Newspaper Page Text
16 TTTP. RICHMOND DISPATDH?finNDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1898,_ ACROSS JTHE_ JAMES. Ksaama. wam.kk to ?peak ai mKSTKnnr.i.!? < in ht monday. MR. W. f. JOMES SUES FOR DAMAGES M sasi oh ?-?irr CI ti ?en Claim? $l??.Oi?4 from a B??rf?.tk nwsiln??*?? lion?.?** MMeaa ta Jr. O. I . A. M.-Fnneral of Mr. S??lll?R??v-lVr?o??..>-I*rl??f?. To-morr??w proml*?ei? to be a gala Any tor tha Democrat* of CbSBMTBSld county ese??? of Urn rreanMat at the court tanas. The October term of the County r<-?urt tw-gtoe. and *? us?'?'! et thin BsaaSB 8f tha year, when there Is a KovtMBiMr < l- H?'ii. the flrat day if? tafean up slightly la sst? t!tng cum? and !'<>K<H in ? ? ? Thc farmer? SSBBS la great numb'-rs flreea every ? '.on Of th* county, an 1 a ?luv of much rest ?nd plsaaare le ipent by them on tii? eonitareea iMsensnlnE the etapu and -??f-ltTiea, or else listening to campaign -^ssasaa The. speaker!? to-morrow will ho II Jeff.-r son ffaimac ?in?. <"h-irlea M. WB?V lao?, Jr.. of Klohmoml. The formar I? chairman of the city fommittcc. and Is one of th?* besi posted m n en Bute poll tt<?? and political QU-aeUona generally m Virginia. Hin rtrothcr Is. fl meniti.-r Of the present Laglalature froBi Richmond, und r? Bpeaksr of much force. Both are vouBg men. osos residents of Mao? I uni well-known both In this city and In th?-. ooanty. That srs nephswa of Judge %Vllll_-j. 1. Clupton, of the ChsstsrflaM Court. wiLLADDnaai th? -nnnoita. Re-v. 4'roorg?- H. Mel USSa Will d-t-llvsr an ?addr.-r-?. ... tha a? reral f?>iin?ii?" junior Order Calted Amerleaa aleehanlca ,u??l tii? Dnaght-ara of Liberty this sfter aea at th?? Plfth-atrsst Metbodlat church. TL-o Jaalers will asseeabls at their halla ?nd march to th?? ehnrcb, whsrs they, with th?i Daualitnrs of Liberty, will oo onpy BBBaarysd BOaSB. The public la invit-vi to ha prisant. There ami be meets] msBle also, mad th?- exerclsee pro mise altogether to b? very totsrostll BUSS afOn i'AMA<;i:s. Mr. Wlllloin T. JOfsSS, of this city, has entere?, wilt in tho CkfOuH Osai Of folk, through hi? oouris.l, MsaSIS. Br? ranch and Dabney, of Norfolk, and w. R. CSS, Of Maachsstsr, against the rnl?*n "MiniriK sag? RooSng Company, of Norfolk, to rot i\". U9Mt alleged dams gen. While easployed by this company Bom? tine BgS, Mr. Jones fell ttom a roof and crippled himself f..r Hfe. Be elahna that this was ?hie to the BSgllgSnOB Sf hi _ pioy?*?-*?. m. ! Bssks to rsoovar lbs above amount. Mr. .Iones ufes a Blick whUs *waMsaf now. His Inwyera are saagolns of getting a faiorahie verdict. ('-> -"ili oud WeDs, eagag? the BBflgtayase of the Swift Crash Cotton Mill? to esUset their wages, hnre successful, and many of th?? Bien In tii-? ? it> ) oh i lay to th? If SMTP fresa the hands of tn< The ooMOg mill:, haws BOW I'?'? d into <_ff?r<?iit hands. WSr.SAU OF MRS. RCXLLINOl Tii.? la Ht rit? oa of Mrs. Oliv!? gneltlngs, who died at Nor?.I, N. ?".. Thuri y, wer? at I! Wsenssday, si tbi r? ter of tl teed, Mm U. 2s. < *Na?. il" Bainbrldge rrtn et ***?a Berries waa conducts?] by Rey. Dr. 1, *:. Tii'iiiiiiiii. pastor of Bainbrldge? str?.it church, c?f which Mn . was ans of tin; oldeal members. The to? tcrniiMit ? B h M .hi v < ' ;-.. Th?' paU?1 "iis of the charpa. raneoNAiaU amd BRiara judg<? B. A. Bsneock win hold th? cir c.iit Court of Brunswick, beginning to Mr. M. a. Cogbtll, ci. rk of the County Osnn of eh? .-i? i:i';-i, n is In the dtp yes tciiUy. Mr, Minor Bronaugh, of Norfolk, is in tha? city, the gusai of bis father, fity Treasuri r J. W. Bronaugh. There hare besa bststbI new houses built In Swnnsboro' lately, and otbei in tin.- course ol i onstru? i km Mr?-, i-. '.'. CogMll snd three chlldrsn, of Chesterfield Courthoe e, i?tt yesterday to stell b? r mother, In Amelia county. Mis-. Man.i Mos. ley sad Mattle White, of Norl I gueata of the M Brawn, of No? mi Porta-tr atreet. Lslu, tl Id daughter of Mr. <'. A. Rain? Of Swan i...[..', who h.'.s i, .ii rjull .: a ?' i n. ilai \ti-tt tut, is sonvalesclng. Tbe Linn...' Aid Society of Weat-T^nd ohnri-h Will msat at Mrs-. TOly Way mack'?-. <.ii Nb teenth atreet b? twesn Hull and i . to-morrow afternoon at 3 e'cl. ? H?*;, t'harl.'s N*. Vsn Honten vill fill the juiiplt oh Central Metbodlat church to nlBlit. Thar.- will be no Bcrviccs at ntirlit in ?he Presbyterian church, and thes? jaeoL'lf -?-v ill worship with tha Central con gre ?at ion. I>artd MatSdrea aad .l???eph Solby vn-re lined $5 and J.' n-ely, yciierduy by Mayor Maurice for timing. Mr, B. N. Gregory. J"*-? who came on to n'tiiid tho funeral of his grnmlmother, Mr??. Baelllnge, has returned to Ctncto* n.iti. m FOI Ulli \ III?.IMA. Large of Intarsstlng I'? r ?..uni?, from This MaRlBBSBt. (fiTr.'.-?M.ii.i.a?..a> Bf tii?' Dtapatch.) CAMP CUBA UBBJB, JACKSON? vill?;, **] a . Oetobwr tU-Ueatenaat? Coion.-i mgwaida wbsa Been this morning, aid that h.- thought the P*oarth Virginia vur BStstag tots i)ic v.-ry bss| oondltlon, and ?Mprospect of an ? ally ?i. part? vjo hi?? had the effet el "boostlni boys up ?md getting the? Into health and Bplritn The Colon? ' the place of embarkation would ; nah. Qa, i of an army d? ntlat for ibis I KUpplll'd :. j. W. I!: himself lr? an office on th? rqrtb and M All worit inemb. i a of t!i.? Beventl) Arm: i free of charge, i i erial fur? nlsh.-.I. Hergaiant McCMIan, Corporaia Lit and l.ur_f(n.i. and Prlratei Hiada, Mo Ot?w. ijfiht. and ." . rnpany H, ?*-ho tara been eon?n a to their tenta for aevrrai daya, are Improving rapidly, Corporal Thomas and Privat? Howlett, ?if Companj n. tav? to their company In th lr old-time vigor, Htter ap.-nill.'iK a tlilrty-u.:. ,,. m\ Private Motley, of Oosapnay R, waa caugii! evening with a playing from our to ear en cruatomarlly M r-ajit; ??uni? nai wa* learned that tal gotten 1 oiable dlachai go. He ,, om? to -'?is" in LsBtin ? blemn :. geosaetry al Richmond College. Cori>j.,ti Juh!h:i and I I.athr.ip, LBJ M. left 1" d .. ror th? lr hom.a i i Richmond, where Ih? y will spend tv. v 55?-n Isabst, Smith, and StokMb (,f ' mp..i., M, h tve return.-.!, : thirty days at their ho?ni-s in Uttsh mana, s.-nseant L. W W.i?ami?, of r.?n fdtxt Q (taffotB, Va), haa r.-e.-lv. I hda commiaaien a leuteaaat, to d ite :;_"! "'i,'""^' lai H< la to take the KiTis, ? '" "" ' "'* - ? - . resigned. MSnT?*T*HF- " P:'""""t. of Com? gy? ';?-k, tho placruf Krank 1. __^??*S*|??*M*t J A JohBBoa. ?>f com? S?' ;:h".?? ,?? " v-iy l.w a *e LB lmpi.?\i?i{ liuil.llv ?-.*?.* ?r*.?i'r,,,,v '"''" ' Ttnre?. ?r. . . ? " ,r* ''"ing Will. Tar?e ar. ,, ? '"I?". I Hell and 1'rivai.? l>u'rki?d*l. and lilo*. ? company 1 (Franklin) ?l"? Ml ?s Y O Va HEADACHE AND INDI GESTION Cl RE only l'.KMUDY ON THE MAR IA NT thai will cure every farm of ll*n?l B? Me In 3 to 10 minute?, correct Indlges tioa, ?tlmulate the nerves, and build up the systssa, It should be in every home aud every traveller's grip?acg. At all Druggists'. Twenty-five cure?, 2? cents. Jy,4V,?VFtB u? ?I to Ih'ir ?ompany after h.ippv Oeaapaay i has been gatacb? , ,1 {-?r provost ?luty. and ha? had ?'liar-,-* ?>f nil the MiriouiidiiiK roads since th? ?Mh, <'ompj:iy-CI*rk Harry Gre.ham, ofl'om peaj A (Not folk), leaves on a 'en-days' furlough f..r his home in Norfolk this ?on. Poll .t A. W. <'hapman. who has charge "f the camp pn-mlse?, ha? batan busy dialafectlng the ?ami?. Lime has i?-? n atmttstad every where, an.i all set h ave bean whitewashed, ?o thai BOW Hie ?amp I? In perfect sanitary adenos of the Dispatch.) IMP CUBA LIBRE .iackson Vll.Li;. FLA., October ".-The old Fourth /tra?ais camp has been j>ut in anal She l'en in all ni ?t* nrram-'-menis there Wall BSturally be ?urn?- regret on the part boya at leaving it. The Fourth Virginia foot-ball team have red their salts and v. t.n angla play ing as aoofl -is the weather permits. Cap tain Sheen, Company A. who has been I laying fOOt-ball f..r eight years, and '? la?l with the Norfolk Athletic ?lull, is the BMaager. Sfirj-eant H. II. Bolt, f the Virginia Military Institute and the Hampton Athletic Club, I? the c?ptala. Among the. other player are Corporal HMtT. Company Q; SeiKeant Field 4\"iibon, n( the Hi hmond Athletic flub; Prtvat* Ouy Mauath, Company .M; Private Lanier. Company Q, a former playi-r at Cornell; Sergeant Hull, Company D; Corporal 44'hltfng, 4nmpany D: Sergeant P. nk<-; Corporal Scull, and Private Lansburg, < 'ompany I >. Major Blow returned last night and re ,i ? i'aii,? of th? First Battalion. He taya li?? ha?l gotten v.-ry "hom.-sh k" h t., ('amp Cuba Libre with .he ?'-, hoya Li'ijteruint Church, of Company B CXor folk), Who ha* been home on leave of at lor BlchnSBB. has returned, mtteh Improve,I. Oaptaln S'alomonsky, of the Mime company, ha:? alSB returned. gS**a*aaal J. M. M,-rw, of Company B. I -., - t , '?<*y to spend a Sick furlough at home. Mrs. Livsiter. of Norfolk. Is stsylne; .it the bedtsido of h?r son Corporal Lassiter. .,! CaSBpnny B, wlio is very low with fever, at the divlaaon hospital. .-'. r-.-. ;mt Jenas, of Company D (Hamp has ?one bom* on a furlough. Private Fowikess, of Keyaville, Va.. an?l ?Private ! l K"*?ting. of 'Wa'shlnKton, D. <'., both of (^ompnny C, leave to-day on faVday -?' k furloughs. "orporal Grubbs, and Privates Leaker, ? I? a-*?! Johnson, of Company H, re t? 1 t? t.h*lr COBBpany last Bight, after paying farew. I] visits of ten days to their h imi f"!ks an?! mv? theart?. Private Carpenter, of Company F fftaa*? folk), left M-day to spend a "?-day fnr longa at his home, in Clifton For-ice, Va. Tan Young Men's Chrtstlsn Association teat Is bow up again, much to th? joy of a large number ?>f the boys srho taha advantage "f its numerous benefits. Leal night Chaplala Btringfellow de uother ?m?- of hia delightful lee? i (lie "bit- war" that lie was in thirty-five years ago, telling us many thrilling Incident? connected with rhe battle of Bevoa Ptnes. Oa ?tie same evo Dtng hs had r*aaducted the funeral ser rtoet of three soMiera of the Forty-ninth Iowa FOB RENT. FOR IlEVr. DBalRABLB DWKl.T.lNGS. Not? ii ?v,- can't get our pri?e, must 1er yours. l'ianklin-Str, et Dwelling near Monroe Park. _ . .., Qrace-Btreet Dwelling near Harrison, 1?! rooms. Main-Street Dwelling near Third street; 10 ro? m ' SU Leigh near Tenth street; l- rooms. 619 Sixth .-ne'? near Leigh; W rooms. Main Btreet near Monroe Park; 6 to 1<J . , sum,- Jual < ompl. ted. i. ;;m north iwenty-fifth streit; 7 rooms. . Franklin, opposite Libby-HIll Park. in Clay Bear Adams street; 7 rooms. ,,a,| street, opposite Chim boraso; s i < : !? m .,r Linden; 7 rooms. _,,,! , : Twenty-fifth; 7 room?. Mi, ill, : Houses in Other Im alilies, 3 to C rooms, H to US per month. OFFICES, 8TORES. FLATS, FACTO RIES, ?*.,. ?'.?il for Printed Li?t. J. THOMPSON BROWN & CO., hl< 1113 Main atreet. lnit iu:vr. 1144 i:li i\(.>. i ou RKKT. Na DM PARK AVENUE; 9 ROOMS. N?>. J I":? west Main, *> rooms. No. llil w-st Main; ? twins. No, 312 esBl Cary; 7 rooms. No. Kg weal Marshall; 7 rooms. No, 111 west Cary, 7 rooms. No. HI Reservoir; 7 rooms. Also, a large number of Dwellings, Offices, and Stores in all pans, of the in?. Call for Print-,1 Rent-List. 'Phone, 2S8. c. L. & H. h- DENOON, oo l? * -- Main street. FOR RENT, * AT LOW RATE, EAST FRANKLIN Daelling, No. Jt?*>. hetareea Second and Third street.-, COBtAll?ng about It? rooms; ail modem improvements; brick stable, &c. Now unileri-oing- thorough rc pnir. J. THOMPSON BRoWN & CO., ,,.- '..-,nd3t_lll? Main street.^ roit Itl'AT, A THOROUGHLY A P POINTED. Seven-Room Flat, desirable in arrange ment, location, and surroundings. ocS-lt N. W. BO WE. FOR. RENT, REDUCED. REDUCED. REDUCED. in north Seventh; T rooms. 110 eaal Marshall; 8 rooms. l-i wesl Cary street; 7 rooms, t? north Sixth street; 12 rooms. H. L C A BELL, oc 9-D,_6 aorth Tenth street. FOR HKVr, A raCOND-STORY FLAT OF SEVEN with all modern improvements, belle, apeaklng tubea, ?*-"- : bean? located in centre oi city; convo car lines, Address lira HARRI i patel oc fi-ll KOK RENT. ?ESIKABLE MODERN FLATS N Bl ILDING NORTHEAST CORNER OF J lilKI? AND CARY STREETS RLNTS very reasonable. il. A. M'CCRDV, 7 north Tenth street oc 7.?.U,13.16,18.20.B-Bt rim REUT, WEST .MAIN STREET; EICHT aaata; one of the best houses on treat Loa rent Apply to BUTTON & CO., Tenth and Rank street?. F4ia REXT. ? PLAT, CONSISTING OF THREE Beautiful Looms, with use of eth, < i<- . in BOW building on Broad Very deslrabla location and rea rent Atklress NEW flat, ?are office._ oc 9-lt* KOIt ItKNI. ,'??. 11 LAST CLAY STRELT; TWO lory, Detached Modem Brick Dweilini.. i thorough repair; nine rooms, i0w rout. HAR4 IfiY WILLBON, N... | rust ciav ttreel 1-4?K K1?VI'. \m? LARGE ROOHal WITH PRIVATE ath, inn isln-il or in.furnished. Applv at i west Oraee street. aef*St ROOMS FOR REXT. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, I ird. Apj'ly at 811 ea.-t Iraee stre? i oc h-k l'oit it EM. IANDSOME liitirk RKSIDENCE, No. : Main .street, Lib??;. Hill, con iining 11 large, lofty Tooms, and wid?> or contain? four rooms and entry; BOOOnd, four r*.?ms and bath; bird, three r?..??ms sad bath. A convenl nt and b? ?iiitlful home at very mo.k Apply next door. No. 34?1. or o Sl'TTON & CO., Eleventh and Hank _oc 9-lt* FOR MBVI, ??>. ?JOT NORTH SEVENTH, AT RE ueed rent. Splendid location and In borough oliler. GBAMJS9 A ROSE, oc ?..T.K.fc.i?-at Real kTsiats Agent. IB BktT. f FOR ai:>T. No. 5C2 WEST GRACE STREET; I rooms. No 115 ?outh Third street; II rooms. No O.? ???t MAI* street; 10 room?. So'. 11 east Clay ?tr??t; ? rooms. No M east Leigh street; 10 rooms. No.' 51? east Leigh ?treet. $? roam?. ,\o. 1424 Floyd a?*noe; 8 rooms. N?, ie: aerth Beech j 8 rooms. No VID east Marshall; *S rooms. No 1? ??? ut h Plum; .'? room?. Also, many other ?mailer hoasee. " ' ' ?--* N. W. BOWE. rOR ItTJCNT, I? ! > BIB NEV4' COTTAGE. WIT! l.irg?, ground?, ?itu-ited at Gwathmev.? eae arid a half mlb's of Ashl.inl very near the station, with nuaneriu trains passing dally. BUTTON A CO., oo 9-lt Tenth and Bank streets^ "~ FOR RENT, HANDSOME, NEW, THREE-STOR1 Brick 1 ???.Hing No. l?B?l Grove avenue !,:?.<ii and handaoBM hails; nicely papsi ed all through, and rery desirable. BUTTON A- CO., oc 9-lt_ Tenth gnd Bank street?. i ?ni iti;vr. HANDSOME, NEW BRICK D4VELL Ing No. 9<?4 Park avenue, now In the M Bupaatry of General Lee; broad and hand some baila; nicely papered, Ac. BUTTON 4 CO., oc 9-lt Tenth and Hank streets. FOR RENT, H \NI ?SOME, NEW. THREE-STORY Hay-Window Brick Dw.-lllng No. Si Floyd avenue; large ami airy rooms nice order; npighborhi">.?ii and loeatloi excellent. BUTTON A CO., oc 9-lt Tenth and Lank ?treeta. " FOR IIF.NT. HANDSOME, NEW. THREB-4VTORY Lav-Window Brick Dwelling No. ion west Grace street; nieely papered all through, end ltirge brick st*.l>!,-. BUTTON A CO., oo B-lt_Tenth and Rank ?treets. FOR RENT. IN THE nEART OF THE CITY, A Dirge, Commodlout Toliacco-Factory, sq llpaed witli drylng-roorns, boiler. Ac, seitab!? for rshSUdilng tohacco. Posses sion at one*. Rent v.-ry reasonable. Apply to T. M. WORTHAM & CO., Real Estate Asents, oo 9-lt_ iOll .-.?st Main street. RENT LIST. CALL AND i!ET OCRS" BEFORE renting. We have some most desirable property cheap. T. M. 4VORTIIAM & CO.. Real Estate Agents, oc 9-lt_ItU east Main street. FOR ILK NT. THAT STRICTLY MODERN TWO Storv Brick Dwelling No ZXX south Third street, near Gamble's Hill lark, contain ing about 9 rooms and all conveniences,, II. SELDOM* TAYLOR ?v Sox. oc and Bank, FOR KENT, THAT elegant p.kownstone Front Dwelling No. 219 Grace Btreet be tween Second and ?Third, with about 10 rooms, and eve:/ COUV. nienco for com fort. Possession at Once. H. dELDDN TAYLOR & SON. corner Eleventh and Rank st. -. _oc 9-Su,Tu&Th3t ^ FOR in;\i, AT BYf.n PER MONTH, No. UM EAST MAIN STREET/ corner store with dwell ing above, for many yi'ars occupied by J. W. Frayser, ?Irui-Kist. H. 8BLDON TAYLOR A SON. corner Eleventh and Bank street?. _ oc 9-SU.4V&F3*. FOR RENT, the HOUSE at northwest cop per Grace and Fourth Streets. Will add a new four-room wing and Introduc? m<"l?>rn comforts and appliances for a desirable tenant. oc 9-lt_N. W. BQ4VE. FOR RENT, THREE ROOMS, FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping, second Boor, including bath* room. 72l_wt-st Marshall. oc 9-lt FOB RENT, CHURCH-HILL HOUSE, No. 2T-12 EAST Marshall; modern Improvements; in ?tood order. POLLARD <fc BAGBY, oc 9-lt_l north Eleventh street FOR REVI, WEBT FRANKLIN STREBT REU? denes; spacious, charming, ami weii-ar ranged. N. w. BOWE oe Ml FOR RENT. TH1RD-FLO0T FLAT, No. If? SOUTH Third street; central, convenient, troll arranged; seven rooms. N. 4V. BOWK, oc !i-lt FOR RENT, THE FINE BUSINESS STAND AT southeast corner of Main and Seventh streets. Alpo, another Store in same block. I must have tenant? for them, oc 9-lt N. W. H?'WE. FOR RENT, BRICK HOUSE No. M', NORTH EIGHTH str.-.-t; six room-. Inside bath and store rooms: with mod.-rn convenlen4*a*a; in good order. Possession at one*. Apply to E. A. barber, Z14 east Leigh sti _oc 9-lt" FOR RENT, No. 18 NINTH STREET BETWEEN Main and Franklin str, ets. The location of this Si ore renders it a rirst-clas? busi ness stand. ALS?', Store Floor of No. Lico, corner Cary and Twelfth streets. Call for Printed Ren'.-L!st. H. 8ELDON TAYLOR A SON, corner Eleventh and Hank street;*, oc 9-lt POR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE. WELL-LOCA - ted Resldenoe No. .'12 east Franklin. Ap ply on the premises or at No. 6 east Franklin. Possession given at once. _oc 7-lw FOR H FAT, No. 816 WEST GRACE. REOII'EI). Desirable location and in rood condition. Apply to CHARLES A. ROSE, pa 5,7.8,D,13-Et_Real Estate Agint. ~ FOR RENT. FURNISHED RESIDENCE IN THE Brast-Ead; very doflrable as to location, lPTiomtments, A-c. N. W. BOWE. o<: 9-lt FOR llEVT, DESIR ABI JC NEW COTTAOB, WITH large grounds, situated at Gwathmey's, 1-2 miles east ol Ashland: very Dear the n, with numerous trams passing laily. Sl'TTON & CO., Tenth and Bank streets. oe tSnatWIt_ FOR RENT, ITORB 430 NORTH SIXTH STREET. .lost desirably located for retail trade; umiedlate posBeaslonj reasonable rent. ipply to SAMUEL REGE8TER, Trustee nd Receiver, 1107 Bank Btreet _au 14-SuAWtf FOR RENT, MIYSICIAN'S OFFICES, co.MPLKTE y equipped; privat.- entra?e?- on Frank in street. Also, one Room for gentle? nan. with bath. Apply si laM east Frank? In street. oc 7-F,Su&Tu3t* FOR RENT. ?'o. Cll WEST FRANKLIN STREET; his desirable residence, with stable at tached. Apply to Mrs. C. L. TODD, 609 ?est Franklin street. se 11-eodtf FOR RENT, :iCE ROOM FOR A GENTLEMAN: iirnish?*;! or unfurnished. Apply 104 east lay street._ _oc 9 f?n RESIT, ?ES1RABLE D4VELLING-HOUSE, No. 1?? north FVurth street containing H Senas, Rent moderate. Apply at 40.? east i.i-iklln street. oc 9-lt* FOR RENT, :<>. 104 WEST BROAD STREET. DE ?rable Store, well situated for bakery, ?nt, i tlonary, or grocery. oc_9_C- i, a- Il L DEN DON. FDR RENT. 'a. 817 WEST CARY BTREET; EXCELr >nt stand for grocery or other business. 00 9_<\ L. A H.. L DENOON. 4 4)R RENT, OR STORAGE OR (X'CUPANCT, TWO arg?'. Bright Rooms on west (R-ace treet. I: u? - low. VN*ill rent one or both, eferenc?? eschanged. Address BORAX, ire Dispatch office. or: 9-lt* FOR HK4T, DWELLINGS. No. ljio Floyd avenue??-onvenlently rranged Dwelling, with 8 rooms. No. HI north Twelfth street-Brick ??veiling, with 9 rooms, &c. No. 22 north Lomhurdy street?Brick ?welling, with ?$ roonn-. Other Dwelling? In different parts of the ity. Call for Printed Rrnt-Llst. H. SEI.DON ?TAYLOR * SON. oc 9-SunAF.i * AD4DTIOB KALBS-MaaSas WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLL? THI TAXES FuR THE CURRENT CALEN DAR TEAR ARE TO I)B PAID PR? RATA BY THE VENDOR AND TH1 VENDEE. By H. Seldon Taylor A Son, and Button .1- Co., - ? ?I Eitate Auctnneeja. T.r.?STEi.'?- auot?on sale * Dl FRONT OK Henrico County Court-Housi Or* A LARGE NUMBER OF VACANT LOTS LOCATED m rnK CITVr ryt} RICH MONO AM? THE COUNTT OF HENRICO. In ?seuthm ft m certain deed of tnii 10 t.1*?- undersigned trustee, dated Oetsb? Bod duly recorded In the fierk' ??filoe of K.'hmond Chancery ?"urt. I B??k !' B, page 90, and In Dastl Hook 141 A. paga. i?si, ?Clerk'a "III' a Her rico County ?'uiirt. which was given t secure the paynvnt of a certain negotla ??I- note therein mentioned, d?faut tarta osen made in the payment ?.* asM not? and being din.? ? ,| \)V ?h?- holder tlu-rec s?> to do, I will proceed to Bell, at publl auction, in front of Henri? o county courl Bouae on Monday, OCTOBER io. MM, ?-:cEmL".;In* af - o'clock M? the REA: ?t?te eoareyad by bbM deed, and l tue "nier da peinafter mentioned. Kirat?Trlangular Lot. fronting 97 l-i [eel "ii tin north side of I >oCk stree between Fifteenth and Seventeen! etreeta, adjoining the stores of Meesn Davenport * .Morris, and bounded o Iba north and weet by Richmond an' Dnravlile railroad eonnectloa t.-n? k. Second.?Lot MxlM fact, at north? a ?i COI ner of Seventeenth and William streets, Richmond city. Third.?Lot IMxlfl toot, at northwes c.rn.'r of Williams and Buch ana afreets. Richmond city. Fourth.- An entire block, lying partly I the city and partir in the county, arili a frontage of IN feet on Chriatla atreet and Richard street, betwee r**ederal or Buchanan and Jame streets. Fifth.?Trlaagulir Lot in the eouBty o Henrico, bounded on the north 1? Christian street, on which It front: f.'.. feet, m?.r.- or on the west b Baker atreet, on which it fronts, fis feet. m?.r.. or leas, and on th?- eaal 1' a line parallel with Mechanlcsvlll turnpike, smi feet, more or lees. Sixth.?Lot commencing at a point 11 feet north from the lnt'?rsection o Cedar street and Mechanlcsville turn j.'.k--- (Henrico county), running thenc northwardly along the west side n - 'I turnpike, and fronting I 1^>1'W fest, BYvrnth.?Ix?t In H?mico COUBty, begin ning at a point on the western uni Of Me. hard, .-ville tiirnplk?-. ?SU 1-2 fee BSUthwnrdly from the inters.-? tion 0 Bid Ii??.' with Christian stroet, run ning thence snuthwardlv along sal. turnpik. . aud fronting thereon 91 1 f.-?-t. more or in-'?--; thence wesiwairdlj Bl right Bogles to said turnpik.- V feet, theno BBUthwardly parallel wltl aald pike M fe. t. mon- or less, thene? wsstwardly again i_ feet, thsnei northwardly w 1-2 f.?.-t. thence east Warily MM feet, to the point of begin ning. Eighth Lot In Henrico countv. b?-ginnlni on the west lin.? ol Uec\ anlcnvlll? turnpike, about -111 1-2 feel aoutb fron Int? "section of said line with fhris tlan street, running thence northward ly along .-ind fronting on mid turnpik? 1211-2 feel, thence westwsrdly Ul fast, thence northwardly parallel wltl .? aid pike U feat, thence westwardlj 12!? feet tiunce Bouthwardly i?.i I ' feet, thence east ward I v Ml feet to th? point of beginning. Ninth- Triangular Loi at northeast cor r.- r of Twenty-first and X street Henrico county. This lot fronts ES feet on Twenty-first atreet and Mt fee on x street Tenth.?Three and one-half acres of Ian In Henrico county, near FairtU-ld Race Track, being l^?t No. 2. on Map A. X which is of record in the Clerk'a offlci ?if Henrico County Court, in Dee?! li.-ink 1"1, page IC. It fronts on Fair Seid avenue, continued. Eleventh.?Three and one-half -?er?s ol lnn?l in Henrico eouniy, near Falrflrtk l: -Track, bein? Lot No. 4, on th? above-mentioned map. It lies n??.r Uu aouthern line of Falrfield avenue, con ttnued. Plata of all this property can be seen at the office of the auctioneers, and will be exhibited at the hour of sale. TERMS: One-third cash: balance at si*? and twelve months for negotiable cotes. with interest added and ?cured by a deed of tru?t; or all cash, at option of pur chaser. A. XV. PATTERSON, oc 2 Trustee. By N. W. Bowe, Real Estate Auctioneer. JSTEES' SALE BY AUCTION (IK T BRICK RESIDENCE No. 314 North Third Street. In execution of a deed of trust date?! February -\ MM, and recorded in tha Chancery Court for the cliy ?f Richmond, in Deed-Book 154 "H." paga i, ire win, at the -request "f the beneficiary, there having been default in the payment of th?. debt ai ?cured, s.-ll by public auction, on the premises, on MONDAT, OCTOBER It, MHL at | o'clock i*. M., the centrally-located BRICK DWELLING above referred to, with the h t upon which It stands, front ing about is feel on the west aide of Third atreet b? tw< i n Broad and Marshall sir.-eis and running ba? k about ?.l i.set TERMS: ?'..--h for i \\<- as? - Of sal?? an?! all unpaid taxes, and to discharge a note for MO due September ::, IM; s credit of 11,030 until March I, IMd, and the balaace in two equal InstaImenta at one and two years, all credit payments to b<- evidenced by not? and aecured by a trust deed upon the property. J. R. V. DANIEL, N. XV. BOWE, oc 5 Trustees. II By George YV. Mayo, Auctioneer, 9<)9 east BrO id BtTl Bt OBRE, ORGAN. HOUSEHOLD H'l'MIIKF. AC. AT AUCTION. I will f-'ll at my auction-house at 10:::'! A. M. MONDAT, (KTOREI*. 10, l*?n One Large Blsck Horse, 0 years old, and a good worker; One Alexandre Parlor Organ; Oek and other Chamber Furniture, Wardrobes, walnut Ceiereta, Ctocka, pictures, Chairs, Rockers, Bedat? Bureaus, Tables, Springe, Cnrj Matting, Lounges, Sofaa, Mettre Cooking? and Woiod-StOVeS, and Mis? cellsneoua Articl? OBOROH W. M WO, oc 9 Auctioneer, AUCTION ?WILL BELL ATOTJH STOKK, MONDAY, October totti. 11::?0 O'CLOCK, NICE LOT APPLES, PEAKS, PEACHES, QUINCES. GRAPES, POTA TOES, &c. h i" i ?son & CO Cominlsslon Merchants, oc 9-lt* Ml?1 esst Cary street. FOU S U.E. FOR HALE, GREEN AND FANCY GROCERY, doing a good business. Oood location; first-class trade; good reasons for ?sell ing. A good chan<?? for the right man. Address C-ROfEUV, tare Dispatch. __oc edty FOlF?ALE, PAIR BAY CARRIAGE RORSESj tvllsh and fast, 1?; hands high; rising 7 vears old; sound and reliable in every way. Address J. M HIOOINSON, Ivy !' oc. 9-4M* Albemarle county. Va. ' I'ROl i:??*?lii\ ?I . Henry LI Jno. Garland Pollard ATTORNEYS AKD COUKSKLLORS, 1110 East Main Street, KItJH?>IONl>, VA. [cc?J-TU,HuBTul3tl_ tV. G. FILKI*TO*4/, ATTORNB1 AT LAW, PILKINT4>N I'?ST-OKFK K, POWHATA.N 4'OL'XTY. VA. Attend all county courta In Southside Virginia. oc ? -? **? AVCTtOlf BALKS?ra^?-*? P??' ^ ??REN KatA?7?iaA"?-l* ** ovjimU im TAXE? FUR THJ* CURRENT CAJLBN DAR TEA? ARB TO BE PAID PRC RATA BY THB VENDOR asND THJ VEND HE. By J. Thompson Brown A Co., 1113 Main street TRUSTEE'? SALE OK ?78 ACRES OF LAND ON CHESAPEAKI AND OHIO RAILROAD, NEAR FORT LEE STATION, ON CHARLE! CITY ROAD.. A ROUT * ?MILES EAST OF RICHMOND. By virtue of a deed of trust from Mr* M. A. Blunt to me. M truste?*, dated Au gust 1, l?!?.*., and duly recorded in H?-nric County Court, In Deed-Book 149 H, pa g BBJ) to secure a noto therein describe?) default h?ing mad?-, and being require? by the beaenctary so to do, I will sell a public au?tlon. In front of Honrie county court, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th. at 12 o'clock, the REA!. ESTATE de scribed in said deed as follows: "Tract of land, with all improvement? appurtenances, rights, and ways t?. th same belonging, lying In the county o Henrioo, principally on the north Brae 0 the charles city road, containing 2i BCn a mor,- or less, bounded on the nortl by the land of Dickinson, on the east !>: those of the Ooo.lmans, and on th?3 SOUti by those of the Jordons an?! Childres.? and on th>> west by thus? of the Good mana" Clarke sl'llng iVhesapeake an. Ohio railway) is on or near this land. AbOUl ?7'? acre? cleared; balance in wood mor.- than enough t" pay for the place. TERMB: Cash as to expense of sale, al past-do?- fax.s, and t?,<v. with int.res from August 1st; balance "ii'* and tw reara, ?> i"*r cent. Interest added, secure, by deed of trust. WALLACE F. BROWN. Trustee. J, Thompson Brown & Co., Auctioneers oc 9 AUCTION' SALES-Fotnre Day?. By J. B. Elam & Co.. Real Est?t" Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF THE WELL-LOCATED AND VALU ABLE BRICK FACTORY, WITH THE LOT FRONTING 60x12? FEET, ON WHICH IT STANDS. ON THE EAST SIDE OF RESERVOIF STREET BETWEEN BEVERLY AND WALLACE STREETS, KNOWN AS THE "MATCH FACTORY.' In ex*'-uti<in of a certain (l?*ed of trust dated August I IN, recorded in Deed Book 140. B, pug.* M, Richmond Chan eery Court, the undersigned trustee wil -?' Il by public auction, on the premises, or FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, iSBt, at l-JO o'clock P. M . the HEAL BBTATI described in said deed, it being the shove? nsmsd well-known "Mar? h Factory," thi lot fronting ?? feet on Reservoir street and extending back within parallel line. 120 f?et to a wlile alley, and there ar? two connecting, spacious, and substantial brick factory buildingt thereon. Thi? property la well suit?.! in location, size, and construction for any small manufac tory, and adjacent groun<l can now bi bad If desired TERMB: By consent and In lieu of th? terms re-Hired by the deed, one thirri ensh, and ttie? balance in r?vo equal ir. Btslments, al all and twive months, by negotiable sotes, with interest added, an.i ?ecu rod by a deed of tru?<t. or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. .1. B. ELAM, Trustee. J. p. Flam t Co., Auctioneer?. oc 9-ts REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 9tMte WILL HEY A MODERN. KTOr-K BRICK RESIDENCE on west Main ?treet; eit-hr i*ooma; Litrobe stoves, range, &c. Vet?- essy terms. 4*. L & H. !.. DENOON. oc 9_ m Main street FOR SALE, A pa y i N ; i n v r?STm il\t. 12.4300 will buy TWO BRICK DWELL INGS, eeatraily located; always occupied. Annual rent. MM. ??!?- . i J. III. ?MHS' IN BROWN A CO. esso WILL BUT A GOOD FOUR-ROOM flous?. Large lot Rented nt Sf per month to white tenant. POLLARD .*; HAGBY, 0.* 9 It 7 north Eleventh street 12 PER CENT. INVESTMENT. WE HAVE QUITE A NUMBER OF Small piec.-s of Property In a good n*fgh borh.1 that will pay 10 or 12 per cent. There is nothing better. POLLARD & BAGBY, .7 north Eleventh street. 4 III R4 II-llll.l, BARGAIN. ?Vk) WILL BEY A GOOD S-ROOM Brick House on Twenty-fifth Btreel near Clay. POLLARD ?v BAGBY, BS 9-lt No. E north Eleventh street. I'Or sale, HEio. s ri;? ?FIT. IMBS---A BLOCK OF FIRST-ClaASB WEST-END I.? rTS, Cast $i?.0OO. and will bring it again be fore long, now*? the time to pica it up, .1. THOMPSON BROWN <fc CO. _oc_9-H_111:! Main street 54)0 At RES, NO RUILDINGS, MM*, AND BBVERAL pia,*<js for aale ?>r exchange, E to IM sei *?. i?; o up, on Rl? hmond, ?Jredertcksburg ana Potomac rsilrosd. Also, store Property. Address heal estate, Boa 7s, Rieh moiid, Va_oc 9-lt* gT4M 4VII.L BUY A GOOD FRAME DWELL ING on Twenty-eighth street, it coal 11..*?) a few years ago, aad has city water and gas. It is a genuin" bargain. J. B. ELAM A CO., oc 9-lt 1 IE! Main street. FOB S 4LE, ONLY M FRANKLIN STREET DWELLING, near Fifth Btreet Detached, modera, good oni.r; brich stahl,-. Ac, Will pay 7 per cent, as an investment. It's the best purchase In this city in a first-class dwelling, owner wants to |?*?ra d'y. J. THOMPSON BROWN A CO. Si.150 WILL BUY A STORE AND DWELI.IN?; on Venablo street, renting at HI per month. POLLARD A BAGBY, Be 9-lt No. fi north Eleventh street. .* IIL'EII.IUS. MEMBEI'.S OF FRATERNAL LODGE, No. IS, x. F. and A. M. Attend a atated communication o. your lo.lge at \i ? tool Temple MONDAY EVENING at 7::!?) o'clock. Members of sister lodges and transient brethren are fi ?finally invited. By order of the WorahipfUl Master. E. BOTTIGHEIMER, jy lZ-Mub2dMt?_ s. cretary, ATTENTION. PHARE 41 ISTS! THE BOARD < 'E PHARMACY OF V!K GINIA will m,. t at Richmond, In lbs han of the Hou?e of Delegates, at l? a. ai.. OCTOBER ?TH INSTANT. Parties who wish to sanear for examination must communicate at on. t with E. It. Beck with, Secretary, Petersburg, Va o, Ml* T- A MILLER, President. .NOTIt K. Southern Railway Compun?. Richmond, Vu.. October 1. IBM THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS <?F THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, for the purpose Of electing directora, and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office ot the company, in the eltv of Richmond, Va.. On TUESDAY, Octo ber is. 119-, at lu o'clock A. M JOSIAH F. HILL oc. 2-tOc 18 In_Secretary. o?d Dominion Building and Loar. Ass.*dation, Richmond, 4'a., October 1, llflrs. a. CALLED MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE oI.D DO MINION BUILDING AND LOAN ASS.? ClATloN will be held In the Hall ot the Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, \'.?., on the 2d DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1898, at M o'clock A. M, for the purpose of considering the question Of the conver sion of other shares Into perpetual stock, and to take auch action in connection therewith as mav be necessary by the stockholder?. E. A. BARBER. oc 2-td Secretary. lAJfrT, BTRAYBD, A.1D rOVJilm, LOST-LIBERAL RE4VARD FOR HE turn of FRENCH WHITE PooDLE DOG. Answers to name of Cap. *'. H. El'PS. jr., Oc ft-It*_33 west Marshall ?tr**t_ *~LOST. 8ILVER LORGNETTES. RB ward if returned to 1109 Grove avenue. oc B-2t* Order? for printing sent to the Dispatch AVCSU9U MhSM9~*S9tms*a St*ngu? ~WHEN RR?- -8T?T?? '-???^.^N TAXES FOR THE ERRENT CAIaMJJ DAR YMAR ARB TO RR PAID PR?j RATA BT THE VENDOR AMD TUJ VENDEE ^?^.?^~~~~ By J. B: Eiam A Co* a Real Estate Agenta, 1113 ?Main street, TRUSTEE'S SALE ~" OK , NEAT SUBURBAN COTTAGE AM LARGE I-OT. PLAN OF PINALTO N< ?RTH OF BAR TON HEIGHTS. By virtue of a deed of trurt from Rub fi.?! Wyatt, ' at-Hl November 17. 1Mb. SB? racorde'd Iri Heinle ?"ounty tuurt. Deed Book IM A, page ??. to the undersign??. trustee to s?-cure certain notes thereli described, abfault having been made an? being required by beneficiary so to do. will ?ell at public auction, on the pre mises, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12th, at 6 P. M., the PROPERTY described Ii said deed a? follows: "Three lots of land In the plan o 'Pinalto Grove,1 In the county of Hen rtco with ?dl Improvements thereon, be ginning at the intersection of Klnslsn? avenue with eastern line of Alma, street where it intersects the f.union road thence running easterly and fronting 01 north lin.- of Klnsland avenue 2b*. test thence northwardlv las fast to an all.? in common 20 f?f*t wide; thene?? alom Bald allay 120 feet to Alma atreet; thcnc? along eastern line of Alma street t; Klnsland avenue, the point of besinning. TERMS: Cash as to all past-duo taxei and insurance, and to pay three notes o MM each, with protest and Interest fron November l* and December 17. 1*>4. an* Januarv 1, 1S95. and thirty-three notes <> ?2S.45 each. m a? urine on the 17th of eae! couse utive month thereafter, with protes fe.? and accrued Interest on each note and a credit a-? to ninety-nine notes o ti?. 9 each, maturing on 17th day of aucl consecutive month, beginning Octobei 17 UM, and balance, if any, In twelv? months 6 per cent. Intereat, secured b: deed of trust. EDWARD H. BROWN, Trustee. J B. Eiam & Co.. Auctioneers. oc 7-td By R. B. Chaffln & Co., Incorporated, and II. L. Cabell, Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONERS' SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION OF TUB HISTORIC AND VALUABLE FARIY KNOWN AS "TI CKAHOE," SITUATED ON THE NORTH HANK Ol THE JAMES RIVER ABOUT Fi'iCR TEEN MILES ABOVE RICH MOND, VA. Bv virtue of a decree entered April 1 VS)?', In re Cltisens' Hank vs. V. M. Alb't and oth.t". In the Circuit ?'ourt of Gcoch land county, we, the und.rslgne.l specla commtsalonere, will ??Ml at public auction on the pre?ii!=es. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1898, at 12.30 P, ht, the REAL ESTATE re ferrad to m Hid decree, being the valu, able farm on the James-Rlv? 1 branch ol th? Chesapeake and Ohio railway knowi as "Upper TuokahOS," containing 62? aerea, more or ?ess. Tills la considere? one of the finest farms on Janus river There are about 175 acres of alluvial bot tom lands, and the upland is of excellent character, mostly chocolate, producing fine crops of tobacco, grass. an?l grain The dwelling is of great biabarle Intereat having at one time been occupied by the father of Thomas Jefferson, an.l was als? the country-seat of one of the branchei of the Randolph family. Tho property i. very near the Gayton foil Mines, anil Is rich in peoniiBee of mineral wealth. Par ties Interested In the ooal feature of this property would do well to communicate with Professor ?>'. _. Staler, of Harvard University, -?vhp, T**e are informed, has made B geological survey of tha- land. The farm Is OB on- of the best road? leading out of the city of Richmond, an? Is, therefore, e-asy of acsssa both by rail road and v? hide. The sale v?ill be marte BUOJeel to th<* right of the Tu.kahoe foil-Mining Com paay to one-half of the mineral rights un deriving ISO acres thereof, the same beln? tha I-'1 acres which were taken from l?w er Tuckahoe and added to 'Upper Tuck ahoe." TERMS: Cash as to expenses of sale, any taxes which may be due and as to tf.TOO, with Interest thereon from August IS. 1?9S; the balance in three equal Inetal? rneiits at one. two, and three years, rep resented by the bonds of the purchaser, and bearing ?i per-cent. Intereat from dste Bf sale, title to be r? until the full pur. has?? money has been paid. DAVID 11 LEAKE, JOHN RI'THEHFuORD. W. O. SKELTON, Special Commissioners. In the Clerk's ofllce of the Circuit fourt of the county of ?Gooohhuul- Cltlaens' Bank of Richmond, for, Ac, Plaintiff, vs. Virginia M. Allen atid als.. Defend ants: I William Miller. Clerk of the sahl court do eertUy that the bond 1.?quired of the apscial commlselonera by the de cree rendered in said cause on the 1st day of April, MM, hSi been duly given. Given under my hari?i as Clerk "f the said court this 12th day of September, i?98 WILLIAM MILLER, flerk. H fi.? probablv more liberal terms than the above may be given on the day of sale. se ?.:!".oc:',:.:,9,12,l<.16,18--10t_ l: M Beldon Taylor ?*i Son. Real Estate Auctioneers. T*RUSTLE'S AUCTION S.U.E A OK AN UNJDfVIDED ONE HALF OF THE BRICK TENEMENT, 103 WEST CARV STREET. In execution of a certain deed of trust, bearing date on th?- ttth ?day of Septem ber. ik?7. anal rec ?rded in the fl?*rk'a of Sce of the Chancery Court of the city of Kichmon.t. Deed-Book Ml A, page Ut-, de fault having been made In the payment of the note th? 1. by Beeured, and being required bo t?. do by th? holder of tho mm note, 1 will s.-ll at public auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, ?OCTOBER 13 : at ?:.tti o'clock P. M., an UNDIVIDED UNE HALF INTEREST IN THAT CER TAIN LOT OF LAND tvith a TENE MENT DWELLING ?No. IDS *.\'>t ?'ary -tr.'ti thereon. In the city >>f Richmond, on the smith side of Carry Btreet between Adama and Jefferson atreete, fronting on Cary atreet Me-U feet, ?and runalng back i-" t- el m an alley 10 fi el wide. TERMS: ?'ash as to expenaea of aale and tax?e, ami an amount sufficient to pap off and disch irge a note for USA, with intereat from th? .?.I 'lav of October, UN; balance, if any, on a crsdil of six uni twelve months, with Internal added, and Becured bv deed of trust on th- pro? soi,. CUTCH1N8. Trustee. H S'ldon Taylor ?v. Bon, Auctioneer. us; s-?<t By N. W. Low . Real Bstste Ao< ttoi - / ?OURT SAL.: Of A IMALL BUT KJ Vr.l'Y 1)1 1KAKLK CORNER STORE PROPERTT AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LEIGH AND HARRISON STREETS, AT AUCTION. in BXScatloB of 'he thereinafter m?-n tioned de.r?., we will sell by BUCtlOB, OB the premlf.-s, on M? in day, OCTOBSR 17. MM, at 4::? o'cloeh P, M., the PROPERTY above referre?l to. The lot fronts 20 1-12 feat, more or less. oa Leigh street at tha- Boutheaal corser of Harrison atreet, and extends hack IM feet along the east line of Harrison street. The house Is ?. good two-story framed detached bunding, with one r....m la the rear ?>f the .?.ore and three romis ov?r the same, and a dry cellar beneath. This property is In an excellent loca tion for conducting a profitable huislness r.-?lulling small capital, end it would prove a ko<k1 investment for rental. TERMS: One-fourth rash, sad the resi due In three equal instalments at six. twelve, and eighteen months, for notes, with Intereat added, and the tit!? retained until the whole purchase monay I. paid. BEVERLY T. CRUMP, D. <". RICHARDSON, Special Commissioners, Wood's Guardlen, plaintiff, against Hill and als., defendants.?In the Chnneery 4 ourt of the city of Richmond: I, fharlea XV. Ooddln, flerk <?f said court, certify that the bond required of the special commissioner?* by ih.? decree In said cause of December 6, 1894, has been duly given. Given under my hand thl? 7th day of December, lfftM. CHARLES XV. GODDIN, de !>-??t ?'lerk. Old papera for sale at the DispaU'h office. AI ?T TIOV BALES?Falar* |?,M WHEN REAL ESTATE lu A>L?>'t?is TAXES FOR THE CURRENT ? AI i - DAR YEAR ARE TO BE PAH? ? ',,',' VBN??EE^THB VKNI"'K AND ? rpRU.STEES'BALE OP BOUSE No A llie WKST BAaaVSAU fiTBIgT, In execution of a certain deed of'tr ?. dated September 14. 1* * .-. Chancery ?our, for ?he, i in De.d-Lo..k !.;, C. ft. th?r? K.v - been default in th# pevment of - ? secured, and rl th? r- quo?! flc'ary. we ?H! sell by aun pren.I*??, ?>n ' " WEDNESDAY. OCTOBBB 12. Xt?t, at -:20 o'clrxk P. M . the R?OUSE < veye-1 by th.* aforesaid de*?i ,, lui v./. Marsha!! ttreet, ??! ?, , up>n which It stands, fronting i; ij.ij *,.?", an I running back Hi feet to .? *?-f??,?' TERMS: ?'ash BUfficlenl I sale taxes to day of tale, and $1..**?), with Int, September, Ufa. and the r and two years, for notes, Wl,? added and secure?! by a I : JOHN T GGDDIV N. W. BOWE "g 7_> , By Pollard A Bagby, ' Rial Est?t? Auctl?,-. pOMMl^SIONEKS'AUCTION sal? LR1CK DWELLING WITH L A N1 VALUABLE I>>T. ON SOUTH MARSHALL BETWEEN GILMER AND GKaha?j STREETS. ** KNOWN AS N In execution of a .1? i eery Court of the city Of I: tered on July 2... IBS, In tl Bland and als. VS. Dsbn. \ I: , I als., we, ?h?- undersigned, v., . suction, on th. : a "' 4VEDNESDA'i ??, !2, Kt at 4:30 o'clock P. M.. th'* al i PROPERTY. The lot la a I a frontage of M feet on Marsha ot lui feet t" alley in common lot is a small brick dwell!] : of thr?.? rooms. TERMS: 4?ne fourth la tiire.pial Inatalm? and eighteen month*?, credit ; In- evidenced by a? got! interest added from day of retained until all ar" paid; oulion of pun : HARRY L. WA 1-"V WARREN II Special COB] : r I certify that the bond r-quIrM by t*i? shove deer, t as t?-? sp?cial . - ( baa been duly given. CHARLES O. BAVILLB, oc 7_ COMMISSIONEKS*" HA 1.7 OF LARGE AND VALUABLE : AT NEWPORT NEWS, . ?FRONTING 4<*> FEET <>R M THE RIVER AND CONTAINING ABOI r Pin su,ant to a decree of ?t. of W?irwi?*k county, enter. day of December. I?!??, In ?h suit of L. K. Hudgina. executor <". Hudgina, deceased, vs J. - . and fthsrs, anil a decree >-.,t? r-d on th, stth day of. o? t??ber, lS^, -, Bpecial commissiohers will sell, * auction, on THURSDAY'. OCTOBER It, II I at 11 o'clock A M.. on th? pi - REAL ESTATE in the B II lugs mentioned and d. of IM?-, acre?, which John S. Tucker and John H V. Of Charles K Msllorj George II, Peek, apeclsl in the oonsolldat<d ?lilt? In R ? In the 4'in nit Court Of Elirai county, entitled Brinkl-?. Ac. t?. Lu|. mar an 1 other?. Willis and V. if.? ?-> Jjv mar and others, and Peek other?, as appears by th.* report Bl IBM special commuHjtonera In sai.i * i>-tober l, 1172, which wat oonSrssad i?y i decree of t>a'?i court in .-.?.id s?u aa I n tobar 2. 1172, wherein 1? described a? Lot N?> X 00 ! of t Be* Par her West LaTAtea, t may be further dts-crihrd ??- b tli?* ?oiithw.-st by .1 north by Pumpkin Hall tra? ' i rated from It by New-poi t .-* ;? on the west by Lot No. 7, On : ?? Plat, and on (he east by I/Ot N?x 9, un ?ill plat TERMS: One-'hirJ . xsh, and aht bal anc?. in three equal Instalm? it with ?nteres? from date, 'It I ' rrfghtetm montha, reepeetlt day of ?ale, for which the i H ? purcbasera ahall giv?* hoada payable to th.- said Bpecial COmm ami the title retained ai I order of th>- court : or i he ; * Ht his option, pay all cash; ot I . Security of that said iWerrofl : execute S deed >,f mist upar* lots purchased by him, to he drawn tad recorded at ft la BKBOnBI The water front of IM) f- Bl running ba/'k about 290 f? t froui water llnoito an aven.'" .' lie sold aa a whoi?-. offerinir n i opportunlti- for the pure.'.. the bast watei f?ont pt*opei ? port N.-ws: the rest of the i r i-ro ' be sold In lots, according to a I poss"ssi'-?n of ih?> euc?oneets This property offers a iiiv> >>r for Investment: It 1!. s below peaks and ? ihlo railroad pi? - tween the r,r,,p, rty of thsl the iiropi-rty of tii* Old D minion Lard Company. R. G. BICKPORD RH'HARD WALKE, THOMAS TABB, RICHARD H. TUNSTALl Bpe. lal Com? i Clerk's OfTlco of tho Circuit I : Waywlck County: I hereby certify that th?< boi . ' of the special commission? r S Of Sale haV? ' I ex? cuti ?! Given ,in?l? r my hand thlfl - a September, D G MTB For maps or personal i property, call upon the il Trie .?.- (Jo., of Norfolk, Tucker ?t Co., ?>f Newport N _ , ! By C, L. & H I. : Real L -tat.- Agent -* * Main rpBUSTEaS' S A l.l. JL of DESIRABLE TWO-STORY 4.N1 MENT DETAl'HED BRJ DWELLING. No. ::".' V. KSI . LA i HI : THE LOT FRONTING THE NORTH LINK OF CLAY STREET AN!? RUNNING BACK PARALLEL LINES AN I ill LAR DEPTH TO HH?'"K v NIK. HAVING TW? > i ?IBA BLE BTREtST FR? B*/ virtu.- "t i: ?,' ad "f trust,,1 Jul) 11, l? tard u the CI. l'ban. <i y < 'ourt Deed-I X2\. default having be. n n i ij ne-ut of .. erl tin : ' ? .n ,l. and i Ins ? -, ? on THURSDAY, OCTOBER .?t | p, M., the DESIH IBI STORY AND BASEMEN : : weel Claj ttr. front of M feet on Claj back t?. Brook avenu. . TERMS. Cash ..s lo ?upen??? ?utlng this trust, and to pay ? J-??, witti int- rest thereon fr u IHM. and a credit as to I! -s- ' ' - raid Bate hearing Inter. date Of .-ale; balan? e St ' '" yearn C. l dknogK JOHN HI S 1KB JR l'i C. L A H. L Deno.-m. Auctioneer? < llard A Bsgbj Real Eelat^ Auctioneers. TBUblKES'AUCTION SALE' OK No. 121? NORTH TW?n>rTY-FUTlI STREET, NEAR FAlRMOrNT. Bv virtu? cf a dr*?l of tru?t Pebruarv 11. If**;, recorded in County ?'ourt. D*??l-Hook IJO A. I vs.. ail! astl by auction, on tho pn on FRIDAY. (KTHHKI1 14. !*i* at 6 o'clock P. M . the ai-??ve-m.n(ie.?e?t TWO-STORY, FIVP*-R04?:4l DWEIJJH?? AND LOT. fronting on Tw? a ?tr**t 30 feet, running ba? k !.. ? * rolle! line? !*? f??*t to alle.? 14 feet wWe. I ERMf Enough In cash lo i of ?ule and a note for *?V?> with Interest from Eebruary 11. IS?; balance at en? and two year?. JOHN BAOHT. -? WILLIAM ELLY.-W**. oo 'lYijei'*'?*