Newspaper Page Text
11 THE RICHMOND D1SFATUH- SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1898. LI!..- C.Ja 9. Cm PASTORSAND PEOPLE 5 ____- (( cH???? TO ?TOMK TO mtm\M9M9nJm. 0 ?in vivviionivr ?ut m HCS. \ m ? t? HI. f. W. LEAR MUS? GO. ; ,- \? . Had n *?in-?-? ? ftil r.-i?lornlp of j V I ,.,i r I rnm It?-?. O. II. M.-t-'ntlcn. < V Remain, !!??- W. T. \\ llllama ll w ,ii i Ikali Urn, | - ? , four ft i"--' ?peel Bor. W. , chun '?. I wltb the s 1 ' I Mil n, j i t.. Chtaa, win f??? ai-, at . .) rch, Mr. I : l very g preach bla farewell sermon this v Me ?' a? ah? a are? k, su that t - t I I rs. Ih?> lin: t. "n 1 Will ? 1.1 a ? ther < y friends among all h wU] ?r-"d very p"o?l re , ; the ? -^^Mnrii rev. wn-UAii w. u raised for church . rown. f the tiier?' i "t one yonr, wlU probably irn. ] end this > IfcFS .:; ' ar with a It fa W. T. WU liSSBB will r h . - try clr .... l ?r. I pect hla w'shes. It will not be at all i any if Re ! Dr, Brown, though the think Ni 'V a, will 1 :, and It - ins certain that ' i Reed '.un;, will come to 'entrai i huroh, : I B al ; ' the on. him t i ?r. for him, and they did bui*> thera ', HI*. WIIAIINQTi >N Ni Th? thr? s to I ; bave . their i. Ma.i I :th till-in, n prominent fate of t: up t.? th? . The Bg-house Bied t'.'e l - ii- Q. 'i ii-- . i ber to Inform when tl th? m to it was arrant . . ? ;-,., :? Rich? I BITTEN IV \ i r 1- a? h? r In th( ..'?y bun. li- wi nt to Dr. L Dr. John K. l. r, la at. Dr. Ingrain hopes, bow? . t . I,a\e i on. . HIS WIPB. i leaf th? . Will i a wall-known trucker rfleld a with ! 1 LUI i - and the Mag?. r ' to lunty sell /.. ?-1 Cos u? ..:? i by Dr. RucJ right l BRft toAlA am? BRU The i will be held In a!. day. quite 111 at h? r :., in Pow the ?nd ? hurch Mis. ' T. M : Manchest' i m T .. ill m; .-.. :. ?, . ..; 1er a | ?nt atay of .. rgs H. lloFaden i . - of religion Mr etc sill to-flsorrou I?? ?tt? ml th? bald !. '< 01 I h."itl?. WII.U-?. MU s lit o.M III.?OI. >l?,?U?n-riiili? at Donahue 'a Hall?At ?lie ll.iircli--. ?Mlirr N '? ?. The ? |e bail gl? night I>onaiiu.?'a H..1I by the C, C. " C. will t.- remembered by tii..?e who si sa r 'he asnal brtlltsnt <>f its large iowd of iiiasiitierader*) who gathered lu ike lH'jiniiidteU hall inuiiif?-?-!? i the ?.it-'B-i. liitl?.?!!!?-??. :,n<l joy. I lie mil h under the dli p ?r Misse agi?- Throckmi^-r.n and -SI une ha ? ? ? I. The ?Miuracu-rs of t?artl?-?lar in re Uli? Van Winkle, Batan, an. I Jack Tsr, with the Inncrlptloa upoi nher thi- Maine " Thos? ' "' i Harder, bride la ?ir. -n. gypsj -, Blench? t'.?Kl.lll, Mo p Hubbar-d; !'.- le Knight, dower KH! ? llHrdln, school girl i ? Hampton, nuis?-; Mary Pock gton, Rower girl; A. Urnnxford, wild ? wild w ? ?t. Rrn-n ivc, ? ?'lor-fd nui . Messn Hay?-* ???li?-. K.'iiKh Ui.l.-r. Tom Welsh, Rip n Winkle; ?Trank Pohllg, devil, and ptaln it. II. M< (*ook . J k Tar, a Inscription upon his . r tha M da a grant unmask, d were Misses Cora Lulu tCnroughty, Mattle Hanrey, ? Frank Bl Jr., H. Du (?rlltln, Thomas i>??h? rtv. r Brooks, .1 n irton, John ? ? ... n. Collie \\'?.l|.?Ti, Quvern ? !. i. i tot m te.. s. c. Jiaiii, i o? '.. t m . hurch, m ho i o Indh : ? -. .1 for the past two k has sufficiently r?-? ??; < red from bli D, Hi will , both row, n i? ier will leav? . a.i tiit- an : confer? ,, 11 ng win occupy ths I churrh to day. la t, \: for the m< srlll t. i mli atlon," while tb it of the In the rival conducted l?y Evangelist Wllklns, i i ightera of I/U???rty, m. eting, whlcb was 1.1 held i ? y night, t<nt In aw of l ? r win participated in. ? la expected tl of th? . ly ?il doubl? us ?force in tha m ir future. .r- being Tirol- to th?' Ichmond Chemical Works and tha ml < luano Company, Mr Wllbui ?Southard, Deputy United ?t? s Revenue Collector, continues very ur Edwin' 'i H- ..i ?i i?, a mile and a. half below niton. He was r? ?ported to bi _ the h,i!Hlcomp r? W Of COl? on Qraham atn ? t la rapidly. Mr. I?. T. Flibatea, who h** been sich some time, ?Is now In a critical condl on at hii- home, No. G_5 1 ? a ntton of Dr. t,. i: very sick at the -id, li? of i on D? tiny ? Mr William link? n, wbo h ib ?be? n m : health for ?acme time, Is now able to ndlUon of lira. Joaeph filiurm Is lira, p. BV Tbrockmorton l? quit? dek t ti ? r i on I '.rah.mi ttTtjt t. -_____ rni:i)i:iti< i.siit no. mtttnto - Sense i *s Case \n??i?u?r Mad? l)?i_r Killed r.-rsoiiiil. PREDERI?-*KSBURO, VA.. N?ov-*n_tber al.) a t< legram r? ceiv? d b? re .-?lay announced the death In st. ?Louis, [o . thi- morning I on ? I. H ?'t. 'let of Captain H Mr. John Payne, a p?i*-~nisl*-_ al his home, ??- Id .v. H'a, last night, In tha ?1! I i , .. hi n I. s i attacked rlth bllloua i in Justice to the late Hon. W. ?9, Whit*, la?, at the ?time of the ?Aqula creek train oi?i" ry, was ? ' ?tnmonw? ?all I :,i. your corr? -: 1res to i. his plea : ' ?"n, in "li wau ?agi ? d i.y tho torn i ti? n ?f ?Sear y would his punlshi ks in t_u penitentiary." Mr. Vhlte, when the question of ? I tttly a f? i at the ?penlti Dtlary, "l.?? had agre? d to nothing, t, ?for ba ?. s ?making ?sacfa ?p* ?n -.:'." it waacurrently ?reported, how? >?r, red thai leni? ncy bad ht ?an ?prom* led Beercy through the ?Governor. Another mad-dog was ?killed ?.n the malting i>v second this rat k. Before helng I ir. Lather Wrlgbl and Mr. W. S. P? iry. i? made several vicious attexopta to Mta ?he f"ini? r, bul fortun I i.? ??t at .?y. As he attack? d Mr. ?' iftererards, that g ' mi n kU i rith a cliaver. I-Ot IH)I \ t 1)1 \TV. H-nlli of *?ln j?ir QoeigS lloffmiin? Sll<-??tt'*i fu??-. LEESBURO, VA., November 11?(Spe '..!. i M r G i i : a 'a promln? ol dtlsena, dl? d on Fri la* .at i ral hoi iwb? rry about four mil? : om i. In Ri? h? having i ?rears tl - I Norfolk ind Wi tern railroad ander tbe efabone n? ot, n?- a aa the ?laal but one . no member r in the estimation of ?all who knew him. He had been In falling health for m i till lately t?. ?us ating v.liai bably the lin-st farm In this ?section of Virginia, H< fa i ?two daughters. He waa Ts years of ?age, who killed his with a 1 tha ?ap* i for ball, hu' I grand of tien ember t? rm of court, t?> examine Into the esse, which will probably be tri? d on W ?Sesiwaa Hboottas; AaadSaat. WII_I_J .MSBURQ, VA.. N shooting of Mr. H. T. Armlatead, in Jam? Mr. Aiml: !? ad lias in his em? : i man b ?a :. i to-day irai haultng ba aa** y a ?large covey of partrldgea In la, and this morning he t ok bis mm. an with him, it was I? log In the wagon, aa I \? : :.? v. the bottom and a i i of ahoi ... ?Bra In 1 ; ; an ugly wound. The Are from tha gun : i d burn? i i -rt of tha skin on his aide, Tl unfortunate i I I Armiatead'a i Dr. Hem I m. dlcal aid. The D tor aa* ?s, will Ilk? '.\p ; ?rove troubl? ome, ?aad ' tinn in _ Annual Oa"?i. over _,&0 j,.t-> ? ?oxea FOR BILI0U8 AND NFRVOUS DISORDERS S Wind a.. ? Pala in the Stomneh, Giddiness, FulnoM alter meets, Head? L?i/ incas, Dn wainess, 1 < : He '. 1. aa <?f ?lop tlte. C 1 et m the? Bkln, C?l.l Chills. L>?? | ?1 l> ?gnd all Sen us a.-rl Rambling Benaatkma THE FIRST 7)0SE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTT MINUTES. i.v.r;- sufferer wiil a?'Tled;;c them to l?u A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. _t___DCBAJ_*al riixa. tak-n as direst e?l, will?rii?.-??ly r?-s' FemeJea t?. )?.?te lie;:!'h. They promptly ret!i.?vo , itlonaorlrregulariUea <>f tho ?sys tem and cure ai.-k H?-a<_acl:e. F__a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boocham's Pills are Without a Rival A? I tin?? th? LARGEST 8ALE of any Pa?cnt.a.>iilclne In i lie World. 15c all '"'i" tt'tm+n, (Ja 12-W_cSul04t oAt r o t o a r m) TUE POE ASSOCIATION im: AM99tYL ?ikktdo at thi* l MVFRSITV, AND ELECTION OP OFFICERS. i ?mini..i,* of the Hunt Fiinil .Inilse linke Delivers an nn ?he 1'oet Mr. WirtcnlinUcr'? Itreollec ?ion? < linrliitle*.?. illr Notes. CBARL0T1 ksvii.i.i:, v.v. Kovemeer 12 ? (Kp.-elal.)?At the anwaal meeting of the Pern Metootlol aasoeiatloa of th?- i'ni Verslty of Virginia, the following QflJUSri slecti i: Preeldent, i?r. Charles ff. Kf-nt, University of Virginia; VtOO-Pl ilOBt, W. A. (lark. Jr.. Btttta, Mont ; S - . Dr. .i. a. Harrison, University ' ' Virginia; Treasurer. I\ H. Abbot, ! 1--K. s. Brank, ii?rndseaon. Ky., I n. h. old, NoTfotk, Va,! Cordon Wllaoa, itiehmond, Vavj Morris P, Tiller, I'? i k- ley. Va.; A. B. Rhstt, Charleston. S. C, and U P. Cham? b.-rlayn? , Potl r burg, V ?. Dr. Kent announced that the asBOflslltiii i. id in i? m i a fond suffi? lent to aaah i Um tirst payment on the bust, which is about half of the totel nose> <i. Judge it. T. W. Dak-, of this ?Ky. a?l <lr?-s:-. ?I tt, on ? n "Pot Ju'ij-e Duke acknowledged the meagre character of the details of ?Poo's at the I'niv i- uy, but said I bal It was )?is ?good fortune to have known Intimately the venerable and weU-known William Wertenbaker, who was the kiel i tee of Thomas Jsff? r ton, and for many years i nlverslty librarian. sir. \\< i -i? nt'.ik? -r fi?-'4i.? ntly talked to Mr. Duke about Edgar a. Poe, sad reg? that he bad not known him better. Poe bad no Intimates st the University, bul was a rath, i- reserved, gulet man, end -.-ivi-ii to long ?a.,Iks. It \v;r,y a | .*hiiider to ray that POS was dissip?t ths University; he was never disciplined whU< i i t?id< at, or ceUi i before the faculty, except on one occasion, when b? appeared aa a witness There a ?a very Uttle doubt that 1 a gr?-.u ?sard? r, tbougb Mr. Wert? nbaker him-?-if ki??w very Uttla of this, exc'jit from it was an utterly unto slander that Pos i - ever expelled fr??m the University, n?: left the University at tl BSSSlOB. not only in y.i r i ending, luets In I and i i ?.h, and with honorable mi i li.m. Mr. Wertenbaker often p with great aal I .r? the only long eon i it.ii he ?- ! bad with Poo, which w. the night before be left coUege. Th? (?sed In December. Mr. Vf i i et'Mr i'?- . I some - lerlng, and waa Invited by him to bla On arriving there they found neither fire nor fuel, and Po? thereupon broke up bis table B1 * ami kindled the lire with the fragua further u thi m. i:-, ths ' - u?l b in s social gams of < .?nis, In with fi ivei Poo ii ft th Mi. WertenbakeT'a recollection ol i was that it amounted to no more than friendly talk between two students, who had not been particularly intimate. Poe' l that lime was tod, and Mr. ?' Uttle .-. ho ira be bad i of the worl : y Bill Tl? -aid thai this Incident was typical ol Po 'a future life?ail that biilliant genius brought nim was a Uttle ?d, an a fi w nom r> I; x<it!??n from th? the history More than forty i go S J, W. Mallett, of the University of Virginia, ! tfttengen, Germany. He is to-day attending In New York a banquet at win. h the gueeta ai of the famous university in is-~'>. and a few of earlier and a few of lat?-r yean Of that ?1- - The Mayor to-day remitted the jmig m? nt of thirty ?lavs in Jail, rendered v in ti?.- ca -? of Cha rton, convicted of p- til larceny, bul required i ?m t?? pay ths fines and osts, smountlng Bs effected a settlement this morn ing ami v !. The Mendelssohn ?Club held it:; mimthly meeting st Mr. Harrison Roberts >fl evening and rendered the following p?e nme: The Pilgrims of the Nlghl (Westbrook), by Misses Qodarln and Miss Bibb; R< goletto (LA st ?. by M - M irj Watta \\o?i?i.s; A Bummer Night, by Mr. ;,; The Merry, Merry Lark (Nevln); Mignon (Quy de Herdelot), by Mil Beek man; Du Bist Wie eine Blume (Rubin stein) Godwin; Oh, Promise Me, by Mrs. Moore.*. rire In :i Sli-nuncry. a Blight blase In tin* bollsr-room or ?, Williams A OOw'fl tobaCCO st? ni ?t the corn? r of Twentieth and Franklin streets, this morning, caused an alarm to be sent In. Tw" engines w< ol to the seen-, of the fir.-, but only one got "ii i atn being no Bead of n??- other doing so, 1 -.-. '?it. Ilnllii iiiI'm limit u ?-neeeMS. NEW rORK, November 11 HollnntTa aubmarli el tu is tested to-dey, in tn? lower bay, by a board ??t Inspection ip by Bt i i? I iry-of-tli? -Navy Long, Although none of the m< mbei ? : : - board would say anything in n to ti." trial, it was gi a? rally un that th- bad accompUshi -l every thing that aras desln ?i of it. Weet Virulilla lion??- Democratic. CHARLB8TON, W. VA., November II Oovernor Atkinson, who yi iterda ed a nmjorit) ol five for the Republican Is the i"?- r bouse, bow c mci : loarer bouse ?to tl jority of one. This doea not afl majority on Joint ballot for tt nator, ? a? |< ment of -fefcraalcs i.? .?.i-?in?nr?- Repnbllettm. i ?..I MIA. NEB., Non ml., r 1. .-aiiv i-oinpi. t.- retui na from every pr cinct in ti"- afcow that thi R< publl cans wl joint ballot in the branches will be orgaaiaed by tin Ri p Owns from lh<? s|i!inlnli t i ?it.era. NORFOLK, VA., Novanal - .i-.-ii off ths Bpanlah crnlsen and ? ??in ?ado, i?n?i tt Colon's safe, BN I'riiiiiliKiit lliiilrmiil Mn ii lle.ltl. TOLEDO, O?. November U.--E A Bdei nd m of the Florid East-Const mUrosd, riled st Bt. *7la - ,i here to-d ly. Mis home h gt, Augustine. "Ami to wh'm do tin* Philippines be longf asked th- teachei when the gang raphy class bad reecbed ths subject o " shouted t'l whole class In unison.?Chicago Record. This flOg, rua'iam. WOUld BS Bhl >]' j,,,,.-- "i would t.ik? aim, bul i aa , frald my btjaband might object, "II dam, i " ,!i " ' .'!i'r '"''"' " i T':" ' easier than a dog like that."?Life. CAflTOniA. Bear, th* ^/f^ "^ ?! ^m Al*3ifS Signature trA?> _, rC/S?^--^ ' ?/??Jute Zy ?-F. Su. AW. lBSt-w arm Orders for prlntlnn sent to the Dis patch Company will b?a given prompt at laatkia. and the style of work ar.d price will be sure to please you. Aside? THF mwtu r :.r Corner Second and Broad. _ THE I?WLK. Wo invite von to test the worth of the following statements. Ladies ?ire quick to discern a good thin??:, and, therefore, what women approve ought to he good. -Many thrifty women speak well of OUR B?R6?IINI DAY! Hundreds and hundreds of packages were received last week. Every one opened brought forth the exclamation, ' Its a bargain!" n ?.? ! -.. mmtm D-^-nl. Chifatc (Tttfltltc* f-HC 111.1 I*;. ?lack Goods. The regular tt Cr??pon. now He. All-Wool Oranite Chevl? t, 4S inches wide, only ?',.' .?' ;.aid. b h 9J\ le-Wale Blark Diagonal, only Uc yard. l< V?nitien C'oth, 64 Inches wide, ? ."hi yard, n..w il. All-Wool ??4-inch P.laek rhevlot, fnr capes and cloaks, regular valu?; UM, now UM yar?l. I, Plsarad Mohair, 36 Inches wide, now 170, yard. T?? pi? ? . s ?Of Fine fiilk atal Wool Crepon, U.U, real valu. ?SMS Colored Dress Goods. _t>_BCh All-Wool Granite, all ?hade-*, Uo. value, only ?Sie. 41-lneh All-Wool Pebble Weave, 80c. >;.i?i. real mine UM -yard. BCh All-Wool Y-n-tian Cloth, 50c. ' yant. A11?W00| Cheviot, M Inches wide, 87' :. \ yard. All-Wool Cheviot, 2d Inches wide, only PtC yard. n m i-,.m?- iin? cf Festey Mixtures, ?unit yard, wi is Mo. B LUt-ful line of Plaids, tPAfl. yard. i of Dresa ?Goods, regular prl was .' "< . They are In abort lengths, 2 t.. i') yarda, well adapted for ?Children's Ctoaks and Ladles' Waists; price only irl Lining Department Offers Great Bargains. r,e. Fancy Black-Back i.inlnt-, only ifte. yard. ?Ic. Jeans, ?for body lining, ?le. yard. All sha.les tit 17??. Quality I'. r-alir.e, 1?V. yard. \? ?rslik, no imitation. e-very piece baa manufacturer's at-ump, ?sic. quality, f?.r 26c. yard. We have the Imitation, recu lar ?price IfC, only I.1.". ?Black Moreen for Petticoats, l>. yard. 10c. rrade of Black ( I <? . yard. n i- -i h and Or ij ?'anvas. : aid. Velvets. We can do for you !n Velvets what no other house can do. ah the blah ? ?rmelon i?fnk. turquoise yellow, white, cream only ?' yard. ?Silk Velvets,, ?an ahadea, excepl iiicrh colors, ""? . yard. Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Capes. Our Ctoaka nraal i cb Laal week we were short on a i Cuetoiaers 1 and lini'lor? ?1 us t?> ?r?l? r their ?ad -style*. With all thla wa im-i al ready duplicated. Th? v arrisad ?by as? ; Friday and Saturday. Wa will only -iv>- you a ?kind ? ad pi leaf Black Beaver Cloaika, tight* fitting, only UM. Ladles' Kin- Black Broadcloth C fancy strapped ?-?are- end curve front, lk-lln? ?i a! *. une <,>" ? ur price .-?; La only 17. Plain Black B Btrap trimmed with rou d i? ir bw-kl? ?, ' !- Uli OUt pi i?'?' RS, Cadet Blu Beaver ?'...its. strapped all ?oik ?lined, only I Fine Tan Beaver Coats, strap ?le-. all sill; lined, reel vain- l_5, only HO, ; ?If Cap? s. it to US. Ladlea' ? Capes, its. Ladies?* Black Cloth -Capes, trimmed wltb braid and let, only UM. i. . ? -Fine Black Beaver ?"ape, trlm ?.ith fur, $1.7". Fine ?Slack Capes, trimmed with Hlaek satin and . mbrotdei j. onlj ?Plush ?Capes, trimmed ail around with ?Brown marten fur, and frills of ribbon. only ii" Plush ? re 15. now UM Handsome Brald-sd Plush Capes, ' .-ilk lining. ?Ladlea* ??olid-Color Elderdoara -lacks! '.r??? be! edge, 75c. -Pane; Btripe KHerlown Jaekets, cro Ige, UM ?Slderdown Path Robes, all colors, I Blsck, Navy, Qarnet, and Qreen Flan nel Waists, $1; velvet trimm?.I, - Extra Force roonaay fVt the Domestic Counter. MB, Soft-Finish??1 Cheviots, for worklni I i-?. . yard. le. ii.-'i-Ti? k, le. yard. 20 Peatber-Tlck, I2%c, yard. Unbleached J'-atis, the le grade, fo I1?-. yard. ?"-i i nbleached Bheetlng, lia yard. 25c. Unbleached ItM Bheetlng, IT??, yard. l'amy Double - Fsced Plannellette for Bath Robes, Dressing Biseques, an? Children'a Cloc?u, only 12%C. ysrd. i Canton Plannet, ai abades, IS 2-gc. yard. Hands me Uns of Flannellett. s, f.? wrapp. is, .?. 1-::.-. yard Linen, regulsr price 20c. yard only lt%e. Bolld-Colored Canton, le yard. Quality Apron Qlnghama. 5c. yard Dark Dress Qlnghsma, le. yard. iched Canton Plannet, 9%?, yard i"--, i Bbleached Canton Flannel. 6 l-ic ysrd. Heavy Gray Twill?-?1 Flanne'., 12'.--. vard White Flsnnel, lt%c yard. All-Wool White Flsnnel, Me. yard. All-Wool Shaker Flannel, '?l^?c. yard worth Til.? 7 .'. only -,Oc. The very besl thing you ? in buy tor abort skirts. Hemstltohed Kmhrol.lery Flannel, 50? . va id. Eiderdown, all ahades, So. yard. ; Drapery, TV. yard; regular price, : Pantry Sllkoiine, in,., yard. 10c. Quality Cretonne, ? i-t?'. f.. . Unbleached Muslin, 9%c yard. Ligbl Bklrtlng Prints, t%e. ysrd, .. lallty Ri d-Flgun ?i (?il Calico? s, t%e. yard. Caaalmeres, for Bicycle and Tallor-Ma?le ii'l. All C"l"t I in French Organillos, UfAO, yard. Plve-Thread Handkerchief l?in?-n, 8yc. yard. Inch Fine T.inen Lawn, for hander cbiefa, GOc. yard. India Linen, 10c., worth 16c. White Indie Linen, to. yard. Fine <'h- Whit.- Snipe.1 Dim ity. 1: ai Lawn, to. . ird. s.-. ? ;h? ck? '. Mi : . ?. 5c. ? Long Cloth, B.75 quality, toi', piece. Lonsdale ? ' imbi Ic, ?, l-ic. yard. Marvellous Sale Of Ladies' Suits. | ' .1 sorts t?*) s from. Ply-Front Pult--, Tight-Fittlner Suite, i Suits, in Black, Blues, Browns, Orays, and Greens, all siz?-s, not a suit your <-h"l?'e for MM. Hand "ii.-. Fine Cheviots, in Block and Colors, all made up in faultless styles, fitting shapes, ail with cats siik lim-.l, real value %2'>, your choico for 113. n dkli is, reaaj m "i--, n. Skirts, only Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's Wool Underwear. Lb Ui -' Ribbed Vesta and Pants, as : Heavy Ribbed Vest? and Pants, Lad fd Part Wool ltlb t? 'l V ?ata ?'??i Pants, We. Ladies' N'afirai AU-Wooi VsBt and ?. il value, lor 1|C. Fine Australian Wool Vest end Pant*?, ?'.. Ladli ' Union Suit?, irlovr-fittln?, but ton ..< rosa ahouldsrs, p Children'a Union Suits, -j."?.-. Children's All-Wool Vest and Pants. Ise M, "??iv i"-.: other siz.-s vary in price /.". Idren'a Wool Vests, size || only. le. infants' and Children's Wrapper Sklrta, Uc. ' 1: 11 ed Skirt-?, 2."c; PaatS to < ii. Men'a Heavy-Weight White ami I Wool Shir? i, 2---. Gentlem neece-Unod Shuts, 50c. i tonda Qlove-Flttlng, Ribbed Shuts and Pant--, "? . Natural l.'.love-Flttlnir Ribb? '1 Shirts and I'.int.*', real value tt.75, u.a. Qentlemea's Plain Natural Wool Shirt?, Oentlemen'a Double-Breastad Red Shirts, MM valu-, only 11.50. iClU-C-llCli > r_i__u_. ouiiu. We are celling th-a Crown Brand P-r ile Shirts, with separate cuffs, f? r .",?< ust as good as the clothing stores or ther dry-goods houses charge you 7?<\ "?r. Tho II Crown-Brand Shlrtr-, 75<\ The Rayond White Shirt n?>w ?Ma Gentlemen's Canton Flannel Drawers, ?inens. ?Red Table Unen. 23c. valu?*, lue. our iOc U-d Tat.le Unen, 37c. Pure Whit?3 Table Linen, 7_c. vtlue, for }c. il-in-h Table T.lnen, Ivy leaf, only 69c, -al value $1. Pur.? White Turkish-Path Towels. 4_x_l?, nly 1.'k\ ; -Hix.J. "illy II . Linen lfuck Toareis, ?Se. Heavy Bleached ?'..?t,m Towels, 5e. Pure Lin? n li? mmed Ilu?k Towels, size ?tout, only i??-.. MxlS, only i_?_??. Pure Linen. Knotted ?FMbbO, Fancy ?aniask Towels, size 9tM, ?inly 2?<:. Stair Unen, only 2-\\ vard. Pare Unen tailored Bordered Napkins, Check and Colored Bordered Napkins, 0?-. White Frtaga Damask Napkins, full ./.-. ?a ?i??/.? n. Oreet bargain In Dinner Napkin?, }l I??/.? n. lAnen for Drawn Work, 42 Inches, only _ - . White Spreads. UM white Mnrseliisa flprae-da. n.s.. Wliitij Crochet Spreads, h-mincl, ?jnly !1. ISO, White Spreads, ,>c. Many Attractive Offerings In Silk Department. Light Cray. ?White? Brean. ?Bao-ara, nn?i Navy Silk Poplin, real value $1..V> yard, now U. Every shade I ma trim? bio In ?Piada TsJfS I ? ,| ri-, s aie 75, N?, and He. yard. fancy Taffffta Silks, fur waists, 73c. yard M-lneb Lining Silk?, all bright shades. aid. Black-Orouod Taffetas, with all colors p. ?, 11 yard. UC Black Satin Phadama. fgc. vard. ?Extra-Heavy All-Silk Black Rhadama, was UM, now ?1. Mc, Plain Plaek Taff? ta only <*.9e. All Bbades of Liberty Bilk, Chiffon, and ?Mousseline, Uly? ?i'?<-. yard, Embroidered Ojien-Work Black ?'hiit?n, $! U yard. I i ?p-n-Work chiffon, t?> yard. Dress Trimmings. Coase her? to find what you cannot procuro In other ptores. Pink and Sie, " Embroidered Net, for y.?lv, i, UM yard. All width?? ??f Hercules Braid, th- ex tra width, for lengthening sklit?, ttl-Se. yard. Black Salin I'.il.l. in, 12 1-2. and Ida, ,\ trachan Band, 17. 25, an?! Uc yard. Fancy Black Braids, 10 to 76c. yard. Fancy lit.I--? ant Trimming, 10 to II l-2c yard. Black Fur Trimming. Me. yard. Black Braid Ornamenta, for skirt trtm mlng, Uc t.. *___*, Whit- Swans,loara. "71-2 to fSe. yard. .Mink and Black Mart, n, for ?lt-??ss and chiak trimming. ICk and White Satin and Chiffon Col lai-, ?M and tit. Chiffon Collarettee, Ha. fo t?. I Fancy Jet, and All-Black Jel Belts, ?1 to &S&. We are now displaying our Silver No relttea for the holidays. Window-Shades. Window-Shadea, complete, io?\ Qood Linen ?Shades, no ?seconda, Be. ?Scotch Holland Shades made to ord r. iia\.- u-4 t?? furalab an ? itlmata aa Shades. All ?colon Carpe? Warp. $1. Ex.? i: lion Brackets, ?lie. Tracked Silk i':ip?, '?c. Embroidered stik caps, arjc.i rth No. if.nit*' Hsadsome KmbroM.-red Bilk i."'g Cream Cashmere?Cloaks broldered top and bottom, only Si.H. fifants* Cream Cashmere cio.iks, trim? d with cord and daisy ribbon, only ifants* China Bilk Coats, cmhp.: nstttched bottom, with embroidered "? collar, trimmed with silk soutache, y to -?fonts' ?'..slim, r.- ?''...k-?. em ?Ider? ?I. 1-'. hildren's Ail-Wool Eiderdown Short ?its. $; hildren's short All-Wool Re?lford-Cb?rd ?ts, handsomely embroiilered, only ?). Manuel Skirt patterns lie., to. and treskfsat sh ?> .!* . n t,, Me. trip? Damask, for Tuikt.-h corner, lv a l -Se. yard 'he K. d 1?. Bhtrt-Wslsta, for boys, : t and light colors, only ?a rpets, Rugs, Portieres, ce Curtains, Table Covers, -Cloths, and Mattings. . Portieres, heavily frm-red, fl.GI ir. h. iiiii,* Portieres, only to pair. -t Chenille TsJ le ? 'henllte Table Covers, for small centn -in -.> Damask Tsble Covere, P.Oi ?rth ML i Damask Table Covi ra, 71ft ?t.-.l Curtain Muslin, worth -.. only ? Me, ysrd. ? 'urtalns, %2 window; il valu.- *' ,ace Curtains, ti.GO window; worth IS. 'mail Suivi? Mats, tac.; IS-lm-h Smyr D in? ?i ?Smyrna Rugi In? h Sin, m ? Ruga |i to i.,r door .-?.v. ring, 11.50 to ?. S'ow Is your time t?> buj liesp. i im.- ev? i y thin? fr? i m my small ends 9 to B) yar?ls hat \ it. now He, Rug Fringe, i2t-2?-. y rd. ? | Fur Robes, for baby-carrlsges, line?!, ?t Matting ahlpped to ua thi? eek. fu. rom i- i I to 26o.; i worth more th at salting pries. lankets and Comforts. White Cotton Coml home? tl . ..?'??. , tor il 9; l..,rB?--slai ouble-Bed ComfortB, lie. Fins s nine ' omtorts, light shades foi ling, only t i '??retorts, UM; worth $?'.. i" t au Wo i White, Cray, and Mas 1 ink. ts Wool Blanl - worth U.w White and c.i iv Blanl - . ii- -ivy, i.?, Blankets, $i. All-Wool Buggy Robes, too. tofA. urs. Children's Whit?' Fur Beta, gi.iV>. Children'a Mart? n 11..?. I '.:? Bi -ii Muffe, B.S0. Black Hair Mull's, 11. Mink Muff?. tlW I.??bt Marten Muffs, y i: .?, k Hair ? ollar? tt? , ?l 9, M::,k Boa?, 12.50. Marten Coll ra length, I?*?.Hi - .1 Collarettes, tS.M. Ai tra? i?.?n . Real Collarettes, edged with Marten, Stamped Unen Cen? ?. ic. Colored Centre Buff? I Qulpure Bhsms and s.-,uis He worth White and Colored Beedtng, le. bunch. Qresl asle of Pursea this week. s?..-, ill prie? ? on 1 lall Ru The best ?l Kid ?ll'iv?- In the city. , (osiery Sale. i.i.:-: : Ladli Ladles' Fleec? Lined II All-Wool " JULIUS SYCLfc & SM, lhh lUVVfcK, *?,??-^ b^ ____?->_______________________>_____________________________________________________________________ r. -.V. ~. ??.rrine hnrri.r will? -h lllinnl 11 I I niHTIOTO A PATH TO THE POLE ___H_fl_____ MAKAltOFF rnOPOSFS TO FOHC1. A PASSA.*- THF.IIE. IS PREPARING STEEL YESSELS. With Thrir it? WIM Da** at tin dri? ? er th is ti.: T r. Of I : 1 ii-l.l? und Monomio? of 1er, nnd li.? niiii'-r. ?ninih, uu?l (.rln.l n Wn-r ? ?US' MM ihr.>ukh. ? Un ah? ? a:;? i ;?la th !' ? a i il au? lu. Il . tot Ice (Correspondence "f the Dispatch.) l BTERSBURl >, h\ ptttn r ti. \ new pehemo tl-?' ? - in wlMaeee of eptlun th- i. t novel ??f all the ? . > plans ??f scientists, ? i for i ? bias the North _ on tha ?publia by !.,i llakai ll-knoarn > x irthern Paciflc. Hla plan i ?thing more nor less than lo Loro t.. tho i?.?!?' tbrongS tha later lg fields ?aad in.iuiit.iins of i m? ans of a -fleet ?at "ie?-br. ak? rs." It laured by Admiral Makarofl that tha | itdda :b- , . ba farced A-r i-.-l.r. aker, ami - art that, ?..ah two power b?-- eouM force a pathway to -thai r-ithln twelve Ad Adaalral ?pro? ti?. ?the s?.i led M th?1 gamo Na st ?asm ice-erushera that -?re Ca miliar to visitors at th.- port of Vladl- | ?1B1 Ktock, where they ?ara ?asad to fares a wli through ti'..' lea with which thai en. .. d for tWO m ?nth.-, "i th" 1?' v-ar. The "crushers" that the Admiral ?11 will use are to b- of maniiimth BhSB BS w? ?ompared arltk th- i.break i U* tut ,-oirtock. 'i h-\ are to be pawerfally ly , sh ?rt aad aoUd, and fltl ?l ?Cll Bt the bow with thick, steel I - ak??. To 'tb h th?- AdaalraJ ' .id ?i.i.i a ?on-1 en un deslsning, which la I an Intended to follow up a crushing blow I wi from th.- ram of thu lee hraahet and i Integrate the br?.k>m aeaaa before It has tn . freeaa together once more. of \?, mi the aid of a?ngiaaa of ?treat power ha V.lmirai Makaroff Brill drive his tee-hraak?| tt - ?,t full asead apttaa. th- u?e that !>?rs Up alt piugiaea to the ?pole; then, baahlag ? -aai iway be aHU eaarga -ot-'i? ?aad again atibe li- mass, until it split? apart and IfUI bo him through. If It 1? found Impossible j d? -.', tr.-ak throng!? in this way, the Ailml- p. rol will settle down to tb_ slow process J fr< boring, prt-ctsely as a Dorm?- maonme ws its way through a mountain of tii. if a tunnel m be bon i throush earth, says admiral Makaroff, there sou wbj it cannot be bored tanner <?f reasoning of th* A1 ral's app< ais atrongly t?> the eommon of the a i?.? bav.a ired th" plan, but there are many win.? that tie: .?sioiiary. Uno objectors declares hlmsslf in : "Of course, it is common, with perly-bullt polar v?asela la make ,nn? Is for thei Often throi. , -.?. ; . rammln - th.- i ce -i : lin ami again, and riding it down oder a full head of ateem. But, th' ind th a i - ad. with such eondltions, i nfully slow; next, that It uses up c al ., , i ateem in ?t aerlona manner, and,! r.My, thai or later, the if pretty badly, :i : ?in.- thick ' ' rate lump of i? -. Now, what i: :iK Or irly atagn int j Vsry w>-ll-kiiown, as ; result o! Ar. M" obs'-i valioi?-. Wh? n formed the ka esil and, S""ii a - 11. : : la ?riosv. is tenaed ?brash.1 When it gathera l dOUbl? s. th.- whalers style it 'pau i..' sr '?." -i? -.' if you can se.? n-.e ?it of tl. II v. .1 be " i II?'-." and on ' -iniii' if its bovadaiI oat of lit. 'l'a? k-i? ' ' ?"ii-ist? Of Ho s forced tether and overlapping; and, wh--n thi? ?In h? -'"in. - broken snd sea ed 11 n- w wind, th?? r.anu* of It is "sallin*; N?>w. siu-h la ths i-ommodlty iniiai linkaroC will bsve to ram, sad general thlcknesa it attain? in a ese? foot Sir ., a.-s. ,,ii one slds of 0**eenlnnd, nr?d ptiiin Koldewnjr, on the other, f.?uni a salt] of ?; fast 7 bichea, w.-ii, th?n. ?at ?team n M earry eoals juj-h, and i letoral ??trenKin. CbergS SOd run and 'rush for twelve y s or moro stuff like tills, which uld. BBOrOOVOr, t'r?-?-ze up behind hi ,,.-, -t as sii?- BftvaaOSd? And this la mure the onllnary drift-lee <.f th.? Arctic <ie. Every now and then in th..??? ii?k-ribbed' regb.n.s the Admiral wiuld couater "id Boating les el the a ?I third s-uson. Meting the hid?!- n - a th an Impervious skin 10 to || foot ratSgh. By and by. probably, they ?uld como upon a corner or a SSSBJoa that gslasofiysllci Ben, where the Ice s besa drifting unmelted for centuries, d Where it W.illld Ilot be UlUDUllll to ht upon floes?not bergi, or "-?uinniocka? ;htv t> MS hundre?! feet thick, ' |lo?* ri?8," a? they are .len?uninate?l, sea rn IsUixia und ?. outiiients of ice. not rived from glaciers, like Icebergs, but rpetually want?-.! beneath and restored m above bv the ocean on which they a t as ga thi ? \. pn loa ' i or, th< . r\ i IV *t< Sc "!' i:.: of m? ir. ba Hi I!. d ai si: i ?:. Pi b? tl: I , Pi a th r ?i 01 t!, m ?pped Franklin?the b?ge palaeo am M-lville Island. It was that ilch -piled ?op Boating i? ? Moeka as blgh the main-yard of lloClure'a inveati tor. Thla Is th- fatal bar t?i north Of Smith's Sound, and ulmoht ?rywh-re, apparently, Mocks th- up sach to the ?pole, aad aerooa whk ? it Andr?e, h?ip-d to tlv with his ?vanish? balloon, what could an lea break. even of .-Ma. i ?oarer, do agi1***** i white, lapeaetraala -trail of ihe ?palaeo ratlC wil?l> rmss.'" n spite of the ?-iscoura^aaaaata of the ties, bowever, ?Admiral Makaroff in tfls to give ids BCheme for n-aching i thorough ?toot, an?i h?> ?s -?.mi nt that he has hit upon the only I plea for r.a? hin-; the wll-snard?-?! -?..n ?if th far N??rth. t? l> ?STAMP-BO IIV 1 l..l**<? Mill ts it?rent Art Work Known I 1111 tin .-o at <___B__eg~te iiuiidinu, WtmtuAmnraj. (('.?iresp??!,,!-!!-.) ?,f th-* lJlspitch.) lTTSp.i i:n. October U, ?Is Iha office! Mr. A. S. M-Swi?,'an, ?'arn?;-|e H?il _. this city, can be ?MOB pin?' | cuilou.i freak. In . tai. Th?j phot??. re takea in?- ' ?llately aft-r the t--?t o? a s?-ction of ? ? rdeaed nickel steel armor plate HKalnst iiii ?had beea ?fred two ?heii_ in ?the sting process. nothing unusual was noticed about the mor plata at ?tha time tha ?photographs ?are ?takes, but when the arara veloped there e?p_?eared unmistakably on , ta two fa? ? *. arbitra th? slitHs ha?l okeii their way In. rhe faoaa were humaa and plainly out ie?l In bar- t I, ey?-s, noto, ?nd I 'f ?>nth in t!i-lr right places. Without ? , .?bt it was the is'tang?'st art Woik ?\-*r . ? oinplishcd, tha human fue?! drawn on' ? I armor by the impact of u modern i?Ml. ?nge a fr.-ak of chain?? was It at when the photO?gia|d_a wer? i?.m atad and exhibited la the window ?um rs came to ere thern and wondered at a .|?i- mess of the thing. Btaee th.-n a ossr a-rasatantlaa ad s?.me e. the other lOiOgrapha taken of armor plate at I hich shells have been fired, sh??w that o hole? form th? outlines of various lapes recognized In actual life. |a io ?there can be seen u fa?-.- having all ie appearance of a tiger snarling, open outhed, ami with distended eyes. In lotht-r there can be traced th?. form oil i Jog curled up fast asleep. Turn the I ' cturea which way, you will, there is ; ie resemblance to some form of life. Of , ' ?urs. there are many who say that the ceness.? exist only in th? linaginattoii I ' the observer, but the strange ?Imllart-1 - Is so apparent that they have not th? | ! lghte.t doubt that a new phenoiuei , ?. be-.-n discovered In the fae?*s on the eel. (IKbINIA HAN 1515, iiNTI.Nl Kl' FK"M PAO* Till ItTKI.N, - -Z=Z=22Z=.???r-22 '?ii t, ai.d have org ? ? sed HO I m i BBM 'I'?' -U of sl aur w..rk. "For t!. If ?WS l?a>?- ha 1 ?-even? s iiml.T appointment, ho report that ti?? y ota si k ?i M statloag| n BOfal 'I . i in Biaatlnga in which ;.uth in elitist; a?.I !?' M \: .: ' ? "'inversa i"U and prayer; organic? d 2~> Sunday 7 churches; tssri bufldtag it f worship, and I t. in In? bai 1-1 lin.' ami Improv.-tn? in of ?-hur. ii.-S i?.l ; i- ti y hail collected to.? "' i,, and all this ws s their wii Bel pt I "" .M bopefetiy of th.? work iii'.iu; the i . Of th" Isl ' I empl.,y.?ii, who : during t? | -.- sty Bve am for Hi" it ?. .? ?in which, m .../ . and associations in th<? i f their v,?.ik. ?nd collected MJB.71 to tornot?? lt. The the ird foa he past year had U??Sn JH - - l.','?7 7l ?- i<.>fure, ami > il-et ail of It.-* obll id b. ym tl.o i the treasury. t? Its t?cc?? etary <?r any ??th ,riy the ,h?.i.! .f it* incum lbs ?upport sfclonarhs. I h " p?-rt pay? * ,n ( liil.ui,' t., K?v. W, T Jolly, -t mem died it ii ring be y ar. Tin r> tort was adopted, after speeches ?y Wiillam Kilyson. i: a,; Rsv. W. Ham? Hon. of Blu 11. Minn, ?; Rev. Htii/h C. Smith, of Ma?-? Insvllls, and Rev. Dr. H. W. Battle. ?*| I a :. lo.pu? ?it, and tellln?. ami at th? closo rsst ?unxreKation roa? and ?*ng ?vit h wonderful power and saTsst, "How muh a Foundation Ye Saints of l?e l.or.l." All of the pulpits of the city, except the CathoMi and Episcopal will be ch-.- i? i >-morr<>w by dehyatea and visitors, vnioiix the Rlchmoad preachers appoint? h ar.- I ?? s. W It. 1? Smith. It. 11. Iltt. W. B. Hatcher. George Coop -r, J. William Jon-.?, and R J W.l Inghsm; It. vs. M. Ashby Jim?--.. H V. ? .. and 1. M. Mercer. Dr, W M. \\ i.isitt. <>f Louisville, win oceapy tha NSI "f l?'?n?>r. by tilling the pulpit of the First Baptist church It looks now as If the association ?vouli) adjourn on Monday night.