Newspaper Page Text
12 _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER t?3. 1898. _ l,Ol>f> Strips Of I, I???' < urtiiins, tilt ?*** UH'ili*. Ion?, easil} niati-licil. 10c. 100 Iiil.ints* 1 to '?-.Mar util T? I lor-Mi ilc Walking Coals, no? llr.f7 i.. s 10 t'lmirc VMl?."?. IM titties' Tnilor-ftladc Navy iintl Hhii'kC loth ?f ?ickcts. 300 Pliuili Capes, nil si/.? *, to hi>I1 at $l.98e $la79a f 0.OOO pair? Boys* T ?il led Cheviot Pauta, U?4t*s 4 to 15 ?cars, at Ile. pair. I0O Klcctrio Heal Collaret l?'s, chinchilla <*ol lara?ul lapel, $1.98, usually #4. I 5,000 pairs of ? 11 row n Fron?-h I Mocha 1*. .V I>. ! Kill ?* in liro i tl I'i't'tl backs, ?nr rantetl perfect. Sale at 50c. I.iiutthoru's K\ tracts, flnt'st made, 1 original price, 1 irw. , Hale nt i 25c. ounce. < Moiioj-rnm Paper. Any letter oh p I a i n I .i im-? ti Paper, embouk? ?'il, not printed. .__ __ ' Out) quire und it .'ill?-. ?Dm ?'ii- j ?mi*, elopes to iii-p outfit. | match, i_?"?e. 1.000 Photo Cameras, tvitli o pintes, m frays, and enm aleto develop tn_r 6__t_l_. 8?i?8 Children's Will kin? Coat.?. ?__f*M 1? ?, ?*. and 4 years, marte nl'liii ported ma terials, ? Mllng up to $7.."><>. Special >?i!?i price S4.9A. 1,00<? lull size eake* ?c. l.aiiDilrv Soap, lc. cake. gi>rop-Hend 1 ol?lin-r Tahle ?ewiriir >liiehiiios, lii,*?i arm, :?h rood a*? $O"0 .>I?iehhi?-.s. SAI I Af SI9.50. Girl?' Tailor-Made Sniia, I eh 10 to 12 x Two -.) ? loti t,,r tin? wet k , I lie. Good News for Shoe Buyers. KeariiKj of our (jreat purchase of a Lynn (?* manufacturer's shipments of the (?illiain Shoo J^^^rMMh?. Company, I \nrhburi*. a large wholesale house, ^t^^FT^^^ sells us for n tii.'iiiuitit tin ?-r's ac*count A SHIP- ^5ftYflT\ 7 MENT OP 36 ?CASES. THIS SALE STARTED ff 1X\V*? } SATURDAY MORMNU, and you may r. si assured J\ %/i_Q?? J? Stielt hanjams an; uiuh-juuI. hvery pair is sold % ^L jp With the privilege of retal iiiruj after examina- 1 ^^S?T lion, or, if the wear it unsatisfactory? the shoes w- ^JH***^ mr-ill In, ovrlinniiiiH "l **^ $1.00 $1.00 tot i>;?lr?i of ! ' -Genuino < \ i I Kul i n< v , l ? K.IK lasts. V?jur . ' . f paira of Lad Button ond Lu ; ?limn a?;,I r-orniiion-; ?Zfb all v ir- tj_*T_I 00 |>alr.-< of ? Il v une Ki?i . cbool Sin Jl? ?A p_ i < now nt . B i . ?all i. Bhoea. nil *?? (\t\ counters and s?a'??.s, no?? <[j I ?, vf V/ to b? siild for. am? i her io_n?f____rr ow tu iuob MM ' IS NOW READY FOR BELLING. Enamelle?l l lull ?1? Ubl? i a l ? !' bed ...$1 * ' ' Whli i. ma m"-1 m a k?t. i?? b? - >ld tot .? ?. .. . patent i?n wlth pi ingi complet?. ro ?wrewa ?-.r nan? or bolt?, full ? r than t! hot, n?>w nt ..".a."?. II! 11 M\THtl>M>. n?.ni.i?-. At opening of nur lui nlture i irtment we large oontra? I for Bed Mat.! the s? ! ctlon "f ! I and ?we i m ? n.;i_ as ? fl.10 StllRlC. < .?;> Matt!? at.U >'> Cotton-Top Mjitti .... >-?* "? Kx; "' - * 1 in,- Cotton Pelt M .IIO.OO i'? Mattr? Kb? a. "" Fancy-? ' Fibre.. 11 ?M. South American Hair, t.?. ; ti? h | i : 50. Hair and ral na? . ? Fin? Mixed Unir, l mg .& ~'" t ??MIM.I.I I: ??I I I IT. Whit? ?l i? u i : ' low?, outfit valued ... i . ... i-. ?Kl.?III. ? ?J? ??' Bra?? Bed? lost m ?-k we I oflei m??: \ i?? Value $36.60, n?.\v ItH. Value t'"'." . now il??" 50. A a lue $ "'-'.v?. now ata. Value- -Hi ' >, now |M. A l)f lUtlful at of Couch? -. do*/? ?red In Ve lour?, Tapee i r y . lApen, and Imt. Lea* ther, ami ?seel Leather, ?randas In price ir.un $t.t>?l to i-;<;. S-Drawer Oak) Ch i ?Ton u with hat bo?... ) c.-DMiv.r oeii or ni: ?hilTonnure, \g,[]?) ohshe-d. I T f t.?3. fO.SH). ?9.90. $1.00. C pol 6Dnv,fr Qak 1 AA n_ C h i if ?? liniert-. I^U U U , with 14x241 *?el i VpUlU? 'plate iiiirror....J Oak Sideboard carved top, bevel glass, ?j feet 6 inches wide, two small top draw ers, lined for Sil verware, neat de signs, value $16, $9.90. Oak China Closet, bent -glass ends, highly polished, value $i6.;>o, $9.90. Oak Exten sion Tables, 8 foot long, ?pol ished oak, val ue %B .50. M.90. Highly Polished Oak Dining Chairs, cane or wood m at value Sf?35, 75c. ?TSa. UMOMS. :.i III too w '?known for oth? r id m c:is lon. l?oir. ? ? ? Ity. !' '< ?" No. i?? end \ 10 k ?Double 1 hbon No j?, f,,j m, 1 -' - 1 No. 2 CI. I I 'l - 1 \" >'' ' ">-'?H ? It? ?kx ' - r i-hil ii-hlu?. ??_ 1 _ -. ; Ctrfmx ?F'ffnM ji_m_ y 'rajz.nn omw v^^?j/l??c'a "SOR?SIS," 2-J? e'a 1?. Hnnd-Sewed ?tutton nn?i i c< Shoes, any atyle, (h'-* ftfa .?nd width, now -T)__ ?viv? tor. the New Shot 'omen. A revelation In footwear?finest ma t? rials, exquisite Btylea, bent finish? the perfection ??f shoi'maklnx? a e,,m .n of all is. fashionable sn I comfortable?the swelleet, ni??st up-to date Shoe??equal to any stx-do! ii'iii-iiiiie shoe "ii tue ff? ?-j Eff\ markst ans price t?"? ?j)vj,3v/ . Wl ARE _0_JB RICHMOND AGENTS. rot h qbbat valu:s i.v m. \t n GOODS KOK MOMiU. M-meh Strictly All-Wool Jet-Black, 1 K)Ubl( - W ai p l'r? n.'li iS? rK?'. Monday, SSc. iO-i-K-'i i.. s i . Crow-Black Henri etta Cloth, warranted all purs wool, and ;.n excellent GOc. mat. i lal, for Monday '?- . ?tt-lncb High-Lustre Black Mohair Bril liant, in U ? \ de? goods cannot b? for less than EOc. i?? r yard. Special for Monday, _*)? it-it:?-:: Fine Imported Black Cr?pons, in the latest fall snd wlnsr styles; Baj ad? re snd ? Jheveron i from II to ?u per ysrd. Spc :lal for Monday, 7." -, RTI KXTIMOItOIVtltV SPBGUJJ IN SI1.KS I'Oll HOBDAY. tt-lncb Heavy Black Rustling Taffeta. warranted all pure silk, snd a Bood rt* ; . Si.?- ?lal ?for Monday, So? . M-lncb Extra Heavj Buperli r Bl u h Rustling Taffeta Bilk, the best wear Ins Taffeta ma<!e, ami worth tLM par yard. Bpe? lal for Monday, SO? . .l-'ii< h All-Silk Fin? Corded L11 s ?tin. in sil the Istest colorines, made t'? retail at tLM b yard. ?Special for lay, 08c. icb Black Batla Duchess Brocado, t new designs, actual s ?rth '?.r?e. a yard. Bpeclal for Monday, 40c. ?ch All-Silk High-Lustre Black Peau di Sole and Satin Duchi is, every yard warranted to wear, ?nd wortb H.2S a yard. Si - lal for Monday, SS colored i>iti:ss t.oons. tf-INCH FRENCH NOVELTY BUTT i.\<;. ?tripes, Bayader . and qulsltely colored, $2.w value; th? yard, ?i K tt-INCH DOUBLE-HEAVT ENOLISH P< PLIN8, for bridal, street, and re ceptlon, pearl and staple colors, fLlt ; th? j ard, at*c. 16-INCH WHIPCORD AND VENE TIAN CLOTHS, elegant tailor effi valu,., at, S 'H COVERT AND VENETIAN CLOTHS, tac, blue, garnet, gray, and brown, full cloth finished, vain ILS, t s.-, ?/?-INCH SOFT-FINISHED WHIP ' 0RD8, all .-;?. Bonable colors, one <?f th? elegant productions; SPECIAL, v:> . ?I SCto HENRIETTAS and FRENCH) SERGES, ?olid <-"l "i-, all new sh . 38 , \i , .-.??, ; INCH ENOLISH "SUITING, pure? Knickerbock? r styles, t iilor and golf aervloe, wortl .-.?> IMPORTED FANCY DRESS EFFECTS, Woi i snd Wo 'i snd Siik Mixture?, grand variety colors and combination?, . I 76c. valu S: "IAL PRICE .-?? I'? INCH PURE-WOOL AND RAW SILK MIXED DOUBLE-WEIGHT CHEVIOTS, adapted for atreel and t? ii-'i eull s, the ! ? it? value "f the ? THE VA HI?. _:ic. JO-INCH WOOL-FACED BROCADE8, finished equal t?. 60c. grade, In :i h eol snd designs. Special prices, the yard, it and ISc. 30-1N?'-)! PURE-WOOL GERMAN i ! AID, for : hool and children', a rich ' . the rard, 88c, PLAID AM> FANCY EFFECTS Spe cial wool effects for Mis ?< - and chll dren, worth 17c, at i- i-_?-. MMVt.S. AU Colora and Black Dressmakers' Cam * . 6c. irra?1" ,- i .'! 7-Nr. Black and Colora 10c, Canvas?:-, to-day B T-Sa i:?-, l'.ni'v sih sins. Mack-back, to-day, i_ t.*fc ise. Black-Back Fancy BUeelss a1 lOo. . Black French Haircloth a? i_ i-_? 60c. Fancy Batines, for waists and skirts. .17 l-Sc. *?".< . color.-.i Moreen Skirting, it?c 85c Nearsllk, for tailor linings, SBc. -'" . Btlk-Klnlshed French Satin,-, I7c. M) 1 IO"\S. tnAsatnictible Coral _ace-plns, 8a each, ~~ . do Pi arl Lace-Pins, io?.-. dosen. Non-Twisting Tape, to. bunch. v plaid Garter Web, Be. yard, Y.'iv.-t (irii> Supporters, 10c, pair, t.'."? dozen 100-yard ?Spool Cotton, ioc. dozen. "1 Silk, ISC. dOBI :i. Blsck Unen Corset ibices. Be, dozen. and Eyei . Ic. card, ii ivy (-Hook Corsel Steels, :*.' . pair. Barbour'a Uni n Thread, Be. pool, '. man-Silver Thimble, in plush case, Be value, m Full place Fseth?wstlteh Braid, ic. bunch. uosiErtV. Ladies' FaSt-BlB?Ck )l?i:-e, with Double i-,< i is, sol? s, and toes, for i'_ l-__ pair. Lidled Faet-Blaek and Tan Hose, Kc. pair. . Children'?1 l-'ast Hlac? Ribbed Hose, dou ble knees, heels, and toes, for i- l-Sc, pair. Ladles' Black Wool Hose, IS l-Je. pair. Infants' Whits or Black Wool lioso, too, pair. MEN'S KlltNlsillVt.s. H ,1.,-/, ,i m< B'a Fine Muslin Night Shirts, colored embroidered fronts, sill, stitch? Ing on collar and waistbands, ' -' Inches cut full in body, actual value Sic., for :i~ i-i?c. Ifen'a ?Heavy Woven Cheviot Working Shirts, > "Ko beck und collar band, fall length, full siz?-, treat aasortm? nt of put rna, Incladlng ?Mack, 60c. value, tor .-7c. Men'a I'uiiS.z? Ri i Bandanna Hand k. rchii f?, .".- valus, for - l?_a l?>i dosen Men'a import? d Tan and Black Box. wai rant? i faat i oloi . double hi. is and lot ?. pei fi My : ? ami aa, lie value, for I- 1 -'' Men'a Tan and Gray Mixed Sox. 8c value, for ? ? -? ' Men's Eleece-IJned Gloves, dogskin palm, with Astrachan back, for BSe. W ool Cardig ,.i Jackets, navy, blown, ami black, I- value, for Jl.fiO. Hill BB SSL-L l1 -.'.". and H.7I Beamlees Hair-Brushes, su sSc.; the b? n> 100 18 and 10c 7c; - ".-. Tu?' ? , nit? . d l?e Bone-Handl. H :,",-h, ?. :t:r ?- I ? lexlon, 48c.| W and 73c. Cloth in..,, Sao, row ni:u s\i ?.. i. ,v Galk t's \ ei.? t< ?". I? . Gslle (i*reres' ?id? , Levy'?, 88c: Hunter's, Hie ; Goal irai f ISO.! I ?akley Viol? t, IB ; B Se. ; Fels'a ae. t.? ^. III i:ili:U i.milis. 9-qusrl Eountsln Byrtnce, -me.; (-Pteee Hulb SyriiiK*. Ate.; Nasal Atomizers, _:. -.'.-?juaii Hot-Wster Bottle, B*ftc.; l-qnart, SS MIU* S I i.e. c.ei: Freief' Violette, IBc.: Roger a l.ilae and Violette, -o . pHcki ? 'i ai 18a.; C ?hrn? re Boo? ,,,,. i is ., Camena Bosquet ISc; l^.uK r.?ir Glyoerlne, ?< .. or:it?. '- " . \> ?land Famou Palm, ? ? ?k?-; i> I'uim, _? cake., or _?)< ?i??/.? ? ,. n Palm, Tc ?i ' cake; the ? ? : ?c Bosp in this sals, 8c. .-ate. ft*9*!** OT^^4f4f'Tm ?wrrs w ^?^mL* orr. we ^?lia^^aWt? "everything for everybody A Mammoth Purchase of Women's Suits. The entire stock of HIGH=GRADE SUITS from the best man ufacturers in the land. The most marvellous opportunity. Fash ionable Costumes bought at virtually next-to-nothing prices. We give below some samples. Others here await your comino; : On Sale To-Morrow?A handsome lot of Ladies' iMan Tailored Suits? only one, two ?and three of a kind. The lot in cludes Cheviots, Serse, ?Coverts, Ac, in Brown, Bine, (?ray. Black and Mixtures, all Silk-lined jackets, dart sleeves, and -per caline-lined skirts. Yours without al teration for. ^o? uiiu ii*_ i - $5.98 S ??; fl n< \* ii? Ladies' Seal Plush Capes. Seal Plush Capes, a very extra quali ty, new fall ion that has ?been sell iiifi rapidlv &t $'*, Is DOW included i n this special sale for $1.79. Handsome Plush and Velour Capes, in both lengths?silk linings, fnr edge, large storm collars, many different patterns of fall bra-ding in ?_[ fifi soutache and j?et.. . *4> ?>"v> Ladies' Waists. Plain Black Brtliianiine Shirt waists, very* fine quality, yoke and full fronts, plaited back, d?tachai le collar, Cl QC with patent ? !. sp... -*pl?*fJ Black Taffeta SUM Waists, !? || quality, l>,;,s <>r straight tucked front, tucked rollar, ?material would vo-.t you the the pri< e of our ready-made CiA Q? \i>??iii mu 6.i Mast?n Gflrw-M to 1m- ?-Ium-iI ??III. till ?.X i t It lll.l.t?! Jllkl-., ???iinliri?- in!? I ri in mid rul ii ?in? Yiti-lh I,?? Dial? I'??-., m :i ii v hoiiIi ?SSe? all ut ?>??? i?riri-, ", :?-. J. Ii ti si el All-Wool Black and Blue ei"ge Tailor Suits?made y the best -manufacturer, in the are skirt and fly front jacket, otch collar, notch Eckels with As,. r>w special at.... $8-50 Ladies' Jackets. Lij;ht Tan Ker sey C'liih Fly front Jackets, witli extra fine tailoring, strap s.-ams, als?) strap dsrts in sleet i - l';is i-very ap pearanceof a $i ', Wrap. Hurry for vour choi?'?; at $7.50. Black Kaisey and Boucle Cloth -ckets, some -with entire satin oing, double-breast?! ?I. button ?mined and fly fronts, ?dart leeves?watch pock- <_.*-* rtft ts, ko. P'W ?Ladies' Skirts. Seven Gored Plain Bl ick snd Navy Serge Skii pot lio?- lining and veh et( - o bound . -. Navy and Black Serfs Skirts, with saUn band trim ?JV ti i in?), circular * f SB 1 - ?. ? yira per- .i ?V*. I i ni' I in inij. plaited ;;;,;.k'.!.1'.' '$4.00 ___ $1.39 'tr-t Very Elegant Tan Suits, in Venetian cloth,three-button cutaways and doul)le-hreast?-d "Is, entire suit with cerise taffeta lining, plain or straight skirts. The price is. $20 Ladies' Wrappers. Navy and (iarnet Percale Wrappers. with ?belts and f u 1 1 gathered fronts, also ex tra wide (-Q skirts.. ??WWe riannelletteNVrap i'ers, for mourn ing purposes, in many flowered and striped tt2i patterns: B lack and White. $ Children's Jackets. Children's School Reefer Jack ets, double-bresated, with orna mental medallion buttons, all colors. The prie?? tTt* **a(? Children's Swell Jackets, fall WC-ight, rough and plain cloth, with Bnglish ?belt tt^^h ~e back, large collars.? tyAxrois? Children s Extia Rite Jackets, in attractive mixtures, large solid colored applied ??*_* f\f\ collars.pretty buttons ?P^.vFvF' ?Elegant Brocaded Cre, in plaid and flowered pat terns, rich and charming-? to be worn with lines! salin Ik waists ml satin ahm t?f\ ?orice, M>e ?kjoj Meyer's artment ALL HATS TRIMMED FREE. (t^jL^^W** $1.00 Children's Hats. Those nrc our hobby, aullare mar vels of beauti Forsucli n low price, and reall] woniil '?< cheap ordinarily at 1.7o or si?. n_aar_ae*'_' 8-Ulincry 1 lCVci S Department. $2.00 Ladies' Trimmed Hats. Man) of these were soldearlj In the season .*t 03?_>O und _i We have too many Trimmed lints, and to unioui now is our salvation, M ___?_ ? ??.'r* Mt?linerj Meyer S Department. 15c. Aiiout *_.">(> mid and end Hats, former price 80 to i?sr. J leyer S Department ALL HATS TRIMMED FREE. 25c. A thoroughly Hat line of new tliin?^ in children's lain o' Khanters, Home beauties ai i hat price. 'VI ,r._r?i ??>--. Milllnerj iVleyer S Department, 75c. Rough Riders, Alpines, Round Hats, aij ih'W ai ?>n>' uniform price; former price ?>-Se. to 91.50. 7\/I ^m,i^*+ii? Millinery iWeyer S Department. $10.00. Choice ??I FINEST PATTEWN9; coal not taken info consideration .Many of them were __0 ami . * ?_."?. ] iej er b ?Department. .. i i nl'l? Vlt'l'MI.N I i>a.\i'i-:itii-:s \\n .?::< on \ 11\ i; V r.iinr-iiii il- >? ?. *M.M iMiviv ami ? i:\'> \\i:.n Thi. ? ?if tin whole Ladtae who formerly or ?ii Ni m I in?, ih. ir waou With a \ : ng < ?.. ! > !" ' wonderful ?-M.ortni.nt, thei ii "t Sale" this w lt meani lut. < prli Th ?f Infanta 1 uot Imp irted Bilk Cape, u. red, tu it with doubl? : ? III? V. Ith silifli- 1 il pompon. i .-.?? i orara I >i SO Cap? ."><>,?. for Ihe Un? st ii t of Silk < ? - i i. ' ! md Embroidered ?Cap iull nel ruchli ?SSe. i? t II Crochet? _ R IB ucs, wit h *K I overcast with silk and riL>l?"ii trim med; 1-it i'-' i" K Shoes, in Chocolate and Blaok. at SOc.: us?-, for Childi Cl? ika, made of Eiderdown, In I color?; IS 1 Infants' I Cambric Bltpe; ?BBc for infants' ?Short trnold' AU-W....1 _ -, ?BSC A h to ? Ai n?<l(l's ?' d mother, A lii ortment of Whitney Qo-Carta and frfy?rr OT^OAAf/j^ tmert _ neyfs err*. I tm^tm^e^?uiwti ' * un I?? . ? i irth Re? Cui ' ' 6 ro : 11 '"' -.u ft H I rolls Extra-Heavy -' " -Au'".... '" grain < 21 i. ' 7 rolle All Vft ?I ? PU ' Brain ?Can ' M> "I \ ? I IM II rol i :: " * -M 'tin?T' .-:. , M '??da l" "'" i roll woi - 1T'- ?. e ?rth 60c., . :.:i noon ou.-t-i.oTit?. Floor O , v ! .u ?.re yard. \\ IMlll'A s|| IP!"?. 700 I.'n.'t? Wim : "" ,1 spring rotier?, wit!? all ??uurrs, . : ?r? :i?i Mm -rii>i.?a Kuk?. w??Uli M. price a.m ; , . . M ?Scotch Rua?, *x71 Inches, rr!:.. \v.?rth 41. i?ri?? flOc. (/f^anote ar^^rt? itt-wn n? rut??4L erre. TI l : * _. h m "i li? r< Sl'l< Ti ; ' ' - ' . . :' :.. ! >? . yard. Bilk " '' yarii. ' for | full wide, I!.*??? y?tal. er, tonne, brigh Th.- I Draper) ..::: : .1 lengths, 2 t, i yard . .*? i _ . all the D IS !-_ . I \? i; ? ? RTAIS1 ISO I'oitniiu I, 'J'., who have t i n -??up plylng os un- ?greatly elated at tn. .! .?. believe ire, if any? I totter t?i ni.u.v instances thar. of the form? F ' 'urtalna wide, I ?ii'.?. i la? ? : ! i Width, iltl ?*iO l air. J\. Curtain?, i yard! long, h.? ivy worked In?r?!? r, llgured '-' IM \> i!r. N. Ulna '<" ' tin.-?, fi ??tiff-rent m y, o<> inch? . --. $_: ?SB [ |_r, (tJ^fom o-rT^^nr mvmi c *? Q m muo w$e 4 \M^e^J?Ut9?e Six Great Tailor Shops who were anxious to start the making spring suits, but wen- hampered through room and lack ot cash, have closed Oui cash their entire surplus stock, and assured they made such a ? ? ? .? ?r, prices that we are now enabled to inaogi of our great ?SfOCial s.-il- - ni Rnv?' Cloth i no*. eJ * $1.48 Loi i ?comprises more thai Weol Cheviots, ?lark, navy - Tn.ili'.un- olor niixt'.ii? lh!e lar?--?- taoortment, . U).$ !,s , Lot 4 at. t;! "'" These comprise about 11 atyh an.i all ?better than ordinary vt i. hat Suit.- of Pint ai M i? - .. itur? s. with : lining, and made up aa well m ?suits I y in tin- land. Cholo? ;it.... $4.50 i.ot 6 at.9B ?iolt Lot " Butts tit ?t usos . .- .tin i.,? Inga an i fancy n : Tl <__IA _"_l\ <Jji\Jm\P\J . Tan T?-" : Utile tut [be all In gr? *** -'' various assort? i_C ?__"_ menta, they CJ/O ^-l" to. K.-mlv-Muil?- Mieel?.. IMIlo.v- ?? ml I toletee ?une?. i?t i??mm i??nn ?-??st all in:tt-i-ial alMWllflNi . noi a. r , teee for 10 :. a |-yan tor ?SBc. ? a? h, Extra i ' inches, tor N rjiOT M VDE C WISE), ?.' and 16c. vain.-, for to? I . i?> ? nil Doub e-Bed fi Sheets, 2 l-l yarda long, ' *?" Extra I'm and li? 7.? \ woitii \iiot T ?TLASMBI * - \\ bort m Very Fine Flannel at a very low All m White ?Plann? i. - " rrould be cb? ap a! Will',? U .. ?; l'ial s il 10, for I???'. Bailar? - ? Y Wool Kl.i: 1..I, , i?' ir.l. All-Woo! R?-d M? ' i ?Flannel, He. valui ; r 109 ?8c. : ud :. .. i Canton ?Flannel, for - 7-.->". yard. I i Yard-Wldi l'nbleuched J? ,i. for ?I 7-s . yard. Dark Plaid ?and Strip? ?u?ting, tor 91-a ard. > : lied . Cotton _. 7- _ -Taffeta On . ! ilda and atrip? H ' N ?SO-ii i .? . ird. .. : *> t.i. ']'?.. ard. tlu? foi '-*> > ird i Satin 1 . due, for ." Pure Lti - i. -. -Lin? ?i Napkins, variety of pat! value, t"??r $i.:m? ?lo/., n. for yd dot ilu?. ' .?.h. Linen Irish II..? i- i i S .im : ? I Tow? wan.ill! 10 4.")-in li ?Pillow Lin? ii. _: 21-2-yai ??:? ard. ; out, for TSc. y iri .i i : w I IKY. 5 Large Sterling a t l jack? - "> R 1 'li" i l?i -ran ?mu \ 11 m i wvu i ?re-cic, Th? !-'i, ' t.? found i.o\?; ii h rrouM. -1*. i Lu <-_..*il>. l I B roil. Mtl.: 11>. I -.?? r -.'? 1 li i :?.-, - -1.ii.". -, A .,i? I 1 .n ! ._! - 2 . I'll !i ; ,? pH :ii? Mi:" ??? I _ BO Mints u> : |S, \? iv ?!iJ|>iik-iii <?i :i,ikNi roll- of r.iili-Uotiui tin,I I'mih r?. .-il? i??-?ii> tmimto, i?j I?? >?>)<i t<ir .: ,. >i?r?l. .'..? , : 11, I I.I..I1, - -, I tt> tlllmn 7 roll In Ingrain ?Pap all a in, MIT ?.ooiis. lrt?h pota! -Scarfs, fancy open a Itsi i. i p Irl?h I' ? ii 7r. ?,,ur 11 ii . M II pi? ? as,. iims. I ' v ! - 5 St.un?...I . i lall ?I. ((**f?m oT-?^n? --.o?? pr m ? J^ art. ic i r ' i: II I . y>\. rS R *i_ > i ? ,3 y, ){) . all -u y 11 $1.48. . $5.00 $7.jl) BASE.MR.VT noi i?i ' lain ,?? 1 , 1 "il , 1 I i , $15. : ? rs ? 1 11. .'. ,a, 1 . ? 1 0 BS I - ' 1 Nail Polish? ':? : . i ? I a ! . ' 1,1 Ml i ; 1?. rii.' 1. 1.-. - h I.I. \SN\\ V! ' ' - i ' ' - Cut-Bo ? ' ' I ' ? ? ? : : 1 ? ' 1 1 l BPfl 1 Mi I IBI 1 _.', ; ' ? * .- Ill J IRDmt.ltF.**? \\i) 1*1 :n! - l ' ' * ? ? ' .1 ? I. I \ 'I' SI?. 1 ? ? uitMii. t\n 1 i '*-'. ? I - I. . -. su \ i:i<>\ .,11 H g ? i 1 1 BHV. White ?Hon. I - I I K.?r>< I? 1 'am. or '?sa a?a*t**s ?r ?i?