Newspaper Page Text
st THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, OCTOBER TL. 1?9?. hnpA THE EXCELLENCE OF STW OF FIGS is.litc n >t oale t-. t v lit lll*> t an i skill seil h which it is ( atlas i"v i i t?i the ('AUf.'i'MA ri.* Srntrr ? ml On wisli to i 111 ; >: ? ^ DDOD njf the t and origins] reiue-lj, As the fennine Svrnp ei I annfactnred l>v |] Stump Oa ft of that Cast ? i'l un? in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured 1>V other pur ti.-s. Ti ? hi ?'i stAiii?ii?* of the I tXI? Bttaai \ ?. a lib Um cal profession. | which the genuine BvmpO?FlgS has a/ivrti to BtillioDS "f families, taaASTSS the BSBLM < ' Um < ? 11 i.iriy S j/caniii! y of tin- i of its remedy. It is fur in Batvai. i- l.i.xntivi-s, u> it r\.t* on the kidneys, 11\*r and bowls sritbonl Irritating orwi iuv"" them, i ' bT-P0- nur nsnsf sis, in order to gat im beneficial ? fT.Tt- ber the n:i!'." ol I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ?1\ IKIMI-li'. ?'al. aWBSJBMII IS. B| I y va \IINK, N. V. l?e i i a Th A 8a ly A- BH BWtOBr) FIMO AFE URE PEEDY IE. LECLUR'S S FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. [HD0RS?D IT THCUSA.O!. lui prop-I Twsii'T f.v- S cent \ o > I K1 i an l'ii i 1 - . bSUmp?I l'niii|.l.l. I i { Valuable luloriuailuu : da '.i R bmond by POLK MUr LLK ? R my U W F e*alt,ar BPMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a lion of the .lru^. by which its I the inoeVns, : aera of O] im, but :. 00 : - it Is ?in Invalu i I by tu* i ... FERRETT, Av;cnt, ;>7i: Pearl St.. N??\v York in... -!-: m) | OF lntnV- rvns?t I,o I..., -lio I?..i -,,l.|l.i. ejmj/J.Wfl i , ? i Pf/sntfal I.", liiriliar ' , i ..- "i SB tlm in,I > I rim IBS lo" ? -. :'. 1 SB Ida Bp I til? Kullt.? ->>! ,||. I'm i-. .?.? i:ne IIrouot. i i m til i; a \ ? ?>, Bg-30 M. ?iliirtio st.. n. \ . , , bao !tj_ PEERYB PI&aWT Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE25cK PER VIAaV tap 6-Wat Sa ly) SIC? IK ?lmOmL^[?O?r^?S?m'?x PosiUvHy cured by tbc&>0 JLittlo J'ilU They also relieve ] sJstaasg from Dsaj i;- ISndToo ll'-aily Kitlnj. Apt*. fan, a If for ] ..c-.u.-n - Substitution ! iy. See you get Carters, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Garters Little I ?ver Pills laK I'.ari.KS a,?,u tsa.1.,. al ISC. I'EJt ii ; NDIU ' tat ll-.u M BATCH ?, HAS MADE HIS MARK. ?APT. COIIXIMJ Wt?MO? HIC.II B Ol AnTI.HMASTER'? I1EI?AHTMK.>T. I HIS BUSINESSLIKE METHODS afhgf Have llrouahl Him Sinn? Com plliin-nl? and Promotion--\ iralnli lllsliopa F.lrrl?Hit)'? BajBlilP BOS folk Publie HiilMlnK. WASHINGTON, D. C?, October B. (8p? , ..m w. m. OoniHag ha? nn : rh In the Qua I tl rtn BBtOPi liepartment and n ?le, hi? ?lly good im presatoa among ths blub ofaotata In thh branch of tl.? Btrvlca Since the middle ol July he ha? ma?le live trips from difi? r.-n the- I'nlted .State? to Santiago Eon,, BBS Jo IB, and other ports In Cuba and Porto Klco. In the outgoing voy ages he I rkei and transported t' ind ten thousand troops with Eifln In the cate oi uny other ?Ulcer in the quart?rrn.iMcr ser and no loss of ?if' return trip he has brought ba? k targe bub :> while at sea, and if oal] one life. barga of the Ber lin, on the 16th of July, ho found that the ahlp bad oa board two eut.. erltb their The men hid ; off. the officers Wtrt la . - en a of dltcipllne. A '' ' **>B" dltl? Bything but one neta CAPTAIN COULLINO'I METH The Barita dn ' Iht river some two i for a high r i at anchi r C iptaln a thorough Intp? tk?n of and their quartere. Be found iat the in, that tl to, and that the health, if v lid 1"' I. He held -,' n full report of all the to the quart?minster tins that one of ark< 'l to relieve rh- ?situation, and that the Berlin would Bdltloa t., tail. ply to carry . WblCh he did ! with only one regimei UCh limited tupplil s . for. To hi day <t two, ti eg] ted, and he to t ikt quart? rant rao to m ikt up ''les of the commis? id had no cook . ling, ?"it of -. had three wann meals I i them; had the ship per lende I the men In itlitl. MEN PR< ?PERLT FED. in all hit i ul - qui nt vo ii" plan, and by : d : tli- m In good trim. invariably lm| I by the a? t voysg? und? r hit mai ' illlng has 1 .-ii.; : mark? d ability, for the ? - of hm report md i^r the many v tiont and r 1 , ?... early all of which h.,. ... : adopt? ed by I It wat or: the score of hin tbllity, nn?l lie has made in the apt a in Coulling lias b? ' 'i app? nlting offl of ail tran : ited out to ? ??n-, . Porto Rico, them ti,? THE MANTEA (' NB ?T ' ?FPICE M : 1". .. a hO It row In I of ' t-ofl r Manila, ' illlpplne i tad in a ? ommunlcation to th? hit the eusti m i th? Msnlla I oflV t ? m is to his every ? er day, and thai the chief clerk worked only every Mr. Vail ' t this old nl of an. ndlng to busineai with hit Am? : e of clei h a conduct d In thsl far awaj office In true American ttyla lould the Phlllppli i ' tain? nt, it is more than probable thai Mr. Vaille will be appoint , postmaster of Manila, with a good i 11? i now ter. He It the lo h pos tal official, of i nt tuperinti nd? nl of i he Rail way m ill B? t v i.. with b< t Iquai t? I . tai moni I to l""k into ge oi the pot tal facill it thai p. B i. -i i igenl Value Informed the old Bpanleh po im ister bj I? it. r timo bat 11.- s,.". a iid in.t m ?* i?.- by ih Unit? ed m reply, \ ti ) dtplomatli ally by thai ofScl il h?- wat not aware of ins being la the - r? llnqutah the office un?!' r for? of i lr cnmitanc? Ii running muoihly at Mam!) and Cavile will soon become a branch office hays MAJORITY. Hon Jane.- Hay? majority In the th i '.strict, the? old Demo ral i teoth legion, la November, will b ndldato la thai His i.-it.t ti is by BO m? ans im i d icy Of Mi. I ?. ?'. ' ' ' , . toon? ) Democrat. Borne ?? w of the Republican l) commit Mr. 0*Fta? i?, rty, bul : la the dl ut? I) r< fu -o. Tii,. i -, vote In the dtatrici Ii llv? l) Imlgi Ificant, I . only a total of B2 In Iht ?a the ?ii - t< a?i of H iy*t majority b? Ing OUI "f a VOtt ol 01 si report? d bj a Rlchm tpond? nt, it wai t followt: Hay (D< mo? < rat), 17.1 . .i:, publicas), 1,117. Tie re li m ??t th? Bi i-ii',i- .ms com? with in to alleged tound-monej D B? nth Dtatrii ?, .-o tl ' y '. i , e i |] be anywhere from I] thai Mr O'Ftahi rty will b? N< 'i;i ?1 I PI BLIC BUILDING. I and proper t., any that m advi rtlali..- : >r t B on iht t. a Boi folk publie building on Ha- part of the ofl In the offli a el the B ip, i -. i?sing An I who, ' meant In their i red I lite the- n,. :v f?)t th, del I] Ui - with Bra rchlb ' preparing the for thi i. illdtag. The trouble over Lb i .-. ttl? i - the lot already purchaa ' oil would ' . ' I ' ..'nation uft. , ,1 tlon ' tmt up from Noi folk, both I - er? tari a Pr?t .'. and tht 1 ist K.'iVe, , t,, go l and lull,I. but nothing ha. I t . th.- nnaeooun delay <>f the BaRhware archlti ' : :.' in i i i ni'- .i IC? mper. In th ft oftic", su,i thai firm bad t B ' a had a final consulta iboul tht plan?. Ac, ami hi believed BOW that tho advertisements would be ready toi t in the Baal eiRht Ot ten ?!?>.- This Is th? only |gp| tiun that lun be given, and It is hoped tin i Norfolk's people, who ;,rr? lm| m ths delay, ailJ taken when to | the responsibility. timi: FOR KUsTfKRIKtl OUT. "Tin days," said an stBetel la ths mas of ths Depai taa at, "is th.? tim m which :i regieren! aaght te be mastsrsd out That is the aaatt, bat it should bs Sobs .11 a w,-.-k, or dsys, at th" 0 ItStda." it Is under that owtng ' > lbs tardiness in mnetsring oui ths Third Virginia, ?u Richmond, ths Order v\.i- aSSUSd t" must : COU.? g ,,f ths Second ?a their boms : Bringing tin m to Richmond, as It was SZpeOted would be done. EPISCOPAL CONVKNTIOM BUILDINa Ths Rev. Dr. Kelson, of Virgin In favor of boMlng th sessions of ths general conv? ntlon of th* Epli 'hur. h In tins rity. and with this v.- v> I. u ti ?in.- ,1 a reao provMlag I : ion of h commutes of Bvs to con : t ni',in th.- i rectloB ling her.? for that purpose Dr. Nel? ipport of bis resolution, thai as ?t was alreadj provided that the ons bo h.-ui in unconsecrated buii,; Ing aa lbs . | . , ,i would bs n national, could ppropriately h. Id her?. and 11 ( thu building woui . ?t would sventuaUy pay tor Itself, . ^ availability f^r other puri - ndar. tAlm Star mall k made Una: Wiii.-low to A[i?x?Krom I cbange senrics t" iu| ply Bear site, decreasing di.-: ,,; mil'-. to Elkin?Perm:' is ?a i Lenrelbran. ?i to dispatch th? ir offl i > ":i ball ho .. In advance of achtdulo time, ; brohen and no complain! made. II. Ron t.. Helten? From October 17. . ?it t:., without Change In dit -, i Prom ? tctober 37, , as ithorls? ?i i letol ? r it. ISM, v. in.,, .i , ba . Airbellows to win:- n Novem ber 1, a weel 'Dun . ' ; - nt. - i | 1 I '..!:. fourth-clai illow, N. C?not ;i moi A r., \?. | ': '. Va., .ios. ph \\. < arroll as postra ister; k r? y. Pria? ess Ann. John E. \\ hit- - !. Madison county, N. i R. H mast? r, and Cecil, Hays X. C, i- i T. ' h I'lll/I IV ..""< :i: i Mi WEDDiaO. Kg, Hi I It'll*mi r no.I KlSS Norton Mu r - rl.-.l at te>a-e1 Hill. .t Hill, th.- beautiful and boq 11 home ?'if KaJ * hi - Nor ton, of Qoochland county, scene on Thursday of ths prat! orate blgh-noon wadding that ths of <;,?> : wit? .I Ritt? ;,-,iir, ni i IhiO, ?ben . th-; ( bat. ac ompllsl ,. ReV. I.. A. Ml I. i:., . Ol i : Misa Ali,.- N< Am n.- Norton and M Misa. : ribbons, I in S with -i ?i h of bride's i Her . th? n nptly at ! i ths librar) to : of grin's w< ddini mi .fully .- .1 by M i - . in the .i ,-: a bleb was ? rect? -l the altar, AU' r t.'. . Among i at were Mra J, M. Mn 'l'. B. Kit t, n,,,n. II i -: :. Norton; M? G Ritt? \\ i.i.,- i. do; Mrs. 1 .. .in: Mr-, Bi hmldt, hews, and Mr. il P. I Richmond; Mr. and Mr... \\ i liam Nalrne, Mr. and Hi , John : Lu m . s- ratton, Ma . ithright, .i i n win, B< als Holland; sf. i It a db, W. A i > man L. Btratton, G< Irwin, m. it. Taylor, Dr. W. M Holmen, Corral! c, thrlght, i: M. Pllcher, G ,,t i loo. hl ind, and 1 -U in, nf Powb Mr. and Mrs. h?'? nour left on th? le .ii . 0 Will Ha- n Great Bveat. singular ?" of tbs < n n! of th.- i,,n in this dtj "ii ii' M 'I l* nigh! 'i fa i i?. ,t lbs i: ?nation ' I "Th< ti !: ",i toi Ths n: in-lit . With t oait) ol i: ppor? i i -. baa in li li.i.u . .Mr. H<>) nil is to Ail.lri-s the IBBB H ?m'-!', ara coi to at? tt no th || given b) ?'. M. R i. i.- - !amp ii.,.i. Mi. w. i.. Roj ol * ill ?, ' '-i. - :. W lu h the Youth of th.- South BI i'\" Th. | ty of Mr. F, i I? , - I o r IS a SUfflCl. n: Li ail who inar him win i a in n to Mr. i;,i tiers srill be an atti loth mus! ,i ; i ogr imm? rendered by Capteln Frank Cunningham, Mrs. ,i. it. Durrett Miss M. A. bill, and Mr. Bhepherd W Peanas tj Trasaefers. Ricbmoad: .\i s .. to i; H. Harwootl i east 'i htrtieth Btret t, USg?! a of Clay, ill". Mis, Virginia 0. B beitsoa to ;. i". Ag< e, c? rtaln pi rsonaJ propel ty at No US south i-'n.-i .- trs it, 11.009. Rob? it i.. Turpin t?. Panni? ? '. Payne, : .m aorth Heruioo: Boms Building Company (Per es Straus, on n -nil treet, K VA :m. t " t i i i ?x . n H. TW? un.inn and SrlfS tu Annie Theirmann I'miit-is, lots u and It, in i?;. Brbokland Park, *.'.. A Kiiriurr Kl.-li iiioimI Krt?iur. Rev, Jamo? B. Paneta a, <>( Trinity church, Portsmouth, \?. sd Mies loas n m. -i> \...ts ri-ctor of Christ church In 1 i "ii' of lio- saeel popu. Lar .-i. rgyaaes thai ? 11 a rved a H : inotni congr? Batios. 'I'll-' n ht a brother of Mr. <? n Pnnatsa, "f tas arm of j. i?. gjlam si L'a You run no risk! All dealers aeli Oreve'l TiiaUtless Chill Tonic on 4 pos|. live gnsfSBtSe, No BIS no itay. ful to take. Prie? fkJ eataBSA. One I'rrioD in atOSy Four Suffer? from Pile?. About BM p. ; on in .v.t y fuir suffer: fr?.in son... p.,,, ,,, ,. ? and annoyii piles, In le ted by warmth, tllght moist uaeoatrolhiblt Itchtai ta t!?' : i n lorn, i male ota<trai bi - aoati time? give? t. ,,;i nothiri III." a perrnan-n- eure can BO expect.'. fi.?m su' M ?'.lperri-lal tree! I ttenent ? ore :- r Itchlni ! i.imld l'il' Cure, not only r?,r Itching : U' * ''lU '"' 'her form er protruding. The first ap; a short tim> of the tatsort or the am ill pai which e :.'. . it? blag aad dit comfort of Itching ? Mar v ; hj - . a long til i onod it it the n sBord? by I Pyramid ] contained Coca?na opium, or draga, bat auch is sol I a ' oi!I careful analysis of the rem?tdy toowa It to 1 opium, or. I rtaua drugs whatever Bold by druggtati nt M pncl iga Id Compsny, B Mich., for ir M and cure o: BOW. Mr. Oilier? I..iM -. rmoii. Bar. L M. < naer, who fa < of Hi. Third rfi. aad who n toed thi call of tht ? ingi another year, wi 1 pn ich bit I 1 son t that ebo Durini Mr. On , complisl ,1 1 t ii< odld work. Eh r. agth : !! i by hit ; . at hit d? It a ? gi nt!,-man and ; f ht 1st hel, City. S.-riiioiits 011 PnleMtlne. Dr. Smith. Baptist church - ; f Land t"r Vi-: It abli hrered I to th. A Blssloaary >i?-?-i imc. - Will b?t a I ir.g In Moi r 11. : ? und? r the E] ry fi dians, irited. To Proneh i<> the Toteraaa, 1 ?;-. J, P/ill im Job? - will presch at the chap, 1 morrow . Nor onlj ' but ti:.- pul. . eleellnur of Mn.llt.oii Word ?I11I,. A meeting of i i lub hai by Us ; . f tb Powl crata of the a ird \\il> Hie Bk| 1 .mil.? Ill ..?-. (Boston Hi rt d.) we ( all . light. ?Vu in it h II 1 art slu particle what it - II you 1.1 up than horizon. ' tectly 1 \ Mlalster Happily BarprlsodU . . .1 little boy who wa lU lie 1. n RT? iln Balm w t did i? h re our surpris.-, it cu.' . vv'nr Rheumatism is disord Bonditioo of ih" blood which the ni.'iTiH'iril remedie? of the doctors srs BRsble to reach It ii oared permsoeotly bj Bs t'? Bp S.S.S?Blood &**9? &**&*< B*e B** 0>s??a>s? Usegl? Bse#?H????a) f CLOVER. TIMOTHY. ? QRAS5 SEED, ? vilvMil.MA WINTER SEED 0AT5. WHEAT? RYE, Etc. -p u, >,::' : \pecialty of High IGrtuL FIELD SEED. II ri? u? uk< t ? N. R. SAVAGE & SUN, ' GRAJN A\l) SLID MONTANTS. i RICIIM?M), VA. ,?o B-dBiS lu.. * ? I 1 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' 11*11; G KO a I'. v \i, M VI.P ? II IM I ?ro the .-lily , r? ??i llloi - '" ?t B:!l it ? or t,. He ..r eta il I Ai ALL DKI i.'.i-i .- :7-?i l| OMMi?n r.rxriii l?ta-aoaJ Unit 'ehmyroval pills ^*^ Jl ,,|r 1,. .?I'riK ' la ?h 1. .? ?'.?. ?* ?.o?.??-?. I-"??'''' '?*" ?o? ? a?ur r.? i. >?? ? . " ?? ir.*,. ? -'?a?-? ?-r?Pktah< weCSj|??li?in? SMVjP'Vt' luU I?; ... i.-?. i'l?/ '.?? ,- ni ? ?. 1 . r ^ (u.j t-?Mm?m? wawaoarifi_ lUas h"111 ' ' ' ,atch Comp . ?Till be IIVSB 1 -r?.mpt at? . ntion. and the rtyta o< aort ?tad sri will be sure to please you. S. ULUl?NS' SONS 6KMKBKK1 nun. aims. Headquarters for Low Prices. BOO CAM BAY1 H PKB CKKT. B, BUT1KQ rOUR o^Oaja FUUM THIS OLD KKI.IAI'I.K. Ciranulated Bagar, per pound . I i-1.a i ? - mon . & Arbuckl? A '"'I K Nsw Raisin , -i . x, w Virgil pound.. '>. Lion Coffee, l-pound papera. ?V orangs county Creamery Butter in- Bt on tl , , I.... ? Hci k. r?, I . ? Carolin a Rie ma. * Fn sb O r Dust, ; . . 5 H'.tn.-M ide J- II) ter, per pound . N< w Hominy and Grita, per pou . a Small B ?.. l'> _ poun i . Freeh Mixed Cakes, with Icing, i r l . I. ' New ? . a N? w Crop New lllOB . f| ? 1 . ' Family Boap, - bars for . ? 0 New I. :. > "", . ? Jellj . Flour, . Ig I . , - I '< !." .; or per bush?. w U|. '-'. Wash-Boa da, tnla a ek.... 5 New C . j! N? w s. quart. Ni w Tomato, i, pe? can . 2 . ' Sllv. r Kli Pat? at Faml r rrel .t\? ' ". i .; Try , .* 2 or, Bs r s.i -k _. "' ' ,. 1 N? W I " ! '-': ! i> v.. I 1.1.M W> BUK. ltU) AMi ; - BASl'I MAIN Brittassr*. Un-Town :^:" ?. '-,j e^^1- MsrsBsia. It m writs for our . "in; lists, It's ? inn Sl-fs.TuJ-Th) DE 'S Witch Haze! ??LVE A well known cars far plIo3 Cures obstinat? sores, cbaDoed bands, eczem.t, diseases. Idaaes tourna and scalds painless. Wecotdd not ln> prove th" quality if paid doable tin price. The best salvi that experienoi oau produce or that money ?'au buy. IT CURFS PILES, (ap 28-Th,SaftTu) DBF \ .ft i RE OF II i: 1MKRS. LA) DU M ? N 1 U N ? X /\ v7v. STEAMSHIP CUMIM-NY. DA1I.V LINK 1" IR N W YORK, EXCEPT Bl NDAT. . ht only) ilo rallwa) si t? a. m.. :. .i : ROUTE . ' M. tor -N - ; i for N? i MONDAY al .'. P \t I P M k. one hour i Frelgl bl PROM NEW ! ' w t- ru milromi river routai \ ' ' ' :t :' M rivei t ol and lor.? to W i. G Trafi pBTjTjAliKLPBLI, BIOB MOND AM? NOR1 gTKAMBHIP COMPANY. Al i " ' ' ' - ' FRIDA"! P. M r- - y to J. \V M .. . Oc 12 ?1R6UU IAri6lHil C0IPAJ.?. JAMES RIVER IMY LINE. Bt? . P< II? ..\ I FRIUAY a 7 \ | I . ... '? . ; r the night at . ti.'.o and : IR VIN W V M Pi AMERICAN U?E. j v ? I ? \ i . I. H I vi ? YORK. eol'I'HAM -, A. 3t. Pnri-. " .en n r.'. I . ht. Pa i_ N ? - * Peal .i .1 N .Oet u RED STAR LINE. . I H ISllaStOD.. ." N v -.' | 'H.lUtllWlik . . N, | | | DM - ' *rr,r ""' ' " ' -Ii.Ill bl'??-.NA?MlS tu N a VI IA1TOX OU, . ? . > 1 ,. Sir | il?/?t? " a, BSoeUas Ireea, i, C. h. u. Pexai ta ... mhlA-Tn.ThAa?i? u mi t.'H lioi h Companj al loa pri?es Win -.. . :it UM - al Inferior w.ak Bend us your order.1 snd ?re n .- in svert ,:ar. ?a? S iBaefi.?i-'l?' ?S-**? OT** SOUIHE?J ??J?iV^ KMLtfA?. SahaalBls BaTanilts Oa?aasta o. I.8BB TB u>-< i.i: wi: BM BBOSBi * ' * UMS a m No : dally for Atlanta, A au Bouth ?d '" banvllte, Ore? ? . arlotte, Col . twecn Kl? Danville to take un and let on 1 . lalltbury, and - ..-,- n Limit * to - iua noogt | N ' >"rk to - ... a - 1 k to day co u h b? We .-.d M nip' .. made ," tat ., . M. moi p. ;.l No. 7, s ,lld tl !" Parmvll . ville. Oxford, : " """ ham. and at Greei ham Raleigh at Danville with No. . for n. a which i to N-u- Orleai I New 1 ? to-. u aiblngton I > San t With? n r cl 8.-00 P M., N'.?. it. local . TKAJga IBBIVB bTBICBBOKB. g BO I B:SS P M.) From At! Ah S? to a. M., from KeysvlUs nn? LOCAL riiEK.iri i it 1ISS. v. . r and YORK-RIVER LINK n* asst foib*. i in: i \\ ? ?it i i hoi i SOBTH. LB s\ t. lin HBOXD. i..'i<? p, m Na IB, . lays with ior for Walk, nd T hanriei k on 'luer I tifS P M . N I i. : rid Intern with Baltimore at all 5:00 A M . No. - Stle. ! 81 itlOl in: Wltfa : Til \l>s ABBUI E \ l Bit m*.i?m?. !t.l7 v. || . di 10.40 a. M?, Si . I ridayi only. 7:05 p. M., daily ezcei t Bui B Point and ii tiona 8 P. M Baltlmon ' I rhurs Tli glni > A M 8 M.. '? .:?> P. M. 1 IS J. M C?LP, l tat N ; -a ral Man C. W. vVESTBl'RY, Trai nt Main ' B ?? 'HKvl,,,M:: ^gg^pfS^ 0HI0K?ILWA?. I n.-. il >. ?t.-ioiier l?', l v?s. 1 It \ IN?. I.I'. AVE MU II VIO.MI. into t II BTREE1 m\i IOB. 0;0O A. M., I ' Pai - . ... POl Non l Newt . . th Nee e\ , r m . S:4S E. U . i -., ., with Pullman foi N WpOl ! It, and ; ? ? at ?'Id Eolai IVA . ad wltl I?' -?> A M.. I at Gor fille for Orang? We. ti i Lyncbburg; al 8:18 i'. m . n ". arc! Springs. ton. B;!" r Sun "V W ' . with F. F. V. I : and ?Louisville y. foi Uiy, for nga. mu*.*. LBATB in.Hiii-s,..,,., -I V I It.N. "' ?> A. M., E i "" : * nt\i>s \ititi\i: vr unini.iM, lilt?? M?-*-1 BBBT BTA1 IOB, 8 ?<? A 8un B : ? A M . D il . ' 10:1S a M. Dal 1 ' ' ! oint ? P tl and . ?i .-.?. i -. " Point 7 IS :'M' ? n \i\n A n n i \ i. i:n.n rii.s , mi: j *-i * I I IV - '? A M ..|jm. ,. -<? P. M . v w in it: ?i i.m i ii vu ai i .u. M 1 HE ol o OREENBRIRB WHIT? We have this Water no.v .n both OJBBjtl ?nrt pint bottle?, fre?h from th- BpriagB PUBCELL LADD a CO.. jy ?l-t? tVholsssi? uiii^.aia. \\ ASaSahOTOS IlUl.l'l.l, I. III. A I CUS m au BOT-AIB i k ' RAJN'OEg, COOK1NU, AND HEATING S ?'OVES. KEEi'SENE SA..N;'..., OAg-HEATINO PLUMBINO. TINNLNij, AND Qas ALL KINDS KKE\rtilN?. I'EiMPTLY ATTEND-' . je?!i?- .... i-rtp ae l-d+m_No 1 O ,n- .?reef. (11.11 t??il BALP BB 18c. PB l?i'NHltKD at th DISPATCH OFFICE. _RAll./tOAl) LI*K?. NAWIMstWgib s?is??sai Schedule in Etfoct .In up IJ, |S!?H. LEAVE RICHMOSD, BYak-STRl FI v i toy ?<m> A. M . RICHMOND . \ ED. A t '? ?>.> A M., TH] T ::?? p. M., I 11:40 !'. M.. Ko , phis and N Trtins nrriv, ; ' ' LIMITED - i:. v. 1 ; R F Hi P k lia, la U l.fkk S< li.ilul.. in Ii,., ; g]a) LEAVE in RO-STMI .1 ?..a 1 ! ? M . 1 i M B BO \ U . \ Pulli B IS .\ U Ruthi v ta ?m? m , Mill ti:; : ' *iuti\ ?. in .(?i-- 1 in 1 1 -1 - 10 \ " 1 to Rl _ IB iv M ' '.' 1 7 III P M '. 1 Nt-w Y g gg p m PBKDKRICKSB'?-1 \< I 4 06 P - ::.> \s|l| \ Ml I It '.IN?. ?: IB \ II., .? .:.? p M Il Kl \ M s-00 " ,. ., r ' I /. I ATLANTIC-COAST As U ii. UNK, H, I,,.,I,,!,- ill I IL. I .'.II' I I*'' 111 \i\? 1.1 im m. iniiiMi-i ^|nN DKf-0 r. r BS ' ail : .1.1 a M., Dallj !? .'.'. | M I M . . s se p - 4 M I ralli T:S0 1 M NI m ' V I se 1 Il 1.1 P v 1-MAlBS sKaaim "i" ***** 4 BB a M ' . h ta a m - .: \ M 11:03 A. M II i?> ! M o r,5 P v -,., p a IO OS \ V : S T J.i P J i: KF.NI.i T M oc I] ? Orders for priming aaal ? ? h* Di* paih Cssssssa) ?m *>?? grass i-Te-t-st - tentton. and the style of work mid yi^?* Will bs sure to please you.