Newspaper Page Text
o THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1898._ '_ Wild Enthusiasm Over All the House. The tttt?ng fully justifies tin' almOet queer and wonderful price- that created on yesterday.? ?Great blocks of ?staffs with loss regu larity for pri<-i*-valnos than at any liin?' nuee the store lias ?taken the standpoint of such ? \? silent work. The Stocks to Be Sold Are Not Antique or Fragments? but. of newest Btuffs, op t<? the xwy level of highest mark. THt. SALI: CONTINUES TODAY. cQj?! NOT LIKEL? 'I HAT m:\m-M IM t. \hmi-n i ?. EVKi: F.'l M? \ MORI - DEMAND. The iiifii. nity of ?getting ?aalte?- on v i ? BETWEEN i".'i i: AND P?VE HTJ DRED ??akmknts T< ? BE ?BOLD. _i? ?LAMB?* -i i i * l.i.iks- EUaek ?Fly-l .?.i t I 1.... M ! W. 1. Bulta. ol nll-v.-i .a I I -.? with h? ;. 11 silk, -, . . all 11 .un.?, ,-u i I. vim ? i \? K ' ? ?S. I [I All-W,.. ilir?.ii_!i ?sah . :. i satin, i? Bl at t mi.111:1 K'B ? ?LOAKJ *?? thi:' M 1 titi M\ 1 ic MLD 111 1 ??Hi . ci,..'.- n - 1 ?Childr? : 1 Heavy 1: is llar, ham - W9M9 t\ At tiii.m: BLACK DBESI ?.(Mil)?-, it's ?the moat brl eat eter 1 ? ?ut. About too plecee in 1! Cabifca A'l-w..,.: ' nred Jec? from, utmal to t lit .1 yard. fcj-iii. h All Wool Imported Bl u k I' m nil 1 1 most a .nil. Vlguri ' and 1 and k ? -i - ? made Bell for a .h a yard, 6-4 All-Weol ? i . . ?i._.*> a yard I Ait -, Tari itan I ;i i, can ?be had I Me, full . ,ui?l a good sha? ? BU ird, ?BOLOMBO nui sag ?.????ii?; m 111. mm.n I 1 1 in ?1 nil? i>. All - U .'- " ?Con tin- . only -. Silk : l'.u. . Cloth! I Ol ?Batln-Flnlsh J : ."?.? , OUI i I . I ! ? I . 1 ., I ? shmil? bt >1, .1 In ii Silk aud Wool Knickerbocker ?Suiting, m v rious < oloi . In? 1 of ?? - 1 in all the 1 ted UM 1 Ii?. in. ?>ur i?i Ii Mc 11 I ?i ?1. Hai 1 Wool : ii for lie., 1 1 ., : ya r?i. au tii,- faahlon'i adicta. ?Dea t,o Hind OUt of tnc lots, kin : priced makis the sale the wond . Armurette, rill pun? .?ilk. lus-tr le. for ? yard siik Popllni in Pomp Bayad? i.- i.ff? .: C7c. quality. ,,ni for Black s.-.:in ?Dach? - \?ii flnlih, '2: in? in 1 aide, easily trot rari. Heavj Double-Warp All-Pur?-.-MM: Bla? Cordurctte, U lnch?M ^i'l??, - ally ?i B, :??i - 1 -na. ji Bli k 1 n in Luxor, ?' entlr? .?.. yard. Bl ck 1 ?rap de Bte, t II ?ambroid? 1 ? ?i miniature 1 lui?-iy worth J! _G > ard. . Pi .-m de 1 hi vy, ?\ Ith hlgh-claae luatn a ird. ii-tnch Ble? k Taffeta Qlaae, lie. kin. 1 ?i- vjr. yard. 24-Inch ?Broken Bcotdi PleM Bun iw. Iy si. for ''-"?<. yard. : I ' illno I 1 Itimlnated Efltecti. 11 difl ..Li I .- -in. in all ?till n? *v at 1 and luatroua S3 t, j er. for 1 ?MBITB ll hmmiimjs. Merchaata may be Jealous <?f thli itoc! We 1 nly ?know ?Lb? 111 : I shirf ?an CTI ! B ' AI1*Wool Cam? I'l-Halr Shirt?: an? I ' .- a? Bo ?ted I ; ?lei in?. Shirt? 28 to 31 l. 1 ' 1 v , bbed Wrap? l to l ? idran's White or Natural Ribbed 01 PlalrrMerli : rid 1 ?raw? Lad 1 \ tn and Pant of Sl.'J". The Mumdng Pial .?ml Panti. in white 01 natural, \ i Ribbed Natural Union ?Suite, ih?. 11.U -lit. Plated Union ?Suite i??r I . . BUlt. I .. w ! M I C imi ' i-Halr illk-flnishi -?it. Extra-Heavy Fle? : Vest? und Pants, wit Imperfections, Fou 1 i'irk M and I ..m ?.; ?the 1 it at I7c. each. i' di /- d Ladli ' 1 " 1 Ribbed Vente, croch? ted nei I ich. White, Tan, Gray, and R?_d All Wool ^; mple lln? i ? " h, mot 11 - to Ml Wool shirt in Medicated R? ?l 1 Natural, double fronl and back, cheap P ? ach. PIKE WOOLLEB BLANKBTfl Wiair. m:\i:i? KMOW1 LIKE TBlgi lL-i California White Wool Blanketa, weigh I pounds, pretty, ?fancy ?borders, bound, for U. li-i Red Medicated Wool Blanketa, ex -heavy, and loi fl 1 ' ' . 11-1 White Wool Blank? 1- r? d an 1 bon ' usually. li-I Graj Wool Blanketa, fan? bort ! -! White Wool lllnnkf'ts. extra-l Weight, for UM. i. I Lambskin Blankets, pretty, bright ? Bllv? r Qray Blank aise. 1 I -l'i:i I IL CHINA 'I IIIM.v compli te for 6 p reons, I in-pi, ?-,. Qold-Stlppled Toll? t :' I : . 12-piei Bngll h Chins Tollel Rm.-?. in cluding Bl p ! - blue di .orations, Dccoi r 1 - ' I Lace- . 10c. ? "ii. 1 Olive a?r Preeei 1 ?tabes, Se. '1 1 and Dog Cabinet Ornaments, 15c. ! 100 B i as t 1 TLBBT. Over 160 Imported ?Samples <?f Carvers ..11 sale to-day They are ?goods that usually "??il ut p and p 50 and Any of the loi for 70c. ?- ?bolee. d Table?Knlve_ and Forks, Wc, :? d I -. '.?.? 1; - illver-Plated Breakfast Knlvei ! .1 dosen. Cbriaty id K'liiv? -, to, r?ch. I THE COHF-N CO, EMPLOI MENT W ?\ l v WAN ri:i?, A BALSAMAN IN A FURNITURE S:,,], Applleunti will ? ? le Addr? s PI U M'i i i.i; mai 11: i?. : - Jf_ Va \> I III. TVO TINNERfl i" \\<>l:l\ ON WOOD Uady work ? '.? ;' ?i Iti y. ROBE .v CO., t Mali ureet : UU _________ W WTI.I?. AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED ?LAUNDRY Uan? !" Lexington ?Laundry, 10 illl'l (j _____ \\ \MKII, A BITUATION as NURSE OR CHAM i.l. Applj M Wl'llli, A WHITE WOMAN TO ?COOK ASD in., k ...- ! I . i\ with the 1 imll "B.," car? P ?Int. Va. n , | M*_ ,\ \\ 11:11. A?'; i\ 1: SOLICITORS W ?VNTED ev. i> where foi ' 1 ?be Btoi ? ef tl ? Phil by Mutat liatatcatl, torlan ci the Wai Departmt-tit. Written lu m my camp? - Ban I- ran? j with a? ;it campa \a lib Agu " the d??rk a.f tin- Olympia with 1 ?? -.?. ?. and In tin- roar of ?battle al ibi ?lall of Manila. !. L 1. Low i?n<. -. Big profit?. Kr< ; Cr< dil ?II iraa. DOMINI? ?N ? OM? pany, ?Dopartmei I ti ? 1 u.'ri..\. \\ VM III. LAI?! i s T?; EMBROIDER QOOD-PAY lag, ? to your 1..?in. , al i-uvi l"| lipla? ul*i m 1 ! - 1 EMP1P.K EMBROIDERY WORKS, iii-i't. ^? av \m k ? iiy. im M \vn:n. BALKSMAN, SMART, 1NTKLLII nern?ti>. i?> ?.ill on ?Doctors onl> le < ii> i?, repres? i.t i>? it-known linn ii; the ti 1 lon |.? 1 m ?:??od Income. A?l.ii? 1 \ Irlplil ii.? ST11 '1 \\ IMI.ll, ?K, CHARGE >,f?*l Bl ?1" ll ? ?ffll foi Ml! A?l?'.[. ?? .-,? > ); ?j \t;( ,(,!,. WARD O W IM'KII, RELIABLE AND KNEIUJET1C BALKS ? vu 11 ai?iu,iiiii,,i win, ,in? consuming V ; ?ml?*, ftti luttas n.ii,-i.,l _t?>n itra. is .,11 ttlu 1 -**e-a-__L u. _._ 6-Tucvxnu rnt_ c?H__i\ cu emploi ?um \\ urn. w wti.i?, i) EMPLOY A FIRST CLASS FURNI? are Hpholsterer, a; ??i, ?- *-", i -. HJNDLEY. V\ \M El>. ? OLORED \\ ? ?M .N TO ?COOK AM? ' i. m ?.? ti?. Woablng. Apply at this no \\ \\ n:i>. KIRST-i LABS BTENOORAPHER AM? typewriter y?ar*a experience In law ?oik, desir_a Position m Richmond law Twi my ??i:?'- y? .?! * old, unmar ?. d; col s | t refer? o es ind testimonl ill B. ENOQRAPHER, "Toxlllo, Va. no u-iw A\ wti.i?. I FIRST-CLASS COLORED DRIVER, ; -cm ?i man's ?it i\ Ing ?,- hora? s Mu? ; h.- a good hor.-o ? to go to t!?< country, N i tent Ion paid t?> let.? ra unleea i..m? ?I by i? ferenci *. Addi | in ..MAS F OOODE, JR.. no t.-tr H'*x !".. i: lydton, va. - ?*x^_^>^ ? ..-.__.. _-__ - :-. "-b Ha Jarnett Lithia Hotel, ?CHASE CITY. VA? W. S. BARIMETT, )w.\i:i. am? Pi-ori-ii-Toi.. smo years' exi"__-lenoe in .. -hev'iie, N. c.. and l'basa cuy ) ri Rl LlTltlA WA'i ra and ;EST AC'CD.MM?'DATIONS IN TOWN. Please consult n?> guoBta. "1 consider Mr. Humen the best hotel iun I know "A Diatln-julaht ?! l_i\v>?.r nd Bank l'ic-hlent. OS 2_-Th,SuATu3ra.l_m__i-Hu PIRE IN ?. S. CAPITOL B?ttOBIOl Til AT WIIKIKS Till?: Bl PB-NOM o? m boom. DAMAGE TO THE EXTENT OP $20,000. Priprirn? Maaaeai lpt1. i-:*iih-?djin?? i:nrl>- D.-cNIoTi?. llr-lroj ril - Court >?,?> Mtttag ?InUlilr II? OiTti < lui ni tor Wttmi Uni.-? ?luce IM 1. An ?axploa-on and'Sri at r.r. Suwi.iy .- f ? ? 111 ? ? i \v!?ck'-.i th?.? Bupreini ?'"in roomi ami th?- ?roomi bainedlately ad? joining U ?m th?- main floor of the United suites ?Capitol, in Waeblngton; The damage ?;- ?sxtenslve. Thi eatire eeatral HI i irt "f th?: greet inarhl?.' pile from th.- m lin fiiii.r t?? th?i ?sabten B ; : Th?? f.,K. .ii th.- explosion wa that th- COplng st.m ??n th?? ?.?.:,.?r waili just east of ?Um ?petal e SI..H ?i. eurred a.?.? ?re i ?alg? ?i ?eut m two iii'ii? -, wlndowi In ?all ?thai i the ?bulldlag weri ?blown ?out, end I ?i" ?were forced from their blag? t ISO feel from th? ?-cena ?Hre fol? lowed the explotaos s?, quickly * t?. ?pri ' ?na simultan? mis \a Uli it. rOUNDATIOM ?SHAKEN. The - - x i. ' ?. s ; ii sh""k th?j Imtii? u struc !.. ite foundationa end was i u .m th?? ?Capitol, it ->i - eurred In sm..n room tightly Inclosed by beary stum? wail?? in th? aubterran in mem Immediately below tin? mam entrance to iiu. ui?l ?Capitol ?building, lu ?this ?room was a ?MQ-llgbl which was fed b| a 4-liuh ?main. i ?u that ?pari hm al ?the time of ?the exploeton th had m?t been turned off at ih.- m m ii net? i II elf i*-?? urrecked ai d ?? .inIng u ?m i.. m -u ' lughl '?i? The ?flamea originating ?from thi exi. ?dan bal t of th? which had i?? en i omi I the fori <.t thi i i < ' t. the ottce "i the ma n bal "f i bi com i. ind t be Bupi ? m< i irt I the ?flames could I ? the . ?room bad be? n almoat totally di troyed had i?? ?n dona In mi Mm,?.i ?rooma ?LIBRARY DAMAGED. The iii - ' ' lie Bupr? l, Im mediately t? Death the by in---, i re and water practi i thi : t _ol n ?oka. The library ?r-.. 111 ?ned i Court, hut by mi mi" 11 of ' ' ? ign - b and , u. Ing b foi e the I i oui t. i that the h' ?i would, be i ; difficult to r? i?! ? ?-. ? rke, af ter th* Dion th u ?many of I ?be b ?ok! although ?they b I b_ i , two boui >?r ?no ?: after ?Ion. RECORDS AB Thi ?nu o) . to the ; ?-_ shaed la basem? ' the .-' ., m I7M ?to U -j. The i- om ?conl in.i.?i down by the fa ih. ?n ??; !. Appen mi.? t be documents In I i ber ?totally destroyed 01 10 ?badly Bra and wat? r as to i" dim - leea Justice Harlan that, while i bi i?? i ?.i the i i hi", II v. : rtunate thai th of the ? ? m t. win?- n ,?,? i Ici pi in the office of ti" C1?**rk ?on tbi i?: a ?9 a McKi any, ?Cl? rk ..f the Sni?- - an ?examination of th that .- .? ast, of the doeum . BMOKE AND WA. Thi Bupr? n,- -!'.?m t?room wee ?i in : *.n. boa I While many theorl? '. t "."7 Li ' in ?the me? i'"iin-ii. .m. Nol ; ball of ti?- ; thlnkli ' t be ? r there, the ? ; I a the i REQ1 LOSSES Anmns- th M? b will _? _ i i? dm ' Chlef-Jui tice H I oth? r dlstln? th? ?Supreme Court, which wer? ' on small ; the Supreme-Court chamber. In ?the imoke ?and ?ruin which followi ?l the i i these yahjabli woij e ?re iltber badly damaged or wholly d< troy? !. and with ii- I BU? i ! Building hai I i numb? r of tlmei I fore by ?fire, but it fire will i-, !, in? istrous in I of the i illdlng < ?n two prior to thi Un hora -??-n itarted by Xl'l-'Si' ! Seventeen y? in ago a large amount of i ? t n,- m a ? pari of the cploalon ??i thi- Und, and a ISN i ' that a\i earni n. ar ?killing ?an? ither. DAM-LOB ?LESS THAN I IB THOUGHT. Washington. Norember T.?Am tnt-Arcnlt? ipltol Wood, ?after m ins|H ? tion ? ?thi wiw k< t ?the "i?i?:i"ii ?late th:s ?venlng that thi damage to thi building ? iid be i paired for K "It i - I first tboughi n we - ' i ii.i Mr. \\ ood. "1 lnd thai th.- foundatloni of the bolla? nga were Bot < i the 1? eat, that ?the only injury ?done to the atruc? tur? by ! be ixploe-oc a ?..- that ?to the floora. 'i struck fr??ra th, ?and, ?affording the leasl ?resist? mee, gare way i . readily that the foun? katlon walle i ? i ? ?nol Injun d in an. ? 'i?, ?t." .Mr. \V?'i'?l h? li??v?s that the Ixpl ,v,is ?remod i.y gae, bol lays he baa not ret ?been ?able, on .?< <i.urn of th.- ?fleht*-*? ? moka t ? ufBdently critical e-uunlna? loa i?. ; ! ?spot .u which the gnltlon occurred ?Other archUecti who iave Inspeeted - itae? - also attribute it u? an ex] ?? Ion ?f ?as, hut, ilk? Mr. Wood, deotlne t?> ?go nt?. dotadla In th? ir th? i. is the opinion thai broken main end i buriting Jet an ilble for ?thi mir. na-. EUDMOYINQ Tin?: RUBBISH The v.'<rk of i eon in Ing ?the ?rvhhleh aus.-.i b) the explootoa proceeded r,???;?i > ail day, ierenty?-hre or one iii?n?ir??i n? n being employed f??r ?this ?purp? "li ,ls t! - Bulo? I? inly i .?ut ih.? \\?>rk of ?repalriag ?the go va in h agin Mr ?V(.??l think.-? that tin. Sii|?i.m i ?m v.-tii be ready f?.r oeoupancy .?Uiiii two wi-.ks. Hera, a-* ?aleeahiii. ?,\ ? thought, nui ?the "I'lni? n is ? rrpr-- ?i that nothing i'.'i.- ?than ?repainting the wnlli and ?put lag m ;.? ioart, n? m ?Skylights, ?and iew epholstery win be neceeeary t>? r?.?u I? r the ihaml. r tit !? Witt Hi try util?- damage lo this ?roo?a, ?but th ""?n- ??.a .??ii -??m? and tin- -?iiiak.- and rater ?mora Th? crillpg in tin.? part of ?he building, | id :-?>iii? of the partitions. ii?- of wood, ?and u:? t, is no ?doubl that ,?ry tOtMtti ii.nna_._ would have __ ? milted If the nre hud once lOMSO I B ?v here. As It a.|j,,|tir< tbO ?loin?- then ha? been some speaulattoa as to WB it effect it would bave b ??i __** * ,nat :iiruc* ture. NO YALIAHLR ROOKS lN.H'HKD. None of the very val'ial?!'- bOOkl In tho bw lll'r.iry WOTS !i;|,|,..|. Th?' only ?Inn a?;o that 00U_O"t !, n>B_0 )- "" ttOt in the tlle-r.iom of the Supreme Oo in tii?- bsti m< ut. ivh.'P- wore stored oil 11?. 0-J_*Q_S_ r- , rdfl and the orlglOOl Cop?SS of Opinions from the foundation of tho govtrnin. tit. Ail IhOSO OpJ havo been printed, hut the ordinal manuscript.-, WWTS 1?-.'lily valued. This r?.om was aim?, t over the scene of the SXplUOllWI, ,'u,?t j: 'i.i - .-" ?>f th" ' ' compartan ats "f the C pltol to I ' tacked. The documents h-ero were I away In an orderly n-____ner In wooden in?! BODO . f tli. m h.i'l any Other proti ctlon except! I ,tl" "':r' from RM to ISA, Which WOTO I I? tin !? The rtaOBOS SPPSSI '" hav <??nil?l?-t?-1 v I- ?! this room, but they were only sufhclontly 'v char all tb '.'.ork atnl many Of I OI >_ ? i:\uly itaa _t___F_ntoT_->. Conipiritiv-ly few of thi 9*9*n obsolotety deotroyed, bul those wl red this fat.- wore esoong the m?, t - room. The. In? luded the ?i opinions of the court la I 8 riy dags of the repu Im them w? ra mm i In the baadwrll its of tii?> of W :, toa, .'. tYeruon- and Adam?. Tl. r.j v.?r?- In the I i *--1 many ritten by M shall, Story, Sam?, i (Mm- . Bushrod \\ lahh-gtoo. and others of the j" of the period between ITU end i ? ' ". and, tli. i-, toro, priz d ? .'. _? tin- court. They ?rere also oo refeiied to to settle dis. I I p.lit ta oonoernlng woi Is or punctu niitk^ '?'le wpsLper. ?rere stored ander rch of th? i i -, - in t.? 1 ;: -.- .iti. d. IROS IX OOOD tX>N_5_TION. ? ' the '?Hier bind, the offli lal r? dt the court's i - - the i-, have '." en \ 1 in tin boxes, and '. i! hin W.....I. n ? f the i iments, In? eluding lettei - ind i plnioi i of r? cent date, - o badly burned tl a in i. imi Is them, hut I demolition opinion.-. aiTc? tlBg the a ln ji?i,?i. Th?- the at one time threatened to Invade the moni ? it) In fi -r or r.v fi et of It MAIN WALL INTACT, . . ,i of the made s ful . i\ H i -li fa td arou Il provi d, r ?i the west side. ?This main wall 1 (rears, and la still in fa- tlon. Whea od The . out a .frame In ! be outer o I la turn !?? hlm H thai the main s 11 bed. IT SITS IN* <" iMMi''T':i":'" >M The Supreme Oourl I ly In the of tho 8 The room ? ; q i i chaira, d? It i, and othi r . oroa en r-llit lace for i i? :ii?i<- us? i by the committee when In <ion was puahed to. rear of tho r< , \iii? only sai b? hind it - mmodation ?>f the Clerk nd the Marshal o r end of Me, i.tni thi chairs for tl a front of th* ? i i ?' vol with at! be d?i!s which tl of ct . ,,r th. n- mann?r of pi with be business, that tbs court a time bul THE COURT ONE-BIDED. aal ft of the Chief i ing the < ? V. ' | Ivon 1MI.VI \(.\l\M' DOBBOTf. I.- '?Iii_t InsiM'r for \isiiu 111 nie Mr, I lahet I ml i.-K'il for f ?lusiiirncy. i Indictment o I or his assault U| on ? '? orge B. i-'i : I jury, n - lourt Lhe i .. tru? bill The Indictment Is di au a In l orm r, and within lictloc of ho H - dty of Rlch aond, 0 L. n bBon, did, In and upon one E. 1 loue I, an.i n o and .it?a hi? bands and flete, then and tb ilously, and maliciously, d, and i ha BO viti. im?-nt to malm, ?ole, nd kill him." people that ft i i;?. bmond mi n to try tl h Indictment tb? punishment may i rom in jail i. tbs ?. nltentlai ion . m ly and battery nly, and a One inn ??- ad. INDICTED Pi IR CONSPIRAI I. .- Cohen, Bilchau.1 Rose, and B o? Bhoemoki . I for i on 11 la charged thai thej one Joe. pb Vft in teln >!' attempting. 0 kill his mot!:? ? I " V'. - :n rder that he mlghl colleot tl??- money or which her Uf? was insured, it is oners _? - .. :?: -n ' . '; ins' to so in i comps!? - for s , .a the life mother, whlls pr< * ntlng his \\,.--. 1 h Weinstein, i in i Tli plaintiff all urges .... mini d his 1 oi Virginia rbm?? ai offence?, Other nue bin* . Bgalnsl a Bonaparte, n?i Willie ii. ?\ ?-.* .n irged with ho rooking; Joba i ml? i and William - w un,dm-.;, and o L. low.*,, r, assault. _ri"?.\i;.NY*- RENDERSD In ti. tents w.rc raadered In favor >-f W. i? ths folioB ? A. >; M m W. <'. ; vr. H-. In, Mary Y. !, \! i * Ma? \ _i. .aourier, ?_M; Patrick McDoao hotiuis II. Th ?in: ...n. : -. I'i. .. n & ra ?g. ?_a in the ?as?- ,,f w. i?. c.?r?iw? ii. recelvei I in_-t Ida W. E lotion f..r Judgment was docketed. The i,ove hulgmeats ? i?- roodored on su.? rititioii?. to ato K Tbs coos of Walter B. Pen ? i > ?-> t ? i \ - lotion, of Hart ?r?l, v?, i s t. ri.ov?1 to thS l'n!t. ?1 S: i'?>uit for th. Eastern District of 11?.-?II1.1. VERDICT AGAINST THE HELE in th? last le ?_uuth?Tfi Bell Telephone anil Telo ratili Conipiiny, _ which the ??l.iintuT aimed ?1"."" del the jury return?',1 t for ii.--". Couoool for th,- tel - hone Company mad.- I motion to BOt the , i di? ' ? i ..i y to low and v ! 1. ii.-. . in?! Jin!?.- Minor . t a day Lu raring argument, though hi suggested na n .tiling could b<- gained by auch ir? ?ni-ut. It wua .__.utially a "jury The Ringing ?if tho ?llnncr-bell Ih J??y??ua munie for the hangry man with a (rood 'liKC'tion, but It la like a knell t?> him ?WhOM sto mi?h Is tlal.hy, t.??.??-l? I s, ami uu??|iial to its work. A word to this poor follow: before your r.u-al take a __ht_apoO|_? ful of Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey. ?Keep thi'? up f??r a Fhort time and pas tr: ?trouble aill .-.appear; th.? dinner I win b ?aalck-) eonrert? ?i ?lato ?Wood, bone, and mueclt ?Daffy*! Malt is the whlekey riaei d ?by th? ?government ?Mnoag To i??- ?had "f ?iii ?reliable druggleti ant er?,? ?rely refuse mbetltutea. ?W.L. DOUGLAS ? if SHOES UNION MADE $3.50 FOR MEN ?|? $3.001 FOR MEN $2.50 FOR BOYS Y g? \v'i, ire the ? teat manu! aetarers la the ' ' WO i al. ihr? ; t?> tlif Il, through our M eseli - itore*. We larlte Inspection, a? ?I are aoafld? .it recaaeoariaee yot that there la no oectt Ity foe paying faner pri?e* for year t.??,t meat, W. I.. Douula? ihoea repro??<'rit th best -?hi ?sea pet at any price. The rame qtt?J?t? ? l? a.* ?a. re would cm) IS t?> i<>. Al: -. Batty kiinl ol ?leather, and width*. 1 Sets thi?m .it ill.? Storo, I? 623 EAST BROAO STREET. , >M??I*?<?i-i?^^^ .. II: s ,.?. [ |) ' al'.l ?the v??r.|i'.t. was r? led al M ?.RRIAOE ! ICEN ted In the t": ... ' I. i ! ? ?both of ? i ochl.:.?! ' ounty. i:- v \' lam I i! ! of Bouth C and M. B Pa ter ol John ?_. < IF ?le C. Towl?*nr, iter of Clifford T. ?and Edna J. Tow ' oth of Richmond. IM? KG l l r IMF * . MPATHIXES. It .-toi u < j. u l'ii????I I > i> I ( (_. for I?r. Hage'o Baaat ery. PI, : Coaf? d? ?rati Veterano, i , r - Hog at .. ?i til on Broad street _ht. Captain ?Boiling, <>r ?Lee Camp, ?wan pres . -joyable talk t?j the ' folloa ?Plckett tin Boiling off? red I ,; lona In i -| ?port of Mr Roj ail ?be fore Lee Camp ?some while ?ago, and the camp : u m wltb ?great unanimity. Hi r? rred to this, ?saying ?thai ?Lee ?Camp had "eel down" on him, and he had j i-t letter ?from ?Commander Wil liams "setting" down on _ m he wi to ?get ?eren with through th? pi ' n was < : irt each third Monday nlghl as ladles' night. I,[-. Th?- ?' ton offered th- c i lowii .which v...s unanimously . "Whi rei Q ' P '- ', '' V - I sorrow of the I ' i Rer. l 'r. i ? ,.|., [ved. that 1 communli l lympathy ?if th _wlth l "v." gapreaae Caaii i<? Meat. Th?-- _ i| mi Court of Api ? ala wll All the 1 -' < K I tin g. Thi r to be I .:' the health of - will ? . "f ti.? the do kei. I. :l uf Trimble, Cannon . will be I the motion on ?the ai ?gumi al ?in?' Bogt alee ?Meattec, K. i: i ?Ca ii s last night, with s fair attendance. n T\T-I'\?. ?EM, TAXI HOTICBI : TAX BILLS TOR UN ABB NOW i n be ?i en from I A. M to 5 P .\i. to n Ire the nl on -ill : delinquent for 1893 \V. H. I.!: i no l-eodl No T? . Treai . r mi \ It I ?. - BOUSE IHOW, NOVEMBER 14th TO l'.'ih. rani- s v n S I find ic? 11? ut t east Eighteenth t to all rar lin? i. lira. w. ?; HILL U-tm in smi ?gg w w i g, \\ VVH.ll. A MARRIED C? M PUB, ~ ri'in ? "i n want T re? ?Rooms I : cation i?? i w? n Fli -: and I street \ 11 ? it h. TES \M> \\ will) I? iR l_ARi : \ ON . Ian I, in g< medlun In clov? Com fortable dwel a to ?RICHARD EPPEg ity Point, _lio i .. w \mi;i>, ADULT B< ?ARI ? OCC1 PY TWO west < I.a-, >.. l'i l.i ' OLD WHISKEY XT ?TOPI i tU I'll l? v:h. ti; Old ', irglnl ? Mount ?id Ki - , t mu, I.. Old Krank Hill Bourbon C; Old Warwick, t_; Old Kentucky i erre, t:; < >ld K? ntui kj 8 ?ur Slash, } _, t ?id Pineapple, * -'. Old North key, t., 11.7.".. un.i 11.50 ?pe? ?gallon; Pun Old Apple Brandy at AM ?and U ; gallon; ?Pure ?Jin at t- p?-r gallon; Mcdforil Hum at C per gal -? n ji._o i v..-.;., s.... t i .it., ?.v 11 and I VVIn? i at ?We per | and .lu^s \ \\ u?i-i:m: Liquor* Dealer, ti ?south Thir teenlh ttret t, itu-hmutui. Va, _ _ lUtin?Tu L i IHK s l Ch.che-t.y- Pennyroyal Pill? are the liest. Jf." T;^ "",!"'-.-*, _.",*,"'*-__ ' ' (au 2-Tu.Tn,Suly) ?r?lci? for printing sent to the In? . ???n in; will be Riven ?rompt il tentloa, an.l th?. style of wurk end B_tccc I vlli be sure to Dlease you. ' AUCTIO*. SALES?Tbla nay. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES TOR THE2 CURRENT CALEN DAR YEAR ARE TO IIB PAID PRO RATA BY THB VENDOR AND TUB VENUEU By the Valent?as Auction company, General Auction? __ east Broad stiet-t. T O IHK THAI-.-. AUCTION SALE OF PINE ALT.-WOOL FILLED BLANKETS AND TROUSERS We will s.-ll _.t our wareroom. No. ._*. ? aal Broad. this rTweada*/) morn inc. ni to ttie trade, coram ' * "" pair? All-Woo] Pan! - and t" i ilrs AH? Wool Billed I inkets. The trade are In vlt. ?I to Ott? Bd. Thi : the . ale. _ _, J, H VALENTINE. no t> Manager and A By Sut! N. W. Lowe, Rool > a' -x C0_____-_BBION?B8I 8A_.K BY AI I !"N <?i" A LARGE NI MBEK OF ATTRACTIVE L? ?TS IN TABB .-' PL \N ? ?F "BLAND?N." AT THE NEW RESERVOIR. in . x., mon of the decree r I h. low, and .?r anoth? ? _ ' ! In s.-ii, by publli ou? ! Ion, on t!.. on TO-SDAT, NOVKMBKR 3, 189?, beginning at i o Moi _. P. M. Bb im H LOTS wesl of and Immediately adjol i it-, and fronting ab? ;'? ,-t each, it is now only a queetlon ?>f time, aad p? rhups but a .hoi will begin exten live improvemi large publli grounda, ?rhlch ere Immedl lots BOOVl ,-d, and ' hen ws ma. to see mans handsome suburban lated - matter o ? .- , dt alnage, etc Th.? land will first I tb? n in lots, and th? produ i i tbs better i c.i to the court. ? *aii .-, i he auctioneer for a pi it ol tus rt y. TERMS: One-third cash; ' anl twelve months f??r w t all . the option of the : A. i: CHANDLER P, H L" CAB ELL THi ?M 18 N. C .HI V ILL! AM A Ml )N< 1ERE. .**!'. Ill l ' 11 ?. In Hie Clerk's ofBce of .he Circuit Court of the County of Henrlco Wlnsl ?n and I , lolling and . Defend l, John EG Bi o idd 11, Cl? rk of the court, " that 1 of the ' cree rendered In said i tuse on the i as been d il) given. n under my hand a no 3-t.? i ?: BRI ?ADDUS, Clerk. ACCTlO!. ? \? i;--KiHurr Oaya. WHEN REAL ESTATE 18 BOLD THE TAXES POR THE CURRENT CALEN DAR TEAR ARE TO BB PAID PRO LATA LY THE VENDOR ANT) THB VENDEE By Oeorge 11. Valentine, 4 ! (T?os. BALE ?T HO. 606 EABT ?V BROAD 81 .ARGE COOKING RANGE; PABLI 'HAIRS; PABLE LINEN; ?Rl K.KERY JHOWCA8E8; rw< > ELECTRIC FANS: 'LOCKS, HEATING STOVES; \N1? VARIOUS KITCHEN UTENSILS; ill of which were ? stauranl at this numb? r. IALB ON Til'. R8DAT, NOVEMBER l<9, 1--:.*. AT 1" M A. It TERMS: <\??h. and artlciee to !> im nediatelj i? mot OEOROE I! VALENTINE, n.- *--td A . r. KRAI. BSTATK AT I'RIVATB BALIS. I Handsome Stock-Farm rOiV SALI; PRIVATELY. BULLFIELD, rm: CELEBRATED STOCK PARM : the late Ms (or Thoo Kered for i lie In port or the a hi I hieb ?s th > and Rl ksburg .-: md is twee ? from R i -..ftiitiity )!i.- deoli Ing a first rm. P'or further infon )ly to HOW -RD Pi IN8TI '-. " lw* 1 OH it IN I. i a ? e ron ri it, 5XCELLEXT RESIDE ' i: : id. 2 B ' for lanufacturini T i. TOD1 ', no S-1t* _C21 W? t Graci l.v. art, STHAVUD. AMD ?UIVII. BUNDA. . ON CL? i HI MM NS \\ \M s. James Brothers, CASH QROCERS, (?OS e.isf >|;irsl.:ill street. PIlOneB : Old, 7G; New, 41)4. .I *:, 'amlly Flour, p. r bog . fgj 'amlly PI wr. pet I rn. ? ... . i?, . H l' s . ? lew Raisins . ,, . -j a.?Hi Ham . 7 ?11 . n ?n . n all I'.ik. !. ' ., leal, per pack . i. ;.? k, r - . ,; rocker Dust . i_ lew ?Oat ?Tlo?. . ;i ifa . | .?libia- .' tt lammei S',a|> . . .; . ? ? ?a u.K toba? . ?j m- in kl. p. r gallon .. .,. M ilion. !>> . _ kkled i' . . | ew L? n? losen . ?j > 'ew Bourkrout, per ?loart . a I ?he Butt. ! . _.? reoh Potduteok, per pound . :? VV?' ku n ?m *"-nt.-d, or n .a.!.?!. lames Brothers (no i-1 rit.vts-i.ti LA01B8* M R88L MRS. ARMSTRONG No Ml north a to attend !iik "ickn. - . : ? r i.l to art os nut n ? \V IN I III. ' ? ir \N ? POR TWO DESIRABLE onn.-ctli-.j; R< Bi '.-.! _ : *_i ;._ .... i... ?U CTTOM t?AH.?-Kal,ir? i , WHUN RKAl. ??-.Ii-. ?H TAXES FOR THE CUkkK.N* DAK YEAR AKB TO BK f> RATA 1?Y THE VI VBND-E r. i' ? pAWNBROKEK7_l SALI i l Ei: -r D. ?Mraai . ,lt 1" M A. AT ?v H. Oflv? r. Au Ht, 1 ri?.;-'" ! IlBCSTEEf! ..' <nos su r HOUSE . - AT THE ? CANAL I ? ?if m? . ,i b) ' i THURSDAY . NOVI LAND A and r? TERM \: A fr.iy ' to I l on t . RO F R i: TOI SU E-8 B?? * \i ? , THE l.\ !:?;.. CA. NO : In? WED! niniii Thi a . ltd l which la h r - ?>r $i iin-t JAM R rpRTJBTE] ?H E ILE Bl i i\ y lUNTY, A Mil -' R ICI i h W [N< i Till i l?7 B. ; t I ' d I at the > .ir RICHMOND GEM SOAP WORKS To Be Sold at Auction, i thirty ? .'. . no 6-"t i l ' HOTEL ALLEGHAMY, .v'l '.' >>lll S, . v I TERM 1 i i uf Un-, un ' _ WIM. a- 'J IU