Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1898._ GREAT CURE BY NERVURA. Greatest Living Sculptor Made Well Again by Dr. Greene's Nervura. i ?new be! t Wo???! ' living .a-'.c,i I v. . I ?. i ?.i-tin Inned thefamooi -.. Michael . aa i m uin ing for d ; i ; i i I r ti: ' ' i I t, ?.-.?th : 1 I'ver cnm ?nstrated in remedy In -arhd use it, pure, ?rich blood atad itrong and vigoroua nerve?. Hi. Greene's Ner? Is Indead the ?mates! h?f*alth r^tr.rer known to tl ? world; it ?makes the ?peo* !o and ?.?.di. Dr. G ' - . ? blood ami ncrrs i j?at<-tit ni'.tii? ine, hut the iMIIcd t-peunli-t. the I i?h\* k ?San in curing sll forms it nii vou?, chronic ? | I ?. -, ad ii Is a n S d d e d value I ?jreaf rttlmtdr, a guaran?? <- ?of Its re markable curative power, that Dr. (,r?-rne inn b? ?consulted absolutelyfree of charge, ibvanj ami .??1 who ir-sin?, at his oilier 3?*: wi 114th Street, * *w York C'it?.-, either personall? or I ' POLICY. ISi I I I'M \?. \1?. I'll I 'III ll'll ?, PREE TR?DF. lilt) Of I I ?ill mint I nif.-.l Mol?-I ',. Hrl llon in ?he ( I ' I : ' ' - APPL ' ' i h ??i x it I i \**i:. I I ?' in \\ i.nnlfr | i, i.ilr. ' i . ' i ? ? ' . ? ? been giv< i?ii i .? i ?.f War, i t?_T, 1 ?.r d : A Uli', int I . | . i? 1 - protest Ing tbe ?r furt! I be pi \s.\Tl? \ NEXT MONDAY. that It J"% - - ? Monday, !' the caj i npOa I quail? l the r-taff. , i . ?t on the ? on the i ?mmunl? atli I V Of the Colonel Picquarf ie wh< ' that hi : . i? ih" who la of P . and accuses M. nu. PAIL1 it:: i\ K \**.** \*?. liiMilii-s I nil!?* luti-r??.?!?, Thrrniu li mit Soathweat, ABILENE, KAN A Call re Involving I rough - , 'ii y. Ilablll? seek Gillett made an assignment ere not filed, ?WN. - ??mili?' Gillett'a m .In droi rrlved at to ? train, and ii.ii' . ; ? : le, f West,-la i T? i ritory, me of tbe I .'.-. but it is gtati ?i : on Uli? nch. ; a the < 'ounty Regli bird Moat of Gill? tt'i ? by m ftrmi it thi her mply proti t? l. ?CKETT. I - ?r ? I the , near Woodbine, \\ ?in?; little ranch he laid th? title : they i ra ? ire unlimited <-r? dit. He h north for aale sad ?met v.! when ,' iboul i .. , - him. He seen n . I! . , whi ft th? y n ich attention. Mr - Btly $-37.000 of lit mm I n?i of tin? li-lr. the Gra , bl nrlth , atlon of thi "ii die? nun of the - [und for the Ben eherob iilldlng. H III Invite tb?* I.mllr?. ., ?,. I;. ? tl?l!-,-ll HH1, , ring a gi m! ?au bring lelr eweethi ' Ihe PhuraiLo ...iiri?*?-?l that each f?-tn!:n-? , ' or hook. terni ii it-el ? ? ?er. ?Ion i fi m ,,,, w httlock'a Olatricl Deed a ?nek on color? ,i, last night. Bad i . r head to a conaldsrab ilnfol d? - ?? Or. Brown, of It* slmi - ? Bib n "i"i ii polioeasna la ?vklug for It?*1?? ?Minor. ?T. G. A. iEBEWTB. ?unan ms fniwurtoi with M UN lli:vn;|| |.h -iV9. W?HN IS AGAIN DIYORCED. bla Tim- 'TU ?ti ihaalBlS Onc-t Wt*e_ of Brents f,,r ' ''? Mnn-Will Proiini.ijr mtnrrp Ta flay Isiaioa to On? niuielilrTH. ?Lieutenant Q I M radlth. of 11 bester ?th , 1 lit Iti his I. 'h efli are be 1 111 . t 1 m \ ;it . leredltb remalm in the eompaay, h? u Min. Hut xy it" ?the ; 1 ?leaving tas < ?q u y th y Interest in it and not 1 rills. n ml M< redlth said last _gh1 tl j thing In hi ? or ?the coamany, ?had done hin th i> th?- burden. Tl of ths ?company ?gettlni ' , 1 ; DIVORCE Wt IB ?SWANN. ? ' . t r? .m m] : iiillV iliv - .. M: his court ..11 1 to the 1 oned i?y the tort rnor ?Teaterds I irt In ?via? h led dit 1 "i ' , Via. bad hi: rand jury, and to ? remarried t<? Urs. Bwann, i almost ?equal to 1 dON TO THE DAUOHT1 The 1 ' ' l-'ifili . ?Rev. G 11 Rli b noad 1 Juniors u?? invii? ?1 to 1 ml e ?ai .i.?? ?and go t" churcb ,vi111 tl,? ' ?. \lr. M ind h?- will doubtli . b ? ion?gregatlona, DR. PITT ON "LiTKUATl'lii:." ;. ; un* ? ' Iran h ?J ?.? ?all pn ? HI. Tbs ?mi I be i? ctuia ?mu? I ..i pro I. Mr, W. l\. Math? .? almenl to ? j ?Mrs. . Dr. R. II. 1 itt. uf tho ? '.?, 1.. i ! t ?. 1 ' ilnments u pro*. 1 ? *. VV. P. Mathen im ?nth ?iiir: NEW PASTOR OF A8BURT. During the confer? ?ace Jut I , iry Missl Burkerl : a letti r ?from W. ?_. J? ashland i?? en appol ?. ?Id be down ?9m irch has ?rrown i 1 ; M'-tii'> urch In tl ' The ?Clrcull ?vill ?meet again " B ?Manrlee loft iy for tern portion of the 09 a bUI Ini t lip. m of (Jlopton-Stn ? t ii win ?nave a 1 n** afti S morning, prlth a 1 or Jolm WilkUV . Thura rang and Nora I)lckin-=on. ? p toi : morning, and ? ? Lou ? .?u m fault, be aran < tu 1 Ing ?the 1. alh or Mr. John I ? Martin. U ' I ?1? tant Mr. Martin 1 n ld< m ??f this city, and s w? 11 ?n n \<it?-?? from tli?- *.?.??iM-lii<l??n. Bsglnnl ?,.'.. md ths V : n-mln . s ws ; Innngu* ; bis m 1 vice svfll fa ? ?10:11 o'cloch in ?the ?parlor, ai ?i b ? m?.' imlly an ir to hundn .? home, 1 1:, , -ptlon ?'"nui ily en 1 in pn paiini for I ' annual el Wot h i'omnilt ng prominent Ing. itaioi so of this , an past five , x t in ex ni for ths year will be formed, Btertalalng di b its will ?inks Court 1 ?have rom ' bunting : .n to B 'est Point rwtwif. ? ? "'] A Snow-storm in Summer Kriir tte ??no ? We never did ; bnt wah?'.--.- msen th?- clotbliigat thi? tira?? of th?> v"?r so covered with dandruff that it looked as If It had btna out in a regular ?now-storin. No need of this anew?at_rm. As the summer aun melta the fall i lag?now.-so Hair Vigor ^ melta thaaa 11-kea of d?-?nilrufT In the acalp. 1* goes further than this: lt{ s prevents ttoair forn-utiou. _ it also ?rssssses color to gray hair, without fall. _ ?n.l It feeilf^ttudnonrlshcsthorooUi of 1 ho huir. Thin hair l??coroes thick l_Ir. and abort hair **?h'oi_i?? Umf* _)r. fl.00a bottle. Alldruj.%, If you do not obUln ?II the fceneflta you i?ip??-Wd from the u?e of th" Vigor. WTlir the dfK?tor ?boat It. He will tell you Jo?t where the JrouUe '... Addret*4 I'?.. J. <. AYER. 1 j* . Man m W. D. Howells contributes a ir r-.-,,_,-_ page illustrated EafCC "The Smoking Car," '.. y.r.umuup Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly Now 10 cts.; $1 a Year. BEAITIR'L COVER in Cohr by V. GI? WV1I.I r SMITH Other Feature?. Richly Must Finrn?o?? of Au?trln*a Ifntni?. 1.7 .? ? . !'. H.icocS. ?'i,i?!,n ll\.?;,,i - April I.B. Ami?! Iilv?*rr<. By M Th.-l?r:,,-<-,.r?.?ll V I ^ 1?V?ni"ii ?. M ? Sparc Tflrarnpby, I'T ? ,'. K. t*vn ??i. i - ..... S?? I i- ' I Ii i . *_A\*r-l l Prank Loath ?PnMUhfcBg Hoate, N.V. fvptet i2uld l y XeistJmietO MAY NOT PLAY AGAIN. vm?MM\ hat DBCLira to nun CAItOMNA I\ It I I III KOEHLER A PROFESSIONAL PLAYER. Cbarn*e That m? bgpsnraaes in Th?s**nAny*a (.fini?? Wns t2mmtrmry to Inter,-oil. i-.l.-il,* Kit Ii*? ? \ i i n I n In los roe Katies ??r "Protest. bier, yon I free; K< hi? r. you ahall bo fl yt i ? ff " ti. to be moi :t l!. ill - Bt t?) th ?so *o wl? in It - ? ?liilte familiar In the jef-*i*TSon dininc-room TI n rening by frf - blue, who < i- oppo 1 ?Una. Ina in . . the b >i of whit eod iala'a . Ilroo. It be alaoe rally known that Bight, thai ? bad beea the subject of con may - I of the to be thai y cele - ond, -it ?m ad iirab d la that th-.- . boo I'' -.''HI Thi : mornlag . WHY YIK'.IMA ?PROTETSTED. Th? ta In <*lr culatlon here yea) to the i of a hat bad ] I betweea the ma -, Km bier's pj ? lug an I the ; ? > of Virgil mi m ot th t tl followlag: 'lb gsrdlng i ' 11 ' of vir rain, tbe f.i - ?i? the Bg under tl p Athl it?..o. Mr. l?avi -, th? ; , Ion, addn ? Mr. Julian B. C ? r, Jr., i ildeat ot ii,,-. i rain ? Ity of North a ! i ?in- him that it Caroline .should play Koehler, aba known to be B mal sthli ' future athletic relaUona la fool b ill, bail, ot,?., would t,.- broken 08 Mi Csn 1 ?rmal I that matter. "No r? ply v, ad, and K put In end plnyed tbrsogbont tbe the gsme, no I tlon iki h la the 1 : the Ad. ? mi the fool ball - of 1 ?.-ly after Thin DENIAL l'i: R8. It I ?Hi tills later. 'from playing oa ? - that .ran?-' ddea und? t- col] Thi bul CB] ".'.ill|J tement 1 "Koehk t a piofeaalim il, ami b< . on tbe North 1 r as 1 (mow. i? N. .1. paatrlculatod at the ?Ualverelt x ? 1111 cerollas in the Uta? departmsnt i!,- i? is i.? n there all 1 a. H? mod v- II '- an ad 1 -.- ??m ?ally n at II : y truth ir the pro? . 1 am antln ly Ignorant oi it." Proa this it would appear thai lb? br>? forsaation on \ <;.'. 1 1 d it> .i,-tif-!i ch I lloved ar of th,- teanta bai - I gui h 1 is th 11. ,1" r v,i be fmooth??? ov? r. The v,- returned to < - lotta rtlli tnonring. Man Parrlsb sad Kbata ot tbe tare teai ?atead ovef iitiiti the afternoon aettlloi Op l.asli?? -.? 111.itt,-r-- Tb Thursd iy*a gsi Id t.. iu\. To Join Gen. Lsa'S Corpa. Three tra?na <*'irr? v-t?i lory fr??n? Kort Bchuyli ,-. N. I rday moral kab-jrg sa : and continued aonthnard ?>n th, A tl Coast Una. Th.- r?giment nil! ? at tach d t?? Ck aaral 1 .?*. -. ? ? nail. I?r. Charlee A. Young, who Li filllnr- th? John i". Cory Chair of Hibii al Instrue? tion at tbe Darverattv of Vtrgtala, wBi d? Ihrer a abort apoa thai a I ?. i- al ih.- Seventh? ?Street Chrlstlsn church Baadaj Rev. K T ereeaey will presch taada) night ou i., .sons o? the Valllsi lenven"' TBK WARJNQ?IRY. pitonnnss of thi: inv?iiti?jatio:*, AT S V.W YOIIK. REGULATIONS OP RED CROSS SOCIETY It -A Same Should See an niTlfi*r T?te the I.lfe of Onr of 111-? M?-n. ?Ska t ?miId >ot Ari?o?e til?-, Ofllccr of Morder. ni?',\v TORS, Novesaher .? -Ths Bar. it ?OaBoape, nt ?Jersey city, who . tho front as cbaplnla ?>f the Ninth ?S ? MiY.-i-itrv. ttStlfl Invi tlgatlng Comml H iboot ?aoafaaloa at Tampa. Hs ?spoke ?hi : torms of the behavior of the iif-il m< n in C P. iioimos. v.-ho ?served ?n the . n : y - f : t X M I Lned. 11? was tnhen i? k ?t ?, and Is still In poor ?health. H rod t? ii?; op a eooeb ?arhlle ?giving ntlmony. il-? ?toi i ?of ?the r?giment, and c>8mplalned tint ?Mention was pail to ?the ?Trfcfe M th? salil . loab i leratlon than the ?regular*, ?Por ?there eras i food I to hi-, own ?company -,. - ? . , tat at the timo the ?regiment reached ; i until it wan nusterad ?out l: -.?lying to QTJ-OStlOttS by G- I . r, HoUm s said ?i" ?ii?i aot I - vririni..-nt s?i much us h<? hlamved the In? fflch?n<?y, ?carel Wah? - ti.??? ?regimental ofl i Mr.--. ?Mary ?Batch Wlllard, wl . i t ? ' imp Wlkoff with th a ixillary A . Mr-; Willard, "did i know of aa] - sol tided as ntlOB of the f>r??p?'r ?Ofllcers." DONE TOR st. VTTUri DAN< B. .' K. Ninth t ho t I ??n at ?irill i bt On S na affection on Jon? ITtb. H jed to t hi shamming. mined I (?ir. ?and hi i ii.iiua-." ?continued Krauaa. ii aald be bad no medido m< a ll tloa to . oaey, and nenl without the i "Will you tell in i ? rne?" "i would ?prefer i I . i i ?rant no ti - until my appllcatl in I ?apon." "Do )on mi ?n ?to say from th.- il ?ctoi - in ? . ?Conner. "' >h, i the me 11? tie they : m an.l eastOf "?1. Th , it out in turn." I Hussey, < f ,?6 of Ninth i: lin il | ?of nil the ' d by tb ' the '?frlc??r.s. Il . . . 1 in th? re Joining the volunl ne-tbird of t.. ; BED ?CRi ma AID. i "-. Monas Li iety, imlrn i. ?Replj inj i ?i-, i tenner, hs t< Id of the arrival of tl made i?y him ai the in ?n. "Were tb "I ? Huait - >iy ft I . Informed that : In h ui'l. I . It. i ?garde, at th>? ?Slboney boapital, th? ?the Red i md h< ouktt, bul he Is itlona with ?i 't!i cordlal, -h." ?Dr. L ths weun prompUy ttended t??. ?and ?that ?the ?surgeons ?generally liilly. Noi without si,? ets. Those of the who ?slept m h tl I know," said Dr. k at Slboney Buffered from of m? ?ii? Ine. '. ? ? irctty of food I"i- ti.. i i .. were no supplli .?f ths A k. i bj Dr to tell what hi ?knew of th?; condition or th< selecting the men fit to 1?' sent homo to tti?. i . dltion, was v. ? u ?foui ' -' the men wb ? tally ? ??iiva y ths "i?ii ?the rrappty of food ind medicines aaked i>r. Conner. CAN'T I EtmCIBB (SOVERNMENT. 'i ; inewei thai qui not i ?nail ms "Yo i ?are noi i bed to critld "i ?cannot t?n if the sui snffl? ling those Concho I .:' of fi : idi Th* ? yellow-fi ver coi from ovi i lni,' than from of the ?1 "if Red i I see aa i . ir" ,-ht tell wb Purtbi r ... iiv m? ti in -. ?i ?.?i the . when thej M i. on the * ' mcho ?had mads ?their waj ?aboard w-iti... til thority, ?imply b caui a th? : Half b ?J? ten priv nl * fust Regimen! preeented written m -nt. of their '??iiipi.iii" regimental ofi -t tbi _ in eonMQaea?co ?of the oontinued I m of Rsv. i' H Thl?rd ?Prsebyterlan chin II will -,.. , .?..;. i ? ?-morrow n i: . i i \ i ren< h mon. . atrnl Worn ' ? | i.t.,i i? M ? ; s i ,i , ., !.? i for the The public nil]_ 1.*| Mo mot FREE : n ? _?:__. No money In ?ulr-vno.? *Wi .tk. , shmnben ?sad feebls i th?.- i??<ly ?*toi< kly rged and MOSSjibened TO I Madlrla?s tni tassrssasat ; _ -m || [ mM ?on trial Msdkal in? * ?-M W* M I ?lon-eunnu. Partli-ulur? s?n'. j ?In C la I !" i''?""1 --*"1"? u'!:,r ' L^ J tntnoui Hartal IRIK Mf OIOAL OOh BurrALO, NY. / TALK OF CONTKST-iS. ?i ttoUUB MAL or IT ritoM iiffi-mt 11) CAE-MAAT-H King mifCIEMI, NO NOTICES FROM YIRGWI?. The Tim?* ThOtOlnr !'\!>lr?i Tlilrty l)n*ra After I ?-??mi nee of Certifle-ite? TrlKK Cnt.rpri?.? O. if \?,_ liody, fn He (.ovi'riior or ? nli.i. ' kSHINGTON, D I - & : IT BO BOtl have bees f"?!?-?i aitb tb .? the 'l from Virginia. T! t la the Hoaea m. ' erlthta tbli tlflcate by tbe Oovei I by ti? Bosrd of Csnva isi -. Thi r Is, bow? v, r. B gr. it Asa] of R - ilk about contests from Vfrrgtela, which la aolntely meealngkaa aad aboard i?r. Dich tylBg that a ooatssl now than be hid in UN; Thoi ' -e Is I hopek . Parr, who 11 ?1 bmII I hardly coati si tin- else? . i Bwbbbob, nho ich a ' I . ? t-. : country; Walk? r I v. bn ?, ? ? dug .,f i? re tl talk of :: rill-: TRIGO BNTERPRl IE Mr. William R. '1rlgg, of Rli hmo d a tor at the Na U 1! ill I ! ' nail l< m-11 had I \ Mien. : . aad other ' . bave .M r. * authorltli ,.f tin? ability of the '1'ii. ?. illdlag Coi I ime. BUTLER X- *T TO BE <?' ?VERNI IR. There h bo foundation in fact for th? Matt--** C. BuUer will >? made militan ? iba. He I mpoi i? ' War 1>? I??? 1111? lit, atl'l at ill? ??f tb with tbe ' ' , will, it 1 HUr'll Otfi- 6, I??? til?- TX?ill* knot ! "i ! an. country United. ABUT ORDERS. Pin at Joba Vf. Daali 1, Jr. Third Ualti d Bl itee \ oluati I teat 8 of War, tbe telegraph!? rectlBg th? 1 Ratea bj ' men, an confirm? d: Berj ml Han laon ? ?n 1? 1 .My?r-. Prlvatea HU? B< ? -i?-y, Tb?aophlhu A. Field, H. Floyd ?Hatch, 1 mi I'nirth Vlrglala Volunta ; Battery K 1 n at Port Monroe, Va., is dlacharged fr,?m the \ 1 ' try, i.* ills? 1 " j> i y - w UUe h I Ed ? imp iBj 1 .-' 1 ,-i?,i \ Irgtnla ? ? w iiita 1 ?. Font l ' Infantry. . .-. leave of ttend Prlveto Jacob I?. 1. H, : N ?rtb < '.i r-'li .' r la ; ?POSTAL Ah \.. s w aikin.s, ?rice 11. i' to . , N. C y. 1. mo*, - ' . N. C. A Wbitworth v, N lohn H- C ildn II, N- B ' Wait? r, v. ff. C William -' OUI, vice C C : il, Amhi 1 ountj John P. ? i ESmmetl F ' lutb impton ? maty, \ a. PERSON \to. W. to . w. 11 Btraf imond .1 ! ?. ] . ' White, a. B, Dowi 11, I 1 a. Mr. J. O. White a-??l bride, of t. I by Mr. to at th? . Mr. t. Pri - of Norfolk, la h the Navy Do "/liming :'i?lnj- Bl atan. MINOR NO! I ?Privat :. 1 : -.? :, of ' - I is' itn'?rl ' H .. ol Wtl Ion ttotn Nsw Hanovei county. North Carolina ! which J. l> 1 : 1 n, In the N a pn paring to mak- 1 Charlea H ?Loving, ol . run? '. hi ad, Va Mr. Prod W. 1 1. W. Boo Insiru? -tl'iti. Will a?iil-, fs th? Hea . - - ? oourt'boues this sttsrnoon, Inau ,r ?Aiiit? r tsstan - i<? I I yl?-B. U to. H-.tiit-iiamp, <>f thin city vlaltlng hia ? Lancnstei \ ? 11.-- t?ulplt at St. J ?m- s M church will ba Sited Put-ay i?\ Ram i: Blankensblp, a yoasg mu: who ?tntored th? miniatry "rota un cbereb few yoon ago. FOR 25 YEARS Hnnyadi J?nos HAS BEEN RECOMMENDED BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS As the Best Natural Aperient Water. UNEQUALLED AS A REMEDY FOR Constipation and Stomach Disorders Get the Genuine! _-_-_-_-_._ BB flHBHUmflflan_ Ba^Brr-i??r-.r?r- r*.-*. ?f?",l ? imil. ITCIKI ?NOW READY . . . Warrock Richardson Almanack . . . I OR 1890. lAMhnt r. OOODO TRINTINO CO. Richmond, V?. . . . We ?, rim ererythin?* ! ' *" - MMlM.irs M \*. tilt Miw a tl BAN. He Pimplo)? Onl> ? iiltnn??? \ntl-lliill 1 IrIit iiii.l ( esh ?High! Meanur?.'a. .?am 1100 DE ?t!t turnt r>. ii Leonard 9 I sppedntos?' M?}or of I < ?i'i??.-'' ?i t?. ?be re? tad hS per mit?? ?1 t'i i tin ?a ;i'.uy post. Till* . day. in ih opinion of Qenerai W "?d it i* preferable to appoint to th' ?asny-omlfy u ?civilian ici ???-table t?? ?the ?Cubana and h? has appoin ' ijoi M< ?Lear) ... sa** H la anxious t?? glvi ths M lyor as much au tborlt) ?aa i ?mpaili ? military i h. non May?* a-1 i confi n? to Qenerai \\.>?.?t'!? Ideas, which au? t?> ?ths Cubans svery epport?anlty t.. . thscasslvee capable of acir-goveri in?-?m. Mai?.i- >MaL?eary, i? s military mayor. ? ?all e la ?sots. He I ?; il : . tl.? 'in': .1 ?>f th? pii'Vin>e, a;id IncHUdtag llol jlb ii.i. ?Sagua ?fansmo, h..i o??i i ?points, ?making repo?rts io On erul u .. ?r H:icardl m th.- m . . ?and ?lo ?smploy Cu? 11?' Will t til'; l-fft-ct ii. km mil i. worthy p*-r ?. ?rYood i is high hopes <?f this Bpt al Civil loi. . .- .:? ? ?L i ' 'i: OIRIA otnl Wood lu - spprov?al i. c-.iii Norma 'i ?. led a no) lag a .. . ij |. i h promoting pri i.. ?a ' .?nil The American ?admlnlstratlOB of th. ?pro? 1 . BtJees will .., ?bay .. ?: : . \. , ?| Ham?-, li'iiial Wood will ?probahi' ltct from amoag ih? in. Tin: PI HI H Will V.T. The initiation of ?Feme Onnd-lslatoe l'r?>|><-rl > ? .1.-lim I..I. Th? . ma i baptet ?si !'? ..: ? ia held Frida? aigbt . . ?. tut : 1 WO hours tb< ?RJ and l??-in?* ferried through the r...?m- ol Btygean '-! I : ?ik .M. Richmond; J. w ?ood .Urjan, >>f ad, 'i boms ?l M ui?.?n. ?and last 1)1.? th?: kid, Thoina ' ' wei.i ?tad t?> ths ban pi? t chambers of Murphy's llou-l. ?Sere the Injuries of the in.?v.? B??i?erfi ciai glut ?I m?, lea Wen n pair? i I mirth ?and i""?' and the Interooarae of v. in? i. ii?.at? .i through tilo ?1? ? ?? ; ball, and wh? r< ?,lands I bsr ?Bai th d so abnadant* ly thai thoughts <?f anntom* ?and sari . ?1 Ir.-in all mil. Th?? ?goal . u ?i.? h is of a ;. ?origin, having i.? i w, ?Ragtaad Jr., jn words elocjuenl ?and appropriate, Intro ?!,? ,1 i ! , who i ? -1 :? i? ?J t?> rhe 1'iiK.wii i?? .?t?," Blisses. ?of ?Riebmond; "Brotherly l^?v?-," W. K. .)' I. la! i. ? h X? : ii , i. .tel . . I Iverstty ?Cat* ?. K. Bui baaaa, ?Ma? ? ? ir Alumni," in. M A. MoOOwen, raond; "Our Wut in." Hugh i!. ?. <?r 1 terab irg. "< nit ' pehur, el ? ond. ?n <?f th.? Banqu? f ? . Elliott, of Danville, ?as* tor ths > I? - >'.t wjy in which ?ths bnnquet w ' pleaaant I Th? i?ii? ?pi? t. u \ ?i- il' l: ig| ind. Jr , Me "?. .- ?i?. i Til Ira Kin? *-. ' '? ?I, Uenj i'olri Uro?*, n, .*. K .i? onhage, a. .' ; ;. ... ?Reher? h. Boshar, Jr. ?. Francli W, i -pehur, wu Iwathssey, an-i William a. m ?OOwan, i"i mlc M. ?Rl a?!.-. .1. Wo. 1 I ' dan. Thomas ?Stale?, an?l Thorn-? C. H:\r H. O. 1 i Ir. A. O. IV reo ii m I. anil lirlffa. Mr 11 | - r i .'?-to <m s ttnti. r. J. 8. n.ivls, of t I 1 >r. K. J, Moaeii i. ?1001 <?r... .Mr. ? bsrles M. ?r^rtachh-ora ia at the il.?Kir. II.-? ?!..'.. ? ??Minore, un ng a medical 11 ? .-. : N ?rfolk; l?r. Mullln? i il be, ?of Ote? A i ry chur??h ut look. It l?tiri...ii.l,r? In Nerr York. \ i IRK, \? II ? I !" H ti) re, L i. HeSTman; w. lo.i-itial. F M. 1 ?rkrr, Jr , lirai..1. ' ' '.'* ' - Rheumatism il ft disordered ' ?ndition of tin? ?bl-OO?- which the mt'i'i'iirifti ?ItflMdidi <*f tho docto.* kit unablo to nwli. It is ?*ur<*d ?. rauiiioiitlv I'V Su it's ^iK'oilto, ?S?Blood