Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1898.___?IL i In o? The Coiyn Co: s H. THE COHHN CO vv . 1 HI It ? iMMI HUI IKIHIW \. M, for j well i d, ?lu ... . foi I r ?1 ' ' ' S5c Kill I I \lt I I? I I - : i . H A l:i ? t S i H ID, the o,' tl - Bl ? >1 VII. I IIIM.?.. -' ! - - with ^e. for ' R, in White or WITH ? '?? ki: - and . ? on i \ i -?.I aSSI 8, l ; : .1! M ri i< .. -tyle, well ?? ? .^t de lins, usua r I'laln Q < ' : th 15 and . , ,\n\ in ?PAR i ui > r. I nd straw .nd. ti nsyi ? I? Mm <'ut ti Ti nke N A in : i: r I !' THE HOUSEWanE DEPARTMENT SETS UP A HOWL. A railway acculent near Newark, N.J., briaga two car-l'?ails of CHINAWARE that will startle the com numity to-day The rail road company turned them over to us tor di** po>al. b Tray, for 10c. - and -hape. Vrult o . for DISSI it. i I*" b-W I? ? aaTrTS A iupli - um ii sWfl - ni i i \i. ?in 99 linio mi ?*? ..i aBsTR ?Hi St? Botcnaan Vaaea L?r 10?*, I rib COilkiiN C?. >fc cori??s w. ?HtviMitvrn. :i!,?,:'1' * Vsree, that up g ? '"Otlll i - forfi?.7. *;.cn i-"-h-, & *? Statu n.;,.. fot Bl \*.>?\\ MtC. lera ?toarla for la each foi fc irai Buasu " c .-act, *?T k. e? ' ' 10c. 1 \ustrt? ted. fe a:i Turnt.leri \ Cut-I'attei I QBAHiTB IBOSB \rf.. ?ta, ai h ion lew B. foi ch. - ' f.r :. - I 19r. . a ?rt te. i hoic i ? i ?art Dish Far.?. . P I foi "!'. ! . each. ?DT. i t II \tit* fair to do. Not I day? ri w:. prleea evar brougrit to pi Boa ' w a lit itched, but j .. the good on R ?nan Rockers, with an 71?c. eat -. V-' '" Sprii Lockei ker?. ' .rgest ll? i i hi: nut BgM S m T? rk fui a that *. Not half the cost ot i ; rice. DlBtng-ROOaB, H .. . | ivinga, in k .mi.-, f . ?ak ' I .. tpha, 20? Frames, values. TFtu: regular . id of 7? 11 O'CL" : .... - usually 19c., TIN4V \IIF.. apanne | Dish Fan?, asaaaleei ! - XM.'. fes-1 euch. - - i-M iah Drtnl ' ach. - | - Be sch. - h. K? l'il roaa - ach. ii,Mil \t\ V l< 1 . B Ml ??\N B WH' inn ?.rtiiii.n *ri ? i \t t n ?. te of w r 2?. v. r* Baal ' nt Laundry Basket! asually /inc Was: I 35c. vi - ?1 kind, tor ks. be ? quality. ' Stair or ' ? Ironing Wag 1c. - ; i - - - -sing. &o. j Laundry Soap for '.c. a bar. Washing Powder. S boxe - *m Mit . I urnes s? Il VIIIIW till - Key?, 1 each. eh. each. IHK COHEN C Il HMlMl.. Pr CHAH IL HAS and c? N . HIH?. ?m i m it*. i * ? i i or*s vrn t:. ?nd rr a ?o ?a [RIMER t ?? l oc C-lt MM aast Main m i ?m ?m. t p?a: 'or cash Ad.tresi PIANOLA. ** nue. Barton Heights. oc 1 Ill ?id .-. - tes ai Id : r m - - .. ?39c. ich '. a ttle. WHITE OffFlGhRS NOM ?ovicRNtui ? itout?. TRI.! TO Till: M\TIL M/, II6U ?FF.CERS m G( It ta Prolittltl-? Ihr- ( iil?irr<l (om-tli a.onr.l Mrn >ln> l'ail llrtor- hi? El nnitniilliin??cronil Healtnent Ion * ..... ? \ .<. m i.i in^ ior BJaater Oal BOT Tj 1er -. ? i-.lay coinn?i*slon< officers io ? -.1 the nine n?-gro? araa raasBt i rasti au Dis 31?'. h f/j lions were mat < U? is [|;i|?|: ' BBII? B!Ht Cnl-:i, of tl I rtaasBt, "f Um fir Amy Cor] . al Ka? as?n I rt I. By M, Tiiirtt RaBSaasa i:, lhir.1 RegUneat! Pin i t? : I I -ni; rtrsl st ?Sydney Coat . I - i i..- i - - .:??, Co! pan> I, Ti The B | | (Bed to romp Bita I ? ? ?.n'a BO! | st nini will basa ' r the pnvi. -ig und Til. lions. Maj I a tl 11 - the t. : Tba :. ? oiBBilssioBa - e Bix1 tatiBBi seti R K abo Is au . .m 1 ? BBS ah; In si : : I ' Bl adjuta BS colo . rs. ALL ?WILL BBJ WHITE. BSl I loxtcn is dipsatlsfle.] . tint char m B ? their Qualil bi?ibi 'i as r. sail I nor Tj ?1 Colon.-I ?"mxton to make a c? r any . Isa of the vacs* ::. .i \ ry full Btatsmeal could flnrl n?. such m. n In th.- r I for Fin ii 1. Datlght : Re| Geurgf P vrran. rey is a m oad-L tenar.' . : . r is succeed-d by First-! ; ' . THi: BB : IBS Secon?! tC ?heir ll BBS BtatlBBS >' -' ?t as soon BS -.. About :. h?-re BOt h.tV.tlK" 1 with the i. . the orders requi ?..-ir h tiiond. In I BOB) tay L, 1' t to station i . . Company M. ? '.:. I \ -?-lford, is la ths ??avail i ;. Armury by Mr. H. V. B M rhlrd Regli r?iay, prob BIB Very am to Ket hume. fOLUlti:? lll'l'll I.lis AKK ?It I h.- StaS Who ? ..ulii Not MumI ni.iiiiii..? Lcuve th?? Verlief A si . ? i the |ht saya: "The nine oft'.cers of the Sixth Vir icoloied? Reglsseat tea :- satly rs n account of being ordered by irtBM Bt I red 0' wer?- .. ; J :. ?BB Id, J i: i ! perd, Jr., J - - \ue. Ii. \\ : - | : illd i:. \ lit?.IMA OB 1 I Mil. ( LAI? * r.?ui Rssassy Tasas n..u.i m for aea. east - ? ?- - aims iO?.n Bapsjklsas i-'iiriii?inii ir<>,ii>. C'--. - in bai ciaim of VlrglaiS - . :e troopa. ! In obt? S could '. t the s M V? ... - ! ie servi ai I'll ?. HIV \?.K T<? rOSBBlVtM ?et. ?...u? of tU??? K?"r.?l??l??u BBBBSa l'lrst ImiiuiiI Trl|?. The 8>-?n* ' I BSbRtSSJ of V In?, .. '^etr flrat annual r I Bga ;o foihtasig sa UM wsdaas?! -.. | Tbe'party arrlv?*d on tba Chea It B .:. ; - n d? it, Is? II. to be : : ?ns t. mi M : - !E3 2& r"llwi,y -*? **9 of Itlchmond nd Norfolk, and ?.,r met nt L. H.i >y conveyance? at..i driven <.ver to this tilatorlc town. ? > rich In .Il0ta ?acred to American freedom. The first point of in barest vante monument ;;< l.v the i nlted Btatei rjov? < a n . ?i.:: mile?, surmount? '. by ^ bsrolc Mgur- of Llbe.ty, WbOBS bsSa Is BUpportSd by th? Anrri-an ? axla. '1 h rteen female nuur-s typifying -he thlrtsoa aigioal 11,. 0t,. Je. t o? th. i. Mt forln I y thi? sag "At rotk on <? a !.. r 19. 171 siege of nineteen day? by S.SOO s of the lb Virginia militia, under d Thorn is Nelson, ai n 1er ol the British 7.251 officers and men, *> sea and 24 standards?to hi? Excel lency, ii rg? v\ msnder? In-chief ' Ameli as ?nd Tram? to his Kt.. i beau . .immun.ling the auxiliary troops of hi \i .- irtsttan By, the ?' n irmy of F The British entrenchment? were then visited and the Hrlti??i American, and if Iir . ble. Some of the entrenchment? a of the t. . ; - of >. I ... of th fortlflcatlo* ?. As it i-= si : reached a ;. n hith up on the chimney wbleb aras from a Brit ,1" r w. a up. a>el th? . , i0 visitors 1 *h?r-? i isted on the Temp'e F?rm ernor I on account of . The part Ired te II town TI ' i - 'lajed by ........ V. . . The ni'i Ve'son residence el T*- ms? N>'?on. wa* visited ' :? who ' \>r e^tinn and entertained -... ted a th? - ami tow? Witt nt a m-' ty wsi . -1 'an In n from Pr F 0 R - hl? hoi"'. " were entertain? in o'.i Colonie! ai - rho.e pr? -, - i ' - Mr R ' ** and chair ,:r. A. S VI _ Bear, tha ?- ' _ rTL? ?^t-^*, Zy 2-F. Su. AW. Utt-w arm EOCCATIOI M.. II.?it I I HO n nil nit kB t ne tnT. s GIVEN BT MIS - of Bi A 1 ; 11 : furtl alara at flee. So 6&13-U ant Me, . s : | this ot at tain ntal lent tous '. Ei Dh> dgn an it of lent. Jo.o icer? MBM BAB I 4 ill. 4111?. i l t-isi>. ON HER RET? RN FROM BUBOP LAIR a r- - it tbe "Mom t . of Franklin and Tblr I - 'E8DA NOONS at 4 Tourist - .' mber 'i - t 11 M. I In F. rope. M - no circular but or, her return , an .'. rid. . nue. tin? im.. WIl PEN HER DANCING I. - M'A V E V. SING 1. Churh Hi;: . call or address N . : trshall ?trei oc 23-lt? PKIIfOStI.9. Room N"). U RI - A ILL BE R i Mi i - . MEDALS BJ i TINS for t 1 ? - Tbn e-H ; rins. 100 pain -- numbered a In Burner! Bamples i i , - EM. "\ >n 11 u k? rs. 9J tVI'KI). MILLINERY set rvcpYTMl i? FOB LVE^/BOu I cc . _ WIM II), ber at once to at ho e : . . - him i:t>. . i ; J : n v n 11 i. ' on Fl \\ t> I II?. ' ? A - - _ B) t \ i i n ' - - - Be ' 3 . \ Their nrinl? !|rim ??.Hi?, pe.?. \\ \M I I? - \\ tvn i. - : _ \\ Will?. . ' - . i w ? > t ' i ? \N FM'Fl'.lKNCFlJ LADY TE^ wisne? to t? I Lit! .- " tiUdrvs fr m ? to t >ea.-. <f \' HER WltTll). A FIRST- ' - ?BBBfTO 1 on Pants. Apply to r> ?ou.?h Filth OC m BTB. WASTED, AOKNTR ST, To Hu A 'JAY TO IRTRO? daee mr I'ur?? "Asb-MUja" Wlcka; Just ; l; alvlng light fully -njual to ' trlcity, and laatl-m from * 'o kf l??-partm?>nt 8 70 I'! i'.FVR? lOF t?a WICK WORKS. Columbus, O. oc lt-Sult WASTED. AGENTS WANT?I?. IN EVERT CITY ami town t.. Canvass for Faat-8ell ng, W. -ll-Advertlse 1 terms. Exclusive territory. B . aeaey In It for you GEORGE A. SOOTT, M Broadway. N. Y._oc &-8ult m IRVbbbbj BALESMEN-BRIOHT RKR sTVRRT ?her?;. N-w Un?? gp?- i..itu-s aell to m.-r oniy Inin . land Eaail) ?**ba 1 - iry or co-aa-.ia-.ion. costly sstnp ' . ;.ireat FACToitV, : ' '- h oc ' IRTRO. GOVERNMENT POBITIIJNbI THOO ?anda of sppolntmenta i bs mal- rail Psriicnl ira .- rntni , altloi a, uvixV v NATIONAL I !OR RLSPONDLNCE INSTIT1 ni'tit C. S. K . , c. _oc 23-11 U \\ I 111. I GENTS Rl ;.-.,;? GAS-LIOHT BURR. ' ?7..., a" Kf-r'??>'-ne-lHrni - and produce? hrli.lant ras-lluht. bo or sich ' sa mi I? if ... ?, . : - ?DISON ILLUM1 SO i ORPANT, Ovelsnd. 0 _o V\ IN I II). IT DAILY BRLLINQ BBE 1ALT1 la. Ei .SB 9 '. P COMPANY Cincinnati. O. oc 3-lt w \> i i i?. ['S TO BELL ' il R CFT-PRK'i Xmas books; Re. Hook, lag . $i H h ? i ' . . ri.ii isHi . . if] \.w. n Nine sti?. t. PlB-rlBBStl 0 ? R4I W \? I Kl?. SALESMEN; j ,<IA- IN-Tr.M . .-..iiu>l n Maaofa natl, O UIMI II AN EXPERIENCED AND VI'.' ' ' Mathen \ I TEACH I Hallfa \\ IMKII, \. ; WIDOW WANT! WORK 0 ' - f-i taj \> no. SEVERAL ENI ROE ! REN AN I Bl I ' M ' B| ? ral for .n v. : I . '? an I pi . Mark.-t mt Bt, 1 ' - - ' \\ ?Nil I?. A riR8T-CL tSS . Al A ' F? >R dKN" r \ A JENKINS ? MITCHELL, S C - ll \V <\\ i I o. Ai'TIV | .?Ii A KRW I.I> Quick E r wi ah RE ' v COMPANY, ' I \\ Willi. ' - MAKER to Pi ; - .lie. Va. ' a V a i. i il - '!. A f' 1-] M W ASTRO, A Y' ?UNO 8ALE8LADY WAN I IC DARHANIAN'S, : \\ \\ rt:o. NTA1N ii- ?ME A TEACHER ' sobicw hers the rnounv I ol ! wut like to h.-ar of a Bull bl? fall pirn ulars HO] of th? : \mm BO, DIATBLT i :: \ ; ' Wu'K Oil ?,.,.cl \ ! f ? I, AUee, Han rer cuntv. v.i _ \V WIED. A RTLLER VI'iH ' NQUE8TIONAB '-itrlty; mill 1 1-* n. put'!?. It - ply :.' ' - .:-e?jd.J <R \M ill, OIRLS T'> WORK ON SEWINOM rUERN BHIR1 R v Ho. : ' aorth I surteeath sti oc 23-11 - - IN . W ASTRO, STI Hi N HI ?RI v. son'?. Bpanl Amerluii Wir. NAL PUBLIC I IOMPANY, Lak-slde Bull _ oc O'l A\ ?VI F.D. REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL CIT1 ir "CeBtui 3 . MPANT Tirnes Bu ? _ _ MA> I ED, | TO 1 I PILLC - f- ? HANHATT/ treet, : _ oc23 Wl> I KO, LAOU ' ' - . Btudi ,:: ?-' !< i.ngton str- I _ \\ .Ml I? IDB UNI . - corni " ?s*._ \\ ,?, 1 I I? . - - oc Z w n i i i> IN \WMII? . SQ MEN H ' - - ' ' ? \M I O. ire of Posi -?Ll - I r IM ?tust ni-? \\ \ N i i B MAM r ?.MILIAR WITH rk n. 1, .. -. _2?? \, % M KII B-igur? ?2L5 *A O I FO. y AN r.? WOMAN OF 1 - id firm C a tttb BBdall f-ip-tM \V ZIEOLER A CO.. 2? Lb - ' I F??_ d? ase ?-lt? ELP r???et. if Bl*l>t?>'> >\ ?M? \\ OTKU, .'-:sr LAI - n'D-fi newly pa, ?red i te Mra. H. F MORRI? WARTRO, A 1%ELL - LIOHTEI? FFRNIl I --' '"' drasa C BIEK8CHENK. e*xe ofJWa IM ??IM ss ?ni?. SEE James Brothers FOR LOW PRICES dated Sugar .t 05 Fre?h Lutter . IS Good Him?. 07 ' Rama . 10 ' < ?] Lard. o? . u5 Ml i! p. p. k .I Family Flour, j>?r bag . is Flour, par barrel . 4 *> to as .:..: Java . 18 Arhu? k 's ?'..ff.? . 1?! New Pr:::, s . OB !' st Cream CtVess . 12 N w I. ' "Viier i i.. Sera . I . \'< m ' : i . N.w Codflsh . Ni a ' ' il Flal i . Q.i Chew ; Tul . i - . N.w Bour Pickle, pet .. 2n : ^<k . la Potst ... B i... 40 2-'. ....C. I ip, per bar . os New Lem as. oei d iea . . ? No. i Timothy Hay . ?0 ... B a James Brothers, CASH GROCRRS, UM , ast .tlur?.liul) slr?Mt. 'Phonos: OM, 7<t; V w. UU. 9PR471AL wivn.ii n \TK.s nut MiiVllll.t BOABtOBBag. - -. >sn si n ri.ii Inducement? for t? m Tic RIAL HOJ \\ \\ II II. Tt ' RENT OUT POR1 ION t ?F N D I south i treet. or to Re? Apply r after 1 _ w \Mi.n. 1 MAN WITH Sev eral bun tak? ii- buaii N ' " -' -it* 4V kBTBD, FOB A DESIRA LB ' T? m i res ?changad. re "f* h B-lt?? \\ \mi:u, A FINE YOUNG HOT?BTETN tie and a fine n tsml - ". a ?in? "i it T s RENN? ?LDS A BR< ?THER S, No. 17? rrsnklln i ? It*_ _ WIM? l> NGE BLOSSOM IS THE FAMOU8 REMED? J'hn A. McGIII for all I B**cullar l. II is the one natural i li east liroad street. Richmond, _ III? Vlllll Its \\ \\ I I II TU'i " s famth N m ! - t ?1 - la i F ' ay. in ID . WAB1 BD, a TOTJNG M XV with ?AM TO TAKB In m ' Id Established ty. oc it-it* \\ \ Il M Ml. The . w.. bave u vk-2 : tiling fil I 0, new pbom ithei the old . ll> hut w ' _ \\ IB "1 i ? BOAR! I VACA1 ; \\ kBTBD. NT ! >R \ CLIENT, A n two mili base on it a gooi h",us? In a I ent. oc 23-lt_4S2 v? v> i BO. ' RED THE A ' rth Carolin, for the Manhattan T) ; machine. - ? W ll n,, r 11 ..... U. It I A ork AT IM? \v \M BD. FURNISHEl ,. - i. folding doors; newly papered and h*'tt ea r<" Applv at \V tVl II?. BOARDERS 0 !" PAFBB-B \'. THF HKU m BRI ?TH ie n?" In the beat grad h Cap I M md. Va. \\ w 11 i>. S F.LI. Tf Cases and Jart. App oc ti-w \\ \ \ I I 11. "- AT >_!ra -' \\ 4% I I It , ___-_ \V \ \ I . I?. PAFI _ _c \\ V M I I - WIT! No. li, north Beech ?trei III?' .-I I MS 1? I III ! ' I HI III U HINK HO r of t TO wtMl I? I - : - I lire! this AD entls \vr> ? p tarare . kB HEr allor Ad at h. .-U UsBT, ITBA18D. ABO POtBD. trig hg'jr - . -. hVgj - ":.k cm i \ ?ar-l. ' KH* i. iNISH INADIAN SPAM a: ?aill apply for reward to Dr MILL! . - ? _ . ?LAI . TWO S /TES V el IBM. i able . I months Iba othtr 1. - hoih dra?>n and < Wl | and p?y?bU to hla ort-r al a' Natloral Bang at R -hrm The 'ubi'c 1? hereby warned not to ti r : efot'.ate tbe t-arae. Finder will r?t il: A P. PARK, catre of J . Hi ' SON ' ROWN A CO., Ill* Main ?lr* ni sinf:*? wtu?. For ft U. S. Senator. By Permission o? th? Giant*. D. O'SuIlivaii, Eigb:eeotb aad Mail Six, KictmooU, Ya. wUlpep;er Creamery Butter. Thla i? th? ?. j i when the Or.*?*, pro tun of it.? dairy Is seal sad high. Harinf " tea year?' c> ir?d with JJbf elebrstsd dairyman It. FntV more, of Uab?.nii< Brook, i ulpepa? t I ant prepar, ,] ., ?upply m> i rade w'th | | D?rket l i a. Air i uimore n V i can bu/ it fi. m BM m mr, quantity, p- ajaa _^__ 5*' Spiced i'otted Ham and Tongue 1 ktrgi ran? of each fr< h sad .r.,? ret . . ,uw Pure Cider Vinegar. MM aall aa Old Vira i Cl Mr tCkr Stem h Paady. : fa. Bound .. ?wk? ' Bt boai - ?fads C ike? fa, pack? t aaii - . ?? ? boi i .>5C Claret Wine. 1 iargja rmsrt bottlea OM vir- erw, ginia claret. < yeara old .?>OC i -m , i Spots, -jiV* aslt?srat?t Saver, p.r deanaa.. as*"*? 6c 2C 8c r. ? 'oltish bnCfcS, per pound . Clock Wash ing Tea. per parkag?. ' OBI til ' ' illf.irn a Hi per pour I . ii uns, laat year's, p< r i",.und IaC JOC i ...... 3** s,4.l>U -ser* il\e \\ di kej | i >.. i -1 . tl md '..n lur .rw 1 I , _ ? 40C 1 ?a?aj?j JOC I ._4??** e i ak< ? <,e fio.ip, un is Jell>, a 20C 20C 6.000 cai 06 HIV, si nek ?PI.?HI 2~S. t\ k*4TBD, TO RENT OR g KI . 1 WIMIII. I ' ' - 111 it writ? 1. rears plan ..i IND IM. I . 1 . The Hub's Special Sale, . -, st* 1 ; ,. oth r * , i.. ILT. THE HUB, 9B 1 _ \\ \N I I I). - I ' to -, ate Liapa ...-lt*_ 44 4> I I II. ?.T ONCE A BOI BE V, 1 ill EIOHT <jR a ' 44 4M I'll. O SELL MFB .. .ter vu'/ to c. B - ' \\ A VTKI CURED I ll . ? v. karri i? t'NKI TtNIBHED I UNFURNISHED, < ir? : u kB 1 m, a dog la for th? yoa want '-Kill, -:f _ loi WASTED ANT LOT .'?l'at/a stating ire DM? patch of - 31t_ BOABDBB9 4* *\ II.O. AK... ? AN a.:?? a ? Room? at -i 1 * ratas. FsS a ddre?. \| ? HOLS. 30? wei | H Mill K?. Uli* um, x in ,. 1. ilAVK BT1 - 1 tag. Til j? No. St.. * 1 Saaoj ,t ?iu . r.K a?h petees p*???. or u giv? w?un?4 lewelrj si -..i??tw*r? m .? nang? A M il' U! e > -tre.t. fti-tim.? .k oPil*. BOBFBIMB, VMilMtEY." IF IN IN TH arrtta for m> U,og vn th?a ! ?ease?. r?*!:?<l fr?<?. U M WOOLLBl os. j, iie-aoa*?. A *M ? U. 4 IN SHORTHAND ANO TTI'I I For i?riu? and all partlej.?.! apply ?t ltICHM??N!? **H<?>L <) U'H?. r.? ?a?t Main ?ir?* .,?rer Mead? A Bak.r Pharmacy Ml P<>TTHRs?|m Pr4..e.Pai. ?u 54 ; ? IauiKsi z*<*mw>i t-a-^i rmJijiajj M U lCBl?asa^^?^ un ?-Tu.Tb.Sulyi