Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1898._ - in Price, High i* Quality* Perfection in Fit. k this season tl ? __t -i we hate s*?e_ - ?Meltons, Vit-n i -, ami (.'??vvi'ts. .1 Un )V[RC0ATS TO ORDER, $15 and $20. pair of Tt<*****i f a ba-_g. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $5. ,1s elsewhere, fatal.Ml Co,, TAILORS, C6EASTMA1N STREET? Let Us \<>ur Groreries r?-\t I will pirase you i yon money. Of ?course! ive ?been dealing with for the past t.-n h.i\i? no objection.??j bui tl It aafl they oould do t give y ou.a house r some little thing it. to sorter hala nee ip for you. In this way w you that they your trade. After trying us and ?seeing what niee Wt have they would ti'?r you smh induce? m order to keep your t r ii- s trial. Prompt HUNDLEY'S, m \i>i?i LK1 t ::? rot: HOIRIES AND FINE LIQUORS, 529 Esst Broad Street, Phone IM). Richmond, Va. ird ?. Gaines, Manager. ?id RICHMOND TRUST * N > SAFE DEPOSIT CO., fOtthrtOai i -t. Teni'i anil Mala SI?, RICHMOND, VA. AcU la ALL Truit ( npnrltl?, Mano,.? Estate?*?*? ?_ _,_ Mon?-}', V.r. I?<1?<>?.|!? Ilt-.'.i \ ?-il ami liil?-r???.| \l luui-il ??a Dally llalauic?. ... John Skelton Williams ' , . i James H. Doole>. ieDlS'-(frank A. Davenport, rnaVr, Henry London labell. _>1U_C'1< -, .:.;>-. S. il. HaW< H. A. L 1er, H .Cal ' . .' ' it, !. inn, Williams. _(au C-F.SiiXtv? u i? iii-i.iiiciiir>' * Tara? i ? In 1?-?: Id? u ear -. null?--: ? 1 I .?:-.- : i v. I n turn, y M I l MAniXE i- rCLl I6B7IC-V ! * PI ?.i.K.lj.hia, i I. S II ' . ' ' ' *-* M i i i m: \? ? .. m ?UUCBT. ' ' i xi its. t ' H i iu*iM i i u i i ii% m AMXMfW, ?Not !. The ' dation and \ u- i . IncluUini i ?. ? vit h a moderat? v merle?, n NOVI llllmf, \ . | !.. I ? I ?Sid buyer.; January i pi ? i -. '< b?ru ! .-... -; .1*?r?-h i May, . > , May ..n'l Jut-?-. md Au**u?i 1 : i D ? cr uud October, SOCIAL S1DB BRIGHT. riHM?i*?.IVI\(. lAK.MMi MARKF.I) Bl M\\\ 1 NTr.HTAlXMKNTS I HONOR OP THE STUDENTS. Iilllinnt Meanpllap nt the < -inmon-' weniih eint-.. Bagaaan n? tin* r*??. Ble. und i? linnc?. by tho ( ottllon l)rrorntt.u.?_T|lo r.nente. nkngtvtM.Day la our beavtltul city 1 df? ?lay par eSCellono*. Men and women, tho small boy, and the tiny ?-'irl who decked in College ???lor.-,, with. Ithy erdioted f?,r Virginia or th. ThOOgh th?? community ' bent, stiu ti-,.- Banctua for an hour or more were till? ?1 with th aarneai thinks for paei ? : 8 Of th.- m?, : . ., :. nt dis leltver, d j ? . i,y a \-isit?,..; clergysaan, who preached at St. char h, th.- i-,.v. i?r. Evans, er South ? The fashion and beauty of ihe city ?amp ?t Traction |> id from 2 t?, :, k. Th?- bi? ,.)lv %vi,|, , , Bttl Whit- and BhM, m. I of ooio; : with ii?* ami ?merry laught? r. had many but they loefully t?. ?ii?- victory of North -.a. COMMONWBAI?TB ?'Lrirs IUDCEP? TI? >N. The Commonwealih Club's reception I ? : -.iver itv foot-ball t? am laat night wns a function of surpassing bosuty. I? aa home <.f th-- club, with i alms, t:??\x? rs. ? an?! ? in.-n made a r.-sult of the effort* ??i *!, ?-.- who got up pli ndtd antertalnment. The reoep tion was green by the alumni of th?- fni ? nt in Rl? In,,, Th ?ration was pnrtlcu? -ii palma i behind n "t palma at the i. ittom ?-f the Ina t?? Hi?- second door. .\n ,,t ??n the flrsl ai * ' lorned with palms and chrysanthe? 'I'll- mingling <?f tl of the two team* in th?' drapery of room* wa rly happy. Th? reception ""parTy i in tin- end mom <>f the i . cond floor, The supp? r was ?-. t in ti-.- long room look ing <?'it ?,n Kranklin street. ? . | rb collation, consisting of salads, fowls, Ices, and every delicacy of t>. Fon. mi: OF THOSE PASSENT, alumni and their ?ivea honored Ml ? - s i ? i Bl dersbn, jr.. j. k. .i. An I? J. I- . Hugh Antrim, II A. i,- D. Ayl? u snd wife W, H. Blair, k. I., i-, I I-, Boaher, N. ) ir. i' \v P, in,,? k and wife, H. T. toon-. , a i- ii ,-. CsbelL William Cameron, I. Cameron, ?'. P. Cardwell, T. N nd x-. i!". A !. ? 11 Chij I? v. <!. to. Christian an.I !'. w. ?Chrietlan, B. P. <'?? . snd wife, t< r, Jr., .1. to. inn i wlf? . William Dunn, .i. Taylor Ellyson ami i; ii ? lain? ?, H. Oord? n, w. i>. ? ,i Innpn, x i: i \. T. T n rriaon, \'. w. Hai w. \ -. i ?rife, Julian inn. R? i-i per, \. l. llolliday. lohi T, n P. A F. B. 1 elfe. Dr a:,?l wife, -to T. !:. ly, .1. J. Leak? i . L, I_ Lewi >' ? M ?: v. Marye, -i it. M?sale. R. to. Maurj an?! wlfi. J. B. R Minor, K. Mit hi 11, r J i to. ? : : . .-. i: Page, L i: ? i- ittei ' i ion and *... it.-, Johi ?1. Powell and \\ if. , li 0 i- i. ford ll '' " <; ind wife, ! l I, x. \i. Sai da R. C B '' A - ,?,1,,:?, W. to. s'!,. Iton, Pranklh k i Rob? rt Stiles, Henry 1 w* b. T? x-.,: v. M Tomp kins. l?r. Tompklns ami wife, W. A i N. Upshur ah? W H. Crquhart ??ml wife, E. P \ .1 \ B. R. Well , and x?if I '?- Vft llfi rd, L. 0 i: R. wii Han i - o. Willi i .i. v. -A Hilaras, i: n Wl ,i B. I'-n ? II, H. R. < lab? 11, Thomas At E. i M R Holl - fton Miller, C B. A ?. i ll. Orundy, Alb? rl Smith Ml M X| . ptlon Ci mmltti ? xx?i .- i?,, : : Cannon g i, .i :., > ? '! . Randol] b I m R. toen dlth, J. St? wai :.,-. The patron re m r. W. P Bro k, .1 Ben Johnston, s ]' ' k W. I'll?; ii.-r Aiiilu? ?n. \ ,1 1 aytor Ellyi ?n, E. P. Cos im, i. i. Lewis Alfred T ?i . p. o. Hai laoa and John I_ WII r.imniiti, : Mit i Hai x HUI M ': Ith, V. ?' ? rnard Her I ormli y Rhea W i ttie i',., k i. ludia Palmer, Martin , ; -.. Uly Hill. Judith Deane, Bw i . [Jrquhart, Marlann .m. . Bi ttie ? Ihristlan, lAttoe Weddell ?i i Moaeley, Lissi i :, i.erniiiii t?i th?' Untante** Th.- germen given by th? young ladli tl,,. i rd? Virginia and Noi I ? rajoyabl? ae l'i'-xxiy iren Parher foi th? mit' leal up the dell un- dancing hall an, mple \\ p tad oran* : blue. The J< " .... i b) Pr?ol toi Thilow i, . nd the r led by Mr, Adolphua Blair. Th re Mr. and Mrs. Adolpbu to, Hanson, Mi kenbrough, Mr. ami Mri , I snd Mis. ?'. ll'l! Mi N Mr. an? Mr. and Mrs Wall, and Mi j, Hampd PI? --His. ??I, - Mia e y [at] : . Bi lie Tj 1er, Bettj Christian Evelyn Gordon, Marianne Maade, Btanl?? ?-,..yki'i, Moa? ley Ella Jack tfadalln? K toa. B< nie Noltlni .. sin? Ida, Uagtc Brand r, Louta [?rgeret Old, Maud Morgan he Morgan, Courtney Bridge? ,,, prldgi May C innon ?>f Noi foil Hamle Spllman, Mary Hayes, laa-y Hjiyei Kate M< r? dlth, ?Posla Meredith, Ml* Wallace, Misses Jennings, Jsyne Wing? tby, Lepple de Bat i - t.. aria, Mettle ?Ptareell, Lily Vrqv and i.i'<zi?' Boyd. U-zi i rene? Nelson, Empale Pegrsno Miss'Williams, of Norfolk; Miss Panoli ,',f Haiivill?; Miss.-s Hill; Misses i"o??k. of ?Hanover; ?Mary Donnen, BdKh Jon? Daisy Chsmbsrlsyne, Nelson, R< Bell Mergle Knowles, and Misa McQuln The' gentlemen were Messrs. Colllei i,,.,plein.,n. BuaamergtU. Walsh. M??,?r, Parrish, Coleaaan, Ans.-rsor ,K... Alexandi r, Hob. Pago, Kear Norbourno. ?'??ck?- ?Stile? Tharnley, Ben! W MtJCabe Boaney, Venable, <..or<J??r Williams, Petera, C Talhott, QMs?ot J?hns??n Bwlft, Perrln.,?, Worthan Wertenbaker, Tarbroiuh, Bradley. l?*er ? ?du-. McCarthy, Carter. Millei . ai?--, Parker, Bridges, Hill, Ltuxn Wormeley, Korben. OefcO, Strlngfello?-? flray McAdnma, Uuyr, Walton. Carj Plt-garaU, Rgbtrtg. liarrlaoii, Mesan ?.?. r- of Nor'*"ii<; RanfeMMMpi Me??.. Old of Norfolk; Mnmn, ?nd Moore. The gorman wan ? led by Mr. ?lair, nn.l the wind In?/s in and out of th<* pr^ttlly-i;o*n..,l K'ri?. ,,?. Qulckenln* ?trains of muslo, th. imv laugh, and Inno e< tit r? i.artif will long bt a pleasant ny-m ory t<? Ui<? ?lom;hty krrtichts or the i?1r skln, who so nobly wr< stlc-d with ?>tn?r \??-it?-r.lay and go groattoliy whlrl M tnrlr lovely last night. I?nnce of the Jnnlnr t otlll.m. tin Uut night did th.? Junior Cotillon a .1,(1,? .,| .,?,,, ?, -,? ,?? ,, ,r,?,. ??an 1er, that th.- rr'iw-i might ?aeoembie t"*" before u wi>n?li'i] it? way to th? young ladles' ?toroMut, Th.- timol class, 1 ?so ?daintily in tinir filmy organ? -Uta, n.?v.?r looked mor?? aura? t!v.\ ?'.ath tred, ?beetd??*- th.?r,co!v<?*?. wrr?- young jtdles from ?Baltimore, Norfolk. ?Danville, Raleigh, and .?th"r place?, und m >n from Washington. Baltimore, Newport Newa <?l?l l'oint. Ac. ti,,, chaper ?a: wort M-eedataea li. \. Clalborna Tbomai Boil ing, ?Charlea BolSng, loaevb Bryan, <;. v.. Johnston, ?and Jatnei i. on?. The music conducted by ?Proftaaor Trimmer, unusually good. The rung ladt? te usual mi mix i of the were Mitaca ?Sally Randolph, Am a Carr, Margaret Tabb of Gloucester, Judith ?Deane, ?Mary Qllltam, Cahrln Bragg, Hal Itt Cookt, Mary Blnford, Lu? i1 Nam,i.- Cooke, Ruth and Rllaab? th R< Misse Cooke Mil Han ?n. <?f h. N. ('.; Jcn'ii?? Hughtt, ROM Mor? rit, Annie and ?Leila ?"?r? y. and many othi i -. Tbi i-- ' men were .' ' Frank ?Phelp-s, \, rner, ?Lewtt, Tabb, Boil ing, Harrison, Arthur P , ?Lawrence Mil* l? r of ?Baltimore, n? ndi on B Qi of Washington, 8 1.? Wit ami Willv 11 ,i ?, '1 ? i ?White, Rddle ii. nson, Thom Li iki. Pope s.i- h, Wllll m i Mura? Willis, l?i? til k. ?Llghtfo it, Brook, i": ink inn. v? ?mon Mo . \\ ill) im 1 a . u? rkeley ??f Btaunton, and : Tht Junior Cotnton of I w< II ? ??i tbllshod that Its ?!.? < I ?rill 1 fortti place a I the J< ff? rson Hotel, The ted for I> ?tht Mb, l-fth, nn.l nth. MARRIED M nian-x II.I.E Th? Srijiiol (o it I'll?.? Imtiiii Coiiiily II..IIIIIIII-I-. POWHATAN COITRTHOUBE, VA., No \ - n-i,- r 24 i from KeldsvUle, S. C ' P. ?Dabi this j?,.,? ?. .?.? i. i y by i : ' i : Iota a ?run sick? u? s m Hi.- family of t he I ? R \'ii':?? tras selected as the pi the nuptials. Tl ' >r ?i1 th.? W< tkly I't??-' fin?- attainment! He won pris i i?sdal of the ?Lond ly ?at ?: . lolph-Macc : amlnation on Shakesp are'i plaj , and the "Walton m?--iai" ai thi ?graduate In <'.r???k. He w< ' other col* lege h on o re, ind i i 11 a 11 on a? o pial ? i turer, "M Coil ?being one of his prlncip i l h *i The ini?i<- is the only of Mr. Theodore F, Harrii daughti r ol Mrs. Ellsi betl ' Da with ni ora 11 ?has made her hoi t not d, and ?fter tht ' hw mot hi ? . SI ? li ont ol oui m il han and ?beautiful villa?*, P as ? nd lovely trail chara I she \s a favorite with all who know bar. ti?, i I a pleasing ti u . i omance, thai m ly propei ly ? otne Into this Wh< n the me ?to the rilla live li was ih.? I, in whl? h t he bri.I?.? a ?bcholar. it wi ' d In ?-?.u: time that the P ti aching hi"- pupil hi r dally l? that ht vas t? It may I??? truly sai?l tl ?both ! u ons wi li'in? ?l glv??s i he happ) s |u? I. A of friends wish for ihe young couple a Ufe of h..; ; h 'i'ti ir home for ihe present will ?be ?at tht Pewh Hotel. HIS**, Tim i: IVBDS MR. \v\<;\i:n. Pr-etti i _wn___it lmp-Dn) Wed? ?u??u ni Calvary ?Cfcareh, Ml v Trti - ?and Mr. Jol i B i i- unll ?: In marrl ' The ? r mony t .. ?i by th ' Or. 1. M. Ml 'i h? i?i li quite i r? ti\- v tired in a vi rj I :-, id > blu ' th, with hat and of whit r? ?s. ?SI on the arm of l Thi ?. I to the aliar l y the ushi l M< ! I I : ?1 ? .' H. Parater, Blair Wellford Allen (who wore s ?beauti ful , ,,- inn... ,.: blue v. i?, 11 offl latetl a i i Mi. W. Klrl n : ii march i most 1 and after I i my% Tfa i r ?i?, wbo it the i ! Mr. Mrs. William D. Ti I this city, la s young lady of an ?amiable and lova b .- disposition, and la v< ry popular am in : a?a|llairil n: I, Th? n is ih?? ?popular and well-known ? hi? f clerk to Mr. R. W. *oui m. i pai s? agi r he Norfolk ipany. After the ? ?r? ni? !? thi t wi re driven to thi when th.- happy the noon for ?an ?tended trip North, foll?n many |00d wir-! Mm I lag ft In 11< \:iinlrin. Al.i:\.\.\M'lA, V A . Kovem?btt el (?Spi dal i - <; ??r-; l". Hei burn i printer, and Mlaa eldest daught? r of the lat i? h | mai ?':- byti nan ch : . this ?afttrnoon. Misa ?Lou C*_aun?ci y, young -t dai ?,; Mr. and Mra. William i Mr. K. Steuert smith, eon ?>r thi ' Bnattb. wi ?i at thi home ??f the bridt'a ?parente, on ?south i\ str?-? t, at ?'? O'clock ' hi Thi parloi ltd with anthemums and ? rowdi ?I with frii a* ?Ri v Mr. Mastera of I , hurch, r? ; formed tht et n mony after whlcb s supi r was spread, and at 7 odock th.? ?happy couple took th Norfolk ?boat f?or trip ?southward. Hruuh?\\ ? l?l> ?ROANOKS, \y? N-ovtmbar M. clal.) -A faehl?_? ible weddlnj ?orated ?to-night at Calvary Baptist ?,, whi n Mr. ?Sari Brugh was ?united In marrlagt with m?> ?Patl Wi bb. Mr. Brugh Is a prominent young marchant ?t the city, ?and tin- bride was form? rty a ent of N< -w Mai kit. Vi. Mr. ?and Mrs. Brugb left ?after ti xj on an extended bridal ?trip North. Ordination of lin, AV. AV. ".Vllllams. l?,,,n,,.r ?Baptl t church lias r?.c--ntly raiif.i Bar. w. W. Williams, of Baltimore, BJ ?paator, and at th? r? ?|U?->t of th church, Rtva. H. lb ?'??HUr. A. J. 'lail. and S. J. Kiiah. !?>? met Tutaday i\v 111111-; at D? a? ?m Brltton'i ?and ?pcoettdtd to ?asamtee Mr. WlUlaau as to his kn??wi oipt of tht Uiiii?- and aall tt. the ministry, u rtng ?paaatd a very satlafaetory txami natlon, it was determined to pr?jc-. his ordination. This t????k pAnct at the church. Mr. Collier ?preached tin- or?iitn tlon sermon. Mr. Hall ?I? liv.?ri-?i tin? iharn" to th?? chuiih, and Mr. Klnchtlue. in a yi ry lm|?n tOttO inuninr, told Mr. Wil liams what Would in- sagte ted of him as the shepla-rd of th?- flink. MfWOVS HF\I).A(Tir. AM) INDI? GEHTioN cine IS THE ONLY M_DBDT ON T11K MAR KET that will cure every form of Bead-? ache In 3 to 10 mlnutea, correct ln?iii;??s tlon. stimulate the nerves, and build up the avatora. It shoukt 1.?? In ev.ry homo and ?very traveller's tfrlpaack. At all Druggists'. Twenty-five cures, _> cents. ly 21-Su(W.&Fts )AY OVER THE RIVKK -JIQ-EMBIMI i*p>ople on*?r.iiM; IT APPROPRIATE*-!". ?ELL PLEASED WITH THEIR PASTORS l.-H,,..ti?i? Will W.-l. ?mr Their 5e? Paatorn Hnyntoy? \ YuniK Mon Wa? Asked for ut Central?Mayor Man rler's Coarl? Porinnnl?-llrlrfs. Yesterday waa ?-uietiy nn?i appropriately bserved In Manchesier as a day of ?ariks. Th" ;tr?- ts for the mon part i'"l, and aft? r the early hours f th,? day all huHlnesa was suspended a* It were S'ind.iy. perhaps, be nil to have egun wii,h th* servie* ai ti?- Mi ule lemorisl ohurch, whei r, Bev. bed. This was 'ie only morning service held. Th" ladles gave their annual 'i Unm r on the tr?n block. The - pnrtehen of by right I a right y it f..r t!-.?- chm of tbe I ?. tptfal ? dinner ?? he ' ' id? r bulldh - - i i ' t Mi LoveU'a reaj? - horch x\?is well at! ', xxas r?-a?!y ii feature Ity. Th?- pi ?gramm? . which hsa i ?en printed in th? i snd much enjoy? ?i. " ' ts, of fl fun in tii young leoole. I re the 1 hed, nii'l nil he Bsp .,.1 ?.,..k |? il t in Ihe ? ? ' ? h ? irs was d x. ry appropi : u METHi ?! ?fS'is- NEW PAB - IBB. i -. m?- tw? i-.-v. .1. ? -. It- od, of I. i:- w. w. Lesr ?* the nai ;:i list chun h ??r n The sp :n- to '-?:> on, an? i ?rill receive .? warm \-. -, 1,,-n in- ? ?"n. i i .- , nies t? "*1fth-Stl man 'A -, powei He hsi ,. . n a n.. mi,, i !" i!i>- ",,nf UP, ami hsa s?-i \? ?i -i numb? r ?il well and to the edit n opl? . pi i who h '.?' '-'ix-, n t:? v W. T .'. iliiam- mi? h 1?". ?I lip] "it ami fra , mal love a 111 n"t fall t?, xv I ?m 1; . -. i?. ?'i.?-il -y, wbi eed hin Sad cbur 'h, in Bwansboro'. ' i BIS HONi >R. a littl? - ?ni?,n of J loss I I ,ii-?. co ored). The Mayor ?l? eld? -I thai >s be was tii? lii-!?-i officer ?T the city I for b? itlni IS. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. : ?i "I Mrs to BT, Wh lied in f - u ty Tu?. ' f . to i ,n. Hoi ett. ii . i aft loon at l o*i Mi. Cuthb ?i^iit for Baltimore, where he will en i V 1". \. M.. will m. | In thi " lo-nlghl k. This a ,-, ?-ni?.i , Mr. Willi;?? ; - .?n at ?Ir. (.IiiiUIoii.'*? lieferen.?i- In Hunk rrii" Ufe of w. EC Q Par bi it of i ty, rani ?-?m Mr. G hloned homage, Wh? I amln? d coin di nd Mm ? ; : ?. i ? ? : :. v., i | with Lad; 1 ! for the dl tat on, xx, were wel acquainted with her ladyship." Pom] utti i iy i? pudiat? ?I tti.-m for hlmsi ll ?,, him nalural ' I inrson- He ? to L son, he ! ? took !.,.: - II serious!) to I polit ? ie of hi i ?renta:"- hi had thi Infli ?f a 1 .?tii.-.- had Iq dm i Prit But our in lank to Prim Minister aa such; and when, at in oct? n l'i n?" i B Brttal for the fourth time, Mr. ( Us : Si.ll. ? ' ? lady of the bous? In fron ;ii. t"i- her <?x\n companion In th march to l whi gu< -t . back i?? alio* Qladsto refused to sui "pra go on, Mr. Ql idstoni .' said the I i x\-r? ere till i ai turned inte a pillar ? ; * I \ e ri,,,,i, :'-. I't., |i>>? i I li, n. (Boat Hei Id ? 'I he ? ' mpl of 4 ice Ni xx fork m come n ? itriki than m burden ol his hill, xv' ,. \ i mont la repon d I mi n t by stlpulatli shall m?t be tax??! I amount for period of thirty yeare. Thet irly Implied In tiiis that tl rmte ,,i I a ; I ? ?l. hi i n t?? tii? m to transf? -..-.. it is pretty po '.- aagage In Od it has \ i y m . ?i the B] offerlag a preml im to m? :-h to \a?i" Just taxation. TI f tbe bargain * gether creditable t?> the partlea who mi comply xvith thla otter. ?But tl ?than for ti . ?r wie? i?r.?p'?s?-s it sal the Btai s it into legislation. Tb? I ? - Invoked be n-? more than nomln ,i is not Veiled tO ?be lli'l'i' ?' Tire OttOt . ail oosssrs, but It app? ars to I . ,i to lbs New fork naarhst A Cltr-nr Co??? of Fraud. (BaMfSBOra American.) If anything were needed to ?how t! ut i? t dishonesty and dlereputableae <?f priz<--ti-'htin-4, th? affair la New ?o Tuesday night would furnish it. The . no doubt that the whole thli . M- mraaged esrtndle, and the Ni York papera y?ster,lax condemned It unmeasured terms, one of them oo gratulated the public? i.-i?<?n th?- che? Maying: "It Uu?s mor?- tOW?_fds the ,1 strucUon of priae-flgbting than uil t s -rnr'iia that could be preached by i the minister* bet we? u l'??rto Klco a: the Philippines. IVople who go t., nrii lights ?1?, ii'?' ?are for s-armona, but tl blow bus them in th- leodereet spot." At tlie same time, It must be i-m i bered that ton then send people paid ft MB t?> s,,e f1"" rt??"1**' and thi* swlmll? get this ni<iii<*y- A* th* Bght was look upon us th?? mont decent that ,?>?il?l given, and as It was under the patrona of spiirtsmi-n Who claimed Borne r?*i>ut tlon for h"i?"r. II I* "- valuiible object 1? on it ?mows th? bald knavery of i whole prixe-titrhtiDK buajnees, ?md it right that It should bt? outlawed. Por a good chew try Crape Tobacc THE THE MOSTEST STYLE AND BESTEST WEAR EOR THE LEASTEST MONEY IS WHAT THE BUYERS OF THESE OVERCOATS GET. Men's .... $10.00 Young Men's. 8.50 _ . _ i... These Overcoats are of Melton, Covert, and Black and Blue Kersey, with Italian leatherine body linings and lustrine sleeve linings, made by the best tailors in the world. Qood Beaver and Kersey Overcoats as low as $4 ; the' richest garments ever produced at $!2 and $15 and Globe Clothing Has a Magic Fit That is Unapproachable. SATURDAY'S HOT SHOT : ige, ?Boys1 Wool Knee Pants. $1.48, Boys' Chinchill? Reefer* 5c., Boys' Fast-Black Stocking?*. 98c., Pearl Alpine Eats. c)C All-Silk Neckwear. oc, Poris Web Suspenders? 59c, and BrowB Fur Alpino Hat* $2.95, Mi-tils Woo! Cheviot ?Suits. 98c, Men's All Solid Leather ?shoos. 25c, lien's ?Fleece?Lined UndeewMis 5C Black ami Tan Half Hose. 5c., Lawn Handkerchiefs. Royal FIyer==Saturday Only: Men's Pure Worsted Pants, French waist? band, guaranteed not to rip, medium in Weight, just the thing for those used to wearing $5 Pants. BUY mm?&sZ ~j fi f^n HATS ? B ?ibzi HERe .BROAD AND **&&*$ SEVENTH STS.?* BUY SHOES HERE. ?? ???a1? 691?***4? ?* *? %*? *? a? v?? W THE RICHMOND SU For Men. / $2.50. i ?V I A fashionable Shoo. a, A ?reasonable price. S, Our fall ?nul winter J Shoes, ii?,"'?.* in Black and 'i Russia Tan Cult Skin \ Mid other fine leathers. f# *. i I e ? 2 for men espt sed to th A weather. Ti 'Phone I28_ and wo will n send ?'tiiil '-!<t -?hoes, repair ^ in best manner, ami re- j ^ turn. 'I Shoes half soled sewed), t / -. 7- i DC. ! tf Our Specialty: / Double-Sole Shoes >. \ W.E.DREW&CO., S I f <* ? Mdin ?ind linhth Sts. / [nos '-\.'.; t TP?p t'??!' Children'i anil 9 * ?v#C* Misses* Kid Bnttoo ? Boote, sisea from 8 to _, ex- ? ? tension s, ?1rs, only 7?5c ? f <%\i (tfi (,1(l - ;*,,'os' ?Kid ? vleW C?ngre?, Gaiters, ? ? soft ami easy. q ?&i ffcA for tho best ?Boys' ? ^' UU and (?ills' School ? ? Shoos in tin? city??all solid ] and lerrice?ble. i\\l9 fif? f()1* ?liebest Solid CDX.VU Double-Sols Pp ? lice Shoos for gentlemen. i <?al -^n to* siff-ot itylea j CDI.vJU Lndinn' Solid f Ladies' Solid Pennsylvania -fade ?Shoes, which wear as good as * * ? ? Siioes. rl tZfifP for Children's Kid ? JUC* Button Spring-Heel i Shoes, sizes 5 to a. i MM BROTHERS' Model Shoe Store, ? 607 Broad Street. 0 (?jcS-Su.TuAP') Uy4^uymgBmuy?*uymg?mgum py**uy?t m** W**m** **?a Cards, 1311l-lle~d-i, Statemonta, Letter Heads, No-f-Heud?, Circular??, HandMll.-i Podge's. Ac, printed by th?* Plspatcl Company at low prlcrn. Will give yot good work at the ?ame price- you pay fu Inferior work. Send us your ord, r_ an? we will aotlalacUoa lu ?ver* trartleuter. / nwemmnw?tnmmw^mrenmmmm -? * aasuc-iim bssotss89c?-??_?-?i ?Our .New 9) _ ?~= S Catalogue | Ia? ? \ is ready for t f distribution. | LIKE ONE? ! m t. 'o9, You can have it for / \ the asking. We will ? 'i be pleased to send it f? to vou. 5 ti \ I LUMSDEH & fi Jewellers and Silversmitlis, ? 731 East Main St. Bn8GS0069686S69686868686S 0 ?4? ? ?* - ?O -m-m9-e9^ap<B9>.mh> O l lifted Dolge's ! I Felt Slippers | A tor (jenilcmen, ladies, i 4 misses, ami children, i Romeos, d u l i o t s, f 1 Fausts, and Mules. The i ? softest test, warmest, and 4 f easiest Slipper known ! } to the trade. t * These ijootls are so * Jwell advertised we can 2 only call your attention I J to the fact that . We Have Them ! 1 j UGd-SGHECa ! f i.i Rast Broad Street. \ I S. C. WIISIOIR, Sec. and Treas. j 0?^?^'???*????????f?*?^?l?*4?' 9>9>i au '.'i?-? ?i,\. - 1 , OLD l'APKK*? KOH 8 ALIS ?al lfc. PER !1UM>-KB_> j at (ho ?tcsi'ATCH orneo. ! c-ooT?''*? "if Bwtf ni.-i.lo tho TAILORS AND THEIR BAD DEBTS. Tb Otej org?nl_:(l I at imbllc _u? dan j i.iMii? tita obtained ??r th?;in 'iistin.iti-ly r< ia Im* ; that tin y hav? ?a laid hyf*. t. m rhich ii*??* I ii..- i-.i-iti??!!?? i- t.'. pay for Ihe ?: the ?lish, i w? havi i .'.?. '*I thi Th<> mon? Una l,a?i , to ?? H k;uud work t u TOii.-h leal i>rlce than th* n?.l-1' tiillnf? ciiar?;??. in our i [ -irtmeotx tit at *-". Will Mil aN?IJRY MFR?HAN?IS ING TAU OR, 729 MAIN. MILLER'S.. , \ I *?ie.,ii,>i,,tt,?.,?i..,o,t?\i L E R F O R M E D I C I IM E S W Perfumes^ liest (ioods. Best Assortment, l'est Prices, PINAl I), ROQER <* OAI.LET, LC GRAND. BOCIETI HYGIENIQUE, of France. PEAR'S, CROWN COMPANY, CHA VUS, o? England. COM?ATE, EL'ND BORO, EAZEEE, ERUHAN, of America. All are represented in our ?lock. By the bottle or by the ounce-*25c. to 83c. per 02. Callandexam n'them. T.A.MILLER, 319 Last Broad St., Brancii Under Jefferson Hotel. i ^^**??_ W\ ? u ' ' ? u ? ? ? v ? ? ? ? ? Old 9ti*tn tot tola at (be Dltpnxt otaca.