Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1898. _ - new?? of new things. ? rt< ves_hgf fs\ \wt~ wlU ba l will chrtatea thin lateel add!? si Illy gi irlag tbe I : Americana. - ial ]?rii.?x ?11 our Children's Goods. Bl ti ingl that appear in Hi almost inva t immediately, copied - . :' Ml two Btot . .is iatlu'r ami si?n, fdthf r ami son, each other, little aaaantiali to boya' '. B wearables With tho cess taken ont?makes - I? ?y*i heart ? ho ISl what his father i 11,at lie wants, yon usually gets. ghl to our to r H ti * i Military 1H, BERRY ?1 CO,, Ren's and Boys' Outfitters. ?_ ? . Kirk's Elegant Silverware, ."lade Since 1817 At the ."Manufactory, 106 Baltimore St., East, Baltimore, Md. SAMUEL KIRK & SON CO. MX? Diamonds, \V?itches, and Jewelry. Orders l?y mail promptly at no t-eodini M I Wllltl I to. \\ l\>. ? .,? r Itm*?*!? I.?? to I.?)HK ?in,1 - ? g sann d ? 1 ? ? i -. er m la the Bret 1 and 1 to '.? a?.id, . - tbb Lady E ? third. .... fui Lid?-11 . -"nd, - to 1) ,i_ to PINO. ORLEA1 ' ML? -.. 1 at I ,? third. '. -, third. ' half fui loi . . 1 M I : d, UI - ?1 \i - \r. i? 1 1 1 l n.l Ml-.. I . livening. -.: 'OS. Al. rfolh, Old 1 -, . irglllla PI t - ARRI*? ? Baltfr ' 1 ' m Mattaponl * 1 id g ' Murpb*/, i'sl? rangera und geueral t KTTNORl 1? VA., NOVEMBl (lly t? U-(-ruph.) ARRIVED .V?irJ?ir?,-, Johnson, to load lum OF NEWPORT KEWt, NOV. 2??h. ph > ARRI*) 1 * Si RoBBBe, Ant-.?. i. to Deertag, Wasbiagtoo. r J. B '.!??nrilriK H?.ston. r E-saaa i". ?ngall. S-it-ra. UAtLMD ? ??'? l?i_- Ha m burs. ?EV1BW m TBADE. AI OK nMBMI MM? WITH cokfimkxck ira ri-ruti*. ML?RE OF RAIL CONTRACT. 1 Work In? Compact v-.i.i to Bare Ileen Mmte. |n iviilel,. Uoyyexer, More rwawtieqes u b,1m,m< ...|lun i a Felt. WJJW fORK, November fc-Meaers r *. l>un A Co.'s Weekly Review of Traga ?ill nay to-morrowr. ThunK^-lvn^ |a DM mfnn, _oro ^ ?r U The "harv.-t h??m. " ??OOd larger hopes ln this ' The general prosperity is at by the largest volume of bu-ine??, JW n.air.i.... The pCOple-8 v? nil? : 'v.n reaaos .? baa? thai the soaadasas ? the ca? i. My ami th? aetkm's honor WH B01 again bS in peril, and a war I history fur SWiftOMe Of ?. ??b smallnass of loes ha? ht more perfect union than ever ? North ami so? i h and - " ' ' ever win, -km ?bojpoai ths ' Bg ?vlth ths DOS? impartant : terrltorjr .?.ice California was to tbe Union. Ilona] In magnitud. ind variety of bleealng, ?raws Bear Its Itb */< t another good ?gift, a marked i. proapaets (or oentury. lNl'l'STKIKS DOING WMLL Industries ars ?anlag reasarkaaly onelderlng hindrance until of ?lau by unseaaonable weather. With storms Id, many branches BOW gel large* ' !?. ra) buy? m* ol ootton goods, in part ?bt ?reductions in bl ich< ?i | Evnd ' production in print-cloths ?has ?.aus.?) an ad*. nth, whlls ths sxporl demand rts heavy brown goods, sad ,?;i ?are by the reeling ?thai cotton ?has n it? wowrt, let wide 11 illl iir? ?guiar, ?and i uns I Is alight ?m; is for m? n' n? Ithi r Jobbers n* r clothiers havs ?been buying freely. Thi snd is *ior medium, plain and ? lays, b n ?, ,i?t. k?re is do? lag m di. h goods, bul ?aot enough for - of w??? i bavi b :i for four weeks, Including about :. non port, but mostly at which have beeo this we? i; * Ho ou tine, unwashed Hi l-raii ?ooatract was ready for ?final Signatare, the withdrawal ? kiiU'd it. but a worhlng ltd ?to bavs been pparently .sort of gentlemen's ment, in which more >sonll>-en i than is felt. The market for i : al ?Pittsburg, and ' ?to f P Billets ? m h. avv ?I- iiiaiwl Bt Thi Bdgar : "II rail '. !:? ad. 1 |o i orki ?have bo k?sd ?further or ti ?Iron ?Age . ai ii' ?Pips Lines, with h??.t\ :. hindered only WHXAT AND I 'UN*. Wh< eipts (oui weeks, ?having I halt tor the . year; making f??r N ?bush lantlc shl! .. ' i . rkel bul little. M ireovi r. con v . ing s contl . r'.v- months, almosl . the unpn xn i oi ?f tl ' v !? -. n M In ' - ?i ? im I \it ? BLlgri HKPORT. I>? union. Indian, l.'iiul. Patent, anil li-riiloilal \nnlrK. WASHINGTON, D. <'., N??? ?rt of the Bei ?retary ol th ?Interior, Mr, Bliss, nada public laat night ?reviews ?la deuil i!>. \ lonal, and Terrlt'.iia! affaira. Reviewing ?the ?great ition m ?the publlo-laad ?area, retary. 1 s; "< H ?thi ter! land ?requiring : thi m valuable farra ivailabls w . only for graatng thirty ton ?lions, em . muh ii.-.l a?. ? l 1?.717.?71 1 . d to I . :lit ?Chip* .,., u.i ?nui.i? ak i all ?serio is dla t the \- ar. Refeiring to this ort ?points to thi ?Coi ? .?i h??ii:.:i Affairs' ?ii bringing about thi ?surrender ol , ? r the he lut? rlor of JUStlCS PKNUON y ?TTKR? -. . ?pension ill classes been i i . llcatlon ol OUt Of th.? war With I datl m for loa to revles ?the ... at, and ; Early l for the ' -on! "' ill.>n ol gr, ths le ?logical Bu?r* - making s total i fourth of ?i ?ths entire ?no luslvs i.. ; 4TI0NA1. along educational arilllon "' In thi I yeai ; ravious on . Itntes, by ti.? quite ea rs si nhabitsnt. The elementary, l ' ? universities. hiji . ' . and tb< it Lapland rirr. ? ti u i sing dhnrtbutsd f? the Tukoa mul up d i >n n ?i m?:?,i kta la ,?,,,.in. <i t?. ext! : roved . valueless, snd show that the I s',?,, i h s property right to the sn n m congi MM for the cuv , .- ?strongly arg tumnunxMAL hi:mmi: hki-out. I ..i.u.-.-o und DUtilliiiK StatUtle? for \lrulnlu and Norlh tnrollw?. WASHl.N'OTihN. H. C November 2&.? (Up* i-iaU-Ths report of the (Jumroiaaloner Mi Internal nevcr.v.e far th?; ?lscnl year ending Jim?. 30. im*, has been puhllshed. end in fuil of Interesting data and statis tic?. Amona- tho a-r-tragatc collections mad? am rer-ort.-d to th.? ('?rnimlnsloner by the collectors of th.- several eollsetlon ?!,* **..' " ?TOrtng th?* y-.,,r ?ru the tollowln-i: "I Virginia District, William Ry_n. : -*.'.?. I Virginia District, James D. Brady, ?Collector, tl nt ?-1 ,. Sixth Virginie lark Ajoiew, r. H m -, - rth North ?Carolina Dintrir-t. Furnl ?old M. Simmon?, Oollab r. IT."?? !-?.60. Fourth North Carolio Df trli t, Ed wir?l C. Duncan, , oUsetor, MU Fifth North Carol muel ' Ro - ' i ?. Collector, M : '"??? North Carollaa District, Hcrshel s. rlaarklns, Collecti n.M. Tbe a <-.- Btata fUMIM.?!; North lina, J.: g| _ , \*% , , lwo ,.,, ir,.|,.H of Ac?;-...,,.-,.. ;i. ,] N, | . b,,, n-|-g to collection gtstrlel of Marylaad, 0,017.10. ILLICIT DIfll Il.u.v; illicit. FtiiiK aalsad?Sixth virgin? Fourth North Carol ina. 338; persons arreated, aerenty? three. 'I in Cfimml-slnncr savs: "The toral number of Illicit stills fie? Btroyefi during th?- year aaded Jag ?. tbe nmuunt ?f property aatssd, snd tbe numb? r of an, ? a?, etna? with atatlBtti !? tba aaaaa in n,y recent repart, do not gire a sv ? enra of the atlmulua afforded by I ? s to v:,,i;,;i !.. ? ; ?, ?-.?, ,,i ?his char aster, I desire to cull attention t?, tba lacl that m oammunltlea nbsre thi?, illi cit distilling preval?a It baa besa foned that the rtolatora <>f th? ..? . are not cob? finad te the anregtetered illicit distillers slone, but atabraca la laany aectloa ? la : -, i,'.ml?, r ?,f r<' At It ft u ??r.tlll? to, both / rain and fruit, whs uve driven t?> this cour.*-,- la s? m!<!,. lion to meet the com P'tition forced opon th? m by the llllcll dletUlera who do sol register or make any pretence of complying '.vith th?- i i.v. In many h tions thsy hare gOM BO fir as to band tOgOthOf to r? i?<!er It Impossi ble tor collector? to collect from them i?y process of Ian I which ban ?iy ami lawfully Boseseed For la? st.,1? ?year ther?' wai ? that fj'ilte a number of distill? : I c ?n? glderablc ?suma in tasca by ?telling to re port the foil amouBl of material pur ? baai >). m , llstuisd, .-!i??i ti moval of the illicit product, when a ,n?!' -.\.-,. made for tbe porpoee ot coi Isci n--: these taxea and aelsurea of the distilleries followed, it wsa fonad bnpoa ln some cases to gel any one at ?ill to i Id for plSBtS worth from POS to MM, an?l In other cases Mda for property of that vain?, did not exc-cd This Indicates clearly Un measure of Influ? Nahen BTC able to ? cerdee In moulding public opinion, it la nnneceassry to multiply examplea of thin kind." TOBACCO AND CIGARE. Tlie number of ret-inr, ?1 tobaCCC man . rs Is sa follows: North Csi iMbs, Bf, ?, il'i'i' taa of 13 as Oompsred With Virginia, l.V), a ?Of ?1 on the ling y ?r. The i. umber of Haar manufacturers Hag durinpr the year were: North Carolina, tt; Virginia, IK. Numi" r of dealera In h-af-tobacco: NOCtb Carolina, MB; Virjini . , are mede moatly in New North Carollaa. Th. si;?? nl in uatl? i ? amoklBg ti were manufactured are Missouri, Ken tucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Mi-hi and Ohio?Virginia prod? ami North ?Carolina prods . inda LEAF-TOBAO ' ?. BN1 During f r De? ? ::i. UM1, In Virginia tu d UM I, 87 pounds ol ami of B? rap, 657,059 pour N l !ero? Una, With -'" pounda ,?f leaf and 164,741 pounda of scrap in tbe aame pi rli d lured, of ; rat, and araoblng to -.-'. pounds, and N >rth Carolin.?. W.Mff.tM. REFONT OS MIM OPKKATIOMS. Il? ?.?n iiiimi ?if BgSSle l*n? inrntfi? Qnld Calnagte ?if * ? ??? ? - WA8HINOTON, November BL?In his ,? report, Mr. Oeorge EL Roberts, the Dir, ctor Of the Mint. Bays: t importanl i rt .-as of tb? I year in the world of g - ban been i : summation of iii?- long-planm d resumption payments by K,:-r-?n in . it Ion ?>r iii?- monetary eyatem of with gold a the ai indard, aad the m fusel >?t the gOTernment of India to co operate with tl rerun : the Unit? :??i Fraaoa in an eff"rt . in by Intel nat?os il The gold I world In 1897, s tha orded, amounting In 17 in lv I. ? If th? form? r i im, I wat ttsly MBUW1 IM S m t addition to th.- stOCb "t gold I Ti,,- pi la? ? bj ih ? Qreat i tritain, Ruasha, Qsrn Auetria-Huagary, France, and .' n,, extraordinary coinage of the > .ir rations of Rusais, Auatria-Hungary, and Japan for mon? tai y n tot ms. In tha i sse of ? psrtl iv, hieb baa b,tn acramulatlag for rears, much of it m ,,,,i s, v I he ntlnta t.. prepare II for circulation, 'i h con ?s of mon? -Ina to tho greal gold i? erv?. temaf thered y< ar by year until it la tb? gi gle board ... KM, b-. in itsilf. . m- .- '': ; -I ' ? v : I i irest ss ** world'a production continu?e the Wr? luntlng to tbe val i ding that ol 1891 by I Is, Ju ' ' ' I : band, ? rtaln tl the pi iducl of IB I erIU ? great tr." "The returna from South Africa lor ten months si??.\v thai el tb? preeent i tlon, Ita .. ? ',?1 nill CXC1...1 the yield I j?.,.. ti., (rom ??.,i ?-n -a ??? ' its product m UM win . \,-,-. -i th?- produ t of :-?.,: pj : torn July 1Mb : l.Mii tbe i I H al ? Ban ,,,, ?,. , from th? Canedian Yuhon j ,i on tbla prod ictlon ? . be in? , m in. United st.?its can bardly fell Tin* total ol Ou?-- eatlmateTla ui.Cs;. ;. ., edded to tb riguu-s < . i ind?cete a ?arorld'a producl - -. ii the i, malnli | in tin Ir sggragat ;?'?i. The ?oroducl ? I IM1 W.MM, will b?- mon than ih'ut?.?-i. and tr.?* oomblned -.aUie of by ?gold alone. ?Hocha, In . ..i in Bui I I i - r, UM, to l, . ?n. r? ,-? ?1 about 0.00 i of gold In the l iiit.-'i Sut? bu n ised bl Tbe in? raun In the s"i?i holdln l; ' x ' : \ ... : . ! ggl ..In?.it ? Total g ?Id thua ac< eunted foi. liKlktn \ull<?y It?.n,l to lie Sultl. (BaltlS i I Amen- ,ui. _nii.> Commlaaloner Martin, who eraa appolat? <-d by n??- i ni'.? d Btat Circuit ( ?url to teetlmon) In 'he caae >?f tii? >-. ir and Y.niki.i oad, baa, u mithoritv of the c< irt, deelgnated ?Deccm? ?,, r bti I? aa th? late ? f th? aale of Um road, 'i be aale s di i N. c. 'i h. i? i In i entirety, end not In la had been .? Ired bj i ?rtica acting '?? ?ny with tbe B uthern rsliwey, u hlch wss repi? aeni only on? i??>r-.i??n ??f the ?roed Th? tv-.?? blddera f?-r the property will proba bly hs the Baltimore nnd New fork com mittee? The foraaer, of which Mr. nv. ii ilrmnn, ?111 set In ' ' of the Beabosrd Alr-Un,, which ?ftere to auerantee th,? bond? at 4 per ??-?it. In addition lo ??ther con*id?*rations. The New York committee, It Is stated. will act In harmonv with the Bout! rallwey. Oeni*ral John OUI Is at pn receiver of the projA-rty. STOCKS IRREGULAR. .'LOSING GESKflAM.Y FUI M, WITH NET t II \>fiK? MIXED. PROCESS OP CAUTIOUS TESTING. I'i ofil- Tnking In Southern Railway and ii.Iht MnrU?-?f.rnln ?and Pro Tlnlon Market? Suffer from Too Mucb Tarkey and Mlnce-Ple. NRW TORK, November 25.?The action nt the aiock market today was suggf-a Uve of a proaaag of rather elaborate ?gad ?as testln*?. The powerful allied In terests which have led the second bull ogn refrained from buying on a large scale to-day, and seemed to occupy the position of l?x>kers-on at the sale? in progress, standing ready, however, to ? m?? to the support of their favorites In the event of their bMng too hard pr?-, -? i ?PraflUtafclat was very c'.t-arly In evid.-n In the Atchison Issues, the Federal 8fel ?Si ink a ?Pooplefa Gas, Southern Railway preCSriOdtK-nnd a number of oth'-r stocks, upon which th* r-.<' nt. ?advaaOS has been Bt to ?aiaks profita attra? tive. The selling ?preeaaie was hy no nseane urgent in thess st-??.-k.--, wi ich ?showed a decide i fa?inff off from the r>? Ml ?1? .u??" of ;??? tivity. t->.?-? pt Atthison pref.rr-?d. Bui wen ?Slearly ladlspOOed to Thi Northern PntCiflo stocks maintained ?this ??. < <;i??i ?iropiplng ?tendency ?pending all of further aoaaaltatloaa hatwasa ?the North? rn ratifie and ?Oregon Navi? i tioa authorities, looking to the adjust ment of the ciiSf'Ut?- over division of terrl "?i i a - ?gnlflcant that the ?stocks ef ? ther ralln ids vitally Inter sated in ?ths ?snatroverey were Inclined to advance. There mat ?evidence of manipulation at ?sonsa pointa, no doubt designed to coun thi ?.inlit-takincr ?slSfWbegO and t?; sustain th?- mark?-t. This was most fiag ?mni ?a ths Heading laeane. The movt m.'nt In the CnnPt? was Insignifi cant, Slth igb sftBTtS w?-ra made to con v? y the Impression that the movement In ?the Beading ?seonrttfoo was doe to fav?r Bts la the coal trade. There iron aleo very positive ?steaasats mants of strength at a few points. TOBACCO LO-U two points. Sugnr turned weak after early strength. Toba?. ? loot over 2 points. The clos Ing wag P ii'-M?y Arm, and the net - ar?- iniv? ?1. Thi bond market was much less active than recently, and ?shared in the Irroga* larity of Oie, stork mark-t. ToiaJ sa!<?s, f-t.'.':".????. United ?States 3's, ?the ?new Pa, Bad ih?- o!?I 4's, re(,dst re?l, advanced 1-S In the bid DftOB. The ?total sah?sj of stocks were I ?sisar --, ?Inoludlng Atehlaon, TJK; Atefai? ?SOa i; ' ' ' -': Baltimore and Ohio, Burlington an?i Quinsy, Louisville and Nashville, 16,120; ?; Northern Pacific, UMt; Reading, MM; H?.<k Island, T4S; Bt P I n Ml; ?Union l'a? iti?' (preferted), iui:i; rn Hallway. IMP; Boutherfl ?Rail? era) ?(preferred), PMp', Tobacco, 27,&?; Bcopi? .:.; ?Bagar, UMA. MONET AM? K.\ciiA.\r,E. Money on call steady at 2'?721-2 per cnt.. ?a at 2 l-i per ?cent; prime , '. 1-.'? ) ? l-J per cent. B ? rttng ? xchang4* i isy, with. a?ctua] bin at HJtl KEf ?demand, and *?l.S13-4i/*>t>- for sixty : and 2; c.tnm.T. |nl bill?. li.M'.i.t M 1-2. Bllvsr certificates, M1-IQC11-1 liar sii v?i. ?,?> ;-! ;. Mexloan ?dollars, MT-t? ?Oovernmanl ?bonds ?strong State bonds rinn. Ratlrog i ?bonds ?ttTagalar. BANK CLBARINOB. Ths ?total bank clearings ?in ?ths ?United for ths sreefc w?ars UMljtPl9--pot cent. -"''?: ?encinales of Now IMS ' '' '' ' . 12 0. KE.W YOKK STl>?.? QU ITATIOSS. Cloalr.j?. Atchlson . M -, Atchl pi si red . -5is ?BaltUnore and Ohio . Cai ? P . la Southern . ?i;. . > & Ch? p ak< and Ohio . 1 . Chit ago an i Alton . I 0 !.. and <-i. igo and E. ill. 9t% Chicago and E. I... ?prof? rred. 11 ? , . \v. 10 ? i, Ind. ?and U . t? Chi., Ind. and L., preferred. ?hi. and N. w.up; Chi. and N. w.. ?preferred . Ill ?,? ,. ?and Bt. ?Louts . U_ i . c. C ni Bt i?. prefem d. i>. i. and ?Hudson . ' '''? Del., I., ?and W. 141 , I?, n. and ??Rio Q. II ?Den. and Rio U.. preferred . U aew) . bo, Brie (new), 1st preferred. Port Wayne . ?IM Ot Nor., preferred . I?IH Hacking Valley . 3 la Ci ntral . U1J4 J.'i.? ?and w. and W.. preferred . Shore . ?IN ?Louie, and Naah. PJk Manhattan L. W_ Met Btreel Railway .lTi'j Michigan Central . ? Minn, and ?St I. Minn n i Bt ?L, i?t preferred. 9\_ Mo ?Pa? ni" . 9p? and "hio . :'7 ,\L.. K. and T. 11% Mo., K. ?and T., preferred. si New ' . i?l N. m ?ork i.'? ntral . i? - - H. v.. ?hi. and st. I. , N. V., rhl. and rft. L.. 1st |?r..-f. 71 H. Y.. Chi. and St. U, M picf. _1V_ Nor. West . U No ?Arm r. ?Co. ?W No. Pacific . -i1?1,, .\?>. ?Pacific, preferred . nfi Ontario and w. It% Ore. i: md Nav. : . L4n< . UM p icil let prel ?rr?*?d . l? ?Pacifia Coast -i ?piafarrad . &7 ?Pittsburg . l'i ng . IStf Jlea.liii^. 1st preferred . ;\ . R Q . U R. <v B pn : rn d . tun Rock Isl ind . > . ?Louis aa i h\ F. . ?and B. P., pn ferred. JnZ Bt. ?Louis and ?S. i-'.. .?l ?preferred. 4. ? ?St Louis and s. w. - . s. ?Louis and ?B. W? ?preferred. IS? . Bl i ? il, prel nred .i?;j? j Bt. ?Paul ?and am. Bt Paul and <?ni., preferied. 1?,, * Bl P., M and M. lH : Pa ni'1 . UM So. ?Railway . i , B? . ?Rai s prel rred . pBL Texai Ifle . Union ?Pacific . W?^ Union Pacific, ?preferred . ?sv?. f. P. I>. and Q. ? ?v . ?-ii . fl v. ? ?rred . ;. v..'.? ? i snd L. B.| id I* E., preferred . li KXl'KH?S COMl'AN'lIJ?. Afdama Bapreee . m American ?Eaprees .l_ United states . 4i Wells Kargo. _5 Ml?V'KLLANKOUd. A. Oat OB . . ZI7. A. ? At . tl: .. W>t American bplrtta, preferred . ?y . American Tobacco, prtferred . _p Cone, Gas. it: faule Co. 17? i and Iroa . 22^ Col W. ?and Hun. preferred . 77 rl? . o2 Ha ,. Com'I Co. ?l Bteel . l?H national l'-nnr . 59 International Paper, preferred. Oaa . ?Vi . tl 1^-*?1. preferred . U--, Minn. Iron . _4J : ,1 1.m oil . 01* ?Pacific M?ll . i? People'?* Oaa. l<?0?, Pullman Palace . 1? -i?..r Cartlfieatse . Co1, Standard Hope and Twine. 7 . 12 IS Sugar, preferred .lll\ T. ?'. und Iron . 2>l y s. I.rather . '?H y s. Leather, preferred . AT U. ? _. Rubber . C^ U, B. Rubber, preferred .l?-*4*4 Western Union . iW*,a Federal Steel . Federal Steel, preferre?l . 76 bUN? LIST. New U. S. 3'a.1*% ti. S. new 4's, registered. l_7fctfl-?*J, O. fc'. new 4's. coupon . 1.*7Vii-? ? to. S. 4's. ' i U. H. 4's. coupon . 11-Uu- -'?. U. S. .'s . ,?*?> U. S. 6's, registered. tot '>>U2-, U. t?. 5's, coupon. District Fa, ??s . U**'-'* Alabama (Class A). ? Alabama tClaaa H>.?',7 Alabama ?Jiasa C) .1(-l Alabama (Currency) .1?"-*. Atehison 4e . 91% AK-hlson adj. 4's. 7t1-. Cas. So. 2's. Chi sapeaba and Ohio 4V*-'s. I ? bicsgo Terminal 4's. WM Chesapeake and Ohio 6's.-U*> C. H. and D. 44's (offeted). I0t% D. an.l K. O. l.-ts. I'-* D. and it. ii. ?is. .? ? "N?. East ienneaese lata .'u? Erie G-.-n. l'a . 2% F. W. and D. 1st?, t. r. Wig ? . n< i.,i _.i?9c S's . I-'?' O. to. and ?i. A. C'a . M? ?i. 11. and S. A. 2'_ . 1?>4 11. and T. C Fa . '> II. and T. C con. C's. l?'> Iowa C. Is;s . IM La. new consola, 4's .-. I0t% L. and N. lui 4s. WA Mis: ?url ,'.- . i M. K. and T. Fl. ' i M. K. und T. 4's . N N. Y. Ceutral lata . H*-'*? N. .1. C. Fa. North ?Carolina Fa . ?M North Carolina 4'm. IM Ni?, r . ni1* No. Pac. .i? . t>? No. Paa i's . l'T'i N. Y. C. and Bt L. 4's. Nor. and W. Fa. IM Northwestern console . ii Northwostsra fieb. .?s.iliVi o. Nav. une .il* o. Nav. l'i .U%% O. S. Lu?,- Fa, t. r. 1." O. S. Line Fs. t. r. 109% tPaciflc Fa ??f ?M. Vtt% Henning l'a . M R, O. W. lsts . MM St. Louis and Ir. M. Con. 5's. H . m. L. ami han Fian. lien, ?is . lu St. l'aul Con. MB St. l'aul C. and P. lsts . IM St. l'aul C. and P. l'a. l?'' Bouthern ?Railway Fa.iO'j% R0| < sad '1 .vine ?i'.--.-, TI Tenn. new est 3 s. 91 Tex. Pac. L o. teta . i'? Tex. l'a. L. G reu. 2's. 17 !.'. i*. D. and Gulf lsts. >*.'? Wabash 1st l'a. UZ% Wsbssh 2's. 91 W. Shore ' -< . Inla (' nturlea . 80 Virginia ?'enturles, deferred. .','. Wta, C<antrsl. Mobile and Ohio 4's (bid). U% S. un..! Vf. consols, l's. U% s. snd W., preferred. . i'nlon Pacific, preferred . N , Union l'acin?- Fa. Central of Ga. 5'.?. *?9 ?entrai of Ga. lut In. MU Central of Ga. tt ihid?. n RICHMOND STOCK ICXI HANGE. Richmond, Fa., November M, i8.?8. Salo?: VirK?nla Centuries, l.ijuu at ?>?J; l.GuO at *'; 4,5?JO at 80. OOVMRNMBNT SECURITIES. Did. Asked. T'nlted States 4s .112 . Ualted States ,Ts .it%% . STATE S ECU HI TIES. North Carolina 4's .'.(ir, . North Carollaa Fa .129 . I Virginia Fa (BOW. H?i . | Virginia Centuries .80 *? !? CITY BECURITIE8. i Richmond city vs .m . Kl limond city 6's .,...1M . Richmond city Fa .U2% . ' Richmond city t'a .i?>i . RAILROAD BOND* Atlanta and ?Charlotte 1st 7's..i2?? . A. and C. guar. Int., ti's.103"-4 . Cap,: Fear and Ya?lkln Valley, C. tt%) . ?'., C. and Auguata Id T'a .il? . Os. So. -,r?l i'.?,. Fa.10Sf4 ?'?"s r?*t<rsburg Class A. ?'s.IT, ....'. isburg t.'la?r.*i H. Fa.U?> . , Rich, and M?-i-kie?iburg 1st 6's.. M l'-> ! Southern Hallway 1st ?'s.Wt% . Va. -Itdlai i <.. to. Fa.101% . i Western North Carolina 1st Fs.Jli . 0?BOrgia ?'?nil Alabama prof. 6'S..lfttt . gis Sad Alabama consuls_ 99% 101 ' Richmond 1 ractloa ?'s .i?4 ?..; ! N.and \v. lai mort con. 4 p. c. 8<6l_ . I Norfolk Stre.t Railway ist 5's..i"i [ im RAILROAD STOCKS. Par. Atlanta and Charlotte .WO 120 . .- and Uiiiu . ?) 8 . North Carolina .k?j im . Norfolk and Western ptet.Mt .? to. <_ P. a ... F. a !'. conn't TO 100 ...'.. to.. 1 . and P., common.100 IM% . . 11., to. aii,l 1*. ulv. obllgt'n..100 1-5 . R., l-'. a P. 6 pot ex. guar..MM I4fi . R., F. aad P. T per < ?.. gusr..lM MO . Hichmond sad Petersburg ..100 US _'. B uthern Rsllwsy, prsf.IM i?> ....! Bouthern ?Railway, com.IM M . ? ;.. end Alabama, pref.MM -12 and Alabama, common. ig% t**u i;.o, Bou an i Fla. l-t pref.: ?? ? Norfolk Btreet-Rallway Co.?i1._ o-i HANK ?STOCKE CltisenS? Exchange . MMj . City . . Firat National .?if? l?,2 . Merchante? National .100 IM ..... Metropolitan .U 2\ . National Hank of Virginia, .lo? l?U l?>3* Planters' National .: ?? Ml . Pat BST. and Ins. Co. M M% ..... .'iv .IM HI . State Hank of Virginia.1?<) ID . Union Hank of ?Richmond . M Lo . nia Trust Company...JM iii . S i\lngs Hank of Richmond.. M 17 . Rich. Trui-i and y. l>. Co.MS . INBURANCE COMPAMHB, lia Fire snd Marine.... 2". 27 . Virginia State .25 ".'t' . MiaCELLANEODfl. Am?-rjean Tob. Co., pref....100 MM . American Tob. Co., com.... ?w U4% . Va.-CaroIlna ?'h?-m., pref....100 U2% \ a-? Molina Chem., com....100 t'A UJg *Quotatloaa are for bonds maturing la not less than ten years. OMAN AMI COTTON KXCHAXGK. Richmond. Va.. NoTOSBbet '-.. Quotationa: Whest--Loagbsrry. 62 f Ti%c,; mix?!, fi.' to l__o. ; Bhort berry, 6: ; No. I red. 7?'??c. Corn?White Virginie, l??iK lots, 4<)c.; No. 2 win C- ; No. I white, M to 40o. ; No. 2 niiv?l Mc ; No. 3 mixed, nsi?.c : white. Virginia to ?Me. oats-No. 2 mix No. 3 mlxe?l, ?la; winter seed, 3v to 3Gc Rye??* to O'c. RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va., November 2-1. D.'S. Private aalea t,?-?i?-,y were it followa Fillers, 3 Bmok? rs, 2 hogs ! hearts; bus. '21 bogshesds; snaps. 1 Total number of bogsbeeda aoltl during the any, Th- ' light receipts ; and deliveries ti -day. .-aits dt sew '?.r\ looee tobaooo on th* R! hmoB : I '" were: Cren 1 ebaw*a Warebouss, M.M0 pounds; high, si piice, J8.7.'?. BhOCh pounda; highest price. |12. Stonewal Warehouse. 11,170 pounds. Total numbei of p'.'inds sold during the day, 107,776 hiebest price W. iitj?rs. Frsssr _ Tompklaa have th.? of tba mark., for tbe weak Dark ioldi-In rather better demand: r. ?elpts as i "it?-rings continu?! light Hrlghts?Unchanged; quiet. Sun-Cur.? fold)?Nothing doing; ??eason oser. N?v *, -I'oiTiing m freely this week am aelllng -?t good prices, All Bood to prim a m demand; damsgsd stock has t< be bold al . DURHAM TOBACCO MARKET. DURHAM, N. C, November 2*,.? (Spe ,-iai.i Durham has recently g-Mten he Old-time DTI is on. Two y?a. ago there was an BJBSthy In her tobacc market, which made her los? much o her warehouse prssUgn Things are dlf ferent now, uni already there has bed n? ?r>- tobacco sold here this BBS SOB thai during, the tobucco year of li9G-*J6. Fo the fits! time In the histoiy of the towi sales were conducted all day ami for mor, tu.m .m n?ur by eUetrlc lights on Wed night in order to clean the floor tor Tnareney'a -ales. <; KM-: It AL MARKETS. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK. November _",.?Fiour Qulet for ell grades and a little eaaler Minnesota patents. $3 ? S4H.11?. H ye Flour?Firm. Buckwheat Flour-Stea-lv nt 12 for s?pot Huckwheat? Quiet *t ?2??J?3c. Cornmeal-8tea?(v, yellow western, 7?K 75c. Rya?Steadier; No. ?. fc Barley?Finn; malting, western, ?y^fiSc. f, edlng, 4Sty42c Liarle v Malt-Quiet; western, SHAM a. Wheat?Bpot Btrong; No. 2 red. Ct%\ TO1-,,*. Options opened steady, on forelg buying, but ruled weak all day. in fac of big clearances and fine Continent.? ?__r__tt? The crowd was bearish, an s? ?1?1 freely on good crop news. 8aU eluded No, 2 red, December, TlVic.; a cl?->eed 75V:.; May cloacd 71 ^c. Corn-Spot firm; No. 2. _ ?-;. Of opened steady with wheat, but we.tki ncd later by lower cab'es. be weathur news, and the decline in ?a . , n?-i l??w??r. I??? ember c IS-V-; May closed 23MiC. Oats-Spot steady; No. I, ?***?. Op dull. Beef-Steady. riit-M at?- Rnrely steady. Lard?Lasv; western st?amed elosi BS.2S4PB&.371 j ; city, ti; Noveiut>er closed nominally. rc-flned quiet. Pork-.j?il.?t. Butter--Firm; western creamery, lie.; factory. 12-f}14?4c.; Klglns. He.; ii tlon creamery, 1!^17M|C.; State dairy ?Oc.: creamery, 1? ?Chssas Pina; large white, 9'-?c. BggB?Plrm; St.ite and Pennsylanin Q'?,c.; western fresh, la-Vic; southern --'. Potatnee-Steady; Jeraeya. ft?$1.40: York. $1.25ii$i.50: Long Inland, sweet!?. Jersey, tl-S2; southern. SSQ0 Cottor.seed-Oll-Steiidv; prime c ?-.; yellow. 21??4'fi_'C. Petroleum-Steady. Rosin?Firm. Turpentine-Firm at S9?4fi.X)c. Rtce?Plrm; licmestlc, fair to extra, 61. ; Japan. 1% , i 'abbage ?Quiet. ('??free?Options opened steady, prl?*es 5 point-? higher, and further proved on bullish foreign news. H warehouse deliveries, small Braalllai o Ipts, and local support, Improved dltions In spot trade, and bullish ata ?sal situation. Close at a net g\ln of points. Sales. 10,500 bags. Including ?-nil?--, *.", :'< ' i V?.??-: March, $.".7?J. Spol ?steady. Mild ?steadier. Sugar??Raw strong; no seller-* nt qi tioris Fair retiring, le ; centrifugal. I arte teet *' ' ; m?'??-?1?? sugar, ;;\c. fined steady at a decline; mould A, ?grunulatad ">',.-. BALTIMOUB PRODUCE MARKK BALTIMORE, November 2?.-FI Dull and unchanged. Wh?set?Bteady at the decline; spot the nv.nth. 72Hi|72Hc. ; December, 7-'V\ ; January, tipfi.', southern when. Corn?Flrrnj spot, the month, and cember, .W-?i39t.?c. : new or old, Novei cr December. SStyirWic. ; January, ! K-Vfc.i February, ?M^c; southern \ corn, 36V?Tia9c. Out s-Firm: No. 2 White, 32'?.*fS$C. ; 2 mixed. 30V?y931c. Rya Easlsr??No. 2, near-by, 32^0. ?Su?gsr?Strong. But- - ly\ fancy creamer*/, J?'!. do., ?ladle, l'I'i/Mc; -r?tnre-pa??ked, 13<i?i Fggl -Weak: fr?"=h. S i?hee?-v-Steady; falcy New York, !i HK/l'" a?. u< s Wo. vVhlskey?Uachanged. NFW YORK DRY-GOODS MARKF Ni.w TORK, November -The i ket opened quiet and firm after the day, with but a moderate attendanc n i only a quiet spot bust) ? ?ntrlbiitlons to demand erer I over, considerable, and sales In the ?negate reached fair total. The et tlon of the foreign goods dtvistotl tiri'ies unsatisfactory to Importing tu rests. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKST, ?CHICA-fJO, November '.'.".?All the g an?i provlrton markets appeared to Buffering from tor. mu<?h turkev mlnc-plo trimmings to-day. 1 >?il was th? ruip, nn,) ,,ri.???s declined. Wl shows a loss ?if l-Mil-2?-. Corn lower, 'mi.?? ?ara i .-had?- ?Sewer, Pr?: i??t"^ declined 2 l . The hailing futur.-s ranged as fnllos? Opanlng. Highest Lowest. ClOS Wheat-No. 2. Nov. .... .... fits^ Dec.''?'v'', '??"? r?;',-?/?, i,?-?' May .?. ? , ?, . ? . Corn?No. 2. ?*. V-\ 1' .... . , . *_ : May .31 f?V, ?UV. ?'.t:, Oats-Xo. 2. Ds." ?, - yol v , :? May . Pork-Per Bbt Dei.UM t > ?7 Jan.p.15 H.15 ftOTU tO .UM ?MI ?.'.-'?'j $9 ?Laid?Per 1*00 iba. D ? .?MJI ?Mil $1.*? St Jan.|5.i?r, IS.06 ?SS.-00 -V. ?May .UMm ?til jui p Short ?Ribs -I'er l'*0 Iba. Dee.?14.60 PIPA PU) $4 Ja 1.M '" ?i.'.:?- PAVA ? May .'ITT'? M.?TH PiPk U y? llow , .1 .?-. Flour qul< t. . Ing v, heat, ? - ? , ; No. 2 Su 2 01 Uc, t. 0. h.; NO. 2 White, f. o. b.. ! : white, f. ??. I... . N ?. 2 . No. 2 bar No. 1 flaxs Prime timothy aeed. *_.*_, .\ pork, per Imrrel, f7.88??->$7.W ?Lard, l?"i i??.un?Is $r..i?_'??2-?f,?*"?.0fi? ?*li<?rt-r,b s l, i I. : '.?( $1.80. Dry-salt?.?,1 .slioul? . Short ? lear aldea (1 1 ? ,1). 'I.'*? ?.! I.'.?,'?. Whiskey, ?lis:. ish.-d ?goods, per ?gallon, ft.2?. Sugar. loaf, nn?-! anged. Butter ? l i'.iJl'??-. : dairy. VlO'uVjr. i'h. .se qulel n r m . ii-.-ii. _". THF COTTON MASERU LIVBRPOOU Kovember P-4 P. I (Totton: Spot In fair d? mai.?l. 1?: Am ri m ?middling, ?fair, ' ' ' good middling, 3 9-32d.; middling, 3S-3 low middling, 2**V32d.; good ordlm I.; . dinar/, 2 17-JM. Th? sa;, s ??i ?the ?day wer?" lO.OOO ba of which 1.100 ?bales wars lor speci ti??n and export, and inrlui* ?1 *J..'}?>? b. of American; receipts, UJOO Lalts, American. Putur?9S opened steady, ?a 1th a moder demand, and ?-1? >> ,1 qtilet; American t diing. low middling clause, No?., mi 12-4491 MM., ?sellers: November and cember, I 1 -?;v- : : <" !., sellers; D??c??m ?and January, t9?I-O?A., sellers; .lanu and F? binary. 8?3 l-84d., buyers; Febru an?! ?March. 3i-??i?i. buyers: March 1 April. 'A 2-t'.td., Sellers; Atril ami M 3 Md., buyers; Mav ami Ju : i-?;iil.. sellers; June and Jl :; i-i'.i.i.. ?buyers; July and August IN ?sellers; August and fnept?.?tnber, '?r>-> ... s.lUrs; September and Octot . ?sellers. NhTW YiH?K. November 25.-The ea PhSSSS of the cotton market to-!..- ?v?. of an sncouragtng nature i<> the 1 crowd. Early telegrama reflected a b Ish undercurrent .t?? sentiment In South, wt'll-sustaine?! pri.?ea In th?? I lish market during th?? h ?lid iy, rene. activity in ?spot ?cotton markets, no up in the demand ior ?SOttoa gooda. elt In New England ?>r abroad, growing ap ulattve Interval on the part of old-tl outsida Investors, and a l?r??a?lenlng < in pretty generally to reduce c estimates. But the response to th favorahle factors was not pronoun" There was some Investment buying, 1 littii outside ?speculatlvs Interest was? played, and the market was disappol ing a.- to II Tu?: on call WS active, saes ?ing, in fact, anything wit:. '?Change 'for months [ ?at During call large blocks changed hands w ty. ?Later. ?howen or, busin dwindled off to meagre pr.iportlons, 1 1 a la<k of positiv?? conviction, the ?pert of all classes of traders. ( market after opentng steady, at 1 Changed prices t?> aa advance of I poi OB ill?- bullish features?, advanced 2 pol on covering, but later eased off on bear pressure In the absence of definite ape lativs support The elose aas bar . with prices 1 point higher t< i ael lower. Cotton tirm: middling, 67-lfc.; net eeipts, Iftli balea; groai r? 1 exporl lo Oi it Britain, l,1fl 1 il s, the Continent 1,101 balea. Tota' to-day: Net receipts, UM? ba! expni . at Britain. H.1I0 bal.s; the Contln-Snt 20.*? bales; stock, l.-t?, Consolidated: Net receipts, 422,513 bal ? \p.irts-t?. ?Oraal Britain, ltS,??>5l hales. ?Prance. Mt.fOt bal?ea; to the Contlne iin.ii?; ?bah - Totals 8e?ptemb*r 1st: Net 4.025 tuiles; fxporta?to Or? Britain, IJS9.I1I I atet; to Fran ?balso; to tii>? Continent 3??t..Vi7 > Cotton futures opened steady; Deee b? r. $."):t); January. 1637; February, la. March $6.30: April $0.12; Mav. is.V,; J111 ?.'??;?, july, S5.61; August, PM; .Septemb October, t?5.M Furar?s cloesd ?<U-ady; November, g?. 1 ?? ? - iiiti.-r. ?V?.2i;. January. *_.--). K.-bruai :, :i; March, UM; April. F>S7, Mav. p. June. PH; Julv. IS.17; August. ??.SI; 3? tl mher, Ifi.M; 0*-tot>er. ?S.5?. Spot firm; middling uplands, 5 7-1?$ middling gulf. 6 11-W?.: sales. 1.150 bales idy: Net recelpta. 1S.?_4 balea; arc 11 ;?/> "21 ?bales; exporta?to Or? 1, 11.-Hi bales; to France, 7ft bah te ths continent, 8.72S bales; f.irward? 2.001 bales; aplnnera, 1,! NFW ORBFAN.-?. I.A.. November 25 ; Cotton?Futurea: Holiday; Labor-Day. NAVAL-kTORE MARKF/fB. CIIARLF.STON. h\ C. November H ' Turptniln?*?Plrm at S6c.; a^lee, none K ??ln-yul?t and unchanged, ?ai? ; nona. -A'.'ANNAH. ?A., November p Low in Price, High in Quality, Pet feet ion in Fit. It is time for you to select your Winter Overcoat. We have a splendid selection and the prices are low. Kerseys, Vicunas, Cheviots, and Meltons, in ail the latest shades. Two special lines : OVERCOATS TO ORDER, $15 and $20. A big line of Worsted Stripes, TROUSERS TO ORDER, $5. Morion C. .tout Uo., TAILORS, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. DeWitt's Little ~ EARLY RISERS The famous little pills. Cure bllioaa o?'.*-*?, h<8adachc, constipation, iodlgea? tion, heartburn and torpid lirer. Very small, very safe, very surta, Most popular pill over made. Prepared by E. 0. DeWftt? 4 Oo,, makore Of OeWltt'a Wltoh U-\sel Salve. FIVAEC1AL. The Savlnga bank of RJchrocnd, November 1. ItM. ON AND AFTER JANTARV 1. IM?. THIS HANK WILL ALLOW INTEREST ON DEPOSITS AT THE RATE OF S PER CENT. !?? r annui.i. Ry order of the Henr-l of Directors. JAMES M. BALL, no 1-pO'l t til ('?.shier. . . * Spirit!- or Turi-eiiUno?Firm at 37c; re? IM ?.ink.??. Rosln?Flrm and un? hinged; aalea, Wi barn I??; receipts, I M WILMINQTON, N. C, November 2&.-. Pplrlts of Turp"iirino-l?'Irm at 37?<__?4 l-_o.i be. k? sin N . ?ing; receipts, ban ela. Crude Turpentine?Firm at tlJC, $1 *>\ and fJ Tar- Firm .? ?a barrels. i BTER8BUR0 T '-'.\ I " M ?VRKIT. i'ETi-.csiM ! ?:. \,\ . NeveadMr _&-? ?. .? sat? littlo total C? 'ii m,iii to medium to tiu?- |US ' v. i" rood - > to.-, ge ?l to tin wr medium t.j hipping, .-*. to " i hlp NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, va.. | Sre eUl.)? Peanuts -Farmers' market -v? all? r: shIps at t%C. i 2c. for atrlctly i ? ? prime; nuts ??ff? r ? l ?it 60c. im. h? I, Tbe marl .? " oik on any grades, In new ato !- ? ? d eline. SUFFOLK l'KAM'T II \RKI-.T ?1 kkolk, FA., Novei Pee* ? !,! i Hand pick? d, fancy, t%e . -??tr-?, Virginia shelled No l, V 2c: extra I -" ' ' No. farmers ?s?-?>,l_. ?1-,,-.; Bpsnlsh, M to 4 per 1 nabel. PETERBBURO l'KAM'T MARKET. PETBR8BURO, va, November 25. Ia_>?New Virginia i? .,nuts bteaOy: prime, 2c.; extra prime, .'..; fancy, 2,<:.; neat Bpaalab firm si PETERBliURa COTTON MARKET. PETERSBURG, VA., NovemN r 20. Cotton??Flm at 4lu-in-ii-c for' _nnd \o nice iota_ MIHVN HE THE SEA WAR. Plans WnnH Have Bees Differ?'??! Hail W < S ?Ml If, III I limit.? ?t. LONDON) November 26.?Captain Ma. han has Just publlabed the first of a serle* of four articles on "The. War on the Sea and ltd lessons." Whllo admitting the danger of passlnt final Judgment on events still recent? Captain Mahan argue-? that In the drive of a life a rapid and rough but atill s working decision must be formad from the new experiences. Material, he saya, Is not yet available to give a complete story of the operations, nor la tbe time ripe for final decisions, but only suSJl elmt to BUggeet general lines of thought. He recall* that th?? Am?'rl?-nn navat plans were conditioned by the fa>ot that the war was undertaken primarily to drive Spain out of Cuba, for if a more general appr?ci?t.on of the situation had, i a a,I?.pied and tho United States had taken account of the injury It ha?l sustained by the lniqult??ii-i character of Hpanlsh rule in her colonies, and had de clared war ?m those ground. -?*?* ob jective American operation would have been differently chOOOB so a* not merely to help Cuba, but lo compel Spain to adopt such terms aa the United State? might demand. GREAT VALUE OF PORTO RICO. In such cue the red uc t Ion of Port? Rico \.oiji<i luv beca AsMflee's tint *-* Jfcct In order to thr??w Spain back OB home territory t<? : HI pert ber operations in Cuba. Porto BkO would have been aa imjurmouiitable obstacle If retained la a strong sacaay*a hand* to Amertcaa opera Uoaa m Cuba, and an equally valuable base If wrist, d from the enemy. M*ban Insists v.eighU.y on the great military bn. portaaci of Parta Rico, whioh la to ?Cuba. to the future Inthmlan Canal, and the Pacitlc coant what Malta is or may be to Egypt and beyond. In estimating tho resjiecUve fighting strength of the American and Spanish Beate, tbe Nav>- Degartaeent h-ld ur?wa vcrtngl** that no merely poeelble cuc-ceag Justified a ri-k unies? It gave a fair prua les of diminishing the cneniy's naval force and so dexldlng the control of the s-a upon whicb the issue of the war Co? pended. He attaches Immense lmportan?*e te the bringing of the Or-gon from the PaciBo to the Atl.-intio, b+caua* It ?*ho\\fd the gilp the American Meet had o?n ?''ervem'a squadron and the consequent power to mov? the army to Santiago without tear. NUMtlKIIB PREFERRED TO SIZK. Captain Mahan paya high 'rtbuto to tas commander-in-chtef for h!s eueceeaful bottling of Cervers'a squadron In San tiago, an operation frauaht with diffleul tk.?,, doubts, and uncerta ntt?se. snd more akin to the wiring down of champagne In unbreakable bonds than the shoving of the cork Into tne bottle. Aa to Camera's move to the Philip? pines. If he had persevered, though the American fleet was quite aafe, It might have necessitated a temporary sbandon ment of Manila bay. He then entere into s technical con sideration of (he momentous problem whether the Individual else of the ships or numbere should be the aim et n-val powera. and comes to tbe conduelen that other tilinga being equal, aumbere mean an increase of offensive power. The article has eictted the llvelieat interest In naval circle? ?eher?, owing te Its unavoidable teu-nioaUty, It is pria clpally read.