepel in ever ' the world: the high place whs you hold in the eonttdeno?- and esteem <: the Christian ?...pie of the land of ever name and denomination, and the com equipment with whie you an hers provldsd for your work, al conspire to justify the expectation o mir part of important results t,, tl". from your establishment in this centra and . ommandiiiiT location. Your OOBjnaV among us, therefore, Is to avant whlcl not only awakens grateful memories o the past and moves us to devout thank f' for the blessing* of the presen?, but Inspires us also with animatiri). hopes of coming good in the future. LARGEST DENOMINATION OF PRO TESTANTS. It Is my privilege, gentlemen, to ext?-. to you, as the successors of a long lit of Illustrious scholars, teachers, aa men of God, and to your honored insu tut'.on as the organised exponent of What .Id to be the largest denomination of Protestant Christians in the world, a cordial welcome to this fair city, which, f ?r more than a hundred years, has been the social ami political capital of the Commonwealth; which from its ear liest history has barm "the home of men whose distinction In the learned professions, or whose reputation as jurista, patriota, and sages ha? lustre to the State and the republic"; which has gained hiator.c renown se cond to that of no city In America, wnlih is adorned with numerous triumphs of the sculptor's art. and Is singularly rich In other Inspiring memorials of the glori ous past; a city which plays the leading part in the Industrial und commercial b.?. nt tha i-.imni.inwo.iIrr. which contain? hundreds of happy hornea and thousand of orderly, upright, and benevolent cits aena who are in full sympathy with th high ende for the promotion of which you Institution exists, and which is airead th-? seat of a large number of academi and professional ?schools, whose Influenc la felt throdghout the land. To th? goodly aggregation of educational In fluences it glvea us the. greatest pleasur to add this day the potent Influence 0 Union Theological Seminary. In the name of the peopl? I give yot most cordial greeting and wish you moa earnest Ood-specd. When the Governor took his seat th exercises were brought to a cloao wltl tho long-metre doxology, sung by al standing, and the benediction pronounce? by Dr. Turnbull. DAY OF HI? DEATH CHANGED. Governor Tyler Grants a Resalte t< Robert Morton. Governor Tyler yesterday granted a <* - splte to Robert Morton, the n-gro OSA leaded to be hanged in Petersburg f> morrow for the murder of Toney West moreland. Judgo Mullen, who psesMM at th? trial, telegraphed Governor Tyler he ha. tu? f.hjcctlon to the resplt.? lining grant.? 1. and tho Governor Ordered that the exe cution Off the sentence he postponed until November 4th. Shortly after Issuing the reprieve, how rnor received a telegram from Commonweal! h's-Attorncy Lai ring to the respite, being grant-?!. He therefore OSlled up Sheriff Watson, who is also the Jailer. an?l the latter m f.irm? d him that it was practically im? bis for him f<> arrange for th? ciithm of the mur'l.r.r to-morrow. Tbfl gallOWg 'ias not yet been CfSCtod. Th?* ?Sheriff further Stated lhaf he boSSVOd M per sent of the people of Petesobutrg en tas granting of the respite. Th* Governor th?-r??fore let UM crder stand, though had the dispatch from th?? Com monwealth's Attorney been recen? I gfl hour or two earlier, it wouhl probably not haw bOOB : sued, as Governor Tyler .'..'. popular disapproval of th.? exte.. Moa of tho prisoner's life might be sc strong as to BM Violent form. CHICAGO')? MAYOR IN RICHMOND. Mayor Harrison ami Wife Enter mined al Dinner by C.ov. Tyler. Mayor Carter H. Harrison, of Chicago and wife, were th.? guests of Govern?. Tyler at dinner last night. Other guest at dinner were members of the Governor' staff, including Colonel C. O'R. Cowardin ?Colonel Fred. Pleasant.?. Colonel W. 0 ton, an?! Lieutenant-Colonel Stern. Mayor Harrison and Mr.?. Harrisoi I up to Richmond from Old Poin with Governor Tyler, reaching here a I?? i;. yesterday morning. They r at the Jefferron. but were entert the Westmoreland club by Colon?* Cowardtn and Mn Cowtrdln. Colon?? Tonnant and Mrs. Tennant, and Coloafl Bkeltoa. In the afternoon Mayor Harrison, ac companted by several gentlemen, calle, at Mayor Taylor's office, but his Hono was out. Mayor Harrison and wife 1. r last night for the Natural Bridge, wher they will spend a short time, and wll then resume their return trip to th Windy City. Mrs. Harrison was formerly Mis? Edi?: Ogden. of New Orleans, and those wh met her here were delighted with her charming personality. LACY TO BE TRIED ON FRIDAY. A Tension Fraud I'n nl ?h.-.l ? l'.-..,-?-.--1 Inga in the I . B, Conrt. Thomas W. Lacy, who is al' have stobn and secreted the mail 01 Rev. Father Donovan, In the Richmond peat oStae, was before Judge Wadriil) ir the United SI itas Circuit i 'ouri | lay. and was balled for his appearanc? OU Friday next. In the District Court Michael Kelly wai >n trial f"r a pension ?i.ui.1. There Wen two Indictments against him. On one ol these he was found guilty, Hin! s? ntenced t?. twelve months in the penitentiirv while a nolle prosequl was entered in th?. other . Murray G. Brodle, charged with revenu?: violations, was on trial when the courl idjourned until this morning. India Patterson, who Is charged with passing forged currency, was Indicted by the grand jury. Robert Whltby. A. XV. Clay, and Oscar Ellis were before the grand Jury, Charged ' nue violations, but all were dia* ehargsA and ?"liarles Cannon were recog r their spfN n the sum of MM ?ach. THIS l?4 GBMMAbT-OATs It Will He Celebrated Appropriate!) at Siinuer Hull. This is German-Day, and it will be cele 1 In Biting style by the German Americans resident h>r>-. The celebration win b.- under the au. iptCCS of the Geriaaa-Amerioaa Associa tion, and will be bold in Sang- r Hall. Th? I will commence at 4 o'clock lr the afternoon, and will continue througt until 1 o'clock In the morning They wil !..- conSned to members of tl and their families, this rratrictlon betas - irj ' I of the limited Banger Hail, though the sxen I held la th>? garden as well as the halL A children's entertainment In the after will be a feature of the programme d the older folks aill be entertain? ?3 bowling contest and theatricals ginning at ?k. The f.-atur?i the evening Will be ; by Mr jri Reuhrmund. Dancing will conclud? lintnent. \ >* ?*/ LAW Firm. Messrs. Henry R. and John Garland Pollard have formed a *jopartBerablp foi the practice of law, with olfices at UK east Main street. The senior member ot the firm, Hon Henry R. Pollard, t? on? of the be?t-known lawyer? of the city. and State, and wa? recently i tbe office of City Attorney. Mr. John Garland Pollard, a nephew of his partner, has attained high rank at the bar. and has published several legal worka. wtii. h have won for him a high reputation. Of 1.030 housewlve? In Almelo. Holland, who were consulted as regard? the de sirability of abolishing night work for baker?, .11 but ten favored the measure. t? \ /*T ^CH-rlC-Y/ >P.W? ft Omaha, October ti. 1M Th York day at the gnat Irai,- \| .. . tsippl Kxpoaition. Bmpire > i zeu? arenero in, Ohaimcey M. I>**p?"w Is sehet] the orator of th?, ?< .- ,?.,| w , ? doubtless be in hlSaass?*??! winnl We're also winnm?-* evei with our wonderful bargain*, m Clothing, Hats, Shoes, ?ind Fur? nishinj?s for men s an?I : ter wear. This Great Sale of Sak*?' Pier? chandise is ra-n-Uv :.- ( end?the immens.? */aln< inr? willinir tak.i?., and Tuesday ni.irht (prjaHivi i\ of this sale] vonr ?-ii.ii. secured your fall and irin, tit at a litrle over liait" prii have been tak.-nby SOD 11 some one on tbe alert tot i saving opportunity -, 0. H. Berry & Co., Outfitters. THK N ITIOS IL ?. on nvh?i, inifien Dafaala iii-<i.?u?n Soore, | lo 1. NEW YORK. w. atber I Brooklyn. Y-mk-t : fourth innimr, When, wir! i he Save Jud. Smith a fres in a run. A 1? In the oth?-r. UVjmni; ht the Senators fi? Ided mea ?rere on be Th. pi vented I tendance, MO 6 i i Brooklyn . w.i hlnjrton .. B m? i le S ig. : i .iint arid Fa ?Tell. I'm!. x' Tim?? of game, i lour PITTSHi '!: ;. * SI L It, LOul Maupin. a MlSSOUl i game. He ?lid well w, ikened In tl out a victoiy Stenzel \? ? Warner in the eighth .: puting a decision The second game wbb c?i third inning on account of ?1 i ,. tendance. 500. Score: I St. Loult .00 0 0 2 1 <i 1 " Pittsburg . . ? Bat? " tup?n and Clement?; Cro nin. Tannehill, und S, hri\. I'mplres: Messrs. Bwsrtwood ner. Time of game. 2 hour- ne*. POSTPONEMI WASHINGTON, Octobei Baltimore and New Y.>tk 1':. I? ?aha games postnsmed on account of rain. SCHEDULE F at Brooklyn. B Utimore at N , af 1 Plttshurff at Lou:, ville IB : H.iw 'i UK CLUBS s? \ w Boston . Baltimore .H rue:inn in .I ( l.-v.-land . 77 Chicago . S| N- W Vork . M Philadelphia . Pittsburtr .?as?. > Louisville .?.'. Brooklyn . II ?iniiton . tit. Louis . MOHItlS I'UIK 14 a. El. Gund dltaadaaaa in Igtte si TlireuteaiiiiK- Weut her NEW YORK, i.i, t.,b. r .V-Ther- . good attendanos al Morris Part in spit?* of the threatening we.i in the BBOOa : ?ant wa*. a backe,) favoiil Swamp Angel, al tl Of 1.", to i. u.-nt to th? fl Of the flaif, and ?v.. n nlng all the B I Fn - Governor Budd (I to 1) a ? 3 and 9 to 1) second, M? third. Time. 2:51. 05 to 1? won II. ?>l!i. l) second, Haiiion i, to l) third 1:1". 1-4 Third MM ? ?rive and < Filigran (5 to '-'? v. and ? Tim'-. 1:2i Fourth rnc?-?one mile-Sw if':. !.. a Ronald (7 to 1 an I Consul.i (II to 1? fiilrd. i in . I 12 Fitth ra'-e-nve furlongs I ?a ml ?von. Oold. n 1 ?i?. I ?7 to : cond. Avoca (I lo i? third I Im mil.- i won, <> CJ to 5 and 1 to third. Tims 1:4*7. LATONIA ?TINNERS CINCINNATI, ? tobar I - l- ! ?t Lato First race- ?U fui (4 to li won. School G second, R. B. Sack ? 1-11*4. Bocea i nu ?*??-ix furlongs B i (eveni won. 111 Q second. Bob Reed ?.? to l? Third race?mile and an tifbl I ?net ,, ,2 t?. 1? won. Ideal !' 4 to 6) second. Jam! Tim.-. 2;<?1 1-4. Fourth ra< al. f. won, Howitzer I.? to John Boon? tl to 1) third. Time F Mi an third. Tim- l ' ?? ?ill 1 .1 I- I ! . S s. '/ m , Lilil??. I Fifth race- five and ? :iss Patron O to : el | to li -;.:. ! I: .? ...Ird. Tim 8lxth race??K furl 6) won. Tl cond. Con ? to li tl 1:20 I ,,l., Tr??ul?le?. (N. ?v York 1' of Tobacco. The ml. It Is late now to go tbe I Tho death of 1 o.' the ? bicco Tra'b mark A ' in St. Louis trying to form tbe < tal TobiH-.-o COB Thi? company wa? ft tion with the Am. 11 pany. Soon after Allen? I aitt. Myc:? Camp. tobacco and cigarette? 10 > gave notice of another eut last Monday. The Company i , tember 6th. and the .?. bacco Oomoany anrwuaesd ' cut by giving gratis goods on of Its brands 4tti.-ml?>ii of *??*? *.!. (Judge.) "My impression i- be?-*n the tall boarder, -that Spain B - cede"? "It would be mor. ed tho ?oi??mn beard. ' gone to seed." The Itaalaari K?ir?ilt?irr. The hand??,in? furnltur? <>f IB? cent new building? o? l'iu??n Th< i Seminary, which itttra I I attention on th? part of th>*c ?ho "" tended the dedicator. | * * '*. bought from Meyer?. Fou?h??- and I street. Thi? enterprising firm < >' upplied large pan of the furniahia*?? for th? building?. *s_ y?M? t jj. KsWaO WATTS HALL OR THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. ML'i"" * **-*+ 'f->- -?r K"S"""t?* -.?? |Claaa_?s_aVS<? WESTMINSTER HALL OU DORMITO*? BUILDING* O-?>."??_ TUL SPKNCL LIBRARY.