Newspaper Page Text
' * THE RICHMOND DihFATCH-TlJESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1898._jL ___????? ??? - - r ... ''The Menus of the notable State and social functions at home and abroad pronounce Apollinaris the beverage of the select world. Apollinaris Is singled out on them as the Table Water ; Royalty, Princes and our own Sovereign People." ?V. )'. Tribune. Served at dinners given by the QUEEN. hi V ?V-, THE FOURTH VIRGINIA .-?ir? SEWS ril???l i fajaji < i n\ I IMHI. II .1 \? N *- ???*. || 1.1*;. MBER OF MEH DISCHARGED. arrlsal of lln- I ?. s ??.t I ? n 11?. ? Con? -....I from ?Taahligisa>A Waata f ? ol.l \\ ,-:illi,-r In 1 lorl.ln ?lt?-in? \?..?.i I?,.- ai?B?J ..r III.. l,nru.??I. FLA i; . I | . ' i ourth <?n mini- u;>. In ' i in cami ! the Ht t?> ' ' ? irdrnated th, lr numb t, the ti THE RI*l : ' ? the an. '.. ? lobn'a tu a lit? nvllle town Is dbllla, appeal ?with much ?ti . ^ .. |K,?sihl? in i it. tlshlni* excursion?? " n In tab , i ??'as ?. who ?t Itk" "th? !.' ut? li.tut . nood whll? . )! . on th? Bt. i. a of lag ?. there SI I? ft in tli,?*St. .lohn' 'lin: ,l. I. l. HOME. Th" ' Infantry. 1 \ th illi I ?sill !.,. ut thirty ' ' in ivllle t h tir ?r ' ' , th?- glrb .t them? [MANDIl : bis Second Brt I th Virginia l*hlrd Bat? '. (Toi i' ?...?m i n EJ Mountain ??lie. )'!.! p i. Bmltl . ! froa -. : ?Ik. li- li iltb. ... ? ::.: ft the D - ' i Tucker, of < r, ??hii. tte, of tin lay. I . Bl Gray and . g been 1 ' : i . , ? . lough ..t bis horn s < : 1) " of Coi . - v. i. . I ' i the S ?nd i > 1 ?Mr. to ? ' ' | A - I " \ tio ill I IS. ?lAK.'.l '? th an ! T. i a ?'?,ii| ' In N- > pint New i : 1 root leed an honorab]? tin ! ) : l,d. I : lieutenant in 4\,ri I lo'.Mti Vln-tlila .ana ! ii i ? Thomas has r? des a b -. i * . ,.i lieutenant in tt : , Johnsen baa i ? ran s:*rk of 4'oiupiaiiy il (Ulchmonij blue? ' ' .r"?hlne of on drille. OTHER NO* at In Ith and aplrlta t., Company 11. ' alck ii?- hadn't forgotten tot he brought with him and treat? '" .. line I alien. lh<* ptidi of i of getting the ' evei guard mount bach urltb hie company ': I la In i "i health alna HlgKlni and C Lieutenant n O i are el ii the Windsor Hotel/In i in: ? n v ?>\ i m: DAB. I'l.ili-r ??aii la-nia?Tin? I ?einrir in I a \r<?.i??e,l? \ p p n.u'-li i n ? Ml? it In ;, ?. DANVILLE, VA., ? i laL) ii h, eonvlcted of tha mattokme rroundlug of David Jonea, a well-known : .. : !" ?ter ft nlured), r ?i i? ry, and .lohn Batter? r ? ,,rn?,lleity In the kill? ' i agro ball, ara- in ?nil itlng transportation to the 'ury, all having i o Ocl ' "? *? r:.'i of the Cor? poratl ml thi two ? . ich, ,- from tl, thi k of the negro, Tvry. , in Franklin county, haa i feeling of d? :-i the breaete of Demi throui Fifth Dlatii? t. it la un? urprlae of the ? im* ti"i, that ii was tteotgn? ?i for polltloal effect does not tend to vate tl ! ; ' dratl trs Mon in tho ' ? , man feSranaon'a con? "- more la kn'>\? a here r.s t', who n mm? ' n i than d In the Dlapatch'a sp?cial from ?'? irint'" At any rat?-, veteran not t.'-sitat,- to predict ; he appotatm? nt will do max i insure |he d' - ?f the RepubU<*an nominee than any n could have areddlns el Mil Emme Rleon v?' daughter of Mr. and Mrs P. R. Jonea, to Mr. John Ollmer, et Winston, N. C, on Wed ning, win i"- among the ptiala of the *- vows win be taken In the Church of the Epip hany al '. o'clock, und a reception will r,,ii,,w nt the bride' home. ,i block away from Itc Church, on Main stre-t. Al ndanta from a dlatanoa will be Ml I i I r, Mi*s Katie BU? ford and Mm William McK. Fisher, ot Richmond; M!*v t-:ih,-i Whltehurat, ol Norfolk, and Misa? Mam:, and I . .?f WInaton. ' mom ?a al noon anothi r I DanviUe rlrl, Mlaa Kate Townea, daugh t,r of Mr. ai i M,-. S H. Townee, will I? marri-,?, mi- John B. Tbomaa, of thi? being th man. Cl'TTiat AMI I.AI \f?H SIAK. On,- Mini IlriiiviH'.l ? llrrnlo Aelloii <i Suilora. n< 'i:i"i ilk, va . October it. (Bpi etal ? aoddent I the Norfol ird tl,; h afternoon. A steam la une ng i?, the aii? i*iaiakiii i towing a f-ut1.1 v. i.iii down by th , inch and cm nd a: the fOl ,' i led iii" ? utter don with h.-r. The scene waa a frightful on era] ?. omen w< i a aboai ,i the rotte reama vw irtrendlng. A launch al once put o in,m the monitor Puritan, and its ooi awaln, M, Liah, leape I ov< rb ?ard an the -.?."men, while ?'"> MeMttl? r aved another womai ?in' t of all the m, n waa heroic i treme, and i<> their brav? ry an level-hea la due the fad that on) one llf< m being 3, < PilUbury, a private of marinea Aft? alnklng, so I n< d, hs nev? r- I, and th" BOOl Will bav? '" 1 1 f,,r iii?? bod] ' fed man Wl . b) Hi" lanni h a bile atrui ?i about the bee? : ?vas witn? m??>?i almultaneoui iy from the monitor Puritan and the n celvlns-ahlp Franklin, and their promp , , dlspat? I undoubted] i many Uv< i > Davalan? rapper ?Minea , ,'i.K. v.\ . IT. - QBpeclal.] Largo dlecoverie? oi pper have be. made In North Carolina ?a it hin a mat past, mar Durham, a j,art>- of Ni ? Be land < led bj B? aera. Ble Lincoln, oi Boston, accompanl? |.. mining i M" i I ' through th city i"-d a y en route there t?> laepect ti i m l,n,Is and tO PUI I deveh min, s if poaalble. They ha r.uth m the futur,- of t mining In the Broth, which th, in ,! poetta llltf Afin of lltartl ?'oui lit?. ..?? ?, ROANOKB, va., Oetober W.?(Spools \\ hen th<- t,i(? cioud-i'iii - of several \? iBhed away the bridgea on Maaca and did Ige, It clear all ilie s.'il from B farm ow ed i y 9. ^ y - " ' ,,f ?h,s alty, a' brought to sight e large vela of hard co, u i os the sid-i ,,f a mountai and Is thought to extend all I through. Mrs. Susan L> WoOtOB died nt h . in this city, this morning, aged mains will he takl -, Clover, Halifax oounty, for interment In GrovVs Tastelem Chill Tonic y Know what you are taking. It _ Mm, iron and ?luinlne in a taatoleoa form. is aold on a gnaiu?tee, .No eure no pi 60 cent?. LONG DISTANCE ? TELEPHONE, I esa1 IMafnee r??> station Miockus* BMp. The .?-outhorn ?eii Tels**phona and T? graph i'ompany opened on October In i ublle pay station in tt??- asBeos of the v ? ni.. .'nr??iinii Chemical Cmnpaay, the Crnaehaw Warehanea, Bkeekoel si Thla stuil'in was opened at th?* requ?1 un?i for thu ooavealenee, of buaeaeea-n In that part ti the alty. Th? station equipped with long-dimunc?- ln.trumei und a H,?iinaJ-pi"?'f booth. Conv?*rt*atl< can be eaiHad on thfrefroni with eu fort and privacy over the line? "f ' Southern Bell Telephone ami Tt*i?*gra Company, end hhees of th. Amrri. Telegraph und Telephone Compaay, ?:, I with NOW York. Baltimore. Wa Ingten. rhiiad?iphi?.. Chleagn BsB Norfolk, aa<1 all other lar?e and sm cttles and townn connected with that i tensive ?y.t.ia. MAY BE TWO WEEKS thi: mi'stf.ii ol t of tuf. Timm H ?HKATI.Y I)FI.*a*,I.O. SECOND TO MUSTER OUT AT HOME. ii??- Kesrlaaea! win ,?,< Sie BiBaghl Ilui-I; |<? It loll,no??I for l)l??< luir?-,?-? ate **nra? mi, lo ll?-lp Mnkr the I'll? ?l.-nl F \n nil na I lona. it co-is th? Oalti ' rrerntnent about JO') ?i day to m..?it.i,n th? Third ; .',arv ' r- ,nt i?- 1 The nine days, it ?etmt probable n????- that u ??'in pe i,? r? two was I - long? r X a qenrti | tmeni h it laadlfied its order requiring the r. i.ort of th? ragt* ?i quart, nnasters to ?ml ? monthly ac-connta Tb? Ordnajice D - partaient asr-cept? one ?report oorerlng I whole i" i lod of the sei m'nt, .-ititi the quariernrastsr'a aepait. tent -win ?io the M? aTTEB OUT SECOND AT HOME M Jot I'ric?', til- muster-out onicer. baa daelded io muster th? ft and Reg*tnaent out at th. '?>m' Hi )i:.a a tona ?alk with the W ,r ; -n, mi by '? hone, in whli ii ?, o ail the ronditlona, and, aa a n i?!? i,"i to muater th? The regiment a in Richmond until the 1 gone? Owing to th,- raen r. a being equip* ? d for ?rint . ? ' li ?. ndlng Mi to . amp when it tt tun urday. Hsnos, th" only way oui of the difficulty s?'< m? ?l to be ! ' a-? r*om? muati i i out at th.. ir :,, n Major Bhanl win i. f.,i- ii,.- towna :t WhlCh tht '"li', tin- pui, iring oh? It, r for th? m and ? cmtractlng for their board. I ; Major Pi como i :: d by th? tamlnli | i ??lu ;,? muater oui the men, and win i lowed bp th,- paprnsster, win. ?viii pay r?giment . i. t?, r*etna t?. Kit hmond to ar tor turning an r th rty. I ; - aiiri tie ' ' TWO Moni: BURGEONS M ?.;, : Prie? I -,.? tWO Burgeon Chamberlain yesterday, and wori ?nstderablj nation of i B i- gun s itui a i mi ted, aid tht eaamlnatkia ?, ? !omp ? ny i , < !omi mpaay W, in. . . 1 . . i-, \ ton, ??r the s? '"t..l Ri gl in. nt, t Mill? r, of t' Dr. M. L. .la tn, | will pi to-'lny. Major Rliaiik?- has had a ijuantlty o coal taken t?? thi hi. i if the ro ?m whleb I a. ridi dly mor? ?? mfortable. Th m, n who bare i?. strip t,> i by th? Burgeon kicked ?jrreatly for : now ii? i it. v. ill BOt l"' !? ii'1 Oft, until mn? tared out v . Isted man in th r.-glment will r> e< i? ? I fsfERlfOM t?> Tin: BOLDIER& I f mlit Ri .' 1 'i. S?ii r, p ' " Broad?Str41 I nurch, deliri red ths Intr? tn ths i ..i rang, d for tht Mini t. rial A " tor th? I ' ' tit of the .' oldiera during tl Richmond. Eila teal was John i ?m? dos n from Heaven, not to do Mis own will, but the will <?f Him that a? Ival aa mou, and then f,,r prayer. Th? building aw d i ? ?dd-Fellowa' H ill, n< at to thi i. Hot? i. win ! held nightly until the aoldlei shall return to tb r horn? : Er. Mio jail Willi? i Ike organ, and t Ringing Pen!? v?. i pi, eh to-n ?ck, as im ntai qu irti tta will fui -a?i - Dr. ll.-llrl. K !.. H.- ?In rr irrt. Mr. and Mi-. William Alezander M Wborti r. n: I invitations to the ' Bussi Pi ti r. to Di i h i... nn Dettrl I nv? r. ling will occur on W< afternoon, 0 ..'clock, at 1 ''ii- t chui k county, and the coupla Bill lea" at once for a north' I n tour. ?sir. Tiller I m provins;? Mr. Nathaniel J. Tiller, who dentally ?hot Bear Bei a Bats day laet, a ; tbOt WhaCb lodged in his !:,. and shoi der bar? i" en extract? a. t!?.-?, t -. affor iti-* th? old gentleman great relief. In?|... i, ,1 th?? I'oHl-IIIIire. Th? Richmond hauled on Bundaj by a depai tmi nt Bpectog from Washington v. psrtment ?? i in Drst-cla iu.,1 Postmsster Knight was highly oo pllmenti ?i on the condition of tl For IIs'nllitK HI? Wife. Welter Amos, -a young B* in, was arre ?d yeetei ttlng ?vif.. H.- was Imk. d In at th? Police-Station. 'I here i ??reeds i:i e?-ei body ? gard? and no tard O was ever pla N,^-*l?*d lu w h i rji?? weeds did i insolently p sent the t selves. Tb come with? invitation a without a w come. If y revenu*? tb. as weeds, a if you h? sense eno-j to know tl weeds che fl o wer?, s pull the Wei up, root gi branch, j will ?ave t flowers. There a wee?ls in ! health-gardeu of many a man and worn; The doctors call them disease germs. you have sense enough to distinguish tli from the flowers of health, sud root th out, you will be robiut healthy and hap] The most dangerous of -ill the weeds in I flower garden of b-eaith is that dea< creeper consumption There has never been but one medic that would choke out thi? weed, root a all. That medicine is Dr. Fieri?. Medicsl Discovery. It acts directly on i lungs through the blood, driving out impurities sud disease germs, and build up new and healthy tistue. It restut?-?. lost appetite, n^ake*? digestion and ?*si lation perfect, in?-igoratei, the liter, pi fie? the bload and Slis it with the life g ing eleni*nt* of th-- food and tone? i build-? up ta?* nerv? s. It sustains the tion of the hearrt ?nd deepen? the bre? ing, supplying the blood ?*ith lifegiv oxygen. Medicine dealer* sell it. "A doctor, who U cotisiderrd an expert lung troulite?. told me I had consumption could n??t lls*e long." write? Mrs James Calfi 77 M?ry ?Street, Hamilton. Out , Can ' Tr bottle * ?f Or Merc- ? ?.olden Medical Disco, cuird tse complete!? " Pree. Dr. Pieree'? Common Sense M leal Adviser. S?nd 21 one cent stamp, cover mailing only for paper bound re Cloth bound 31 cents. Address Dr. R. Pierce, Buffalo, N. v. LIVER TROUBLE-JAUNDICE. He Was Re?uced to a Very Weak and Feeble State. "I Took I)r. ?.ri'cne*. -Vet? rar-a nn-l >un Peel ne \\eii ?. Usaa* *\ll of WlilHi Dr. ?.r.-eii,-? Wonder? fnl **iri*?, ?irrt tin? Dniie." "About one year ese i wea in Provi ?1. n ?-. H. !.. and one day slit , a ilk and f"H. Tl fall ? I ' laid up for ' e .. g {be grip Bet In. followed by th? jaundi. a, and I wai n ! ? ad te a v? : > ah the doctors eeul grhj wee verj n vere and left I moot .?kiif'ii .i . ton in Pi avail, and it"' dt came from treatnitul at bOS "After all the doctors failed I com menced l hi.i and nerve remedy, and am non g as weil i ; . .. r, all of wl hi Greene's NervuTfl "WARREN C. NVK, "Barre, vt." It. Greene New Tork city, aeknowli moal i . . g|. Invites t!, .ally, or : i remedy, end write him about your -. _ thi: iiiti: ii.iAiti) BBBTS. nap Batten Befare ?ii?? Oaasmla? Bleuere Last Sicht? The Board ol met In the City Hall last Bight, with i r pn .- nt. W. B. I . Company N". ' rd for missing ii'inn .( fir??. He was ex i"iv> n alBl ty .la-- ' The President repori be had ,! eld? d to bold the annu il Inap tl ?a on November Mb, tha detalla for which are to be t rrai d- nt end Chief I grant? d to P, Lowe, ef Trink IS meet received from Superintend ent Boiling, of the City Water-Works, asking : tint? ndent Thompoon, Of the ti.'in alarm, be aUOWOd tO mak? : - el. ctrolyal - i nted. for ten miles ef Ma I. waterproof aire were reeerv B. Gain? hmond, whose btc . per i"" i ' , award i :-, . tin work, to J. K Phillips, USO; painting ezl rtor, te D. li ? , i? stloa as to whether I bould b. ,\ it h granolithle or vitrified betel was referred " Captains Jenkins an. Idlng n Phe, ear of th- award??, to Ni v .' row, f N at the St. Iy>?il? con w hi, issi i?. \ PAMPH1 irr. The *?ii-ni?irini ?if the #nnsaatawn PU Krlini.ui- In Till??? Thi?. I'orm. At II of 'ii" Jameato-arn pll grim?. nd la? night, 11 i [ the ej Thla memorial la to I 'ho form of i printed i? port ?,f ti i on th , an appt oprl its Inl rant <?f the pilgrim ; tart te finish. Over ,? on boat i \ -it nil (he benefit for th" , 'Ion of Virginia AntlQUl ' It waa the ft * ths o-i returning to v. i ' .lu'l'.n -' , elation ef the eoui I am to th.'tn i a ' '.: . I, and this also will be the association as a n- the B? re. Hev. Dr. Logai tor of Holy Trtnll church, Vickahurg, Mis-., who a the pUgrim turn to Waehlngton on Baturda ! i. mainel to pit U h it 81 P church on .'?und iy. Dr. Is? of Ml . uf marked ability. Bishop Frown, of Art IB I to return to Wa hli gton with tti other Jamestown ptlfcrlma oft Baturda nia-ht. Ha w< i I ta the J- fferaon, and a vi still Indi eded t ngton by the noon train on ALL OK POBTO BIOO ?>? its ro-n . Intte?l *?lnte?i l?????l-?)lllee?i t?? Be Ki mlilialied r.irlli?lth. WASHINGTON, D C, 0 cher 17.. :epi"im reeelved al the Post-Offk artaaant to Say, from the DhlU Htatts Peel i Commlsalon, now in ron Rh o, aaya that Gener tl Brool i the commterten thai tl sition of the island will be com] ii (to-morrow) and i forthwith aatabli bed at Baa Jua I nd. It la e hen the Prea denl r. turns he mi: a Mi. tary Governor of the ?> act ? head ef th? I until t nn . ta. Inatructli t I Brooke regarding hi? dut? rii'.now, tthan the Island forma1 over to th?- Unit? all Spai authority Is withdrawn, hut !.. la a go tinted Ith '; atio.-is of ti nt regarding the managemanl i i r.i.i.ow-rK*? BB ni:\ BLOPMBST i milt Beer Oenae ?t Jsekmn-oi ('?flue at Meel.ll.n. WABHINGTON, P. C, Oetabee 17. The foliowiiiK additional re>,?.rt? ing devabapaaeata in th?-? yeiiow-fv situation erees la-aay received by a? Ing Bajgeoo Pallheoh <?f the Marl Hospital Service: Jackaon, s new can Oxford, 1 BOW cage, l death; Edwards, whit, and 1 n?*gro cases; TSSBO City, new canes, Harrtston. 12 new cases; l*o larvllle. 2 new ?ase-, A dispatch from Meridian reports case of yellow-fever discovered th.i and aaye guard*? have i,.en placed ?rom It. A light frtxst formed ther. Saiurd. night. riIE SONDAT SCHOOL. ??M U, MF.F.TI*??iS 0*?T ?.l.NDAY OF THE HKVRI4 4? l?I01. INE SPEECHES AT BOTH PLACES. It-v. Dr. Dnhrlnw A?l?lre?sr? the- Chit dren nt St. I'sal'a nishop Har ter Tlu??r nt Holy Trlnlty-ltev. Mr. It.? _. 1.> on II,?- ?sVorld'a < ..?.<! 11 i..?.. The aaaaal met-tin?? of the H?nrico ~'! ' '. i'-ii"!i, ruinpiltaag all of! Die Kpis-'opal Sabbath s.dioo'.s of Rich mond and v. inity. was h- Id Sunday af teraoofl at si and Boty TrtnRy : banni dlrW cause of tl:- inability to tl 11 11 IB IMBllB aU of t!.'? Bath ehurchsa ?rare treaded ?rlth chii i were of a highly r. At st. Paar? mo ??a?, by Rar, 11? rman I.. Duhring, of Philadelphia, and Dishop W, M. Barker, of Waanlngtan ?state, mude the talk at Boty Trinity. ind thr?r? mission s,-ho,?!s ??,-re a.-.',?miii'.dut> <1 at St, Paul. They aere treat Bt John's, Monumental, ? ?J. Si. Mark's ChUTCO***, and from th* BB a to st. Jehn'a ?.hri-a, and sr PaUl'a ? bar- I , t.otn-te raai-ch. d to where I by th" pray? ; v Rev. v Ri v. R. a. Q oodwln. MR, i?i ?niN'.-.s mm'. ADDEaTaW, Dr, Duhring Uran ipok? to the ehlhlrati, fi m ! p/lth wb ? t , ! ?ran, ' n, laid dawn the princlpl* that what to do should i a don? ??.ah all nt, and dwelling ??n thai Idea si raoel iMtractlr? and ?n I tress, oomph tely captlvatlag the lit it Bol Trh ? BBatally i'. ?'.'s. Th? ill, ?, ,i J. Oral i Bar. J. S mbson, of Huntington, W. V? ; th? ?tinging .?.? rit, arid th? B? Barker wa? very helpful ana interesting s?? much te, ladead, that throughout It?. It at!,a tlon by t The cl ins' were: Weddell-Memorlsl, Chapel ol - 11 . Trinity, St. Andrew's, Bt l.'ik.'s, Kpl Emanu? i, Cairarj REPORT OF THF. SCHOOLS, Th? : port of out. re, t?*a.?h a p?.?iis on the rolls, ?I ? n of the a boots: on- Teach? aV h-.i , r*. . ra, a i s. m v u i' rit St,'s .s -? IM M a Memorial..! 4 . I) :n n : '.: Bt 14 i? H I mental .t I IIS 9 Bt ! mi's .:l :, ll It Pau a. A t t M *?? I Bt Marks .5 I 11 ll I I .:; 2 !, "i n 11 lata .I l Trinity .'J I II H I Holy Trinity (aft) * 0 B H IB 11 r*? .t I IS 184 Bt i.'ik.'s (rao4r*g).J i St Lui ?..! I I Epiphany .i I I" M Bmanuel . ". n. . Shepherd. YisrilN ; MiN'is'ii-.UH PREACH. A number of th? bUbop? ?I over here I an, filled pu pit? f"r the i"- ai mlnlsteia At nay Trinity church ?Vundny morr Ing and night tb? pulpit ?ra? filled t' Rlshop Bai k- r. He prea? bed te moi t, and made a fin? in - i .' ! et it t.i.'t thi "Study of th? Bcrlptui ? A ,K , In in ?I?" if. nlni ind R . Or. S s Moor ?if Parksraburg, W. v ? . occupl??d th? pu night Di Moor. td at tira. . In the mornii g, and at night thi pled I i: I Logt I i. flll*d tli" pulp ,?f St P mi's in i in- morning. At the Chun h on, of Huntington, w > I i .. , pu At M hurch H Duhring, of n | on sun.' Mmtttmn Battaa or \Vora?*, Which Kev. H A. li.igb) Haptist ehui ' ' ' d oa Bui a of the aerlat of three renne on th.? question, ? better or wo ?... ciuir? ii. Mr " I I that h- mi a? al largely now with the ?, . la ?rowing betl or w?',i Be said: ".'lui. tianity is the | ; at work n the t atoi ...d, therefore, I win groi r or worse r, tiglon grows 1 "No i B comp: witI? our religion tn its it:' . prorl I, ' be rallglotia >?f the Eli sry la eharai tar, I of Jud lian r ana t tend to doath i ramunlty or to ra ika > for other i" ople. ''Neither poUtlcal <?f irlerary influer bav,? : m?.' h t.? do ?viril t thought or destiny of this genci . retlgttm. it is dtfilcult the -ad ?? : n. But tl one hundred yeera a?<" waa deep with tb? broui Chrlatlaalty of day. Our f ? - . ion d to talk religion In tl circle. Tb? n ire no! eathoUc nor', nor I r:.ui. But Is there aot a great d r t??-d iy? Tb* lb alk of the pr.-ent ?jtiv religion i? s. in the Ian t ?b of f- mal? t in congr? - ' the iotm of power in the reeort to renaationa] r h a? -he SI lant, sa S'.i.iav ? ? ??Jags. RELI<3ION OF A iTENTUET A*'?' "The r? ?'.(-ion of on** hundr. ! | motional lnst.a.l of f t I may l.u. , mu, h With them Of "Id Bn in their reUg that mould",! dt feigem tea iv of Joy at tin- t.. coma n the prlcelee? tilinga Of 1 nation of - from ti??? anhaa exebaage <?f this soulful r.-iin f.,r that ?rhlch i-; ?.-*tfui of It? ?sag Ayer's Cherry Pccion promptly relieve? the cough, sto the tickling in the throat, and i duces quiet and refreshing sleep. ?Size % Price and I-y ceremony Is a tribute to culture at th. loan of power. "We are In danger of setting up Idols of culture unai going off into wilt w ship'-a religion of the bruin -In accord ai!??* ?aiti?, thn mBenalnSM trend <.r modern thought. We stund n need of more heart in our Chureh life, as the great heart "f David gava, beauty and glory t?, th?- lVulm 'The religion of on. hundred yenra a?TO Waa doctrinal, r.ittnr than lii>i?ral. The father, carried their doctrinal warfare to cruel ?Mr? n?.s. but behind th > of Jonathan FM van's war n l?,ve "f truth and a love of aOUM that enable-l him t?, luint the agonlea of h-li vtth colora of imaginatloti gotten out | 1-' It Of love. "Tho modern extreme it mor.? O.itiK'T eng and less useful. Conformity at an-,* la a deadly Seetrtne thai ae encouragi m-nt m the I rea. t 1 in unity, but In union I do not b? heve. Nee de i sea thai the words of * i ilrty tea ?h ea to i ai act it. ?CHRISTIANS BUN Till-: tiikatrf.s "The religion of on.? hundred > ?-?. r waa strict, rather than lax. Wa say thi ,'uritunl.ail. Th. y did not my thlnss that now n*e ea-e n> harm in. To-,la>. Church member* run theati . they largely are onalbte for tti.* baU-rooaaa and ??.r.i tabl?s; th- y help out th,? - i ,r,-,. rartly rcspotisiblo for ?Jish.?n- -t l??i?in< s?. m?thode, 'Tin- signs of the times :fre not tho heat Ity nc.-ds t,, t,?? Chrtatlaala? I. I am an Intel,? tual l -imi-t. Hut in faith, I am an optimist. ?Mir: like the great ralla Ly ? malag from hrough th" mouatataa it '.?y the evil pr?-.sure of an hour, o? . -an in many WTOttg ?lir, . ;-> towarda tin? 9 ?lod r> Inn? and all U tat, be w, II." Bally nt llron<l-??lrerl. The annual rally of ta.- I. MethO'iist ehureh Sunday scheel Bn?dey aieralas preved t?? t"- -m Inaslrlng eeea ri an. a'ui on?? n<?t s,,'.n t o be forgotten. The music i,?:. lively ni .. s f.?l ddreee oa "SUaday-Si hool Work" iv Bog. W. f.. Beaaehamp of al .i.uns ehureh. Mr. Beaocbamp spoke ? f the som. tlmea ta ird and uaeacouraglag TAork of school teacher, but it was a seed s??wn in the ground reaulta, not le be aeea now. woaM I made aaaatfeet m tuneo t.? come in the ? Of godly mea arid wom.n. Tho at tendance of scholars was very lar?;,', Ing nearly f"nr haadn <l. At tke night servtea of this church Dr. W, <: Starr, Ike pastor, preached the of a aerlee of four a? resana t?> younii men. The dleeouroea nUi follow other on < I a Sundaj evealngn "i'i- Idi al Man and the R? ,!" a .-> his theme last Sunday eventac aad Mo Bae '-?t"tl Was lea I'd With lilt, 11- lilt, r?*st by a burga i km, oi m -, ing men, students in tho eollegi I iiHain ( durch'. >> ? I'n.tnr. I | m ikitii' a fine Baptist church, to v?.hieb ha a tly called. Be i-1 e i * i force a nd i i"'i and - targe, and iis t. n to him with Intense tntereet Ha Bed Bund : on "The One f?,r All ' ' his nltiht Interviewa With . ?et was taken from Mat tlnw m., U: "Th'n .am.? to Him the r of Z bed? ' children, with h? i wonhlpptng Him and deetrtas a in thing ?,r Him," Uao, the of m it'll- m . "Ami beheld, Iwe blind non Bitting by tin- when h? ard thai -tried ra mercy on na, 0 ./?rd, thro Bon of i ?vM " I lue Mafgteg >? Bt. Mnry'.. F ith? r i'a'" i' Bml i l inch In i?. wa-, ? iv beaotlfull. lered by B 'b church ? ti'iii- Bnnday. Very B r Willibald preached a strong mon, a- tb off? ri t C r. I '." was of h ich or |. r Mr. A ! I Bl*e ,. .-aiut.i'i i," from Wagni ***a '**] bauaer." The choi || it?,'s choir will now take up b< a* muele al the ragua? lar reb Iday ninht. I . , .1 or ll?'V. Mr. Ilnrrl.. The remalna of R r. W. P. Barr?a, ?he died In Si J. . d through th" elty yeeterdaj : an li, In N. 1 le lu the family section. taken fr? . . ry, and tTik' ii , hurchj 3. B. I *tu. D. D.( ol this city, and a numi" r of relatl ,,f the dec? a ed mln p ,ni- ?i the i rice at the Da nul. 1er. of Hie ? i>iif?'il?-riie> . There will ha ea impori ml meetlag <>f i mp Hall 1 October llth .,? i o*< loch P. M., to i. r r porta fr,,n i ng. The aewlj ' "f '' ' I ' auatoa, h - Invtb d to ' m. nil" is of the ch M ' ' ? meat after the b will '" ,!, and ?Kht I red. Baal Ba naves Peeahytaap Mooting ii inoy. r i Mlspab , burcb, oa 1IIU, to? night at ". o'clock. 1 I r. C. M i ' ?r. TB? n ' through unn Friday night B :* will b k, :?!i. ,,., ,,.?.. . ;"k noon ?? :? k at nlahi mme wli lay. Memorial t?s Mr-, D.iaeh. \ i mdsome memorial window, r-pre ntlng In Bt lohi th aad Mar j .- I. l''l.,le r F. W. Dir ii. in memorj : -i..-r, Mr. Francia Dusch, wh, of tho founders of tha -.., f?-?r o numb? r of years up i reaident of the eongregatkm. Pat Wiiabrra In the ??lo??. Some enterprising gentlemen, who in llave iii" tha bti - ' bet n i feat of nlekei commofl or gai i Theei ; t eaetal have barda . -ly with thi m The lllrd? Very famuli. ' ' ' partrtdgea are only half-grew a time. Ha hjs aea r ta latsasoa, ea | is 1 irg.. us sor?, an it la thought that no shooting ought t 16th of next month. Ther Go to the Penitentiary. Following am the prleonen, ail <>f arhee aif. color.?1, who w? r* sent from the it? J?il to the penitential?, v-^l-pl'iy morn In?: Ki<hnrd Johnson live years; VA'tl li ,m M<?.by. five yesar a. Julius m? Lu.y Youhk ?-lia? Fie!,is. ttv y. ir*, Julia Ann Randolph, on. . Dr. Pitt la .: 1 i: H im* D. l>. "t this dt> . i rahnrg I mday mornlnj and night at the Second Raptlsi churel Dr Pitt says .-v?*-ry Baptist ehureh in !' terehurg has a pu.tor BOW, un?t progrtt In chuiali work ,* .v.rywhcre seen. >- e> - -* -* *? -? Mill )j| ?p * 0 I ? a> Have just received a spe- T ? rial lot imported English Tailor-Made Suits For Ladies. i : LINRD IhreeghOBt. oat and ?ku with ? -i. -r wae T*f- J sits. araatlly coal W?. ? MATERIAL i*i ? mar?*?. and ??lain r?. STVLK !? a n?w-cait coat. ?\lth Boaace sk.rt, n?>? all the rua?> ' i ?he largar ? : ptrtc? for tb'.* let i. $22.50. * * * s A $5 Shoe for $3. Tb li ' I t ad we has styles and q prov?, . illty" ih? making _>o?*lbh !-? a ?r bu . I I r as, ftl.OO St 114)4)1- sii4)i;s. \\ . ; f Itl? \ll .-? .ltd l - a, mm for HOYS AM) GIRL8 rv-r offered b< for? A ', red n ?jgh t?> it SOUVENIR TO Tin: CBIIaDREN. HOFHIiMER'5 SHOE BTOBK, .si 1 itltoM?. ,'.' ih-ll. UUtcriMUS. N..:'; A CJKNERAL Ml BTOCKHOLDKR8 ..( \ llt'lIKl v -ITAL will !?< h. Id ' a of th. pi ltd. nt, m tb ..i Kit bin?te!. k f M . un III' \) , th? lstll ? rt HI l'A VI ??? I8-2W _ Secfs-I . a I. m: i. )i?.i.i'i:i:s ni-' ri mi RAILRO ID COUPANT. Not) a is hen by I . th Board of. 1 ?tr?*? ' ih. I'KTI ' ? 1: ?lia-.. . m? ill. l A ?| ItlK of th? ^l.,' kh?. ! impany, In th. Ri. hmond, ! I ? , - . ". f i I . ., i l.Hi. ?h. Rich . I I'ol i i AT? U*l pany ? ?arch \V. I 1 SCI. i ', '. ! IfR SI'iit'K. ilOLDhlKr! 4)1 a in. KICHMOMD AND PI ItOAD ?r| ? ?. ; fi JlU'RU ItAl l i... ? tins ?rill I .a . ai it : Brtth tfe I .... ' to authorise . I tb? AT LANTIC '' ' VHI ' ?',>?!.. I \V. i t ' Tin-: ANNUAL : : : ie: Kl|i?Ll>KI ltAlLWA*! NY ?*111 b tie- "" on 1 in R**3l>A*i. : sl l. IRP \??l ICE. 1 nipany, Ki in Till'. ANM'AI, PT?>? Kii'.iJ'i-i'.-?' "V an,, ni')i i ii RAILWAY COMPANY, for II,.- pur?S?MS rana? ?. of !'; m I ? n 1 ' KSI) A Y, Ucto a IIA'I 1 lili.], _________ irj i Bull?ii''-a ?nd tl??n, i \*A\ K 'i ob THF. M'KKS lit-: iii.D MIN ?INU AM? 1>)AN A?.SO ,li ?N will I t?> ?'1 In Die Hall ot th? Va on the 3.1 l'A? OK NOVI-:Mllr.R. XV?*, .1 10 o lock A M.. for the -nipo*,.. ui ?.?nslderln?: th? -f th? ,-..i. siun of other ?hares Into p??rp?,tuai ?I aJi?l t" t therewith at may bs? d?-. by the stockholder?. K. A. I'M: ?vj.t.l niaaoLi no\s a ioi???iim:h?hi?'s . D?a? >l.i TION O l'Ai NI i. H H' Th? paritu-rsJup 1?. s,?mt un der tb*? nrm-iiaiiir 0f L T t'MKl?. rotuposmi of 1. T Christ! ral partner, ?nd ?.' K !' lvtn, a* >, re, . f, I III .'..' .lAl. 'N1)KR*I*AKI> SB *'?> ??r Rtchmoad, t? tht? day ?Ji??*iv*a by limitation L T CHRISTI w rdnr-sj? of th* li?m. ? d??bt?sl to the l'.rin wll i?.m. L oc 11-lw C. n?s al! ?AN, 'N.