Newspaper Page Text
20 J HU- iXlX/AimyJ^A^ jL/iuxiiiv-Q?ouilL"?tl.I , ill/ ti^.nuivn. itf Cohens Merchandise Loom Busy Weaving Strange Prices, The store touches the pocket nerve of almost the entire population of Richmond. While nearly all look forward to this business for their supply 9mjAo9iJtm9V<?vtthlts minimum stock <!f merchandise of far more than a quarter million dollars, has Its constant flow of swift trading currents that often rise to the very pitch of most exc.ting price mysteries. I I1?L J/tLL Vf I \J\J\Ja\J<J I IIV/ITI I HILLS iflLim^ii/ mi b kj* SALE 0FG00DS FROM TIRED MERC AND IT WILL DEMONSTRATE WITH THE OPENING OF HONDAY'S SALE HOW A CORPS OF .BUYERS CAPTURED FOR A REAL SLAUGHTER SALE from those merchants tired of holding goods longer, tired of owing large sums for slow moving stocks, tired of the uncertainties tl approximate end of the season promises. The sale will stand for proved economy that will readily yield an amount saving a full half on cases and cases or UM i goods of this season. . The quick distribution will have ample facilities from every quarter of the store's service. But few of the below puces lu been met bet?re, even at this store. Hi?lMBT HABH MUMHBk Tn!' ;it a dcct?i? 1 1 n? at Ail of them new. st cut aTi?l t?. || la ? All-Wool T.ilor-M r $t.v, and I 75. Fiai iv T ??.11-Wool VI r.-.-iux Twill, i???l ' . t. si lui. : : ' for BS Sulti tyllsh-Cul Wool Black English . eel and designs, Jack? i i . . ; ' ..?lie, Hsndsome Tallor-W Its, of 1 sd CBmi ut. strapp? ads, i jii.'. j. ts, in Bin? - f p] ? front. Jacl -,\ flounce ?* K111, c gently Ale. sepvii in: HUB i-? 20 dos? n Led i " - * skirts, ?prat figured ? : . linir ! * . Bunerlor Quality All-W? Navy Blue s? rge Bkli ' well t Bon 1, : I Hsj imely Tailored Dress Skirts, /.??o? Imported English Twee i?? w Onto -i l!?! I ood ralue, . I : li $ii. Blegai ' . pon Skirt*?, rich, plaid, and floe ts, can I.?- msnufactui d 1 iban p , ,-.." ?.?. BOO 1.11)11 :-?* JUKI IS IT A DI ?"HIED HUH. \!V ALL CET NEW AM? RTL Ladles' Btyllsb Cut Kersejr Jacfcet elvel collai - N'M.i.y-? '-.! . .?l Blac Bou :le, doubi? -brea Ued front, dm an exceptional value at *?.;.;>??; usual'? ft. i Pine Tailored Jackets, in Liph "Tan. Blue, and Or? i throughout, welted seams, bul ton ' ' -i Ml t I ; ': ;:: .1 11 tin? Jam | witb fancy I i I I oi LADII ? ' ( \l*l>. I Isa? Blk Velour Cap? s, 111 - d through full swe? p, Thibet fur ti 1 ai value, 'lt.?. 1 -i?ls.,n??- \ i led with and fur trlmmi d, .* ? : il, 13-6 ' Hi : snd Bi itded Silk ' Cap? s, rery : .t wit ii si tin ?t M.50, usuallj ,!". 67 Ladt? i, Black and ?-..1 collars fLSI for Ail-Wool BI k Broi trlmi : -. i ?DU s DRR-MIXG v \? tgVMM, 1 >v. :? 1 ?! -. -1 . * In all colors, L ns In AN*. ? l i.? ihm? re . ltiir s , full hack. ? i.-.v-lty. for P lit I II BOBBS, Ltvdlss*, to -.'- Bath t, of Eiderdi wn .?i.d Ti try Cloth, at speciall-, loa i I.vines- v? i; tll'llllS. H doei oi !?. rs, of ! I : - li l-'lalili? ?i. tte lor 12 ?dos n i '. ont Mette Vi yoke effect . with null?.-, so il?. , , I ? : Pi stty Plann? llett? i, In round or - ? t braid tiImmlng, fitting Inner lining, >?>u? III tills lot P Magnificent display of Cashn P? rs, m Navy, Eine. Cardina Gar net, Light Blue, and Pink, i and prettily trimm? d, for ( IIII.CItlN ?I 00 \TN at pikes different from other stores, and only iiecaiis,.- ail thoN hundroda' arare bouj-ht dlffi out of all usual prie - level. Wo are told they arc tho band? K'-ni.-st In all the town. Ml Reefers, In oobby of ? leg-ant cloth, pret tily tiImmed, are h< i, at ?'< .88. ] >? n,?? i.-.i Re? i- ra, of two boocle oloth, well tailored, collar and sl< kind, Children's Mixed ?Cloth Jackets, strictly i.iiioi ii?:??i? . double rows .?? fancy but t..i?.i and y, !\ > t collar, Ci? Idren's Jack? ts. in r Qrei o, I u with clot h t.. correspond,,l and ribbon, rerj st) :,s!i gai n ? nt. for M.H. Childi i?'.-. Stylishly-Cut Reefers, ,.f lm i r ; fan? y mixtures, elaborately ti.inin.d with fancy braid and but < - ['S THE CHANNEL Yi>K 111. \l Iv |lltl>S SOODS. ' Hero is eos other I It read ti?- M i-' ??-es: The *>ow?-r of He, W?l bi IBM in this Black ?Qoods list. I s what it buys kan to-.i.iy: , j Black Henriettas, All-Woo] i:i;l, k Imperial i Aldine Cloth for tailoi Pure Mohairs m n indsome tigur? I aie les. {AK-. pushes Hi? dollar values light up to iiinrk t. 40-In. li All-W.. ?I .1 r.rds. ?? in? h All-Wool Chevl 4??-?;,. !? '. i ?'loth. HJiit li Bayadere Cbevr? und Plain Cure Mohair*. i all extrsr high 7. lists ii|? these W'oii.l? rtul \a:-?-o lo Itrured So' In?, Cloths. Mil Ch? v . fsilk Bubble Cloth?, and tho t?t w Rough !' Cloths. $1 B yai?i for Silk aii.l \V?>"1 Blistered Novelties, Vigoreaux Twill?, Canton Ch? vi'.ts. Imported Nan Cloths, snd s : other Fine French Bultlnge, u?u - li H t?. t2 a ysi TO CAP THIS CLIMAX, WB WILL '. IK? ?M y:.?o 'I'?? 1" ?) ? !. ? ' 'li.., d .i quards and Ele? g??n Black Dress Fabrics, cost mak-r tor 7\c yard. FROM " .CLOCK ; .siik-i'ini.?ied H rletta, a good on?-. Will wear ?-??uni to any 50c. dress t ?I rlc | vurd. I I M " !? ? <;? II i Crepon? . i,l UAI'I'V ARE THOHK WHO Alt? l\ I'o BITtON TO BUY OP THESE SIT.? in. ITKH FROM 'IHK Mum. ? tltVM DBPAMTHBBT. 21 dox-n ? .::i Black in,.- M?> Iislr WaiHtK. ilmd throughout tucked ?r plain, full fronts, btock pleat- .1 back perfect flit in?, snd cost ?.iW oKitnatiiy. these * m T"T -I-"-?, ?r-j ^-v . * COLORED DRESS GOODS. All-tra.le principle -"The Finer ( for the Bisher Pri?e**?la over!?, mmt other store's pride a1 a i ( ?here at any price. I'nr I * ?-. a > aril ?Sebastopol Buidas? >bf>o?tadsd a and checks an.i stripes, ?that ?aol I For BSe. a. jnnl Ail-Wool Paneles, Satin-Pii ! h quarts, and Plaid En?.is. that manufactur? ?i to eel] tor E?n- Otto, n >iir?l r.I-huh All-Wool Tnil-.r Cloth. Ft Covert, and Gianitc Cloths, I'.-gu 60lil for : For I*??-. i imo suiting. ?Silk and Wool N ties, i Inch BTnlckerb? Tweeds. These fabrics ai? where for $l. For fdiv. a yard Zebbellne Cloths, newest and nob fabric out, O Sting fj.ts to lmpor For ?860. J nr?l ?Scotch K'litinK snd French *.i' ' >UlS, full 51 in' hSS wie. . an.i ii Importer'! prie??, $i..;>. For i)S?-. a pari n Cloth Whine \ - i nttS Twills, and Kni?ll^li Che in the lates! shades, that are sole UM ?to UM. WOW '.'.7 O-. ' ?Stach and White Mourning Pab Istlng or B Covei and and Wool Novelties, that sold for to I'nr :??-. n ?. nril 1'inlshed Check??! D -, that -sells for 8 r??r ?;:?-. FRON 9'M TO 10 O'CLOCK Half-Wool Brocades, in two-toaeeff? douhle?wldth, oostlng usually Se. The Bargain road I Carpets, and the road the most beautiful stock the South has led to \\ store this season. It has taken many thousand doll intent to make it BO, an.I quit. number of pears' ?sxpsrleaci te mai th?? 'Know hOW.H There are no ehaaoss of goodn-ess what you buy hora The g.?? ? every maki Its r? cord ? !' . \i . : i? :?.? . S: ? ??al ?pi . All-Wool Extra ?Super Ingrain Carp value at 7' r 46c, i Half-Wool 1 ?..?< . kind, here for ?n i ingrain i ,"arp I . cl . ii, rugns, Km. vslue, b?srs for a yard. N? w patt? < ?try Br?ssel C j?, i- for 1 ??"ins. hails, .. th?? newest colorings, ?good valu? : . ? i, i??r -:',? . : nford's b * re Tapesti ? for r?.is halla s.ii.i aiv. ' ?Smith Moquette Carpets, light snd ?i is. tin- usual *:.i? ?grade, at 7.".. Smith or Hartford's Aaminster ?' . , s'.i.i usually UM b i?- f? ?Be. i? ' on's ?Heaviest Wiltons, besf Will ; :* made real value UM a ya t?. dose ut ?i 25. 1',;? i.M 10 T? i 11 M * ''< "T.' ?< i; Two rolla only Ingrain ?Carpet, wa tained, Kte. yard. lit ?.* AM> Did'liliKTS. i y Wilton uutjs, fringed en ; - I M re, i tot t loi the ?12.25 Rug, for I FROM U? TO ; K au that's left of the Damaged Will la ?good c'.miitiiiu, worth they are one?limit twu a purchai Ix-i-? ard Heavy Ingrain o-.o- : ?S4.60. 4x?-yard Ingrain Druggets, raw i? terna ?. 8x4-yard Smyrna Druggets, Mid Black l?'ur Ruga 2 yards long, lined a Ided, for i-.-.".. '- 11 ton or Axminst . at Ouc; ?Monday, 29 -. M kTTISGS. Pancy china Ifattlnga ?or 10c a yard China Mattings, new deslgi weai es, lu i .? . China Mattings, bo p.,un tc the roil, g..od value at - " ? .; hi for ITc. a ?yard. Linen-Warp Mattings for 18c. Linen-Warp Mattings, carpet destgi all colors, sohl up to ?Me a yard, a EI.OOIl Oil.-(LOTH. Oil-Cloth.;, in 1. 1 1-2 and 2 yar a de, at iTc a mu ire yard. H? , j F i ? >U-Cloth, good value . hen .'??i -- . .?,i. Enamel Finished Floor ???l-cioth. ? widths, tile .uni carpet designs, val j ard; hi re Coi a i Inlaid Linoleums, tile effects, $1.19 yard. WDTDOW SHADES. Linen ?Shades, spring rollers, ;:ii ooloi Ins? rtlon Shades, fringed colors, good vslue al foi : at!, s, 2 yards long, all color 9-1 St 1 1-4-iin h rollers, : Oolore, Me. Heavy Knotted ?Fringe shades, sprlr tollers. V ; ?THE OLD WORLD HAS LIFTED I'J HEAD AND KILLED ALL i in; t l ill' US-ROOM with a psrfscl ehower o? beauty, ti .-uiiectioii li most wonderful, and ?pros? BOW well this store is to serve you. 1 many EVEN THE FAIREST PRICE \i:i: HALVED, h Brocatelle Porti?res? fring?? .nui dsdo top snd bottom, S : from 11.48 pair. Handsome Chenille curtains, in Red Blues, and Tans, heavy fringe, ?friei and dado, our price 11 v'. i lit $:; valu? for Pretty ? ?. I? mal curtains, n i ?I.irk eastern colors, sold usually ?, IS pair. Handsome ?Derby ?Curtain, in rieh, las! In?* colorings, extra width, *C4S, ii ..! Of $4 48. A ?Swell Bagdad Curtain, new effect: Indian colors, J3.40, should be \ ?pair. 60 t>a!r Rich. Dark Damask Curtains, great valus, 11'.'". pair. EMBROIDERIES AM) LACKS. ire among: the barga in-priced thin Embroideries ?at 7c. a yard, that ar worth i2Mic. Em!.roiil. i i? s ai IfAfcc, a yard, that co? a?l U always. Linen Torchon Laces, ?aide widths, ?pal terns that look like rial Lacy, 3c. i yard. ? V\ Ide Medic! for So, a yard; other at 3 and up to ItApC, with Insertion t?i ?match. Bilk i . for fancy work, Inchi i i yard. *?\ hit?- V'alencl Lacea, 2 yards f?. te, Re&dy-ktade Cambric Ruffling an.! Tuck lug, easy to pu! on. lZ??-c. a yard. I'Lu.M 6:30 'I < ? 10 ??Ij .?K Witt Black silk Chantilly Lace, goo? Black ami pretty designs, for 3c. i yard. LACE (IIITAINS. Full Length, Wide Nottlnghsm Lees Curtains, ?iv -i lah-Net oentre, He pair. CO pairs Bedroom ?Curl it and pi ? its, new ?)? P 'ir, instead oV to, 7" pair buys ttn? neweSt design in Lace. ? *ui tain . all-over la? ?: pstl i... Real Irish-Point Lace ?Curtains, heas*/ ?border, double thread Dot, MM pair, Insti pair. A Swell Lo.- Curtain, TambouT ai I ?Solder effect, entirely oow deelgn, ex ti.i wide, 9.16 pair. poi.-.t d. * s E? ! m Curtains, heavj net, MM i?air. Instead "' $ "?. HO v KM - ALT DRAPERY. In new i Is, With gold flitter, : !. Curtain Muslin. In dot B, It's t. ?.? :: !? . ysrd. j Vestibule Lace, dainty ami pretty, 10c. Derby T w fringe, ; Large Chenille Tab!?* Corera, I IX llltIK VI IM.I.i: \M) II KM TI III: OOl CKIM.S WB IRE HEAD OP THE PRl ?CESSH ?N. I NEARL1 ONE HUNDRED -NEW ?ES TO CHOOSE PROM. T. N? v. Bagdad Bi full b at I8c . at Hi, bi arly 1 ion? Isome d< signs t?? eh<ooes fro.-n; from that DP to MM B y ml. Richmond Will Have a Sur prise in This Silk Sale. See what the liberal trade of this store can do for you. He. BLACK SILK'S, He. TAB ?'hoi In Black Satin 1 - Bm ?de Oros-Grain BI? . I Taffeta, Black S-lnch Satin I 1 $1 BLACK SILKS, 69e. TARD.- Choice -till i Minn*:-.;, High i Blai k Satin 1 ?uchi * -, Exl ra-Wlde 1 I BlSCk ick Ai mure M . -ni will give : 11 ? 3>. yard for Good, All Pure Silk Black 1. just the 1 for sepa ; ai tuai worth in He yard. C7?-- yard for Heavy Corded Black I -I'M! foi l tJood - ; ?J Black s lus? kind, ful wide, to .-. 21-i- idere Poplins, the as the B.H S2 . . good, \\ eighty Quality, with brilliant sliver A ? v *v v. It y Bill worth .vv yard, for -lie - PANCT SILKS, 181-Sc TAI s Tsl and colorings, far yard, He. SATIN I?E AUSTRIA, Me TARD quality, beautiful for fou all tb A lot tit Evening Brocad? In ind T ?ff. ?a effi ?i 1, he r- pilar %\ auallti. s, for -li -. yard. FRO I i TI ' MO O'CLOCK? 'i 1 cade ur? 'I -i-iallll. s, fi var.l. PR? ? ? 11 O'CLOCK? 1. P ' fully with hi-.-ii lustn, 9.9 grade for 1 km r 1 M)i:i;\\ c \n. A cham e t.. m.ik-- ap your 1 Ing lo be ) -'s offered Mon? roi il '?f ti)?' nan i I * srlU be more surpris) Lad and r ' . ment i es* s Mil? t w,m] Medicated V? I ; end Pants, ths Ladles' 1 Ca? and Pa?i up to 41, o'. 100 di sen Lad Mich neck, res, full 1, dli s' Fins Wool Ribbed Union S tbi t retail slwsj * ?u B.H, tb of h< : 1 .?t Be. a Bolt. 1 1 ? Extra-H F Rlbl manufactur there, j ou es ich. T Ml Children' Ribbed 1 'nton I 1. . pi Ian i.? ? ? ?I. droi a suit. i-ptian PI \ 1 ad Panl !.. . 1 m ry Gray Wool ' . shirts and , l: - 1?:-. Wl ; ed Shir t s 1 Is here si Children's Merino White or Gray or : \. -., tn? .*? Vt%0. e..?-il. Children's Fine Camel's 11 iir Wool Shirts and Drawers, always 60c, these ISO, a 1 : 1 Pine Ribbed White Wool Wrap? ixe, 1 t?? .?. FR? ?M 1" TO 1 ' 0 O'.'.j . !K Ladles1 Fine Whlh Merino Vests and 1 ts, that est Be. always, pretty, nest-flnlsl '. neck snd front, any size, He, 1 i? one for dee : IM-.TTH o v is. mi >i i> DBDBBWBAB, am? siiiit'l-w urn, Many things In this ?I? p.irtraent will i to Quick ?buying Mondey, As, for Instsi j-:, uy Colorad Rustling ?^iik : win .1 .1? Bounce conoed, In all col?.is, M Ladles' Black ?French Bate-en Pettli with full ruffle, worth ?">?., it Solid Bis ? s en Plsnn? in?, o. stiffened um ? : sd, ?.i t er would .-. 1 hair Skirts fill frill. lids, $1 BO Ins! -1 I ?>f U.M. Fsncy Striped Moreen Bkirts ..t Be :\. ?i - Ik Bkirts, with .* (fern i um? brella flounce, in pretty, effective color ir-.'... 28 ?i? . " Gowns, yoke or wide Insertion ind tuck n ide to 1 11 at . ., a 1 Hi hi erroi In the Bosktng h 14 dosen C.o.Mi*. uiiiriiie.l full In em broldery, 7v.. Instead of to -,. B '1 .11.i V-.V.k Trimm?, d Corset 1 ?-r*. He 41 dosen Muslin i'liemis?!. of various sorts, usually He, thSSS 2ie. others ..t Ho. and up. 70 dosen Musttn Drawers, with link 1 . heavj h ben I ?11 dt.iw string?, pair; others, with umbrella earn . brie r?ill. ttc. m pair. 2<j dosen La-lies' Muslin Drawers well made, vMih hem snd teefcs above, a pair. FROM 9:30 To 10 o'Cf/lCiC CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS, with deep hem and tucks, work) .1 b it ton-hole?., and felled seams, be a pair. i? SALE OF II M: IMI.I.OW MIA MS. \ . Whll Indi ? ? I lly made and trlmm? d, j ! a ?pair. * 1 Shams, with ?tucks and wide frill, ! pair. Other ?Fine White Lawn ?Shams, with frill of i - n i. and up. . | ?or -ilk?? elevator. AMPLE LISMSS, Ths ? nttre earn] a lai ge im po.-i? r has fsllen into our bands, with a full dfseoaat ?>f : th io oost This Includes Linens from the ebeaps -t t?. the ?Un? -t Yancy ti: ?.. . ?Ol cour.-.-. lim.t- ! ?, .!': is. . ; -in ?ii I. ?Dli ner Napkl ad up to *2.?3 dos? n; retall pri< . ->? to U n m titch? M Table ?Cloths at Impon <; i. in Unen Table Damask, lengths . ? ? to M toebss, G, unan and ?Scot h Unen Table Da rn yarda w Lit Ms -. ?. ,_ m?.?. idea ; The i ia ? 8 *.:. Bli I ?i T ' le ?De ri price $i to U-U yard; th? ilu length , Dai k. 2 to 3 yard . costil ?17c. ?always; Unen Towels, I ? i , Huck, . .?sting 11 and up to I The Finest Unen Damask Hemstitched ?'? ut r. pi. m. i oen Huck Tow? lu nun. .1. i? for USO, sise IS* I In? li. Fin? . lernst I tcbed T iw ; ' t P white Lie n Huck or Unen ' h Tos ?. . wl b md ki. : each; F i. i.? n il - | ?10 ol l. i ii llng, . ?Satin Irish -i. Bnow-White, and bandsom? U do* i Work, Hemstitched Ti I |i as, ^ , with fancj : ?n i Ight < olor , 19c.; I I ogth for U -. I. Bise Lin? n I va ri? each; Fancy Bori . : . . Nai kins, Su? w- u i ?te bl? icb-ad ; . ? n? r Sop I. . as, lili ble Damask, thai yard alwi 'i' now U l-:'?'. yard. R? ... i i ad Art Lit. . I ? ' : ailing. 1 . PRi ill I TO IM i . . n Bi on n Rum h h T? wellli ) u?l for fbe u .i ? Damask wide, pun ' til I ! ?1? III.. ?I II IM. IN ? (?I KIN ?.IIII1IS ?TILL BE QUICKENED MONDAT WIM BEE THE PRICE8. I . bt 'li' m t'r??m a i I? H iiim. . i. in :?u ?the Knl i?> .- ' , Us. I : Cover! b, in all ? : Dkm 1 thing 'for chll I Cam bric ' ; Apron Gingham I l-4c. 10c. . 1 Drill, extra he ivy, for 4-11 for 71-? 10 i g tl ti . ?quality, fur I : 4-; Ai i Cotton, -, ?.ral brand? d, for i ?Mc. CLOCK? 7c. Bl? ached ?Cotton, exti round id, ?m fi 'LOCK i" i ? full ple-ci s. . a HE ITORE ?r iUt *> t?-? rf, \\\i i. WIVIEH CAMPAIGN MONDAY. n l it has ?Flannels to in It with .: hink of selling them any tore t I of what it I IOOD -FLANNELS: Tl >' i E rdown ?Flannel! are here in all A good grade of White Flannel at : th. .. ?l Twill? ?i Flannel for I ver 1 : r 10a U.2S Silk-Warp Wl. i ? u bite Al W ?ol i-'r? nch ?Flans . Extra H -. in bright Navy Twin for !" Pr 't\ Bi Ight < luting, for <1?? :-lc?the 12 1.? . :i Twill? ?i \vi?:? ?Fli nnel f;?r 25 i i .i? n ?FI u m :. m b iched or brown, for one thh I than USD Dornet Fiai re for ?te. ; i Handso i Flannelletti i FROM ''' '' Tl ' 10:13 O'CLOCK? Heavy Qi I i? r . THE 8U< OME \ r m ISKBT Mil' is DI L 'I? ? QUALIT, AM? ?PRICES. Ry comparison with inywh? ire, the MUSS MM Ii- i- H? M the ?MO ?pairs, that all I ' It's a ll-l White Wool ?HI uiket, i ; . .mi well made, $." Is Its i H Is oui IM pairs of 10-4 Vi the on ner wan! the ?Jot | Red ?A'OOl L'a? - II ; United E Blankets, In < I:.ay Only, tor }J. I, '.?' 'I $."> a i : Blanki'ts for Wc. to 11.49 a pair. FR( ?.M 8:16 Tl ? 9:0 ? ?'( 'L< ?CK - ??i-t Tan Blankets, hsavy sad warm, f..r lie. a pair. With IhlS let Of in iiM'itr. UM iw price ?spportunlti - ?an ?offered you. ???.i Fine Diinitv i:-,:--i.r?.i.?s. fd.73 ar. R. 'i !: best n White Crochel Spread in the mark? i is II. i?, y White a design issuer t he ?price value, >st ere ?say I til IIAI.F.S O?* COMFOKTS OAHfJi Bomb are sil btly dam?t1 d; i hurt. n-Covered, D-iwn-Eill? 1 Comfort i-Iarge and full, for ?RIO. Othi Twill??) ? 'otton Comforts, fli-iire ??a both extra large, foi Handsom forts, lamin?t d cotton filled, B-H, tb kind. ? ts-Covered - Btal d? .-.i i lie; others up t FELL LINE OF LAI B BSD Ml *?. In Rcn.ilssaii'-e, Irish Point, Taml.oui Point d'Esprit, Antique and Nottinghan. ; ' Thl : ' BHBBTfl \M> PILLOW-C \"C.?i ar?> c| ? m. ? full double-bi i. .1 ly t??r D up to Me. !, Itched She? ts, f-.r double b?-?ls i uty col ton, sre b? re others at 60 and up f- - i tem? : - full sise d pniow-C In?hea .. largar o riain Hemmed Bolster-Caaes start a ! tit? h? d Bol M 11*16 'i'" 11:*B O'CLOCK? Pillos -Casi i, wel madi or 1 : i a B ?i in?! Fancy Pillos ? hard ??ut chi W? CABRI IGH KOBE In N'.'W Ti rl<- It's ?i BUI | se?, boa ' ' 111 I'-' sol HO n ?rae Blankets In ti Ths pi lo f r tb 11- ? Blai from that to 9 ?i vy Ca r ris ; : I Robea for ! ii .?1 Plush Roi -. full P . I . cloth-lined, that for K '??I'AS r fi?). ?i.i mt i* F -, from $i to UM, ?. 11 s 11. :lal val WOOL ami BILK H.UHBRR RORBS. Bright, l ?oubl? ?Faced '?' ! Bath Robe i; " k? ta for 11.76, cost S5.50 t.? mske. ? ' ' ; - for 9 and $?*. I Silk Cou B ?man and I .m? silk 81 Robes or Couch for ; i?l of $10. NEARLY a CAR-LOAD OF BTAL BEDS AGAIN TO DAT. rta v-ith a full-sl i Trimmed Beds for B.80. No b< t? t.-r Bold for re. d Beds ( -r PL : HO. Full line, up to 646. y \ l-slze, cotton top, for Fibre-Fill? -l Id I ?.60. Full i ? ' for * TRIBHBD BATS, f, lo lot. Til?- Millinery ?nderful sir: Rats On Mondar: M pairs Wli ?air-navy, brown, I?!.? k. rt a. Quills, to ? Child IN IN TI ORES I IM. si??it\ FOB nu: i,i:mi,i:mi:\ lo-n v\. ii Wool ?Shirts and i ? " is had left ol . at try Heall knit gai - 111 " have will \atiiral Cray I mil cut, all M< b'b D c? i or - v, ool i .?-i? rw? : Suits, lit Ilk. to anno) j ou; <i.5o, 6L75, ! Wright i Lined 1 In both <,?.. . ton, He t.. l,i o kB, in bis? k or .?.n k broi ? New Neckwesr, Ladlea? and Q Hi n?? n's, too, m > for 26 . Men's I K Mon' Irts and a garment. BOOH lo.iits WILL mam: UNEXPECTED FINDS ON THESE MANY COUNTERS AND S!1EL\ . Ths i of a rich b<x>k-mlns, that tsh down, baa save? el times ten thousand volum? t-? draw rom. Thi opportunity is a ? Ni a ( lopj right? ?l I .:? new bindings, i?.. \\ Hi -. i. m i? a, i i?i N R< ? I, list -. ch. 1 S Evans, new, at? i Ive blndu . tu. ui Dain?ly-Bound Handy Voluo lltustratsd, ? leci list ,,i titles, i?\ authors, Il Cloth-Bout a mi'- at I? '.--n for all . lume. - les, he 1 itation, i?. ad bands, ink stamp, and gold si book? .m.-. Small Handy Volume Gift Etoolcs, cloth ad, illuminated side etamp, i~: , \ in?. I \i.i: of li" . Bible, Inclutllng n i and log, for . B unctng Teacher's i'.ibie. (?BOM prim? ' ' . .in,., n, leather binding; s:>. lal, ?! IV And in .. n prlCse, :?..! Prayer-Books and Hymnals, ir??. ? $.'.. ' p to I il.I-: OF OOHSHTfSj ?< UV P "?? II. i 11. ? long a i, silk Sossed, and Hamburg ti imin? ?I, tot Hi Thom-JSOH Whit?- Drab " ?ular 11.7.'. kind, tor .: 4-Hcok, .*-'.'. ,w ?i i.,,.?,.-,!, i i<.- sad i i?.'--.ii n Immi ?i foi . ? lot ??f Corset?, n.iual il value, f?>r He Hi? - to das s ?., uing 7.,c. ' r .-file. Celluloid ? ors? t Bt< ? I l*rets?otors for | AVOTiir.R MOST WOMlKltHl? HOSmtr-DAT. Wi I? ml? \9\i s undcisolil ! 1 ? r ol ths many chaac ; that Cohen's brins to you every now ?sad th? n. i;. ,,i i;... atory as tl --I f"r ami wonder. ai; the i L',..?i polrt [_dll '. Bolld-Black, Tan. ?'?ray, -.-: I I thai r? tall ale ' o !-'i : 100 i Hose In Oray and Clacks, full earn? ! - always, I lno ,i?,-/< n Boys' Blsck Bicycle H extra ! : ' for "I.h?! i ! Black Import? 1 H n .rmsdorl tro, I for 16c. a ?pair. : /. ti La ii,. .?,.1 ribbed, i i. i than 12! I irs for I* i.a.ii? ai: i . ihlldr? n'a ?Solld-Blach Hose, plain an.I ribbed, good, heavy 01 for I Jon i >niiti:i.L\s fS-INCB BIZB, WITH WATURAti II \ SDLEH ?I? '<?!> Ql ALI'I 1 . F BLACK OLORIA, I'tiy. -' L.v m men. : ?. Twilled ?Carola ?S! Rod Umbrellas, with pretty horn nth. r fancy band!? Uvsr trimm ! k Silk 'I' .ling I'm ?JL19, Instead AT Till: M WDM ID Mill' t Ol M 'Kit. M? n'a Pai Uni n n m tit? hi d Head k? rchl? ' Ml : ik,'r i hi? ' Ladles' h ndk. : ' fa, hand-embrold? r? d, for i.,?-. isen \\ hit?? Hei Hai chiefs, open I FR< ? 10 O/CLOCK .\i? n'a m\ I Iker mmed, le. \ r THE nu \id t ?u m i:rs. WE'LL BELL Wide Black Herc?lea Braids for a??, a yard. Soutache Braids, In Black, White, and i lc. : limps a! ."? '. yard. Loop Tniiiiii.ii. tit. j ard. ! s, the new small . ii rt Trimmings? ?ellh or mohair, fl Ills snd Tins? i ?Gimps at U l - yard and up, lit PRIOM1 UBAVH \ \l.l ?ES MON DAI. a gr? I. All perfect m?l th.- n? . ' t0 ; h! m until you :: rstte, with lo Marten ta.;*, ?'j.ou. with - hi : Squlrr? I i lila, ?: Electrl. tolls and 2 h Can irette, Stole ?front, tin lined, I m., r ? '.?liar? tte, with in. moufflon Water M with Q ?Fox n'a ?Prettj I'm: HOST riii'i i.Mi ?ART DEPART MBST i> ill?mioM?. Everything that's api? k i is clal f-o- t in all tie : it isi and four ?Doj 11? i M< ?m?e irea i worth Stamp? ?il h o? ? ii id ' ?sen, with . Card with bai well .-. . li h. imped C??nti pi . : k and it i for 0 tal < Tldl? a, with ?frla .a Ball, Linen, i will bramos, viTii a QUICK SELLING: ?NEfJESSITT, An o* ti a maker lade i?. m In nm kunder cost him md d ?.rs. yard, csn hi re for 7 m? > art. I' /eight ] .. . .!,? - ? .1 a greai ban for I f.,r ! .1 . : Fl red rtlng, the resular 16 - irt. of Black-Back I EMe och yard. ?vers everj f;.r 2 - N Bilk Lining, full M Juches v, F il 'I ?Lentlna Unfi . lar tic. . 3?;-nSh Slli ?las In col . ,.k il-* yard .? u worth U i-tc HK khi ?.i <i\ i. gAJLM i ?ut f i \ PAIR ,'i.ility o? nearly every st : Am. rica at I | rsry Mas, color, i-i'i. Tried ??n your ?head with a wan . ? llovsa four I ? -I Luttons. W! ti-i Black, Jl <: 11: ITHI i.ixii).. Black or ? '? .'ombbaa tlon ?'.ml Caee and i'.ck? ; B Alligator, Monkey-Skin, snd H Combination Card i and Po : '' " ? ?l ih kind 'hat s.-ii : is when , sr< -Blsck Leether Shopping ?Be - mtth i ??i. ??ut ilde r .. tl . h. Plein and ?Pane?, Leath? r t'l 11 with chains attached, foi ?it. W-Sll worth 23e ?? "V -?. ? -? ? -m?m -m-*. ..? ? ? m.. _ kin-: ' L - I lot ? Lunl i. <l.-r ! tie COHBITS I'Dl'l l.l It ; UK ? ' i ?1 In I ' i : White 1 ' i Hair-Pi i i in*- i \ .o vv i i :: > - i i Children's Solid 1 l: and ? - ' . Dresden < - RIRBOlt S. I I ' [ m. ? mu \\D in FT. -. : ? ' i ' pou i: 1 Successful House ware Store. The i enturo o. iack to force the ?ii'ttiii-iit .-nul sell al tl b1 pri \m our own trn ..]???. Tr ? . i ment and - al iv ? i t<i be. in- "elephant oi tl i iid n- ire undertak rere ever ?i1 [oust - \l.c. OF DIKKRR HID TK-t ' 1 M ? . |i - H ? i . . rOILRT BI ' ' rail? - X?LJLLs V^UJtHlilN 'wUMrAiN?^ A U V Hiltl I ?JDimjOiJ3l 1, 11VJ U OU, VV xlltHi, UUlN TIJN U lli ? UiN 1JA?E l?.