Newspaper Page Text
4 TBE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1898. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH B? THE DmPAlOfl COMPANY. I DAILY DI8PATCB is getftsrsdti saatiscrlbera ! CKKT month, payable to the carrier weekly o monthly. Balled it fc per aaaam, bi? in advance; jr. for six monthe, B.* f - gfg f.,r one month Frleo per I ?its. The STRKKL1 DISPATCH at U B? annum. The BBN1 H Si V JB I1'1 annum. , 'j'tlons in all eaSSS SB* Sabrm as, aad ne a? the . x, | | ' po?-<,fr. i . Basest, ' '. i t,.- ni \ i mall will b?- -r WlSlllna; ' gl'. , BS will BS th?'-! orti .?. . aph i Bree, ADV! HAL! IN? H OR i 1 time.? : 1 tlmea. ? S fin.s. ' - , t tunas. ;. 13 times. i month. ? ni. t.'tis . i- ta.' \ . *"> Atvv.- rat, s :,: f? r ". ' vortleea R ' . BVS Unes or ' Cu- . fee more specs ftmushed on application. au tetters and telegrams must bs ad? grrawed to Tin: DISPATCH OOMPANT i S return? .1. _ Alj |.. candidates far si l g long standlni of oura._ ttafleas al respect to tot . . - lettes, corj tttskt, ions, or - | fOff as adv. it ?sing matter, _ . ri'-Towx OFFICE, BROAD-STREET EAST BROAD BT1 BET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, 1203 HULL BAT?BDA1.OOTOBEB 2j. 1898. , j the D pal lb would do us a favor by Informing us promptly of any fallare on the part of i m.v. to m" I the pul U I "f ,,lis ; Inf.rmatton Is ' ->T 11S ot the ,rs In I. ' i- : ' Mall subaKMUx re i aise lai Ited to report to us wh? a? rer their ? com? pi_ -iv Tin: ULOBfl IM I I "< ATIOK. 'i ! If pel ted in, ajviii . i Important d< : th? war until i- of calling Mil- and muten ,.,? iritn? ?t must bave h 1, i i not! - to ' II n which ' touring about .i -. i rille and Th? might as well c i billing tii It wishes l tro-i.. t to haul up Mil? - ni.) ??ill for tl : a hila h? in known f? i oat ' x though ; tin n. . d?clin? d oi ; m sue Id? part? d \\ ' th. In short, In t? id ths com* pi.i" n In irlns Wl! ' It is true that bow aii'i th? n ? ' m? d have aocM with minor - hat tor ths most pan i n., D B b0 W.R' know g In i ' omplalnta to bbbI if tl ?ntlnuea In it: K?nt rour.?-,-, 11< n ?n have ! Before 1 and Shat ter aro h. ard i R ralt's ?-*.niti . port i -i .-.? ii thai u would bs better I for m,- lm after the ? i.. :; es m. . abose ! BBjOSa] n. I . i, .-.,, aignmsnt sa that mighi ..ui against entering Into any Inves tjfatf**s si ;- al ibis time; but an i'i ?.a? at Ii that ths i ghoald i > all that tbe ? oma mid havs i ?;un its WOfh In U - usual Bl Rooesvell i by ths n bs j geored ti a?:.' ?.oi. red bj un Impartial tribunal. i too actlv? in call. ti 11. and too i: alltnS Wl! ' gBgal g |]| jS bs p? oplj an by nu m? . tiid with Its y,"?u. i- that per- I sieti bos in th-i i grit] r,..,,?, s off all , ree Until the will, no .. be a It I public had ?... , - 00: 1 i'?it?iisii.-q .u all bai a ni Mili I io> ut\ ii tKlBSTIOB. I hu nalising our mi I Involved In m ? "??tla Whan " am,' iba, ? i ***** has bj *?.?** m resaaei tool iKn. Certainly, our experience tel us that our ?ystem might to be rcorgut i .1 And one of the Initial lessor b| that experience Is, that VI gtnl i should either Increase the BBC* n for the ai?l of her military or sire of the force as that tl a] proprtattan shall really bomb for a??m thing. ?\? it la, the ntrsed ??? too big r the amount of Initier lllOWed between reorgsntstag and rende lug more tffacBvt the mllltla of ll ., nn<l "" It, Hi? re i dUEerenoa The '-aaUoaalBiai of the militia would be obnoxious the theory ol oar aoveraaaeat ?,nd tl .:-,' nial taW "f tha land. It won iti'iin the repudiation of oat of the m?. bed dlctumt Of the author of tl i atlon of Independ? i ' tl Irritad State it-, eaunteratlng the powert ?f ?'"nrres t 111 that it shall have leiwer "'[ organizing, arming, and di? pllnlng the mllltla, an i for governlr ro, p part of them as mm' be empioyt the United States, r< pectlvely, 11 appointment ??f offleere an.; the authoril Ring ih" militia, according t?, lb i rlbed b] ' 'ongresa" Mi Dril addi aa In s'lininartalng what h? deemed "the ?r tent tal principtaa ?if ?mr government, sm i icntly, those which ought to thap idmtntatrutton," a i tan d, anaon other thlnga, that "a well dlaHpllne, ! - r ||| B in peSCI r the Brtl raoraenta of war, nntl i may relieve them." The re.trie thrown around the Natlona regarda the mllltla, an? v :' he, - tO I ? Dationalising" th? lyitem I fui th? tlon 4. Artie!, iv., of th? tlon, wh?, | i i,.!' ?i s?a*, s thall gusi every State In tblt Union republlcei i m ol and shall protec each of them against invasion, and oi ;. J I ' 1 i ? i r :.. ? i ,,f the Legiatature or of tin eben tbt Legtotaturt esnnol ?, agalntl domestic violence.' This gives the j ?.wer to, and make: it the duty . r to malntaii i ibUc pea " within the bord? rt ol : State, the Oeneral Qovernmeni having no rij;ht of taterfeiwnca uni s? called upon for assittanoa aad taken with the quotation from the Conttitutloi la dlitlnctly establishes t at B Slate institution. aink it is hardly to be question' ?1 that an amendment D> tbt ?"'institution ry in order t?> th- "na? tlonallslng" of the militia. But be thai at it may, th? moment it was national ised the prerogative! now possessed by, and Un- riutii-s now devolving upon, the ?rt Of the several Slat-s In COB? inction with the system would bt trans ferred ro the President. Militarism would toon become i-aatpnat, un?i another loua atrlde would have been taken In the direction of centralisstlon and one? wer. a nationsllsad mflltia would bt timpl] .-m additional standin?,' army, Itaalted only by th". tine of the militia It would tend to fasten upon us ont of the chief grtavaacea ?nd evils w. Indicted Q?torgt in. fur malntninlng In the Colonl? a Bo, we asy, that while there Is no doubt that the mult ?a. ought t" i"- pul on a better footing, the botteraient should bt accomplithed In harmony with tat tplrll ?and the letter of press?t constitutional provisions touching the eeevtae, n> theee have hei?i,,foie been understood Any other count la tha coursa of ?langer. In it, the "nation;,lining" idea is revo lutionary. Itt uMtcftallaatioo would be tarai corollary of imperialism, and i?> 'nk'-n would prove the ?i- ath of republicanism. WI DM IMIAI, I.KAOIIB. ?pondent of a northern papei writet that the faahlonahle set In il English capital Bra attempting i., atari an MAuU<-Scandal League,'' and n rt" society has |?, n "circu? ir? lied" to give iheir support to this novel but h"i. movement. Tic? membert ,,f this i. tbl? organisation art enjoined d nay Blunder ntt? re?i n thell ; ' l tO enlist the ??it? nd< r at t member of the I Although there is a. magnificent acopa for auch a eruiade, th< movement, aaya the corrosnondent, bat excited more til than Int? I? i. l i ally a.-? Initiated by certain defunct mem? I who an n?> longer "In the ratas." ii will )?e observed that the "Antl vandal League" doea oot deafen II .. teaadalout remarkt, but merely pre? niies a mili] rebuke after the Unpor ant Information had beea gleaned. Tins \ lee provialon- or tavini ? i thould i,, in Itaell enough to pr? v. a\ th? rom making an utter failure. Ami then, to, although ih" atandor m ly be "com? ted," there is. nothing said agalntl Itt i Bo, altogeth? r, wt do not as why the sinart set of London, who, ?y the way, appear to furnish a good nany aubjecta for gossip, end even thOUld BOl t::l<? h 'Id Of the nov? m? m ami make it a perfeel lucceia int lit 11?. - "tiii." i :.. i of them, and hen, too, when the league geta tiresome, i? i ! id in > be adopted, mmtmmm?m?mmmmmmmmyt.1 Governor Hastings, of Pennsylvania, ias, by formal proclamation, made Thura \t w ? k. "Mllltary-Daj" oi the "hiladi Iphla peaci Jul H? a day .?t , tag and pray? r foi tl i 'ni r< - uit-, of the war ums luccinotly: Power, bj the barbarou i nd inhuman treatment ol its own rob? t- bad thocked the civUlaed a ?rid, I ':;, Am? lican people reached the would no long? r to be vo cruelly outraged al? j 1081 under the shadow ol their owa nag, ! a tl|, -11 uiiU?.U- which followed G aiding hand a manlf? tte I. pie anawer? man to the untry't call. Our army and navy ? ?, a unperatreled valor the will r?f ., nation our victories by a., and on ; .. ,i wer? triumph? foi civil - . vernment." : aiiip? ndatl " as ' ,i. ! ; "That ' or" wor itp bt Blled with Ood-fearing, ankfiil. snJ patriotic worahlpp? .-. the Infiuence of the ?nay lind fruition .m. in thai r< i itude of life, a devotion to bom?' and coaatry, aad fors ce of evei y pi Ivste aad ibllc duty which sh ?ll i" well pleating , Him, to the nd that the future thall . i but peace and that the x t bBBJ pi'.v, | |? .-man til - land and to ;ii<- et Itaatloi." Spain, it a. pears, has agreed to nce/.j.t ir ultimatum af January lai as th" n t v.h< n the tvacuatloa of Cabg by the aatoh forces :?haii navt boos Boca? .i.ii. s?, NewTear*! Day win be the i?. on Which old (?lory will D 1 ,e-r .-,11 Cuba, to hold the island In trust ?i the I ubana ?'g Jubilee is no lonoer tue raaatal ' uL v SOT 8KTTI.KD. Ths Nashville American, m an nrtl on tit?' m?ro problem. SjhsdJsngBS the ro? ?entlon savaaeSJl, It saya, in rome i,iiii! tats ihtat ihat Bratsk m is Bsttlei, The Am-rican th.?n gO?M on to sho tits BBBlSltSnHaSS for the n?gi<. I work urc limited, and nro IvcomlnR moi as svsry dey. it is apparent, thsrafo? adds ?ur sonteaaaorary, that a very si ri'ius problem I? before us. The BSJ tl i?. What is to be tone with tbs negrof Th.' Asserlcafl is right The n'Kro nrol lent i^ n.'t settled, and this Btatssssni s| pii.-s mu only to th'? Buestlofl of what i?? altloB )i?- shsii sccapy m the field of '. i r i ?' ' the Qjuestloi what shall i :iiv .' nus in assay other respectai ^? with the problem before us stttl snaolve. ths Republleas party would havt us mai. -." gad Bnally dtlaens "f sever? million? of Malays and Negritoes. Tin: BOTHKB ? 01 BTRT. Th? Pall Mali MagasJas eritsV ' ti Agere .-t -i. eh by which w? England as ths "mother eoaato i Ameii -." end i\- n tb it the ?pre \o r a ell mee niai; it but] misleading metaphor. our contemporary Quotes Tmny-nn bi William W i!'"ti t,, show tb i , y sanction, bal ai ?.-its ; '. tl iut.,,i,- ths al for ?m at ;.! i ?. lion, A' ' ordlng to the i <t t r i Pall Mali, ths two ? ountrii - America "f to-dey an?; ths Englsnd < to-daj m,- coheir? ises "f ths England " ? -'. and -c illy, u we m ly sa; ?.f tin- seventeenth century England. to follow a i which had Its origin either in mytholog or chivalry, ind whlcb mahes all hatlon : minlne, tb.' two counlries ai i '-iinni'iii w.-iltl.s. Tin- Pall Mall editor says that tho npj spirit s in- h i'iii ed ship money t Ch?ries L, relused t, i mono: . n 111.; tho sain.? spirit Which drew up th petition of riKhls .1 th?- I ' >.i Independence, it wns England's mis lion >.f her tin.- relation to be American Colonies tbai Snail] alienate? tl ? Bi Sin- tried t" be not only a moth? r land, but a stepmother-land, and th united Stetes nobly i.r..k.- her leadlnj And now. after a I iitury ami ; quarter the "old country" ha si ass f"r putting on maternal aln towards us. as tbs English, no less thai th.- Am? re re*.oit? d children <> the England of North and QrenvUle. (>n the whole, we think tbers is much good, BOUOd si us.- in this position, an.1 I hen, to.., ?t lacks ths hypo risy which the other expression suggests. H ?w? r friendly th'- relations of tho two natloai may be, ami however much ws may ow? t.. our British ancestors, wa ? mnol but recall England's stepmotherly r^gim? and th?.? trouble it aused n It appears that tint reported marriage of U Hung <'linn(? and th? Dowager Em? pr. ss of China wa.? simply a monumental Chinese J"kc Who would haw sus|.I?,I tiio heathen ?'iiitn-e of such daring humor? President McKinley does well, it would Keem, in snaking friends of ths railroad men, as lie is being railroaded over tho country. The gtsl "f tbs bows about tbs dej Chinese Emperor seems to bs that i. alive but not Bl< kliiL*. Heure!. tJ. J. Bell, in November Pall-Mall Mega sine I 1 beer a bird that r-inits of yesterdays. .\ lonely bird, bul non. so ion.' as i. Whose in- la leaden a- a wintry sky. rt, how weary ara Love's ?. 0 ayi When trod in Binglsneas! Tin" sigh! o The soul, and sees' no beauty far or nigh Unless the --oui saws "Look!" And so 1 sitjh Thrr>' this fair spring when i should tuna my praise, 1 know not why the bird Is sad. God knoa a: Ami He kii,,ws why my heart mak? no i For i am burdened with th,- grievous w r" B ;: I if bald words said to on,. WhOSO '.ilin i, BOSS I would ;ti\" a'1 'i Wake, All, dear, bow ) " . HOW dark th" nlgbl until your eyes nn WILL TBKOSV OF* III!. BOKK, North ? iiii.IIiiii Determined tin* Whiles Shall Hule. Si'.iTl.AM' NECK, N. C, 0 tobar EL (bpectal.) Boma oegroea here are already Baying that they will rote th,- Dean ti. u t t>;: y? ir. Buch determination >?n tin- pari of 'in- whits people to carry the election must make them f> <-i like their rote casi on tin- other side will be 'eat Kot ,ni>- at,? tin- whit.- people of the eastern part of tin- Btel i i in , 11 ring 'i - ale? Hob for ?.? hite supre macy, but tbe f'-.-iii. ipread to ths \-, i y mountain-! . i At a meeting In Bertie <-,,utry a few da) - ago, and. r tin- Influence <>f a o\ by w. A. Dunn, E -i . of Bcotl i your correspondent heard a farmer any iir.i in- bad i en through one .- i fought from Virginia to Ohio, and .i v nh a bull, t in him, bul he i to flgbt now as !:- ev? r BBS, Fatal \i'i'i.ieii? in Bwelrlasjtham. B BALTHI \. Bi:CKINOH x ' TY, VA., Oetobei I.) Mi M. 1-: .r a,- \ kin. d u i - sawmill, at Penlon, nesr tbli 11 ?-. < ti T'n ?day. ll?- was holding i the tatb-aaa : Ipi rlk Ing him in tin- abdoi ten, an fi om \? hi? h i ' t: Mm Mr Jones ,1111.. t,. this count) from Wales, sev? ! ind 1 -i i a g?,.,,! cHlaen. He wei the oldest i. - ,,f s-,,.., wall i." i-? a l' ind \ U : a m, mi. r of B hi rham Baptl and very active i , h ?: ' aorh H< a w if? and i > -Mi < hlldn i The .liinln I'.i.linii.lcr ne.lans. Bl u'K v Ml h'NT. va, ? ' tober .'i. (Sj,, rial, i informa: loi i IVSd fl MB jiu-.ta, in this county, that the Begro, i>. man. who w ..- Bted | at that (di - bj tb? !"" a ni administra' tion, Unding ths! !',? srhites would not else in- nffics has i of m? i ... Finch. Miss Finch k I only daughter of tb?- lat- i-, n. r win. died In Roanobe last yeai whll in the employment "f ths Norfolk and IVest em railroad. Constipation Chinas Mb baU the suenen, in the werid. it retains ths .nested Bad too kmg in the howei?. aad sfadssas i>iiiouaw?s, torpid Bver, ha*?? Hood's gestion, lad taste, roa'.,', tongue, Nek headache. In somnia, etc. Hoods I ?I!. cure constipation and nil Ils results, easily and thoroughly. MC. AlldruggbSS 1'repared 1 ;. (' I- BSSd A CS . laSlBaT, HaS? The ouly Tills to tak? with flood's abaSBSSfflR Pills ?RoVal : Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. \ Safeguards the food ; I against alum? A!?im baking powders are the menacer; to health o? the present day. i I ?OvAl M<I1C, ?"'j-?/Of? 10.. r ?.V vr'ffK. DRMOI II ITIC ?' ? ?I \ iSB. AppoDidiir,,!, f)ir |.?i,tir ggrerakla in This Blate? l r Room B, Chsnber of Commeret Bid's. ?Rlchmtmd, vi.. The f, Hewing appointments f??r p".l'll tpeal HON rOHN W DANIEL? '. ' Octotx -'rli HON. Tiin.M \s s. BARTIN. Brumn k k (.t r,. , t. tober Mth. y (i .ut i ? . . Chi mber 7th. HON. JOHN i". BI> i . ii. ; u- mi?, o. tober -"h Ho.N. -', DNBT P BPB& i Nottoway (< ourl.?, No ml : i ? ri'-i'v lit (court), ! i Ith. Hon. JAMBS HAT. Luray, < tetober Mth (< om I . , ci. ?ilott? tvUle. Novembt lb (court). HoN. h. d. FI?OOD. AUgUStS i?-(".n : -4th. Nottoway t? naher ltd. ?;!, i-1, :.--. Nelson county, Novembei Sth (night). Po irt), Novemb? r 7th. H on. P. .1. OTBT. E i , Bedford ountj < NI iber Bd (aft? rnoon). HOI Bedford county, October : ? E. M. ' ? : I : Mth. Repul i e, Hallfaj. , ouaty, o,-. toa r '.'.iii (J P. M.i. Mount Carmel, Halifax county, O"tob?:i Btfa 0 P. M I. South Boston, Halifax county, 0?-tober | P, Mi. II x county, October -'.th ?2 P. M ). Oak Level, Halifax county, October Sth ?2 P. Ml. Clover, Halifax county, October Bth d P. Mi Hi tax county, o I Bth 9 P. B.). HON. JOHN l.wiii. King T - Rth n ' i ght). M tos? s, t> tot? r B l (night). it iii- (i our; i, November 7th. 'i >win? datej for ?peeking aptaln John Lamb In Han? .'. P m . Ni t m an.--, at Ring's Btor? tobt r Mth, 7 B P. M.; Old Church, Octo ber 27th, 1 P. M . Parsley's Store, 0 tober -7th. 7JO P. M : Ro? kvtili. Novemb r let. ' P M . " mber Dr. :.-.. p, M ; Jon N Roads, Nov? mber M il a. m. : Beaver Dam, November 2d, \M P. M.? 1 Hw? r't, November Id 7 JO P m Ash land Not I'. M. . Ir i '<. Nov? mh. r Id, 12 M. Ho.N. WILLIAM P. BARKSDALB, Bedford (court), October 2uh. Montgomi i irt), October 2*,tr>. Charlotte (court), November 7th Hon. .1. M QUARLE8. ! r 26th (2 F M,. K' nnedy't Bt hool -, (niglit). Ight), Mth Hon. PEMBROKE PETTTT. Nel rt) October i JEFFERSON to tLLACE, T:-'?., Klag William (court), i > I W< 0 ht). ?1 (Bight), HON. N. E. EARLY, ,1ft M ? tober 17th Wayneaboro', November Bth mif-nt). Albeatarle (court?, November 7m. FRANK T. GLASGOW, ; | Nel ' ' ' ?th. JUDGE W. HODGES MANN. Am?::, Court, ' tetober 27th. li DDE WILLIAM l. RHEA. \s'is Count) Court, Ocl 'her Mth. HON -M \\ ALL Ml'.. JR. tj o- tob? r Mth. I), O tober 27th. HON. THOMAS N. WILL] 1MB, Noti ourl i. Noveml Oi (coui i), November 7ih. HON. W. .v .lo.VEs Mancheater, Monday, October Mth (night.) H? >N A i. Mi INTAGUE. Pati October 351 . i.. \ ngton icourt). v .T. TATLOR BLLT80N. Chalraagg, . Button, ?fecretarr. PROB It < OB \<" > 8HOBBS, I i,liners llln?' l??T Their l'util Hies? , Rellglaaa aad Political Raws. KELLER, \ a , Oi tcher rt to 1 "t >; a -a ?t. the prict ' - x th" tlnue t,. look I I the , of I to be poor on "f ih m. ' So- i elet), meeti Lynchbur Kt\ - v Be 11 \ ?i(!,i?,'k M :. N 1 -. from ? 'ak Druse. I 1 i V. I rtn || I D IE: . : ,' DI "? l:''. The political qt I llf : I :he lea at aeed pie ted to I i allow ? i. miki: i ui STY. r|tlaeo|inl ( o >> ?. oi n I Ion tu Meet? laeldenl t?? a lud?. BERRTVILLE, YA . 0 bol H. i lal.) The Valley Coai i ttlon of iht tant Epli opal Chun h, i -..-.ii ,- i .f the tes in I R Dgham, .- I B r< n, Frederick, end Ctarka vi ?i meet ta Oi i bur? h. Bei i y-, Ule, on Bond ly, November 7. ills. The aesalon v\iu last ?mil Pridsy of th- mbm a tk. This aed m : urs las, Bact org lataatton, ;. mo : d inteng ill membert ?.'.nur of the moat IllttngUtsh? u divines In th? I .- ?>f i the toi riots held, which ai hieiiy of a arisaionary character, bare tided largely la advancing the work ol tblt par! ??f th- State, 'I'le ! ollowlng mtitlatera compose lb? conv?oet tan: Rev. Nelson Dame. >.f Winchester; >r. Bvsrstt, "f Frcbiick county: R? * :. a. Tempi,?, of iront Royal; Dr. Jantet Ir.miniar, of Mourn Jackson; Rev. i*. M ? fetger, of HsrrtaoBbBTg; Rev. J. c. Jassa, i of Millwood; Rev. England, of Wlckll and Rev, BBward Wall, of Berry Ml!-. Miss Hnlli* BroeddttS, .ItviR-hter of R Julian Bftmddaa, pns'or of ?he Bnpi church .it Herryville. met with gaits s*ri"us a -,'ident <>n Tuesday. While i was standing on th" e.ljc of a I foot Slipped and she fell to a stone '1; rlnsr beneath. With so BMCh I br.-aW a Uenmeat In her ankle. BABuBg < ITY. Fire on a Fnriu?U'lllamslinrg V< Mania. wir.UAMsi'.ri?;. va, tMobss 2 (Bpecfal.) -About mi'lnk'hf last night lib, UM hay loft, and tin. ' abtS the larm Bf Mr. H. I?, ? ?d?' v. ? re stroyed by i??1, together with a la qu -ntity .,f fodder and bay. B andei th 1 bay loft, gether with ths tsasas -md farming i 1., p., ii . were aas . '1 be dwelling 1 - barn Bear by wer? saved. Mr. C though! to he< i" b ol in? 1 ? Mi . J. C. Pilbtagton, of Rochford, ! i, t tln-lr ri bom . , aumrner. j Mr Lap? r Robinson, of Richmond, . ted her? ?n i. w ?i ays to \?sit nt? Bi NTorvell Hei On W? dnesday, the 1Kb of Ocl ' 1 ^ 01 ktoa n. 1 number of w< ll-knoa n 1 tl? m<. Soi 1 1 tbe R< rolutloi i- to .-, oder ol * 'ornwallie. Ann tbe riall t w. .1 Al I ?n CabeU, K. L :- Williams, and Dr. Charl 1 of Richmond, and Arthur Wiley, Ik. Dr, Edwin B? ith, s "Son tbs Revolution," was invited to Join 1 but did 1 01 : n "i'*' V, Cowl? s. formerly . of H linpn Peabod) . good for t Ing tin: month. M , Sppolnt? I upon ' in? nd Presid? nt Payns, ol 1 c ..1 d) Ni 1 mal Col N lahvil T-nn. Mr. Roben B. Brigl t ?' the Phllad phis Bar, accompanied by his wife, w i- , Philadelphia i id), Is here to visit 1 r si bis hoi own. Mr. Walter 8. Scott, who ?ame h< al oui two 3 fi om < ?bio, return with in- tamlly, after bavl nos! of 1 i elf? ta ; 1 Mi il Willi- Bagby, after 1 visit to her old home. In Btaunton, i? r? en m d here, s I now r? aldea ?HIIN \M)?I Ml COFBTT. Raarters for Cwmsma) s,?itnin? sa-riiMi? leeMewt. tVOODBT? "K V t., ? ' toi 1 B.?(8p " or shank?, si ting qn R< m? nt, wi ! houra th 1 %, and a : 1 q erlng tb m. n pany A st the Falr-Orounda - j Ing them it the n?tela In town. Tl ill arrive at th? - here t< morroa and Sunday, and will ' quai!? 1 ; ?t tbe Fall -? (round . the hot? 'i ,: and unie 1 there I lion during tl night there will bs danger along th The - T< ichers" Ir Btitute 1 hi rs on Tbursd two d ... ths l'-'-y-ar-old BOB Of W. Ii i a w? ll-known miller, In this - Jured tl,;- afternoon In th.' mill, in whlc plo) d. Toung Hottel a 1 mil! machinery, and * t in ih ' fors the mill could b r ball times. I he Is not t| 1 to re Cuu-i. Mr. Geergfo La we ? tin 111. ! ' IRT HAYB OOD, MATH TT, va ' 1. toi.-!- ?L < : r. Tabb Lam 1 mpanj M, Fourtl know n ii I our city, continu? - ill al his hom?. It i ; r.?.,-r while In -. > Cub? Ubre, Mr. J t lot! - . Fi on Berating Hos| h. Fall Improve perceptibly al th -. . w? ka lat? r gran! gh to his horn?. In the hoi ? - n. tlve air might proi 1 1 to him. This hope no! >n of I? .-v?- of thli 1 y ,1 grant? d t" him ' the War 1 >ep nflned to his be? ?... ith high fever, lowing him liquid M r. 1. boys" wbei s. nth Arm] in fi 1 nd w it?i bim in his dl Ith, .nd Bhlp-Batldlan, (Pel rsl urg Index- .pp. The 1 ' ' ,\ Ing a large . plant In their 1 Ity. Tbe - on this Une or more greal tal hmenl the consti u of sll on ths banl a 1 the head ratei ibly be . 1 - during hundred 1 ; laond within the com with the adi In favor of Tl Jam? '"in !" I n the Clyde, so thai thi rea. h the whai locket! 1 lur ? n . en puttlni tb? Ir shout? the wheel . " to l n au in tin Ir ,l th? lr n . build wai . in ed ih ,t 1 lolonel Fi ; ik ' an n? nu? h m supp r! "i bl 1 ubjeel that within tbe last twant) am , Qovernment ol Phe Pel 0 ?" n tbe late Mr. Hacl [ itaunch a Appomatl a, which ass laii ' in. ntly ene or n I and 1 ur city .', he sm iti . P ??* I.l'i Marrlnite a l?i.n. \ IN? . r lags of 1.. g ead l llr- I I.ill M . ,'!! . I ' Of JOPOI n' r ara repoi ted t?. ha?. t s-.nt.i T? mple on tl ,.-hlml th m a the) trav. U ?arses! The Rm* Th ; nd tho ,i? at Port Arthur l'a?. ubi lana." Ths rery efordln r of the 1 upi. etch proves that it is a Joke, no at that. M D LL . . y? t print? d. , " i : i ne n and It* i , th" a of Al .' "In every walk ol ' ' th i' hur bave m : th.. ' ' I I 11 ' ' -if tlcul ' ti A ?entary'e d?. ?.f i?---: remes, ' 1786, makea ? tavein by their huml Cot ' N -. v. .rk. on D. - w r . m i il to n. wh? N tw York, r-' I te m? ni I v. h. at tl fun t?- t! the rui ' 1 II led t?? rol n ' : WUaalagtoa? S. t ita. "In . m I ? >i. d He ? . i one 1 t Igl let it off. G - ' ' i - . - ' . ta . i . I printed before that th t roen of i In thi i ' i ' ' I for what? i - . , . It la not too i I i \<?riji ? arollaa'a Latest - . i ' i \ -BeBet-analaa Detaaorat. * - - ib)e utl B be*??vaeea bey don't iripti. BEST OF ALL DOCTORS Good ?Uealih of Countless Americans Due |q Paine's Celery Impound. :; i vi ?VW V 4 i? ?-Ww>^r*. ? -. . B\VV\-V T" ' Coi ntless hon celery i The ( medica Tin Ilk. I ? -