I Onr Nominees Will Co to
Fifty-Six.., Congress.
-i Wo* v?t>- Olaae l-harc Fla?
?a, iiiii-r, lint n taaaU Vi?i?? Waa
i ,.iif?1 - Deaiocrata Elect MeCorlde
i.i'.ar In 1.? r. i ti u. I >> i. lllMrtct.
county i
I IK"? I I?IM It I? T.
ihr Hob. ITIUlaae \. Jeaea Carrlea
i > ?-r. i iii ne Before EUaa.
M .?O,
- cnty,
te lor
will 1
i ?nty.
m will In?
to be
;?i. )a hi. h
? I
i. 81a i
Ml! i]
at: . ?four pi
! : i-, T. : ul| i?
-i:i ??Mi DIS1 Hi? i.
i. m.: ! .???i? Defeats Dla Two it?%
i111 lili.-n il Oiipiin.-ii i -..
rk in
. i not
i. ,,ii
:i the
id until to
? Ity.
ball whal
I I V,
a i '
i 1
1 foung
on? pre?
a\ I-. ,
I ! '
IS- H..1
i'? IRT8MOI I'll
m ?ill th
. .-. lean).
Oie De-oocratle Mjorlt) "??i
Win in Every Dis
ir. the Stale,
-"??. -n -.'Hin .um?, -nowiiiu n. ?w
?il ?ih.nK the line The -1 < tlon wos
Id ? f > x? it. ni'-tit. and m N'.irf-.IU
Ofao ??f th.- <iui,-t.Mi over !? Id.
Cnpi. John l.amli nod
?\.??ii_. i- Bwvrfeoow. return-- from IM.hmond,
Hsnohootsi .-. a-ioth.-r p ig? ?.
rm hi ii iihiitiir,
M?iiii?> Mg-oo Bloated tnrow Tkmtm ii>
Motto Hajaflllj.
Patorahurg: OnoMclal roturas indicate
thai Spaa, Desaocratk i aadtdata f??r Con?
It d the countleo of Prince
i DiOWlddlS l,y ?(i?(l majorlti.-s.
Is sie? ti'.ii ?* assured tag ?.
? he vote every* hi ri was Hgbt.
d at headqaart? n i?? re
Bp_s th-- counties oi Lonenburg,
Nottoway, Oreeaeevllle, end Sn>.*-.-v.
Tho-rp'a esthnat ?i majority in Mecklen?
I, ia top,
latest an u rallable, re
ii the district assure i.;
rly 1,000 majority.
'-111,-: Two j.r. (dnctS lo- I I
'!? i__ majorit. .
thai K-pea win carry the
'.i.i.knl* \ ii.i ? ;
Emporta: '??.u two -*f*ec!ncts have beeo
he ird from. Will not h^ar from tbs
until morning. The county will
- iiicrti?).-m-. ' rlty,
Boydton: Th? slection hare f??r r-on
)iii? tly to-day. With
o? ov< r IM -'t lhls plai
only MS v.. two thirds of whom
fore Republican.
The total ?rote "t the county >* about
? T'?? i?nt th?- sstlmote "f both parti?
thai not mors than 1,100, or 1,600 al the
Ide, have bei b i? ?lied to-day. The
ratui i r ,- .-in.-t*. ore
not ettalnai - ,?t tin> hour, with ony
racy, but 'from ?lie best
nation obtainable Tti'.rp I
ii..i Mecklenburg by a majority ranging
: r om 7"" to i ."" Tbs roto hi re
Thorp, Uf; Bpes, in; Thorp'B plu
rality, nu. Re*ports from oti-<-r predm ts
rge majority for Thon? in this
Cri l? ctlon pai i ed oil quietly
1. Lrirt-?- 1?. mO
. Ins.
toe ay ?i oi thot : The elect I
i ed o?r quietly to-day, with the f??l
Iowing n aurl : Ej
? ): publican), I (Republl
: ; lican). 0; B i
ndent), 0. Many colored v?
malned on ay ft om the polls, and a
-.?. ho turned oui coat thi lr
' its for I.';
17;, .-, ::I7. .'
? i ?autocrat., U,
p (Ri publli ?i... M; Bills (Republl
rsburg: The election to-day
quietes! lo the ).i ?tory of politics in
thi? city. Tin- t. though hj com
men and? rater ilng al stained ?.
solidly from voting, end In tho aggri
f? . Ret ublli ?n ballots wi re
Buch apathy in the Republican rank-,
: er n ii or f< lgn< d Yor a put
wo. The i >? m
vote wos light. The total v ?ts of the rlty
i-iip. iff; scatti
I-?.: E] l'a ni-i.i? -i it > ?,-,. r Thorp, 1,041
Pt ?w ii .TAN.
Poo hatan ? 'ourthousi : Vote dt county
obtain? d to-night. Th? county
for R. T. Thorp by o
It y.
. rly: Wa? : Inei - Epe?
1 ill H DISTKII !.
S-vraasMBSi *?*-i".I -<-.?-.I By Abwwl 8,000
Hajari ty.
i ?anvllle: t ?if!, lai ai Bdal returns
from the dty or Danville and the counties
? ' ?Pitts. Ivanla, Patrk k, Heni y
kiln, and ?-r-tin; . on partial
i?? pioyd, i u
roll, -i - ountles, basi i on pre
Indlcats the re-election to
Congress of Swan.-,.!? ?i?' mo? rat) by a
nly ? a? i ? ding 2,000. it may
read 1,01 i, Should .h?* other
lea of the dlstricl .-how n? loi
i >? m??- ran ?es In
th , : cts beard from the
rlty may
s?-1 lals to the Register nom Henry and
i - k bj roll ; ' < lalm
taal both ?I?- - ' safely i> mo
cratlc. In llartlnsvUle, th?- count'
of Henry, I rlty of
IB, .- gain of over 100 over the election two
Henry county, In iv,;. a
bllcan by ovei In the same > ar
i -.? trick wi ut agali >n by B0.
Danville gives Bwanson a majorit) of
in Mi this ??ty gave htm IB ma
\. 'i'ii, Indlcatloi a are that this
lv.iii'.i? county, the largest in ths
district, win return a Democratic majority
ant] gave Bwan
? majority ol 1451 In !_%.
ri.? ITD.
Ployd: P Ity over Bwanson In
the count) ? - tlmated al from -i?>? t..
Brown (Republican) had a majority
R kv Mount: Thi* prccinrt give- Bwan?
i majorit) of IM Ths some ratio of
would give Bwanoon a majority <?f
i.ini ?n the county.
? rtnut Yard: Return-- from QroyBOB
v -r|?/i S-.? m-?? rat) 111 ma
Ilortinavllle: Itartlnsvllle gives Baranaon
U m.i lorlty. Th-- Ri publicans u
Incl i?y a Mg majority. Ths
. Indlcati i thai the county has
I I ir ' ?lie
I and unofficial r.-turnsfrom
n predncts in tin- county Books Bwan?
Pon aboul ? >< a. There have
11. tnendoua I n mo t.?i ?.- gains. Both
claim ti. an?! th.- reoult
win be i looe. Parr, U ree years m-1
i i. ?i the county for State Senate bj T:?7.
i-,r iwn (R< i"?!' led it in UM l>y
l'l TTSY! \ A NI A.
Chatham: Swan-.." has Carried I'l'tiyl
?,000 majorit! Swoi
rlty was 1.189 In MM
Petes oi"? ?i.-ir. mi tAetmy Violar y -nul
Hin Vajorlty.
Lynchburg; Prom the prsaeol Ii
i ? o- y i,j.- Bwepl Sixth
i,,. ti?, t :i -m ons ? n.i to th?.- itlwr,
Ing ,.\' iy pro Ind it? It by unhoar l-of
majorities, If the returns i" dved later
keep ?pace oith those of to-night, hs will
dlstricl by a majority i I
ui.a j, , v . ed the in -i - tngulns
liona. His majority will not be less
In L-ynchburg th- vote wag
v- ry light, but Way's plurality Is Stf, ami
tjorlty "? > <h" '' " Kt-p-ii'ii -in can
didate com? Ined la IM ?'. A Heerroano,
th?. r-egular l-tepublkan candidate, re
ceived only IM rotea, while Butler, the
,,i .t.- of tin- distinctly '!"i- .1 ? 1
rot,ni or ' aii'i organlootioa f-irees, re?
, . |v, ',j -Qg vole*. The total .OtC C.lSt ill
the ? Ity wa? IMP OUI <>f ? '""'
of I.'
i:,,lf.,i?i City: VMty little ?nt r It WOg
h< ?n in ths election here t?.-,lay. sod a
.mall ?rots "BOS polle?!. Only ''-'< voti-a \vt re
[CON! 'A DLL. ON PAOS TllLl-il)
A Glorious Victory Achieved for
White Supremacy.
Democrats Have Legislature and Seven
or Eight Congressmen,
\o Seriaos lii?iiiil>n ncr Report?-?!
from Any UiiHrliT- IV-n-n l*M)
Oriler ill \\ llnilnutoii Ii-. n '?Inn. of
Faroe laeldeatat
iiAi.Ki'iii. n. c.. Woresafcer l
? ? ii.? -Th- r...iiit ,.,r th.? ?aleetloa Is North
1 - ?lina la .-mil .is - . tren the
nioHt sam<?iine of the Dem?crata As
Deenoeratk Mate ?Cbalnnsa gtoaunoaa
Rated, aetUnatea aetaally ?annot he
na4a m.? aatd: "We ba te ?by
not i?--i tbaa U,Oti majority, if eoohttee
nut beard ?trece do ear half as wen us
those beard ?trota, and w h-iv ?aloCted
three-fourtba ol the lower bouaa ?tad tere*
thirda of the s?-n,it.-. The lodleattooeare
that we ?hare elected aeren or ?tight of
th- nine a. White (Ba ?potril?
. .ni la elected la lb? ?Second ?Dtetrlet, ?and
i ?i ii-.? Eggbth."
Tha Repu ad E*opullata at their
reepeotlra beadquartera :. i m 111 .-.j ?that
there etas Demacratk landende, The
PopuMi I m v. is dla?countlnc
Ilia.- i.-firn : _??lv, ?baCaUM, t??
ins phraae, u ?unttea Detaoerata elatre
are th.- one - ed t?. them. He aaldi
"Wa ?still bold lo the ?hope thai we muy
?control the ?9? nata ?and tha Hoe " it
Ii algnlflcanl ?that ?the PopaUet ?mai
had no telegrama at ail, this being h
ilgn of ?their defeat The ?Et? puMtcan
? ?nu not hit'.?? a ?flosen t'-l>
Brama Ha .-aid: "T
?aarrled Beetle. Haraett, Warren, ?and
Vance counttee." He decUned to ?say
a lawyer wai at Republican headquar
t? ?re .,1! ?day and to-night. a _*_
va-? to .m inqulrj ?that ?there men no
aulta or ca a. The Qtiletneai of
alectlon mat notaMa
,\ i .. >. \; v\ s ti?-ki?:t.
Hot a nullt oc_hrred anywhere, so fur
ported. ?Here, for inatam
w.?s n? irly i.ia? tha ?Sabbath. Oi.( the
thlnga about ?the I? ? tlon s ta
that ?auch great aurobera of whli Repub
vot?td 'he Democrntle ticket; or,
bey pit Uni] termed It, "the
, : ' At ?for r??i 'ii:-' -. th. y
literally turned th??ir backa on the fualon
their ?part, ?managen ?had arranged. Hot
a fea roted the Democratic
ticket. Tin.- ama guita noticeable In
rountlea Tha ?Republican n >me
?bad Munden during thHr ?campaign, '.
were handlcapp? b) the a? ?fro.
The ?noarteat thing they ?did wi t?.? try
t?, conceal the fact 'hut the ?real leaaa
nie, (ni?! ?make It api
that ?the st waa ?between the Popu
lista and ti"- Dem?crata To carry out
thi? Idee ?they ?refueed t?. ?'How -joint die*
m o? i;- publMaai and I h moi i
? ??TTu.N-Mil.I..-; ?CLOSED.
Hani .i . otton-mlll aai doeed t?> .
but th?. employeea mere ?paid full wa
They voted the Democratic ?ticket, The
leading menu! turei -, men ?vim in many
?cases aupported Hi Kinley, weal into thi
?! algn with Influence and money for
the u? m crnta and white auprem
They gava liberally. Baelaeee men a i.
never aspect to h??i?i otn..- wen ?among
tut- moat powerful meana oi
?Democratic Btate-Chalrman ?Blmmona
wins man] complimenta foi hli
markable campaign, Ike renult dl which
aaeurea white rapretnacy In North Coro'
The Dem?crata bare certainly won In
the Fifth, ?Sixth, and Bevi nth dhrti
The lat? ; relurne, n??t complete, n
n practically certain thai the; ha? ?
?u th. ?Flrat, Third, j?J Ninth, in the
-,?i and Fourth, the ?two Popultei i,
who ?were ni?i"is?d by the Denoto? I
ure alect? ?i.
The Republl< ina ?re* ilected Linn.
the Rlghth. it l?ooka now thai the ?Demi
made ? clean aweep, ex? ,
tha Eighth Diatrtct, erben ?the ?majority
'. The l.?'K?:il.itun? is ?two third -
i >. i?-,. ?ratlc, on I? Inl ballot, and the D? m
ocratlc ludlclal ticket is . ' . not
than ?IMA Ton yean ?ago ib<
rrl? d the ?II ite b| -i??. -* *?*. i a?
?rote to-dey ahowa thai then baa been ..
i. VOluUOB.
wii.i, i.mi'i:a?'H urssi:i.i_
l? la u\: ?aif ?said ?here ?that the n?-xt
Leglalatun certain to to peach <;??.
? rii.ii- Ruaeell; that he ?knows it. ?and tha:
ba has made the moel ati Sort
to keep a fuelon majority In the S<
ha*, it ?known for sixty daya that th?*
lions?- would i.- ?Dexnocratlc.
At i_ o'clock to-atght, be ?waa I? irtng
heedquartei . Democratlc-S'tate-Chalrman
Simmona aaid: We ?bare elected forty
aenaton and nin itj memo? i i of the i?.aa ?
hiiiii>; elected ??Kin congneemen ?and car*
rled the ?State h> UM9
?i Vri.lXU-ta N Kl.l'l im:\(k.
U ?liiii??!?!?'? ,,,MI Utrw Ilfinover
4 onnt> Saf?-I> lleiiioerntle.
WILM-NaTON, N. C, Norember v
(Special.) -Wilmington ?and H? s ?-?
?county are aaf? Iy Dei and n
bloodahed was ?aeceeaary t., laanre ?tala
r? -nit. though m Hi" largeel negro
etact m the i-i'y to-night i MO arsaed toen
and a r.atiing gun mtrp nattaoatf to
i?. erra ?arder. The nagroae h...i ?soogre
?gated in Ki' ni'inl? is, hut when th
?Intimi; gva waa turnad la their direction
they scatt? Mil. ?it?.it excitement ?con
tinuel to prevail, and th??re have b--e-i
?a?rerai attach- upon ?atreet-cara by the
n>esroe* John W. Oattord, ?*?utor ?.( the
Wilmington Dinpatch, was the vi? tin? of
oae of th??-? attacha, aad araa ?aorerel]
in lured by a blow <?n the head with a
?SALISBURY, N. <" . Noveinher M
?gailabury ?goee Democratic bj IH ma
jority. How..n ? mnty electa entire Deeao?
ticket b) l.UA majority Klutta
(Democrat) beata ?Qaldwell fPopullat
Fusion) for Congreea by ijQM a ?Demi
rratic gain <'f O*? ?wer i?w?. At this
tim- Klutta appeen t,i ?hare ea-Tled
aauaty in the ?limiiit. Heavy ?Demo?
-atlc gain. In ev?*ry precinct Demo
ntlc Judicial tick? ; ,? th?. die
let by a substantl majority El-*ctlc/n
ie quleteat on recat I. No dlaturt-aun
lyahf-re In the ?
Hire?? Off (hi' Vnkr.
HEACE')RT. N. <\ November s.-i-tp?
al.)?The Homo'rat. will rarry the coun
, by -i?? t.? ::'*). Th.- Houea ticket is
?acted by ?"" to ir?> Th.? (
ml BtatO senatorial tickets an- .
i'haiii..-tte. N c . November I The
ectloos la North Caroiloa to-day ra
iit?"l in the create- Democratic victory
i record lo the Btate Gains ors re
?n??i fr?im every oonnty, eepedallj In
Th? ri? w-.-r?. no ?lis
it baoces of any c-.n pu?
The DeiBocratlc Judielol ticket in elect
i by about M.Mt majority.
i he i.. gtel iture Is _-rerwh?-_sslBgty Deso
The following com-i.-si-men are elected:
l-'irst District, Jolin H. Bmoll (Dcnio
at); Second District, George H. White
olored, i'_ publli on); Third Dlstrii t,
i. ries R. Thomas (Democrat); Fourth
IstriCt J- W. r Hn.lrpendent
opulist); 1'iftli Dlstrid, William W.
Itchtn (Democrat); Sixth District, John
?. Bol lam) (Democrat); Eleventh Dlstricl
beodore P. KJuts (Democrat); Eight!.
Istrict, Romolus '/ Lion- v (Republl .? ?i
Intb District, W. T. Ciawfoi i ,1,. -,. ,
Atwatcr was end<Msed by ths Dem torats
n?l may be credlttgl t" that coturno Bo
a- RepubUcana ??-t only two out of the
in?- eongreaomen from thi? stnto
X?r"i?r Huno. ? Demoorn t lo.
CHARLOTTE, N. c, November A?A
p. - lai fr??:n Wilmington, N. C
"New Hanover coi oty, of which WU
la the coo Domo
ritic by .to majorrl . Tl rs wss no ?ils
orbouce al an) ot ths polling placeo.*'
A Mill.' Trnnhl. In .?heiHU.
RAI.KICH. N. ?' . Noveml - I Tl
> reported up ts
o'clock, u? hevllie, a h
Ightly wounded thr?:e
: lii.-ii.
I)i;\'lll OP Mil. W. It. THOMAS.
Hats Woody it??? nt Her llrolhcr'a
lte-il?lrnri- Klin.-rnl of <n|it. Fila.
Mr. William I'.ol.? tt Tliomi?*, a w? II
nown building contractor, iled yester?
ay oftornoon at Ma resIde-MO. No. 412
,, Clay sti set. i ' > ?i.
!i>- 1Mb year of m- ?Age, b.\d b?-?'n in fan?
' ' ' - til. tlmu.
The funeral will tak* place from the
i n ido
0W afternoon a! Rev. I >r.
\; ? -. A L Woody, of Hanover
oiiiiiy. rday afternoon at ih.
ealdenc? ithor, Mr. \v. .**. ||e
:iv. n, in this
The f n James E. Pits
rill 1 ike placo a' k tl
ioob from Bt. J< -?pbrcopal
rhe intf-nnerit will be made in Ookwood
' m. t.-ry.
Tiie funeral of Mr. John M. Woody
.-.- tf.-m his |,i
M north Nineteenth straet, yesterday
ft. i noon at .' o'etook.
cruitiieii Be tare eu ? ht?.
The r. mains of Mr. !.- E Butler, of
B . a. W. Va ,
evening from Injurti
rhlle coupling can tb re Prtdoy, n ich
i Richmond a' so o'clock yest? r
lay mondini. The body wa- taken to the
o her, Urs. M. J Bool,
88 south 1
?Valter C, Edward i... ami Joseph i.
lutler, Ho a .'
_ i J ' id A. ? Butle?-.
!?? funeral win take place from the
'l.ur.h of the Saej IH rt ai 14 o'clo It
?* mornlni . i mi nt win be in
?loimt Calvary.
Mr Butler La?! t, an s en
he Norfolk : ? r. ? i Western for oomi time.
i?- vas o srldely known young man and
lli-niil_Ht?m<*ii n? the Ship-. iii'il.
The W. R. Trigg Shlp-Bulldlog Company
ios n??w fan tit ten draughtsmen al
s*ork on ths
ind models uf th?? ton do-bpati un?i do
o i - built hi re.
Mr. Vf. n. Waddy, master shtp-flttar;
M' Ue* C nlkshank, u. isti i m< -
hante, and Mr. EL ML Wood, mould-ioii
. have all n ported for duty.
nul. Inif l'nr.viiril I?, the Co? i-rniir'?
\ j ?.it i? ??-i Pay-Da..
n'?orreapondence ??i D I
savannah, OA., November T. Thi
jus |a ths Beventh Army Corps
ir?; looking forward with great pi
lo the >_o_nlng of Qovornor Tyler uit
Gleaeral Lao, an?i they are going to thi
lepo, to oaoori thorn Tho boat sub tl?
nu.- for going back to Virginia to bid
her a fond farewell i ?fore leaving to.
.-. ? ( BUgar and Hah.iu.i I ig ITS Wtl
bo lo bave \ ?ass to u*> in Um
of her Governor, i n ? i
Uei i ai ? b ippy o boa G toral Lei
i*, wltb tli-m. tor the bumbleet man U
the a hole corpa n PProai bos bin
withoui finding In him i Mend, otwagi
pleasant and idy to fa tip.
Colonel M "i- thi chlel surgeoo ??t t_n
Ann] ' orps, left Uns ovenlni
(oi .la- Fcaon to Buporinteni
-let of the !? I ii ils tn.-r.-. Tho*.
who ore la condition u> be B-Ovod wll
be tokl n to Atlanta ut Port MC_?
or Poi t Thomas, Hy.
A? iing-A-*isiaiii-.Sui--' on C. R. Whit?
i thi m? g ' y bospt
tai en Ahoroora street, Bavaanah.
,. ho are too si k to !? movo
from .la. k.-oiiviii?' win be put in the Bs
cond Division H
Tie re are no-.N only IM moa la ti.
i here, and moot Of thes
ai, ??ni;, siiil? linn I '
i . ... i..... : fa? Pourth
ful oyes t a or Is p ?>
day. As usual, they have been io,?kiu
rtj to it eves sin ? the Brat of lt_
ii ?s s day thai Is usually hi raid
, d s loi fore it reoJly comes b
.m i runs
i . a man srii!i BBoaey la th
Fourth Virginia la about os * ires a
a ill be n. ? 'ni-1 aft
. let, ior the men hove oot ool
n ... : ,.vmi money, but ail the
fron nu les or the!
captains or lieutenants, until such ma
la ool) worth who! fa hs on
and thiti i*> -ill that prevents the regJ
ti, -m i? iktog m< nt
Privat' i. | ; :- inj a. was gea
to the Ri gimental ti ?spltol yi it? rd
v. ith 0 BSUd
Corporal N. O. Wllllao-S, of Compan
!.. ln.i Private aTally, of Com]
n turned from ths 9 oa H>>s
pltal, al Is ' oni Ills .- tt rday. I torpors
wiiii nos U ft for Ms home, la Porti
mouth, i" spend a thirty-day YOriougb
Tho toUoWlOg ir .-ii. wh.. h iv I? :
spending sick furloughs .u th.-ir h?,m,
reported to thdi Its compiinle
for ?luty to-da> : S-!_.ant .1. M. MdCO)
of ?'.nnpaiiy B, from Norfolk; Privai
Loli.-rt Russell. 0. Company I_ fror
Portsmouth; Prlvots P !.. Booy, of Com
POny L. f' 'Hi RI ! moud.
Autumn ?? enta.
?. ?. .. land i". Indealor.)
"How lovely Is iiIkIii in autumn." sh
softly nun ii
A 'ni'iim lit later they pas*-.I a I : - 1.1 o
\ny cabba
lf >?... >i ... i enId '' bO said with I
faint _a-p
\V'- 4?! Hol ?nipl'.". "1 -ell our i
ageuta in tiii? dty, Aa] oao ..? r*aan
aentlng hlmnrlf ?ill be prooscutsd.
Bao-Oal *) Resswdorf, Pro*-aietor,
. . cj.t Mam atraet.
The Rough Rider Chosen to Be
Governor of New York.
The Yole Above tbe Harlem Republican
by Abont 100,000.
?tliooui v\ ?;oir.s D_._fOC-.ATTC.
Only Oui? H ?-?m lilli-n n C.tnu;r??i?ninn
fiiim tttm tirentsr Warm V??rU I limi
|<rv nuil 1,-tj? I .'?- i. ,? ?n,.-, ?____* ___
ed Deeaaecvatto .?nin?.
NEW Tonic, November I -Theodore
'' ?' U (Republican), ?late ooionel ?>i
the First United States Volunteer ?Cav
airy, I?;,- l?.-.?n ? ? ?-.-i Governor of this
?by a ?plurality anywhere from is.mhi
to U,Ott\ au c.jion. i Rooeereit'a iceo
-int??s ?.u ni.? ?RepubUcaa Btata ?Helm ?sra
I ?. I? ?I wit Ii him.
Th,' -?turne, _.,tii from greater New
York and fron the ?soonttee ?autslda of
thla Bunl?-lpallty, a?ra ?iK-otiipi?-:.;, tat
i ?1 t.? indl'-ate a
h? ?ivy ?Tailing off la Um rote op th.? Mai ?.
while in th?? ? :tj t tt well eoatalned.
Th.: -, il lUIng '?IT In ih??
?Reirablli m ?plurality in tin? State fioo,
-i-'..???.? te th- approximated Sgrorea given
.iti?.v<-. Outalde el Q?real r ?few v.?rk Uta
for Van Wyek is o?aly about ano
iii'h nt. abore that of Porter
in i--.??
j.?i>-si:>. os COUOKEMhTKH.
Thi i to i?? .i loea of four i.?
. D in th? Urookiyn
the ?Seooad, Kourtli, Fifth, and
?Sixth ?and ?Oongri -man ?Qulgg, who had
.i ?Majority of about MM at the election
iast year, baa been ?defeated by William
a tor Chauler, in ?the ah?,my Dletrict (in
Twentieth), Qlynn ?(Democrat), baa
,i ?Sonthwteh ?(Re-publtcan).
in th.? municipality of New v?.rk ?the
old ?time Democratic majority waa ap
proximated, Van Wyck*a rote ?being about
U,0 ' ?greater than that of tin- ?Republl
Th?' ?Lit, r ?reeult waa ?helped i ru ?some
ire i?; the r? ?mit in th?? ?Borough ??i
?gare Black ?(Republican) a plurality or
682, but . - .i i >. mo? atla plu?
?rellty of about MJMfc Brooklyn is th?
borne of Judge Von Wyclt, hut this i.? r
n?,t wholly explain ?the practical re*
\?: ii of ?plurallllee, which, it is ?poeelble,
ttrlbutable to ?the lukewainn as of th"
?friend ?i it m Wort??, who wtt depoeed
from th?? ?'hairman-hip Of the County
Committee aa a cona^uen.I hla oppo
sition to the plans of ?Senator Platl in ?the
mayoralty oonteat laat y?
The ?returaa from many counttee up the
Btate are Incomplete, ?and in ?some
are mis-imr altogether, Th.? Indloattona,
i?,ns upon ?ii?- ?-?gtw
i. point t?, .i ?Republican ?plurality in
ih,- counties ahov.? th?1 Harlem "f about
i,. ?...M. t.,, ? which th?- i lern?
produc? only the U,OU plurality in Qi
New York.
Th?^ Midler ?rote arttl ?not !? counted until
I - ml? r 1st. hut lr Is not likely thai the
i, ?ii?.is ?from th?? ?.amp-; ??ii ?material!)
niter ti??? t. -nil. There woUld eeem t?< be
greater ?probability that tin? majorit*,
. It will h?- in? '
i ,,,, Sulz? r 11 lemocra; ?. who ?
dletrict ?-.nominated ?htm u?pon the ?free
ailver platform la un?doubtedli ;
Little If ?known m t?, th.- ?rote for
?State ?8? n I Aw nablymen. ITie
l;? publicana had ?In the I L
a majority of twenty-etghl on Jolnl ?bal
lot, ?and leaden of th.- party profei ?
Bdenee thai there will ?be n? ?material
,i BlnUtion Of that majority. A RepUbll
can Lealelature will mean the ru-ction o?
a Republican to the ?Halted Btatea ?se?nal
I,, , lator Murphy.
Every condition wai favorable la Uta
?polling of a f"H rote In all parts of the
Mi TROUBLE AT mu..?:,
in thlt ettf, ?there was no fulfilment of
preill trouble .-?t th?-- ?polla. The
State (JepUtlee, authorized by act of the
last ?Legialature, were moel in evi
t ?side ?dlatrleta where the cheap
lodglng?bi d. The Dumber
, made was ?. low, rather th.-in
i ,..?,i. Um usual ?record ol i i
. lion, ?and in many ?saeec ?the occaaion
Found to i><- in careleeeneaa of .
i .ht-- a? th.- ?polla were few end ?aaally
i. Th, re wai t;., ?i;? lion bel?\ en
: the one ?Sending
tan ,- ??? th.- ?other In ?the pram i ration ??.
NEW VuKK. N.?'ompari
ut th. rotea t?r ?Qoremor ?are mad?-?
with fhi? <?f IM on 3 total of
ii,-;? BL. k ?! : i,i ? . m) had a plurall
t?, over Porter (Regular Democrat) of 2i_.?
*n i tor 1 -w Voik Black'a ?plurality
ov^r l'??rt'-r waa -E.-06?. The N itlonal ?Dea
- ?in the f??ur ?eountlM ?embra? ?i
in creator New fork, and U.Ott
NEW TORE, November I ?Tfewlwrongh
, | Kr-'Okivti complet?
d Wyek, "
VOTE OF i.i.\<;ii.\MT(iN'.
BINOHAMTON, N T., November I
Th?. ?"ity complete glvea ?Rooa reit 4.7.7;
Van Wy A I Ml i plurality f?
vit of um
WATERTOWN, N. T., Norambef g.
?plurality la the
r??-tf-?l. U ?ST7.
Ithaca. R, v.. November I
rit i complete glvea Rooaevolt I?U; Von
WftM, IMA.
NEW vi'HK. November ?i la tha
TweaU-eth New Tort DHtrict Martin
Oiviir. il ?. in??, rati |. elected to fonKr,?.--??.
i: ?paMleaae eencede Southwick'a de
In the Thitty-tlrst l>isirl? t .1. M. OOra
dy (Republic m? is e!?*?-t?'?l.
NKW v?.iiiK, Novoabei I-The follow.
Ing ?;oii_r''s?m.?n In Kln_s county, which
In practically the barougl ot llrooklyn.
mid a part of Or?-ater N?-w York, have
probably b??en ?l.Mt? ?I
gaeead Iilatrlcl?J?>bn .1 Fitzgerald
Third Wntrlct-Eilmund Drlgir? fJD-'me
Fourth District?Burtr-.m I* Clayton
Fifth District-Frank K. Wilson <I)??mo
S*lx?h District Mitchell May (Democrat).
Mldrkht- In additl'm t?> th.? Rains above
?reported, ilura- ;?! ?. s. ?'mingly, DeOBO
? ratlc tsalns In th.? Rlgbth and Thirt?*cnth
Congreealonal districts, both In thin atty,
Daniel .1. ?Kiordan. b.'lmr elected in
?ml .IfffTion M. ?Levy in the <>th??r.
Ti is makes a total l)?'ni???'rat!c Rain of
aeren ?.-i>tii{r?'S!i,mfn.
T?TE skn'atk.
1 A. M. The Stat?? S?'nate will probably
stand _T Pepahl I _^ Oemoorais.
Tlie laut .S. nale contained ' '-"> Republicans,
i? ?Demeera_a ami i Independent.
: \. M-?.' r New Vork, with seven
ty-two ??ut uf th?i i.;,n ?dkatrlete missing,
kiv.'s Vea Wyek COaeaoerat), _~.i?:'.;
Reoeevelt iRtpubltean?, _tW,574. Vim
U'y. kB majority. U?
NEW Y?>RK. Noveaaber 8--The World
(Democratic) -rlvea Rooeevelt IMM plu
?rality, aad aaye the Republicans ?hare ?
majority in the Legislatur.: of 3_ on Joint
1 ?i'C|?)?*k - H'viscl Bgaree on e?>n?_ress
m??n ahow tha itatlr? ?Bennett
(Republlcaa) h re-elected In the Fifth
?Dtatrlct, Brooklyn, and thai ?Repreetuita?
tive Hriii-s iDemoci it), i by
Tha vote in the Thirty eecond District
Buffalo) in rery clone, with tho proha?
i nit) of tha eli ' m ?i leeaoerat)
In plaee >?f Ifabaney <k ?publican). Dem
Lirlngaton is r - t? ?l In tu i
Nine) 'ii?t. al ?preaent ?repreaaat
.?,i by ?Cochrane (Republic in).
in th.? Mxteenth Cong?re<aaJonal District.
I? hn o. ?Underbill (D_TOo?crat) was elect
ed, su? . ..lliiii W. Im Waid (lOpuhllcan).
The eh?,ti,?n of ?Captain William Astor
Chanler, th?a Democratic nomme.? for
Congreea In the Pourt?eenth Co?agreealonal
led by i good-al* i
-, ?iv by the ?Qulgg m?nagera at n
o'clock t., nt_iit 'I'll?? political frlenda
and aeeoi i| I iln ? 'hanJer d< clare
him elected -1?' ana loi M y.
i lority two y?
n? ni?, -
Ni"n \ urU Vote on ,Iti<I>_***>.
NEW YORK, November >.-The Bo
rougba of Manhattan nn,I the Itronx. with
-ti"ii ?ltstii.-ts mlaatac out ?>f x.?. ptra
the ?foUowlag rota for supreme ?Coarl
judgee' Cohea (Republican ?, u??ni; i?aiy
?(Republican), llAMt; Taft ?(Republican),
I; Andrews (I ?en-,,,,-rat>. l^i.RS; Fitz
v?>r.ii.i fD?rmoorat), ' ntritt
(Dem'o'-rat). I.V.
" ;, > ?Bar A ni ?de a special fight
to fleet ?Cohen, Daly, aad Taft Daly la
? ?Democrat, and Richard t'roker refus.??!
t.. i ?mail his renomlnatlon by Tammany.
How to lire??? 'llieiu \enlly mul
When ?Sal -?.iv ?from
Richmond many motltera though! U i
iary , North for thes.> ?"it.?
little Iteto tor th??ir ?boya ?wmk
is Tan-Ti p ' ' MW
r, and ihe
many ? "f Httle frincv suit-a aa
without veeta ?bal w< I to ?sa?
nounca there ij a l ? In Kh-hmon.i that
to k? ep ail of this trade in ?Rich?
.'. and with thai - ml In vie v are ?de?
voting i v? ry
,,f t: th hu? ?ir? _a
"f ?the plain double-breaated ?atrita for
, 4 to I ) -at- --. With ' "
?good fortune th.? Meyer ?Store, corner
K u -. to wh >ai wa
? pit? h , - .1 from a i loth?
Ing manul i Iy ?ftirnlah?
? ?! s ik^' with ?many atyl? many
of ?thi m Hi?- : aii? at apecial r."iu itlona, oa
a? count of the la! ei f the m of
the manufactun r and becau:>? he
caah. Among tha clothing on aale th.?
largeel and moat Importan) lota c iraprtae
T.m ? ? rei t Top ? '? ats for oj -. I to M
1 - ai --. .u UM; ah ganl Tan '< i
. | UM; Narj i;? i - y Top ?
U; ?Rough ?lillltary Reefera at .-"?:,,>;
Cloth R< ?afere al U
Blooae Suite, thla ?aeaaon'a lateat P'-relty,
id of 00; Noi folk Jacket Suits, t;.
?Long I'ants Military > g; Fan? y
Corduroy Butta at ?MU; Elegani v? iv? i
Suit, at f?.'J). ?and ?more than a tl
I ints, and \
?match, braid.?.i an.i lined, ah ?-it on- Lua?
dred tfyl? - ?ranglag in prteee fron:
-nit, all usually I ?
H p i i ant mor?'.
?t'ir??s ?,f thU pur
; ; about ten : t] l" I >ouble?Brea ite.
Sin's t?.r ?boya 9 to 1.
- and bl, k dl igonala, divided Int?
ihre- , ' ?. und ?JMI p-r .-nit.
?BAITIS. ..l.M'.it ??. A-UMK7IATION.
lani'bhui'U, ??>-. No*. 11, *f?S. via 1?. A
w. Um h. h ?a g .?. Mr? iiiiiiuii,?
H ou ml Til|? It a te ?f?.
The only lln.? with doable ?lally s>?r
rice and through Pullman ileeplni
Ticketa on aale November Idtlt, nth, an<
ISth, good t?i r??iuni Noveatiber ttth.
Tra?na leeva Richmond (Byrd-gtra?
?Depot) al . A. M ,". M.; r.'turn
?ing, la i\. Lynchburg (Union I?? ;
iv m and U ' v M gall f, r?,r ticket)
and all ofh?-r information, apply t?. Rich
mond Trai.sfei Company, '*].; .-a.-t Mail
stre.'t; R. <; ticket av? a< Byrd
Street Btatlon, oi al >9ompaay*a ??iiic. No
k'IM ?-?ist Main str? ? t
i dati i? ? ?Pi aongar Agent
Th?? i-, . ,-1,-a (arr.
"lJii.nkrnn.-s. i- a dls.-a.-.?, n??t a
ami the 'ih?.,? y or tin.? K?-i??y Tiaatmeni
is leetlltod t?> by ibouaanda of ?men an.
wcnien. who .lau.l ot living wltiveaaee.
In ?behalf of you rae If or friend. .
or ?-all in confia? a
MU ?aaat Mai
N>w 'Phoae, IM.
If the llnliv Ih ( ulllnj. T.-.-il,
?be -ou- m ?i ?aaa thai old an?i aroll-tiiei
. medy Era. Wlnaloi ^ Syrup
im children teething, it methaa u
? mid, ?game, allaya all ?pate
and i? the
for diarrhoea Twenty-five reata a bottle
The Weather.
K??i? ?east f?>r Wedneeday:
F..r Virifini?- Rattly clo,id:
a. i. freeh aotatkerly winds.
Una and S-.uiU ?QarQ
Una ?Partly ekmdy weataer; treat t?
i.nsk .?.ist.ily wiiials.
TERDAY wai potto rtaai nnd ggal,
?State "f therm?.tin-i. r:
I -: .
!? A M.."?-t
U m . ti
: P M.
I 1' M.M
U muht .&l
m?.m temperature .~>t i
le publicans Haie Apparently
Lost Control of Congress.
[hey Are Made la All Quarters ?I
the Country.
Ojf C.MM88M Aft u Uhi'it iH'Fi;iT_f)
^?irr-inn of Currency Commit???? t?B
11?? Seccr-cded hy a Ilentoorat .\ot ?a
Vol.? Ag-nlost Jo?. Wl-.M-lar-Th?
State F.lri'tlone
\Y \S.UN?..TON. N'en?*mher 9. 1 A. M ?
"hairmnn Babeo? ' <. of the Republican
C?ocigress-*_aal Commttte?s ha?, juat made
tho foiiowinK stotemenl t.? th?> Aseodated
"Uliil.? I ..m satHflPd that th.? neputvll?
cana will control th.* House of Represin
tattvss in tli? fifty-sixth Congress, tt la
impossible at tills hour to Indica t*. v.hat
^ur majority In ths Houoo will lx*. Thus
tor wo bavs no deSoltu retama from Illi
nois, "Wisconsin. MMneooto, Iow*__ ??r Kaa?
Iowa baa sk tad Bftasa R**put>iioano
?inly, and two districts aeera to b? In
loul.t. From my .p.tlmat?*, imd the re
turn?!, the Indication is 0 soli?! d?lf*.itlon.
"Hawley i.? raportod sleeted in '.'?-xaa.
"Vir.'-. nt Lo-ilii-,' i? otooM- In the
Lirvnth Rentuckj l'i-trli-t, and Bamuel
J. Pugh Is probably slsctod in ?he Ninth
Kentucky. Tbe clcetton of Georg? M.
?Davit-Boa, in th?- ___gh_b Kontuoky. la it?
doubt, with ,h i scolngly m favor
of his oleOtlOB. A?iv!. ,s from M.irvl.itnt
r-iiow that \> have ? looted four K?-piii?n
cana, certainly. Nineteen memri?*re of
the delegation from Hew York ?Mala- mi'l
i"-i i ? ; i j :-? more, win i'?f RepubUeaaa.
"i. K. naher, of the l*ourth Now I rl
Dl.trh-t. ??r??'.k!.\ n, in the <-i?iv r.n-inh?-r
w>. have elected lu ??r.-.uor York.
i ' lection of Cocgran in the Kla a?"-??!1!
iN'-w York?, and that of Mahany In tin?
Ehghte? nth (BuffolO. District are iu ?UiuhL
"Prom I-i?.-yUuntil we have thus f.r
i?-. be! ?.- .oil? -i
ttons arc that WS beVS H)us far sustained
sum.? losses there. Klri_p___r__?. of the
Eighth District .in?t Arnold, of the Tw.?ii
te bare boon . foal ?
"I'nolll. a.tvi?--. from W'.-st. in BtOttg
shoB thai bo iiuv. moi? than held our
own, end my eonvlctlOn I- that we ?hall
control iii' H u by b ?sfs majority,
probably not i-u from the flgurua which
? ou! lag) v..-. k "
'IP.- figui * referred t.? by Mr. n?_t>oo<-lc
In ?us prediction thai tli9
Republicans would bavs B majority ?.\?r
all of about - "
I ?KM. ??'I. \ ?Tl CLAIM THI) Hid SK
Sin. s sal 1* ' rr. of
the I '-m' greeolbn ,i CooUB-lt?
n 11 i oit,s ?if political ata
tiatlcL been working oa roturaa
i Dem bratk < ->uigr... tonal
h? idquai t<
To tbe a iti i I 'ai y Kerg
s ild at 1 oi !... k:
"Ths Republicans hnvc lost control of
the llouu" i Wi ?aill
bavs from IM to Wti members, and will
Digs ths House ?,f th?- Fifty-sixth
majority nt the opp?i?l
n II t?> M ??v. r the He
publicans, and perbape moro.
i?i:m'?'i:a ri?- hains
"our advices Indlcats ussaosraHs gains
In Some Of ths I I follows: Ala
_; Illinois '., Iowa, I; K?-nti?-ky, *.;_
Mar.: husetl I; Ml --ouri,
_'. New Jeraey, I New Y?rk. I; North
I : ns . ?\ ? m.i. I; Vlrj-lnla, :t;
\ IrglBla, I. Tins Is a total of tt.
un,- district in Delaware is doahtful, wftft
tli,- chancee in favor of tic D?_a_ocra_a.**'
in fag*__1ng a gain <>f three m Virginia,
iry Kerr Includes two <listrt?-t*i
ivhlch elected Democratic Congressgaaa m
tad b] th?- present
i ?
! . ?i i.-viLLi-:, r.v. NoVssabsg A Ml
? ! 9, Hrunitu
? an) is defeat? ?1 t- n In
tbe 1 District, ? . ioaoog \V.
Ryan ? i'? n.". tat?, b> tt.
Firry l)?'nnicriil 1<* ( uiiill.liili- (OB
? ini-r. ?? Kirrteil.
! IILMINi.H.Wl. ALA. Nov. mln-r ..
Returns up t?? tins tim?- lodleats th<? toot**
itic congr? --man la
the State. VotS '.Il0| In ?*ll
?listn th? Fourth and S.ventb.
Th.? only t'A?. -. i. l?? Which thero
were cob toots wer? the Fourth and
s.v t?t!?, now represented >?> Aldrlot?
.1; publican) an?! Howard (Populist), the
latter ?. the author ?>f "if i'hilat
to ?Coagreea.*' Robbtos *?D__sjo.
defi ited Aldrich, and i_ elected by
. Uy. Burnett M>? m.' car
ie d ths Seventh I>?*-1? i?-1 by majority.
1 Wli. 1er was unani
mously re-.: .'..! in the Kighth, not a
cii\m;i i i? i T.
I In- l)i-lr|_atl?ni rum tb?? .??meg
Miilc r??llll?-nH> I n. I.H >,_.-.!.
m;\v y.'KK. l-iTOB-baF I MMaiBB
from - it leave the ? loam ? tictri
ii.-i.-gatc.ii unchanged politically, F??uow?
h, Connecticut list compl. t>-:
First l'!strt.t >__, Stevens il.-ui) (Re
Send District?N. D. Sp.-riy (.Repub
Third District -?M.ari.s A. Rua_etl ilt-a
F??urt!i DMtrt? t K. J Hill (Repub
NBW HAVEN. CONN., KovombOt 1?.
Tno t. s ?it of th- etecttou in this huu
? .. .. general viotor> for sn?
Republican ticket.
Tli? ??f ih.? candjoatee on th?
11 k. ! ill -i\? ri)?. full. I."..'?..) Thi
, INC_ IK!? ??N l'AOK 81XTH) "*'