Newspaper Page Text
18 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1898. WHY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. We do more business in a month- we have four stores?than the average tailor does in a year. That means we use large quantities of goods, and cen buy them direct from the manufacturer. This, to aether with the fact that we buy for cash, enables us to get the VERY LOWEST PRICES AT WHICH GOODS CAN BE SOLD. WE SELL EOR CASH, THEREBY SAVING TO OUR CUSTOMERS WHAT THE CREDIT TAILOR LOSES ON BOOK ACCOUNTS-FOR, OF COURSE, THE GOOD CUSTOMER MUST PAY FOR THE BAD. Our reasons look well on paper, you say. SEE OUR STOG?. WE WILL DEMONSTRATE PRACTICALLY WHY WE DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE. Worsted Suitings?Suit to Order, $15.00. Worsted Trooser Go O-srl^, 0 MORTON C ^BBBssa a insauBBB ^aa?sr? 171 Trousers to Order, $5.00. & CO., TAILORS, 826 East Main street al SERI?OS RACE CLASH. conflict imiEi.Y womi-.n IH ItOHTn CAROLINA. THREAT TO BURN A YILUGE. Negrora Gnlber In Fore?? to Cnrry Owt th?-- Fajgpsas WstSta Men liHlly and Compel 11??- Illnrk? to Leave? Dansrr >?>t OTBB, WILMP SS? 22.-A Bpeclal t" tl.. Star f; un Lumber!?,-. . . atabas st? pole, sieves* miles rwutaaraat ??f Lumber toa, ?vat; robbe?! ?ni.i bttrned. Clrcum i io eertalB a<tsaroes. The mutter ha* bsBB und. r invest igtition lot ral days. T?SBt? rliy. it w that f""\erHl : if It, t)i t. rmin-.l t., re? u i gad Ihnatesad to ban th? tow i of th.-m rlllage aft.-r dark, ainl the wlii .. ' B I. BB tl ' ' s ?uiiiii ? hooting. '11:?* lire sraa l.y th? fi m ?a ii-.i' i. si Uxwil iifty Bj ii-"1 Til. ev ning, the ttagroes ominen? BSBlbllBg heavily ?um.d. and ?\; ition t.. Mara ab ti? IB* right Hl-.'l?;: ' iRC MI'.N'T OP WHITES. Help was nuked from Lomberton, an.l a nunibwr of young mi n. heavily arme 1, Icf? - tel? phOBS ni hua Just bees from Asbpole t-. th.- eff.-1 that tha oegroi bad at setnbl i. an?i that fighting sfaa expected to com Dic-Doa la twenty talnutea foung men are hastening to AsbpolS from tl. rounding towns. Tlio Begroef BU atrong BBd at least one liundrt.l ?rhlt? naen ara already there. Anotlit r m Indlcatea that ?M trouble is on. Th? i groes were assembling in front of Dr. I. i the ?IkIi's ut. ?m,i the telephone circuit Immediately closed. Tin- tti.i.h'ino Is in his residen?.?-. A second body of nun art ' preparing to Have fOf AShpolS si 9 P. If. Baas Iff Hail, with s large bods of BBSS', has Just left J.uml.? ! ton foi pole. There Is grout exclu-nn-nt bare.'' LOBS LB?YB. "11:43 r. M.? Information BBS I ! i ?... j from Dr. Drown, of Asbpole, Baying that the white men had Btad negroea leave. About aov? nty i the negro,s wore very BtBbborn, and at ilrst refused to leave. The Btalta men, numbering about '?^>. Beat n. twice, un?! they reiused to leave. The third time they were told that I di i Bet luv? UM white mm woi. Into them. They then retired, the waits I making them go In two dir??tions. Dr. Drown Bays he can hear them BBOOt lug in every direction. II?- cannot Kay whether they will it-main away or not. Tho White BBBB ha\.- :-tation?-.l watehmen. , ii. w. Blake and ?:. I., of iho Carolina iteghaent, arara present, and Wlrhart acted as com mandant of th'j white foms. Both of ? men did good i I ? TAX OX TOBACCO *M> SXIFK. llntlea hiiiI IJaMMtifS of .Mnimfar? tarera In Ihr 1'rt'Uilaea. W'ASHINCT? Of, D, C, Od.b.r J2.~ i.'il.)?The following statement in th? revised regulation? of tho Internal !.. v. ?uio Department, concerning ths taxes on co and f-r.'JiT, under the Revised .Statutes of the United State*, and subse QB? nt BCtS, ll just BBBde jiul.Ilc: "The attention of manufacturers of f?> -.iiuff la called to the-loll?.? lag sammarj I testant of tkatr prlaotpa] duitea und liubilii?oa under the internal law: l 1 B? iiimh aubdlvialon of B rides that ,-iivni whoa? business it la to muiiufa, ?.?... t?**baceo or anuff for .' employa others to manufacture ' or ,nurr. WlHlthtr ??,.? mailllfil(.. ?ruthuw, y ouuin?. Pressing, aci ni er , ,'n"lmf;" 'Ur* of *ob*?*0 <? ?aaooiH. i , , ' ^'PWagS. Ht?Mmi, ,.r b2??-,. . ? o " r**,ul*-?a teosa any K (>l ? '??.k t ,baceo. or ?, the ra?on ?,t leaf ,.. os, ?crap?, ?-llppii^a, <,r V?UHt: b.r aiiu?,:. taistkng ?craning' or inr atas-r pr*-,.?a, ?hall ,?. n,,.arae0 * UMW???? BBSS, at toba?"?i.' ! : ' r I manufacturer la r# *?. s?4 t.. a-ldltioB to thla deenitlon " ;,lltJ ' '"" -*m ?luot.d pr,... "ahrpt Boraoa sl.ait alao a* ra?arrtart| 1 as a manufacturer of tobacco Wl w tO Sell 11 af tobacco In than a boa who asila directly to ,s other th.-.n duly register? in leaf tob?ceo, or duty registered ma facturera of tobacco, anuir, 01 who purchased In packagee export; nnd all tobacco so sold aa shall be n gart* i i - . ii aaanufa . shall be pul up and pn . such Bianufaeturer in auch packagee o as the Commis.-; Internal with the approval of tha s> cretary of l nary, shall pn a rtbe.' FARMERi, LEAF TOBACI . i provided by thi above Quoted that 'fermera and grow ol tobacco who sell leaf tobacco of th ..un growth and raising ihsll not bu facturera of tobaci And BUi h I Hing leaf t ?1 w n growth and raising BIS ' quil to sell tii" same in Its natural ia winch it was cured ?m the farm, A if ?u'-h tobacco la prepared In say mi asr Indicated In section t of this ata ment the same will be regarded SB mi Ufactured tobacco, and such farmer grower win required to qualify a? manufacturer of tobacco, nnd prope ] ack, label, end stamp uii bq prepared and removed from t of manufacture for consumption 1 Every tobacco manufacturer, bef' commencing business, is required to ft nish his collector with a ; a!, ment Form M, in duplicate, subscribed une oath, describing tbe place when- the ma ui.ature Is cayied on. *1. Every tobacco main facturer, befr commenclng business, is required to i a bond with bla collector on Form The Penal sain Of 1his bond is to b I Ss by tbe I of the district accordl . the quantum of business proposed bt ?lone by the manufacturer, Such pen sum will B01 be lesa than 12.000 nor mo than 739,000. ".".. Every person or Arm befo menclng business as a manufacturer . o or snuff, or If already commen?a continuing bu lm a, la required sworn return on Form n to ti collector of tha district, and pay nj>ecl ordlag tO tbe quantum of bnslne: done 'im inn the prec? ding B on the ist ?lay of July in each year ther? after he will be required to make retoj m auch form and to pay ap?ela) tax. "0. Upon receiving Iba sworn atatemei m u and payment of tax, tin- co lector will Issue a apeclal-tai >tnu>r> t tbe m.Hint'.u tut" r for tor whit : tax has been p dd. Tins ap? B 1 I at all t asplcuously displayed in the mam factory. "7. Every manufacturer of to; i ; immenclng business i~ required t obtain from the a < rtlflc it? (Form O) Betting forth tl kind and numb? r snuft mills, band mills, and other mil and mach?n? i enumerated In hli dupllcat tatementa; and this certificate la r< lao to be poated In , manufactory. i bv a? "1 Every inannfacturer of tobacco an null is required to pis nd of the building ? : bualm - i on, .-.? thai it can t llatinctly seen, n algn with letters ther "ii not . loch i in h ngtb, paint L'd In oil colors or gi?. In fu ",.imo and l.asin. "The above roqubrementa are made > i ligatory upon evsry manufacturer : or anuff, and ai. Indlap? n iider to qualify any person >r, if commenced, to ci ntlnue the bus! illy. INVENTOR! OF ?STOCK. "i". Every manufacturer of tub muff, on commencing 1 id upoi he 1st ?lay of January oi . vi ry BUOOOed Bg year, and oa closing busl less, is : paired *to render to the Collector, oi 'orm Nn, a true and correct Inventor] if all the stock Be BBS on hand, inclinlini uanufactuied ami ?BBltly manufacture! ;oods, arid materials of every deecrlptioi IBsd m the manufacture of tobt nulT. ?Section AM*, Kevi<..? HiatuUs.) "io. Bvery Boanufacturi r quired t" keep a hook <<r books (Forn 1). and to inter therein dally utt? account ol all the m.t.:ial pur? based or n felvi i late in-- factory, and f the tobac ' m .I. .-,.?.1., amed, or removed tor consumption, oi ale, or rasnoved from t?a pla . ..i manu acture In bond, nnd of all ma'< very dascription ?old, consumed, or .'? - , ... d. Statutes.) "11. Kvery iiiuiiuhutiii' r Of tohacco or nuff ll req?tjeii tu lurnish to the col ector u true and compll I from is book or book? on or Before the 19th ay of <a'h month (Form B), verifying i? ?ame by his oath, giving all purchases. lie?, and remov?is aiBdl during the lomh aetxi preceding igeptlen gtatubMj ''12. F.vmy manufacturer of tobacco or tuff, b< fore changing the location of his ictory, will be required to furnish to bis. )lle?rtor ;t new ?tntenient, BI? a B B and, have hi? ?p.eiai-tax stamp ragte* main u new csrtlneate from i la and file a closing Inventory. In i?e, however, no change In Un p.nal Jin of the bond Is made necessary, and l*> sun-lie? upon th? manufacturer'm ond already given are deemed to bo "- ! and I'inpb', and th?. giakcra endorse I bond their assent t<> the removal i willingness to be hound in the ew location, as It no change thereof had -t?n made. lb?. Collector muy .lluw th? KAUFMANN ?? CO. Our Store is a Vast Exposition OF FALL FASHIONS FOB LADIES, KISSES, AND <H I I.MM'.N a Rowing of intense intorenl of its.-if, ami doubly interesting when the extremely reMtxnable prices and high qualities are oontidered. -, or !.. o-1 or ly Reliable Gloves. THF PICK AND CREAM OF ' THF LEADING GLOVE MAK ERS ARE HERE OUB IF??> FRENCH KID i AM> MOCHA GLOVES guaranteed and Stl I hand by ? apei lenced fall shades, Blacks am ' with s. if or Black atltchln ; i with tWO patent i I .11 iter i oe fastening i that are ?qua] in tit. service, ind material to most $1.50 m ikes; all .-i/.- s .". 1-2 m 7 "-I, at ' fcl.OO. C MiU-l'ITTIXH ?'" ?RSETTgL I i ?"n't wear an Ul-shapi.] Cor- t - d then blame natut k'r for Ki\Ing you ] abad ?gure. Kaufmann'! Cor se i, only , c rfectly Shaped Coi made by n i . ik- i ij. while th" prices are lower ?, than others ask for Inferior n ' as. Women'a Corsets, in either \\hit? or Black, made of good < lie, ihn ?l'.le, atrong, com),,Cable, weil bon. -d and ( beautifully finished, corded -ill ?!z'-s, to ro al "? ? CENTS P. I>. Corsets at 12.-.0, $1.7..., and 11 KO. ' R. A ?1 Corsets at $I.OO ANI> ' 7.1 CENTS. 0 B at $1 25 ?nd $1 no. Thomson Glove-Fitting Cor -1 ori bip, doubla w. il boni d, w ill give ] rfi i t .tioii. si ?t 00, Ladies' snd Children*! Fer ris walsl - m "?<? CENTS ci'. UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Ladies' Silk-Stitrh?.l. Klnstic Vests, tifw oxford cut, high ni ck and long slee*. i . with silk In neck, with Pants to match, at OS CENTS. L idll I' Fashioned RI Ve ts, half cotton nml ball ic seams-, and siik tltched, at only TB CENTS. Lined Ribbed ait h to match, si ? * CKN'i s. l. idles1 Union or Combin itlon the famous "M< lb i" ?, p? rfectlon In fit 11. per suit, onl 09 CENTS. Children's Fleec? -Um d Wool m tour sixes, -it I- I - i i:\ts. i lisses1 Jachis, Children's Reefers and Coat; ntST, STYLE AM? QUALITY, THIN PRICES TALI An in? a*e shoa ti i our Qualities are ti t money ?-.?n bay, CHILDREN'S REEFERS? i??? VERY BE8T AM? M.?i.M bu'YLES T?ASELE! PROM. Chlldr.-n''? Reefers, sises t to 11 eloth, avy, Brown, end (Jreen, beautltul ia'nU collar, trimmed i.iid. ja. no. \ v stylish snd Nobby Reefers, with srge fsncy collsr a iroldi red In braid, '" " ?? Handsome Boucl H illar trimm. braid, IS " ? Mixed Cheviot R itb fancy colar, trimmed in clol . and Black braid, l&Btj MUH ry Coats, sises I to 14 years, Uintmed in braid and gt |8 ?><i. Mlsaes' Jacl it quality i i evlot, hij-h rollli illar, double-breasted, front trimmed si i . th braid, 88.0 <y?ery Btylisb Covert Clotb Jackeu, In unit irj ? ;i lue, double-br? i ted iront, inlaid ?relvel ilk line ' BO. CHILDREN'S KIDERDOWN Walking coats. Bises l to us, trimmed erltta Angora for, for $i "???. raro-Toned Boucle ?Coats, in Brosm, Green, ind Blue, ail iicv collar, trimmed In brsld and gilt Dattons, *i SS Very Nobl y ? Ihlldr? b' 1 nth. ? laborately ..nd prettily trltamed In braid, for only ?:. o? $12 SILK-LINED JACKETS fOR $8.75. Sp?cial ?ni sala Mond y, U L u fail-Weight, Silk-LIn? ckets, of Pine Imported Kersey, new dan aleevi und fr?i? k iront end strapp? 112 value, for IN.75. Ladles' Black and Tan Cloth jackets allored wltb doubl? Itcbed seams, i ' I liar, v at ?Ml". SUIT DEPARTMENT. Qood taste and refinement in buying are tli? ?ten, fact??is which bring snoeess. iur gtj gx rior '" sny!bina tbosra in th .nth. i. ' S with n? Inty, ' ' *" ' ' restln ot for the Ii JILK-LINED SI ra Fine Cheviot < ?oth, Be? Rj jnt Jacket, excellently tailored skirt. Jack? ted with in-'' Quality taffeta, sa unusual offer tin 7 88 m? Suits of Imported Coven Cloth, wltb new dou tight-fitting j ickel -. kh l i., i fa? kel m r i with braid ? Un. d, at o? r SIS ???? alack ,,,?, Bull - In i oth Ml- -!-- and i. \i U?iS' _;.,, . |ackel : , lined, for IIO.M fiaht-Flttlng Suits ??f nice quality ' overt Cloth, aktrt an ,, lapp ,i . ; ket Bilk-lln, i. mit.-,. B iits, in rich Bros ?, jsck? I srith .>.-, n. n( Qu .!>" Suits. In Ui . nml N i i k. ts, 0 M Hack and Blue Cheviot Suits In ladle*' and i . ket. well tailor? d, .-kin perc ilin, ?', und.' t 11 SfctBl I Artistic Millinery. " WE piSPLAl THE MoST L AND EA8C1NA ,,. TING PALL II \T CREATIONS ?. IN RICHMOND. It Is diet of tl ; style-wise hoppers that w<- have i ful rivalry. It Is quality, i -inaluy, i- Ivi n-.- that < uiniii. nd : i and ic ik< i our Mil in in. Ble. TRIMMED MAIS. Tbosa New Noveltlei - i ' produ? lions, moulded rdlng to the K lufmann'i eptloni end priced to you s tha the (meat and itiful milliner) ta m thi city. Beta the ?, '!'!" '1 t ' >' 01 , pocket-book humanity'? rltal T ?not: tsat $7.SO, $5.00, - and J- " ?> ENULTSH ROUND HATS AND NEW COLLEGE HATS, In ail the I it? ih ipei Hati that ara dr< lay, neat, and be con SO ?NTS up I". : ?I s I.ST. BOTS? IND GIRLS' CAPS AM? T \M O BHANTERS, I lu?; SCHOOL AND DRESS n \\ md Boya' Worsted ' ' .| - nd I :lll ..' s - i ,: ! : ; - i'!. > boucle, soma with um!:? and r< \ i Nat \ and ? Iraj, ,- -J? . ; N'TS ''H' ?ICE. INFAN. S* LONG ANC BHORT \ M CU 'AK S 1 Wh? i. s ?n i h an quail? h los i. i l I .on a Bed f o i I : j trimmed with ? h em? i, for gg " " Cream iks, with mbroid? red i ape H .-..i Ml-Woo C . If? ct. out-lined i . red i idle, .-u only BILK - \r-' Ci: Caps, with ii pompon wide s'.lk .-.?i CENTS Bilk ' mmed with I t, lar?.- pompon t and ribbon, shirred back. , i ,i for iiii- week i?"? KAUFMANN t* CO., Fourth and Broad. - ,-,id i .nd to continue, and m , with tbe closing lnv< Bt ?Tl \\ Ithia the boundi tobe? co manufacturer be cann ?t ' ifscturer, a dealer, lh leaf tobaci >. noi i? la manufsctured toi LEGAL PACKAOBfl "ii. Every tobacco manufacturer, be fore aelllng or removing : i aumptlon manufactured tobacco or muff. . must pul BP tha saun- in pai ' . Be the law has pn-sn ih, ,|. .md in 00 manner. Th.- contents ol th? ; .1 m t'i tha weight, etc., as ! by th.> stamp thereon. "16. Dealers in manufactured tobacco i are allowed t.? =.> n cavendish, plug, I I and Qne-cul chewing, at retall, fron ! hulk packages, which ha. I i. put up' . aad propsrly marked, branded, labelled, and atamped by the manufacturar. i ' ai.' i ?n Baaaufactured tobacco BIS not authorized, nor Will they be ul lowi 't. to cul a w.|. a package i-i half, be Stamp, and to Bell th divide,! portions of the package, nor to tobac " from auch a dividen pack i "17. Evi ry package al tobac? o or Bg by a manufacturer, before II la sold ".r ri moved from the ptaoe of a or eoBsumptlon, n bave on li the marks, the brands, th> label, or caution BOtlCB, and a proper ;. for the amount o( tax due thereon. "is. Th.- of a prop, i ?tamp from any package of manufactured le bacoo or anuff rsndsra au ta package liable to ?dsure and forfeiture. (Becttoa '?373, K d Statut? "A proper atamp I? not only a ?cnulnr stamp which ha? never been BSSd fSf 'he i | meal af las tax on any ether psckaga, but it mu.'t be of a siiltalde denomina!! >n and of a value ?uftlclent to pay th? tax upon Um tobacco contsinsd in the pack . "l?. Placing or parking of foreign ar ticles in statutory packages of tobacco is forbidden, ?Jee Circuit i "20. All violations of the various re asjlrsmsnta of the law. a? hereinbefore I ?-num.-ritt.Hl. will subject the person ?o violating the same to severs penalties, und many of them, on conviction thereof, to line? and Imprisonment. This, penalties are ?numerated In tliests rcgijlaMoMa under BODruurlate beadlm*?** [ I lilt: ?III ?(lt. \\l\i: \\\? ut ?i,?ii rather DMaf *-i<>i? i<? lavMtlajate, Hui Sni.l III? ? i? SFStg Druil. BABYD ?N. L. I ? ? mi in 1 ? bat BoTBsMe Js* ne, in In a ithi r corns ; deatalty kiii.-.i by th?- dl itgun. v?;ung .ii i Be, ?!* -; bas? d is ?i; lu- Information and belle) of I ether, la all? snd ss s r, be? and suffering from a headache. The young naan ?rent bunting, snd while -ray came upon a supply of i iii'h ii iik- d so an .i 11. Im i Ussdy whtm be reached boas earrytag gaa in Das band sad a battis of ;he I'lnc in the " i" i ii? a ?i"??n "ii the snd f. ii ash sp, sn Banner the bottle broke, sad the r? i i bis hair, face, neck, and ci, > 11 ? - tg ?,ii tbl u|.p?T ?.art ef ids l)od>. The -I dowp, BBS" SB BS 'it Ids OBBB I t.-d B] . while th?- luitt >;.?! BBOQ t!;- B*rXHintL In that r?i?.itlon o I v bl t ?i 'i r, rho Una - bed ?>ff for s ml th.- n p. rt spread that Bl uyni? was d ad. Ia> ?ame. examined the |*OBBg >an. sm??ll??l hla breath an?l the el ?thing, ok g i. ill of water an?l waahed off the in?-, and ;it the BUB time COOled the ot li.-ad of the young man, who BS I. Ho*B be mana*. ?1 Is blsaJl the hot B so that it dyed him as it ?lid is not ?ally understood. tin ii miMi t i^ii'\n?ix. laroron-i Kfforl Aaainat I'olltlral Aa BasaSBMBSatB ?n l>aeral I-:-ii|il??>-,?*a. wa81m.\<;t??n, i>. ?v. October -"-'. he ?Civil servir.- Commission la making vliioious campnign ai-alnst |?olitlcal a* ?aamenta on Federal oftWIals Bad em loyees, in view of the uppronehiiig el?*c oua, and in addition to its own etr? ular. as aought out an order from the P fnVe 1?. pertinent, to be followed l?y BBS 'nni the Treaaury, looking to Its full . .?-nt. Aetlng-PoHtmu??'T-??< ue ? Ueath has laauaU an oraer calling at* tentlon to tha commission's circular, and . lusry .uni u?. every means to direct warning from the asm? law t will employ and po- a I puni -mi- Bt of whi \\ in Bench ?Twelve ivei. river, ai itated elsewhere la tins s ui rtstag quite rapidly resterday. acting-Director Ans ef th?. Virginia Wt ither Burean, .-.-iii list nlghl that from Information re ceived .t tha burean tha Indies lions were that th- river would hue risen twelve ; atoning The rlvi rii' it I o'clock thi*.! Bsornlng was B feet, ami rising at the rate nf on.-t. nib .m h I iinlnlii I.nmil ait Matoneu. John LsBBb ^?"Jl^. si Mat ,-.! . \ i .ug? i Geaei ii i: ittle, ef Petersburg, grac,-: ?duced tbe Congressman, who?. ? u m ide it fine Imp: wa* liberally applaud is he left three hearty cheeri ware seal up. Mass-Meet In? of Wheelmen. The anneal n ig ol th? Rich mond Lesgue ol Wheelmen will i"- in id In the bail of the Chamber ol ( Warn Friday evenhta. All matt, is Of Interest t a win I .- .1 The Pllll?? I'lav Is llit-r. The paaalos Play, which ho? altractsd so ?m,"-h attsntloa in thi* eity, rio t?.i weeks' engagement her? la?t ti. la si performance being witnessed pro bsblj by 1.900 or .. ?. p. .pic \\ ?I li.-1 in Leases l'on?l*tiitlnn|il<*. ' IBBTANTXNOPI K. October 2t-The Emperor and Empresa ?>f Oarsaany left here for 1'ahntlne at 5:10 this evening, j received Bfl ovation from the crowds of people assembled to witness tbelr ris- I parture. Ready-Reference Guide OF Richmond's Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Professional Firms, maros, OROaRS, mi lie. CIIASK BROTHERS PI ?NO COMPANY 4!'? seal Broad._ CABLE PIANO COMPANY (Successors lo Richmond Music Co.), J. Cl. CORLE Y, Mar BOTELS. THE NEW FORD'S HOTsTL, corner E. Broud nth streets, BILL ?v 8HERE. n ?iti>\\ \ni:. WHITE HARDWARE ?COMPANY, 1542 ' isi Main street. _JAMES Wlim: President WATCHMAKERS AM? JEWELLERS JOHN BCHEER 1809 E Main Jeweller und Watchmaker, WM. T< ?BIEN, Jr . KM E Bro i ! Bti _ Watch Repairing a Specialty. JOHN 1'. K?HLER, 7!". K. Broad atrcei Jeweller and I Hamonda and W 11 W. A. SPi ''it & 8< >N, :;,; i RESTAI It ?VI*. \M? I \1.?mi \v R, FRANCK ?NE, 906 east Broad _It?-sviuiant and Oyster ll W. H. ZIMMERMANN, 703 E Br Cat'-- snd Ri _ J. GIANNOTTI, Ut snd W i: Wines, Um Oysters In _ i.? ry St;. !. . ':-. _ FELIX KEEGAN. So. i ao?t h Twelfth, Win? s and Llqu? Wllil-Uiilllil II?. A. P Ml. YUR \' 'HEK lain street, _Wire-Worker und _ III?. Il? 1.188 PORTR till it l>:. WILLS ? BRADLEY, 117 ! :. Broad street. ART GALLERY. .1 C. FORLEY Broad itj FRAMES \Mi IRTISTS' irPPLIBB. F ' OREN ART STORE, - GROCERIES, PROVI8?OS8, LIQUORS. C i: BAUNDERS Na 9 I _Slap;.- and Fai PRIDDY BROTHERS Itreet, _ ' ' an?l i'l"'.. IUST GROCERY COMPANY. 611 . Wh i: tall. ?. M. COI NCILL, ?.!. i: \i irsh ill sti I _ < Iro? i : To?, Islons. ? I?? ?MI?IC1 A '' >.. 1710 B Frank! RICHARDSON ? C< l 922 I'. Broad H?., MERI ll KH l TAILOBS. !. BJSILHARZ, a 17 . .; M iln CHIS t AM> i.i. \????\\ tut;. MILLER CHINA C( I LOS E Broad Bt., W. M. MILLER WHOLESALE 'Kill ?I ? ?i MERI HAST. ^" W. T. HANCOCK BOOKSELLERS^ 11 \ I IOM.ll?. A,. A. HARTUNO, . street, Books? Her and Stationer. GEORGE M. WEST COMPANY, ksellers and Statloi HUNTER ft CO., 8M i tad Broad . and Bcho -1 ?iupplies. ri!K BAUGHMAN STATIONERY Manufacturing Stationers and Paper _ Dealers. H8TILLBR9 IM) ?ill III \l Kits. If, J. ?'K?S!-:. DIsTI ILL I I'rv Our ?-Year-Old Wl . pint. : M. F. WILLIAMS Wines and Lie, ?or-. BANKS *M? BANKERS. BEC1 RIT1 HANK, A. I! I.I Ail ?CITY BANK OF !.!<!IV .1 W. SINTON TE i niMI'lM, HE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COM PAN r, 627 K. Broad and LMB E stain street, j c now man. Manager. IIK.VI, ESTATE ?U.CVU. ETC. Real Estate{?? loney{? H. A. M'CUBDY. mh 11-s i ? ?aorta I ants atraak OU) PAPEH:? KUH SALR ?t l?*e. PER HUNDRED at tbs JDIBPATCH OPTIC?. fOI g, Ac. J. E. QUARLEl PU >1 IIINti. G \s-l I I I IM,. A, WES INCH. 1 . Plumbing ind i; M 1)111 <.?. IM) Ml I.I. (M v GEORGE l: .. ? UfOl BAHXI \? OLIVER B. DTER i II VIIJ-l I II IM, IM? SlIAVI u . F LYONS ' \ IMS \MI POI l i VMES W. CARR I' tlM s i\ii p\i\ i i n^ ?i ni n ?. J. T. ? i>S I; V. N Manufacturer and Dealci I i EMPLOI >ll \ I M.I m \. R. W. ELSOil com ii raONBBIBS, BODA-WATEB GONNELLA ! : ?\ Ml BINEBB i OLLEGI VIRGINIA BL'SINl F. A. DAVIS 8MITHDKAL I'K.V TIC COLLEGE. G ' - : : . (.1 \n, MU t ? I I v A, TIGNOR 'K MCIII The Model Gu II ?ItllW till HARRIS IU ' HICK I.I-HI 'I'tlltlM.. A ?NS ? BHEPPERD W. C. POND Blcy? le R at. ?. ? 4M) BHOE l?l 11 ' S" F W. DABIN '. ' _ A. .: I _ B. I CHAS .1 SHU.MAN _ I 1 i il M l i in:. I PgfOI IT1 111 \oi: Ait 7!! Furnitur? I Fui nlture, Car| . ?i>u:i i ihm itn - ion*' ' " F. BELLI m \ i rit?.. WM. T. HICK1 M \ IIH.IN 4M) BJgOB*>BJ ' ?I ' K S 1 .1 K ' a 1 .:(. hin?.ll( M \M I 1? I' Ul\<- < " C Q LAMBERT ' vi i: \m i ti "Minn ? RICHMOND - VIRGINIA STEAM TOILET . thi: lexingi n :^ 10 and i AMI BBBBXTB. (?I'liMM. DAe? I OF mus j aMSB a P m- BI v I ?"BI ut tti- J- B< ' Ji \u>u i o i ii.i n> ? ? *NV BI BIOS H |N ' riven ai " _ , ilntlng ?eut is lh? patch Company will b? giver, owmpt ? Uatttsn, and the ?tyle of work sud pr?.?-? will >?k aura> to nt^???. vu?