Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1898._' __--_ ?.-,.?,?I ?.il?"?. 0?Pr.,gw,?J?Jt- soi.? rOS BIU. ?J. AKD SEBVOUS DIBO__I>ERa V h ! .in i Ps'n In the ?Stomach, , l ...e?--?- aft??- meals, Hood? ik?**, Mnshlngs ?of / -. ? the Skin. C I Chill-, Dio* ' il Dream a and all . I ', i Bei Past TK'SE WILL GIVE EEUEP is lUTES, >.verr sufferer til? .11 to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. r*_au_rs nt__Lto_k?g a__?r.?.-t. ,-..? . to I The. promptly r N -,r I" . f tlio f,ys? an?! core aich Hrnttacl-e. fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN f. eocham'3 Pills are Without a Riva! ? Save lbs LARGEST 8ALE tif.nt Patrnl MeOlr-lnr In the World. ' ?mm aAf r o t o ?i r to) M'M.'NN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM - lg, bv which its effects are removed. Whlli ropoi _*_*/aa I of opium, tut ?, ness of 11 ii, no i, no o tacha m dloordora it is ly, and is recommended by t.-io i lans. FERRETT,'Agent, 372 IV.h I st., \cw York* (o_7 & __*? WlOttalna* _ ?>** *?" ??_-?_- - -? - - >--_ ! __ > _>" I*-.??**,., Alimentary LUXIR - . .a i sii ku a.oi ? . - I l?iu?rrii_l'i ?fi ? or !_*-*! 1855 - 1898 /Jfe'NH% A Popular 'TOOTH CAMPHORATED SAPONACEOUS DENTIFRICE FOR THE TEETH POWDER - ? *. and recommended for 1 over ?,-*- jresn. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 25 CENTS. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER .' I leedO ?1 1 hrouic Placase?.. lj ?nil te*tU ' I ? iO? h (oc 1. PARKER3 HAIR BALSAM . .< v.* L.!r. ?r, mtk. S-\f~ Fa-.'.a t. '?-?tor? Gray - . (' r. ?s?. k h.rr t? .ug. ??c.iij.l "Ufct Drvnt;?-? (oc 20- W 1 y-?"_w o w 1 y) Ii,' ' UN i r I III <>\S. I *-. ? . ? ..f BrllllaWl I iilerluiniueiits to it?- Blown I? Bow v ?n u. the Ni > . 1 irk Com .?.'11 be r?-.. .??it during the .. : u i nuar** 'th an?i __tb, and -, but ol Booi ... fur the (rom ? e\l ith. '1 hi . the B Hi 4 - Bar S . I .Mia. .) r the 1 nvltatioi ii mn. Julien A Juiikin. Jchn ('. ?.<_< n __j_rst_Bll, ,i n L Johns ?n, W Itr i : _tetb Loi ton B ,il ol ii.iv lli?h 8. .rchie M. Vf. H Wllliam i. Tren Charlea A , . 'I'hen II. Prie? my, Dr i."i>? rt B huyler 8 r ' B. i: - Jarnee ' H Lwao >l.., ? i ?... ii II. n? I .?-Moi rnvr. ' ir,.- ii, 'In? ? ,l> .. : n, i 0| orj oi ? k'-ii '1 Opoa tb. v? ii-i., by i - to a roaos I ? ' - it ?rith BBOnj ?ical I .?.) OS ; sated Mm on ior t?-l>i>< ll I,;,,,,, gives universal -?.ii-ia.Uoa ALL HAVE GONE HUME Till" SSjSjSn_BB_S OK THE THIHI) IMI?III K\JOVI*iO CIVIL LIFE. CAPTAINS TO GET THEIR PAT SOON. i I?. ?k? Will He ? Then? f??r Ihr Amount? Due Humor Regarding the Mu.tfr Ont of tbe Fonrth? Work un Hie ?,.,.,,,,,i. l'un tlcally all the Sld-Sta of the Third K xiinent residing outstde of T'.lchm?>n?l "r'- ' a\ thilr hum?-?, or en route ?Wlel . . : null ?SS during ihn day and lasi night. Several of tho officers are ?till ?Sarg, but Mail) ail of them have gone. Tin who i am?lala* ?bare axfaolgl t < to .Vashirn?ton to ?meets, th.-li ptkf, but have been aotlSed that nhanka wni he ?sent them as SOOSl a? their pro perty geoonata have t?een*audit?<i. It la ? B '?. n musteri d oat al the sad l? Major i'r. .. wvnt to I m ?look after worb "ii the rolls of the company th? re, anu will g_ a? far as vTythevUle before re went down to aaonth to . i <?p<?rty ?ac counts of Company L_ Worh oa '-unts wni v,f hy far \?.;)h tha muster o ri ?si the n ?ihm at Th? i? Ih verj dUfSeult to kn i ra cd ; ; v in the hands of itha V? ?.:. itlon of the i eti ntion ol th? departm? i t to ordei the ?fe-arth H . - ing. Still, tb? Tl of the r? -im. in by is aald to be the o i . , i la out of the regiment. No ??n?--,?"ti aa to the oil if the . i . .??i i ? ?bind ?it refu-i ?i the i to it- maxlmi m atreni ughl to .? itlve of so intention to muetw it out BACK TO THE RBOtTU-S _ to rular tha red i .l^r-*- tenant of srtil? l_a avtll i -i ?bava I ? i il m i'a unlforn will m ?-i - ?major In M;tj??r Bh m?as Ii i captain In which la al Manila, He wl nol ? oi ler?d p? Join iii? r>.ginient until b? "ii?i. m iji.r ??hanks _ oro? IB leburg for the r ? ? ? -.-i tin,- which a ?regular offic ir le allowiad \; I prol bach to tb ' - " ' ' ' ah? re be I mman nt f? r tu i . .- - f Wau -'hie. A MEDAL '- ?VNN, In j. D. Allen, ol Company C, ted to i. - y qualltl? fol? I ' ", : "i?r." lerg< anl Jam? C, Third ' i try. i.'K.?n ?Of his td_ l a ;. mb? r of the ty. hut wh? n the . ell una n to be bad bi aa ;i ; rivgte, bol s itn Allen I unetlntlng In . nu. Sert Mann i al ol worb on be olla when pr? aring for n (int. and ih?!??? of b I Com aere of tbi s thai wen i by the dope tion I, \ II. ST AlOIV OSOSBI, Jim Vniini. I"iirl'?ii_. hi'il fur the llli'i'-j Hun \\ auih i ??! i ?m Persaaals. Washington, Not I tL) Th? ! ...-! r Dei U-lment "By tin I Ion of tl ' ry of War, I0b Of I'ni-.-i i Oi th? 1: sltlona ?as allot t Burgeons com i Ion ol q :-- - - ok, "Bj Of War, .-.' ?boss of irts-i irt'.sl . ad from A - Incluelv?, ai? Buramary court w.r& not a . . f tb? \a ,i Boldlei ,n th- rill !? credited on the -ur i? nt pay roilH with th under such ?Illegal Beeten Majoi Moirlson, ssalatam }udge-advo .1. ? .plained that the latter order only affected petty cuses. In ,i der to BlmpUf. thlfl branch of the ser? .?, borlsed tb second of?ieers In command <>f posts to Mt as "summa i y courts-mai liai" to iy ohai?lad with in...??r >__.< ?. Sa drunkei The limit of such l va,.i.- ?rare t" Sue .? man ont moath'e ?pay, and Imprls-mment for t.K perlod. The act of ?Congre ad ??. se? in tiiis country forever, ?apparently, i ,ry court-- were operative only during peace. This waa emended ?to :r?.in August 16th, so ali sunimar> vat-en the date nl the d?j of \ Ai i?: Bat, end A Invslld. Hence, the order. Tb of oourte-tnartial oomposed >f more than one officer aie not alteetc-d by rder. iTURLOUOHS AM? DISCHAROB8. rotary ?of War hus directed thai ted men ?granted furloughs . ... Ord-ars, No us, wh?, _re dis pat from the s-rvlce before the or ganizations to which they belong are Bred out, shall rtc.lve credit on their -Miements for commutation of ra t: mi.-, fair ?in- ?period of aboenea while on such furloughs, iiii.i the amount so cre dited and paid by paymaetera shall be refunded tO the Fay Department fr,,m the VUnds appropriated for the Subsist i ; nu,, nt. if furlo?ugha w?sre granted or. the usual blank forms th"> will be submitted with the final State? nu lies to the paymaster and ?Sled with ounts. In case of men ao furlounh : ?i are n-.-t muMi-red OUI Si the I'm.? mplated whra tha furloughs w(?r d. but are retained In service, a like eredti will I : ?apon the mus t. r- and pay-r ?lis after ti.e expiration Of tie furloii'-hs. or upon final state ! is tbi n may require, unit pay? and r? fundment be made, as h. re in prescribed. "Ih direction Of the Secretary ?>f W;,r, ,,:ii, ara a ble on returna for public property to one or more bureaus, but not i ?ure BiUthorlsa i w"h yet to these others to submit to ,a. ?na;-1? r, in In u dl certlrlrate of non-lndebl? dues?, fr ?in chlefa Of such bureaus affidavit?, of non?ac?ountability or reaponalhlllty ?there to when c-uat?e?ro_sned by tha rrrmmsnd Ing oltl'-er of the realm? nt or independent ? mmsnd, Kxeept in case of ordnance and ord nance ataree, officers who have bien re sponsible "for public property on memo r?ndum receipt are auth,?rl_ed to submit to pa\ rnaeter, In lieu of ceitltlcatr of non adness from chief of bureau con cerned affidavit, countersigned by com manding fS-BCer of rcKiment, or Indepen d.ui romanand. thnt he has properly ac ?sounted tor all public property fur which he has nt any time been o responsible to ?aid bureau. The memorandum rec? lpt of tbe officer to wl.wu tbe property haa cc" *r"n?r*rrea i.y mm win d? uuai-n-i *> the affidavit. In case of ordnance pro ?erty memorandum receipts art* not al i-A.iJ." AMD___8WM CA8E. Tl)e cage of J??hn Andersen did not rom? P In the Supreme Court to-day. the court *'in?* ? iiK ?? ?(! all day on a esse affect ine h<> 111?. Grande river. Th?- Anlir-t.n ?__ US) not be argued for some days \et, but BO d.-lavs loatthon his lease ?,n life, a. he execution cannot take, place until the ourt disposes of the ?Appeal PMRmOMAL. Among the guests of the hotels in* B alt :r.-.;,.,rtan-H. O Miller. Norfolk; \V > ?-'-1(man, DaavU.Oi toSO. 9, 8, Terr> ara. Dlagse, Miss ] , and Hoi tmrrsM Lgrnefcburg; 9, i_ win*, charintt? Ml-?? J- H. M. C Harrison iiebmond: EL F. Davis, 1000000 NationaV-C T Kirk, Wood lock; ?Sid ?a? ii?.!-? . . (_yncbburg; i. v. t H Walker, ll.-hmnn-l; J. I). 'i..iu, _ree_sboro'; j. Hajrtbo, Danville. St. James?:;, tl. I'.aice. (.'hrlstlans urg; a EL Poddook, Brotowoll; Ri - -. lootoa Pajroe, Worreaton; u. H Hen iker, Hlchmond: C 9'. M, Tl rnei >urg; Mr?. Brtttlobark and son, it. C Va.; O N. Howiooa i lili i'ury, H. C. " ?ward j i . L?ala, IHnckoster; c. P. - ?rood, Oi ? NORTH ' U-OLINA B__ACOH UOHT8 :v< R tha?, "ti or ,.:. ,,'j- I ' Mabor 1 '. 8, ?. Ha? d orb ts lantera Itgb ' blgh frotar, on ths structure m tntiy erected la aboat five i >n the eaatarl) sud ol the shoal, out abo'it one Mils from Long Bhoe_ 1'' im, s ? ?i,-, itb of ti,? alligator riv? ?i t.i? ?-I..1 of Alben L 1 h light wtll lllurnlnate trie entire horizon. lhe stroctun ? of a rod '?lumn, surs ?unrounded, i pi ,t about th lantei n lt| bt oil! b ?i, u'.\''-? ?. ' Blgh a th? s- -i.- >tui ' ibOUt ' r ?m :n?- B i.i mi i he -i ins?? "! : h and eft !' rk P i n Ci I : : ? i. - - V . rr ? , : ? ni liluii re B iitson. SI 8D l\ 18 ? .Ml*. ?nr 11-. 11 > Iteporl lion, the Fourlli \ I ru ii. In Ili'uini? ! (Corr? i havawah, ??a., November lay morninc I? as ?Il m aaj .-., eh in ? imp uf< is It Is In d* ct iha . i nu., nt pays lit) Is attention U : ? . or in.? Aitei ' i wh i "rom teat ! i t*. it I srho has |usl ?'.i on m 'in or a i ..i a bL tl ? com; an) wish? ibout two h< m ..!'. . ' . : : IN ! - After I . i? ,t a lend? r be' r i-I- is . r : ' in ti?;it end. A . Ids de.S ' In town "?i Bui Men tn ire sin A ir ii, who loi t to Bond bool. Ai rtth tt? end mods inei i Aft? I ,-t lad "Wo would _-," when ti; having i broke In with. r r -in '; bul aloe! she halst) -?i wltl towd." HI - ,. tor s m? al ?"i PA__BS8. from corps hi id llmll ;.>- i I a. M. to u i*. M . an ; vosts In i'i*n to will," or I.n Ind inlts time Hi (ore Bi i trota I A, m. to 2 r hove boon ?.sued to each company ? day. ?ttOOt-Ofl is BUK) ?-tailed t?> the pawnin. (or wh dier who do? U lo pu -y b) sentence of court-ninrtla!, while the 1 r ion buying the proper.*/ or taking it in pawn Is liable to Imprtaonmsnl for a t : m ol h "in on? to 8v< yt ore, and s tint of 11,0.. to ** Ok BUNOltH6V. The BsciOfUl Dlvlston begins using ti tille ran?--,- November '.th. ?in- ...i.i.-i ..'., .?.-hing afternoon d meets with high favor ani,nK th. I Her? after v.. .-hall , hOVS onb di ?.-*. porods in UlO afternoon. Bla Bompanies ol th, Fifth Cavelrj arrive bars to-night (rom Huntsvills, Als They are to board the traaspotl Mil _ as soon as she ?_ ready tu reoalvo them. With Cuba as their destination. Private O. N. Bnood. ol Compaa-* H, Fourth Virginia EtOg ment, u*. an object Of utvy to his cnmr-'l? a, wh?, i. "sott place" to lay th. ir head?. A days UK'? he received from "the ?til Ii. left behind" s hoadeoms pillow, cover* with .ilk and richly embroidered B the names of a host of his friends beauti fully worked on its face. Private Wilson, of Company II. who was sent to the regimental hospital with fever, is convalescing, and hopes soon to be back with his company. Lieutenant II. D. Thomas, of Company F (Suffolk?, who has been for Several weeks at the Second Division Hospital, suffering with typhOtd-fsver, is now eon /aleoctnaj, und will no doubt soon be dis missed. Private A C. Prtdijeon, of Oompany Q returned to his company yootOt?oS. having bW n ti??me on i? thirty-day furl,. - Corporal Charles Vaughan. of C?impan\ C (Newport Neoro), returned yesterday, after spending a thirty-day sick leave at home. OXE DAHKY I.IDVT VOTE. .lii.ii.-i' John Sent Him Iloivn?Mr. ??.ni Mrs. Mu i ?hull In Court. Justice J(,hii had a cnance to . .-ep one larky from voting yesterday for V. ? I ? 1 _ - i Bf Hussell. That Individual was Phil, Johnson, who was charged with '??ing a sus- leious Oka IS ?fier The hearing was .ontluufd un'll the 17th. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall were be fore the <(>urt "ti the charge of choking ?nd beating Joe Herbert, It tie ?on of Mr K. 8 Herbert The hearing woo eoetla? iied until this morning, but Mr Marshall BOld the child had been In the habit ?.I .onstsntly annoying him and his wife, throwing rocks at the 0000S, ind putting -iintuls of leaves In the porch. He was lbuslve to h ? wife, also, Mr. Marshall | ?aid. The child is about 7 years of ; . On the other barn! It via Hated that Mr. Marshall had taken little "J. " Into ils house and given him a sound thrash ng. Charles Lucas w.s the next to appear He la a colored man, a member of the Sixth Virginia Regiment, no?' Btatti n Tennessee, and was aru.sted as a , lerter. The case went over until the ISih. .hough the .x-__idUr stated that !.. came Ul.\?O*l'S HEADACHE AJID HID1 G USTI?N CIRE a THE ONLY REMEDY ON THB MAR CET that will cure every r-irm of Head iche in 3 to 10 minut?e, correct Indlgea ion, stimulate the nerve?, and build up be ay ?tern. It should be In evary home md every traveller'? gripsack. At all Jrugglsts'. Twenty-flv? cure?, 28 cents. ly -l-Su,W,AFta 0 F'.l iunond apparently in a trance. He aya he doe? not remember when or bow i? left hi? regiment, and came to hie 11 K "-inrind. The remaining drunks. FIRK DEFARTMKXT 1XSPEC T?O*. ro Re He!?! Thin Afi-rnoo?-To Re an linen ?lina Exhibition. The annual inspection of the Richmond '"ire Department will b? held this after ?oon at 3 o'clock. If the weather Is fair, ind a handsome department flag will b infurl?*d. Mr J,,K'ph J. Levy, the representative rom Monroe Ward, male the de?.?mi f??i li? Hag, wii'ch reflects credit on his tast?-. t la o? pur? wint". bordered wltn a Wide iue stripe, with lnrsre red letters R. F. D. n th? centre. Thl? gala occashm ?ill USO be BSed to pr.-s.-.-ii to Captain O. W. Witt the handsome m?"da! donated by the i/lrgh ta ?State i: - u ' lompaay. tor of exercises will be very In iereeting, and will last Tor about an hour md B half. Th>! most QOmplSfa modeln Ira Bgh-tng ma. h',n-?ry will he exh blted, ?und the ?aeatnees sad condition of every piece is ?bound to elicit adinir . HOf APPARATUS tSTLL WOBM. Th?* apparatus will line up on each aid. li om N. im h . !.. ' !, u.? not thorn de oi the ? ni be th? ' beml ._i Company No. -, and 1 a the south .hie of the street will lines Noa 1. 2. 2. I, a, 6. j I - The ?Chief bsa tractions to ti.?- ? .... .- ., Hi? | b H strikes I. <? r> i iy t" 1 upon : ? ll in a BM ! - i ?ot, t,, ?Blgbtb Btn B?t, th'-n turn ?mi com?- down the north Bade el ?treet, passing heed-querte?a, ?hm turn iouI h al Bleveatb >-.i ?at and go to youi ?uari? os anal] do as abov? iac< pt 1 : "' ?";i! 1"rm k ('??mi lit? lartera aa. i on ".ifiad and Mar irry ?sixty , ci II No M, . : the south ?orner ?,t 'i entb sa I Bi ;. make '- '. ?hi m i ? to Um fi ?nt of No. I i? be va m ike posit'on . , . !.: :.?! tb ,? , llr?' ?Truck Company No? 9, aftei paaatng head? nd lurnlni ?hw h si El? i take poi front of Mur? ii?,i-i. and on Btgnal '.-ii ?rill will '"? pi t.i i ii : ?be: A i nd extinga ,: , na Na -i. H, il n-.a hi?e i the '? p u txnent, acaling walla e N j ' ? Tenth ? :.! . on er B i i m end will present bin ra in lers desire vor to ob n of this i-.ment. In < - :o fat r tl nk ll hut i?> proti il Hi,ii pr? ti i? .'. n',.! pum| , r \ ?City Hall omp? with Engine No I in lon* , throwing, Leal year thla angina Bcllpeed tbe ?City Hsll ?Pire ?Department, bul < loten? : ?Cutshaw aa- i be ?will do h iin^ | MR. JOSEPH LEVY Tin; OR A TOP. Mr. Joseph Levy will i ?medal f,,r conspicuous bi Bngln? ? .'on No. I. Tin.? b) th? \ Irginl i Sure ta? B Com] . eseni niod a i tpm tion m the -,. m the CTt* Hall. I? n< :? Vi n i,? \-\ ?ver ",' - >?f pi i .ni, aal be present. Tilt: CAFITOL DMg-UITBO. (?llli'lnls und Allailie?. (?one Home to Vwt. . It wa.s hard to find a corporal's luard ' ? m the ?".'tpi tol and State Ul rarj everybody bartag goae antat to vote. Q rnor Tyler went up to Radford . ?;. iilKht ?to ?rota for Rh.'a to-da>, ,n?i his BOO Mr. '. II'?,--. Ii . ?weal ?to blfl home, in Montgomery, Bal rday :o vote 01 Major . -.-. Private-.-Wretary i tb ? B-ce oniy a lew m'n .?..; thi greater portion of rhe lay wall the ?boya ?f Swai aboro* Preetnet atan -if il ii ?Law? ?i Mr .lohn Mo ie, on* of his c!? rks. .a? ?n t?. Portsmoutfe to vo? . .,: i :..- i,? ,.?, i.-fk. ?Mr, ??us. Hanklns, vo'.ed In Halifax Mr. J.ihn P. Ooaa, of Arcrnar!*; Mr. n m ?nene, ol fi*en*o*d, and Mi lohn 8. Kn??x. of this ??i?v, were all th" - left in'the Auditor'a -Oca. Auditor Msrye and Chlef-Clerb i>-e M??ore w-nt ?xsadrla !" rote; Mr. John H ?liver? ?marl, tt.?, Mi rd to Clarke, Mr. It. T McLeod to Uu.-kbrplge. mi Mr K. !.. C BOOtl to Hun01 : Thera waa no business of any fmpor lansacted in am of the ..,!' W .?I ?,. ??In > Club Children'* ( h. il ol the Wat' v ciub ?Chtldree'a 't.orus for th? will b? held on Sat u.i.iy, November u;h at l- o'clock, at the Yowng Men's Christian Asfociai-lon Hall. All children who are enrolled ns :?iem bers of this ch.rus mrn-t be pree-tnt at ma ting, if they aieb to retain their lumtH-iHhlp, aa the limit is _y>, . nl al a'most this numbi-r of t>w gpptt. ations for memborehlp have oeea re :. and If an Old name Is ones drop nd it? pleca Blled by i m w ? ne, it will be Impossible for the old member to regalu hi* or ner ? ' ii child la requested to bring a car? ? of pn;er, with f:!l ?ni ,td Wrtttaa upon It, and if detain d by ?Ickness to send same by some one lo an BU r for th in New applications for membership should ?o presented to Mr. Walter M-i ??or, the director, OU the same dav at 'h-i Voung Christian Aoaodatioa at 1 o'clock. Mr. Ed^ar R. Norwood, of Company C, Third Virginia ReKlmf-nt. left yesterday on a flying trip to hi? home In South Boa ton. \ a. 0____.?0-?t_>'O.I_A__ Bear, th? _>*lh? Un? tg ?JSS j_g Bo.gti Big.atar? of A Mlaiater Happily Sorprlaed. Rev. J. T. Bays, pastor of the Christian church at Neodesh?. Kan., has a little boy who wa? afflicted with rh.umatlsm In the kne?. Rev. Bay? ?ays: "it waa ?o bad at time? that my ?on wa? unable to put hla foot tu the floor. We tried In vain everything we could hear of that we thought would help him. We almost gave up In despair, when some one advised us to try Chamberlain'? Pain Balm. We did ao, and the nrsi bottle gave so much re lief that wo got a sscond one, and, lo oui auryi... it cuied him sound and well.' 0? If you one? try It. you will never be satisfied with any other. All we ask la that you give It a trial, i HARMLbi>S.EFFtCllVE,PLtASA.,. i A t?ii??;t article, not a dye. !'. nourishing the roots, resiores gta I n iti to us natural color. prodoc? _ i lapid and lux i.1.ant growth: ?r,??!; ..ii.s daadruff; prevents the hai ft I from falling out; causes It 10 gr.> i on thin and bald plates, renders i gloS.y H'!?1 DM mt I Testimonials of unquestionable i credit Q Prom Rev. Vf. Vf. Bennett, D D., I President of Randolph-MaOOU Col- 81 | leg?-: 1 tri? d the Xanthine and a . ? It to be .il! I* claims In re- ** storing the hair to Its natural c 'ar| | ?ml ronsOVtng dandruff. i W. Vf. BENNETT. CT At all drttirs: Price, $i. ' Insist o-? getting it Vf.PABi THE S. Galeski r^ OPTICAL CO. . -r cumiott and pte.ervatior. of your Ight, ha.e your i_i_-_ea accurate ntted t our wen-known Optical En iblish ,-t.t. Everything tollable ?ind lowest charge. Baronteog .15 CAST MAIN BTRCST. Paatory, . lent? su? et. ja 16-Su.W.*.-' I ?a Mmttammwft K.-m?? !?___ __ b-*?..?. rEKKYROVAL PILLS I <,- ?i-i^ir-?' u. . ... j ?;__ .1. - ? j* /T-J>y\ ??" ?'?-?F? r?u_w?. .?oit? ui A It i>>a i-F.iuin _ n,i..s,,Kri ? _,? .?, /?. p**V^-?Vtia<i >' ? * *?.? In )U-_ ?" ' -vM ?u? ?II ,-? ?-NS.-?.?? ?? T?ti ?M Jptk Cm? ..*?r />? _< ___(?_-,__i ..'.?__. I / OfK-fi, ..-i i?_?',.-i -_. ?i ?>r.K?r?. -_-? < 4_, I ?Cb? Jr .. .wp.p. ?--- p*.rt? lu!.,?, I-*?-' mSU? ?.4 \ ?J? fS 'm^M.4 fr,? |,a.?a_.'*<?il_a_.. ? r-t_?_ -X /> * _!. I ?.,000 r-*l-?.t__ii. _?< '*.?.. ?/Vni--. ? ?',-ii'H?- ...*_.. _..- ,,??_*_, -Uji-L-Vl'-.- ? ?I'llUA,, ! __ wi__ .-_?_,_> u, ., o-,? o . _-? .. lotel Majestic, NEW YORK, entrai Far?. West and 721 to 71si St. fbe Elite Hotel of America ( ?i!.? of the fagest ami finest teat loeated, thoroughly lighted ml ventilated bot?is, with ?i cni ine <?t tin* high -st order. A | -rlt't't In ?me hotel iu I great ity. |_RlCa AND B0I9PJII PLAN Ma.... I ??.tb.e., (mh 31-eodtfl f SUTHERLAND I SISTERS' IIAI ft ORO07BM AND *( A i.i ? I pan 11; are ti.e iniT , r-t iir- lona thai olU reaSoce tli?? lisir to ?? i.r eitiiil hoaittiT cutidition. AI ALI l'l l'di,!-* i>' BBr?_""*l (aeS7-oi**) iu:p ah 11 up 01 mi: i m Kits. L Q L D DOMINION (w% ari-AMBHip cumpa ht W*f?-X DAII.V I.I.NB FOB NLW ?OBM, Piunengers '-an leavi RJ limond daily Kcepl I ?y freight only) la Chesapeake end ? .hin rallwa < a ? A. M. or Richmond in.i c eroburg railroad (Norfolk end v. oute) o A. If., connecting at Norfolk rith Old Dominlofl Lias stsaner sailing ?ami ev.p'nj- at 6 o'clock for New York. ALL-WATEit ROUTB St?am*-nip Richmond leaves Richmond ?very Mot. lav at ? P. M. tor New 1?ik ,i.l J ill" I rlv- ' Tickets on salt s' Rlchmoni! Transfer :ompanj**a 88 ?a??*? Main street, Cheaa ?eake and Ohio railway, and Richmond md Petersburg railroad depots, an I at 101 tot n tlchmond '^p,'.',.'-,,' '[',TArJ tiirou.h. ?or New T**?m sad Oil points beyond can ? ' ) ini. -, ' steamei Mchmoi ?\* ?? 3 P- to.; il?o b\ steamer, leaving Id? ,im?n : Wednesday and bat? rday si .* y f,r N rfolk. Connecting with iteomer lor Sew Y??rk. Manlfeet closed on? hour before -allinx vr??_ht received _n?l forwarded. an?l ,,-,' ?? uns of ?ed tor oil ?orth-in ? i :l r?rt_. Tortn.m. FI(()M NKW fORK p__a___cers can lesvs dally except Run *-_? at :? P. M (?aturdsy 4 p. * , Cor-olk *"' ?' ' '""" ! ''"n,'orf ' na wfh Norfolk and Western railroad tr Cheesi>saks a?d "hm roRwoy. :lv-er route? every SATURDAY 8 P. to. (pos? pr-laht -' ' '' ' w--r?led dally, Isy. War further laformstlon ,?i?;)!y '? JOli.- F MAYER, A_ent, IBl east y ?in ?-'-op? R imnmj. V?. \c> l, Oiilllaudeu. VI? -President and **ra__-0 lianagor, New rock. oc _i BPBCIAL toOTi?M. m-fa gteamer len\tni? Richmond MON' )AT November 7th. will not carry any lRP,eng?rs. Fr??leht only. JOHN F MAV'KH. Aj-er.t^ pHILALiilLFHli, Kicu" "JF^pW M, , N | ) A N L? N ?J i < FOL K mmmmmmutM STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Appointed sailing days: Every TO__f> )AV FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at day ?vi. t Freight r- ' ' until 6 P. M. Pars ?In.'udli.K mea!? und berth?, |6 on > and S'inday's steam, r. further injormauo^.^jo 3eneralSouthern^A./;?V;','|^Ro;;k,(1. oc 12 Oeneral ? Phil d lohia. VU.GI.ilA hAVWiTIOJ CC1F?!. JAMES RIVER DAY UN 6* ??icamer l\)CAUu.Ni.i_ k?i?. __o.-. >Ai. vM_D.Na-.--A., and _kida_ ai t V M- lur Norlolk. Portsiuouth. UnJ Point, sevvyori New-, ClsurO-BuO?, and ,,,,.[ .ai.?iii-?, and connecting at Old >olnt and -?-r?-l?. 'or Washington, ?alii u.i?, and the .V.rth. *jiaie-i-?-)m? leaarved for the enlght at nodcrute priceo. l'lecirlc-cur? direct to the wharf. Fare, inly U?W ?na 1- t0 Norfolk. Muslo by jmnJ Orchestrion. received for abov_-!iamed places ind all points In Eaitern Vir-jlnU and ?Jorth Carolina. IRV1N WKHKIER. surin Oeneral Manager. A. H Drewrv Pre.l^ent_te H Orders for printing sent to the Dis ?atch Company will be given prompt ?_l ?ntti.n, and the atyle of work and All bs sure to please you. ?AILHOAD LISKB._v^__^ N? ? trtx* >9ti .*_****** -?ae^ifc ^Si^ ?OU.i-? ??LdA?. f'ir IfThS-iMia ___HmtS~g Oeiobet' ?, ISWf?. 1H.U.\3 LKAVE MlC?LHO.??., VA. l?.-O _V. Ai, .No. 11, a.ulU-i.? na*' ?-ya Uuu. 19- AUuliU, A?._-?i*. """ i?.un., eouin, oic.^er ?t*--??aooo tu banvibt, Oreenaeoro'. ?a.. ?.nui .o, le, i. o? mi.?.?- and Augusta. ?-<?e_p?r upen ai ...?./ P. >! di? p? ?t a.i Italians uutwim iticnnuiid ?m ?Jai. v me to tak? on aud l*'t on Pa -.?agora, ,. _ Connecta at Danville, gall-bury, ami Charlotte witn tna Waahmg'.ou and Sou i h -est? in l_imi?tea .7). ? ?rrying akeper? Neu V??rk to A .? ?.i.. h t Bp nigs, Chatta nooga, _nd NaahvU?-?; New York to ? a, ,v fath 11 New Orle? .\ m fork t?. Tamoa, ana hr.i-clasa d?y coach between 'Vashingicn and Mempb- < onn?*c tioiih are mad? toi all poiats in Taxai and Callfoi < - ? ?P** ?v*u ... ... tor :ccupanty at ?ill P. M. 12.01 p, y No j* -oHll ir;,,.-i dally ?Charlotte S C. i onnecu a( ! I'> 'Mil, I--.ii.ivll'? and Powhatan railroad At Kcysvlile for ?larks vide ifxtord Ilenderaon. end V t b an, ana at Qr^nab ro for Dur Ral?lgb, and Wlnston-rta.em; at Danville with No U. Cult?* BUI toll 1 :.atn.dail> for New (?r.ear.s and poin.s houtn, which carrlea sleep*rs Hew y?? to New ? ind N>w TOrKtO Jacksonville. ThrciKh Bl?reper Be lieb - i , Memphto; also filman . ,,VHry Wednesday Washington to S<m Francisco. Wlthrut cl . ? im? p M ?..- . -jT ,oc-,, dally CXCOjat Undsy, for keysvnle an?? Inter? - TRAINS ARRIVU AT RICHMOND. a ???' A M i (>- "? P M ) From Atlanta, Augusta, Asbeville. ?:4ti a \! from Keysvilla and local B1 .' | ;?'T.?= LOCAL FHEHilir TRAINS. No?. 61 inu 02, betWWM M-UM hesier and Ni.; polis. IO_.k-.UfKI ioWtu umtttMAtt, HI tuniuii: Kill IK >UHTI1. USA. i? i ? ) i ?H KO. A .10 r PL, -' IS. r.a.un.ore Umited, daily e\?? pt ?Sundays, for Weet Point, th?.re maning close C"?. on Mondaye, vv>_n?->da>s. and I r,days ?ah ateamer for Baltl? mor.-; ai?u, with stage at Lester Manor for Welaertoa anJ Ta? ,.i banno? ?\ on Tuesdays, Thursday, ami Baturdaya, 2:.'?0 1?. M , No 10, I? oal a_rpr_sa_ Mon day?. ?A , ,.,)?, and Friday f tot ?feat Point and Intermediate stations. Connecta wKb ?tag?, at Lester Manor for Walkertoa and Tappahannock. also, at W?-st Point ?nil ateamei tor Haitirnoie. .stops at all atatti at. t :00 A M , No, M I ?'al mixed. LeaVM ?it Sind.?'- (r?'tn Vlrglnia Btreet Btat.oo for Weet Point an I Intermediate itationa, connive ting With BtS ' at 1> ?ter M mor I". \\ ilkerton and Teppahaanoek. TltUNN UtRIVK AT RICHMOND. 11:17 A. M., dally. 19:4g 4 M., Wednesdays and Fridays only. 7.05 P. M., ?hilly txcept Sund.iy. from \V. it ?Point and IntermedtStO sta tions ?v- u'.-m ?Point at ? P. M lays, ?and i nays, and re at "> P M. Tuesdayt. Thura ri, kei :' i- Btatlon, foot of vir _tnla street, Open from A. M. IP from :? ?BO P. M. to Ifl A. M. City . it Main a?tr< it .1 M Cl LP, \ TURK, Ti HI Manager. ?Son. Pass. Agsnt 1' _ , \ ,.\. Third VI c-i'r.'sldent and i.^ner.i! Managen ?A'ashlngton, D. C. C. W. a\K.<5iitl'KY ! ? P ? Agent, fcij ?aast .Main at re? I Richmond, va. _(oc i-)_ < HEsAPME AM? :?5__5^J^!!S^ OHIO KAILWAT. ___.oot_~s Saws Balase 1, ihiib. TRAINS USAT]S IIIM?SH. UROAD B_r_UB__T STATION. 999 A a.. unity. v?.ui ? arlor car, Nor'oLk. Portamouth. i i- m. Newp-*-t News, and p. -,-ipaJ ?'._ti?.?n?. Coa? , .' NorfoO w'.th New . I ?Hin. s, -.X? eyf Hun . 3:45 V M., ?,aj!y, with Pullman for local Biatlon, Ni w|H?n Newa, Old i ?lti\ Norfo-k. aiid Porumo? th. Connect.-? at Old i'oln r' Washing ton ateetnera ____T, and with ? ateamera, except Bundaj 10:1.0 A. M . I ay ?S_pre?a, except ?un day. for ? :il on F r?<?-. Con? nects at ?dordonavtlle for ?Cuipeper, Calver? Mi i -?is, Alexandria, and Washington; at cmon Station, Cherlotteaville, f ,r l.ynchbuig; rt; basic for lii^?:;.?!- . 2.1b p M. I'ally, v.ith Pul!m.nis. to Clacinnatl, Louisv.iie. ?mi ?Louis, ?.onnseting at tovlngton, Va., for Hot Sprlnga Stops only at Im portant stations. Meal? aerved on ,il.urig-car?. No. 7, Loca' Tram, except Sun?la>, follows abuve train fi ira ?ordonavUIe to Staun ton. 0:30 P. M., Ac omin idatlon, except Sun daj f? i Doewell, IS-SS P. M Dally, for Cincinnati with W. F. V. Pullmans to Hinton* W ind aordonertlle to einnstl and Louisville ?fV"l or, .linlng Lrs. Connect? ?n . ton. except Sunday, for Winchester. Va, and a? Covlngton, V.i daily, r0T imAHS l.KAV?: i:i(.HTH-STHEl_T 8TATIOX. 10.30 A. M., Dully, toi _->nchburg. Lex lagton, Va, and Clifton Forge. (.'.?niu Sunday, witb Hu -k.nghaui and Alberen- bran? he? and at Clifton F??rge with No l for ?CinHnnatl. R:(K) P. M.. Bs ? P' Sunday, for r*olum hl?. imAISI AltHIVE AT HI? ini'lM) l?UO.-U-STItKi:T STA'UOJI. ?:Ot? A. -i-. tmnrmkri uu..__>, lCoui Vom well. 8:30 A. M., 1'aiiy, from Cincinnati. lO:l3 A M.. ! ?">. fi ?m Norfolk and ni. y 30 P. M-, Dally from Cincinnati and ville. il 50 P. M- I? ?iiy. fiotu Norfolk and Old Point. 7:41? P- M., ?Baeeai Sunday, from Clif ton F^rr* iRAIXS AHHIVK IMt.liTH-STREET 8TATIO.V. f?) 10 A. M. Bai eok>, from Colum bia. O .'?O P. IL, 1'aiiy. from Lynchburg, Lex ington, ami ?'iiltou PorgC, and, except Sunday, from New Cast I? and it <?oey. John i? pong. Asalatant.r*-i?ral Pasaenger Agent. PEERYS DWVT / i __&?' ' !____ > * U* ^h-^?fm -?SI w. .- ,- ___, Will EradicateWOKMS FROMTHC HUMAN BODY PRICE ?*'^ "^RVIA^ (ap e-W* Sa ly) i- ii-..K> vim SALM at IBc. PKK HUNDiUBT at tae dispatch ornr .?(IAD M? 9j^pst%1kWm eMMMMMMMMm 8?-.e<-OiO ?8 Eft* June l_t, 1MU**>. IfAVE III? uiliiMi, H?HD-0TRK?1 ?TATIOV 0:00 A. M.. HHI1..10.N?) A--D NOR? F??i.K VLSTIIU'LI- UMir i.u Arrive . Norfe * ' A. to, oiopa ?ii.y *i *' " r*" burg, Wavcri}, and -?-ff?.??. id-class tickets not ?-< OIMI. ,, '??v.- ?I <o tnu train. 0.05 A. M.. THE ( MICAUO *-_XPI.K*i-l. for Lvnchburg. Roanoke, Co ll. tntn,?, and Chicago. PU'? n?n Sleeper Roaitck* to Co lumbus; also, f??r H-letul, -..?., .. Khosvllle. and Chattanooga. 7 ?TO P II., For Suff.,Ik. Norf ?Ik. and In termediate stations, arrives ii-4o t_ XM l_ l?or_olk ?t icvi P. M ??.eo P. M., j? >r Lynchburg and Itoa nnecis at Hoaooke with Washington and Chat tanooga 1-lmlted. f'ulimae 8l?>?p?rt Koinok?? to Mera? ?hla and New orirane. Pull man sleeper between Rich niond an?! Lynchburg. one berths ready for occupan? y at 1:00 P. M. Aiso, Pull? mtn Sleeper Petersburg and -r-,?,, '.oanoke. bura a,,l*.'iTU .H,chn,''n,? tr0m Lynrh _ndV_? I ^.i* / ?Islly at ?:15 A to. Past -.tie-'? ?.rom f?-,"lk end lh? l.iV'TKlVa;^^' tf* VE-.TIBU_ED Oaooo: to. Main ,,;;;.. ^ R. W. CCTJRTNEY. District Pasi'.tiger Agent _ W. IJ. UEvft-L. * ooB^QB___yfe!_sr^A^ fi P A D fiic-fnofli, ?tmH ""' ?!???!_J?___ijrtcl.sbar?_ Potoawc fitft ? t???? ?Ha; i?, ?H4ML ? A. Id., Doily, tor Wasbington and Points North, ?tops only at .Milford and Frederlckaburg. iuilman Sieepers to New hitO A. It, Sunday only, for Washing ton and points north ?lop? at Elba. Oien A?l.n. Ash? '*_"*-? Taylorsvllle. Doa?.ell. R?ther Glen. Pen?la, Mil rord. Woodslane. Guinea, s i m m I t. Frederlckaburg. Brooke, and Wid.watsr ?... . .. Pullman car. 9 *? A- M- Dally, except Sunday, fol V\ HshlnKton end points North. Stops at Elba. Aah land, Taylorivlli-, Doewell, Huther Olen. Pen?la. Mil ford. Woodslane. G'.ili.ea. ti u m m I t. Fredorlcksburg, Hrooke. and Widcwater a? mm x, I'u'lrnan car. ?.OO M., Daily, eactpt Sunday, fo? \ ..i-tiliigton and points North, stops at Elba, OI_i_ Allen, Asb'and. Doswstl M I 1 f o r ?i. Frederlcksburf Hrooke. and WldewateS P.'?i??.r car. Also, connec with Congressional Umltea at Washington. T:ia P. M.. Dally, for Washington and points North 9tope at B:ba, A.-hland, Dos-.ell. MllfoM. Fredtrlcksburg, Br??. ka and Wiiiewaier, and other s'a? tlona Sundays Sleeper Rich? mond to V?w York IRRIVK 11% IID.STIIEET iTATIO*k B.40 a. PL, Dally, ?tops at VMa.water, Brooke, Frederlckaburg. MU? ford. D. swan, AaiuanJ. and Elba, and otber stations Sundaya Sleeper New York to Richmond 2:45 P. M . Daily except Sunday. Stop? ni A io,v._' -!, il r o ok e, Fredeiickaburg, Summit, Ouln ?i. Woorisian.. Mtlfird, P.noia, R?ther ?Hen D-'e a > d. Taylorsvllle. Aahlaiid, Cien S'len, ??nd Elba. Far ?or car from Wao'-lncton. ?* 10 P. M, Dally Stops only a. fV<de. rl? Kshurg. Do. well. A>h land and Finn Pullman cars from * e?v Y"rk SSV. P. M., Dally Stop* at Wldewatei Il r i n k ?, Fred?r!i*ks**urg, Summit Ouln ? ?\ - da! n Mi'f'.rd P_n"in P.'itb*? ODn, Poswel! Tiivlorrvlll*?. Ashland, ST-en A Men and ii, ... _ ?-.- ? * iREnKRicKiii-'o AcrowwoniTtoi iDal.y except 8_nd_y ) lour M I. ??ves Byrd-Street fltntl'-n. H ?O A M-, Arrives Kvr?1Ptreet 8taH.*n. ASIII A*ID Tni?V-. (?ali> ex(?i>i Sunday.) O 42 A. M , Leaves Flba. a-?o I* M . 1/enves Elba. ?I *?. A M.. Arrives l-.,bn. n <K) P M ArrlvfH BltM W P TAYLOR. T-afflc Mana-fer. U T. ' D- Myora President. o???|_ An*NTI(%C0A8T _ UNE. Schedule lu Effect Jon- 10, l*?i??t. TRAI-. LEAVE JlItHMO.-D?PMO-I DEPOT. IJtAA to.., Sun'??-/ accommodation ar rives Petersburg -,S_, makes ail stops Kic-nnionJ and Petersburg railroad DOHA. M.. Daily. Arriyse ?e\?r?nL* ...Il A M . Norfolk 11.26 A. M Stop, only at Petersburg, Waverly. and Huffoik. va, 0.05 A.M.. D?..y-A ^%#f??r?SI A M . EayetteviU- 1:15 P. \i Cborles*oo UM P to., Savannah 11:50 A. M.. Jack ? villa 1:30 A M. Port inp_ I 20 P. to. Conne.-ta at Wl's<>n with No 47, ar? uvlng Oo'dsboro" 3:10 P. M. Wilmington 5 i'? P M Pull man S! e-.*r New York to Jacksonville i kk. P M l>aMy- ??OCBl Arrives Pe 2.55 P. m . {..r?byurf l42 p. m. viakaa all ??topa. _._n r> \i Sunday .i'-cor.imodaMon. Ar \. .r, i .til stops Richmond and Petersburg railroad. r irt p M Da?'- Arrives Petersb'ire 5.30 P. M ?^ p m Mike? ?u \ncj st"P* Richmond and P_ter__ t.u'g railroad r ?m p M Dsily. Arrtv-s P-tersburg T.J.O P- ? -'804 ;. M_ coonects with i.-irfoll? and \Nesi?-rn for S .rfolK i.nd In'ermedleta , MS. Emporla ?) lu (con nects with A. and I) for stations between Emporta . iwrenc.v! le), U'eldon s-t- P to., Fuy-tt.ville l.-Of A M., Charleston ?O? A. M., ?avannah 6". A vi . )? *. e 1 P. M.. Port lampo y t?, P. M. NEW I-INK TO MIDDLE OEuRGlA POINTS A liv ing Alken 7:2. A M , Augusta i "? A M . Maeon HA M . Atlanta 11:15 P- to Pullman Sleepers N?w York to Wl|? niHigt"?.. Jn-ksonvllle, Port Tampa. Alken. Augusta, and linean. ?_ i_n p M I;?ii> * A'flves Petersburg 8:5? P- > ? 31 ',, S u'eldon M2W IT M MHr-e? ?oca! stops be. t?veen Petersburg and W?l ?i_AP M Dally. Arrives P.terebure 11 40P BB-. ?j Ji(-A B S,J .. M . Rf'ar.oke ~>:\f, A M . Bristol '" to P Vf P??'lnian per Rlehmind to L> i h TRAI1*! Alt??i?'K R1CHMOYD. ,Wii """v.uiitfh. ?_hari??ti.ii. Auaata. Macon. Aug__,a. and all i.,.?. & South 8:10 A. M.. B??y. -OigOgl ?inday. At ia.-tA -Vi ,ii If. ri der.on. Lyuchbuig, and the oaT A M. Dally Peterabu'g local. s?V? A M-, Sunday only fro? Atlanta. _..oo A ? Avh*.?4, Raleigh. Hende-Soo. D>n?hburg. end I u n 11 OOA- M- ' -".''^ N,'r??l?-- Saffolk. and " Petersburg. O 40 P. M . Dally. Jacksonville. Fav?.n w' nah, Charleston. W'lt-.ilna ton. Ooldsboro*. and all l...!!UB South O 65 P. M.. Ixeily. Norfolk. Buffolk. W.. terif, i ? Petersburg ii.G? P M.. Dally. Peters bu-,-, Lyack burg an?! th? West 10 ?NI A M , Sunday accommodation. T ao I* M-. Sunday ? ? -mil J. R KEN'LY T M '"M*?*n?lO,N, General Managtr Tr?r*l >l>nag?r. il M ?MKR?nS, General Pa????.'-e-r ?. ?._, r o ?"-?vpuwirr, OC 1? Plvlalon r>*mm^mt.m * _?? Ordere for priming se^t t?v ge U_?_ pacb Company will be g veo prompt at? tentloa. and the at y le ot work and prices will bo euro to please yon. A, C.L.