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.THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1898._- -____ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. THE BAIL. Dlsl'ATCH is delivered to eubscribers at Ell HPl ?' -NTS per month. pqyahU t?. ti..- sorties weeklp or monthly. Mailed at K> per *_BBUB bio in advance; $3 for six m-nths. tl.Vl for threo months; 'J> PPUtt tor one month. 1'ilce per copy. S ci pis. The V.KKKI.V DlM'ATl'II Ot $1 PM annum. The SEM'AY DISPATCH .'?t UM P<"r annum, or ?_ cents for six months. ?us in an ci*.s payable In s.v-11.'., and no ogBOf ,fl,r the expiration of the tit* 9mPA poat-ofllce money ord? r. ch? ck, Of WSdS tered letter, Our. m y sent by BBOll will be at the risk of the SOBdSC. B wu-hing their post-otli.e OhSJ give their old as well as their BO? P*-??* oflicc Sample coplea free. ADvri.'i -BINO >*A HAl.K INCH om i , w 1 t"1?*-*. isj ? tlrm9. 3 times. lt'K*) 50 -. 6 times. . 13 times. 1 month. 3 months . '.ness wants . Wanted situ?t ion. payable in a?l vanc_ (__ words or leaS). Above rates are for "ev. ry day" or ad vertisements running consecutively. Heading notices In r? odtOg mottof type, five lines or less. IE In nonpnrlcl. I? '' " five Une? or 1? ss, 75 c. ol Card of rates for more space furnl.hefl on application._ All letters and te: Bft bS .?<*> liUBll ta Tin: Dii-i'A'D'H COMPANT. Rejected communications will not be returned. All letters rccommendlm, ?__ _. for office mu.t be paid for to Insure their publication. This is a long standing rule of ours. _ Resolutions of resL_.ct to deceased members pass. .1 by BOdetVes, corpora tions, association.-), or other organiza tions will bo charged for as advertising fhatter. ____ VP-TOVV CKKI'l-, BROAX?-?TREET PHARMACV, M9 EA.ST l'-U-'AD BTKEET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, INI BULL STREET. TUESDAY.NOVEMBER 8, 1898. Eil.nds of tho Dispatch would do us a favor by informing us promptly Of ORy failure on tho part of newsdealers, or newsboys on railroad trains, to meet the. public demand for copies of this Information is also desire?! by us of the delinquency of nt-.y carrier of ours In Richmond, Munch.-st? r, or r'--where. Mall subscribers are likewise Invited to report to us whenever their papers como late or Irregularly. ___________ _ to Tin-: pom.*?: The dutr of each De__?oc**Bt is' t.. vote whenever the polls aro open. It Is good exercise. It keeps one In touch with pub lia afEairi i him for the Intelll? It h? Ips to make him an Op-tO-dat? > It??. gen. Buch a man Is valuable t?> his party and si rvlci ible to hi Btata. He may i??? ted upon at ?ill tiiii? I ; he is ?, lar. \\.- do not protend to nay thai there Is niu.h -longer thai ths Democratic nomi nee in this congresalonal district srill bs defeated; bul th?i<- certainly would be, if ail .?ut- voters considered it nnni t?? vote! The R? publicans have two cumia la tin ii.-id in this district, and there Ii i b rivalry b. twoofl the tootlons OS '" wliicli shall p"U tho v??to. In that way -v.?.- may exped the ii'-i... s tO turn out batter than they otherwise would. Whether their strength win l>.- pretty ? ly divided between Russell and Wefaagor, we do not know. That jaaattoa thai only results can determina ?Dur duly i.*, to Ml to it that whether they divid?? or coils.?ii?; ts their strength, our voto shall be sufll. Lamb by a handi orna m i lorlty, it is but a. small thing t?? oak <?ur pi ipi? to do to give lie ?- m minutes tl t-? poll th' If v-,t. s. Thors will be no i row.Is at th.? polls, ami there are so few names npog* tin- ballot, little timo will t??* needed for the dlschi the day's ?luty. And this little tin? of us ought to bo Willing to give. If the weather should be Bas B visit to tho polls ought tO be a ; if the weathi-r .hould ba rainy, then our old "rumi-by" /otara win ba boots helpful than ev. r, bocaoas wa ought to make up In Richmond and Man? ?hi iter f.?r the loss of votes thut the rain will cost us in tho count The Dispatch will r,-a? 1? tr.niv i in tho Fourth Di-tiict before II lato for them to Vote, SOd W*B 1 .ure them t li?t th.y have it In their power to win thi m Victory In the history of tl is sure i '..! If big pgrty friends do their duty. They should th.- polls, rait? or shine. If they ?!??, Ep? , wiii be vict??rious by s majority ao that no one- will be found fopltoh enough t>. ?iinstioii his title. And Um eft?et woulil be 1?. tn ticial to all tha coiin the district. It v. . < ;!,. the political i that for a loag fdasc to Eurtheiinore, OJO repett, by sleeting OUT n.iiiiiii..- wi may be able lo savs I ia House to our parts-. Win? know political compl? .\i?m of i not i??.- determined by ana momt__r*i What boi happened In the past, may n again! Ami .*?. w< * v to 'ii \.. ginls i ?amo? erais, to Ih. p. U| : Show that y? w, :i organised and ready, whether the . -tri'-t ?s t . i ?. battle or I THE HE II UNS. lu Mew v.?tk ?nui iiiiny other ..f tills country '!> M . aad ii"t ?n - wiiii us. il to, ; from duty < in. r tii a ours are, aad tbe work ??f sjothsriog la lbs n turns la . m ?i. ' the t< I. irapli and tslSphOBS I ooa av?llenle, it will not taki tO 1.1 til on: N*'>- 1 ' Ualeea ths \ quite ? leas u.. .., v, u tot\ will tell ti,.- whole tato, ti try vote will favor p\ v. ?, [lUli 'it * "' " (durant) " Her New Vi.iK that 9 Ike telegraph will briog ws which will Indicate whether Van 9tyeM _* i. elected ' ? w-, tram North Carolina will bs ?n??!. slider canina In. i-,.ut,tie?s, the relui.,? ?l.Lun.d t.,.,,..,^ wm bl. ,,.. ??ve ? f th. general rouit, but it will no. he possible to obtain details for a day or two to come. However, th?a Dispatch expects to ha\e them ami publish them us soon ns any paper In the country. HRlfl AM) IMPERIALISM. Aiivi? <s Iron Waahtagtoa h?ii?i out the hopg (hit \vliat?\?r shall be agreed upon l\ Um Peace ?'.?mmissioner* regarding tin? Philippine?, It Is y?t g far cry to DM ??insuinmati.iii <if th? adwlnlilielliari policy <>f baper-allaa*,. I?aily It baOOMMI more appannt. we arc told) tint the Prealdeal win lad it no ta-k to bring the Bonatg to the ratl I'.aiion of u treaty annexing the group. Th?? administration hau made imperialism a party queetiou, appealing alwaya t?> Republioana?never to Dem?crata, With? Ott! 1'.in ". ralle support It would he im .- in leenn annexation, aad whar with thi adminlatratlon'i paitlaan emirs? in the matter and the antagonism to niine-.atli.ri In the rank and file of Ine Democratic party, the channel <>f k Ing meh mppOti arc, It Is said, og imaller by degreea and beauti iully . But, in addition to this, some of UM strongest and most influential Repnbll? m- mi.?m of the Beaate an vfolenUy aatagonlatle to Imperta-tna. Among them i ngton Hoar and Hale, and rdlng to the Waahlngton eorroapon ol Um Baltimore Baa, than two, ai.'i s- mi tor Gorman, an reported to have a tripartite agreeoMat to defeat treaty for the icqulatttoa of the Phil-? inli; . The Ban'i eorreapondenl says, further, whethei Um nport of forma'. agreenenl be troi or 'i"t, Um three ?an 10 bitterly oppoeed to Pblltpplni annex? ati?i!i. that they WOOld naturally co-op - rat a an ? Bort to defeat the pro end he makea no mlrtake in adding that ach i team would t.?? apt to put big Ming bio? k m tin path of the Preel? dent'i ; I iwardi Imperialism. Tin: n__n__l law. ?ine of Um inal lamae la to-day's elec tion? lu the State of Kent York 1? the Halms l*4.oor?ltoe-UM law. The Republi can party paeeed tali law, and now up. hold n- Tii" Dwnocnti have never fa ire, and would tain great pli urare in i> pealing it. l'n?l? r this . narttn? nt the funds derived from Uceoeea f??r the sal" of Uqoon are divid? d between the State and the city or county, ae the ? aae may ba The State ncelvee one-third. If what wi hhve men in mum of our New Voila contem?pOTarlei i.?? tin?-. The p-nit Ig thai .greater New fork contrlbutei about H,700,0ta. per an num t?> the Btat? '- portion. in : of this rich contri button from the clUea and towns of the nabled to make a imall? i a nl than it would otherwi have to make opon the nal i sta!.- of the people, Ami go, while we .-ni well nndentand that tin? law is very unpopular in the eiti.s, we ?annul i eiiev?? the eountry ?people are very Indlgnai-l about I?. In the rural dlatrlcti "the ?anal fraada," whleh are dearly chargeable t?> the Re publican admlnlitntlon of the of New fork, are much better campaign material than the Rain?e law, By thee? _.--. which wen perpetnted la a must unbluahlng manner, millions of dol lars appropriated by the Leglalatun for the purpoee of enlarging the Brie canal wen ewallowed np by oontracton, en? glneera, ana poliU? il "heelei Ami .s?> we pndici thai If Van Wych is able to reduce the Republican majority In tin? up-.-..iintry it will be more on ?uni of the war made by the Demo crate on th?- canal ring than that mad? ?by them egatnal the oontlnuanee of th?.* Ralnee ?aw. The barben of Indiana, after tome lit? tie ?ii-siiiK and much consideration, have at laet agre? ?i upon a bill to be pi by their Legielature, which requires that peraom -frlahtng t?. practice the ton art shall ?be ?vmined and licensed, ?the ame ai physicians, The ?requirement! an said to be extremely rigorous, and ?man. barben will noi ?be able t.? pai t\ Informed why the "profession" wiah to be m - Kclualve, nor do we know what win be the n tur?- of the examlnaUoni, i ut we trust thai ??nia- men with the beel ? ?iiv. lsatii-nai ?talent be allowed to rs have taken upon them duty of - nllghtenlng tbeli . ustomera upon ell the topics ??f the day, o liberal education should be ?required of them, and none bul oratoi - ihould apply for li? Tin- hin, which li designed t?> purffy the balr?cuttlng and beard?trimmlng w* tablisbmenta of Indiana, provide! fbr a i... ?id of i? gMtratlon of fj mi mb? rs. Th.. m oretary la to Ml out of _ he li t.? pay clerk bin, and the treaaurer li to recelvi UMO, Other mem are to ?-njoy a p'T ?hem of tl. IVr one dealrlng to inter thli noble bul san guinary pro! maton muai pay ?i dollar i.?r the privilege ol being aaaiataod, thougfa this mm ateo Includ? s the ll Th? re an II MA bai ' ei In Indiana, aad tn?. feei reallaed will yield a rabetaatlal Income. We h"p>- loon to iee the chlrop? odliti of the good aid Ho?eler st.u?- wall tininsilv? s In With a similar m? tor the "pi.'" ihould i.?- nothing it not exclusive. Th? annual sain Of bOSl I for the NOW York Hone SbOW ?li?l not turn Out th?f glittering wcceti arhlch hai hitherto mark?**- ueh occaalona, and th?> total mat than it ?lid last ?year. a ?t g ,-, however, the lalei amonnted to li".-"- '. whleh is a pretty good price to pay foe e f?ew Mate, which oaabM one t?? got an undisturbed view Ol I fi 9 DOb tailed nag! and many well-dressed \>. o plo, Then wen to be dlapoaod of in boxea (thoae whleh look ??own from a slit-lit ? 1? vathui) on th?? grand pi ira? nade, end hund? ? ?! or tport ?which poem i the dtaailvantafi of being leaa ?onaplcuoua Two boxes .ht the ?top-notch Bguree fin? each. The bidding was confined to itoc-kho and m? nit?? rs of the association. Thi vulgar hard, irho doubtMn are glad to bave I ? M \? lu.!. I from th?' expensive occasion, will later have an Opportunity for Mlectlng from the '"leavings" of the four hundred. To be in ?good odor at the HOI I Show ?m?- must be a v? i y blin blooded eqalne or a very tineiy-di lady. ___ Thf 1".-^? Bl y.llovs-fev? r situation Jm ll?bana is not at ail inviting to our pro? I army of occupation. It Is to > hoped ? will s??oii Improve. Two m?.r? ?t the Am? ri.-an aalvancc guard In ih Cuban cat-tai attach?e of the quarter-. ! have been stricken wtth th.? fever, _ '1.?!.- ait.-r La s ut the Matte Teresa Is so cheertag ' ? Un Bpanlah thai it reminds OIM Of the "i;i?-al and gtOfiOUl /Ic-torles" th? a UHf'd to Will illil ill? the WUT. Tn?- H.-.?.m,i Rsgfnl_st will now procced lo follow the Third in __._ out?In funds, ? out of the servie?. IW IB BIB I IBB AliWIHSlOAS. A ,!i*>cus?lon Is going on Ht tho North us to what will b,? the ultimate stilus of the persons In the Island., of the sea whom we, In the '"discharge of our r??:?n:i?Ibill tlea," ?rowing out of the war with Kraln, hnvc taken, or may take, under ?he pro t-1 tins: wing of the Am?-r!*an SOgl*. Bf many antuxatlonlsls It is h?Md that It not follow that these persons ?hall I lowrd to vote. The iintl ann-'X.itl contend that uini'-r our pres-:.t form "f government, no territory th" Enlted Bt may booosBOi i <>t t ia b i dcborr 1 Indefinitely from statehood. If thi? posi tion || COrfBCt, and ?t is fortifie?! by the opinion of soma of th?- ablest constitu tional lawyers In th?- rouMrv, *h?- oonten ttoo of the fknperiaUsts touching th" issue falls to the ground, unies--, in?; 1. we are to make a radical ?hange In ths organic law of Ih?- laml. In default of such a CbongO, our n?-w "wards" would b eventuilly fall-Hedged vofr". ' con dition woiil.l follow under the COB -titii ti??n and the dictum of the Haprems Court Artlde XIV., section 1, ot' tin- <; ti-1it-i tlon. says that: "All persons born or naturalised in the United States ami : uhi,?-? to the nirisdlc tlon thereof are r-ltlz' ns of the Enifd States." Article IV.. section 2, contains the fol low i in-: "The? OftlOSng of each State ?Pall be en titled to nil the ?privileges | tul Immai Of citlzi-ns in the several State.?*." And the BaptOOse Court has clo.ed up any loophole the B__tiexat_BI_StS may BOS In the words "bora or ni tur ?Ii/?-1," foy >' el i lug thai : "Ev-iy nation acquiring territory, by treaty <?r other-wise, must bold It ibji I to the Cfonstitutlon and laws of its own government, snd not according ;?. of the government < dJag L" However, noi tho least latei rtlng fm tur<* of the discussion is found in (?-rUIn adinissioiis <>f both ->?: -. The contention of the Imparti ?lists la negatively, <-r by Implication, an Brgumanl "Against thi visability of making totttO of anv mop members of inferior races. Buch fleUver? ances as ws give below from our antl? Imperialtatie contemporary, the .v a v.'ik Evening Pool queetlons directly tbe wisdom of s?. doing. Having stated ths proposition of tha Imperialists thai it BOl follow that all p. r-?ms who bava boon or may i?.- brought in?, the Union by our -*onojuesti shall I to rote, ths Pool makes these points: "Well, w by should they sol i to voti ? i- : bet m*?' the. are ignoi They cannot bs more so than the outhcrn plantation handi upon a i om .- toi ced the right of suffrage directly ifter th? (-nil war." Not-- the word; "wi for sd " Can it be that both Imperialists and antl-Imj Ithln th< Rt publican fold are ! Ing a I rom tl tlons In North ? ' iroiina? Vft ii"i"- ... Bui he "hi* a*- it m 'y, the i' ?st's points s - Il taki n ami are a Bcathlng commentary opon the "r-tatesman-hip" that m i?b- th? I voter und the "humnniiari inism" thai would pn lent to nb the all i n itl? revolutionising i . _. Mt. ?r putting the !>?iii.?t into tho bonds of millions of semi-savage Mohammedans, Pagan Malays, and .V ?. nii'i'i.iir.N i:. The political parties it New York, Baltimore, Chi? ago, and ot 1er i sp.-nd thouaanda ?>'.' dollars advert th'ir speak- -' appointments, their ad . m.- of the i? charging papers In New fork on Bunday had several columns of paid matter, com paring the two pol?tica] parties hi New Jersey. Moreovi r, the bvi i . ker nt th? av. i ... meeting there does not i ne ot notice in the m wsp ? pei si Croki r, fhoat? H svelt, Van VtycM, and mi n of that class may be olumn or two, but th>- hum bler aort are happy and thankful I mentioned in orinl at all. Bow differ? nt In this Btntel "Leave of abseni fi r twenty ?lays has been gi inted Colonel Jamas H. Young, Third North Carolina Volunteer Infan try." So army or?!, rs read, and as ths nun Is the colored Indl rldna] from N??rtii Carolina the only . colonel in "he United Btates army it is mor?- than probable that the Of a! granted witb ins taking part In the North Carolina , election to-day. Doubtless be would like to take his regiment with him: an.i doubtless the Republican administration would likT- for him and WOUld authorise him tO dO so, if th.-y .land to tak?- su?-!i w.,;!; has i n stopped on the C i... this mean thai thi orork of raising .me or more >?f the sunk i a bt hips is coming to a fun stop. Tha w? .?thfr-man Is a particularly Im p-it taut pet.*,?nage ti'-ilay. "What Is he giving aa?" "Hain ?s indli ate i for th "? _tlan tic and Nea Bngland I had f?.?- the Ni ? fork i mm n \ 1'i.iir l.llll?- ?".Irl. (? rit. ri?,n.) She never ran with s hoop nor blew Bo .! i ubbles ??nt of s pip ?, nor knew in ail her days ?lu.t ?. world ?,t fun it was to scamper and .iump and run: ?She was born to wealth end a bouse of pride, And must !? proBor and dlgnlfwd. Deor Httle glri! i am Bod for They have niched your world of its _?-? ' seate hue; They have robbed tl of your childish play. And stolen your years and your di awa\ ; tad rou ar< i tdttls k?i1 no more, Poor little martyr In pinafore, i frankly own i would shrink t?? faca Your accusing ey? s at the throa of grace; l tremble t.? think what the King may mete To the culprit crouched at ths Jrogment m it Who has tak? n a child that was mail?- to sing, And stitlcil th.- song and deceived the Kin?-: JOSEPH DANA MILLER. .Im ?Ik?' mid Mrs. l'r. or's lioliten AVeii ?llntf. (N. w v.'ik World of Test? rdoy ) justice ami Mra Bog? r A Pryor win give .i reception a? tio'ir NSMstkCS, NO, I w?st Btsty-nlnth straot, lo BOniTow afternoon fi"in ? t?? 7 (>vi?.?-k. to ,-. l? brate their golden wedding. ? ?v r 1'.-?" Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permit"' food to fenneut and putrify In the ?toinaeh. Then follow dizziness, headache. Hood's Insoniina. nervousness, and, ___. If not -elieved, bilious fever or blood polsoiilng. Mood's I'illS it 11 u u e the St, mi ?eh. rouie the liver, eure headache, dizziness, eon sttpatioi?. etc. 39 seats, "?-old by all ?.'riuitiits. The onlj l'ill? to take with Uoodi ha r sa pi ?lia. ills Royal -Absolutely ?H;re &AKIN6 Powder Absolutely _>ube ^^^^^^ Makes the f?ood more delicious and wholesome no'ki b??ino sowof ? ro., si* ion*. invitations bave been laoaod, among who will be presen! to ufT??r their congratulation:; will be thfit six chil dren aad fifteen ?--randchlldren. Ju.ige 1'iyor, who. with hi- wife ami family, ' ?in?, t.? Kew Vnrk from the South aft? r Un? war. is a d< - ? ,i ! '?'* Of UM (?land family, of Virginia, from whom also are deaceoded Oeneral Roberi B. Lot and Randolph. Mrs l'ry?'t\ Who 111 >: . ? brtlliani womaa. Hhe ?wax a belle in w ..-hiiiK'oii. during her glrlbOOd ?lays. A Fr.i.i.ou sun* BSTAMLISM-CD, Old or aio.iMMi by ti?e ? ?iiiwi n Batata <?? the CathaUe i nlveexity? WABHINOTON, Novemb? l I.?The C itft? olic Lfnlvereity of Ameri?*-, through ' i?'i-, th- B gl Rev. Them?. 1 . i ?. i>., waa the recipient on Sal urday <?f a gift of tMr0M for Un ntah llehmenl of a fellowihlp In tin- facultj ?f divinity. Th.? ?donors en Muy Gwen doline Byrd Oaldwell, Marquise de Merin rllle, and her alater, Miry Elisa Breck? ebridge Caldwell, BaroneM von Zedtwlts. 'I I ? -.on ZedtWltX, who I I'. r..ii--. cabled to . i-? W taking ton, h? i- ?l. lire to unite with her In ih? eatsbHehment ?.r this fellowship, win? h w in p. rpetuaj memoi lai m theli its, and \p lnde] ' ihe achol arehlp found? ! ? fea dayi befor? by the Marqutee ?lo Merinvllle. W b] Mie \\ role It. At a recent mi .tin- ..f the n? w York Mother-' Club Misa Mary Proctor, the astronomer, told the mothen h?.w abe came t?? write her hook for children, ".- t.?; Usa of Btarland," and n ?at? ?i in an amusing way her difficult!? - In k? th.- inten n .?f lltUa onn during .- : I? - im? . ? in one Int? real i -???n ehe sin- u., i. : . m m blank rei ? was rather long, SI well a- blank, but tli?- chiMren did noi icem t?? mind, then wer? i"1- of iter? opUcoo picture! to look at When there w? mon phtur. s, an?! when Mlee i'i ?.?s al the moal IntereeUng part of her p..? m. in which Ively, "le there no <nd'' U there, Indeed, no the little boy In the front r ?w yawned audibly, and then ( loodi eis! Th. re don'l ie< n to be!" The apt <k-v told ol moth? r ip< 11 he hi i i w? al . , i ; anno u tor would lak.- I h? m sil ? ii L \"-ii t,, gtsrtand. i w ? ni inv mammi " ci I? ?i the little girl a lldlj. "I u.V. r go any p ____ ?.? tfert \?j inn n.- Meant. (?Chli . - The proprietor of the reetaurant bad just i : ?1 | DOW it iu tended to call attention to a redui ti.n In Aft? r Quoting in? va? i loua arl Idea to c inclusively di mon th?. feel Hi ii everything wsa cheap, he add? .1 al ih- bottom of the adv? -1 lie nt : "!'?i id, butter, and pol : He i<:. ?w b< ' r nos If he h .?i - t- .main be would word it little differently, and all bei ? I? mn taking bl , ted to th.- adl i !->-d: "la thai on th ' -. t talnly," i? i?II? ?i tie- waiter, "Then gii ul, butter, m. -v. -. air. \\ b - ixked the tOT, "Noi li man. "Thai' lan'l if.'" ?n i ii<- ??pen in an Rsplalaea. tNew V"ik Weekly.) Bofth? i - . Cholly, why do ffHIah have to w? hims.-if. don't you know? \\ h> cawi fellah wear a ready-made necktie, don't you know? Muchbrain: Ca how i' le? I?'- ' don't you know. "Any fel tl ford to buy any aori leckUe, cawn'i "Ah. yea; but mi ' w? alth t n. boy. it's bwaln i, culture, u i reflnemi nt, you ki \\ ? n h i ''lit t?. d?i with the neck? -? ?an'l a me boy, ad mits only th. s.- who have bwaliu enough i?. tie their own necktie, know.' WOttttm fur H llruioiii lieu I nienl. innah K? tine of tl.-- ..? of the Beventh Army Corpi i- the Fourth Vir ginia, ii is m the B* i ?i Brig id? o S.-? ond 1 livlel? n, ..inn:.ill,1. d b) i ?;. v. Taj "i-. Th.- bl.. Of \ '.: . > and m? n. and -ii y maintain l standard of gentility -nid nie- breeding tica lias been - tli.-ir ?. i Maiiv of tl'e Illellll? I] I "f tl. are known t?> t h | h, of v. bom not a few re lb? mseh fi im Virginia .n- deacended from Virginia . and ih?- regitn? m'i ataj Ing made mi ? ? int than It mlgbl i a '!.,? i among atran* ?in? w h. r? ver they *?> i?, i of Qeorgta tin- il urlj true. i: \ ??ii : it n siKiin:. Tho Patata Ortet * Sew Rater-prise 1 pprwa? ll ? II !_ Un ft ?Kill'. ONANO " ,'K, V \ . Noi ml r ; . 'lie I :i -: at i i tapie mon? -.?i Iriih potato? .- , v? r known ??n I hav? . raised and ahlpp? ?i tl ...- nts, added to i is ol bai - 1 Is Hot \< t hi t 111.1.r the enormoua yield ; a million and a half of barreli for th?- two ?.. .-.: - ,.; Acoomac and Northampton, the Brat-I named ? OUnty ! I ! ?' ' thirds, or i more, <.f the orop. Up :? the middle ol ml .r th| that there has been a ... line, until it will herd!) r t.? ?ji?,' and h id i??? i pot.: to th- ii. : i i conn lam with the ralalng of iweel? ..n?; roimd-potat?.. ^ here there luu I oped quite an extensive in?i . in th.? manufacture ?i "track barrote.*' Hundredi of thousands of these i a ? u, now made il th- wbarvi thi d?pote ?m the ?railroads, glvt>ag employment to hundred! of banda d_ rtag mon than haU the \ii <; ?"ustis Phillipe, generally known ia "-?''it" Phillips, on! ?.i tie beet m?-n .?t tu?- .'immunity, dlqd 01 hi? bom , near Only, i ul] Saturday nrarntng. Mr. PblUlpa wai on?, of th.- moat proep? farm? is on tin? Shore, Hi leavee wit a'ld BV! < hlidfi n. II? Was about I". \ of IgS, \\ i". KuniinK. of Chlneoteagui U making preparations to pal marine raifway at that place. The rail way win be cape?te of bautlag any van s.?i thai ?m eater the water? then Chlncoteague, already <jf th.? m,,-? prosperoaa ami pr<>gr??--Mve town? on the stioi?. win be greaUy beaeflted by thla long-needed -plant." Oyet?n ?ire report ad as bt-lne In prime ?-rinriltlnn this -,.i si.n in th?- waters anjacent to in it i-land. and to the people IivImk there that in?,ms num. v, comforts, ami luxu rlee, for the time, nt Maat. The Atlanti, Transportation Company, of which the Hon. a W. MatlMwa is pra?ldenl. w u put on a handsome naphtha boat in _?J?II tloa to the one already run bl ?M 109 pany from the Island to WtSl-STt! I'oini Carda an <"H for th?? mirria-" Thursday, Ihe 17th Instant, of Dr. I". .1 Harm alison. and Beule, th" lov? daughter of Thoa_i: C. Pttl i, 'i prospective bride is the niece of . I t.- Judge i;? ?ij.imln T. ?iunler. i Barmanaon'i father wai a ?allant t? dlatlngulabed ofBci r of tie- Coa ami was imOBg th- first t?i give his |l foi what be thought was right. HI WAUA FM.IIT RKMUM'I). Several Men Arm shot. lint tin <> Im Kille,I. PANA, im,. November I.?The fight b tween the Alabama aegroei aad the kMl c?i-oiit minen was r?-n? wed yesterday, ?i vetoptng the fad thai the imported m? and white minen are again ai_ned am Wlncheaten and revolvers, and that thi an i ring tin m. Hoatititlea were renewed ?it the no? hour, just ai the congregatloni of tl varlooi churchei wen being dlamliae Some of the m groee aad minera met nei the Ball moi and Ohio Bouthw? it? i itatlon and began i quarrel, which tot ' the proportion! of a fiat figb and was followed by nveral roUejn fro tuns in the hnnis of men of both fa. t. ii who put in an appearance from tl mlnei i nd i- known thai two of the negroes si Kveral of the white miners were woum ill none wai killed. Man-, il? r w< i" at church, ' ??i -t Mating, wh.-n the tit Ing s i bul the? trete : ?on In line with the Oe in and under way to the the ?hooting, under command of MaJ? Butler. An eyewll - thai the whll minera, Unding negro al the rallroa pounced upon him end heal hii ; ible man., ?r. He managed to g< ?m in - tormente) i, il li ild, in ran toward Ihe company'a row of bouse tata voice. In i? i than half a minute twelve ' lift?., n colored men, armed a Ith Winch? i revolvei were In the iti changing ahoti with fifty miners, wh 11 ,in ? n ry dlrectioi med. Pandemonium n r i few mil eel Wt men and ? hlldren ran hither and thlth? -, an ' ?. a hit b waj to turn i w In i and I i though) he n III be able to kee \?. :i in hand. I mi BRSIT1 ?. \ *?l l : TO-D *V. inti-resi in ii?.' < eatesl W (III ?.?-oil.? 1(111 II. ' ||.\i:i,iii"i i:s\ ILLE, VA., Nov? mbe ill <en b ill -a to ? ton on a apeclal train, which will leaf l g a M to-moi row, to pi iy th game d lown. 'ih< In mi .he tp. ciel w111 !" crowd? ?I wllh t" - ime play ?i h< v.- lait mo ith ? a of a ? h ii'l \ ii .milla ! her by th?. ref? ri e thai in Inl rest th game : la held >-- tec md i i i to the TI i [cat In 1.1? li m?.n,I. \ . uml er of tudenl re upoi this al ternoon to wai -h ih through Ita last prec t:? . The ? in the work wltl i.i runnlni K I n!, -, i ll,in \ i ?:in! r of alumni d .?. fi r Individua I ] J. A. of \? m poi - ?? n. und lu th? line men i -p? clal att< ntlon, i nd wen ! ?r. M. K. John? . ii fine work on the t? am ol Brookl) m i?, I nos -?tati >.i.-?i ai aurg ? n m the i B H< had under his ?care the hall while m'?.aja h W. Pope ire, full ol the full ? Tin- ; t in the Pay? rwe ithei g)mnaalum this . moi roa * bll the game i.- in pro Held. The line-up to-m irrow will i?.- about e_i Ice, lefl end; Lloyd, I? n tuckl? ; I?.,\ i>, |i ? m,?|.-mail 1er, rlghl tackle; bummeragiti, right end; hhlbky, bai k; w Ills, left i, i Moor . rlghl hall ??back; ESlsom, ful i mi: in i \ioi\ ii.ii:. Lives. ItaMsa Baeasd Talaabli llora.-m I'.-iIhIi. l'AUM\ ILLE, VA . r.mi,, r I n : and : o'clock II Ing thi livery and feed ( iMi of a. a Coi were toi ill) >'? itroyi ?i by fin. Whm 1 by Poll -man iji.mge the fl in? mtrt fai unan ? ontrol broke out in an an build In which wete itabl? d i ghl hoi to -i. B. IVhaley, and eeveral torn ? i .ii > ti a n from this bulldtng. fortunately, ?.h wen all taken from the tin in tin- nick of time. Nothing ! wai MVi d. lu ih Wat? liman a\ p. and v\ . . . by ti:- Are fight? ri fea i ? i?u? tbe bulldli .. v email .?tail staid.-, in wbich wai thi 111 of W. P. Richardson, was burned, t? - p I her with l mal. it wai only .?> tbe hard? t ol work amid itlfltng itmVk .. | h< ?it that thi Ri m? n pi i .? nt...i the deatructlon of the mammoth ol Stoke., Dunlop at- tu. Thli b i or the aouth si?b of thi mi?- the -it?- of ;i Ft vi bl? ? ?ee, barn? a, pa| u count book - ;. A -mall dweliin . house, on ih?- east ildi of thi atsblbs, the prop, rty of Dr. Winston, ?waa alao d< rie- Inauranc.i I and > lulpage la not at all , ios.-, there being on thi building, onlj a; waa no on i bi Blcbardsoa bore?, The right hoi longing to Mr. wiiai? y en about on half by Insurance. The origin of th.- fire li not known, bat la to has? been the work of aa Incendiary. Iliii-inl of ilujor 1). 1". (?rnliuui. \\ V1'1IK\ ILLS, VA., N .vein. (Sp.-ciai.i-Maj.r i?. p. Oraban waa burled ai thi old homestead, near <?r.i bam'i i - - m?- fifteen mil? s from Wythevi moralng, In the prasonn d th?- largi ? r? a?. of narrowing Meada an?! relative! ' v.-r MC0 at ,i country fanerai In thli county, Qraham ?died Saturday night, after brief illness ?if llrltfht's dllMHO IL- wai atout U yean "i?i. aad was oae ?>f the la ?t known .md wealthleel bueM in South weal Vtrgiata. He lea vie wn' sad ?even ihUatrea. The whole ?if th - aectkm mourns his anddea and, Ingly, untiin-iy death. win I'r.iK'U mi ihr Styoota. KOBFOLX. V.\, Nos.-mber 7 clal.) .Albert Booker, the old .negro preacher who la Miming up hi? col bnthren In thli dty and vicinity by aja terrible vision ?>f tbe detraction of Nor? t >su an.i Baltimore, which eveal h'.lule? for next Friday afternoon. OOM eecurod peeariosloa fr??m ih? sutborttMa tu preach on thu atreeta. He ?aya a?. wants to warn everybody he can poselbly reach. He was told that he could preacn all day. if he thought he could hold out. DR. M*?"l HTM AT HKRRYVII.I.I-. He Delivers III? Urlnre on ?Hon * ?Mill _b_0_B_MB__i HKIIHYN II.I.K, VA., November T, <*V <lal.)-At the Invitation of J. B. 9. smart ?'amp of Ooofoderata Vataraha, Dr. Hunter Mc'?ulre. of Hlchnifiti?!. ?1 - llvered his famous l-ctur?- on "S'fotiewall" Jackson, at the ,-.,urt-li??us. hero .-'.?t tinliy night. I?ng licfor- tii?? h?)ur far the lectors bod ontved the ? ? art-nota v..?-? ? r?,w>tc<1 a'l.l man-. ?MM ti:i-||.-l HW.l/ from the d.-' B?abts t-- tond ing mom "Btonewall" Chapter, Dt t?-rs Of the ?' ?r.fe?l?racy. had (? I the ?room with Confedi rate II bunting, showing pretty comWn_J(Joa i, the Confederate colors, and s chorus of trained voice . under the lead ership of Mis- Nannie McGuire, sang Con? t.- war -- ngs, I'rior to thi . Miss Beltns WilPams (Tai Btar), the gifted poetess ol Clarke county, ted a p<" m, entitled, "(hi Taking the i-'iag from Jackson's Qrave." This \ at n r i>- fore piren to ths public, was writ ten la tha spring - . very day the- Confedei ts Bag aras taken down from Jackson's grava, and tl eitel of ?ts touching seotlments bra Lars tO the '.ves Of many of those- \vh. Ii. aid It. M Kit II \M) Mill SR (. m??- a Serloti?. I-Ire \enr ?linr lec.aae.Mo. rHAHl.OTTKSVII.l-:. VA . Noveoobsr 7.-(Spec*iai.)?Th.- r-esldence of Mr. Daniel Harmon, In Jefferson Park, ?? sabarb of this city, was entirely destroyed by Bra a? Bbout ?: o'clock sstarday avanlag. Ai the time then wss no ooa but tl in the hou i ?, but Mr. and Mr-. Harmon drove up wh< n the Bre lato ?laii,- . As It was evtdi nt. a Ith ? tea "i uat. that the building ? ,"ll?| not I" . iv- ?1. alt' nti..ti WS ths furniture, was s< compllshed b Ith very i ? ? ? i by breakage. The match m.i the mou ere thought to be th.- agencies whi h brought about thi Bre. Br. Harmon i * - ?-. not fully in Congressman Hay and the H??n. N. B Early spoka to . large crowd here to INOTBBB lin mil \ TRA0BDY. Vaaag Baa Kilted with ?? Ifeavel. I.BESBlTRa, VA . N n mb r I \ | .1 :n the upper part of t_oudoun on Bhturday. On ran, near Round Hill, ,i C KcD ?nald, about 50 ys Th? mas Oray, shout -l .- ars old, and anothi r man w< ?ii ii the kin t t v other, and were apparently having ? ; gi red al - .mi - : I struck Mc? ?I k. ? Ira) thi n link?: McDonald n third tlnu , McDon ild him ??n the head w it ii ? sborel, felling iiim to the ground. Ora ws Mk n . before the bouse was reach-sd. An In? \i i ??.n it?i ?sa -i dla I u M :'? iti t-ti.-i in Hamilton j Tin: >i \i.ii city. V Heslde n ? ( lliirned ? hi.i_.--il M ith l'??r_;i-i> . ROANOKE, VA., November : i ?r. J T Bngli this morning, The kitchen. Dr. Strickland, who i Ing In I t.? the elevation of the building, thi m? n v nough for the a ?"ii?rol ??f ?h furniture iram -. ahlch r.pre half the los*., i... ' . former Roanoker, arrive.l In the in.?ruing from Crip ple Creek, Col. To day Chlef-of-P Dyer received i m from ? ' I !r? '1, ra; llitll to arr. St> kt 1 on th? ? ih. young man and locked him op t.. await the Colorado o wired that he would t-u h ai ? __ IH It?-1 111. IS Mil \ ?Mill III. i h. .i ii.iii ii vim ? limit? Canst 11 le-aed Parafer, ?nie. V ' ""I ??-"Ii " K, \ A.. Nov< ml. ' to. Brook, in this county, was visited by bun i an.i the Iron d >"it ! > a lime ivuv a hundred > i?i - distant, v il h a hui ham? end a l?,t of valuai. mall work of people living n? ir Tom'S Bi k The v i term of the County Court comm? nci ?i to-d ij. with Hon. P. s. ih, a good-slnd I o." eounti i In town, cted. monwealtl for an all for next Sud.I. n H.-nlli in Herry.llle. RBRR. VILLE, VA . Noy? mb? r : .l.i Mr. Taxeweil Lovett. pn -, suddenly ?.t ?.? ?? i, Mr. Lovett had i.n In bad health for ?orne a nd ? boul a yei r ago m paralysed There had bean apparently no ? h ingi for t hi > oi In his ondltlon until a f. w mil wh' n he c? mi lain? -i ol n| . his heart, and upon tx m_ ptai d upon hi-* bed, itiiii'a : ; h ' -PPO i lex? ed t.? have been th? Im? of his death. Mr Lov? tl native ..f Loudoun o ng !_ d in farm ir Pui ellvlile pr!..r t.. his removal i this place In iv?i. Home in?-n Elect Dllli-er?. MANASSAS. V _., NOVI ?nb? ' . tai.i The annu il mi ting of I William Hoi .sao .'. - ?? l.i t..-.i.e. T!,-- following ?.ih? i * > re ? lect . i Pi ' : . ; ni. Robert Portner; ?Second Vf. A Buckley; Third lohn w 1 \ ?; Clalsham; Be-cretary, J. Jenyn I'nlnll? llnrii.-il, I'erlinp*. NBWPORT NEWS. v.\ . November T. fS| - - Ittl? Bve -'. \- u- ?M daugh t? r of Mr ind Mrs. Wait, r N i urned this aft? 11 by aecldentally t:*iiiiing a bos of m it she held In her hand. H>-r clothea were burned off lu-r bod) and when ? : n reach? ?I thi a h"i I | ? Her la? ai.d bunted aim t I ? - ?isp. I'i.e AI ?-..Ulli lloslon, BOITTH B-OBTON, VA Homttohot f.? (Bj , : i K\ I " - k this e? hori whlh after the aelismsu hod loft, i fire bi k .?in the thi brick i?, i- urging to B i: occupied by si??). i *.? ? i - - - .. lorian. Ths i einer] at 1 IM - bad ly ?lama, d I - Insurance, ;' The building w-i* m t .l.iin.o;'-! to any pn .t estent. Alr-.andrla \olra. ALEXANDRIA, VA November : (Special i Cards are ont for th.- marri?.*-, ??f Thomas I ?Tltaaatrlck, formerly of Eynchburg now u in the army aad Mi**. Mary Bryant, daughter of Cap tain II? ih.-r' llrxunt Father Cutler was? given a great wel <?>m? at th?- Catholic l.yci-um to-night. AffteS a lias's Hard Work Take ltor_r_r,r_ .< Ill Phosphat?. it makes ?? delletoas ?i??isk. and r.iu-vc fatlgue and depreaslon. A grat.ful tome AWI IBUKKTS. ^-*??V?* **kSm-r<S*mS**SmS>m*- S- , s . , WOXtiDATtOO ?iiM.iM. , , - A KIilHT READING UI_A? TgHnlE?-.l by Mr. V s Thorn, ?EXT Till TtSl'AY KV KNlXi? ?cr l-Oth, At ?S o'clock in hi .?si ? iraoc sir? ,-f Regla?? : i it first lee - MiRIl? MMART ft i ? AT FIRST RK'.IMKN'T ARM? IPECIAL ATTRACTION? ' NIOHT. " _(no I if.? *C/.DBM. or m s|, ' TUESDAY, NOVKMI 1:1: - -, ONE NIOHT ONL <n m. n. w m s (formerly Prim re ? -,? lilt; MINSTREL n ?mi i ; In? in? CARROLLJOH R. J. ?JOS ami FIKTV -OTHERS? FIFTY PAMSD FOR ? KAR? la STREL CELEBRI . v* William II V REMEM1 > Price?: 11. "'. It, and 1 grata now on aal ?Il IHM. V MASoNTC NOTIi . IER8 OF ST. Jol'.N S ! \f\ s".i. M, A. F. and A. If., | nit} . d i . attend a its) ion of y?iui lodge, to ! " ionic Temple Tins (Tu? n r o'clock. ' An ? I? ? tlon of Senior I ? i??l?l. M? nib. is of ]' brethren are in?. \\ orahlpl | Ji .?H S A no >a-lt*_ ANM'Al. MKETi: THE ANNUAL Mi.i.'l IV, ITOCKHi ?l.DERS i:i:? ":i:i? Ksi-.iK? : AND : tAILROAD COMPANl m M* IN i ?A ?", Noi \. \i. .i B. v. i: ?i RICHMOND AND I'l tAILROAD COMPANY ??f the si'? ?? -K ii? ?'.i :i? HMOND AND PK I IOAD COMPAN " - Ice of tli?. ? '??ii.n inj .n Mi?Ni?.\.. ?Not ml , \. M. W.i. no '?-M PETERSBURG aw Tl e ann IT? ?i-KH? H.l'll:. tAILROAD i.*OMPAN*j - " ; 0 IM VV. It. I I ? HOLDERS "!' Till. RAILRO \1- ? Notl? ? : I i tAILROAD l*i " .1 m< ? ting - .f aald ? imp m?.. : neetlng will : m the . .-.-i... h M. on Id Ing upon the i rg I -.? i:i? hmond and P 'ompu i o autle : Il'.lld .' . md to authorize th. ? change II \ . ?.NTIC ? "AST LINE RAH 'ANY OF VIRGINIA I . \V. I Of ipKC.AL MEETING I I .1.11.1 : AND PETERSBURi ? .: PAN1 i t Dir? ' HI' HM' rERSBI RO RAILRi ? \i? n i companj . , n??? ting ?? m I" held at th? -, II 'do? k A. M - on MONDAY, .1' Not ? : ng is ? ng upon u % l; Hir? ol ? . he Rl? hmoniJ and P : lompany, undor an a? i entltl? ? ?> uuthorUe.the c? ,. md tl ,,:,| tO lUth 11 I-'-?- th" uni t?. auinnri-i- ?ii?- ? .. o. ,ANn ?, . lAST LINK RAIL! ?AN1 OF \ IROINIA." Api . , W. R l - . NOTICE, ( THE ANNUAL MEETIN? _. "' ITOiKH'ibbl-ltf ?jf the vif-f?---. \ i COMPANY uill ^ Wi Oihovt ^v oad Company, 4 H i 'i:si ? \ v. Nov. mi. r I JOHN i rKOPu.ti.i. PROP louai F .... . ', TUESDAY, Sovi : ?1ISHINU AND DKI.IVE1 IIHTKNCE Si l-l -I ' ? National Home for 'oramenclng lai Janu ir> ' juan til ?i. during th ictlona and ' lank pi r eck, paya- ' ? ?. . d n. the National H -". in ' ?therwl ?tampl? -i i?r? r all prop? ' then In. Em j" :ainlng pro| il?l ind addl? ? -?-.I till;.; LIA M THOMPSON " l- | ?VVOODFIN .?, w mi i. m i rut it win u. FROM thi: OLD ' WHITE. w.. have thla ' '? I ?. , i? II -? - iiiMiui ?ir\ i nu ru tit'ii. \. 819 | \9t BRI IAD RICHMOND v \ li?- Ih ll?-ll?"?.-.l ?t ? ?? !.?.iH?i?i "f * "* .inn u ?tatisa. \V t SHI NOT? ?\. I? ' I \f} Juan on tl ! | nsnd ? lay. The \ arould st.n? for'th? N Deaths of .Diirl.n.i? ?? >l ?""* WASHINGTON. D. < AdiutaiM-O.n.ral I ?.u. h ta-gaj fmaa Oei .ill, stall... that thirl li. is had dl? .li;' ' ?.vrd ba llrroli- V.ttorim Vf AMAH VA Not ?arlan.l li i : 'clock leal night Tl n the gr.i i ""m . luHd'ng w h? n -i i.iil gained auch h I l*a% iT,a? i t? wvi? I! ne aaa.? of In, en.tin a ortSi _ Halde ?and outside of the xtt? apriukl.'d with OIL