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t TtTF, RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. OCTOBER ?V *M*- _ THE RICHMON?^DISPATCH BT TUE DISPATCH COMPANY. THK DAILY PII.PATCH is^Tti[I - Mhowihef. o? rirn "N,\.yI fiOOStb. peyebte to the carrier wkl> 0 mon.hl, ' Mperoonum bie in sdvnnos; U tot An '',,i'\_i), for three months.:?cent, for on.? mosil Price per BSftf, I cents. A? WIKKL1 DIBW.T01 M ? <* ani'i.m. , ,, . , ,ir. The HUM-AY DBPATCa at UM pe ?.num. or 71 cents for - iahssrlptieas hi ou cas?*? f******* " a?**anoe. -mkI OS p..I continu??, art. the ewpirraiiofi of the Mm? P-Vd for. p^O-ottfia ?none;, ou.. .. ?lick. ? tered letter. Ouir...<y -.?it 01 be -U the rtsg of the sonder. -snntftnu their Bnst>oBBM MMBged mu glve ttaelr old as well as their n?w post oftieo? ban.pie copies free. ADVBRTW1NO i: mis. HALF INCH Oft L*-? ^ r I time. i ? | I times.... m. ". I times. . 4 time?.... ~.~. It ftrnea.' || i 1 month.-." ' ' m-, ?? I months . j'uelnes? wants. 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MKsaSHHB OFFI(_, 12rt3 HU_a BTKW1CT. 8?NDAY.OCTOBER 9, K'\ Pele?ls of the Dispatch would do us a favor by Informing u?s promptly of any frsTitwe on the part of newsdealers, or n-??J???t>oTH on railroad trains, to meet the p-aOMe ?lernacid for copies 'if tins i lnfosrii?iM?M. la also ?BS?rad by us of th?? desHnqii. aey of nny carrier of ours In Manead, Maaebeeter, or i Mall subscribers are 111;, wise Invited to report lo us whenever their papers come late or Irregularly. I.KVl \\ |. iiiin.ix Tu?-#?iii.\, November Ith, is election? I | of the i - pr?. sentatives ar.' fo ],. ehoeen for th- . suing'March 4. IV' In mont of the districts of this I in of thS Slates of ihis 1 nlOU, It I for pi "fie gem rally, it bas . t.,. n drtatuiful drop fr,,m thrillliiK Barratlve* at battles en land and water and of ?i. ge and m : t., bo soats ?.r party BflrUVI ntl'.ns and SOflDBSOl | of) the tariff, *.? a I . "? i -.*, The to been dlstastefiil; bul we may hope for an imp?"*.? .i paht ?artia-r and I u ihn r fn n ? ggg Bsarsi i . ;. thai hops be rogllood, there aill be an unusually agnail WOtS ' i, even for an "a.if y. ar." Bo f?r-r as lbs i?i eon SSO, th?' Indifferent'?? of voters t<> the pending can vuav? is . i | rgal In perty la ths otttar. la this Mate there is oaly one Stacclct?-tilo Ninth where poll! Inge Mas I -. . Bth ml. .I. The Republican:' as Well 01 t_g DSBBOOrntl biKve been forced to content thcmsilv. mch email crowds, as a rule. It would. the?ituia-., seem t'nat ths InoHferenoe o tbe maaaes to politic-? would affect ths Sum -parf?es equally. Bat aot bo; s ebogiM remember that with the funds that w_F be x.luced at their disposal iy Jai*. ?J-Ja-nna. our spponsnts Will be ribb le sOt up their voters gIBOllj a few days l?**_ore th.? election. We have ?o such ? and must address ourselves to thfl IntSlUg? BOS and Icayalty of our VOtOfO, wheo W< entreat tbem to .how mogo Internet lo ths pend? tng ooiit.sta and do more work for lUe parry than theg me doing. Ou? nosslneea ami our . not getting tho In ip thsy should Tbero ar??. ISO many Who enjoy the I of the paity and who .-h??w no aj elation ol Its i i them. Th? y si inactive and unconcerned, aavfl only In the cMvar-.t-.ei> v.h?re th. ir own are at ?take. This should Bol l" . mon ?ene?*. !l' BOt OOBIBBOO Mtoiaa teach them better, Wherever our |jiwt> Un? s am diM-iipt. * ii . year, lli? i? .?.?t miii i? found n? - Heat. Mind that! The whole I : popuiikUou ci Vlrginls should i deapsly ini??!?:?t?i1 in thi? eaiapfl arm si the I m rtj In t!ii- - mtift be laid up, un. i e.i?. | hell taSa?s ?.-? ; : > till In North Cai coi?taitlo;i fr/uii whlcb ?? oobl? that I I If, through the supinen, ss or bard? . i defeat lu dlsti we should ha?? ?mu rlctorlso, we shall ad sur aneml? eatly encouraged to iiiaHe g hanj li.UH lor th? I year ?ill stSOl a aen?4or i?i the Coagrses oi th. , i s 111 not itui ins funds orhars thej will do n . : to ti.-- i > m. and niorl HOuO to lila pally. I'uMh.i l Legislature is to pi? Us i that ti | -nod . i.u r upon the poyan nt ? f ?i pei .?.nt. interest upon our ?Century bonds. Be wu MB that wiiethtr we look ut the national or .State stand pWillt We 111,'I iiut Heat i ?A,, ,,? ,?,,,,, >"? ' H ?USS aoulO Ik to ti.sur,- tin coun try i.ii.ivuuve kg | , an mi:. ter? relating ;,. our WM wl(h 9m?a ^ un to fall u? ?do u, Woula u lo g(vf, Uepubik-ene 9a? swing " **** uasy v, isBB-eriul p lad to aaddb .,?.., tlH .,? Bom of n_ ****** v??r lex?.?. i?? ?holt It i? t,uie lor u? t0 u |,ivilu mor.? of our thoegbt, and time, si m<*.'ir,s to the coming election! It I? critical period !n <?ur hl?tory snd tho who fall to do th?-!r duty now must ! ?,.nl?nt to be ?et down a? undoservli of the honors of our parly or of the nsn -m-,-rats. WHIM? OF Ulll-VAKEWJI. , If some lawv.-r who Is weary of du? f-skln volumes and boring report? app?llat-> curt? *f*t* !<> Il??* a week < and devoto his ?nergles to an cxamln tion of the whims of will-makers he cou ... wondN rful varn of human i trl.lly am! itsaslsanaf" Aa examin?t!. of the HelBBtBBlaiT r.-cords In vnrloi part* of the world would disclose ?on niai villoiis p. ? uliarlti? s on the part ? those disposing <>r their worldly goods. In n rent l.sue of Household Word an Kngli-h periodical a very peculiar wl made by an American, Is cited n? lllustri Uv.? of ttie curious whims which wll makers sometimes exhibit. The test?t. was stldently ;? patriot of th? fic?t <i? gr??, for It was his ?1-siro thet in ?lent as In life, his body should proclaim tl glory of our republic Me, left ?1.0?>0 1 the latS Professor Agassi/., In return f< which the legatee, was. by an exlreme: scientific pro? ess sai f?r*?- ,hc ? ' 1 tan th?; decedent's skin Into lcalher, ar from It have a ?fnim'TiTfide Two of tl Miital.le banas ??f his body were- 1 ho made Into drum-sticks, and with the? another legatee, to whom waa bequeathe the r? !.luiim of the property, was "o .very 17th of June to repair to the fo? of J-nnker Hill, and at sunrise? BSBt o rlio drum, the parchment of wlilch hn been made out of the testator's skin, Hi ;-irit-stirrlng strains of 'Yankee Do? die.' " We have often h-ard of case? where tr hiiio.- i : BflSall boys were "tanned" fr juvenile I" eiiliitlons, but this is the firs instance win re an adult has exhibited d?sir?* to undergo such a proc?s?. Ux i i t limit? ly, our contemporary fall? t ? Whether th? provisions of the wl wot?, carried out. The probabilities, ho?* ? v. r, aro that they wore not, as the re qui .-t waS somewhat against public polle*. Aid It is not probable thai a British tr! bunal would have a.-Fisted in the fui tin ran .- of BUCh a proji.t. Miserly p'"plo frequently make will Which .oui,?in provisions looking to th continued a? cumulation <?f their wealt after death, and so common Is thi "freagy of posthumous avarie?'' that Bpc .?al laws liave bcon enacted against ll Of su.'h a i'tor WBS the CBM growln out of the will of Peter Thelusson, l-'i.aMhaaan, who died In London in 179' lie l'-ft a fortune of over ?700,(?00, whlc ation? I a prodigious legal wrangle ex , ndlng ov< r many years. Wills an? th?-- mediums throuj-h whlcl in,my hobbies arc indulged, and quite fre quently, too, the t?atator aass the instru ni' :it ?is a means for revenge or spite Put thert have been thousand; of OBB. Where the ?.un'.s have int?-rvcned, an winr?- th,.- sfisbes c?f decedents have Beat thwart, d !>y the skill ot attorneys. Ii fact, more UtlsjaaTan haa been created b, 'ani,-j,iar> canses than by any othe matter ??ithin the scope of th? law. VBgUSSnat Bad uncertainty of ex pression art freqaently responsible fo this foronalc strife, while hundre?ls o Wills have been Invalidated by non-com p?lanos v. lib in?- siatutory ro<pilrement i t" Witnesses, th?. signature of the tes t ,i,r. >t?. a 10-yea*i-old child, provide. ,i had th<- tbBsty to itself clearly could be taught the necessary require menta Incident to the making of wills it half an hour. And yet, BOOTOS of men many of th.-m well versed In the law have ov< rlOOfc* d some essential an? cauaed Infinit? trouble or the entire re J' , tloll .,| the Will. it would be well for every man In thi: State t.. renieinlui- that uiii'ss he writ?-: and -i i i, ?wll entirely In his owi handwriting Hi- signature shouhl b. made or a? knowl-dK'-d In the presence o: at least two Competent witnesses pr.-sen' St the sam,- tirn-, and BUCB nltllSSBUB ar? required to BUbscribe th.- will In the pr?s of the testator. And. above al things, til- testator should say what h? m? ins Without ambiguity or obscurity o; < Xplt The Col mini-. <(>.) BtatS Journal, th R. publlcau organ in the Buckey. Sfati olumbut men.-. ;i f>ood ., \\ aahlngton." What's the matter with llanna?? Rich ni'iai (Va.) Diapatch. Nothing ai all i.s the matter with Hanns, ?\><pt that hi la not from Colum bus. Mr. Hanna, represent, the who!? State, not tills Mngrtaateaa] district What we want is a good agent for th Twelftb District who will pay as etos? attention to its BSadS and ?Aisla hmgtOfl as Mr, llanna .1,,. .- ',,, tho* of Ohio m g? lierai.?Ohio State .lournal. So much the worse for Ohio. On th. Bgth <'f certain runiois, we had ht th.U there was both a I.epnhll can i.K Kanal and a geographical dlvteior, in th.- matter of the representation of ?lido. Put th, declaration of the Journal tiiv State of av. n tlie simulacrum of - that Blight attach to that ?and? tion. '-Hanns represents itn- whott State." I old ? >!lio. "Sen Luce, Pia. "John S Hopkins 1? yon buy and ? m.? .; thousand Metropolitan for me i ?\iii shake tbe plum tree. "M. S. QTJ?T." Tims Senator Quay telegraphed to tho il? r of the peopi. s Bank of Philadel phia, who lat.r on coinnii!t.-.l suicide. ' Teat inliuene.- ovr i i IBur. i llaywood. and It Is shown by ii? umeiitary ?vidente now Ifl th?1 i B Of th. M ?t? that (he Trea surer prom!.- ,1 not to chOCh upon mTOiJ.OI'O "4" M - held In that bank until had paid "i' at!.meed for a loan of ? that bad beea mad.- to him. Ray? woo.i is suppose?! to have beea "the pium red ta in th.- tettagrnm fr-un 1 ?ice. "n:e undarstandlag is that I am not to diiv, ay part >?f this h*J0,?i0f) de in,sit until the Hon. It. Ft, ?.?nay h.?s paid <?r arranged satisfactory to yon the loan of Jl'MOJo, which you are to make to him 11' -At \\e,-k." This I* :in extrait 'rom the letter of -Tr. ?surer Ha?.v.r?i?l. ,.f lYmi tylvsals, it??- casal ay of th<- l**eople'B Hank, and if it dCee not convict him of the ?rime with which he is charged, :: . .ruiBlv BaasTM out ?a ?trong prima fi?-ie of bad grammar.?Tim Paltimore . .i?. moral? of t?he thing are still worse. That th?? Quays can defend It at all, shows that rhejr have undying faith In th.? stupidity or indifference of the peo p.-ntisylvanbu O.ivernor Plack, of New York, has be.-n P? tltlori'-.l to remove DI?tr!ct-Attorn?-y Oardliier. of New York city, on the ground that he Is guilty of g misdemeanor u discharging a veteran from hi? office. Attorney <?ardlnor ?ays he ha? vinl.-tied .,,. lavs and is not at all worried. He is, WB fear, too active s Democrat to suit, the Uoibiard Repubiicaaa. d jaara-miM?. ? The leaders ?bout Republican head quarters In Washington, are proclalmlni that a Democratic victory this fall woul? uval! nothing, n? there SOgM he no Ji.-ni" .rule lenlslallon with a Republican Pros i.Unt In power; also, that If the Demo crats elect a BBSjSOtty of the House finan dal Interests will be aroused and maki enormous contrloutlon? to the Republl car. cnmpslfn fun?l for 1900. There Is no doubt, that If the BfiM House la DemocrniU' Hanna will, In IP? I. vy msunseall on the tlnancial and kin .?re? Interests, and that In the elec Uon of that year Hannaism will he mor. disgracefully In evidence than It was lr the election of lftOC. All the same, for s??rne four decades ! ha? been the almost Invariable rule that the party thut captured Congress In th< off year won in the presidential electior next following, end there are main reasons for thinking that In this instan.? even the power of Hanna's barrel an?l the uaaerapaloasasas of hia method* would not l>e sutilcieut to cause the break lag Of the rule. It Is true that a victory for the Demo crats this fall would not enable them tc accomplish any Democratic legislation in the next Congress. But it would en able them to previmt a good deal of ir-.ipiit'ius Republican legislation that scorns to be on the cards. It would pul them In position to estop a repetition ol tie- saturnalia, of extravagance the Repub licans have always Indulged in win n, while In power, they have had a plethoric Trcasurj- at their command. It would put them In position to expose thoroughly tho designs of the Republican party ?nd its shortcoroln-*,? in connection with th? Spanish-American war. They could mak< a record In respect of these matters that WOUM rally to the Democracy the power of public .sentiment? a power that in 199 would, we bOllOVO, prove Inflntely more effective than Hannaism. So we say that?the proclamation and the boast of the Republican Isadora at the national capital to the contrary, not withstanding?the November elections hold as bearing upon 1900 great and un usual possibilities for th? Democrar-y. And, by the way, their boast-or, rath'-r threat?as Jnvolvnl in their r?f.. to assessing llnamdal interests in 1900, afford?, one of the strongest arguments Why thS Democrats should seek to gel control of the next HOUSS, and then open tlie way for a Democratic victory In the presidential campaign, two years hence That boast, or threat, Is brazen notice that the Republicans have no idea of enacting any legislation not agree.?M to the "financial interests." What financial interests are. alluded to and what those Interests are wedded to, we all knoatv. Yellow-fever is wid?spread In Mississippi and a porllon of Louisiana. It is said to have ernannt, d from New Orleans, where, it is alleged, the public was kept in igno rance of ils existence f?.r some weeks. Whether the facts Justify this charge or not we cannot say, but the policy of sup pressing the truth in such Instances is ..'I too common in cities when- contagious diseases prevail. Hut it ought not te be so, the truth ought to be told?that Is, if human life is to be valued higher than commercial advantage.? As yet the fever has not been very fatal, but its history, In Its epidemical stage, 1?, that it begins in a slow trot and ends In a gallop. And, unhappily, It Will he a month or more before car. Be relied upon to come and put a stop to Its ravages. Meanwhile, there is "a plentiful lack" of sffectlve quarantine The States seem not to have had an understanding with OBS another or with the Federal Government. HOBOS, the disease Is not checked in its early Stages, and nun and women living from one sec tion carry the fever with them to otli r s.-?-fions. It Is horrible to think that this lack of co-operat?i?n continuas year after yar, and with dreadful expenditure of life. QOVarnOt MeLUUrln, of Mississippi, left Jackson some time ago and went to Hran don; but he has been made to lenvfl Hi an d?n, because he. came from the worst inf.cted city in the stat?'. His present Whereabouts are not known. Wc pre sume the authorities are making him, like little Joey, keep a' moving on. It is a disagreeable prod les mant for any man to be in and a most extraordinary one for a Governor. i if course, travel and trade in Louisiana and Mississippi are greatly interfered with, and it may be doubted if conditions will improve until a kindly frost appears and drives the fever away. A SK.GESTIO*?. COOOt Zeppelin, a G.-iman nobleman, Is the latest claimant t" having .solved the problem of aerial navigation. And what Is more, men whose opinions, we are told, are worth som thing, have faith in him, and have formed a company with a c.ipl tui of over mMN to back him. Accordtag to s Vienna speetal, scion? have looted Bis apparatus, or sir? hip, and found It perfect, and It Is pro pos, d thai his 1rs! voyage shall bu mide from Vienna to New York, four days be ing the tim?' a hednled for the trip. Wo shall watch f??r the arrival of the apparatus with great, but as It is Bald to have "a capacity of eight days." Would suggest that It might not be a bad Idea for the Count to make en route a detour in s.-ar. h oi Andre. Think of a n eetlng In midair over the pole hetweea the Count and the long-lost Swedish balloonist it would he svsa raore highly drnsasti? than was the meet ing betwe.-n Nansen and .I.ickyon. lit.illy, the enterprising journal to Which we are Indebted for the news of the Count's solu;ion of the problem 0113ht to persuaale, him to make th.- dOtOUf, Bend a correspond, nt along with him, and thus g?t the possible "scoop" upon Its contemporaries to which it would !?e entitled. A few years, ago Richmond claim ,1, as iv. behove Justly, that its electric fin I was tho longest and best e.iulpped In eststenee, and it was but natural to think It would keep pace with the other places along this line. Not so, however, and along Its principal thoroughfare on?' still seas and hear?? the jingle of the street-c.r mule and his bell.?The Black stone Courier. V.-s; but a splendidly equipped electric line runs alongside the old track used by the mulo cars. Futhermorc, the fran chises of the line upon which the inuie cars are u?ed will expire in about eighteen months' time, and whoever gets the new franchise will be compelled to employ electric power. We have electric-cars on Main and Broad streets from end to end. and the Church Hill and Clay-street electric line runs almost parallel with Broad street. The New York Tribune, in an artlel? on the Minnesota Indian outbreak, dwells at some length upon the comparative ?avago Instinct? of VOOSS and peoples, and refer? to tbs lynching? "in all section? of this country.'^ Igflasd, Jj the Tl SSIIIS II - BS^aatna. Ju -.? hstesalinr war'wit h ?p. ? It dissevered that tho South wn? not d 1 ?>'*?l- And now, mlrabtl?' ?llctu, It h - r""r"- out that lynching Is not an sptutlon peculiar to the South. TUP. ATLAVr.t PRIMARY SYgTK.l Th?' I)omo?ratlc primary election n . In Atlanta last week was conduc? under tho Australian ballot . ?yst I (booihs and all?, and gave g?n< nil raft t faction, Candidate? Worc pledged to ? . another and to the party to employ - "workers," and thus they saved th? flg of dollars In rxpens?.?. i James .;. Woodward, whom the i lanta. Journal ?upportod and the Cons t tutlon disfavored, was nominat-d i Mayor by a majority of 4M. Mr. Wo. ; ward Is a Journeyman comoosltor In t I Journal office. The ?rimary In Atlanta for tho nomlr tion of municipal officers was hold , the ?lay of the regular Stale el.-eti. I In oil pre.lncfs the ??oiling pinces w?. close toi'tlber. In tho State election, CtandaSr*! . Jority for QovOTOOr over HogBB, I , fusion candidato, is nearly fin.noO. The proposition to BBSSBd tho gfJ O BStttUtton was adopted. So. hereaft ? the fudges and solicitors of the s'up'-r courts of QeOTgll will hi elected by t people. Mayor Van Wyck. of New York, h received a letter purporting to be fro Oenaral Charles n. T. ?'oiiis, on whoi an former Commissioner of Publl Works, fills tho burden of tho Mayo: *hflTJf*l of frmd la paving contracts, whir h th- wrlt.r threntons to chastise tl htayoi if the latter aontinnea to mai ttoteraents r?fi-ting on his chsract? but Oeaeral CoUla pronounces the l,*tt a forsery. A former letter from ?"oil to Van Wyck, however, m somewhat tl line, in admittedly g-nuin'-, and as follows: tost r :,. tsTA "P'l'rt A. Van Wy.-k, Mayor of tl "n\- of ?Ni '.'-' Voik: "sir, ?I concede your right n* the M* CUtiVe of tliis muni? ipaliiy t?. I apOBO ar malefeasance in office which comes your knowledge, and as a ritaf. g i w commend you for It; but If directly or I Innuendo, and without foundation, >-< givo I'.in to those who are near and de. to m--. 1 will s.-'k my r? in? ?ly by the nea est pos tibie course. "ciIAIif.KS H. T." it will bo percelvad that politics in He York aro Warming up. There Is no oo-asinn for the put, mind's b'-e.iniing disturbed OVOT repor from Paris r-guiding hit? lie*?; trnt ha occurred, and are going to occur, In t peace negotiations. Hitches, and a eood many of them. w. to bo SX?? Cted from the first. Hut Spa is In no condition, financially Of Bthl Wins, to reject finally our terms. It only natural that Spain should aseh to 1 herself down as easily as possible. Mr. B, . Valentin.-, the Virgin Sculptor, is OB a visit to BsltUnore, I is receiving atarited attention irom t pr?ss of that ?l'y. The San ?peaks liigk terms of his work, mentioning es] ci.illy his ie?iinib'.?nt fig'ire ..( j,.-o, | ?efferent*, and his Andr*oraache and Astyi nax, snd refere to him a? a representi tlve of the classical school of art In t!; country. -" - TI:o Kantern Shore Herald Iiiih ent?*r, It-* nineteenth year, ami tht Irving!. (Xa.) Citizen Its eighth year. Be are sound Dimocratic papers, and a Ii boring to advance the Interest, of th? tfve aectlena with a fidelity th appeals for substantial recognition In ti Way of subscriptions and a?Iv?-i Using pa ? ronage. Our Governor and his staff will ntfon th, P-ace Jubilee of the "City of Brothel ly !/?ve." In a spirit of brotherly kin. BOB. They will show th?? Philadelphia n how to ride troll and be. handsoim as good, Richmond resume? lt. Btartial nppent anee wfth the return of th?- boya wl Wl r?, mustered In only to be Brustert out. Never mind, boys, we hope t C-U-I5-A happv lot of patriots, yet. The Van Wyeks are credited with knot lag how not to talk too much. If th' really poaaass this wisdom, their pr?,ir nonce In public affairs is easily account? for. Verily, gr'.it Is Iilnti-yism. Among I latest a. hiev. Blent, are the closing 0 the New Volk Wool Exchange and tl bursting of one of the Oldest banks in tl same city. Spain is not so good at tho guns, bu her fencing at Parts will be skilful, w have no doubt. Ciiiililii't Ke?-|, It !*?*?-r?r*t. Though scientists try Bhrery means to descry Th?-|iti,?ii of things In that planet i Sailed Luna, cur onesl is as fully nab! With success IB when first we began I Bui this much, wo cotvlude, Cannot fall to Intrude On the mind of each sapient human, That all facts 'bout the moon Would be known mighty soon If the man in the same were a woman. ?-.. ?? .? ?i l ">? a i( ?i h h .lu r s. Wife: I'm sure, John. I don't kno what you'd do li you had no pockets I your . !.. : uid: Oh, I guess I'd b? able to g< along. Wife: T don't know about that; 1*1 certain you'd never know what to ? with the letters I'd give you to mall. A f-ncceaaful Operation. N ihor: I uuilerstarid. Do lor. that yo performed a surgical operation on Sen;; lOC MeFadden last week. Doctor: That's a fact. Nabor: "Was it succesa/ul? ?Doctor: Successful.' Why, I made cool three hundred on It. A Bnslnras Ya-rdirt. Novice: Do you meet with much sue cess in business nowadays'.' r.xpcricnced Tradesman: Meet with It No, Indeed! I have to gird up my loin and chase after It. 9uane?tlve. He (In a meteorological mood): I wonde if It'? clear out? She (half menacingly): That'a Pa' maxim after 10 o'clock. \? > ii -I mum It liai. Blanche: Did Harry kiss you more thai once last night? Bertha: I really can't ?ay; 1 never wa much on arithmetic. -mmmm Ab Exception. A clergyman who had moved Into s net rw?n?h ?SB?*, "Jim* se.</*j>?4 seara. visite? IS Ill by an old parlahKmcr. whom he ?nter toSBSi over night. IS the morning at the breakfast table the gueet wa? seared how he had pnssed the night. "Never slept better In my Ufe," waa thi reply. u.-.TTilniBcstrtly. the he?t rejoined: "Not even during one of my sermon??" Good men efe ?caree, and bad men are oftca obliged to make themselves so? Even an expert axeman sometimes nndd it dlfflsult to cut down expenses. Literary Vole?. A new edition of Iloulyrr's "fll-t >ry or China." in two volumes, ha? Just been published by ihe Ma?*rollhin Company. It h.s be<n thoroughly revised and orought dowh to date by the author, and ?otitams many BOW portrait? and maps. The pub lication Is e?ecdlncly timely. ThS Frederick A. Stokes <\>mp*iny pub lished recently Tolstoi's "The Christian Teaching** ta advance of its public-ui m In any ButopOBB country, not even ex cepting Russia, "Mon-y und Him??talllsm" U* the title of a rolttBM about to be Issued by G. P. 1'utnam's Sons, which Is Intended to ex plode the theories* of the bimet:illi?ts. K. r. Brsttou ft Co. poMlsh "Through Armenia on Horseback," by the Rev. George H. H?.worth. The Maimiiia.i Company will soo? pub Ush "The rm!? i ground Railroad from Blovery to F?tediSn," by wnbur h. Mo> bort An appendix contains a l!?t of no table fugitive slave <-,..?, bOSMOB Other Interesting matter. A meritorious collection of sea tales '.-? CutCttfffl Hyr.e's "Captain Kettle. <torb?s." The tlr?f of th-se stories Is contained in "The Paradise Coal Boat," announced by M. P. MansAsM ?v Co. MISS Cr.-ice King's new l'onk. "D" S"to aial His Men in th" I/ind of Florida.*1 will be pvil.lHhe.i this month by the Mac millaa ?'"mi G. P. Putnam s Sin?, will publish in thehr Btoriefl of the Nations Series a i.?".k on Blsnmrak, by J. W. Rsadiarm, of King's Collage, CamhrMgw, which has heea in preparatloa for the pas! four yearn Its title \?,in be, "Blsmarch and ths Now German Empire How If Arose ?gad What It Hisp?a?, d." Some BBBOnncementS of th?? Frederick A. BtOheS <'ompany's are "Henry Waid ?Beecher," by T. J. BHIaWOod; "Tlie De stroyer," by Repj.tmin Swift, and "Th? Town Traveller." by <;. orge QtSSfng? Tl- OetObSI No. of the Pali-Mall Maga zin?- contains an BltlClS by William Arch er, the well-known lit? rat y and Irun.ulc critic, on Anglo-Americas Uteretare. what i.? deoerihed ss "an Araericaa hoy's story of stirring BdveatttfrS "n land and se,\" is "Tom Beaton's Luck.** by Herbert E. Hamhlen, author of "?>n Many BOSS" and "The General Manager's* Btory." TheMacmlllsn Company are ths publishers, ?h., a?s?, iasue h Bow edition of Professor Ooldwln Bmlth'i "Ou - i al , - the Riddle of Exlstsnoe." .- '. !' Putnam'? bon? are printing "Ro ma,, Africa; Archaeological Walks in AI pi'ts and TubIs," by Oaston Botastcr, author of "Cicero sod Jlis Priende," "Rome and Pompeii," and "The Country ..f Horaire snd Virgil." 1 ?r. Max. Nordau'a new nov.-l, "The Drones Musi Die." is expected to Bppear in this country si ss e,,, fy data is i Charles Icrlhner's sons announce "in ! troductton to 'he oid Tests ment -Par! I. i anon " hj William Henry Oreen, . D '? i-' !' . Professor of Oriental and Testament Literature in Princeton n Theoiogl ?i Bemlnery; also, n new volume bv A. 1!. PrOBt, containing main- hum<-r oufl drawing? almllar to the "Bull ?'?if and Other Stories," and "Stuff and Non sense " li?).id Mead ?*? Co, sunoofrico five vol?. tim.-s of fiction "Th? Becond Thoughts of an Idle Pellow " by Ji rome K. f- rom? "Adventure? <?f the Comte de Is Muette During the Reign of Terror," by Bern rd Ce oes j "The t?,;, mon Wil liam Fanruhar Psyson; "Ths Uncalled." by Pun Lawrence Dunbar, the a? gr.> ) " ?. and "Th.- Minister of ?Mate," hy v. .f Bt? wert. "Shakespsars in Prance," by M. Tusser aii't, is expected to be published shortly. A preteatlotw announcement Is thai of Helnemnnn, of London who propos?e ?o publish a v.oik in twelve volumes, and r the general tltli of A PI? ?v of the World in IMA," which la to i prospective of the world in tliat year, Professor H. .1 Mach?n 1er, of Oxford, is the editor, and many .-minent writers will contribute voi u*t> ??. Another timely -publication is Mr. A K. f-'isk. *b "T| Of th.- W'.st rialies," In which ths author has endeavored to des? nt-- the Isl inda from the physical, I, snd political ?-"in' ol \ w, H. Rider Haggard, having spparently tired of writing blood?curdllog rom in ? '. has taken lO fanning S milch more use ful, if not so lucrative, employment as "ii-? p :,i!t baa written s "Farming Commonplace Book," which will be pub lished Best j mi. SCV. Tair'on T> M.cir, ra?-?A? r ' ..r? -?. Episcopal church, 1" lug necessarily rib sent as ,? ?!? legate to the gen? ml conn i - tion. now in aeeelon In Wsshlngton, I?. C, th'- Rev. charles B. Harrispfl will m - ply his piece at the raOVnlng servi..- !,,. day, and the ? - i t >- missionary, Mr. sue ,i, wi?; deliver n sddii m si the sight Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is one of the worst af flictions of the human race, and come? from impure blood. Eczema, a moat offensive and nncomfort ahlo affection of the skiu, also due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a torment to the flesh, a dis? figureraient to the body, and a drain on the system, also duo * to vitiated blood. Pimples, which ao disfigure the akin, and make the hujnan (ace divins anything tint a thing of beauty, but which are Nature's adver tisement of foul blood. Catarrh, which very often c-omee from a chronic affection of the circula tion, la a coostsut offense to one's silt snd sll his friends. Rheumatism, which sll authorities now attri bute to vsrious acidities in the blood, which thi? greet blood purifier of the sge, Hood'a Ser* sapsrUls, corrects. Hood's Sarsaparilla la sold by all druggist?. Il, six for 15. Pre pared only hy 0, I. Hood a, Co., Lowell, Mas?. Hs_-_1 _ Pills ?re the beM after-dinner I1UOU S flllS puis, aid digestion, 2?. SHED SKIN 20 TIMES Little Boy's Terrible Eozems. Mass Running Sorel From Head to Foot. Not an Inch of Body Unaffected. Skin Came off With The Bandages. Screams Were Hcart-Breiking. Four Doctors and Medical Institute No Avail. Improvement After the Second Application of Cuticura. Now Completely Cured. My little ?on, a boy of Ave, Broke ont with so Itrhing rssh. Three .los-lor? prescribed for bin,, but h? kept getting worse, until ?*e could not dress hir?.?iiy mor?. They lie a, 11 y ndrt??-?. in to try a ?-?-rtain medic?! SaSsaS, but Its treatment did not do nny go??!. At llio lime I was Indued to try (TTiciRA Ktxenir?, he was so bad tb?t I had to cut hi. hair Bg off, .?.nd put the Oil IB* Baal (ointment) on Mm on t*ssSB|ee, as It wa? Impossible to tonch him ?vith th. t?.?rc hand. T/i're wa? not one ?ijinir? inch of 'kin ?n Mt trhnle bo'ly that ten? not mg%x*t?. Bs BSfl on? it, ,?. of tests, and the ?tench hi.n wss frlsjlitful. Tho li.ind.iir?. used to ?ticli to hi? ?kin, ?nd tn rem??ing them it bM to tnke the skin off with them, and IBS BtftaSB? from th? poor child ?tere atari IreallBg 1 levan to think th?l he would r.< u-rrl ?veil,hut<rfttr tli? tSSSBd applientir.n of Cl.'THt'J-.A (oinlmont) / he fin to tee ?ian ?of imprtttemtttf, and with th? third and fourth applications the sore? com mom-cd to dry np. Mi? .Kin pooled off twenty times, but It BaBtly yielded to the ire.itnient. I used tho Cence?a BBaaSVaSfl for tat blood, and now I .-;?n ?av lh:?t he is entirely cured, ?nd ? ?tiongcr und healthier boy you Derer ?aw than he Is at day, Ton can BM thi? testimonial In whaterer way you please. BBsl If any proof out.lde of my word It needed I will refer to anv of oat neighbor?, KODKI.T WATT AM, Deo. 13, 1S07. 472S Cok it., Chicago, III. Sprsnr Crc? TaraTMisT ma Tasll'SIs? a*? Dia rio.?is.? Ilr.???.?Wkrm Lath? with I'rt.i us* ?i.e. r.nti? ?neintlnr? with ..'ITH'?? ['. n.irrM of ? 0,n r.irrt.and ,?i!J 4o*?< of Or.or?,? Rs aoi ss?iT, blood pu-iil.r. and hamo, carra. Mt throiijhout the world. Poirrs Oarn a-idCihu. Coar-.Prop... Ho.t.,n. Ho.t-? <'ur<- K.b? Iluii?or?,t*n*?. DKMOt'H ITIC I AMIS?, Ipaalalataaia laa Pahdla ** p?-n u, ?-; in "fata Mata, State Pcrrocrati.* Committee, Room 82, chamber of Commerce Bid's, Richm'nd, Vn. The following appointments for public Bpoahlng are announced: HON. .JOHN W. liAMI-ih. Bu? kincliam ? court). ?>i;o**cr 10th. HON. TiP'.MAB a MARTIN. Suffolk ?curt). < ?, t,,i,? r loth. Brunswteh (court), October 2Hiu Surry (court), OctOher BJth, HON. .JOHN [ '. KINKY. I.niidoun (COUrt), October l')th. Culpeper (court), ? tetotx r 17th. Stafford (court), OctotM r 19th. Pauquler (court), October -ith. HON. aTDNnTff P. aTaPaat. Prince Qeorgt i.ourt), October lath. Prince Bdward (court). Octoher l'th. Nottearay (COlirt), NovcmberSd. Hi?-, nesvlllo (court), November 7th. HON. JAM KM HAT. \\o,,,!-tock, octob. r lath (court). Stanar.lsvllK ??ftob'-r 12th (court). Hairlsonhntg, 04*tober 7th (court), i.uray, October 24th (curt). CharlottoBvtlls, Novemtx r 7th (cour*-. HON. BAMUSL W. Williams. Dick-ri-on (coin;), October Ifth, Grayaon, October tlth (cantt), HON. H. L>. PLooo. BotetOart tcourt), Octob.-r 10th. Beth ? ' " ' ' " -tober nth. Buchanaa (Uotttourt county). October 12th (night). Jennings's Croeh (Botetourt county?, . r Uta (afteraooaX Amhersl (?toart), ??tober 17th. Augusts (COnrf), October L'4th. Nottowsy (court), No-vemb Oreenesvllle (coart), November 7th. HON. P. .1. I'TKV. Montvale, Bedford county, October ist h 7..-.'? P. M. Otter HUI. Bedford county, October 10th, 7-30 P. M. Sedalla, Bedford county, October 20th 7:-'i P. M. Halifas iconrt), October Mth, p. publican Grove, Halifax county oc tober Mth d P. M.). Honnl ?'irmel, Halifax county, Octohor Htn d P. M I. South l'ost-.n, Halifax county, October 2?',th i** I' M > Vinflllna, Hsllfa? county, October tttb (2 p. ht). Oak LSTSl, Halifax county, October "?th (2 P. M.). Clover, Halifax county, October ->i)th (2 P. M ? geottaburg, Halifax COnnty, O'toher 29th (S P. M.). HON. JOHN LAMH. I.unonburi- (court). Octottatt ?,,tn_ I ?lnWlddic O'out't) October 17th. Charles City (coart), 0 tober : HON. WILLIAM P. BAHKSDALH, Camphi 11 (court). October ISth. Roanoke (coart) (Sslem), October 17th Bedford ?court). October Mth. Montgomery (conrt), October 2r?th. Charlotte (coart), November 7th. HON. J m ??l' Pfi'-astle tcourt). October Mth. Warm Springs (court), October nth. Amhetst (court), October 17th. Staunton (court), October 2lth. II? IN. PKM?PvOKK PKTTIT. i: ktagham (coart) October Mth, Amhersl (? oort) October 17th. Neleoo (ce?ttrt), October :tih. HON. C. M. WALLA.',:, jr. ChasterSsId (conrt), October aajh. jsVfuiaoN walla? k. wmq, Chesterfield (curt i, ? tetobet \tptm, Ooochlsnd (court), Oetaher 17th, Hanover (court), October lath. Now Kent (court). October Mth Kinic William (court). Octoher 2?th It. L GORDON, ks<?. Loudoun (court), October iOth. HON. THOMAS N WILLIAMS. Prince OaorgS (courti. Octohar 17th. ? BON. N n. KAPLv Madison (curt?. October 27th. Wevaesboro', November Ith (night). Albemarle (court). November 7th. CLK.M P. OBirJasf, asfJQ. Salem court?, October i~th prank T. QLaASGOW, K.Sg. Nelson (court), October 21th. JCTXUI w. BODOKS mann. Am<-!ia .'ourt October '"7th J. TAYLOR BJU.YSON. Chairman. Joseph Button. Secretary. ^Kini'iiiM: \m, ? i<? \hi:ttks. I .not.Inn.I.,ii ?f Tsv?, Kills a Soldier *>u>? 11?-?*i?r. (N.-w York Herald.) C. P. V.ind'iM-n. Kii/hth N? w Y*ork Vol inteer?. was four.,I dead in bed in Free elder Simon Kelly'? hot. I, .1 We. ia'?k n Heixhts, N. ,J , last nisht at ? o'clock. >r. Rimados, who was summoned, nave B! onliilon that death hH.l been ?used by the excessive us?' of morphine nd c'uv.rettes. A Ixix of mojphln- pin? nd a pa<kage of cigarette? were found n Vandusi-n'? po- ? Vandnatn, when found, svus fully dress d. An autopsy will be held \ , ras 2! year? c,|,|. He lived with a brother t Englowofid, N. J. ???or?-? The-, llieerful Idiot. (Indianapolis Journal.) "This earth, I am Informed." ?aid the inarchlstlo boarder, "1? but a mere cru?t urroundinK a molten ma??." "And ?till you maintain," ?hI<{ the cheer ul Idiot, "that (he upper cru?t I? ?. u?? eaa Institution,'' England ha? about :/> pack? of tnx. nund?. ?nd ?bout 15.0??? horgrs are kept pec tally tor fox-hu|tlog. 1, 315 East Broad St. Merchandise-Buying Heduced to a Science ty Expert Judgment, MghosssigMt owned so seeps ? . . SEASONABLE DRY GOODS. Lace Curtains, that were bought at HAU" \ *i i-F? . 4.? be dlspoeed or in tl .Vottlnarham !..-,?-, .-,?,,, , . Point D'Ksprlt ?"i?r?ains fr??m ? TflBIBTOor Kcal La* . , to ? :. m * THE ?..' ATKST CURTAIN H.\l Brussels snd Tambour should )..? M al >' --. per i , ! 1. rig by M Inch. ?, Lames n.;d Set? in new design? B -, ? per set. Blankets! Blankets! BOUGHT i NI ?ER , .-, , CONDinONB AT l? ?~ I I'l'l' 10-4 Cotton Double. B 00c. 10-1 Wool-Mixed BIOBkOtS, ,. Virgirla Woollen !*! nner of ch"l- * tl I ee, full] value. KM. 114. ... 121-1.,... Fin?? California hi?! < I ,, |M iiMiall? . sp? Comforts ! Comforts ! WK snow AM ENTIRI Of COM FOB made of laminated SBtl lamb's wool, eov. red ?.?. materials of ?u ! ' prices range ftem $i te I -, shi.ii.u Pilled Coatfori -. i A Carpet Department THAT PROVES ITS Won j i:\!-:i:v \ i HT Pattern*? n UPqUesttolie.l ; pri' . s BV ' , promptly and aatisf u Tapeetry from Veh Ingrslns lhal - Por hails snd i. usually largs and Japanoos end Chins M ful colorings, sad soft, i Rugs! Rugs! Rugs! BMYRNAS, WILT. 'NS. W . i All ths popular I , art ?? that BO tractive and untejUS dl Ingrain Art Squares in n variety of patterufl ol grades. Compare ou- | ALL w<"'!,? 2 I-2\*! yards. Sx.! yards. :!x:i 1-J yards. -.1 . Stn 11 \i.I-" Wt 2 f-ggt fords . I j yards. ::\ : l-J ? irdfl .~., , 1st *. arda. 4*?:, yards. .. UNION W"' '! I ' ' "l'"\ | 14?1 rsrds.I ri-?.'; . Ixl i-- yarda. I Floor Oil-Cloths, Linoteums, and Window-Shades. N< < ?TIIER HOUSE CA! I - THAN WE ARE OOINO 1 LINKS Black Dress Goods. AI.WAV.?? OUR ORE?! t This s'-.i on surpasses si I in b? Buty ol fabric and r i i eye niel sati-'fv th.- wearer ? All Wool Chi m Brilliant Bl.i Imperial ah w Arlington I ?r : -, Bla. u Pla?? I B y ... A Silk Bargain. Beyad tiens. B I'ure Silk Taffc? Bleek Satin Dil silk, .. Pure Bilk Bsoi i ' A Few Lowest Price Spe cials. AndroscogKln 1-1 Bl? i i i I ui.'. l.o? kw.l M 4 Hl. ich? I - Bi M Shirting Prints, ! " D I- K' a.iv-M .! I' .?. i. Read) ' Indigo I'll r ? t?4.'olor Apron Olngh ims, nia. k sad Colored Unlni 72-Inch Silver Bl? s< I n Damask, He. ,,? Ri BUI inl -. new, dark c< Remnaats of late, Uni leached J l l l-?c. Domet Planneis, I ?Vie. Turkey R. d Damask, lTc LEADING VALUES LADIE8*, CHILDREN'S ' w?.. 'i.l.i;\ I S I. HUTZLER'S SONS, 315 East Broad St. COFFEE. has well been tonofl ' ' if the bre.-,!'.'. aient. I.ik" an i this whs? ' .."... a 1 ' * .ut a ruwn of a 1 I'eh 1? a ?up Of K' ..irtni' nt lu our BtOfS If I uirde.l. iirv-r.'. ally. aroma, flavor, quality ! ? 'an,lard*. ? ?Id <.ov rnment Java Bl '? ?ream Java BltBd, .'?" Mo. ii.. i In? Arabian, '? - bo, :* *.? ; Hun.ll.>' "P. V V." ' BB Bucaraaianga, BB 1 . Ooed Lags tyra, 1*1 1 .yi. M... .- .'.I .. M t .ad. Mexican. Me. pound. EA, nriiiiii tuiKBi in? AM?U ?KIM frlRIKS *a*Sl? PI** i.uti on*. BSH Kual Ml ?ui! ?reel, Thane ?MO. M!?'a.iu<?n?l, fO> HKHMliu A. <?aim:s. glaaaajee. (OC ' a A ? . Order? for piintlng sent to the L>i?P???i'1? ompajay wUl Ui glrsn pspowt *'?:* " "*