Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER, ll.TM. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1898. TIJREE CENTS PEU COPY OUT FOR FRANCHISES, Powerful Syndicates in the ?itj Railway Privileges. SULLTO HIGHESTB?DOER . :an Suggested and Seems to Meet Ittl General Favor. 01 t> t 09IPAN1 BOPBI lo - I v\. , I, ?IkmiIiI Ht ?.Urn TitWi < <>ii ,i,l, i :\\ i m? \n In I -stiiiciu (if (lur :?,. Million Dollar??>!r. I .. Mil ll 1(111. ft] ' ' rail ill the non hi '.'i The ' r i lie -, . : . . and , 111) B. Ir. \v. < : ; M A J *Ugg< ild be n the i . strongly in . b pooling oi i thi Iway PALL IN. i the t to of thi which rack on i I now a the which I at an] from . I of Hi MENTE t of til he pui I to tak I 'i i on ib r hi **? oiuewliut re?JCCd of . bf I Investi ktlon int? th? ?rrairn o< Um - "i tlM feet that um Ring thr flx-,1 chargea ' It? operating expense* Mi Ptxxlnl ' ' > '. ,,? ,v that th.- dcflell amount to MO.00O, ?ad that economy and re. - deed it> < v t,"n- s l'*l it dOWn In \. ry I harged. a flvt lule li beta? maintained on nd a stx-mtnut? hcdul? num r ?* ca| n reduced to th? num. I contract with th? 'i hi: EUEMOVAL OF ng the pi . to . II. Mr. Pliaitl nth to - i th? (round that th oond .i |t dot a ?mpany ' ' ', ,.,; (hi i bet n lali Ui. Maln-str< et ft atti not would be made mbaras? i IL AUTHORI1 author! I . 11 y - ne to th? Bi okhlU, Pine?, Hl| I Man? luae >f thi . "that . pur ; ' relit In event that It does not - ; "Mi ld n t'i rom Twent th, the Idt i way the com] , Itlon Ith two linea . ordinance i pet mlttlng the use "f .1 k \\ : , | I M i A Bapteml i i. 11 protecting thi? he Id ding "-.lii . whlcl . Attort y and Mr. C. V Meredith nay fully protect! the city's ln THE OLD C( >MP \ N Y s ?l In referen ta r , m of the ii hia<, Mr, Plantai "The city rail? | no long . ?'n that atton. In ail otl .- . but II oui . thi ma, tht ti the only fair on I : !.i ila te n 11 m ..r which ry to tha ity. and oft for aalo to tha night at re- it bidder." u l\MA'ill,\li: rosTM \v ||;n KM (.11T ( nli-i .'lOi'i' Ca>aaaalaataa Will ><-n?t MeyraaaatMlToa n?-r?-. Johi da lettei from Ji > i: Pioctor, pr< t of the i "ivl! Set ' I Dg the <;>org md John T. i v Richmond nett Wed . preferred ' Mr. Knight. that F vtmaa ter K hauled ovei I appoint! all within the limits of the law, and won approved by the depart? Mr. Knight I Is o mplt t< ly Indifferent to be tak. n by thi ra. Colder WcatiiiT Foreenatad. The w< .liini 1 -m ti e to be ?uc .i by coldi condition! are thui aummi ?l up: "A low area la central ovei N w ki\ Ing baromeU r . '.\ th< i , \ er t he nort ' ai tei n port i the country. A high entrai ovei Mire has fallen South Atlantic and Quit 81 orted a d 11 Middle Atlan I weather continu Noi th >\et t. "Rain haa fallen over the i. R ilong the Atlantic and i tii \ U u. i (.?oik?' Waafclagrtaa MaaaarUil. e Washington-Mi moi la] V t no In | ' I the lett( r who la the n ' : being held In New N or? i Itj. * iluabli Informa o the meml > poi t the N itlon il r. nl Tht .san the d< porti that "'' '" " , m building. Tl . i . . ng ol the . i will - Tt??> Denajtartava t<? Meat. ,i be a r. . . ..-in | ,.,,?. I i i WOII III?' MllllllHN. gloj ?i < ..un r'a I Ian i? n?'int. \ D VA 'I ' : ll > i i: p Elll' It, for t ;% of the Count) and Clr Ployd county, died here 11 had in falling month* Hi at the lime ol I a native of North lived In ...' ?'til .'!< <k I? ' ir man in the county. Dr. Elliott v .ai- in th ?"' ' A, Tweni '' l: ' ':: Bt Oflaaara HwiwMt PI?It?rgrC \\ ABHINOTt IN, O ti b< r -'.' Tha fol " irmy t ' ' kocond-Lti utenanl Bt? pb<.. 13 Blktne, Jr.. i B, VVlllard, VI r . lofgnUF? (S?sss; ^ TriEGKIAT H?KIKUY ;destiny TESTER. (limited) ; ; \ 1 fl^ff^l':/'/,/^ ' ??CLE SAM- "The currenti of destiny-Who will ofaecl them? Who will stop them?1 Mv oonntrymec the current, of (fortin; flow khroughthfl hesrti oi the people. Who will chec m? Vho ;;?lNl?v.'rt them ? WTio will itop fchem? ?//, ?/**>?,., niCk^._ DDED TO THE STAFF.! | PTAIW fflLLAWD II THI I ?? OBBD in <.o\ BBJIOfl < * ? ? ' ? S HADE A POPULII OFFICER.! j hl in iiiuii B?t?e>? ' > Oip of ||, (oiii|iiin> ??0 O.c ll.Klni.-iil- j h?> Bia IWHi "'"' Berfko* ?" \ ?noil lo Meet. .r Trier v, iterday appointed ptata Joaaph B. Willai v.y I. Thlrdl ' '"' ?? Wlllard, aa M " ' I ?, bin now, ?m aor tu Philadelphia to : ] His flrat : - z"i:k' if.irm of bl D*W rank. ,, bu companj ta )is H( n,v.- bad opportnnll bat ta the , ilWe. Sandl I ' . .try. ?atnevi ,ve of i ,. na- " , . ** ';/ n after the ,;,, TO CONGH 10!"/ hy vouiiK "ill r i- .. indwtll many AS . JOSEPH B. WIIXARD ?,r,i-i i Feed, ihs * - ;i ' ' i' "l to tha souse of the Confedera? assis;: ?annas she was employed b> t.- neral ntu a,t to leeuM Information u* M the dus. T ri t: T ' i ; i : S'.jiUl D i.v THE ENEMY. (1 wit 11 'i h led to Moab; t. At th i ( the w< athet a ai v? ry li ei . I be roadi deep with und. Prov? hal Connor, however, di <-? liil walk to thi old rieon in \s aahlngton, a A Mr. . I who g still living, then vial horvi J I : I ! iM rk!.- In rejected ; rho ... Mr. Bweetaer n pill 'It , aome v. ere alck, i , In the m It would m Inhuman t<jr thi no to do I [< fur : that M the pi o i ; du tend? 'i only one mil .;.| walk i < ivil or mill! i 1 them t" walk any ; ike the reapo lllty and carry tbam ta Ington. Mis- Ford wai .1 moni ha" imp an.i it t.. RI" bmond. MARRIED BER GUARD But during her Impriaonmi " I ! made the ai quaint Willard, Of n a tiny. and proprl itor of wn Waah- ' |i I by 1 Ight x beauty and the chivalrj of her gu i hidden in the si they have told thi Ir sua of t :. \ i ttox bel i? auty |*a?ve her hand in in brave and I win.ini la 1 of that ! L PITZ LEE. w hi? b is well I Palrf i\ l : i.-. !, m Thi i left l Union U B . . nd to i nlng. H* ebo e to be movemi th" afl I ' down ' he ; Thi y i topped that i lowing month r < Lee : i i - rty, i were or.'- rod In II jond. Mr, Ba ; I .tti? ta ; >n had i far when * REWARD OP CH Mr 1 : i through your n ? G cut bla | a. I on it. addli n Mr. ptured mi le took from ii,n, fa in Mr ier iiv ord< r of O irried by Mr, Ba i?.- now Itvaa li i ;. E m Bl it. Art tint?'? Firm M.-.tlnu'. The Art Club a in bol i Y < nlng at 830 o'clock, < MBcora and "tin r Important buaineea will bi iran? u ted. The ao lal f< ituri - will I .., |. r > . niperinti ndeni e of Mi M. ' m and Mrs. Banry C. v. Mfcus* old, . i ( llnrl) llrit\il> lluerf. Thi Board ol Police C namli . ; ,i-a H. tioa of "i'it\ agaii il Oei i : the Flmt Dteti Tha policeman waa fo I nn riv ?ai, appartntl) ta atupoj The I '.!." it I MSCOPAL COUNC? IHOPi \\l> 111 Pt Ills | vin; INSIDER CHRISTI \\ BDI < v i l< SHOP CF ASHtViLLE, N. rv. .lonlnv M. Monier, ??? (l\for?l '.. Chasca top Thi? MlaalaHi I n rlsil letioii ? Ail I ii m r ti ni - it t I'i for Taiaaday \e?t. W \shim:i. ?N, I). C. shops and depul tha El neral !onv< atlon united in joint i in to-?l .. on Cbrlatlan : ! poi ' gave In detail tht rk in progri i;, Indirectly tl and directly thro - and ' ollt -' a. The pa i be advanced, till, by having teachers grot Im Iplea, th m ola an ally of the Chun In the N I I amaJ I Il tbmittt .i for j ipal colleges In an ac . Blahop Whipple, ol h imp were thosi ?\. ntuck] . "ii Hi. : , Bl hop Petei .ii acadi : Qnlversll Hlft of ., M. BERVK I . n i Min the blah : . much Is allow the Th - right v. i I ! of the N.i'. ' ' d for ? (,.i\ i iiNMi > r I ROST lit 1.1.1:1 \nu-\ ? ii?>?-i ?*?r Waathas Thraash i ?i?- Saalh, KIKQTON The i.. throui . .. pi .uni Northern i i Lou i thi minimum . n .\. mber sth Brat dm : sing tesspemtnre . \ r oei .1 New Orleans. In Central Misal i Northern L und ?i i\ : . and Not I g weather I rd In th* of Octobet "i:. -t .1 al Mobile waa Noveat ?. Thi' eaill. -t lat? U Ni leans was Noessaner 't. IU1 Th. xgC minimum of teas regions referred to iiua rnnft a fr to .vi (Ven.'* turtos November, with . unonal perlada .j? freestng fens> nstatnra. TI.rrcnrp of light frosts Tu???<tay moraing, saantetasatad by fei and l?w. r .- mint.. atom lag, goaf h? considered niif.r. treble for the further f retlaw-fevi r Pn sent ti'.n* Indicate iront, and a tenu of sHght i I low, to-night, i th" int. nor of Louisiana. Th*1 temperature will i ro? bal ly : da] i be bt hra 'ha average, which at H New Orb !\ns. and sG d< ORgm I. WILLIS L MOORE, MChlef of w i'ii r R1 'VRAM'IM-: I'KKIOI) liMIMU'll. V r> , il be ii.' il ia. be ri ng 'a, th In te ol. of ng, of %nl!inr!lt?'?. laWW, RallSrVO Yel i?iT-Ff?ir Ratdeatte ?heart freer? v AlfUNCm ?N, October* \ at ; neral Bntlhnche, of th.' Martas Hospital Servies, t^ rdered tha i g? until Novembar Th.? action la of a pi ! urr, anil .! ilgni il to th.- entrj of yellow-fever frost porta In th- W( (i ifore has been from May lat to November i-t. hut th< fifteen ,la\s it t!. hut t? ring, eommi i \ April 1Mb, ari in i t. i . - of -, - au t toi of the unusual the favi r thM The authoi itti s, bowi n r, I - at "'it o> r. Thi Mil lei , ?a show thli M of fever, of which even are .it .1. ?km in, y\\<^ n la chart: j? the State qua 1 antlm 1 1 lock > > it? rday ? re uiini. 111 LLRTlNS FROM FOR! Rt snitiiiic ttt Traaaaarta With Seldtera *i<u Mini Watt, W \-'M\,;Ti i\' .!.. ; R The fal lowing hnii.-tins from n onmand . rs in Pone . Fort R ! "Manlt this morning for N a York, with tblrt] 1 h ir?, .i loldl ire, and thlrty*ata oil 1 men ni' th.> 'I bird v. "Missouri and Relief sailed atoo, bat W( re not n pot : '! to me officially. .dj "HENRY, Oeneral." "Missouri sailed et i S this evening, with Oeneral and Mrs Gordon, and Blxth I ichuaetl -> Reglmi rtt, thlrty-aey a hi'. : 1 and RI m- 'i istiir.-iii "BR< " iKfl C immandlng." "Burg rta that K with J4>: ;>.i;lents Missouri 1 to I royo to take alck. Will return here and then t?" to M i' (Signed) sky. "Brlgadler-Oem Tin: MAOATORS DRIYES BACK. Baas Artillar) mil Baad Rneaattaa? \\ n r Now lln. PRETt IRLA, 11: w>\ LAL REPUBLIC ra b n repu] - .i by the fot them. The burghers ; hem into the mount iln . killing 1 good am cutlon, and I hi Ti u i\ I The fact that the natl ked the burghers itlon of .. ?? st ROROS TARRR HOI SCED, 11. u 11. of ill.', ' I ton la oiiii.i H.i. 11. .1 t<> in (ounAc tion with I'liirtu'M Death* Si taHINOTON, I. i.s ilir<*c tion of tha i''ti ti act of Acttn \ m Taboi n annulled it appeared from t. -- llmony tuk^n before the 1 Commission he a 1 on with the de ith uf Hugh Parri tt, ol 1 WHAT DORS H' RRAB1 i.oiii? Caafereaee Between laaalal ?iut'i'U unit I'?iIm v ii'iu. HD Octobei betwei 1 the Que? n 11 1 foi m. r 1 l'A si ..1 ..r Cuba and ol the PhUlpptm m. ? ? Ratearla Meatlaa? BMPORJ i, VA., Od .... in ) The ' ' fr nit Com arly h"u thi m. ' ' le?Hon 1 the m ?l Monday In Nov< mb : ail n q ill a full d nur popular Com Ri . 1 little be hind tai" - 1 tadli H mined by tl 11 1 ' ..ii. ?aw, In 1 few .1 Mr. i'.. A. i- Ji Cotton Is moving quit? fn ly to-oa; and 1 Mr? KM N ou of th* paste of the ' I her h- in tu m. that .vi ful a 1 Raaaaaaa Satca? MAldAS?A8, V \ . Octobes ! i. 1 1 ' will hold Ii Ion het lions 1 Mr. C. 1 mber 7th. 1: K Meredith 1. Mrs, B 1 ' lowl %mong lh< iki r ' f fomi 1 VoluntiM .. ' .' Mil. All and ami r. t-iii at it! d > in nr -' Or th. n '#) Hi -lui H il (Hi/in of lurin \ III?' llr: FARMVIL '.' : z mmi ai d m n time 1 ' re na no Mr. '/ n hi He . He was ti 1 unm inn. ml a cbui Drittbn in Mlooiiirlr. CHARLOTTE8VILLE 1 ' his homo, near Pi county, In tn- t'.tth j one of lbs g of t Mrs. Julia M. Newman, wife ef I . !.. N.-v,m in, tii.t mother of M Henry L Lvman, died at Spun;- Be this morning, 'I ri mains will be Prohibition ( nnill.lm?' for t ROAN? IKE. VA., 1 ' iSpecl At th.- sarnest number ol Prohibitionists in this ?ll?tr Rev. Ira w Klmm^l. ? Pourtb-Avenae Chriatian church rented t.. i.."'.tii.' s candidate for 1 ?/rrju ul tilt Prohibition t< I PHOEBUS HOT. -lore Soldiers Sent on to the Grand Jury. ;eveh are now helo, :bar0ed ltd Being Implicated In til! Trouble. \i 11 ii i hi: slot MUWHB1 twawt] of 'Mir m "Inreil In thr ?W? i?ort Rawi l'oiivo i min-Bawaa HI I.onded Willi Mon.j ?\? to t.l rcinc. NEWPORT NVWi VA., O ? i",r ?? ? i ,'f th* thi warn n ?umed il u a. m. ra Mb .unty-tourt n I all gltt* I i in- atBMjij <m "the BJalta." M raaalt af Um Ba quiry thla i m. n wlfa h?*ld for the grand Jury'a action on ruara** ..r compuvtty In Hi? erlma al ai on aj for anteria ; and robbli ha the na . The thn i Privai D< unis Murpta I r| i>. Third Artillery, aeM oa < h i rn? -? of ac Privat? .inn. i Taylor. Battery it. Third Artllli ry; ? ii irgad with aal uni robbbag tb a. I i : I IV I. Math Ai all n> and other itlnij com i Lynch a attoa, and tii "t say bad a ea n? wa - no lailblrd, ind di i not i nilal ta Um i 'ait. .1 .- i . i com? one, lie Intimati d an Intention t.. . i ai. \n ided not guilty net them, and , . . fu ' ' the wll Thai iry hearing, and . ?. m- a ara i 11 ea . , , ? teatii ?ii? ntlflcatlon In aoni n ith will It?, I - I he trial i on. The police this mon I ill of the aaloona of t be ilot ' Aa a ill of their i I ' ordi ra if l M 11 I l 11,. n< nl mo . i . warranta agadnat tb i lining n in Ne i \. wa. 1 ' I'.'li' Hur < aa* >remova the mac] but t he latti r paid no at tentloa Ii ' the mat? t, r run on until th< In l be Mat i u. ra ; : i i l hi r in thi ind twaa> t>- u Tb i-' ara oity, luit . .-. :. op. rat< .1 n m bide their n li I I bi n i the i h ma ran v ever, in loaded with which, and will ne i?\ ided i - i/f : apa* Hj the 1.5 a w In .In at !. In? : tills thi awa> ors v.' il I be I at mi the ni" bine i in I .in -io*. ;.. A. B. I 11 H. Coaa* . r-uf Ig i he will i ;"ng *i - i OfAatogj. , a i.f the i Oh? caaa oa whii h tafoi Mat It. pU of Mr. Iloli.oii to Dr. ?ioitlhall U fed a leitet fr<m: : ' . \ I I ' lii r , '. 1 *ti.iiuri dU Writ* 4 I will l luv? < ii i ted no Mi< b r?' ti rnant told .i downright a subject I i ea ?ucl > l-;:K'h oi J I ' ' l -iiiih:> >|tiot.-ij i |. . : I m 1 M.. If ' I .un proud '?f the fact ihm. altboai i at:.m with uni I I for thi or vii. lit . M.-ii from Manila. S VN PH - October B M Manila, with O" *t and twenty-four auaatargad notdtere i roard. tj'.ven lucu di?d yn th* trl| **