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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9? 1?M. A MOURNFUL LETTER THAT CAME TO Off* AFTO* CORBS POI?DE*lT. I THE I0E8 OF P0TC?TT. EFFECTJ)N_S0C1ETY. THE fOXlhlKD HOT Wl VTII Kit HAS A DEI'HESSlM. TKMMM Y. OPENING AT THE WOMAN'S CLUB. This Organisation, lu De a Liberal ?t ?in? il.m...r to tin- \Vliil?-r'? I'lea a-?re? I lie l.n mini (I ill?*. I'erfecl I Bg ?TlM-lr riaa??lVr??iniil >ol??. As the weather lately hag had a relapsa end fallen back into its summ? r condl? tlon, BOSS i> I" opB he*/? ther-selves imn.h f"i- BOm days. The heat seem? to have ? rea killed out the gossip. . : "U Wl ni your file lb had Itthtfg to t?ll you SX? cept that the weather wa* warm, ami thl y were warmer ?till. And yon might axrlved at that conclusion without thl -it Information. The launching of th?> Illinois at New? port B< w? ereiit? d a lipple 0. ' toktt truite b inrg? number of aoelety jieoi'i? ??ut doxxn to "Newpera Batoose,*1 as tin darkle* call it. to ?ee and be M A, No doubt th? crowd th-i- ? -ir,i ad enjoyed their coming. The launching of tho l.'ni.n Tin ??logical ?Stminary on Its i.? >? CgrSSf Wal ai,other source of interest t?i many of Rlohmohd'a Cltiia-ns. 111. lun'-'inl i to I"- < OH lated on gaining BUCh -i Valuable addition to li- - cult!? vated men and won.- ted fflth the seminary. i On Thur.silay, tie lth, ?. imin-I'iy was celebrated in a Style Which may make Um <-? lebrati n proud ol their achiev-fment--. At Banger Hall in the af ternoon and evening then a us much enjoyed sa a dance ever (a, be sides a splendid musical programme, planned chiefly by Professoi Charles F Butter. The Oerman-Amerl? m A tlon, of which Mr. Carl Rtiehrraund la presid? nt, was the i ?urea ol Ute ? nter tata a- nt. miMBcal, ?oclsl, and hi? rary, one Mr. a. K. Banenrald x\a.- : a ma ceremonies. . The Assembly Ocrraan has nol yel do? Sided whether to assemble thla winter, but a "BOOting Li I" ! .- hi l?l in tl future to sen;. thai matt? r, At ai y rate, ihe ; th,- ewb Int? nd to piv, - g? wltl arsak at tno The Cotill-.n-?'! | .. at the bead Of which 1? (>ne of th? in- i chai mlng wom< n in the city, will reopen on the Sat, ?rltti fl yi i ?? i-"i"i>. The membership I hit pavaatsea to ba target than vi r I and to In i .". of ila- old? r gorman ?et?. Tin- promlnei t ladles wl a n I] act as nhsparnaiiB for lltsa Robins ars Mrs. jo*, ph I'ryaii, Mis. Herbert A. Clalborne, Mr?, .i.iii" . '. .?ii-. Charlei Boiling, x?. \x m .... ii i? ird i?. ii.,i Mrs. 'William C Bentley, M Boa Johnston, Mis. Ann s. R?ther! Mr?. Thomas ?Boiling, Bra Haiti. -. micha?!. Mis. Austin Brock' i brougb, Mrs Robert Blankenship, and Mrs Henry A. Bllham ? ? The plann of tlH germSS duba a:?- un known anantltlea no longer, About tt i ? ? middle of Movemher ti-,- dan? wlilch met alt.- I last spring at the Jefferson Hot. I. will fjrvS ils first dance for this S'-ason, and ailcixvi.-. continue to k?ej? its plaoi as on,- of tl? prominent orgnnlanUona for th.' talnm?-iit of both the in uri? I and tin- un married, tha ***setlnga alternatlag with the entertainrneiits of r*h>- Richmond <;?.r man club. All of the pretty, ni n danoea win be intro-'.uc, ?i at the class, among other?, the "DaWOy l-ilicers," am!. M - ?umably, tho Hobaoa wait?- I, i !i?- Las schottische. Hi?' Bohler reel, and the Shafttr courtsey. . The membera of the Woman's Club, i BSOd to letting the grass grow un der thetr fest, ezpeet during tin Of 1t?_***--'9*> t" make the elub ni"t? than ever a social ami literary c-iitr?' for this ?xmmuntty. The entert a intn. nt given at tin- club on Monda) Ing for tho season. Miss Al Reinhardt, the gifted daui-hter of 1 sor Jacob Reinhardt, pi?. . .*.. lections of violin music the 9 v. nth Con certo, t?y i>? Berloti the beautifal Cava tlna, by Raff; 1* ? ride, by V\'ic-?aw?ki, and The Swan. hardt'a playing was applaud? ?! tlcally. All of her bearers a'-r, ??! that her execution had impn.v? d i. n...ikably during her ?tay in New York last win ter, and all hoped that they g-Jghl have th? privilege of hearing her play again at some early date M?"a iu W York, the -peg? of Mm. aJston i-aij.-ll, ?-j .?iothtr -ouug musician who addee to th? pleasure of Monday's reunion at the club. Her eution was brilliant. She pluyc?! at? in ?rovinatlon by MeDoweU; I ? t. ? BUslc by li.tch, and a ael?3ction from Die I sterBlnger. On Monday next at 6 o'clock Mi?? Nan. v Rrook?, of tMi.tford-on-Avoii, EnS wll| gtta a dramati" reading at th? club, h? r ?election? to In'-iud? acepta from Beara th? Fifth, the School for Bcandal. and ahort?r poems Misa Brooks is th<- sls r ..r Mr... Herbert Dues, of this city, she baa uiiiisuai histrionic talent, Im proved by actual experience on the- s-taive an?! Bcqualntanoe with leading actors of well as Prani . . 'ihe ; rogresa "f the Riehmond ('in!, sine its founding, a few ysen ago, has been r? m.u-k ably Bteady. A Bowery pp ??kes might compose some lovely phrases abo it ai!i. "Tho march pf | I "The ir.'Hii of achievement," and so eh. And tins .-. tr there will probably i?- added ? d< pai tin- c.t which util r I any thing .IM- the uaefalneis ? :' the nUatlon. a meeting <>t tin- Ex tlvs Committee of th?- elub will take on Monday night for tin dlsi U :k for tin- xvint. r, and it is ; thai ati' r thla Be ison th.- et i art student- n- . i -. longl r -a/.- I? nghlg? ly at New V"ik an?] Washington and xvish they liad t ' ?f a d"\ ? . that they might Sea away and !? at xvork. bot test? id shall only ni'ivt th? ir draw ing mat?rtela around t<> the Art Club. . 'I'll.- Milton C W ?irk Whist Chi!, will in? ? t on Tuesday afternoon, prompUy at half-past i o'clock, at the residence of .XW*-.*. Nannie An-ler, MM. north Blxtfa street. . " An announcement which has caused will, spread regret Is that Mis. Mary Louise Hartisoo will have to apend the *?.l!i'<*r in Asli.'Vllle, N. C, on account of throat trouble Sh<- has resigned ber thi head "f th.- r.itri'-k Henry ter "i Hi" ?Children of the American RevoluUon. *-d?? waa the founder of thla chapter, ami aa t.'i- as th?-- writ?-r knows, of the order In Virginia, which, under her manag? mi nt, becs me s.? prominent and flourishing. The Children arlll .sadly miss the ready, Interesting, bright face and tin- delightful narratives of their lir.-t ki-der. Mra Francia 1?. Williams has return?-? 1 from the White Sulphur, Where she th?- S.I11III11? r, . Mrs. Hush Bklpwlth la expected back in town on Monday. . Hn M.ii.i Robinson baa returned fro.-n hoi sunini'i-'^ Btay at pialndealing, Albe marlt county. H?E. DUMAS AT HOME THE CH4TE?U AT KARL?. ?ii. r?lou, (lie Piny ? ) rl?!it, ami i:i?-u n?.?n ii..?,-. in,- Great An-Ire? liii'lileiil?Maine ol Loi?* fuller. Miss Matt!" I' II cilj. n baa i - : a. ned to the Ml -1 M. Foin ?i n.-an. Jr.. is visiting ber "?<i home, in ?Connecticut . Mrs. Qeneral Josepn Reid Anderson ha; r> turned to Ihe aaaaatmm^mm^?^mmmmmmmmmmmm^^^mmmmm ^mmm^^^ ., ... _ ,,, , x. . ,., France that i' men have far bet? . .run, ;'?' n- ,h No;:,n><r "fi lut ..i..n,?,> than the ordinary ! :..,!,-., V f u m ?ii k i' l '" ""':!;| women -. hamed to I Miss Llaal? Boyd. ^ derneath, bul her everyday behavior la gauche, rough, tomboylsb. eturn-i ?Bohold my Madame Dumas tl. t, plump, bead beautifully entrancing manner. if she wniild go on she would make a ?bourse, she desired ao 1ear friend of Madame i-as a pet pupil of hi?. ?inn? together, it rk to play ?rlth such ?ut I think she had a, chllil, so I suppose e difference. MSed me the rooms of late Alexander ?Dumas, irnlahed in white and . bedroom there, the 8S it was at the time thing that w. nt to my so aqutpsgs all aralt? Just above Madame'.??, se leads ?lown to her the very top of the ?nt room, the study as. Th?* windows i'iok ling country, an?l a ^^^^^^^^^^^ ?. The wall? arc cov ered nMh lovel) paintinga, and tho winde effect b rich and impressive, without o lavish A VISIT FROM KI.KAN'IRA DUSK I i think i BoasUmea nther v issd Ma? ___^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ data would not go ?i?*ht >ii?>?' mtooKs TBLLs OF vimt i Ilka people better than ptaces, bo I waa .,.,,.,....,. ? v-ry pleased waVn I h**nrd "La ' io rin-. WIFE OF THE SOVEL1ST. r? coming to on- with u?. Bardou, th? great playwright, has a lovely bouaethree nilnuti - ???ik from Madame Dumas's, and ti.? i ? "La i ?n- ? " ^^ is to ' it s?, happened i waa alone ?n the draw? ? Ing-room xvh. n she urss shown In. I knew no Italian, and was vary ahy with my i ranch, and s?-? I sp??k?' ?English. "Madama v lllllltlll? wl,| ,)(. h,r,. s,?,,,- I r,lUl ,,,.] .n,.a ,, .,,,, i.-fl,,.?,?,. .. . have kicked myself f.?t- a ass. ? ?. i ' i i ?i i rifil? \ |. Aniu.iiiK ,, '"Merci! replied the actress, and sit ? down ?Imply ?m a chair. 1 felt ho sorry f'?r her. ?'h! such a ?Ircd fscs ahe has; worn and yel vary ?west Eleonora inise is shout x" years >f ego; rather mi. thin, Lu? with a Mg frente. **he has . balr beginning to grow griy; paie skin, and dark sySS. Bhe *S_S d**CSSed in I?!., k, an?l wore a 'lttle bla-k silk Cape all through dlnass*. i sat on her right at dinner and Madame on her left. The rest - i i -. rang d . : .?i Um o? al table nough, i en !--.- ito "i bi r !?? tter iny oi my French trk told m-' her ai.i waa eapeelally rood, her laUon very plain, aiwl ht r command of the T'li-ii'-h armguage w<x?neki**fuL She I ,ir^>, BBd during bar long oonvsl -.- anpUed h>-r S'!f to the study of i"'r*-i? h, srltfl this re sult. A COMPARISON or ?." i:i:.\s. S"ine one during ?linner sp"ke <?f the ?lad lu?- "f the tju^t-n of Spain, ??? mg left a widow s.? early, and ??avtng such a difti cult nation to govern. Then B?HM one Bias said: "Well, there Is the (Jueen of England; ?he waa left a widow, too.' At this i.a Dose broke out with. "Cette \ I? He mil!' I ItopPl ?I lit-r. "Ah! ah! ah!" I crie?]. She turned to RM. "Ali. Madamoleelle Is right. I beg Madamoi aslle'i pardon, i cannot forgive m Bui yon aee th? tu?, caaes: are net the Same Tha Queen Of Spain was left very a stranger ia a atransjs i? nd. Your || it'.d. Sli" ha?l many happy yean o? marr??! life, and when her husband tUad he I ft ?iehind many children to console h?-r. Therefore, I say tli" osees aro not tin* same, I do not wish to sp< ik a w.iril BgalBSt >"ur Q she is b very good woman, and I admire h.-r." Anil -a? OB "''I BO '-n. Th?? whole there ! ta*,je roared xvith Laughter, and all through dtnnsr and stterwards the ??a kept turning to me ami begging my par don. In fact a< th'- train WOM RBOTing off to tak.- her beck to Paris sho again a--k. d ma t" torglvi h Miss Nancy Brooks, who arrived here i-ecently from ??Uratford-on-Avonl baa been recognised in England as a r, ader of rat.- accmi'li-hm? nt and ability, Sin is a papii ..-, Ml-- **ci i.? boi . : London, and Mr. Ben T. Qreet, in who I st .-k company --ii" played prominent pai: .1 seasons. Her laal api i aranee on the stags was in th?- '?Sign <?t the Ci sad Hi?- press notloea sin- received were highly flattering and ? nthusis : Miss Brooks hid alwsyi i" an ambltloua to become a reader, and .-:. aerved h> r apprentleesblp on tha atsga aa a t.. Of improving lar technlc. She was nol lasnred with the life b bind I : and finding that it ilit?Tt< rc?t xvith 1.? r - .1 ii he left it. wB n ah( that the end .-in' Bought had been .. - mined. Miss i!t?i??ks has appeared with equal Bucceai m ru. - In London, aad during her navels on the ConUneal Bhe met Madame Dumai thi nidos ol the pi I French novelist, who entertetsed ber. Bh? i-, ?'i course, sn enthusiastic admirer ol the eminenl Frenchwoman, and talks very entertainingly of h?-r reception al Marly !? Rol A VISIT TO MARLY. i iippon most pi ? -aid be gla ? to receive sn InvltaUon from Madame 1 ?urnas," s-ii'l U - to a ! n.-pat h i-, porter. '"J ben, praj Imagine mj de? light when tmst an hrritntlon ?reached n.? I.II)'!. "It waa almoal I P. M. when the train arrived in Paris; Madame was .> awaiting mi -I am ?-laying at my eouiitry !i Marly le Rol, she said, and it will be an hour befi re tl train starts. Con ?ai-?- and hat to eat ton must be dying. ?'Madame la charmlni ici . tty man ners Indeed, i"t- the matter ol that, I came to the con? lusl? : I i I left BLACK9BURO. Hennlnghara spiliman ha ed from Qrey CUffs, near the White Sul phur. Mrs. Bplllmen expects to follow M-nie ti k, and during th?- win? tar ba ?tocated at IB w?rsi Mam ?treet * . The lllneaa of Dr. Hartley Cssanlchael has eat : i He wil nol to-day on aocounl oi bla Indlspo .-it ion. i ' \?aui,,n Fsssenals. t,i:.\i.\"(;i-i>x, va.. October 1 Q Rev. nod Mrs, ?Howard i- Jones, ?f N m \> rk, are tha guests of Colonel and Mrs, Thomas M. St minis. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irvine are In ttesvUlSi vlsitiii?.: Mr. and Mrs. C. w. In Mr. Khjah Funkhouser, ol Chi t of bla parents, Mr. an.l .Mrs. K. K l-'unkhous? r. Dr. Reid White had Bl his guest tiiis . it. v. w. McC. White, ol Letrisburg, W. \a. Mr. Th? mas Robertson, of Roaiiok? . who has been visiting relaUvea bore ?lu ring tha past week, has ituniitd borne H- waa aooompaaled by bla sons, ?Harry nn?l Joseph. The last nam? ?I is a nicin I-. : ol ?in- Beoond Virginia Regiment. Bra. Samuel B, M.ior?? has r.-fir-n-.l from Staunton, where she waa visiting friend?. M.s. William T. Shields Is visiting fri? nds |a l.yr.chburg. Miss Norris, of Chailott?-.sville. 1? tin guest Of Mn. Hunter 1'endietoii, on Hack? son ax Miss Nettle Waddell is visiting 'rlends In Hlchmond. ?'.rporal Lacy Robinson, of the We.-t Anguila Cuards, Company K >,c,ind Vir ginia it?ginieiii, i? More on furloagh, th? i of his brother, Mr. K. T. Robinson Ji. _ _>^n____i_ set ")i her ihoulders, r.:-,\,n hair, ting.-d with i r i ; fal kin with a pri I ? ??lor. and blue ) I "Well, W ' last ; a lOW 'in Mage and a -. I .-t. hlai 1; i | . ? ? us, Madam? t""^ t! a nd away we Sew up th, n,? t. "\- ne drove into the court-jrard I about a rvanta <'-iin?' ?.m t.? in.-.-i us. rerrying lanterna, but i ait, i s bi as thai i multiplied -t. - -inatii-.g supper was served in the dining-room. The table glittered with Setas from the \lr<-,liiiu I'ol > ?eoh nie InnlKiile?I'lilillc Mfliool?. BLA<CKSBURQ. VA.. Oetoh -r.v?(Spe i. 11. i - The number ol students is i.? ins dally increased, as every day brings one or two addi'.ioiis. Colonel A. T. Finch, who haS b? en at his in M? klenburg, recuperatlm- ttOma I] of Illness, has returned in p.-rre.-t health. Profi i !i. j. Daridson is still eonflned t?? bla bouse from illn. ss, though now aomi a ii-u Improv? d. it : a*s Christian nasorlstlon . Its "tli -. is for tie .-,-imlng >. ar. Mr. Scott H. McOiegor la presi dent, Mr. Frederick Wilson xi.-, ?--?resident, Mr. it. i: Beau treasurer, snd H. a. \\-a?i .l.-ii secretsry. The aasoclatton ! goodly number of membera, and great in -sllvet u Bui ? i too tired to i ,,,-, ?.t la t?-!: In IB w.rk. and what is ; . i -flics to tha g"--"! thing , i oouW only keep in n by pinching my arms . \ i>- few nun.- t s?. Mad .tit-- an i hi i maid. Maria, es :i:e t,. III > I..i?tn. NOU I. 1*1 1 I atrange thing to be tonnd In many French country bouses. The family Bleep bouse and the gueeta In another? (hi ? -?-. "!? pavilion." Hare I had a dear Uttle BUlU Of r-auns, luing rtualat patterned chintz, garlands Bung ?ii over it. and the furni ture upholstered In the aame a '- own private iO"tns are fur nlahed In white and Mue sic f? n?! Of blue. She knows it suits h?-r tha ' "<iu, tt<>! I>KSCKI1'TH?N ?'!' THF. CHATKAC. Th? chateau of Champ Feury is very prettily situated on Using ground, an?! I more to the purpose, is shown by both tit**- snd the student body. Ti.,- following are tha attltora of the is monthly, the Gray Jachet: Editor? In-Chief Mr. Oeorge u SWntr*?aa. Mori ?Ik, x , . Uterary Editor from the Manry s^j ciety, Mr. I-'i?'ieri? k Wilson, of Hin burg; Uterary l-'ditor from th? Las So Mr. K. ?7. N .-ly. Of Norfoik; LOI al r from the Maury, Mr. C. I?. Allen, of Botetourt; >_ocal Editor from the L a, a. a., Jr.. of ?fJhrlsUaasburg; r, Mr. E. A. Seepark, of Richmoi ! Mr. A. H. Apperson, of Marion, who has fot BOVerSi y-u* had ?-harge of the ?It t trie-light and power plant, has given up tins position, and will leave In a few days for his home. Ho has be.n sue by Mr. Cladlus Lee, of Danville, Sarah Jane and tbe Ornnn-A Prac tical Sasgratlon?Tha Departare Of Kammer \ I?ltora? Kr? They Su raed '. ? IVr.iiiiol Note?. Ms? Mag,'le Freeland ha? us her | St "Liberty Hall" Mrs. Armlst'-ad atad Misa Annlstead, of llaltimure; Miss Yars! brough. of l.'.hmond, and Miss Cralghtll, of Lyuchhurg. Rev. C. C. (-wen left here this week for Vi.!"iia. 1! C he will take s steamer for Korea. He goe? to that coun try a? a medical missionary of the South ? rn Presbyterian Church, and pays his pV?ll ( XD?i?l?e?. Corporal Oharlcs W. McCown, of Rnt tery I. Second l.'nlt.-d Stat.-s Artll! ry. is visiting hi? parent's. Air. and Mrs R. D. McCown, of CollK mown, in this county. Corporal McCown enlisted a year ago, ami I? wiw attUloned at Fort Caawell, M. C. * | the ?hols sneBsed la high stone wall?, j who is also an alumnus of the institute. There are all BOTtS Of pretty winding1 Miss Annie Price, of Charlottesvllle, a paths about t!-,?- ganl.n'. and in the front *dstsr of Professor Robert C. Price. g| - plsster cast of Dumas p.-re rep- the institute, is here, an?J will spend th? res? nted in a sitting p ?store. It wax get- winter with Professor and Mrs. Price. ,reen with exposure trhon I was Mr. T. G. Lewton, a graduate of the there but Madaaaa area about to have I institute in the class of 1874, and assist It done tip. and an Imnorcd place in BOSM public iiialitution had beeti found for It. , The chateau Itself la part of an old house built in the Hme Of I?uis XIV. j ant engineer in the revenue service, with the rank of second lieutenant, has been visiting frlendB hSfS. Lieutenant Harney, from Eastern Vir ginia, now ?econd lieutenant in th.* UBtod It was partly Saafljuyed at Hie great i States Engineer Corps, i? at present a Revolution, and has -floes besa partly guest of Colonel William H. Palmer'?. rebuilt Past the dining-, morning-, and The Blacksburg public school will open bill]-mi-room? runs a v., covered on Monday, the 17th of this month, in with glas?, and seats, bust?, Ac, are The Second Regiment Band, under th? ptaeed along it, one a statue of Loio | direction of Mr. J. P- Harvey, pratlcea Fuller, given by her to Immas til?, who dally, much to the pleasure of lover? ot mmh admired her wonderful talent. Baste, The staircase and upp.T landing aro j Miss Bessie Hooper, a daughter of Rev. hung with tapeatry. and then, a? you Dr. T. W, Hooper, of Chrlatlansbnrg, has m ar the ?Irt-sslng-room, the ?Valla are j been offered and has accepted a desirable Unfd with books. ? position a? assistant teacher in music at The drawing-room Is hung and finished i the Lucy Cobb Institute, at Athens, da. in blue, deftly bl?tad? d by the artistic. ' Mrs. John H. Johnston ha? returned eye of Madame. At one? aide is a btaiitl- < home after a stay of ten day? In Rlch ful toned grand piano, to which Madame ' mond. (Correspondcnce of the Dispatch.) AFTON, VA., October 7.-1 really do try hard to think " Who l*WSSpa S ro?^m as for Thy laws * Makes that ami tho action fine," but somehow I doubt if George Herbert ever swept a room, and I am ?ure he never cooked. All this is apropos ef a mournful letter before me which begins: "I lead a very monotonous existence; am little more than a household dru.lge. Pov erty makes farm life very unlike that of the old plantation," with many othor dirg'3 in the same key. The writer is one of the many women WllO can say with MtSS Hroughton's he roine: "Thi3 is an up-py and down-y world." Being married, she is not afraid to air her happier recollections from that r, in,te period-commonly known as "befo" flS xvah." Then In the South only "po' white folks" did their own house-work, and the household of a Wealthy planter, with Its overstock of servants, was, ac cording to Thackeray, "suggestive of a li?ht carriag.' drawn by a team of ele phants"? at that. I know that Southern men -reconstructed editors, poli t? Uns, et als.?will have it that this new state of affairs la better than the old, but no more than did the dear old poet quoted above do they ever BWOSg rooms or cook meals?especially the editors. Howcv? r, not to tune a regular Jeremiad, this over work ?if women whom farmers have SOWed themselves to cherish Is really no new tiling, in ol?l New Kngland the life of a farmers wit- was one of Incessant toil. The se? ond w ife walked in the first rlfe'a footsteps, and the third wife sang S requiem to her predecessors. This is at least in Vermont, where the reeky soil and the working wife gave out bl r until It tang IM longer an agri cultural State. It may ?v-r be that from this cause the first "sir??tig-mlnded tc-. m a!-" evolved, and this thought draws**/ from my beert an indulgence I have not bean wont to fe,-i for tip ap?eles ALL WORK; NO JOY. Luna-y r.-p?>i-ts tell us that It 1? these OVSlhurdened women who crowd the In? in- aaylums, the reason being that for ' lonf a psriod it has been a!l Work and no joy with them. I guess It xva i BOme peor so-il of this sort of whom Moth? r >_-O0Se --trig: "There was an old woman?and what do yon think! S!i" livid upon nothing bait victuals and drink." 0, atony tUetl crushing every hope! Blocking all the outlets to S higher life! Victuals and ?Iririk- and nothing eis.-? One Of IDS most horrid things in this menta! ?on?) i? that Women will not h-Ip themselves. This- I know. ?They are too ?mnrt. Personnllj*, I have a liolv horror of a "smart" woman?in the American sense of th.- word. Wh- ro sii" excusea herself with: "I'd rather do the work aayself than bo bother, d with a servant." Which too often means "l?i mtber save the servant's srngSS flffl or f_SJ g - t?> spend in dn.-ss, or gSt an organ for Sarah Jane." It is true she, doesn't have mtnh time to wear a dress if slle gets one. BJ I Sarah Jane WOUld mucli better run h? r chromatic scales upon the stove 11 bar mother ?? iu the Mtchen. Whai ?,- t.? pi dons about Itt r? it not f"r this Cat '"iinuy boya and girls have often Buch wild longlnga for a city Ufa - because al home th>*y live upon nothing but victuals and drink? The life of a man may be large and dramatlo, oven in failure, it Is in the aeemlngly little things that the Ufe of a woman, here as averywhere, is mule up? a badly-?-?.ok.-?I dinner, a car? less washer? woman, a wimi that tears the nenres, a Child xvith BOm?Mhlng the matter with it win. h the '!?;? tor -'doesn't uinl'-r-tand" sad tin' best friend" cannot relieve. Th litt!-* Bhochs which coma usiawaies, the ?lisappointments, f.iilures, an?! want Of completen? ia in snythlt****; harrow a wo man's soul. To?-? often these 'tittle fox? es" make her forget that she lias a pool, and i* not back In the age -vbersin she was not aupposed to be troubled by such a luxury. It is In tho midst of this pra.-ti. i!, -r? sale life, during thes.' first warm days of entunan, that a languid feeling us. To-day nothing on earth B* rafl I. i as to sit with idle hands, ? ,. - droopinir. and ears li.-t. Ding, only to the low rotees ef nature -to feel, when half th?? world is dyinji, that we base a n-*iit to be realign also. a GATHERING QUIET. All through til?? light and hi at and sun Bteepsd glory of these BeeUng daya there la g gatii.-ring ?piii-t--a taint preaaonl? tJofl Of cti.uig''. ami within us there is a lunging to be still?to be i'l! , careless, drifting on with the slow-moving cloud.*. This will not do! Winter Is coming! Aro there nol a thousand and one things to be d??n--.' Leasing oui the small matter of cl'th'S, u? on which hearts feminine are aupposed to i"- i tsa*ngJly exo**ciaed, i? not the whole bouae, of toara or coun i!\, to b<- ?completely changed? This >viii take lots of work and pound-- and pounds of pati- nee, Bio ig with tha hammer and the tacks. Hut this is women's w?rk. What gr.-at er pleasure i a n i n til" vv if.' and mother Unta la making r*o*?*u*ortuble the home-neat for her bslovodt To the g ? man Of Ingenuity and ti to, tlier.' is .in Ida in bousefurnlshlng and cleaning I i to the love of the beautiful within her aval and is reartffL Bummer Vlaltora are? fitting homexvar!. Croardlag the railway platform, or rush ing by with smiling, healthful faoes al ar nindoara, ! wonilor of how- attany there is going to N alther a ?genuine thrill of regret or ths utmost indifference and, possibly, relief, fell at th? ir d, parture. I i, ,, bl ird t lady remark that ?ho Ilk.-?! to kii"W. when she left | place, that ?Mme one would feel sorry to have ber go. Ho v easy it is to creep in a quiet way int" sosas heart needing sympathy. A bit of pecuniary aid, that does not mean much to you, or a little packagI of sweetmeats, will ??jmetlnu?" do won d.*rs. The poor old "aunty" down the roi id. t > is i\. i, a? perhap? you once have been, will oless you all h?r remaining Saya If only with a heartfelt "now that was hard," or "dear, dear, how much y?,u hav?! endured." you listen to the long r. Ita! Of her w?ies. As like as not aha will r-p-at lovingly to herself the phrase? it coat you so little to say. Th? Satteriag WOrda of the rloh nor the compliments of whilom friends are not nearly ho desirable a? the spontaneous, hearty thanks for helpful deed? given to the lowly and dependant, and so Boon forgotten by the do< r. I Garments That Please; ARE WHAT lie Globe Offers,: and they please not only at ! first s??ht, but after a long acquaintance and good, hard wear, too. THE GLOBE keeps ill Clothing in repair without charge for one year. BROAD AND ^a_P*S SEVENTH STS., ...SITB OP THE OLD RICHMOND THEATRE... Fall Suits $5, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $12, $15. Not a style or fabric, not g fashion or fancy, not a noveltv or ' staii'1-bx- " -virt, but you'll find it rcj)ri-*?-i:tc<l. Warranted Sh-oes, 98c., $1.48, $1.98, $2.48. $-..08. S.V48. Kvery pair of these Shoes is backed up b\" an iron-claii frnjj-naten, T' - huge new fall stock is all ready. _ 5choo! Suit*, $1.50. $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. How fine the lad will look and bow much better he will do at hi? arraytd in one of these new Suits? Fall Hats, 98c. $1.40, $1.90, $2.40, $2.90. Mack, Maple, Havana, Tan, Pearl they're all here;?Derbie?., ? and Crashgg?every hit nexv and proper. Elegant Shirts, Colored All Over, 48, 75, 98c. A World's Fair of Grand Fall Neckwear at 15, 25, 50c. Wear-Resisting School Shoes, 98c, Si.25, $1.4?. LYER, ONE DAY ONLY, MONDAY: BOYS' WOOL KNEE PAN IS, ages 4 16, at. F THE to 19c. 1 A ? TO ? III, OUR LADIES' S3 SPECIAL. Lare and Button, w I I ; Pati nt ami Ki<i i e< m the shapes. Dew mannish : THE WALDQBF BLUCHER FOR MEN I I SCHOOL SHOES, is the latest fad. Made in Box ami Iln^a Calf, double sole, kid lined, large bulleye fvc'i-ts?a >tri ki : lish Shoe. Well m .. ^.. made, durable, oomfortable, stylish. A J line to select ?rum--?l, $1.2S, $1.50. ?C. F. CROSS SHOE CO., i ? 313 East Broad Street. * GEOBOETOW?I iMM.a*>nv ,t-Allilellc? Tta?B l,?vr Iieimrlia.-ii IVritiDiil \..|.-a. (?KOROKTOWN I'NIVKI?S? TT, Octo ber 8?(Special.)?Tho tw? r.!?y-iiliith an nual session of the Law Department was ?TM Wediiesday srsnlasj. n**? .i"hu ?. Whitney, 3. J., r*?ctor of the unlvcr-ity; Justic? Seth Sheparil, I?*Stteg Mirtin F. Morris. Professor R. Rosi1 Potty, ami I'ro taaaor Taimads?? a. |_u_bsrt *ns*le Fhort ,ii'.ilr??sfs, and the Otltet nv-inlnrs of the faculty announced the subjects apon xvhiili they WOVM ISCtUre -luting ih?, term. The !ar?ie l?3cture-r??.,in wot nll>d with students and friend* of the *?-h?'nl. Considering tho fact that at H1I3 ????Ion th'iso who enter the ?< hool 'or the flr.t tim?' will have to l:ik?t a tlurea >? ir-' course before th?-y can BeeWe KlS ?legreo of B chsloi ??f i-ixx , Ihe attenilg>Mg i? wry larga. A chanift) has been made in the faculty of the M.-iUcal liepartmt-r.t bjy the r nation of Dr. J. \V. II. Lovejoy froni ("hair Of Theory an?l Practice <?f M?.li cin?. He hag fi"? appQlnted emeritu? Professor of Theory and l'ra? tl, e of M,.liclne. and Dr. ?'am-.iel S. Adams baa *J uad "th7 wo'iin'ai Wl.l 1-' in the 1 1 ut ram Is, at H I a BSrtnOB, 111 X\ l.all il- 1 > I isM'.'iid ba counti m 1 limits. --f?.iii' |i 1," 1. xv?td sapr? ? of spirits, A < MM d1 walklni* id too 1 - mind. Tha word d to la ip far toy. 'i... . Pati r ?inn' ? ?i and 1 ' m.'. \\ 11. a I wedding at ?. 1 !_0!?d loohed upon II a young p?-op;?i with a : n a? no hin in ?-..ntraiy, ir : . . ) dan? Ing, Tl ' . and ?lay int.? nirjht. inanner of danolag, .x ?an J h.H p rtnt r a; a using his arms to atta<ij - fou y DHiik. ?1 With l-Uh. lN\w Tork World.) Th?re was a tidal wave of fish at (*oney Island yesterday afternoon which brought joy and delight to the residents, hotel kfi-pers, and tlsh-monicer?. The Incoming tide at noon washed high and dry on tha beach several thousand striped basa and young blneflsh, which were left to the mercy of bipeds after tho tide receded. It ia estimated that 10,000 fish, weighing from three-fourth? of a pound up, were strande-l. The occurrenc?, providential to Conor Island, which can no longer this year rely on the selling of the nimble franic furtera for an existence, ta attributed to the testing of the big guns at Fort Ham ilton, which haa been In progress* for the last two days. The detonations of ths gun? produced vibration? which atunned the fish. Then the tide washed them help less ashore. It .-n .ipl")int?.l to fill hi? ?hair. Sine?? It ha-x been anncun?- d that out side foot-ball woul?! aKaln b? ;,layed by the 'Varsity team, th?r? has asea S great re-rival of rataraal in that a.? w.-u a? all other athletic ?ports. Th.; first gasas of the ?easoa xviil o- played on ths (?)11"k<5 Ii,i?l Salurlav, October th? 15th, with 8warthmore r.s thw ?nemy. An addition baa been mad? to tho ?printer? In th? shape of tue fimous Ifol? llKan. of Philadelphia, who does the 100 yards in even time flat. He la undoubt edly destined to Uad the corp* of sprint ers thla a*ea?on. Tho various literacy ar.d debating ?o ?ieties have all held preliminary meet ing?, but a? yet have not formally ??rtcan SSi for th? work of the y?ur. The va rious clas? oruanliiatioiis axe nl?o still ;n an embryonic s.ate. but meetlrgs are to bti held early tho coming week to perfect them. R?v. Father John D. Whitney, who suc ceeded F_th?-r Richard? this summer, tha latter belnj- compelled to retir? from the r'-ctorship of the unlvemtty because ot lli-health, I? v?ry much pleased with the prospect? for a ?ucci-ssful >? i? deep ly Interested (0 the school, and Is already much liked by the student-?. A Cnillill lilXUXi. CLASS. ( ?- ' Paator of l'lr?t ?umrfitailunal Chwrch of Jeraey City ?*ii?ria One. (K?>w York Tlrnss ) Th? Rev. John L? S.*u,l i.r. paator of th? Kirat ?Oongregational churoh, Jeraey City, propose? to start a dancing ciais in con nection wllh his church,-after the man ner of the Rev. Edward L. Stoddard, lec tor of St John's Episcopal church, who establlshsd ?uch a claas la?t -?Inter, l tor Scudder haa engaged l_r *. -u?. Wil liams as a teach?gr, and th? lei>son?, a blch (ia.'i.-i- , ' I 11 la to h with whew >? 1 II nt M n - ' lii/ui?) ni'.? and ?Pabilo ii-uis snd ' * young women das assa t?fu.'' ' extr? me," ,r Scudder H ' : ?orriiori exsetl] I the rol. chan??-. I tiic rcc?li?ta ther. 1 that he xv.i-j ab" ? classe? among hl? A Critical t bild. (neTalasal PtojA D School " dally <?f their te ** ci.illv when they aro J * BChooL A Util.- Cl< v? land girl ?>f - tioni? the othi r ilii.-d with thai n? w v\ ?roo in. I do jou like your t?.. mamma ashed t?aoher." Uttle oui', -l'iily it- -, ? B doesn't spejk trUtht. I ?aouldn'i teach 'till ?h,- l. ' p.-'i-ie could nnderstaa "Why. what doe? ?he say wroni Well, v<-?terday ?he w?? eoltig t from the ?i" you think she ' . Ilk? t 'l*aw?s room tiuU-tiy.? 1 1 del-Miami her at flr?t. Aut tl morning we wer? ?.?iking ubooi I ?h? anid ! that. Sh-'s a nl? ? ? id to K?t u?-*d to her tie for? you CI1II .?' ?land her lau*-u?ti?-'-"