Newspaper Page Text
:=_ : THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. SB WHOLB NUMBER 14,722. RICHMOND,, VA., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1898.- . ' THREE JJENTS PER 0? KEEP OUT SMALL-POX Counci! Makes an Appropriation for Use if Necessary, DISEASEEPIDEMlCm NORFOLK [ . Oppenbimer Canses Prompt Pre cautionary Measures Taken. REVOTAI? of Till: CAP THACKS. ..?Ilion BBBSadsd ?ml ltef?Trt-?l tu ?Irrrl 4 iiiuinllt? c?<?|>i>>?all ion lo i, ?a.-iv Jail?T?s 'l'eut Me'lio?!*? tor , isfsrtai Otes water, Btrn? ! m? Hag Of the Common u .' ',i | Hall leal estos a .- uooss illy to? g, of iiii|">rtaiic 'tily two ni' ?ni?- : at, and Hi' t.- S Btslds tbs ictlon w ' ntl.n who have hlth'Tto had a? tO tl ' 'I . hand., r m? nl ol th? toi. t!i u only r ball 1 ra il ly Mi. re la t rely fight on r lbs rs i i'l'ioii pi i nhlin Una B ins sti ta, bai If the] i I a mild surpris? in the shape of .?.ti that H?0H should be fortify the city Sf aaU-pox, which of Health o m i - spklsmlc ifolk. On th.- ?in ngtb of Inform i i. Dr, Oppenhelmei to sa? . Mloa, and this body made the anu? li'lati'ii, which was a<lo.,t i l. The o . a'a ly precautlt sa tab? n peadlag laore deflnlu In . the Norfolh Boon h quest! i of t?> ..f th?- s?.?.?i...i, and i ' nd the i latlons til' tilt. I In? "f the ally | Cossmtttee tavorabl? i - -i? IN in DBTAIU v- tBb i ?un? :i h sailed is following meml pn m m. imberg, Cump, Cot ' I n i- r, Gibson, nut. Han ?I on H? he, Hob? Mills, , Nesle, i - rannei Williams, v. . v. framed by th? Water nting to th. Richmond ompany the privilegie ter, pi led Mom th? corporate limit? rapanj. -?nd ierred n mitte? again aith som? ?im.-i that win m .'. it mon 'i. ?a the promoters of the eoter DITK IN.R 9 i.1 i Committi ? on ?, tiylns It, asking i mina 'he b mended m ." Mini went te ths : under the rales '!< 11. D ? ;" Mr. Qunst, Mi.- rt solution . apon the was taken lut Ion, a hile r? i? ctiag ths i of the City 1 i and that to Alter t; ' ilnlon that pted ta? Mil.? ? n.i. . o.ii ; . -ollili.;; ? the i ?H , ..- PLUMBIKQ. / Health C . unit dopt* a.Im- M- .:? .' BOl? ly with i ? plumbing. miltee im? itblaoks Bb ?uW - ' .1 m. bol the . of the lustra? . bits Loot!.! cks from fol? i h ave robated bj ? .rill ,.\.\.,.?. d Mils on the ground ! l .i>- no >i ?h. th? boot Macks should be i allowed te ge hit If it Wer?! ." ?m Sun :: was SQBally B*TOB| bef?te . urovUlng for 'h- codify? ",i appro? ! to . 'ommll i.e. under Ibe i i iiiin tUAIN?n 8MALL-POX. Healtl ' ommitt? cams ths tl? n: it ..t>tear-? fit.m r.-liaM?' SO' - that tin ?I small-i' ,i, N ? l"H? ?.'y. Va. ; and. i thai th said i y ; snd, whi l Committee on Health is without t.. take any step? t.? prevent the II lion Of sal?l . .t hill till?? i .mcll of Mi?* city of .. r. , '.. . t eorriag. Tint the ??i'tn ?? I . )' , lit ni th (| f las Depai in- m f'?i" Hi' . Ins all . .? " in . , preventing the Introduction of I e - . IS Of Ml'' Com? i reby Instrs Mr. Hoben iin-ved lo euic?wnd the tak?a !,n "i',,;r ,h;" ,h* matter m-sht be ; ..,:,n;;,;,:s.l,,.<- ? ?o therm..,.,-.. H SI'RKADlNf; IN NORFOLK Dr o^m11'" m",,on ? <,'--rr,'<- and r - >|.penhlmer w.-,? R|v.-n th.- privilege ' ;, 'T ?? *?** lew hours, reliai. ' ?.t.*** he,ir,, U,M,n ** -?? '''" ?u-horlty. that small-pox W;1, ? ?ng alarmingly In Norfolk. H. had asked for a meeting of the nimm,', ; ?f. "*?*** * lbs action they bad ?ken. He had telegranhed to Nor? reply ' '"nh"'' i:,,!'<' " heuX received no There t,;,, no pr?,(.,.?,in ,? .,? ,n. atine, h. sai,i. ,-,?,1 between Iwe "?1'1 '"1 U ar,- Norfolk and Richmond, it won!,I n?.t only be, ". bul any effort In thai ?lir> Would tntell treat expanse. Vaccination wst the only i?feg>iard, be continued, and HS dwell ?ip,,n th. ott,- ur.nre? Of this city t. ni"-t any BCriOU? :;ilc. l''>-"id.:it :n suggest? 1 to further coi - :?I?-. itloa Of the n until aa anew, r < ouM be res elv. ?1 from Uthorttlea of Norfolk as to the > t< u of th. epidemic and the r. Mi Hau randa i atatton t, which wns strongly op;-. i by Mr. Bloomberg. The motion to aoegpone wnP lost, end the resolution was adopted 1 v a ?.,,(. of i. Mr. Heeke, of Jackson Ward, - sting in the negativa the removal ?W tracks. I'mhr th.- lie,i,l of unfinished busin-ss. -i?un.?n..- granting pernUasloB to ?h>* Union Passeager Railway Cotnpeay to remove their tracks from Franklin ;-nd I:.nk streets, and to run their cars down Seventh to Main, and along Main to 'I'Went*, -second streets, was introduce,, Baverai rneatbert Bcrambled to their I I n as the clerk finished reading it. Mr Qunat was t.gnlsed, and be pi > to amend the erdinanct by re? 'lulling !he company to l*J a concr-te ? > d from lie eh and M lb), along li . Broad, and along Hancock M ?"lay. and along Clay to Seventh, and slong ?Seventh to Main, and io ley th" girder rail along this entire i Mr. Mills raised th.- question whether or ii"t part of the tr .ck was B04 laid wilii the rtfrder ralla Hi all - rasgeated thai was a little lin?- OH Chinch Hill which th? reso.u'ion did ii"t touch Af ter, some further discussion, Mr. Gunst withdrea bis motion. Mr CottreU inove.l to amend by re. quiring the girier rail lo be bald from Beech ami Mala to Broad atreeta, end from 'tr".id l-> ?'lay streets. This was adopted Mr, Blanks moved t<> asnead b] re? qulrini the company to five a Bve-mlnute -? hedule over Its whol.- line, from I' i- ninth ami P ttreei io Reset voir. Thai motion was adopted by a vote of It', to r_>. Mr. Milla moved thai all mi a* I having pap, rs to Buhmli BhonM oC? r lh- m at "la .- .ad i Bal the ordinan e with all su.-h amendments rdraald be le tei.,,1 t,, th.- iomniitiee .m Streets Mr. .?Orel! opp-MMsd thi*-. and Mr. Mtllfl ipOBs?jtO his motion, ?oh?-, Itlni it OB lh? md of ' xpedlency. The motion a t . ,| by a vote of 14 to li THE CHARGE ?TOB WATER. The oralnance fixing th. charge for wat.-r used by fHtnil!?-s at B CSB - i'?-i thousand ?aliona aras bskea up and ra i ,,!i r .- lia.- dlacniislon. IPCil concurred in BSVStal ordl nanoss adopted by th?- Board of m-n. Including thai providing for tha employment of counsel to assist the City Attorney In the case of the city of Rich mond ?againsi th>- Southern Bell Tele phone Company, which is soon to be srgued la the Suprrmo rourt of the United Slates. S thi: JAIL ...?CEs-noN. The report of th<> Jail Commissioners On the condition of that institution WSJ Ived and read In part, it lengthy dotrtunent, and ureas immediate m, Th?- report was atjeompaaied ly rder from Judge Wttt, of the Hust laaja Court, thai something shout.! be .|,?n?- al once to innk'- the prlSOB safe. Mr. ?Barrelson .".'?id tin- need for action was very sr/psrent He moved thai the Commltt? Groundi nd Buildings should be authorised by the Council t>? radverttBS f'T Mtll for thoroughly r.piii lng that building. Mr Qunai opposed the resolulion. Th?? r. pen ,,f th?' Jail Commissioners, which bad beea laid upon the rabie half real. on ?jnotJon, vvas taken up again oa mo tion ?,' Mr. Herrelson, who had asked for iBformatton 'in certain potnts which the Committee on Grouada and Buildings assured liim th.- report contained. The report was read and pigeon-lml.-il. mist ffTOF ON NEAB SIDE. Mr. ?'"It:. II tatrodUCed B resolution to ti,,. effect thai all Btreet-cars in Rich? naond shall stop on the acareal Bids of every ??roealng to taks up and dlstdiaias ' gar., Adopted. CALTA IN ?'OKE'S CLAIM. \ resolution was submitted to refer to arbitration lbs differ, mes existing be tween Captain Alexander Coke and th" ein- C?ptala Cake vvas elected to codify the city ordlnancee, but exception was tak.-n to certain chargea, and the work was dropped. Th.- reeOlUttOfl was accom panled by a letter from Captain Coke, m Which he explains his position, and outlines a plan for aeleOtiBg an arbi tr?t or. The matter was referred 10 the Finalice Committee. : ! li. PROPERTY; Pi ILD JAIL. Mr, Gupal moved thai Ihe Gronnds and Building? Committee should be Instructed to report a n>t ol all property thai can be disposed of without detriment to the dty't Interest, ths fund thus realized t,, be devoted to the building of s new city \ motion to i > f' r the m itter t.. the Finance Ctonunlttee was lost, and Mr. . olutlOB WS. adopted. The nu ni!?-r from Monroe Ward then moved thai the Clark ageing property should be told and the fund thus raised d, vot.d to ths purpose of building I city jail- Th.- man. r vv.-nt to the Com mittee on Finance. COMM1TTBB ON El.E'-TRiciTY An ordlnanol peavid-ag for the creation ,T cmmitteeon i:i.ctii(it\ wai debated ,t ,, ,? leagth and then laid upon th?, tat I? until the ne? regular meeting. a motion to grant pit free al chsrge t.? th. Young Men's Christian Association was adopted. Mr. H irr.-lson moved that the QroUBda and Buildings Committee should be la* , ii m adv. rtlse for bids i??r ths as? | i-cpai: I u> Hi?- City Jail. Mr. Cot? tr?-Il Jilo?,?! as an addenda that plans and apeclflrattons should be made at . cost DO?] to . xcee.l aM. Tin* rid? r was with- , drawn and the motion was raaVn>tad, a petition of the wheelmen <?f the city was referred t<> the committee on Streets, Th.- body a?l.i"urne.l at 12:1V fJOV. YVOI.COTT HI:M?v||\ ?1TKD. M:i??ii?*bii?>**0" H?'i,ul?ll?-an riatf.irm ? |ta?l**i??*i??ls*i??*e fur Filipino?.. BOSTON. MASS., October 6-Governor Roger W.d'Ott was to-day unanimously r. nominated to bead th" State ticket bv the an convention. -I he platform declares for sound money, endorses the President's eatkrn In i I 1 lug an mvsatayatlow ?>f th.- War L> i ment, and i*vnrt Indepeadenee for the Inhabitant: of Cuba an,I th.- Phlllpplasi i nited?atatua aaaatnr ix??ig? addressed the convention, and during the course of his remar??, ??aid' "With mv honor?.! colleague. Senator Hoar, 1 most BOMlaliy agree that we want no conquered pro vince? or subject people. What our futur? policy Will be the future will de cide." ?-atBi M4RCHI\"*? TOR l.KE. Hla rorp? 1> I ran? ted lo Pre?arr f,,P Yoyase to Culm. JAt'KHON? '11.LK, FLA., October ? Orders a*ats received here to-day for th?: Seventh corps to prepare at one? to go to on. U. ?here U will be embarked lor Cuba. LE? ON THE STAND, He Testifies More War In quiry Commission, NO COMPLAINT TO MAKE, Regards Army Conditions as Id toe Main Good. XPaVCTf TO 00 TO H\1IAV\ Told by the I'm-kIiIi-iit K.cently That In Cimc Tiler.- Mini Qaaa nn \?.?niilt ou TU?! Cil? He SUoulil llnve Ls*d It. W A SI I INI ?TON. October fi. -The War iBVSStlgstlBg .Commission held two ues Btoas to-day. la Ufa foreaooa Oeaerel H. v. Boyaton eonehided Ms tsettssoay, which was be/*;un JfSSlSrrtSJI. and In the aft.nioon Qflflieral KitzlniiMi Les Wits beard. Oeaeral Boyaton dwelt to-day upon th" caosss of .lisons. at Gaaap tbaaaas, chairados th.- Increase toward ths of tbs caaapoign t?. lach of anfldenl ?are .m the pari ol the regimental aad brti commandera. !!> said thers wai no foaodatlon for any row iBflbls complatot ha regard to food. H. also .i.-iii.'l ihat there wan any Inten tion 11 iia-t-ia. t ia the hospitals. in discussing with C?ptate Howell the questioo of Mi" rationa aapplled ta ?'..nil. Thomas, General Boynton voluateered the suggestloo that thera bad been ao seas? plaints from BOetbSlfl BOldlOH In tlM camp, "ami." be oontlaoed, "i .1" nut be nt v.' we would bars heard half the oat? ory that | iiaed if aU thu sol? ' ad i" b :i"in th? loath." ?i.n.ial Dofcgs Bald thai only two or three eharges bed been raeotvad from th.- South, and they were not from sot? diere. OBHRRAL LEH ??.lierai Pttshagh Lss was ln-foro tho commission at Its afternoon BBS Ion General LOS had no lilBBUllellll to make in regard to suppli?e, in ju"h- tasara a Boaae delay, bol tins was remedIM, and toce then supplies <>f all kinds bad come with regularity sad In sbandanos. There hare, ?of cooroe," be said, "boos Boaae eoasplaiats. BoMlers sra like -. hoolboj Bj they Botaetlmes oomplala < tea Wh? n there is 11.-rasi?n for complaint." II. thOOght the army ration was al.unli mit and la lbs main well suited to s cam paign in b tropical climat*. Yet he thought ?.mi. changes might be mad.- u> aas <?i the opinion that it would li?? belter t?i s. ml lira animals to Cobo, than to Bead n frig? rotor m< at, as si pi? sent Accord tag '" his Id? as. the men ?should have more fruit and lOOJ BBBBt Durtai the osorae of |ba ajaostionlag it developed that ??encrai i-e.- bod b? s no un..! thai he would be atapected t?? move his corps m? I'uiii, to the vicinity of Ha* haiia. about th- 1st 'if N<.v?mb.r, and tha* be considered bis troop- properly quipped for th.- campaign. li, consul, o th. Spanish uniform th*? better adapted to a tropical climate than ours, as they BTrfl cool and CBB I B Hfl was t.arful that the shirt- and blouses of our men would be fooad Is !? too heavy for comlort. Oeaeral Lee Bsade the sanoaaeemeai thai be was ooootlng upon kaadios la a friendly country, aa bs had reoelved di rect information that tli>- Aurrlcuii troops would !.. welcomed, not only by Mi?- Cabana, bol by the (Spaniards as well. h. said tbs Boneerrattve and property? owning .Spaniards were Bspeclally derrt? nui? to have tin- American tfOOpa SOW for the preoerratlan of order. I.KKS command HBALTHT. Speaking of Ills command. M. n.-ral !." Btated that Mi. health of the troops had h. en good, only shoot - pee osnt being si. k He hail Insisted up"'! v.: y tho roui?h Inspection of the camp and up ?a harms his forcea thoroughly insu by th. staff otiii'i.-, who ha.i practically organised schools f..r thai purpose. Ha sai.i the ni'at was receteed Is re fri?, rator oars sad as a rob a i In a few instances the enter edges of the larger pleoea of meal wera spoiled, sa ni- als.? tin- hard-tack in BBS OT two A shlpmeol of potatoes was re ported to bo In bad, and a board wai .'lppointcai, which condemned all Of th.- i a.? to tii.- efflcteocy of ofBcera appointed from civil life, Men. ral Lea said mhiip of them learned the duties prompt!.?; ,.;h.-rs were verj rdew to learn; others aerar learned bot a majority did. n.- beUorofl that rolunteera would always becoms effective, especially when confronted by the ?iH-mv. CO.Ml'l.AlNT Of ?'AMI* ?THA. c. .\t riior 1'.. av.r read S letter complain ing of th?- situation in the J ICkSOBVUle .amp. The letter stat.ti thai tbs eamp was Uthy, the bread moulded, the doc tors generally drunk, ate. "Is that from my commun!?" Qeneral I...- sailed, la erideal surprise. When in f.?lined that It was. ha saltl that he vas astonish?-?!, and asked for the name of tbs author. He said, in this contuctioti, that occasional complaints h?d come t.. him, he had . xamlned. and In every eaSS bod found them to U? un founded. "Then." said Governor Beaver, after soma- further questioning, "you edoslder yourself In good condition In .-wry way t?i ?tart In the expedltloa to Cuba?'' "I .in." replied Qeneral istn, "T?>uch a button, and we are prepared, even to go to Miulr'.l " H<- expressed the opinion that It wat* Imp??esfbla for any triopi to do any gr.ut am.Hii.t ?>f campaigning In the summer months on secouai el the haat. Not evea! the Spanish and cutmn fores had . ?,-, r been very h<- Ire in the BSBBaaer ssasou He thought troops ?oing t.i Cuba Bhould hare ample protection against the sun. YoMl'LAI.VS ntOH ITfJ VIH?;in,A Complaint? against regimental surgeon* ?A.I-. read to the Qeneral from maaihati of th.- Fourth Virginia Volunteer*, best h. repli..1 that be BOaM no! speak ?leflnltely of the regimental doctor? In the ?ome of them, he knew, satfe not as competent an they should be. The sur geon.*? of higher rank were all BSSBpe ti-r.t men. Oeaeral l*ee expre*.i>ed the bell.-f that dlviaton hospital* wan too large. He Bdvaeated brigade hospitals, u I promise between division and regimental hospitals. He eJipressed the opinion ihut the alte of the camp at Jacksonville wa? well selected. THE Sir.K-Tf.ACK sttTOOMsfTIOH. Captain Howell asked General lye If be consldeoed that he had been side tiacked la ihe campaign. "I don't think so," rt* replied. "I have from time to time seen somethlne; In the news to the effect that It was not the Intention <?f the satberitles that I ah??.?id have an opportunity for actual participa? lion In tahe campaign. I, of course, had no claim to go to Santiago or Porto Rlc as other officers In the army ranked m??. It was always the understanding that my corps w?is organlxed for the Habana ampulgo. I bad some ambition to go there, b?e*auii?* I had n..t been allowed to whale 1 was th.-ie I want to go bach wi.h some m.n end show our enemies thai I eoaM stay." ALWATC 1NTI.NDKD For HARAXA. He con* luded by saying that the Prsflj deat bad told him Britain the past BsW daya thai h>- hn?i alwaiya latended to senil hirn to Ha'..ana, and in case there had been sa assault upon ths city, that h.- sboald bare led it. Osneral Lee dwelt uj?on the laaportanca of taking; proper care of sinks, as a pre ventive <?tf dis? ase. H<- ?aid the bSSithleSt r.gim.-nt In his tump was the Mast In diana Reftsaeat, wMcb burnsd mi its effets mutter. .Most of his troops wer?* anxious *jji g" tO COba, bot BOOBS de-dr.-.l fi be .lis. iiare.a!. He said, in conclusion, that be anew of n?. cn=e ,.f disuses, star? ration, or death from any negle<*t, or that BBSS due to any Inefficiency on the part of government officials. !! said he had no ?,'omplaint to? mnke against the War Depailmsill. and knew of none of mnt-nd who had. M.-neral Orceee, who particip?t?'?! In th?? Manila .timpalgn. will be heard to-mor row and win be followed by s number ,,f ?faff officers who hav?: been ordstod to Cuba. /-~m* l.i-'K TO OOHHABB AT BAHAMA. This MeSOeil B<S*JS lleyond a Doubt? V'.nsler-llut of ?? ? ond. \\ A-HI.NMTiiN. I? ' October 6.--(8pe esmhr-Oattsral PltBbagb Lea spent th.? r .-ortion of the morning at th? War 1?. ?airtment. where BS was In con feren? - with the Secretary and Ad.lut-int ?; titrai forbln, pro-umahlv about the ar-oraaaeag of his corps to Cssu, and the dispesltbBB of M?e dhrlalOBs s_d telgadss after their arrl.-il there. It Is settled beyond a dOabt, thai Qeneral Les will be in command at Hal-ana. and thai he will ...,1 . Vi| lain-?!' B( ' '1 Blanco in the Boreram? si poaalbly of the '?hole Istand, bul certainly "f the prartaea of H ihana, The programme BSOmS to I" that as the BpaabH troops ''-aw th"- '">s!s ;lt wWel th. y are oow statloosd, Ibey win be im medlatel}- soeeeeded .? the United Btatss troops ?oder General Lett. Th.- worn ni.-it will probably comtotence about the f next month. general t*uo ?rent before the war In? ,,fic-n Commission si I P. H, and tesUfted at cia-ridsrsbM length. The ad? .?.unitary . ,.?.!.ti?.n of his COTpa, an?! IM? si''li'l dladpUae, made ?he Osa? ?,;,1 ,.n atiiiiiral.l?- WitaBBfl for th- War I.epartm. .it. II- had Vt r*. fOW and niim portant isooaplalBta to make. ML1J8TBR-OUT HATTBB. Th.? pmssnns la Iowa to-day, as if by accident. Of <'"!'>"el Baker SSd two of his cMoaxo, of tbs Secon.i R agissent, sad Benator Martin af.d Cuodifosmsa Tost . rltsj to the b.-?ef that Ibey bad some potpose IB rrieW. Which has not so f,ir been dis.-ios.-.i. it Is not known she? ,?? r the IbMior or lbs Congreesman met th- Colon'?! and blfl "t?.-rs. tut BS tll). ,.: IhS latter is said t ? hav ,?n, tin.US 10 -I" SUM th.- mastering tat ol tbs .-*'"ii?i, tbs laference is that Ma visit of on?- of th? other gentlesssB may Bare ?oil-thing tO '?o with that matter. ON PRIVAT? BUaUl-iarM OMIT. IjgtSI BeilSlOf Martin was here tO-day on mci'.ly l'?vate business. He did not meet GMoMl l'aker and his officers, and ,lid not know, ex' from heorsay, what m il the object of their visit. Th.- Qulnael wu aoooarsponlsd by <"'<i' tain? ?'raighlll and Taylor, and Lieuten ants Johnson. Hartman, and Skipwitli. They could not be locat'.l at .my Of Mi Avenu.- hotels, but H tmospH?d lo-nlgbt that the] eMtted lbs war Departmeat and asked that the ?Second Regimen! t || , ,| in sarvice. KKglKST AS TO SECOND. Their proposition. SS BtBtSd SraB thai ti,.. Beeond Pflgtmsnl be fOrloagbod for thirty toys UXOtn, so that, if Ins sslgsn? , i,,. ?. ni e ?hoiild t-etiuiie It, they w.iil.l be av.tilal.le for any duty thai might be assigned 10 them. They wer in?ormad. bowerer, that ander ths ar raagoaBonti already made th? iecood Regiment woold have to be m tered oui B! lbs expiration of Its B*TSBSal thirty day furlough. LSI A BHBO Oeneml Lao, >*"" "' ll"'? of th" hour rsms invti'.i out to dina tl nine,' and UP to a late boot had not re lumed Du his hotel._ Tl? I'l-'T A CHAHTHHs All Hie Maofe IOW ?be Slilss-HnlMln? Kiilerprlae I? BaBSaSOrtbOd] Fur. Tin- eaimpany of ?-cuti.-ni.t*. who hare sabacriaed to the stock in th.- pla?? soon ,., be eaubMehed here for the purp building w..r veesels under contract with the inf'e.i BUtes Navy DepartsseBI ire preparing to form a chartered company. aifb Orts sad to view th.-y raet \\"i . light to formulate their plan-?. it wsa d-ci?ie.i thai Mr. W. R. Trigg -hould be i.r.Hi.?.ut. and Mr. \V. ?'. l'i? -- ton .? slated for th.- Bssretaryshlp, but beyond this it is anderatood ae selectioae nave i" o made, ah the sto? k haa beep subscribed tor, ami the deaaand for il la still heavy. The ..mpaiiy will start with plenty of moii.-y. and Its prosi Very bright. !' seems to be well assured that tin .?hips will i"- built on the dock, nd ?mglneerB were at work at the Tal b??tt VV*>rk*> this SOUM. ClB*a < O-MMIMSIOX 1.1 ATH, r.oars-alloii at Maiminlllo ll.-ln>e.l on Armani of Storm. HABANA. October 5.?(Delayed Ir? Transmission. ?-The American Military Cjmmrssion will entertain th?:- Spanish Military ('?mml'il"?? at lunch next ?Sun ,l:,v at the Trocha Hotel, Vedado. The Spanish commission-is ysstetday otfl'-lallv notlhei! the American commis sioner?*' that owing to a hurricane tbs vessels whl'?h were sent to Manzanillo barri been unable to reach there at the appointed time, which will delay the ,vati:?M"ii of that place by th.- pansas troops. ? -*ami-? THF. lHM*OW?MHfHH* Orafonl IMU*') IM?ll? rrltleal roiirleen taasie?; ?lia Death?. ?. KBW TO-** October 6. -Dr. William T JenlclmT of the Health 1! ..?rd. receiv ed th.? following telegram to-day: (?xfcvd, Ml???.. October 5 -Dr. Jen kins Health Commissioner. New 'lork: Sltuatbm here critical Fourteen and sis death*. Appr.h.nd much d -i?-) negroes t.. fe??d and take -ear? Bf If josstble. obiain US Bid. tSMnamU ** ?' HKI ?DI_>T<?N " Mr. ?e.'.dleeton la postniatater at O" ford. i, EPES Id ML He Opens the Democratic Cam paign in the County. PAYS RESPECT TO MR. THORP The Latlcr's Colored Republican Oppo ;ent Also Represented. MESSRS. I.AAVI.F.SS AMI UOali.IV Captain lamb and Mr. Rlxey at King* ?,.-..rui* . ,?u rl-II ...i?e?! I??-? t.l.lrea? o I .i.e..- l?.-n.<..-rii t i>- Antll f?r?- \i.l.-s. scs.sf>x COI'RTHOrSK. VA? October ?.?(Special.) To-day being court-day of < county, and the first opportunity during the present campaign to hear the speakers of the rtanatrtlvs part?as, a larpe crowd of th? citizen? turn?'d out, and the court-how?? and green was III led with a , midair.> all during tb> day. Hon. Sydney P, Bayes, Um Dem,. .rail,- aeaaioee far C?a>ngress, who had beSB confined to bin bed for some time by nine??, ?taa on band to rapteseat the li.mocrats. Pi a. M ally nil the whit?* people arasent arars in Mr. Ep-ss ?null en,.-, and listened t<> him witli close at lentlon Mr. ?-??pea Beads a ntainllbuni tpsech, covering ?ill the Issues of IBS campaign, and particularly dwatltag upoa ?in- ootrsgea perpetrated upon the Desao* rratic part>' l?y th?- action of the Election Committee in d> privlBg him al his Congress, In favor of tbe BepubllCBB nomine?- Thorp. In lbs cours?- of Mr. Bpes'a reasarks be t,,ok bbcbsIobdo refer to the r. ??nt Inters lop? puMlsbed in the. Washington Post by Mr. R. T. Thorp. In this conn,- tiori Mr. flpeo ?aid: 1 take this, the Ins' I .I U?' ,,puorlui.lty, to express to tho people of t'ds district Bad to the country, the indignation which I feal in common with all ? nilemm who are ftmiiliar with the circumstances, in regard to aa tntertlea published in tic Washington Post ?>f tlie 3d Instant, in which one of my opponents, Mr. R. T. Thorp, of Mecklenburg, BBtlsrtakee to re? v,,w the situation In the Eounh Virxini.. District, and to make ?ever?! statetii?-nt? peis-,nal to m. - M S b IS mad? t laiss?t nit to a Washington ??.porter that he aoutd noi flare to stake upon the bust bags in any county of this district. Bavtag succsssfully euchred the aegre Janas out of the bald honor of a Republican uoiiil nation in t'.iis district, he pr?-t? i. Is to My that si'"" l"s '-lection by the chairman of the Republican Coiif-ies.sion.ii commit tee as the noinii.?f his party, though there had bssa soass friction in renard to the aotloa of the Botninattni oonven? tlon, hi*) affairs liavo now bBBB happily settled, and thai be bas ao reason t,, doubt that be will rseatve the loysl Bap port Of ?v.-ry Repul.iieaii in the dlatiii' y,,u lavs en, or ataj see, for OB this v?-ry c,?,o green, aa* snthuslsatle h.,rd.- of ns? groea ttstsnlns, to and spplAudlng every ?lord of th? peaken for Jone. Tbl - Is oui] a asmple ol the revoll tbnt eatenda fron Busse, to Prlntre Edward agalnst'ths chicanery precti?ced by Th? N'.ii only th" "' I- ' '' '' ' ' '" "' cheated out ..r their logical nominee, bal ih?- great stajority of lbs abita Re publicans of this dlstrid srs frank t?. -..:il ti? v not oalj desire ths i at Thorp in tbl i,!" ;h,'> . iiuiiii.iti ,n from the polities of Vir ginia. PAIR ELECTIONS CRT Mr Thorp erlea far fair slectlons, and yei be no. willingly oc place and draars th.- asaolumsnU ol the i tlon i" which I whs elected bj the | 01 thla dlatrict. i a? d nol further advert ,,, the Waehlngton Poet laterriew, whicli was prepured and publlahed -imply . j ,., tb Republican campaign : and as B p.. ['?ration for B fUlUrS -'" ,.st escept to say that at tai aa Mr -Thorp under! ikes to ay thai ftth. Mecklenburg, or al Prince Bdward, or ... ?'" i"--'?""' - '? h,;r to ?any of my r*oUtlcel friends, a chai? loon , , debate th.- questions at lasus be? twei ai '"" '*" have n.v.r had any communication with Mr Thorp or from any of ins adherent? ?..r h..v>- my friends, so far sa i an Prised. I may .say further, thai ". i h tve not received any challenge, d or indirect, from Mr. Thorp to de ,he questions el the pending ?'ann^b-.e were 1 to receive sieh an o*>r I should roieei the ?rams with tht rontempt Which su', h an offer merits. Mr. Thorp k m wall as the peesd? ">' the ?Jaarth ?. trict. thai w>re h- t" m ik- su.-h B ch.,1 ,,.,,.,? it ?fOUld be Old> Hi" ?lap-t'-'P f he politician to thI,J1Kh me agencie? of ilia _**m**x*?M /art y an opporiunli y t?. addveS. an t\\e*?r substantial and rnssjectable cltl? ',? Following ths universal precedent oietrlct snd wherever the Repub ,iU p.rtv is instituted, ss .t is here 2 Uai nios, ignorant ? lein-nt of ib. n tgre population, l Be**tlae. an? Ida i al* I ,xs decllBe, t? Permit a polttua ad? Insurer to exploit hi? view?, through my r?mesUSt, before an - ? ??? . ? i of th<- respectable, Uw-.,Di?Jiti?i. .;;i;?-1,|Z'.is of my district. TB? ?On on?' step from dividing time with ?r Thor! t., dividing time with hi. B I S h-r.hman. the negro. R I . .. jf Mecklenburg, abo, alo..f Us '' . s retained in BO ofScbB c..p.? Ity Iv,,." Thorn'? Intiueti'-e. and alone I I th. representative political bad am' f h. .e??P ? nVa -?oi'P-r.s Mr. Thorp tn ' ^r.iiarn 1 can w.-ll un.l?-i ?1 ind S '."Vr-'Tn ti would be alllla? as be "M :M,'s to have said. tS BBS BBS ?x , L h,?s.- and I'-.KKV if 1 v.?miM Jtut Mm in-renal ins maa-lts ?r ,-,,. district. _ tyrWMM SFB 1BBBS M?,.h enthusiasm B _f 3tl speech. After h> i.*?? eleesd H b T Linl-n vvas cill'-l Ota, .tu! , raost has ' *" r<,?P?-1?? . ,r!N E. liovT-n. "f ?MS of W.^r. ',",'wi? eiigaK'd I?' the trial of a ca-e ^^^nTcoart. asa caUed ?pon by " .,,',.,-.. and mad. ?? forcille LSich-aVa ?nthiiataatlcally ranelved. V r I T Thorp, one of th- R.p ,,,.,. ?ooke t" ?boat tweaty-Sv. ' :'?,;i;L. ^, *?__?*__* r ?, r tmvle, i.'.id another <o!.>r.?i -?..a ', n-ocite.i tue ?aaaa 11 T. L. J'??-*-. "? gtaar Republlcaa csuildate. The color* ?retors seemed to have tri-, best of Hr. rhorp. both In attention and argument. rhe Republican audience eeetnetl M l"' ntlrely in r>mpathy with the candidacy >f Jones. I .Mil AXD HIXKV. They A.I.I res h a III? lipni.iornl le Menina in Klnc ?.eorae. KlM.DfvHICKSHfK.;. V V. ? tober ?. Special.)?The announcement that Hon. lohn Lamb would addr<*?s tbs voters of , King Oeorge to-day at the court-house, attracted the largest crowd that has !>een present there for m.-iny months. The. turnout of the Democrats was especially arg.-, and from the beginning to the end ?f his address Captain laimb was? given th.-lr close and undivided attention. No tit tal.le among the audierj?e, also, for a D?mocratie m. etlng. was a number of I taba, who s.,in..I deeply Inte resta,i in the plain but able manner In ivhlch Captain Umb presente?! the is sues of the day. and although It was his first visit to that historic comity, he was given a warm and cordial r?. ? . Hon. ami It is ?aft. to say that should he return again, the fonrt hOBBB would not a a MBssodats those who would b.> preeeai m h' ir him. Alter a brief allusion to the history of the county, and a deserving compli ment t.i Hon. John f, Ulx-y, the Cap tain discussed for an hour and thirty minutes, in a most elo.iiient and con vincing manner, th? question??, now be fara the American people. The present canvass, he sal.1. was only the skirmish lino for tho great battle of 1900. for the issue now, as it will be then, Is the tandarda, and from tin* outlook, that gallant .1. fender and representativo of the masses. William Joining? Bryan, would again lead the D?. mocratlc. hosts Ha- felt, h,, said, no doubt of the result A? to the manner In which the war had been conducted, he had nothing to say, bee tuse be expected to b*? a juror when tho case was called, and did not think It proper that he should prejudge It. The war-revaaae amasare, however, he handled with gloves off. and also paid his respects to other Iniquitous ?- asures by the I'opubllcan COngrSSB.. Referring to ?h- vo'um.? of money, and the amount claimed by the Kepubllcan*? t.? be In circulation per capita, he fully convinced his hear? rs of the falsity of ths 'daim anil argued that th- amount iry for this country to have should be not les? than US per eeptts n- re gretted exceedingly, he declared, that none of ths repreeeatattvea of Iba ?i. ? ?. P. were on hand to <!Is?*ubs tin- tsSSJSS and Closed with an ara? ?t snd eloquent sppeal to ail Deamcrate, sad especially the so.itig aien, to stand together and be prepared tor the eontllct lWO years henee. His, spa ach throughout was one of the strongest ever dsltvsrsd oa the hustings in the county, tui.l was fre quently lattrrrapted by applease. Pi.ediag Captain Uab, Hon. John f\ Klx-y spoke for about thirty mliiut-s. making a telling ami inthOSlaalill a?l lt \t th?. coacluslofl of the speeches tin. following dslegates wsrs elected to Hi. asnatorial convention, which meets i tie latter part of the month to nom? nala a candidate for the Senate, vie Hon. John K. Mason, elected circuit ?ledge; T. T. Arnold, John Walker T H. Bovaa, Alexander Pratt, c T. Turks. John M Paed, II T. ??atn.-tt, l>. C. Trlssrer, and O/ller Oliver, Ti?., ?peak-r-? were Introdeced by Hon. T. H. llevan, and the BBBBtblS OOA pro Bided over bv Chairman B, n. i'otts. with H T. Qaraetl sa secret iry, an?i the Democratic press pr?'sa-nt si isststants? Cantata i?amb returned here sad i. ft OB Mi.- night train for Richmond. Mi'iiKti HOW 1.1 I. Ml IK.M.I). Co m m n nil of N.'iib ?iilHuiie Si|und rt.ll 11.-?. 'al - a?, I poll I * I. '. I I | . WASH1NMTON, o.-tol.e,- | Admiral HoweH has I..-.-M relieved from the ?SB? tiian.l of the North Atlantic a'lUSaaa*UO, BBd Ills flagship, ths Hun francisca?, has been ordered oat of cosasslssloa st Nor folk. Tho ? -"mill and of the s.|iia lr.ui <le rolres upon Commodore Philip. -.i<>w at the N'.?w fork navy.yard. The San ?"ran ds. ?, will Ik? overhauled, an?l her battery brought up tO ?late. XI ??>. 4'. A 41. 411 TIM; MI.ll<>. Karry ?miikIiiv to Olli I'olnl, ?la-enii View, nuil **.orr.?lk. Th? se ddlighttul outings, which .... mil patronised snd enjoyed by our peo ple, will be eoattaued every iuaday du ring the sutuinn? TbS lur-,.- nnmbsr "f warship? In Hauip ton Kt?d ?rtualty bow t.. lite fort, the life and attractions Of Old J'o.n; and Norfolk at Mils BBBSOB, Will make the >ia> pa-*--? pleasantly. ipeaka ami Ohio outing train will i-ave Ricbmoad al I'M A M . Band.? with S parlor-? ar attached tl wtii.-h .an be i (peaks aad Ohio paaaonger office, US aast Mam street Returning. tOBVO Norfolk at li I' M .. a View .i I'll P. M.; Old Poil 7 P. M., and arrive a' RlChSBOBd ') I' \! K? .Iik-.'.I Knie tO Wiislilnul???. O. <".. on ? i.iiii-iliiy. BatoBOB MB, ?la H., r. A V. K. H. For the ben. lit of those who u sble t" avail th.-tn-' 1res ol 111 . m. seta to lbs I.?aal Epie .- iiiioii. which wei 11 ,., ,?., the Richmond, Frsslortchaburg and Potoaiac Bailroad Company v??u sil round trip tickets to Washington si for the roiiiu! trip 9M <4o Saturday, October nth. Tickets g??"<i going only on dab il limn . i tob? r .'?'.'. '?V'H' ?*oeth Ion; Iron-dad signature form F,.r farther Information, applj to II hot agent Byrd-8tr?r*el station, or Richmond Transfer Compsny, tie U? aaet Mala .treat, or WiZ_*A___ Traffic Manager. -mSSS? Knighi? TsbbbBso Camslaro, i*nu iiurg. renn. OeieBes i??-i ?. IHM on a.-.-ount of this ... easi.ui the Saiuta ern railway wall Bell tickets fron. mend v.l., to Pktaborf, Pa., and return ,, r.?'.. ?if O0.H rouad Irip, applying via Southern railway and ?ork-Hivi to BalUmore, in ?sonneetlon with Pennsyl vania rattfoad and Baltlasere ami Otta railroad from Baltimore Tickets will ?** sold at Ki? hrn.m : ber Ith and loth, Until limit reiurnlng Oc tober i?. ina. Mot ecbadolea "nd other information tpnly ' Boutbera rallwaj passeager <f i, e Nu HI e. st Main streel Rl hmon.l, \A' ' <.'. W WKSTIUKY. Travellina PSJOengBI Agenf. ana A 4 ?rsl. This is to notify mi friends and former patrons thai 1 can now be found with Bydaor & Hundl.-v, ut 711 and 713 ?ast street, where with the s4 of an exceptionally well-sel?*cta.d rt,,| large st..?*V Of furniture, I am i to serve them to best tdvai avespeetfally. W. H. OILMORB, The Keeley Care. , l>runk?-niie*?*? la a dU.-ase. pot a vice." gBd the efficacy of the Kne'^y Treatmer.i f,.-il t?> by thousand? of men tad u. i, es who ?tti'-n.l a? living wttaames, la b.half of your???i If or frisad, address. .all in confidence, THF KKKI.l.V INSTITUTE, *? MM ?a??! Marshall nil New *Ph" '" law -ma - If the Baby ll 4 ?atttrag Teeth be sure and uae that ?id and well trie.', remedy. Mrs. W|aaft*?w'a 8,.-? thing Syt-.p. for children teething, li aoa.the? the child, ?..ftens the gum?, allays all pan?, aurea wlad eolff*. and la the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-Ova cents s bettln IIS DEATH SUDDtl, ,!r, Samuel Freedley Expires .After a Very Brief Illness. -\NGINA PECTORIS THb CAUSE . ? itricken With a Chill um Soon Grew Rapidly Worse. s Mai: I? H OP HIS BIST CARKKat*, Formerly a l.arr MarrJaarat la Flailt? ii.lpliln. But Slaee the W?ar a Sae? res.ful Ir?,n Merchant ?et*e-Pi-eSB ?lent of Cari'arell Machine Co? ? Mr. Samuel Freed ley. pre?ldent of the Cardwell Machine Company, died ?usl denly at hi? home, N^..**n5 east Frejiklta ?treet. last evening a JB> o'clock. Mr. Freedley w?s at W* office through out yesterday, remaining there until about ,"? o'clock In the afternoon. H? wne taken with a chill Just before ieavlu?; his place of buelntae, but bar^aag hnd similar at tacks in the past he attached but litt!? Importance to hi? Indisposition. H* ?top ped by |?r. Kosh'r offlr-s? on hi? way up town, but not tind?o?; the Doctor In. walk ed ?>n home. Shortly after arriving there he bw-ame violently m, ?nd I>r. Isniah H. White wa? summoned. Dr. Ho??, tha family physician, followed v^ry shortly, and tho two physicians ws-nt to wore; on their pattsat, raenrSag to heroic treatment. Their effort? proved futlb?, however, and the deceased breathed hl.-s last very p n after th-lr arrival. Angina pec torta wa? the Immediate taUSa Of death, though It wa? Hup.-iind'ice.l by a violent attack, of* linllKest ion. HIS SI ?'?Ks.-x-Eci. ?\wu:rK Mr. Kree.ll.) had not b'.-n a well man for s.\.r:il fears. H?> suffered an attaek of what wa? said to have bordered on liritihi'? dleasas sesai ttire.- ?/ears ?go, and ilioiiah he i.-.-.,ved from this Hin??? be never fully ?jsjanisanl his ??tr.-nnth. aad be w ?s anbjeci to traqueal attacju of la> digestion. Hs was ki.?c, ho-aavet, ??i at tend closely to his business, ami ou? rarely mi -<> >! ,. day from Ills nffl. , He ,i Cation aprli gs let awhile thi? rummer, but was not much benefited I v his trip th.-ie, and mtbrned ho,, t short time ?il;,?. - . I?, i horn In Not rh-town. 1'.. November r>, ISO, and hence, wa?. in - year. Ills family was closely |,|. ntlffc'd witli N'orrlstown, the sit.- on which iIih town now st.ui.D having beaM .r ,,oe time the farms of Ih?j father and futher-ln li.w- of Mr. ?Tteedley. Dsmssstl wa? edu aated at Noiristatra t?onoo*a, and aslsa stuilleil at Philadelphia. Il,> th.-n *>m? harked in the l;i.'-.|rri|?ortiim hu?lii?-ss In Philadelphia, llrst a? a clerk and lat.-r Btember ??f the nrm. The war c?salas on, howver, closed his business, and listed In the I'nlori army, BBtet|B| the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania It. a-lmenl li. ut? ni ut. li baequentl) aaslgned t?. Oeneral F?-rry'? staff, in th, >-, of 'piart.-rmast. r LsOCATBD IX UI.'HMO.M?. After the war th>- cum? to Kl.iimoiid an,I In I*?'..'. emh..rk..| In ho raercantile bnalaesa, If? aftsawaresi form ed | i ?-partnership with Major W. J. Johnston, tmder Ina mm-.ii- of W. .1. Johnston & ?'<>.. and tasjetlaar th?-y eetv dm ted th" iron Business in this city. Hu.i ?sej|u?iitly a!,out lv,:i. he becuinc a part n? r of .Mr. 1. W. Cardwell, under tho styi. ,,f ,j. w. Cardtrell a Co. later he purchase?! Mr. Canlw.-M's Inter.-t, and th.? 'irm was kiiovvn Is the Cardwell Ma cajnt ?'ompiiny. Thus It continued entll DSU, when the concern ?h? lnrorp??rated t tin- nams "f the lardwell Machine Company, with Mr l*reedley a? It? pr*?l deiit. Il- , , at u : the bttsinees until his death, and wa? known \. ry suivr-ssfu) busliaess-man. Mr. Freed leg was at all lime? ?pUet and di.nlfled, y,i he * .- f??n.l of itirbipany. ami frequently at?,?d-d the l>a/s*?r SB. il fun, ?ions wlifi his family. He held m?*m iij? in the Commonwealth Club, bavins withdrawn fr<?m Ike VV.?| more land ?orne years age. II- wa? abe.?lut lv devoid "f ostentation In hi? acts, ?nd wu? dlngty klnd-h.-irf.-,i gad charllalle. H IS EA.M1EV. Mr, Fre.diey married, shortly a?**?er set? flint,- in Pi'hmorid. Miss Huaan Jacpjy, r Norrtstoam, P*., and a? a r?*?ult of th.. union two chlidr.-n?Mr. Oes>r.e J. Kre. ?it. v. aeeretary nr.d tre??ur?*?r of th* i.*?rdvaeH Machine company, and Miss M idg* Er. ?il'v w.-re bora? They ?'ir Mrs Fre.slley dl??xl about ?T/.nty ,rj age, and in 1*7* the deceaeed mai i i.d Ml-s Mar? ?'rane. of MontiJaire, X J. f*??e survives !iui with no children, end I? at her former home now. having re. enlly .on. ti,, i ?n u vUlt to s-eiati????. She was telegraphed for but night. Mr. Iley ?*?>. a m?-rnL?-r of All-8ai?it? church. Tha- .irran?, ments for ih? funeral have ri>t !>?.? '"' " nriaile, but It !? most likely that P. r< n ..ins will be tagen i<> Norria? town f?r Int'-rrnenl Uside thess? of lit par? nt? and **^.^__-_________ The VVeathcr. ! | ?i WAHH1NV.TDN, OCabet S I oiiu I E,?r- >-a?t fer Friday; I ___J por Virglnla-Thr-s-sttenlng wee I ther. With light Blowers eg ?h? ?roast; brisk, noriheuaterly wind?. For North and d-uuth <ar?>liij*-r*Bjr weather, i?ra*c?Hl.d h> lixht ?howej?,,,, the coast; frt?h tu brb>k uor'neastsHy wind?. ' * THE WEATIHK IN RIO)IMONl> VEHTBRpAT wa? clear and more pl?*a saat than lor ?-v. ral day?. State ?if ihernn-meier: A M.71 ? A M.? .? I P. M.M i P M.TI Li Night.** il??.n temii-.r^iuie...?il-?