Newspaper Page Text
tup. T?TCHMOND DISPATCIi-TlTKSDAT. NOVEMBER 8. .1898. 1 iCaOQO??_?-Qft_ttr?frfr?fr?_-^ . j A Horning Dose of T.irrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient insures good digemion and regular action of the bowels. It cures headache, too, in the most pleasant and etjfctr.t way. 50 cents and $1. TAP. RANT A CO., Chemist*, N?*w York. ' ? ???**.* ?* m? ?- ?vy>?* ?a p.** n f\^e\m\fmm??\4^e\s%t\4\f\mm^?^ '/ IN NORTH CAROLINA. (OONTINUBD FK(?M FIRST WAAtW.) meeting at the court-houie to-night. Th?? oi>urt-n>om wax crow ?lui to Us atm-O-4 capacity, ami the audience wai . an posed of tho very be?t ?1cm? nt <?f our population. Ringing speeches were tOtdt I > lx-al orators an.1 their isatarks, io the cheat that the white m?ra must win lo-mnrrow's election, wen cheered to the echo. There waa a Ifrtrit of ?Jeten i throughout the m< which la l thai the whit? men are terribly In i on toed nnthoj | Hit th? i \. n i oattsf Bouts II, atal ornad at this ordere en* 'he ?-?th. Bl I arts lui? 1 i * _-? m lie from * . hal irttaf? i ? r t -.' i it H I that tbe ?ord? : i frota lUon it li <?x tr? m ? iy dosbtfel how the* will HITS DBfPKRATl. Tin? I'ui>ior,lsts r? ? lost, but ai.- mi r. trteve their : In county, which adjoina thli county (Cra . i WO! I Iterday. It i* highly iT'j tiiis blgh-baodi i; itlfflt? l by the fusion m v. ord llately ienl here, boa a new .-uiT'ly wai aont ???. : m -. i mid ui> in ?i torn words: The white men \. n win to-morrow's election. They hope tot the beet; t?ut nie prepared fdi worst. mnm AT SCtlTI. %M> MM K. Ihe I ml'on Hun n F?iiirnlilr to a ?t.iiet Ilii Hon. TI.ANI* N-OCKi N. C., N vember 7.-(Hpef|.il.) -Thi situation hf-re to-!.i>_ht t mewbel itralao-, every vue being on the ?a?, li. I It it is thOQfht that there will be no troulilo whatev- ?. Is cool SU live, a 11,1 ?r tl any tl ?111 have to Itart With thi n'Croeo. They have mail?) it?, open tl that any ? .,?' hnOWl ? t, bttt it Is Will known that the*/ hare ftrttMd I a? wen n? they have ?been sbia There has been i re In this ??art <>f the c unity, .i i ! tien? now at? .' tion. IIAMIK.H I'ltbDII IKI\?. \\ii?i Jar-? ?? mu? gtiaseae Snv "?inte Certiiiuly Democratic. RAUBiaR, N. <".. November '..- tflpa cial-)?l>x-<_overn?.r Jarvis wai Slked to ?lay his Impression of the political status. lie replied: "We wIU ?any the I by a Iftfgl majority an?l the Senate majority, end e I our Jud?ete! t'.ik rlty." tiX-t "hi? f-Juatl . ?ti ;..?keii h|| \ . M t.? tin l'n -1 Dlitrli t. wh? r ti Ingi look ?very | i. Intel In GeorRla an 1 : \ Irglula, la the < In tli McLnurln, of . Carolina, eay! public Inter? greater In the > lection In ' than . any othei I D thi Union. Bieilthing is ?very quiet hare. There Is naturally Intense Interest in the election "l"h?. '. Th?? rat? will do th? ?r full duty. Itn? reel la th li fsr in et? r Iban l! Wl fires, but '?- .hulled ail over I', ptl .". in ?__BOt_g thi 1 '- mocrati Btati Chairman Simmon-* said to-night: " The it? publl n.- hSVl - I dS) ! im* ont the Wg will c<?r talnly carry the Btatl and elei t th? legislature. 1 h I-...'.:? ;-:cd, and know th? y ' d." A RINGING LETTER. Vot n IHunII??h ??f Vnrty, lint of line?-. RALKiuii, N. ? .. Novea_ber 7.-(Spe B. F.'iiinain, ex-Statu Populist chairman and Independent PopttHflt ?'an- : didate for Oongresi in the Second l?I?j trlct, was hook ?li ut Nasl. In this district, I it illness in his family j: hie sttendanoe. Thai follow-In?-; itlrring letter from hin wae randved: "To-morrow Will settle In North Caro lina, ths question an to tho negro in poli tic?, it Is practically nettled now. I?? cauBO the great body of white people have declared that the Anglo-Saxon i tot must and will rule, and they mean it sbsolutely. Tho only thing to he eet tl->d la with lach Individual to determino whethor ho will k? ?OB tho side of his race and 'Vote the white man's ticket or whether he will go on tho side of the negro by 'voting tli" foelon ticket. It la no longer a question or party, but of raoe. A fearful responsibility rests upon each vot?ar, and the white nun will mark and hold 1-S.iUllllllll each man who d? - i serta hla race to-morrow. 1 write ttil_? ! huit upi-aal to my 1'upulist friends. ? Choose quickly ! v. i ?l\. Lay aside I prejudic? and Join with your ra?v iti ' this supreme effort f?r white eupft macy. ; Then? I* no issue but the BUpremacy of the white race over the n? Tho j candldtivy of Atwater in ihe Fourth Dis- j tritt, as Is also mine, !i for tho pur?.os?> of drawing this Une. A vote for either Is a vote for our race, because we hav the lupport of the White nun. A vote for Jenkins means a Fusion vote, and is ?.n endorsement 0- the negfO party. The same applies to l.loyd, because bis r? maining in the held after alienating the white jK-opie by not meeting ibe race lsauo whii u he ire to the bent-tit of the Mgro, ?Cleorgi 11. White, it is demonitrated thai whereby you secute the negro v.?t.- |g un \ unholy and laooaelsceai alllanca end ?very true white man ought to repttdlats and i?ur?t It Senator Butler, Chairmen Thompson, and tecretary Ayer doubt less _i? riii ir great nxlptakp In l? tbe Populista Into such an all? which means ultimately liepublb-a and ? ,. They should have th? to |t?p yin tarar. Ne tm? Populist would for a mono -nt think ot going Into the Republican party, and > t there Is where th?y are 1? adlng you. | Ueyd, seeing he had ali?n?t ed the White people anj in ?-onsequenite could noi cure their voies, nhoubl patriotic motive? have leilred from tin? bold aial permitted his committee to huvo substi- ; tu led a Populist, as was prop ?eel 1 iy th* white people, who could unify the ? v?ote and thus Uys/eat the negro Whit". under these oonelderatlorui end f??r others, no tnu? Populist whe 1 ?ves nia race c?an vote f?.i- i.'., yd without giving ?Id to White" I.?ntr-t fruiu Itnl. I?. 1,. rai.i_i??h. n. c, November 7-The i at? io-i.lght or?? very confident, end are freely offering *ven money un tba Htat^, whllo there are few legal.. The w?-Hther j?r. di? tlon tor to-morrow is fair _nO wartnei," and the Indication? arw ths? un mmsualty heavv vot.? will be polled throughout, tl.? :t..i? . Th?> t m ?s nearly everywhere largely In *.< *- ?f thut ?f iv_f. Ths busJUi?M(s houses lu ? ^?# % x-,w towns will ba closed to-morrow, to give an opportunity for work at the polls. Up to 11 o'clock to-night no disturbance had been reported from any section, th"iig/h considerable feeling Is reported from several towns where there has not previously any such manifestation. Wftso*- rJOUITT. It Will Ile D?mocratie After To par. WILSON, N. C, November 7.-(f. pedal.) Notwithstanding that Wilson county is anti-Democratic by a considerable ma jority. It will b? IaVmocratlo after to morrow. That II a for.gon?. conclusion. Tli.- while people nro determined to rid llHilllBSllOB of t lie negro domination from winch they have suffered for the past two years, and they will do so nt all h izards? peaceably If possible, but otb.r wlt-c !f nOOOOBOry, In Wilson township the whites are thomighly orgmnlaed and arm?"!, nn?! are IQBdy fo* any 01 gency. The negroSO, too. are arm.d. and In somj sections are Incline?! t troublesome, though they lack orgunlza tlon and ar,? absolut? ly without le_?)?-rs, the few r?-n.gado white men who have previously aetod !n thi? capacity havlag WOtBOd thai any effort on their pan to inflan??, the blacks will be nt tended with w_rlOtae, if not fatal, cous?. , to them. The negroe? here, while they are, as 1 to ?five trouble, are I to mako a move, for they _r?' well aware <?f the condition? tint prevail and fully cognizant of the. absoluto dojerml? natlon c f tho whins. _ab_t-oughou< ? o.'i-lllliT,.-. are about tiie rMUBO, though the BOMB perfect organisation ?.-t oa_N among the whltoa us in U_S township. BaiB the. business-men and most proml nent cltlsens ar.? banded together la two well-drilled compnnus, with c_flcors and ? irectors, ond ? very man is pledged on hi? honor to r? s??'?n?l to tho call "to ." In oth?r words, if the MBOOltty , a glvi o signa-, whloh is thorough ly understood, will BJSWOaMO all reput i ble citizens of this community at a j-:- - \i.?-,isly designated spot, and when thus Bbled they will be prepared and , to act. Kv> 0 )i"w 0001 y white man In th,. town .ii.l with B revolver, which is his ;it companion, and while It Is a well-known fact that tho negroes are also armeil. there seems to bo no do it In tlie Blinda of all that if a clash of arms !,'<"in?-s nooeoaory tin- negrooB will MM quickly rout?-?!. Mtvf AMD WOE The (.nine from ?lie l'olyleelmle Instilule Eleven. LTNC__rURO, VA., November 7.-iT-k r lal.) ?.*_ K?me of foot-ball was j.l.i >. ? I i'u Hivermonc grounds to-day ?.? twi n ths l nlv?orolty Of Maryland and t!ie Vli gtnla Polytechnic institute teams. The -gfjrsi .Maryland boys com pletely appall? ?I tli.-ir opponents, anil by uporb Interference, excellent defensive worlt. ami playing quick, sxtappy ball, thej proved their claim to being one of th? D ill teams In I be Booth. The Vir ginia ?boys ployed an excel!? nt game, but no match tor theli - the ore standing Z. to 0 In favor of th? Marylanders, The llno-up was aa foi 1,, v. s : O. of It r.isitlon. V. }'. I. Gilbert . Centre . BtulL Ca'heli . Right guard . Thoi . Right tackle . Wool. Williams . Right . -el . Hub . Left guard . Carper. :i . Left tackle . Cox. Walker . Left end . JewelL . Quart r-1 k . BelL, r .. Right ?half-book .. Hordaway. Lyncb . Left half-back . Inj Whltaker . Full-back . Psdoter. University of Maryland Substitu? Barrow, Ri . and Emrlck. "V i i ?_ i r i i ;_ Polytechnic Instituts Bubstl? Hofford, McQavot k, Mi C?o? Roredack. .- mmary; Touchdowns, Maryland?Fro sher, l: Dew. i; Leerla .. VVhll ker. i. Timi?two twenty-minute hah . u< Mr. Patrick, of BlackSburg. Um pire?Mr. Tornlinson, of High Point. LI nun?Messrs. Parker and Bmbrtck. Mlt. KA1KMAN DIES MIIDI'AU. 1'roinliient C'linrlottes? Hie *?Ierehnnt I'nsses Atvny After n Brief Illness. Advices receivd here at IM this morn ing over the railroad wire from Cbor lottoavUlO announce the Bttddon hortly before midnight of Mr. IL Kaufman, Jr.. one Of the loading nier chants of the place. Mr, Kaufman was OB tho Street early in tliii night, and was In bright spirit, and apparently as well a? usual, but was taken ill soon after goinr; home. _nd ex pired In n short time. The cause oi death could not be loOffBOd here, hut II thought to have be. n apoplexy. Mr, Kaufman was about 65 years old, and n prominent and successful clothing merchant. His Store at Main und Fourth - Ifl BBS Of the largest in Char lottes. Ille. Deceased was iiuite well known In Richmond. He Is survived l?> bis wife and several children. inn: commissio\i:hs ?ii'.r.r, Business Transacted nt the Session Last Mglit-WlOO (.eta the .Medal. A regular meeting of tho Hoard of I In I'-'inmlssloners was held in their io.?m in City Hall laa! Blghl ;.t s o'clock. Thoas present WOTO Me**ts. John II. Frig? hkorn (preOldeoO, L. C Jenkins, Joseph I_. Levy, Janea it. _aheppai*d, Charles P. ?Taylor, sad O. W, Taylor, commlsslonoro; ?7-Uef-I-_?glneer w. (A l'uller, Actlng-Asslstant-__ng1neer : r. Waitiiull. Buperintendent-of-Flrs-Alarm w. H. Thompson, and B? ?retory L. s. Jom .; also, .ii ? i?- -. .:. : the \ ?H tous eomponl? Tho reporta for Ootober 'i ICO ths Chief nnd Superintendent showed that th.-lr departments are in the liest of condin? a, and the pliysKlan's report f.?r ths titos shows that there Is a d sickness in the department. There was much routlns business trana scted, but most of ths session was | up in planning about ths Improvements L'ti lhe h??use f?'i tnd tin- laapection s in? h nil] be h- Id ?.n ..'.. hock in tin- afternoon. The board decided to ?rive the n _ one ted by the Virginia State Inauranc? Company to Captain O. P. Wise, of En? ? d? Company No. ;. wb.? Januai ?lu!, ai work sxtingulshlng the tin in ,** Pel thedrol, fell through i hole in the floor, breaking three ribs, which penetrated lus lungs. Aft? ? : thUS disabled he. stUCg to hi- wo:k had to be carried out of the burning bur,. ng, much agulnst his wishes, aftt-r which he was luid UO for ov? r two montha, H ? now in perfect health .gain. ?Captain ".ise Is a man 47 years ol?! nnd hi ? member ?>f the Fire Departm?-iil most of his Ufe. Th.. Assistant Engineer is still eontlne.l to his bed with InSoeoOO, but Is report? d ?. b.iiig better to-day. Dr. llo_e >>?m? ??bni Improved. oondltloB of ?(?-v. Dr. Hogs !hoi!?-ht to be rather more favorable yeo t.rday. He ?passed k mor..* eotafortobli light Buhda. nigh?, and wuk noi ?Uttering quit? so much pain yesterday. I'hat ths n?_. t profound sympathy Is Ml *?>r Dr. Hog?- la shown by the gnat num tier of friend? who cull at the real?! JnUv to in?4Ulre after tha distinguished minister. i '. Besoor W. D. Thomas, Of lUclnuond College, went to Washington,.i - - to bid bon voyage t?> II?.n. .1 I, M. Cuiry. former minister to Spain, who leaves thl?. w? ek for Cairo, KgypL CAP?. J. K. FIT/ PEAU VBTKItAW CO?DfCTOR PAMKS AWAT AFTF.R A LO*G ILI.XF.SS. FORTY TEARS IN RAILROAD UPE. Fiobshlr ?!? 9eet Known Trsln msa In Vlralnl?, AVIIh Friends All Over tbe fonntry-fltrtch of His 1 scfnl ferrer-HI? Family. Captain Jam?- K. Wti% 'he veteran Thesapetike and Ohio conductor, v popularity waa ib wide ?nd .19 ',fn?ral a? his acquaintance, Is no more. After weeks of aickn?! and suffering he panned peacefully away early yesterday rrornlns; at nil MMl horn*. "IMgrlm's Rest." near Chlmborazo Park. His rm-mory Is *_ shrlned In the hearts of hosts of 'rU'i'l-' who had been drawn to him, by his genial dlspo.itlon, sunny countenance, v inn heart, and gentle manners. Cardiin Flfz had be?:n HI for .nore than five w?'?k? with Brlght's disease ?if th? kidneys, and dunnji his ?on? Illness he had been a great sufferer. He was con g?jente until the end, and .vas perfectly r?*siirned, expressing hlailH f_*Q_ ?luring hla Illness to his rector and others a? toady to die. Everybody who travelled the Chp^a pe.-ike and Ohio railway kni-w c : Fltz. All hel.l him In the hlghisl tt teem, and the children loved him. He had a train conductor for nhovl forty y? But he was by DO -?u-ans 'in old ?rt.n. In ~? Ctrtttm*"'' CAPTAIN JAMI-J.S __, FITZ. heart he was always a boy. tl-, \>.-< i.'iiaiiy fond of yoang people, There wsi no conductor moro popular I hen Captsin Fltz. He was ?petit* By nature and I training he was a gentleman ? f ?he old BChoOl, und m? matter how hamble mlghl bo tho passenger in his eharge or provoking thi questions asked, captain Fit/, was always polite. Thi? veteran of tho railway service had hud rome espe rienoei in his day that aere thrilling In ?UM extreme. HIS RATTiWOAP C -?BBR. ? ?apteIn Witt ?-ommeaood rallre - very early In life, and nt. lit >. -.: in the depot wortt end egent at IflUbOTO* Depot, where he re malned thi conftnemi ot, he i iked 11 be put b main a : U vas more of an . ii!'??. and on.? which be I uncled hs t like. Accordingly, tl,? superlntei ted _li r? ?n''---t, i ni in Nov? IM-, be ?wag pieced with i ?freight ? ?tor t?. i ?un to ban ill ?trains, gppllcatlofl lie ?tora became quaii n? ?l. ami was made o freight ?train ?lu? tor, which i with rat ion for f..i;r \. -, Une, war ?having i?? en d? . th? had some very i roar osesp?n from being captured by ?raid? Jiu was frecroently ?seal ? o otter ing tours by the ollicers ?if 'he ?read, end occasion! came n? at tured, ?but alwaj bly ho brought with him va.'i I mail?,n. Captain Fit! ?had ?the honor and ; are of hnnllng many of the noted rali of th i icy. Am ar< Qeni ?rali i? Longetreet, Jobniton, ?Qordon, i Stuart, ri? k tt, i Iti i- ?. Hampton -. When Qont ?rai R i ri??i. near Hanover four- ,-i Winston, he conducted a special train to that point und bach ?to ?Rlchmoil thi W? ?Uni i r-;. on that ? MADB A PAflCO-NO-OI CXINDUCTOB i i tits, the war having eloe? Fitz : ?ini? ?i u peei ?anger-train conductor, ?and h?? h i.i ti. a poettlon np to the tlm?. of his death a ?period thirty-three 11 in. In lift, ?n hi i i ? ?lilo railway was | pleted to Huntington, W. Va., C'a Kita a ...? hoi,.. . i Intendenl 1 htm t?? takr I Oc?ala m R m.aal t.? thi western terminus. It was th? finit train ... i lel iitfni and : ' rip It? ' ill tling, m my ?if the products of the ?great Knnwha Vail? v brought t?> Richmond, ?aad the < ?tain, with the idea <?f uniting two great tlv- ra, 420 miles apart, brought a demijohn ?' ubio river water bneh with him and ?poured h ?into the noble Jamen, with mit? alii?. eerem?onlea ? m this oocssloo, whleh was an auspl?-ions on?', hundred! ??t p?jr sona gathered on the 1 ank and wltr? the ceremony, the crownlmr feature of which wer* oratloni ?by notable meg of ?the time, i ?aptaln Fitz et ndu?eti d the ipecla] train conva-ying the Marquis of lyirne and the ?Princesa Louise -rom ?CHI to Richmond When they ?seme through Vir ginia many years ago. Hi dined wi:h tho Mantuis on ?the train, ?and played on his When Richmond reached i -.?i .m 11 / ... i the hoaor of conducting the ?Prlnceei from tii?i train to a ?Sah, in wbi li ?ib'e was driven to the Bhtchaagi and Bollard Hotels. W tfl 1". 'ND OF MI7S1C. tain ?flti was paeelengtely fond of muele n? ' : m exoellenl ?performer on both the violin and banjo. Home time ;,'i th? wir hll fellow-e:nplo\. es pre i liiin with a violin made In the ??JM i?, ?the i-ixt? nth ? > atury, i ?token of their esteem and friendship. ?On II b? played tun? ? ft om Ilaiiov r CoUl tho White ?Sulphur Springs, for ?the ben? i . h? - i evtng i?? i bj musically-Inclined and gffted friends from Richmond, ?Jharlottesvlll??. and Btaui I \ | . (.- Its I : ' sin for ') ? benefit of church.-?. nts whs a native ?.f ah i i, i? ai ?heen ?born ?near Keewl ' I?, ?pot His fithT had th? honoi ol . . [_ : Mi Jefferson, al Monti His greatuncle wai appointed larve i by Mr. Jeff? Tha Cantsln w?ai twice ?married H? baves but two ehil.ln-n--a son. Lind and a ?daaghtOT, Juliette?who reb from his first marital un.??a His wir,, wai id ccadanl of ?Lord IJndaai ?.f ?Bnglsn-d. His s-'-??nd wife, wh.? Miss Vary Alice ?Oogtsn, daughter of Captain if- Q Cog?an, at on.? time see i. taiv ?of the ?'hamber of Commerce VlVSO htm, She is an acenmpllshed wo man, being both an artist an.I miisi ,.,!?,' Her fattier was trim Ireland, ami . ducated al Trinity College, Dublin H ,._ld speak seven languages H*i mother was a Virginia lady, highly .? i eated aivl acconipllflhel Captain Fits united himself with St Jahn's Episcopal church some y? us ago, and he was prominent In church work thereafter, until ?-Wicken down by h': laal Illness. TllK Fl'NERAL, TOMORROW The funeral will take place from M John's church to-morrow afternoon at 3 ?/clock. The interment will be m wiag win ?be the ?pall rs: Active-Mc-w*. John F. Mayer. Git n.? I M:n..r. II ?.!?, ', ??i W. An trim. W. ?;. h . Bar ?wo? .1. W, C. ] . da W. B. ?Queries, Honorary -Mesera T. c. Wadkpr, W. H r, .Ir., l?r. W ? T. V.r..? I:. <"olon -1 u. D, Parrott, ?Colonel C. OB, Oo-jntrdln, te Watt Taylor, .''?hn M. Higgtna, nd i: Heath of Mr, John F. Woody Mr. .i?ihn ?8. ffi ody died y. t. rdsy morning at -4::;o o'clo k al hli ?resldenc?, north Nineteenth guw -l ' ' t had been ?aa Invalid for nil yean from ;, but ?aunadla?.! raly Mr. V.'rody waa I v tersn of the Cm federate army, and ?pn ?rloui t?> and u- . ivii ?war ?had lived a oni-et ?Ufe, wiring ?Meada by hli Integrity and un? o?.'i? well known among th? ? ctton of ?the dty ! ? ? i ?ad ?marrii .i Mi > ?Ettsabi th ? who, with four chll-drm William E., ?L?wreace w.. Robert Leon Woody, and Mr? Virginia I. Morrow?survives him. The funeral will take place this : '.-; from th?> residence, and win b. ?ander the ?ausplc? ; of Byn Ixdgc, Knights of l'> '. Other ninth?, nuil Finierais. Mrs. i:?, ai.ii?. M. Tltmus, " ] I ma.ii J. Titmu-?, died yeaterday al I residence of ?ot BOn-in-laW, Mr. .1 W. Field, NO. Ti? ?V. r, and leave-; four will ?take plac? ?from Laurel-Sti t Mctb o'list church ?to-morrow aft? i-non al .Mrs. Hila M. Wright ?died ?Sunday after? of her parente, i ;. Pines. Mrs. W i a daugh t? r "f Mr. . ...; Mi i W I - - I native Of Pllnl Dt county, ".Vis. I as in her - ?by b'-r husband ?and two children. ?l ?rill ta k.- -, i. oon al i o'-: nee, :. ir . Pint a, ami til?? , i le at ? -, ... i: ?.-. ?R. n. ("o".' -r con ilu? ti: - The fanera] i f Mr. i: nry Haz. | ' ?k ?place ?from I I Mi thodlsl ohureh yceterday was a ?highly n "f Fuitoi, ??; yt ?ara old, ?and I i I adopt? d A UPHDBMl l*? PA-tOOVBD, .loini Marry, al Alexai ?iris Ceaaty, ??.,., wtou ?Capital Notes. ^rnor Tyler >> 'ri.iy granted I lurry, wh ? 1 '.--.' ti rm ;.i th ? court of Alexandria toi Petltloi re been monwealtb ? i by ei . I R. i ott and Coloni I ton Id nor with n Alexai Mut: ', : by Clerk Circuit deput ounty, : the : and tbe jurors who tried Murry. .-int-.- ?, : :. ?? i the y Charta lored man. M I .mi \ahen in ti,-- sel ol making a i ' hlnn. ] , Mui - ry 11' ?.n in . ". b< i n in i a Mexican forger, iv ! from following cir forg? r and Lega tion u will cau the ?police u within th ird to tie- wh? reaboul gu Morph? il Bank "i M? all o, ami u hi the i rlmi ot forger; tnd robbery, ? ommltted I prejudice ot that bank. According to I inf..: m ilion 1 u Morphy is sboul -i yot rs of age, ?rather below middle height, itout, wfth en In clination to corpulency, -.?.itb black hair, It >' bi: ? k III ?U : d, large u H ?-i- il? well, and hli depoi rreet He and English well." A WARNING TO BOOK AGENTS. The ?Department of Publie instruction b comp m.? - whose ? -, th.- Un ad the State B which wen noi certain bal if efforts an- mad to have ?reconsider their ?a nul their ?State contracts. Thi : and the I .[iany : Ion of certain books in ... ?county. The former company won, whereupon thi repr? ?sentntlvi of the : when the . ounty board ni"t for th?; purp se th? . tbe University Company? did n??i i. Olnn ?V- ?'?.'s ;i>,'ont is said t?> bad an injunction reedy to upon him t" prevent bi! having thi ?i. 1,, r caaea of a similar nature .-1? ?i t?? the t ar.i, and th? action sti-e.i ato-,-.? i?-, th?.' result. ?BRIET CAPITOL : Judge Joint Paul, for the \v. at? m District of Vlrginl t, ! at the ?i G rnor Tyler. : Into the . Tr.-a-.ury by Count] - r William ii I'.r ni.-r. of ll.iii Ico tl aum of i-.l. r? presenting t teral Inherit taz i h Major Qlnt? r. Mr. .bihn H. Moot Seel tarv of the Commonwealth y? ; Mr [anklns < ( ! TIII\K*i A CIIM'tHi < I.HI \l\. \ iti? biiiuiiii ?Man ?Enpeets Blsodehid I? garth ? n roi in.-t r?>-i)a). Mr. 1_ Mitteldoifer, of this city, who I says that in his opinion there will al mos? certainly there tanda) between wbltee ?and ?blsefca at the polls. Ha ?lays f? aeea the ta o i ; > ?at i?ver ?heat ?aad that a spark a a-xplode the magasina Every white men ,is ex? ibli-. and for It Mr. Mitteldoifer thinks the danger of a collision in tho , ?jrtefa portion of s-ato even more imminent than in Winston. Harris. FHpix-n A Co. a ?hlp peai to ?gereoao In Bessern North <'yi about twenty Wlnchest? Ha? rounds for esch ?un. Watklns. <",ittr*Tl & CO, made one or two t>niall ship ment!. Mr. A. 8. Hurgr-ss. his daughter Ethel, and Mrs. O. C. ?-Jlu'kbone, arrived in the ?itv yesterday morning from Fluvanns tv. THE BATTLE TO (o-ntintki? prom first Pi the Republican candidate, but with Itlon Of a million DO There sre Ind catloi ; < f a Tolling in fa s-,?, mow following In eonseq of tbe n ,1 ?' velowment of Incr? of J. OkS. I of the prominent Independent voters hav? in ths i i-i few days announced their In t, ntli ? -,. b- U< ?ring in iioin-' bo th? y could botter m ike ? ble Hi? overthrow of tlie ". n "> > chine." DEMOCllATIC C?ONORE8_I0N \T. UA1N.-5. in ; | ? -'i.t, ats, it is gen erally believed that the Dcrmiciuts. will bo successful In four ??r ?VS district? i by R< pnbllcana Tho pi tion to ? .'ongi sos fin m the EN ?. Republicans i ?. rato, bul p- i atered Into ths in ?mi of th? districts, which In ?.il prob ?it in plaeti :' th? m la ths ! ' column. ; a United i Senator Q The pi i .. i ture has a Joint publican m i lority of 1T5. 3ITION TO QTJAT. rol John W.-i'i ' Btats thoro i ! in the defeat . ? indldotOfl known to and in many i in the Hold in opposition to the r i'- ; ibllcan nomln Q ' ' !??'itit tint ?oil] have work? fair i of the number of ant I I likely to be ches -l ? LB ?ly be ventured upon to-night, Twei t] ?'.ve of the fifty senator hold twenl whi m a? the full membership to-morrow. KB MAY BE B____CTBD. PITT8BURO, l'A.. November T.?Ad? .-. .1 by National-? ?ommi.t i , from Bast? rn Pennsytvonl : .1 Comm ?tcome In I OTOd from slg Of ths Im ni Indi pendent and Demi l leaders of th thai tor v. i?! poll betwi en 73100 an I i in Philadelphia. Mr. Btone'i plu 1 To ni -ht. will no! Mi Quffey rely with if the i li to-right ar?, Mr. J.-nks will bo i ? ' -l by ,i I : -' i'-.'' |oi - THE BADOER ?STATE. IIILWATJEX-D, WIE., Novomhor f.?At II an h< idQU-jrtort, I Itaaiiman B, Treat i thai the Republican | will win by 4Ai\K) plurality. In to ?lectln?; at leaft eight out of ".h? t? n consjBsssmen an the li gtslatlve 1 be i temo fl not giving out any figures, but claim that whoa the vor,- hos been count? .?i their stale ticket win be shown to coma out victorious. They I v. r, that the Republicans wi'.i control the bozI I_ lialature, and majority of th?- __ _, NEBRASKA'S VOTE MAT BE HHAVT. Lincoln, NEB., November 7. good weather to-morrow. Nsbroska w.ii ? | ivi.-r vot? than | at,, . if any, behind tli it of Repul dm thai an ry candidat on their Sfat.- ticket will bo elected by . ; that tWO Roj can candidates for congress will be elect? i prohabl s on join ballot. Chairman QafBn, of the F ran! he saw no reason why he eel Im its ?rity of i CI_J KB IN .-ANSAS. TOPEKA, kan. November r.-Ch.-?!-- | man Albaugh, of ths RepubUeau erg latlOB the BtatS by a majority <.f Whtl Riddle, of the Populist ? 0 things will come o".t his anging from '.??. Pot the Hghl *Ti?n the s hit made by the - chal? men, ft r, that Curtis (RepuhHcan) will bo ->.iec:?d In this First) dlstrl MI880URI DEMfOCRATIC THROUGH? OUT. ST. I.OIMS, MO., Noveml" r 1. I fS< ! tomt ta p-rvs-le 1 he BtOtS thai l)'niuirais wl',1 have almost ev-rything ,.?\ n way to-morrow, Th I Brmly asserting th! while th?- Republicans are not making sny . partially agree Democrat, will carry the -le.tlon. The Rs] ; toot certain, howover, cf -t Of the III rress mcn. in the Eighth District the cuatagt - i? ft bai d P. Bland (Dem . W, I ?hall ?i:- pabUca*!) ?Ill i very cMbu, M'MILI.ins BLSCTIOM COaTC_BD__D. NASllMLi-K, TKNN.. N-.vemb-r 7 WeU-pOStl : men of both port-BO predict that th. vote for OOlOinill to-tnorr?,w will full off at least 27, per ?cut. R.-publ! ? ms who, It Is believed, ar? posted, ad mit ilcMIUln (1? in? tat) will be elected by from 7,?J0. to lO.OOO over F.w lor. in?. POBION CLAHtl IN Iowa. s M< ?inks, i a.. Ilaiemhai 7- u- nv? cratl iiUtur Huffman, who managed the Fusion campaign, gold ' evening that the Republican mu I would 00 'I'lV b*'"*). kOBtOOd of _.,<? ?, th Republican figures. He claims that Weaver i.Fusion) will win over l__ce. Republican), la the Sixth, by 1D00 ?ai that Finn ih'uslon? will defeat Hepburn ?!: pub??COO), in the Eighth, b> Th.?.' ai-, the ' loee districts, ir?^ ?claims Second an?l Ninth districts by small - ?sad then ?goes so far aa t.? claim the Tenth, wbei ?DoUIvei ?i: ? plurality lael i! BderSOn (R< publican? ba?I 1,000 R< i"i!..i? iii-rlialrmaii Han ?eock la to-night confident of com] ory, ami BbOOtutel) ich as to get out the I WBBt VIRGINIA LiOOKB ?MBfO* ?CRATIC. ?CHARL-BSTON, w. v.v, November : are tbat the Dem?? will elect thru- out of .OUT caiul. i. ?nature ballot by a narrow margin. Chairman Dawson, of the B?epubl Committee, ?saya thi ?Bepubl win ?have aii resemea ai : u mir., . Bsurlng ?the in of a United Bl "or. TBXAB DELEGATION PROBABLY SOLI I >. DALLAS, TEX., Nove_aber 7.-The situation in Tl ttt |l practically an? changed, 1 ?h? I aunlt tlon of ?their Btate u? ?k? - 0, ?and lb solidly Democratla delegation. The ?Re in ?the T? ii'h I > 1 s i j . that .in Has ?? y will 1 i by a dt and ?the Repuhlli am in l be Twelfth I ? not by enj Ion <?f ?rea i terno thirt?-en. The betting l! In ?favor of the lit publicans i:i the Tenth Dlsn WHAT Till: WEATHER JS TO UFO. WASHING. IN, I?, c, November It Th i Weather : it ?furnl ihed to the A the following spe cial . . ??.?i wi i ther: "Fair weather will prevail in th? ?South ern ?. Weet of -h- Mlsii?lppi the weal her n 111 i I ?sold, i - ? ?hi? Valley ?ahosrsi - , w'.a much ? i ? ture by ?Tu 11 thi ?Losrer Lake i :ftins: to en dea will ] ed by ?..I much lower temp?rature by night In ?the Upper ivik? ?regl?n the wi i tinow Humee and n?ori i , in th? Mid?! end New Englaad State! thi day ?will open fair, iht, with ? ei dltloni t.i\ tot i "WILUS L MOOl "D. all." reieaanla ami uric*?-. Mr. j. b. Hsmlltocb ?of Ceenpaay ?C Third Virginia left ftott i ?for bi - ?in. Rev, /.. T. B rday morn for t [nd., to a? ?son to l:i? hmond. There trill be a ai of I work l to m?me, ?ixehange. Mr, G, a t llow leaven for Qreenea viii-?, N. C, to- 'ay. lie will ?return unlay evening. Mr. McDonald, chief naval constructor bOSta to be const! . Junior Al II of St. John's ii will meet tin. afternoon at \ \. Thli is a ?called meeting, i fun al Mrs C. u. Walton and grands.m, Mas t? r Bdwerd, ?left Betui :. -. to 1 ?ai i. ?and relative! la Cart? ?Cumberland ooun :>-. Mrs. ?;- ?*g| W. l'rlce and sister. | - , i, oi th?? Virginia ?H kattora t?> it:? hmond . s laday. Mr. I,. C, Hopper, "f Company C, Third Virginia Regiment, left yesterday for ?hla honi'\ in Missouri. in the Hal of the B M gatlOO ?Beth Aha! a la OUT I Jay's laaue, the name Of Mr. lsra-1 . i ?bave been mentioned, - raus. Mr. Montgomery West has rec. tilly ha?l a very luccooeful operation ?performed iy Dr. J. a. \vh:i?, al Um n. und Throat liulrmary. The ' aral Woman'? Christian Tem i mon win ?hereafter hold ?their regular weekly meetlm* on Ft lay of w?-k at i V. M. at the Wth tg-bouaa, The Travellers' Insiiranc? Company, of i?i. Conn., yeeterday paid t<> Mr. r I,. Kl-ming the M.MI for which hla _??n. Mr. L*rW_l Fiemlng, held a:. cid.-nt policy. Th.? beautiful sol?? sung by Mis? Po??* ? church vrl l.i. Hag was greatly enjoyed. Mum mg many tim- - for BpWortb U bin never more aweetly than ning. I.? Dr. M?.?ire, of 1'i.lon .????mlnary, will u at th? Second tuiptiHt church Sunday m??rning in th? absence <>f ?Dr. ?Bmlth, who ?sill b*? in attendance upon the ?Bapt-M Oeaen? denoolaU'Uu in Lynchburg. owing to th? lllneur? 0f Rev. Ur. Hoge, i ho ?reception to ?have bean given ?at -lot -?-nd Preehyt ?Kien ehur?-h hi honor ?it tho faculty and ?tud.nts of I'tMon Th??> haa been indefinit.I> postponed. Mr. iJeorg? E. I-ewli, of the P?vond Re?g1imnt. .s In th? city. Mr. LeWtl was ?xluoated at lUcbm-nd College, ai-1 prac tloed law in this ?Ity up to the timo he Millst'-d in the raleateev army. He e_ ?MOta to make ?Kichiuond his home after ,alng mustered out. liii-liiiioN.l?-"-- In v-? York. NF.W TORK, Na>vember 7 -(fH>?*ch?.) H. O. William-, Park-Avenue. U ?; Sen!. Hoffman; B. B. ty'dnor. Marlbo -oiiKh, J. M. I* l^a-h. (Jrand Union. HOPE TO GET ALL TE. DF.MO? n VU i:\ri ? i m, m | , , solid DFi.i:?; \ iui\ ro_DA1 FIYE NAMES ON OUR TICKET The lqol?l|q_o nnil l'r.?li|i,ii ,.,?,,, l.'iiol? lia?.- n ? n.nliilnf, l a._, i rallty lo II.? BtWOO* 1 .,.., i, , ,, , , body Slioiil.l \ iile. Tli I ill \ Irg : Joy, This op??i -, 14t.? reports from the two tho State. : confident of i Ighl dloti .voui.i bo surprl i solid I ' ni 8 0? Bdqu I .ictlcal'?: .tiliy Win:, Wl Bt tO man 1 I work .: .v night It i? a n ntly hopo to I Tho ' Kht tor R lie ? . to Rl? hnii'iid tO CITT C ?MMITTHI. 1 i . Tho I e? m? ' - Mr. n i. ? : commll ling Of tli? ?1 until afn-r t i Th-- . . till: of the . - : night that ' B| Rll III!. I 1 ? ig' r itlon In State ' .' ird ? il s m,-, ting i ist nigh i i n meeting onl ? nt 'I li ?v.? . at Word precincts to-,:. 1-TYK KAMM ON 1 It is estim?t? d that < plurality in Rlchmood t --. - who should ki.?-.. would it that m over) and town i of bint Pirp nuncs will ballot to-day. a.' f"!i JOHN LAMB, i d B. B. VVEI8IOER, i: , OTIS II Kt'SSKl.U Hep. ' J'.HN J. QUANTZ, s ALLIE DILLARD Pi The v""? in the i ?Id-Mark, t Hall I llohed ti>-.!a>- ?t No, i All tho "th' r j.' it tho only c\ be ? hero loot i i li?t tli ? sol at lee ' suit In New . returii'-.l 1 TO Ml *?T F It OIT THF l'??! ? ' Reported Tlinl ?hi? Oriler Is ? ' " Issued ?loop. It W.TS M ?lent OUti psurtsBosrl would so? i Koiir'h \ ment I from S.t\ I I ... rt was with c??n?!itl m it -,? ?s stated iv a mee Bipaales now 1b r.- than ?0 m? I tit for duty- The rei - or horn? ?... si - Ihoae who went ..WHV *.._> are dead. tod that ths regiment, by reason of - end dt.? barge?, snd ths '.? Of Its m.ti ara ervl'-avnus to!'' - ths reported order I out. Matde lo D?e??r??a?r?il?-?? KNOXVIU I TBNN ^ (Special ? I- WHiiaij? urdsoii. of Piederlcluburg. \ ? 01 ?imp Poland to-night a ? ,i?,)'-.i to th" ** *.'-> x ' -V. Il?glinrnt He is one of the "?"I.!-. ?i.-,.., ?.tn.rrs transfer--.?! t?? H"; [** ,. The negroes mad?. 00 OOmonaprel hla coming. J. M. Fourqurean & Co.,j 113 East Broad Street. ^fpp ... - --..-.-_-_---.^ New Silks?Special Sale?Extraordinary Prices. This un<loubtedIy is a Silk season, re.ilh ;i most unusual one. Our sale on them has been very Urge, and still there is no cessation of tbe demand for this elegant ?fabric. week we took advantage of an opportunity t?i buy from one of the largest hOQBflu in ??... ?OOnntry, preparatory to their spring work, a large and handsome assortm? nt ??f rich | and High Novelty Colored Silks at exceptionally low juices. We place them on Bale this morning priced so as to share our good fortune with our patrons. We would, there! suggest to those of our friends and to aD parties who contemplate the purchase of : silk gown that thoy examine th"se goods before buying. They are the best, valu? have ever seen Black Silk? \ nd, gfgortmantof DoreKr onoenttoDU etandard wea-ee -Bi-o?ui_-j -Strip?-, ?ml r? i.i.wk>iii?s vr, , - ? uritfna, Saraha, Bating, Bailo Daeheee, Tricotinw, and I nil ,ler^,; ri! i^ul rX' ion t ?2 n.lai S Satin D*?*.* It'll?;? and ofjo Bra . teil , ? -f^aXlto valu?la about $2.80. in tt-U aale It goes while It laete at ?1.50 per yaid I'.I.i.k Silks of ?>v.?rv H.-iiv?., in exceptional \ ?'.>,- al r ?".. si. S1..0. |1_?, |_TO, *-. ami * W pe? ard. Taffeta plaida. Strip??, ?md Checks, i-i? h. ?new coloring! in bande?me ?aombinattona n ? 1 Colored Si. dere Tncki on Black Taffeta, atyliah, rieh, and ?er? new Tba price ii -Taffctai?. In ***** -nd White Md Black ami While Effects, hai?dsom? an.i h.-uvy. 'I daring this t?le i- :?'" - 'i ? >"r'!-_-?--? " "poplin und Taffeta Ground with Bayadere Corda, rieh darf, coloring?? veto fine. fj ,,,? lie ivy Colored, with Mack and I ' ?1 ?r.-.l polka dota, full of lustre and very in <;r.i<luated Stripes :in?l IMajd Effect!, flae ?iualitiesaii.1 elegani coloring, |] ,, - -<_?T^r<;i-os l?raiii, H.Tii.'iirinPllKuriii},-?. .bayadere, exqedt-te In eppearauco and vi*ry la jTm. FOURQUREAN & CO. leeeeeeeeeeeetMM??