Newspaper Page Text
THE RT**-*?OHD DISPAtCH-SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1898. 11 fi Poor Way to Treat Catarrh (? to Rely l'pon the Sprays, Washes, Etc., | m the basis of many -'" do? >_6 provalciit. ] : I .\iiil fionio h -W1 I dIj a looal ::. I : ?TUMI I'll i Um inri?**? - irriutioo of tho I he tin"' ' I i-''t the diR . I -t i ."M?.y luai.t I atarrh is a itional blood m d it m n* t'Hpy ?to pm iheel ol p:ij>t?r ai to ; I .,;? ,? i't mistake temporary ?fit. Those who last ..' .; ( !'.?ni.??'lvi?s hen... th -i treatment will ?Mg - i'ii as Uu* fir.?t ..?: ? : winter ?h f.-lt. raj? and \m-hi'-* presoriht d by - only ?t?mpora? - d th ?m r matant? the distMt hud a \? r I (ggg ?ri n d t."ti vrhen T decided ; ?? ? ? ?bogas to ?m ng it for ?three *: * ouri'd ?twmpiotoly, tlie [martina; i OR ! Fine Furniture. ? i- t f We carry the large?! ? Chamber Suits A __^_______ f i ? reduoe stock are of- ft i ial inducements ft I in way of prices. -y I rial 16 stock of FTM 0 I LI \ I Hi R COUCH! S, i . )! CHAIRS, \c, should I you, as well as ? lu-ive designs in ' f Parlor Pieces. f t ? ? f t James W. Martin, J Ml and 121 [_ Main street. J | We manufacture Pure ft a H.iir Mattreooea and guar- 9 , "them. m 8 i. ! ?xlbj _ ? 7^r *r?r Children*! and 7 ' Jt* Miases' Kid Button I :t??m s to 2, ex- ft ? : ?solea, only 75c. _ 19 Cl (\f\ Old Ladies' Kid f JI..UU Con-ress (Jailers, ft ^i on ?",,r tn? 1,f'st ,>"*vs' i ^?-VU ftml (;irls' School ? - ? ?In the city?all solid sen ioeable. for tin* best ?Solid )<?ui>!? -Sole l*o i for ?gentlemen. $2.00 ! t a ??il C-l?TI for *_ht stvies Dim^fAj Latiies* nsvlvania Mal*? ?Show, 5_ wear as ?good as i'_..r.U ! ^Or U)T Cmm??rtmu Kid ft JUl" Button Spring-Heel i - ,/t?s 5 ?to ?9. ? | MH BROTHER?t .Model Shoe Store, 607 Broad Street. . ^u.Tu&K) O >"??'a? B"9>'9*>pi?9?9><9tt0,,9*<i*<t? p89?988698M88S6M8688M| _ j THE R1CHMON0 SHOE for Men. S2.50. .' I ? I \ faahionable Shoe, ? We laonable ?price. / ' I i ,.i!i ana winter i . ?made in Blaok ?and * i a OaJi Skin t Otht i hue hatju-i?.. , <HirSpecialty: | I; uiMe-Solc Shoes r' men i ?ipoaed to tho I' ? 1282 ai d we will ? , ??-ji.iir . i, ?and o I .'-,.' * ? ? III ! vil. _ VI? ?in and fiyhtb St*. ' ** **"?>* ?*?-.*-> ?? * * %*-*.****.-?. -) dr-f-mlfiil disease was eradicated from mj system, and 1 hate had no return of it. Mihr Joaia Owaa, "Montpelier.O." Swift'? Specific (S. S. S.) is the only curt) for Catarrh, for it goea direct to the cause of ?the trouble ?the blood?forcing the disease from thenystem. Those who have hail Catarrh for any length of tim?** know that each winter finds thi-iu more tirmly in the grasp of the <lis?nse than before. Their ene* riiMico teaches them that loca? triatmi'iit can d<> them no good A trial of 8. S. S will convine? them that it i** tl proper remed If you are ji; j*. *_M feeling the fir <?ifei>H?vt? diaeas? y??u cnould begi tnuami'iit promptly, for its ?evei it y moteases ?'ach jeer; but b ?? oegin light. If you tre? only Cn?? Hiirfaci?, relying DBOl sprays, WMBSB and inhulntion y??ti may ? Bare that S mill ca?* will be a bad OEM next year hi a WOno ??in* t!u? year later. Ro promptly to take S. S. B. anil i cared. Books mailed fies by Bwif Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga Special Pianos. Upright Bargains. _ HAKDnAN. 7| ??i-tav.-s. Im--.-. * B?Se, Case of 1? st rosewood, ;.ril: ranteed Sold at 1450?oar prii $275. Tin lone is rich and BWeel EVERETT,?; octate**, full cnbi nel grand case, ebonised. Bw ci.illy line for singers' practlO Sold'at $400?our price $350. DUNHAM, 7| octaves. 8 pedal full si/e dark case, bought ne\ last w? ek at a New York factor Worth ?1400?-our price $_KX SOMMER, upright grand ?bought originally from b Ki-'l nu?nil store (not the 12,000,0(1 at 1400, was shipped to Bal timor?. Can be bought at hal vain?-; full guarantee. KNABE -Direct from the prrea I ' -ii in estate sale in Philadel pi .a. The very ?finest upright ii Richmond Cost $1,000. Com and see it?a bargain. Three o above Pianos were acquired in ex? ch>sngea for the celebrated B oc Pianos, for which we arc Boll sgents. Cash <>r easy terms. MANLY B. RAMOS CO., Ii9 East Broail Street. oc e<T?Oa,1 u.t-iu] MILLER'S.. \ I~_---?_-_?-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-- ^ B_f -, ., i ? , i < > i? u ,, 11 ' > , i 11 i > > V_B }^ I Perfumes. E R F O R Ml E D I C I IM E S V? Best Goods, Best Assortment, Best Prices. PINAUD, ROGER & GALLET, LE GRAND. SOCIETl HYGIENIQUE. of France. PEAR'S CROWN COMPANY, CMAVUS, Of ! ir..';.?i COLGATE, LUNOUOR?Q, LAZELL, FRUriAN, of America. *?J All ate represented in our stock. By the bottle or by the ounce?'25c. to8"c. peroz. Call and exan n them. T.A.MILLER, 519 East Broad St., Brancii Under Jeff rson Hotel. Iv ooeoOOO o o o o o o o MmA ~'jyl7-Su.T---I"" SIMONS BLANK BOOK COMPANY MANTFACTURB BLANK BOOKS OF EVEK? DKSCK11*. TION AND CARRY A LARGE STOCK. Oh* READY-MAUE BOOK? SI ECIALL? h'UU THE TRAUM. AS TO THE QUALITY OK OUR BLA.N r-n CHALLENGE I'O.Ml'ARlSUN. lail AM' 1203 MAIN -TRAKT, RICHMOND, VA. NfW 'phone ?I -u -1-W.K?-Su THE S. Galeski OPTICAL CO. >r "coroiort and pres^rvatiot of jrour tight havo your Glaaaaa accurate/ ' ?tea .," cur ?icl.-kBOWO Opticai J?a iblleti "'Everyihlna reilabU ?a?-* lowaat charges -u.ra..?eeai;ART ^^ STREET. raclory. ? south *?'?^?, ~OrB?r? for prtndBf sent to tha Dispatch Coiuvaay aUl ba ?lv?*a prompt atteatloo. SflttF AN .^ONLOOKER Witts, Lee probably mnk?s many a s ??rdinate offlcer in tho re*cular arn rtmr, I have ?aflaa tried to ?aagfl hat must bf?.*he1r sontiments when th? him talking tO non-commissioned ( ?ara an?l privat, s In the way in whl " ?fo?a It Is about as difficult for a ?pi u.- MMSar in the rejrular s"rvi? | ?atiwf.ifton,- ?sont/araatlofl with trog i? ?i Igada commander as It la for ih?? a v. ' ?aortal ,r' ho a?lmitte-l to the pre ?* of royalty. An?' a" would ha '">ut as nvn fa chano.- ?,f bobfl obing ?ai hnptmrot of fhlna a? he woiill of b ? admitted to Um ?preoaae? of Gen?r ilaa nlaaa sont on baataeon. II Is not s<> with General Iy><\ Nurnt Matase?? in which enl'st-d m?n v..? lowed to eoaa? int.? his room at hot Hartara al J.?? k?--oriviU<- and a;ate th' oattle? and tah r lief, hurt come und y own obacraatkm. ?a ftomp at toPhi tat tho road from heaibpiarters tO c:.n toy? at'r.iotod ?Qeneral ?Lm'a attentta -ni if eloe? ?anoogli h had th? ling ?MBM remark to th' ni. A che i followed :t. When ?any <?tvr ??; r paasod, Wh< th? r a; I -h 1,11 ?81 ? !.- ??r not, the mon ?vore I . ?atp?ct>ad to r'- gut canto t<> att< n. If they did not d?> so the ro?ult w; ?litina'?; Th| ?-tiff salute tOOfe il ' i? .if th?? ?half-rollicking ?remark ti a elwaya rxmnted on from ?. tea o. ?rcault la that there la hardi*/ a ?soi ! i? ti? ?i officer io H?? S'V-nth Arn :??-< wh??m I hav ri'.t fa lilUt? ?1 11; ?, ' ni s;?? ht ?several areeka m ?san .?! rnlngled niuoli with tli?- o.immon M [han ?te h? ,ir a?- ly out t hat? -?pe;<k of ?Fita I.?'? save 'n terms | i"M ;?ff?-. ti? !ii t -. I hat/? n??t >-<-t i?ac1 i ?the i-'int of believing ?that t* Idle Ltit ?better arhea led by (rfBeora who r ai'l them fi? mar! ?Ja? - - "bullot-stopi f ? a a.?-.'- i ii ofBo ra call th?"ni ban wh? n they an m 1er i eomnvuiad ?ho tr?.-aia th< m as only a l.ttl?- ??w< an him? elf ?T? rnr , f|. -, u:<| ?-,;,,? DBOtkMM, though their ?u-arts ai ?.ting ?ander th.? ?bkniea ?of a ?private, Durii th< p t f? w an ?aka ''. ?t ral b ?s i?? ; ?by i!?iii.' r.= .;' aallal ?an from ?the ?Fourth R?glaient, hom< ? urlough, aii'l asked to ?\? i ?i thi Invai ? ?.i?iy ?given them .;?!!"ti, iin<! u I ha*. ibli ?to lean baa, ?h* ?every ? u i ?their ?requeat a .an may Mtnet&UI s feel Ilk?? crltlclsl?. ? neral f.<>-, ami may do so. 1 n? n i ?auui .-. xy ?angl ?galnat him, an?! he was so drunk 1 bould ?have ?been ?In tti<- guarj-'iouse. It i.> per"?-? t 1 y easy to see why ?-?">rr IB n ar? Ilk? d ?and : onu ar rHettk vhy ?aotai ful in handling ?UM ii? ii. and why ?-??IT,?- hive everything i their eon?land moving like it bad bt ?been oiled la month, ti?, oaptaln wi is most popular, ?1 in my opinion tl ma who ??m ?de mor.? with men und. i? , is the ?.?lie who is continually lookln ? i- r th?- ?In-dividual welfare I th? ?a of his company. In ai ont of tan it will be found thepopi If ? ?Jin; ai y otllc-.-r is th? ?OIK who *-i?< n? hisi da**a rtudytng th? comfort of III puny ?and planning to obtain for ttiam ? hat th?? government aill ?furnlah. I , other words, a puni ?captain is always . ???ii ?kicker, in m aeon and ?ou ? -on he i.-- ?kicking for his men. it] roluateer ottcei Anda ha is nol populi wilh ?hi? company, <lo nol let him i? ? rtplln? as a means ol gaining i?'.v. i.. t blm ?i? ." ? h. -. tim t?. his man, let him look more ?.-:? ter thi-ir Intercala, and b? will Dnd ?bei sagoot ?and leva Increa ting, M aro well ?eared for .hi not mind . ,io curb usoU on them. Ills? i?.line in th lagulai ?service is ?several times ?mor strict th..n in ihe volunteer army, ?yet liave never Keen an ?alloted man ***? the r?-Ki:lur army who ?li?l not | and admire his otlboi.? Th? reaeon Wa that while ?the ?ofBeera ?sontrolleJ tii.i v\lth a .stronir hand th??y also i^-ok^d ?MI*? afiiy ?after th< welfar? ol th? tonn undo them No ni"ie ?-??iitented mortal o.;n b m i i?.. . ?? average regalar ?aoldlet An otfi? ? r should ?bear ta ?min An enlisted mun is a> tuipl.s.? as >? bal ?Under the regulations h eau d?? ah 1/ ?nothing to help himself, tie hut xt ... ?pend utterly upon his ?afltoera. it i only too Dot that In many Jnstances h? ?baa ?aV u o?oi ?la rala? one of *be most popular officers in th? .?nth Army Corps was ?General Hurt .f tr.i Flrat ?Brigade, h- w-s ?promote? to brigada ?oommaader from ?th ? ?f h i ? ?.in? m "f r-agulara, He was kn.?w: is a private's man. He seemed to hav? ?peculiar likm? f??r the private Midi/ r l.uiy BtOftel ??re toM Of hi? r????iark3 tt enlisted men, such as the following: A ?private la one of the regiments of th?: K.i.-u angad? tint. Oaneral l-nut th??ugin it ^ ror him to atti n?l th?? fat a ral services hold prior to shipping tl.-' n mains to th- ?dead sildier's home, In ariaeoaata. The chaplain who ha?i ?shargi of the servies was a gentleman axain-t whom nothing cou.d be said, save ?that he was what the in-ii. called long-winded Th? services were very long drawn out ? Aersbudy was tir. ?1 to death. Hymn?, and prayers ar?! pleaching seemed Inter minable. Final.y. ?3eaeral Burt. who wa? not a church-goer of exempla-y ?rttgolarlty wnis??ered to a corpotai ?*ho was standing just behind him: "Corporal, ain't this hard?" An officer of the Second Virginia Regi ment said the other day he was much surprised to meet In Washington recently General Hurts color -sergeant. The hit ter explained to him that h? was ?tha?e to see if it was possible to Induce the Pr,?si?lent to reinstate General Hurt as commander of the First Brigade of Gene ral Lee'? corps. "I saw the President, too" ?aid the sergeant. "He didn't pro miso me he would reappolnt General Burt, but he treated me all right, and sho?)k hands with me a second time when he found out I was asking for ?something fur somebody else, and nut for my-eif." A good story was told th? other day at the reunion of Mosby's m??n at Manassas. Though perhaps not new. It is interest ing When General Stotighton's command was encamped at Fairfax Courthouse. Moeby was continually hovering about his outposts, endeavoring to capture his ?.?ckt-ts. One rainy nignt Mosby took twatv? men and set out. He cartur?! tl?* flrot Uno of clckets. and carried them along to the second, making them and the pickets of the third Une his prisoners. He had more prisoners tha? his twelva men could guard. Alone Mosby proceeded to the house in which General Stoughton lay asleep. Th? Kuard at the door was captured and dis armed and obliged to guide the Confede rate colonel to the room of General Sioughlun. The General waa Impatient when he was nudged and called. With some bad language he ordered his dis turber to leave hlro. and not disturb him ^ lild you ever hear of Mosby W* he ask ed General ?toughton. Tbls h?d a start ling effect iipo-n QMMfal ?-.tourhton. "Hiv.? vom ?conght th<> ,1 ,mned rascal?" he n?k??rt. turning nv?r in b?"?1. "So." ?,'i',l Moabjr, ";ir.?i you are my prisoner " Ami with that C,?r?-rnl Ptoueliton trat raajuaataB la Has .-?n.i ?irn-s himr-?<-!f. toe was ?-raroely convin? e?l y-t fhnt he hud i-"n captured. nn?J aaaM not ballava thai his pickets w"re prisoners !?k>- himself. in,i tint his r**-*-*--?:ir.I guard was atar? come ilk?* lb" Otboro; l,i:t | rj?.-to] fr? ??ni?',| rit hi.? head convine*-?! him ?hit 'irtriini'-'nt was not What v,;n n,-?-.l.?d th-n that he had I tter Brass aad travel with th? "guerilla." and tr-i-t to buk to get With his twelve m?"-n M"-iv brought ' i pi hete, and turned th?-? Otaaral and tha others oret Us tha Confederate luitborltlaa al Oordonavllle THF. ONLOOKER. DBALBBB IS LMAT TOBACCO. liniMirlnnt DacloUSM Mnilo IC ?-o.-,? 11 ? i?y Man Baveaaa ?flra-iaHaalaastv. tik- OoaualaaloBar af lataraa] Serena has ralad lately that dealari in leaf to hacco are re?|ulred to k? ; two books tha entrirs ?n which ara to ba la aa< rj 01 i'ii Dttoal aad orlgtaal ontrtaa ol their raoalpta aad salaa i ?. and > required t.? ball i, - aad reader th? government'! book to ih,- ? af ti? tual tity of tobacco Mid i*" - lo i nterf-d on th?? book laaasadlat? Ij ?in.) preceding the ?i.-- laeer Tha d? aler I oaf n ijuir, d to reha ad ..ii ill.-, toaacco at tal ?I the i. bul i-? i- Quired to a ' ".iir. foi : hand at tha beginning of : " larlni th.? ij'i ii tor, ? furwa.'l un his Looks for th? ? r.-, '1 I.I! ? if k? n from tl ? .i.? ?i and i m -> -i i ired tobs ,? anJ sabjaet to tax when sold or offsred foi lad eOnauiaptlon la th. States; aad tha i" i son wl - i? af t"' ,. eo ii? this - sumption la th? United Btatea would ba i garded as a maaafaotarer -f tobaeco, m m al or export, i ba roQalri I to I ortau In bond from tha place <?f nan ifaetura I tobacco and manuf ? t i es ?ii-."! lawfully be sold t a < in leaf tobacco, without payment <>f tue, to consumers, ??r as supplies ior the .i in the coaatw-M trade of tha : tates, la - , n.iicl In It ich mu ti?! f Mr a y Barbar, "f r..: m street, . bag arrltti d to tha King for li nal - who la tha Quaker City, ostensibly foi i: muni!, on November 10th The boj wrlttea boma statlag that ha wax ban aad la d? stltuti - - mst H<- et f lachea; d irk <-<>m n; "ft to" tattoad on arm; birth? ad n mbllng an anchor; i k ai ,i white i-iii ck? i doubli \ :. red s nd bin . shirt, and a Mack ,!, toy hat. Any laformatlon concerning him will i..- gladly received by M?,j ?r Hoarard at police headquarf Alnlilllilll Iliistol t.lll virli-l) llfllliil. The Ala!,un?.i | aa ii stltutlon of ii- fulness in tha ? st has I with a ? , I? anted . Ii? , la the st..*.- Governor, .i.,-, i,?, ? ', i :.. . Johnston, aad his torlcal and m< mi o-- of t: colk-gt >. Th? sod? ty a ill h< Dual n i sea - I '"i ? | ' com 11 ehend hlsl -, 11 i ?. Mr H. A. Bi " k of this dtj notlfl? d that he a Ihr ii,.-inb? r of :bo aoclety ea the tftb In -tant. If? la. CaaaaSy, mid Itrfrenhmeiit?. Tha ' rtalna ai 11 A l-Sa ; t\, tee god Madison evening, f??r th of a country p?irlr-?h. will havo leUva \i" ?? wUl be ? id i I by Pro ? i i ,!?r and Mr. John ?Powi 11; - by Captain Cuanlngham ,, id ' ' 1 og comedy, "A r? rpl fltUBtlsn," will b<- given !>y M Jennl? ,.,i other young pi ?pie o ,-ity. ihaaaata v.n\ also. An? i la the play are the Misses Hugh . I Jamea, ;?n?i Mesara Naah, Raid, Moon., Laoy aad Da Bauai ara Junior* to Attend Service. it t\ the r.-'.ni .?f tii?- Jnaloi Ordar of I'nited Ameri, in Ifachaafca to attend divine service In a body <n t folloartng Thankaalvlag-Day, aad in ac irlth this custom Qrove Ooaa? cil. No 4?"?. of this order will attead this evening at Baat-Bad Bapttat church at :'. B ??' ?look, a - * ir, S l 3. T. Tuck'-r, will pt.- or. a special tiu-m. The puMic ?a la? rttad to attend. Itr.lval Services at Iniiuttnuel. Bavtral - M Im manuel Baptlal church to-night and con tinue through the week. Tho pastor, Rev. J. R. Harrison, whose labors us an evangelist have been abundantly bi will preach nightly at 8 o'cio, k. The congregation?? at Immanuel have grown steadily since Rev. Mr ilarilBOB as sumed the pastorate In May, and a',1 branches of the church work are In food condition. Pastor and people look for ward to a fine meeting. Paying; Their City Im, ?. , The city taxes are being gm.iered In by Collector Cunningham. The city gives the tax-payer the privilege of paying half the amount of his or her assessment In June and the other half in December. The flaca; year ends January -ist. and on the following day all bills will ba turned over as dellnq'ient. and 6 par cent, will be added. The Bolldlng of the Stock-Yards. The contract for the building of the stock-yarda was not awarded yst.riia/. The representatives of the five firms In- ? torested In the Union Stock-Yard?. Com pany have not yet passed upon 'the bids of th? six contractors, and It is possible that some modifications will be made betor? any bid Is accepted. The Ven?Mo-?r*et Veetlnff. The protracted meotlng at Venable Street Baptist church continu?!* a,Hith--i week Her. B. C. Henning Is preaching wi'h gTeat power. This morning he will preach upon the nbjeot of "The Season of Fate" and et night upon "The Judg ment " Dr. Boll's Co??- Syrop la m ?ore ours for the xrlnoe and Its compilation?. MITTELDORFER'S. COME AND SEE US MONDAY. We will give you a chance never before preseuted-an opportunity to secure season able, absolutely new, desirable goods at a mere fraction of value. Look elsewhere if you will, but don't buy until you see what bargains we can and will rp__i mU .......,,._- nun a??.- in v?-iiir nrw-lipf.. if i*, jfuu. lina Buio invauo luv.? a ?mmatma n sut-selli*:?. LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN. An Immonse purchase of Ladies' Sailor 3ul:s at 50 p? r cent, less than regular r?rlces. Heavy Er.itli-?h C hevlot Suits. In Black. Rrown. Blue, and Oreen, handsomely [?raided Jacket, all silk lined, worth 115. Monday .17.50. JOME EARLY-THEY W0M**J tsAM LONU AT SL'CH PRICES. A GREAT PURCHASE OF WRAP?. fOC ARE TO REAP THE PRINCIPAL BENEFIT. Till?: ntlCXa TEEL TH?? TALE. Ladles' B?)X-Kr<?nt ?Reefer Jucaets, In1 Black Navy, and Tan English Kersey, half-.-.Tin lined, Bf/Hahl*/ trimme?! with strap tr.mmir-K a regular tbi Jacket. Monday .M ?,s ?Ladi-er Tailor-Mad? ?Capta, In Blach Keraejr, trimmed in tiaid or fatin banda, S2.0M. l?aiH?al Silk S.'.'il Plush Capes, embrnl ?i? i? ?i alth -bk and let, ?rolling collar and front trimmed in Thibet, at ti OH Mcn Mlaa '? Children*? Jacket?;, from si .-.ii ... - III r ?a* ? j *-' _#- -, - v?. .% ^ v ?' MF. AND CHOOSE A Il IMIVIIMK SILK SKIRT AT I.FS.S THAN Y'?!' WOULD TAY FOB AN ORDINAKY HALF WOOL ONE All-Silk Satin Brocade Shirts, newest out, worth 110, Monday .$* 41?. LADIES' FI RS. DON'T JUDGE THE OOOOf BT THE l'IUC_?. Come and compare them with what la show i? ?*lse\, ' Ladles' BUcctrlc Saal Scarf-? et.41>c Ladlea' Collaret*-??, of Put f.-.iAe thnuh 0| ?cm, high st?rm sellar, tih fronts, with Bva tails .?2 -.?s. Bverytblng new In Furs at prices to null everybody ?Om Of THE ATTRACTIONS' TN' OUR DRESS 0OOOB iii:i'\kTMBRT. Rich Finds, for waists and children's dr< - ?es . I .. ? , is .? ? da.'? ? All th* n?aw > ??n?! Broad? loth, for s, BS, ?BO, two.; ATTUfttSI MATTIlit?S! HIE BIOOEBT BTOCS OP MATTINOl WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. r PROM AUCTION. ALL NF.W. I'ERFECT O'XH'S. It baa been our rula to give the very b?'*?t that can be purchased at profits so very small that the purchaser It ?ituated rompartag the goods with th? ; s why yyu eoe ?o many buy? ri In this dcparin MONDAYS PRICES LOWER THAN BR. Heavy China Matunga, In a beautiful Mrt.? of colors and designs _. ** I.i-ien Warp Mat tins***, seamless Inlaid patterns, regular price '.'je.. Mon.luy. i _ I -_ ?.. DOMESTICS! DOBUNVBOSI AT Q?ICK-SVLLINO PBICMl very prudi m houaakaapdff wtll take ad? vantage of Tina sa? Domestics lower th;?n any other ho Yard-\Yl,!,. bed ?"?itton.Be. Cotton .4a. \ -h? d Cotton....Be. 4-1 Rnrker ?".leu, he?! Cotton .He. <-i Fruit of the Loom.Ac. Flannel . .". i Be. MITTELDOREER'S, 217 East Broad Street. : ROSE'S, i ? 223 EL Broad St. t S.tCIALPRlLESr?R MONDAY: ? 9 1 : : TIN WA RE. Q l!-?l':r?rt Block-Tin IMhIi Fan .* 9 ?H, , tape, rahoeaed, I ?and lOc. ??llera . Qal**anlied?Iron Waah Tub.. 44 its 9 ? ? Pot, I quart ?i*.e . *? I-gall?n Oalvari?. I O ?Can.. 27 ?f 1, six f??r . 2 _. D-ovi - ' hip . 4 * 1 '. ? .1 Oral - . *? h 11 v t. 1 Tray. l1? I lyati Fryer? . 10 ? Jelly-Cake ?Pana . IH ? Roa?tlng-Pana, e-.u-h.. 1<* 4 I . 3 (?ramte iho\\\ \ri:. ? iron Cual ador? s. !> 4 i?i ii 1 n? p ?pudding-Pan .. 10 ?: mi 1 : Qranlte-Iron Di.-h l'-.n . 4?, ?a-f-u u t * ;rr? nit. iron <!>> - pan. with cover . H "- 1 .art Oranite-lron i'uffee ?Pot . 21 ?Qranite-lron Broil? . W Oranlte-Iroa Pie 1 . re? . I ?',i.?i::tc-iron ?Barda . I IHIXAWIHK. II Inch I**onatone*Chlna Dteh, 1 Ightly chipped . ! > I ? ?rat? d Cracker Jars. li ra.-?I Chocolate-Pota, :?' kln?l .'. Individual ?Butter LHshc 1 .... kX . Ironaton? rhina ?Platea '. . ? !? Piece l)?-< orated ( ! in r _ .1 M ~ :, ' 1 *i- ? ?Carlsbad china T. a _ ?Bel .410 Am?*rl?-an ?China Cups and B ? ?h . 'l Bowl and im thar, ?each .... 2a Ha'f-aallon Ironaton? China Pitcher . 12 -! Inner Cup? ai ?i B regular 2". and a lien . U ?t-lnch Meat Dish . 5 ?LaggW ire. Water Tun rth M ?l /"i . 2 f.9 with rover . -r> tal Wl ? ; m . 2 a tel ?Sohlet? . 4 t ir Bel ?S c?a lae?, PI ? h- a -. and Walter -Ix an H ?Monda*/ only . ?M 9 Cut a i? i' wl . .-, T .1? ?iv ?Boa I pri 9 9 Jelly San et . 2 Celery Dies . 1?, 1. ?guit?n Crystal rit? ' ? - ... 10 Boh? iiifan Oll hind . H - il Chice S.n'v. r-. . 1 j # I,-IMPS. ^ N'i.k?'' Ri !>. ??. ?a? burner, (?a-lnoh 9 ?jell? ' -.?.?. hi r?- in i thla dty at 12; onr pttot ? *> for Monda) . 1 if B ? [?ira??i w't'i r? M? 'ors . 23 9 B ' i . ; ,' r ?f.? ! pit : . m ? th S' R>; ?>ur It? ?rte? . i ns A Hall?! .imp. worth $\5'?; our prie? . U || Bra Bai ? t-Lamp <<?ntr?? draft burn? ?- s?'lis by II other? m U ti. 1 9 ?Qlaea I 11 . . i?; pi. vtk.i? \v\hf. 9 1 Halt floeen ?Plat-ad Ki ? and Enrks. worth *2 "?o. -M Nickel Sliver Ti isp on? -: t . ns ?. k? r .- nil - P cha_ 31 ! ... |- .ru. mn,\ a ?Sat, worth ?Mc : ?our > . . 12 suit ys. So 7 Wt '?r-H 1- '' , ?Ulnfc gtOV? worth ?00; price for Monday only .5 r?0 Ko. I ?rive-Hi I? R ?tic?-, for Monday only.IM W d-Heater ?flonbl? lined. ?W aPh steel, for M fin T 0 i- H? if? r .1 ?0 a n n deomfl Pull-N [?1 ?Self Feeder.IfJ A Four-Tub- ?Qai Ba'liator.... 2 67 : ornes ok f. N. .iom:s a sov, 6,8, ?>?<! 10 N. UgMfc St., BICHSONI?, VA. KuvgMBn 22, 189A We wish to inform our friends that we are in the Engraving and Steel-Plato Printing to stay. What we intend to do ia to charge a living profit on our paper, engraving, and plate printing, and when we cannot Jo this we will retire from the business. Please bear in mind that we ire the leaders for the best quality of HURD'S PAPERS, such as Wedding Invitation?, Correspondence Papers, Society Announcements, Visitinjc-Cards, Etc., Etc., ind in the Printing of same we challenge comparison. We are not the lowest in price, but we claim to be the best, as )ur patrons say we are. Respectfully, I. N. JONES & SON, Engravers, Printers, and Binders. N. B.?Don't forget that we ire in the Printing and Binding ousiness also, though we have very little time to devote to new -vork in this line. _(BO l?lt*S0?,3tj_ orders "or printing ?ent to th? Dla BHtoh Company will be given cromot at r?s?itlon, and the at) le of work u..l yr.'?.?..? aMl b? sure to picas? you. I r C. LUMSPEN & SON, 731 East ?VJain Street THE DISPATCH JOB PRINTING OFFICE (DISPATCH BUILDING.) DOES ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. PRICES M0D_RnT_. PROMPT D_UV_Ry, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. f -^ | SEND FOX ESTIMATES BEFORE ORDERING. > Old 'Phone 158. Now'Phone 1258. ri? "'-y rut ?<" uy-mm- vv vvtt ? (no U < hU-MSSSh niaat-S 'Imn?. o..., ? nyaM,?eswew?iki? PERSONAL. THF WUNDERS ? >F HYPNOTISM sent freo Qlvea the k?-y to all ? Bower; richly Illustrated by large l?_: t, ne engnivlng*; anybody ca?. I?*arn and exert a magic influence ?ver others; curra isea and bud habits, ar.,1 jives the _n?est parlor sntertalament ?ver wit ?: write t??-?Ja\ ; number llm'.ti-d. NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANT, D? i .util.? ut 69, USB M-'ii-Kin avei ue, New York. no 'y 111 RI U. COMPANY. Old 'phone, ?Sol. New 'phone. 1-S5. I'FFU.MAN BURIAL Co.Ml'ANY. BAST BROAD 9TR9KT, RICHMOND, VA. OPEN DAY AND MIOBT. J. O. PEERMAN. Manager. W. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. C. E, UELVIN, Pre-mienl. (no 13-lm*> lAltl'KTS. IiHU.i.KI'H. llllllMiVic J HAVE RBJCEiVED MY KAt.l. _iuCh. OF CARPET? (Ingrain, Tapesiry. Hrua tls, am! Vilvets). Drugget?. Rugs, and Mm?; Linoleum and OU-Oluth. Twenty . Pine Matting?, reduced from ?H? to lb cents per yard. I_irge stack of Paper? H., .ring?? of all styles, which 1 am oi fertng at Itoxutl prient. A. JBNNlVi-, v.?* ??-t M_ln street. ?? 9-40020, _m__ _*- - __ _ I ma_-oia-n w^ ? ^L jit.- -m????X m ?I ?rial. I ?. o r re,-1 all -'_> ?. of far ^?-?*r' ar ? i ^^^^ tlirtv?? r ?. ilgiaa na. -4 a.I ?-I'tii? ! ? l.owrt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^pri''-- tu? fuma ?rvlce MaX KRvNK. lt'-*ir_? nl .1 um ?*ar. I li tmA .i'o_?i ttratt, ki?;-mo_a. Va. ee 30.-5a, ia_ ik l???. Vilo? -'. * ? M.....__ 1 _..* WAMKt BATH cul.niY. VA.. ?_* . 'HE-AREA'-'-. A.Ni- uHlu KAlLWAY, LtiAi VEAYl bU-b?V AT1U.S. "T_?i N??w Bomeeua-4." witri al modera onvei.lenc'-.-. including private I the, to ,.th?.r ivltn it,? u_.i. house ?.?na ti.e ?a* i.i.i.,J. IpvaI ' ? iii_?le ,,erfectly omrurtable. ,\ oil?!' ? ? "? ,c*ult? t? - 10 . mai -H?, m ? < out-lee. ' AM ' ?S AM- SI'? RTS: driving parties ?.til y. new ?level? t*i?? k. golf-j-rounds. I toi. an?! billiards; flshlig, and hunting. For winter rate? uni ai i iiBliniiilatWBB' PP?y to yg|*L. ITKHRT. M ?n?g?r nh ?! Su t s Hoi ?S'.r'n??. Va. < ?.i i: i until i:? VIROINIA-IN THF. ? HANCERY -,' 'I HE CITY ?'.' RI?'H - 'HE t'lll D W OF NOVEM i. U ?'..? ... - .\ , . .- . I. 0. Crouch and .-.Is. BxUael fi.'in Decree. . a_ a | And it an-e-iriuic to t*ie court thkt more ne es? ue of A. L mmUtad ta imlnstratei e. t. u . ad ?i. ?i ??- .? Imlnls rator have baea ?July settled and the lali ;.ft having moved the court to have >f A L Crouch, fter '.h, )?uyui.iit of tin- d.-bta ;.nd -12 roper cost??, distributed among the par it?? entitled ther-eto a-cordlng to th?Mr espective !nt?*r?-.?,s. ?attli" n ruquliing re? unding boud*r. th? cour* doth adjudge, rder. and decree thai th? creditors of he ?aid A. L Cro?i?:h. if any that* I.e. ho? cause, If any they can at the ourt-ro?.rn of the Chancery (Vurt of tho ii) <?r Richmond, ?t i>j o'clock A. M., n MONDAY, the Id ?>.?y of January. *n. a-alnut the delivery of the estate f A l. Crouch, deceased, to his legatee*, nd dr.Uee?, without re-miring refunding on,!? of Uiem. A ? i it Is further ordered that a c,?,?,>y f this decree be published f >r ?neo a .e??k for four auccesalve wtx-ks In th? tlchmond Dispatch, a r>*wspai>?r pub i?h..| in ?tie city of Richmond, and a oi?y thereof pom-??! at the front d h?? Clti Ha ! of the city of Richmond, ?? ?quired by la? An Extract-Trite: CHAR1 B8 ? BAVILLE. Clerk. John A. Lamb, Attorney, no t-Sur,U /t3