Newspaper Page Text
12 _____ _.?BE THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1899. ALL THIS WEEK CHALLENGE SAL EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY \?.?m, Challewre ?Sale-*?d how much the two short words moan to you and the store as well! Buying and Belling m vast, quantities, with 11K? ennnnoti ?rest ge of he great store to influence pri?es in your favor, we offer better goods for the same money or the same goods for less moi th - ut for Challenge Sale we have strained every nerve and musel?, brought into play ev,?.y pi.ssible adjutage at our oon.niand, bo th. nrfce ?m. strati?., mav be more emphatic than ever, and the laurels of victory may again crown th.s-The Big ?Stores greatest effort. \ with perfect confidence the attractions provided for the first sale day, knowing, as only merchants ever can, that every item presented is offered lower mice? than it was ever sold for here?elsewhere?anywhere. _ - You must read the papers every day to keep track of Challenge Sale week offerings, for they will follow one another, growing un ,,?, P-i-piitci- as the days wear on. Come to Meyer's every day this week. Cli?1.0!i'*-<' S.ile .Fur.-.. There 4 *) ?I ire?) | ';-?'t ?r,?!i- 4 R i c h n o n d *j : a I com- 4 l?i:.?-d. ?1 Real Mini* Mails, t he?) larl \ ! e $8.50. j * J lachea deep, 4 * 1 torn 1 1 and lapel gnl ;r prica to-**| Challenge ! ? $1.59. 1 Long I wlth-i i ti ? ?nal- ii'? ^?fl-t .C33.-Jl/H Js I I i S?7 t^?? * !>n ySf* *s-*tf ?1 1? real?] 1 ; 5?9 95^ ~. ' -? F . of i i t, chai- c-> en^ le:,.- . C3>_..Jl*-< Loal P m lamb. J . wortb ?ti'?5?) 1 .* ?-?- ;* Inf, U?r,1 . v ^ l - 1 Muffa, C^ 01 >? invr Mu?"' I ?fcr*? 00^ at . ?jj-.v*?/' l.i tllengc salo Bibboua. alltjr Mirror ?M ?. 22 at IS I--?. ui-s 4 -' -i at lTc.-J i nn ?l Challenge Bale High-Grade ?Dreu ?IJood?. ? 5 < w ni i ., ? ?and : 3 ? ?3 w : '; ?? I F I ? ' I II . -I < guiar 11.75 < , in. J -i No. . Inch 0"if Sultln*, extra luavy.H i ,-o -* f?e. 1 ?; j r.n,. H M . , . lO-lnch"? 1 * *i K?v '. i ? I . i _ i _ ; r: ] . . i 3 . IMM.v. Pllk-l ting at IS 1 _? -i i ? '..'! _'. ?^ : ht and atapli * i :. ^ r io -i 1 i*] i _ . * ft 7 - -, ? I ?, . - : ? -?il 13 1 - ntqnlalti "i J a ! .tp ?*.,'? I . Black only, t A 5 Challenge s.?i?' iilai k l)i?tnp ?..??oils. <'loth- 1 h ' ? All-Wool i Ma? l_ :'-.! tu i. for ., Ail Woo] ?Soft. ' Huir .?i AH? J. t H .:. i i i -A'.,.. < ti??irt l r yti i, 1 1 i mport- ' ' wMth from ?n to n : ; . J f. ?Superb 1 ' ? 25c 39c 50c, 75c, *; t m * I * -j 4 ; -? r. -i ? t A * -* * -> I * 4 I /ft 4 ?ft ft Vi J M *> - f X I M*> Twlli-lin. i -U) I JUU* 11 goot i -*> ?.... In ?x t -u. ; Oik ?lots, ?1 70 t?> m2 . ?1.25J (&?fuw u ;/5*Mr**- m-m ?1 4 Challenge Salo h Qolf Capes. ^ I iina Scotch Plaid Golf ?Capee, mn.ioj J with hood a: kli:?l yOU ????. bo many of on th, i ? u h) .-, i?, i?, challenge price?, s".-.??. ,. Cballenas salo Ladles Coals. } ' . .?: ?da l'V baat tai!nr;_ or Bl Blue, or -1 .-.iiy atlk-llnod, 11 arl but-7 . r $.: i\,7.< n; more olai ?t T j never ftiw for UA', cli-li?-iij-e. 4 v Co.-xt?*, sill:-? liii'.i; your Choice of X ?y Blue ??r-t eh- A i ?- saw at $iu; * ; ..n. Tniid- ' ta at a pri^a at which you 4 could not . bul i: la-4 ill wet k, ;?i?il we ar-r* ?l wonders. Black and Navy, Rat Large l;ait??is; challenge-4 f-iile, stau. -4 4 4 Challenge Salo ?Ladles' Wrappers. and White, Flack and White.4 4 4 4 4 ? ?i ? 1 4 ?1 1 Red . : o, |i lining, celebrated Manhattan make challi : ? .- ?i,, S8a Challenge s?i?? vii-u's Furnishings? CO doaen M< a'a Natural Wool Camera Hi a id Dark Oray Mix, d Box , all sizes, 19c. Value nu .l-fc-jC I2ic.j Mi n'a All-Linen BemaUtched I land-1 kerchiefs, full also, and ?rory tin?- qual-J Uy, any Width hem; sail everywhere! '!' RA> ^ 2 tor .Jv*-^ ' line MnaHn Night Robea, b1 ??.i.', embrolderod fronts, silk.. BS, all -lTir J all lue, for. * _** J Extra-Heavy Unbleached Can-J ton Planne! Drawers, cyt f\\\;i>mrif. 4 . vain?-, for.-J I'?Lt i ! Men' Bi oteh v, Glov? -, _tzr.-t i lors, pair._?JL'^ '. 40 do? 'i Children's AlMBlh Wlnd-3 r Ti? s , bright 1 and smi" a, for. *i 12 doten Man's Fine -Hastie Pu---?; good webbing, mi hair |2!c "* . ..,'-. v.ilr,", for.B-PjgVt ^ Domes! Lob al J Challenge Priesa? j Flam In gi t variety of .at: i \, t GO ??i?- es to a l 1 ?.. -1 >?; ?and 10c. qualltlea* chal-J ?; 7 - yard. ?? i In stripes, cbecka, an,H d coloi beat 12 l-2c raluea; chal-*?j . <i :-* ?1 i:? i ??* Indigo Callooea, In atrlpee, dota, j . challenge price, ?i 7 v yard. } Turki -F i Culi-oes. analljie fly,-<V-* gurea; challenge pri?e, - a-Sc.?l - ?, i-wii" Percalee, In eves? ?ra an 1 patterna, l- 1-Bc.j Cor led yard. 1 .. ,(:-! ',ilfl Maillas Shirting, In Btrlpaa,J and plaids, Hein and dark col-.* value, for II l?S . yard. 4 ii ! - iched Canton Flannel, heavy twill ?j 1 ack; challenge price, - f-flto. yanl -4 The Baal la. quality Dome! Flannel for;*] .* . : .?I'l. j All-Woo] Rad Flannel, Ski. value, slight-. ly Imp? 11? Bt, for IB . \ ird. 4 "White Wool Flaunt 1, niiu'.ur lia. value,?! 10 -?I 1 AlbatToa-Flnlab White 1 j n, i. raluo; challi nge, price, SSc ^ 2-varda-long Bolster ?'.,*- ... bemm? ! bol . g< pi 1 a, Be, < a,-h. a t-yarda-long Hemattf :hed Bolatar CaaesH cha . SSa each. -4 1 bed Sheeta, full double-bed'* , alue, for 80c. each. . Jity .,1 r?o .111,1 Me. Hemmed Sheeta, full sise, laundered^ for BSc. j i ill. mm ? Bl eeta, full size, ?aunder-J , d, for as j i- bed Pillow Caaaa for 8 i-*tc.^ I. . r quality for 18 1?S and ISc 4 ton ii"-- "Pillow Caaea, veryJ r ??>o. each. . Atlantic She? ting, better than 'U'tica, for-? IT?- yard 4 ring for 8 7-Sc. yard?-?) if* l-2a value. ^ of the Loom Bleached Cotton;?! eh ii1' 1 ."! 1 -. yard. 4 Hurl. ??.uii n ?loll?. iilaiiln r,,,.l? atatpeei ??im?, ni-.-u aad White,"j ?;!-!< . volaoi ci?-? lu-mie prtcefj _ 7-Nc. 1 C Ii allenge Salo Silks. 1 Un r Taffeta; AU-8ilk Pial ?I'l*' Taf i.-ii.*-: All-Silk Colorad ed Taffetaa: All-811k f : ?cade Du AH- d Japanese ?-'ilk?. M Inches wide, spe cial a! . J 27-inch Fino Kaok Bat?a 1 for 1 ii.: - ; Bl K Moir?? Velour, Black ?Ot toman, an 1 Sutil, Bro : All-Silk to tela?, in c!???ico colorings; AH-slik Colored Surahs: ?.?:. tine Sill?:?-. h t * ? ?m t* to soc. per yard, for. 21-lnch All-Silk Aimure *\ l, f?r mourning -, All-Silk Fine Stack Paau de Bali ; All-Silk , . -. Black 1 ?i??*- Grain mid Battn Brocada, in and exQUlslte de? , TWO- and Thr,e Toa ? Novelty Silks; ? m aad White Bro BUka In, beautiful effects, all B****od 11 i*? ,1 l.?r Monday . J M-inofa Bxtnt-Hae, AU-Riik 1 . All- I h ik Superior Black B itln Luxor, with a magnll lustre und finish; Fine All-Silk Bl ni. ! ?.?masse . Black ?Satin and r l'ekii? oti?, styhah f>>?' ?separate skirts; aleo, d< Mrable f??r waists, rangln?*- in values trt m JI.25 to $1.75 yard, f??r . 39c 14 m M 11,00 ChaltoMM Sale N?*\v Velvet?. Ihe i-xtraor.llnary values for the i-olii.;,( \\>.-k ('olored fc?llk Velvets: The '. \ ' for 4**e. '11??. II Virivut for T?o. (t^TVtnt cr" W6> t? + Challenge Sale lioys' Clotliin_. Mora r ?ye* CHothlnr* hy far than any - two houses in Richmond. ? i?? little ?Boya* Amerteaa BUmaa Suit--. * vi;. Hi?-i <'i<?''i ?made suit*, ??.>i?i In * ?regular way at ?VT.y-O, chull ?tiR?? i ?:: fii?. 1 Uttla H"ys' Fancy Cor.luroy Suits, An*? J ; irl l?iitt"i?s, silk l?i ?i ?i.i? , 14.99 ??.?t, challenra ?salt I??.?SO, H Jaita, Military I'.tuc-, s Rloui a ?Sulta, Virginia M I * I* < tut? . .o , nun ? (?f t'a t u,. t is, challes ' a great tabla full of Bulta, double tor ?boys I to If, vcstec I to 1 ? il-- H Fino Tailored Pult-*, doUbla-brea t atylaa, Import . ?j eh? \ 1o . i Ough ii i?'i iii???': !i. i .? ?to i?, ... ?i., challenge ?sale ai . ?'. ! >. -t Corduroy I'ants, w? 11 made cost ;,?j?j.. 1 chaii? ?age ?sale at -n\c ; Importad Worat?ad Knaa Panta, BlackaJ ind fandea, usually UM, 1-25, and ?VI, 4 4 challenge sale at ?-Be. CHALLENGE SALE MILLINERY. All Hats Trimmed Freei ?ChUdran'a Tarn o' ? ?ar< ry? i?. . . ta :-.?; Cblldi ?yottaa up and ?made to wear, format prtea Pc, I .it '?Tie. t ? La.ii?*-*' Trimmed ?Bata, many of i . i ?made early in Um * nicely tiiinii,. ;. ?and an ?ready ?seller* at i;.lt> mid ji. ?saallanga aala at ?|t.M. A si?? ciui :n Moaralng ?Hata ?boal ?SO of ill??.?-?, regular price a $j noto, ?ahal? lfcii_e-aale price i'd- tit. We put th'on ?all In a hunch Win,,--. *nai r ?o and Ma, chai? lange - ? Ut Mlknra, ?Round i? ita, Alp i j;i?l. : lllng pi $i to **!. ?, cballengo-iala ?price 99 , Challenge Sale Ladies' Waists. ' .'IS 1'J ptica $:t.?!). illor-Mada I ? Plaid Cloth w , 11.25. 4 Black , \ tuckt'ii front, as ?hand? *t ortt ?bougbti ?sbaUeng? * Challenge Sale Dress 5kirts. eKx>m_r+-fl~??\ Moin Ir Bklrti all Black, l?r<? . ?small am large 111 11 throughout . challenge , .-.'.?. Bl ack C I Pkirts, handsom-J . -t \ ..?i ,-\ er ?.uv 4 nt t*:?>. ch ? m ?prl M .-.. i s?-v.?ii - ?Sored ? SKi:i.s. K i\ -, ami i Black ?San l? r. ?) h ?around * ment ?M.*?"'* skirt, ?challenge *> prit-'j $_.r.o. ?> -hallende Sale I'ailor-Made Suits. Tailor?Mada Puits Iv. Black, ?? ?Brown, Jackets eilk lined, .It h veo teen from I ?. .1 ?allenge ?price j-v Black or Blue ?saai icd, nan flounce skirts, tbaa aaual & > ? .11? -age pri-e $7 .50, Tight - Kit'ing Suit-*. . ? plaid taffeta Ing, \ '-i y h mdaorni it of -this ?aeaaon'i tu suit, i hallan*?/?! sale ?io. MOW THB QRANDBBT on'KmNO BV9R MA1H1 IN RICHMOND. WE I?\!;n ANY STORE l<> TRY AND MEBT Till.-': I ? ami ?40 Si; celebrated C ?>- H.. tailor made, B* I elegantly silk lip ?J throughout, at me made of men'i i ist Im? r? -. n? ture In your Bund Una k* you Richmond. chHllt.nge price ,! *>. Challenge Sale 3lush Capes. Rlgheal ?Irado S?*?al Pluah Capos, ap plliiuo work, silk ?soutache mid ?satin ribbon, collar .-iftd edging ??!" ?marten fjr. ?mr usual *A?? Capon? chal lengi? prlc'u 9?.4U. 18-inch Ut-ep S??.tl l*li_-h Cap??. P? inches? around bt.itwm, liuiij.-trig in rim?' pliqu?ad, beautiful ?aaaigna, in . braid, ?asgora rur trimmed; ?picture In your mina the Ix-et It Cane v?u trot aw; chall?*-ga ?price ti.m*. i ? Pluah Capea, i>f Lester'? B? st English Seal Flush, hmirily H,nin, applique w?****k of Jet, braid and ruf *, ?. ?satin rit?i???ii. reej manan fur on osilnr and ?>*4|rln?8, ih<; grandest $1* Capo evc-r ma?Je, chall?snge price JTlii? {9J7oh Wi&eV 4 ,etre. f A* 'Challenge Salo I. i? < < lirt.iin*-.. . Beautiful now pat? . Heavy and I ? ? i ;, y !.. tains, 6 style?. i pl.iln r?, ? l?,ti?? and Wide .h for large t w i. S2.?. chall, - ? :".e :..:: $1.50 de? ( i r; i . -,1.mi i deaigned cen tres, prettie t of Scotch makes, will' v, ith beautifully, up tc 00 In prices ;> to ;-<.. *?2_ QK ' ... . * *??*? -?vJ? Ren Curl in erti ruffli d ?sdi ? '?" ?itO O1-* price .<jj?._?J Challenge Bale Heavy Pol ?errs. Or! ntal Colored Damask PortJerea,* ju'-.t tta ?vi:\ frln ' 'i top and i-"1' ?m, MA Q!-? a be used, chai aJi-.""*"?-"' Lli-;it-''.'?!oi?'i Ch nllli P ni?.' ,? imd bol *"iii, i?, , v ?dado bor-" aba! sage i a ti CQ ' Damask Ta ?la Coven m ivy, tied "final K?r ; price M . tjoa*. Challenge s;1|(? ^??r-ti Coverings. Blankets, u. - IG di Ii silk bli ?t*T i\l\ .?J?J.VJU * Pure Wool Blaj ? i< h? v? Ide '" Ini h? _' pi?., r-stltch, I . ;. : r to halleage price, a 4i_ rzi\ * Vei H ft ;r?iv Bli : the besl bal- ftQ/ p . xszyx.. ' i ? an Qui!t ?r. beautiful l ? .-. : both sl * I? 9__ on aovertag, eh ,t ..p a _? _? . i. . . ?.' iteen cov ? ei? i. i? \? i.-ii.i., ex? i ise, large - o - ."i>. with Lorad sllkollne, i full else, $i.i<?. . full size, i u ge aaaoi (menI of 11 nullt? 7!), I e l*ln.?h Boggy B , MTt toy d< - ' - liei unrWeJfhl Chase Robes, lu solid ?re, H?'???. (Ii :il I rime Sal?* l>r?i|>eri?*5? ami Upholstery? Ni v. Blue, Bad, and ? ?' ?-Ko >?.ld<>, th? " C/? - . ?-?'?' - ; rder White Net ' iotU ?i ? eatras, reg u i r iQr - ge ihI?' at. ?_?;7?_. - nge ? > .i Is a ritlal.* regular valu? ti. challenge KQ.- " ! i CO . trntOttm? Incbea at . 8c Wblte" -. i i n Muslin <S~c Challenge Salo Handkerchiefs? y, Km kercta n o i n a Su , .- n. ? ' , a b i ?a ashed :? ml i - ? gn '. loi of . i of a ail ni w, all fn -h. have n?*?. i h :? af. Bilk Handker? a, i. v. i til ; da u.t . Challenge Bale of Hair !S\\ iteli?-*.. to i to hes, no ,'j Qf?., " ?ra?ca . o*Ji_. |8 SwltCf hair. t? '>?' . ?di._;?->* Natural, V B Ir, no" v. r, nth??r Stoi I? '' iah/t tt(\ ' A*A,.XJXJ< Gray Bwitqhes, long hair, no CI 7K" stem, ohallei . *-3'? ?-* ' (Reguli i- O^r " i irai hair, ... -?*- '* M irle Antolnetti N? ck Curls, m . win not b J w< tber, \_lr 2 . **.'**" i M eh id< ? 25l". i ' -i ? ? i -t ? ago price Challenge Bale Jewelrj? Wovell l?*s. The newest thtfl M soon S tin ) ? m New V'?rk. ; vy? "Ch ? i ? ? h to. J Ladles' 6-karat Gold, H ' ?mo stone-.. Set i: " :? - ?i il. 4 Fink HuttonH, Uta j worth -? M? n'a Nickel Watchi inteed on?-.? ;> ". -? lag Trimmed Briar?.? ?Pipas am-?? ber mom hpl? .",?? a ?1 ?I F for-I ak< ta, 7!?c. ?1 Challenge *">ai?? Men's wear. Man's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handker , any width baas, full alaey lye valu?-, for I- i-_,-. Men'a Taped B rdei Hemmed Han?! ken hl< : pi .in an i v> hite or col ? border, full site, for 1 7 * ?1 Men's lleaxv Woollen B j i_ 1 _ ?l M i?'.? Navy-Blue ?Planne! Top Shirts."j single-and doubli bi isted, UM x * : ?. :. -y an solid Dolora, tor sSc. a ] Challenge Sale Bahj'fl wear. Mother aei -> .?. . bu I make th?"? ?1 Mi v r Store hi id . the ?f Baby's Wear. 4 New (Jo-Carts and Baby-Carriages, ad 4 vanced styles for 1899, all r? id? to be-i shown. The celebrated Whltnej make**} only. . 4) Inf.,iits' H.G0 Handsome Na.ii ?> 1 ?i. -1 s -a t_\ Camhrli 1 .? - 1 ? > burg yoke, fio . ? Walking?! i'ioakH, Ang*ora fur trims ?> Ii.:i?, Children's H fi.?o; Crocheted ii.uid-M 1 le 1 4 Mtc: Hoot,-?*!?, 35c; Fi?-n?-h Kld4 Bhoea, in Tan and 15!. k, 41 BSc.; i-'i-o ? Kara Iceland Limb Robe.?. Bann I ?i lined, worth St. tor I?. T.I; China - < naets, in PJnk. Blu?-. and W > trimmed in ottor fur. worth CM, ,., 1 ii 70, Caaahatai Hood- at flBba (trfjtnt. o^ttWum vmm er rm ?Jm. ""' I ?Challenge Suie of tot Hooks. ?4? *) ?, Here aro Books tl:at have I r??n ?adver??! a- tioot in Rli hmoi . ? ?t? bought fr?.in a receiver and gelling?! ?>- ?foe .'' a. T) ey ar '. autlfully - ?bot nd, copyright murk?. It. Cauldl .;?? *. and a?? ? bundr-Sd other titles, challonj<<? i-ri'-i-* ?Mo, *> *> _ ?^Challenge Sale iDrasf Garnitures. 1 e- -* ^. 21 pieces of Majcnifleent Jet Turq. * n. ami ?Emerald Garnitures, for ?it -? o- i eU W to 5<j. < hallenge * I - 0.50 < ,>. ZMO yards of Black Bilk Qulmp, i to I 4 ?. 8c. yard, *t *- el lio price - yard. i - -* ^Challenge Sale rPoeket-Booki? + Real ?Li i - ?Pi ket?Booka and Card-J 4. Caaea combined, sterling silver ?sor-J ^ nara, cbailenga sale at -5c. -4 ?^Challenge Bale -4 I aucy Articles. j ? s Tobacc r Jara, I li * t ill. silver-plated top.??, chall * e- lite * I Nil:- '.: .!?? trays, with I L irned cigar and cigarettes, usu-^ ^ ?ally - ".. ??hail? ni", ?sale at 10a. ? 4- H ' H 1 Tob ? -i . ,? 1 < . with?) j. ?walled 4 e- t. le at - " ? . -< * Pne?n?h?*j *? Plate Hand Mlrrora, usual price T challenge price Wo, rehallante Bale SpcctacU'.s ami Ev<?-Glassea. w Q id Alloy ESye-Glassea or Si < - S] Ith traight or ridln ? frames, Bye with straight?] s* ni patent ?ring nos? 1 t _" or 1 to lit every Condi?*] T tlon of ?the eyes, chailunge Baic inc. ?J t ** ?Challenge salo XofWatcE.90. 4, f 4 * i's Nickel Wotch?-?, arar??] *- ranted on? year by ?manufacturar,?] 4- ttio, 4 _ Boya* ?Small-Blae Starling Stiver, ) : .-4 '1 in ?i Watch<ee,j ?ncn-? no.,j *? en illenga ?sala *- ?90. ?T Lai .vor ?Cha?ad or Eo?j * .?i.???l watches, challenge >sale_ X 1 no. 1 (Challenge Sale 4 retorting siucr. ?? f T_f_ hi? i, warrant?- ?MMNI ?ana, chai--* f lea 4 f 1 ru ib, m ? la >an-*| _ ut i-i a**} _ I ?9a ?l " M . ' . engraved *> " ni?.?. 4 I 1 ?Sowing ?St rlaaera, ? ste?el, sterling handles, challengi , L S0c ?-mir. _ -* + ?{ Challenge ?sale + fof Piel lire-?. + r + a- laita Phptos, natui .1 or tint-d f.n-*> * ?h (lilt fram?. I.? ,?.?. v t>?raas ? . 1 ede to sail at*> L Jl, challende .sil?; at ?"???j. ^Challenge Bala ? loi ?Carpets. ?. I p 1 ?'.."' Hiiii. ?Stair, and ?Chamber I ta 1 1, of ?Smith's Tu? stry Bruai X U you??. ? 12? \ , < !. + * aine Blf Cal T is 12, chall le $1.10 j * + Tori Wide Heavy Ingi a ?Carpal * X> : ? .? * 4, toi on at tn ?ale at ?wc *' ( yard *? ^Challenge Sale fltugl it nil UriiKiret-s. 4 I *> ?y AJl-Weol Druggets, 3 yards by 2l-2*> ?- irda, regular value :. * t- j:: :?- > r- Bm* m 1 Druggeta, ?by 4i tr yarda, ^. 10.00. I . h Wilton Ruga, outlast r very swell pat tero at 92, ?v ,. . j T.". > ?>- Flreplace-Blae Smyrna Ruga, One yardT 1- . * r- ty, ch - ?"?O. K _ ^-Challenge Sale Door-M ?its. Z k- * ' a heavier quality thnn out- I - r ?90. tChallenM Sal<* l-' loor llat'ting. > k 42 ?i: Of wr-11-rii . * 1 ? -, P , cbolP ng* - i- 1 - . yard. { ballenre s?iic j ;><?w iii*.',-M 0chia?Nk i I prie? (i 1.05. ^ ^Challeagc Bal? ?Bareaa ?Scarfa. *> * Irish 1 r 11 , r 1 rChallenge Sale ?.Lamp Glolx-^. [ in- I ?. ' " *- ' ?> [ ?v ?.Chalienge ?Bale of Lamps * : iry Lampa '-'?It decora-T <- Uona and Rl 1 1 ? i : l B0. *T * Mu? v ' \b>, 1 hal-T 'Challenge Sale X ?Plate?] B?Terware. ?t . Lar?.: ill?, ? h illenge prl I Trii? I Traj chal?f 1. Silver-Plat?d T?:a.?i?oons, T will a y mad? rhal-T 1? 1... 1 -2r> ' Qua , ited But*, r PI . ? with drainera un?i 1 chall 1 ; ?sale al .?."??.. ^9\k\^'iM?ie Challenge Sair Jainiiric Embroideriee, 15a i. ,..-.!.: s? w i. ry artde ; . 18 Challenge sale hraaa MeSs* Gray ?OheBllle-Dol Pro???* Not--. 45 Incbea I? regular price *"- o price J1.--5. Vt alto and Black B< I Net? i?guiar price $-. ch ill J1.SS Torchon Laeee, open : l-fl -, yard. 'hallenge Bala ui'iiituri'. CHAMBER SFIT9. This suit l* solid oak, rreaeh plata mir ror, 2V-13 bevel Bu boards of bed, I polish finish, i UtMi challenge . : - <i_ bo Chiflhnnieres. This Chiffonniere is olid o ik, polish ; three largp drawen two small drawera and H it box, cist han-alfa carved bade, worth 16.75, Chal lenge s ?le $4.90 DIXI.MK II MUS. Solid Oak IRgh Back Hand-Made Cane Seat, regular price $1. Challenge Sale 69c. White Enamel Iron Beds? Four coats baked enam el, brass trim mings, regu lar price $5.75, Chal is Sals $1.95. "? ?MFI.FTF OUTFIT FOR 1U? >N 1 1:. _, with 1 : double or single; uni - P Mat '.* two Pillows, complete, worth *.. lengo i?a!e JH.-? . Cobbler-Seat Bookers?. ?-oak, nia h 017a ny, gloss tin ish, well made, neatly cover?-?). regular price $ _'._-,. Chal lenge sale l?ARL? ?R - UNI) ? PIECES, all-ovi r .- . tapes? try, each 1 gulai ; ? lea i-'r), . 1 HS i. chai? AN 1 ?IAIRS, 1, nge sale n.uo. I O ?k or M ihognny-F 1 In Col I ? and U. ch : :.". $1 PA. rhallenge Bale Parvins Beta. St l Knife and Foik, i I, ladle, ? h illenge lie n? A 1 Steel < , '** ; ' ?hallenge Bale ; ranitru are. in,?, for a m.?.h-' tic, tot I : -: te Mill 12c. kind. i. 11 ?t. I _ Qranlte I lug P B kind. 4c. tot Batt? rhreaJ. . :'' Oranlte-Iron-, 1.1' lor ii?,-. for kind | I? Oranlte Fry-? -ii?. for 1 in. nUh Be, tor 1 . lialU'ii?:?? Sali- 4 ,rt Goods, Bampli ' ' ? *?. worlh? nom II i?, |2, !? ill, : ?h. ? I , ??:h,'r ' 1 i 1 .-? iitr? - worth II.7 * fl. "i .* ' : I . . , I J I .". ' ' ; \ Tray Cot? ^ -, h. . i ? ?.?-.i Cushion * stamped, IBe. i i " 4 < i M rsi?-*i er rrr ^/$C9y[x?^eij^ie \ ^Challenge w ?in the Banc ment? ? tit Ti r u ?^ |11 for US 1 r- n??r s * naso ?S??' ?' ? ..T) S I .."ill. L L ' [ r- 1-* " ' r |S for 14-1 r te fc? " t ?Tel ? ? ' I m .' 15? foi ?S 19 r ,,, [ 5c. ? Baucei ' ??-. for Si . I r I I B ?8 i.? ks. 2 ' ?3 1 ' I ?8 i . v P4 ? t V * '' ai tritt S3 in 99 _. I I ^^^^^^^? t i o n ! V .t - 18 |0 T?-?p F?t I !9c. ) OR .__, Cut Glass ^^^ Violet II di west ont, verj -______JH-? li 25 for l l i" i (d^tr. c?TV:*r;'_ PO? I ""* \ ' mmV"'