Newspaper Page Text
. THE RICHMOND IHSFATCH-SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1898. ?sa _ , n ___^_______.___???-????" CHASE BROS. (oc-J-sg 4t? ?a>-# a>^-av a> n-*A~ey-*y mi t ELEGANT BRIDAL 5ILVER. At tho opening of the fsU season we ?bag to announce that Itopricaof Sterling Silvers? has ?baaa greetij reduced, *** bavin m 1.. tad our stock with awaj care we are now^enng ?hi.m.M ELEGANT AND COMPLETE ASSOKTMl V? J.\ THEaSOUTH. In addition thereto ua ara raoatriiig daily many New and ?Exclusive Designs and Patterns, renn seiitni" all of the l.-adiii'T niaiiufiifturors of this country, ?nul can ?uiTiish any article in 01 Out of their catalogues at fac ti.rv pn'ci's. ?Oar patrons can therefor? save expraas eharges, groid the of getting what they do not want, anil have our ?? that t-v.-rv article is as i?|>i ? .**? -nt.-ii -9?Ur-1000 fine. THE NOWL?N CO., Q.21 East Main Street. Su,']'u?llti) : Baldwin & Brown, wj&*im | I , . ?a '^$?Mf?\\\m9?*\\t\r' rvsaaaSa?, 1557 East Main Sired, Richmond, Va.f Headquarters for STEEL ROOFING. TRY US. a a a a a a a ?a jt I l-SaTB,Ss RIE SONG THAT REACHED HER HEART was the son?-: that she liad practiced with her lover with the aceonipani iit.ut <?f a soiil-toiu-hipiT, swet-t-toni-d Kiiii/simrv I'iano. The luan with a family of danrhters that he wishes t?> sas settled comfortably for life should try the effect of furnishing them Kiip'sluirv I'iano. A tine nm siiiaii with a beautiful voice and a K i ii _- s I ?u ry 1 'iano doesn t n? ? . 1 a ?pretty fa?v. Call at our tine w at?'t ooms and examine these wonderful Pianos. Cable Piano Company, Successors to Richmond Music Co., J 0. CORLEY, Mgr., - ? 213 E. Broad St. |(ocV-Su,Tu\ l'h) AMI SEMK?TS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Two ifcbts and Siiunlay ?alinee Only, Beginning Friday, BB7 !4ib. fHE INEERNAEIONAL GRAND OPERA CO. KIDAV October 14th, Carmen." (In J'Ai.i.isu.i SAIPJRDAY MAUN! I, October 13th, KOMM) AMI il MM." (In Enqli8H. I 5AT?R0AY EY.MNG, Ottober 15th, I'l IROYAIORl." In Itai ian.) Sale of Seit*? to Scale of Prit lea, Mme. kronold, Mitchell, Goflf, Carr, Parks, Guiison, Zani, Morrison, Howe, and I ?elds. Madame Clementine DeVere, Mitchell, (?off, Carr, Uroadfoot, Zarii, Gunson, Parks Day. Forrest, and Fields. Mme. Kronold, McQueen, Bellati, Dado, Kuester, Fiujel, and Roebuck, open MONDAY, October loth, at 9 A. M. $i.*jo, $1, 50c. oc S-2t lev, H, M AMD ?ASSIONPLAY IUDITORI?M, Broad-Street Park. er> evening- 8:15? Every evening. AC A l) KM Y OV Ml SIC. MONDAY, OCTOBER l(riH. THE l.OA'DOK I.AIETY GIRL?!. PRETTY G1KI.S. FL'N.NY COMEDIANS, MERRY MOMENT?. tuksday, cK**roaaa ?rm, iii'i EVKK'ittKKN PARCE. "A PARLOR MATCH." rrchcnti?d by a Phenomenal Cast of Cotm-dy Artists. lllll'-iiui. Ill ? ? ni*?. Fortinj bsBsasti of Omhsaaaai "* 8-7t WKST-END !'.' 1 1 PARCEL |,1 l.iVPKV ,., , .,.. A * - OEIEP, Manager. Old Phone, tat u mooxxx Short street oc !? It* "l.ll 1' Vl'l Its H>H SALE St tac. fans- m'NiiRBD _ at the DIM'ATCH OFFlcm, TH?ltaDAT, OCTOBER 13TH. Till: KMJNKNT ACT? >R. Mit. ? H4.lil.ES CUCHI. 4V. And tho OUgintal New York Cast, In the ',- aislan Play, THE ROYAL BOX." Prices: |1.50, $1, 75. and U) cent?, oc 9-lt Illll.HTIH!? OK < ,.\ll|)i:it \< V. i\ A!. < ONVBNTION OF DAUGH TERS OF roNFEOEKA? . Rates to lh<- aniiual convention of the Daughters ?>f Confederacy in Virginia, to be h?l,i in Petereburf OCTOBER 12th and 13th. will !>? 2 cent? per mile from all point? In this State. Ticket? to be ?old October 8lh. 9th, and 10th Filial limit ???tobrr lath. Mr?. VrROINH'M HALL. Cor. Sec. Ur. Dtv. of Va. 17. D. .'. ea-7-lt PIANOS Sold on special price? that ce be offered only by us as mam facturer?. We pay all shipping expense Call or write us. CHASE BROS. PIANO CO., 419 E. Broad st. Chas. K Branner, Mana? Children AND Old Pianos Are your Children Icirning to play o an old piano? Early Impressions are th ,sting. False in.'hods SI tOUCh are acquired that It may take year of practice to ..v.r. "tue. It were fa b? tter to give a chil?! a good piano to bar on, and inquire from such a well-knowi firm as ours what they consider the bes piano for scholars. Buy a piano for ub? Do not buy simply a box of strings, tha has no musical value. Ruy of Ramos Fair velue allowed f??r old pianos am SSSy terms on new instruments. A f? w bargains in St? inway I'linos a POt; Chickering at Il?O; also, Knabe. INLY B, RAMOS CO, 119 EAST BROAD ST., Betv*?een First and Second Streets _(oc n-Su,'l'iiA. i b?_ ?IS ENTERPRISE fur Richmond has been the cry of the people, ami more room has been our cry, and now having doublst! our gtoreroomi we are in better shape to ac commodate th?* bill crowds that throng our piece, who ere at tracted by our low prices. Note a few of them : r- h Botter, ; ' .t I Hams . ?;.I Hams . IC c.o.'.i Laid . fie. Me,-..1, per peck . Fork . Family Flour, per bag . Family Flour per barrel .i ?? ord ( Irap? <??-t . ;: i Coffee . 10c. \. w !'.' un? i . . !: Bl ' 'i-aiii ?'!i' BS? . M? s Raisins . I ? tyi ter ? Irsckers . < '. i? ksr i ?wat . New Codfish . New Oat Flak- ind . ?Good Chewing Toba, o, i? r pound Best Appl? ? i-? i peek . ? bar? . New Sour Pickle, pe? gallos . Beet Irish Potatoee, per peck. a, James Brothers, CASH QROCERS, (JOS 4'ii-t .Marshall Streets Timm s : Olli, 7?; Ni'w, ?till. xi i ssioss. lAsI rv< i iimiiv 12.50 ROUND TRIP TO WASHINGTON, vis Richmond, Fredericksburg und PotOSRS railroad, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10th. Ti Isaves Broad and Ham Mon,lay morning at t? o'clock Returning, base?. Ninth and Maryland av. Washington, Tuesday, < ?. tober llth, at 7 o'cloi k P M. abara. ROUND-TRIP FARE: Richmond to Washington. * - '", Ashli nd t?. Washing ton, 12; Miilord tO v\ 'in . -.. | i*r.,i, i,, ksburs t ' '?'' .- ton. UM; Richmond to Frederlcksburg, |L2i. Beparate coaches for colored people. RofreBhmentB sold on ths train. Bp< . for ladl? a snd their esc ?rts. r\ ,1, or abiae. For tl? k. ta aad Inl Biatlon Inquire "f J. M. Thompson, Broad street, and at ths train. Plenty of cars and no crowding This lion will be run under th- mam ment of THOMPSON, MICHI1 ADAMS the old Reliable Excursion oc l!-7t DASCISG GlaASSBH?. riuvAii: i)\?<i\?. school, MRS, JAM!:,*! a. WELCH*! PRI MATE DANCING SCHOOL for ?In Iren will open 00 FRIDAY AFTER M " ?N, November id, ,,>,! ivenue. For informati?.ii at "??? vest Franklin str? ?_l_ MISS MAR! THAW All.!. REOPEN HER i LASSES N DANCING SAT1 RDAY, >. to ?er Sili. ut Belviders Hall, Satur lay.-? from V):'M A. M. to 1 P, M. nd Wednesdaya ftum 3 :?. t.. o p m. toy OUng ladies and children. ProfCSSOT 'riiiuii.?r*a music baa been engaged for ..I. For an> Information apply t No. 18 south Third street. oc 1-st _ it ?u7 Ml? A COAL, WOOD, AMJ COKK. ?OLD \\ KATIII'll is FAST Al* l'lio i? USO. STOP AND READ! STOP AND CON? ilDliu: t?\.ou und d? Ide ... jour ?raer? for the VERI BEST lual in in? liai ka-I Ul V.M. il CULLLNOWOKTt? _ . . i. ?,, corner Eighteen??! snd v ceiving daily all i i k a i > : ..?-; .ND SIZES OF COAL from ths very best nine?. Win make it ... your iBTSTSSt it ou will ?all and leave your order-?. We uarantse oorrect weight and clean coal, hieb i? a v.i y Importan) matter lo ?un lder. We do not claim to have an abun iin * of money and io ?til goods Sal >w Ost, but we have sufticia-nt mean? to arry on our bualne??, and we propose to tve all partie? favoring us with tn-ir rade sooil? that will give sari??t i. turn at small profit. m l?-Th.Su&Tulm THE LEONARD HORMK-CLIPI'EH I NOW RUNNING HA\ R oi ?es clipped. Price. $1 a horse. Leave rders^ at 310 north Ninth str??et or ?*** THE CASE OF CARTE will ut: OtlrsiMHUm iiv HKMii ? II IMl JIRV lll-M.'HMOU. SURPRISES HAT BE EXPECTE The Pro?,-oui,,,, aill, ?efenre no In Po??e?.lon of Evidence That 11 Bat Been Made Palillc-The Prl? ner More InrrsSBMB James Tenrose Carter, the Henri groceryman, who shot and killed Charl F. Moore on the, road In front of n on the monrnln?- of BaUurday, Sfl tember Mth, will soon hnvs to snnwi before a Jury for tint .! ,], and It more than Ukely that he will be put < trial for his life bobm ttOM thi The case will be BOhB?ttsd to a sped grand Jury, which BsaSBShlee at :1 county court-Iiou?e to-morrow at o'clock, and then if, as now .? ceedlmrly likelv, an Indictment Is foua against him, he v. ?it be taksa hafot iMgs T. a,iii ;, wi khans, and : I th tlie J? || date to I,.- SSI for h:s trial. 'I Jury * ? : .y, and it i thought likely that out of the ? :. Busamoned tor this tena, at lass a majority of ?H to u; will be s. ' ntlon, In t that the kill meat, to 1 it provo ' 'lion neverthe - : s meat l? ads myster? to ths Bffall ! ... nt made b Carter Immi ti n,, th. re w? . ordlng to tl . r a rerdj Quittai, but ' V declines * at all. and his coil!.. guine of a i rsrdicL G foil in th |S lik.-,; thai the tri.,' aill be attended by as larg a crowd as svsr assembled In Henrico BOW CO II SURPRISES OM TAP. undoubt? - me sur priss in ths va) <>f svhlencfl winch it wii Spring wii.: fhfl ' oines to trial, bn the pn fl of con m -. and Common i Attorn? Bdent that he wil make out Both -ei- ? will lattrodaes ? bs? n glv? :. to th? though that th? the de .-. il b? m- mie rs ol C : tefi Imme family. A? has bees already pubttehed, ths pro . bas b photogi ?i i. of the wounds made In If? I y ths two abots fir. d by Cart? r, aad It Is likely I joducs i to ah?m thai i whllfl ths Manchee t?r < ontrsctor bad bis back i Carter. < rther ? Idence along being gathered by I of th.- murder was made and a number de. By th. -- II will. . ble for G - iv? aeen : and s '" .-n. Bl him. A MOST UNUSUAL CASE? In it, . i '... two men m? - ! with ..lunar.. who wa mortallj ed. fell : ?, illop? d up of the r< - " from wbers Carter atlll will be remein' not t" tue shooting, I ? when ! ll. him "a th be lay back In 1 Winston, in his d? ? t.. ,.!' i i told him Ims Ing thai bs had dons the d? i d b. , tan I and would not pay him, and 11 later confit m? 'i bj Mrs. Carter. Ths prl bims? If i I It, unless he Ilia,.. tO 1 Mr. Wen ; S Ith Mr. H M . .ir., will represent him, Baya thai he did i."i shoot Moore I lin.ii.. lion, a hing as justtfi? stlon : human life. Carter was Just As 'ho time for bis trial i li ?hat serve whi i him o --- ind he is losing Besh, I is due to his conflnetnenl 111 - , i man Fri? i n i;? hois i it?. ?. i mi: i. *?i. i . \. BS ?T> I Ii ?ii/i in lleuil in?'??? f??r ill? \ ru r'is W .ill.. Th? rej iirs and Improvetnents at ths I - - ' ? :-'..:. a - lion sow oompleted, and all department woik will be open with I ow. The upon I d aslum fltxii and i . slum, i" ginning to-morrow - Ths m-a atlona era I win .? ? th? in in the history ol th? tlon. ' la Ing t" siennes? in ths s of !??r Mr. McKee to gel out tl I (?"'?k, as usual, in Beptei b- ,,k ?in make ?i - spi rarem _ ?r? row, aad will be full of lot? the inciiib' : ?. and fl tlon Beca um "t this delay, tr ? ill the clam Ding ' -i ege, whi. h ars ;,"t already mil, op? n for ' ntran :a to da). ' rctober 1m!? Afti r I ?tu dents will !" requlr? .1 to ; . ' semination. Mr. Lawrence N, r..s will ? ling in th? irlor this h 4 o'clock The th? ms of the aftei soon a 111 bs "Com Whil. th.- m. tings ??.n Ing t ai.- primarily f..r the Christian o rl all men. b'.th yooag snd old. ar? come. Ths Boys' Cospel Army will n:?-.-t In IhS i Mr. J. M m. th? n?--..' physical director, will -, to the boys, it l. bop? d BS a lat turnout of not ? Army boj b, but m? n I gymnasium ilso. The Workers' Bible Training C?as? will meet at lui o'clock In tl a roam. Th this class is ?lea.!ily upon the Incn It Is believed that fuliv twenty j men will 1 i with to !.:- Of ChHst. and is le.i by th- general s?cr?tai it will bs s i run of great joy i> '., know thai while the membership of th.- association the RoVal Baking Powder Made from ptire cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against ?alum? Alum baking powders are the greatest menace? to health of the pr?sent day. ?ovai BAKiNO ??owot? CO., stw yob?. educational work and the physical worl are at the hiKh tido of pro*?p?-rity, tha She Pit,le cl.-i.-.s work of the aasoclatloi this >.-ar '.?.ill Ix; the most effVient an, i altan lad work of th? pant tan irean Tli, r." will be Sicht dilT?-r. tit Bible I sat arena, it ta also the parpeas of th? itlen ta riiak,- this ! work tas raYoaassl and beat In the his tory of th?.- aaaoclatlon. s ti i : 111:111 aTJBD iumi:h In a Ls-tlcr Thai W*\* M?i*?t .srnth. invr. LEUBURG, v.\, October I -<>v rSal Nesra has been received by her relative! I. re, of the d< ?O? 'm Friday, on Mrs. n-n rtatta ?Sstunaar Lea, of ftliepbardattarn, W. \ 1- If] Lee fated at the . la-1 iw, 1..-. < ?har?as ? toMa borough, WsJkeravllle, Frederleh county htat I IS In the 89th year of h?*i i ana the widow of Hon. Edniuo. Jennings Lee, ol Shepherdstown. She >v.i. the daughtar of Danlal Bedli the revoluUonary trar and .i the late lion. Henry Bedlnaer, at or,? time in the diplomatic ser*/lee of thh country, abroad. 11 a ?.- 1 must eharm in?, lady, highly r. fined and cultured an? was aiaoa an boaorary member of th. Daughters of the American RsYOlutioi hi.--i.iii, a of ! ety, n 0 'i?.. - from them a ?al'ialile token ?if - as - -i " t southern, r l'urina; tho war In r dwelling .'.' S!i - irned by ord. r "f Gene sral Hunter. United States army, arhlel bar to writ- him I raOSt scathing letter of rebuke, which may be found lu "The Annalt of the," rand was pub llshed m tli?- 1 un?- in the Richmond i-:? amlner. Her death was of old as?*- Sh. had ? - on a stell here to her daughter, Mrs. Ids L Rutt, aldon ol Coltwel a. t. If. irmy, and was un ?*?ht mid charming f'?r one of ber 1 here on Thursday morn ing ii I for Mir;.'..ui,l. ami die,I. ?1 l-'riday morning about 1 "Three children terrist hsr--atrs. i,,- Ooldsbor? '' I .. 11 p., of Cbarlott. rtrlUe, Vn M OTTS! 11.0< -- < unirait fan- II u I I.I i nu n 11 ?? e 11 . n | ? l'.-r*?..iiii I. - ?TTSVILI.P. VA., o. t..I,. r g- ,Sr - , Mr. Jonathan Pitts, who had his off "ii lii.s way to Richmond wind on 'a falling on it, rol 'i' osd hoa day. Mesar. W. c. Pendletoa end J. I : th- Third \ i; -, i:. .a, ind 'tlellt. Mr. Roben Plannagsa, "f .'liar: rifle, . ,| I-'rid.iV. l t. .1. B .. of M i' --ii, Bi . , , arrived hers Th irsday to tica. Ths for bolldlng Mr. F. C. :; 1,:-^ "SnOS ,1' i. i i trill it th- modera Iniproreinenta in it. The it tin a spring on .;...?..-. I 'l'a-, lor Morns IF I' irkln in town to* I. It P::t-, of V..k Hiil, the train. Mr. Reuben Martin, of Richmond, is to his mother, w, .,!,.. atlll ha*/lni narnt, rainy area? ther. I Sal 17 II s IT y ELEVE*. Tli.-ir Play 4 .-?l.-r.l.-,? With Hi?- I'nii l??l>? Tenm. ''HAI:I."!"!'i:SVI!,l.l-:. VA.. October X._ T'nlv.r tv ,.f Virginia foot-baii eleven played this afternoon its ma of tu? Bsaaoa, th? last be NBteel with th. University of I elms', ivania. at Phiind-lphla, on Wednes day aext The oppos;-;^ team was from Pant- -t was only t.iratlon. the BSCOnd ii..if being omitted. During that tuns .iv. with fti -in up the i pre*/, at? mtopa ' am from approaching anywhert near its osm g? B . ri--,i did the b? i worl for the i Tie- lili" -111" 1".. .tlon. Pintop?. . i.eft end. Thempa n .Left I sfcCJua Tempi* .hm.i.- tt ?juard .. , Hodg? - - ' 'rump. . . .Rot.: .Right ?nard.BfUupa .Right tackle.Stewart. i . i' - - I .Barber. h .Q ??. Run Bhlbley .Left halflbaca.nournoy. Bird .Right beel.ataneaball. Eiltora .l-iiii bach . Tutwu?-r. " Touch? (OBI. kii'k .-! from touchdo* tn, :. Um] IfcPbeetem Ref? rss ? "? ha. 1 . , ' |.:l -.-?lllL I i ,I-.l.ats Bae tur entering : why !? no warning sign (tit up, 111-11? "V. but took It down BjBSjn, toi a.' M aras up no oat asas in." BaeBBtaglasj. (Cincinnati laquirer.) i ? r i barley," ?rrote the volunteer's "what a lovely lot of kisses I trill . . w!i. i, >,, . i tning ail the tim.- > _ The Dumber of ?'hi?ese In Kan Kran it .'0.?00. ?' olished In the i FOR A GREAT RE VI VaI |*L\.M? FOR A SOCIAL OB8ERVAXC1 OF WASIIIN'.TOVH BIRTHDAY. MRS. ROBINSON SUGGESTS THE IDEA To Take riaoe Inder Ihe Aaaplce. of the George Washington Memo rial Am'n-To Promote Interest It Dream of a \atlonal I nlTerslty. The committee of Richmond for the Ge?">rge Washington Memorial Association hfrid tho first fall meeting at the resi dence of the chairman. Mis. Virginia Morgan Robins? n, at noon yesterday. persons who have claimed that tho fulfilment of Washington's dying wlsh tlie founding of a fr?? utiiv.tsit?, - dead Issue, would seem to have reckoned t wlt'iout their host, for it BBS*Bars treat . th? reports submitted thut ths i tlon has never keen in such a fl??urishlng 1 condition as at present, and the object sought seems ?ever to have been within ' such rea-onable bounds of rSnllMl at pi. 1 The meeting yesterday afternoon was largely attended, and lha members were very sntl The Object of th.?-. local .???mmittee Is to place the Si Virginia at tue head '?!' list ? member States, and that? Inci . vi beta -[. ?? Which date th.? list ? ;-'. j Mrs. Kobinson read a communl from the of tii" association, ing that Flrgl il i atande, .. ? si , third In 1" ln| Of m- ni... rship In th ' of States, being ? relied only by N ? York sad M Th" . ti'.?i t?? pi v -' State "f . Washington at the hand of ths llsi i proprlats sod comm . <ii.s of the ?*".' sre confident that } they win succed in dob A NATIONAL CELUBRATION. The. most interesting leature I I I ta-r.iay's BM "' : ItlOO winch - cam,.- from the chalnnna to mirk Febru? ! sry Hd Best, being th? Bats of Ws ion's birthday. by a demons throughout the length and breadth of the country. The proposal, which met with the hearty support of lb? committee, ' heads ths giving of l 9 >n as sembly ball in Richmond, at which \ turnea patterned after those of th triot'a day ahall be worn Ths plaa sp iv? ai.-d to the fancy of of tlie commll ti -. ami Mi a Robinson a tborissd t?. writ" to the ol ths ; ?w George Washington committees everywhere should bold either bails or team on the above .?.it', and tl: of dress should be gdoptsd In SVSry ln stai WHAT THE ASSOCIATION STANDS FcK. The object 0%thls as.? .elation, as in Its CO] and by-la v, un' ?i mad by Pi d ml v. hint th" estai.lishm? nf Of B national or COB? ti.l university for the higher lam i post-gi "" nnlverslt) ?thai the Ann i : itioa snd giv? ly for ths hlghsst ressnroh, aad rMpecb?ly to raise in small Contributions S fund for the :' an administration building, the corner-ston- of which s!.?;i he la! I m hund?. d< h ai b? Quest, The orlglanl draft of Washington's last will and ' whn-h out I In? s the ps of the Institution of which he dreamed. Is in ths si court?house at Fairfax, Va. I ttu.s . . i tern?1 i -, ?ea ih in perpetuity the lifty Ich I hold in th r the -d . IS Of the L .r?- ?.f Vir . \tyoruti- : ' - ' of a unl .*y to bees- ari thin the limits Of th.? District of C'olun,- r the auspices of th?? General Government, if th?t nellne to l g h lad toward It, and until iiitiary is established, snd ths I arising on tin- ; b : ? for Its ?..port, my further d-sire is thai the profits sccruiag th.-r. from shall, whom r? r dividends are made, be liid out m purr ha sing stock in the Baah ol umbia or some other bank at ' of nr i raasurar of th>. Uni! the time h. under th? discretion of tongrees, snd the dividends prooeedlog from tue put OB until a BUBS to the sooompllsbment of this object is obtained.'1 COMPRTB WITH FOREIGN l.\-lTT? TION?*. it wss not Wi is it ti,.- ?.-?i;ose of ths bill pending befoi Beaate at tin- time - rival of the nadergraduat? t, In? deed, ..f th.- sa ate s. Inetl? wide fields for scientific end phlUnthro, pic research, with th?? worid'a b*eai equip?'i. after th? . .sell tl!' n : 'v that shall 1. work b ata! ;-.\ The ? Go veras al ien - : ,, ??r un?'- : "II! , , ratui--, ai,,I other i the Continent; the National Museum, n Institution. Hi, ?; ?a ?,f i: the a' of the different departments ara .-.?n i by the friends of ItiOfl to COI ma ? ... itageouslj utlUasd In - at Of th? ! Btty. At ?-? I! ' WILL MIT BSOPBS ? V*?,\<?\ ? IBB. ?.ovrrnor Tyl.-r Agnii. lt?-fii??-? to lutrrv t'ii?-?( upltol Noie?. Governor T\ . Cannon, of Norfolk convi? ted -?r eon? ?piracy to ruin the c : hia wife. Mr. Thomas II \\ i ?. .' Norfo.k. called on the Governor an,l andeavared to have turn reopen thi but hi mcy refuse?!, A convi-itsd ''..i.:, b forf? tod hi l& now a fugitl?. to txe In Canada. The ?Jovajrnor commuted the ?entence of William Kenn?.u, of > seed In April 131*7. to tlie years m . .-.t' ntiary for burn; ,r> 'lt., don v, . \-,y the trial J the Comm the jury exaept who is on of ths itemenl Blgned i.-, say?. "The eii att? nding -. of tin- . , . was convicted were sa.h that if the law hjii permitted it th :i\, Snder th.- statut.-, as v.- ,) n, soi be dons." Tie- ?. nteace was commuted ; ? two > i nu. for go.n| behavior taken off, making K.-Mtion's ti-rin end about January _t. next. The Governor also prepared a large number of conditional pardons, wl will be Issued In a few dfl mor Tylt-r und staff will go to Philadelphia th latter part of this month to attend the Peace Jubilee ths ii. ?s is requested t>> ths hav ing the arrangements for the celebration in charge to bring a regiment of Vir gin.a troop? with him, but he Informed t!i.-m he huai no soatSOi over (he ?oldlera from thla State who are In ih? national service. 1 TO CURB KERYOUS DISPEPSIA Ta? (.?In riSSa, to. Sleep By.,, K,.,?T?r What App?||,e ?,,,, ,.,?,, * ?iBs-ation ?,?, M(ll?r m t%( of stunn Dysaaasla Tnblela. Interr?t|BIC E?p,ri,?, ,. ,| .? ,?,, npoii? eaattataas. M . misunderstood than ,, ' baring if think aro to l,!.. not cured by n, reme?!!? s; the r?-..i eight of; the Btantt ?ooked Biter. Nervous ?lysp.'pri,-? of! any pain ahatevei a I? rhaps any of I itself ri"f in th. as la n. .,r. ? as?-? th.- baart i ilpl< in otlurs. the. kid in othTs the bow??is are I 'he*; stlli ?>tli-;? . Saab and mu?a: . burn. Mr. A. \V. Sha so. ,t, Indianapolis, i- d lows: "A motive of ] prompts. BBS I 1 , .1 - - front nom rned temporary relief until tl ,||e|ee \?.,r?- "?T I my sedentary h ? ) I i: :-: . - , I . Th,- abo*. ' ' ! ' I' . Hi tb a, Ii, I s> ti.i f..r ralaeblt IRtl. latch. POC1 114 IN s | | ,i| |v The Mound Ills'? >lns... lt.. Ilr?-?a ?-nil 4?<< r \ll. I T! poet of the "T tl.ll-S wi'l. i of Olympus, .h m of wondering I . or Z that be ' I ' if the Mayor c of \\ th- Veil, d Pi ?ph< ' ? laeeseel?? i Pals, nNCAaTLB, \ \ 4th instant, in. , nd mud. the nun and i hlbitlona l fall.-? <-r ,-d .in; : ed? Ht? ' I \? I ? 111 fl r,,ri', ii time for mal? : - laid t. . ! by 'i'.'i' i run n : reek. g> " :;'-*> **-* -*?> Am~ BarnettLithiallot(l, cuasi: ci rv. va,, WZ. S. BARIMETT, i ? \\ HEB am? PBOPBII ro? c. PURE LIT!!! v .?nd DATIONS IN . i Mr. I n.ui 1 11 * A I se . Hotel Majestii. NliVV YORK. entrai Park West and 72J tu rhe Elite Hotel of Amena (m .?. (?f the lu'-'' *\ in : )P**t llH'ilff.i. t ' Liitl \. stunted hott-lh, \?. itii :' th?* iiiL'lit'Ht order. A j..'1'?'i-? t ln.Iiu' ii?it?'l i? i it v. ?MER1C?N MD EUROPEA. PLA! Aiaslie ?4 Webster. . Jl-eOdtf) fjsj viuui.ia hoi aVSsasMS ?*? I?Ah V. BATH CoL.NTY. VA.. UN ?lEi-JAPEAKl- ASU uliJu RAlLWAi'. ?.hW tm*7t !.Lii?AU?J.N. " New HumesieaJ." will pnveul, ice?, invludi:?. iiiiva.? I Tiber with lb? outb-uuu?? mm.' i.>i,J Ii'ial '? mad? pet*(?cily \ uni, i..-? reaulta to Bufl out. i ut .iiintiMii. .nal n*rv? AMI'MKMKNTH \M> BP. Rldinu a.i?l driving pa I > ? to,-,, track. ?JOlf-grooI .?I. ., 1 ' illl - Dter rate? ?nd aecostSB? ' pply |o KHll,. M I II III M ?i . mh fl-Su t a Hot Siirins?. Va? Order? for printing ??rut t? lb steh Company will bo given pi.? ntion. an?l the ?tyl? ??f work *ua i-r?e?* 111 be sure to please you> j{ "A PERFECT FOOD ?us Wholesome am it in Delicious." >V X __V WALTER BAKER & CO.'S O ImeakfastcocoaI X fa ji_t* A " Hm ?toed the tea?, of more than i?o year*'uae among all jf*i ?1/ M '4'Vil cl?????, ?nj for purity and honeit worth i? unequalled.'' *Vy? X f I \\ Costa leas than ONE CENT a Cup. )\ _\ P S ; ?a 'TV Trade-Mark on Every Package V X ffl_fiiU WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., X X rr- Established I 780. DORCHESTER, MASS. A