Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND U1B1?TCH-T_?,art..f. OCTOBER 18. 1898. T i?, i aaa. < 9oo l?RoiS A M ?v7iS .--, feivtf ANiti t?".Wc rrirparalionforAs iting Uic?aKxl-andKf ?juti _ S uiuuiLhs and I3owcl_ _f JSl-.W IS ( HII.DHI \ IYC'tivHi'sl^ittfStion.CliprTfiil and liest. Contains neither i.Morphine nor >Iui_?il. ?a'OT NAItCOTIC. For Infants und Childro The Kind You Have Always Bought jMstpt or nu lyzi/aTzmcBza Jiiinfiin Sail' yil\ I. a ?_ uis > 'jJA * ?_ ,., ?ass /<?n?f* Remedy forCon*tip? Sour Stoinach.Di?i. ?V?innsjCoRviibk>ns.Ft^erishrj ondLOSSOFSUEE Pac S ature of NEW YORK. A Ms m ?i i? 11? ?. ?? I tl JtACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Have Always Bought. GASTi THICINT?USCOMP?N?. ?IkVVOSSCTV 4 ?> ? ?> Now is the time to prepare for t winter. Cold weather is here, and 4 yon should get your itoves spl early. 1 he only genuine WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER is handled! by ns and is the most economical 1 wood-burner on the market. Ca ! and see us and we will show you I the FINEST LINE OP WOOD-i Prices in The bestl t BURNERS in town. keeping with stoves, floods for Lowest prices. 1 eriDWir. & brown, \ *> [ Sole Agents for the Wilson neater1 t Headquarters for steel Roafing, Poultry Netting, &c., 1557 EAST MAIN STREBT? RICHMOND, VA. S . . V ? THE SONG THAT REACHED HER HEART *g MM^C__St_ ?^ _ aaj 1 , i practiced with her lover with the accompani ; of soui-toui'liii g, swe. t-toned Kingsbury Piano. Toe man with s oily of daughters thai he wish? a to Bee settled comfortably for life -I1011I.I ti-\ the effect of furnishing them s Kingsbury Piano. A fine ma? sici.'iu with s beautiful voice and ;i Kingsbury Piano doesa t need a pretty faca Call at our fine warerooms and nine these wonderful Pianos, Cable Piano Company, 1 >_ Successors, to Richmond Music Co., i?. I OKI I \*, Mgr., - - 213 t. BrOdd St. _ t O 0900 000009 *m HOME AMUSEMENT A word e it h j on -it is about PIANOS. Werepre s.-nt the celebrated Stein way, Knabe, llar.Im,m, Kim ball, and Haines Pianos, the finesl that brains and oapi ta] can produce. Do you feel that you can afford to purchase a Piano ?,?, it bout looking over our stock? An . .?ik*?> Amunemeoi i ??i Old ?un? i nun?) WALTER D. MOSES & CO. 10Ti M lin Street, Richmond, Vd. coaaaeoooo c ?a *i \ I THE ?>? i.iiMK - ?.i i i? i . n? legate? ?? r??? ? i -. a ? ?. - Prtsaaera ... it.- i > .?i i .>?.*..-. . - ?. I. . mmuiil from i , : .. ?\, i ' . . > . nor has i : ' t show I . '. .?...n to be in (Uli wot kin 1st ,- i t v the ? ; ivei n r Mil ?url and till ling the abildrea la i lb n?- what I rav* of the i n *u obtcuie cem?.u-iy wf i ii \i> M i\i nui M?**. Ib.- Police of llicliiiioiul I'll?- I lit in I |t on rfastlcs .lob it. ,. Jni : John bad many drunkt I I. n w < ase? of any im d }:.r-0'3 on ,. ins banda for boura at th? tina la (. ? lamea Moti ?B, and ?jb . '" .lohn i ' t Victoria !'i> I i with a km: .... I B ." s, at . , tat of golomon w ? ttriklni .. n w ;th ?i i,ii k, th? a? oueed ?rat -is. y -. l'ropeii) 1 iun?l?r?. BC Johnson and t.. Richmond Cbsrttabl? Di?on, 'a B J? ?.?un street, U II. i .lilt-*-?? and ?rife to lldrSSSi 1" acli-s In lower part ol II? nr : }...',. i v. a B. ?'in drees, ! i- Jor r wives te W. D . ajoudtig Joaeph ChlldreN and Othi re, MM W, (1. Maury and ?sife t?? Walter John' feet on 4 t, fjg j . 'i of ?vina, r, ) w tun.m a a ?:.? William Lam .?.?ter, ' \V Tall? ? to Mary K. I. , j t..'-. i, acr. i p.-'l road, *~*?J0. -| To I be Mate Council. '.'b.- f-*t.?t?* t'ouiirii t.t th?- Junior Ol ! r Of Halted Amer,can M? ?iBBBlai will meet in am.?mi canrantlon in Alexandria to- ? ? ad ??HI be In sesHun two a.,-,-. Mr. ? K'eelon. of tins city. U State i oun- * eiiior, and Mr Thoataa u Irey, of Pe t??*-!nirg, 1? secretary. ? About twemy-flv* delegates will attend from Ki'-htiiomi. I>*legat?e inn. stbsr cities SB ?B? to Richmond, makl-ig I n;? . parti Of about fifty There m? un j I suuncll? of th* oiuci litre, 1 i ATTACKS HR. FISIII'll. lll.S? II * Uli KO ('41*4111 4 11)11 A?s*4AI l.ra Tin; rjiir.i.i-i in Ma*4aoi.r. AFFAIR OCCURS ON BANK STREET. Th* Hallsany .?Ifignn t.-'s *s??ae t? II rok en .. ml II?- la Otherwise HUUi ire?l? Tue Attack the M? ?nil ot limai 1 c. lina Engendered ?lonlli? Ago, S, I. llobson. a form? r conductor on th.- j..k.side ?hranah of lastrad Railwuj and BattrU n?mremr. ggaaiiluil Mr. '?.< tge L. Flsher, gen, rai manager of the rail?\ay. in front of H. Baafe su- day, snortly before noon, and knocking him BOWa. M at him ?everejy about Hie face and head, splin tering the bone? m his noise, and other ?vis? bruising him. Mr. Fish' r emerged from the office of Mr. Aii-lrew Plaglnl, on Bank afreet, ana ' d up to Ninth to ? . . Ho liad gone but a BhOTt dlBt ii-ib rnet him, ar??l gftgf a Caw w??rds tho l'an to rain MOW! M the ne r employer. The ?Irgt ?'?ow kao? ked Mr. v.. m r don a, b ,' ? . ;. . -isl until BOm? "i.e pulled blm oft*, and ? Iran be Ra ?, an I Mr l**ieher ""rambled to n?- feel r waa covered with t i-?od, and his - . ra?? b. ?f than ?mi tbltig Hobaea wat Jolsad by a Mend, who baa ng f.?r blm and the two . o ?wn Nil ' it' i her hurried bach Into I ' Mr. . ?a the Richmi ..... ami J'-. 1 mpany, ?-...- a at for, Ha ttraaai - Burri d bit path at lo - - n. arada bun a-, oomfortablt aa mil. in ;. rassi " , latraie i ?ummoni I ?rar? rent foi Hobson i rging htm with : lonloue as '-it. MR n EH ION. Mr, Flsha th? <i-?y by a Dispatch man * euf ably from bit brula t, he ant ol th? d be: a Hobeon, uniII Isst July, Ha thi - win - a Itb me. Tnis wat reet, and i i to 01] an Impoi tant nt a. bank. 1 | :. thai 1 .-. : i B. i l him. )! a long ttory of grie? un? tl.a: hi i on.. . . blm be 1 bui . that, but i I th< msii R? asked If 1 s hear one of his frit n It it a? ? to .--.- m-, i to d blm i ?ul i t, I : . . a to n?' in: KM'.W HIM. "lie n,?-? m? r,n Bel > I to,' 1 rt pit, d Hi tl g to 1 - '. . 1 a bun y to cal ; would I lat. r. l think 1 add? a. H my <>i\. then t?. go i-a w.i. a. b il mj cam? in contad art! b torn? thing, Hob son'? foot, i think, which Impeded my ? i ild recover my? h? man bad kii" bed ttV BOB U H? then i n me sad m fan b immer lag n i ' . ' time in which ' It 1 i out: 'Stop, : Br? > ou doing " Hi eontlnu? m. psj Ini tlon to my until I cou a ii"? ?. ?a li I in my ?yes, p blm ?ff ' d i ?prang to my feet." HOBS ?N'l BTATBMBNT. Hobeon w< al ho hla h ?m?, No : -. Marshall atn 11, after th? dWIeulty, bul out te tin- f-'itst gtatlon li Hs was b tiled In th? sum ol M** for hi? apgs ai in ? In ti,. Police Court t?a- m ?m ig, but prior t" || iving th? station he Iliadi ne ril to I r p',r (, r: ' i Btn et Un? were die. bar? a on i> port mad? by t man who i em* ploj-a t,, do ; m- !'- ?i man nami d Otto, i Juatlce of i h< . . .?.ho is w? H ki ' pot t.-r.' Thi i ' .-'"t "?' mi ' ar r.r i''nal and ; ?, July -"-th. and took B seat by Mr Wr.-n to Wfa m b toi.i i.i-- b ind raBhad w rea if a man on the Ha? whom I not want 1 charg. "\\ ran n plis d that h? liked all the men on tii-- line. '!b- ?spotter1 th< a replied thru be did not lik. Ho!,son. and th bad hla rsporl mad? out with th tica of H"i.i'i badge ana numb? r. H? gol ofl al Bi oofci road and rai d? oui port from the L nd of Ih? im. i hrn which is r from ' to end Th.- following Sunday I ??.is told by Mr. Wilbur that hfl had or,!, rs from th? a , in,-, to hold ni" Off. I told Mr. tvilbur that J km a bow ana whan it wat ,! ne. li" tie n .-aid be w OUld look lb,- matter for in-, bul Wbsfl I BSBtBd If h? had dona so hi replied that h.- bad not had time. "1 then went lO at? Mr. Fl-di.-r, told htm how thing-? w.-re. and h? replied that i wat nol discharged, simply laid <?ff R? promis, a to look Inl ?natter, hut never did so thai i know ot why HI ?TRUCK him. "This morning i saw Mr. ?Jlsbsr on Bank sir." : aear Nlath, i ai him ami toi : him ??, ho I wat ami I i had Hin - .-'.. t ? .... a -,,. rery abruptly tain, a and ?aid, "Oh, I bare not i tlm? to talk t.? you.' i thea caught blm ay the aleev? and toi.i i him i wanted to talk burdaesa, Mr. Pish? .r i? plied: "I can't help that 1 have no tune t,- talk ' ' Fan.' H? v. ..?,1 lag in trout Of nu- and I struck him " The ass? arill probably be Im ird la the Coin t ttiis morning If Mr pi is sble to be preaeal Hobeon la about 2', built, and has ? ggod op ?a faca When al the station 's, und talk?-?! calm ly und intelligent!?,- ab "it the trouble, it wi.s known 1-. the local Officer? of the n,1 Railway ami Electric C panv that strong f.. ling prevail..! imong some of the eonduetora Mr i'i-ii-r .na that there ana Bf an ns-ault ?,?lng made up, rt han ?! reated tb? ?natter lightly, bowers* - lug that he did not think there was any langer. WEDDED IS THE i:\vr iad. Ill?? I'ooilnuin He.t.iiic? the II .1.1.- of ?Ir. I'rHiis-e? *teater?lia> ? I lei imoii. .Mr. T. D, l-'taii-es, Jr., ami Miss Al* tildar c c?",.dm.m were ?*aarrl i yee trday afternoaa at I JO r/etook, at No. IN east Oraee ?ir?et. It? v. M A-nby pastor of Lalgh Street ibipu-i burcb, i ? rfo-iin a th?- eereraony. Th? b'i'it is a tlaijg!'-er .?f Mr. I.,- , ?, oitiiii.n. ami is an ai ti a.-tive lady, | | , ?ting i B4*at ffieadt and waU*wlah4 i i F , ampl '>? '- of the Card ,tU Machine ?'ompauy, and > j iaa ..r tin character. They ta-ft on lb j jo tram of the I >nth4 ni i ... t tar i | i,i I oithfcin cit.. .-?. After the honeymoon ?h?y will return j j ml reside In Kn-hmond. : .- -, i .. I Mrs A A. Kskrldge. Mastt-r Boasleut skrl.lge. and Mis Berti? IVIleol Of [million, are stopping with Mrs, L. .. BosbIlux. south Third street. J c DUFFY'S PURE ^.MALTl'SKEY m FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL Por niiilariii and l??\v l?*veri*?. lor |?ii?'iinioni.i ami ?hill?.. i ??i- ii. <i o? >ii?ni u h ?i iroakneaa. It luis m? ?i|ii;il. ?Sriid ibr illii>lrat?*?l pamphlet. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. AFE URE PEEDY MME. LE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Falls. INDORSED BY THOUSAt.08. Tw-ntT-fi?*? e rtnt ?tamps triar? trial pjckap, and , I ikcptic?l cf tnair wo,.n>rfu. rrr.p ri- -?, A Will I a' i *i? I'.' ' ' - t . .- *,.--. .?. I ....... and ! ' ? ' trial packaga. s-?,.. .? - r.ain|>lilrl , taiaiag Vnluab.r In.ii.,,, I ; foi aala in RlefteneM by poli: un* UCfi DHVO ? V. nay It W TAA i*?itTu.TIiA.S-i3ta?*._alt,iir CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ORAS6 SEED, VIRGINIA WINTER sr.fil) OATS, WHEAT, RYE, Etc. H't m 11 - .' ,'"'. ialty oj II. ,/ - ?CraaU FIELD SEBD, Write us h rttfnj bay I ? N. R. SAVAGE & SON, \ GRAIN AND S:U) Mi RIMANTS, I ncnMOMD, va. .(B''#i'a|'#i'C****<'j''<a"0'><B ? #???< **#"? ce '.- 18a?,?1 HA W 111/ wk headache Positively euro?! by t?eso little Pills. Tie*/ a!?o relieve I>.-tress from Dysp-rpsla, t_digeationend Too Beert* Eetbf, A per feet rrtns !> for Dbstnee^ ?Neniee, Drowsl ne3S, Bad Taste in the M nth, Catc-al ToBgM Plia in the Side, TORiiD I.IYIR. **gg* Rcgtdete the bowels. Purely VefetaMe, 'mull P!!!a tmpJ! Prlco. Substitution Alic- fraud of the t\sj, See you get Carter's, Ask fur Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Tills. (Th Sa Tu a w) TASTELESS a _?B r\ a ? s*-_ km IS JUST AS COOO FON ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRIG* SO etc Ail?. Ii it,., Nur. lit, ISti. l>?uaMo?1lrln-?r.,., ??t l.<?..- 4 GantlOiDen: Wn (old lui /cur. W Ix-til?, o, - T?.-i Kl.tCi.'?' CU 11.1. TONIC fand )'*?> . la ?car. In all ?war ?.-* m il,?- dr..?, ?XMtoeai ba??> paver, 14 an amela that gar* au, h ?alTwaalaali? Ucu?.?, m /wur raste. Yoi..i'rulr, it. (Una *co (Je 7-Tu?Ftm) IMIMIIIII?iiiiiiiiiiimiii?...iiii..?.iiiiiii?iiiii<?i>??I??1*; OR. FRANOK'8 \ Grains of Health | Ih*-??- little (silla ?ill BpmSA* cura \ CoDSilpatloQ, CoQSCSiicf), Headaciie. \ I. ICKWR4 A CO., *? * Vorl? l leray, Pari?. ?iiili?iiiiiiiiiiisss?asissasi?s?stssii??is?ii?s,isssissisiaaisr _(oc HTii,.?> " 1 pesase lee **** ** - ist ?^-w?*??-** if?'.'e. 5. ULLfUNS' SOiV? uno? i:ut iiiiu.Ant. Headquarters for Low Price; ?U_ CAM ?--A. I U I'EK CENT, t BUTIMQ V.iL'Il ?JaJOi-S FiluM, TU OLD RRUABLR. Qrsaalater] Basar, per pound. I -limon . f Bee, p.-r pound 1' is?*w Ralalaa, per pound . ? flew Virginia Buckwheat, pound.. ; i_iun Cotlve. 1-pound pap? r?. 1 Urd?,,;,, , ',,un'.y Creamer) Butter ib?-?t on tl.. manteu. per poind ... Ii He?Kcr * Prepared Buckwheat, p> r Package . s Carolina KISS, got pound. t ' ' . k? r i . S Ham? -Made J? lly and Apple Butter, I" r pound. 3 .**?' w Bomln Oriti p.-r pona L ' ' ' laSrd, p?-r pa,,,aal . I email Best Klngan's Ham?, pound . u St .ir? ?el! t.. m te;, for '2? ?-mall ll.iii!? por pound . " ki't, with ?? ;ug, p?-r pound . 1 New Codfish, p.-r pound '. I New crop New Orl.-o.tia M per Kan?,it . 9 x 'r^:i, * Comb ii pound.... 1 K'.lla-'l Oata, p??r paekaga . 4 Kirk's Am. rlcan F unity Bo ?p, S "?i for . ( 2 b?rs Ki?,-h>'n Soap, for cleaning., ? per pound.. I h 'amp. > r. . ,\ .1 .1 .lly. p.-r at . M 3;pouiir* con J<?!iy . 10 Tt> ' ike )'..' nl Family Flour, it'* fine, i r barrel.4 00 or, per i as . 25 I- < > Ir.-h Potatoes, per p?-? k. ! or [. r bush? l . M ' ' M 'in or Toncos, p?>r can_ ? Quart-, ai i Map! . Wooden Waah-Boards, tnia v?'??-k.... i l'r-xii 9 da i er pound... fi New ' ' .i. d Ni w it, per quart . r N- .'. Ton ito. -, par i es . * . 7 Silver hint; llinaeeota Pa'i-tit V;?mi r ra'l . 4 25 or, put bau;. 2", Try our J-tTaraoi? Spring Wheat Patent Flour, bent in the world. psr barrel .4 H "!. i ' I k . 211 ' < \- -i Mustard S.irdlli.'?.. I PB, ka.; . 3 N'r.-vr Litnburger I iad. 1 gO Bottl. I Al at!?. ? _. I 1.1.MAN'S SON. i_?j am? ua UASt .MAi.N rrtuuvs. Up-Towa Cl'.ore, jjC ?-Mat Marshall . It ?sill pay jrou ?litd r ? ?n? of our completa price-lists, {t'a r, guiar monsy-saver inn n-BivTii*Th> 1 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' H -in: OKOn i i: ami SCALP ? I BAM I l< am th" "t.iv i reperattosetbat ?ill rontore Ike batr to Ua ?reinal heiltir ?aindition. 41 all nui unis re*. i ' ' -?*'.' 7-.11 y DeWitfs Little EARLY RISERS The fara-iue Tittle pills. Cure bil'.ou r.'-.-?, headache, conetipatioD, iodlge ti m, he.mhum and torpid livoi. Wry small, vervsafp, very sure, Most popular pill ever made. r?"pared bv E. O. DeWlt? A Oo? aoxoto DeWlii'a Witch Ii-uel balre. DEPARTI III: OP ITRAMMS, LD DO M IM? BTBAMSHIP OOMFAIfl O X DAILY LINB por NKW YORK, EXCEPT Bl M'AV Paaaei inn?>n.i dal aka and < >>' at ? A. M . or Richmond ai i illroad Notf"ik and Wea i i? a. U.. connecting ai Norte with <?i?! irominion Una iteam. : ama avsnlai si I o'< li k lot New York ALL-WATSR ROU I Btesmal Ip I timond lesv< i Rlchmoi every Honda* si "? P. U, u,r N. ? i via -i imi - i Ivor, ,. - ,1? at Ul'hmonil Tri-i-r ,'. mpa aast si rest! Cha p..,k.. '"i Rlchmoi .,i,i Petersburg ' oad d ?ota and company'* office, 1212 ? lai Main atret Richm agi chi'ckad through. PREIOHT for N- w York and all pointa beyond e I,.- ahlpped by ?Hi r ?aiiinK fro Richmond ? ? ry MONDAY at r? p, .\i amer leaving Hi Urn i d eva WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY ? P. ? for Norfolk, con: th Bt? .,ni?<r f? New York \* in|i i on.? hour before aalllr i-'re-t-rht reeelved and '-?rw-ii?!. I ai rh bu:* of lading i m d for ? - ?-a (torta ' PRi ,\t NEW YORK Passeagera can leave dally exeepl Bui I p M. (Saturday l P. M ? I Ik or Old Point C mf' ; m? with Norfolk and Western rsllroa . ?. and ' 'i'!?? rail- ,v , at, amer (vi i .1 imea-rlv. r rout, - ITURDAY '? y M (psi i fr, ight), and fr, r? via S'orfolk every HONDA and WEDNE8PA1 at :i P M N North river i a und forward? gundaj K?r furili'-r tt!?V"-n:.i I'-n apply to j.ili.. 1' MAYE 1212 eaal Main mond, Va. a-?- *j Oulllaudeu, Vlee-Pre Ident in Xreffic ^, ij ' " '' N'' _ \ '"" ' paiLAU-U'Uii, 1U(JH-__?15_fc MOin> AUV NORFOLK SH BTRAMSRIP COUP v.vy. Ar.o?''' ' ' " TUE! PA?.- PRIDAY, at day II I ". M berth), |*5 o Prlday'i ""1 s,) ,.?,,,. forth, r Inl ' to 1 ' r 'r J. \V. Mi'ARRIl n Agent "' ? v ,. , , Qenerej Ag? : " . V I1R6IIU MVIGITMI COIPAM!. JAMl;S RIVER IMV USll. Kt.a?iner PU''AII"-V. Alli.N' DAY * ? EDNfcSD ttY. and F1U? ?, ' ml. tot Norfolk I Natwpi'i i v" Jamea .,*. and - -'., H'UI . , .a. tha night a . Aliarf. Para ?i |i io Norfolk. M ?lml " . is?d i"r .. imed pla?ai . , . ! pointa la Carolina? IRV1 A. H D "'; * AMERICAN LINK. I t-.i KXPKl **" *** i?? ica. -.KW *i(?KK. Mil IMAM I "IO H'M'UN ) ailing \l?-?ji??'? j_>? ?t it' a? M .. .O i. ? St. I'mil....... . N^t a: f..]. .o,-?.'.'?? Pant . Sea :i nt/l-oui?.No?. HI ! ?t. tame? .Dec. naiiiuc eeiasesif *t 11 seas? Ktiyniau'.o-i Wl'Seg alase Oat SI UED STAR LINE. N-W YOHK-ANIWKKI* tvei*? U ?on?miar at I N?-?on W^r'HNL'U..O.t. It? ; M?oH1)I.ANU...Not. S .,. KsI-aUl? ?.0 i-.'?Il ; ...N?jv li Tub*.** etean??'? ?-airy aalf ????????I- ?i?' tturd ,-laaia i?-- ' Bf *> turn r" L*4TS??s?ArioNai.?iAVi iino?t?a, l*iera 14 -.u i l ?. *??>'-i ?van O.-' . -? '? ' i i ?r.? ?j, ?i. C. W. ... :-\...... . -? ' ).. aikl?-iu.Taai>al7 tttcU?oaA. ?V?H.KOAD T.lM.s. i?uruEii.1 RAIL .A?. ?TatteshUt* BSnatlTs October u, t'a?!*. TMAI.*aS LU A VI? 141? Il MON I), VA. '?MO A. M., Nu. ll. douta daily for Atlanta. Augusta, and pointa Houth. ?i?-*per Rlchraoad to .'anvil,e, Uiaensrjoio', ?Salisbury, Charlotte. Columbia, *" ? Dieeper open at 9:3?) 1'. -M. n**f> ?I ?I! stations l**t?*??n Rlchroon l'aiivilie tj cake ou and l?i ott i >'?,. Connecta at Danvill*. Salisbury, ssith th? W_?hln ami -?ouihwsatsi n Limit N - ? 1 'r.jing sleepers New Vorg lo A*h*-/in*, n,,? Bprln, i'hatu nooga, and Naubvbie, New V-ak to Memphis, New York t., Non ??rleans New York to lamna, and first-class day > ? ach b?tw?an ?\ ashington and Memphis Conne?? tton? ar? mad? for all points in Ti tat .nid Californ ?-?pen f - o-scupaney at s.)<> P. M ?-'O? P. M. No T. solid trahi dally for Charlotte N C, oonn?cts al Mcae l*y with Parmvilie and I'.iwh.itan railroad. At K.y-v'lle for riarks viile. Oxford, Henderson, snd Dur I un. ?nd ar Q for Dur ham. Haleigh. an! Wlnatoa-Bt at Danville with No. a.'?- United ? ?tale? fast mail. BOUd train, dally for New Orlesn? and point? gout h, which ? Mew York to New ?i leans, ?arid New York to J.i ,- ' . igl 31. , 8a list. ? m< iphl*! alae, Pullman t ,littst - ,.-r ? ? try Wednesday Washil -i to -'??I Ptauclst'O, II 'harne. woxt p, m n o i; local. "al,y vteopt Sunday, for Keysvllle and toter* TKAI.V4 A It It 111. VT Il ICH MO Si ll. I ???? A. M , ?i -'."? I' M . Prom Atlanta, Augusta. ?ahavlll?, I ?> v g -i Keysvll'.e and local SI I ' 1<>< VI. I IIKK.IIT THAI*4**. twa?B ?"stiT and . ?lie, YORK-RIVER LIMB m wm point. iiik lu.iiini; 1(4.1 ri: mirth. luv? in? u?ii?\d. 4:30 p. m . n,,. :?,, Baltimor? Until tally except gunday?, for . Int. ?lo re making el a? oonn? lion .m Monday?, Wednesdays, and i''nd?>3 with Btaaaaer for naiti ni". . ?rtth ?tag? -?i U Manor for ?Valkerton and Tappa hannock oi r i. laya, Thuradaj, and Satui I :t?? r \i . No l". local sxpresa, Mon t - '.'. ,.-.[. t, ind grids) s fei West Point and intermed station*. Connecta wit?i stag* at ..- t*r Manor f.-r \\ .. kerlon an?l Tappahannock; aUo, al We*t Point Wttb Iteamer for Pal!.in?ue. ItopS ut all stations. ." ou a. M.. No. at, local mixtid. Leaveg ?tad.? except bandai from Virginia? gtrs . for W? It Point ai"l ni'? r mad lata stations, i one Bitb stag? ai Lester Manor for ?\'"ii and Tspp?bannock, THAI.*? ? AltlllVK AT Itll IIMOM1. ?? 17 a m , gaily, lo.-to a m.. Wodaoeday? and Prldaya only. 7 05 I'. M., buly c?e. i t gunday, fr-.m \\.-i J' ml .rid nit.-riu. ? sta tions. hi .-an . \. t Point at P. M . w . dnesdaj ?, en.' grids] Ba tlm. al P v' i n ia>*. Thura* day a, and i Ticket ofllc? at station, fool ??f ? lr> alula Ire. Open from ? A. M. ta P il., snd from !? gO P, M to III A. M. City ticket a?et. Ml ? is?. Main ?treel . .n CUIaP, W. a. TURK, Truth Manager. Gen Paa? Agent. W. --'. GANNON, Third Vice President and . ..-n, ' . i Waahlngton, D, C ?. ?? WESTHL'RT, Tr v 929 e.i.i Main Street Iti. inn, nd, V.l. (oc_12)_ CHESAPEAKE AM) OHIO RAILWAY. l-.tTcctlve October 2, IKOH. thvins IMAVM no ii?iom?, iikoAH siiii:i t *?i ? nil's. t? ??o a IL, Dally, with Pm? . for Norfolk. Poi't.-ii "..' ,. Old i'tr*i'.t, N?wpe*>. and p* acipHl Bl ntlolU). C I? ,- . : Ut w'th New Volk steamer?, ex?.'???- Wiiu day. I M P. If., Daily, with Pullman, for local HtiUion, N, wporl New?. Old 1' '?*it. Norfolk. and Poi i.?moi;tli Conn? cts ?n Old I'-mt vi*a Wsshlng t >u steamer? dally, and wttb H Util mera, except Bund 10:30 a. M., Day Bxprsss, trlth Parlor lay, for Cllf* too Porga ' ' mi' la al ?.or al, for o?anse, Cul pep. i, Cal vert on, Mana Alexandria, snd Washing ton; at I .?.; foi I. ncfaburg; at V iwtl 3:18 P. M., Dally, with Pullman?, te Cincinnati, Loulsrill?, St. Loul?, - onna ting at gton, V?., tor }(ot gprlng?, | only al int sutl? na m- ,i* served on dining- r? No, BI??Bt train < 111? lo Staun ten, ,*?ao p m ' ,,,,.?, ., -.?i. except Sun* a.,v. f,,r Do*? ii) .'!? P. M., i ..H',, foi Cin? Inoatl, With r. v. x. Pullman? lu Hinton. w. V and O rdona*/UI? to 1 Ini '. n a Louisville, on dining* i - pt tunda). for hi ?tar, V.i , ,.,nd nt ?ovlngtoa, Va., daily, fur lltAIN- IMAVM i;i?.HTII HTKKKT -i ITIOV. loau a. M.. Dally, :.,i Lya bbewg. i^*x \ ' ind Clifton zaspt > isitn im kliigham m. 1 fion r*org? with No. i *0t !'. U , gunday, for c?>ium* i ? imAlhl ASUUVM AT in? ii?ii,mi. lilt?)All-*? I III I I M ? H(M. H:0O A. M., Bacept ?Suudaj, Ir??oi De** h BB I -.. tr>i? Cln? innati. 10:IB A. M., Daily, from Norfolk and at r.'IO P. M., Dally from Clmlnnatl and villa U Bit ;-. M , .'. ?, .'rom Norfolk and Old int T ?ft P M r,ft_y, from ("if tea Porg?. 1H\IN?J faltUIVr. i:b.MTI|.|THi;i?T ?TAI 14??,. ?, to .\ M 'ia>, from .'-?I M u .o v. M . i ?sllj. fi ?m i- ' bb . Ington, di.d < ., i exc?pt s from New Ca?tl? ?id R. HN T? r??TTK. Aaalatant Qenaral *J-.??- ? ?t*ent._ ?JBBJJIfl gll.PMIU WAIgg, rilOM THK OLV CJHgENlllUKR WHITE We hsv? thi? Water now ?a both quart and pint bottl??. fr??h frorr, th? gprln_t? PLB'-EII.. I ADD A CO., jy ; I? V? ?J. ? j Kt ?' ? A 'ASUI*a01'0.?a HIICPl.ACK Ml. Ai ?II*, III. ?I?U? AHI.SM? HOT-ADH H.UNA'--..*. HANtltH, COOj;iN0. AND 11 ?CATINO gTOVES, KE1IOSENB 8A,^V,.H Q&?WW PLUMU1NQ. ^?^l AND OA*V ALL KINDS REPAIKINO TKOMPTLT JOHN* MOWKRH, M 1-dtm_No 7 O ,v?-rn0r street. OL?? I'MCH? tfl BALE at )5c. PER HUNDRED at tb? DI8PATCH OPFICEL RAII.ilOAO LISES. Hby?MmMsm _3SB Mis?JstBCi^ Jss?-? VA. J *'?*?., I I AVE KKIIVHIM', imiii.**TKi:r.T STAT.IOR. ?: ? A. |f., RICHJJOND AM> N"!? "i.K VK.STIB1 LE LIMlT ' l> Arrive? Norfolk A. _. M.,po only at ret?;#s bu-.f-, Vl'averly. und HuSvlk **'?* ...ii?l-, luas ticket* no-t *_> ??, . w '?Pt. d ?m thl? triait, ???A M.. THE CHICAGO EXPRflP. for l.)sv-hburg. Koanoke, ?le lumb ??. and Cfclcaao. Pull man gl??x*p?t KajaiiOke tu '' > lumbue; aleo, f"i' i'.iiat'-l. /i?-.? .. Knosirllle. anal Ctmti?tniioga 7ajo p. *,, .-, , g^g ;k Nor!l)lk Mn,iT?-' ti !tiia..iijt* ?lation?-. arrives II -A a? .. ? -' ?'"?'l-t ??t 1" f*" I" -* ? ? P. M., l'or Lyncfcbttrg und Hog? ii"k>'. Connecta at R.,*?n.?ke with Wiiahlnutoii und Chat? tatiooga Uiiiii?,! r IlmgJl lr?l?-. per?? Roanok? to M? * plus and New Orleajix. Pull nian '*5l???'L>er botws-fn KM!fc* mon.I and Lyii'-hburg. end Ix'itii*' read) f?,r o'-cipsiiicy t IM P. If. Al?<?. Pull man Klerper 1'eteraOurg and Tra?na arrlv.? Richmond from I?ynch burg uid the Weal dally at t?.l? A. M. Una ?M p. m.; from Norfolk asid ?lie ?_t?_.?\1:<* a -* :'r"' VEBTIBULKD LIMITED at ?K. P. M. UUicc; m min an H IV. COURTNKY Dl-ilii' t r??.?eng?-r Agent. V 1!. HEYlU.. , _ ??-lierai Paaavnger A?rnt. . r''I "Mi. ? ; Roanoke. Ya ?r tf R B jb p Ricbmood, Fre?a? U.| l* U? 1 ?rtctisbir-et Htomr. ? ? asealMle in Effect May 10. Inm. I'.aik m un-* i in i. r ?itrio?,. ?.IB A. ?i., Daily, ,.. Washington po'.niM North. Stops ,.u|\ at Mllford an,I Pi urg. Pullman Hl.-a-ptrs to NeW \ SaS A. If., Bunde) only, for Waabtaf i"ii and k'olnt? north >f-opB ' -Iba, Alisa, Aah land, Taj loi -\i", i i? ither ?len, !'-, ' i,'. W oodalan, . ?:aine?, S u m m i t ii-, ,i, rk-kaburg, ?ii".,k.-. and \\ idea i?er. __,- Palli Utua A. If., Dally, except Bun Waahlngton an.' points North, .-t"|- X ?ata land. TSJ 'i \ 'I- ! -.?-v. II, Huthir ??la*t,. Pen?la Mll ford. W ,?,,i-i.,?) H u m m 1 t. I , ?;. ... .... .. Pullman , ,r. 1 --?H? M , Dali) . ?. .-pt Bunds/, for Waahlngton a n ,1 pointa North. Stop? a? i:il?a. ?,i.u Aii?.ii, AMiiruxi. DoeweH, M 11 for ?1. Ki.?a!a?rl.i???burK. Brooke, a n >. Widow I Parlor 11 r Aleo, conn? i t? with Congreaalonal limited rigton. T 12 P. lf? Dally, for and point? N \ hi ua), Doewell, .Mllford. I?**rederickaburg, Brtxik? ' ?l Wi ' i an?i ??tbet ata* tlona Bui ilayi Ble? p. r Hi, h moad t ' X' w fork AlllllVK BIBII SfsBf **T*TIOV *?.io a. If,, i ' m'- ' p- . ' w ii- water, i iickaburg, Mll f?<; .i, I '. iwell, Aehlend, and i. iukI other rtu mh da) - --'i' ' ! ' i N' m lorn i'? Rl? hmond ? 1.1 1'. M , I' ..1% ,. ? pi Sunday Hi,?pi at Wldswat? ; B r oaB . Pr. ilertckaburg i u m m I i, ?'.nil, ?.. Woodalane Mllf, I'enoia, Ruth? I ? i - v.? I I III.- Aehliind. <;i. n AM P >r l??r ,ar from W'a-I,Ingt,?n. 7 I? I' M., Dali) ??'topa Pes?s i. ' Does ??l A?h land i"i l-1'- ? i '?in i.- ' ! ur? frun New York H .'1(1 P. M . I?., v St?,pa 't M 't. a ' - mmlt. Oulnea, W o dalane, Mllford Peaala Ruth r II, t ?ylorst ,?:,? Alles :;ii. rni:i>i:iii?BAtXKVU *? ? omhohatiov 4 ?M> P. M I.? n I ' l-Btreel BtSl g-SA A M. Arrive? Byrd-Btr-aet i-'m \-iii im? i ii in?. y.) ?i IB v M . Le iv? ?, ?.iba W.S9 P. M I tve. ] il?a. u i<? a m . Arrlvea Biba. ?i ?M? f* M A?r?\? Elba \\ |? TAYLOR Trsfli? Manager I P [ ATIA.NT?C00181 s, 1,,-ilulr in Effect ? ." Kb inns. TRAIN?! I.I.A\K I'll 'II MOM??I MO*? III.POT. 7 30 A. M., Bund il ...- , iiv ?k?a a'l at?" ant U.OO A. M., Dally. Arrlvea I ?r?? 9 I \ M Norfolk It 2* A. || Bt, ;. uni} '' I'"'- i ' u-'. ?IT.>lk. Va. f? 99 \ IL, Dull) Arrl?, bura \ m Weldoa Uli Id., Fi l.-ll p, '.' ' '. ton ' ' " P M . i | ; . ? ? Port T uni , r. .o P M i4 , with X?. ! ' -r? iK I'.iiH1 "r"' -i 10 P M .. !' M Pull? gji eper Vew ^ utU to ksoBville S'SB P M.. D lly '?ocal. Arrlvea Pe? <- p, If. M'ikn all 4- lo F' M Union. Ar. I P. M. Make? all .1 -to P M I '?.. I ' ' ura c M P. M Mekee .?h tat .1 .all', (?-r? burg 7 no P M DaUy Arrive* Peteralrara l' ;.: ? on ne. u wu h : Intermedl ta, Euip"iia 9 ' " ?< on* with A aad I? f. r itatioaa b-iw?-. r Emporta Lawi ' ' atrille), ?A'.idon i' M , Kayetievllle 1 >?. A M . CharleMton ? 1*2 A. M. ?ya a A., geek? m? ip M . y rt Tenue H M. M IV LINE TO MIDDLM ,K?",1A l" >l NT?-* Arrlv Alken 1 ? \ m . Auguaii \ | St., It I totg L 15 P. M. Pullman pera New York is ivii? I p .1 , K>.,t.?.!ll.-. Port rami i. Alken. Auius'a, and .n. .?a i? u I?allv Arrlvea Patarabursj 'j II P M.. Weld",, UM f M Mskei i"1 ' atopa be? tween Pateraburar anil Wei? _ liiip ?. Pally Arriv?e Petereb'irt i: .'. A M I.ynehhiirg Ii] A M it itiok?; 7:15 A M l rlit' I ' I'uilma? prr Richmond to L> h i ire TnAi>*? kRRlVB mu iiMoi.n. 4 ?H? A M.? Dally ii.'iii Ja kaonvlile, s_ v.nneb, Cbaritaton, Atiant* >U,:un. Auguala. ggsj al. bulti'a Booth. H 15 A M., Daily. e*?'ept ?unday, At lanta, Athena, Raleigh. It ii. I.inchburg, and tbt Ua . a .17 K. M Dally P?*t?.i*?burg |<y,?a; nao A M-. Sui??lay ??nly from Atlanta, ii?, Halelki.. llfnile.-tj?-,*-, Lynrhburg. ar.?l the Meet i OSA. VI. Dally. Nurfajik. Suffolk, mm P?-i?ra_uri*. 0 40 P M ' ' " > Ja krof.vllle. Bavan? nah. Wlltnln? ???. Oo'.daboro', and ah pointa Ho'i'h BMP. U... Dally, N.-rfoik. Suffoilt, Wa \>ily, and P?.ier?>mjig. g .IM P. lt., Dally, Peler%ajur?c. Lynch h'irst. and th.- ?'. o on A. M , Suivlay a?.-.-omniu.lallo? 7 ?tO P M., ***?-ii.lav a. Commo.lattoa_fe . It KENI.Y. T. M KMEK?Of (<i?ueial Manager Traffic MhuA II M. KM lit-?'??; General P?as??nger Ag1***??. ?v H CAMPBI 05 11 Dtvlalon Paaeenger A. Ordere for printing aer.t t<? he Ola? ach Company will be given prompt at ntlon. and the atyle of work and prices III ha aura lo pleaee you.