Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND lUSFATCH-SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1898. KAUFMANN & CO. OUR STORE IS ? VAST EXPOSITION OF FALL FASHIONS FOR WOHEN, MISSES, AND CHILDREN, ,g ????????6 mtePe8t !,f ltsrlf and (louhly inlcrosling when the EXTREMELY KEA \i;i.i I ?K ES are ronadered. ?ON TO KAUFMANNS!" is the watchword of erery m Ki? 11..!??..? wliiMv GOODS ARE -ANDS010B8T, QUALITY MOST DEPENDABLE, i |.1C1"> ARE ?REASONABLE. OF FASHtOWAEIaE M ITS, , i?\ i ?, ? 1PM * > > r\ it*?. t Supremacy ' i,, netto? by tiii?? efeek'i . ? ? oH-MADR sins i hum ?5.1??' TO ??it?. ?. <_ "H A *?*l'l'?'??1.1 COvert Cloth ^f *??">..?V *;,it. tailor? .1 by the : ... -.. : . II fill* f** gS.Ml 4)M,1. , _/?, " *; * ? ?' ? Very Nobby. M vl'' J l"iaht-Klttlt-.i{ Suits. of . . ,'it;? I'vatt .loth, Ja. k.-ls all ii Ctt\ fifi ** sell Si II ?lr M **)lir.UL? , H.ilts, In in Navy, illored with tin- n. w t? ?kl7 *\(\ *'" 0 Y, r Handsome Chc \, ?ILJU , l!,u.(* tiir,,ui/h llned ?. Rlack Taffeta sill i: both i: v? or N ivy, ami teen to be apprecleted .. c in AH toe ihow a Superb suit A! ^AU.-irv ,.. Blaok or Blue Cheviot, i and tight-fit ting, autlful ind ?-ilk lined, de wi.h new Spanlah flounce, ?und. . v lal aran l value ;. M**}7 " an * * f-how til. ,??t I , s\r , ? .._. , h jr a, fg\ iifhout, skirt, lacket, and perfect ilitm*. c?>?t cut In tli?' Ban* ng fro? k < ?Y.-'-t. Also, at the ?e show the Verv Nobbl? -t Suit, double-breast? ?l. tlght i. lined. **. : OS* Kit 11 EfT.-rla In SfLM \M> PLAEIfKL U tlST*?. ? \ 11?or.llnn.-T 4?IT?-riuse ?>f I'rrm-h I'nll I .ii.-ii?. I h ?IValatB, n*. hlirh n?- Sift for thSBB, ?'mil Bl C"^ Q*a? anal Walati. In Rlack, and Blue, excellent wlth full front, near style *' ' ' 98Ca k . '..fully Hr.'ible.l rinnnel Waist?., ? with tight fitting Inner lining, collar und rn nt trlmni. (1 with row? of ?ilk CI Ott ? laTTO Vt reteen Bhlrt-Walsts, tight-fitting ba< k, full fronts, ?Wtached collar, ?plen- I did quality, color? Drown, Red. C"> 1ft n, apd Navy, at "nly . i?*?J?J Handwome Quality BrtlllanUne Waist?. tu? k. d <?n the blau, nil sises, from 32 to 42. it the wonderful low price ci *ye All-Wo?i Plann?l Waists?!*' stylishly hr.ii<|..(i, Mas effect, detached collar, e-lora Bine, Black. Garnet, and CI ~fl Red: cholea . . yjtt.-jx? AlSO, a line of MlBSsa and ?T*hlldr?*n's l tie! nnd Cash mer?? Waists. Jnct the i- thing for ?chool wear, at vary t nable ?>ri? < ?.. M-".l* \H ITK SKIRT*. A full line for children and misses, S to i?. years. Also, Suit? at prices to suit body. VAMJL A\D IMH:nWP..*iR. It's time ?o buy lt. und if you will but compare you will flnd our prices the lowest f<.i like quality. Ladles' K1.-.T.--I'.nfd Ribbed Vests, rib bon and embroidered neck und embroid er. <! fronts, Pants to mSteh 'S t\c ' OUCh . af>vJI?La Extra Fine Quality Ribbed V?*-etS, ?I'k tape neck, embrolderv ttftf flolsbed, Panta to match each... -***s%,t lea" Cnlon or lomblnatlon Sui???. tho .." brand, perfection In lit. Qftr* itid comfort, our price onlv *s*^Utt ?'hildren'?. Wool .-?nd Cotton Mi**:-"-d Shirt?, tii? Don-ahrlnksble kind, silk cr?"'!ii't and lane n??'k. the very ')m\c value, nt . am^soso I.\DII.V AM) milBt* REAL KID OLOYsM. v., mmle a rlr.-uit of tho largest and ! glove manufactories nnd Import ! secure the very b>u* Reel Kld-Olov? value! tl.nt could be had Glove?; thai WO could fully guarantee, and thai would give entire satisfaction-ari'1 we BBCOeed ! beyond our expectations. And to tho? roughly Introduce our Qtovea thla m and to forcibly demonstrate our oneqnal I? ?i glove-gfvofl power, we offer OEDAY ami YVMDAY our entire lln.? of $1 ("ne dollar) N? w nul WiTit. r Dress KI'J ?Jlows. In g all the new shades, Blacks, and Whites, with Black and Balf-atltched backe, two-clasp and Foster laes T^p faatening, ?it . ,Jl" ?s- renty-Flve Cents) EXTRA. Bach and every pale of th? above Oiovea will !?? fitted by eanerlenced tit t.-rs. and fully guaranteed at Cunt? r. ?.i?1.1* OAaMBfl The Himiiiu I*n?I Ever? -.There. Bweh fJolf Capee, of nii-wmi. (!??ui?ie face cloaking-, with rever? and CT O"**, trimmed with frm??- .... ?J'??-?-' Very Kandaome Oolf Capea, suitable for mourning, S"ii?l Black back, com I I with Black and Wliite front i ! finished ??IT with frim-.?- CIA 00 t . match . yjti\r.\s\s Oolf Capea, made of Imported iSrotcn plaid shawls. In rich Blue and C|_ ???O a coloring . * am*?* to in it ?r iim.diii:vs am> BABIES' Di: P\ HTM I. VI'. Thla d'-partment is now all aglow with Cutest, Smartest, Newest, an? Hiighteat Things in wearing apparel by and the Uttb? t.?ts. FALL AND ?HTM RKF.FFRS. Children's Heavv Cloth RssfSTS, in, Brown, and Brae, ("liar trlni iii.-d In braid, ?sizes 4 to It Cl Q*"J jx-ars . **** **"_ Very Stylish. Nobby Ri-cfers. with largo sailor collar, beautifully C_ ?-?0 trimm-d with handsome braid, --p- *-?*-* I-'a?cy Mixed Refers, with lurg"? sailor cllar. ?rimmed with plain cloth 10 match, nn?l braid, new cut, buck trimm??d wlih rirOJM and button?. Also. Two Toned Boucle l..-?-f?r-. trimmed (n like manne., st the extreme ?fc-l Oft low price of .?^J.-tr-. The Newest '"') Nobbl? I Military Ca|i.s, for misase and children, of all? wool camel'e-halr s-re,?*. lined with R??d. ami trimmed with gilt buttons, C*"/ Qg INFANTS' LONG AND SHORT CLOAKS. Much tho largest BtOCk In town. Mui !i the best Uste Shown In Its selection, with much Hi- LOWEST I'RK'KS. I r, r..n t f' bong Caahmer? Cloak-, em broider,,! and trimmed in silk Ci Ufa braid, for only . 9s*h***0 Hundreds of other styles in Silk. Cash metre, or Bedford Cord, rang- Clft "--?.0 lng In prk*es up to . cniO.sJVr Children's Short Csshmere and I'?"'! fro? .... ..S?S $1*50 Up. INFANTE SILK CAPS AND BON NETS from $154? down to as *) Rr low as . '*Jl' RICH PARISIAN MIM.IM'HV (I1K4 TIONS. Have you peen our Beautiful Millinery? 'Tis the greatest style gathering BVST assembled. ,-p??ial display of New Imported Pat tarn Hats. Von should se?: them! Spefini Wntnes In CHIf.DMKVS TliniMI'D HITS. They must be seen to be sppreclsted. Every Btyle, every color, every price to suit you. Over MO sperial designs t" se lect from. M'onilerftil Snl*? of M'll.KING HATS 4M) S\II.OHS, At I'rloe? Tlmt Will Set ?lie Toivn' a-TalkiiiK. Qeantne Fngiish Wool Pell Walking Hits, stylishly trimmed with flab-net ami quills. L/jok at the Qftr? . rjOa?. KAUFMANN ? CO, FOURTH AND BROAD STREETS. HERE TO MOSTER O?T i ni: i liiiiii iu:?.mi:\ i i?n h imi ti> 1117 II1SLHAHGI7D. IE OLD EXCHANGE CROWDED. The H.illrtlng- Fllls-d AVIth Soldier? from 4'ellnr to tinrrct ?LI vely - . ,.- I .-?(.T.lny iiini I.aat Night? . he 44 .irk II.-kIii? TiiilornnT, Uli enlisted men in the Third R :., nt. gtsVUl 1.1V' nr<- now I la the old Exchange Hotel. ! there are either ill at home ?r are on detached duty els?where, seve in the ambulance corps. The . than ono hun of the men came traeh at ?ho ex l their furloughs, indi? a of disci! ling uinon-? : the regiment. Th.? men had been coming in all B*. I a. .,...- th. m aaaas in yasterdBy,| tt.o companies returning In a the latter, were Company D. of ville; Company F, of Al . ad ' 'iiii'.iny K, of Frcde.rickii The forim r had about eighty men In Un. " V about the same, iny K brought even It?? eiilbi-l .nd tatas officers, leaving only six ... re all account? ?1 ,Mng naturally grat:U? ?! n Lowe, who goes out of the t.. . atand ?t. tvreatlng hi-* com m Iba volunteer army. ills comiiany. by the Way, make g ?similar Sag th ,r captain. . ??TV, u three meals by ..>. only one 0 a u.?, >i. but nt men rara ?as ?ad, and the i.od-chl'I'I ?-i . . ; irlough of the mc:, until midnight. coraavaQiiently not under militaiy di. : time. They roamed IBS .i mi*: the day. tree '?f all i . , but there was ptacUcaUy n?> dis mally u. fellow la hin. .... I,..,l im!.it"'I tOO f* I cuj?. but tho jiercenlHi mi'ly small, though tlier? ?ias t al of drinking amolli, th B .-17 LIVELY SCENES. . s Banal the eld i?"'' ' t***** ,,t were sr*ln?sUed la ta? Mi p trert arriving ?u ihs Um**, tins: they receive! i tnrade? who had pre. like that in.-n give to those -, h re th? i hav. he. I '-1 for a few day?. . of the mm was much thai of w-Jmolbo) m through lort like children ; ? ?nd 01 , v,-ry ??t the build : tirad il" nan ''',,. Many of the raen turned in early uun ly .III not turn In at ull. re* , | ,i?iv Mnilled In In t??'"- BBM K"?"!ly numb' |;K'V , the KUi?i?<?rtliig anus of '. .r riding ??n the arms of I I he mal.-rlty. t<"?. went t.? their bunks tried to rJeep; n for the first time Jong after I STRICT DISCII-LINi: TO-DAY. do Mk'iilar guard ]a?t night, m] . furnlxliol t?'? - " for tola duty, ?a hi'h wan pui.-ly volun Captain Frsemsn, ??f Company H. ! , . r the <!.?y. Atxd F1r?t-Lieu Moneurss ?.rnV < r of the guard. i-elli? will sound at "ensck o' day ?or-oing, wlmn r?dl will be called and guard eetabiUbed. The dlaotpMne, of ?hub ??moer? sod men of th? Third Hegl are justly proud, will be strictly ? "1 to-day, and throughout th?> tine the r.gliiKfit I? h?-r?r. The company om.-er? are tjuurtered on the same floors nil* laur rae-a, and they are held respon for th.? wanton destruction of pro pert**1. The work of mustering out the regi ment will 1? ?.in t"-ni"rrow. ,ind not far from two weeks v. m i.,- reejntred t.? oonv I It. The physli al examinations of the men will probably be conducted by a regular army aurgeoa, assisted by the Burgeons Of 11.*> regiment. Major Smith, tho regimental surgeon, aad C?ptalo An ifl and Captain Gamin arrived last ' 1'R1-:si:ntati??n of tiii: flag. Tho presentation of the Bag, which will be glvea to the reglmeni by Governor Ty ler In the name of the i>eopl>' of \'irj;i lia, win occur probably on Tuesday, th the time has not b? en fix? ?1. The d iy wlll i i by Colonel Nalle and Pri? ?-. There was to have been a :ne-"ing of the ??tin <rs of the regiment last muiu to i ! r the advisability of taking | poll of the i. ?im. 11 to learn the w nttmsat of the men regarding staling in th.- servi te, but It was postpa.n.-ai, and will ?inbuhly Id tiiis afternoon. As stated la yen* t. rilay's Dispatch, ptobabl) ts" i??r c lit. of the* ineti tlestr?. tO i'main in !.': vi..-. Nearly aQ the ofBosrs desire to re? j main, but C?ptalo Rowe, of Company K, | ami ?c?ptala Wiiiard, of Company i, Bay they enlisted t?. fii;ht. and as th. i ?. is to Dg to be done they want to return to Civil lile. lio.ul Minstrel Prrfoi-inanee. Wilson ??.- Cl. veland's MlnstFOll gUVO matlast am evening aerfonnanoea al the Academy yesterday before a fairly large aadloaoe ?at the former and to a packed house at ni?ht. Owing to th?- inte hour at whiih the organization arrived, and some delay In getting out the ps> raii.*, the curtain was not rung up until look at the matinee, and that per formance 'lid i?"t ?- '? with the. vim Which characterised UM entertainment of the 'Hi Tho stage Ecttlng for the first jiart mu?.? a benstlfnl pistare, und the ..?s tumai worn were very handsome. <; Wilson, of course?, furnished most of the fun In the first part, though John Queen was very amusing with his QUBlBt hu mor, and made a declda-d hit In bis two . "Habits On" sind "All Alone." Th" ballad singiTB poOOSSSOd sweet voices, and their aelectlona were well received, in l!io olio K. If. Hall made bis banjo "talk" as only he can; KSBO and V? the knock-abouts, did I sid. -splitting act, ending With their burl, ?qii?- trasese p. r formanoe; Frederl? k Brothera and Ten? Bey ma.lo music from all kinds of In su utrients, and the Troahadour Four did a reflneg singing net, which had In It ju-t a touch of comely. QsorgS Wilson was in an excellent humor ut the eve Ding performance, and his mirth was iniaitlous, for the audDnce caught it, | and laughtc?! at SVarythlBg he sai.l. The feature of the performance, how WaS the wonderful nit <.f Caica ?lo, "King of the High Wire." His fc-uts <m a bounding wire, 12 feet above the ?tage. were almost gtsrvsUoan and the audi , ii.a- rOBOhad tfee highest pitch of enthu siasm during hi? act. Mr?, ?.til'? Vi is Is ! is >*. I " ii F.xrnralon. Mrs. Gill, Superintendent of the Male Orphan Asylum, has arranged to run an excursion to ihe city of Washington O, October 24th, over the Cheaa peake and <?>ilo rallwuy, at a very at tractive rate. The truln will leave here at 10 o'clock In the morning, and the tickets will be good on return trains October 24th and 26th. Many will take advantage of this last excursion of the season, which Hfford? a rare opportunity for visiting tho na tional capital under th?- most pleasant circumstance? at a nomina; c ist. Roaemary Library Board to Meet. An Important meeting of the Board of Lady M magere of the Rosemary Library will be held ?t th.? rooms of the library. Fourth and Franklin streets, Tuesday i.ion at 4:30 o'clock. , , ._ ^m s/SBJSJ fSSass ****** ?as*? my*. ?unlU ^ISW*y5<?SCIS*l AT NEWPORT NEWS. ?MIMI74VHAT OF A MAS 4.TIOS DJ POLK 17 CIRCI.K?. A b: coal organization. The llospitiil-Milp ncllcf? An Ap j? run.' b I n ii Ma rr In k*?Appointment Approseil?AVorlc at Hi* Shlpyar.l ll.-iiiu Rn?li*?l?Keel? I nl.l. NEWPORT NEWS, October ?.-(Spe cial.) Somewhat of a sensation was Bprnng here this afternoon when it be came known that charges had been pn ferrad agalnal three w.-ii-known raatah? i ? of the police force, and that charges would also probably be brought against aii,,i!i-r in the next few days, otlic? rs N. T. Mal lory, W. A. Crump, and A. L. VSiuSsfa are all charged with dlsr. gar?ling BtatlOB 12 of th?N rules under which they wnik !>y partaking of Intoxicants while In the <li> < barge of tli(ir duty. Another oiflcer. it 13 understood, will be charged by Thoraat Bynos with Improper and cru? 1 clubbing on the day of the launching. The Police .'??mnilssloners will meet tin- lattSr part of next week, when all of the rJhargBS preferred will be heard. The otlie.-rii are fearless men, who ha\.- always bBBB fore Btoal in performing their duties The shipment of coal from this port in the next twelve months will !x? tr< men dOU '. ami trill place Newport N? WS at the head of tin- coaling stations of tho world. Many of the coal companies In the New? River District, West Virginia from which the Chei'apeake and Ohio Obtains all of Its coal, have consolidate?!, and the bulk of the mineral there will be brought to this city and dumped on steamers for northern ports. The organization of the New-River Consolid?t. .1 Coal Company has been completed, and is In Its.if th. most Important and extensive transaction e\.-r consummated |q the State Of .' Vlrginta. This new company Is regularly Incorporated under the Stat,- laws, with un authorised capita] <?f MMMt, and the ofBoets are: Ptesl-aent, J. Frei. Effinger, of Stnufitnn; Vlce-Presidcnt, L. W. Nut tall, of Nuti.ill! urg; Sfcr.-tary nn?i Trea surer, O. C. Kubacli, of Stone Cliff. I!?,.ir,l Of Dir,clots-J. A. McGanaB, of Sew. II; .*'..ii;ue] Dixon, of Mel?,maid; C. C. BS of t?*uinneaoont; C. C. Katkaeh, of Stone Cliff; J. R. Seal, of Central: J. L. Beury, Of Bcury; V. Howai.l. of Rush Run; W. V Boons, of Boonc; and G. F. Cup? non, ol Mie Creek. WORK IN HARMONY. The Atlantic Transportation Company, which is buying up all coal ships In sight. and operating so extensively from thai port on a four > ears' contract, is lar?- l? B part of the New-Cher Consolidated* Oaal Company, and the two, with th Chesapeake and Ohio, work in perfect haratany. The pust week lias s.-.-n the ?-.?msutnmutinn "f the deal betwe.-n tne Atlantic Transportation Company Hnd the lake ship-owners for the chart, r of four fine steamers and thirty-nine lar; barges. These Vessel? have been ?tart? ?! ,i,,wii the It Lawrence to the Atlantic en n.ute for Newport New?, and will reach here in the next few days. Th*?* ve??*ls Just chartered represent a capacity of ,?.500 ton? and an Insurance of gl.lx-l .^-? At New York and Boston, the Atlanti Company Ib buying up all coal carts In sight, and from now on will send from Newport News something like 3.000.000 or 4,?<00,000 tons of coal a year. Already the company is doing an enormous business, and it will continue to enlarge its trade steadily. The Cnlted States army hospital-ship Relief arrived at Old Point Comfort this morning from Santiago with a number n{ ?lck an convalescent soldiers, who w<l? be treated In the general hospital at Fort Monroe. The work of unloading th ?ii-k commenced this afternoon. The Re lief la a flrst-claaa hospital-ship, w*ll ap pointed, and In every way adapted to ac commodate alck people. It does the same service for the a/my as the Solace doe? far tbs navy. Th" first three-masted schooner to talc? Oui a II? ' <! -' ut Newport is tho Martha .V M. Johnson, whi.h ?.ia pur i at Baltimore by Cspt iln \s llUsm Walla... .Smith and ChlSf-of-PollcS S. J. Rarwood. Captain Smith will run his u'-r In the freight trade, carrying lumbar and brick to Norfolk and Bsltl saors, or from those ports to Newport News. Th?? CbeSBp ik- and <?hio barg.-? which went ashore "if Psawlck Ught but boon sold to i:. T. Veasey tor BA. APPRi ?ACHINO MARRIAOE invit liions have been received to the marriage of Seigeanl of rollra J"i?n w. Reynolda, Of this city, and Miss Mary Josephine QoodJoe, ol Neleon oounty. The ceremony sill take placs at Hsbcoa Bap t. i church at 3 o'clock on the inoriiing ol \\ October 19th. Sergeant Reynaldi la ear** popular here, having been COBBOCted with the police, force for I a number of year?. Judga lacs action in appolntlsg Mr. Houcbina to be a Justice ol the PSSjOS In ' peaks Magisterial District, to nil the <?tii' . va?/.ni by tlie resignation ot Mr. Qeorge W. BnrdgO, a month ago, is ganerallj approved. Thla district iBCindsa the famoua resort of Phoehua. Mr. H?-nry Kdwln Itus-ell BVSBS, ot Pueblo, Mexico, and Miss Rosalie Kmma i Cation, "f the sum?* place, BJSrS muiried in tho Blue parlor of the Chamberlln Hotel ut 7 o'clock last evening, th? Rev, Dr. FieelBBll. chaplain of the post, oltl ?.iuting. Mr. Kvans Is a native of Eng??] land, but for some time has been en- i in the banking business at 1'uebio. Tho brido is a sister of Mrs. Dr. b, W. J. I'.ttus, wife of the quarantine offle.r at I Old l'oint C.imfort. The marriage was j private, only two or three Irlanda of thai contracting parties witnessing It. The snip-yard is rushing work on the battleship Illinois, which was launched last Tuesday, Tie- vessel is now tied up at the pier, and will soon rOOBtVS her ar n.or. The Kearsarge nnd Kentucy are rapidly approaching completion. They are al ready quite formidable In appearance, if not In tact The keels for two of the new Morgan l!n.-rs have been laM, and those for the third ship and the other two of the Crom- | Well I.ine will bo laid In a few ?la? ? It is very probable that the k?-ei for the new li ut!? ship and that for the new moni- . t?.r will be laid before the first of the year. Decision In Favor of a R. R. Co. CHARLESTON, 8. C, October I in the United States Circuit >_'ourt to-day Judge Simonton handed .?own a decision In the of the Georgia Railroad Company against the Pori Roya, and Augusta Rall roaal Company, in which claim?? *. Bands by the form r company against tho ; latter for mon-y alleged to be due for , rendered during the recent re- i ?< :v. r-hlp of J. S. Averlll. The decision ? order?, the payment to the Georgia com- j pany of $50.000. Negro Strike? Mr?, ?oveaatelsa. Robert Harris, a negro man, stru? k ; Mrs. LoveastelB la?t night about M o'clock, In front of her clothing ??.ore, on Sixth street, and knocking her down, snatched a pair of pants and ran off with them. A great numba-r of persons saw tho vile deed of ihe mull, and ther? was I much excitement for the moment. Po- j liceman Sowell was near-by, however. and soon had Harris climbing the stairs i ?if the Second Station-house. Third District Committee Meet?. There was a short session of the Third District Democratic Congressional Com mittee In the State Library building ye? t. r.lay. <?nly routln? buslnees was trans acted. The member? present were Chair man K. La, C. Scott and Messrs. Clyde W. Saunders. H- Is? Carter, and Simon Solo mon. Mr. Jefferson Wallace, chairman of the City Committee, waa also present. The Cost of Freeing; Cnba. The United State? are certainly entitled to retain possession of the Philippine Islands, if the peace cooninission.-r?. ao il.'cide. for the ctsat of the war runs far into the millions, ami the end Is not yet. The in. !:? > paid out reach?.? an aston ishing total. To fre? the ?toma h. liver, bowels, and Mood ol dtsea??. lui.v*' i? not an expen?lr? undertaking, a few dollar? Invested In Hostatter'a Stomach Bitters will ?ccompltsh the task easii.y. The poor as wall as tho rich can aflor? B. IN SECOND DISTRICT. BRICHT IMtOSPF.4 T FOR HON. 4VIL I.IAM A. YOlMi, 13 GETTING HEARTY SUPPORT. The Hoar In the Republican 4'nmp? A Letter?He*?lqunrter* Ho?.*. Rann? Quoted? l ?n't C.*t Ont?"small-Por j in Norfolk. NORFOLK, VA., Ortober ?.-(Special.) From peasant appearances his election to Congress, to succeed Dr. Wise, will cost H,n. William A. Young, the de peaed Demon al. but util., more effort than keeping the two factions of ttie Republican party separat?. The l'.-rao erata of the Second District will kIvo him unanimous support. Whan he ran In IM the l'aimer and Bwihaai faction put ' a candidate in the held and illv?,led the ! " raoeratk vote. This year there is no sign of a "Gol?! Democratic'' c.iti?Ii?latc. and prominent Palmerltet are xlving the reKular or* ?nlzatinn cordial support. Mr. S. B. Corney, < hairman of the Congres sional Committee of the "Lamb" fac tion, as one RepaMteen wing Is ?till call ed, notwithstanding the former Sta'e Chairman's reUreraenl ffam active poli tics, has rsestved from Hon. .!. A. T. Hull, ohalrmaa of the Brtseutlvs commit tee at Washington, a letter which ha? caused soin?- members of the Bow.I.-n faction to ?I'-.-i'un? ? the writer. The let ter reads as follows: "Mr. Bowden Is i e. it .inly mistaken If he quote? Senator Hanns a? in opposition in any way ta the Congressional Committee. On the contrary, Mr. Hanna told Mr. Bowden that he W'iuld not antagonize the com mittee, and that if we ha,! passe?! upon the question, that ended It. "Dr. Richard A. Wise, present member ? of Congress from the Second District of j Virginia, having been nominated by ? what WS eootl??t the only legal conven- ? tion held In your district by the !!? pub licans this yiar. is entitled to ami should receive the support of every Republiken wlio d. tiree the party's success at the polls in November. "I cannot believe Mr. Bowden ? have made the remarks credited to Mm In ??iint. I "? nnot believe that parties who ?-?aim to represent the true Repub- ' Sena organization In Virginia BBB lend theataelves to an attempt to make a fac tional fight in the Second Dl.stri?t. the only result of which will be the election of a Democrat. If they do they must face the consequences of their action." CAN'T GET OCT. Virginia soldier? ar?, having a hard tlm? getting out of the army. There will be no opportunity for troop? who have be? n mustered out, bat -The desire to go to Cuba, to tak* the platas of those members of the regiment designated for duly in the island, who SvBtrt to return home. Congressman 44'lse gave thi? as his reply to a hundred anxious relatives of Noif'lk Ix.ys in the Fourth Resiment during his short atop in the city. He ha? made strenuous efforts on behalf of the boy? whose lnter*?t? dictate that they should return, but he say? he sum? up the War Department's ruling In the above statement. Hereafter the Norfolk and Western railway will probably comply with th>* law providing for the maintenance of Batet) gates within town limit?. Two person? were recently killed at a cross ing In South Norfolk, and Justice Tillott s?n, of the county, ha? Imposed s fine of fa?*? on the company for failure to have a gate st th* point mentioned. Anoih.T negro was discovered walking the street? rat thla ?Hty ys-sterday with a fully-developed ra?e of ?mall-pox. There I? absolutely no apprehension among olt isens generally, end the ?ompulsory vac cination Is being avoided wherevar pos sible. In Norfolk county the disease haa extended a? far as Tanner's Creek Dis trict, and In many negro settlements it is epidemia in the city it-, spread has Bot been alarmingly rapid Th? ' do deaths, and there are but etevea il tin- |.? it-hoe ,l"hn Andersen, who awaits | tO hear his fat.; pronounced by the Su peeaae Court we. k after next, was Brach a (Tec ted when he was told of the action of the Stat" Woman's Christian Tem peranee Union la bia behalf. "God bies? i ho good ladi.w," Bald the convicted "I believe their petition will help to save my lif"." Andorreen has aiisoiuie ' oiifldcnc?. In his attorneys. Be is sure he will never be hanged? Prnls<*s from Abronit, TIM It I.oul3 an.I Canadian l'hoto grapher, one of the most Innusatlal monthly magazines devoted to photo? graph*/, ha?, In Its October issue, aa ? x ?. lb in half-tone reproduction of one of H? meter _ Clark's art photographs, Bad Biakee the following wall eipiesssd on* s.-rvatlons: "' ?ur frontlspleen f,y Homcler & Clark, of Richmond, \'a., do? s not BSOd ; of praise. It Is a llvo picture of a Uve person. No attempt at the flashy In p. se; It la Just nature perfectly pictured, .m.. as men, is Car mperior to the many overdone posee that are popular Is so directions, while the bead talareis win not bob anything good In It. yet It in Just the kind of work the Intelligent World will B| pi' ' Into. It Is quiet and per fect In expression and the more such work Is distributed the higher photo graphy will rank as an art. 'Pensona' may w.-ll rank as a class!?* 1. A gold medal, lirt-t prize, was awarded to tills picture by the Photographers' As sociation Of America at Its annual Con vention, hold In NOW Yoik. last July; also, a Bpodal prize by the Ohio Association, Bt Columbus, O., last September._ Remember? the great New York Horse Show, at MadlsOn Square Garden, New York. No vember M to B\ IWS. The Old Dominion J Steamship Company win conduct its tilth annual personally-? .inducted excursion to New York t?) the "Horse Show." Party will leave Richmond Saturday. November Uth, al 3:46 P. M?, via Chssep? ike and ??'no railway, or 9 A. M. via Norfolk tad Western railway, connecting edth OM Dominion BtSBSBSV at Norfolk same eve ning. Special hotel rates have been re cure?!. Fare for the round trip, Including meals and state-room berth on steamer, only $11. Tickets good for ten days. \s the party is limited, and New York will be crowded with visitors at that time, early application should bo mide that good steamer and hotel res? may be secured. For full Information apply to JOHN F. MATER, Agent. No. UM east Main street Annual Convention ( hrlst an Church .I???, ipl.-a of I'brlat nnd Auxiliary Convention?), 4 hallan?., (a, Tena., October 13-21, 1H?H. Account of the above oct aston the South.rn railway will sell ti'.kets from station?, on Its line to Chattanot f a, Tenn., and retara at rate of on? tlrsi-;lass fart) for the round trip. Ti'ket? will he aold ?October 12t? to 17th, Inclusive, final limit of all ti'k-tt i. turn ing October 24, ltte. The "Southern's rout? to Chatten K?ga for tho?? who will go there to above conven tions Is via ?Salisbury, Ashevllle, i nd Ho*.?? Springs, passing through that btautlful mountain region of Western Norn, Caro lina known a? "The I?and of tht Sky." ?mbracing the prettiest mountain act?.?? thla ?id.- "f the i Further information furnished h.i any agent of Southern railway, or C. W. STest bury, Travelling Passenger Agent, Rich mond, Va. Ta SewepaTaper Publish?-rat Reporter, City Editor, ami Telegraph Kititor, five y?ar>j' ?xperlen..-. ?e?ka ?n g&sement, will work a? "ail-'round" man; dally or weekly; elty er country. Age, 27; good reference?; small salary;, capable and reliable. ED. P. GRAY. Care Disput, h. Wall IsatrarmAtomm. JOHN KCUKAULT ELLYS? >N. FNJOYFD A 4-OOD CHASR. The Deep Ilui, Hunt 4 lot, aTrBBS Hey ii.ii-.l. The members <;f the Datp Una Hunt Club enjoyed B sh??rt drag hi nt y??ter day, and then raised a Uve fox, which gave them a gSOd SB ? The brush was pr.s.-nt'-.l to Mr?. M. 41. T>I? r, af West Virginia, the guest of Mr. Slid Mrs. R. H. Hur*'?, !. The club member? will enjoy a red-fox hunt Tuesday morning, ?tartlng .rom Chantilly ut 7 o'clock In the morning. Knlp-hta Templar ? .nielase, Pitts. bur?;, Penn., October 10-14, 16ft?. On account of this occasion the Seutn ern railway will s-11 tioket? from Rich mond, Va., to Plttsb'irg, Pa., and re-tarn at r.ii.? of gl?>.?70 round trip, ??pplyl'W ?"I? Southern railway and York-River Una to Baltimore, In connection with I'etin-ryl vuni.t railroad and Baltimore and >jlxl* railroad from Baltimore. Tickets will be sold at Richmond ?Octo ber Tth and 10th, final limit retumlag Oe tober 18, IbbTJL For schedules and other Infenratlan apply to Southern railway passenger of fice N?>. I'-1? east Main ?treet, Richmond. X?; C. W. WaasTBiTET, Travelling Paasenger Agent. Platinara. The so much covetod Platinum Ptcttrras have been placed in ret-ucb of all by th? Jefferson Fino Art GalUry, ?23 east Broad ?treet. _ Grsnil Tournament sag Ball, W >?t Point, Vs., Oetebor 11, lSfSs. For the above occaaloa s apaoial train will be operated from Rlohraond to West Point and return Ootober 11th, mtou*iam; nt Intermediate station? each way, leaving Richmond V:30 A. M. ; r?turning, leave Weat Point 13 o'clock midnight. Fare fer the round trip, 60 eenta. The Terminal Hotel will furnish mcsla to t h.,s who attend at SO canta ?ju-ju. For tho benefit of t?.<>?o who ctUMiet leave Richmond until th? afternoon, tats Southern railway will ?oil ticket? ta Weot Point and retara at II round trip, good going on train lea-sing Richmond 4-a? P. M. ?October 11th, and returning on apodal train that night or regular ?rain n?xt morning. Wall Doooratloaa. JOHN RFXJNAULT ELLCSON. No. 1*10 ?aat Maia street This Is to notify my friends and former patrona that I ean now b? found a-Jth Sydnor A Hundley, at Til and TH east Broad ttreet, where, wtth th? advantage of an exceptionally w?l!-a?l?ct?d aa?t large stock of furniture, I am preparad to serve them to their best advaruar?. Very respectfully. W. M. GILMORfC. Iiw Stylos. Stop at the ?ho**case? of the Jefferson Fin? Art Gallery, 138 east Broad ?treet. and see the latest atyle? and fada ia Pho tography. The Keelejr Caro. Drunkennea? Is a dl??o?a**, not a vice," ami lb? emcacy of tue K.eley Treatment U testified to by thouasada of men an<i wemen, who stand as living wltne??ea In behalf of yourself or friend, sddresa or call in confidence, TUB KEELKT INWTITl'TB, .?W3 east Marshall ?treat. New 'Phofie, 1307. _ < ha?e Broa.? Plaaoe. We tun?, repair, and move Piano?. Call and sea it?, CHASE BROaV PIANO ?CO., No. 419 east Bioad street. Special Bale of Rose Buehee for fail planting; good vurl?U?s, all voiora; SI pa* doa?u, thl? w.ek only, at Miss REYNOLDS?, Florist. No. M ??at Main ?treat. Tae Jeatersea ?Oalle-rr is noted for stylish oosltlone ?nd nnef?-? McCALL'S PATTERNS, 10 and 15c. .a....... McCALL'S PAnERNS, 10 and 15c. T 1 THALHIMER BROTHERS' ONE-PRICE HOUSE. READY FOR FALL! The displays in our several show=windows are " indicators" of the grand array of* . fall stocks now assembled in this store for your inspection and choice?a gathering from J ? the world's best markets of all that is most desirable in DRY GOODS for fall wear. w | Suits, Skirts, Waists, and Jackets, j J This great department is now ready for your inspection. The immense space devoted I o, to these stocks is overflowing with new and serviceable garments. ?A ? Black Dress Goods. 40-inch Black Fi^ur?-.! Mo ? hairs at 23c, worth 40c. T ?Strictly All-Wool Cheviots f nt .'Me, worth Mfl. 4G-ine.i Granite Cloths at 50c. yard. .lust received a now lino of U Cr?pons fchT skirts from r?(?c. 1 yard up. Silk Department. *y All the leading ihtdee in f Taffeta-? at 75e. yanl. 9 ?1 Black Satin Duchess ?at 9> 75c. yard. ft $1.26 Blaek Satin Dncheei at I $1 yard. 11.60 Black Satin Duchess at $1.26 vard. ?* Handsome line of Check and Btriped ?Silks f??r waists at 75e. a, and $1 vard. Prettj ?inalitv Black Teflete I Silk at G5c. yard, worth 75e. Colored Dress Goods. Full line 50-inch Tailor i Cloths at 60e. yard. rit-incli Sicilian Twills at ?1 i yard. ? " 54-inch Camel's-Hair Sergei at 75c. vard. - 48-inch Whipcords, in all _ shailcs. at ?1 yard. Percales and Flannt-llettes ?lust icccived a beautiful line f of these poods in the latest 0 patterns and colorings 1er fall 9 and winter wear. Tailor-Made Suits. We call special attention to our Tailor-Mail' Suits, with ooatl lined with silk, in all tho lending shades, at -Mo. These are good $18.4$ values. Handsome lino o? Bnits with boi coats and new IMaid Skirts, in pretty Covert Clothe, at 5*1 J. S??me very Swell Suits in bande?me broadcloths at |26, in Jackets and Capes we show all that Dame Fashion requiree, end at juices within the reach of all. Plush Capes at $8.48, ir?.4?s, $7.60, and $10. Haudsoino line of Children's J?eefers, in all sizes, from $1.26 U|l. Wrappers, in pretty Flannel h'ttes, from 75c. to $1.60, Muslin Underwear. Lot of Skirts of Muslin ; Tops, ?lust raffle, covered with a double rutile of India Linen, wide embroidery, and fast edge, worth $1.88, for 83c. each. A Skirt Novelty. Muslin top, ruffle covered with a double rutile of linen lawn, torchon insert in l-, and wide torchon lace flounce, worth $1.48, for 88e. each. Cambric and Muslin (iowns, empire and high neck, with beautiful embroidery and inser tions, worth $1.39, for 83c. each. Mackintoshes. One lot of Ladies' and Children's Mackintoshes, broken sizes, to clo*^ out at half price. *."> quality at $2.50 choice. $2.50 and *?.'. quality at $1.60 choice. Rug Department. .'?(?-inch Smyrna Rtge, all new )>attems, a $3.40 value, for ?2.98eaeh. 80-inch Smyrna Ruge, pretty patterns, ?$2.79 value, for$1.98 each. Beet Moquette Bugs, 1J yards long, for $1.50 each. Lace Curtains. 4-vard^ttin?hamCurtainR, worth $7.60^ for $6 pair. Pretty line of Irish Point Curtains from $8 pair up. Blankets and Comforts. Sperial Ail-Wool $6 Blank? ets for $2.60 pair. Good ll?4 Wool Blankets for $2.98 pair. A good $5 ESiderdown Quilt 198, Boys' Department. Boye' 60c. White Laundered Waists for 25c. Boye'40c. Knee Pantefor26e. Boys' 25c. (??.If and J'.tou Cape for 16& Boys' .Navy and Red Tarn o' Bhanten lot 36o, Boys'FineS2Suitsfor>'1.2... Boye'$80?ercoatefor$?98, Boye' 60e. Turbane, mixed colore, for 25c. Basement. This Week's Special Prices will roach the climax in bar gain giving. Hundreds of largo lots of merchandise at prices far below the regular. irvpiece Dinner and Tea S?*t\ of the best Rng-ilh China, in dainty de corations, that st?Ui at $iS?your choice now at <io set to close out. Pretty Dccota<??l China Dinner Sets f?.r ?ig jieoji'.o, sold everywhere at f 5.4S, our price this week |i.<~>8 ?et i(?t?icct> Hati'lsomclv Decorated I.ii^li?-!! Porcelain Dinner Se**, in colorings, that were $12, this week Jj.7.43. I. ?-piece Toilet Sets, stipple? I with gold and lian.l-omclv ?lc<:on?tetl, a frjor] $5 set, forfe?l. Nicely-Decorated Toilet Sel?, that were *f 1.75, for ft.u) I White China Pitchers and Bowls at White (Jiiti.-i Covered Diana*) in several shape?, worth 5.h.\, for 35c. Large White China Unking Dishes, round and oval, at 5c. ?ach. S inch Dc?-orat?*<l Bowls that wer* 25c. f?>r 15c. 6-auart (7r.init?* Milk Pans?t 10c., worth 350. ?-qn.'rt Granite Saucepan?, 10c. 10-inch liest Tm HaMiis-, 5c. io-quart Heist Tin Ihshnans, 8?*. Best Tin Tin and CorJJaS Tots at sc. Heavy Ciii'lt-r Shovels at 5c, w??rlh 120. S?-t of Hcst Palm Table Mats fog49s, set. Oood Steel Table Knives and Porks at 4-**