Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1898. _ ' 5 - The Tower, M Comer Second and Broad, i ^j **? I The Tailor-Made j Suit Sale. ther ?big W Bhipped . , u?j yi'-.(i'rii.n. Hi*- same e gold las. weeli for I \ ? l.-ti.ui .nul Tu -Cloth, with the net?? f ? uitt and coal buk 1 luix front, for ? $11.00. ? ? Julius Sycle _ Son. j g- s>HB?_*s>.?a>..M<'M'l'*MMMM**8H Never Before e tin* equals b $1.75. ! .o hundred pun's men's Kns Calf, Tan and Black ?Bon Tiiplo S?>lc siloes, nicely made im?1 dretisy- tfell irortb s-> a until joi $1.75. HOFHEIMER'S SHO.i STORL, 311 l.ast Broad Street. DID MOT CASH 1 HE CHECK. Dr. Nelson 11.-. I ? mil One OITiti-iI lu l'/i ? nii'iil itir lu ilion. I .1 rath? ; Intei or It I i check of a ver) I v. hlch m? n ? .-.--. ' in- manly ed thai : I Willi.un H I? irch, t" t or ol - i fi a "- 1 city be i-i.iiin i -,; 1 about full, " ;:.- tUl rano If i -1- r. .V- if t t, hi _ f-?r t__ ... ti : - would UK?- t - : t_ ' IStt. Til?.' ell' ' ll to i: . -ior.s? ?l by Mr. . ami th? ' . ?dorsi .1 a ? h. ck foi Nbthli I ? 111. vr \ TH < 11 Mini MM TALKS, ? <? ?. the I'm-l? ?m n I in? \ Iotas*! In % lr_.lnia. "Frora I i .tint* 1 . : 1 -, .1 _ D irotli "Tl -, I ' (.pon which ha? sued by G ' My ll ': -111 . I . I ' 1 our cai hour t? v.,.. . ' I 1 V, Ninth, ln> ' 1? woul? I III.- 8a0T0d lli'iir? luir. Armor*, i [1 lOn trio ol 1. win I *"..r tin : tic- 81 table, .11 ':>. :?t mil b? 0-._l.i- \ ,-rti'liriili?. Torh i' I I,.11? V? . 1 Virgil w? ?l-.l. \.-l I ??lit 111,- \. -, wih ??n ordinary pochet-hotl rooolui ? ock-Kur ' ate. Bead v. a l? t on th I'Uc'f of nineteen t 1 h '? '-'al lin de of ? t bsodle. TBE TEEESA ASHORE. so Tin; mihkitt wkkikivi; com? WAMt is iMiiinn;?. VESSELS W AFTER HEB. (.<>? rriiniont (Irdim I ,,,ni,-.l Int,- |)|?. |.at. li of Hr-trilr-Mil-p Vnlenii. I 'niler (.uniinnml of <npt. Mol nlln It port ?f Qremaals-g ii?ii< ,?ii ?by Sapeile SFOLK, VA . Hort mh.r ? -The M r rltt Wrecking Company has r> Infonaatlon that ?the T? reee is ?tabees al lafcaad Caatetn ?Chlttenilea vri? With the M?rrltt. at once. IS IT Tin: TERESA? NASSAU, N. )'.. November L?BeUabta ?aeari I t been rec? ?bred ?bere, savin pa ?ii th?: nortii t Of Cat-1st md, She is -j.alnt?- 1 ted, has i v. o fnnnele, two ; n,? deck-honses, ll?r nnm*i li unknown. CROWNINSHIKLD BBLI-BYBS ki; PORT. WA8HINOTON, 1?. c, NOVgMbtf 8. \ m? .v? d at th.- Navy Depart? -. < 'i?,\\ nlnshW Id, i Navigation B tot su, "h<> in m New York?, called attention to ?the ?re port thai th?- ?Spaalsb tmisar Marta ? . . en off cat Island. The ?l t,? lief in the a_*_arae* Of the r. ?POT-, and SUgg? t( Q to t_M a for the derellcl .'?-;> ui on ihc - a? nl '? tha i omraandanl if the Norfolk navy.yard, directing him : the Vulcan ?u command ?>f ? i? M ? ,iia. the captain <>f the yard, i?, i with ail dispatch t?, l""k f,,r I A ?Simitar order w - cabled to Captain Converse, at <; I him t?, ?send the big tug Potomac from thai m in charge of Commander ). R. Ci i menl belb vi s thai she will be |_ ' island within thirty-six hours? The Vulcan wi of tha which was towing tM ad to bave . and the di ?pari mi nl belle*) m roa? u I . of th" wreck In fter 1? avlng Nor folk THE GROUNDING VERT PROBABLE. Cal Island lies sbOUt thirty ml ?pot where? the Ti | it la .-.u i si the depai tmen! that if tha vessel did nol founder out 11| hi within a i? w houra after bavli ?j Irift, aha would almost certainly have fetched up on the shoal beach off - [gland, fot th?- ain i and tlda Ml dl? r? i tly ??u that h? ach. i ?! i. ?lion la mi? h mora favor? \Ing the ship than the ?position I by h? i off ?Santiago, a h?-r?- the bot? , i _ v ith i?? ?as and tie a i ck . orked at ?gn I dl idvantagi. ? ' ?,. tain McCalla was ?selected f"r tho task .md ability for ">?.; particular cl-SSS Of work, and the that If any man can bl Ing Into pon i can, THE< >R1 ' >P I lNSTRU<CTORR it is ti,.- belief of i a^ al conati is tora that the Tereaa t""i< water aboard el? altogetb? r ihr, ugh the deeki through the 1 ' mts of th?? ?tesa of rode, tem y constructions, an I ml In ly unsulted for rough The i i I thai the reporta indicate that ?the ?ship settled by the head, and that ?rater ran Into ! : ? in 1 thence , ,t the ( oni ? tends to ?live color t., the report thai ?the ship may nol ?bare found' " d at once, but bave drifted ssb m ? i , tul. t tho wrecking com? : han?i. will ; ike ?mm. recov? r th..- ship, if In ord? it tbi ?salvage which was slmosl within II when the ablp waa i tat off. I'lMM; THE RESPONSIBII,ITT. ( lash Between Merrllte nml Bavera?. in i-il I NORFOLK, va.. November I ?-^Special.) The abandoned Bpanlah cruiser 11 Maria Ti.- i ? .-o?d..! to the American navy. ?Every Indication i to the correctnesa of the theory that th. unn< ii. ,1 steamship ashore off i I isiami ?s the former ?Spanien! The : -i Inveetlg il ; by the naval .>tti? lal? and tbe tl Wrecking Company, and no time wlll be lost in dispatching an exp?dition for th? eond tlmi i ubstantlatea the theory thai Ter? i did n"t sink after sh?? was aban? The naval repair ship Vutean, Whl li mad,- such a gallant Bght to hriiiK the crul ei Into port, li now ?ander sail? al .1 as s??"ii as h? r bUI : a ?ailed ?she \\di ?proceed t?> ? I t,? haul off the Tereea. Lleuten? ant?Commander Harris has t? i a detach? in ti??- Vulcan, and ?Captain McCalla, 0*3 i Of the Norfolk nava - yard, succeeded him, ?Captain Beymour, manager of the Merrltt Wrecking Com? as that organisation \vi ? tCh a full | ci' \\ with th? Vulcan. Th?y will arrive from New -a morning In time to Join - ii lean. Th- - ng ateam? r II arrived In | it a - a in, landed th? r? reaa'a . ? 'a|?' ? n VVoli ?ut. of the M? rrltt, - _pr< i .1 th? belli i thai th? ii?"? off ? . is in. T? being abandoned thlrty?8ve mil? land, ahe would naturally drifl : ?n i' coral fi sunoundlng ?i m Wok o| ?iat th.- , ? mi?i, ?l away from ?Cuba unpn to battle with h.-avy ?tonna, sil of which argum? nl i i provi thai tha gt . II1- for bei i??- ii? thai while the dam Ing the i to have caused troubl from ? ivj areatb -. : ; the facl thai h? r ? . nol pi i| .an-. ,i the initii, ? - ?me choked ttash. preventing h? r of the watei that came In through the leaks i; - the hea* | ed ?the Ten thai ?-v? i, i -1 ? na) .- he ? annol ?be saved. Th? i ortb nm d for tweaty?foui houra after the Tei i wa abandoned, which must have atralaed tha ?hip rtblj I rolled in tha i ough King the i-i?-?n-il,il:tv for He of tl nmenl and th. M< Milt 1 '!?!.' Will likely (1.. h i Wei l till While it I g generally aupp-osed and the ?government will probably claim thai i ?, thu king company's bauds until delivered iii, pton R< I the prett a b mri will give the Mei - -.nal for trying ?to make the Nav) m? nt jointly i ? iponalbla WHAT HOBBON THINKS. (.N'.w V?'ik .lournal. St h i \\'h? n ?Lieutenant Hobeon heard yeetei that the ?T-palr-ehlp Vulcsn and the arreeklng-tug Merritl ?bad arrived at Nor folk, and that the an t "i neither ?f them bed seen th? lormei ?Sktanlsh ?-ruiser in i Maria _*"N*SM sink In the ?Storm "ff ? ibsaaa ?group bl h Isnda on n ber 1st. hi? eye? ?sparkled^ and h? -.aid: "i cannot vesture an opinion, baceuee I kn??w absolutely nothing more than what 1 h ?vu .on In th?* but when I left leBfdogQ 1 auh-divided the Mur?a Ir. ? ?rito ?,-v.n ??ertloria, whleh lire all nlr llKht. with th?- excej?ptlon of th??* " Hon. whkh could not b?- ropolred I Iihv?s no doubl that the remalnin?- ?ix lectlooo -er? cloned, and if they vero, I am po/itHe that ?-ho would not .Ink. ?01? a the patch ??n tho l*?r; ?id.. under the turret, wan kr.ocked out. or .imp of tier pie tee, under the great strain ?if a *Hff northeaster, f<?ll out. if any of these ii ildents happened .be would, of court?.??, ift.r laboring for nom?? time In the heavy - will, have <-"n?*- to th<- bottotn. Hut ir the patch held it?, pi??-., and the platt - 1 d not fall, ?.he mn.t b?- still fln.-itln Ibont waier-l??-,?,-.!, and will fetch no _m Honnr of th?' roofs to th'- westward (,f Ion Bateador. arnera, i regret to asy, it will not take Ion? to pound I hule In h? r bot t oto." ACH MOT in soi rii ( AKOiiw. l)?'?ri?M-rnt Killed While He |,nlili<?n?t nuil Several _ Wounded. ' |iAHi.i;s'i(,.\i i .-, November I I ll t?. Hie N'-wfl and Couri'r frem .r?-'-!iv.o?.d, 8. C., "in to-_ay's oleothm the people of tiiii? lection hove iia?i a forceful .*eralnder of the days Of ISN UMl Altboiif-h unusually inlet at- to thi?* pn-clnrt, lut-a?> Bionl has prevailed all day becas of the iliootlriK Of Mr. BOOS .'tli'-rld?;?', on- of th?. ntaoogera of the slectloa ol Ptroenix, early this morning; and a sUrboetjuent riot ttatwooa the ahitos and btoeks at that plaOO, in Which <?n>- Of the Tglb-rts and levei ?i Mgroos were mortally w<_ondo__ Phoealx is tea inli-s i, ni b re, and th.- Bdgodald Una it la ths borne of the Toiberto, the rra-n?. ?.r !; -p ibiiitant?n m Abbeville county. B > ,-,: it in . *. i i. i. the n- r?"-, scting under In? structlons, weal to thi boi In : numb rs tl . other, In oi give Ft. i: 'i olt? rt, :---t vota it i aleo . tated that the n- aero armed with Wlnohea? MORE BLtOOD-VHKO EXFKC1 ED. i ci ?wdo ??f ariii-d white m?-n are Both? i auch Mooo__b<*d, vit!, of lit-, i-? looked for i?? tors oc afti r night fail. The i also lathering, and an very defiant, i'i ora ? n turning from Phoi ola lote thi*- evening it is learned thai tho negroes bad ?? tt \ or its boi In charge of T. P. Totts which such as could not vote in th?- tegular bozos would de ll eertlBcoti * that thi y ?r? re not ol : ib ? to rote I r R. R. Totht rt for Con . v. hi- h ' us.- in iii-_ eonti ? for L?tiro? Mr. Btherldge atti mptsd to taki of It, and eras shot ?dead by oae or more of the negro* a who v - - i arc ind ?t. Im ni- dial ly ths f< mi n who ? ? old re si n,*. or bad them, opt oed Bre the crowd, and continued to shoot at tir" negroel ai the latter ran. It la n definitely hoar man on lut, oor hour Mrtously hurt the InJ ?it-. T. P. Tolberl eras Borionoly on and? ??I. Init manag. ?1 to reach BtS home, a mile off. He was Btlll ttvlng at sundown, and is not likely to he further molested, ht lias never bean prominent as s leader. WHO__E8AI___ LTNCHINQ PI MSB] B_1 : The white ?people, several huadred stroiii', aro well armed, cool, and deter mined, and If the leaden In to-day's trou ble ore coughi to-night, no power <?n earth can sa v.- th'-tn from a lynching. At dark eve**ytblng is quiet ot Phoenix, with th- v. toil Of tho ;itu itloii. but th?' negro so ore : ; I to be con? ting about two mili h distant, and no turo o ,'i ?i the light bring forth. Mr. Btherldge wa. a much? dtlxen, Ji" loan s g aifo gad sovoral chu? <lr?-n. The latest itif'irinatlon Is that John R. I ri -hini;, r?, i.-ly wiita!? ?1, and ids little nephew, o son of B_ i_ Toi? in-rt's. wh?, was in the buggy with bias, was Instantly hilled, while the two wen? mi their way horn?- thlo v? ning, lota WHITE ICEN FIRED Oft. while a party i ( wbll men from Oreen? ?rood wer? returning from Ptoanls to? nii?iit, they were Bred oa from ambush, and to, .1. I a Mr. Iflller w< re badly v. at a ' '. Bttx km m' . five mili a from hers Dra Qobb and Nell ar,- with them and ars sttendlng t?< wo it i- said that when John R Tolb rl bob ibol bo had with him a body of armed n? Kf"? s. who opened lire on the whits men, wounding ono. it it? not kno vn bi re whether any of the m groes .\> oll 01 BRAID itoi ML AMU 9 t' Till?, lloilv Moots Willi n Full Atlrnd inii'i' liitei.-Mlii?- Feature?. Ths Qimnd ?Royal Arch ?Chapter <f vir : m its nin ity-flrsl i-'t m?! annual ? \ ? itlon at tl, tot ?__ '1 __ pie last night al s ?>'slock. All of the grand ofDcon were prooent, with "? .-.??tion. ?.ml then was a very full attend? ,,i r?pi< - otottvi * from the bi veral llnate choj The address of ths Orand High Prieot, \i it-Excellent B. Louts Ide, o is full >?f 1111 ? re- -1 to ; ' ond a with mu? h enthu il ?. n b. tin compon? oua Aftei lbs revi ral n ports were i oh mltted by other grand offlcers and com? mltti I ' h nd High l'ii? al ano i the following tandlni commttti - - tor th? . nsulag yew (?n Work Excellent-Companions W. .T. Hubard, .1. E. ? i mder, B, L, <iuy, __, T. Bi ?dy. ('. <'. Beir*. an.i j. if. ?'? ntry. On Flo ?ii? ? - Excellent-Companions .1. V. i: dgo i F ? Ebel, and I. T. Christian. < m i '.a r> apondi r.. ii i; - - - ions i' \- Nl sbltt, A. H. Coin m y, I i Bloomberg. ?m 8tewordo' Deportmenl Ex? illent? . i,?p. ol. ! - i. ?'- ..althall, W. M. Wil liams, snd R. H M Hutu -.?n. i-A? ? ];? iit-fompaiii'iii Vf. J. Hubard, of [_ynohburg, was appointed _i md lecturer, ond .lam.-.-, ! :. Alexander, of Alexandria, ii,. Qrand Chapter -., : until vening at <"> o'cl mltte? of the whole will omet this morn ing ?t m ,,-. lock Por oom Id? ratl Important matters concerning tbe -,-,, Mar- of the croft. l'lclorliil I'n.tiil-I nrdM. (New fork Evening Poi I ? The private maUlng ? srd is a good thin for boi h ' ?n-m ond the cltls? n. its ose -o preference to the ordin?r, pos ? - :?? the ! ' ?i? ral Tr? astiry, I?, cm..- tbe l'ost-Otti? .- I' _. . - i r.i (or m_cO i le:? without any deduction for th>- ?,, t of m nul irture. On tbe other band, the individual enjoys a freedom never b -laut?'.!, win? h will provi ? art u con venience In iiiiiti> ways, line ,,t tbs moot . ,i,i. t- nun ol travel in _*uror? idays to th?- home frtends ol ih. the growth m i.i?-iit years ot ths custom by which he can Bend thera mailing carda that b?_ar picturea of ths -c-i'-iv and the most ootobls bulld Inge in the ?regions through which he |,.-.. v,~,k \.\ ?reek. A series of auch man. .1 ?UI lag ii lour up the Rhine or acrooo Bwltsertand makes a collection v\.ll worth hairing. Doubtleos ore shall soon s.-.- in this country cards with views of th?- Cat ?kills, the Adlrondacks, the Whit? and ??i en M? uniatnu. and other picturesque regions thr?>ii?_b<uit the Cnltcd Btatea These cards ought to be , am? popular with people In the country wh<> hnv. attractive sites which the) would recommend t<> th?? ?umm?-i board er, SBd In other ?rays militar?an ad vantage? will prove mxnv and great. ri) ABOLISH WAR. I__S_-A*I I. *tk-?t MSdBTSn_T wii.i. RK*,DKR IT PROHiniTORI. 1 MOST WONDERFUL INTENTION. '.Icctrlrnl Triiii?nii..i?n Tt'llhonl AVIre? M?id?-1 et Ship Operated by . ?ln-_.netle Wire? from ??hor??'? onld ( ouirol n lliilloon the |_MM War. (Sew York Sun, 8th.) Nikola Teals?, who?? oilginai dlscove rlm ?n electrical ?sclenca dnrtag Use last t?-n years have plac?d htrn la th? fore iiks of seien?-?, hiid wh?.s.? app'.i ations of hla dlaWOrefloO have m_?i_ Iilm rf-a-'ignlz???! us one of the world's gTeat?.st uiv'-i iocs, makes pubBe t ?-day his )_.t>.-st tteoovery and Invention, which bg be lieves Is al.-'i his fjTt-uteHL un?.. In brief, Mr. T. sla believes that this invention will not only answer many useful pur i?..s..s in ordtnary Ufa, but thai it srauM link.? wir s?, terrible, aa well pensive, us to make it prohibitory, and thus t?i assura ?peaao betareen ail the Mr. 'J ll invention consists ?.?I Inatlon hi bis de* li ?.-? for ?pro? during and proje 'tin* into the air c?r rente of ?-I?-? trielty .u enormous voltages which will ?reach out for many miles, und .i means for ?using electric wavea thus ?i for controlling the driving, iteertng, and other machinery of o moving body. B) Bttlns out a rt balloon, ??r a wavun witii bis ap?ela! me? levl '. la cm ? ontrol their movements on land .?r sea or In the air by the projection with? i . an- nl riclty to grea if ?l.siial'l.? th it ?such a '- i quantities ot exj levfcee. r al the distent ?point can din el aplode them it s ill. The Ide i of l itlon ?came to Mr. be b ta non r loot not until th war- with Spain s 11 r r ?1 Inn?. ti lotism for Mr. Ti ala la Am 11 ?an to the ?backbon? that the took ?i? tinife form and .hap? Then tba ldea completely ?possi- ?.?,I him ai iiim i ? real until the pi?<' I? m ?area work???! oui ?r? Its - ntirety. "Y. u.-. ?ago," said Mr. T? i la, in ex plaining what led i" Mi .entlon, ; bat 'ii'? huma Ism w...- but a tbermoH lectrii n - : g Impn ilona a hlch ?same t?? it through i im of ?tbe eye. tbe < the ?palate, ? r tbi touch Light laiis upon the retin ?. i ?would a'gue, end an lnij'i emlon te i nerves, ind Hi? -? transmit a ?signal to i il.?? m?-? ban) m I u I r back, whicb set* ?a m.,i Ion ?. rtain mui ?" rhaps, ?end? signal? further adong. Could 1 but ?make a mat nine a I receive : : my ? my oth? r oi then i could make it d?> anything which l wlahed al If It \a?-i b?eing whicb could reason a i w< II THE WORKING! Ml ?DEL, That ?s ?what Mr T< in doing. In hla laboratoi,- i-i v. aton atreel e a orklng model ?>i l wh.'s?- every movemenl Mr. T?eala can contr.'i by th?- simi/!-? turning ol a ? rank in ?another ?part of the ?room witfc no otiiei conni '.?.ti betwi an him and tiu ?than ?thai formed b* the atmoa .?II of the wooden R-oor. .1 on? turn of ?he crank the ves icrew be gins t?? rev?0lve, her rudder -v.?iiks unti it la In whatever i?? ittion Mr. T? i d? n?l ?then wT h ;i'ioth.?r t?y . rudder rematiia mted while th? - * drives avray. Another touch and ?h< rudder move* either way, Util. much ?as desirej. ?md at the will of th- op? ral >i ?signal iixiits Hash out from ataffi on th? vessel to tell just what position the ru.i der is in. A Rrofn light tells lb to ?port, a ?red light tb it it ?is a?si ia ?flash ??i r? .1 ?and ?green togethei ? ue word th ,t it is amldshlp. Th? lampa remain dark un - -- theii algna warning is ordered by the .?i?. ? toi touch, or th? i Ba eond ot re main ?glowing, just ?as is desired, Al an other ton? n a white light forwsrd ?glowi or fiaih?'.-:, ,n m,a, ; deetred, wlthov Interfering in say way with the othe: op-eratlens, ?and this la used by Mr, T< ih t.. ?signify that a ?giant charge of nun cotton i ??? h i?t ? '.- ',! or > aplod? -i. o th ?i anv ? tia.-i- op? ration thai m ii'-.-.led has ;.? i, p rl in.? I. Whea, wltl Mr. Teeta' guldlni ?,, belp Ks into the Intel lor of tbe t-foo , bow tbeae opera t:?,ns and the stopping of th. machiner or regulation of its ?peed to either o three degieea of :->t?- ?i are produced, II I al on?.', ?apparent that there i* ?a ti.n which goea on aboard th? warship or merchant vaseel, in s Tort <? workahop. where automatic machine could replace the ?hand "f ?man tb I nol be controlled by the m iat? r band a the ti. vlth aa much ceirain? and ni? i don aa ?f that hand \a. : ,.? : thi -. - - I, and In with a master n Th? r i n tbou ?sand ? ?.' ! .iIons t" be d m? , and .11 woul b under the entire control of the < t'?r miles away, M aa the ?,u it ? our _i- at -hips, b; tin? touching of a mechantam so frai thai ii bfak- like g ! the men aboard a modern warship tun an i handle her enori - ng ol a key or turning tit .k. Air, srtb, ??r wa?? r la all to make ih? , onn? tion b< I s and ?the moving m? nanism, i e on, " r whatevi ?some of these minht be done sway wli under certain clrcum in th model wblcb Mr. Testa has tbe ?powi wbli h controla ?the ?moving m? i hanisi licit.?. . and Mr. T? lia he can a? : awai ? - ible ti, tor to k, > \i watch el i - ii"t n? cess in to u el? ? trlcltj even to exercise such ?control. With d< bleb .my ? sp rt m make tti>- ?same control ?could : 11-, _ by ?the noti i ol a a hletle, or b in- ans which would produce mi i : jrable vlbi I !l< ctriclty Is, boa ever, the ne, . control o hlnery wlthl mtrolled obj? ? I although ?beyond tb< Ir, .?r any oth, of pow? - used. In th mod? i \? ?seel Mr. Tesla uses a combln tion ol luce the The use ?? ?rev? but a minoi mechai ntroll? and d 'J Jl1'" , ill id yon at wll ? explosives a . rator ml) . aad i ?et i ?m . arth. POSSIBIL- I'll:.-*. The poasibilltles of ?the new Invent.? I by Mr. Teal application tor a ?pat? i.i. a a util? s at w on .July 1st : Th.? ?Invention winch I have describ? win prove useful m many waya V? or vebli kind ?maj I . ? . a-, or plloi or the Uke, or for u ?rylng lett? ?re, pa i i .? it alona, Inati m i rials of any de? : , ommunli ai : ?n wli h In ? regions ami exploring tbe condlUona i luting in tbe ?same, f??r killing or ?..?i turing whalea or other animals of tl . ,i for ?mai I? atlflc, ? ?ng . ,? con my Inventloa wl r- ?ull from It? efl i warfare an u i mam? nts; for, bj reu ?on ol Iti and unUmtt? ?1 ?! t: It Wl lead t.? brin? ?about snd maintain pe man.?in p? It was wh?u Cervera's ?fleet took rtfiu m ?Santiago harbor that the Invent.? 1 form In Mr T?eSla's mind. A ?moai i-. inspiration, he -ays, ?the tin: i..,,,, _ itself Into .? ? ??mi,i.-t,- ?s b bod) in?; In the compl? t? d? a I? ,,? numb? r ol iu-j ? and Inventions, ?and the a cepted ?sdem ol the ?wot Id. "I was prepared, laid Mi '? t. rdsy, "to go I" H ?i.m ?... th? n make SUCh B demonstration i^ ?, have astounded the world ?and have m ,? it Impossible for an inti-?lgent man id ? ?.?\. r_ to ?bave ?stood out f'jr a di after be ?aw what couM ?be done, it wi not my ?Wee to km any one, but ?to - i word to I'.-rvi.i that ?kl u certain tim despite -ll he minbt >!?> t., ?prevent .?ii,, produce auch affect right uud? r th?- ?gang of ?the fli and fortiflcatlona and within liie ?barb !is ?ould if otlia-rwl-. dirt??,.i hav, d atroyed ht? ?entire ti?-? I os ?the tojwn proposed to ?seed ?i submerged ?. ?seel In the harbor curryiUK. perhaps. ?noun <>f wet auncotton. and nxidode it. N?, I lelllgenl ?coaMaaader, ?knoeriag that l ? netnv had at -oniimui'l such forci ?A.?uld be Juntlfled In hoIdlnK out for ,lav ?fi-rward. I mas delayed for a f> days In getting ready to explain and ?le monstrat. what I could do to President McKinley, and then Orvera's fleet ma?le the attempt to ?cap?? and was destroyed !?v Admiral Sampson* fleet. With victory already on our side, I derided to do no thing more at that time, but I w.-nt oa and completed _y arrangerm-nts for the making of ?uch a, demon, tratlon at Ha Imna. In ?-tine we had to tak. that ? Ity. Fortunately lor the ??.uiitry. WO were saved frum having to lak. Habana, and so tho necessity for the demonstration I." NAVIK8 RENDERED FSE LESS. Mr. Tenia rteflorfq that almost every part of the worklag de lioso for putting afloat a Boot Of automatic vessel? of war can b. bought In th? markets, and thai In the ?'?ne of o war, for Instance, be tWOon France and England or any of the <?th..-r great Powers, it would tala bul a few days or weeks, for any of these na tions to have ready quantities of englaes of war that would make the ?-uns and armor of the War fleets BOO-SOS for offene? and ?lef-iic... ? ?n.- fast, unarm?.r> <l VSS sL uithout a gun aboard her, but suppii.<i With a tle.-t of little vess-ela who*,- m??v? manta could he controlled by sn oporatoe aboard of the big vessel, oould deatrey ti,- fl? ? t of _Jij enemy without ever ?"in nig anywhere within th" range of a?iy of the destructive engines of preoeni war fare, ??r could Bend vast quantities Of ? x plosives Into s ?hostile harbor where their sxploetoaa ?rould be stmosl ss destructive as an earthquake. Buch are the visions which Mr. Tesla sees of the pos?lbllitics of his invention, and these be believes would ?usar.- a aniversol ? II arar ? am- || won.,I b_ o war with ma.-hin?-** on none of which was then .1 ni.m. His moving automaton, could be n?_..i". if ,-.? ?ded, i . .?is? borge at tho win ?if the operator, h.initis. . .-viiiwii. torpe? does, ur any other a ? With o tl' ' of auch little veeoetfl directed rr??m on?- voaoel, ooi h would answer t?> the signals meant, for tt rUOM, and it would bo Impooolbls tor th? snemy to control oar of them, becoo s each would i"- attuned r only to certain At - Balte electrical t-tbrations, which oould b? known only t?> th- proper operator. An .nit. nipt to Inter.? with their opera? tlon nrould i"- itk- the attempt f i i.'?rular to find I : of a ock. in hla a| plication I I ICr, Ti s ribea ths v irlous ways which tofore used to control such mov ing Bl broa differs from all of those systems which provide for th.ntr-ol of the m-schonlsm carried by a moving object and govern ing its motion, in that i require no Int? r m- Hats wires, cables, or other form o_ leal or mechanical oonnectton wlth the object, save thi natui i mi dta in -pac.-, i accomplish, nevertheless, similar reeults, and In a much mor?- practicable manner, by producing wavea Impuls a, liatlona winch are received through irth, ?rater, ir atmosph?re by BUit able spparatua on the moving body, und liona, .-*?> long as H? -ins within the active region elective range ol su- h c?rrente, ?ravi a, Impuls? i, or radiations, actions ne? Itated i ha evlcee and - novel kind. In order t?> utilize to the best advantage various rat? h, elth? r through . . hose of others, have icen reader?. i practically available. \ A.-T AREAS ' "\ BRED. He then describes s numbei of woya ?rell known to electrlciena, by which an Ifeci could i-> tranamltted t?? a - tlon, and "Bui .-> adopting such moons as l devised -that Is, by passing thr.iiKii th?- conducting path curren! i specially designed lii?h frequency ol? ternntor; ??r. better still, those dt a igly charged condenaer, a very hitth rate i naay be obtained, and the the Influence thus ex tended overs vaol area, ond by careta I. idjusting the circuit on the moving body to be in oxau t electro-magnetic aynchronlsm with the primary disturb? .-.. th,* influence may be utltlsed ot \ast. dlataac? a." Ths device which be has adopted f??t- his model demonetration conelata of evvrentej of saormoas voltaige, wbloh con be pro jeoted in waves at the will of the opera tor by the turning dt a litti?- crank. Two waves bo forth ai sack half turn. thi *e i- liks that Of the v p. luc? i by th.; voice In o telo ne, < in tbe little vessel to be coa? i. lied Is s broken electrical circuit, ' particles "f s metallic oxide being at th? t oint of s?paration, a current is always endeavoring to ptus through these, but The magnetic waves produced by the operotor brtns together by magnetic don th iv'- which tin* hav? power '" conduct an electric current. u h< -i m.- oi. rator i ada out hla sign il, this carrent is nabled to poos through ih- oxl le, bi ! di j *'?. bringing down ui opon a magnet, with tho Bret , lockwork starts and prepei I he ma? hlnery of the in. other I? trie cli \ etic v - the arma and the vessel'a mad i.. gins to ni' v Then, by ape? ? In alona of Impuls? | from the operator are mods to operati ind every part of ths machinery in the ! ,,t the will of the operator. Among tbe new th ? by Mr , in ? arrylng oui bis purposes is on lor for .baking up the mi taille oxide I of e ii h i" : - to break it: n livitv. and a oew way < t making , . asure us uniformity of iltton and site of bs grains, A -. bull? Hft, i- the n inn? r des. rlbed could be msde to d ve or rise ol will, and could ,?. ,, irt, and k.-pt out of ?. if it were desired to h her pv-i'ss. and still have !? r under water, ' l!'1 '"' d< t< r .,- rod poking up above night by Bashes of light made up lato the air at the will "f the i | OLOl < i>i tu.?t?An. Innnly Voles for ??uliscrlptton Ile | ond lloiilit. OLtoCE-TTER, VA.. November t.?fSy.r ; ,1 i The ? '"H railroad vote, with one ur from, is uai. This re maining proclnet win give about " tot ,,,,s?-i;i i bo I dlroiid wins beyond DEAD 11 -\n M THF. THHOTTI.K. Iliiulneer lion??- I ? I .-?* lit Ills I'oat on Mot in_r Train. Kansas CITY, HO., November 8? while ths foot raflrltgorator train <>n the , - _ titon rood wot spoodlnB to? : t st of here, l.i-1 evi oing, Engin? r EUchord A.n. at?, his hand gruoatng the thrott ined r<s tix.?-d straight a the 1 and o pi aceful ,.? ?, D .lohn Y.irndeil, who i. ,,i been busy for a few minutes In thi er, walked Into the cab, oontlaulni r-g, and it was not until he Bpokl r n- discovered that hti dead. The train was stopped. tvi" r?malt eh to th< Irai an Incominsi trota The ,- tuse of death Is ooi known. 11 came hi re from Poorest, Ill Items of Interest. ? r rn-ri.-ar:) Montreal hi reatorlng ?;* Nelson mnnu 1'.? ri haven, at the nvauth of Hantry Bag Ireland, Is i??-m_- converted lato a form:?! While too energetically coaming her hah th?- other day a Loaatvllla (Ky.i wosaaa bar ??liar bone. a faiaoni muslciaa Bays thai to ror.ent -r tho *_?<-rmans __deretond museo, 11 ? ? i . nt. of tho Ft?-n?.h, and . per ?-. t?t. .?! A 1 asrsull is still going on in ths St. Pa I courta b ?n? i?. it i- .-tat ,i, v.., haqilll ii" leas than IBS v.-;irs uk'i! Th? , rns lar?-,' tracts of land. Tarring and teothorh-g woo oaa ment for theft it is i i.?i to b found In the statutes ??f both Bnglan? and Fran?-.- about the time of the Cru - A bill-posting machine, which sticks billa ,.n w.iii*, toon * high a*1 flfty foot without the use of a ladder or ?poste pot is .?.linn successful work in Eovopa An Boglleb physician relatas in th Journal of t'ompaiat ive I'athology tha of tu-?- hundred -logs t?> a hem he sdnUa i ,t, red ? hlorof >i n onto one died, jh-i tag .m aged, fat" A I'roilinl.l.- I'riipo.itloM. Id l'lailid'-aleri "Y.-?, he made a lot of money out o ins 'Foot-boll Players' PrlendV " "What in is that "A hair tonic." HI? PACK (Ml*. I II 1*1 STOSK. I uuarml IiUiliK tion Acenrdrd Mr. Ov?en Kell>- m 90W r?iili?Mi(l'?r>. ll.altln.ore Sun.) Mr. Owen Kelly, whose home Is on the Fall? road, enjoys the doubtful honor of having his likeness entr?t in th" granit? entrance to the n? w p? ultcntlary bullil lni{. Mr. Keily formerly owned I of ground, which ho sold i?? the ?'. <?f ih? penitentiary. When they were a? - ?liilrliiR property for ?the location of ?he new bulldm?*. He was greatly |D| In the ere?tlon of th?? b-Tldlngs, and ?spent much o. his time in th? vl, laity talking with the workmen ami constituting hlm self a ..?it of Independent aupertntendent. Sotaa fi-w smoke ;?k<> a stone-carver be gan ? utting ornamental designa in the granit" aren, which forms the entrance on Forrest stp??t to ?the sdmlnlstrsUon bui'.d ing. The architects design ? ailed for the fa? a <?Y two men on th>> Inside of th?? an h. < ?u.. face depicts a prisoner entering *the Institution. Th<- face ?wears a ma and the ?lownci.-t , v> Bg ak pin Inly ?if the fSettngS of a man who 1? about to be shut out. trom the world t<? pay the penal ty of u crime ?against ?the laws of the State. Opposite this face lg ?carved the fa-ce "? a prisoner who has expiated his criin?-. and is leaving the prison. Hla fa? smoothly ?haven, and th? artist has su? ?a ?J "fairly well in ?giving the face an expression <?f happln? m and aatlsfsctlou ever his releona ?Outside the ?areh ?the architect ?provided f?r th" ?Carving of two satyrs. ?One of these can be plainly ?seen In th? st?>n??. but on the other side bat is ?said t?, be an excellent likened?- of Mi Kelly. The story ?foes that Mr. Kelly waaataad? ing at the arch watching the carver si work. and. when ?be WOS about tO begin work "ii the last 'face Mr. ?Kelly Utkei why his likeness could nol be ?carved In the" ?atona Any tact would do for carver and bs ?readily consented to iix th?; llkeneea ot Mr. Kelly there Indelibly. He ?thereupon set t<? wrk with chl and hammer, and in a compar?t!? ihort tune Mr. Kelly' face appeal ?tone, ?and there it probably a-ul resaals so long as the building stands. V Lift Mna-rlng look, mid a Tear. ( the l?i-p it ft > Words are transmitt?rs of thought. It Is I ii I. Hut ?few WOTdC ar" n?Md<__! 'tw?-?n frl? nds thai ar.? BOdr; Amt g World ?full of meaning Is1 of!?-n rnnv In a List lingering look and a tear. WTsea laddies and lasses sometime? have to part. To all who're thus Buffered 'tis clear. That ?tbe Vivid r? mcmbr.itu'O enshrined in the heart, Is u last llnRering look and a t?iar. Wh??n our brava -"oldl^r boys are mus ter. ,1 t?, !? iv??. And we all ?gather 'round to ?bb-Sg and to ?T-beer, The tendereet tribute of stl they receive Is a ISSt Itntjt l-Ug ?lOok and t. ir. When we have ?met to lake Ua.rO of some friend Some trusted one, tried OUS, and dear N'., won!? Can ?sxpiesg tha larewell we append, in a last, lingering ?look ?and a tear. Wh^n loved ones are wafted to "regions up there," And ?sorrowing, sobWns; friends bend o'er tha Mar, Ohl the ?tore that's ?iiprsastea, the ___ ?gulsh, despair, In a last, lingering look and n tear. W. BAM. BURNUBT. The Hero of To-Dny. (ci. v? i ami ?Ptaladeeler.) Ilonaperte at Austerllts, Nelson si the Nile, Cyrus m J? ?rus il? m Etherldan'a las! mile; Dewey at Mentis town? ; nl,ires ar.? th? I list? d By the chap who bravely makes A touchdown unaesteted! 111. Mil1?. imowN'.~i?i??,i, .u ni", o Mock r. IL, November ?I, 1>M, al his ?real, oce, No, ?SU ?Balnhridge atree?t, Maacbebtar. w. K. BRI ?\v.\; ag? ?i M v ?aiUi Kun.rai ?announc imenl later. TH?MAS.-Died. Tu? -'?'V, N?nvmber 8, ivs. at 1 11 P. M . WILLIAM ROBERT tu? ?mas, lu th?? ?tsth year ??f his ?aga Funeral win ?take pla? ? at the < ? Str? ? t Baptll t t '? ' : U le Till LSI ?AT, November 10th, al I o'clock P. M. F, and acqualntaaees of ?th? family i to attend. William M. ( ?lull. ii?? ha; ?sagged ?awn**! ?be has cone t? ?that unknown w?,r!?t from WhOOS b?,uni? bo travellee has ever yet returned, N< ?more shall we bear thai ?olear, otarion Ivor rotoe. who a ? ? ii??? -, ont b the flush of t ?i? nsio debal .? r i forgotten; ?so mat? i in tro bear thal plendid sarcasm, which ??.it Ska ?the ?sol' tnitar of Baladin I Be was g ?-umaranbli man. In the opialOU Of tli?' waiter, b? i.oi no auperlor saywhere. As a tawyei he was the ha? si common law pleader I have ? ver known; as g draftsman 01 b_ long ?lllica attain.? a reputatkm aeeond t?; non??; an u Jurj ?advocate for on r titty yean he has ?gaatli h? Id the lirst place in Virginia. As ? lOglclSn ?big .-'-! wa?; SO ftl?_T and H, ?perfect, ?and hi? ?meaning so pjuin. tha If --"?i admitted ins premises tho coacta sion in iii- ?favor ??s _n< ritab-la i km??.? of no living man ex?? pt Mr. Mayo \t Haseltlne, ?of the New Torh ?Sun. ?Use ?hat? a. i ? na .?i l ?the late e-i. hi-at? ? Lord Chancellor Lyadhurat, of England with wh??m 1 con empare his Intmltabli style. ii? ?tared absolotsly nothing fo mon.-y, but delighted1 in ?the gla . .? ntests of th?- ?bar, Patttlea (ana trot I ? tide the I - who under ?took ??? ?bava a ?public dlacussloa with blm was always with b.i.i , -a.? 000 M ration; ?the taw was his true ?tailing, am aell he knew ?t. ?Prior to tin- war be nioii. be ha often toi?j ma thai big averase r?tarly in come was ui.t??t, w?hlch area great lor country lawyer, ?aven In those tlmei Gtreat as an orator, vi ? t as a lawyei i ? n ? I one quellte which wa greater still, and that w,is a ?heart . kind, so ?generous so ?an alSsb that i hi ?l tb? lustre of love _| on all h and class?? at human tiutiir? with v, h.?i be ?ame m ?contact Many a noble, man an unselil?h, many a ?geaofU-HI I beep shed ?over ?hla aatlaaely i"--s. in writer was his law ?parlai be v. is the friend of my youth, tl of m? maturer : i ?breed bii aril h a love that wa-i pur?.- and ?anaelflal Th.- world is better that such a mm ha lived Adas! Alts', n?,w that h.? n bend th? bow of I '?a- ?green ?gram a? ?bleb ?so ?n will ?.a i,is grave be but the emblem ??f th.? pur ?,?i beaut-sous ?Ufe to which be bas i ?aftedl May ?Sod b* wttS hotel tin ? ; ?i Mesa this noble, t ; _j bum V a ?il.lim.? and Mmple faith of lilm wh? ? lad m an humble i s _:ari>. taagl ?by ?the iri ?Qalllee and Ju?i?; sorely will save ?o noble a s?ml His name Is embalmed ?With lova In ti hearts of those a mom* whom he Hved CAMM PAT. i Bunny-ride ?Place, Buckingham \' i., N iveinb-'i 7. lv.?\ (.It MS ASH COTTON i:\i || \\(.|:. ?Rl-ahmend, Va., Novenaber 8, is?*. Quotation?: Wh*?_X?Longb^n-y, oi t Tie; aalsed, ?so to Tic; ahon_?t*rj 71?-., No. 2 ?red, 71c. Corn Virginia whit? ba* lots, *?? .; So. 2 White, t*k\; Su. white. Ul-tc; N?>. - mixed, 12? 1-.',-, X. 3 mixed, i'"-. ?'its->N.,. 2 mix??i, toe.; N< :i mixed. _s to _81?_c.; wlntei I Mo, Rye*-M to Ma RKHMOM) TOHMCO MIKKKT. Richmond N'a.. .N'ovmbtT 8, 1__#_. '"rlvate ?ales to-day were es f?,l!o?A Wrappers, 1 bogaheaid; fillers. t_ ho,-, heads; leaf (dark,. :? hrigvh-rartai (dark), * hogshead?; sa taps, i ho_?hea? Turn number <>f iMgsheads sohl duritt the ?lay. <* I'nited .Siat?-s int?r?i il-r? vi-nue rolle? tion? for the <-ity of Khhmond. Va., t? ?lay were: Ti-baeco, I1.M4.T.; cigar jUn. Total, ?Sir. ~<\ < ,ibr,?oS's. Sho?-koe, and Alleghai; ?rarehowea re?port to-?1ay: He? eipt?, h?'H#h?**ds; deliveries. Id Sale? of new dart tobacco t , i,.- wei pounds- highest price. 17: Bho-koe ^>ir? hoii?,-. 9,14% poiind?--highest price. f7._?. Total numher of pounds sold during thO unds highest price. 91.2b. ?*-___?. ?KM it |_ MIHKKT?. LIVERPOOL ?'"TTON MAILKET. LIVERPOOL, N?sve_f_b_r ?. ?1 P. M ? Fotton >'i"?r in fair demand; pnces firm Ain-ii. an middling, Sd. Th? -' the day balee, of whb-h l.TW were for speculation and export, and In clude ll.aoo American. K ? ?pi *. Il.W l..?|. ?. Includlm :;.'. >?') Americans Futures .;? n.-.i ?pilet, with a mod?r?t? ?i"m 'tni. and _m< rtcon middling, low mi.t'llliur clause, November, l'u_C?-64d.. s. llcrs: November and ( ? Diber and Januao". . llora; Junaiuy and Pebr ? . sellers; February and March, .*.?-?> tii 2 ?SI ??Md.. Ouyero; March art?! April, : '.1 -'-.'-/- i._-''.4?l.. s?*llers; April and May. _ iv.'-?i,i . buyerw; May u??l June, ..,.;- ?<!. sellers; June and July. :' ' ',-? ?,i".,i buy? i tnd August, "..!.'<_? S 01-61.1., seilet-; August and September, NAVAL-STORB MABKKTS. WILMINGTON \ ?'.. November kei ts of Turpentine -Steady at 13 l-MM ' ;'.-_ ?In Dull at 11 .iy?'.|I. 10; receipts. 133 b?rrela Crude T ??ulet at $1..", fl.10, and ll '.?"; r?-c.-lpts. b< im Tar Steady at 11.15; receipts, in barrels. CIIAKLKSTON s ?-.. ,\.H.i?ii.,r Mm Firm; - lies, none; .is., boa Rootn Qui t and unchanged; sileo, ?lone. savannah, ? : \ . November 8.-Spirits of Tui al ?i??-?lna: I 191 cooks; recelpta _ _ R hi l'irin: * -., barrels; r?* , 4,796 bat A, B, C ?ml L>. fi: K '. y i 'i. n aft: ii. ii.?: I. .11"; K, $1 15; M. 11.85: N, ?IT"?: wln . watei white, *'_..-? PETERSBURG COTTON MARKET. PETERSBURG, VA., NovombOt _.? at F?C for ?good lots. PETERSBURG I'KAM'T MAUKKT. PETERSBURG, VA., Novejiiber 9m lui.) Virginia peanuts firm at _l-i? ? to fancy; new ,sp?_iilsn tirni a PETERSBURG _CCO MMIKKV. PETERSBUR I, VA . NOV< ml?-r _. Miir K? firm at the following quotations: Common to medium lug*, II.??) to 12.j0; o tin?' I'h-s. $-' ."?? to ."?; p?H?r short fair ,o good short leaf. $' to tl: medium to good wrup rs. Ja ?i $10; _-...,i to fine wrappers. $'._..?) to It"*: medium to good shipping. JS to $1.; good t.? fine shipping, m t,> ji?;. DANVILLE TOBACXX) MMIKKT. , ' \\\ ii.i ! : November ft. -?>pr-.-i.ii.)-. Th?- quotations ?>f tlie lo??_e tob?ceo mar? ket ;.?? ; V. K.-iiicy. $_.V?i?|_il; gOO?L -: medium jr..?t_.',; en.mon, $!_11 II.-,. Filler* i ;-.?!, Ui-i--?, common. *-?'?$.. Cutters?Fancy. |I2<_;IU. .Smoker? . ?i*.;. Exports <1 _-?.!*/... Nonde-erlpts? tl.5-^-. 11 NORFOLK ri-.ANi.T MAUKKT. NORFOLK. VA.. N'ov.-mh. iff V -(SpecleJ.) Peanuts- Fermera* market quiet. Ne?, stork beginning to come it-, has d? . presa imewhat. \'ir.tinla's sol?! ss follows Poney, t%c.\ strictly prrtn?\ '.!"/-',? .; prime, l\Ottc. roinme-n nuts, , told at I-', to -0>\ bushel. SUFFOLK !I:aM'T MAUKKT. SUFFOLK, VA. N?.\ einher S.-(Hpe-l ?1 1 Hand-nicked, fancy i1-?-: extra, MM.I Virginia shelled, No, 1, M%p.; No. 2. -*-*:.} Spanish shelled, No, I, 4%e.\ fp.rm.r*** atock, fancy, :,' . ; prime, _" * to .?-.; farm? ere* Spanish, rt to He, bushel. pi ip ll mmmmmmmm m il 11 ?SOapeS?BBBI iiuiu:: urT____U-____M8_h MINIATURE ALMANAC. NOV. ., 19*. ?.un iis.-s .? i:, HIGH 'rii'i: ' . ig.!? '. Moon i. ee ._:10 Kvenln?. l i ?rt of Richmond! Nov. ?, is*. AHHIVKU Bti s mer Pocabontas, Gravea, Norfolk, merci indise and iiassengers; Virgin!^ ti m ?'ompan*, Standard, Godfrey, New York, sei .o Iron; Tn leg ? lompany. Schoonei Mary ?hits, Maker. Char?, ton, phosphats rock; Virginia-Carolina ? !h< mleal . 'omoany. ? Catherine, Brady, PerryvUle, coal; B, P. Murphy A Sou. S Ml.Ki? Bluefli Id, 6o_ !? >, Ni w V'iik, merch nah a; I ?Id I ro?alo? Ion Bti im PORT 0? NKWl". IRT Nl'.U'S, NOV. 8tll. (By tslegraph.) ARRIVED. -i- r Han.-hoi. ?lalveotoa, .. Mobile. Itarge Volunteer, New !->n<l?__ Barge Delaware, ... w ? <>r__. i '-..i _.- in i\ an, i '? Borge Westen, Provideneo. HAI I.i 1?. Bti ami r Glei coo, Norfolk. Od I Ivrponl. St? m- r I.. Orand - ?. Black Island. I ? I. T? on? -. . I'.oston. -lork I;, i PORT OF B-BUfUDA Ill-.NDHED, VA^ NOVEMBER I? l?fiS. (Hy telegraph.) SAH.111?. 8<___>onor Baoutflaha, Howker, lumbers Neu Tork. Barge Maggie lioiiablson. rwn_J<__-?n, lumia i-, city Point I'OKT Of WBBX l'oivr, NOV. i, UM, (Hy tSOSSBfi . n.) AHUiVKl). Steamship AocoOBOOk, Thompson. Nor folk; passengers oad general larg?.. SAI KM?. .*- mshlp A((?)inack. Thompson, _.or folk: pSMBOSSjare Bad _en?-r?il cargo. riMMIM.. MONEY TO LOAN. I HAVE MONEI ALWAT8 ON HA*n_ to i. ad .?n re ?i >-s! I !. D. CARNEAk no S-tf N leet WE WANT TO BUY CITY i)V RICH/IONO IfONDS-^ S Per Cents., 6 Her Cents, and S Per Cents. I nos. Branch ?& Co. _ 'la. - IW) MONK Y TO LOAN. WE BUT OR l."AN MONET ON I>P" UNUUENT ACCOUNT?. Address <*ON? TINENTAL HAW AND i <.?.LKTTION ( '?MI'A.NV. Or .':?.e-, \ . no 1-lW CONTINENTAL TOBACCO C0~? Preferred and Common Sto<k, IVHIN l-M H?, DrAJ r l>. A.VI> t'A?. i;iii) i POM M IB-MR. CHARLES C. EDEY & 50.NS, Members N. V. Mock KschaMgo. ' Wall S|re^t. \?i? \?,rl? I It). Corre.|'<.i>'l.'ii.-.' molU it* ?I. no Ott RICHMOND TRUST AM? SAPE DEPOSIT CO., Baallirirt (or. Teath ?Nd >i?nn ?t??. Kit IIMOND, VA, \.-i. In ALL u?.i ( aparltle? Maiiuues ICstate., I - u.? Hour), tic. _i?l lulcrol \|. mi FrCSidCDt * * - John ?-kelton Williami Vim Pr?si(ipnK ' Jame* M# Doole>? llCe--T._-a.0l5, -c,rank A Davanpiwt; Sec'yiQdTrets'r, inwyiMdoatdbdi. * LlKi-Cloltd. i;. B. A.idlsoii, .to .*?. lioaher, Wo?. Wut ll.nry, ?. !.. ll_we? .1 o till 1.. Wii.UUi*. It. -? l-J-.K?-.!-.. ? II Dooley. H 1_ (?bvl'i Krank, A. luverpori jo?et?h K. WllUrd. 8 W. Trovera ?-Liney shc|>*??d. W. J. Loake, J Wre. Mil !-ndorf. j W. Ri tl rt. Wm. T. ?,:.?ohr i?, .'?>hn H. i'?.?? U. i.diu W. ?Urrett, Jolrn a. Bllett, l_mst Thuliiianii. K. T. p. My.r.. Hoben l?...nlsen. Wm. M. I__.i-ll.ton, John S Williams. (au .-r.8u*'?0