Newspaper Page Text
?9_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. NOVKMBERJiLJSt.. DANVILLE DISTRICT. DrMOmtTK iti;,iau in?; OVUM iiti Kkmii*. or n i:-n AV9 H B-CTIOB. BUDGET OP HEWS AND GOSSIP. A Mooashlnrr Inform? r <?? II?- Trie! Jndir? Pawl's UnnUrnpti-y Arr?.nj-c suenta Fn?Mnm?l>l?* Wedding ? An Inrilgiinnt Coutn-Uin;-.? I'rrsonnls. dan*-,ii.i.k. va.. November I..--(Spe cial > ?"??mocraMc Jubilad?.n ??v? r the ?I. OlslT? victory In the Fifth !>! tri? t is c > . with ihe ransral \ folioxeA th?*- ?Ulis th: tb*> Sti ta If the -food p< op r Ninih ?and T nth ? proud of havii. i . m's Hdhe Unta are at leas! pleased to bata to* j i this ... til? t from the doubtful column; f ?r the IM? majority "f the Demo ? Lilly th?? remi.rkabl? gains In the v. . .tie-. Is tahen to mean a i? rms-osnt changa or i ?o?i? The Id. t ol Henry county giving a ! ?orlty, txttt Fair; ;. votes, eon ?ba a effect on Um mind of i ' : only with t rhunt roduc? ?'. ?by the aa* noun .i i Reiiu! .or tha Mains I?csis lature a Democratic NO conti:.- f ILA. Next to the f.'iet Of 1 pr.rtlcu?st y : I of 1 to Mr. Il I bo ilrit the prot-^rtlonv- 0? bis m.; ?:.'> Will i a content <>n th?? part Of h.s lata rlv il- :i aovelty that will ?be all tha mora enjoyed !>> Mr. ?Swan of the r four **< have been bur lei bllcai .... . ijorlty at three prsvloua i R-BVJBNUH Ci The semi r -Call t? nn of tha : lurt for t i .... ?al*, win comm? nu a h? : on y. A larj-e docket, made up prtn-i pj.lly of i- will keep 1 irt In c? s ?? .n nearly ?. e t y : ijiiit < i t. ?i oounty. ! rt. who I? . b ? n in tha < mploy? f the 1 In tbo ca? if u I t the O?* :<>!.. r t- : rn of I .ml carp lag ? led a .. in III Id! ol one Tl i jury i. i ?it thla a tha rnaaner ol laaduct <.f one of its flourishing Indus? hat !.?? v.a.ui'. ?no! Immediately thsr? nol? et a m Met mor-? ? Dehart, who re ? i tl> :?.; ; '. . ?r a writ i f with a view to :?? jU'icrc Paul'a court. The writ w a will bo arsuod bofora his Honor soak. bankrui snucra Paranant to the ] tha 1 un order arrans-lng th cltb .; and ?jo-unties of thla Federal Judicial District - ?ns and <lis'i; Ions?vis.: I i Division, Lynchburg Division, Dam? till? i don l'iv. :i bo divisions an '. ? I? ?lad as itch there are h? vem? n. Danville ?Dhrii Ion th.- Fi nth and Twelfth dl trleta. Tha ?.nvlll. and tha counties of Irania, H ttfax, ?sad i ?hartotta con- j Btitiuo tho Blevsntb District, ami in ?the J ' Twelfth are -aompriasd tha counties of ! ?Ben/y, Patriok, and Lfiaa-tlta. All psti- | i I ::i; I y from the ;.': iva and counties will be died with ?tha <'l?rk > of the- Fei.r-il Court at Danville. The order forth? provides for ?the tip-, " polntmsnt of refer* a in bankruptcy (or I' iiie aararal dlatriota. Wot tu. Blsvsnth|h ; William D. Coicman, of thla . ;| rilty, i? appointed, end for ?tha Terelf th I d Mr. j_ s. labomas, of MartlnsvUls. ' foi ntod f? t two jraa? . and I ' must qualify i??r tha dlaoharsa of t uutlcs in thirty ?Jays. cm cooNciu * Several ?nota in the i I , POBBSI of tho city < OUncll have just oc aurred. At Tuesday's meeting C? Janu-? M. Need, as-] . ?sad Mr, H. it. Mill? r. a I? Bieotcd to lil! v.. Lb. ?roalsaatlon of Messi i. W, T. Bwsnn and 1). J. Holcombe. At Tuesday's s Ing, a?ao, Mr. Charlea L_ Holland, PrsM? flcnt -ff ths body ?until recently, ?resisned. Cilroumstsnces under whioh .Mr. Holland r? - i lu?] bave been ?the subject ol ?pderable comment. Briefly al are aa follows! ?For a nuaabsr of * It has ?been ths custom ?of tha Co-uaell, in filling vacnndi , to elect whomsoovsr should be rsoOSUB- i:.l??l and nominal- 1 by the MiSalnlng membera from the I . :. (?n ruesday Mr. Rolland, after ralaly asking i postponement ot an election, ??nob v.a> itated by m< ; m Other . ii"minated Captain John ?'?. i'uv |liK!??n, Who waa the Utianiin? j; the members from hi.-* (tho Third) Sard, Colonel IS >] vas placed in nonii nntton by a member from tha First Ward and sleeted by a vote of aovan to lour. Mi. Holland immediately resigned, BtSting Ghat tha ignoring of tho established !??m in hi . ?""! M i? ) rl II t \r that furthir aervtee la the body would! i be Inconslst? nt with hi Mol?an?! bad i--t\?d In the Council since lv?(t. Hi.- r has ? BU8INBS8 ASSOCIAI i Tho Danvilla Tobaoco AM ition and ?ho Business-Men's Association liirced to set J.-intiy In r m welfare of the ooanmunlty. This mn? inal i.i?r. ? in- it ama I boui by a maoch of I tor With ill? ? \ . Ill whi? : ?ordbly pointed out the Im] irtani _Ma city's ar>;e export to! The nil i s ?on for ! ' king to !?o mai _ Isa <?' :..l Will b l.lit . 1 a ta? if this m. : i.? for i .- ?it- . 'i pa 'or Hi , hundred i o inda for ?.' i(i:i/?.i? I ! i Uon 'i'?liS ,,r "' ' Ri Y. .!. o 1 ret? ihm? h, will g titty likely i ? I , ,,..,, I ?rlth ti. s -mit o. Ule serving a >r*V ?un y?y,,. .,,,, .-,?, v....-. t <-ongi -?'iitlon. A feature of the aork thin winter will be a He lia of un?leiujtrJnatloiial midweek P.lbi?; ?lure? 1 > the H"V. I Cleveland Hal], : the Ohurck of the F.pipheny. \Y KIM UNO ?l w*"k will l?e M M irj ? Piiilali ?a ? ? Mr. J.iii,' .*? n Slaughter, at the Flint ehnrch, on W?-dnesdsy st high .. in. The bl ll admittedly on? f thS I. illy b.autitul; RBiBCB of K? dtp. TUP. IW\. UII.I.I1M M. CABKI.L. In? I : ?! Hi.? of it PUllnuiiUli. ,1 In??,} er III? I'nllirlle Death. Bdltor 61 iteh: WlthlB the last tow ?lays there BBS Ol the most brilliant i. ;i that Virginia i-v? r produced ?the (OB. \Y illiam M. CahelL Bis last up? In I'lil'li?- life was BS a m.-mbor Legislature from Buckingham IBS Hrst l-efc-lslatiir,? ,-?ri, ar. under tha reatoretl goveramant ?<f I took rank with ?ii'-li loba p. Baldwin, A, to. n. Btnari Joynea Bines thoA IMstt he i li Ll no publie jioalti'in. but hail : ?ns professloa au?3?*-esafully in ?m snd the surrounilint- ?conn? i ti :? or lift "n j ' ara i liii'l !.? ( 11 I?.!'!, hilt With Bg irl il i?'- atuck to bis profession, and erar km w William Cabell to tail dp whea his oaas was Bailed for rial, and when the trees a btsjp i ; . v?r had causs for boasting. *he writer of this, who i>- ?- :. n ths praetlea I law in Bucklngbsta In 99% know tai i "isonally from that time to the h and long bef??re that he SO? <'f his brllllanl reputation as a law? er and publl Like nan) other rssllp able men, h? u ,i nasa at tha strongest likes sad ir ii- loved, he l'.ve?! with ail la heart; whilst if he dle?ked any on?;, lint , irsoa could not fail to know and eel It. Yet. bo it paid to his credit lhat the kindest man to young pTBCtl? ?i the falrsal prsetttloner him? elf, both With friend and foe, that 1 ret knew at tha bar. Bs seoraod to . advantage ??f the inexperience he Ign?ranos, or the inndvertenc? of an It, but wli.-n ones thai atitn?ioni:.t Iy on his feet, he was a veritable . DbU of the bar, and the clial Bt forth: "Now, (?allant Saxon, old thins own." He had the most perfect command of i Bgllsh toni-uo of any man I nave rer known. He had, in ad.iitlon, the dtp of aondsneatlon, an?i the rful gift Of selecting a few wcll :i words, infusing into them Pie ,i ! distill of sareaaai und . snd then hurling them ut ar. with all ' V of an in ! ftBOt. John Randolph of BOB? lOks was not his superior In this wondor ul art. Many Of ihe lawyers and other citlz -ns ?- non api "' ht i of his dallveri .1 ..'. ? ,?-i i. ?r. .a tli< ti? v? rl?a im. On one ocasi?n a friend Bald to !i. i bees not beard you . njrthlng lately against Mr. A?" (a nan ton : a whom be entertained a dlsllks), and hs qalokly repttod: \\'< '.], sir, 1 h:.\- ?I on bin the English vocabulary, and I speak no other The truth was he had for :?\?ii Mr, a?, and forgotten the old | ? v r 1" ut In hu r? breast than his. He freely to very pood CBUSS, Bud the poor and t'n ortunate never turned empty handed run Bis dOOf. His piercing dark eye, ?.Inch In the heat of debate bUrnSd with if gsnlua, always besmed soitly ipon th pincbed featurss of p?.verty and M.l ?i ?" ? t "i" B01TOW and woe, and 0 his great honor bs it suid. ho will be t and most lovingly remembered Widow an?! the orphan, the poor ,i?i the unfortunate. He wan my Ufa Bag friend, ami I loved liim as such, but BB be was my friend I do not mean ' ?i him as perfeot. He nad his - and his faults. In other words?, . was hnman. Who of ns has th.'tn not? lis virtues f\ave faintly depleted, 'they h BS must win for any man a ram Spot In the hearts of his fellowa 1 Mi. Cabell'S ?vnitemporaii s at srera Starting ?Clalborna, Willis P. ; :, Thomas S. Booook, Joseph K. i- . PI? rl COghlll, and RobSrt YYhi;.' ' ?. tbe last of whom Is rtlll Hiring in n honon ?i old sga? and all of whom arara latingulabed lawyers and worthy of Vir Inla in her palmleai day?*; and he wus a nati h for any Of thi m OB any arena. Tlr Id lawyer died with tho harness on? hough largsly arar IS year? of a:te, bs :-. in. .-? tt.iiilanee upon the Circuit ?'oiirt i' Buckingham, snd died anddenly in hi? t>om on the <ia>- tha aourt adjoareed, cf r having ably re presan ted his clients in that ha had. By his kindly ln Itstton tl-..- writer ??pent the night before " nt :?t his boapltahla home, and the next lorn ng was taken by him in hi? earrl igs v, r ta the ('?ui-t-hous.i to hold lila lirai irm in that county, whoro he had begun he preetloa Of 11 ? -* law as a youth; and n tho Way Mi'. Cabell was full of re . and entertained him with an itoount < !' his early struggles la Ufa. He ras a rerp poor young man. and won his ray to eminence and a competency by an i of the mo.-t lnil.'initable energy nd constant Industry. At the beginning of the civil war he paa already a distinguished lawyer in nil praetlce, and yet at the call of his *tato ho entered ths Confed?rate army IS B private hi the ranks, and of all his SSt he was pioudest of this service, and ipoke often,st of it. On the day that Sdjourned he did not come orot i?. i??- eourt-houae, having basa hurt by a Bg to his room in tHo the nlghl hi fore, and the srtiti r .v, m over to ass his old ?friend and bid um farewell. Ths old man wu?. lying In !. the classic fare but little marred ij th,- ruthless hand of tin?", but bruised iy ths fall, tlistimi-iy outlined again- t he whiteness ?.f his pillow. "His <-y? van not dim," but as he conversed with no scintilla'.?d with lia old-time rue. i osa, and, abaklng ins band for ths last ?nn, left him with his kindly words of otnmendatlon still falling on my ear as nd In I no bourn there? ifter be i He ale rlshed to ?lie a.* his fsther had died, and o h-- ?lid?silently, quietly, suddenly, end Iy without a struggle. A i..'"tins the writer thai when found one i" . ' i most naturally tl ?f hlfl fSOB and a siiu'ly t,ur gllstsned ipon th? heek Oh! ns,,- tear upon the tace of the old aan. win? had died aitb no r-tsndly hand tear to wipe It awaj : what t tell if it could sp ak. There, as it glls? enod ????me on the *Ato of thi rould it tell of some romanes hidden En depths of those long gono panel1 !"i.? iv. as it rested on the Cheek of thre. l-ten, ?rould it tell of some child? >w?of the mejnory of a mother i to bar rest? Would it t?-u of epentanoa and blessed forgtveneag in hit seat, lonely moment an earthl say? Aijd what would *,<,?* not .? !.. in- al?le tr> ri ad the Story hidden a the crystal deptha <?f that solitary ear as It lay on the cheek of the old ii mank ?i about twsntj go a most winning and socompllahed ? .iy. M;- ? Bldrtdge, a daughter r the old Clerk, Mr. ?Robert Bldrtdge, of lucktnghsm, umi they were a most da? up!?-. She was not pieSI tit to OOths hit last monii-iits. but one of his l.i Confederate OOBUadea und friendl ras tin-re? in time to wipe away that last P- tO I ll.'S. OBORQB J. HPNDI.EY. Old Paper? for Sale t tho Dispatch ot'iee. lie. pet mindrrd. Needless Headaches Foul atoaaaetl and fermenting food I ni'?st headaches. Tirraoi's lllcrvcscent Seltzer Apericol cleanses, sweetens, stri-:j?.',tlien3 the stomach. lTM it aud make hrad?tck? impassible. Kn dor-?-U by physician, for 50 years. 50c. and $1. sKr;r/i:i. ?TIGERS DEFEAT YALE i DITTKRI.Y OOJ|-ra_?pa CAMK, BIT IN1tTI1K*(TOHY. 'HE SCORE SIX TO KOTHIRG. ilmnst i. H?-i> -tin???? ?>f tlie (?nine at ? iiii.hrl.li_c on tho ."Hi 1'iiniMlii?. a I'l-nturf I'uf Mnkn a Drllllant Pun. PLINCFTON. K. -I. November 12.-Th" 'riaeetoa Usara defeated the sons of Id Ell on Urokaw Field thla afternoon. >y a score of C to 0. While It was one Otf} he most bitterly contested games ewr vltnossed on a foot-ball field, It wan Blao me of the most unsatisfactory, not alone o the Yule team and th??r pupport rs. but also to the wearers of the irnnge and black, and those who cheered liem on to victory. The solitary touch lown was Banda on a miserable fumble y R?sht?Half?Baek Beajanatn, when the iall was within Bftaaa yarda of Princ. on's goal. The ball had been oarrled down the leid by the- Yale team by .?uur-ly j.lunp.e. nto the Princeton line, failed by an ?ccasion end run, until it lay between ?rlii.c-ton's ?!0 and 2.7-yard lines. 'in earns lined up, anil De Saillies aftnatled ?at Benjamin to go throush loft tackle, i position In Princeton's ?Une which was .wfulty Break. The ball was pai {??njamln dtVOd Into tha mass of human lesh. A second later the ball was o roll clear of the bunch of playera ?in?l tdranee a few feet toward Prtnceton'a _oal line. A BBU-LIANT BUN. Qui.dl aa a flash, little POO, the Tigers' |Rht end, had gathered up th? pisskln, mil was sprinting down the Bold, wi.n 'hiinii-tir?n, st ?liman, and Benlamin in _Ot pursuit. The farther ba ?an the STSat? ?r was his lead, until, in less tim? than It takes to write It, ba had plant? <1 ih>* ?ball aquarely between the posts of the much-coveted goal of Tale, Whea Poo atartad ?m bla M yard run up the Bold the aeeaa which foiiowe.i baccara dsserlpthm. The entire atand Which surround? tha fi?-ld was one surg ing, yelling mass of humanity in an in stant. It was several minutes befara the Kam?? coul?! j.roce 1, 1 BfaBSB of tn? manner in WtUch the jubilant TLfOr sup porters crowded oa tho Sold. LIKE CAMHLIDGK CAM!'. To-day's gamo was almost a repetition of the gamo at Cambridge, la: t latnrd iy. between tho University of Pennsylvania md Harvard. In the latter game the W? aren of the red ?und blue gaimjd al moai three ttmea us mneb dlstsnca on hn--bu??king as ..!l?l their opponents, while Harvard scored on a fumble.. The i an ba <?d of to-day's ooateat. ?aie would carry the ball down the field to ward the Tigers' ?goal only to los? It on an ? sasperatlns fumble. The fame -Aas not what could be celled brilliant, BCientlflo foot-ball. At Haass both t.?am_ played a masterly gam??. Out at other times many of th*? players s?" in ed to have forgotten the first rudlmenta of the ?am?, and soma of their i would have pal to abaate the foot*b_>_l t.aiu of a ?preparatory school. Tin: inlvitabli: rUMBUB. Before Benjamin's d-sastrous fumiii?, Yale's play Jiad been fierce. After the touchdown the mea trow mora desperate in svery man there was that bull ilet.-rmlnation and grit that have won many a hard-fought game for the wear? ers of ?tha dark blue. Time and again they would rush the ball down the ?Sold toward the Tigers' goal, only to lose It ?m a fumble, on one occasion they CS?r rl?'l the? ball l?y plunges into the lino BOventy*ftve yard?, Anally losing it on a fumble within twenty yards of th? ?Prince ton goal. ' PU1NCETOX ON THE 1 ?H.'-M'NSIYE. Princeton was content to play on th defensiv- until about fifteen minutes 1 - fore the -am? was ..all.?!, and It looked as If thuy had bOOO Instructed on tlii-i point by their neacbas. For tho Princeton team the bright, SUrtlcalar stars were Palmer, Pee, IM Wsrds, Ayres, and Hihtehr.ind. while Durston, Townshcnd, Piowr., Ely, ?tad C_y did ?the best work lor Yale. ATTBMDAMCB LABOB Whea the tsama lined up, tho atten tante waa about h\9U with the adherents M priaoetoo naturally In the majority. There was no lack of Yale men and wo r.en, however, and they lifti.l u?,. th? ir Klees in encouragement ot their favorite* aboneros opportunity offered. ?OTHBB GAMES. Other foot-ball gam? s played to-day re sulted as followa: Harvard, 17; Jirown, 6. Petiusylvaiiia, M? Carlisle, ?5. Chi.ago Athletio Association, 5; Ali star Fleven, 0. chi?,u:o, 0; Wisconsin, 0. University of Michigan, 12; University .f Illinois, 5. University of Cincinnati, 67; Ohio Wes levan. 0. Cornell, 47; Lafayette, I Franklin aad Marahalli U; Baoknell, n. Eehigh, C; Annapolis, 0. -_.__. I'HilVI'.lllilTV AVOJf. Wiped Vnnalcrhllt Off the- (?rldiron at I.onlNville. .?OriSVIL?'.E. KV , November 12.-(Ppe Olal) lit a score, of IS to 0 eleven sturdy players from the University of Virginia ?Wiped Vanderbllt University off the grid Iron here this afternoon. The ?fama OTOt the most axdtlns a".i inter? .?-tin?- played In the Falls Cily this BOaaOB. Louisville society turned oal en mas-.? t?, nitnoas it. Fully MX* pe? as, a majority of whom were Vanderbllt ?sympathisera, were on band to sea tha Naahrlll iro down In defeat before the terrible Turks from the Old Dominion. Th llne.l up us follows; Virginia. Hon. Weight. W?iis .Let! i.i..yd .Left uckla.IM l?-i\is .1.? ft guard.17" rempleman .?Centra.? i .R! :iit ixtard.17. Jollier .Risbi tackle. iummersill .Right end.1SJ .hibley .-Quarter-bevel!. ?riffln .Right half-back.171 Socks .i _*"- f t balf?bech.MO Joieman .Full-back.PB Average weight, 1C?). .'anderbllt. lVsitlon. Weight. Viartln .LAI en?!.17.7 ?'ragwall .Left lackle.11] .rutchtield _l>-ft guard.__o ?Srown .Centre.171 lowell .Right guard.17". -onghurst .Right tinkle.If. "immons .Bight end.1 :.", 'onner .?..uarter-ba? k.IIS >v<? .Uight hall-back.|_| M_*artaa .Left half-back.ieo iurke .FuM-back.It. Average weight, 106. Virginia won the toss and to?.k th. veut? m goal. Templeman kicked off 25 -arda The ball was caught by Conner md returned 5 yards. Burke, for Vau lt rbllt. punted 2?'? vanls. Collier t. and running behind his Interference, ?allied ?10 ?yarda Vanderbllt lira???-?! up. md held th? ir o; ponents In their tracks. \t the third dowa ?""oilier caught the B.U, after a "beauty" snep-hack. and, ?edgins right and left, etoded Vander jlt's tackles until he had gained 30 yards. irlffln. wlio v,;.s playing right half In ?lace of Moore, was pushed over the line or a touch?!own after twelve minutes of lay. Templermin kicked a "beauty" goal, 'irglnla. 6; Vanderbllt, 0. ' ..niter, for Vanderbllt, kicked off SO .mis. The ball was caught by CoUter nd brought back 10 yards, aad by a tries of mass-plays the ball was forced o the centre o'f tho Held. It- was here hat Vanderbllt tried successfully a new rlok piny. The ball was passed to Hurke, rho pretended a kick. Dyer ran behind dm, and getting the bull after a pass @ Burks Matcniess bargain values.@ There-.; no juggling with words or fig-tiros-no check to the mighty out ' pouring of unparalleled bargains. Cash is king-prosperity thrives on it. Values quoted here ?ire real?not imaginary. -Millers and maiiutaelun-rs seeking ready money for the choice of their extensive overproductions bring forth extraordinary inducements to unload. One underprice marvel succeeds another. The purchasing power of cash is centred right here. I ,ie com bined concentrated force of six big concerns creates these phenomenal bar gain values. The store never offered such wonderful opportunities. standard, High-Class, Form-Fitting, Ready-to-Wear Garments were never placed on sale in the midst of a seasonable season at such extraordinarily small prices._ Men's Sack Suits, Three Seventy-Five. ^?3 mm m There's n?> liim Sam about j)/j?/r>ti-. e?e Three Seventy-five ^ wrMan's Back suits. They're excellent values for the man of toil. N?'.'it. tidy, eoatfortabla heavy-weight, staple patterns, ?strom-iy made. ?There's no Question about their Intrinsic wurth. Sizes 31 to 42, both inclusive. Men's Blue Cheviot Suits, Four Ninety-Eight. tt? M ?f>o Verp Bervleaable, Heavy 114 ^;r?)\vinter-\veii,'ht Blue Cheviot ?+. " ^^ Suits, for t.?- . tot only Pour Mnety-. |i i n-r-re are tailored in ?-' 00 fashion, from good cloth, thet will render |OOd .servie. . I.x-.? rl i'. ..I BbOppi : reeo^nize ?teriini? worth, pronounoe th. ni marvels of cheapness Men's Heavy Tweed Silts, Six Fifty. ft?. /- m i~\ K'rlctly Pure Wool Extra TKn.TTlH.-avy ?Double-Weight Wtii ^u oi,ter Tweed Suit?-, for men. rraly f**?*; Fifty. Conaervatlve pstterns? built in every way for f?oltd eervlcs? 'iteed in every way for genuine sat isfaction. Men's Stylish Snlls, Eight Fifty. er, C) m f\ Htvi? and fit in the make *K>4 Tllu;? of Clothing here le ?. 14/v^.v^v (.!;il ,,,H| ,,, srortb] of eoa itlon, when BUeb extremely low pri?es sre named -for euch excellently tall m?! enlta Tsmatcb th? < famoui Right? Fifty .Men'.*? Suits anywhere else l< Sll out ??f ??-i? *ti?in. Boys' Knee Pants, Seventeen Cents. g-f-y DurnMo Kii'? loi I I / ? in.-; 1 ftrom r In, Serviceable ??*- Twill,?' [ .?. - weii-ma?*?- Rnso-Psnts, niel a big bargain value for the .? evento.-n Cents. Heavy Winter Knee Pants, Twenty-Three Gents. "p " Extra Weight, Very li^r.M'* / "SC. Keee-Kani 1, tor 1 eye '1 sis? op -"v-*%" to .-lu,- to inclusiva Patent elas tic hands, riveted button*?, taped ?-?'am?, m?l hip pockets. Extraordinary worthier the Tw?-nty-thr?-e Cut*-. Cassimere to Pants, Forty-Eight Cents. m Q D'.ubioHeata, that extend fr.^m -f-tjC se 'in t" leant, fun double knee, taps' c' Bl ids, hiu t. riveted suspenders, and By but "ii1-. applied to y"i,\ Casuimerei and' tii-viot. cnoice Oeeigns. only Forty- i light Cents. ? Men's Choice Sack Soils, Nine Forty-Seven. (_> ?rv M mm Better roods for the same ,^M ?X- ? pilca here than other stores. **?*-*' Th.? ?same goods for a tower price than any other store, Examine th?> tailoring worth of these Nina l'..rty-sev?ti SUits ?BOW on sale. The substance of the matter la simply this: The goods are landed direct i'r.>m ?manufacturer. Job bi i- taney margins arc ?knocked out. Men's Fine Casslmere Salts, Ten Dollars. _,|/x f\?\ Hundreds of men that TK 111 IIII bithi rto ?paid exorbitant ?^iv.vv taii?.ring ?billa to maintain their dress aro wearing these famous Ten Dollar Caaalmere Buita "?? sale at this store. Th>? patt>?rns arc numerous; | varied, i m r<- s t.ut one dltTerence be tween them ?and what most men ?pay 115 ir at Other places, and that Just Blmpl) tho flvo dollars. Men's Finer Salts, Eleven Seventy-Five. <K|| mm am Hough- and -Smooth? .1>IL/T Faced Worateda, Che? ?4-1 a v^Ylota. and Casslmeres, of finer textures, trimmed in extraordinary tasnton. lauoreo m excellent manner. These are suits that no man would n? s? tate to wear, matters not what rank or ? lon-ect tit guaranteed. Altera tions tr.?e. Made ?rtgbi ?n the ?premises. Boys' Reefer and Double-Breasted Suits, Ninety-Eight Cents. f\C) riiMdren's ?Suite, In Btyliah M^S.T'. Reefer Jackets, to n^e H. end *-"-"**-' Piala Dpuble-Bressted to 18 made rood and strom??neat desifrns? ?serviceable material. Think of it?good wearlnir, Heavy-Weight Winter Suits for boys up to ago 15 for less than a dollar! Boys' Military and Army Suits, One Ninety-Eight. ?_ | {\a~~t Chlldren'B Army and Milt _M___Pc| tary ?Suits made In military ^ **r>**\ style tO size IS, With long pants and cap. The same pries stale ln ?ludea Reefer .cu?ts end others in sizes 1 good, staple patterns, with Ironclad, doubla seats and |{ <nees. Patent buttons everywhere, taped i . .earns. Regular Rough Klders. Men's Elegant Suits, Fifteen Dollars. rN g tar /\?TV ThS BSOSOB KObblOSt ||| *% III Novelties converted lut?? 4/s*-s.wr Fillll> g-ashlonsble Men's 'uits. The sctual saving la the i-v ?"llar Uns is actually about .?ne-rial!' ol rhat regular tailors charge Yor suits thai ire madsof bo better msterlsl, and the hances are not so accurate In fit. Men's Tan Top Coats, Four Eighty-Nine. Hc\g\ Baa the Wagt Window for * ?M Bargains. There's ,v-'*y ii.ivy business done on the ?'?uir BIghty-nIn? Top Coat, Everybody isya they're groat money value, and shot > rt rybody says must be so. Men's Short Box Coats, Six Thirty-Nine. rN g-* *~\ g\ gashlonable Box Overeosts , raO ST tot men, all - H Six 4/wiv-**-*- Thirty-nine. These are mov- i n',- fast, an?i the Quantity aill not likely i lo'.i out long. Bconomli il buyers pro ?ounce them a genuine barKain .?nap. I Men's Nobby Top Ccats, Seven Forty-Eight. ?N gm a (Q Style, w rkmanshlp, snd , %/|tlrl<:arr?cl tit, when linked with *wm v?r good i ! Bg fa era with tl . in the 1 i"n of :? Top Cost Boiling dosm ? -' of ilgh-grsde tailoring resulta m wonderful ? i ?it Seven Porty-e ght ? Joys' Yes'-ee, Reefer, and Doable Breasted Suits One Forty-Seven. rN g Mm Chlldren'a Suits, In !' ' rol.,4- / i *wmm piala Do ibl? Breasted to ' ige 16 madi from pretty, solid Nsvy-Blue , I'wiii"?! ? hevlof -properly tailored?cor- i act fitting, i tig bargain value tor ?-me rorty-sevi a. Boys' Well-Made Suits, Two Forty-Seven. < ? -* m mm Children's s. Ush * TtA *\ i Casslmere ? strong - tidy? r * brlgbt designa??double seats, ,, bal extend from aeem t" aeam felled ob , >v band el auapenders, fly . nd ski- button;. riveted taped i earn loubie knee?built t" at tnd *;i" kti"cks. Boy^' Wear-Resisting Suit?, Three Fifty. < ?* 'it fff/\ ' ?hlldn n'a Butta ? Double- ^ S % ^11 Weight Winter t'.i-? ?v-'?v-Tvr i oito ss rock -extra wide, T oubie seat ;in?i kn?-?'?\ and otherwise eon? a tru.'t'.i t.. rest?t the fellow Hint's tough s n > 1 thes Ite.-i.rr. sizes to-.-regular duu- n >ls-brenstsd to id. p Men's Winter Overcoats, Eight Eighty-Eight. ( ?.-.?-/v-, .,, r d( rt| overcoats. In med ? ell lin? rid well " V( j real ? ? t .-' ha 0 "I hers All I I . . . I?ht. Men's Fine Dress Ovccoats, Nine Seventy-Five. n f\ m? mw ?Setter < PaM / nistj i^s-rte v_f Btttni , ffered on aale at 'hi? or anj or the Nine Sev?Mit>-five, -fak ompar son that ?ring to bei . i? rit will t"U. Velu? i Men's Fashionable Overcoats, Twelve Fifty. f* I ~i W f\ I " ' hi A tII" 1/B__r ._F\_r v , , . landson ?rand valu? ? Men's Vtry Fine Overcoats Fourteen Seventy-Five, S ? m mm mm Vt H I 4 / . 9 *-**" ! !. . trb'tly Al In < mm? maths. Ouarenteed In _ flral -class _at. II give omplel Boys' Cassimere Silts, Two Seventy-Five. k ?. era ?** Child E . i,:\, rn- to II m stloii . hing llko Ta Bo ys' Dress Suits. Four Dollars. h .a /v/x K-??. III11 .'asstmen s snd v'v' | ini; all "f th? ire Includ? ?i i I Boys' Combination Suits, Five Dollars. _>5.00 i"if Cap ail to ?match, LI a m i?!.' : : ?m -oollena, On! - n?l r.?present all ? lerit, and ?good ?ser osslble to crowd Into I ? Burk & Company, g| ^_1003 EAST MAIN STREBT. _^By back, plunged through centre for H fi?- duplicated this performance by a tt-yatd run around right end. By rlea ?<f small galas ths ball was ad? ! to Virgin! 1*1 ?in?:, Yir- j pinia finally getting it on a down. TbS , half closed with the hill in Virginia's ?.H Vanderbilt's ?fa-yard Una s? "n- end of first half?Virginia, l? Van? d? rbllt, o. in ti.rond half VanderbUt kicked oft to Virgin! l'fl g-J aid line. The ball I k? it In t!" air by B Mlies of kirk?, without f-iin on either Sida The ball was , in th? middle of th<- field in Virginia's ; ion. Ifoora m ids a IS-yard run for a touchdown. The umpire olelmod that the tOUCbdOWB WBS BSadS by unfair t.i.ti. a. Th" ball vns .?--till in the ml I Bald in \ .. By a aeries of abort gains th?- ball waa token from tbe mid lie i f the n Id bj Virginia to \'aiiii,'i-i.?iit's 1-yard Una when af? went over f"r a touchdown. Templemao i goal. Beere Virginia, 12; Ven d? rbllt, " The l??iil w:i*s put In play a^aln. ami Virgin! t.? Vend? rbHt'a ?sVyard r tbea went sround the : . ?ni tor snother t.. i. hdos -.. Ti mpl? sgala kicked goal. . i>; Vsnderbllt, 0. 1*1 IIMvil \|- Ml III-,. llie ((??.-?linn ?if Their Origin?The Danish tasraefca. I ir M.iyiicw BaOOfl writes In th N< a York Evening i*ost: 1'i.rn a collection of literary ceramics ' wo m loci a dainty bit of Austin Doheoa'a I line porcelain. It is mould.d In the firm at p ballade, of which the it.-ru.nt last Uns ' dares tint 'The man who plants saMtagea Imitates, ion." Tears BgJQ an editoiial writer in on* of ! the (few \-?ik dallies plctarad a boy? n infancy upon an uninhabited i.-l.ind. Be Ki-w up with??ut humea companion-j ?hip, yet In his solitude, from a natural ind Inalienable instinct, as oba m d kite lme and ball-time, tops. BSOU, and mar sie-season, with punctilious axaetai ?nd even counted "Alna, malna, mona, ulk," without previous Instruction. BOflBS inch theory as this Basons necessary if ne would explnlr. th? pr. -, al-.-nce, of uyths und legends, that repeat them ? tvOB I i th?- folk-lore of peoples who lavs litt 1*- SBM in common. At th?? very outset of a comparative I itudy of folk-tale?, w ar.- net by cu?? licting theories. Tlu- fifSt is that a com non origin suppli?-.-? ths n?-?d? d ?xplanu ion; that our traditions, like ourselves, late back to one ancestry, In spite of th?? ipp..r. iitly lnsurmountabl?? obstad? s that .i. tli-in.*? ivi?. The other proport ion 1? that there 1k no suffi,i?iit evidence if such singleness of parentage as Is lalmed for all races of men. or. at least. hit such a racial relationship is too re imte to iidmlt the suggestion ?.f a unlver ul cult; but rather that the development ?f Intelligence In distinct groups of the lumun rue? results under similar oondl luiis and Intluvti-ee lu similar ideas. Something Uke thla was pointed out by the author of "The. Native Hell?lon_ of I Ifexlc > ?sad Peru." With an Indication ?>tr Imllarlty betwi ?ma of tha religious forma ??f early Asiatic and 4.f*i Caa barbarians, an t those Of tha land of the Incas, be ventares the opinion that in each casa the religion is autochthon? that there is no relation ?probable betw? in -the Hi?- or tha _un?worshlpper of the older contint nta ?and ?the near, but that ? i religious ?beliefs ?are apt to ?occur el tain pointa in tha development of a without exjtraaeous suggestion. To tha iota naturally au Worshipper natural fore.-. l'ir. becom. s a deity only to give place In g natural order of succession to tin? ?sun, lures of heat. '.. tot of all com ptlon of powers Invisible, -spiritual?! . t?. which tho others become aym- , ?bola if era ?accept th?? theory of autocbto ona aa will h i lulty ?a pen ? Ivlng thai namberl? p around > acb phase ?.i belief, and tha i leg? nds, moi ? 01 lesa i rude, ?but I family, will by natural phi aomena or spiritual ? i. a? ?milt for tbean populai mj th.^ an n??\ ei ci to any stu? ?i?nt of literature. At some i?oint ?in Its er ?guided I i .tlon from i ac tion of ?the Imaa n bas .1111 \ ad soon or ?lata ai i bt - lief m the r?animation of those who been removed from the scene of earthlyI activity. These Inspirations ai lized in lesende whtcii a?-;ie?; ?In ab markedly ?as they ?iiif. r in detalla. ?u' course, Kip Van Winkle will at once it t.. m my r- adora as a modern and b?umoro__i outgiowth of older and moi.? a.ri.m- tablea ThOfa la en dlttOB ??f a wedding 'from which th?- brida atreyed off to an eif mound, where the airea thionged about her and offered h? r wine, .>f whleb aha drank, Tha ?n suit of tin? IbmUsci on i. r pari area a slumber, which la r,?r i century, on as-akiaing ?he foaad hei way bach ?la ti??- ii-u.e which ?she ?bad i? ft. i- aha aappoeed, but a little while before, but there was onty one old woman there who at last iscaUeeted that in h?r father's tirn.- lus brother's bride hid dis* appeared apoa hat weddtns day. With a change of sex and place tbl_ Is th? story of th?? I.auts.klll hunter. The seven BtSSSSTS Is a variant Of th" pame ptrptttt tale, but a more heroic and strenge!* paralelan! reratoa la that of the warrior, who aralta In ?bis oaver? ander ground for a call of extreme peril to his country. So the Moor? belltive that Hoabdil waitid, surrounded by his war riors, keening vigil till the spell ?a hl. h bound him was broken. At rare Interval-? ?M ** ?! ) seen clad In complet armor of his race and time, sitting Ills horse, watchful -ml .?ilent. So In the fastnesses of the Harx moun tains, another patriot warrior bide* his time; so In the Northland, of which Han-? Andercen loved to write, the blond beard ?I h.-ro sits In his cavern, at a stone table, through which his b.-_rd has grown. Kur removed, one would say, from the influence of the Moor or even the suoer? stition of the ?ffman, la ths Irleh i but listen to the legsnd of ?Oesroklh 1 ?rla, or Karl Qersld of th?' tribe of i itsgsrald. Bj a volunterjr snchantn to plea?-?? bis wife, he was changed Into a bini, but owing to soms Indiscretion .?n her part be was onsets t.? resume hie1 . ufe afterurarde. ? mee In Bsvsn years tin : the Earl rides srouBd h?-? cssUe, and whsn the Inch thick aUvi : :ir'- worn ?> return. "Himself and his warn I s the translator, ?are bou la a long ? under ihe R ith of Mullagbmi The Karl at the heed of the i his msn In a long double row, with their i ?.if "ii their arm-, h vn . alonally been - i miller bv ame j It a i into this , h 1 in his terror made eme oolse that ar?. is* d one of tlin be h..ii?>w h quii ths terrified visitor, " ni? to reply thai it w -. i i the trooper re im? ?i bis asp. There la an In tlnct, Illustrated by many i popul ir In ? ion, to ?i? ? li b 'i' .??ii and Immortality, by assuming and auspenalon of lit' only . - ntuall). *' ms t?. be the Sort of . of the Thi r I reset bllng ? part of Longfell ha, Thai two io in? should be ..?iK?' In foi not b.-i.r up.,1. tin*. dlscusSlo?, t.'. iir-'h it ?lid lay Mr. Longf? How opi of imitation, but the matt?.*, of 11.. ? vs i ths was ttik.-u from i-L- . ?oi craft gathered among the Indian.-?. .\r? ws to uaagln? mm Almost ? \ erj langa imulatlvs nnrsei ti.nt .la. k i. rtll In the it Is ?'Moonncbug and liseaachng ' old woman liver penny" is th Th<* Norse bave "the cock and h. n a iiutiin.;." Orimm tells It in (??-rniaii, and we fiai it m . forms in tanda another ?anuHir building of words th it regaled ?>ur infant ears reappears m ifsbrew, with a kid la ??f the familiar ? . The story Of '?is and Uttls Claua" and ths Celtic Huddea -'ii??-i ttud? ASS :?r,- aln?"st ni? ni irai. In the IsttST, Donald O'N'erv loses bis bullock through the Jealousy of his neighbors, an?! tht a talking magpie makes mon than the price of the skin when he t It to town. Wh.-n he exhibits his Kaini to lln.ld.-n and I ? n thei St 0?eO.g0 and slaughter tji.-ir cattle, and hurry t?i the mark.-t with the i.klri*. finding, of course, that they ar.- tricked. Then they 1 kill his mother, and he manages to i. - g alise on her so hsndsomely that his ene mies lose no time In killing their iwn mother, and making eu.ll?. s trouble for th. mseivex. s? ti-.?' advetMurs procssdi ] until the bore foils an attempt mad?- by J KuddOB? an?! Dudden to drown him, sud t tricks tli?m Into drusnlng themselves. ?, The story of Great and I-iltle ('lau* told by Anderson, differs from tho toCB? ' ? soins only In s few minor detalla. j Tha twelve wild Bchant? 1 prli ml th .?man .- highly pr il .m.? ol her can? thai lay i?? rlKln. . Hod Tir-aa matry of the > d it, ;: Ither rs it porp? l en, who a i 11 v- : . .iiir.u.? ?Sara a retara i Dg wl.!? h th ' land of Biminl tha t., rs I i\?- -no warrant, i . i ?mm ?nos i--.ii n 1.1- i . > na f 1. ?fi nd? ' itural i raaa that m Noi . %t move '?? the ?left ' th.? I old a m woi . .. a*e !???ik In at i. ai? r 1101 a slinllar - ' lOUghta and old OOml : - itlOl - ?.v p kgjea ?aader I ** _] fr- 111 'he inaill tl a I ll iiti we a?-?- overtaken bj boldlng tb_ a?! quite wl Us us that tfeOtl ?Il I ?thh-l ie sun. 0____.-B.TO__*X_?<\.. Cards, : M Is. S ?ads, Note-lleud.-?, circulars H J Mtgera, Ac, printed by the ?aapaay at low imii-?.. Will gn od work at the ? IBM . rerior work. ?Saad u-. ?your or?' '"__*___; } will gu?r_j?>4? satlsfaclioo m trttt rttcular.