Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1899. -_ The Millinery Show Continues Again To-D?y at . m _ We aro told it's the best ol ?***& T *_?___ a-?* Hn^ ? - th<- 1 ' .nil> that ?I.? ^l\CM _-*jf |.fT_wIl fl liants tho eve is form tile exqui TO^yUMrlM \14 site Hat? and Bonnets. There 3 JtS-k r I ^TsCsa-o llsJ a,? *V4nUr\s\ glows from LflaO, %\ ^v ?v-aV t>* Red, foiled by the Greens ami Browns. There in all rich tints that dyers hare caught from thy urtnrm leaves, w delightfully minted among the soft vel vets, tin* glistening silks, the floweiB and hird plumage that <>n<? <' can only drink into the spell-hound eyps the hi -aiily-scla me l and lender at the art that conjun'd it. ' There ?s elegenre far meet important occasions, there is immYst beauty for het\\een-lini<s wear, hut then4 is style and ?propernese in the amples. Hat here shown. This is the last of the reception days to vi?*w and enjoy ll... V?/>', ni \-_l.. ?iv >i in t.ll it< fiiliinaii 4 ??su ngsM ron wiimia. There I.? mn< h 9t ?t SflBdS Uuut pile? it; and there is much I ? making, bo much lituiy work l>y t!i" p? paspk urbe hare families to provide f snd so litt!- p. y fr tin* wa.rk on ea piecf. that asedies bad staffers saust si quickly SB seams, to make pay Mi enou to koep on livlni.. And BS ch> lp U4 menta come-, SBBOOth-prsOBed by * tailor's (ssoae int?? v..i looks, i > rtsl to buy, so soon to bsCOBBS sT?babb*f ni out of St We follow dUT? rent methods. Tho bfl Isrness stteks bom ei ererj garaient. :?i tho itSei*encs IB cool <>f what a man es hurry tblOVth aiul what lie MB do 0" 1? very small; ton sin.ill for t!. loa? in Btyls and A aboi story of tlv t a an Il ! - ? ?> : At UM Sun- "I la avi-w. Ulit camel'; serge. In Black, f. -i.?utr-iiy are mads al rerj point, aults not B?ttel sd aaj a h>.- ? at the pi lee. Swaii Tailor-Ms in handaom Thibet cloth, Ions, cutawajr eoati lined ?throughout with heai taffeta, m v. nan akirt, lor }: Tailor Suits, Of Knight' \ i'ii m? cloth dotib d, light fitting coai?. trimmed with button? aou skirt, wiUi circular t".x Bounce and lined through with heavy taffeta 12i : '. Ail-\V(.?>i Black Serge Bklrta lined wit! the best per? aline lining;, for tZM. Black it ion skins, the latest cut ?mi heel llnlni Haadsorai Black Skirt?, of camol'*> hnir Berge, Btltched circular flounce, liest percalln? lining, and \ Ivel bound, for UM. Handsome Cotoied Crepon skirts, in chanceaba) effecte, trimmed ?vlth firs satin bands, extremely Btylish for UM Tailor-Made Suits, of camel*s-balr, in nine. Brown, and '?r.:\. tight-fitting coo?, lined throughout with heavy silk, flotine.?.! skin of latest ?hapi Uns lined, foi - Suits, of fine covert eioth, ftr-fronl cuat, lined throughout with' plain Mtln, ?perfect skirt?. t rcaltne lined. 04.30, no?? ?i. nv STAUT.? AOAU1 T??-J?AV. TIII.Y ARE AM. PKIU-KiT, FINK ?OOI'S. Scarce 1 duzen pairs alike, and there more 1.1X10 dozen pairs In this lot. Ladles", adOSSflf, b"ys', and ' !?il tiren'.??. About ?me third only the cost Is the price range. BjHJ pairs Ladles' Fancy Scotch I' and Stripes, or Solid Mack, Tan, Gray, and Haihriggan Hose, tip to - ''' S pair, your pick lie, pair. 3 im? palm Liedles', Misses', aad ?'iiii ticy Plaid, Stripes, and S'?iid Ho ' . Including Boys' Heavy Solid? Illack Ribbed Bicycle H? s, real value would be 19c your pick of this lot le. s pair. LMU pahrs ladles*. Misses*, and Bore* .- ami Bolld-Blsch Boss, costing up to lift pair, ?j i- i. Ladles' Imported Booteh Fancies, or Solld-BlacB Ri.-h"lieu, Hermsdorf dye, they an- what you pal.l '?'.. U, Bnd lie. for, now any lur lie. pair pain Misses' sad Boys' Solid-Black, Fine Medium, ami Heavy Ribbed HoSO, ilfiul'l. solas, knees, heels, and toes, nil siz?.?. sk*. a pah*; you can piuk _C rabies oui of this lot. A HAPPY DAY WHIN* THIS IIOISKWAHE IlEPARTUEVr was opened to ttie Richmond pubHc. BSVlng after BBVlng -very day you visit it. Preedea Decorated Lampe complete with globes for He. i ach Han,'.some Brasa Banquet Lamps lor $i.rz> each. -Si/..- Laundry Baskets, >\ith li m lien over top. for 10c. each. Oah Parlor Tablea, He. saco. Instead of He. Dainty China Cream Pitchers. Is each. White Porcelain Plat!;. made In France, for le. ?'.'ich. Large Tallow Baking Diebes, se. r?ch. bMlver-Plated Salt and Pepper Shakers, E* , each, Instead of ISc. a loi "t Pins !mp.)r??,i stcei Coffee s' 'i Tea-Pote, ii and U.50 valu . *j e? Clal for lo-ilay, 2.1V. < h ?le ?. i. panni d P*oot-Tubs f ?i Me. each, ?ne Dab Easels, that were 7:.c, for each. Beautiful I'M? Plctaias. in Wbtte frames, were _?. iw ...? . ,,.. THE COHEN CO. THE COHEN CO MARRY AT ST. LEGER. (IIMDIIM. lOlNf. LA1IY OF 4 11 BS> TEI?IIKI.1) WMDDMD DilTKRUAY. OTHER ITEMS FROM THE SOUTH SIDE D.nll? ??I Mr?. Iiirt-, of r..x? li.stmi hi.ii.i. B?saselas f??r p???t-otne??*--Mr AdHtaaou in??! Family Itelurii?Sue <-< ??> - to Mr, (. i". Meara. "St. Lr-Bcr." the piensan? boms of Pro ? '.' m Chest, r> ii?i?i county, was the scene "f a varj ?ratty wedding yesterday atternooa ai 3 o'ei.ii'k, win n Prof, ssor Mon only dnagater, Miss Nsanle Thornton t ime ti-..- i,ni,- ,,: Mr. ? orge il. Blood ?if Shssi ? - onnty. Quit? anmh. i of frl.iuls of the family \\,i> pi -, witni>*- the i'i'mon.?, and to wish tin yniin?. coni'i?- sean) years of hsnplnesi and UM'l lllll.SS. Tat bride eras attired in a suit of browt nod ?-.itri.,1 ?? i.oin'ui t of I.? Fran? r,,.-,*--. She la a very popular ami .'i?-e,,m. plit-hed lady. i ha bai tHim-ht in tin : the eounty, am. la i tri.mis ami admirai 0, -?'r Bleed trai attetvded by a btathet of tin bri.i., Mr. w. J. MorHaaette, of Rieh? m,?o,i. acting aa i" ?1 man. Mr. Blood is ?i well-known planter <>i Sussex <ind very Bauch aslessaed by an h!s Hc?iuainti?ii?->a, HT. and Mrs. BlOOd left for their trip at 7:30 o'clock ??v-r th? Norfolk and West ern road. Tb, has Just re c.-iv? ?i a Buady Unis re? ?rder, which It used to ladlcate the moment when the ear.-i. is leave ?mil when tin y return. Th. teOQfdei ta ?iiiit. ?i curiosity .iml a imi.iui Slid useful flcqulsitlon to th? OttSO, di, \TH OF AN AOKD LADT. IiitflliK.iice of the death of Mrs. Elisa? beth Fon-, ?m asad lady of Pon county, but w?-ll known in this city, was red in Man. heater > ? sterd i* . Mrs. r-Vire ?lie.i at the residence of her ?,-1,', Mr. Robert si?-.i,i. Ti nuh:. In the ?.?."?th y-ar of h> r age. D - l was sun k?n with paralysta about taro weeks aiio. sad rallied but little i< ti?>?n that timo and h?-r death. She tras th.- widow of Cil-tain W. A l'or? , a well known and i;r? atly-esti ne'J dtlBSa Of Ch.sterliel.l. The funer..! will take place t,.-,l?.y. Mli. ADAMS. >N lUtTURNS Mr. and Mrs. a. L. Ad?*>atson and daugh ter aimai in the city yesterday .'Horn ing from Manchester, Eng., ??here they ?|x-nt two months of the summer. The. tar?e arg sallying las bent health, aad Mr. A.lainioii was cordially gT I t? d wherever be ?i|.p>.?r?.i on the streets y?-s terday. il?- Is an ?T^gllshman by i.'uh. but I? very fond of lis adopte.| home, and appear?*d to be sim-er? ?y glad to be lack ?tKain. i.KKMAN SEASON OPENS The Maililie.-l'r Cotillon Club, of ihlfl city, will sjtve us '-1,'iiini; gertann aa l'ri day evening, the Hth. '1'ln- affair prom ' ? be aapactally attwettve ami r*a* Joyal.l.-. Hufus .lackson, a negro man, was ur ? yestsrday naarning on a wmrnt charging him with being ol unsound mind. Thl? I? the second colored person who lia?, baag ?Treated aa tiiis i-barge thi? ?"??ail I' !. '.",,r?. y. of th.? City D? mo.i..ti, Committee, has railed a mi-etln? of that body f,,r this evening at o'elo-k ?ki the Police Court. A ?UCC? :s?,I |,, M, J.- ?,?,?.?,. WllO v >*? Wled by j. Peni - ,- will be Arrangement? will be dlacu ?or tu- n i .,, ,., hl; , ,.,.,.,,., ,. nmMOMAiM and saue! . M,r " ' l?': l a at Bratee muff on a bUk!iv-*?s i ? , ??f\f' J{ ' " In ChfiS CSlliugOB Am\Wn K; y !:,??kl"r.h.'ii? i? ?Isttaag ?1, fan,! y ?r . Iftb street ''tu Bectlon Commit i.-t have been meet In the council Chamber tins ? veiling at 7:::" .. .lock. Mr. Ira W . Alley is i.tiite si?-k at hhl home, the Mason farm, on the Nlnth Btreet road. CUptaln OeOrgS W. Meredith, of Mon roe. H. ?'. who has l)c?-n visiting friends in.I relatives in this city, left Tttl Bight for iii*? hi - C?ptela George p. Hopkins and family, of Selina. N. ?'., are visiting Mr. and .Mis. w, II. noiton, at .\'?>. Ml Cowardin s venue. a number of young men of the city win hare a barbeouo and Brunswick stew si Walker's Olea to-day. .Mrs. Sarah J. 1-forrla, who has bean vi.-iting til?- family of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hntehtngs, on Eleventh stt. t. n? ii* Hull, returned t>.? it.-r home, la Nor folk, Tli'-.-oav. Mrs. Willie l'avis, Mrs. Myrtle Phillips, and daughter, and .Master Stanley I all of ?"r? \\. . BIO visiting Mr. an I Mrs, Miller a. Campbell, at No. M Bain bridge street. Mi- \ Porter, or North Carolina, is in the city, the guest of the family of Mr. W. i.. Porter, oa Cowsrdln avenue. Invll.'.l |a Alt?*nd 4 horch. Colonel H. M. Boykln, Bmlnenl Com maud? r of the Commande! -. of St An? drew, No. i '. received a letter yesterday from Rev, Lemuel e. Barnes, pastor of the Fourth-Avenue Baptist church of Pittsburg. l'a., inviting the Richmond Knights Templar who will ).. in nttend anCfl upon III'- Triennial ConclaVS to at tend the services at his church next Sun day Bight, The church ?s at Fourth ave nus and ROSS streets, about four BQUarefl from the hotel at which tin Richmond Knights will i.e quartered. .seek i UK u Toliiic.'o Mnrk.'t in I4l?h Meesra, L. H. Ransy ami Frank Bin? ford, of Lawrencevllle, Brunswick county, an- in tin- city. These gentlemen are hers in the interest of the tObsOOO market Of their town. Richmond, they say. has not attenuated t" mi 11? * - tobacco patronage of ttie a.?joining OOUntlsS for several years past, and th.y hope some Induce ment Will lie offered thelll to become ).. trous ..t Richmond. Frunswick raisei to bacco second to none grown in tin- State. DffClllnOd II??1 Appointment. Mr. Frank J. llardin has declined an appointment as Or? man at th.- poet-offlce, with a salary of *Wc a month. He was appointed by the Treasury Department but as the position only holds for months, and Mr. Rardln is well satistie.i with a permanent position, he de? id. ?i to forego tin- Joys of oltice-hokllng. Tin* Adjutant IIiti?. C?ptala C J- Rlaejr. adjutant "f the Third Regiment, reached the tie last night from his boms m Culpeper, and ail! remain until after the regiment is laus ten d OUt. Colon.l Nolle, whoas home is also In Culpeper, will not come down until Frl alav. owing 10 the serious illness of his mother, who is beyond ?t years of ego. jaiiut Maoauaslaa In inaiiinnii. (Correflponilenm of the Dispatch.) MONTEREY, HIOHLAND ?'??rvj'Y. October ' u.-stiit?- tit?- rains weather to day, a very la-ge crowd was pi bete at Circuit Court, ami list,ti.?l to a spirited Joint debate between Colonel Hubard and Jrudge Quarles, th.. Republi can and tin- Democratic ?candidates, re spectively, for Congress. It wats i? , mai joint debute between them. Hubard led off in one hour. Queries replied m S?) minutes, and Hubard rejoined in '.'" mlnut The DsSBocrats were delighted with Judgs Quartea, and the way he handled his opponent. ii.iiii.-i i?? Speaks s- autor Daniel will flpssb at Ru?_;ii\g li.mi court Monday. October 10th. A htirprl???* Marriage. WINCHESTER, VA., October 5.-iSp? ?is? Pbelomena Slier, the prett) und talented daughter of James P, Mer, a prominent dtlaea of this city, and Mr. Samuel I?- l?.?ew, Jr.. t?on of the late, S. M. Larew, former City Treasurer, were oil. th married at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. F. F. MlUgttlnge, at Martlnsbui'f, Bt 4M o'clock this evening. a?rlai?e WS? B complete surprise ta 'heir friebda. Rar. w. a. McKeefry. of the Sa.i'd H'art Calhollc t.-htir. h of this city, was let Into the scent, and performed tbs a irrlaga ceremony. Th< couple relume.1 boms to-night, and WSTfl teadered targe rscsptfosj at the boms .?f the tilde's p?renla ENEMIES OF DRINK. mmtm or THR weMAi*! CHR1*?TIA\ TEMPER IX K I MO.V. THREE SESSIONS HELD YESTERDAY. T?o lH-??.l?*?t to Baalnrat, and at Muht Mlaa Kearney l)rII v.-rr.l a ???Irr In* Addreaa on i It rlnl its n Clll enaliln?Memnrlnln Rrad, The senior branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance l/nlon met In an nual convention at the Second llaptlst church yesterday morning. Thr?*e nct BlenS Were h??l.l during the day and ?>a h was of absorbing int. rest? The represen t.ition w;,s rery large, for it is sottmated that besides the officers, fully HI dele gates are here from all part? of the State. Tii-y Ufe IbS xues's of the various mem bers of tin local union and others Inte I In the work, and It Is a subject* of patullar (--ratideation that this Is BO, lot otlniwis?- III? -y would have besa com pel I'll to go to boardltjg-houses or hotels, entailing a heavy 'Irain on the res Of t-ho association. The ?b-b-gates are enthusiastic Otter their reoOptlOB lui loud in praise?, of the hospitality that has been ac old. .1 them. T1IK OPENING SKSSI??N. The convention was .-ill? ? to OtuVIt Si 10 o'clock yesterday mo nlng by State PresMeat Mrs. R. H. JOMB, "f Norfolk, and the devotional SB* r< ?BBS were con dUCtOd !?>" Mrs. M. W. Newton, of Stann ton, t!n- national and state organiser. The hymn "f invocation was sung and followed by sentence piay-rs. ,K?-v. Mr. Reynolds and RSV. Mr. LaagborB ;??) dreseed th?. conrantlon, speaking en couragingly of the work. The roll-call showed the following oflb sera preeent; Mrs. i:. n. Jones, president; Mrs. H. M. HOgO, recording secretary: Mrs. William H. !' ISantS, honorary vice-president. County VI? ?-Presidenta?laoudoun, Mrs. HoWard M. Hogs; PresJerlek, Miss Lona Kern; H.nrico. Mrs. A. B. Wait ; South ampton, Mrs. J. D. l'retlow; Augusta. Mrs. J. W. Newton; Hanover, Thomas Whltebead; Norfolk. Mrs. A ?** Mlley; Warwick, Mrs. K. T. ivy; Klug William, Mrs. Thomas P. Hat-by; I'itt bj lvaiiia. Mr-. Georgs Chlsholm; Caro line, Mrs. Bllaa Ricks, Aoeoaiae, Mrs Bettle it'"-. Superintendents of Hepartments- -St.. I Organiser, Mrs. .!. W. Newton; ?General Secretary X Braacb, Mrs. J. T. Jotaoaj Work Among Colored People, Mrs. Lucls Byra Dudley; Health, Miss Laura Smith; Secretary Temperance Inetmctlon, Mrs. A. ! :. Watt; BundayScbool Worit, Mra, William D. Bouthall; Temperance Litera? ture. Mrs Thofluui P. Bagby; HedalCoa? tests, Mrs. E. B. Clement; Evangelistic and AlmShOUSS Work. Mrs. M. B. Lee; I'lil'erm? lit- ?I Wines, Mrs. Amy C Weech; Prison and Jail. Mrs. Thorn Whltshesd; Securing Homes for Home less i.' it, Mrs. William E? Thomp son; Purity, Mrs. M. B. Webb; Parlor Meetings, Miss .iniia Hudgln; flower Mission, Miss Florence Knowies; POUOB and Arbitration, Mrs. J. D. l'retlow; Legislation and Petitions, Mrs. j. a Crenshaw; Editor Vlrglaia ?'all, M Lone A. Kern. Committees snnouneed were* Creden tials Miss K.rn, Mrs. Mil? y. and Laura Bmltb, Court? li - Ifn J, i?. Wood, Mrs. W. M. Bickers, MISS Flo ren,,. Knowleo, and Mrs. a. B. Walt. Resolutions?Mra ?'tis Russell, of Rich mond; Mrs. Whltefteld, of Danville; Ml Repsber, of Winchester; Miss Pollard, of Alexandria, and Mrs. Pioaiiisu. of Nor folk. Pages Miss White, Miss Flanagan, Ml Push, ami Miss Mauds Henley Tbne-K? ? r Mrs. Bettle A. Rue. INTERESTING ADDRB88E8 AND RE PORTS Mis? itciie Kearney, of Mississippi, de |i\ er.-I I for? ' ful ami . afi:?-:-t sdl ' an.) at her request the Doxology was sung In thankfulness for ths Prohibition vic tory in I'aliaiia. Mi-s K> arm y v, as ?dect sd s member of the eonveatlon. The president subsalttod her annual re pon of the y.-ar's work, with recommen dations for the coming year. In the coures of her address ihs darell In t'-nd.-r terms upon tbfl death of Mian WiUard, ?.t Mrs. Pristoe, the State Secretary, sad nther members of the union. The ad dress lias adopt'?1 by a rising vote Ol thanks and the Cbautauqus salute. MEMORIAL SERVICE. Ths m< morial Berrlce, conducted i.y Mr M. it. Lee, was opened with prayer by Miss Kearney. Mrs. Hogs read s paper ?.i ? j..i I..I by Mis. McCoy, "f h?r oam town, in memory of Mrs. M. P. Pristoe, tad wa? followed by tributes from Mrs. Mewtofl MISS Kearney. Mrs. Wait. Mi Whltebead, Misa Les, Mrs. Wood, end IflSfl Smith. Mr.--. Hogs road a paper written by Mis. Newton in loving tribute to tin memory o? Mis.? Prances B. Willard, with shorn she had basa Ultimately sequalnt lace th. organisation of wtnt.-riboon ivurk in Virginia. Miss Kearney followed with a tender. ..niching description of her In life am! n death, baring attended iiie funeral services. Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Pleaaante, ?its. Lee, Mi.? Bagby, Misa Palmer, Mrs. ?I.ks, Mrs. Webb, Miss Smith, and Mi?. Ion? closJns Mrs. Whittield paid tribute to Mrs. iVooti, of Danville; Mrs. Russell to Misa !? i? n Jacks.?n. of ?Central Union; Mrs. s'?won. m??s Porrino, and Mrs. Brown, .f Btaunton; Mrs. MUsy to Mrs. Oeborne, if Norfolk; Mrs \Y;iit fi Mrs. ?'h.-lcott, if EUcbmond. s. rvi.e closed with slug n_. The Afleriioon IsBBiOBas The afternoon session was oponed at ; o'clock with devotional exercises, con lucted by Mrs. W. B BoothalL Ths ?utor of ths Virginia Call submitted s > port of th? ) sr*fl work, Bbowlng ths lUbUCBtloB to BS in a nourishing contll lon, but la be inter, it .. . >, , ?ranch of the union. The report was (Tooted with a rising vote and the Cbau? uuqua salute. Mrs. Ell a a. Dayton Btab*, obalh slker and attistic lecturer of the n.i lOaa] organization, was Introduced ami iv? I bei? : . itliae of her work, sh" ?ni u.itiress the children's sssaa-meeting ins aft? i. at |*S. giving an lilua rated lecture oa th? .fleets of alcobollc Irinks and narcotics. Mrs. ,i. w. Newton, lute organiser, pare a sketch Of the year's work, and 1rs. .1. Tyler Jobaon, general soeretarj f the Young Woman's branch, submitted report that whs recrired with satbast? ?s, A coaf? reace of dlstrtcl sad < ?unty . aidants fallowed, led hv ?,|.:,. Battle ilstri.-t j.r.s;.'.m ,,. ti,,. BUstern ths liflkultlas with winch the different or snlsatlons bad io contend. The ' irned at i*H o'cloch " acoepi tii- Invitation "f the Richmond rai tion Company to :n.ik?' a tour of that I fltl in. IMrraas by .Mit?* Keiimry at Maht. The attraction la?t nlejit wa? an ad t.y Miss Melle Kearney, of Missi? ippl on th- subject. "Christian Cltlasa? hip; or. Sir, We Would BOS Jesus." (ulte g large OtSMfi greeted IbS fair lee? rar ami gars her ?. earneei atteo? ion. The exercises w< I by a spirit..1 oluntsry excellently rendered by the nil choir of the SSQOnd Ifaptist church. 'he pulpit wjs ooenpled by Ror. 3. T. tnstln State I'r.'sideiit Mr.-. It. N. June?., lis Howard M. H.?'.;.-. BtBtfl Record ig Secretary, ami mi.?.- Kearney. After *ie robintsry, Rev. Mr. Mast?n, who con tacted the devotional ?xefcls.-s, read a -rtptural lesson, and th.- excellent choir ung anotin i pretty lectlOU, "Com?' .* ! Md 1 Will ?uve You Heat," rt -t v. h'.ei? Mr Mast?n offered a fervent ray.-r fur <'."!> blessing on the Wo man-? Christian Temperance Union and on the lecturer of the evenin.. Mr?. Jones read a letter from one ?>1 th? grand officer?, expn-fslng regrets at h?r unavoidable absence and Imparting word? of sympathy and good cheer. ADDRESS OF MISS KEARNEY. Ml*? Kearney, who Is a handsom?* young woman of modest and dignified bearin.. won the audience with her Mist .-> iii.-in i , which breathed devotion to Virginia and the South, as well as true loyaltv to the reunited country. Sat IfSSfl plunged Into the discussion of her ?ab ject, taking for a text that ?S.-rtpturc passage. "Sir. we would BSS Jesus.'' In a beautiful blending of oratory, logic, earnestness, and pathos th* lecturer held her largo audience spellbound n? she held up ;i pur.- standard of citizenship. She -sed the t-r. at theme In all Its rami fication and utterly rrashed th?- false notion that citizenship and Christianity should be practically divorced. Wo can bave no true standard of ' 'hrlstl.ui Cttl* zenship," sin- declared, "until aten take <:hri?t Into th. primary and at the ?,nl lot-hox." The effects of th?* li?|iior trahi' were graphically portrayed, and then was an aarnest plan tar prohibition i?y im?r.?i suasion ami SlSO by M*t. Miss mey displayed thorough familiarity with the BtaliafJes Of the Itqnor trade and a keen appr?ciaii"n of th" subtlety of th- arguments el the opponents of th?? White Hlbboncrs, ami ?lodging nothing, extenuating nothing, vigorously attacked the Btronghold <>f aleonoL Hoi lbs leest laterestlng portion of Miss Kearneys ad aaa bar iWerussloa of the liquor question from a scientific standpoint, and on this phase of th?: greet question she displayed oonasnaanate ability. Mita K> army's adureel abounded In i. iitifii in.'i.i, ate, luperbly recited, un?! in ehoice stmllea With beautiful loyalty the h'i'l up "lirist as the true standard, ?.ml in . ??ti< luslon gBV? the Woman's Christian T? nip.-ranc.? 1'nlon'r d.*!< gaf.s a beaatlfnl anaanaanj of counsel and good en... r. Altar the concluding exercises Miss Kearn.-x- was given an -vation l>y 1er hearers. V- ry many pressed forward i" grasp h? r hand, and ?-ncomiums of praise were beard ob every hand. MEDAL ( ??ntk-t Tt>NIOHT? To-night there will be B very later? It? has sannt, and one arblcfa Is always look* ed forward t?. with s ireal deal of rater? Tin- "I?, molest diamond m>"l?il I '"? t'-st" will cm.- and the coatestaats trill be tho?-e who hive anccsssfnlly c?m peted tot the Demoreel gold aaedal, 'or which they could conipete only after having won a stiver medal. All the ""' - testants to-night will be ladles, ivi'h the a of one genUeman. MR. Wll.HKI.U DIE** SIiini'IM.V, Over F.lnlily Year? OI?l ami B Yativ?* of (.crmanv-lltlii-r l)?'nlli?. Mr. William Wilh'lm. on?* of tfao oMSSi Germans rsSMsnt in this ,-ity. di-?1 sud denly yesterday afternoon at th.- rest? denes of ids aaaahtsr, Mrs. h. W. Moes. ta. No. Ill east Main str>-?-t. Mr. Wilhelm was born at Homb?Tg an Sot ohm. tSerniany, M yaars aso, and carne to America la IBS. He resld Daitinior?- county, M.i. cendnctlng a faun, until the death <>f his wife. In January? iv.?;. aben be carne to BJchinond to reside with his daughter, Mr. Moesta. Mr. Wilhelm laava four children Mrs. Moesta. of this city; Mr. p. W. Wilhelm, uf Baltimore; Mr. J. 11. Wilhelm, of Phil? ?idelptiia, and Mrs. M> hlbr?-ch, of Darm stadt. Germany. !! had suffered two BtrOkSS Of paraly sis, but his death was due to pn- inioiiii. He h;ul only been III Btnce last Sun.lay. il,- was a m?mi,, r Bof Bethlehem E gellcal Luth-ran church, from which Ins funeral will tak" place, though UM hour bai m?! yei been teed. MB. STEAUNS'S FI'NEKAI.. The funeral of Mr. I-'raiklin Btearna, who died at Johns Hopkins Hospital Tuesday, took place from Monum? opal church yesterday afternoon. A large crowd of ia,!i,*s end gentlemen who had known and loved Mr. Btearna la life pr?s, al to paj their last tribute el . t. death <?r MRS BKTN< >LDS Mrs. Edmonla C Reyonlda, trifs of Mr. J. W. Reynolds, died at h-i residence. No. KB ill street, yeal raornmg at tut o'clock, aftei an Him I. aa 'hm a an k. Deceased wss 42 years of sge and a lady ?if nifiny lovable -raits of chSTSCtOT. sii?- is Burvlv. ?i by Bve ? alldren, t-mr boys i'*r.-,i., Jemes, Thomas, and Bid? ridge- am! a daughter, Miss Btha. Father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. e. o, Nuekola, Hanover raunty, 1st? rt .n?>i two brothert also i ai i ?-.- bar. 1 a. t>is at,- Mesdames J- B. [avasasden?, A I i.- be, Willi.- Baker, Mi.-s taaa Lae Nuck els, of Richmond. Mesdames Walter K?r asy, i.c'tm i.ioy.i. ?tnd Pel Nuekola, <.i HAnover, and Mrs. rioi . ?Pierce, <>f i; d Kay, lad. The two brothers ars Mr. Newton Nuekola, ol Rlchn*?oad, ami Mr. lit Mh.-w Nuekola, Of Hanover. Th. funeral win taaa place this after? noon at 4:30 o'clock at Ol i? ?--Str.-.t Bap tist church. Dr. llanli.-i OfBcifl ' in -, DEATH OB A HRP ?HT Yol 'I'll. A peculiarly Bad death Is that of W. f Bracket?, w-ho pasrc.1 away, after ft ,,,,i i Britonltla, j eater? ?i.iy raorning, at the residence of ins uncle, Mr. E. w. ?Xvans, tthl easl Broad street. Heresy had just entered bis tlth \,-ar. ?.ml gave promis,- of .roaring into troag and useful manhood. Dec. was an orphan, but treated as | son |,\ the ancle, aadar arhost cars h>- aras being !. ami by his lOiuteoiis. unootru sive mainK-rs had won the eeteem of old and young ?ilUf. The funeral will take plate this afternoon at i o'clock from si. James Methodlsl church, with which the lament,-,! youth publicly id-ntiii' 1 himself last spring. OTHBB DEATHS AND EIN EKAI.* Mrs, Coraella Starrs Taylor, widow of Mr, H. P. Taylor, riled at the residence of ber son-in-law, Mr. L C. ?Idalr, ob Chest nul inn, y aterday. litres sed was in her M? ft ir. Th, funeral arrangements have not yei ban raada. Mrs. Elizalnih Jackson, widow of Jo s' jih Jackaoa, died at tin- Baptist Borne yesterday morning at : JO o'clock, after a lingering Ulnesa Tim fhneml win i place from tin- Horn.- this afternoon at i "'dock. Wali.-r Her-te Bracket!, ?id? st son of th. late E. W. ami Josie Brackstt, died ysSterday morning at 4 o'clock at tin B4MUS of his un.-le. No. -.?12 east Broad street. The funeral will take pit from St. J;im?'- M'-tho.list Epi-.opal ehUTCh this afternoon ut I o'clock. A MYSTBRIOn ! I! liilinv, I litVuovs ti Y.iuiiK Man Jum|i? Over-! board nnil i? Drusa m-?I. NORFOLK, VA., O? tober .'.-("Special.) There was to-night ?i at] sti-rious trau, h . iBvelvlBa suicide, on the Cheaan>aake and i ?hi.? ferry le iv..-, n ihi~ dty ami Newport N- ws. Th.- v : ti,n- i!> Billy Is not known, as he w.i*? miafal i ' destroy hi.- attars mu? teas even the name of the tailor from UN overcoat, which be left on deck. IP aas noticed aboard -ii ateamer at n ? Boti Natta, aid probably did not arrive m the Ei'hmotirl train. H,- e/gg S -n t.y pas*ieng?rs to speak to a young girl, tad soon afterward., while the steamer was off Middle (?round Eight. Hampton lu m. pp. d quickly io tii ivn.l. drawing a ?msll-csllbre revolver, Ired It. but wnh what r'sult is not known, 'or he Instantly leaped overboard, and was OSt to sight in xh'-~'s f-iamtng sake. A diligent search waa made imme liately in th?- vicinity, but no truce of lie l.odv could !.. Seen. The suicide left ?. an umbi'.-lln with the Initial? M. II." on It. lb- h?d no other baggage. 'aptalB Warren, of th?- steamer, place? io credence In the fh.-ory advame?! by .ome passengers thai the woman to ...liorn h?* siok' . am! who cannot be found, ilso jump?'l ?iv-*!i .- - ? I? Voir Bruira Tired f Take Horaford'a Acid Phoaphate. It ?upplle? tli'? I f',r?>l for las brain and nerve?, and make? exert!m , ; y. ?i.?..?.iSTs-?*- ?- " i.H?Hmsjm?>' 3.50 ! TOI! MEN. * ?3.00 for mek. ?2.50 t FOR BOYS. W.L. DOUGLAS SHOES THEWORLD All the latest styles. Every kind of leather. ?Btaae on the new popular lasts, in j autumn and winter weight. f An examination of our atocle will I j convince you that tho W, L Douglas | ?"?hoea are ?uperior in every way to those co. ting from $5 to $6. am. sizes Ann widths, LOUR EXCLUSIVE STORE (I 62i bast Broad street. | safras $m\a t s_"0. * SMU i_M 4 0*094 * 0+_)0+4_++?_t-'>4^_4+_^'<''*S_l Be IS-Ih.SaATu) ? TI1KV RESIGNED. Vine COloeod MsVaOOB of the Slxtli ViratnlM. K.VD.xviij.i;, ti-:nn., October b. iSp.? i.i! i Nine colored officers of the Sixth Virginia Volunteers to-day tender ed their resignations to Oonoral McKee, ' "inmandlng the Second Division, l-'irst Corps. They were MSJOT W. H. Johnson, Captains ?'liarles H. Nicholas. James ?'. Hill. James 'I". Stphens. h'dward W. ?ioitld, and PstST Shcpnr.l. Jr., and Lieu tenants Bamasl B. Raadolpb, Georgs T. Wright, an?! David Worritt. This ?arholo? sle resignation Is attributed to the fact that yeeterday General MeKee detailed ?i board of examiners to investigate and r.-port'rning the qualifications, ca pacity, and efficiency of th.- snore named Oflteers, The board met this morning to bt ?'in the worb aeMgaed ?<. when it was ad-.isi ?I of the resignations. Ths orders for th.- Investigation .ame to (lenTal McKee from Washington, ami It is un? derstOOd that, complaint had bsOB Bled against the officers with the U'p.r De partment Th.- vacant ?. s occasioned by these ISSlgnSllllllfl will he Blled by pro motion? from the ranks. Tho Examination Hoard STBS com] of colonel Leroy Bream, of tin- Potu*th Tennessee ; Lieutenant Bryant, of the Second ?'iiio: Lieutenant-Colonel B> !.. Taylor, of the Third North Carolina; Major Henry I.. Mum. of the Thirty-first Michigan, and Major W. C. Tatom, of the l-'o'in h 'I'.nii' - - _-^p? niaeeo ol Rev \\. r. Harrias Mr. !.. W. Harria, <.' this city, recelred a telegram t"r?.ni Si. Loulfl y.ster.lay morning, announcing the critical Illness ?f his brother, Rev. W. F. Harris. He left ..i ?-i.' for St. Louie. R> v, Mr. Harris is a native of Virginia, and ha? ?i nl a gooi deal of time m Richmond, n- apenl a pan of ths peat summer Inte and in the mountains of thi ll, js pastor ,,; tie Kir.-t Baptist church of Carthage, Ho., but recently went t.? st. Louis for treatment. When herd some two or three month.? ago he Bald his health had not been very good of late. Dtas-trlari K. of 1?. Merlin*-;. it baa been decided to hold a dl Knights of Pyfbsaa Baeetlng in thia cttj beginning October Rtb and lasting two dat..--. A; I m??ctlng of r. ??r< ?- ntatlvea from nearly ail tii?- Richmond lodges commit tees to arrange the the meet ing wem Appointed, end these will re port at a meeting to be bold in s fi w days. Tii" convention will be bold in Pi. k. u Camp Halt. \ Hunt In???. I!' tersburg Index-Appi sL) A well-known lawyer o? this city toi.i us i ' a e; ?' , by no m.-an- \ ceptlonal, which lllastrates tin- lafamy of the present delinquent tax law in Vir ginia, in the t ine cited the delinquent lax was only U ?a tits. I.ut. liy thfl Sddl tlon of th.- costa, ln'ludlng the penalty, which boos t., ?h" uuMaVgrabber, the property-owner had to pay UM The was no richer in consequence, i.< - the delinquency was merely an Ight, and its payment was necee? sarily made in th.- transfer of a title, regardless ?>f the new law. i until \itc t, r WAATS. \s wir;i). AT ONCE TWO FIRST-CLASS HA? ? liinists; also, Moulders. ASA BNYDER A CO._00 >-lf WASTED, BRIGHT TOUNO MAN TO LBARN Newspaper Sketching, Address '/. 2, car. Dispatch. _ _oc (>-2t* M \\ l ED, Bl A VOINi*. LADY, A POSITION AS Teacher In a Prlrate Penally. TeacBea usual commun school branches, Preach, German, Beginnen In Latin and Music, l-:io. ?iti .i.. Physical Culture, Book-Keep ing, ami Stenography. References i r.? changed. Addresa l'. ? >. Box, No. ". i? ton,* Va,_oc t-lt? WANTED, BT A rOUNG LsADT OP EXPERIENCE a Position i?s i . n or to t' ach small children Reference given. Terms moderate Address Miss l.. Bos ?"a, Thornburg, \... _oc6-ThA? WANTED, A PIRST-CLA88 BAKER, WHO I'X derslands hi.- business wi n. Huet have recommeodatlons a- t?. honeety, aobrte? ty, and neataeaa Married man preferred. A good Job for Uie right man. J A. PABNACHT, Charlotte, N. ?*. Ill SINBSfl W 1NTS. \\ tvi'i'i), TO BOlU.OW 610,000 ON RICHMOND UNENCUMBERED IMPROVED REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT, AND <>N LONG TIME ADDRKSS MONEY," care Dispatch oftlc?*._oc 4 WANTED, BOARDERS, TWO ELEGANTLY PUR. nlahed Rooms, M". west Franklin street. M is. OKOUOK W. Ml'NFOItL?, oc l-fit WANTED, PUPILS IN SHOUTHAND AND TYPE Wfitlng. fot terms and Sil particulars, apply at RICHMOND school. OP STENOGRAPHY, .?M* en Main atreet. over Mi "' .V Haker Pharmacy. Misa povTIli::'.^ Principal _a_jM_n \\ laNTBD, BOARDERS ' ' SOI MI FOl'RTH (?right, Furnished Front Rooma Itcferenco?._o-- l-Tu.Thtt IADlPai Chic-hasU-r's En?l'ih Petwvroyal Pill*. ?IXaav?a? Brau?.?, are tile BOSt. I*-'?. TU- no ?si.'? i?, far aartkalara, ' u...i , . I in is-.T?a ;jr Bet urn Mail.., ' , CulchMio* tUrinlrali ?... PhllaUa., p?, (eu 2-Tu.Th,3uly) PROPES?ION U.. W. t.. P1LKISTOS, ATTORNEY IT I. \W, PILKINTON POBT-OFPICE, POWHAT VN COUNTY. VA. Att.n.l all county Courts In Boutbslds Virginia._ ,_'* Henry R. and Job, Garland Pollard. ATTORNEYS HfKoUKSELLORS, > East !* ain Street, lticinfcND, va. [facri-'-'w^utT?i:!!! AVCT?OK 9Al-a.**-TBi? -'-r WHE? REAL ESTATE IS SOLD T?I TAXES FOR THE <'l'RRENtT4^ALJ,',, DAR TEAR ARE TO BE PAID PR RATA RY THE VENDOR AND TH VENDEE. ^_^^~~ By John T. <:.-?'l?iln A Co., Real Estate Agent? and Auction?-, r-, Bank and Eloventh street?. A UOTION ?SALE OF THAT Al 1Y TH ACTIVE ANO SUB8TAN 1IAI, DJ TAi'HED TWO-STORY HRICK RIOI DENCE 818. AT S? ?I'Til WEST CORNE FOURTH AND 1JAKEK STREETS. . tli?- request of the owner, we wll! sell ; publb- auction, on the premises, on TIIl'RSDAY. (H'TOIIKR 6, l?'.W, M *. ?.'clock P. M.. the above-descrlhr PROPERTY. Th dwelling is two storl? contains seven rearas, all modern conv? ni. n, ?-s. with wi?ic halls, and ha*- rgC< II been handsomely papervd, an?) the entli premises paint?-?! Inside anil OUtSld. I resr Is a tWO-Storj l?rl?k kitchen with tw rooms. The lot fronts 31 feet and rut back l?O f'-ct to an .ill'V. Persons desiring a good and cemfortab home .re Invited i i this aale. TERMS: Liberal and announced ot sal JOHN T. OODDIN S or-2-tds Auctioneer?. By C. I?. & II D, Donoon, Real Estate Auction? <rs, tU Main street. . . i rpRUSTEES' SALE or TUB Desirable Stock-Brick Front Dwellin No, 17 S. Morris St. By virtue of the provisions of - deed of trust, dated June pi. ?jag, and r, corded In the Cl.-rk's office of th? Bid mom! Chancery court. Deed-Book 1.1 / page nt, default having been made i the payment of certain notes therein : eure.i. and being required so to do i, the holder of th.- sam.-. I will tell I. public auction, on th.- presnlaes, on THCRSDAY. <>< Ti)|:EK ?i, tfSJ, a; ,", o'clock I*. M.. the ahoy PROPERT1 commencing at .. point distant 117 f>> north of Cary afreet, thence runnin northwardly, and fronting on said eat Ho.- of Morris street i;, (eel i Inches, an, extending back between paral!, I llnei which pass through the centre of th.- par tltlon wall dividing No. U and II iron the tenement hereby conveyed t,. an a I l.-v 2" feel wide, fronting li' feet 7 Inch? on .-aid alley. TERMS: ?'ash as to .-.?.penses of exe outing this trust, any tax?e that may t? due. an,i to ?pay a debt of ti'.i.v?. wirh in from June IS, UN; balance .1 on. ami two years, in equel instalments C. L, DENOON, JACKSON ??IV. /?-?O_Ti i By J. I. Bcasvrall, Jr., R.-al Estate Agent, No. 9 north Eleventh street. PEREMPTORY SALE AT PUB -L 1.1C AI'CTION OF BROOK-AVKNUB, GODDIN, AND CAL HOUN?STREET property. By direction "f the owner, who is de t. rmlned to sell, tin- follorsing-describe PROPBRTY will 1" ?Old al public RUCtlOE or. the premlsee, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER Sth, conim ?ncing al i*S0 i". M. with the de Birabli THREE-STORY BRICK BTORJ with dwelling above and largo lot ?it tached, No. "I Brook avenu?-, als? THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING iv avenue; also. No. ."i an? ,' ; Onddln ?tin et, Ft ?i R-ROOM BRICI HOUSES; ais.? 510?Qoddinstreet, a POUR ROOM FRAME HOUSE; also, Noa IB .",1", fit, and 614 t'ilhoiin slre.t. All of th above property is rented, ?rlth the ex? ?' tion of the tore, for which a d tenant i n b? obtained at one,-. This sal,- offers ?m opportunity t?? bu; desirable property at rock-bottom prlcea TERMS: Will !? liberal am! announce? at tlm< For further Information ?apply to J. I. H< ?SWELL. Jr.. Real Bstste Aaent, no 2-td 9 north Eleventh I .. tien Cootpeny, Auction' ers, 4J HOW CASES, CJGAR8, TOBACCO, kj Ni.lIUN?, . ' ..VH.KMRN'*? ( BDBKWSAB LADIES' SKIRTS, APRONS CANDI AND CANDY .MHS SCALES, ?'IT. AND STATE LICENSES, .*<-.. AT AUC TION. Request of the owners, we will sell a their ?tore, No, -',.': ? -i M THIS (THURSDAYj MORNINO, ?OCTOBER 1th, '' !" !" o'clock, their entire Btock of gooda hamely, ? part. Gentlemen's Underwear, Ladles Skins and Apron., loi of Notion. Bta tlonery, Cndy and Candy Jera, Countei :.k? s. i-r.ick.-r-, Bhow-Ca - one?) Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. A-,- : .,!-., Merchanrit City and State 1 baci o Li' '-ufe. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO .1. H. Valentine, Auctioneer. oc 6-lt H (?..?ri,, W. Mayo, Auctlo ? - ? > OUSEHOL!) I n.NITURE, CAR PE rs. 0BO4H. ?? ?.. AT AUCTION. I will sell at my BUCtloU-bOUSe, at MM A. M.. TO-DAY (Thursd ijr) IICTOBBB I i 12-stop Wslnut-Csse Cabinet Organ, fias tone and condition; Parlor and Chamber Furniture; iiak an,i other Wardrobes, Dur. aus, Washstauds. Couchea, ?'hairs. Tables, Mi-, > liai., Books, Clock. Pictures, very alee Baby House, Slat Spring?, Carpet?, Stoves, Mattln., and miscctian..>us article?. <.i:<>!?;k w. mavo. oc 6 Aucti ?m , r. roa rent. FOR HEM. THE LARGE, THREE-STORY AND English Basemen) Residence, No, til I'.uk avenue, containing is or B) room-? w.ii adapted f'?r a boardlng?house ,.r for female a boot, N. W. K? ?we PC t)-lt 1 OH KEN I. LARGE, BRIGHT ROOMS for RENT, with ?o- without board. No. !? south Fifth street. ^ _oc frit? rita HKXT, EXCELLENT RE8IDENCE, Ml ?A est Ors? - ?tree!. Btor? ? ; easl Broad 1 wesi Broad, UM and UOt east C Two ?Large noon for Manufactory or Storage, Los n nt. T. j, todi > ",- l-TuATh3t ?2X I - , , PBRSOB IX, A CARD. THIS IS T<? NOTIEY MY KRIENI S ami former patrons thai I can now- i>.* found with 8YDNOR ? HUNDLEY al Til and 7!; .a-i Broad street, where with Hi, advantage ,?t an EXCEPTIONALLY WELL-SELECTED AND LARGE STOCK i)E FURNITURE. I am pr? pared to th?m t?> their besi sdvanta Vei illy, W M. ??IL.MuRE. Q" O-Th&Su'it Mill. V.. I WILL MAKE APPLICATION, AC* coming to law, io th.- Second Audltoi i the State of Virginia following Virginia Century Bonds m the name of LUCY T. SPILMAN viz 839. for IL080; No. su? for ?l ??>.?: No for II???', the said Bond? having : LUCY T. SPILMAN I ?j^r ti 11_ _ IF THKP.K I? A Colored' MAN'" IN Richmond named Tin>mas BELL, w 1 -., i- i .k. he will find I?. t., his In to call at ?lt north Seventh -street. _ COAL, WOOD, A.V11 t'OKi:. coi.? weahieh i*? raa-i %r rmiM MISO. STOP AND READ! STOP and CON SIDER! Slop and decide to leave your order-? foi' m VBR1 PEST ?.DAL In n. luaik.-t at W.M H CUL14NOWO?'! it .?. . ?, .-, corner Eighteenth ami nioa-i \\ , 11 : - M. I. ? i I. \ AND SI/..:.- "' ' ' ?AL from ???- . ? mines. Will make u to >>.ur tnur. >ou will call and leave your orders. \\. ajuarante? correct weight und cleuu xxhlcti la .. very important matter i . Mldex. We ?I., not ' liim :>> lave .i. abun dance of money and i?. sell food? Bel ,v cost, but we hav? suttlctent m earry on our bii ine?? ind we r'r??t?ose t?. give ull parti?* tavortng us with their trade ?;iK?fls that will give s,ii?t>e.| a ?mal! profit. i:>-Th,Mu?tTuirn . '", ",'K?*-.'.l',rM?"<: WHEN REAL KS'I *T1, , " * TAXES POR THE | ? DAR y;:AI*. Al: RATA BY THE By HI fett. . , I I * ' ** ** fL juicsxEE-^A,, lt,,N SU6 Henrico County c?a?^ LARGE HIJMBER?0? VACANT LOTi LOCATED [ *. "-?Iilj ' DANDTH - I? ' I" as.'.--" ii - ! . office o? i: Deed-Bo k It; |; , Book l!l A. , secure the pa; m. ni ? te Hie,-. |n ?. , ; ? an.I bell so to dO, I \. auction, In : bouse on MONDAY .. eomm? n? in.; ESTATE the "i.i'.' i. First. ! feel on th. !.. B Davenport the north ., .; .'. -' aer of Sei str. . Third.--!...f f ?,,. core tn ; a frontage i; Ped stn Fifth Henrico I Chill M . ;nor?- or a line pai : tut 1. Sixth. -Lot ? omi ?. ? non . ? . \ \ .11 thwsrdl' a turnpike, ua-,2, th. I."' In H of Mi i fh ward I sail || |e wll lli;.;: im npll - I ,-.t rlgh ' BBld Pikl ' westward 13 northward ?i wai nlag. Eighth.- Loi In li on th? a turnpik. Int. rsi un - street, rui I . .e |d | feel said I'll. 1.-' fest, i hi point of I Ninth tier "I' 1 ' Henrico - Tenth. Tin In II -!! ; .? < ounl Track. I. a bleb i? of re? of Henri Held a V I El? v land In 11 i. ?Track, 1 southern lin? ol tinned. Plata of 'ill thia al th.- ..lli. I?- exhibited at t: . TERMS: and twelve mo of trust; or ell A. W I V. I Real TRUSTEES' B BRICK RESIDENCE No. 314 North Thira Street. . February ? It Chan? Ii i the r. , , default In th< : ' MONDAT. O at ;, o'. !- k p. y BRICK DV ci.i.r.-. with the l"i upon a hi nifiR bach il TER1 9 for CO du< until M ii'-ii 3 IS in two 'i'i.-i Instalm? -,.:.'. in- no) property. ..... .1 l: N. P, . r??it * ti i i ??it ??ui HOR8E AND Bl QQi '. Apply west I * HBHTHNML MASON IF NOTICE I "*' r \ No, c A at in? Masonic Tempi? 1 g Instant, at . .., ' illy Invited to Id'f of till V OEORGE ' "_ BOYAL ARCH slated coin ...III?.II Ol I ROYAL Ai .it th THIS EVENING at : By OEORi 'i_ THF ANN KL M STOCKHOLDERS TIVK INVESTMEN ? Bl.-hmond will i ?tul?. Klghth ' ;' M J I Mil l? I I. I, > THE ASM AL M gTU'KHOLDERii "i RAILWAY OMP V.\! of el? - othi ' at the office ".' of Riebmon ? J" o?' 2-t?)c H _ ,i I' Um . | A CM.I. .-?*! "? ' . I INI? I.' Cl . ii. IN wl DA> ? at 1" ..'. !" r> A '1 ClOU ait and i ' ? ' bv the atockhoklers. i ?