Newspaper Page Text
?? "WS^III <-?_< oTPTiunvn msPATPlT?SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1898._ _ -__ THE JUNGFRAU ROAD. DI?!l??CRIPTIO*?l OF Till' tiRKAT WORK ISOl'.n X\ XX ?\ THE. AM**. SUMMIT REACHEdTy EASY STAGES. nest-Mir-tits nml Meeplng A ?*? ?? in ?in dMInu* Will I*> Pro-? l?l??d for l?????? Who Wish t?> Br?*iiW ?he J??nrne) riM-is #?*? r?*eT*n?ln|c Aceldenis. (<C*orre?pond?"nce of the Dispatch.) NEW Y?>KI?:. MOVSmbor tt? Kn>m pho tographs Just to har.?l. It is eviiVnt that the lOOVBf up the Steep and M of th-? Jungfrs-i fs fOfBg t?> < ? on?- <?f th? woiulera of the WVrML It Is thouRtit that the Hau trtu bo complet?-?! in MH SO thai t?*x years from now tho OOOQUSSt Of tlM nieuntain, thai baa I with <5"ifnairK enthuslants will, by the hid of ?lectrle r.v lr< ,<li ? i.-i-.llshed. From tho gvn?*Tiil acr??u:if work ?het have apf*?*arefl from tin- I ? tin?-. A ?**>****? (-an tourists will -iln>?l some Uuhg) 10?-a <>f Ike gl ?tin?; fest now under W*y in th- Alpa, but with the roaBtMttoas fi'-in il? ' acoomrany this it Is certain that tho line! b-s for all time a lllliweill to the skin of BtastesBtb oentury mgt_ The route to be taken by t???- railroad 1?- .?h?.wn In .?utline In one of the ??.?-tchis. t>ti# 11 n<- atarte froM Le iterbrunnen, and Dde the Wongern Alpa t?? the Little hchelrtegg, an elevation ol 4.TM toot ???a. From ' 11.i.-? line il?* f,;??nds ?>n ttio op?poslt< side to Orlnden wsld. The line thai Will ? :s up the .T?*t-*-'*hj ? gins at the K< : - 111 ).? M?-n la the rritetok, and climbs In a dm? *o?,?? coursi on the nor) ( th?. xm'_nta,],. Thlt, It WlU be 1 _ by toi;i:?>:s, Is the ? trod? ?_ _ by the amateur ,iiiiii>< rs, ?who i mniit, |f it ? y hold oui thai by Mm north aide, u risky climb <?? thai <?i? lb? side taken bj th new route. The lower ?dotted Alp railWH*?-, wblob . ih ?i?-.?vv iii?. ,-s abow ' in st he -lU'Ti of ih? Jung! . from th? BohMrtagi to th" I'.':'-.'? r ? . '< n line that conUnui it to fr_u > i., i -,'i m i,'k> 11 r .lit.- of i o?* the line, win? ?, will ! oompli i. It la ?Mim??!, a. by : Tunnelling wiU be curled at Intervals no far i the lilgsr ?;: u li r, wltl em vnrytai from I. SO per cent Be? yi-iiil the - r < ? nt.. and ti will be ?an elevated pf at the lopping : bleb will ? bulk la th - bown la mm of th? tHuatrat re to maJ<e thus tilt? b >???, for tiit'i-o stations will be pr with eccommodaUona an ta.ura.titH for the COOVenlenao ?-,: pogaeti? gers wh.i wisli to Stop Off, view th? BMosat scenery from the age *;r?,u!i,}. -auA continue the . ? follow lag day, Ihua enjoying the i Xui vlesri from vartoua heights. To t to tho toj> of the mountains la this way will onhanoe the glorl? - of lbs trip t?n f?>id, ax?i wi'i enable the tourfal to enjoy ait the advantagi - of the <?i?i method of surmount!?p- tl ,n without the dengSC and difficulty attending a cltrob. The ?fnagfraa Une win be turn by tri?ity- genermted try water power. The lBt:?r power i'-. made nee of In the to gssMaaaa tbsas phase irurrents ai v??lis, and this I mitt* d by d of ov?rhi-a'l wir? s t?, t tlons nt tn?? litt!,-- Rcheidegg anil the i;i*tir Glu-icr?. when -.,' ,i t,, 600 ?v-olta by in?.-ana of f<>rai.w-. Rot only li electti, Tourists Wsil Climb. 1,1 I 'm---.--/- r-tt-KippFurrnr *>n-? -^ ^-1 9 /'. fogriapk.] A ?atation on the Jungfrau railway wlier,? ?psssen*~en may bt?Mk the r fur -alei j? or ?refroshmoats, employed for traction purpoi " ''' tor liKhtiiiK. heating, and for worhli rock-drill.-- u ?ad In the ?tunnola the railway i? certain tho energy ? spended In : on?l htai'on- will be an Important Item .? the total < At present, ?only ?on ? powei been, built, this on ? > tho "vVhlto ?Lu! nen. rlsht ?do* n In thi \ lie) tr?Ji>>''ii line from I the llttl?: Hch? . boul fous half mil? h Ions i mid a half inllea, bj i thr? hours \p hour I ? I y tho rack ??nit pinion i . txc.e in i, . t three Wires ur? of ban hard-drawn ? win- 7.6 mm. diameter. They are cup? portnl yo lurge irthenware, th--- lipped Insulators of about fo n and .-. d?_l_'-'.: .. w?SK?den poles, about thirty-tl long aroused, with galvanised iroa brack et?. Wherever th?- - they uro nearly surr?.?u?de?i by a cli giMLrd-not of very wide m? sh intend lirwvent a wire from faJUa In cat??-*? of break '-> m? i telethon.? lit..- is n? ?: lom-v dtatsnoe u?iow tb wires, mal the t ?.? ?> ' l< ; ?ross? d every I M in* Juction offoct. As a matter of fact, tins proves to be InsiuBU-lc-u prot< Induciiuii rui ?., and it WlU U to oroM tho v : i Lightning protectors ?>r the Si Hitlek? horn-sliai .: itero are used o-i each of the povv? i wires and .i . . of u.i'Di, and ?similar lightning prot art? upplled to tha v The fall of ?putcntiul will bo ubout 1 at full load. The arrangement of the locomotivo and 1-iu with overhead enulpeasut is sh?o*im In th? third Illustration. The . competa weighs thirteen i? i.s. it i_ cap trull?*! by _ revoi-sina swltoti and thr?*?, at>*oiaty|y SnO.-pendent brakes. Th.?. ftr?t a un automatic on*, electrically trali???_ By u?__a ot a ?aeotrtfugal gov? ertior. when a np?*e?l -jrcftfrr than a cer tain maximum ih reecdMd, the current Is Mtteenatleally awitched off from the mo torn, and >?t th<* ?uni'^ time r h.-,nl hr.ike la artuat, <!. a ?lnnhi'Ot pr?vint* sllrtlii momentarj la ,.,*. . m speed rr??m put - ting th*? brakd In aotlon. This braki no i My iti ?i- ti?,- pae ?? ne? r-?ar, who I? provided Wl1 witch off the current. The * i>iak. ?nd brake, wblch ippUes brona to .-? >?. iv ? i on Ihe ,i:. an?! Hi?- third, Vhi' .. il ;ll ! re i ?". i ,,ii r I r-?l??* . it ? ,?i be hpplie i ?itht-r bj the driver ?if by the ? n^r'1. ara als enf lamps on il?,? i wo In ri? * on ? ?< h i?iia?,>, and the i ?alii be lit with fifteen lampo, each pair ??f wir? h. Two trolley. .,!? employed . i? ?-, ire on a?ci ?uni ?>f the targe currents \?.)i!?-h have to be transmitted t?> the SocomoUve. Th? r ears, whl? h rann,?? t. : trallen?, ished, i?"? re l-,mi for fon - b?,?', rint y, t i-.-, i, ,:?li\. i ? i wh? n w< vlev ' ? be II Baeh ti iln will usually constat of s i<>- wmoUtre .-m?! t at times of esci ptlonal trafBc r car will ?? added At i?v only two traies win run- one ,u> ami the other down. The varlpuS h'l?*ht*? and iradas of ?b?. I re ahown In the following table: j i.itt itlon - feet; ; -ht above sea level, 1,770 feet. Rlger (Racier?Height from f-tn,tl?>n to station, ?'-' f? . height above ses level, ice pr.i' ion ? ? m TO CLOUDL?ND IN 1904. ?..??CAr?V -il...",,?,., '- .?u.r.;.* ?.;m "t?ia~^'n'?b^rr....i"7.'.u,'?ia'?a ?"mm" 1.2 milee; dlstan?ce from ?start, U Biles; i maximum ?gradient, 2:, pot tant, ?Slgi \\ : . Helgbi from station to ! 1 ?.i?? f? el ; height above as : level, j ?from station t.? ?station, | ' < milee; distance from start. 2.1 mil??."; 1 m ?\!ii? mi ?grs?*?lent, 2."? p?.r ?sei t. i:?Mn??r II. iaht from station to Sta tion, 1.1 ?SO I --1 i? val, ? feet; dlatanoe fr??m station to sta tkm, l_ niii.s; dlatanee from start, M m Oes; maximum ?gradient, U pur ?eut. JungfraU*rOch--?Holght from station to statioi - I 1 ?Jit above, ?ses level, 11,210 feet; 1 troll -station t?.? tt rnllegS dlatanoe ?fro? ?start, ?tl ?milee; maximum ?gradient, *>i-4 ?par cant? i.ift 11 i_>:t fron station t > station, helgbi above sea Wvel, 13,430 : ace from station to .station. 1.7 mili s; dlatanee froaa star;. 7.9 m ?maximum ?gradient, M i? r cent. summit <?f Jungfrau Helgbi from sta tion to 1 tation, MO fc-t: height abbve ?level 1M70 f? et; dial rt, 7.1 maximum gradient 100 per 1 bundrt ?i men .-?r,- at pn aenl ? on the i m,-. Aa the woi ? a-i? . uni?,in, thi.-, number will i?ro .-,1. 111 iMvM.n i\<; AT LAI Hi'I.. l lu? Boys Wen- F?aaied and Enjoyed Hi?? Dm ?i Play. iFbr the i>? i atch ? When i t"M my (rienda i wai loing to M .. i ? . : i. . much laughter at m) ;?r.? "i my n?'i i ? :?u allowed to mum from ?some, othera regretting i had i s found out; but nothti t friend at Flret stn i and - Latkeaide. Durlni ? k? i my oompaniou ..;> >ul th i?i , w until - was il'?- answei i t?,-elved. At i_o. i? t by it?1 Laurt i convi >i -i a mule. The di : th? horse "very arlld," an s%< n i doubted, and entirely disbelii -, d ::?::. Mr. t t he doo r a n d ns a in??st coi me, ?but l ? ta ...n-,ions all ike ii'iie of ,'i feellni i sii in in-??:?, ami must b.- . . a. ?Supper a .-uni then we v.-? ;.t to work, II bggj with candy, t<? be glv?ao the i n, \t day, Next u ltd out two ha i,?r the 111 prisoner?, who l.y this lime !?a,I, in my niln.i'K changed m cbaractei very saucb, a i it how many in egr own Richmond of tiie iitti,- enea would long in vain tor mich a Thaokagtvtng?Day as was In slur?- l\?r the "LAUrel l?o\.? " As M tliiislivd the count. Mr. QttMOB, who ha.?? charge of th?- small? r boys. Sent to invite un in to bear th? m stag; winch i hey did with a will, ami then marched off to bid, keeping time with tho music a?4 they went. In the most orderly but happy way. Frotty tired out, we were shown to our room, which was most in- ' vltlng, with Its large wood fire, casting its bright, chearful glow over everything. Knrly ?hi the moruinir the bugle sounded and soon ?'Bui'? ?he st?-.dy tfSSSP ?>f tit boys, ?sti?arnars i supp?ts i ?houid *?y, but with the ?candy, ?i??itfJki n hh da, Ac till ?freaa in ray mrmary, i <i??i nm ?all I hem Aa it was ?Jarfc whrt* wa tttth i ici?! b I ?re, l ni m to the ?a in?! lORH ??i-I ?i.?, V? u ?-???-111 n"t fall i?> be I ni'k ?I'll the exli n?. n? ?iii? -- of the |?l ;? -. lh.? whin?- 1 ? l.i .?mi play-grovnd Is the mont a rteei onhf \ i-ii.i?. ?getting rratcr from the pump. Wt w< ? ' lo 11 ?> sftefwards ? ?-"'i the .-.? i?>?! day's work I hare ever Iras for th off rs of lh? ?Institution, i was aaiy "g |ow|*er?on In Venh -?n I -. , - m??!?t thnnkful su? h WSS the ? ?ne thOSghl Of all s ?ni? ?I !?? '.? "I t 'lhanhaglvlng-day*'* t?> i?>- i-?n-m i?.i with pleasure bj "?The boya,*' m?i i i,ink th'\ have ? v-rv i ?asoa to ?be ?pr?oud ?f their \- ii o'clock we w [? ? i " h - if thi Of g l h lli'-v ?Ji'l V i y v. !;. all ' ?h- p'Uf? s S) I I", l i "" tO th? in?? lit::?- f? Ilow of I bl.:hi ' \p t?i n^. end wh?n sabed h;s a-j- iid; I.' and ' going b im i on " Poor hild; I sa| ia< ?ver kii ?v.ii what s hum?? lti lh? f li, - ' .? : d I \ I I ii'i do line?, HI boj ?fond m n. .?m might ?call ?soma), ?t was rar to i discontented fan *. Al the aaase time, ?a could not f;'ii ?to notloe how unceas ng was ti??? vigilenoe of the officers snd i intaneous th ? t tt ? ?boya. , Prom the b ill -.? I to the dining? ?oom, ami r.'im.i ti?f. same ?scropnlons leatness that reigned everywhere, Dit a i , olv I,nt I li, ir.l I ),.-, l.ill ,,' fare, and ?i was excellent Ab ml :' o'cli the gemea and races etnameneed, ? ouW yon hut i heard the sbouta of lam i. r and mi ss the ? mpetltor for Hi ii!/?- r?-.,?shed th?* y yon woui'i never ban though! of th? .?? prlaonera, end yel jrou aaw ?Jew s order were supreme through it all. ? wat mu? 'i srottaed .u one llttl? f??11? who ha l failed to win a mu?l prise in the shii.f s mouth-harp J threw himself on the ?ground, and as i,?it on his? ahoea said: "i am going myeslf and gef away from ll place before next Thankoglvlng?-Dsy, i aln'l i if wy plnee to go to." "Wkj "tblS is funny: y?*-u ar.? mad *tv! your own lega, ?because they did nol n nre pou not?' He looked up si ?mlled. it/her? is your father?" I aske "Dead, snd mother gave me lo s color? woman, snd i dldn'l Hk.- n, so I tan aw ? and th? ,i they sent sea bees." TWs wi Ma reply. What a blessing to him that tl u retot r? wbl? h h - rould : . one of tl ' It Ihey had 1 whip often, and bs seid during l> pei ah wi ,-k?* there had bet n only three four extreme cases In which s whlppln n deemed ne? itr; other form ?f punishment ?accomplishing th*- lesirp During the day ther?- h:??i bee ru-,- a number of ?visitors mothi . i , an.i friends? and nol a dis igree iM i word bad been beard. i ;.-ft ??n the '.''? train, deeply Imprest ?i wltta the noble wtRk, and also wll ii?, fael thai no amount of money; ? - ay those who andertaka It; In tl a ' ?i,, Lord, thej are dota H mis Is, of i??,?t.-.-, an ace uni of s holf lav lit lJiun-1. At <*?-.iTi' fu'-ir?* time, 1 ,<?-ir klndnees I* nol worn out by thl oi g aeoooat, i will tell Of a work-day o the boya, ai un n aa otltoera. A LOOKER-ON AT^LAUREL." iii.? Rage of ?in? Philippinen-*ti?, Wraag j.?,,i Dupi at it. r.-? the Editor (,|- ti-,..- Dispatch: If the soquialtion of the Phlllpplii;: it interdi? ted by every j: I ? ?norabk -i?.? ration, it to forblddi i -. every dictate ??f wlsdoa and soum policy. The Insurgente, now In .--mi. ?saiiipt Spain, Igbtlng fur self meni ai d Ind? p nd? :.? -. would turn tb< Ij irnirj egalnsl the United States upoi theli access! m to I lalm ol do? minion and sovereignty. And while ?\ :?>! ting th?-it ? - - ion ti >m Spain aa litlon ol i i ' :' In wltta her, w? ihould buco ?i t?, the arar the Inhabitants if the islands ?are now u , ? sg ";?si i? ? it i iaj be true thai those Inh ?.bi ll not be al?:,- long to wlthstana h i?"\\? r ol th- United Btati i, Bui thsi owei will bave to be exeR< ?i, gtl*_ the ol it mnV in? i it..i?i\ teat \ \-[ ?.ndi'.ur? s in the mm il and i ind : ? i ? i.-, j ,,i,,| mn-i furthi r ins ? ive - "f iif?- among the i , ting .?, forcei .? loss ol hf? not to trod by ii. iut Irom '- *- ??*" a ? Hmata to wbl -i, th ha ai tot Inun i. And wln-n our a mil - shall h . fug ?t ,i i!?, i atlve ni? re will b? apendltur? and lost hold in subji tlon seven ?>r ?i-ibt mli lons of hostile, half-? ivHtat ! . ? Igbf t?? twelve thorn an i mil? i i ora our shi res, will n quire i ? ontlnual : maiu upon OUI , i Iflce of the H\ a ??i ?sur < Itixeni naval armaments, . tran - nd .? large Ihci Ing .?) m f v. ill be r? i-. I :-. I n. n-iv, a any better right to think thai 111?,- natives n!' those far distant isles, -.> to im, t?) our i. and to ?ur Institutions snd habl pi -, more docile, tractable, vient than th IndL i - we have had ;?t doors? H -. .?. - met with sut i? in civilising ii?,--.- neighb, i tempt ??" t ? ?? like :?.!? . those remota and ato lesa Incoi Filipino \ : any mon m.? Ij than tn*t Conner to I ?me bom Mtlaem of our republic? What, then, do ?,- want with th ml IVhal -, ?li we .do with tb-rm? What right have ihe tin I a to do anything with them? An they chattel be controlled, disposed of, and got i y the l*nit'-.l Stai - ? their vin and pta asui ma to t?e ,ie- ? n mi. ?i by tbeir Paria commissioner**? trc wi to i"- now called apon to forsu i ?ur i ? id? n ?e? A to bold that ss to theJ*11lpinoa it la rue that government d?riv?e it?- just f.-? m th? of tbe gen ?i'.* Wll.?: warrant <?f authority uftder ??ur tonetltutton la there for our preecrlblgg i tarlS Of duties upon the Imports Into 'hair Islands, and provldlns th.u Spain ?!i.?II enjoy ! ?i- twenty -.e.?^ tbe same ?riviU-ges as we shall eliiim !,r oir !v,s i? to commerce with them? Shall we so ?oon forget that it was in resistance to ust such Imposition* <?n the ??art of our nother country that our Revolutionary var ?ommriii-, ,i" The territory of the?-?* Islands can never ? e incorporate?! with, and become a part f, the United 8tates of America, n?r Min their Inhabitants ever become clt I t.ns th.r.of The Constitution itseir d? rlaret that H eras or.l.-iine?! and estabiisn ?I as a ?onsiliufion <>f government T??r ',?.- I, .i'??i Matee of America." The lUtea whdsa admi.<??.<>n int?. th? I " "" ,-. Congress !" provided for la the tniro ?.-? ti..n of th.- fourth article, most, tnern 'ore embrace only Ameri-can territory, thcrwiae. thby couli w>t b- eomprehena . 1 |n the .1-si'imatton. "United H And no ?mo can i?? ;> ''ti-7-*" ,f ,i?. united States of Amrrlca unless ,.. be a eltl'.-n of one or oth -r of sticn I only ?Amarte? ?mm* ?>i:. ..hi Man- of the leading atmtasraon of "*? i,-.. m a,,,) out of Congreas mo ? the ir al ?ranee : ?r the cession of _oulstana on he ground thai there wss no c?-*nai ? tonal warrant for it and ir.a? ? bee ?nee , provided for th* admission or amw ,--.,... ,?t? tin rni.i... to be tornteiwi irit.ry and Inh mbrsc-Ni Mr. Jefferson, hlmeslj ta nned to this opinion; bu1 because of tni ,,f the ?-as- and the Imroi inlaltlon. rmlned to ivatl of tb? opi-rt-mit*. .ffered, and to aak foi .'''""",, ?n.ndroent ratifying I*- hit. Joh-vM. tdams. then In the lower house of Con* ,k th.- sun?? view, and he i?ow rfolly orgued thai the ti '?,'.',?,' ,. ,,? ,?.. acquisition were w " ?' '. hat the Legislatur. >?.... . ..? i??' , ;(,?iiv by eonetltotlonal ? i r\ ?-Thai was done, ami that < ?,??,, ?oi pu? off paaalng th? i ,.,,-,i t,p f,,r carrying ?ml tho not tbeee worthies of tl ,,?. century have been omnuat ...nosition to ?abaolre and admit into th-? Union any except Am?-ri? an ter rttory, ii"i to saj su? h ?remote t.-triton? s .- tho ?PhlllppineaT And would thsy huvo ; ?i opon m?? ordtsr of rsfaetlng Itt Mr. Jeffereon ssnms t?? hav?* yielded hin ai i ? lulesced In ?the alsaost unanimous opinion of his party M-anda ta Congress, who argued and h? id, as tho ?Supreme Court has ?slime ?held, that th? war and treaty miblng ?powers conferred by the Constitution ?sarrted with them the power to a?-?'U)i-?i territory. Bui tin* was ?held and ?decid? ?i ?aa t?> American ?tarrl toriea, nn?i ?not as t?. Asian? ?1?> terrtto? i ?sapabla of becoming ?and i?-ing truly designated a State or ?States of tha "United ?Ststea of ?Ami i The ?man now advocating th?* rape of Philippines .'U'?! fond of boa-ting of the unparalleled progress ?and present ?and power ??f the United States <?!' Ansartcs. Ought ?thsy n??t to find in tins progress, ?greatneaa, ?and ?power the ns lor ailherlng to ?the ?-conduct and ?policies that have pro moted and secured ?thssa wondart?I re suits, instead ?of ?smbaridag on nntri?>*?i ?.?ut-. ? aii?l p??ll?i'-?<, not only revolution ary of th.? former, but In Conflict with the Constitution and the wh?>i?? spirit <?f our Institutions? W. B. I'KTTIT. l'almyrn, Xoveml?er 2?? I1!W. The W?. C. A. I?; (Inlis. Mindful of It???' obligations for many kind gifts irom the ?pubUo of Richmond, to ?the 'i? ? library, of th.- Woman's ?Chris? tlan a -.? iaii'.n, and wi.-hin9 to extend th.? benefits Of ?the ?Sams, the Library I'l'iiimltu? havo de??ld?-?l to try ?to ?an? thi toi illation ??f Hubs for UF'tlll f. To this and, books will be ?given ,:,- . .- tor them, with '>]. dal i am ; of read iy. biography, science, eisest- I try. ?\.-e. club for reading th?- ?great English ; ?. form-ed, end in -with ths i i i,, will coi i inn? wi'h tho of LAmb, i. and'Etaaaraon, ?as ?time and oppor? i \ ? ?1 f??r tho ?study ??f Bngllah history, rapplement?ad with English literatura, it ?la hoped that ?Mme al the young ?people of ?tha com munity may apply for this with tha view .:; at least a portion of r? ading momenta ?now I.'! n an I the i xnv ??f rnsmbsrs of os i ib ?la ?giran on the ?sard, ?sad i poselble in the wsj of clearing up dt-fflcultles ?bas bean promised by th.? Library Committee. iiciiite.i Party Of the Vs. The y. loi ?'lull of Vs. thp young I organis itlon ?a?! the Woman' - Christian Temperance Union, had s "i -1 : ! ?'. Of Mis. I Mlcbleboro', No. ??M i ill street, night. The p uty waa well ?at? ? tended and thoroughly enjoyod i?y alL rh?? ?bach parlor was ?trimmed with rreene and lighted ?by shaded i?mi?s. a ' ',? evening was th?? ! al musk furniabi d by tl ?2nd Mandolin Club. As cuetomary, l ily 1. r ?. u _ h t a h??x Of lunch, 'i Ised. How Alpine! .Tmxcir^a --. ~ ~".?m-AAjLiuA [From a Photograph.] Tito ?o-oniotivi* with three brakes that will carry passengers ap the steep sides of mighty JtiDgfriu. ?THAT SHAM BATTLE | IS WHICH THE FOURTH VIltlilXIA PARTICIPATED. INTERVIEW WITH BARBED WIRE. Took a BatTi Without Waltlnjc for ?he Water to lie Heate.l-Tlie Only Victim?Familiar Fares Reappear? Soles. (Correspondence of the Dispatch.) CAMP ONWARD, SAVANNAH, CA.. November 25.-The big sham battle of the 1 Division has be,n fought at last. The en"my, consisting of th*? M_Bt Indi ana, Second Illhiois, und First North Carolina, of th*? First nrlgade of this division, under ?"?lonel Armfield. of the \orth Carolina, otoufrlsd tbe earth? ' w??rl<s, which are r.bout a mile from our ; ?amp. The Second Brigade, consisting of the 1 Four!h Virginia, Farty-nlnth Iowa, and sixth lilssonrl. under command of Colo nel G. W. Taylor, of tb?' Fourth Virginia, rharched forth early this morning to dls th,m from this ?strong position. TI?? men of the attacking fon-e wore khaki trowsers, which easily dtetlngnlshed thorn from lbs enemy in blue. In line of squads Um Harto attacking regiments marched through the woogg, brush, and briers, tailing over stump , h anging in barbed-wtrs fenoee, wading swamp., and jumping ditches. Two of the Virginia ofBcera soiled their dress mats and spoiled their dignity by Invol untarily taking a plunge batk in one of tbe marshes, without waiting to hhVO the wa?ter b< tted. Al one tkns they were en tlrely loot to view. One "f the Richmond Bines got in a miserable predloament. lie became cn tangled ?u barbdt wir,? just as be was . i it to .iump ditch, and the result of ?i ?aras thai bis bead got aerase, while Ids logg were left behind on the other side. ii>- had to be disrobed to set him trot fr-in the clutches of tho irire. Major Tarrnll'a horse was very badly cut by running Into a baSbOd-WlTO fOUCO The blare of trumpets, th?* shouts of offi cers, and the Bold oflleers and couriers ri'liiig to and fro were warlike Indeed. The volleys from the attacking f the replies fr?)m the murthworka, which bristled with rifles, and the bayonet charges would have vividly r.?mln?le,| an old veteran or the sixties of the time whoa thoee same earthworks were abnl I larly lined with men and guns, and there ' was the same din of battle; but then each volley that was fired meant death and ruction, cither to Sherman's maraud ers or Savannah's defenders. Tun mrauBR The battle was umpired by OtaOVls HasbroiM k and WUUstOn, BUd some of their Staff*. Whenever h Company, or any body of tr?'"? -, mads n move which would bave leen destructive to thetn adves, they were thrown out of the bat? ti. . General WilllStOn and General Has brouck spoke most highly in pralss of Colonel Taylor's management of his men. and UM method in which the attack was mail,?. Th? y also complimented tbe splen did order of the troops in the attacking j brigade, tho quiet manner in which the 1 Laders gave their orders, and the ?Quickness of tho men In getting on the firing line. Alter tbe firing of fifteen rounds ef blink cartridges in volley, "at will," *in,l I "rapid tire," "?CbgrgO bayonets" was given, but "halt" was commanded li-efore i UM attacking fore?, reached the earth - ? works, it beeam?; apparent that the ?ne aay was ton atrongly entrenched, ami su WS r? tired la perfect order. Starvation has been reeommended as the beet ?reepon arltta which to attack neb positions, it is more effective than Ilrtjarms, besides being more economical. THE ONLY VICTIM. There was no mortality, ggye the killln? of tWO rabbit? by the Virginian--. About the first of next week the Fourth minois Will bo relieved from provost duty. Th,? -practice of demoralizing one | moni by putting the whole of it on this "soft ?na.p" will be given up, and General Loe now intends t?> bare details from each regiment to spend about a v,e?k at time in the ?performance of such duty. Tbe MM New York, Third New Jersey, Fifteenth Pennsylvania, forming tbs First Brigade or.the Third Division of th?? Second Army Corpe, will be here in a day <?r so. Brtgadler-Generel W. C Oats; its commander, telegraphed General to prepare tempor?r] amps for th? ax They hate been aaslgned to Pinar del Hi??, llarlel, and Gnanajay, Cuba, which pointa they arc expected to reach by De comber 1st A number of the familiar these wbl? b have be.-n missing In the Fourth Vi? all tbs way from ten to sixty days put In their appearance to-day. Among them are the following: Privaten Corri? Gravea and R, W, Joues, of company if; Ser geant ??. P. Kasten, Corporal W. G, haw, and Privates William Crump and Chartes Deer, all of whom have been on sick furloughs for thirty days ??r more* Sergeant John Teller and vate Krouee, o( Company if; Sergeants H. K. Ilinton and J. to. to. QUI, and l*ri W. to. Kay. of Company k. who have be? n home on ten-day furloughs. i- s ??raves and Jones," of ? I II, ami Corporal W, G. Crensh tw, of ?' m? pany H. have all secured discharges, but they couldn't allow their oi?i comrades to l'-ave for the Mecca of the Beventh Army ii ?i ii.i? with'iut g fond farewell snd parting benediction. Besidea, : a fow mors meals on our army Com] my II Is v, -ry ambitious of i a company without a prototype in tory. They do moi-,- (g than they are or? d -i t" do. Th?--.- volundgrtly huiro af? n drills regularly e***S-?? '* RLADY-R?FERENCE GLIDE OF Richmond's Wfiobaie and Retail Dealers and Professional \m PI .MIS, Oltl.\X*J. MUSIC. CHASE BROTHERS PIANO COMPANY, _ii'j east Broad._ CABLB PIANO COMPA1 (Suc??e?^?nH to Richmond Mu*?i<- <'o.). 213 e.'i-?t Broad itrw t J. il. CORLEY, Manager. UOTV.LH. THi! NEW ?TORD'I HOTEL, corner V. Broad .-1n?l Rh'venth streets, WEILI. K SHERE. II UtDW \HV. WHITE HARDWARl COMPANY, i:,ij .-a*' Mein street JAMKi-i WHITE, Presl-lent. WATCHMAKERI All? JEWELLER!. | ALBERT .1. I." TU. .1- y a ?t Hro-nt st i jrm\ SfHEER 1808 E. Main street, J Jeweller and Wat?t*hmaker. WM. TOBIEN, Jr. 408 E Broad sir _ Watch Repairing a Spe? laity. JOHN F. K?HLER, 7M R. Broed ?tree! Jeweller and l> and Watch \V. A. SPOTT & BON, Tl?; K. Main s'r??? RESTAI it \\*i". \M? ?ALOOhC H. FRANCION1 ' Broad street, Restaurant it? Houae W. H. ZIMMERMANN. 7? K. Broad Bt, nnd R?estau?rant_ j'niAN.vnTTi. ?IB and ?IM ?S. Brood St., Win's, ?Liquors, an?. Cigars. *> :rers In _ Every Style. 'Phone 39._ FELIX KEEOAN, N?>. I south Twelfth. W in?-s an?l 1.1?, 3 Vtllil-tVUHKIH*?, Ac. PA^nTY^m?CH?k, 2019 eaei Main street, Wire-Worker and Oesigner_ HH.Ill l. \*?s 1'iiHllt till III WH.I.S A- BRADLEY, ?117 K. Broad street. ART I.II.IKHV. JEFFERSON PINE ART ?QALLBEY, ?91 e.ipt Brosd street. 1 It tMES ?.M? ARTISTS' M PPLISW. R~COH '-:>: ART STORE, 827 ?E. Broad St GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, I.UU <?HV C. F!. BaT'NDERS, ?o 6 B. Br id street, _Btapli ?and Fane-, <;t rlei _ PRIDDT BROTHERS 717 K. ?Broad street, <',n ei l< ?a and Provleli ; _ August qroc?ry company, 611 and >HJ eaat Marshall street, Wholesale and Retail. U. _L C?UNCILL, ?SIS R Marshall street, Qroceries and Provisions._ C. DOMINIC! & *"" tTbt K. Franklin St." ?Staple and Fancy i'to.-.ros ?and Liquor f_ RiCHAR_?S?N - CO.. 922 E Broad St, ?rancy and Farra Mi;ni IIWT TAILORS. I. BE?LHAR35, Mil oatt Main street^ i ni\ v AM) GLASS** 1KB. MILLER CHINA ?COMPANY, 1??0 east' Rr??.i ! I WHOLBSAXB TOBACCO MERCHANT. ' W. T. HAN''? n'ls ~ "BOO KSK I _IRI, sT xrfoSVAt**, A r. A. H?RTUNG, 2'2\ 1 street, MookseiU'i- and Stationer. ?EORGH M WEST COMPANY, _ Booksellere. ?arid Btatloners. _ | HUNTER .'. .? ''? m Broad street, Books, Stationery, and t??-ho"l Supplies. _ THE B?170HMAN ?STATIONERY CO* Manufacturing stationers ar.?i Papas Daalere, DISTILLBRl AND I.IQlon DEALERS. N. W. ?CEASE, distlHer and retailer In fine llquora, No. 106 east Marshall au-'-et. Try n?v 1 ?1 1 WTllsl (?Int. i: H. W. WILLIAMS N?v '. S. TwelftrTsT, Winei and ?Liquora. _ BARKS IM* lUMilMlS. SECTR?T1 LANK. \ B BLAIR, ?'.sliu-r. CITV RANK' OF RICHMOTf?T J. W. BINTON, Cas i kKKIAGB GOODS AMI HAKOWAKB. J." WHITE ?<- BON .'? ? Bt PH?TOGR Xl'llv fWMPRRl.r.. 320 east Broad street. vv.v.n DB UJBRS. "th?? VIRGINIA FEJXD COMPANY^ 432 north Sixth st;?-??:. <??rn?-r ?'lay. DllllMi, CLEANING, AM) ALTERING. CARL SCHULTZ^ 307 weal Rroad Btre?t LOAM OWVICM, \l?r,isy\ ?LOAN -DFF?C?, I?. BTRXUaS, Proprietor. 7? s east Broad si PACI-'I? Bl \ i.iov. U I.? ? 1 M"ki??i GSMttM. l;?ff?irt i?f UN Life for About Tivi? **ltl?*--. I rode on my bicycle fr?.,m Rlan'yr? on Monday aft??rn?' t Bd, s , ^iit.?r In the British ?Castrai A_ i Mr. |troi)d*fl ? Run??.?'s ?agent) before th? sun wen* dOWS, ind after waltim,' fot a faW minute?, i again just after sunset R>- tb| time i got to the Namaal er??ssia< < . . ny ?prtaata ra*?! creases tha BIsntyrs? Sombra main road, ?SOyogd Mr. Moi,r. :?!;mt;itioni, l| ?had gel quits ?dark, \ ?apt lor a little Ughl the ne-* noon was (tying. Tii? main ro id | . ii <4iilte ind lumpy, baaldee ' .-t?*?p ?tor ? i-s-j-??t ii. ] | ?real s fairly l.vel. but. nun.: of It Is In ?tondl i"ii for 'cycling yel ex? ???t th?? portion (roa inv hrsr plantation > my 1 ,.>,i.. whl ?me time igo. sod la i When i ?'-ft th?* ?mats r.i.i.i i disasovnt? id and .-tari,-?i p?i- up tne Jll, hut ?before l had ? ly pusbti through ?the tush ??n my ?left, i tho?ugh was some i fell n ?certain ?asnounl et un ist? U ?SB, I went wi?l pushed away M quIcWy as I , : ?\ li.'ii 1 had K"n, a ?ti.? up the i i .>?' !. i a? rani I ?and s I ?noel hs t i It ?Ah.-Il I saw .1 ?full-gl ha ?rood, i on, with bis lead turned t?)War?l in?-, and as 1 look??l M starte.1 In pnrault I StteSB] raouni my saschln ?wing to ?tha li ?m? tu, i (all-ad ?twice. n.e third time 1 succeeded In getting ?.way, and i did pe.hi ?far i ! i wsa ?forth, "4t the machine kept wabbling across the .?id. and I saw that the lion had le.s ?ened the distance between um ly about i.ilf, though 1 wan still he top of ?the siega He up a low ;r??wlln_ all tha time, and I ctuild h-ar Am mor?* and mor?? ?listlnetly evary tlm?; is h?i still leasened the distance betW M is. I think I could easily have OU ta trip led him If It had b.. n Urrei, hut the. ma hin? kept up a ratile over the i.? 1rs In the road, and onee or twtoe 1 wjs ilmo*t throw? off. I did not dir?- to b.oit t>a<k: Indeed, ther# was no nee?l, a? th<3 ffrowl plainly ti?l?l mm that !-..? was almost ,?-i mo, but .it las: I rosohod tho crest and i?w ?down tha pppostta ?slope, i the:) rad* ienly reni-mtwr-.l that there wa? an ?4>??n ... it airosa tha road 2n0 \ ittti Lbead, but th?in was tlaae to ?tUassount so I rode Into It. and th- sbo k fl high out of the saddle, but 1 fell back on It without being knocked off. Fortuimt? ly, ?the aide, of th- drain uni tho hin wa? hlKh and the opposite Kide low, eo that the -machine was not ?tuck In tho culvert. ?wul thoutih the front fork wia twi^t?! und tha front wheel grated SgSlBat it. it wa* not quite jammed, and 1 v i? able to ride en. When 1 reach???! th? smooth part ?f the road near my Brat plantation I was able t?) ?get up a good rat* of speed, but I no longer heard th? gro?! In the rear. Next morning I w.-nt back along the road, and 1 found the lion had come aa tar aa the culvert, and had there come to TO VS. ?,, 3 to. QU?RL?S, : ? I'l.t MBIN?, ?AS-I it , , A (VEST ? BRANCH 11 ; , I'lumbu.g Roofing and H DltK.S \M> H| ?|.,, lKK9 ??ORGI l:. EWi - | U.,.?,:.??ir?n, , , I VM?V M\M IM,, ,,, ?LIVER it di er IIWR-I I I TIN?. KMll ?Unix yv. b !/, ?Nfi . I.AW.\ VAgRg %>ll ?, | , , , ^ "A.MKS W. i'A!:;: i ai?,?facturer ,,.' Lat UMS AM? l*\IM| H?. ?., | J T. COSBY, " . inufactun _ i' ill EMPLOI mi:m vi.i \, -, 9?M, ?17 i: , ' ?im i:< ii.?m:hi,-n. gODA-WATi it. ?ONNELLA BRI ?S*., ( i Dealer and .! ?bber , ill SINES'-! lOII.K? VIRGINIA lU.'SINE B. A. DAVIS. Ji - IMITHDEAL I'RAH ' ?i.i.i:?;i:. >; \ i.i >??. mi .11:?.. a, . r. W. ?HONOR'S fi BL'CK M'GHEl Il IRDWARR. -I-W \i-?: HI? VI I.E-HI I'UWIV.. v TOMPKINS'S * PARSON? & BHEPI'Eltn I . licycle Kepairlr.B W, C POND . . . BOOT AM? ?HOE in \i ? it?. to W, DABNE1 I HERMAN ?V B?S? li _ A. J. SHACK ?N ' Dealer in Fin, F JEYMOUR SYCI.i i *J B. B. BOWLES I " 8 'II *tS V i FtHMTiitr.. ii'iioiiiun _. -Y I 'NOK k IHN! ! tu and ;r, e ?si Hi furniture, Upholstering. M ? ?OTHF.Rf A too.. In I , Car] IONES BRI - \ Furniture, ? v.? p< I <?M*t:i I HIM llll>. lull *.? ? bTbELLI. 7? RATRRg. ?VM. T. HICKKRS _II _| Ity. "vI?L?.V AM? SHOIS-R? PAIRING R. ?. DU KB, MM aa. M 7-^? ?r rRB SIM'KIl MAM PACTIHI _C. <: LAMBE1 s 1 1 : ?m LAl'!fDRIBS RICHMOND BTEA ' '. i I 'tor, I/IROINIA STEAM LAU* TOILET Bl'PPLI ' 11-1C I- V? Tlli. ' _?S >l \Ki11.1: -ND <.u VM I ! v- ???*'K*>. r. HENRT 1 THA 1 0MPAN1 IHK GREAT Al 1 TEA COMPA " .1 , BOM M VN Vis IAPAN R> , -. IVROW xur. A inn 1E1 I ' .1? ?HN II. NOLTINQ ?Jong the ,>it t-.\?. m Those Win? lent l??>" ,i "" of lahnag 1 ng Ami Bospltal di ontrlbuted mon ?y, provl ihn O. Ta y I? r. M ?Tellford, Mi ?;?i,\ ird Bi Uury, I !. C. Pentck. Mrs. T lammoad, Mra J. A lerbert A. ? *l ilboi ne, lis. .1. 11. Bouthall, Mi ira. B. Fou Worn :.. ' ' ICOtt, Mi-?. J. -s I . little W. Kl? lie il, Mr. Sh?f| Mr R 1 '. Vllll), ! H ??;:. Ml ' ' -' | I 'r?i-.k McGuire, M . ' ? . L Will Ir. J. Vf. oord, Mr. T. A. Ca I [r. u>d Un vVlll .m H v. Minor Wood ! . ins, M of, r. Mrs C. 1' I Ira. S. ?'.. 1 1rs. .1. R. v Deal I lias Mary Gilham, v r, Mr. P. H f the Hoge-M< a? : 1 I * mu h. * man, Mrs, 1rs. Richard H Smith, M \ ma g v. kt an, Mr. an I Mrs v? I I Mra t. I. transe ilttel.lorfur. Mr William to ? UilllM i .-. Master v. uzlni, Mrs. Mnrla Rugi M Hi ? v Villla?us. Th-lhln*. r l t I,, .Mr. J. i! LlghtfC -f SI lutzh-r. Cards. HUl-IIeads, >*Rgd?lOtS attiiof' leads. Note-Heads. Circulars. Us >odge:\ &? , pgggted by th?. D 'ompany at low prie?*?? Will ;.??* * [ood work at the sanie pitees I nferlor work. Ssnd SS yon ors ra l ve will guarantee aatlsf-tctiuu la txirf ?articular.