Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCn-SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1898. The Remnant-Day Continued and the Saturday Bargain-Day Added. Y?^,tTt?;iv-s had Wim,lie a?Uu" X; * ?* THIS IS THE WAT WaTLL sede t HANDS? ?MUST III -XDV-W Mil. I.11DII All TO-ll !.- Il ' I ' II blow !;. Mri, ti >i. to 111 w ith I au . n?le w flare sK: t. t I tin? BBPAB \ i i: -Mil rs. Pklr h v? i\ V. All-^ With n? bot n boun? All-w j: led Mohair ? . ?und, for fl 12. 3 m<- IMush ? ,? d with Thlb, t fur, ? mi .um. rs ? ?? its, Millie: with piping: . ? ? 'loth all colon Children a i !oate, mad? Id anil v but tains: nil mz, s, fot ji ? o ?. . fancy led, all : trirn l with mohair bl M w ITT1 iv" BUTE i-\\ ?MTB i BILB ?Hi wool. 1 ; l IOWS Of I Cloth Waiat t ,i. I . M ' k? ! fionts lln ?-Silk 1 Wala! KID QLOVKfl la their neu direct Every pair i I-Button Kid Ol Button K in all the In ail col? il foi i Ir KNIT L'SDBRWBAB PBOB TBB M i l l??\. \ Chests this the wise [ton, ?All dIIow ?the Important dict?t? fi to ?be the jh-?vi? tf?tord?] ven ;it the OOel of inauy thoi ;in?l dollars. Bead th-see sample ?prices, ?th ppend Friday's advertisement Eaiti'-' Natur*, Wool Ribbed VtSl and Panti, Be. grade, Be. garmen white Wool Rlbbe any siz?'. i to I White or Natur,:! .Merino Shirt Dnwei . "'?'. Children's Merino or Ribbed l.'nder r, a i be. Dr Wright's PleCCCd Enderwt ar : BC. Chlldren'i White Berlno v. sis. be. Suits. f"r m nd boy? ptian <->r w,,oi ribbi d, Be.; other foi am else. Reel 76C. While Wool Rlbbe? Be a garment ( oin.v*. BOB PBTTlOa 11 BL d k Preach Bat? nklrts, um corded, flann? llett? .. . f,,i- ih- ? valu? ever offered; othen at i::?,-.?faac) ; N.w Near-Silk Petticoats, pretty BUI I -, - ind H.B? : Sklrtt, Be; othen a) A FI/VKH FOIl SATI IIDAY. I Beginning al I o'< kx k a i ;. Ladies' Combination Pocket? d Card-Can t, ; lain or trlm lli Ladles' Shopping-Bags, with ; >. k'-t full rise f?f bag and Larg? six?- Shopping-Bat abovi for Be. each Don't miss ', m. ii Ladles' Combination Pocket Bookt end Card-Caaea in '"lor. or T lain or iterling-tilver trim in? d; ...". Ladii b' A'llgat^r Chat the n? a eel and ! kit I any Of tht t ? bought to-day for BOc. each. V IHW OF THE MWV BDS1BB1 BPBC1 \ I***. and Boya1 EtoUd Black B and !: Hi . lit? I up to 1". lie. pair. '. Thretd, Pine, Solid k Import? d Hoi i . Be. pair. Scotch Imported Pancy Hose, ttrfped and t i-.-i n? BOc; your v. r B styl, b, Be. pair. I l Solid Color, Block, or mleSI Hos". Pc. pair; other? at 11 and ] >., that C08t If to Be. al > k and Gray Ml? . II BC, E' l-tc. pair. Black Heavy Ribbed la -. .',.-. i iihei: si'i:?i\i. I miiki.i.i v ittit GAIgS. I'mhr, liai, It? el roils, st. tling-silv, r trim'; >l. 100 E.i.lies' Prii Handle Black Taf Bilk, light-Rolling Umbrellas for E '.''. and Men's Bt? el-Rod .-ilk Caro ta Crabnllaa worth 11.1 i for N . BAIS RDA1 yi:ii.i\<;-ii\i. to I It? Fiih-N? r Veiling!, with or Black ? henllle dots, usual kind, for Be yard. 11 Hing, wirb .?Do Tuxedo and Fi I \- \'. Illnga, With or with'Oit chenil!" dotl, Be, llty, for IT", yard. I? oi Black Mallne-Net Veiling. with larg, or small chenille ?l?,tp. fur yard All th?- m a ? -t and m tble ef In Black Plah-N? - V? Hing I th mall m? Bh? - i : kind that r? rywh?r? for I ; hi re for i' . Double-Width White or Black Malina N? t Veiling for lac, yard ! " quality of Black s ?wing Silk V? II? tag, with satin border, for 19c yard le of Black H? rnanl Veliine rt*E COHEN CO. yard. THE COHEN CO. INTHEJOhTS HASPS a,,, M Hill? I HIM HID IN I"?: n??\\ i>i:\-tni.\ i?. ? IBB. 01 HER NEWS OF THE* COURTS. < fa n m r ?-niini-.i ? n Meaulaal Se-> iitit-\,i i iiriii.-r Steps in Taken b] Hie ?.liit-Miicliini- lim?Divorce riaiiBifflnajB flattai JnAgmaoaits. ra B, Dowden, wh,, f . n of chai giv.-n to the 'It II" V, r dut v. ind its further <<>n ? itlon was post] n d until tins morn d Judge Minor und a Jurj in t1-' Law oi.d Equity i : 'i,I the Milt has been t Mr. L. o. v. ii th plaintiff, ' phar B Bl rl Only Bvs wltn? In ill were examined, pat u.. . uunb lion was galante, Mis pou I In h i own behall httroduced two character wltaesses, Ths Befence readll] bl and tur 111,-lit i to tin- plaintiff in an) a ij dad i, ai? nis i- itlfl? ?i that si" ' n . I : from M r. I OBOUNDS OF THE BUR, ? In the i h con while the plantlfl , r by the Lewis ? | the lut, . the i nt, b? r i and si and 'h tb? di s in -, :!;..?. With ? Inch ??tl, Cted oil 1 end ! ?i t" fprtber ? lalmi d that In a ? n ? tiff ami defend mi. I lated . d thai plaintiff m .. ol the theft and would t.. i in two that In with g rj ii tVHhlnson tbs damaging sr a i rep? it? ' ?? i tha! i r. i'lk.? I'owert-. A DIVOR? i. g| IT IN8T1TUTE1X : . . ' t - dlfores :. In ?his i has y.-t b.. ti made. - : i: mond, ,Kh the in. ak . .,. xt Mon ' for tk? slot-in.i Inn- owners iai, ' ' ' ' ?I tbl y to H supreme Court. I lot-ma ' i In this ,i,v. " *lll<h ""' I il"? a u I '" " ' ?gainst bim m and he was given t,\?> y? BIS in He iry, Jamei Chrttttan (colored) was charged with carrj I tied w? apona He v.. > : I >. Dunktay, proprietor of the laa? : Hot? i bar-room, wt i tt led on the charas ?*f keeping his place open on Bun? ind was acquitted. There was quite a tiutt?-r of excitement lu tht n Court yesterday morning, whin t young man presented blmaelf and , by asking for a mai t It re I'D,lay is a day that hat E . void? d by i on venturei of thlt kind. Mr. Frank B, Whltlock and Mitt Lula P. Ls?cy are tht i. ited par) MEDICAL BOCIETT, CHARTERED. B R Wellford, In ihe- circuit court, granted t charter to the Virginia Mutual Ml ,liial So,-i, t y. th" ill". I being M? ira Uwellyn Jordsn Andrew .i Nelson, George w. Tayloe, G. B. Syd nor. Jr., and P. H. Boll The company is formed to furnish to implying with its ruin medical and surgical treatment, medicines and, in esae of death, a itiltable burial; aleo, io d? al In drugs, m? - d(bal, ind .i applUnCba The capita] ttock It riot t.. be less than ? ? t oi mon than B&OM, ?livid..,i a : th.- atnount Ol nal estai., held tl) ,11 not . gcoed H08BOO in valu,., and the principal offlce shall be In Richm? nd. ti tor the inst year LJwellyn Jordan, of Washln?gton preal .\iiiii"\\ .i Nelson, of Grtmet't Mill, \ ?. -1 j i. Idenl, George W. Tayloe, Ri? bmond, I ti nirer. w J Nelson, Georgs W. . and ?;. B. Bydnor, Jr. .lie . i I In the Circuit Court for !- ?; In tht can of w. h. Mid aeaiiist Basa. Harris. linkoiii iioii In Wiiii.nig Agrada. "1 I ?kola Bob," tin- p.?l." nan. It Ho I irth tt ip a rott tht Conti nent, having walked BMM mllet up t., July i ' ' Bob ;.- an unique character, : . acquainted With Bl! the Mayors. Polio . bou tpaper men, t nd many noted personages throughout th? (..until. Tin- wager bt It now- on made between BUI* Lee, of Denken, N. I i ,i Joe Mills, of Ban Pranclsco, Cal., for B.8B H.- b to cover BJB m: nine months, from New fork t" San I ill | ; f th, touthern route touching ail the principa] clttaa He left ti;. Now Y??rk Journal ofltat September Bd and is duo in San Praaelsoo July E IBS if iie wins Eiih Lee piv?M Bob 81.800. ( oikIIidiii or ?i.? Blek Folk*. Rl f. I M. Hartley i who has b en Buffering from nervous prostration, . ' i ?i as to I"? able Thurs day (-Veiling t?) have tht City foi M"ii ireal, Can., win t ? he will \isit hi th..' Major A. II. Divwry. who has been 111 at St. Luke'a Home, w.,s able to lern his home, at W< ' '. : S>*. The OOOdltlon Of Captain JUBBOS B Eitz thought to be more favorable yeat? i Mr. i;.??i.-. e Ptahafr ?as reefing a iit th atoro eomfortably yetterday. Ili.liop Jaaanr nt St. I'aal'?. The Right R .. Tbomai A Jaggar j> of Southern Ohio, will pre.on at a I'aui's church Sunday, morning and erenlng Dr. Carmichael. the rector oi St Paul's, It still too 11] t.. OffidStO, and the eoaa*regatk>u and peaplt ?v lUchaawnd are to be congratalatod that his pulolt will be tillid on Sunday by such a ill-tiii guithed dhrlat at etabop Jag?saf, A I'et,Don in Hanbrnptiy. Mr:, liosa i: Torreaos Btad t petitloB in the ITatted Stale* District Court y?stcr througb n r attorney-, Mr, w. H, ildit?*, asking to be adjuged a batik t ipt The principal creditor Is Walter E Uiand, of lU'Uilco county. READY FOB MONDAY, rir-MorHATii? BdBB Banal IBB O NAMHKVIKR THAT flIBBaf? CONGRESSMEN JONES AND LAMB? Hip.? (?enllrnafii Are the Orator? of the Oocaalon?Mayor .Msurlii? li I' ? oprlnml and Malern (ici Three Months Kara. Tho Democratic ?Tity Committee, ol bTbh? biwtar bald a BaWsBng last night. .n i i,, idee srrnnsing for tho ma?=s-m..?t na,' and ajMBktng OS M"n?luy night, trans i? t?-<l g greal deal Of Important b ' I>. L TOBSy St-SSaded, and there viT. presenl Besara Charlas i'.urkert, }, W Ooodlng, W. .1. ost.rblne, J. L. ledfura. and it. v. Owen, The ?hair appointe,i Basera, BoyaB and b reception eoauaalttea for Bon? lay Bight Besara Owen, Osterblne, Barker t, and tedford wit.? appointed usher? for Men* ay nlaht. Mr. Kedford was Instructed to procure I iii.l of music ni-., far ths sp. aking. The motion of Mr. Ooodtng, for Won. I A. Maurice, Mayor of the oily, to to ivit',1 to preseal ths ameakers, was car led unanimously. Chairman Tonoy W8J instructed to Issue number of Invitations to prominent bm a y and Richmond t" ooeu] n tin? platform, it WB8 then announced bal i 'der Ball had i,- m as Bred for ho night, and sverythlng was In meeting, THREE BEMBER8 RESIGN. R ' itions were reeelved from three f tha members of tha commit! i b'ssi?. O. B. Bid? r, ?'. J-;. Wck? It. and .*. T Pugh. They were accepted, and ounollman ,f. R. ted to .n ths First Ward and Kiioir ani K If, Nunnally from ie Be? and Mr. Royal] announei I to the commit c. througb the chairman, thai hi oi -, i?.e on tb, committee to collect . funds, and Besara, Burkert and oodlng were appointed to succeed him. [r. < teterblns wns sleeted treei is oommltte to soooped Mr. pugh. Mr. 0 ' it,,r permission to be inted to the three members tr,,;u the. irst Ward to BTOvldi for I ai orators In thai ward Bon lay , tob? i Bat The m. lion a ft.-r that thi commit ' d. OET THREE MONTHS EACH The Hustings Court s -l y. c irday la tbe iri-ii ol Marsball Copeland ad Van Btaten, the colored I ?th the marder - Bird, also a ?lore i youth that both era com Ictcd >>f Involuntary mai r. and COmmltt? ! tO Jail for tin' lonths, ii was on Augui * 171 and nt at the Hull? rii<-k Bird wIMi a ro,-k. kn",-ki ?wn. it is b?< u? d then tl 'a pal, ki.-k- d Bird in the side t,, b. carried home afl : : ling? re,i until the ?th imber, when ba ?ii??i The youthful ayers wer.? very mucb dl : n? Qjtti m Iy wi 'it i see Bird wbile hi h. and help. d m to pass many otherwise dull ry pleasantly. The Jury was .' i be llj?ht with th? if th. Ir iillh. and i-, wl?le ' be were mc I serious, the whole af nothlng mon than a street light itw? sn boya, WBDDED NEXT WEEK Cardi bava been reo Ived In tl inounclng the marries* i u-. Lynn i leiti Ich, of Heno ad Bias Bus BcWharter, of Norfolk. hi in-uiv ? hi be p. i : orm? d al Nor -ik by Rev. G? rge n. B. Fad. a, ?>f this ty, 'i '.. bride el? t la a later of Mrs cFaden, who la now In th tj by the Ri r, Mr. McF In hi r. Dr. Deltrlck is ti young phyalclan of anovar v? : popular and prom Ml:. BTARKET WINS. Tho engine? ra' ? ... ran by the L?adl? -' Baaaar m Bai r was decid? ?I last nient. Mr ? si the ' and Ohio, being tbe ice? Bsfu] cont? i tant. li> iti in lo at wee Mr. hiliips. of the ' ' Ived i i arg? following, 1 bs itween most popular to iialii with i ike walk and fr? 8 BdmlSl Ion to all. PER80NALB 4ND BRI! Mr. Charles Plshei who baa I i- severa] w. - i Improving; Mr. W. V Barkham, of Chesterfield, as on the stre? is > Ur. J. Flunk Doilglas, o? liremo Bluff, in the city viBting Manda Mr, Fioyd Jon? a of Bu i I ?ending two weeki In Chesterfield hunt? lira. J A. Thompson, of Keysvllls, is Biting Mrs. w. !.. He isai I Inth ati lu-, t. N. Oarnett, phyalclan to Mrs. imu.-i l>. Attblsson, reports no i ir th" 1" tti r In : ' able lady's mdltlon. Mr. j. \v. Arlington, of - Ile, N. , is in tba city. Ha wei foi m< rly lo tted here, a I cupl? d th? on o? i l ?omillion ilton-Mills. Th? bull glvei ght by Messrs. Baugb and R. I irj lan led and was a \, : : t affair. I nul. Out Not l.ensl. i Hi Son at Celt lurch, I tor. Rev. H. A -, a,-h the last of the a ri? i ot i ths qu? ition "la the World ? (rowing atter or Worse?" | ..ins. will deal with tha oild outside of ti"- Church, and will Bg effort, ?if ihls. lung, but brilliant, theologian. A ' ira ?.f tt.?- service will ba a solo by M oi i B. Bweeny, vocal instructor of tha oman'a College imln>-School M ?irk In Hie South. i:- v j. H. Be? ' -. . rintendent ! tbe Southern Diatricl of th? American inday-School Union, is in tbe dty In ;, Int. real of tbii Influ? atlal organise on. ami is stopping al the ? slngton. On, William Wirt lb m y and V tseph Bryan, John Morton, >'. K. Well? ird, and ?'hart-- P K ,,.-. tj] ,,f this tj, .ne viee-prei ha uni?>n. vii-s. <;ur* K*.t*nr.,ioii BanaEap, HU*i < geuraloa to Waahtngton xt Monday morning bids fair tO ] is of ths largest of tha sos son, as many bo cont?mplete attending the Peace t Philadelphia will avail th? m? i ba cheap rate offer? d to B gtOB by Mrs. OUI Those who Mm cith? r Bondaj night or Tu. Munie mi slew Leeive, Captain Jen Stuart, guartennsater of . First Brigade, in. iventb Army Corpa, ai Jacksonville, at hi- beaas In tltts tdty OB -ick leave. a la uin.ut recovered. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought ?iguuturo of (^ar/^yf?<Gtf<?tf? (ja S>TbB!tag|tQ ( \l'i; ( ?I IRLES. Tho ?. B. O. \. to liniEl?Brief m?-?? I ion. CAPE ' H v RLE8, VA- r 21. il.)?Mr. E. H. Townsend, Jr . in-law of lin- W. E S ?tt. Of i and owner of "Hollya.I" trink farm, has appointed B n and E. D i. Fiel cher, of this n of ? pt I in .: . ' bei Mr. , . ted a lot near the public ; ch ?ol-l V Chi: apon which a Mr. Matthew Colema h "ii ' k. Phlla . Port Noi k, Pa., vv. f the track <?f the Norfolk v.. iv Wl i,., of awoet ] Illie. I his ' John T. Daniel und w. s. into theli .- well avci .Mr . the : m .joining the i j. T. e nl? I. TUET w eiti. at BAHT1 li.i?. Vira-lata OBeera Wha ? n.? the Beavleei of the Fighting. . lliatn i '. Infantry, a the eity . B J ?. i. Btaun? ng his fih ' i ... when he dlitlng hin - 11 ?.. i .. 11 captain - i com i i ? | it d ; he a \ s-ulur Past-A tie littl which sank the Spanish torpcdo-bonti ?1 the - allO in th? and . Tyler. I >r. Er.,nsT..r - borne, In ? I I i. Peraannla and Briefs. Mr. Will tuiin d from the mountain! to i on E. tic at The ? Ity 11 mocmtlc Committee held it? weekly meeting last but miiy r"utiii" Pen will I k. Mr. and Bn IE.:: VV. '! 1!. of Plains? Id, N j . an In the frienda Mr. Marshall to a membei MyitlO Shrin?/ Rev. M. Aehby Jonee) Bapttal . hureh, ind Rev. C. R th., Third ; :: -.?. B 'rillllK'. Th. ui,i Point, wb?en they ? lined a' tl; Th? v 1? I hom? \ . "> - bingi ?ii 11 t night E. J. Crane sen! one of ins t?> Baltimi .iay to Identify, if Willie Hrlce. win, o the poll? .- lie r.- fur an all i : tant-Engin? er J. M. H : un- United -tiio r: New s ?s. rtaltlng bit btuther, Mr. H. H. Hudg ' ' irj ttn t. Bt will also visit bl ' ' -. ?n Hiitk'i.i,' lia.-ii c .uni . . Ill? liinoit.lera In >?-?v lurk. NEW rORX, October B.- (Sptctal ? e I E Mac,,muer. New Amsterdam; J. V?. I Jnnea Grand: n '" iffla St. D?nia 1 f*?B??^'^^*^**^'>*3''ff<*>Q''a"aM0 Kr, -: , , FOP MEN. g ?3.00 $ FOR MEN. | 2.50 * PUR BOYS, ft) .L. DOUGLAS I SHOES THEWORLD f " All the latest styles. I ? Every l{ir,il of leathtT. $ ?kfg i" OB D la1 v a , . in i Bstaan Bad aintor weight. * An tzanrinatioa ?>f our itock will ! I i W. L? D ? ?j rfof .a every WSJ to 1 _t . MstiBg from $.? I *P S AI.I. HIZFS A* I? WlaBTatSsj | OUR EXCLUSIVE STORE ? 623 East street. ? i?--? CH?a?>?a''^'?&<???' ssTv'? a |?#''<P'**9e?s> M '' II:".. DE \ i H OP ?i iil.iiMlt, ILSTON. I out ma no' e or' I ir?t Booth ? aro !D, ii Begrlmeal >u Bore. Tht . / the Fifi and . i . iil?'. Th jalindi. and I.?dr. failure. H< ,'iilar man. and a BK I I? nl cltlaV I will v. ith mil nie honon, all Hi.- offlcera of this point, wil H ' th?-ir ?!?". ; Hi" fun- : i n intry. Bplertdid Bora] tribut ibia. DEATHS. B08CHEN. i ? lien All? h . ' C B< 'S? DEN, in ' I '.! >RN IN< ' ' th" remains at ; rited i" ! 'its ?Died Richmond, Pa, on THOMAS POTTS. ,i : SA TE El ' '?' ' AIT k. tober 181 b, at the r aid? n [ BEN JAMIN T. WILKINSON; Bill from Er : ot at , . At . i tlon CHOMA fl I Hi lh, i otnpanv ; ll : ?air BS? . loel an active Intelligent, and useful dl? rectoi in ids a wh? ae mind i ibut? i to tl of tht Inttitu? . mg In trained In the : I -i and full of publl I spirit, the l? m to "ur city and ::. death In th midst of t useful ? ireer Sita us wn! ' Borrow. R ?Ivi I, W" unit?- with nil faintly in mourning his Resolved, T:; id on our in the ? ?tv page i>. .. i .? "t I ml to his family. WILLIAM H. PALMER, Presid? nt. \\. li B earthy, s??< >. tary. hou Id tha ; , it. ton BEUT. ism ft! 1 FOB BEB i. THE TEMPLE LIVERY STABLE OB J, D CARNEAL, nil-It N M i oit ?t?:\ i. BM EAST BROAD STREET; 1" - No. 6 east " a--. Bo. 17 v tret ; : fl No. S08 north Nine) N I . ? I No (flat.) th Lau No. ' No, 508 south i' ?. nice No. 519 n.rth Twenty rooms. No. SB r,,,rth Twei l No J. D. CARNEAL, oc ---It_No I Main tr. IMS I I I- I > <\\l.!, AND OET OURS BEFORE Irable , | ... CO., i '-Ct. FOR ni \i. ? VERT COMFORTABLE CON? n, ting Ri orna, a II h floor, I Bra wii.i.iAM \ c IMPBELL M 1'- -!' ME KIT BU S. N? ?TICE. A GENERAL MEETING OF B'l ' "Klli iLDERS ..f th VIR H< ?SPITAL will be h? id the i Grace st reel at s o'clock P. M.. ,,n FRIDAY, th. day of Novembei HUGH M. TAYLOR, SPECIAL MEETING "I THI HOLDERS OF THE PJ RAILRl 'AI' O "M I Notice in hereby given that the I i PETERSHI i-? ; RAILROAD COMPANY hav. a sp : o mi ting of the -itiA-kh. ompany, and that the omp iny. In the citj of Richmond, I - upon the - on of the Petei R I road Com? ih,- Richmond and r Company, undi i of \ Irginla, entitl? ,l "A Rlcb iany . and to authorise thi pany to change its , | LANTIC-COAST LINE RAIL1 I' \.N V OF VIROINI I W. R. Jot s SPi iai.".\1?:i-:ti.\' ocK. HOLDERS OF THE RICHMOND AND PETERSB1 RC? RAILRl < ' 'VI'.'- f i RRSBUKG RAH COMPANY ng ? A M., on MONDAY, th. S - i - ting upon - . "' imi act of ti. didatlon ol tin- i mond and and ii and to authorise the coi LAN. I'' ' ' VST I.IN !. RAILRl PANY OF \ IRG1NIA ^ v. 11 ICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING STOCKHOLDERS ol th?; PALM I RAILWAY COMPANY ,,,, ,,-.:., , ol the it ilelgh ar pany, In Raleigh, N I 111 RSDAY. N? o'clock noon. JOHN il. SHARP i - ' l _ i Building and Loan A s<, latlon. I i sag. A CALLED MEETING OF THE ffTOCKHOJ ?ERB OF THE MINION mil-Dl.\G AND U) \ CIA HON will b< < nu. ' ?nd. V t am the M DA? OF N?>v EMI l \ i conaldeiing tbe g, u atloQ of to Ion of otl tual .?tock. and t?? tSbe BU? il ta, lion In therewith as may 1 bv th.- BtOCkkOld? : B, I I- .RBER oc 2-t(l m-v. I ' I Olv? n . said ( , A I CTIOH BALI HOTEL ALL?GHANY, AT (iEiMIEY \ \ ' : : posing ? h?iinb'rri?, h THURSDAY, I rett ?m - For f . r of the uin: ' ? wr i ? ? "EMM; ?ION! A i ' I'll S II 'I I hour f ?ale. i'omn I court. i p - - pin sie, \< x ' i.N I". 18 uf IE . CO ? : ' TI i at r i i i ant i .'. I. ' oc 30 DRUDGERY Monotonous Work That Wears the I Life Away. Dr. Greene's Nervura is a Blessing 10 the Toiling Masses. AVCTIOM tAI.Ka-votare D-nya ^WHBN REAL E8TAT1 IS BOLD THB TAXE8 FOR THE CURlUfNT CALEN DAR TEAR ARE TO RE PAID PRO RATA RT THE VENDOR AN?' THB VENDEE _^ Ev c. i, g H. E : BgBl Estate Auctioneer?, H21 Main street. eA CCTIOS SALE irF THAT Very Desirable Brick Dwelling No. 1411 W. Main Street, An Attractive Home. Wo will tell, 1 v public au. tti n, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER M it .", o'clo k P. M . the 8l'BS*J AN : I.D. LT- BUILT TWO-8TORT BRICK DVl EEEIN't,. No. lit', -vest M lin Ri Imm?diat? ly oppoi It? Hv- tieai l groundi ?,f the i.tttl. Slatera ?.f Ih? I The house contains ..?.ht lai IB addition to the usual ?oma eta Tins property is a corn borne in even pai licular and il mod? m improv? menti, Incl in.? and COld WBt? r. r in fact, - rerythlng eaecntial to a forts ble home. Partiet loosing for li t wild ?'- . do well to at tend tl la the pro| ; ty a III tx I mure that will illow a handsome Income. TEEMS; Can be made unusually 111 ? l. ft H. I?. DENOON, v If s. id? Real E-t it. I Aur| Eleventh and Ear.:. TRUSTEES' ?U0T10S BALE I Of rwo VALUABLE STORES, Nos. si? AND . >S THE SOUTH side OP BROAD STREET, BETW EE.N KIOHTH AND NINTH STREETS. AND SECOND DOOR BA81 OP MUR i'li ri H< ?TEL in execution el and duly recorded ' iff!?.- Richmond < liai cry < lain negotiable nol ein m? ntl iefault having been m ' In the m( nl of lin pi Im Ipal n? I -the it ol the hoi I? ' ligned truite? s, will proce? d I i THURSDAY < ICTi ?BER 27, it 1 "'cluck P. M th? El. \!. ESTATE tbove m< ntloned, be-li 1 I d by -aid ?! d of rt ust. Th? lot upon a hi? h ttai ' - riiis B feet II common the right t" use whlch N The lot upon which r. This la a re? ilrable property, alwayt occupied, and . thould ? .nun it:" || , tor*.. A plat of thia prop rty m ' 'I BRM8: Bnougta 1 Ins thia trust, ail tax? - to day ?-f - : 11 ^. and the sum of B.00O, with In) then on fr.,,n 1 >?i,nn?*e ,-tt one an?! two v?-ars. for t. not?e, t a d? "d of tru v or all 1 it option of pui H. SEED? IN TAT1 DOUOLAf I LOR, Tru.' ible that ni"re ...... . it 3 ?,'< lock P. M HARD-Ll'M! FACTURING PL1 AlCTlo? BAsVBB B?sate Dmpo, WHEN KM?AL EST A '.' K 1 TAXMH FOR TBJB CURREN1 CALS* DAR TEAK ARS T?J BR I * RATA 11? THai VhJNLOft ANa lUm VENDEE 4 DMIMSTiiATOIiSS\, v. .11 ! Bold by Tl i' I i DJ I ' Horse-1 Mill nd Appllai .;ii iii . worth , f < 'a*, h r Tlml t,. mill i i time, au i be il s i:. ; - It? Api Bl B-tt* By ' luarl? I Real 1 , rtOMMISSIONl JALE TWO VERY DESIRA 13 BEING N BEN JACKS? )N A 1.1 -, ,| on he I7tl bi-lK ' land, m : cation one can a 4 - south makfl TERMS: until p -nt. 1 i RI .1.1: V DA 1. ? ; i Th* " It no greater trail npon 1 m tl ry. Wo* m? n In ttorea and factories, snd men i" the rartout mechanl? I i ttimulanti ? i I I and tempta ' .1!. M Irritability arc among th,- commi i .. and m ntal d< pn Ion, a I by Ity i.-r Inl Dr. i ' th? ? and for all Stich and quickly ?iV.T? -. nil torn i > i emov No ? Impaired . i fleeted. . to ? t. , . ; ui ??f the t. o. i'. ... ? l.c ' ? Insomnia, ?. All t by Dr. Oi IS -; ami de ainl u ' th?- blood Is - and the I - - ; i r? ? I. M anxiety Is r? mo' t Joy and an Intptratlon. If lal advice i ' tonal? E.ait- N Dr. nultatlon.