Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER, 14.7( 5. RICHMOND, VA.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 189S. _ THREE CENTS PER OOPY^ im CiTY'S FINANCES. Jon McCarthy Speaks ihe l M, B A, iCHMOND IN GOOD SHAPE, - ', He Says, ?or the S?rieis o? Calamity Howlers. i; ?VU 1 ?? TIDI.W \TLlt. ..f I lll-cn? from Thru . 'Ii?- Im por tan re of tin lot to Mil-- (lt> ? Tin* ??tilt? ? Mi. ?>f Qyaiao Boda?; ly In? Ing of tl Ifon'i Id in tho ml ?..'it. und in ;i?l?li I ' tr.m t: tj to ] n> ;:tll"St Rlcbmoi D-trral I im V. ' : I. I'. II. W. 9\ n- If. 1 >r. M. K. 1 I'.ry.'tiit, : J??lin -:.-tt Wall, H. I >. '.' -a Essex; W. < '.. ?ad J. w. v' : '.tr??.iii< > il Mr. I . h tribut?.? to Mr. MB author _| Id he I I?: .' ., pro ?he would . living IXl '???III .'. n the i?: thai DOV ' ' charter is .t ?tho ?i. barter all xs. to tho t In the ? : N running n i rea ter i xn the Ity would ; by tii? i .ii I ail ?the ?talk to the :m its nd ??u the ' nto by : -, : . i ?one to ?made i that tii" mount - nd one?half of the . ill?? city'i i Ity previ it the . boon -, ?I -t; , 11 -, i... i ,1 -.ion of It* la* . ?- '. IMAM w.v?1 Ml of tl.? .i ?. tboul ' ' i : . I I ; B ' ( lltl : .? I-, Hi v '. k? ?>-a an] ?it." ' mill i??? .-it than it it i ?9W. He t?_ n -mit ?than v.Am no icabuii lor vncfa mhtitMo, ' i >xM c- ' an m as? ?non. and in tblriy-fou* | >>l will be \\lp<?! out. All' thai li '''" mpDsb this is t.? lay a?<l?l.? .-.,, h ... .,- i p, ,. r,,Mt or (nr. i, ?. and in the specified time tb? . tad. 001 i.i? i.i??! [DATE AT 0UC\\ Aside fuim the ainking.fuad Mr Mc Cartbj aald tl, '!> Um-- bring enough <? i of the ?! ? Ha ' Cltj Hall ?n thla. either, ; ' * ' I : ; Bell the Water? revenue them, wlthoul ilf - f th? 'Y, ." of thi evils which tha Department la I racl that Iti In a lump ..-, h 1 ' > mbet and ' lids split m tbe i "u.iu: r??r six months ana tb .m bon hei thrusl st M lum to ih pi ; a with a aevere an or n.-,, Mr. Hin Montague off? i? i .? gob nt ' i? McCarthy, and ? ' him foi | Tha motion wru l of Mr. McCarthy*! Mr. John to. ,i,-, , tnclal methods! Mr. Monti _<jed Mr to the I A..?M.ntan!, malmaialng tbe correo! _,,,. ,,M" " -' aotwlthsundln rtby "IK OYSTER INDUSTRY. At thit ur, Bsrtoa n. I . ilrmaa ol a ape . With the ?li.f. '?.? n to augg plan f.?r laen isiag tb - " ' forth th .t thi n ?s la opei planting xi, -ltlvation the I beariai k< |< i : ?stabil plant, is t,, rent lb? . of the oyat? i the I . Insti ad i I'1 ' ' - oyatera both also. Tims, he aald, nv? right n ika It poaslble for the away Wltb thi nasa in Virginia. Tha : that ?I?? - ghl be a. blevad t?\- throwlag th, ; . a to men . . ;?,,. ,, n,:,i of the oyoter-groum .,, the state. ?MR to' ILLA im? DISSENTS. Hob. h. k. "Pollard, la dlacuastag the . said th, Wboli thing wsa based - - did nol own the , i s-i? ii oarnersbi] ontrsrj to thi ommoa law, n-1- ly held thi prop? rty in for its eltlsi na. Concerning the ment that there ii>i. :,; planting grounds m.cupled, d thai nlae leatba of thli iiidt tor oyster plant ng ? m of ii I ? oft as t?. csuss the death ti r snd ti?. tt al -?i u too it ion ol ih, bivalve. Ai man v,\m pbuited OB these ?racaal grounda i loa? tb? oyal n be pi iat? d there. Mr. Wl to Mi Pollard, and i absolutely the fallacy of ala re i u. asking tbe cuy Attorney t<> shoe him the i?-vv alluded to, which wa to Btati ?neisnl| oi a atei m. Hi asserted tl had sol?! her oystii S-1..-H-. and 111 n m<on ,n ti.-- i ?tin ? t han they hsd h? ea la would do as did her to i . by Mi Wlae, Dd d< lin? A to inn h? gue th . TIDEWATER ROAD. Thi Into the ?pi? s? ? ,i> tion ol i Tldi Mr. :rinaii, that the ell C bad rt lit? of th road snd that th? prosp eta for the lia? w? rt i Mr. W. O. Pollard, of Klag William; Mr. J. W. i'!-?--, of King and Queen, and Mr. W. D. Cal In th? Int? ' nient, and Mr. W D. Cart? r, e ho bad been s? nun ?lue . I II. told i oit ??f comm? r? ?Ion which would i?? p< n< : ro d, and ild It would real deal to the p- ople ??f Rich? ,. ii bi to I Tldt water Ti,? business ol ?ins aection, he Baltim. Richmond i... to it; i??h the i with the cap It ii city ol theti own State to goii - , lera, aa i would do bo ii built. Mr. Ca? ti r th trafile ?-?ni i i- largi. i? if t, ely. Tin; PREIOH i TRAPPIC. He did koow, however, thai the fr< Ighf large. Th? We? , mpany, whi? th? people In taking Its fr? Ighl t>? Baltl annually about I300.00J worth of rrelghl fn whan Th, frelghl charges were ild, and the value "i * ?boul tw? nty timea ai the ii rgea. The men ..?it of Baltimore ng tbe proposed road, Mr. i reaJlaed thai tl? ,,,,,. ol the line would divert the the ectlon to Rl< hmond. He i,.,. hmond pi ?pie to bestir thi m , i? ?behalf of the movement, and " '- I toi \" l. iv was tO the people*???, KmK <j . .,, and the oth? r adjacent counties thai the pi ' the *'1'"1 In , arneaf and meant bu t?,-, . tbem ? ? ko t?? polla aad ?rote for the Issuance ?t i aa wi re h? ' ?r the the mov? n i. i ?i mi. i,, kng callad on, ( iU, , , bad for yi era atood I- |ti own Hghl by ooi opening up th< uy to us comm? ret he thougl tlgena of 'his mu?id tory ' Koti The commltt. ? on the i ropo* ?i road and thank* wi n estend? -, ?tb men fr? in tbe 'I'M- Wat? I for theli attenden . after e bleb U adjourned A MMHIMi I'OH.l'l?. ?loi? Aasaawd That? J??> <;ii?rd W***H Do It? l>iil> <;[.\SC,? )W, kv? x??v, ?. Ben o . (nst before i ttfhl to-day " toei thai they waralag t?, the suarda Bt the J ?ii of tha appnoacb ol a n Rol rl l?own and Johnson 1 I,- , j ,,-,;. d With icurd.r. Th.- WSTBlng wer< m? ?i by th? night police. Thi . ,,. flfty men found the Jal guarded, ;,,,,, ' ' that th.- guards would do thsli duty If an attempt was mBde to take the prieonera, parleyed fm half a., hour aad thea rode off. BrowBi , ? M, for November Uth, H la mith killlBg his lath.r-ll.-law, ?cMillaad, and PraakllB With wl? , l.t.MUtlou tor Murder. I ni'lSVll.l-K El Nov. .,?! i ng Posl from Eddya WUllam Cato, who willed Charlei askew on September 9, iv?: paid the penalty for his crin* t.? day o'clock, when be u ? aai ','. taSUttm In seven m ' To Cure n Cold I? ? I??T Take Laxativ? Broaao Qulaiae rabieta n u__ist? rafund ?menai If faU* to cure* M ?Tn.a. Uvnui.i? U_i U U. 14- on each ?ablet. ?~-?*? ?????. 99M99B ?? ??_ TO REPLY MONDAY. Spain Will Exhaust Time- L mit in Philippine Matter, COUNTER-PROPOSITION IDEA, Spaniards Ask If We Would Accept Ces sion lor $100,000,000. I*0-??JH*LK Al.TEONATIVE OIT lit CarolIne?- nnil I an arle n -to lie ll.ld by I . S.. in Adilltion to Philippin? ?. on Condition That Spititi ft? lulu I'liilipiiiin- Sovrrelniitj* PARIS, N'ivinhor 20?It if now known Spain will esli.i'ist ?hOf tirm-limlt, ?which ?tsptroo oa Monday, bet ?reply? in? to th?? Amerloan offer regurdlng the ?Philippine lelaada In the nvanwhii??, the Bponlarde ?ire oasnraaslag the entire held, ?and exha si y ?reoourco to ; . ?t>i.-. As cabled tu the Aoooclatad ProfM on Wt Ineedny, th?ty ???.?i?! not accept th.? Atinriciii ultimatum as Ann! without ?asking if it ?realty w?tn - ?. Thai applied t?? ?the turn'-iimit. Now? (he ?Spai ?apparently ci?jubt ?the ?flxedneai <?f the amooat ?tha Amerlcane ?offered for the ?PhUlpplnea, ?and t-a?day thei -- -*?t .1 com niunitiitloti to tho American <-wnaUsston SSklni if ?the latter WOUld a?-, ?pt a -t*ounter?pn>poaltlon ?by ?Spain ?o oedo the ?Philippines for ?H?i?.(i??.i??j. Spain tint tho An?? in ans minlit 1??? Willing to l?>i? ? :t the ?great ?Inland of ?Mindanao from ti*? ?Phllipplnee end pay Spam 1CO.?300,-000 f??i ?would remain, Instead ?of th? 000,008 ?now offered for the ?satire archl? ?1' ?a.:??. ? ?< R IJLTIMATUM ULTIMATE. S;?.,iu will K-..I.1 in response t > such In? ?init'i?s tii it Ainerican1 ?amploj ?the word ultimatum to ?signify ultimate tondltlona However stronuously ?Bpnln may se< k t., lier money advantage for th? ..m of tin? Philippin*??, ?sao will Snail) be ?compelled ?to know that 1 be 1 Inltetj ?State* ?offei meaas P0,009,O0O ,? more and thai ?the whole j ?.-Li ?^i? p.?. 1 to the United I ?thai -u? ?Spain, before firing op ??i turning away, wiii siso prop all? rnatl re be 1 thai th< illnee or the 1 be hi m 1 he p ; in 1 oiti ?1 in addition i?? tin- Philip] nda, 01 ondltion that ?Spe . iltted to n tain ii. 1- ?sovereignty In the Philipp] in o.ii?r words, ?Spain would ?sedi cer tain tdi 1 Itory m the ? ?arollni 1 and !ana and tii? ??.nt 1 o] .?t th?- i-jiiii|?i?iii?..' by the United State? nader Domina ?Spanish ?soverel?gnty, ?and, a.* fnrthei Inducement, propose thai the I States ?shall paj no ?money on account 01 Philippine Islands. .matiki; 'jo BE ?SETTLED MONDAI MADRID, Non mix r ?S.? After 11 ihe ??11? -?u i'.?.^? nt t??-?u.y, In -order to con with ti? r Majesty on ?the ?i? xth of bei Kim; Alfonso XII., wli?. ii: 1 tio\ mi. : -, 1 tie nUnlstei 1 mel !? , lunoll. Thej were occupied ?excluslvolj v. itii ?the consideration of the ?peaei Eventually, the mlnb mously approved tin.? lnstructio?ns t?? S n >i '. I ,. ill?.:-, pi ?i'lt 111 Of I : Pes a up by tta ii^u ?and ?Colonial mi-nlster? wnicb wll be I lo 1 ?to-night, Wliil? ? ; m red re 1 trdlng tii?? Instructions senl t.? tin ! Ish commissioners i'i 1 . .1 iii? Philippine ?iu? tii ?u will L?. 1 ?Premi? r, s? nor B iga la, ws If \i u at ?sslon srould at ? th? r in?- ?Parts conference and the ?rdgnini ?i.? the ti? a'y ??1 i??. ?? ii?- i- plied "M knows? M i] i" ' ? ' i'i?. it will ?aria or furt ; 1 r ?consults \t v. - \? ill ?be n? ? ? si u \." SPANISH STILL CON8IDEIUNQ. ?So-Or Monti ro Rlos t??i?i tin? ? ?.tr. spondeni ?of th?- a?- ?.? lal 1 m .1.1 evening thai th. ?Spanish ?pene? ?commis ; -. ?bad not yel ?J? ?1 led upon th snswer to i?.- ?given t?. ?the last An memorandum. -u ? are con :?i? ?ring the m iti,?r." ii :. "in u ?conciliatory spirit, and ai u to r?--? ' ibllsh fn.ii.ii- reiatl n i?. t w ?-. 11 the two countrl 1 Al 1 te am time, a are ?hen I ' ttni the Int ,. nor "i ?Bp ? v? ?CONCLUSION TET. !>i ?reply to an Inquiry ?as t?> whetbi there was any truth in ti. ?Spanl h ??ommlsaloners bad ept I ii<? American off? r of | for tin? Philippines, s nor Montei Rf_ . 1, . baking his b< ad: "N?? ?no; th ?commission has not yel dec-id 1 on it : iwer wiiat mir replj aril] i?. can oni ?be determined at the coutertnee " ? Mor iiay, erben w*- will dlecu?ss the niatter wit the American? At the ?same Urne." B ill a still lowi 1 y??i ?a "W.. will fol Ion ?the Instructions thai m 1 ii? m Madrid." "Then the ?final tostructtons have nc ?., 1 ?comet" ?' ?the MiTespondenl ? I ted ?Prea? "Aii. but we are sppr>oac>hlng s confldei liai matter," 1 E Rloa, Inn-ocantl?. "Everything oonnei tod with i???tii commli slons ?Sa a secret." Ol It t I TIM \ il M MWIIS. lasetal cabinet M?-?Uni; s?i ?DaaM-aa? No i'urllu-r ?oil i lient ion. WASHINGTON, Kovambst A sp dal meeting >?f thi ?Cabinet ?was bold 1 10 o'clock lo-alght AU lbs ?members wer witii tii?- ?Prassdeat, 1 tet i?t Secretary ?Loai who is out of tin- <ity. Tho ?meeting ws .-all.-d by th.? l'i.-si.l- nt, in ?arter that hi miKht ?oowssdor with him ?ad* I received this svanlag from tip? Amortes peaOS ('ominissii'iaT.? at l'aris. J? 1.. ,?, derstood that tho advices *.?, ecot i,r propooals Informally mads to ti? Amertcnn ?oaasaslaslanars by ?tha ttptt ?sentatives oa ?the commisBion of tha Mi ?Arid ii"vciiim''iit. At tin- ? "in lii'-ioii Of the BMatlng, "A'iiu lasted only forty mltiiit?--. ami ?was ].,.] ?u th.? parlors of the IfhltS M i??iary-of-St:it'? ?lay i-nl?i to a r- ? tire of ?the Aaaoolatod ?Proas ihn. Ik I'i ???lint In?! i.?'l\??l MoniH a?l\T-??3 froi ?Parti ?thai ho desired to lay ?balara ib Cabinet, and that )i?? ?and called the uttm beta together t?> ?consider tiirm. rii.? m lui? ??i th?? adtleos Mr Hay <i* lsi-u?is. as In- ?nuil tliut was u Battl which could not be none lnt?> r??r publica tion at this time. Ho adl??l, how ,.i. ' that a/ter considering the contents or th<> n? s, the l'i'si.i.'iit haj cabled th.? American commissioner?, lottaiatlagj his former Instructions. PBOPf ?SHU MODIFICATION. It Is understood that one point, new in the m-y>tlations thus far. was -a s?<l in *1he fWep-tftb**-* re.'-lv? d bg |b* I" si?-, nt. It related to a modification of th, t> rm.i of the prop-'-ltion submitted to the I Ish commissioners a few days BgO by tho American commissioners, bat In JBBt B I <: particular the pr??po-"?l nvdili? at e,n was I* kg made ? ? ul?l not i?. a - ? t-i.iin. & That the proposition was not accepted made deaf t>y the President in cabling to ?aerteafl commissioners ,-i reiteration of his former Instructions. The Ameri<?in SB*B*UB|**foa*n will ln-ist that the demanda <?f the i*nii?-?i - as present? Ina Jew day.? axo be consider.-1 without further n That they ' ill be acceded to by the Spanish commissioners la the earnest ? - li, f of the ni'inl), rs of the Cabinet and the Pr?sidant ?tllAFTFH on ?.\\ii\i.o ? -MPAMV. ami A i,i?*ri?-ii n I'oreen Floek eil ToK?-tln*r?Cell iel?ni o? I're?.l(len t f NEW PORK, Eoveasber tL?Oenoral Bbaftar was the principal gaeet to-alght at .1 benque! siena at Delmonleo'a by the Sons of th?- RevdlutlOB of the State ,,f Hew York, in th* oours* of a ap ? b aid: "I wish to s..y BOthlng at ?n the hit*- war; about th?- *UCC*B* in Cuba. At Sinti.,:-., lie i- was BO rBBOOC OT enmity 1 ?Spanish aad Ameri can tareas, They booked together thicker than f!? as, if I may SB* the term. i Buppoea," continued i;?n.-r,,i shiifter, "that you all know how that cam; nag been Utterly criticised, i want t?) teil yea thai it la much easier for a man iy how S thin* should be done than to do It War was declared In April, st the begfa-Blag <?f th* sickly bsbsob la ." ?-oiiiiiiii? ?l the OeaeraL "Il ira ; the expressed b-tsatloo of tin- ?Pre I .-nul h?- told mo so himself, to ,1, lay the war BBtll after that S9SSOB, BO DtBtl r what tin- public elaaaor was. Be would not s? nd volunteers into Cuba during the sickly ?sea eon." Tin: TRAMP ASSAULTED HIM. .Mr. HOB* Hhh an Bsettt-Ug i:\ji?*rleiicc In n l)i,rU Hull. Mr. c. r Mo**, wie, is i,, charge of the Photo-Engraving Department of tit i a, a. H??? n ?*.- ?' ?. v i by a tramp laal alghl as ha era* about to enter hla office at n t m To ' , tWO fliviits of italrs, which are In I ?tal dark .... .? ' i>, when, b* gaya, bl* fool itruck ft The nest mea ta man. w i?,, ? . u?. d t., ta?w< him bad him by the throat The two tin d t - to 11 . w 1.? n Mr, Mosa ni ?n I ??? st?-.??iv bimoelf. Mr. Moi was convinced thai h? had t?> flght f<?r his lif.-. Aa h i win, hla reral tii i tout hi ?l 1.? ard. aa I as their let ed, be ' ould f- maa'i trot vv re I >?t : iBtly, prod! reed him over the railing, and ?truck i??ni with .?H the strength he m ,n,i ander the chin. The man fell over to M-?- stairway, aad tumbled almost the whole way to Bradati oili?-.- ?loor. Mr. Mm I WSBl bltO ,,??n a* be could | ? thei aad _ sd th* .m- sad < lectriollghta thi r used in the photographias proceasea Afti ral - ai Mr. Mo .?i mi d limo-lf with a h.iinm? r Bl \\ baa seea to. i atcb man hi I , rld< nt tra of hi a alBe, a* - t.? ek, which had ' ni ant, w i - bruised and Inflamed. Mr. Moss says be I to oaat for the a-sault. He b i - been ?forking late ,-,t alghl : " qui ntly, ai I li la po ilble, he thinks, thai tbe m in was i.-. lag f? r him. Oa the other hand, be thinks the tramp may iiav.- gone up and wai ready to I p. r*\ely t llusslii lu Otve Is I I? a* Ii iciiil. BERLIN, Won It Pot? i - d,-nt of tbe B rila 'i Mat! myi : " I Buai but diplomat h ?u Int.-rvi? v.. i. . i that i: will not stir ?, ?S?ger to pi ih? United Bl - - '.rom o,-eupyin. PhlUpplnes, inn be said be * to conceal hla conviction thai tbe Injus Um rlca'a attitude i?r. ag? ?i thi t< rmlnatlon of tbe i?leBdahip which bei hitl - tad thi ! ait< ?l Btati i " ? on* ror Sneallaa. HUNTSVILLE, ALA., November -*>. i The fifteenth Infantry. ' MS m< n an?mala, d? pai ti d to-nighl v ;, the - era railway, for Bavaonah, when they will take thi trsnsporl Chi it< r for N levl? ; tas ?Cuba. Two pack ti | rk.-n with tbe reg Iment. D-snetar "?? Beashy Hend, ?LONDON, November local ?. .,,.. - i its ::. , b ind " B tl l foi . ' morn |ng off B ichy Head la I i ci? ir.11,-1. dm la ores wei ader, nuin i erlag aine, mt - Bpanlsh mu? i??? Eolio??- iiiiiiieo. ' HABANA!, November to. S. nor '?ovin ' s.,i,?.?ry of the Interior in the Colonia Government ont *** ' <' ' ' ' ' ' 1 of tbe civil governors ?>t the provint n ibena snd ?Pinar it I Rio 1 - nor r.-??,?. the Bacal agenl 1 Qui en Regeaf la ? !ub ?. b ? ,.?! '!. MISSBBSl Deiiioeriille l?y .'tO.IMIll. JEPPER80N CITY, MO., Novembei Tl , f Btate to-night announce? ,>,,, te eflk lala al thi . . . tlon i ahoara that th* i ? bm . Cral carried th* Btats 1 M rote? The PopullBl rot* amount? ?1 to but little ??omperatively. Entontad ut ?in? |nai ,-i.i-:i:i |;NI'.. TEX., November _">. ? lohr B. si? iw wsJ I it barns lo-dsj f,,r killing Thtmui Crane ? rear ago , Shew, who olalmad to u- aa Infldel, ba< refused all eleag to have any talk will or rlsits from ?praaebsrs, but at tbe laei 1 BMHaeat be relentod, snd penaltted ; pn scher to be s Itb him on the acaffold. riiint Mensaeo** fur iiuiimin. WASHINGTON, Noveaaber M. ?Com - manriag Dscember 1st lbs Plant Bt< un ship Une win run three st? in? s west i from Port Taaapa, ?Pia., to H*h*ne, cabe , touching at K?v Wtjat They w?n lean Port Taaapa OB Monday, Thursday, an, satnrdsy nisi** inv Ik??- ? ? t? iii<* Pjeelalisn. 1 BAN ?PRANCI8C0 November 2~ 1 Ooorge La?*lgae, light-weight ckamploi " ,,? the ivori'i. ?as given Um decision to - u\^\,\ svei Tom Ti??-? cbamplOB welter > w?i.:iii "f Australia. Tha i_ut lasted iht r full tiN?-;?ty riiiuids. TIL OF BALDWIN, The Fourth Day's Proceedings io the Case, TIE CHARACTER TESTIMONY. The Accused Gives His Yersion o I the Killing. INTEREST I* HIS STATEMENT. Xever Shoot?-.. Eioopt Io Save Life? I-'.'ltz Wni In DniiKPr?In ta I ? The D*?fenre Con ft ?lent of V??nll?-t of Ac<jiilttnl. PETERSBURG, v.\ . Novemtwr . (S|? trial o! l?. t? ? tiv *W. ?"? ?Baldwin wus resumed ?before Indas Bne? In tho County Court ??f I ?inwldd:??. tills ?saornla-s*, ami ?tho examination of wit? ?tor tii?- Setenes srs continu? ?i. ?i. W. 1'. rkitis testified that win n li? w nt into ?Hawk? **i il >rs n? art ?HawfcM was lying on lii.s f.i??? on tin? lloor, an.I ?Baldarla <iii ?ted tint ?ths body i><- turn ? ?i over, 'rii - was done, ?and a ?platoI ' ? ' ' found in Ha .? k W. i i ?Sawhes came in. His brother, if. W. 11 ?.s k ; toM him ?their tather had ?boon ?killed Baldvrin ai th?-. ?i? ????t ?said io ?them: "Ws ; non than jrou." n. w. ?Hairkos ?re marked, "i ?do Dot blame Mr. Baldirin i '., ?didn't know who you were, and ron all WOTS right in what ft? did." i. wis Thornton coiretoruted the BMI y "I Mr. ?Perkln? as .li.l also 1\ W. Andrews ?and u ?F. ?Schetgher. i: i:. <'??i.i.; -ai?i thai a month after the ?killing la bad a conversation srlth W. ii. ?Hawkes, ?and the latter said that ?Bald? W i-i l:r t .? ?Dan] ?Sd his pistol in i a;.?I a.; tin.- dSCSaSSd tamed, si; it h m in ?ths ?bach <?f ths bead; This state in nt was M?rrobornted ?by otbes wit i'..i nee as i.? the ? ha 1 :. 1 I ... 111. ?3d. 'rii?. defendant, W. Q B Idwli i? m put on tii?- stand. ?His tern I with int' r m ?mid: "I i? ids in Eloanoka, ?and am s>peclnl ssjenl ol ' Norfolk ?and Wt tin. and havs ?been for : tii" nlghi C Septi moor lath I went to .1?.?!;- hfann's resldei la Kottoway ?county, by appointment, and m? ! Judge .Man., Ah-, I .Vina id. and '. "1 til.? 1 Ati. r consulting, a ?warr ini t? ? ii. \v. ii,,-. -. . me for Hion. Tho -same ?night I ?left for Wil son's Depot." Tha '''?nirnonwealth DOTS Ohjei t? ?J, an?l ?Baked that the wait.Hit toi il i I in ?court, and for the Mist time tii?- Comt ?i?-< ..? ?i thai nan o bleb u. W. u ??-?.h? i eras : . ; ?i . uni i?i??pi r war rant, ?and ii? il ?ths m tin? papt t btly and Justly. The charge agalnai Hawhei > ?..- thai ? ; con spiracj m Naitsemond count) tu defraud in. Norfolk an.i ?Western railroad. The \\ . led i Nol Iowa) ? ounty ?and 'A- ? uted in i Unwiddie. BALDWIN RESUMES. Mr. Baldwin, i id ?that on mber 16th he weni to Han tore at Wilson's; ?saw a ?colored man leanli ?the door, ? Pelts that ?looked itispieiou? "We - :> ? ?i 'if aton sad told ii. W. ?Han k-- ?,?,? v, ? m? ?i i?? :- ?him. a Min ill' D, i U-t'i ths M pot, and thsn ?am- I.a K and ?said, 'Ha k- . Ii i me tee oa.' i - bow* ?i bim a i? ?i ' In i .?i ?. ,i ties w ii?? bad i>- ai defraud workm? a ?on I !? N< met Whll? i s xt ?talking the negro whom I i, ,?i ? ? o ?m? on. l told Felts i.i . \ ? ute ths warrant, and be told W. H. Hawk ??m his ?band in I hip-j k i ?and Pelts ?..- .. ? oven ?j him ?About it:! tin? : u negro ftbove ?sllud-sd to Jumped al ?felts, with ,i in ins band Thlnklni in ?Lu K' r. i ?snapped m? pistol, and ?as ?ths ?negro whlrtod i trot ?and ?killed him. i stii'ot ?anybod) ?inl? is to pro :.. . '?i ds ?tii " Wit m ?oat positively th? of W. H. ?Hawk Hi sniil that Hawkes wss ?tren?t?ed ?kindly, ?both m ?' irg ?and m ?Dinwldd ? . He ? threatening language to mm. li,. I?..; HaUT) Hawk? - bS M .. ?i it s\.is ?to save t and he d???in??i it ?asc-essary t?> kin ?htm in order to .u? ?sa M \i? -H? -, AT ?OTHERS. I,, by a juryman. I thai in his ,: the Noi Colh and Ws '. - . tu i,?- had shot at tin?'? i? m- u, hut bad ill) . il?- n. v- r h t?l .nui aevi r would shoot . . th. hui'lv. ii,. . and put ??u ?several wit ti ii A' thi ? ?.? i isloa of tl,,.- evidence, instructions wen : . a ai.d the .?..- ibllity, 11: ? joui i ?will |i* try to-morrow, ?ben thi argnmeni ?will begin ?Three hours for argui 111 1 i lowed ? ach ?aid?. The ?i ? lei ?n ol : m ii which H will ?have, it ?Is ?bell n hni : g on the - Tl v? ry ho|?> ful, ?almos au -acquittal, and ?Mr, B ildwlo I - ?,. , scellent spirit* -mm- -? - 114*11-*??'% AHHIM.? .1 MlllKiM., ?.Mint ii"? * ?>? tittmt9tum Usa Maria Terr ?it. NORFOLK, va, Not mber P t?no ? ? truftor ?Rlehmond Pearson tnmod this msralag tri m 1 l-.ahamas. whitht-r h?- w.ut to attempt to ?rsacas the infanta Ths naval - , itr-shlp Vukan, Captain ?TdcCalla oommanding, arrived al th" navv-yanl tO-daf at noon, It;. the ea?pedltlon fr-mi its nn?*?n>scesstul ?"ii> two ti?? ,.f the lll-fal.-?l Spanish hip pnl' ,,f *"'-1 ? ? i? n? t.-1- ?rapid-airs - not mu? h the e*orae tor ron-tmlon ore They will probatd** ">.? added ta the Spaniel? tropl Isa m ths navy i,,,,. Fery bob- else was r?-s< u ?l from ti. wreck, the whoU ig ni which iv natives of Cat's Island, Is confirmed t>y the V'ulran's crew Lieutenant BohSOfl Wa* inlervB'wed by our correspondent imm?-?llately upon his irrlUHl. Ho said that there was g !i?,|, n the Teresa large enough 10 ran a kifT through, whero sh?' hid grounded ?ii the Jagged coral reef, thus rendering MS a hopeless wrofk. This, he aitlrmed. i,w?ver. was tho effect of her sinking n the position she gtfll holds SB th* r? ?-f. ind wan poslttvely not the result <?f any tnicfural weakness. The Work of m,* tbe Teresa as she md near '?inn-go was declared most thoroughly lean, H- thinks then- a is no dangers is Blacalculat?as made In ?stimatlng the trurturai strength or rtaerve buoyaaoj ?f the ship, as affecting the flti be ?rayan* t?> tb* United Btaf "I ?hall probably be summoned h.-re exl w.-ek." h,? said, "to testify before :h>- court of Inquiry, which Is now inv.s i-.itiiS?- th?3 loss of th.? Ter. sa. and. Mi-refore. I c-vn ? gpr**a BO OpiBloo affect ing the wisdom of abandoning her at the inn- she was turned adrift." WhOtt It waa auggeetai that tb* Teresa's 1? miKht posslbty Indnea the Navy Depart ment to reconsider ?is determtnatloa t< abandon the ?-ffort t?? res? ue the Crlatobol Colon, Mr. Bobeen sai?i thai i.? hoped that such might not be the i nir experience with th- Malta lie declared, "?only v indi, ates our position with reference t?> tbe Colon. She ,an ba saved aad added t?> the navy. and sh,, ?s there ob tbe i ist" a stsadlBg cballsagc to at to Boat her i.. trophy ship, i am lid. ?it that sh" ? I?, added lO th<- Haw ai .? small coat, and i trust th-* depart? meat will decide to do h." Mr. Hobson left for Old Potat this st? teroooa, whence he will go to WTaablng? ton to report in person to the Secretary of the Navy, Captain McCalla, ?>f th* Vulcsa, as? pressed regret at his inability t.? save the Teresa, bul di cl ired that it could never be ?ion?-, aad thai tin? MerrRti would s? ar-ely undertak, it ,<n their ?nvti nstblllty, as baa bsea latlaaatad th? y would. He ?."uid add Bothlag, bi to l?i5 oflldal ?report, air idj i : atad. v BLIGHT BARTH?*! 1KB SHOCK. Poll Here anil Tliroimliont Soutli ?vesl nn?l ?.??iitli??!?.?? Virulilla. \ slight though distinct, earthquak? shock was f, it at aaai a Vlrslala i inpeers, 11 ahown by tmt? . i tie to tha i i-spati b, to h iva b ? a ?moai noticeable In Boa hwi I snd Bouthel ta la. Tbe abocb wes fell it sevei ?i ??l ? see in ?Richmond, though th? i wea not. ral ti roughout tbe city. The - h w.-s, perhape, m f sever* In its ? D al HI? hmond <".,;; g?. s,,m,- ?,f tb* Un? dents >?n th. third? Boor of tha building were atariled at tbe eapi r\ ace, sad rs? sorted ihsi thari w? r Hi or |ti Ms? /ihrntioas. At Venabls and Twenty? n- - ?ti eta the affeel on gl iea aad china. >,vs* aoUi ??I bi - v- i ii ?pe? : -us oa Mu: ?hall Bti i n? n Tenth ? i? the abock, tho? gh If was not Ba la \?>! low II ? . .Mil rOWAl COI RTHOl SE, VA., Hfl lai.) v (llghl 1 m v-'iy abou) thirty aeconda, s m ? ?d re at I 1" o'clock mis sf In li?.. SEDPORD CITY, VA., N I thi re ? A aarthqui k?- fell ' latlng rlbi itl >n ? ontinu one .? on -, rh? s bo vv n ,?i?t md i -n ti?.- a leu. 'i"ii and windows ? a? n i ittled In ?tiu'lortl. I \st RADPORD, VA ' g i ? ? ft? ? il ll?- a'i.1 ?hocks leste 1 * and th-y bllilili). ii? Pnlnskt, I'I'l.XSKl. \ A . There ? g felt here at 3 _1 t eve ning, it leeti ?i ai.oiii twenl and wa? dli tlnctlj fell In boo - - bul no .-, a is dorn . Tii- ' i a ? a Bhort ? ', - ih? mtddk : shock, anil then almos; imni dlatelj i I iiew.ii. No on* ghten ?i. In I iii.*n?lle. PINCASTU-, \ v. N? . clal.) \ i umb? r of ?ur ? Itlai na to-?fh P. M. experienced ? abock of luake, w hi.-ii v?. n ?ugh In Some Instil?,-, b to far pii i | ?-I ,,ii ptanoa and man tel pi? ihe.rattllng ?rare, '.v,?tn? n m of tii?-ir housi 'i i'-- vIbi i ; i et A' a by I sounds, In I.? n ?-li luira*. LYNCHBURO, \A. \? v nil.? r :,.-iHp?' \ -, k me felt bei about :?, i?, o'clock thi received from Southwestern Virginia I thai n waa fell ill thi ugh that n. In l.oauoke. i- ? .NOKB I a . November g.. clal.) A ? neide* ibJ? earthqu gpsrU noed here t o'clock, It lasted about tea second waa of who m re a-'- -p ir* trota lb? ir shunt In Ilanville. DANVILLE va, nnvmnlxir U. (Up* art tiqua ke ah? k ptlble in thla city n al ': "7 ' loi kl prolong d tremor la precedln? two faial move? ' he eat th ai r B?dlBg n.?is-* Bo pr? i manifestation tl I ". ?'s on tb? Bret Boor ?.i thi Mi.' 11 ?n ra bi ?l fr,?m i he building. This strucl w?! oBs ??f i ? :?-k. bad aartong the I in the city. N'., ,i m, i in garth Carolina, vi?.. RALEIOH, N ..'*.. November E V spe to tbe Newa snd r from it- inklli ?jvllle, .*?.'. C i \ very ?i? ? rthquaiki k a rnooa about tiv-e n O'Cio? b Th ' IbrSttOB w is from ? i A I] ol ?I from Winston. \ < \ disti-- it irthQBaki abock a i ? bell 10 o'i lock tbla aft< m.?. it ?h?,ok llaga m town. ? HARLtDTTB, N. C . Novi mb r I I BCl irMepiak" : ? ? ! : vs., | telt throughout this ?sctf - thhi aft -r N,, seriou i in mag Is r*i -n ?1. it?? ai Wholesale. Tb* Ml ' r St? . in? r cbaats, church oenunlti i other* (jaaatltlea al wholesale priesa. ? The Weather. n ashin?;t??\. n CUODY irday: por > ugia a >\ i m r v? with l?: p ss, and v rain later ?_itur?i ,y. grb ing to li- -I? southerly. K??r North Ci.iolina and Soirh CggO? . uns; a aimer neathi i, b . .virais. THK WEATHER IH RICHMOND VKS TERDAT waa clear Bl State of lh--rm??meter: ?; a. M.51 | A. M. : y .s? P. M.9 ? 1 M. U night. i temp?rature. THE BUCE TUBUS, Cardinal Gibbons co M Cause and Cure, ILL - DIRECTED EDUCATION. It Sharpens Negro's Mental Faculties al Expense of Morals. AIHSE OK THE II \ ( j ?. lu, O \. I? Is i lia-^u.-.-.:.1,- to Whit? Pr.uit K"?n?-? Hathe? Than to ntacka III. ?in??? I?.-?- \ Proprrty QiuUlfi??.? llon of Stittrnue Woalil Be Wlae. ?BALTIMORE, Mi>? November %. aii Gibbons, in ?ilasasstag th? re ?ut raOS tr?>ul?l??.s in the South, sal?! t?? ?i.itlvo ?of the H.tltlmore Sun t.i-il.i?. : "In th.- ?history ?-?f mankind It ha?, been '-? ?I that wh. n t\\?. .li.'lim t ruin .... i in ths ?same ?territory ?ant r?u?e has alwaj tala rapnaHf over the oth. r. While this principle is ?admitted u le i . . .1 orntp HUH and Chr,Mian to ?.. e that th?? ?relations betwsi n ?the i should ?bs friendly, hsimontons. aad mu tually b'tl.tliial. TWO ORSAT CA? I "Th.? ?race ???ntini , antnfontntta and bl??i??l.-h?..l win? li ?have r.??.?itly ?ici In s. v? ral Slat - f the 1 ii!??n ? an I"? . u ... ?i to t w ? > Kr? at causss -tit? I? ?I and lll-.lir? ? i ; ' <>f th" h.lllot ' I'll?- col ! i :? ? ' ?lin.? ?ir.illy kind a ' ? ?111? .1 ti"it th. y .- il ' at tl ? .iud .. h '?u .' IV? ?1. No . I lu t ?to **et a i ...j : ai.i. moi t?? ?a the i?i xcka thi the i . tl property qu ilifl WOUid 1??? I I ? all Incentive I Insur tit ed to ? ?,. ? c.i,i naturell* \..t?- ' ? I ?A In,, in their i'!" tect i h? ?r prop d to pros mat? 11 ?i pro perity of nrnon? wi ??u,." -< in i:\ him u in \i;\\ voitK. H<- Tells the lt?r) ?>> the n?'?.irucii<ii?, of riTvi-rn'N I l?-??t. SV.W Yul'k, is'?,vu?.i? r-A'l nina! Wlnl ??I I h\ h!? y I . t?n.l. r-?i ? complimentary dinner at ihn ?Brooklyn ? lui? to-alghl by its members. ? ?.?..r? ci : Ths Admiral wns ?? * corted to tl ' lub I in..n n??u ii. tt, itjty r_e?|i ti'ii by the gu ?ti when he took hie place St tl With rhauncy ?Depew, Renjsniln F, Trscy, iViionei h?hi ? tirs PcKt iwnyi Whoa ?ad miral Bcbley rosi to i ik h>? was ted with prolonged cheers, which v. i i n ' v il? during his t? II ' The other ept liters wen ?Chaunosy )i. li? ? - w and H? iijaiii.n l' 'i SIMIU.ll HI IN \MI IIKU.IMV. iicnrriil \\ ???>?! ttntOttttOM Food \ molli?, (lit* ( u ha n?. WABHINOTON, Novet?aher -<:?n* ral ?Loos ml Wood, ? omm tadti 11 - liar? m? ai "f ?Sanl laso, h ? t s olfl War i' p?iiiii-nt, o? win?h tho f-aUowtag ?is aapf: "i ?bave ?ysat ratlo?ns ail ?stonsj th?? ?<?? r Into the Intel I I r the i . in -'i ti i i m t?. ih?? ?people ?' i? um t?> ?.*. I h , ,, - that they . h ? the ?*_?.??i<.i?ment of tl , atnl h? ill ?tOSrn ?Of It-*. ith of K??n " valle. i ini.rii. r In the city i in. M.u ron\??o MMPAlfi H nAonpit * ?_nr?-llr Ci?^? will tin un?'? ??inrf i ii??? i??; TwMMgg \v rORK, Sot l tnt Tim-?! WIH | r:nr the folio-* in;.. The 1'ni' ' ! > koi ?eve r i ? . ,...-< > sterday CtrhUp\ and it v. i? ?ttiiilly I ?thai th<- new ,, u ?and a ..:.: (Ik? . | ?-,.i. ?? ? ?.? Company, it *?? ?lee aim?? it. ? t '?i.-?1 ,h<' additional ?sta i tors would ?be i"- n n?)t ldcntlf'.?-?l hlthtTto . -i rest? and that ths I'tuon v,?"i''l >|0 ?nt? thO manutvii tare oi , i. (ring toi It wao ?repoftad that til,. jiidat.-d with the i.iKR?-tt ?ft Myera ? >_____>???? <? tngoatura hi : the ??rt-at ii over the l? lV, ,t in your h???!-*??. Auk *??r ,n, n. inn?.. manufactured b> Or. i. c. ii Biegen .v gana. for Dl?-*-???? ? ?he LUer. Sten-aeh. 4 KlUur?? tt<* *A*t?*r ott*.? (.Jr??'ni.ri?r Win? -ilpa?_ v,?iil?k->. i? tl.?? t?-"??t v??.u?.(-l?. lu A'ii?-ii*i. fiscsu, l* o*OkX. W?ol.xal'? -t*+*