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Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, October 09, 1898, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-10-09/ed-1/seq-6/

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--!-* _
' . m>
hat? are made aomewhat wider, the trim
ming con-listing only of a bow at the side.
In rlbbona there Is every width and
everjr color in narrow velvet and wide
ribbon?, with plisse? and ondules in con
trasting colors. Antique satins and
miroir velvet? hy the yard have been
produced in ribbon, and the widths that
are most in demand are the 6-inch and
the 4 1-2. many of them having decided
edge?. Th?re are plain ottomans, failles,
?hot Ottomans, stripe?, satinettes, shot
spots, and edge? interthreaded with satin.
The spangled spot? on ?hot grounds are
found to be very useful, and there are
satin v? lours in every width; the demand
is great for narrow ribbons, now employ
ed so mu?*h for embroideries.
The newer braid? are made with a draw
ing thread, so that they ran be formed
into any twist or curl required, and to fol
low the dict?t? s of fashion; these now are
most numerous. Some of them have
looped or picot edges, and some a very
narrow fringe. Plain black and white and
white and black blended are in the ma
jority, but. of course, they are to be had
in colors. It is a braiding year. There
art- some seven different widths.
I gathered in the middle or closely puck
i".fTI) 11/A II I _T **_ ni/ID ' ' o. and sometimes made to edg? chiffon
Ulli llUUA.liO I A -IT.. times bordered itself with lace
rt of rucho in thin gauze, thin
tarlatan, or lace has been pressed int.
H4VK ?OI AW (H.fl-r\?lll(i\IH
?mYKMM? I rtM ? ?*< tnii/.i; it.
?nine S-SSinatlni I.lltle Trim
nil ill-?--.4. Ilreliied Ni?vell>! Velvet
anil I nlle ( omliined in Milliner?.?
**> ?! > I on- s ni One ( iilnr I aeil.
. i? , neo of the Dispatch.)
NBR ycpk. October I \? ? - v-hat
We want n v. . tlitn throw It
aside. Tl la the ]
havi '
down to tl;. Will I
.s and cora i
i. I .
se?Mi .
i Will ha*.
an '
are *><? inn -h handsomer than the sti
?,f I glass i ag lu
lu the .- atury
si-im-( In m ?unt< ?I In y >M
v : DOW HI'
two togethsi ' end
ara ? '-'
Ce tS IS of hair ont of which a hunch
Of loOM curl!' ? .a i -i- the hair WOI n
luxv in tn
i?. b**eughi foi ward on ti (ter th<
maniiar ?,f the ? let
|On^?Sar-iingfl were worn theri
rally a small top and a I mg
win- h, In coi .' was i tly oarvsd,
i tar ear-rlnga, and
SOI ?I tOPS x\ :
srlgtnsl purposi
o,. .;..-'.. | i |ta ?position n n reed,
pin la in- rted i . and thus em?
ploy? ,i for 11< - ties. 'J he carv? d ?-oral
B and bra teleta sre
-preetty prised. Coral ?s pe?eullarl]
coming to ?In k l?> BUti
The BBOSt fasclnettng little trimmings
have l,. ,-n pr< p ?i? ! l" dg< bow?, I
(killings, and floundngs; thi only dlnVulty
is when i" begin to describe them, they
a-e BO numerous SU I isnl ! 01
- ? i Pin m ik.- of rib?
bi'ii with a Btrelghl edgl after the Order
of thai usad lo tie np cigara, but in dif
ferent colors, i mployi ! it is
tha BsnrBs, and the kilter'? art has been
most constantly in demand. Lace inser
tions gathered ?ifcixvn the centre dl?pla>
???me four rows of narrow puckered rib
thls description, while muslin Is
edged with either red. green, pink, or yel
low, the favorite width is about an inch.
bul UM re are others wh)V*h are quite three.
I old fri? nd tarlatan is coming into
rlay again, and forms a capital founda
| arrow colored ribbon; flounces
rlotM widths In silks of every fash
drawn on cords and edged
wnh narrow velx-et, while silk chiffon
doubled "n the cross is gathered into
onoes of different Widths, and for
aithing Is so good or effective as the
aatln-faced chiffon. Many of the silk
flounces are corded, a treatment which
applies alike to silk, gauze. an?l muslin In
colors, some of It bordered with
nclannss. Wonderfully pretty are the
ruches with chenille spots, but not
harming as the ruffles for the
. k made m th?- same tulle, with spots
WO BUK . th. y are repented In black
ill rotors. The prettiest are White
Britta black ?pots. Soma of the ribbon-i
for these raehlngs have white, black
and are often crimped.
*r!mpeil chiffon ahOWB np Wall, and no
lored | ./.i"'. but perhaps
he hest of th?m all ami Boost in d-mand
- lbs Inch-wide double ruche of tarlatan
? with in: row ribbon, and goffered
playa ?n important part in
and millinery. Cht nille fringes
, being revivad from the long sgo, some
drops at the tip of BSeh
iti ui'i. Chenille and cord passementecles
ira employed by the bast tailors on poio
s and wpss. Many Btl tight edged
made in chenille on BOt
-(TOUndS, and tinsel beads and chenille
-.-!? rfully well together. In mil
lui. ry 11 ' "in. i by the van!.
?".- of the prSttlaei materials used for
makli autumn hats is a lattice
nil!? with aequlna in the osn?
tre Of ' ich diamond. This is to be. had in
-, llghl blue, national blue, pSaPOOfc,
' k and White, and many other shades.
these hats need very little
When tho season advances it is selval
that we Shall he using In millinery trlm
rned with tana a j'ix.npo?ition with
aSS bul little acquainted.
One "f the now ?modela lllustratsa this
The tulle is gathered into a
H-inch bouillonee, placed on the
tho brim, ami forming a pattern
In circles on the crown: the wings are
groan and blue combined, made up of
feathei is many of them are.
rtl? Ulsr model was dark blue vel
Glass Bead Necklaces.
Graduated roxxa of black or colore I glass beads have just reached her.- fi.--..
'Ibis une is jet with tiny gold bea?la simulating a sold between B .
one. it lttsteub at the back with a black satin ribbon bow.
Sent ?he muH.
(Detroit Free PTSSS.)
"How did the old charity d?-??!?-?? work
last term'.''' waa SSfcSd of the unlver-i'.v
BtOdant who Is picking up his traps Brit h
a view to another SO at tho classics. "Did
it add much to your allow.?
"Fizzled clear out. I wrote tho ilover
nor that I wanted ?some mom-y to help B
poor family that was in an aim |
ing condition- Inside of forty-eight hours
he sent me a barrel of flour and txvo
She Knew It, Too.
(Chicago Post.)
"In tho spring," ho quot-.i, "a. youn?
rtwn's fancy lightly turns to"?
"How I wish It WOTS spring," she lnter
When the conditions are Just right it Is
somet.iin.:M posolbla ( * i young man's
fancy to turn lightly in the autumn
and he succoed.-d In ?! monstraUng that
fact to hea- satisfaction.
I <?l_ ?MMI_.
(D. W.t III YV? Ml; '
This ; the Old nil
\\ ii?. ?ees the atona di
And wind and cloud 1
The wind.
"The north win?! is man's wind
' with hi? I
it ehaats his love and h
"The WSSl wind is the BBg!
ii-- '. | their lyi
And Where tit..- gray Bti ,
\\'?- ses Unir rii.-hing wing?.
?Tha east Sind Is the ?I
But tha south m .. 'nd,
Ami blows fr??m in
"Aral whence th.-y go hon | .
Who hi ara them riding by;
Th" nindowa > ( I
An Autumn hat.
This beantiitil hat is of heliutro* e velvet drapeil over a shape with a low round crown and a flaring front. Shirred velvet
with a rosette and rhinestone oruameut tills in the front, while pheasant Feathers, unite, tipped with brown,
cover the edge. A rosette of strip?-?! heliotrope ribbon, stuck with the new glass pina,
_gives the finishing touch to thin becoming model hat
Velvet Sleeves For Autumn
Gowns. v
XaTua green cloth and groen velvet gown, having velvet sleeves and a double akirt
Wim fctitcheu ?tigt-g opening ou a velvet Ubiier, u an example
^ ui tho latent atyie in every dgta?.
vet, and the prevailing colora are blue of
many tones?sky, periwinkle, and royal
blue; many shade? of orange, from the
lighter, which is almost maize, to the
darker, Which tones into red. Mauves
and violets of every hue are also much
worn, and ruby. The toque? are decided
ly larger, so large that, In fact, they
amount to small hats; while the hau
grow bigger and more elaborate every
day, and more ? oetly Man entendu. The
crowns of the toques and hats are, as of
ten ag not, of the beefeater order
and pleated, many of them embro?-'
all o\?r m a scroll pattern arlth ?m% nu
bon. An example of this is a fawn velvet,
with a stiff brim, and a soft, curling
white ??strich feather under it, extending
t?? ?the i sek. \ - ry or-', a fait la the
groundwork, and p etowd of a stone tone
hhus treated IS remarkable for S black
pin inserted in the on ire. without, appa
rently, any motive at all. \X-.- shall BBS
tins often, by and by. In thla case the
brim waa "f kilted velvet, and th?-re w? re
bows of lifcht bim- velvet In tha bsunedl?
ate front. .Nearly all the modela are
trimmed in the front, and m such a wide J
and extended fashion that xvomen are
now not seldom compared to horned cat
tle. Most of tho heavy man-rials are to
be trimmed with lighter fabrics, and a
charming pervenche velvet toque ??-?H
made with three gathered frllllngs for the
fcrim. all sdgnd with I .iffon.
The few artificial Bosrara that are used
ara mostly made in velvet, and-some of
the toque crowns ar? formed of one huge
?ithsr in ?ilk or velvet, beautiful in
color. Some of the new flowers in shaded
silk are tipped with chenille arranged in
spots, and among the novelties of the
hour are violeta made of loop? of che
nille, live being needed for every bloom,
and they are made* in BSVSrSl .-hades.
Felts are being made up thla year In
very reasonable shapes; there ia the Tor
quay, with its eleven crown sinking in the
centre, trimmed with striped ribbon, a
feature in these useful hats, as well a?
?potted velvet. The crowns are square in
many other examples, surrounded by vel
vet, the brim turning up at the side of
the boat-shape order. The leading color?
la these are beavers, greens, g]
browns, red, and cream color, royal blue,
mulberry, mauve, light blue, and light
pink shades, which figure In the sailor
shape felta, with the crown slightly sunk
at the top, making a thick ridge round
like cording. For bicycling and travelling
there are soft felt hat? which fold up to
put In the pocket, without ?roiling the
bow at the aide. They are ?elling lite
rally by thousands. The square crown?
and the bell crown? rival the old favorite,
the Alpine crowns, which are accompa
nied now by brims cloaely stitched all
over, for the best kind of travelling hats.
Som? of them turn up higher on one aida
than on the other, and ate trimmed both |
with ?Ilk and velvet, ?trlped quills figo- I
ring at th? aide. For what are technl- j
eally called "mlaae?,"-that is, young
gUla la their teens?th? brim? of the felt ?
e-ijuifite blue taffeta waist is entirely tucked, and opens upon a vast of ?
wliUu moaatebne de auie. '
A Paris Model.
I? gunt gray cloth redingote is cut without a seam in the oentre of the back,
but m ?uub a manner that it falls in graeelul fold?. The front? Lax?
a doubl?? flounce "en forme." Hone of stitching and
artistic glass buitous are the triurui-g.

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