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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER, 14,764. RICHMOND VA.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1893. THREE CENTS PER OOPT. BLUE HD UTE IN, L aro?ina's Sons Wrest Their First Victory from Virginia, THE GAME HOTLY CONTESTED III Bine Only Go Down After a Fierce Struggle. m IKM un M II \M i*i w . . Iks \lr-_tnta Tn??Uloi? ?nil ,i pet ?n *>?? nan lion ill I'lflj -\ uni ?rail; the Oui* TiiueliiliUMi j l.aiii >li?il?- _ ?>n a Safety. of Nort h * of Vit : the p : '.? Bout?, ' rorrt i nthuslaaHe, ami ? : i N rth Carolina ?aa laying . (th annual gaSM ! ir? N??rlh < I will - with i??ik? ii I tl \ . ? lifts . . .: \ \ ?a - Howell be ?plum i -, .. * i : i.In hug? \i |y won. ' "f til" ' ' ' that ta -i ' loi a v\ : r < un.i .t the K ? ?i for th? I thur found by the whom ipu lace i '. > ; Ctll " ' :v;ik ,?J. r .. If only Q ?.THERINQ. I Woi r Mil . rollna .':?-.- in- ii. : portlnj I ....... i, , I - ; little ban ?id . hi of tin? unnv nonli ) as tholi^l? rt light? tb ?.. ; i. ahile * * ' at the west I i ?mainly i and a lui.- those whs ?gathered i . the ? -, . uni*, ' *U*0* . is : ?I It 10 I" I th) 'i itsti '". : ?,?1. HI. r ?lay for foot . ' ip In IlKhl of a N mber ?sun I I ?Talk I at our ?leased his eats i bam. ae though loth n. The turf wan dry tmt n** ?vikmI foothold i? r ?Um . i h '?u tir .v i i ? i. ??>r Un? I 11 Wlilll, ?l,|l|..lii; lt,i.? ?In- tl Id, it with it a misty ?moke-cloud the! rl .tiyiK-a ih? uit-n su ou a buttle-fltlU, i -w? ?ha ?u ?i over ni? comba! till bough th?. combatant* wer? enn i filigree of si F FIERCE BUT ?CLEAN CONTEST. When th,, team, lined up I the next hour and a hall proi bed, and at IJB thi nd the here Id. Th? tie ,?r n?, slugging. \ Irginl laa not alx?, can I to tliis. :i h?- is t?. i.ongratulated thai on yeat? lay .-he played ti,<- cleanest, fall i her - ' r ?n ii??- teams .,?,?1 be ,i work t'-n minutes it w ill who kimxv the ?garni thai a battle Th? tea* ?. en in d?fi m Iv? * oik. TI na ?. nItory m.?st of ti . not to Virginia who i??? 1?? d th? ' '.ii'"'.ina ?ii ?ercely, thoui t without gain, i?i to the good Judgm? nt of Virginia'a ful Da? k i. tantly punted ti tiall on- x\ hen ii went Into Vlt Elnia'a - At the end <?f the Bret half it looke "?Tilly probabl, tl team w ?ul m ore, r.f both, and when the ?second half be ian xvith tx\?> bad fumbles for Nortl i'anilina it looked l?lu-- tor the 1 few mlnotea later, ahi a pox around Vlrglnla'a left end, and, aldei . it interf? rene . made th? only touchdown of tl<? day, th - wl - .tod) t)?? gam? realised that the glory hgi if i. CAUSES OF VIFFINIA'S DEFEAT. ' a lack of feri I ly ol i- boui*c< . ? he ? ?rang? .bowed a lamentable lack p.. game they ii i be i lade through . Ina'a lefl end, ? nd ? hu illy bu .-i.'?? C iTollna'i i and ta? kh VU fini ? Twice C ?liter made a hole ?OHM i"""!'-. (Who Coached ?. T an I hrotiRh ?Carolh ? rkle by ; oroe of brawn a--..i "*oatage, only ' lowned by ?Carolina'a baeks, ea no Inter? ?rence went with him. Three time? V?r enla ' ? ; : 11 ? ' i each urn?' th? '.?.t,in? rol i.Kit and down* ?I tin? ?runner !>? hl?nd th? (/Irgtals Virginia tu? .1 the "i'? quarter-tack bul Bhibley punted su hlgb ?thai ,ii?.?ina bad tin?, ?to break through ami ?lock th.? ?ball. Most ?>f Virginia'? ?gain? a .low!, were made neer the ?close of th. [ama wh n eh ?reeort i to the old ie-beck play, an.l hit tlu? (.'anilina I in? vith ?all the fi. it baa charac . n/.??i \iikShi.? -? oflenslT? work In past . bUt it was Km late, ami ju.-l .?.ft?-' Slsom'a try for ? ?goal from ?th? Seid ?-.hi? h resulted in a ?afety, tim<- was <-all d. QRBQORT A W KB, ope at tin- stars of tin? ?gaOM WSJ i\, Carolina's lefl ?-mi. a ?apeedy run ,? i ami a ?ore, ?bard ?taekler, on ?Mart*. ill of Qravea'a long, ?high ?punts, in? i?i?>i.. hrough ami ?x??t umh-r tti.? hall in 11 r 11 ?u Msom in i.'is tracks. ?fumanri ?in, **tostly, played too ?alose in t?. :r??K'?i">. hut even when h<? tri???i to hi?>?-k iim the Carolinian ?asually threw him off. (\inom out-punted crav.--, ?seen In ?the m - .i half, v. in n ?Carotina ?had tin? wlad .iiiiai in r baek, and ?bad Virginia'** ?>nd? ,.k?-n advantag? of tie ^refully-Jadged . ,:.l effective kli'ks, ?Uowell nilKht n.-v. r ni.ul. ih. tw-fntt run that ha? ma.i. licit u hOtO tOt all tlnii? in th?- Htati- of nun ami |?r<-tty wmii? n, ami thai now titk-n away from us tin- itp tiiai \ ?rgljila ha? t>o long guard d with Jealous Courug?. THE DF.TVII.S Ol' THF GAME. I'll?? O111eII?H I.euii to Virgin 111. Hut I'oi'l n in? laiHsa on ? ii rol im?. N',, time was lost In preltaalnary pra in?! aft? r th* usual ? >Mi? ?.?1 Instructions been given the ootn was flipped Into the air i... ?Referai i'- - and ? r?iii.v called by ?Captain Collier, of Virginia. Th : . u ? ,!y any wind Stirring, but the sun streamed wer the groaad a* it settled ???toits western I Col lier accepted the advantage it offered by taking the western goal and leaving the Not th CarollnJai be glare. in another miaute the young gladiator* were lined up. facing on?- another, while tiu- orowd waa breathless. The ball was puf .?n ti.?- ? ntre-line, and after a moment of tinai preparation the whistle* I blown at -:'?i. and tb gam? x*;is ??n. Grave*, the North Carolina full be k. Btepped ; hi? pa foi ward and - right f< ol o. 11.? ball flew high the Held and went out <?f bounds ,?n the left A ? ? d att? mpt met with biii graa for? felted t" Virginia It i sorry omen for th?- Chap, i inn team, and In* Vir ginia sympathisera grew bol*t*ron* in theli enthusiasm. ?pieman drove the pigskin to North na's 10-yard Uae, when Grave? wa* waiting for it. The whole Virginia - line was upon him, bul i??- had made irda i?? fore thi y tel] upon him and d him bo compli U ly that be waa almos! smothered. ?On the nest line up, IfcRae made 4 yards throw on tackle, and a moment lat? r i'?. rce got th? ball for old Virginia on fumble. \ rginl, tried to force through North ?Car olina's line for small i dns bul tb? > w? n met with plenty of muscle. Moore ?and Grtffln mai?- no gains, and then Collier wai at m around : Igbl end. H?- i 13 j irda, anii'l wild cheering. Vli kepf her splendid - lly st work, and North Carolina llne-d up bar ba? ks time si ter time Moore and Ciitiin Bmaahed In sad Her waa tried again on the third down, but his ? wa. -, I the bad] wenf over i?, n,,ith ?Carolina. ?ai i. ?; >i;s TO CARl ?UNA. Cop? the first i ; n? : yard. Then h? nt i Collier and Sum? khi. but ?le re waa no hoi? t??? . he fumbli ! ?h.- tell, but got If again, tl it coal him two . It doe n a .?i ala rardi to gain. Gr i? hind a < ? ttlon, got his rlgbl toe und? i t he ball and t he oi ,1 sailed tbrougb the sir for twenty-five j arda, whei it f< ii Into tl aho took tb him and ran B< ?inc. Moora wenl against tin r the Fine and w hit n ide b yard : i m irtin ?.n the T x:11? 1 lili?-, 'i'ii. u North Carolina n d? a pon ulf will? h f?l lowera wild. Grue? s, boa ever, onl three fruitless. Graves then bad to punt, and ? .?.i waa < augbi who was la? kled it? his ti I Vlrgl b u k at Bf the i?.?n oui on s * lid ; Rogi rs failed In sn itt? m] : I tin- kick, and G I on the b dang? ? to the Not tb ? !aro a touchdown In s minute." th* rooters of the I ? Blue, rosred, "Hold '?-in! le?!,! 'em!" the North ? lina BU] K < ill. r got ] '?li' - yards; Hi i I oui - I danger, but Walsh, after he bad caughl th? ball, >wn lut?? th.- a? ms ,?f three n t-foot< d ? llnlana, who laid him low, Etsom ?punted to Carolina's f>->ani Une, where Martin ?jot th? ball sad slmul oualy kiss,-,i the dust Gravi m yarda ovar V i I ickle, bat on the n< 11 pli y the ball xx u fum bled, end Templeman, who waa oa the ai, it. tumbled ?-n it for Virginia. was ?SEAR THEIR GOAL The battle ?ma being fought now within . ii.i- of the TaibeekV goal t he game wat aa ? u Itlng ta a murd tr trial. Virginia'* attack x\ u aoou thimr fierce. Shlblej marched lato the redoubtable ? i-ntr?' for one yard, Collier was b.-.,t, n back foe a los* of two yards, and a moment later, la a second attempt, he xx as thrown down ui,?I?t a doien IgbtlUg n*. Th?- Tarheels xv, r? putting ap aagatfleeat defenee, and when ?'??Hier was ?,L,.iin doomed tor m gala H ami Carolina'*? ball, and UM pt'"l>< t time fof th?- Bin* snd Whit? Baga to wave Copeland mid McRa* hot h failed to and ?.'.raves ?-ot in a punt that landed i'?e ball twenty yards further away from tin- agony i??>int. Walsh caught it, but wan tackled the mo lient the ball toueh?-?l him. Collier mad* tor th* tauX but lost a yard, and the valiant Moore made no headway through the <,-nt r,-. Vlrgtaia was aaaktog a desperate efr??rt 1?. s? ??fe, and It WHS derided to (*i\e El ,iii .: ?i???.,, , ; the North Carolina goaL II,. dropped tin- ball and kick?-?!, but It was u poor drive, and w? nt ,t 1 ist :-, x,?n!s wld, of the goul post, .in?! only suited lu a touch-back, i'rav.s, who xxas the Urst to r?'iich the bail, wa?? clos?? ly followed by Koehler. ?nd it was ba? li?. v?d by some that Virginia bad made a j icbdown, ?and the y<ii<jw ?and Hiu? inters went wild with excitement ? ??Mi; DES-RATS ?RUBHIMO. ; Ka ?bed it ??nt at ?the W*-) .#?1 ?Uac d Martin i atchtng It, ran liai Colllei ?mad? - yard . Hi?- centre; El ?. aw a i?* toppli ?I <?\ r ?at lei LB -. er I? ft and ri^ir, ta? kl?. r? pectlv? ly .i then kl? ? -reel, and th? i al nt t?? a? ?i- ; ?rate ?rushing, sad North Carolina so a hail ?ag dn "a a fouL ?for ?th? 1 i: -aii.. ?i a yard by a douiii? ?is, McH , i I ? ? man ad ?to ?Up hy ?Sets? r??r I yards, am i n he fumbled ti?>- bau, wbile ? I ./.. ii u ?nd can led It 7 yarda furthei ? the Held. A '??k.? pss? ?gall .1 on th? ti? t ?hier went roun? ril? of Hi' though i"s ?boulder ?uff? ?rely on ?the join n? >. ?and b< i do lied ?to retln. H ?. .> l : ikti - I I plao riK'.U halt' l?a? k. IN ti i * : ?OAlfB AT ONCE?, ? ?i ?gained a j ard throv ?klc i igbt ??nt >.!" ?the ?box ? h ai to punt. ?Down ?th? ?ball I arm I old om? be? W Koebl? r ?bad him routa1 U :. ?and dro-, |i- .i him like a. 1 ?a? ?nal. With a ?guards-left formatlo . \ ??ii? :: yorit, but ?an ?rough ' i th? nexl iv ri?a : iiis b? ad t.? tn<- ?ass? of Bl?se ?and White, bul i In telescoping bli id la] with closed eyei until the u hlstli , w. when b? walked ?gingerlj into tbi in. Crltliu waa ?it ?aid? on th? at play, md th?^ tall went tu Nortl rARHBELI BBCOMI .\?:< ;i;i.s.?ivi:. ?So far i he I ?been \ ? ni North ?Carolina ?bad been on ?the do naire. l'Ut ti.? ,'.111 tl ay as Hi? ugh their II id? d ??i I ,i. j 'u id tx '.ni' tboi ?i m? ?; hi? Hoe m. tbe new com i i> ipl? ndldly, ?nd ? ?Hi h .... i. ay of I ?round Vli Ilia's left ?-nd fOI 1 i the loui-ii-hm-. inn ?bad ' raight in-? ?gain wmii.] ?bave ?been rerj Me. antic VI? toi ?ad it was such an unusual ben th.- opponenti an from Virginia, i..t they ?tsnild not k< < ihe? r fter ?ii? r ?rang out on th? u* Id, and im tli.? Virginia ? ? at. Shall ?made foar yard?, ?nd I I fOllOWl : II Up With ? u | ' tWI r i T y nd Wtl i, t nniii? ?i tb? halt whlcb ill im?? I and ii went >?. North ?as, ami [owell w? at four jrard ovei V ft ?tackle. Beanet ?pushed it ?along for rt_<o_ (f Jt u~ j, St .9 bt ?ft- C ______ _ _**_ % I -J I i i ! ? I ?^-W* j*? i * r ? fMu '* -i^T vv^ vtt-?\ fVw.iV, _. r*_****^ ir*****! J" ;^;/yv.. uvs ?r +i^H^f^ ^pi -fa _ 11 * i? **>*, *?_*r 1; 1^-4 w/^ ' ^ _. ??^-aL-i/i !C?j5v^/ir'>4 .-. . t-.i'W^ , ?,^""""""""""""""" 1 "- ."?i\i v'l?g _?_? ^Ii-^f?^ "- ff fyfO " "tB 4-/ *-?->*-,- -*?f_liiAW?* ywvtit*vvV^w^<?V^_U??yV?>^?^.^^ ' 1 4-+ CKr Li * I tWrnf ?' ... k?|. .l?**?p-?P DIAGRAM SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF THE GAME. two yai 1 <d through left tackli again f< r gala. Bow? 11 started In to ro bit be ? leverlj? tackled I i?? gala. The ball wa i?, Virginia on down, and Elsom punt up th,- ?Seid tor tiiiity-tive yarda Rog? fumbled bat managed u> retrieve ti I arda HOWELL MAKES A FINK FIN. Tl ?ball : t?? Bowel] a ofl lib Sash 'round thai sai old left ead, and , ed down ti Seid ?-n his s-yard i an wd ?brol Into ? thtmderooa roar. He was brou* : ' -i .n loaf i?-,- f"iii, r. Copelai followed this up xxi'ii ?? gain ??f two art sad ih n the whistle Mew the end "f to. half. When (he team* Went ??IT th?- Ih ev? rj ?- ?. to discuss the gam a.?.l it xva?? an opinion pretty general led ?ha; th?- outlook xv-? lia. ,?.'.. b, ter ti ?ii.. .i. ?i'-.'i | ou'rc bound to * in i? gr id? North f ?arolln who baa played mux a time oo ti Richmond gridiron, and th?- Carolina me n out ; all Of ill- :: ,,: Virginia, on the oth -.v. r? d? Cl? :??, The tea x\?is n.-t playing ?arith that old-tim< nui ginger that h < ! mark? ! it b< ami U, : ?tu t t? th?-ir oppot a putting up ? Hi . anxiety and trouble than they had ei pected. The ?..'.-oimI Hull Kxcit ina. The tesma \x. ?? on , r an li of tea mlnuti ?llnlan ranks, i?i Shlbl?*} xx. tub tltuted for Griffin ?it bal ba< k t.?r Virginia. North ?\,i. ti," and i|?j\xei? kicked ??ti caughl tie- ball ?,-.,l -,?.?m fifteen yarJ 1 punted up the Seid. >? the ball, bur x\ ?s doa nod in ! by Bummer u:.:. Coffoland and IfoRi ? in, purpose, m I J to punt. Shlbli ? <?t tin- ball, snd rushed through ?i croa ,,f four Car? a y thai aet it .? crowd wild xx-ith j,.y. ? ?pelan pot a atop t?? h. ?nd of tan-yards Journey. Blaom punted f? .-?nd Gravea returned I'll* tell. T '? > ?il. ? gh th.Mi ? for a j made mother attempt to break throng ti?,- n?.,- p|s ?. but h?- might have salli ?i Into i i-i k a v i ?r.i. rtlnghun t ? ; tie- bell OVOT the filll-baek' n ? -. i .' play by fan lag upon It, a i - s, a bo i me up arltl , him m S s?-? uil, fell up?,n it. t-?<?. In th I next pi.-?. Cunningham nade .l simii i ? I l? :n boa Daila and Tempi rman. I I eras tine' tor ?h*ivea to lei? k, ?and thi | t ?in.- 'm ?| Mm tl ? jptii : u ; i.ity. Bhl ght the tell ! ped it i i banda end ? i* t,, -1\- :' from the enemy. Moore gsln ______! H?WELU.*?w?J THETOCIH LIN*, I si thr??- \?ir.I?. and the uall w?m t? North i'ai'iilin i. ?h ?w 1:1.1. s i:iMi.lia Ni' PLAT. Then c ?une the ?pi r. of ?the tnj, t ht i Howell ?dashed a ?n ; the gridiron t?? hm blmaelf ?ilting in a ni? b ol i mi?-. Th? bal] ?psasrd to him Just ?fifty yarda ttom ?the Virginia ?go-sJ. ?He 'umbled it for .1 ?second, then, tucking it tightly be neath iii? ?right arm. be ?started the left ?end of ?the 1 la t? un. ?B? for? realised h? red *_nla ?Une. A wiiii tumult ?arose, ?for ?the langer was nuit.? ?rident lie was .? Sonta or more yard? from bis nearest ?and was ?gaining perceptibly, Origin mad? an 'flaut t?. ?grab ahn, ?bat ni ?attach trot \ ?pell? ?i. ?and onlj >too?i ?between him and tb? ?glory of ble Aim.i ?Mater. ?He ?was on wlnga and /te to* y w ut ?anlllng In bla I ? . ] ' from t!?.?? crowd w.r- frantic. \ i h had ?lart? ,i past KNoiu. i nd was almost within ?the ?hadow of th?? goal post. Th- ? ?base after ?him n it di i?u* b? nerer waren wL Tho*as**a bsaathleM sad read) to drop, ?be darted beneath |!,t ?goal ?poet? ??.ml fell hia-.llong up a the ball. SKTS 'int-: ?CROWD win?. Il w a? sit'h an un<'Xt>?'ct?-il an : tou< bdown ?that ?the i r??uii i B h ?u Il waa 'ally i? ' Vf.' .i, . ntbo rt ? -ni ?know no ?bourn and women kept it up t rr ?aom minute?, >f ?the i Nraag? and Bins w honor where honor was due, Mr. Clem -Wright, an eld University ?boy, of '' brok? through ?the cordon of i?"?ii< a and i uebed ?? i ground to embraci the hero, tit, Wrlghl ? pound?, but hi thuslasm wss h thai hi? Sight a the ?gridiron waa almost iti ?nal sa Howell'a ?bad b? en. Th.rti was a outl ursl of j?-?, wh.-n ?Qregory convsrtsd tbe touchdown In REPEREE ACTIF !: K" il making Una. OREOORY'S JUMP. The play lhat fotloS 1 S : . ing. Ten,; I . ? ; , atchlng 'h.- bail pn . u. il >?rer tb? m Il ?lui fell ??n i"p "f them renf TINf l.'l? ? ?N~F ' ? ' asa-aa-Bea-a-sas*-' The Weatht-r. Nov? ml ? r :i Id ty: 11,-rally northwesterly wind?. Pot North and South r*lsM*Jl Fhll. eontlaaed oald weather; brisk, norths . .- winds. r - -i WAS/rHNOTON I I riin '. '. for l-'rld ty | j F??r Vlrglt I continue,! cold we? THF VV FATHER IN ?RICHMOND *l FS TERDAY was fuir and cold. Ther* was I a light fall of snow in th?- forenoon. b??t the beav? ml nt mid night the ?kl?-?, we?? eloudiesa, siut^ of thermomet.-r: ; 6 A. M. 1 ?A. M.M . M .S? . I F M . M : ? p. m. ? ; H Nlght .il | Mean temperatura .U*i 1-, M WILL ACCEPT, ?pinion lo Thal Effect Gains Ground in Pans. : SIGNIFICANT REMARK. paniards Expect to Be About Two Weaks Longer ?way from Home. _ TIIANKM.IVINt'-OV*. II M IIE?V, ni?, ?I *(:ii.? Peace i ,.,ni,it?sl,iiu?rs ?he On**d* of \\ li i I. la?,?, leid? 'J'etit nieu" Banawfl* Tumi Span?? I? h Will Ile inn? Oar . *_?>??<??).IMMI. PARIS, NoremberSl Th* Spanish com : ? . had n >'. fixed Upon tli?- ?lay t-, submit their tlnul an-?' surer t<> tb? America] ?na, luit It nod ni"--t likely that .-?<>,-ni-,> wilt I?,- th<- day appointed. The opinion g-ine ? ? ??in?! ti? ? tie- Spaatarda xxiu a<*,-,-i?t the if th?? I'nite.l Siatcs. A ?i-rnifl? cant Indication <?f t',?i: tiom <>f '???- attaa? tion w*i? a remark dropped by -?nop Abara* the Bpanleh Coanahadoa?, rasa*la hera about a fortnight i"? Tie? secretary of th? >i int*h Coafmla? si??ii. Benoi - - ?i-i to-day that in? Btructtona ?from M*di*li1 ?were not sutil? ClenU] ' to eiiibl,?. them t?j :iu i???i::i th? next ) A rORTNIOHT LONOSR. The 1,-nt of the? AaflOototl >. 1 : ? ?r,?i At n /.?ir-i to-,I ?y If th* eomml ?l.t i?, able to Is*re Runs - f / CAPTAIN ROGERS ?>K PAR?* LI I i, (Whose ?How? ii'* Brllllsni " ' i ; >.?u??li t.. observe wh thei noted ply: "i ?i w? i?, til t??? hen ? > fortnight." "Why," tli-- Spanish con r waa !. **l? the optnl ?.. ?pi led ?mi m tlon at the 1 will ?!? ? lln.? tl,.- *: ?.i? .">??. hut will ?sign th? Ire ity, with thai you do n ? t?nij ?of ?'I ' w not i Tins wss th? manner m which Mi.? ?Spanish diplomat ?ai u. ?ii? ?, onttnued: will. ?SPAIN DECUNK MO ' Th m ?i t?hai gtpala will ?money .?ft'- n ?i. nui r? ?. ?th? will ?gO I'om? " *ih, but ; wo V "A i "A ,i R at a i uhl> ; ' m-. : | i . ? in I 'I'll ... \ ih re r t BLA [ZED. ore? il i I Mi. I>r?>fu? I?. II i HiiNliitTtaV PAH bi?>r?is, th?? M , ,' ? ? :. Tb?*? txreley Jure. "1)1 ' lot | vil.?. ? ami i: ?f tho K li t< th? -dm of tnr?, i? living ? f yourself or friend, ??hires?. or call in .?.?. THE 1 : riTUTi, Marshall ?.: K??w 'Pagas, Toys m Wlnil.,:i|i?. ?-? -- ' I men r-hant*. i-hur? h i ?minlU? I Toj s m quentltlea ?ai ?a hol. -..?i? t If ih.- Hi?'.? I> letting Teeth be sure ?and a? tlatit oil ,.?,.i wcil-trl???-, i?ui? ly, Mr?. VA'lifiloW'i-. ?Soothing ?*>)iuu to? ?'hihii.-n teething, u >H>otaes it?. rhllU, ?oftea? ih?j .iimt. allay* _n curvs wln.l i?olU?. und ii th?- be*i r<-m..:j? for diarrhoea. Twenty-live ?.ont?* ?bottl?*.