Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TtJESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1898.__*_._ ? ho bought liiiv to much Ix-tter advantage khan any 6 hi town, as {h?? stock is 1 ing si?lil ont t?> o|pM up tli?^ !?\ FEBRUARY ist. the entire stork i NFW FALL GOODS. New Cloaks, New Ccipes, New Dress ?floods, New Silks, New Hosiery, New Draperies, New Laces, New Ribbons, Now Bed Comforts, New Blankets, New Rugs? MEYER SYCLE. 103 US I BKOAl) ST., Ntis t Corner ?irst. j School Shoes j : SI.SO Q] is THE BEST ? BOYS' n V ! I.T ED- ! BOTTOM shoks, i. ? -i'l illL'lli 6 4 ? a SI.00 (?ils Ml \ hi;U/s A HEA^ V VIC1 K I D J BUTTON BOOTH, and J 11 Kid, with J ? patent tip, for children, s 4 51.00 errs a misses1 4 a 111.AW K I I) BUT- I TO \ AND l,A( I. a OT, which can a ?ended on. r $1.00 GETS A BOY'S J f si'UiMiin;i;i .SATIN ? f i SHOE, will *) a ,ii? th.- wear any ? i ble pera ?n asks. I And onr I r $1.50 BOYS'SHO] 1 tro, *. and an i I i? lient w( arer. f t I i i?i Last H-road Str?*tt. ? J S.C.YYI INK-IK, Sec. Md if?'?s. J O-e? ? ? --? --ep?aptaj?-aa^^e> ? ? *_ ; J.R.GR?GGSH0EC0, Por Bilions and Nervous Uiaor?ers BEEGHAM'S P.LLS Are Wiihout a Rival. Annuol S.-ile* over 6,000,000 ?ones. Ou il-Tuta-tnrmi i?.?i- i it \M i: MK \> w \u : Boasarkahle \ letlvlty, \itrt Ixila-.l ?ti l?l?.|.ule M illi llrl.niii. ** n la to \ : Marine, will retara Immediately to ' : . that, I t., an the i aSHODA, Rt- pre tlon in dl : ..ii of . 'its ?if ' M?diter? \ ' : ' ' ' . it Is 1 - been at? Ident. POE MEMORIAL. rntveralty haaaalatloa to l'un*, the Minier-? harlotteavllle Untes, . \ J'.l.i: \ \ ' which baa ' I. pt" n, The ; ?, i. M M lila I I ., ' - |.' ' i.iy publica? ford, ol Alabama, s of ? ! Rbett, of I , y t. .- . . oi Ten? :,-!.. ' ?'?? 9 H It'll ' ? |i MoLl m?>ie >,f Ti ? a A. o. Partner, of Virginia ar,- st ,1 , .??iv. !,t!"n <?f pitta? I ? bt. r of <; ..-:'.. i fit y. th :. >. ar-"i'i eoa ef i , on ? r n,,. . |ty, died ,- from a around i" Ihe . . ,,,,?-?., low tab, ? ht< b tbedded i" I tret o the ..., Tha . Friday, aad l-oeh? pr.'.iu.ii.K death wlthls Ighi hours. Thla In the - .'hurlotteaviilii fioni IvX-'klftw Us?a the weak. OSTIIE APPOMATTOX. iiriTH ?if a *sVi:i.t-KMi,\\ I'KTEHSIU II?. PlltSlCt.W. DR. HEZEKUH G. LEIGH. \ "?Uriel, of Ilia . ..r.a t?lairl, K.lii ratlon ?nil I'mnll*. 4 nnnerllnna- \ 4 SB fads fate ?urK.'i.n?Othrr 4'ooVt ads- 4 Us \rsva. )') .n.KM'.ri?'. va , f>toher IT.-Cppe* I Dr l!. <;. L.-ich, Hr.. one of our ? pbyalclang and m?,?i hen ?r.d and Uaena, ?ll..l this morning ghOUt I, ii. <-. on t'nion rafter few days' utaesa of h ? ? r t affa tion. n,- was eonatantly an?t1er the ' BM ?1!? al ?kill In the cMy. whteh, however, faii-.i ta tara hi? ufe. re blow t<> UM com munity, wher?. he w,*< so BBlreraalry knows and beloved, and lo the prof' ??I at th" h? ad. HI?, r?-pu tkllful sn i suc ?enfui p*?tvetl? r ?raa not i i to that ? Ity or tbrougaiout the her la Iba ? ommunlty is itlcman, who ?-.insist? ntlv " I ?11 " - Of Ids ?ublime faith; none more gentle and genial and ' :. ne more qui. k to r<-tq mi t.? th.- | ,11s of need; nene mer? open? ,a nt t., rout in . i tending relief, ; ?a latir? of lb. : hfe and theli er dis ear? d p oplc of t'"t?". ? I . rommuntt ei ly re ib? i- ir.- hundn da out ot hla fa pill] and Imm?diat, frienda who p toan Borran at k\ ?'?I will taha ;. from the lit thodJ ? I'o'i-' opal : Isy) aft-rnooii si "k, and th< Me.le- il B - a- ty ??ill at tend ... : i-K El? il ? ?F DR LEIOH. Di Heaeklab Ollberl i.? ?Kh waa b?orn | '? a . Mal,-li 1-'. il- v. a Bon of R? ? lleaeklah <; i?.'' D i' . .m . minent M- I iniiie. the founder ol Ran? College, '?h?, died Beptem ? vina; th. b.-rlt: ?e of ? y, i ?r. Leigh'? another .1 'ii" Crump, daughter "f Colo imp ol Kortbi mpton, N. ?'. - u, 1881 The paternal ol i ?i !.. . - Richard i only. N. f., -i n. 177:?. end died March i. in Ix'lgh Wat on.- -a sla Children born ; i ;. ; G l-righ. <?n the ih member? of the family lo? ' n vi) ginl i. whence ihey a to North < aralina. a h< tld is ni?,, Eng* father was h. Id ; ? be t p itplt ol atort in lb? persu islon, !! wat t m in phy? menti i >i. ? : . ; Leigh graduated \ al R (ndolph-Macon Coll. ? ' slltutlon be was always a warm i infa friend. I so years l tl? low Inn hla grud-i itu.n I - ?it his Alms 1 er. n, v. In a feroal. ? ' lee i lili dui Ing ?n i red ta?' medl il ty ol Vlrginl i, -, himself for t he pro ! .-,,. | 'ii edltably fol? i. .mo la which he roae to ilistim-'ili.- ii? ,1 -, It l? i ? k Mi dical Coll? ' jl .,'lt 01 los tnnt pi ' m at In KV. he lo* irg, a here sfti i until hla death, with th. escepl Ion ol Ich titii- h? irgeon in I .... . ... . . . ?. to th? ! .. - i? s Di? ..n,i In iva v..,* i i.e. a in ,i. the hospital Hi Raleigh \\ter : lo- i ractlce In I lie , f the 1 ' Med . . Medi cal Society, and ol : Imerican Medi cal ' -, in i?7> be was appointe? < loroner of the cltj I i ; ?, ernor Walkei and served In that capacity t.. th? lira? ? of his death, lie eras ? constatent mem her of tii?' Methodist ?"nuten an,i be loved < a itlemsn, v. note i.e..?i and n to good, Whit? hla m- a. i he en In Burgical opers In ] ' in : h married with Mlsi Martha Alie? Moody, of Northamptoi county, v ?'. who survives him ?uti four ? Lildr. n Mrs. John W, Hi , Mn Jam? n. Dr. n o. Leigh, Jr., an? Mr. John 1!. I. DE \Tll OF A LADT. Mrs. Prudence M Sutherland died at h. r residence, on Harding ? earl] un,inlng, .a paralyala, aft? r an ill - .a' several weeks She waa th? B ? a".'. i land. \\ h. for many year? a? t prominent merchant of the ?' n rabl< Colonel K. ii. Ar, !.- Shi wai about , j et : nd lea? ? ? children three sons and thr..- daughters. Mr? Siitln riai, i waa a natlv? >: Pet? i ' and had lived here all her life, she wai a lady of spi.-ndid character, a Blnceri t 'h?.- . I ? i t men] b? -n a member of Waabtngton* ?' pal church, PERSONAL AND GENERAL NEWS a tell gram .' < Ired last night from Jacki ?nvllle brought the gratifying in formation thai young Sydney Bralth, ol tins city, t member of ?rjotnaany K. Fourth Virginia Regiment, who hat been ill for some time, is non much better. Mr ?, B, Rogi rson, a p? pular youni nuali " will be nurriet. In Norfolk to-morrow night io Misa Bee .?r ,?t? Ti.e cere . v. Ill be pert ?rmed at the resld. at? Ide's brother. Mi T. B. Bernsxd, 1- '!. '? W.I. i ,. C Stark,', ?it? old and Wide ly respected cltisen, is very ill a*t bll b.'in? . in 'his dty. Hi,Is f.?r th.- work of making th? Clerh'a otnc? ?reproof, and adding othet v. in.?nts tO tlie buUdlng, Will ) ? a ,,n Wednesday afteraoan? it is understood a number Of b.ds bave beOB celved. -? guiar meeting of the Methodlal Bundsy-SchOOl Association was bald yst terdsy sfteriieon -?t the High-Street church. The attendance was large, the programme interesting, ami the reports v | v MtlBl ; tory. ,'oi?r-V?i?r-l>ld Child Droaa ned. WlNCHaTafTBR, VA? <>?'Mm tl -<spe ,!.,! ) Bdward, the 4-yai-old son Of I't" i K. K. Sine, prlie Ipal of th? pub boola at capon Bridge, ?vus drown* ed in a small creek n*-? ? his ?atenta' realdenc . at that place, this morning. Tlie phlld had wanbred away from )..,,?< and had attemp'ed lo cress a foot bridge over the ?reek, which was only 3 Inch*? ?le.'P. when, It is sun...sed. hu lo.t id- balaaee "ti?l fell In. Dr. l?ar.llner isaeaad. but was unable to rf t?t? th? child. __, ______ .1 oliia Andera?'!,'? F?4e. NORFOLK. VA., 4-ctober 17.-(Spacial.] joba Andaaaea, tl??? mutm.-.-r and Murder ,r of the ?saatatn and mate of the '?liv IV-'k? r will soon know his fate. HI? r-ouns. I left to-night for Washington where to-morrow, '?he Coat? mi: decide h?S <"A*e- Thf" i>"lnt n* "",u' _ th? ni'inilnx et i na*? trial on th*: ground that the prisoner was not permit ted to ?alert his own counsel, .lutlge Wad dill of the Federe! District Court overruled th? point, but th? ?xpedisnt ol nn Appeal procured for the condemn?-.! mnn a two m?>nth*?' longer l?-a!>e of lif?. --ma* FKI.I, lllOM A Ponf'li. I'ntnlly llnrl, rcrhai???Mlsslonnr?, *t\ork?Dr. Jurnrr'i Pnrehasa. LTNCHBURO, v.\, Octaher lT-c-'i*' dal.-- Mr. Jaaejs ?'? Lindsay, floor aaaas K?r for I). MpM i ''" tuV. fr?m it:?? I if pop h nf Mrs. Withers'.?? l-unlinB bouee, Ho, 921 church street, Saturday nij-'ht. and r>, ivi injuries thai era She Iv to result in his death It In thought thai Mr. iJnthpy fell abeut nddalght We ;,r?i''k on a atone nalh sad was render ed aneenscions, in which wmdltlon he Found two honra later with blood running from his nose and aera. Mr. Lindsay cesas here fr.'tr. Charlottesville SbOUl . ii-l-,t rn>,11th.? BfO, anil la highly esteemed ;n the eommunlty. The eeeelea of the Woman'a foreign Mledonary ?Society <-f th,- Virginie f? i- a ? "f Hi" Methodlai Bpl Church, booth, win begia i't C?*-urt?Streel Methodist ehureh to-nr-orrew evening and continue ttir- days The conference em? bracea tha lUchmond, West Rfchnamd, ?'harlott. >vin.. Rsppabannock, Danville, Lynchburg, ParmviU? Petei u P m uitii, Norfolk, aad Bastera Shore of Virginia districts, nhloh ar?l hav? r. ;>r?"-.. ntatlOB "t I. I of whom win be : the M? thodh I loa ?,f till?? dty, Th,- aeeslon will be lla at ".::'? ,?'<i??k Tueeday evening with tlonal ezerdi ?. to be led by Mn n. C. Cbeatbam, ril?e, A? k Wednesday mornim* den ?: exerdsee win b<- held, after which Mis A. Coke ?Smith will d< Hv i ' IBM, which will I i to by Mrs. Bettle a. Ja s, "f Bell Haven, a?. ' "mac county. i?r. a. .'.?i?,- Bmlth win deliver the an nu,"i Bennon al IM o'clock ??Vede - eealng The r. gula r routine busli ambraetag full reporta from the i districts, wiii occupy the time on Thurs ,ia- and Friday, tha talon to ? oma I : i ' \. nlng n*lth ? parlai aervii i.r. a. Jaeger, wh,> r nUy tried by in -?cclealasticaJ court sad eonvlcted of conduct nnbecoptlng s minlater, has purhssed the Igrnebburg Colored Orphan Asylum sad In?lustrlil School, Of Brhl tn- has h?-< n aupertntendenl and mai Its establishment, aoven yearn The net amount paid th? IrUsteea f"t t1"' l'!" perty in U,SA\ Th?, money was paid down to-,lay. and Dr. Jaeger la now the o of tho Institution. There la ?. fine brich plant on th? propert) which Dr. J to-day leased to s well-knowa L-ynchburg firm for 16,400? There ara abo-ai ,?r< ?i children In this Inatltutlon, al was hunt by saoney contributed Ian t the North. iiosririi, in \i\s. Tha ? <?" eriuni'ii? I hurler? One finm Alluiillc-? iiiisit I.lnr. Th.- War 1 >> nt ha- < h rtercil the Atlantic-Coast Llne'a train which the alch aoldlera from ./an?- : Port Monroe, und which ; Richmond Saturday lauta about I o'clock. This boepital trim baa ?red for several months, and will move ell the ,. aotdlers t" any polnl th'? govern? m.nt may direct The tiain j rtir.'uarli Richmond this. m?'r!iin?? at 1:30 o'clock, ?-it r??ut?' to Jacksonville, sad will remove maay of ttm otck aoldlera from the Second Division Hospital at Camp , *aba Ubre to > ?Id Polnl At w-s* atetad la Sunday*! CM i. train la In charge ef Captain Rich ards, ?Hid fOtlblstH of el? V? tl l'llllnian , i a ai ,i one baggage-car. Two Pullm Inlng thirty even rick aoldlera <?f the Pourth Ohio Ri glmei ' ' ! hrough i e ? - hmo d t-vei ill?- Ch< ipeshe and ?hi > I Uwa] Bui en route t?> Columbus. The men bad I?, .-n in the h ?apital ,.t l*,,rt m having been brought there ti ?m i The soldi? i are taken bach to , 'olurabua at th? expense ef the . ii ol '.tiat ' Ity, v?h?, r.,. . o de fray the cosl of transportation. Tho train area In eaarga of Cdonel W. it. . well known In thi keeper of tl old ? !a mi' ' 'hese, i he ? lebi : ted i i 'onfed. ' Two femai. : and tin ' - were on tha train in ? the ?Ich m- '. a : top "f about four hour.-- waa an ide at th, station, during w hi? h time s go . . milk iitwt eggi were purcl nick, M; Thoi :: Btovall. a of the Chesapeake and Oh . ? the atatton, wsa \ ry kind to | It I-'. l'oit T To THK I?R Will'. ? Un).in ?in.I HnysfS Tell ?if Thcll Vieil ?' M aah>iiki.hi. , 'llnton and Hayes, the ? wo repi m.? of the Color? I R< publl. art . who vi. it?-,! Washington recently to pre f. r chargea against certstn Pederal efll lali in this .'it',-. I their rep l .it the regular weekly meeting of tin I. ague lad night. . tongreai man Lond. hei e dally t" condu, t an in it ion an?! " \ and bring about a r* conclu itlon be t ween the opposing faction) delegatea atated thai thej bad wen th* Ni w Jera? Coi n an t? Wa nnd thoroughly acquainted him the detalla ol I Thi I aeen Mr. Hull, chairman of the Bxecutlv? Committee of the Republican t alona) Committee, end found him verj : mi? ithetic, Certain i*orreepondence la asid te hav? pe led between Hr. Hull and Mr. W( Isl ger, which goe i to ahow thai the ? ! rional Committee holda the Btal rait tee In no very high repute. Th? mem bora of the league are fairly Jubllanl ai their proep? eta of succei li I gatlon, and vol delegate of It", t" aid? s the amount f hi expei ?'ongipsaman I?ond< nal. er has pro mi-e,i to telegraph th,* league the time o: rival, ;.nd he la expected some tlmi to-day. n::i : i ? 11 BBIP DEBTBOI in. Sine ??f Crew, C?ptala ana Pnmllj i?? Mates, aad n Pilot Pariah. M UtGATE, ENO., October 17 Tha Br! Hah ahlp Blengfell, Captain Johm Ni s I ' ? a i t? nber 19th, for London, was deetroyed by i aud. place > srtj tl I if h< r ,i? w, it'-'' captain, hi wlf?. tin? lirst end aecond mat? \ and i pilot perlehed. Th?? Blengfell wai passing here i on her way t,, London at shout I'M A. M . nil wsa about four milea ,,ff Suddenly she wsa enveloped In and sm.'k- pour,,i from bet hatchways. Two lifeboats Immediately pul ??ff I ssatetaace, but before they w.-r.- ai,i>- t., reach the bunilng ve??el h,-r t?,.,sts fell and ??he was burned to the watefa edge. Her hull sveatually drifted upon the C.oo.lwin Hundt?. The Blengfell had a quantity ,,f iiaphthi ?li hoard, and th I smell of it wa- Btronf during the voyage especially, aft et much as that the ofB?**era of tli?* ship had to shift quarters last evening. An explosion ocourred just as tha captain ? ( U Bl? ngfell hud engaged the aen a tug, which aaved the aurvivora, TI i Blengfell wsi sa Iros reaaot, b iM m \$U at wtiiieh ?. . of -1 " tons, em owned by J. Bdgar ken. lie? I li nt lirai. ( ?iirim. Mr*. Praacea Couren, an sped lady died Si the r?:!deliCe of h.r niece. Mis Hinns, No. 9i:i north Twenty-fourth atreet yaaterdny afteraoon si 6:w ,,, i,,.k. i>. ceueed wan Is the ?ist peer "t tier age She wae ths widow >?f Joba P. Couraa nf Cape OerarSsaii m,>. ant for th, |OB >ear? Since the death of In r hu-t,.,,:? hhd been llvlnx In Itt.-hmond. Sh?- w?; I faithful and devout mem I., i of I'nion Stution thareS for nearly flft\ lSr.<* hud hei?n in feeble luiilth for a loni time, and actually III far tha peal sh month??. One slpier, Mrs. Missouri Bafuoa of this city, ?nirvlves her. I^ie funcru arru?nemela s have not yet been mude. STOCKS CLOSE FIRM THIS I*. ?'MTB OK A ?aa*SBTE?t. Si tV?ETTM*?4i EI?|??oilES. TOBACCO SUFFERS A BREAK Then Come? ?iipport, ?nd ||.fore |h t'loae fihorl? Are Hrlsen to Cove h>p ? Hlse ut 5 :!-i_\M_rnt Itnllle M, n ri? I jr. NEW TORE, October 17.-A scrutiny. . ?> abas that ;.?..rly all of ti.- | ,t,?.k dealt lu have ii"t gains of g-g rli,^' the number of anttttltng ep i.i th- day's mark, t. these galm : : ...... powst Aiihoui-h the op.-ning* was ??iglitly hlgl er, In sympathy with th-- rise la : the t- . ,. | ol pel . i m: : ? dawawai early i . | Ion th; the s.pi.n.- Canrt would dallrer to-d-j I to th,: rt,: tl st UM lei- U.?. iX tli?: joli nd. The Coalers were subjected to sttael t.y the bean, Ni v Ji ? itral ?. time eta:, and ttie decline in tt grosjp ram., a from 1 1-2 ti? Th,- price of I.? waa bai dos -?otate fron the leal ate k s tered. About the taras tin Metro] - . t Railway bi touched n prl? s of the .. ty. N i f ell orei IAI CO AND .-i OAR, o wat .it In, ex-divia pif , --ii!.. an?! 1 ?-> m addition ?\ ?d ??ff the price. 'J'li' :. ?'f tiie day f'" W? ! - ??i '.'. ' n to oov> r by ., Bug n ais,, well - ':. a ?lay. Landos ???.? .. buyer in thta chiefly ,?f t Ing i>- ti." be .is in I on N,w J ' ml, and the pas ?hat there was no decision m th?* j,,ii by ! m trad? 11 in tin- p, ? The tiim at tii, top. Th,-1 tii" eschani arlthatandlng re? I ' grain and COtl a cam" fr> in bankei piad t the . ? i. .'? and i:, ' lia 'i'ii- re ,-ui abundai ring here, si - . BOND MARKET. W< aki i" d in sympntl with - ', . bul ?ii ".'.i i ? paiti.! r ,r,l tin- c $l.r,iu l states Fa, registered, tho e , and th? ' 1 1-1. ai . upon, th>- old fa, i and the ?*>'s l-s j? r , nt, In the bid prh !:;.!. ' III' ?. T!?" ' of at i re 247.: i Including irllngt. i?- i | ? Manb itt 7!.". Northern P ?St, P " . t cm Toi MONET AND BXCH tNOE , a si ?1-2: la '; prim? B mre fir-TT. with actr: ? for .- m und i i xi M H l-i t- *' eomm. r. 1 i Jl *?ji-C r rerltfl??ftt bar ? loflsrs. El-i - ? strong] Btat I . Iroad h? nds w, ak. pgtl lOltS WTOOB ?.roi'ATio?!*.. tsitn g?a>te??)?'f??eaaaad aaata ft .-? } _t,:i, v n, pret*rrei. *_ ?Jaltll . r? *'il ' tai,*OH l'ai*! . ... . ": C ?I.?i*ii 8 'a tii?-: a. ?? Lwntral i'ac'.nc. ~ Cii??ar*???J ? . i " ..J une,.?,, es? a i'?i.. ' ' Cb;c?(iO, I'urhncioea.i ? W .lo-'T.ll itj|.*a.""aal Kviura Illinois. cecead at i.jat?.* i... . . ? a ?4 Lost* ?s**f?rw?t. I bi-iawart aiidlluls<in... . .f__ Peiswar?.Lh,,s*????ii!!*??J ?Yestarn .HI <iui m,. ?ira.iJ?. ) UenT?r ana rtluUr?a le, prsterr?-!. ? t'le (li- ?hm _ -. ' fcri*(B*w?. maretstree. 1-ortvVara*. .......i. latest N4***tB?ra. preterred .- - i--: . ? allay. . l.iim is ueitral .....i"1 I Urina an i >V?.-i'-?rri. I ? are Sri* Bad .\e?.l?oru, prater red m. ": . - ?:it?m .I**1 ll* sad Msabvllis. . tan i. PI lll*n 1 ra, fon.I"' lia-l.'t'*.. .'??atrai. ? atas?**.!* aso >t. i.ouis. '-: lasBOBti i.uun ist arefatrsa I MMsteriraeiBsi . a ?,, I .?> Hi,It ?U'J. ' ' Bmeouti iv, ana r. I' - in k.uui i. prelstrod . ? .N.-?. Ubanj i; i ?.'.'i i..". Nes tlbanj and* I ??' Dr*t*tred... '-' .Nt.? aeraev t fluir?,. <*> Ses ion U?airai.11 New Yors.vaiesao ?a? at? t . I .*?. ?., ?aii-agoan?! .*?t. K l*t uret-rr."!.... 8 *-. i.. ? Dicago ana at, i- .' i Meter?a i. I Nati a* t--* ii. . . l .x.itn AaiericMU loiu-jiay. . -: LfiilM : .... i N. rtLem !'??.:?;'-\-?rilan ?a... 7 ?e.tnri.'uuti Wacters. I 11| i,', n ... ?no .Vir...?. .. ut*gon taon Lin,?. s ! ittsbar? . -.IB Ueadin. ._*??.. ! h?,. L?alas i. . ?.n? IIS and Mill , i SI '- '. b*_LautsBB4 sap Kran l?tor*i . ?? , ana sa, 1 I ran. " I ;>i >-l. '. tt. I'*i 11.I o H. "?ut (>,-t?rorr- .?. __1 , a?t.fanl*itd ?iiuau?., ; bt, Paul and U.-nialia, oretnrr? l.]., hi. r mi. v.. tad ?i. . . i ; boatberaPaotfifl ....... 9 : B. .?o'l'.t ?-ru. oratened .... . 8 l?-s-?Bt**t:in<*. 1 St. ? Paeta* urel. .. M i. r . i>. im u. A at,ait,, ?.i boula Bad ? * a ..' Ssossh. at.Lost?sad Paetae, pret-r.?>_,. -j t\lip.-iu t ?ad i.?--,? Kne. i lid.... hi I ?IIS? ?nd l-a? i Kri-. nrsrorr* i. ] ., - a tr A.Unis : I press..10 Ameri.-aii BSptMB ..M1J i Dltaoatatea Uxir???. 4 . iirj?.' .|?J an* ? ?am _ni?-il.-iia <??!t,ii ?m . i ?i.'.tu, an t. ? lien U i pr. !cn-- a ... r _u,ei i.aii spil'il,. 1 Anna ? soHpinla i r. f*ir* ?. J Au..-11. m, I'obacoo Co--.-,iiv.ii A'usrican I'ui.a'Cul'J. prelerrod. .1, p ...p..-.- ?..? .i 0 loncolioaiad i?s?..1, ' alUOSIiy.l? toi.Pa*ial.m.,...... ' to!. Fu?l a In preferro.1. is 4.aB-?'rio . . I lllll, I? ttoel.? '.' La Cl-? le>.a?. 4 Les d Trast. :) Lena oreierrer, ... ...._... .1 N allouai i.luseei Oil. Psrtn. ?Jan.... . 3 1'uUu.kii falsee.It) Mlver Cornncies .I Maudsri* BOB?sad Twlu?. Amaru.,,i *? i ruf *-i?*??i i.*?, ?. li Aqier:?-!?u?*ii.:!?r rteflnery. orei.. .10 1 . l*. ?,!'- 1 1 I 11 . '.' I . a? Lna'.U?'.-. I'. I*. _aattier prelarr.-a . ? D. S. Kulyber._ I I . B, Huober pr?**ferr?? naetarii ?'aio*. ? m. laets aad Heat*?"-?i'-rr?. 4 ft. l.ouisani BSafhwratara lsi preterred. 11 Kio ?.raudo ?nJ Wo-iteru. pr?(. 0 Ltsieago ?Br*?u Wrattta. i ? btoaaaaad N?'riii?e?t?r*. .|| ? bisase ?nd N..itb?*-?tern pref.)1 li???ilan C??inneri*i*l ( oiiipsor. 4 iieuutn? ?. ! ni-,n PacIO- _. 3 In-?lie i oa?t l at ir-.f erro?!. 8 I'acfle i'osst. -M pr?*ferr?-1. .f >Mn*. Iron. .If t lii'-sgo ?nd Rastern Illinois.1? Ii?.*4i? .a-,: United 8t*ie? new It? . .10 t)_u?.j stai.-t.4r? u*w. reg?s.?.tl l'oit-?* ?totes 4'i. cas, eoapiM).1-" ??e i i,it??i euit>s it.11??*?. l'nlted State? UP, <*oudoo.lli'j I Miel .??tal?!? 2'scoupon..,. 18 Caned Status >'<l.... .:11 ?S I I ' .?.) -!?'?< Vll-OUDOD.. .H-*i ln?in..t :?'* fl.*?. .ll?taj Alabama (ClassAi.109 Alabama ('la?? H .100 A_b*aa irisas C) ... .?.t'?-'? A Is ta? ma i.'arren?*,.10B Atcb'aon 4'?. Ol1*? Atcblson si). 4s.. Il**, ( sns'ls Houtnsrn '?t.\0*)A <. aad N. P. t i i>. n???! fbeseusske * Oblo 6's .li ai!. A D, ?lie's.... .lO'S UsnYsr* K. n. t,ci., Penver_ II. ??. 4's. Ksst rann????,? liu. siri? v? n.-ral I ? . I. W. AI?, let*, t. r. i.eneral Kl?,-r,r?r ;>>,.._^, . . B. I..A H K. ?Ta. . (?. n. A s. a. Sde . II. A T. Contrai 5'?. H. ?t t. Uaaareleaa? ?i'?...._ Iowa r. ist?. ?Lotnstass nsir consols. 4'? .?ION . eni .ieea4 . TO '.'.. .. feu .lOh .ll?4 .10.? .noti .101? .106ft ____________________. L? N. ['nt. l'a. :i M Mlsseuri n't. ... .H'O M. k. r. tMa. .fl|?e ti.K.r. vs.... . -""?i Sita Tork. ?ntrril UM. *t Ne?T Jer?-T Central .'.' . 1 '**. North o'aroilu-T. > a. ?,M Norm?'?aseiina i's....~_? Jo' ii'or-tiern r*a??inr; i?t? . ... Il'i'. Nortuers i/a'tnc am . ' ? Ntmbera ?'i.-,:;,- , ?... ,100a, S. T... Jr st I.. 4a .1 "' Norfctk and ?V?starn O's.I _ Nortbwaatern Consols .-...I**n Nortbwaaiern ?loh is.l-'0>, Orej?n .MaTia/Btl-snlfits. Or??, ri : , iv,??atlau 4'?. ?M?M O.S. Linen's, t r. ' " . ** O.aVUMHr.1 .i"'u. Pacts? ?> s or i?->. >'? ? He ? illlH'4'l?. , . ??1*. ,;- ? w. uti. i.V.'.;.'.'.;.*.'.loth t I.. ,t I. \I. ,',:??,I .,?. ' >! .*?..,. *-.. K. f?airal (i's .HI ft -t.f'aut consol?.I ?0 et. i.e. _ f. ist*.....i?o Ht.I'aulu*i'.j's . .SJ_h ?ouiDeiii tisiiw^r Pa.,. ?? "? ?tiri'larl BogO aad Iwlne B*l . " re?.me!.ses u??t sajttlanent 3s . "4 texan l'ai.ldc U <?. 1st? .1'?? lexaaPacitlc rei*Utir?a''4. '' ' . i'.. i??',,v if mua U ill lata. I '?' ?'.. -h ist Vg.11*1"? ?'? iinrjii '.d?.?. M III are ift . ? - - luSh virja-inis Ceatortea . ;vl Virginia deferred . ' tin Central l?u. BOa and Goto 41. " Nor:?.ik aD'l Heitern ?-on?ol 4'a. t*.l Norfolk Otad Western, i'rrjtt-rre.l. 41?> l iii'.ii Pacts pref...CS. _H C?ntralo' Oeorgta 6'e. *'v^' t entrai of Oeo'ipa 1st. | tu .... ._.. 3ft Central of (?eorgia 2d. in. 10 ninhmomi -?t,,. i. Bnefeats iticiiM.'NP, Oetebct IT, SAI R?'.?Virglnln-Carohn?. ChSSBlSal mon?7 sharo?. at tj 7 j *,, -.ITIF?, IMd. PnltedBtatsa t'a 100! .110 (JaltedStateePe, 1035. iom??, M a i -a i K ? NortbCarolltia **B.I 14 North * aro'.ina 8*i.I'.'x Virginias*! inewi. *;> \ Irglnla . eniury. fSId cm SI ic tiiuotvl ,-ltv |'a.ISt 'KICfemOBd ci'y 'la.Ill Rv bmoB i iittyft'a.' i -' II;, lim, t: i ci T 4?. ... .. . i'l H4 Bailbo?s Bosse, Atiesta A Charlotte in Pa.KO Atlanta and < barloti? gBST, Int. ?a... .101^ Charlotto, Coluuil'ia ?a AogSSta SdTa."i" . Ceiirgia. ?ioatli'-rn an I l" ,?ri la ft'a lOOlf |?.;.r?i :\u. Chis? AU't.1 1 I l. , ,r??, i iaaa H Pa. 11H? iticsmone sud Me ?kloahug ist pa. *j,1t Seomern ?taiiwsr. lstds. ?'. ho \Se?tern North |<'ar?jiiiis l?t ?i's. ... li.l l.114 Cr-uia-ia ,v Alatania yrer, .V,? I l Osorgtaaae Alabaiaa. iseeeai_ uj Kl i.-,, id Traction b't ....... ,.104 Norfolk ni?! Wealers lat mort. eaauepereesl. "'-" ?i BAI*..! IAS Bl I'ar ,\ tloata aa l l afi.'-T .100 11 BW ?. tatcsaue.ikc au i Util'?.Iw?? .'I??, N,.; iii i ii .iu...... . hi i i:.; N rtuik. mu ?A i i? i n prat,. .100 *M% : . ...?Un !->... n. .1 Y. It. r. .-. P. ,,un'i'u. .u 1"" Bwhinood, l re i rtcxsberg , '., IP to na o am to, 100 !<.., , a P. in. o ttst'a.LOU RiobinOB I, *"r--!-ri -k-tiiirg r\n?l Pot..mac 'J P. ? ft 1...100 Hi. i ne ni i," aiicstourg sad Potomac . P ? . gte...l00 Ri, in?: ' ?borg., in" -?outt.'?r,: Balle .y.,? - itbSI am -n. I 00 (?eorniaan?! Alabaiaa, pref. I.Corgll all'I Ai'lll'Mail.i'.>lil. Usorgta, Boutl si i, aa i r iorlda let preferred???. Georgia, Bootuera and Ploritia ?Ta . ? Ip?^?,.'!, .**, ntt). rn and ? ' 'III rua.n.?? N ,? k atreel Hallway ;. 11?. com A-ke.! i r. i ; IU.i 128 l'.a', 141 I'D 15014 ? I s?4 e ie MUi i ' '.'7 i.\:k -:.,,?: ?. rniaeaefifUisgt. ;> >; CiiyBaula; ._ -.5 >*| f urst national.ioo ins .. M'taltHIlt? >StlOh... 100 I!..', .'? Metrop.jlitau.:., ( *" >ah.,ijal Hankof,) iu,)?l?j li,-> P.aiuer->ati"nal ?au?.100 -..Y.?,. Petara buis Bavlagaaad ia> aaraa?*a Company.?.M :im H * " i c? -ink ut Virulilla. 100 14 : Dntoa Baakd Klchmond.. , ?U 11014 V'.riiiiii?, froBt < oinpaoy. ? 11 ?iy -??a r? l'-Hiik ? f Kicbmond . i ? ... :;?? Riefe, ii-iist ?ad Safe Sep. Ce lit) lin In-IRAM.1. ClMi'AMK*. ?ii,-i.isi-irasal nansa .. > se etrgiais i it*.? gohg bin . ', as,,.i-.. Anieri.'an rOSBifOIToiapesy i'.-o'u,u?.'U). . .. . :,!) Itglg i. , I i.'uin cbewtoai iret. i ? ? n? iii, c,.., .... naCfceartaalw. 100 .?7 ?; " 'a '-iMon, ara for h?,ni? sSStarlag Is B OR tIN AND ' ' 'i' ' ?N i:\?'M \\'T Richmond, Vs., i ober IT, IBM . ?; ' 71c.; mixed, '." I . - t?o. 3 l . win RICHMl MD '.I'. E?8T( ?CK M tRKET 17, 18? i:-. |, , . p a lii'.liilli: (O ils. 2 t., ". I ?31 to 4 , ? I t.. RICHMOND T< ?BAO i U I.RKBT. 17. ION fol luv i ,. i,... I h .. ' ' : . enue coll? Va., i d i\ were: Tot . i NK\v TORK Prodi cb market. roRK and i? - - on spring wheat grad i: -,. m. i and more active gulft at ?l.l"?iil. t dy C??rni k? t lirm, y su I ; v. : Barley?Firm; in ilflni-, F.'o.: .; feedii IT1.?' Mai ley Malt- Sl?adv; W??t.-rn. 66044C w ' ,: Spot Him. Ko. I red, , . ro? i hi. ? .1 buying Tha marl i ul. a! strong aad acUve. aupported ? \ , ertns ,"'i renew Fxporl demand, ai d cl. s .1 V- higlu-r i-.,i months, hut ', "ff ?mi May. whl ..? , n it wanted bj shoi ts. Bales Inclu?1 . red, March, clodng iv. : 1?.? mt'-i r?os? i iS*?c Corn ??p"t Brm; No. 2. SaHc. ??ptl?; .-.I a siror.K uti?l?*rt..iie all day, ,' :. u?ivi?'.-s. the rlaa, sad tha ? port burin?es In wheat Close, \mt. high. I,.. . mber i lofMd Stgc. Oata Bpol mm; No. 2, MC OptWne I md featureless. Ueef -Stead] ___, Cut-Meata Steadier, pickled bellies, "'a1' | ,r?1 S.Iv; western ?tenm r . r < tu '*', ii"i ft. rin-il quiet. m w 1'urk - 1'irrti; mess, ?>.T?-iil' '2b; shirt cle ill family. BlSOttl*. Butter?Plrmar; weetern oresmtry, ip do. factory. lUillc . '*' ?' ' ' ^ Ch?reac-#tea(ly; large white, ?v^a-V:. Eggs-Firm: Stnte and Pennsylvania, 1?' _?. I'?, : v .stern, I?' Potatoes-Steady: j r*< r*. 7'<* *itl :?>; New Tatit, %X'.?)X.?,V7; Eon?; island. |f_Mf iotton..,,,i^)j|_i.*,rn). p^mo crude. Ils*. ; Petroleum?Sirotmer; United ck> -<h M market; r. tin?d. Sen York. 17.39: Phila delphia and Balttraore gf.S; de., in hulk, _ way. Turpentine -Firm. El? ? -Eirm. Quiet. <-?.tt. -Options open??! Bteody. with uns h it?*?, ,i to I points 'ilgher: fur? ther improved Imm?diat?!*/ oa opening, with light lira.Ulan receipts favorable European cablea, loseal demand, anee in Rio; subareauently reneteA, under realising, llicht wsrenou*? movenv .". ?poi demand, with trading active. - ' -t- adj. " : ?er to > higher, s.a. ?. 18.54)0 1 Including l>? - < ml, ' ''.to steady, Mild steady; moderate jobb. Sugar Ra? Brm; fnir reflnlag, t\e.; esa trifugal, : >, d. -r- t.- motaaaea. p. laed ru m. NEW TORR BET-4300DS MARKET. NEW TORE, October '7 The ?lry ' markets ?howed nub rw - - day. '; i fuir showing of buy but their ,.p. iiti mi were confine,'. to the imme,late necessities fol st,,i k-ntlinar purpos. a fairly well it. the n, tl -'..i ' It At tirst banda, however, the Situation ??as ne. In be? utd woollen i there has been ti tdlng of an ag r. BALTIMORB PRODI CE MARKET. BALTIMORE. October if, K,s,ur-Firm; western super, t: ?ui? Wheat I';.; Ih? month, N mber, 7Ji-_ .. i cember, 7*n*j_f21 . , southern wb . h] nth, 3?>'i Nov? ml ? old, Novemb t or !' "nb. r, January, II >.-'.' < * :< '? l-:v. bid, southern whit?? corn. 3.v?i:?,;< . weatern, a*a| mil Ry. I'n m ?s r by, >-'* ; No. ; w? it? i n .- - - . Uuttei Si" ?.!? . taii?> . ream? ry, .!". ?m - I7t ; go a Stute, i hite Firm al it i-: n ?v York, large 9.1-1411 Lettu thel hoi Whiskey ti .?tnil ".?? per gallon ior fin Ished good ' id 11.11 11.33 pel oa foi CHICAGO PRODCCB M ?UK ET. CHICA434 ?, ?i? | ?! r 17 i I. and r< ports of damage t. crone i-i Manitoba and *. i cm- ? In wheat price? I , line, Decemh i loaed " a?, ttlk t? ? lorn ind oatt ihssi t? ?pond? a t the littl'i- -,, e of and ?cored a ?.i ad? ?nee, l ? > emb? ,,,? n and Ms P',rk ! nd nhs | l-E The |i lUoWS! U?.si.i".?. ih.'.t -, i . . Wur?T-M?. ' . !>" . " i?4 ?. ?4 M?y........ ?. > . ? ou* . ?!..? I ,1 ?M IVi\k ... ?(* ': ? ? t. ??". _ May. . ?Al? ?? . ". Dee . . ':?.'. ?I- -- i- m f t D ,.. 4 7.!*.'? - , it*. !?. 1 , Labi - Pot ! 11.'' , *4 :?:?.. I? ?..... -.u."v ...i . |aj ' Mtiii.r Une- Per In?? it.s. . " tf-l'-'R) .,..,?? i u. i, #i ? ' ., on !.. ?;..:t . i *-,? *a.:v! 4.7? A. a 4 Cash quo K wht-ut, m. 31c. ?-N tilt**-. . -, . \., . : t, 2 ry. N I ' ?'.-. :'". Mi -?hol I -I ?rt-. le Sides, I ?x. ., ?. . ? hoi-lied g.|s, per K ?a..n. ?i. . un, hung. I ? 12-1.1 ' . a-?'? i-.'". TUL COTTON MARKET?! LIVERPOOL, October 17. 4 P. M Ci Bpoi i-i fair ?i m a. prl,, ? ?. . ? a but? - which itlon ind ? Amerlc; Including ; Ain--? I .. and do?, a tii m; Am? rl in ml dllng, low mUldllng clause, ? ?ctol a ; .'-',1,1.. sellers; u< tolx i and Novemb. '. i-'.ia, sellers; November and Decemb? i - nib.-r and Jana - II. r . Januar) and i'- bi . i - i'-'"i ry and March, ; l :?.l . tellei and Mi I '! ind Jun kl . valu.-: June and .n.i i .lui? and Augu ?. 3 S M? A . ? '. alue. NEW TORE, < ? '-a er 17 '?III -'" ' ' !.-ll U If TlM.ll' ' " V. II ?I t period of dulne, was unuauall) active, with ? ? ?penlng st. adj, wit h Novemhi ? u m irked : - the ? ail pi,? t e,|, a, ai b) ll.e tllll- |ds ?V. Sai urda) i mov< iii.-nt ? on? li u a. followli until a n- i ad van? rent, a h? n - eallstng ? in on ai . 1er it prie tl] Ri ? alt h Invest ' N- -n t] I i he m ? i ! m Bun, ? Among tl f to market we ?"III I enced, wbll. from I re ci only i . DUI ? ?I,..?, the ' " . ? . 11, : -nil mi, y n.i im ? ? i n i ? a M j . a g . ; . - NEW ORLE.*, n tr 17 ?Tutui N,,v, ml,, ti ?? i '. mbi ? M ,i ?lay, *' * NAVAL STORE HARKI * NNAll OA., ' " ' ?" I 17 Sp:. of Tiirp- ntine Firm .?' 30 : IptS, 761 , . mi and none; i .'IIAKLEST' ?N S ' 17 -Tl pentlne?-Firm , Quit t and L sal WILMINGTON, N. C, ? ' t_ Spnit- ?,f Tui'i? ntine Firm receipt-, :;, ?a?k?. Rosin Nothing ?loin?; ri-c-lpts, 'jv t>; Crude Turp-iitin- Firm at |1 b/'/ll. receipts, :.'; barreta Tar Steady at 111??, r, c? Ifctts. St bt I? lr>. N??ilFi?LK PLAN! T MAKKLl'. N'< .LI . ?LK. VA , ' ' fobs r 17 (B| ? I Peanuts Faratara1 marke? , itrlctl? prim?. -V prim?, common, 1Y"-V ; Spanl?h, ?JOc none feting. Dornend I? geatL but old ?tot are low, and the i.? as ?lop Will not ready for market b?.fore the Ulli or 2* of Nov.-niL.-i. PETERSBURG. TOBA?CCO MARKET PETBRSSURO, VA <> l*hm E ?St clal.l-.Market -.tead? ailh fairly BO receipts for the season, ouot.m.'i Commoa to inediiim lug*, 11.S? to ti good to An?' lug?. gS.SO to P.. poor sh? leaf, gi to 14; fair to good -h?>rt leaf, to Pi: medium to goo! wrapper*, 17 H m ,?1 t.. fine wrappers, gui to I medium to good ?hipping. I? to $10. gc to fhie shlppms. |l2tV) to }1?. DANVILLE TURA''?'?' MARKET. liANVH.LE. VA., Oetoher IT fa>tt*it Quotation? of loos? market ?re: Wn j - r? Fancy, potreo, g????, ???wo?**?; n?* dium. Il ?.i*": "lani'ii. Ill-?111. ?'Mere (ioo.l tl'"?; . 'min"??. ?.liWi???'? *'?- Cu*ter?v Fanc'v IIMitl-v Hmokers. $r?tft7. K sports :. MtpoPtpgnetnte, Utttl. _ MVftOLU l'EANUT MARKKT BUPJrDLIC, VA Oetoher IT. (Special) H Lisr?-pleke 1. fun:. *?'-? _> *? ~-*C.; Mr hellt?!, N"- 1. ?I**-?, So : 'l-l..; .?U-nl-h sh.-lle.l, NO. 1, 4 1-.'. Iirn, fancy. ::!-'-'. .. prime, .-.. gpsalsh, 75 to ?H:, bushel. l'KTBRSBina PEANUT MARKKT. 1'i;ti;i;??mi i?;. va. ?Ortober it t?ta , t.,1 , m mm ?I at "o ! 1-tC. tor b.?t ? leh I mi?.ai al oes. PBTERMBURG ' TTON MARKET. PKTER0BURG. \ \ . < ?? cher 11 (S| clal.)??'ottei, I-'i: -i ,,t le. lor good lot*. ?" . g o r? PITgPT PASSRXUKR-1 'Il Ml on ?he Hiei,in.?i>.i. Petatahawaj aad ? n ro11 un. PETBRSBURO, \.\. Octohei VL 0jfO ciel.) The first train .-arrylng paaSgagere the Kl, hm,,n,l. Petersburg and Car olina railroad was run fr?>m this city 10 lay, A ni?o r .f j,cop,o 'it and apeat the ?lay at Uinvil.ldie Court I te splendid iron bridge <".? r stony et ? n aosaph ' 1 The posttton ,.f Coroner, <>f thlr? city. It b) :h?- de ith of Dr. I??'i?th. will be Sited b) appointment by the ??o.? arner ?r.?m ona el two saaaea leeegp 1 bj tli.- J.i.ltjo of ?he Husttrws ,'. It is u :he Judge ?-?lit have the i ral applh ants foi a. The otile '..i worth ir. An oi?l Hanasataa? iiumed. w ARSAW, VA., ?> '' I ? ?n old homestead, belonging to Mrs. Qeatetrteve B, Mitchell, miles from Warsaw, was burned i ranee, $5.V, In the Vlr? gi ,e Insuranee Company? Nearly tenta u mend, \ lloy Pntnltp W.iunHeal. WINCHESTER \ \ r 11 (ftp* rial.) Robert Chapman, s 14?year>ot?! I. u?,.lly sil.?t Slid fatally h ,me ol i 'avid Oruber, s. this couniy? ?. nlng. The shot was Pr? ! by Benjamin Cllne, s playmate of >*ouna Chapman's, during a friendly ?cufiie tot Basa, I'l I I RVES4 I.M 15 AT MtDRID. Military CtubS < H?lelas? ?..,?> rnmen) for -lluiiilllntliia l'eace.** BATON NB, October 17- Advices r?? here .''r.nti Madrid point to effer?? nee In mlUI iry eireli ? thT**. Many mllli iry i luba opa ily erittdge the eov.rn? for u they nn "humiliating ; M Irtd flenv th* report current on the Continent that Captain? I ' !.. '1. rs well. Pec?le have learn?*?! th it : ' ' irfy Rlsei . ' pill I for r. ?-'ilatlnR the bos natlpettoa, and riefe headache. ' ni gripe *tl *? 'M*. 1\TKI.MI.KVC?. MINI y TU RE ALMANAC, OCT. 18, HIGH TIDE Bun Fet.? ..... \i ?rnin -. I I BvtnUna. PORT OP RICHMOND, OCT. 17. \W. \i:i:i\ ED, Bt? un. r Rii hmoti i. Hiller, N m I I ON Domh my. Bt? ..n.- ' w m-, 'a Ulmmon -. Phllad I? ne i eh Hid , . is U Lin. " J. R 7.1mm - t .' li. Haw. . i E. . E'hllad. Inbl i i s i ? H BAILED ' ' folk, m. >' h in?ll "I, . '.?m; .-1? im, i itl? i.ii. Toi merchand I j 1 ,"mi,ii,.n bteumshlp r - u iltlmor?. Phil ii.,-., via Bar? Ifundi -t. i POM 0~ NEWPORT ?NEWS, OCT. 17. (By telegraph.) ARRIVED, 1 don. ton Bark Marl mg, r 11.*L I 'lilnntoa. .*?', h"'i' C. y liant. W , hlngtoo ?Sel.n? r General B, K. M-rwln, New X..I k le, \' s? Y Tk. ):?. , i.. Partis New York. grhoone Kl i * A. Pelmei, Most,m. S't.tier Marjorie Brown, J'i'ivt.ience. Boh se M. Grant, Portsmouth, MarK' Kingston, New York. BAILED, Steamer Irirla, Oa Ht. nn Ftotl T'hm d' ' B Grant, loKsmouth, Mar?..- K? nui' kv, Providence. Bari . i'"'\i'i' - PORT OF BERMUDA IH'NDRKD, VA.. c.'ri 'i:i.i: 17. Ml, (iiy t? legrapb ) - ARRIVED. I Morris l'erot, Randolph, te i?'.,.i pine wood. Barge ?Jvenboe, Meyers, to load pine ? Baltimore, ?'ara, to loa.l pine WOO?S< SAILED. tier Virginia Rulon, Leek, lumbre. N. ?.?. Hal S't.n.-r Morris, poping and pina ?ro I, Wilmington, Dei pout OP WEST POINT. OCT. 17, 189*. ,i ARfciVBD. Steamship Beltlmore, Murphy, Bait!. mon i - - and gem ral ? .ago. BAILED. Morphy, Bsltl i '?'KO. IIMMH). MONEY TO LEND <,N BICHMOND CITY REAL ESTATE I Apply to T. M WuRI HAM .-c CO., i: ,i I.-' ,t" and Loan?, 'I T- , t. * V_?p ?fter for Sal?.~ Savings Hunk uf Richmond, National Bankof Virginia Stock, Virginia 3's, Virginia-Carolina Chemical ( umpsajf Preferred ?S Per Cent, Norfolk Strept Railroad Isl V?, Charleston and Western Caroling 1st 5's, aadeabee attrar-tive InvestaaenteecerUtea, John L. Williams & Sons Bankers and Urokers, kichmond, Vg. _ ?fe-"'Tu.Il)A**ii|_ LANCASTER _ LUCKIER ?ASK t Hi ASI) BHOKI lt\ HUT Mala street, Rlchiaoad. Va. INVESTMKNT BKCUR1TIK9 OP AVh KINO? DKAUT IN aad BOUOHT AND 80A.U ON COMMIHAION. IJOAHH NEGOTIATED ON COLLAT?. HALB AND CITT PROPERTT. fe M Tu.TI.ABu I Richmond K>?- Kar. and Throat> aim Dtspaasar, (.M'tail- l ? tiik,,i TBTANDIMO MaJSiUSOS uni INSTITUTION are herehg ?ll?d is fo? rapttOB. Th?-> will b*j puld. ?alih In terest, on oi bet ors ?he fc'ril or* N"% fc.*a? I.Kit. XUPi. at Which lime Inter? ?t WU| cease to a?-? rue j ii ROMTAUL'E, Treaeuree, oc O-SuhW-it 5 iioiih Tenth sigeet, -