Newspaper Page Text
.% IHK RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28s 1808. B?RSE SHOW COMING. ib ?M? ii as ?su i* ' X"NI "' *NI m 11 Bga a " ' oa?-*aw, MU II l?tt 'lo RICM?ID. Th.' I ? IM Ulli Be \.lv..'l-' ? ?* . ,;? ? ? gseegxet u>r lim Bmt? u, ?ii-i'iiii o? ti,. Srnaaisatlea M iii? ? Be ss lio?? '? ' t. , . i. j, \ rlum, i > il | i ? t ; I tie tl i i i ,1 ? i. i . a?? i . WHAT A HORSE SHOW t i thi? all, 1 i turo ! U I . 1 w, BICHMOND Th- | suited for a I . i . .. Ity. Vlrg try. a ti" i I I II i : ;-.'' .' might brint; Th? ! : . . . inity of ' f a THI Tl i i lion noa I tho .' Ill a tat: \ I I n in ,- fakir, lot a for to show ! i aintry. is known . He will I . Mr. the a! ' ' ill A Ig M. W h' Il ?! maki M 11 thi n un'. i"f tin !.. ii knoan I . IIMUM. or ill?. THOMAB POTTS. gervleea at lt. l'uni'?: Intervent in iioii? w/esS-Other Deaths. ! t- ?on M M. Paui i- ..fu in -, i .' i n ' rvlcea wen ?a. ilvi T?i- Boral \, i> Tia Cur? i [oll) wood, i int?' Nation il B i d t il tl ' ' l'uni nil .,1 Br. Ho?, hin Tii-Ii.i?. Th, fui Henry i ' ' : itertm ut a i Wllktn the ..h lus lit-ut Ii of Mr?. BBolM. ' nu B - V I a/Ill ried to the .t the hi \i Mr? chll I 1 I. i . H ID ?. 1(1)1 I.M TlllP. The llunr.l ?f PlaBaeJS? Muil la i;??r etaa Their aOaaaaaBhlp. t.... ham i oui ' Mr ' il, he e ; . ? I If a inn, i *ssted a trip ? ?al I. nd- h. ? oiilil h ?\. t , ki?.I to d? sth Even o?d aellon hsd lo th? Ir heada ovei the rsll, snd oas , ( ihr ?rsl to do ?> wa* h Kl? litinuiil SBlt, . h b mountalntjer nn.i un? ibber, 1 wm not Bl<*h . Aid?-.i Mr Kaesall, "thai ? . i ol the i.? glslature i' .- Rhewn ill?? the new hoard hag i... n the meane of ??ldin? \.-t> asatariaUy i< : | : iiitice?" h?- rep? sted \ i thii g y? - i de i baos are have v hat be an Ind. penden! I? for Congress in ths Seventh D1 i know he cisma lo be a i > m - though hs doesn't bHiev in free , i i saos he lsn'1 going to be ' i i.t w J. Hay IS, That's bout sa mu. h sa i lraaw.M TO I III'. ?H \KI'll ? ITY. id,- ?...?rimr aad Muir win Lsavs 1 ii-lliirrim . d ?-i;. tr s . noon t BBBfrWB for Philadelphia to at , i. u,..: \? U !.. .,, ? ompanli d by and ths following m?is d his etaiT: Col? eel <' ? ' I ' ' towardln, ,. \V. I ?. .N Hai .i.iii. ! "io VV, i Moore, - B -i : mas, Colonel J<>?<?i>h i-:. nd Ueutenant-Colonel Jo bane v . c ni: CowardlB ind Mrs i ?a m i? rapan) th? Ir and ? !olon? I J? bn D. Potl aen, Jr., Oov? mor'? B< . iry, win a be of the will Mop at Hotel Walton. in in 1'hil idelpbia until will ratura i Invited to dine I Clover Club. i.i mm \i. i BB ? SWBM* hi? Tswaals Sal sertaas Mea. i/?r'i IVvrr HroUen. Vltshugh La was unwell yes? roubli Bat ti ?I nore land. ral I^e has made no plSBS regard? Ing his rsi irn t.. Bavsaaah, and will i.e . by the < I Mra '- ?Dr. last nicht thai Mra en, .' d hi r n eovi ry is nos Ta.? tapvsHsealae tvediiinaa. ? to ' I'-'U ',. orge Mi B i ? Mi Hopklna is s time irvai 1 bs mai win tak." place next ?11 dnesdsy. Invl :. n i to the mnrrlsge st Parkers mb? r Bh, of Miss 1511 . ;. daughter ol the Bishop I . Cary Ghunble, of tti?? church at On ine mty. <in\r the WSBHSg In11in 1 ?. J. K. U'i' i Virginia Regiment, was aurpi upon returning from s visit t.. his homo, in i thai b man fa 1 been air. ated OH . of itealing an op? n-face Ml? ' he propert) ol .- \v. Terrell, i irollns It seen t th? man I inl He nvlcted In ? urt, bul to rank-= by hit? captain. Ber Jawhaae Brakes?. Ri l woman living si No. -ii.' west Du tree! wsa k with a w ?Ight throa n by n c yesterday eve nd had oken. i ir. .. with tl ' her. |go colored) was out in a Bight A mm i t > ir. ' ' the slmsb BoolaMe i?? Hie Ceagnreajatlea, St. John'a ?;> i man ' bun h win Wedt g, O ?able musical i ?-.icr imme h u b< n ar i. and everyi hing i I s ill be who i In. strawberries l? <?eioi?er. Mr. W. ?'.. m? mi. ol Drake's Branch, nd in this ty straw? . bl ..r this Preach Lectarers, tribu? de rUnlvei H - n French lit. rsl ire ' - : i 'i - n.n University du . | i Uc ol ths :. Mond? M. Paul b< i In ths . of Wolf lylish and th Ninth Bl i lac Mattr? - Hair Mattresses made s\ : . HUNDLEY, t> i 711 The Krtoif> < ure. ?'?.t g vice " snd thi -. ..ln,.', la tc-avtll B? in? D 11 or call THI I INSTITUTB trssl .N. m 'PhO ?". 13 Perl Ml go to u ill ?m* Our l.i-ailt-r in n. ?i, ? t! I-';,'! " ' . fronts u y twenty lv< left Bl I?.\??l; ft HUNDLEY. " U . - ? ?? -. *. ? auna. te soti?y my fi loads iad f irmsi a i found bh 111 ' ' St Til and V il .m excel tlonally w. feted .' r d furnltur?. i Bm pi ; tfully. ^ M QILMi >rb i Ravan and B m Poli i Bl ' BBBM : OtBl H< t.-l. lfdu?r.l BatS S to II. i lu>I. Ipl.iii m,,I It. turn. ?... It. I . A r. lt. H., On .. ?-.iiii.? of Paaas Jabllee. For tt. , i-A. g. ' . will .e-11 re ind trip \ si -? m ti. ;.-. ra rat? I7.S tick? . . I ' 'd> "n I ': .m. matt? ai si] : . i ' Main treat; B. O. C let A Byrd? \'. P IM I.i IR, Ti BJI m. Baadsaase Lestthss ?.??oil?. . IBS II IUI srsn or srawtag? " "i "'i- ol ill.-? ni Leather wl Ii h SNdnor & Hund?? alttag. ?a? UpboUterli - and BsftBlBhBBg done In rut- I?ms style. si DNOR ??. HUNDLBT lesflsas, 711 uno TU l'Htst ?Broad BtTSSt i l.s mi HaVBB and Blue l'oint . ai Commarelal liot.i. f.> \ on foi I. ah? l'.. N? i: via n . T .1" H ha? v\. est Ms ral T Oyi w O of th. M l..v\ Col Prit Fi i '<m A" K? Mal air to : \ QMBAT COMBISATIOS. WalUPiiiier, 1 iirnll lire, and ? nrpet?, oil.-, teil nt n "?liiule \l?ll. i me ot tin greatest i b <nn* of th< Meyer Store? the pride of all Richmond? fourth Seer, OB which Wall-Pap-r. Cai*Beta, and Furniture, are dl?pla These three depe>runenta, nach overlook? , ,i by m- ti "f v.' \i" rtenoa la their have previ n the moot m tin- . a."lit. Th,. simple t-i" t that n refurnishing the room on..- ess have tha beneSi and the Bed of \v.i;i Paper oo the Carpel and n botta I to attract ,i .in. : rs stii red the h. irti of womanhind more than eny n the pa Pai loi Punt from the i the i atra) tl ; : i?. a hen In Viri i 1 bIob i i,, oi ,. adopted n coin; . : ItlOfl ind from II - ' I it mus' aviini a gn at : 'ion Th( is of "ii". ?oi piece, end Logstto r without a ' nail, a pec, or i thai the gn : tin- bed i 7-ON^I , ^STANCE rELEPH0Nl? On Tu- South? hola COU? . * tory, and iblisbed ta nty. dd< <l . i. I ?i..".". BRt ?KERB. Ml I 619-Strudwick, B BUTCH EBB Keck, W. II. .. i. . GROCERS ' - Brlgga .< ! LUMBJ i: DEALERS TM-Newell, \v. r. PHT8H TANS H Con y. Dr. Hem I RESIDEN nt r< wen, j. w. Daven] rt and P. A. Ill Qreeni P. P. .i. a : liman, & L. BALO ?NR 1217?Mor?' nsti to. BHIP-BUILDERB. lL'12-Trigp Company, \v. K. TAL. ; . Schi urman. y. Relllellllll-r? N'.-w York ! ?w, Bt ! [adlaon B Ni w York. No ( mil" r n to 19, ISM The old Domlnii O ;. Company will conduit ; . w Tork to Part) ill lean Rii hmond Bat rdi N rvembi r th, at "i-, 1". M., via | With Uid n st" amer at N ired, Pare I r tha i ?und trip, Including leala and atate-room berth on ati Bi) ?11. "lays. . ! ;> applies) d I m t ind hotel : t to Ji ?HN P i in,- Batter, W'.. have made at thi ne \ - rmont butl lion of being thi id where Sold CO! ?hip? ? nt will arrive M ind, [?n,- us a t. >R< IE \ in N'1'1. Phone O a o o I ;: Oi 0. S 0. Route to Tesaa Palate, I Louis, on i ,mut Of tl lice to Bt tula, an .- !. ' BOrth Ninth I and Blue Point Hotel, Morrifl linlr?. ?That i .. ?id or table and 1 tied J : own by Bydi i idsrs la unit mt : ->as> 'ha ii ?to i u ."?f & r0., .. II north Ninth. N - Ni w -Igns, and L Iron He,!?, I ron ( rl ribs Lab] v. ' 'ii m- Wa aave m. BTDNOR ,\ B?NDLET, m Puraltw 711 a I't-ace Jiiliiii-e, I'hlluili-l|thla. ound-trlp i. I ' from Blchmood Hi'hi: ... i i railroad, and P . lUrosd. lohets ?m ail- sad ? i going 11 i te 27th, Incluait S P TAYLOR, : Conalalile ii... r? their bow fell ?to? k ample in I kwesr, Olovei of 11 rdsr. a! mo I e pri ry "iir Lynn 11 mmsrctal i? ? h I n a t uses. > simply want to M] i?r ?me of China far ahead our pre*,i" ' i Ain1 , BTDNOR ? HUNDLEY, _ Lud- rs. Itteldorfer'a I? head'juarters for the eut prhes on Hh Brown tons. Bbeetinga, ( ai ton Bed-Ticking, Outings, Olva them ill. ar I ?less Qoodl Wraps, Rlanket?. lforn and 1'ii'h i wear, at low prices, to Mitt? Id rfei - r Carpets, H\ik*. i?r'.. 'lotba, .tin*;?. Wind?? Sha Ii an I Lace Cui s ill new goods, am! lowest prices, to Sltteldorer'a. Ki It lit en l an pn W.I ' b l tin B the tile I : i J h'-r A tiOl hut Tl fall" In f all III? will Tl th? II .! th i ring 'i : V Tl foil la II . i $1".' Nor I r st fnl M.S don s O O 0 0 3 THRONGS OF BUYERS CAME! People from every where flock to the great store. The creates. Belling ever ?mown in the history of the store The rares! prices ever quoted on dependable out and out reliable apparel of standard manufacture. A wonderful trade triumph. A crowning and unprecedented buying and selling achievement1 thai signalized the advantageous money-saving opportunities made possible at this Greai October K. gain Sale. The interest of the money saver and the bargain seeker was intensified by the unparalleled under-values advertised from all of the big departments, and from every Boor in the building the goods have gone forth with n rush. ?The mag nitude of rare saving chances which have forged onward and grown greater with renewed activity each succeeding ?lay : the worth and choiceness of ever) article offered on sale: the incontestable truth of every price and every word advertid the exactness of every representation all combine to make this Great October Trade Gathering Event Inimitable and Mate! $3.75 full .?:i be t th!? I . - 8o.48 $4.98" B - to-da te not pi extremely-low prl ? (??O r?*7 up In u) Cj ? J i eut are bang* : ' ' ir the " itraordl lary an r?. V, V*? IV/j I - ' when iuch exti ' - 9 ic. in ! and n te? : liink "f It ?) a, up to - $3.00 . Ice. $1.98 i*ii r/i ill I i - M \ I M*g,aves^V I a fash. ?vlth and the ch i loIiK ' ' made In with Iron rough* $3.50 low : $4.00 $1.48 $10.00 Bulti of Ll simply thi*: Tl. : ' : I - cluihii:. ment gh g sar ff\f\ ' - foi rhi! Ii y - v - and -i' $2.47 rChlldl ' felled on by hand ; ela lilt to $5.00 Burk & Company e 1003 EAST MAIN STREET. Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. [RE IX A FACTORY. n ISIYE DAMAGE i???m: IT i BE IvlNNT . m? im n *. BSTEBD \ ^ . IIC AI0H6 THE FlIALE EIPLOTEES b \\ ?m.a n Baceseds in .lu m |> I it u r ?i ni ?i W i n.l.M? ? C \<-i ?i-i.u-ii I a.i.l lassa Daaasars lissai .?.?.imh?, Pali} ?i\i-r.-.l I?) | iiMi ru t.. <-. "ire hr.ik.. out In .f '?h* g " -ht Into ! 'Vid to be insufl s pull a and t'oiiin. n. A MILI? PANIC REION Ittle ?i it whlls th f i . Jump lugh < l?.l in broken i : mil b' fl "' -? s 'ut.?! In h'-r i. th ? i- m -ful in li?-r . fri :n hi oi t itting Jon? s, s bo \- , - was cat ; n d boms - be gras 11 ad to , .' ORtQIN ?'F THB i e or?*:: dation Mi W n into M V I b ? i in Bl Bl ?"ii. Bl i liad b? moved du .i> The vs-.:k el rsraoval s g at'o'i; f. .- htUMB fit m Is as lid u? Hems, Nsa | < ...... ,?. I? fa i falon r....... i i. |i. Total, ?." n k Phoenlg B.W Hs I m. Ill"???: Nee Vork in I Qu?. n. ga.?WO; Imperial, S .?i.d Uvi ri-'ooi. !..'< , Vlrglaia I r? l? '. i il.?M \?> i:\ih.w >n ?. r il. Tl RES. V ?><-r|.-?> ut lus,.r?,-? BegrlaS llinr? ?l.i??Dr. IV.iinlriiii W il?.m. ami will consist ?'f through tul Thurs . Ph. i?, i.i. In Pri - rty, If* N i N - . . sill be b) ... a tl. k.-t. whi? h \sith this in.ul?- : ' a tl v? ?. \\ i:u i BOM i ni'- MOHBG IB. rhriiilaa n \ i?.ti.-ii<-.- ..r ii Lady K II I II It i.'l. III.ill.I. - . I i thrill! I i peni nt. ? i ' . n maa with fa n ml ii rii?- Raw Basas iaavr, : ork to the Hon II* I ? . it h : a i BS. " \\ haal *-* n iio?i?.-i 1 : prie* will fs ' > ; llrst aagn of I n "i consl a I i : . . i '.' B ' | 'iir COB* ' :. !..r it la aid to c Bl wor.-e ?till. I I l'ers.inn Is nuil llrii-fa. Mr. I Mr An a a II Ml I > to 8 to-i , Mr. 1. m , I : Mr. 1" fiftieth il in this I I ir?. New York. Mi.-. J. II i r !.. Brill, Mr. Et i.. Langford i ' - . . I Mi.-. M ' Main Itl Willis. ll -.., her ' - I . V : - . . A I Vl.-lt - ?aul J s in th. .. B ^ t.. liv? at . ddinc. . to the >rk. erd.i> la n J. B. '.u. th ill. Mr .1 ' . timing they ?ill I lount, ' Ali J. Ii Uhlt. | i Ii- !? : vnou? . liaient, . turned '.ant Bight from a - borne, si c til? ,'. ll.- Ha . ! e;. \. : ;. I I | At a ni^etltiK' Bf the - i I -. . - ... LU "i i j lihk \\ llllam county, i lud | ] wl Mr. H in. )f Mr Mr. David M II ' ' I Mrs \V. J?. Paxl : - - orth . louBty. t. T., - Dpular. Biahsaaaders in Ri b ? rl NEW Mr. Mill.? !? W ' ' ul John i: I _ ? murrh ? ?nii.?? Il?- ? Bl ' . LOCAL APPU? l ' ' lold bv drugj tamil) PtUa ara tas I at